Cowan BBS 2001
Cowan BBS 2001
Cowan BBS 2001
Abstract: Miller (1956) summarized evidence that people can remember about seven chunks in short-term memory (STM) tasks. How-
ever, that number was meant more as a rough estimate and a rhetorical device than as a real capacity limit. Others have since suggested
that there is a more precise capacity limit, but that it is only three to five chunks. The present target article brings together a wide vari-
ety of data on capacity limits suggesting that the smaller capacity limit is real. Capacity limits will be useful in analyses of information
processing only if the boundary conditions for observing them can be carefully described. Four basic conditions in which chunks can be
identified and capacity limits can accordingly be observed are: (1) when information overload limits chunks to individual stimulus items,
(2) when other steps are taken specifically to block the recoding of stimulus items into larger chunks, (3) in performance discontinuities
caused by the capacity limit, and (4) in various indirect effects of the capacity limit. Under these conditions, rehearsal and long-term
memory cannot be used to combine stimulus items into chunks of an unknown size; nor can storage mechanisms that are not capacity-
limited, such as sensory memory, allow the capacity-limited storage mechanism to be refilled during recall. A single, central capacity limit
averaging about four chunks is implicated along with other, noncapacity-limited sources. The pure STM capacity limit expressed in
chunks is distinguished from compound STM limits obtained when the number of separately held chunks is unclear. Reasons why pure
capacity estimates fall within a narrow range are discussed and a capacity limit for the focus of attention is proposed.
Keywords: attention; enumeration; information chunks; memory capacity; processing capacity; processing channels; serial recall; short-
term memory; storage capacity; verbal recall; working memory capacity
1. Introduction to the problem of mental Hulme 1995). One possible resolution is that the focus of
storage capacity attention is capacity-limited, whereas various supplemen-
tary storage mechanisms, which can persist temporarily
One of the central contributions of cognitive psychology has
without attention, are time-limited rather than capacity-
been to explore limitations in the human capacity to store
limited (Cowan 1988; 1995). Other investigators, however,
and process information. Although the distinction between
have long questioned whether temporary storage concepts
a limited-capacity primary memory and an unlimited-
are necessary at all, and have suggested that the rules of
capacity secondary memory was described by James (1890),
learning and memory could be identical in both the short
Millers (1956) theoretical review of a magical number
and long term (Crowder 1993; McGeoch 1932; Melton
seven, plus or minus two is probably the most seminal pa-
1963; Nairne 1992; Neath 1998).
per in the literature for investigations of limits in short-term
At present, the basis for believing that there is a time
memory (STM) storage capacity. It was, in fact, heralded as
one of the most influential Psychological Review papers
ever, in a 1994 centennial issue of the journal. Millers ref- Nelson Cowan (Ph.D. 1980, University of Wiscon-
erence to a magical number, however, was probably a sinMadison) is Professor in the Department of Psy-
rhetorical device. A more central focus of his article was the chological Sciences at the University of Missouri
ability to increase the effective storage capacity through the Columbia. He has written one book (Cowan, N. 1995.
use of intelligent grouping or chunking of items. He ulti- Attention and memory: An integrated framework. Ox-
mately suggested that the specific limit of seven probably ford University Press) and edited another (1997. The
emerged as a coincidence. development of memory in childhood. Psychology Press),
Over 40 years later, we are still uncertain as to the nature and has 100 other publications on working memory, and
its relation to attention. He is former Associate Editor
of storage capacity limits. According to some current theo- of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
ries there is no limit in storage capacity per se, but a limit Memory, and Cognition (19951999) and current As-
in the duration for which an item can remain active in STM sociate Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Experimental
without rehearsal (e.g., Baddeley 1986; Richman et al. Psychology (section A). He won the 1998 University of
1995). This has led to a debate about whether the limitation Missouri Chancellors Award for Research and Creative
is a magic number or magic spell (Schweickert & Boruff Activities.
1986) or whether rehearsal really plays a role (Brown &
that the number of chunks can be estimated only when verbal recall, as groups of items recited together quickly,
inter-chunk associations are of no use in retrieval in the helpful because recall timing provides one good indication
assigned task. To use a well-worn example inspired by of chunking (see also Anderson & Matessa 1997). McLean
Miller (1956), suppose one tries to recall the series of let- and Gregg (p. 456) described three ways in which chunks
ters, fbicbsibmirs. Letter triads within this sequence can be formed: (a) Some stimuli may already form a unit
(FBI, CBS, IBM, and IRS) are well-known acronyms, and with which S is familiar. (b) External punctuation of the stim-
someone who notices that can use the information to assist uli may serve to create groupings of the individual elements.
recall. For someone who does notice, there are pre-existing (c) The S may monitor his own performance and impose
associations between letters in a triad that can be used to structure by selective attention, rehearsal, or other means.
assist recall of the 12-letter sequence. If we further assume The practical means to identify chunks directly is an im-
that there are no pre-existing associations between the portant issue, but one that is more relevant to future em-
acronyms, then the four of them have to occupy limited- pirical work than it is to the present theoretical review of al-
capacity storage separately to assist in recall. If that is the ready-conducted work, inasmuch as few researchers have
case, and if no other optional mnemonic strategies are in- attempted to measure chunks directly. Direct measures of
volved, then successful recall of the 12-item sequence indi- chunks can include empirical findings of item-to-item as-
cates that the pure capacity limit for the trial was at least sociations that vary widely between adjacent items in a list,
four chunks. (In practice, within the above example there being high within a chunk and low between chunks; item-
are likely to be associations between the acronyms. For ex- to-item response times that vary widely, being relatively
ample, FBI and IRS represent two U.S. government agen- short within a chunk and long between chunks; and sub-
cies, and CBS and IBM represent two large U.S. corpora- jective reports of grouping. For studies in which the main
tions. Such associations could assist recall. For the most dependent measure is not overt recall, measures of chunk-
accurate pure capacity-based limit, materials would have to ing for a trial must follow the trial immediately if it cannot
be selected so as to eliminate such special associations be- be derived from the main dependent measure itself. Schnei-
tween chunks.) Notice that the argument is not that long- der and Detweiler (1987, pp. 105106) provide an excel-
term memory fails to be involved in capacity-based esti- lent further discussion of how chunks can be identified
mates. Long-term memory is inevitably involved in through convergent measures.
memory tasks. The argument is that the purest capacity es- For most of the research that will be summarized in sec-
timates occur when long-term memory associations are as tion 3 below, however, the researchers provided no direct
strong as possible within identified chunks and absent be- evidence of chunking or its absence. The present assump-
tween those identified chunks. tion for these studies is that chunk size can be reasonably
If someone is given new material for immediate recall and inferred from the presence of the task demands described
can look at the material long enough before responding, new above in section 1.2, which should prevent inter-item
associations between the original chunks can be formed, re- chunking. The present thesis is that the great similarity of
sulting in larger chunks or, at least, conglomerates with empirically-based chunk limits derived using these guide-
nonzero associations between chunks. McLean and Gregg lines, reviewed in section 3, supports their validity because
(1967, p. 455) provided a helpful description of chunks in the guidelines yield a parsimonious, relatively uniform de-
Figure 2. The number of items recalled in attended and unattended lists of digits. The flat pattern of recall of unattended digits as a
function of list length is taken as evidence of a capacity limit analogous to what Sperling (1960) reported. After Cowan et al. (1999).
within individuals. The mean within-subject correlation (1997), on visual storage capacity, resulted from individ-
was 2.08 (SD 5 .25), showing that the slight tendency was ual subject estimates of storage capacity ranging from 2.2
for a subjects trials that produced better memory to be ac- to 4.7, and a graduate student who spent months on the
companied by shorter mean reaction times on the preced- capacity-estimation tasks developed a capacity of about six
ing visual task. Thus, the memory capacity of up to six items items (Steven Luck, personal communication, January 18,
in certain individuals as measured in this technique and the 1999). These estimates are quite similar to the ones shown
individual differences in capacity seem real, not owing to in Figure 3 despite the great differences in procedures.
attention-assisted encoding. Figure 3 shows that individu- Similar estimates can be obtained from the study of Hen-
als standard errors (rectangles) were relatively small, and derson (1972), in which each consonant array was followed
that even the standard deviations (bars) of the best versus by a mask. For example, with a 400-msec field exposure du-
the worst rememberers did not overlap much. ration (long enough to access sensory memory once, but
The study of Cowan et al. (1999) is not the only one yield- probably not long enough for repeated access) and no sup-
ing individual difference information. For example, the plementary load, the six subjects mean number correct
data set reported as the first experiment of Luck and Vogel ranged from 3.0 to 5.1 items.
Figure 3. Number of items recalled in a memory for unattended speech task for each adult used in the procedure reported by Cowan
et al. (1999). Error bars depict trials within an individual.
Figure 4. Scatterplot of memory for unattended versus attended speech in each age group in the experiment of Cowan et al. (1999).
All of these results appear to require a modification of if it appeared in the correct serial position. Cowan et al. also
conclusions that could be drawn from the previous litera- examined results of a scoring procedure in which credit was
ture. In his ground-breaking review of memory span, given for any correct digit, regardless of the serial position.
