Wago-I/O-System in ABB Robot Control Systems: A100500, English

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in ABB robot control systems

Application note

A100500, English
Version 1.0.0
ii General

Copyright 2001 by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH

All rights reserved.

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH

Hansastrae 27
D-32423 Minden
Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 0
Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 1 69
E-Mail: info@wago.com
Web: http://www.wago.com

Technical Support
Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 5 55
Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 4 30
E-Mail: support@wago.com

Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the correctness and com-
pleteness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully ex-
cluded we would appreciate any information or ideas at any time.

We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the
trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are
generally trademark or patent protected.

Application note
Table of Contents iii


1 Important comments..................................................................................1
1.1 Legal principles.................................................................................1
1.1.1 Copyright...........................................................................................1
1.1.2 Personnel qualification......................................................................1
1.1.3 Intended use ......................................................................................1
1.2 Range of validity...............................................................................2
1.3 Symbols.............................................................................................2

2 Description ..................................................................................................3

3 Reference Material .....................................................................................3

4 Solution........................................................................................................3
4.1 ABB baseware...................................................................................3
4.1.1 BW 3.0 - Rev. 00 ..............................................................................3
4.1.2 BW 3.1 - Rev. 00 ..............................................................................3
4.1.3 BW 3.1 - Rev. 20: .............................................................................4
4.1.4 BW 3.2 - Rev. 00 ..............................................................................4
4.2 Boundary conditions .........................................................................4
4.3 750-306/000-004...............................................................................5
4.4 750-306/000-002...............................................................................5

Application note
iv Table of Contents

Application note
Important comments 1

1 Important comments
To ensure fast installation and start-up of the units described in this manual,
we strongly recommend that the following information and explanation is
carefully read and adhered to.

1.1 Legal principles

1.1.1 Copyright
This manual is copyrighted, together with all figures and illustrations con-
tained therein. Any use of this manual which infringes the copyright provisions
stipulated herein, is not permitted. Reproduction, translation and electronic
and photo-technical archiving and amendments require the written consent of
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH. Non-observance will entail the right of claims
for damages.

1.1.2 Personnel qualification

The use of the product detailed in this manual is exclusively geared to spe-
cialists having qualifications in PLC programming, electrical specialists or
persons instructed by electrical specialists who are also familiar with the valid
standards. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH declines all liability resulting from
improper action and damage to WAGO products and third party products due
to non-observance of the information contained in this manual.
1.1.3 Intended use
For each individual application, the components supplied are to work with a
dedicated hardware and software configuration. Modifications are only admit-
ted within the framework of the possibilities documented in the manuals. All
other changes to the hardware and/or software and the non-conforming use of
the components entail the exclusion of liability on part of WAGO Kon-
takttechnik GmbH.

Please direct any requirements pertaining to a modified and/or new hardware

or software configuration directly to WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH.

Application note
2 Important comments

1.2 Range of validity

This application note is based on the stated hardware and software of the spe-
cific manufacturer as well as the correspondent documentation. This applica-
tion note is therefore only valid for the described installation.

New hardware and software versions may need to be handled differently.

Please note the detailed description in the specific manuals.

1.3 Symbols
Marginal conditions must always be observed to ensure smooth operation.

Application note
Description 3

2 Description
Notes and characteristic features of common applications of ABB robot con-
trol system and the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM.

3 Reference Material
Manufac- Item-No Description
WAGO 750-306/ Feldbus-Coupler (CAN)Device Net
WAGO 750-306/ Feldbus-Coupler (CAN)Device Net
ABB ABB-robot control systems S4C and S4P

4 Solution
4.1 ABB baseware
The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM can be used in ABB robot control systems of the
type S4C and S4P from the M98 version and higher(M97A version can be up-
dated, but not the older robot control systems).
In order to make it possible for the user to operate the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM
in an ABB robot control system, ABB France has written the necessary base-
ware. The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM is officially included in the ABB PIC list.

