Undraisers: Raising Money (For Football)

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Consolidation of ideas for fundraising activities.

June 15, 2017

The need to raise funds for athletics is a constant concern. A list of
successful fundraising events was developed after reviewing the
Xs and Os football board. The text associated with these events is
from the various authors and has not been substantively modified.
Corrected, added to, yes, but major conceptual changes, no.
So, while these activities and events would work for most athletic
teams, the descriptions will be focused on raising funds for a
football team. This sets several parameters such as the available
participants, seasonal/timing, and the overall amount that needs
to be raised.
Also please note that the activities listed here do have a
geographic aspect in that we are in the SF Bay Area. We have the
pro teams in the Raiders, As, Giants, 49ers, Sharks, Warriors,
SaberCats, and the colleges including Stanford, Cal, San Jose State
all within a short driving distance. This means that some activities
that we can do may not be applicable to whatever geographic
region you may be in.


IDEAS FOR FUNDRAISING........................................................................................................1

10 POINTS OF A PERFECT FUNDRAISER:..............................................................................................3
SOME OTHER THINGS THAT NEED TO BE SAID.................................................................................... 3
CAMP (3RD - 8TH GRADE FOOTBALL CAMPS, SAQ).............................................................................5
PARENTS NIGHT OUT...................................................................................................................... 6
MURDER MYSTERY DINNER..............................................................................................................6
MILITARY BRIDGE........................................................................................................................... 6
ALUMNI NIGHT.............................................................................................................................. 6
ATHLETE AUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 7
AUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 7
AUCTION - SILENT.......................................................................................................................... 7
FOOTBALL TOSS............................................................................................................................. 7
DUNK TANK.................................................................................................................................. 8
SPONGE THROW............................................................................................................................ 8
MINI-ROBOT CHALLENGE.................................................................................................................8
BINGO.......................................................................................................................................... 8
BULL AND OYSTER ROAST................................................................................................................ 8
CASINO NIGHT (TEXAS HOLD'EM, CASINO ROYALE)..............................................................................9
JERSEY AUCTION.............................................................................................................................9
LOCAL RESTAURANTS.....................................................................................................................10
TRIVIA NIGHT.............................................................................................................................. 10
FOOTBALL RAFFLE.........................................................................................................................10
REVERSE RAFFLE...........................................................................................................................11
THE HEALTHY ATHLETE INITIATIVE....................................................................................................12
CANDY BARS/COOKIE DOUGH/MUGS..............................................................................................12
TEAM COOKBOOK SALE..................................................................................................................12
FLEA MARKET.............................................................................................................................. 13
BULB AND FLOWER SALE................................................................................................................13
APPAREL (NIKE)........................................................................................................................... 13
TEAM REPLICA JERSEYS..................................................................................................................13
GAME/HIGHLIGHT DVDS..............................................................................................................14
DONATION CLUB.......................................................................................................................... 14
TOUCHDOWN CLUB...................................................................................................................... 15

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CHRISTMAS TREE SALES................................................................................................................. 16

COW CHIP BINGO.........................................................................................................................16
DISCOUNT CARDS......................................................................................................................... 16
E-SCRIP....................................................................................................................................... 17
HELMET LAMPS............................................................................................................................17
NFL POOL.................................................................................................................................. 17
PROGRAM AD SALES..................................................................................................................... 17
SABERCATS FOOTBALL................................................................................................................... 18
SCHEDULE POSTER........................................................................................................................ 18
SEASON PASSES............................................................................................................................18
SENIOR JERSEYS............................................................................................................................19
SENIORS PURCHASE THEIR HELMETS................................................................................................ 19
SILICONE BRACELETS..................................................................................................................... 19
SPIRIT PACK.................................................................................................................................19
SUNGLASSES................................................................................................................................ 19
YARDLINE SALE............................................................................................................................ 19
SOLICITATION............................................................................................................................... 21
GROCERY STORE BOOSTER DAY.......................................................................................................21
COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT....................................................................................................... 22
RACE CLEAN-UP/PARKING............................................................................................................. 22
RAIDER/A'S GAMES, SHORELINE..................................................................................................... 23
CAR WASH..................................................................................................................................23
CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS.............................................................................................................23
COIN-DROPS............................................................................................................................... 23
50/50....................................................................................................................................... 24
GRANTS...................................................................................................................................... 24
FENCE ADVERTISING......................................................................................................................24
LIFT-A-THON............................................................................................................................... 24
SUMO SUIT WRESTLING.................................................................................................................25
BOWLING.................................................................................................................................... 25
DARTS........................................................................................................................................ 25
DODGEBALL................................................................................................................................. 25
FISHING TOURNAMENT..................................................................................................................25
GOLF SCRAMBLE.......................................................................................................................... 26
POOL......................................................................................................................................... 26
SHUFFLE BOARD...........................................................................................................................26
SPORTS (3 ON 3 BASKETBALL, 5-5 FLAG FOOTBALL)...........................................................................26
VIDEO GAMES (GUITAR HERO, NCAA, MADDEN)..............................................................................26
OPEN TOPICS.........................................................................................................................27