Dempster (1981, p. 87) concluded that there is little or no Such results cannot be compared across list lengths because
evidence of either individual or developmental differences the probability of guessing correctly increases dramatically
in capacity. In the previous literature only processing with list length (given that each digit could occur only once
speeds were found related to span, but none of the previ- per list). Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that recall at all ages
ous developmental investigations examined memory with was more like a constant proportion correct across lists
strategic processing during reception of the list minimized lengths in this free scoring, not a constant number correct
so as to examine capacity. There do appear to be individual as in the serial position scoring. Adults and fourth-grade
and developmental differences in capacity. children were over 90% correct on lists of length 4 through
Figure 4 illustrates another intriguing point about Cowan 6, the lengths examined with this scoring procedure, and
et al. (1999). In this scatterplot of memory for unattended first-grade children were correct on 83, 80, and 83% of the
versus attended speech in individuals within each age lists at these three lengths. The item scoring raises the ques-
group, the equation line represents the case in which mem- tion of what it is that is held in a capacity-limited mech-
ory was equal in the two tasks. What the plot shows is that anism. It cannot simply be the items that are held, as the
memory was always better in the attended speech task, but free scoring does not show the limited-capacity pattern of
that the amount of improvement in the attended speech a constant number correct across list lengths. The digits
task relative to the unattended speech task was indepen- themselves may be stored in activated memory (e.g., audi-
dent of the level of performance on the unattended task. In tory sensory or phonological memory) and drawn from it
the attended condition the means (and SDs) were: for 35 into the focus of attention as needed. Instead, it might be
adults, 5.43 (0.78); for 26 fourth graders, 4.31 (0.88); and the mapping between the digits in memory and the serial
for 24 first graders, 3.48 (0.69). In the ignored speech con- positions in the list that would have to be held in capacity-
dition the comparable means were: for the adults, 3.51 limited storage.
(0.94); for the fourth graders, 2.99 (0.86); and for the first
graders, 2.34 (0.69). Notice that, among all groups, the ra-
3.2. Capacity limits estimated by blocking long-term
tio of mean attended to unattended numbers correct fell
memory recoding, passive storage, and rehearsal
within a narrow range, between 1.4 and 1.6. This pattern
suggests that attention at the time of reception of the list Verbal materials can be used under conditions that dis-
may add a process that is independent of the processes in- courage recoding and rehearsal, or materials that are in-
volved in memory for unattended speech. That process pre- trinsically difficult to recode, store, and rehearse can be
sumably is independent of the pure capacity limit and could used. These methods force subjects to rely primarily on
reflect the use of attention to form larger chunks. capacity-limited storage of chunks that were learned out of
It should be noted that the main scoring procedure used the laboratory or, at least, before the experimental trial in
by Cowan et al. (1999) credited correct recall of a digit only question.
3.2.1. Short-term, serial verbal retention with articulatory printed words, but not for spoken words (Baddeley et al.
suppression. The contribution of long-term memory can 1984). Finally, conditions with highly unusual stimulus pa-
be minimized by drawing the stimuli from the same, small rameters were eliminated. Unusually slow stimulus presen-
set on every trial and requiring the correct recall of serial tations (. 4 sec per word) were excluded because it might
order. Because the same items recur over and over, it is dif- be possible to insert rehearsals despite the articulatory sup-
ficult to retain long-term associations that help in the re- pression, as were unusually fast presentations (, 0.5 sec per
tention of serial order of the items on a particular trial. That word) because of encoding difficulty; and grouped presen-
is, in fact, the nature of the stimuli in most immediate, ser- tations were omitted because they encourage long-term re-
ial recall experiments that have been conducted. Further, coding of the list.
the contribution of rehearsal can be minimized by impos- Table 2 shows the results for all studies meeting these
ing articulatory suppression (Baddeley 1986; Murray 1968), constraints. I was able to find nine studies that included at
a secondary task in which the subject repeats, whispers, or least one experimental condition involving the immediate
mouths a rote utterance over and over during the presen- recall of spoken, monosyllabic words from a small set in the
tation of items (e.g., the, the, the . . . ) and sometimes presence of articulatory suppression. Among these studies
throughout recall itself if a nonspeech recall mode is used. I was able to derive 17 independent estimates of memory
Cowan et al. (1998) offered an account of what these vari- storage. There appears to be a striking degree of conver-
ables do when used together. They proposed that when new gence among the 17 estimates. All but one of the estimates
words are presented on every trial in a serial recall task, the fell within the range of three to five items, and most fell in
phonological portion of activated memory includes a the three- to four-item range. The only outlier was an esti-
phonological representation of the word sequence. How- mate of 2.4 items from Longoni et al. (1993). That low es-
ever, when the same words are used over and over on every timate is difficult to understand because the stimulus con-
trial, all of the representations of items from the memory ditions were almost identical to another experimental
set become active in memory, so that the memory items in condition in Longoni et al. that yielded an estimate of 3.4
the current list cannot necessarily be distinguished from items.
items used in previous trials. Rehearsal may allow a special The methods of estimation are described briefly in Table
representation of the to-be-recalled list to be constructed 2. The most commonly applicable method was to take the
in active memory even under these circumstances in which proportion correct at each serial position (or, when neces-
a small set of items is used over and over. Cowan et al. of- sary, an estimate of this proportion based on a figure) and
fered these assumptions to explain why articulatory sup- add the proportions across serial positions to arrive at the
pression has a much larger effect on performance for a number correct. In a probed recall experiment (e.g., Mur-
small set of words than for large sets of words that are not ray 1968) there is an initial list item for which the procedure
repeated from trial to trial. A small set of words used over produces no memory estimate; based on past research on
and over, along with articulatory suppression, may minimize primacy effects, the available proportion at this first serial
the contribution of articulatory and passive phonological position always was estimated at 0.8. For some studies, al-
storage factors in recall. It is only under these conditions, ternative assumptions led to alternative estimates of stor-
for example, that the word length effect, or advantage for age. For example, in the study of Peterson and Johnson
lists composed of short words, is eliminated (LaPointe & (1971), the dependent measure reported was the number
Engle 1990). Word length effects that remain even with ar- of lists recalled correctly, and to estimate items recalled one
ticulatory suppression when a large set of items is used can must make assumptions about the number of errors within
be explained on the grounds that phonological representa- the lists recalled incorrectly. Estimates of capacity are given
tions of these items are generated from long-term mem- in the table under a high assumption that at least four
ory (Besner 1987) and remain active despite articulatory items were recalled within each 5-item list, and under a
suppression. (An alternative interpretation of articulatory more moderate assumption that erroneous lists contained
suppression effects would state that suppression works by 1 or 2 errors (i.e., 4 or 3 correct items) equally often. It is
taking up processing capacity rather than by blocking re- the more moderate estimate that appears in the rightmost
hearsal. However, if that were true, suppression should im- column of the table. When the measure was memory span,
pair performance even when a large set of words is used. the estimate was taken as the span in conditions in which
Given that it does not, the alternative interpretation seems the articulatory suppression task can be presumed to have
wrong.) been most effective (e.g., in Cowan et al. 1987).
Before describing results of serial recall experiments Waugh and Norman (1965) impeded rehearsal in a dif-
with spoken stimuli and articulatory suppression, it is nec- ferent way, through instructions to the subjects not to re-
essary to restrict the admissible serial recall data in a few hearse. In their experiment, each list contained 16 spoken
other ways. Memory for multisyllabic words was excluded digits and the last digit was accompanied by a tone. It was
because these often might be retained as separate segments to serve as a probe, the same digit having occurred once be-
rather than integrated units (e.g., fire-man if morphemic fore somewhere in the list. The subject was to respond with
segments are used; um-brel-la if syllabic segments are the digit that had followed the probe digit when it was pre-
used). Memory for nonwords also was excluded because sented earlier, in the list. Results with an ordinary, 1-per-sec
one might retain them in terms of separate phonemic or syl- presentation rate (e.g., Waugh & Norman 1965, p. 91)
labic series even if they are monosyllabic. Only spoken showed that performance levels were much higher with 3
words were included because articulatory suppression or fewer items intervening between the target pair and the
seems to interfere with the retrieval of the phonological response (. .8) than it was with 4 or more intervening items
representation of printed words, but not of spoken words. (, .6). The transition between 3 and 4 intervening items
For example, articulatory suppression during the presenta- was abrupt. Note that with 3 intervening items in this task,
tion of a list eliminates phonological similarity effects for successful performance would require that the subjects
Murray (1968) Figure 1, p. 682. Cued recall; auditory Add the proportions correct across probed serial
presentation with suppression. 6 letters. positions and assume recall of the first, unprobed 3.1
item in the list 5 .8. Thus, as List Length 6: .4 1
.2 1.4 1 .5 1 .8 5 2.3; 1 1 5 3.3.
same 7 letters same 3.2
same 8 letters same 3.0
same 9 letters same 3.1
Peterson & Johnson Table 2, p. 349 (5 letters, serial recall; 5 items, 45% of lists correct. High assumption
(1971) count during presentation, low- is that on the other 55% of trials, subjects get
similarity condition) Data 5 proportion 4 correct, for a mean of 5(.45) 1 4(.55) 5 4.45. 4.2
of lists recalled correctly. A more moderate assumption is 5(.45) 1 4(.28)
1 3(.27) 5 4.18.
Levy (1971) Table 1, p. 126. Neutral articulation 7 ser. posit. 3 .39 items/s.p. 5 2.73 items correct.
condition cued recall, simultaneous Add 0.8 items for the first, unprobed position 3.5
auditory presentation. 7 serial positions. 5 3.53 items.
same Table 2, p. 130. 9 serial positions 9 ser. posit. 3 .34 5 3.06, add 0.8 for first, 3.9
unprobed position 5 3.86 items.
Baddeley et al. (1975b) Figure 6, p. 585. Serial recall, mono- 5 serial positions 3 .7 items/s.p. correct 5 3.5 3.5
syllabic words, auditory presentation items.
with suppression.
