Interactive Design CC Introduction

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The document discusses the learning objectives for the Adobe Certified Associate exam in Interactive Media and how they are integrated throughout the Interactive Design curriculum.

The objectives covered include setting project requirements, identifying interactive media design elements, understanding the Adobe Flash interface, and building and evaluating interactive media elements using Flash Professional.

Some techniques discussed for designing accessible interactive media content include identifying best practices for desktop and mobile browsers, using design elements and principles, and creating interactive media elements that are accessible and readable.

Interactive Design

Foundations of Animation and

Interaction Design
Copyright 2014 by Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Published February 2014.
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ISTE NETS*S reprinted with permission from National Education Technology Standards for Students, 2007, ISTE
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Authors Copy editor

Ellen Flaherty, Jay Heins, Scott Tapley, and Dale Underwood Malinda McCain

Editors Photography and video

Dale Underwood and Matt Niemitz Matthew Aho and Dan Cowles

Program manager
Matt Niemitz
Teacher contributors
Cindy Agnew, Joanne Fevergeon, Brian Martin, Shannon Thissen, Mary Ann Campo, Dave Farnell, Leanne Fike, Will Fry,
Lance Groesbeck, Nancy Jensen, Shane Loucks, Sara McReynolds, Doug Reppe, Ralph Rise, Chris Sande, Peggy J. Soong-
Yaplee, Loretta Speed, Anne Taylor, Bre Urness-Straight, Kim Cavanaugh, Mark DuBois, Sheri German, Colin Maxwell,
Kristine Kopelke

ii 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Table of Contents
Course overview and setup .......................................................................................................................3
First semester projects .............................................................................................................................4
Second semester projects .........................................................................................................................4
Alternate methods for utilizing Interactive Design .................................................................................5
Interactive Design skills matrix ...............................................................................................................6
Classroom computer setup ....................................................................................................................14
Classroom enrichment ...........................................................................................................................19
Skills overview rubric............................................................................................................................23

ISTE NETS*S Standards for Students .....................................................................................................27

Adobe Certified Associate examination objectives ..............................................................................29

Project 1: Animation basics

Instructor project guidelines
Activity guidelines
Student guides

Project 2: Game design & planning

Instructor project guidelines
Activity guidelines
Student guides

Project 3: Building a Flash game

Instructor project guidelines
Activity guidelines
Student guides

Project 4: Portfolios
Instructor project guidelines
Activity guidelines
Student guides

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated iii

Course overview and setup
Interactive Design: Foundations of Animation and Interaction Design is a one-semester, project-based
curriculum that teaches digital communication skills in the context of the professional animation and
interaction design process, using Adobe web tools. Interactive Design develops four key skill areas:
Project management and collaboration
Research and communication
Professional interactive media authoring tools
Students develop these key skills in a spiraleach project adds more challenging skills onto the
foundation proficiencies.
Interactive Design addresses each of these areas, using a project-based approach. Each project has phases
that follow a design and development process, from project planning to evaluation and launch. To
simulate a professional work environment, students gradually migrate their design work from an
individual process to a group process. Design and technical work by its very nature is iterative, so the
projects contain activities that require students to evaluate and then redesign and rework their
communications. Specific attention has been paid to developing concepts and principles for thorough,
effective design.
The following diagram shows the sequence and flow of the projects:

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 3


Interactive Design projects develop skills that lay the foundation for producing web and app-ready
communications: design principles, design documents, storyboards, game development, shared project
management skills such as interviewing and project scheduling, peer review, and redesign. Project
activities focus on developing effective communications that can be deployed on the web or via app
stores. Students create a simple animation, a variety of graphic content for animations, a client game, and
a portfolio. A great deal of flexibility is implied in the curriculum.
The key skills emphasized in this semester are:
Soft skills such as interviewing and responding to feedback
Designing a game for clients
Problem solving that helps support multiple perspectives
Reflection about the design process and effective communication
Peer teaching and evaluation in a collaborative environment
Learning standard web practices and how to implement reusable design
Technical game development
In the semester, students use Adobe Flash Professional, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator to
develop static and interactive graphics. They use Adobe Flash Professional to design and build games.
This content prepares students for the Adobe Certified Associate in Interactive Media using Adobe Flash
Professional examination.

