SpeakOut StudyBooster Advanced
SpeakOut StudyBooster Advanced
SpeakOut StudyBooster Advanced
How can I become more confident in English? Why arent I making faster progress? When will I be
able to move up to the next level? Every language learner wants to know the secret to making the
fastest progress in the shortest possible time. So what does the perfect learner need to do to get
ahead? The answer is practise, practise, practise.
The Speakout 2ndEdition Advanced Study Booster for Spanish-speaking learners of English gives
you all the practice you need to help you get the most out of your English language course. With
a focus on the particular challenges that Spanish-speaking learners of English face, the Study
Booster complements the material in the accompanying Students Book and Workbook and is
divided into five main sections which provide extra exercises to help you improve your grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, reading and listening. You can work through the different
sections in sequence, or just focus on the areas that you find particularly difficult.
All the answers to the exercises are provided in the key at the back of the book so you can check
your own work. You dont have to do every exercise in the Study Booster to successfully complete
the course, but remember that the more you do, the faster youll progress!
GRAMMAR these clauses, we must use the pronoun who for people and
which for inanimate objects, whereas in Spanish we can use
Word Order que in both cases.
The most usual word order in English is subject + verb + Termin el cuadro en el que haba estado trabajando durante
object and this tends to be more rigid than in Spanish ms de un ao. He finished the painting (which/that) he had
where we can start statements with the object. However, been working on for over a year.
word order does change in some more complex structures Mi marido me compr narcisos, que son mis flores
in English, for example inversion for emphasis or cle favoritas. My husband bought me some daffodils, which
sentences, and this can cause problems for Spanish are my favourite flowers. NOT My husband bought me
students. daffodils, that are my favourite flowers.
Pocas veces he visto cuadros tan bonitos. Seldom have I Grammar Extra Unit 3.2 Exercises 1 and 2.
seen such beautiful paintings.
Fue a mi hermana a quien viste ayer, no a m. It was my
sister you saw yesterday, not me.
The passive voice
The order of adjectives in noun phrases when there is more The passive voice is used more frequently in English than in
than one adjective is also fixed in English and it can be Spanish. One reason is that there is no English expression
difficult for students to know which adjective to put first. equivalent to se hace, se vendi, etc. Consequently, the
passive voice is used in these cases.
Era una bella mujer irlandesa de ojos grises. She was a
beautiful, grey-eyed, Irish woman. Se ha rodado una pelcula interesante sobre los Beatles. An
interesting film has been made about the Beatles.
Grammar Extra Unit 3.1 Exercise 1; Unit 4.1 Exercises 1
and 2; Unit 7.1 Exercise 2; Unit 10.1 Exercises 1 and 2. Grammar Extra Unit 5.2 Exercise 1.