Baddeley et al. (1984) Table 1, p. 236. Serial recall, mono- 5 serial positions 3 .64 items/s.p. correct 5 3.2 3.2
syllabic words, dissimilar items with items in each case.
suppression. Fast presentation
same Slower presentation Same 3.2
Cowan et al. (1987) Table 1, p. 514. Monosyllabic words, Span 5 estimate. (Omitted conditions in which
serial recall, span procedure, dis- articulatory suppression task was presumably
similar items with articulatory ineffective; whisper same letter once after each 4.0
suppression. Artic. Task: Whisper item, span 5 4.81; whisper same letter continu-
alphabet ously throughout study, span 5 4.86.)
same Task: Whisper next letter on each same 4.0
Longoni et al. (1993) Table 3, p. 17. Serial recall, distinct 6 serial positions 3 .57 correct 5 3.42 (Additional
items, suppression task = Whisper data from a very slow presentation rate of 5 sec
the. Presentation rate of 0.5 sec per item condition were omitted because rehearsal 3.4
per item. was possible; for that cond., 6 serial positions 3 .78
correct 5 4.68.)
same Table 4, p. 19. Whisper hiya 6 serial positions 3 .40 correct 5 2.40. It is not clear
during presentation and recall why such discrepant results obtained in these two 2.4
Avons et al. (1994) Table 1, p. 215. Short words, 5 serial positions 3 .69 items/s.p. correct = 3.45 3.5
immediate recall (all had suppression). items.
Serial recall condition
same Probed recall condition. (Probed by the 5 serial positions 3 .72 items/s.p. 3.6
serial position of the item.) correct 5 3.60.
Hitch et al. (1996) Figure 4, p. 125. Auditory presentation Dependent measure 5 items correct 5 about
of items, suppression, recall in correct 4.0. (Omitted results for grouped lists, about 4.0
serial positions. 6.0).
memory extend back far enough to remember 4 items: the that was the most vivid for more recent items and faded
target pair and two intervening items. (The last intervening gradually across items.)
item was the probe, which did not have to be remembered.) Another way to limit rehearsal is to use a running mem-
Thus, this task leads to an estimate of four items in capacity- ory span procedure, in which a long list of items is pre-
limited short-term storage. (Performance levels with a very sented and the subject is unaware of the point at which the
fast, 4-per-sec presentation decreased rather more contin- test is to begin. Pollack et al. (1959) devised such a proce-
uously as a function of the number of intervening items, dure. In their Experiment 1, lists of 25, 30, 35, and 40 dig-
which possibly could reflect the heavier contribution of a its were presented. When the list ended, the task was to
time-limited source of activation, such as sensory memory, write down as many of the most recent items as possible,
span tasks under certain conditions. However, performance fails and LTM (one consequence of Cowans theory) is reduced, al-
to reach this level in other studies, such as recall of familiar visual though the strategies and processes useful for memory may in-
stimuli (Zhang & Simon 1985), multi-object tracking (Yantis deed change as a function of elapsed time, and the labels may be
1992), free recall of the most recently rehearsed items (Tan & convenient and pragmatically useful.
Ward, in press), and, as Cowan acknowledges, in repetition prim-
ing (McKone 1995).
Our main objection is more fundamental and takes the follow-
ing form: (a) these data indicate memory for events rather than A biocognitive approach to the conscious
items, (b) the notion of a fixed capacity limit, restricted to three or
four memory elements is misleading, and (c) that these consider-
core of immediate memory
ations, taken together, question the qualitative distinction be- Bernard J. Baars
tween STM and LTM that Cowan advocates.
The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA 94704
Memory for events, not items (or chunks). Cowan propose that
the capacity of STM is not 7 chunks, as proposed by Miller (1956),
but about 4 chunks. The earlier estimate was inflated because it
was based on rehearsal-dependent immediate serial recall, and Abstract: The limited capacity of immediate memory rides on the even
more limited capacity of consciousness, which reflects the dynamic activ-
also because the span measure estimated the 50% probability of ity of the thalamocortical core of the brain. Recent views of the conscious
recall. In fact, many STM tasks require recall not only of recent narrow-capacity component of the brain are explored with reference to
items, but also of their temporal or spatial context. This is true for global workspace theory (Baars 1988; 1993; 1998). The radical limits of im-
studies of whole report, serial recall, and serial-order reconstruc- mediate memory must be explained in terms of biocognitive brain archi-
tion (sects. 3.1 and 3.2 of the target article), and applies also to the tecture.
Steinberg paradigm (sect. 3.3.4). The apparent limit of four items
could arise in two ways. It may be the case that only four items I am pleased that Cowan finds my global workspace theory useful
may be represented in immediate memory (i.e., within the focus in understanding the limited item capacity of immediate memory
of attention), or that contextual information can only be preserved (Baars 1988; 1997; Baars & Newman, in press). Without propos-
for about four items. Since order and position errors are common ing a specific solution to the complex arguments adduced in this
in span tasks, and memory span is more closely related to order paper, I would like to suggest a somewhat different way of think-
memory than item memory (e.g., Martin 1978), it is likely that the ing about the problem, based on an emerging understanding of
demands of the contextual component, rather than the number of the brain basis of consciousness (e.g., Baars 1993; 1998; Crick
activated items, set a limitation on capacity. 1984; Damasio 1989; Destexhe et al. 1999; Engel et al. 1999; Hob-
Against magical numbers. It has long been known that in dot son 1997; Newman et al. 1997; Steriade 1993; Tononi & Edelman
enumeration studies, RT increases linearly as the display size 1998). The magic number 7 plus or minus 2, which Cowan per-
increases above 4 items, suggesting that some serial counting suasively maintains is really about half that size, has become so fa-
process is taking place. One account of the processing disconti- miliar to scientists that we rarely pause to think how extraordinar-
nuity is that the error in number estimation increases systemati- ily small it is, given a brain with hundreds of billions of neurons,
cally with array size (Vos 1982). Hence, there is following Webers each firing at 10 Hz or faster, and each densely connected to all
Law (Van Oeffelen & Vos 1982). Hence, there is no discontinuity the others in only a few steps.
in number estimation between small values within the subitizing Limited capacity, which is always associated with consciousness,
range, and larger values. Rather, when estimating small numbers presents a great paradox: How could it make sense for it to be so
of discrete items, the estimation error is sufficiently small to allow small? Humans and animals must often run into danger because
a response of the nearest corresponding integer. With larger num- of their tiny capacity for immediately retrievable information. It is
bers, the error range may encompass several integers, and thus to simply implausible to think that a larger memory capacity could
maintain accurate performance at larger array sizes requires re- not evolve over hundreds of millions of years of brain evolution.
cruitment of a new algorithm, counting. To treat error-prone per- When a giraffe bends down to drink at a water hole, it cannot at
formance as an indication that certain items have not been the same time keep track of its young, pay attention to possible
processed results in the imposition of an artefactual capacity limit. predators, check for competing giraffes in the herds dominance
This concern haunts all models which propose a fixed integer hierarchy, and see if some sexual competitor is making eyes at its
number of slots, pointers or entities which govern STM capacity mate. If we add the need to make choices among action alterna-
(e.g., Conrad 1965; Trick & Pylyshyn 1994). Capacity is clearly tives, which also loads limited capacity, real-life situations like this
limited, because increasing the information load degrades perfor- must be informationally overwhelming at times. Being so easily
mance. But this does not imply dedicated mechanisms in 1:1 cor- overwhelmed with information must reduce our ability to respond
respondence with small arrays. rapidly and effectively to predators and other dangers. Like sleep,
Continuity of STM and LTM. This argument can be extended, which also exposes animals to danger, limited capacity is a biolog-
given the case made above, that the limitation of span-type stud- ical puzzle, because it appears to increase the risk to survival and
ies arises from temporal and spatial ordering of items. The preci- reproductive fitness.
sion with which discrete values can be classified on any dimension Indeed, the capacity for unrelated items in focal consciousness
is limited, as was demonstrated by many of the early psychologi- is even smaller than the size of immediate memory. I have sug-
cal applications of information theory. gested that conscious capacity is limited to only one single inter-
With small numbers of categories, classification is precise, but nally consistent event at any given instant one coherent chunk
as the categories increase in number, errors will occur. There is no at a time (Baars 1988; 1998). The evidence comes from numerous
reason here to consider that there is an abrupt discontinuity, and studies of ambiguous figures and words, in which only one in-
that beyond some limit, events are discarded from STM. An al- terpretation can be conscious at any instant. This is bolstered by
ternative conception proposes that over small ranges, ordering is evidence from dual-input tasks such as dichotic listening and
precise and retrieval rapid, whereas, with longer lists temporal binocular rivalry, and more recent experimental paradigms like
precision breaks down, and alternative encoding and retrieval pro- inattentional blindness (see Baars & Newman, in press). Other
cesses are employed. If the requirement for temporal precision is factors like visual scene complexity, which involves scenes that are
relaxed, for example, as in the studies of Jahnke et al. (1989), then hard to organize into coherent conscious units, also degrade our
performance improves. This could not occur if items were dis- ability to detect and respond to events.
carded from lists exceeding some arbitrary limit. If this position is It should be noted that very few items in short term memory
accepted, then the need to define a rigid partition between STM are conscious at any moment. Immediate memory has both con-
one time as span of attention). Section 4.4 sketches an extension closely onto Cowans capacity-limited attentional system. In the
to absolute judgment which would complete a unitary account. original model, as in Cowans, the system was assumed to have
Span theory accounts for all three limits via a mathematical both attentional and storage capacity. This issue will be discussed
proposition, an empirical generalization from data such as shown below. An important difference however, is that Cowans model
in Figure 1: In any task the probability of a correct response is an concerns short-term memory (STM), and as such is concerned
inverse ogival function of span load. Span load is the number of with explaining how people remember small amounts of material
stimuli jointly relevant for the target response. Span ability, oper- over brief time intervals, while the working memory model tries
ationalized as the 500 threshold of the Performance X Span Load to emphasise the functional role of a complex memory system
ogive, is the ability to cope with span load. This definition closely across a wide range of cognitive tasks.