Alternate methods for utilizing Interactive Design

If your circumstances do not allow you to use Interactive Design as a yearlong curriculum, there are other
ways to structure the content to fit certain time, skill, and course structure limitations.
Activity-based instruction
You can use an activity-based approach that focuses primarily on teaching discreet project management,
design, research and communication, and technical skills by taking the activities from the Interactive
Design curriculum and teaching them individually or grouping them together how you see fit.
You are encouraged to be creative with an activity-based approach while attempting to incorporate a
project-based teaching method. In that vein, each activity has a small task within so they can be taught
discreetly, or you can incorporate the skills learned from each activity into a larger project, as is done
throughout the Interactive Design curriculum. You can search for activities by skill on the Digital Careers
activities page (

Individual projects
Depending on the skill level of students, you can utilize individual projects from the Interactive Design
curriculum, without completing the other projects in the curriculum sequence. For example, an educator
teaching an animation course might only wish to teach the animation basics project. Additionally, you can
adapt the instruction and utilize technical guides from previous projects to teach an individual project.
Product-based instruction
You can use a product-based approach that focuses primarily on teaching how to use Adobe Flash
Professional. The technical guides included in the Interactive Design projects are alternatively packaged

4 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

by individual product. For example, download the Learn Flash Professional CC syllabus if you solely
plan to teach Flash skills to your students.

Be creative!
You are encouraged to utilize the Interactive Design curriculum as a jumping off point to developing your
own activities, projects, and curriculums that are customized for your classroom. By utilizing the existing
activities and product technical guides, you can formulate complete instructional projects based on
particular areas of interest. If you do create your own projects or curriculum, please share them with the
community on the Adobe Education Exchange ( where you can also browse for
additional resources that are useful for teaching with the Adobe Creative Cloud.

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 5

Interactive Design skills matrix

Project Research and

Design Technical
management communication
Project 1: Defining Designing a Researching Flash
Animation basics purpose, goal, custom examples of Understanding the
and audience experience interactive media Flash Professional
Synthesizing and Applying design Analyzing and workspace
Understand the recommending principles evaluating
basic principles of Customize the layout
changes during Applying design various of the workspace
animation design process interactive media
aspects such as Define the tools and
Principles of good color, design, Understanding
design features in the
layout, contrast, the role, purpose workspace
Creating an and composition and use cases for
original animated Work with rulers and
Integrating interactive media
sequence guides
images and text Researching,
Evaluating and Understanding file
Planning images evaluating and
comparing types
and graphics analyzing the use
interactive media of Flash Using drawing tools
based on needs
Time: 12-22 hours of the project Understanding Working with graphic
(34 weeks) Understanding copyright issues files
the role and and fair-use Creating and
purpose of guidelines modifying text
usability Advocating and Working with text and
practicing legal text effects
use of images Working with layers
Participating in Organizing layers and
peer review libraries
Communicating Creating folders and
and presenting labels
design decisions
Creating and working
Giving feedback with symbols
on a project
Creating and working
with instances
Creating interactive
Importing images
Optimizing images
Using Trace Bitmap
Using animation
Working with frames
and keyframes
Working with eases
and tweens
Creating motion
Creating Timeline
Creating transparent
Testing movies
Publishing Flash

6 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Project Research and
Design Technical
management communication
Project 2: Game Developing a Designing a Researching, None
design & planning project plan custom evaluating and
Managing and experience analyzing the use
Focus: of Flash in online
organizing Making screen
Game design process multiple tasks sketches for gaming
Using design involved in interactive Evaluating and
documents to guide a design versus experiences analyzing various
progressive design production Providing game types
process Understanding multiple design Researching
Designing for a client roles and ideas audience and
Design-team process responsibilities Synthesizing overall gaming
for game development Meeting information from landscape
Team-client deliverables design review Researching
interaction and Determining meetings currently
communication game purpose, Creating available games
Time: 1220 hours audience, and flowcharts Researching
(35 weeks) goal Creating design appropriate uses
Determining comps of multimedia in
available gaming
resources and storyboards Communicating
skill level for purpose and goal
Designing for a
game Communicating
specific audience
development and presenting
and purpose
Writing a design decisions
proposal for the Understanding
game, with scripts and user
attention to scenarios
scenarios and
Giving feedback
on a project
Asking questions
to focus and
Listening and
and addressing
client design
Finalizing design
with a client