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BIG CAR WASH............................................................................................................................ 27

GENERAL ADVICE..........................................................................................................................27
MOUSE RACES............................................................................................................................. 27
SPRINGTIME WINDOW WASHING....................................................................................................27
TOPLESS CARWASH....................................................................................................................... 27

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Here are ideas to get you thinking about ways to raise team funds.
Some youll recognize as tried and true fundraisers we've all done
for our schools while others may be a bit less common. Some
fundraisers piggyback on other events that draw a crowd as an
additional way to raise cash. Be careful that you use these
fundraisers judiciously. You dont want to tap the families of team
members who are already being asked to donate funds in other
ways. The idea is to draw cash in from outside sources. The
trustiest fundraisers don't require big money up front or much
overhead at all, and they don't put team funds at risk if they don't
work out. For instance, a car wash risks little except for the cost of
soap and water, but raffling off a big screen TV requires risking big
bucks for the cost of the TV.
This document is really nothing more than a consolidation of ideas
for raising funds for sports teams. The intent was to put together a
listing of the ideas that have been proven successful for raising
funds. Some are creative, some are plain old work. But all may be
useful in your program at some time. Most of the ideas are from
the Xs and Os football board (http://coachhuey.com/) gathered
since the first week of March, 2008. This list has been updated
periodically since then.
The ideas presented here are, for the most part, left as they were
gathered from the site. Spelling and typos were probably
corrected, but not all.
Ive tried to group these into some major areas so that similar
ideas are somewhat clustered. It seems to work for the most part.
The major categories for the events include:
Camp Running camps or training sessions for local
Evening Dinners, outings, and activities that
would be done in a group setting, usually at a single
Sell selling a product or service to someone for
Service Selling/exchanging services. This would
include actively soliciting funds by asking for

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Tournament Conducting a competition of some

sort that has an entry/participation fee.
Open Activities that dont fit into any category, or
I havent found where it fits yet.

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10 Points of a Perfect Fundraiser:

1. Low overhead
2. Fun to do, not drudgery
3. Attractive and needed by people
4. Draws in money from outside the team
5. Something unique that captures attention
6. Something not done by other local groups
7. Someone excited to run it with enthusiasm
8. Medium to high return >50% of investment
9. One that doesnt absorb all your time and energy
10. Balances time and money invested vs. return gained

Some Other Things That Need To Be Said

Dont risk what you cannot afford to lose. Keep risk and costly
outlays to a minimum.
Balance risk against potential return, and remember the key
word is potential.
Choose fundraisers that you have the people to support.
The majority of your fundraising should be in the off-season.
Coordinate your different fundraisers, but also have different
people in charge. Reduce the overload and spread the
responsibility and experience around.
Get dependable volunteers in charge, but be careful not to
overload any one person
Form a Booster Club to organize and run fundraisers separate
from the day-to-day team management. Involve the whole
team family.
Be receptive when someone volunteers to run a new and
different fundraiser, particularly if they have prior experience
with other organizations. People will really throw themselves
into a project that they "own" and which appeals to them.

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Ask for fundraising ideas people are willing to run. A great idea
becomes a great fundraiser only if you stand behind your idea.
Dont neglect sales incentives. Im sure a core group will work
hard for the team, but incentives can bring greater
involvement by marginal members.
There is no reason fundraisers cant be fun to do!


Camp (3rd - 8th Grade Football Camps, SAQ)

This provides the coaching staff with the opportunity to build
some community support for the program, get a look at future
players, and earn some funds for the team. One of the camp
concepts is for SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quickness) that would be a 1.5
hours per session, 2 sessions per week for 3 weeks (a total of 6
sessions per class). Each class would have no more than 20
participants. A fee of $25-50 per participant would be $500-1,000
per class. Based on 4 classes that would be $2-4k for the 3 weeks.
This would involve the coaches for the most part, with players in
supporting roles.
We've done a camp for our Middle School kids (boys and girls are
invited). We run the camp very similar to our practices as far as
warm up, fundamentals, etc. They end each day with flag football
- we keep track of the wins and losses - then have a "Super Bowl"
on our game field the last day. We also give kids Player Evaluations
for both their offensive and defensive positions. Basic rubric
scores with a space for a couple sentences of encouragement.
Charge 50 per kid. We would like to do one for the elementary
kids as well next year.
Jr Football Camp - WE net over 8k from that. Half goes to coaches,
a couple hundred bucks each, and it also pays for our coaches
gear , logo jackets , polo's, hat's rain gear. The Booster club gets
the other half. They do all the registrations and snacks for camp.
They make 4k clear.

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These are activities that would normally be considered for an
inside, evening affair. Probably targeted more at the parents and
adults than then players. Several of these activities can be
combined in a single event, such as auctions, raffles, and dinner

Parents Night Out

A formal evening out at a local hotel. Fees in the $50 range and
includes a sit-down dinner. The evening includes raffles, auctions,
and dancing.

