Nanofluid Heat Transfer and Applications

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Conference Extended Paper Keynote Speech JTEN 2014 11

Journal of Thermal Engineering

Yildiz Technical University Press, Istanbul, Turkey Manuscript Received August 12, 2014; Accepted August 15, 2014
Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 113-115, April, 2015.

This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Editor in Chief Ahmet Selim Dalkilic


Lazarus Godson Asirvatham

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karunya University
Coimbatore 641114, Tamil Nadu, India

Keywords: nanoparticles, nanofluid, heat transfer, convection, heat pipes, thermal conductivity, refrigerants
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KEYNOTE and cold fluids; for example, solar water heater. A survey of the
In many industrial applications, the conventional heat published literature indicates that only very limited work has
transfer fluids are refrigerants, water, engine oil, ethylene been done till date in finding the heat transfer coefficient of a
glycol etc. Even though an improvement in energy efficiency nanofluid with metal nanoparticles in variety of heat
is possible from the topological and configuration points of exchangers, while undergoing the cooling process. Cooling heat
view, much more is needed from the perspective of the heat transfer experiments with nanofluids would find application in
transfer fluid. Despite considerable research and developmental solar air conditioning, solar water heaters, building heating,
efforts on enhanced heat transfer surfaces, major improvements industrial process heaters, and milk pasteurization etc.
in cooling capabilities have been constrained because of the Therefore, it is important to study the heat transfer
poor thermal conductivities of traditional heat transfer fluids characteristics, such as, thermal conductivity, viscosity, heat
used in todays thermal management systems. In the transfer coefficient and pressure drop of any new working fluid
development of any energy-efficient heat transfer fluids, the before it is used in a system for any specific application.
thermal conductivity enhancement in heat transfer plays a vital
role. One such latest advancement in heat transfer fluids, is the Focusing on the enhancement of thermal conductivity,
use of nano-sized (1 - 100 nm) solid particles as an additive viscosity and the forced convective heat transfer experimentally,
suspended in the base fluid which is a technique for heat several existing published articles which involve the use of
transfer enhancement. Improving the thermal conductivity is the nanofluids are briefly discussed. Heat transfer enhancement
key idea in enhancing the heat transfer characteristics of through modification of fluid thermo-physical properties by
conventional fluids and in turn the heat transfer coefficient. adding dispersed particles to a base fluid has been a topic of
Hwang et al [1] reported that the nanofluids are claimed to be interest since the early works by Ahuja [3]. The experimental
a non-agglomerated mono-dispersed particles in the base studies of Masuda et al [4], Choi et al [5] and Eastman et al [6]
fluids, which proved to be enhancing the heat transfer more have reported significant enhancement of nanofluid thermal
than 50% in real-time applications even when the volume conductivity, beyond the predictions of models such as Maxwell
ratio of the nano-particle to base fluid is less than 0.3%. It has [7] and Hamilton and Crosser [8]. This finding generated great
been reported by Das et al [2] that nanofluids with less than 2% interest in nanofluids and their potential for heat transfer
volume fraction are extremely stable and remain suspended in enhancement. Pak and Cho [9] explored aluminawater and
the liquid indefinitely. In many thermal industrial appliances, titaniawater nanofluids in turbulent convective heat transfer in
heat exchangers are used to exchange the heat between the hot tubes and found enhancement in the Nusselt number. Xuan and

Keynote Speech

Li [10] investigated turbulent convective heat transfer of consider heat transfer enhancement in laminar, transition and
copper/water nanofluid and observed more than 39% turbulence regions. 2. The use of nanofluids in micro heat pipes
enhancement with 1.5% volume concentration. Xuan and and looped heat pipes for satellite cooling application could
Roetzel [11] developed a heat transfer correlation for nanofluids enhance the performance with considerable reduction in thermal
to capture the effect of energy transport by particle resistance. However, recent studies indicate particle aggregation
dispersion. Yang et al [12] measured laminar convective heat and deposition in micro-channel heat sinks. Further study is
transfer performance of graphite nanofluids in horizontal required in these areas to identify the reasons for and the effects
circular tube. Wen and Ding [13] studied nanofluid laminar of particle deposition. 3. There appears to be hardly very few
flow convective heat transfer and reported 41% enhancement in research papers in the use of nanofluids as refrigerants.
the entry region. Ding et al [14] observed significant convective Nanoparticles-refrigerant dispersions in two-phase heat transfer
heat transfer enhancement of multi-walled carbon nanotube applications can be studied, to explore the possibility of
dispersion in water and the enhancement depended on the flow improving the heat transfer characteristics of evaporators and
conditions (Reynolds number), and volume concentration. condensers used in refrigeration and air-conditioning
Duangthongsuk et al [15] reported 11% enhancement in the appliances. Applied research in nanofluids which will define
convective heat transfer coefficient with 0.2 % volume their future in the field of heat transfer is expected to grow at a
concentration of TiO2 nanoparticles flowing in a horizontal faster pace in the near future.
double-tube counter flow heat exchanger under turbulent flow
conditions. Convective heat transfer of alumina nanofluid in
micro-channels was investigated by Lee et al [16]. Nanofluid
application in microelectronics cooling was recently explored REFERENCES
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Keynote Speech

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