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 7

Project Research and
Design Technical
management communication
Project 3: Following and Providing Communicating Flash
Building a Flash executing a consistency and ideas clearly Using drawing tools
game project plan accessibility Presenting a game Working with graphic
Focus: Following and Creating to a group files
executing a templates and Connecting goals
Effective team Understanding file
design comp and reusable of the game with
collaboration types
storyboard designs user interaction
Designing for a Working with graphic
Following up and Adapting and experience
client files
following content for Assessing teams
Developing through on roles readability and Working with layers
reusable content and emphasis developer skill Organizing layers and
Conducting responsibilities Designing for level libraries
technical and Defining and multiple Critiquing designs Creating folders and
usability testing prioritizing tasks screens and labels
Review and Producing outputs Creating and working
meaningful but not
redesign process deliverables and Considering overly critical with symbols
Presenting to a meeting screen size and feedback Creating and working
client deadlines device with instances
Listening and
Time: 1828 hours Executing a requirements
interpreting Creating interactive
(46 weeks) review and Designing a information and and transparent
redesign cycle usability test feedback buttons
Executing Demonstrating the Importing and
technical tests realization of compressing audio
redesign goals Importing images
Conducting Optimizing images
usability analysis
Using Trace Bitmap
Creating technical
Producing Flash video
Creating templates
Using basic
Writing ActionScript
Using Code Snippets
Identifying function,
event handlers, and
Using animation
Creating Timeline
Creating character
Using sprite sheets
Using motion presets
Saving and using
motion presets
Testing movies
Creating accessible
Flash content
Resizing and re-
scaling Flash content
Using the Device

8 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Publishing Flash
Publishing mobile
Resizing, rotating,
and cropping images
Creating vector
Using Image Trace to
convert photos to
vector artwork
Comparing vector and
bitmapped images

Project Design Research and Technical

Management communication

Project 4: Planning and Designing for a Planning and General skills

Portfolios creating a specific audience conducting Building a portfolio
portfolio and purpose research
Focus: Formatting and
Organizing and Selecting strategies
adding portfolio
Portfolio design managing appropriate Understanding content
Presentation of content content and practicing
Updating a portfolio
skills Conducting a Providing lifelong career
skills: Testing a portfolio
Career research and review and consistency and
development redesign accessibility Job research
Identifying the Providing skills
Time: 1020 hours
purpose and universal Presenting
(24 weeks)
audience for a navigation skills
portfolio Adapting content Communicating
Creating for readability information to
flowcharts and emphasis particular
Defining the
goals and uses of
a portfolio
Soliciting and
Writing and
editing portfolio

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 9

Classroom computer setup
Weve included the technical information you will need to get your computer lab or classroom ready to
implement the Interactive Design curriculum.

Adobe Flash Professional CC

Install Flash on all workstations. System requirements are noted below and installation procedures are
included with the software. For updates to system requirements, visit:

Adobe Photoshop CC
Install Photoshop CC on all workstations. System requirements and installation procedures are included
with the software. For updates to system requirements, visit:

Adobe Illustrator CC
Install Illustrator CC on all workstations. System requirements and installation procedures are included
with the software. For updates to system requirements, visit:

10 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Classroom enrichment
Many techniques can help enhance students experience as they engage in these projects and also help
you manage the content and technology. When you set up your computer lab or classroom for working on
technology-based projects, the suggestions below can help create a successful learning experience for
your design students.

Acceptable use policies

To promote good digital citizenship and to help students feel ownership of the technology and tools they
use, discuss acceptable use policies with students. Your institution might already have a policy, but
discuss with students appropriate use of the Internet and technology tools and have them apply their
understanding to various misuse scenarios to determine consequences. Work with students to create a
class policy to protect the rights and privileges of fellow students and class hardware/software. Propose
rules for good team dynamics and peer critiques.