parallels Millers definition of channel capacity as the upper limit It is probably this narrower focus that has caused Cowan to con-
on the extent to which the observer can match his responses to the centrate in his contrasts between the two systems on one compo-
stimuli we give him (p. 82). nent of working memory, the phonological loop. The loop does in-
Span theory analyses may help Cowan avoid a cul-de-sac in an deed, as Cowan emphasizes, have a time-limited component, the
extension of his theory to uni- and multidimensional absolute phonological store. Cowan does, however, appear to ignore the
judgment. First, Figure 1 shows that at Cowans 100% criterion overall attentional control system, the CE, the component that re-
the magical number in absolute judgment is 4, not 7. Second, the sembles his limited capacity model most closely.
principle that increasing the number of dimensions overcomes the Cowan himself assumes a range of other systems, which need
magical number may be an artifact of the information metric. to incorporate trace decay or interference, but dismisses those of
Miller relied largely on a study by Pollack and Ficks (1954). Bach- our own model as dubious on the grounds that one can always
elder (1978, Part 2) translated their data from information terms find examples that dont fit in giving as an instance spatial infor-
back to probability of a correct response, then modeled their task mation conveyed through acoustic stimulation. Given that the
as a combination of serial recall and unidimensional absolute judg- core studies on which the concept of a visuo-spatial sketchpad
ment. Subjects judged the values in each of multiple dimensions were based involved the auditory presentation of visuo-spatially
then retained and reported the values as in serial recall. Mathe- codeable material (Baddeley et al. 1975), this is somewhat sur-
matical models, presuming unitary magical number limitations prising. It presumably stems from his confounding the sketchpad,
typical for college students, generate the published data accu- an integrative system which explicitly combines visual and spatial
rately (mean error 5 2.7%). information from a range of modalities, with modality-specific
Span ability is a g-like trait construct. Figure 1 presents just one sensory memory. Cowans claim that the components of our model
of a family of parallel curves starting at the left for the develop- are situation-specific and therefore arbitrary is also puzzling,
mentally young (retarded and nonretarded). Memory span and given the extensive use of converging operations to define the
span of absolute judgment have been found to correlate .78 (60 working memory model, and its very wide application outside the
adults: college students, average, and retarded [IQ 5 47.8]; sum- memory laboratory (Baddeley & Logie 1999; Gathercole & Bad-
marized in Bachelder & Denny 1977a, pp. 13942). All three deley 1993).
magical numbers of mildly retarded adults are smaller (5 6 2) than Cowans claim that apart from his attentional control system no
those of college students (Spitz 1973). other mental faculties are capacity limited is also puzzling. Can
Cowans concepts map to some extent onto span theory. A ca- he really mean that every other cognitive system has infinite ca-
pacity-limited focus of attention is not that different from the no- pacity? Surely not. Perhaps he means that they are limited by fac-
tion of span ability, which can be characterized as the ability to at- tors other than attentional capacity. However, if one takes this
tend to several stimuli simultaneously. Chunks usually correspond claim with a pinch of salt, and identifies Cowans limited capacity
to responses. Recoding corresponds to changes in response reper- system with the central executive, then his model resembles the
toire. 1974 working memory model, with under-specified slave systems.
Span theory tightly integrates psychometric concepts and meth- As Miyake and Shah (1999) suggest, most current models of work-
ods into S-R style analyses of cognitive tasks. A true competition ing memory, whether explicit, or like Cowans, implicit, have a
of cognitive and behavioral approaches in the analysis of the same great deal in common. There are however, differences between
tasks promises to enrich both traditions. my own current model, and that implied by Cowan, including:
1. Cowan, in common with a number of other theorists, regards
short-term memory as simply the currently activated areas of long-
term memory. While this proposal has the advantage of simplicity,
it is inconsistent with neuropsychological data. Deficits in long-
The magic number and the episodic buffer term memory are found which have no apparent impact on im-
mediate memory, or on working memory more generally (Wilson
Alan Baddeley & Baddeley 1988), while both patient data and neuroradiological
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol, Bristol evidence indicator-specific short-term storage capacities (Basso et
BS8 1TN, United Kingdom. al. 1982; Smith & Jonides 1995). 2. Conceptualization of Cowans limited capacity system differs
somewhat from our view of the CE, although both are relatively
Abstract: Cowans revisiting of the magic number is very timely and the loosely specified. Cowan appears to regard his attentional system
case he makes for a more moderate number than seven is persuasive. It is as unitary, involved in most aspects of memory, and anatomically
also appropriate to frame his case within a theoretical context, since this
will influence what evidence to include and how to interpret it. He pre-
as depending principally on the parietal region. I regard the CE
sents his model however, as a contrast to the working memory model of as a fractionable system that is less involved in retrieval than in en-
Baddeley (1986). I suggest that this reflects a misinterpretation of our coding (Baddeley 1996; 1999; Baddeley et al. 1985; Craik et al.
model resulting in a danger of focusing attention on pseudo-problems 1996). I also assume that it depends principally on the frontal
rather than genuine disparities between his approach and my own. lobes (Baddeley & Logie 1999).
3. Cowan seems to assume that his attentional system has stor-
In proposing their model of working memory, Baddeley and Hitch age capacity, otherwise, how are the sources of information inte-
split the earlier concept of the unitary short-term memory into a grated and maintained? While this assumption was made by our
tripartite system: a sound or language-based phonological loop, a 1974 model, it was later abandoned, with the CE regarded as a
visuo-spatial sketchpad, and an attentionally limited controlling control system using storage from elsewhere in WM or LTM (Bad-
system, the central executive (Baddeley 1986; Baddeley & Hitch deley & Logie 1999). Very recently, I have become convinced of
1974). Within this model, the central executive (CE) maps most the value of postulating a fourth component of working memory,
There is no four-object limit on attention many previous studies of visual attention. In each trial, the six or
three objects were initially presented for 2.4 seconds to give sub-
Greg Davis jects ample time to focus their attention on the objects. Next, two
Department of Psychology, Birkbeck College, London WCIE 7HX, United notches were removed from the objects in the display. The
Kingdom. notches were either square or jagged and the position of one notch
in no way predicted the position of the second notch, with every
Abstract: The complex relationship between attention and STM forms a possible combination of notches and notch-positions being
core issue in the study of human cognition, and Cowans target article at- equiprobable. The task was simply to determine whether the two
tempts, quite successfully, to elucidate an important part of this relation- notches were of the same type (i.e., both jagged or both square)
ship. However, while I agree that aspects of STM performance may reflect or of different types (i.e., one jagged, one square), and to press the
the action mechanisms that we normally consider to subserve attention
I shall argue here that attention is not subject to a fixed four-object capacity
appropriate key on a computer keyboard as quickly as possible.
limit as Cowan suggests. Rather, performance in attention tasks as well as Performance was indistinguishable for the six- versus three-
STM may be best accounted for in terms of decay and interference. object displays, suggesting that no four-object limit had operated,
and that six objects can be attended as efficiently as three objects,
Many previous studies have concluded that observers can track or once other display variables are equated in the two cases. How-
enumerate up to four small items efficiently, but cannot do so for ever, one valid objection to this new study might be that observers
more than five objects, this restriction reflecting a four-object had not perceived the six-object displays to contain six separate
limit on our visual attention (e.g., Pylyshyn 1989; Trick & Pylyshyn objects. Rather they may have perceived each pair of objects in
1993). However, these studies have largely employed displays those displays to comprise a single object or Gestalt, and thus per-
such as those in Figures 1A and 1B, where several other display ceived only three objects in the six-objects displays. To preclude
variables co-vary with the number of relevant objects. For exam- this possibility, Davis et al. examined performance on some spe-
ple, the five objects in Figure 1B constitute a greater overall sur- cific trials within the three- and six-object displays. For six-object
face area than do three objects in Figure 1A, and presumably com- displays they compared RTs when the two features by chance ap-
prise a greater number of visual features overall. Accordingly, peared on a single small object (i.e., were horizontally-displaced
any costs for attending more versus fewer objects in such displays from each other) versus appearing on two separate neighboring
may not reflect the number of relevant objects per se, but might objects (vertically-separated within a single pair of objects as in
alternatively result from the greater amount of relevant percep- Fig. 1D). For three-object trials they conducted an identical com-
tual information comprised by larger numbers of objects. parison of horizontally- versus vertically-displaced feature-pairs,
In order to remove this ambiguity in their own study, Davis et except that the features now always appeared upon a single large
al. (submitted) have compared attention to displays of three large object.
objects (Fig. 1C) versus six small objects (Fig. 1D), in which only Many previous studies have demonstrated that comparison of
the number of objects varied. Note that although the two display features within pairs of objects is more efficient when they appear
types comprise different numbers of objects, they are otherwise on the same object than on two separate objects (e.g., Davis 2000;
very much alike, so that the six objects comprise approximately the Duncan 1984; Lavie & Driver 1996; Watson & Kramer 1999).
same surface area and number of features as do the three ob- Thus if the six-object displays had indeed been perceived to com-
jects. If there is indeed a fixed four-object limit on attention, then prise six objects, and the three-object displays, three objects, the
attending the six-object displays should entail performance costs following patterns of performance should be expected. First, hor-
relative to attending the three-object displays. Conversely, if ap- izontally separated features (on the same small object) in the six-
parent four-object limits in previous studies reflected the overall object displays should be responded to faster than vertically-
surface area and number of features that co-varied with the num- separated features in those displays (lying on different, neighbor-
ber of objects there, the two displays should now yield equivalent ing objects). Second, if these differences reflected whether the
performance. two features were on same versus different objects, rather than
To measure how efficiently the two displays could be attended, simply resulting from other differences between vertically and
Davis et al. employed a divided-attention task similar to those in horizontally-separated features, this pattern of results should not
hold in the single large objects of the three-object displays. Pre-
cisely this predicted pattern of results was found, validating Davis
and colleagues comparison of six versus three objects.
