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SkandAkshaya Kavacam
Sri Ramayana Saroddaramu (Uttarakhanda)
Sri Ramayana Saroddaramu (Uttarakhanda)
Anga-Upanga Pratyanga Devata Yajanam-Srividya Navavaran Saparya
Anga-Upanga Pratyanga Devata Yajanam-Srividya Navavaran Saparya
VijNana Bhairava
VijNana Bhairava
Sri Lalita Satakam
Sri Lalita Satakam
Lalitastotramu Telugu Padyamulu
Lalitastotramu Telugu Padyamulu
shrIlalitopaniShad - TANTRIC UPANISHAD
shrIlalitopaniShad - TANTRIC UPANISHAD
Indra Rachita Lakshmi Stotra
Indra Rachita Lakshmi Stotra
Sadhana Nidhi, 149p, Sanskrit (1959) PDF
Sadhana Nidhi, 149p, Sanskrit (1959) PDF
Mantra Siddhi by Govind Sashtri
Mantra Siddhi by Govind Sashtri
Sadhana Nidhi, 149p, Sanskrit (1959)
Sadhana Nidhi, 149p, Sanskrit (1959)
TripurasundarI PuShpAnjali StavaH
TripurasundarI PuShpAnjali StavaH
Chandi Sapthasathi Rahasya
Chandi Sapthasathi Rahasya
Radha Prakaranam by Ujjvala - Nilamani
Radha Prakaranam by Ujjvala - Nilamani
Mahishasuramardini Stotra Vivaranamu
Mahishasuramardini Stotra Vivaranamu
Pancharatna-Stuti by AppayaDikshit
Pancharatna-Stuti by AppayaDikshit
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women