File Management
To save time in assessing student work, make sure all classroom materials and student work are properly
saved and posted (preferably on a school server). The following guidelines will help:
Student folders: All students should have a folder for all of their work. Folder names might include
students last name, first initial, and class period (such as per7_m_smith).
Backups: Students might want to keep flash drives, local copies, or school backup server copies of
their folders or backup their files to the cloud.
Working from home: Students can work from home, but make sure they find a way to transfer their
work to the school computers (such as FTP, e-mail, flash drive, cloud storage, or school server).
Turning in work: If students work from home by e-mail, make sure you have effective file virus
protection and that all work is clearly labeled for ease of identification and organization (for example,
Legal issues: If you plan to publish student work on the web, check into your schools rules about
putting pictures or names of students on the web. It might be appropriate for students not to include
their full names or e-mail addresses.

Classroom environment
Using technology as part of any lesson in the classroom can lead to management issues unrelated to the
content being covered. Here are some tips and techniques that can help you manage the technology while
reinforcing key concepts:
Good design posters: Because the course focuses on good design techniques, you might want to print
and laminate examples of well-designed websites and post them throughout the classroom. A
variation might be to post examples of good and bad site designs on opposite sides of the
classroom. The good and bad design examples should include both HTML sites and Adobe Flash
sites. You might also have students compile a list of good design criteria throughout the course and
post it in the classroom.
Help center: Create a library of print materials for software and design techniques in a corner of the
classroom where students can browse for answers to challenging questions.
Running questions list: List technical questions for student research on a large piece of paper or
chalkboard in the classroom. As the questions are answered, write the answers below them.

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 11

Student leaders: Designate lead students with strong technical skills to be the first person contacted
for software or hardware questions and issues so students do not break up the lesson time with
technology questions. You might rotate this role among different sets of students, empowering them
to take more initiative with their learning.
Questioning process: You might face some running around when students have open time to work on
projects. To alleviate this, urge students to try to find the answer themselves first and rely on the
teacher second and to continue working without waiting for an answer. For example, you might
request students to look in the help system first and ask their neighboring peers before they ask the
teacher. You might also provide students with props to place on their monitors as a silent signal that
they want help.
Technology extension: As students work on their projects, some will come across techniques that
have not been demonstrated to the class. When student groups learn a new technique on their own,
ask them to present it to the class. The group should show the resulting product, share step-by-step
how they completed it, and have the class complete the same steps while group members walk around
to help others learn the technique.
Using constructive comments: Working in teams requires students to become better communicators.
During the web design process, students will sometimes need to critique each others work. Giving
feedback requires students to be sensitive to the feelings of others. To help students become better
communicators, you might spend some time brainstorming with the class to identify constructive
comments and words. You can use the Peer review activity as a guideline to create a class-generated
list can be posted as a reminder for everyone when giving a critique of a fellow students work.

Ethical content use and production

In many projects students will gather, manipulate, and create images and websites. Emphasize the social
responsibility students have to each other and their audience to help them build good practices as they
take these skills to future programs and jobs. Some areas to focus on include:
Content validity: As students research content online, have them continually consider and evaluate
content bias, currency, and source corroborating. You can use the Research and writing for design
projects activity to help students understand how to assess online content. Or you might cover some
search techniques such as those provided by November Learning:
Copyright: Emphasize the need to gain permission to use graphics, images, video, and audio
produced by others and to copyright their own original work. Use the Copyright and fair use activity
to help your students learn how to correctly identify and site sources.

Limited resources (digital cameras, video cameras, etc):

Consider having students work in groups instead of individually.
Consider connecting all computers into a local network to encourage collaborative learning.
You might divide computers into learning stations, perhaps grouped by subject areas or activities
(digital media center, web research center, etc.).
You might consider splitting up the activities associated with the project. Have some students use the
equipment to gather their data while others spend time researching the topic at hand, planning their
time with the equipment for what they might capture, or building an aspect of the project. Rotate
groups to ensure all students are occupied at all times.