Accordingly, Davis et al. suggested that no four-object limit
holds for visual attention. Indeed, attention may not be limited to
any magica1 number of objects, but rather may reflect the same
properties of decay and interference that Cowan ascribes to STM.
Recent evidence points to the existence of two distinct binding
mechanisms in vision: within-object links that bind together fea-
tures from the same perceptual objects and between-object links
that bind features from separate objects. These two types of link
appear to be coded in anatomically separate visual streams, so
that there may be substantial mutual interference between links
of the same type, but very little interference between the two
types of link (see Humphreys 1998). Davis et al. suggested that
this possible mutual interference between links might explain
both the equivalent performance found for their six- versus three-
object displays, and a range of other findings previously ascribed
to a four-object limit. First, since their six- versus three-object dis-
plays comprised approximately equal numbers of features, pre-
sumably bound by the same number of links, interference should
have been approximately the same in the two cases, correctly pre-
dicting the equivalent performance found. However, in more con-
ventional displays, such as those in Figures 1A and 1B, where the
number of features increases with the number of objects, mutual
Figure 1 (Davis). interference between links should increase, decreasing the effi-
alizability of fixed limits of capacity measured by independent limitation may result from a general property of information
chunks. And our point is not restricted to experts. Expert perfor- processing systems related to the computational requirements
mance results from years of gradual skill acquisition (Ericsson needed to achieve distinguishable mental representations of ob-
1996). Similar types of LTWM mechanisms, albeit in less refined jects (computational view). According to this view, whereas each
form, mediate the extended development of many types of skills. hemisphere may independently have a memory capacity of four,
Ericsson and Kintsch (1995) showed that the same type of LTWM the combined memory capacity across the two hemispheres would
mechanisms mediate reading and other everyday activities medi- still be four (at least in normal, neurologically intact young adults).
ated by comprehension. When individuals perform tasks involv- These three views of working memory (which are neither mu-
ing comprehension, they encode relevant, associatively related in- tually exclusive nor exhaustive) lead to different predictions about
formation to guide their performance. Associative encoding and what would happen if a working memory task involved presenting
integration of encountered information is an essential part of this the information exclusively to one or the other hemifield (and
process. If most cognitive activities in ecologically valid situations therefore to one hemisphere) or distributing it across both hemi-
do not involve storage of independent chunks, it is unlikely that fields (thus dividing the information between the hemispheres).
pure STM capacity limits based on independent chunks will be Specifically, the distributed view would predict an increase in ca-
relevant predictors of performance. pacity when information is distributed across the two hemifields,
whereas the unitary and computational views would not. In addi-
tion, large differences in capacity between left and right visual
field presentations would be more consistent with the unitary than
with the computational view.
Working memory capacity and the For this logic to be applicable it is important to be able to ma-
hemispheric organization of the brain nipulate the hemisphere in which the information is activated
and/or maintained. Various approaches to this problem can be
Gabriele Gratton,a Monica Fabiani,a considered, including the type of material to be maintained (e.g.,
and Paul M. Corballisb verbal vs. spatial) and the location in space where the stimulus is
Department of Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO presented (e.g., left vs. right visual fielddivided field paradigm).
65203; bCenter for Cognitive Neurosciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, In a series of recent studies (Fabiani, in press; Gratton et al. 1998)
NH 03755. {grattong; fabianim} we have obtained evidence for the hemispheric organization of vi- sual memory. The basic paradigm used in this work involved: (1){~psygg; ~psymf}
the presentation of information to one visual hemifield at study
(and therefore, at least initially, to one hemisphere of the brain);
Abstract: Different hypotheses about the mechanisms underlying work- and (2) the subsequent testing of memory for the item when it is
ing memory lead to different predictions about working memory capacity
when information is distributed across the two hemispheres. We present
presented at different locations within the same or the opposite
preliminary data suggesting that memory scanning time (a parameter of- hemifield. Typically, in these studies we observed a reduction in
ten associated with working memory capacity) varies depending on how performance when the stimulus was presented in a different
information is subdivided across hemispheres. The data are consistent hemifield during study and test, compared to conditions in which
with a distributed model of working memory. the stimulus was presented within the same hemifield during both
study and test. Further, if the stimulus was presented centrally
The Cowan target article emphasizes the limited capacity of work- (and therefore to both hemispheres) at test, the brain activity
ing memory, and presents a varied and significant body of evi- elicited during the test phase was systematically lateralized (i.e.,
dence indicating that working memory capacity is approximately larger on the left or on the right) depending on the hemifield
four items. Over the last two decades, researchers have become where the stimulus had been studied.
increasingly interested in understanding the relationship between These data suggest that the divided field paradigm can be used
cognitive function and the brain. A way to begin addressing the is-
sue of what type of brain mechanisms underlie the fundamental
limitation of working memory capacity emphasized by Cowan and
previous investigators (e.g., Miller 1956) is to consider the inter-
action between working memory capacity and the hemispheric
organization of the brain.
This interaction may take different forms. According to one idea
working memory is a single, unified resource, or module. This
suggests that working memory may be localized in one hemi-
sphere only (for instance, in the left hemisphere) rather than be-
ing distributed across the two hemispheres (unitary view). If this
were the case, distributing information to be held in working mem-
ory across the two hemispheres would not be advantageous, and
may in fact be deleterious in some cases. A variant of this view is
that a number of working memory systems each specialized for
different types of materials coexist, and each of them is localized
(absolutely or relatively) in one hemisphere (e.g., left hemisphere
for verbal material and right hemisphere for spatial material).
A different idea is that working memory can be envisioned as a
distributed system (distributed view). In this case, the circuit
supporting working memory function could be partly imple-
mented in one hemisphere and partly in the other, even for the Figure 1 (Gratton et al.). Average reaction times for correct pos-
same type of stimulus material. Hence, distributing information itive trials in the divided visual field memory-search paradigm, as
across the two hemispheres may facilitate its activation and/or a function of the distribution of memory set items across the left
maintenance, leading to an increase in working memory capacity. and right visual field (23: two items in one hemifield and three
Finally, as indicated by Cowan, the limitation of working mem- in the other; 14: one item in one hemifield and four in the other;
ory capacity may not be due to a specific limitation in the mecha- 05: zero items in one hemifield and five in the other). Error bars
nisms used to activate and/or maintain information. Rather, this indicate the standard error of the mean for each condition.
to the sequential structure of the pattern of events. (Michon Processing capacity limits are
1978, p. 89); or . . . the temporal extent of stimulations that can not explained by storage limits
be perceived at one given time, without the intervention of re-
hearsal during or after the stimulation (Fraisse 1978, p. 205). Graeme S. Halford,a Steven Phillips,b
These authors propose that the present has an average value of 2 and William H. Wilsonc
or 3 sec, with an upper limit of 5 (Fraisse 1978) or 7 or 8 sec (Mi- a
School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia;
cho 1978). The wide variability of estimates is at least as disap- b
Information Science Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba 305, Ja-
pointing as is that surrounding a maximum chunk number. Nev- pan; cDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New
ertheless, a 2-sec value is at least interesting in terms of recalling South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
the memory span estimate of Baddeley (1986).
Just as for the variability in estimating maximum chunks, vari-
ability in estimating the psychological present (in time units) de-
pends on boundary conditions adopted. One way to look at the
problem is to refer to the discrimination law of Weber (Grondin, Abstract: Cowans review shows that a short-term memory limit of four
items is consistent with a wide range of phenomena in the field. However,
in press). This law states that, for one given sensory continuum,
he does not explain that limit, whereas an existing theory does offer an ex-
difference threshold (D) should increase as a function of the planation for capacity limitations. Furthermore, processing capacity limits
magnitude of the stimulus (), with D/ being a constant, k, the cannot be reduced to storage limits as Cowan claims.
Weber fraction. It is well-known that for very small sensory mag-
nitudes, this fraction is large and gradually becomes smaller, and
then stabilizes. In his excellent review, Cowan concludes that short-term memory
At this point, it is worth taking a look at Webers law for time storage is limited to four items, noting that this corresponds to the
perception, more specifically concerning duration discrimination limit in processing capacity defined by Halford et al. (1998). Fur-
under a condition where the only processing required is to judge thermore, his conclusion that the limit is in the number of inte-
the duration of a sensory signal or the empty duration between two grated objects, independent of the complexity of each, agrees well
brief sensory signals. For duration discrimination, the Weber frac- with the observation of Halford et al. (1998) that humans are lim-
tion presents a degree of constancy, but at some point, with longer ited to relating four entities, irrespective of their complexity. How-
intervals, some discontinuity also occurs (as in boundary condition ever, these correspondences do not imply that processing limits
3 in Cowans target article): the fraction becomes higher (see for can be subsumed under storage limits, as Cowan claims.
instance, Fig. 1 in Fraisse 1978). This discontinuity occurs at some The fact that the size of the limit is four in both cases is not a
point between 1 and 2 sec, and can be interpreted as a point mark- strong argument for identification because, given that the limit is
ing the upper limit of the psychological present span, that is, as small, the same number could occur in both contexts by coinci-
temporal factor accounting for capacity limit. dence. Alternatively, storage and processing systems could be dis-
Another operational definition can also be adopted for describ- tinct but with equal capacities to facilitate transfer from one to the
ing a critical limit in temporal processing. One strategy for reduc- other. There are a number of reasons why processing cannot be
ing difference threshold when the time intervals to be discrimi- subsumed under storage. To take a straightforward example, there
nated are long is to adopt a counting strategy, that is, using chunks. clearly is a difference between simply holding the numbers 7 and
One way of defining the upper limit of psychological present is to 4 in short term store, and adding them to yield the sum, 11. In gen-
look at the point from which chunking becomes a useful strategy. eral storage, in the sense of internal representation, is a prerequi-
This point can be estimated by examining two functions relating site for processing, but cognitive processing cannot be reduced to
difference threshold and time, one when counting (chunking) is storage. Furthermore higher cognitive processes require repre-
permitted, and one where subjects refrain from counting. Such sentations that have properties beyond those required for storage,
functions intersect at about 1.18 sec (Grondin et al. 1999). When including omni-directional access and analogical mapping (Hal-
intervals are longer than that value, using chunks is a more valu- ford et al. 1998).