The PIC list is a hardware catalogue (or an EDS file specified by ABB) con-
sisting of a list of all the I/O units officially authorized / homologated by
ABB. ABBs guarantee remains valid only if components from the PIC list are

The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM is registered in this PIC list under number W 306.

4.1.1 BW 3.0 - Rev. 00

BW 3.0 is an old version where remote I/O is not available in connection with
4.1.2 BW 3.1 - Rev. 00
The I/O plus option is available in the OS 3.1 version. This option makes it
possible to connect up to 512 binary signals with S4C and S4P robot control
systems. Otherwise it would only be possible to connect a max. of 256 binary
A max. of two analogue inputs and two analogue outputs can be operated.

Application note
4 Solution

4.1.3 BW 3.1 - Rev. 20:

This revision makes it possible to connect more than two analogue inputs and
two analogue outputs although a maximum number of two is still stated in the
baseware. Well-known constraints of the baseware 3.1

Extensive tests showed that ABB robot control systems have some behaviours
which are not usual for DeviceNet. Even with 8-byte telegrams the control
system begins to transfer data in a fragmented way although 8 bytes can be
packed in a DeviceNet telegram. The coupler doesnt see the reason why it
should fragment telegrams which are equal to or smaller than 8 bytes; it there-
fore doesnt react to the request of the control system. A telegram length of 8
bytes must therefore be avoided: the user must force the coupler to fragment
the transmission by connecting further function modules. An error-free opera-
tion cannot be guaranteed because of this framing error in case of I/Os with
more than 8 bytes. Should I/Os with more than 8 bytes E/A be used at the cou-
pler, the user should make tests until he finds a functioning configuration.
4.1.4 BW 3.2 - Rev. 00
This baseware makes a new main computer necessary for the robot control
system. The framing error has been removed from this version, now any con-
figuration is operational.
The mode of transfer selected in the baseware for the inputs is the polling
one. Although the DeviceNET coupler of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM also
supports Change of state, it is not yet possible to set this mode of operation.

4.2 Boundary conditions

The ABB baseware checks the version of the coupler when connected to the
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM . Couplers with the Major Revision 3 are operational.
Both couplers specially adapted to ABB requirements (750-306/000-002 and
750-306/000-004) therefore, answer with this version although they have the
latest hardware and software.

The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM DeviceNet couplers create the process image ac-

cording to the attached function modules. In this process image, the modules
for special functions are put in the analogue address range because of their
large data width.

The ABB robot control systems can process bits or words but not bytes. Data
from modules for special functions therefore, has to be input as groups of bits.
The ABB robot control system ignores the status byte which is added by the
coupler to the process data input image.

Application note
Solution 5

4.3 750-306/000-004
If usual digital and analogue I/O function modules are to be used the 750-
306/000-004 coupler has to be selected.

This coupler answers with revision 3.0 unlike the standard 750-306 in spite of
the latest hardware and software and it is therefore operational for the ABB
robot control system.

Analogue and digital function modules are mapped in the corresponding ad-
dress ranges.

It is not possible to operate modules for special functions (e.g.: counter module
750-404) with this coupler.

4.4 750-306/000-002
The ABB robot control system can process bits or words but not bytes. This
means for example that the counter module (750-404), because of its internal
data width of 5 bytes, cannot be connected to the coupler 750-306/000-004.

In this case the coupler 750-306/000-002 can help: it sets the analogue address
range of the couplers to zero and puts all modules for special functions in the
digital address range.

The coupler is then acting as if only digital inputs and outputs were available.
It is the only way the robot control system can carry out a cross connection to
the PLC.

Data from analogue modules for special functions are not treated by the cou-
pler 750-306/000-002 like words but like 16-bit groups (1 word = 16 bits). It is
however not possible in this case to scale the analogue values.

It is also not possible to output analogue values which are available in the
control system (e.g.: TCP speed).

Application note
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH
Postfach 2880 D-32385 Minden
Hansastrae 27 D-32423 Minden
Telefon: 05 71/8 87 0
Telefax: 05 71/8 87 1 69
E-Mail: info@wago.com

Internet: http://www.wago.com

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