Analysis of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Effectiveness in Split Flow Heat Exchanger Using Nano Fluids
Analysis of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Effectiveness in Split Flow Heat Exchanger Using Nano Fluids
Analysis of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Effectiveness in Split Flow Heat Exchanger Using Nano Fluids
Analysis of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Effectiveness in
Split Flow Heat Exchanger using Nano Fluids
T Aseer Brabin1, S Ananth2
Principal, Universal College of Engineering and Technology, Vallioor, Tamilnadu, 627117, India.
PG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universal College of Engineering and
Technology, Vallioor, Tamilnadu, 627117, India.
Received-12 November 2015, Revised-14 December 2015, Accepted-22 December 2015, Published-22 December 2015
Heat exchanger plays a major role in industrial process heating. Heat is transported
among liquids by conduction and convection over the partitions of the heat exchanger. Heat transfer
solutions have little thermal conductivity that significantly bounds the heat exchanger
competence. Many research activities are carried out to improve the thermal properties of fluids
by adding thermally conductive solids into liquids. Nanofluids are suspensions of nanoparticles in the
base fluid which is a new challenge in the field of thermal science provided by nanotechnology. In this
paper an experimental setup of split flow heat exchanger was designed and fabricated. Heat exchanger
performance is analyzed by adding Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) with the base fluid (tap water, distilled
water and a mixture of distilled water and ethylene glycol).The thermal properties like overall heat
transfer coefficient and effectiveness of the heat exchanger were calculated and compared with the
results of base fluid (water).
Keywords: Aluminium oxide, Heat transfer coefficient, Split flow heat exchanger, Effectiveness,
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
that nanofluids have great potential for heat control valve is used to control the flow of
transfer enhancement and are highly suited fluids. Two submersible pumps are immersed
for application in heat transfer processes. in water tanks to pump the hot fluid in to the
[23] presented a short review on the tube and cold fluid in to the shell.
heat transfer enhancement of a car radiator by
using nano fluids. 3.1. Shell
[24] studied the enhancement of heat Shell is the outermost part of the heat
transfer in a solar collector using nano-fluid. exchanger in which the cold fluid carrying
They also presented a review of various nanoparticles flows and it consists of an inner
research papers on solar collectors. port and an outer port. The cold fluid enters the
[25] studied the heat transfer input port and receives heat from the hot fluid
characteristics of nanofluids mixed with base and exits via the outer port. The inner port and
fluids in a certain proportion flowing in a tube, outer port has a diameter of 12mm and it is
under constant heat flux boundary conditions fitted in the centre part of the shell. The
in laminar and transition flow regimes. material of the shell is stainless steel.
Experiment shows that the 3% volume
concentration gives highest value of % 3.2. Tube
increment in convective heat transfer The inner tube rests inside the shell
coefficient when compared to 2% and 4% and it gives heat to the cold fluid. The hot fluid
volume concentration. from the water tank enters in to the tube and
The review of exising literature reveal exits via the exit port. The inlet and outlet
the facts related to the application of nanofluid temperatures are recorded by the digital
in heat exchangers for the enhancement of heat temperature sensor by means of a probe
transfer rate. They can be summarized as attached at the inlet and outlet ports. The tube
follows. Nanofluids are relatively practiced has a diameter of 10mm. The material of the
recently to enhance the heat transfer rate. inner tube is copper.
There are different types of nanofluids which
can be used to enhance the heat transfer rate 4. ANALYSIS OF HEAT EXCHANGERS
and many researchers have carried out [26] used two methods for the analysis
numerical and experimental analysis on the of heat exchangers viz the Logarithmic Mean
application of nanofluid in the enhancement of Temperature Difference (LMTD) and NTU-
heat transfer rate under different conditions. Effectiveness Method. The analysis is shown
Extensive experiments have been carried out by means of equations from (4.1) to (4.22)
on double pipe heat exchanger to determine the Using first law of thermodynamics, the
effect of different type of nanofluids (having rate of heat transfer from the hot fluid is equal
nanoparticles of Al2O3 and CuO.) and to the rate of heat transfer to the cold one. That
concentration of nanoparticles in nanofluid is,
during parallel and counter flow condition. The ( ) (4.1)
present work is focused on the analysis of ( ) (4.2)
overall heat transfer coefficient and where the subscripts c and h stands for
effectiveness in split flow heat exchanger using cold and hot fluids respectively.
nano fluids. , mass flow rates of cold and hot
fluids in kg/s.
3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Specific heat rates for cold and hot
The setup consists of an inner tube and
an outer shell. The inner tube is made of fluids in
copper and it has a length of 400mm and a , inlet temperatures in
diameter of 10mm. The outer shell is made of , outlet temperatures in
stainless steel and it has a length of 300mm It is often convenient to combine the
and diameter of 50mm. Figure B1 shows the product of the mass flow rate and the specific
fabricated split flow heat exchanger and figure heat of a fluid into a single quantity in heat
B2 shows the experimental set up used for the transfer analysis. This quantity is called the
analysis. Four digital temperature sensors are heat capacity rate and is defined for the hot and
used to measure the inlet and outlet cold fluid streams as
temperature of the hot and cold water. Flow = (4.3)
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
* , ( ) +
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
Table A1.Heat transfer characteristics for a tapwater
Temperature ( ) 90 80 70 60
Mass flow rate
0.0250 0.0238 0.0232 0.0227
Heat transfer rate
(k ) 0.602 0.344 0.223 0.109
Eq (4.6)
LMDT ( )
54.88 45.57 38.49 28.50
Eq ( 4.14)
Overall heat
coefficient 0.0877 0.0603 0.0463 0.0305
(k )
Eq (4.7)
0.105 0.0756 0.0518 0.0349
Eq (4.20)
Effectiveness (%)
3.84 3.51 3.20 2.92
Eq (4.22)
Temperature ( ) 90 80 70 60
Mass flow rate
0.0263 0.0256 0.0256 0.0250
Heat transfer rate
(k ) 0.770 0.535 0.428 0.313
Eq (4.6)
LMDT ( )
54.48 45.50 36.50 27.50
Eq ( 4.14)
Overall heat
coefficient 0.1130 0.0940 0.0938 0.0910
( )
Eq (4.7)
0.112 0.0953 0.0951 0.0945
Eq (4.20)
Effectiveness (%)
3.92 3.75 3.78 3.77
Eq (4.22)
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
Table A3.Heat transfer characteristics for a mixture of ethylene glycol and distilled water
Temperature ( ) 90 80 70 60
Mass flow rate
0.0238 0.0227 0.0222 0.0217
Heat transfer rate
(k ) 0.944 0.750 0.513 0.358
Eq (4.6)
LMDT ( )
50.45 41.96 34.47 25.98
Eq ( 4.14)
Overall heat
coefficient 0.150 0.143 0.119 0.110
(k )
Eq (4.7)
0.2384 0.2382 0.2027 0.1917
Eq (4.20)
Effectiveness (%)
5.24 5.23 4.92 4.84
Eq (4.22)
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40
Figure B2.Experimental setup of split flow heat exchanger used for analysis
T.A.Brabin and S.Ananth./Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science, Vol. 1(3), 2015 pp. 28-40