able option; and this critical point can be viewed as an upper limit Cowans position is that a concurrent short term memory load
of the psychological present span. With optimal chunking, this can be held in the activated portion of long term memory while
value may be lower, but this remains to be demonstrated. A for- other information is being processed in the focus of attention.
mal analysis of the consequences of fragmenting intervals into Lack of interference between processing and short-term storage
subintervals, thus, of adopting chunking strategies in estimating is explained because the focus of attention can be devoted to ei-
time, is presented in Killeen and Weiss (1987). ther storage or processing, but need not be devoted to both at
Concluding remarks. Cowan has made a commendable contri- once. However this still implies that storage and processing are
bution to current investigations of processing capacity by con- distinct, and also implies there would be no tradeoff between the
necting multiple evidence of the 4-chunk storage. Nevertheless, two. It is not fundamentally different from the position of Halford
although the amount of information expressed in stored chunks is et al. (1998).
dimensionless, it may suggest a type of representation of mental Cowan offers no explanation for the limit he observes in stor-
capacity that is advanced so as to rule out viewing potential tem- age capacity, whereas Halford et al. (1998) offer a natural expla-
poral interpretations for processing capacity. Both views talk about nation for processing capacity limits. In this model, conceptual
a limited span of apprehension of reality or an active state of complexity is defined by the arity, or number of arguments that
consciousness. Confusion may arise from calling it a memory. can be bound into a single relation. Human adults are typically
Using terminology such as short-term memory, in opposition to limited to processing one quaternary relation in parallel. Each
long-term memory, is certainly an oversimplification of physical component of the relation is represented by a vector, and the bind-
time (term), which is a continuous variable. Information is in a ing is represented by the tensor product of the vectors. Thus, the
state varying from 0 to 100% of processing availability. Attention binary relational instance larger (elephant, mouse) is represented
mechanisms, which probably respond to sensory-mode require- by vlarger 3 velephant 3 vmouse. The rank of the tensor product is
ments and particularities, activate pieces of information for mak- one more than the arity of the relation. The more complex rela-
ing it available, present. Four such pieces of information can po- tions are represented by tensor products of higher rank, the
tentially become available without impairing performance. greater complexity of which explains why more complex relations
are associated with higher processing load. However, the size of
the component vectors has much less effect on processing load, so
the fact that the limit is not related to the size of the entities is also
explained. Thus, in terms of our relational model, there is a limit
Dual oscillations as the physiological mated from the Sternberg slope, the upper limits of STM is about
basis for capacity limits 56 items. Future studies in which both theta and gamma are
measured simultaneously will allow a more precise estimate. Sev-
Ole Jensena and John E. Lismanb eral studies hint that this will be possible in the future. In a recent
aBrain Research Unit, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of EEG study, Tallon-Baudry et al. (1999) have reported ongoing
Technology, Helsinki 02015 HUT, Finland; bDepartment of Biology, Volen gamma activity during the retention period of a delayed-match-
Center for Complex Systems, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02254. ing-to-sample task. The frequency of the gamma activity ranged from 24 to 60 Hz which is too broad to be used for estimating the STM capacity. There have also been attempts to manipulate the frequency of the gamma rhythm. By delivering periodic auditory
stimuli in the gamma range (or half the gamma frequency), Burle
Abstract: A physiological model for short-term memory (STM) based on and Bonnet (2000) sought to entrain the gamma generators in hu-
dual theta (510 Hz) and gamma (20 60 Hz) oscillation was proposed by mans performing the Sternberg task. Consistent with the oscilla-
Lisman and Idiart (1995). In this model a memory is represented by
groups of neurons that fire in the same gamma cycle. According to this
tory memory model they were able to increase or decrease the
model, capacity is determined by the number of gamma cycles that occur Sternberg slope by supposedly driving the gamma generators to
within the slower theta cycle. We will discuss here the implications of re- higher or lower frequencies.
cent reports on theta oscillations recorded in humans performing the In conclusion, it is now possible to envision experiments which
Sternberg task. Assuming that the oscillatory memory models are correct, will rigorously test oscillatory models of STM. It may be possible
these findings can help determine STM capacity. to determine by direct measurement how many gamma cycles oc-
cur during a theta cycle while a subject is actually performing a
In reading the target article by Cowan it is evident that it is prob- STM task. If this number correlates with storage capacity, as mea-
lematic to determine the STM capacity from psychophysical ex- sured psychophysically, it would lend credence to oscillatory mod-
periments alone. The main problem is to design experiments in els and provide insight into the absolute magnitude of capacity, in-
which the influence of chunking and long-term memory are con- dependent of assumptions about chunking.
trolled. The framework of oscillatory memory models (Jensen &
Lisman 1996; 1998; Lisman & Idiart 1995) may allow the capac-
ity of STM to be tested more directly. In these models multiple
representations are assumed to be kept active by a multiplexing
network where the dynamics are controlled by nested theta (5 10
The magic number four: Can it explain
Hz) and gamma (20 80 Hz) oscillations. A memory is represented Sternbergs serial memory scan data?
by a group of neurons that fire in the same gamma cycle. The set
of memory representations is sequentially reactivated, one repre- Jerwen Jou
sentation per gamma cycle, in each theta cycle. Hence, the num- Department of Psychology and Anthropology, University of Texas-Pan
American, Edinburg, TX 78539-2999.
ber of gamma cycles per theta cycle determines the capacity of the
memory buffer.
The retrieval time from STM is measured by the Sternberg
Abstract: Cowans concept of a pure short-term memory (STM) capacity
method in which a set of S items is presented to a subject. After a limit is equivalent to that of memory subitizing. However, a robust phe-
few seconds retention the subject must press a button to indicate nomenon well known in the Sternberg paradigm, that is, the linear in-
whether a probe item matched one of the items on the list. The crease of RT as a function of memory set size is not consistent with this
models predict that the gamma period, Tgamma , determines the in- concept. Cowans STM capacity theory will remain incomplete until it can
crease in reaction per item (the Sternberg slope). account for this phenomenon.
In the initial model it was proposed that the Sternberg slope
equaled Tgamma (Lisman & Idiart 1995). In later work, which at- After almost half a century of being imbued in the doctrine of
tempted to account for the full distribution of the reaction time magic number 7, one is reminded by Cowans target article that
data, a correction term was introduced (Jensen & Lisman 1998). this number may not be as sure a thing as most people have be-
Since memory scanning cannot be initiated in the period of the lieved it to be. Cowans target article poses some serious chal-
theta cycle when the S items are activated a wait-time comes into lenges to a long established tenet about memory and provides the
play. The average wait-time is s! STgamma . Hence the corrected field with new ideas and the vigor necessary for the continued ad-
contribution to the retrieval time is s! STgamma 1 Tgamma S 5 vancement of our discipline. However, some well established facts
s# TgammaS resulting in the Sternberg slope: s# Tgamma . The Sternberg in the short-term-memory (STM) literature seem to be incom-
slope has been determined to 3540 msec/item, hence Tgamma < patible with Cowans characterization of the pure STM capacity
25msec ( fgamma 5 40 Hz) in multiple psychophysical studies. limit. The concept of pure capacity limit of 4 has to account for
While this strategy may make it possible to estimate Tgamma psy- these well known STM facts if it is to become a serious competi-
chophysically, there are not yet clear strategies for determining tor of, and a possible alternative to Millers (1956) theory of STM
the frequency of theta psychophysically. Thus, we cannot suggest capacity of 7 6 2.
how the framework of oscillatory models would provide an inde- Cowan argues that a pure measure of STM storage capacity,
pendent way of measuring storage capacity on the basis of purely uncontaminated by rehearsal (or the use of other mnemonic de-
psychophysical data. vices such as chunking) or the mental processing sometimes re-
The great advantage of the oscillatory memory models is that quired beyond simple retaining, can be obtained. The size of this
they can be tested by recording brain rhythms in humans per- capacity is 4. One crucial defining property of the information
forming STM tasks. So far there are no reports on ongoing gamma held in this pure STM storage capacity, according to Cowan, is its
activity measured during the Sternberg task. However, in several being the target of the momentary focus of attention. Any infor-
recent studies it has been possible to measure ongoing theta ac- mation within this window of attentional focus is fully activated
tivity in subjects performing the Sternberg task (Jensen & Tesche and fully accessible. In other words, Cowans concept of a pure
2000; Raghavachari et al. 1999). In these studies the theta fre- STM storage is a memory version of the perceptual process known
quency during the retention interval of the Sternberg task was as subitizing (Jensen et al. 1950; Jou & Aldridge 1999; Kaufman
measured at 7 8 Hz. The on- and offset of the theta activity cor- et al. 1949; Klahr 1973; Logie & Baddeley 1957; Mandler & Shebo
related with the events of the task, whereas the frequency was in- 1982), which is defined as a rapid, effortless, and yet highly accu-
dependent of the memory load. Applying the theta frequencies rate immediate apprehension of the numerosity of a small num-
measured in these experiments and the gamma frequency esti- ber (typically under five) of items. It is also in essence the same as
what Ebbinghaus called the window of simultaneous conscious- the memory representation and retrieval processes are automa-
ness (cited in Slemecka 1954). Cowan implies in many parts of the tized through overlearning).
target articles and indicates, with support from empirical data, Again, Cowans concept of a small STM window of direct and
that the reaction time (RT) for retrieving information from mem- simultaneous access of information must explain the above data to
ory sets within the size of the pure STM limit remains relatively be a viable theory. Specifically, it has to account for (1) the robust
low and constant, but shows a sudden large increase as the mem- linear increase of RT up to a MSS of 6 (a phenomenon suggesting
ory set size (MMS) exceeds 4, in parallel with the finding in per- a lack of simultaneous consciousness for the information) and (2)
ceptual quantification of a discontinuity in RT functions from the the leveling off of the RT functions as MSS exceeds 6 (which is the
subitizing range to the counting range (beyond 3 or 4 items) opposite of what Cowans theory would predict).