Murder Mystery Dinner

Organized with a local restaurant and theater troop this is typically
promoted as an adult or couples evening out. It can be a fun
experience for your older students too, but not to the point where
adults are distracted from the mystery by chaperone duties. There
are theater groups who specialize in producing participatory
Murder Mystery events. The venue is important as clubs with an
open bar may not allow children under 21 or 18. Tickets are sold
on a dinner seat basis.

Military Bridge
For those bridge enthusiasts. You sell places at playing tables,
either partners or singles who can be assigned partners. You and
your partner share a home table with another pair of players. Each
table comes equipped with a set of flags for the evening. The two
sets of partners take turns defending the home table while the
other pair plays one hand against a different table. The winners of
the hand capture a flag from the losing table and return with it to
their own table. You play against every other table (or they play
against you) once. At the end of the round the most flags win the
four players at a home table prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and
consolation prizes. Prizes are usually donated goods.

Alumni Night
At my old school they did one of the best fundraisers I ever saw
and did it every year. They had an alumni night in the school
cafeteria and charged $25 dollars a head. They had a buffet with

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hot roast beef sandwiches and wings and snacks. They showed old
game films on a projection screen and switched them every so
often and some of the more recent ones were year long highlight
films. They had older players bring in scrapbooks and older
newspaper articles. While this happened the new players walked
around and talked with the older guys, cleaned tables, and
straightened up. Started at 5PM and lasted to around 11 and then
most of the older guys went out to a bar. Being a public school no
alcohol was allowed. Many of the previous head coaches would
show up and it really turned out to be a great time. They would
auction off some of the older helmets, a new jersey, and sold t-
shirts with the school name and football alumni on it, said
"Panther for life" on it. HFC had a donation bucket for checks and
envelopes and the alums would usually put another $20 or more
in it and there name and class year were printed in the back of
every home game program and banquet program for the season.
Last year I coached there (1999) we had over 150 players show up
that represented classes back to 1972. This always happened on
the last weekend of camp and it was a great team building activity.

Athlete Auction
Setup an auction where the athletes are sold with the intent
that they will work for the purchaser. This can range from washing
cars to attending dances.

If you have an auction, make sure your coaches take mini helmets,
hats, t-shirts, etc.... when they visit college staffs or have in house
visits to get signed. Also be sure to tell the college coaches up
front what it is for.

Auction - Silent
Have a silent auction, my old program has done it for the last
couple of years and it was huge. The first one we had brought in
about $20,000.00 to 30,000.00 in one night. It took some work to
get all the items but it takes people willing to do the work. I can
email you the details if you want. Let me know.

Football Toss
The SaberCats use an inflatable tunnel for the player to run
though at the start of the game. The tunnel is actually a passing

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booth they take the back panel off of for the games. They will
bring the tunnel to a site and set it up and let the organization use
it. Run it along the lines of 3-throws for a $1 type of thing. They
will also try to get players and SaberKittens to attend.

Dunk Tank
This activity has been around for years and years. Put a coach or
school administrator in the tank and let the kids try to knock them
in the water. Usually there is a tank, on wheels, that someone in
the area has and will rent to the organization.

Sponge Throw
Along the lines of the dunk tank where you get
coaches/administrators/teachers to sit in a booth while the kids
throw wet sponges at them. Can be fun if the flat square sponges
are used as they twist and curve when thrown and do not always
fly straight.

Mini-Robot Challenge
Use two to four Vex robots and invent a game, setup a playing
field and charge to play a round. Youll need plenty of charging
batteries to keep this going as well as a good heavily trafficked
public space to draw spectators, casual onlookers and players.

This continues to be a popular pastime, mostly with the adult
population. Weve done this in the past with the players providing
raffle baskets. Materials to run this are less than $100. Cards are
sold, along with supplies (inkers, pens) and snacks (water, soda,
candy, popcorn, etc.). The largest cost is for the facility and
marketing. Teams have reported earning $500-1,000 per session.

Bull and Oyster Roast

Popular on the east coast. This is a Parents Night Out but with a
theme that the food is either beef or seafood. Parents pay a fee
($35-50) to get in. Several food stations are setup around the
facility, each station serving something different ribs, roast beef,
oyster shooters, shrimp, crabs, etc. Not a sit-down dinner. The

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idea is that the people go from station to station and talk with
each other. Raffle baskets and auctions go on as well. Dancing
with band/DJ. Not as formal as the Parents Night Out, more along
the lines of a Crab Feed.
Also can go with an Easter Pork Roast, Fall Pork Roast, or Pigskin
Cookoff type of affair.

Casino Night (Texas Hold'Em, Casino Royale)

Holdem tourney's have become big at the local Legion Post. They
do theirs like this, $100.00 buy, $90 goes to prizes, $10 to food
and the post. They try to have 100 players. Our boosters have
been talking to them about having one with $50 to prizes, 10 to
post and food, and 40 to boosters. We think it would be great, but
super is kind of against it.
Our booster club held a Fun Night (Casino Night) which included
dinner, silent auction, live auction and other raffles. We made
nearly $9000 this past year doing it.
With a poker tournament, do you have to fill out any paperwork
with your local govt? No we did not. We went through our local
Elk's lodge- they already do a weekly tournament so we simply
talked with the man who runs that, confirmed a date with him and
now we are securing prizes for the event.
We held our first Texas hold 'em tourney a few years back. Due to
a snow storm we had a very disappointing numbers, about a 1/5
of what we were expecting and still raised a 2k for the program.
We hold it every year now. I am not sure on what the pay outs
were because the boosters took care of everything. Our coaching
staff, was the wait staff. I hope this helps!