12 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Professional skills
This course is designed to introduce students to professional experiences. You can reinforce the ideas
around professional behavior and work in a few ways.
Soft skills: When communicating with clients, students need soft skills to help them interview and
review their work with clients. You might have students practice interviewing each other or conduct
practice interviews with you as they develop skills for speaking with clients. The Working with clients
activity covers many of these skills.
Project tracking: Reinforce the need to plan appropriate schedules and manage time. You might
consider having students give brief daily status reports of how they are doing on time per task. Guide
students in reprioritizing and updating their project plans when needed. The Planning design projects
activity provides details and a project plan worksheet to help your students learn these skills.
Team-work: Helping students develop individually and as productive team members is a challenging
task. You might reinforce the importance of both types of development by evaluating their individual
performance as well as the ways they contribute to team goals, work to solve any team conflicts, and
collaborate with other teams to adopt successful practices. Use the Introduction to project planning,
project management, and teamwork activity to help students learn how to manage projects and work
in teams.
Professional environment: To prepare students to work with clients and help them develop professional
attitudes, you might want to give them weekly points for displaying professional attitudes and skills,
such as the following:
Dressing well when interviewing peers and clients
Promptly replying to peers and clients
Listening to suggestions and working well in groups
Professional designers: Students can benefit greatly from speaking with a professional animator, game
designer, or developer. You could arrange a field trip to a design studio or ask a designer to visit your
classroom. Key topics to address with the designer
Teamwork and collaboration
Effective design
Samples of the designers work and the challenges they presented
Use of professional software, such as Adobe products, in the interactive media fields
Critique of student work

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 13

Teaching across disciplines
You could team-teach some projects with teachers from other departments to help traditional content area
teachers integrate technology into their courses while helping students develop skills in academic areas
such as writing, reading, math, and science. You can have students go into the other teachers classroom
for a change of atmosphere, or bring the other teacher into your classroom. This is especially helpful with
the following topics:
Graphic design: An art teacher can address topics such as line, rule of thirds, and typography.
Interactive design: An art teacher can address topics such as composition, color, and shape.
Interactive media design and production: A business or career exploration teacher can discuss the
qualifications, salary, and skills required for working in the interactive media design field. A
marketing teacher can enhance the discussion around audience and purpose.
Interactive media content: A literature teacher could emphasize writing for different audiences as students
engage in projects that include different clients.
Game development: A science, math, or history teacher could have students design a game teaching a
specific topic.

14 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Skills overview rubric
This general skills rubric is a tool for assessing various aspects of major interactive media projects.
Although each activity has its own rubric, you might use the following to help you assess particular
aspects of projects further. Select the items that apply to a particular project.

Design skills

Category Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations

Composition There is no use of white There is some use of White space, symmetry,
space, symmetry, and white space, symmetry, and focal point are used
focal point. Application and focal point. effectively. Application
interface (and elements Application interface interface (and elements
within application) is cut (and elements within within pages) fit within
off inappropriately at its pages) usually fit its borders in a pleasing
borders or are surrounded appropriately within its manner.
by excessive white space. borders.
Color Colors clash and do little Colors are somewhat Colors work together,
for the theme of the complementary. reinforcing the theme of
design. Background color Background color the design. Background
interferes with text and coordinates with images color enhances images
images. Colors make text and text design. Colors do and text design. Colors
less readable. not interfere with strongly support
readability. readability.
Typography Text is not easily Text is readable. Type Text is readable, and
readable. White space is sizes communicate selected fonts support
not used effectively. information and are design goals. Type sizes
Fonts and text effects compatible with the reflect desired emphasis.
interfere with the design overall design. White White space around text
and readability. space around text strongly supports
supports readability and readability and design.
design. Fonts and text Fonts and text effects add
effects are compatible to mood and tone. Fonts
with the design and enhance readability
readability. through color, size, and
Usability Application navigation Application navigation Consistent navigation
appears in some areas, appears in all areas, and appears across the
and not all links or all links and/or buttons application, and all links
buttons function properly. function properly. and/or buttons function
Navigation does not Navigation gives users properly. Navigation
allow users access to all access to most of the gives users access to all
content and is not content and is intuitive to of the content and is
intuitive to use. The use. Some parts of the intuitive to use.
application takes a application take a Application loads in a
noticeable time to load, noticeable time to load, reasonable time, and any
and the delays are caused but most delays are worth noticeable delays are
by irrelevant elements. the wait. worth the wait.