(Mandler & Shebo 1982). But, is there such a parallel? Also incompatible with the authors view was the serial position
The concept of a smaller-sized STM storage, which is the mo- confusion pattern, ironically cited (Nairne 1991; 1992) by Cowan
mentary focus of attention, or the window of simultaneous con- to support his concept of STM capacity. That is, the confusion oc-
sciousness, must account for a very robust phenomenon in STM curred mostly within 3 or 4 positions of the target item. This con-
literature if it is to become a viable theory of STM. The phenom- tradicts the basic concept of subitizing. If the information process-
enon is the linear increase of RT as a function of MMS, first ing within the small range of 4 items is like perceptual subitizing,
brought forth by Sternbergs seminal papers (Sternberg 1966; then no errors, or at most a minimum number of errors should oc-
1969) and later replicated by countless studies conducted in dif- cur, because perfect performance is a hallmark of subitizing.
ferent contexts and with different test materials (Sternberg 1975). Finally, Cowan attempts to define a condition under which a
If items reside within the attention-focused window of simultane- pure STM storage capacity can be measured, that is, one in which
ous consciousness, why does the time required to access or re- the memory system is neither overburdened nor under-taxed. This
trieve an item from this range increase linearly with MMS so con- seems to involve a very delicate balance between too much and too
sistently and reliably? Cowan presents some cases where the RT little resource demand. For the theory to be formalized, this deli-
for memory retrieval increases little until the MMS exceeds 4. cate balanced condition has to be more clearly spelled out. It is pos-
How can the concept of memory subitizing and the data cited by sible that a MMS of 4 is not the STM limit, but an optimal work-
the author in support of it be reconciled with the even larger body ing range of STM. Capacity is the largest possible amount of
of data that is consistent with the Sternbergs concept of serial information that STM can hold. If the focus of attention can be
memory scan? switched, as the author suggested, between two or three blocks of
Furthermore, contrary to the finding cited in the target article three items each (assuming the chunking is not formed by relying
of a shallow slope of RT functions associated with MMS of 4 or on long-term-memory knowledge, but by using temporal proxim-
smaller, and a steeper slope for MMS past 4, a considerable num- ity), and if all three chunks are available within a certain short pe-
ber of studies have shown the opposite pattern of results. In these riod of time (though not necessarily simultaneously as in the case
studies, the RT functions for MMS of 6 or smaller are typically of focused attention), why cant all three chunks be considered
characterized by steep linearity. But as the MMS exceeds 6, the parts of the STM? What is the a priori basis for limiting the STM
functions become essentially flat (Baddeley & Ecob 1973; Bur- capacity to the span of focused attention, or simultaneous con-
rows & Okada 1975; Okada & Burrows 1978) Those results were sciousness? Grouping several numbers together into a chunk by
interpreted as suggesting that a serial access mode was in opera- reading these numbers faster as a unit or delivering items at an
tion for small MSSs, but that a direct access mode is adopted when overall faster rate (as in Waugh & Norman 1965, cited in the target
MSS exceeds 6. Jou (1998) used a fixed set version of the Stern- article) increases the total amount of information that can be held
berg task with MMSs varying from 1 to 20 and memory-set items in STM by minimizing the loss of information over time. Why cant
randomly and repeatedly sampled from the 50 U.S. state names. it be justified to push the STM limit to its maximum by delivering
RT increased at about 66 msec/item up to the MMS of 6 and then the items at a faster rate? Cowan states that the presentation rate
1eve1ed off to an insignificant 7 msec/item past MSS 6. This was should not be too slow, either. Again, concerning the presentation
consistent with the findings of the above-noted studies. The at- rate, there seems to be a delicate balance in order to demonstrate
tention focus theme emphasized throughout Cowans target arti- a capacity of 4. What this exact rate of presentation is did not seem
cles would have predicted results of reversed pattern. to have been clearly specified in the target article either.
Jou and Aldridge (1999) had subjects estimate the serial posi-
tions of letters in the alphabet and the alphabetic distances be-
tween two letters. This task can be considered to involve a form of
memory quantification of some overlearned magnitude facts. The
results were that, for the serial position estimation, the RT/alpha-
betic serial position functions were linear and steep up to the se- Magical number 5 in a chimpanzee
rial position of 6 or 7, past which the RT functions turned essen-
tially flat. The RT functions for the alphabetic distance judgment Nobuyuki Kawai and Tetsuro Matsuzawa
showed basically the same pattern except that the steep linear por- Section of Language and Intelligence, Department of Behavior Brain
tion was reduced to a magnitude of about 4. Although these re- Science, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kanrin, Inuyama City,
Aichi Pref. Japan 484-8506. {nkawai; matsuzaw}
sults are highly counterintuitive in that memory quantification
seems to operate in a serial fashion for small values, but in a par-
allel fashion for large values, they are consistent with Burrows and
Abstract: One of our recent studies has revealed that a numerically
Okada (1975), Okada and Burrows (1978), and Baddeley and trained chimpanzee can memorize a correct sequence of five numbers
Ecob (1973) findings. Jou and Aldridge (1999) concluded that shown on a monitor. Comparative investigations with humans show very
there is no memory subitizing, unlike in the perceptual domain. similar patterns of errors in the two species, suggesting humans and chim-
They suggested that there is a fundamental difference between panzee share homologous memory processes. Whether or not 5 is a pure
quantification in memory and that in perception because in per- capacity limit for the chimpanzee remains an empirical question.
ception, stimuli are physically present whereas in memory they
have to be internally represented, which consumes resources and Cowan has proposed a new magical number 4 in human adults
prevents subitizing from taking place. Perceptual subitizing, ac- from a careful reconsideration of short-term memory processes.
cording to Jou and Aldridge (1999), is a result of having an over- In his theoretical account of the capacity limit, Cowan suggests
abundance of attentional resources available. In memory, this that the capacity limit might have become optimized through
rarely occurs because of the resource demands made by the men- adaptive processes in evolution (sect. 4.1). If this is the case, we
tal representation process (the only exception perhaps being when can expect to find similar memory processes in non-human ani-
players), and the number and content of these chunks may be ex- that there is a 3-to 4-item limit on the simultaneous coding and re-
tracted from the model (see also Gobet & Simon 1998; in press) production of elements, at least in some domains. Cowan believes
Chase and Simon (1973) did, however, find that expert chess the same limit holds for sequentially displayed elements, namely,
players appeared to recall more chunks than novices. As discussed elements distributed over time rather than space. However,
in Gobet and Simon (1998), these findings do not contradict the Cowans estimates are based largely on indirect measurements.
existence of a fixed capacity limit, because additional factors affect Crucially, measures of retrieval speed from studies using sequen-
the subjects performance; in this case, the number of pieces which tial presentation provide direct evidence for a distinct representa-
the player can pick up. So, are the chunks observed in the subjects tional state associated with the focus of attention that is limited to
performance due to previously learnt information or to other fac- the most recently processed unit. These measures indicate, con-
tors relating to the task or cognitive performance? This question tra Cowan, that only one chunk is maintained across a dynamically
may be answered through a simulation of the learning process. The changing environment. One possibility is that the capacity of focal
role of learnt knowledge in producing chunks in performance is attention differs for simultaneously available elements arrayed in
currently being explored in a problem-solving version of CHREST space, and for representations encountered over time. If Cowans
(Lane et al. 2000a) which learns a diagrammatic representation analysis is correct, perhaps we can attend to more than one si-
for solving electric circuit problems. In Lane et al. (2000b) differ- multaneously presented element; however, we do not appear to be
ent computational models were analysed based on their respec- able to process more than one temporally extended event.
tive representational, learning, and retrieval strategies for hand- Cowans evidence. Cowan forwards, as an estimate of the ca-
ling high-level information. From these two studies, it is clear that pacity of focal attention, findings that the number of recalled
chunks observed in the models performance may arise from a items often converges on 34. However, recall performance is de-
number of causes. Three of the more apparent are as follows: termined by a confluence of factors other than the capacity of fo-
(1) A chunk may be observed in the output because of an ex- cal attention. Undoubtedly, these estimates partly reflect the re-
plicit representation in the systems LTM, which is the underlying call of representations outside focal attention, analogous to the
representation used in the EPAM/CHREST family of computa- way that serial position functions were classically argued to reflect
tional models. For example, Richman (1996) describe a chunk as output from both long-term and short-term. Further, recall is lim-
any unit of information that has been familiarised and has be- ited by forgetting that occurs over the learning phase and during
come meaningful. the recall process (e.g., Dosher & May1998). The number of items
(2) A chunk may be observed in the output because the input recalled, even when the preconditions enumerated by Cowan
has matched a stored chunk based on some similarity-based crite- (sect. 1.2) are met, provides at best an indirect estimate of the ca-
rion; this is familiar from neural network approaches. pacity of focal attention, and is equated with focal attention pri-
(3) A single chunk may be observed although it is based on a marily by assumption.