Jersey Auction
We are going to hold a jersey auction the night before our
Homecoming game. We will have a live auction for the road
jerseys of all starters, and we will have a silent auction for the
remainder of the jerseys. Winning bid gets to wear the road jersey
to the Homecoming game. All jerseys must be returned no later
than Monday morning or there will be a fine assessed.
Throw in a coachs pullover to bid on, and allow that person to
stand on the sidelines as a guest coach...access to halftime
activities as well.

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I think my wife would bid $1000 if we auctioned a head set for

one game!
The last school I was at did the jersey auction every year for
homecoming and that was our only fundraiser of the year. The
local businesses put together a bunch of money to buy some of
the jersey that wouldn't sell and then they could also use that
money bid up some of the parents that could afford more. We
also auctioned the game ball off as well. We normally made about
6000 for the night but it had been a tradition in the community for
a long time.

Local Restaurants
Many local restaurants will sponsor a football night. For everyone
from your organization that dines at that restaurant on a
particular night (that shows some form of identification with the
program) the restaurant will donate back between 10-20% of the
check. Some restaurants use this as a way to boost business on
"off" nights.
The local Outback Steakhouse made us a great offer. They have a
dinner at noon before the store opens and we sell tickets for $20.
100 % profit. The cooks and waitstaff work for tips and Outback
donates the food. Sell the tickets and glad-hand for an hour and a
half and we made about $2500.
You promote the night, and provide parents/kids to help with the
usual restaurant activities like cleaning tables, sweeping, running
food, refilling drinks, etc. Propose to the owner in exchange of
promoting the night, they donate a certain percentage of the sales
for x amount of time. With these rough economic times, and
restaurant food prices dropping, he/she should buy in. The ability
to fill the establishment will offset the % of sales donated...plus if
you have a tax ID number, the owner's donation is tax-write-off-

Trivia Night

Football Raffle
Our annual Football Raffle has been a great fundraiser. Lots of
people/businesses can donate prizes, gift cards, timeshares, etc.

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many little prizes and a few nice ones ring the bell loudly for
potential buyers.

Reverse Raffle
I wasn't real involved with the raffle as I'm still at my school from
last year when this was going down, but I'll try to explain it.
Essentially they sold 100 tickets for $75 each. They then started
pulling tickets out of a big tumbler thing. Every 10th ticket got $50
back. They did this for 95 of the tickets and then the final 5 tickets
were up for a prize of $3000. The final five then decided if they
wanted to split the prize or put those five tickets back in and draw
again. They decided to draw again three times until only two were
left. They decided to split the prize. I also forgot there was a steak
dinner that everyone who bought a ticket got two tickets to. So
they did the meal and then raffled off the stuff. The only cost on
the meal was the steak. They got the potatoes donated and the
deserts and such were made by the moms of our kids.
I have been part of a reverse raffle before as part of a mardi gras
krewe. Our style may not be allowed in your community, but we
made a fortune. Tickets were 30 dollars and this got you a buffet
style meal and all the beer you could drink. Some line coaches
would love this. Also, we had door prizes and other mini raffles
during the night. All the members of our club had to do was keep
the kegs tapped and keep fresh food on the buffet.

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Selling is pretty much universally despised by the time the players
reach the high school level. It seems that every youth organization
uses selling as a fund raiser. However, selling is a good educational
tool as it forces the players to get out, learn to speak to strangers,
and remains a good return on the investment.

The Healthy Athlete Initiative

We asked the kids and parents to hit up Clinics, Doctors, Dentists,
Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Pharmacies - Any business to
do with health care to donate to our "Healthy Athlete" these
funds go specifically to pay for our year round trainer and gear
that helps keeps our kids safe. So last year we collected around
$12K. We purchased IMpact concussion software. And paid for
our weight room trainer. Parents also chip into this fund another

Candy Bars/Cookie Dough/Mugs

The old standards. Selling things like candy is normally hated by
one and all, but it is still lucrative. There are any number of
companies that will do this. Can also sell meat snacks, jerky and
Slim Jims.

Team Cookbook sale

Organize a team cookbook of selected recipes from team families,
print and sell it. You can put together a standard appetizer-to-
dessert style or specialize in 30-minute meals. Maybe create a
robotics themed cookbook. Interview elementary aged children
on their concept of how a Thanksgiving dinner is cooked and
intersperse the more imaginative replies (cook at 4000 degrees for
10 minutes) to make your cookbook more appealing and
memorable (the kids parents will buy a book too). This is
something that can be built on year after year with updates
published every so often as new team members bring in their
favorite recipes. The finished cookbook can be printed
professionally, less-expensively spiralbound at a copy shop with a
heavy duty decorative cover, or released in a simple very
inexpensive report binder.