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 15

Category Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations
Use of technical Use of technical elements Use of technical elements Use of technical elements
elements and effects does not and effects consistently and effects adds to the
(Photoshop, enhance the users supports the overall goals overall design of the
Illustrator, or experience or consistently and message of the application by enhancing
Flash) support the overall goals application but does not the users experience and
and message of the site. enhance the users supporting the goals and
experience. Use of such message. Use of such
elements or effects is not elements or effects is not
excessive or distracting. excessive or distracting.
Storyboard Storyboard provides Storyboard is complete Storyboard is thorough,
incomplete or but somewhat difficult to complete, and very clear.
contradictory production interpret.

Technical skills

Category Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations

Accessibility Very few elements, such Some elements, such as All elements, such as
as text, images and text, images and buttons, text, images and buttons,
buttons, can be read by a can be read by a screen can be read by a screen
screen reader. Users reader. Most of the reader. The entire
cannot navigate the application can be application can be
application using only the navigated by using only navigated by using only
keyboard. the keyboard. the keyboard.
Drawing Illustrations and buttons Illustrations and buttons Illustrations and buttons
are poorly drawn, not are drawn in a sufficient are cleanly and clearly
always using appropriate manner, using a range of drawn, effectively using
drawing and effects tools. drawing and effects tools. the full range of drawing
and effects tools.
Color panels Color is not consistently Color is consistently Color is consistently
applied and panels are applied most of the time, applied, and panels are
usually not configured for and panels are usually configured for the web.
the web. configured for the web.
Optimization The quality of images is Images have a Images have an excellent
not sufficient, or the file satisfactory balance of balance of quality and file
size is too large. quality and file size. size.
Tool use Student frequently has to Student usually knows Student knows what tool
ask what tool to use to what tool to use to create to use to create desired
create desired elements desired elements and elements and effects or
and effects. Does not effects but sometimes uses resources effectively
independently use needs to be reminded to and independently to find
available information use available information out. Uses tools
about the tools. Does not about the tools. Uses efficiently.
use tools efficiently. most tools efficiently.

16 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Research and communication skills

Category Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations

Design process The design process does The design process The design process
not include all includes elements such as includes all appropriate
appropriate elements, sketches, storyboard, and elements, such as
such as sketches, review comments. The sketches, storyboard, and
storyboard, and review final product reflects the review comments. The
comments. The final storyboard, with some final product accurately
product does not revisions based on reflects the storyboard,
completely reflect the feedback. including storyboard
storyboard and feedback. revisions based on
feedback and thoughtful
design decisions made
during production.
Feedback Reviews of other Reviews of other Reviews of other
students designs do not students designs provide students designs provide
adequately address some analysis of content thorough and insightful
content and design. and design. Feedback analysis of content and
Feedback does not use uses some informative design. Feedback uses
informative vocabulary vocabulary and connects clear and informative
and is often not comments to design and vocabulary and connects
constructive. content. Feedback is not comments to design and
always constructive. content. Feedback is
always constructive.
Presentation Design presentations Design presentations Design presentations
provide little information cover the goals, design clearly and completely
on the goals, design concepts, and state the goals, design
concepts, and requirements of a project. concepts, and
requirements of a project. requirements of a project.
Team Student does not Student collaborates with Student collaborates
collaboration collaborate with other other students as required freely with other students
students to provide to provide feedback or to provide feedback or
feedback or assistance. assistance. Fulfills assistance. Fulfills
Fulfills assigned team assigned team roles and assigned team roles and
roles but does not contributes equally to contributes equally to
contribute equally to project work. Sometimes project work. Consults
project work. Does not consults with other team with other team members
consult with other team members on major on major project
members before making project decisions but decisions and voluntarily
major project decisions. makes minimal effort to helps others build skills
Does not help others help others build skills. to complete the project.
build skills.

2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated Course overview and setup 17

Project management skills

Category Does not meet Meets expectations Exceeds expectations

Progressive Student does not use a Student uses design Student consistently uses
design design document or peer documents to guide the design documents to
feedback. design process. guide the design and
Inconsistently uses peer development process.
feedback to guide the Thoughtfully uses peer
redesign process. feedback to guide the
redesign process.
File Student files and folders Most student files and Student files and folders
management are inconsistently named folders are named and are consistently named
and not logically organized logically on and logically organized
organized. File both local and remote on both local and remote
organization is not seen drives. File organization drives. File organization
as an important task. evolves as project work is created at the start of a
progresses. project.
Task review Student does not respond Student responds to Student responds
to feedback, or student feedback, deciding which thoughtfully and
redesigns without feedback improves the completely to feedback,
deciding whether the content and design of the deciding which feedback
feedback improves the project. Incorporates most effectively improves
content and design of the some of this feedback the content and design of
project. into redesign. the project. Incorporates
this feedback into
redesign of a project.
Time Student does not Student allots time for Student thoughtfully and
management effectively allot time for each phase of the design effectively allots time for
the phases of the design and development process each phase of the design
and development process. through a project plan. and development process
Completes few phases on Completes most phases through a project plan.
schedule. on schedule. Completes all phases on