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Flea Market
Had a fairly successful "flea market" at the school. Boosters and
parents donate their junk and spend a morning selling it for the
team. Decent money and again no cost.
This works well when we did it at the local JC. Rent 2 spaces ($60)
and get 4-6 families to contribute their stuff. Lay it out, price it,
and sell it. Anything left at the end of the day went to the charity
groups (Goodwill, churches). Families got rid of stuff, team made
money, and charity groups got stuff. With the right frame of mind
these are a lot of fun.

Bulb and Flower Sale

Bulbs are great to do in the fall. Its bulb planting time in many
areas of the country and the team isnt completely absorbed by
the FIRST competition season yet. Flower sales are good in the
spring, but you do have to work around the FIRST competition
schedule. I imagine you might be very busy right around then.
There is no outlay. Orders are taken, bulbs are delivered, then you
collect and pay for the order.

Apparel (Nike)
We have a guy that orders through Nike that gives us 40% off of all
Nike apparel and shoes. We give all of our kids an order sheet with
shoes, gloves and dri-fit apparel with a 30% discount. So we make
10% off of every order. We also do this with our middle school and
younger kids. Usually makes a lot of money each year and doesn't
take much effort. Let me know, and I can give you his name and
number. It's good for coaching apparel, too.
There are companies on the internet now that will sell a very large
selection of gear in the school colors and logos.
http://www.prepsportswear.com is one company that does this.
They will kick back 15% of the sales and there are over 400
products available. All orders are made-to-order and take a few
days to deliver. They are linked to the team/school website.

Team Replica Jerseys

We are finalizing a plan to offer Custom Replica Jerseys. These
Jerseys will look like your existing jersey with sewn on number of
your choice and a custom name sewn on the back. They will be a

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fully body jersey that will fit over sweatshirts for the fall weather
and those beer guts of the dads.
There is no risk in this fundraiser program, as all orders are taken
and paid for in advance. We will supply you with an order form for
your players as well as a webpage for your fans to place their
orders via credit card.
The final details of this program are being made and if you would
like to reserve a spot to participate in this limited opportunity
please PM me here.
We anticipate teams will be able to make anywhere from $5 - $15
per jersey depending on how much you think you can sell them
The nice thing is this will build spirit and keep those game jerseys
safe for games. These are going to be nice quality replicas that
your fans will be proud to wear.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.
Coach Rock, coachrock@gmail.com

Game/Highlight DVDs
The team is usually recording the games and produces a highlight
DVD each year. With a DVD duplicator (~$400) 20 copies of each
DVD can be produced very quickly and easily. Print them with a
nice cover art (color inkjet printer ~$125, not labels) and sell them
for $5 each. The DVDs cost less than $1 to produce and the
parents and players usually like the opportunity to purchase the
DVDs. You can do pre-orders to reduce the number of DVDs

Donation Club
Another thing people like is exclusivity. Form a giving club with
different levels and perks. List all the club members in the game
program. For Example:

$500 Champion's Circle

Wind Jacket
Game Hat
Coffee With the Coach (weekly coffee; bull session)
Parking Privileges (VIP)
Best Seats
Private Gameday Tailgate Party (6)

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Banquet Table (If you have a sports Banquet)

$350 Victory Circle

Game Hat
Coffee With the Coach
Parking Privileges (Reserved)
Better Seats
Private Gameday Tailgate Party (4)
Banquet Tickets (4)

$250 Coach's Circle

Game Hat
Coffee With the Coach
Private Gameday Tailgate Party (2)
Banquet Tickets (2)

$100 <School Mascot> Pride

Game Hat
Coffee With the Coach
Put a flyer or brochure together and let the players sell the heck
out of it and get involved yourself by getting a few well known
alumns and supporters behind the effort. Your only true costs are
Windjackets, hats and some food which I'm sure someone would
be happy to donate or sale at a discounted rate in exchange for
some publicity.
Remember everything has a cost, even raising money.

Touchdown Club.
Anyone can join for an annual $25 fee.
With the membership money, we got each member something
(year 1 we gave out hats, year 2 a polo shirt, etc.).
Members are then asked for a donation at the end of the season:
$2 for every touchdown the team scores that
$2 for every safety scored
$1 for every field goal
In the spring, you can have a BBQ and/or hay rack ride for the
members - something special for those who help the program.

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We have had success with this program. The coach I got the idea
from has made as much as $10,000 in a season due to number of
members and great performance.

Christmas Tree Sales

The best fundraiser that we have run is Christmas tree sales. All
trees are pre-ordered and we have an order form as a page in our
football program. Each player is asked to sell 3 trees; one for their
own home, one for a relative and one for someone else. I've built
in incentives such as any player who sells five trees gets his spirit
pack for free, sell seven trees and get a set of team sweats free,
etc. We make a profit of $20.00 on each tree and everything is
sold as a pre-order. If someone doesn't like their tree then we
refund their money. All left over trees are then sold to a local
Christmas Tree lot, so we don't lose any money. Sometimes we
even donate a couple of trees to those less fortunate or to a local
Since our trees are pre-ordered and shipped and received within
two days of their being cut down, we know exactly how many
trees to order and we always get the freshest trees for our people
so we get a lot of return business. The kids with trucks can even
make some extra money delivering the trees for the customers.
We expanded the business to include selling wreaths, tree stands
and a couple of other things.

Cow Chip Bingo

But I grew up in north central PA and played high school football
there. The best fundraiser I have ever seen or heard of was COW
CHIP BINGO. They line the practice field into Five yard blocks
people by a block but do not know where their block is on the
field. They sell these blocks for 20 bucks. Five cows are brought
out by a local farmer the first one to leave some cow chips on the
field is the winner and it is a 50-50 split so the winner can take
home 2 grand. They set up coffee and donuts and lots of other
little things and it brings in about 5 grand for couple of hours on a
Saturday morning. It is not the most money but one of the most
creative ways I have ever seen.

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Discount Cards
This involves working with local merchants to offer discounts. The
discounts are printed on the back of a plastics credit card. Front
has team logo and designs. Players sell the cards for $10 and the
team keeps $5 or some other percentage. Teams can do it
themselves or contract with other companies to do it.
We used to do Varsity Gold, but now we go with an outfit named
Players Choice. Same idea, but we get a bigger piece of the $$$$.
Did my own card. Had them printed up by local company for $0.35
a card and did all the contract legwork ourselves.

This is very easy thing to setup and works well for the school. The
parents go on-line and sign up their purchases/store cards with
the company and the vendor will then contribute a percentage
(normally 2-3%) of the sales to the school. There is no cost to the
participant. Funds go to the school, not the team.

Helmet Lamps
Discussion on what to do with old helmets: I think there is a
liability issue with most schools. I take the helmets/facemasks that
flunk inspection and make lamps out of them and sell them. Get a
set of lamp guts from a hobby store. Make a wooden base, drill a
hole through the top of the helmet--pretty easy. Can make up to
$40 per

NFL Pool
Our Jr. football program does this. 17 week NFL Season. Get
people to donate 20 bucks. Every week they get to pick a team
that wins. They can do this through email. If their team wins they
move on, if their team loses they are done. At the end of the 17
game season whoever hasn't lost yet gets to split half of the pot
with whoever else doesn't lose. The other half of the pot goes to
your team. EX: 100 people donate. That would be $2000. Half of
that automatically goes to your football team. If there is 2 people
left they would split the other half. Each would win 500. You
would be amazed at how hard it is to win. If nobody wins football
gets 2000. After 3 years the pot is huge. All it takes is word of
mouth and some rules!

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Program Ad Sales
Sell ad space in the football program. There are companies that
will do this get the ads, take the images, and do the publication.

SaberCats Football
Sell tickets to the San Jose SaberCats. They sell the tickets to non-
profits at 50% of face. Players sell the tickets at face. This is a
March-May activity. Ive normally this is done with a block of 60
tickets which brings the program $700 per game.

Schedule Poster
Our best fundraiser is a schedule-poster. We have the kids sell
business card-sized ads to businesses in the community for about
$100 per ad (we could probably charge $150 and still fill the
poster). I do the graphic design and layout the football team's
schedule, some pictures and the ads. I only feature the seniors on
the poster - both a group shot and individual photos. I can fit
about 75 ads on a 24"x36" poster, so we gross $7500. It costs
about $1200 to have 1000 posters printed. We send about 5
posters back to each business and expect them to display the
poster in their business. The kids and other students get the rest
of the posters. The great thing is that the kids do all the leg work
and it is a very easy fundraiser to administer. And unlike if we used
a business who sells schedule posters, we keep 100% of the
proceeds - and we have sold out the ads each year. If anyone
wants to see a sample poster or get more information, just let me

Season Passes
We have always sold "Season Passes" as a fundraiser. We have
cards (similar to credit card) made up, and have individual ($25),
and family (up to 4 people $75). We have different local
businesses offer Buy 1 Get 1 Free, or 1/2 off things similar to what
has been talked about above. Ask each kid to sell $200 worth. We
usually have about 50-75 kids in the program, so we make about
10,000-15,000 on those. Most kids have their own family, (usually
bigger than 4 here, so they get 2 families), and then they can sell
them to the high school kids because of all the fast
food/skatepark/fun things on the back. Kids at the school will buy
them, and not go to the games. Which doesn't bother me,
because we still get the money.

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Senior Jerseys
One thing on uniforms we have a parents group pay for the
graduating seniors jerseys at a depreciated value but it really helps
the uniforms looking sharp every year.

Seniors Purchase Their Helmets

we do this, not as a fundraiser. we sell our helmets to the seniors
and do not make any profit, sell at cost. It enables us to replace
several helmets every year that would not normally be in the

Silicone Bracelets
Silicone bracelets were very good for us, made about $800.00
with no effort. Bracelets cost $.60 and sell for $4.