18 Course overview and setup 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

ISTE NETS*S Standards for
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is the trusted source for professional
development, knowledge generation, advocacy, and leadership for innovation. These standards, identified
throughout the Interactive Design curriculum, are integrated into the various activities students engage in
during each project.

I. Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and
processes using technology. Students:
A. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
B. create original works as a means of personal or group expression
C. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
D. identify trends and forecast possibilities.

II. Communication and Collaboration

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a
distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:
A. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media.
B. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats.
C. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
D. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

III. Research and Information Fluency

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:
A. plan strategies to guide inquiry.
B. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media.
C. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific
D. process data and report results.

IV. Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving & Decision-Making

Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems
and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:
A. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
B. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated ISTE NETS*S Standards for Students 19

C. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
D. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.

V. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior. Students:
A. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
B. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and
C. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
D. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

VI. Technology Operations and Concepts

Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations.
A. understand and use technology systems.
B. select and use applications effectively and productively.
C. troubleshoot systems and applications.
D. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.

20 ISTE NETS*S Standards for Students 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Certified Associate
(ACA) exam
Over the last few years, Adobe conducted research to identify the foundation skills students need to create
effective communication using different digital media tools. Adobe met with educators and design
professionals and surveyed businesses and educational institutions around the world. The research
resulted in objectives that cover design, project planning, communication, and technology. The following
set of essential learning objectives are a part of the Adobe Certified Associate exam in Interactive Media
and is integrated throughout the Interactive Design curriculum.

Adobe Certified Associate in Interactive Media using Adobe Flash Professional exam

Setting project requirements

1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for interactive media content.
1.2 Identify interactive media content that is relevant to the purpose of the media in which it will be
used (websites, mobile devices, and so on).
1.3 Understand options for producing accessible interactive media content.
1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of standard copyright rules (related terms, obtaining permission, and citing
copyrighted material).
1.5 Understand project management tasks and responsibilities.
1.6 Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design and content plans.
Identifying Interactive Media Design Elements
2.1 Identify best practices for designing interactive media content for desktop and mobile browsers,
applications, games and HD video.
2.2 Demonstrate knowledge of design elements and principles.
2.3 Identify general techniques to create interactive media elements that are accessible and readable.
2.4 Use a storyboard to design interactive media elements.
2.5 Organize an interactive media design document.

Understanding the Adobe Flash interface

3.1 Identify elements of the Flash interface.
3.2 Use the Property inspector.
3.3 Use the Timeline.
3.4 Adjust document properties.
3.5 Use Flash guides and rulers.
3.6 Use the Motion Editor.

2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) exam 21

3.7 Understand Flash file types.
3.8 Identify best practices for managing the file size of a published Flash or HTML document.
Building Interactive Media Elements by Using Flash Professional
4.1 Make interactive media content development decisions based on your analysis and interpretation of
design specifications.
4.2 Use tools on the Tools panel to select, create, and manipulate graphics and text.
4.3 Import and modify graphics.
4.4 Create text.
4.5 Adjust text properties.
4.6 Create objects and convert them to symbols, including graphics, movie clips, and buttons.
4.7 Understand symbols and the library.
4.8 Edit symbols and instances.
4.9 Create masks.
4.10 Create animations (changes in shape, position, size, color, and transparency).
4.11 Add simple controls through ActionScript 3.0.
4.12 Import and use sound.
4.13 Add and export video.
4.14 Publish and export Flash documents.
4.15 Make a Flash document accessible.
Evaluating Interactive Media Elements by Using Flash Professional
5.1 Conduct basic technical tests.
5.2 Identify techniques for basic usability tests.

22 Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) exam 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated

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