Spirit Pack
Players purchase a pack that includes a team t-shirt, shorts, socks,
practice jerseys, etc. Useful for the players to look like a team all
dressed the same, while providing net cash inflow.

They make sunglasses in your school colors & customize them
with your school or mascot name, etc. you pay a unit price for
them ($6) then you can sell them for whatever you choose ($10).
We like it because the spring / summer is great time to sell
sunglasses. Going to market them to the student body, especially
incoming freshmen.

Yardline Sale
Charge whatever you want (we charge 30 bucks I think) and sell
each yardline from 1 to 1. At the end of each quarter the position
of the ball dictates who wins the 100 bucks. This is for home
games only, and typically we sell every yard line very early (at the
pre-season scrimmage). So if the ball is on the North 48 at the end
of the first quarter,(our field runs north south) and Joe Smith
bought the north 48, Joe wins 100 dollars. We do this at the end
of the first quarter, half, and at end of 3rd quarter. So in a typical

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season (5 home games) we give away 1500 bucks. We raise

around 600-700 dollars a year.

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These projects are typically the players asking for money in
exchange for doing something, jogging, lifting weights, bowling,
community service, those type of things. But the bottom line is
that there is no real product exchanged for the money received,
so there is no/minimal cost for running these.

One of the easiest fund raisers is to simply ask for funds. Players
provide 10 names and addresses. A well-written form letter, with a
personal request for sponsorship from the player, is then mailed
out to the names on the list. This often works better than trying to
get sponsors for Lift-a-thons or jog-a-thons. Most people will give
$10 or so, resulting in a $5-10k return. Can be tied into things like
a community service project.
Also known as the Beg-A-Thon, or the I didnt do it event.
Okay, most of us do this without even thinking about it. Imagine
how much more you can bring in if you do think about it! Putting a
donation jar out at events, going door-to-door asking for
donations from businesses, friends, neighbors are all examples of
one shot donations.
What we often do not do is spend some time planning ahead,
plotting strategies to cultivate some of these sources of income
into a dependable stream of cash year after year. Publicity ahead
of time develops name recognition so potential donors already
know who/what you and FIRST are, and especially know all the
good you do in outreach programs. Thank you letters and tri-folds
with background information that you distribute as donations are
received, follow up notes of appreciation or signed team
photographs to significant donors, help you develop a solid,
repeatable donor base.

Grocery Store Booster Day

We also do Booster day at a local upscale grocery store in August.
They have a stage and BBQ area on the side. The store gets
donations for all the food. We make all the profit. Cheerleaders
perform, jazz band, choir. Our boys bag grocery and take
everyones bags to their cars. We have donating jars. Sell schedule
posters, dunk tank, football throw, sell logo gear. I thought it was

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going to be too much time for the money and we made $6k last

Community Service Project

We did a similar thing as Aztec. Instead of doing a lift a thon for
the mailer we did a clean up the community for the big mailer. We
donate 150 man hours to clean up the local community. For
instance: if we have 100 kids in the program than we would have
each kid work 1.5 hours. Of course we do it at once to get it done.
We get the local paper involved and everything. Great PR.
We did a community service project where the kids sent out
letters to family and friends asking for sponsorships. We made
about $4000 last fall. We worked through a group called Affinity
Funding Group.
We also do a "Days of Caring" every other year. Kids go out to
different organizations and residential homes twice during the
season to perform community service. In conjunction with this,
we have the kids send letters to friends/relatives asking for a
sponsorship for this activity. This is another activity that makes
over $5000 a year
We do a community based fundraiser each spring just after the
snow is gone. We ask each of our athletes to complete 5 hours of
community work for individual/individuals. Work is normally
raking, cleaning the yard, putting in docks, etc. Has worked really
well the past couple of years for us, small program 35-40 athletes
and raise around 5k. The community really enjoys our help and
the last couple of years, we have been overwhelmed actually with
work. We do everything we can to make sure we will have their
business and support in the future.
We treat this as "giving back" to our community. A little work that
many of our athletes don't do much of.

Race Clean-Up/Parking
We have a local track that hosts nascar, irl, arca, busch races and
we park cars pre-race and clean-up the parking areas post-race.
These big tracks are always looking for large service groups to do
this type of work for them. We have done college concessions in
the past, but have found that the race track is more fun for the
kids and much more lucrative for the time invested.

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This would probably work with the A's/Raiders games and events
at the San Jose Arena.

Raider/A's Games, Shoreline

Work the concession stands at the Raiders and A's games. Can
make $1,500 per (good) game. Applies to Shoreline as well. Hard
work (by the adults, usually have to be 16+ to work, and 18+ to
serve alcohol) but it's get in, get done, and leave. The SJ Sharks do
this, 49ers as well.

Car Wash
We had a track car wash one year. The actual car wash made like
$500. The kids hanging out by the street and at the front door of
Walmart holding the signs made around $700. Always do it near a
redlight, especially a long one!!

Charitable Foundations
See if there are any charitable foundations in your area. I recently
found one in our area and they gave us $82,000. It is a great tax
write off for them.

We have had success with coin-drops at busy intersections. We
made $2,400 in just about 4 hours on a Saturday morning this
year. The guys wear their jerseys, we gut the padding from some
rejected helmets to collect the money, make some signs and feed
the guys pizza afterward. Besides the pizza, its 100% profit with no

Bake sale, sell quilt squares (quilt to be donated elsewhere), sell
engraved bricks that you build a path for the school out of (built-in
service project), team leaf raking/snow shoveling/yard work,
seasonal events like: a holiday wreath sale or Halloween pumpkin
picking-hayride, team garage sale (eBay the leftovers), bowling,
silent auction, all the tried and true fundraisers weve all been
through in elementary school and league sports. Staff concession
booths at Homecoming or other school events and concerts.
Organize a golf or mini-golf tournament. Sponsor a dance for a
Middle or Elementary school. Go house-to-house collecting return

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bottles/cans or recycle metal/plastic/newspaper. Have a

celebrity (teachers, administration, mentors) dunking booth,
pie-in-the-face, or any of a hundred other ways to abuse those
you respect and admire.

This is another gambling endeavor common in our area and is
done in conjunction with some other event or meeting with a
large crowd. 50 percent of the proceeds go to the team and 50
percent go to the winner. One 50/50 netted us $2400 and the
winner took home $2400 of their own. If youre lucky, the winner
may donate some of their winnings back to the team. You can sell
standard two-part raffle tickets for $1 or $5 or $10 each. Instead
of tickets people can optionally write their name on a bill and add
it to the jar. A big clear jar is used to attract more attention as the
money mounts up. Pick a size jar that will fill up nicely from the
anticipated take. Its a big selling point when people see a jar full
of cash, so keep that up-front and the center of attention. At the
end of the event the winning ticket or bill is drawn blindly from
the jar.

This sounds like the kind of situation in which you could get a
grant. I have thought about that. Doesnt the NFL or someone do
an equipment grant? Yes, check out the NFL HS sight and USA

Fence Advertising
Works for us.......sell new signs at 250.00 and renew at 200.00.....

Players solicit money for lifting weights. Usually either a flat fee or
a $/lb arrangement. Players are asked to get 10-20 sponsors.

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Competitions are always a fun activity, mostly aimed at the players
and their friends. There are a wide variety, each targeting a
different demographic.

Sumo Suit Wrestling

We are holding a sumo suit wrestling event in our gym. You try to
come up with the match-ups that students and teachers would
pay to watch. We also have donations for a couple of weeks to see
which class rep will wrestle the principle. We will also have the
concession stand going for extra money. The key is the match-ups
and the trash talk from the participants. We have school news
everyday so that is a great opportunity for the promotion and
trash talk. One thing I really like is there is no overhead. We got
the suits donated rent free, but if you do have to rent them there
are services that will rent them and ship them for about $375. We
should make somewhere between 3-5K. PM me if you want more
of the details.

I have never seen it done, but you could do it like a lift-a-thon.
Pledge a certain amount of money per pins knocked down during
the game (you could play a few games and take high game) or just
a flat donation. I would just run it like a golf tournament. Door
prizes, beer, food, 50/50, buy a spare/strike. you could do it like a
9 pin no tap tournament or teams. This is a really good idea. no
rainouts like a golf tourney



Fishing Tournament

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Golf Scramble


Shuffle Board

Sports (3 On 3 Basketball, 5-5 Flag Football)

Video Games (Guitar Hero, NCAA, Madden)

These are very popular and can be run in some very creative ways.
Charge an entry fee, like $25 (can charge more for better teams),
and set up a bracket. Not the most productive as the funds are
from the entry fees and there are only so many entries.
Guitar Hero Our school just did this. My son says that they had a
$5 entry fee. They were in the auditorium and had 6 stations
setup. 4 were running GH, the other 2 were running Rock Star. 32
total entries - 1 vs. 32, 2 vs. 31, etc. They competed on the same
song, highest score wins the match. Apparently in competition
mode you can fire a riff at the opponent causing his character pain
and suffering, so it is not just play the guitar but attack/defend
your opponent. Final was played on the AV system. Winners
proceed to the championship (26 year old from Livermore and a
local 8th grader). Seeding was basically by sign up order. This was
done by the Young Entrepreneurs club so the focus was not on
fund raising as much as learning how to do this.
The competitions have a higher fee and have prizes for the top 3-
5. Sonny said that there was probably 150 kids/young adults

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Big Car Wash

With sufficient marketing and a good location this can be a good
return. Players would have to actually do physical work which may
be a negative. Low cost with good returns.

General Advice
Forming an Ambassador Group containing Parents of the 10th,
11th & 12th Grade football players will develop a Pipeline of
willing and experienced parents to help out the football program
without having to redo everything each season, etc.

Mouse Races

Springtime Window Washing

Topless Carwash
We set up shop behind an out of business gas station in town. We
had signs out front that said free topless carwash. They pulled
around back.. and the girls were in bikinis.. they washed the
whole care except for the top.. it cost $5 to have the top washed...
lol.. We had a handful of people get mad and drive off.. but we
made almost $2000 in about 6 hours.

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