functional composition/decomposition of the stimulus and its sub- Retrieval speed. The claim that focal attention is distinct from
components. For example, subjects may retrieve and store multi- more passive memory representations implies that information in
ple chunks within their STM, but the performance based on these focal attention is accessed more immediately than information in
multiple chunks may then give the appearance of a single chunk. a passive state. Measures for access speed can provide direct evi-
The presence of three distinct processes yielding chunk-like be- dence for distinct representational states if access speed can be
haviour in such models clarifies how the observational character- measured for memories with different strengths (or probability of
istics of chunks inter-relate with learnt knowledge, and hence clar- access). Unfortunately, RT does not provide pure estimates of re-
ifies the connection between observed and learnt chunks. This trieval speed because it is affected by memory strength (e.g.,
connection assists in developing a deeper understanding of the ca- Dosher 1984; McElree & Dosher 1989; Wickelgren et al. 1980).
pacity limit, especially in areas where the subject is continuously However, retrieval speed can be directly measured with the re-
learning new chunks for composite objects. Most importantly, sponse-signal speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) procedure. In this
only by modelling the entire learning history of each subject can procedure, subjects are cued to respond at some time after the on-
we really attempt to probe the content and format of chunks ma- set of a test probe. With a suitable range of cue times, the full time
nipulated in STM, and thereby estimate STM capacity. course of retrieval is evaluated, providing measures of when in-
formation first becomes available, the rate at which information
accrues over retrieval time, and the asymptotic level of observed
performance. The asymptote reflects the probability of retrieval,
and provides an estimate of memory strength. When accuracy de-
The focus of attention across space parts from chance, the rate at which it grows to asymptote jointly
and across time measure retrieval speed. More accessible information should be
associated with an earlier intercept or faster rate, irrespective of
Brian McElreea and Barbara Anne Dosherb differences in asymptotic accuracy.
Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY 10003; Wickelgren et al. (1980) used a probe recognition task to ex-
Cognitive Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92717; amine SAT time-course profiles for accessing representations in a list of 16 sequentially-presented items. Asymptotic accuracy de- creased monotonically with the decreasing recency of the tested
item, indicating that memory strength systematically declines as
time or activity is interpolated between study and test. Crucially,
Abstract: Measures of retrieval speed for recently presented events show however, retrieval speed was constant across all serial positions save
a sharp dichotomy between representations in focal attention and repre-
sentations that are recently processed but no longer attended. When in-
the last, most recently studied position. Retrieval speed was 50%
formation is presented over time, retrieval measures show that focal at- faster when no items intervened between study and test. The most
tention and rapid privileged access is limited to the most recently recently studied item received privileged access. This finding has
processed unit or chunk, not the last 3 5 chunks that Cowan estimates been replicated with different procedures and materials, including
from various recall procedures. a Sternberg task (McElree & Dosher 1989), a forced-choice recog-
nition task (McElree & Dosher 1993), a paired-associate recogni-
Cowan presents a diverse array of evidence to support the claim tion task (Dosher 1981), and even when the task required judging
that the focal attention has a capacity of 3 4 chunks. Much of this whether a test item rhymed or was synonymous with a studied item
evidence comes from studies examining processing limits in multi- (McElree 1996). Related effects are found in judgments of re-
element displays in which all elements are simultaneously dis- cency (McElree & Dosher 1993) and the n-back task (McElree, in
played. These studies may provide good evidence for the claim press).
tory word identification. Unlike (type) written words, the ambi- must be delivered, presumably via learned connections, to widely
guity of a continuous speech signal is so severe that a word can of- scattered neurons. In other words, if attention is to be directed to
ten be understood only following the arrival of several successive a book, the attention signal must find the diffuse cloud of neurons
speech segments. Thus, the auditory word identification system that represent visual features common to books.
might need to retain more items simultaneously active than does It is, thus, clear that the neural substrate of attention is not a
the visual word identification system and, since real words often unitary system that can be pointed like a spotlight or a camera,
initially sound like nonsense words, pseudowords might need to much less a static process into which peripatetic images can be di-
be retained as long as real words. Consistent with these proposals, rected. Apparently it must be a highly organized system of cen-
short-term repetition effects indicated capacities of 4 for words trifugal paths, every bit as specific as the centripetal sensory paths
and 2 for pseudowords with written presentation, but at least 5 that it modulates (Milner 1999). At least some of the neural activ-
6 (and possibly more) for both words and pseudowords with spo- ity corresponding to attention originates in the response planning
ken presentation. It is not obvious why a single central capacity mechanism where the intentions of the subject are elaborated.
should be responsible for these very different limits. Neural representations of objects, related either innately or
Overall, Cowan has provided convincing evidence of a central through prior experience to the task in hand, need to be selected
capacity limit (of 4 chunks) in short-term explicit memory, pre- by specific facilitation as part of the planned response.
sumably corresponding to the focus of attention. The data he re- According to the above account, what Cowan calls the focus of
views, however, do not directly address the question of whether or attention must vary widely depending on motivation, or the task.
not individual processing modules (perceptual, cognitive or mo- Thirst, for example, facilitates the sensory input from all sources
tor) also have their own capacity limits outside the focus of at- of water known to the subject, increasing the probability that if
tention. Clear theoretical reasons exist for limits on the number of one of them happens to be present it will gain control of the re-
items thatcan be simultaneously active within a single domain sponse mechanism. In the absence of a matching sensory input,
since left over activation from previous items will interfere with the dominant thirst-quenching intention facilitates items in long-
identification of the currently-presented item: in visual word term memory with which it has acquired associations. The more
recognition, many models in fact assume a capacity limit of only objects that have been associated with slaking thirst, the more
one item (the current stimulus kills all traces of previous words). widespread the initial attentional facilitation. Any input amplified
by attentional facilitation is then likely to determine the response
that is released.
In most memory-span measurements, the subjects task is to re-
call recently heard or read words. These must be distinguished
Magical attention from all the other words in the subjects vocabulary by short-term
Peter M. Milner changes in the thresholds or connections of corresponding neu-
rons. At a given moment during recall only one word is being re-
Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, QC, H3A 1B1,
leased to the motor system for pronunciation (or writing). One
problem is to discover why it is not the most recently heard word
Abstract: Cowan postulates that the capacity of short-term memory is lim-
(which presumably retains the strongest trace), another is to dis-
ited to the number of items to which attention can be simultaneously di- cover why the system can cope with no more than about 4 or 5
rected. Unfortunately, he endows attention with unexplained properties, words. Are the later words of a series less effectively tagged at the
such as being able to locate the most recent inputs to short-term memory, time of storage or does recall of the earlier words interfere with
so his theory does little more than restate the data. retrieval of the later ones? How important a factor is decay of the
trace with time? Can rehearsal of the earlier words ever be com-
Cowans thorough review of memory-span data provides convinc- pletely prevented? It seems to me that the limit of four words is
ing evidence that in the absence of rehearsal the span is about 4 at least as much to do with decay and interference of the short-
items. This information is useful, but how much does it further our term synaptic changes than anything related to attention.
knowledge to be told that the span is limited because the focus Another datum cited by Cowan in support of his theory is that
of attention can hold only about 4 items at a time? the subitizing limit is about 4. He bypasses the difficult problem
Cowan adopts Lisman and Idiarts (1995) theory that attention of how items simultaneously present within his postulated span of
is dependent on oscillations of cortical potentials. A cortical wave attention are summed to elicit a numerical response. Of course he
of about 10 Hz is supposed to select items from an unlimited is not alone in not having solved that problem, but it is at least pos-
short-term store; other wavelets at a frequency of about 40 Hz sible that the process involves discriminating a signal generated by
then select one item each. Assuming that such a process were neu- x objects from that generated by x 6 1 objects. The ratio of x to x
rally feasible, it still does not explain why successive waves select 6 1 may become too small to permit discrimination when x is
the same items, moreover the wave frequencies vary considerably, greater than about 4. I am confident that most people are able to
as Cowan points out. Apart from his uncritical recourse to this the- discriminate instantly between 10 objects and 20 objects without
ory of attention to explain the magical figure of 4, Cowan confines eye movements or counting, which might be interpreted as indi-
his discussion to cognitive models, so it may be unfair to criticise cating that at least 20 objects can simultaneously lie within
the theory on neural grounds. Nevertheless, I believe that con- Cowans focus of attention in some circumstances.
sideration of the constraints imposed by neurophysiology may be
In the first place, it is unlikely that sensory information can be
moved to a focus of attention except in a metaphorical sense. At-
tention may change the intensity with which visual neurons re-
spond to a stimulus (Fuster et al. 1985; Moran & Desimone 1985),
but not their location. Furthermore, neurons fired by objects in
different parts of the visual field are spatially segregated only in
the primary visual cortex. At higher levels of the visual system,
neurons have large overlapping fields (Gross et al. 1974; Miyashita
1993). The relative positions in space of the objects they represent
do not determine the cortical location of the neurons. Thus indi-
vidual items in the visual field cannot be selected by spatially di-
rected attention. At this level of the visual path, selective attention
Nothing left in store . . . but how do we guistic estimates of the articulatory loop suggest that its capacity
measure attentional capacity? is larger in Chinese than in English (Cheung & Kemper 1993),
and in turn, larger in English than in Italian (Morra et al. 1993)
Sergio Morra this seems rather paradoxical, for a supposedly universal compo-
Universit di Genova, DISA-Sezione Psicologia, 16126 Genova, Italy. nent of the minds architecture. Explanatory alternatives to the articulatory loop have been sug-
gested for the word-length effect, such as output interference,
Abstract: I compare the concepts of activation and storage as founda- proactive interference, and complexity of speech programming
tions of short-term memory, and suggest that an attention-based view of (see Brown & Hulme 1995; Caplan Rochon & Waters 1992;
STM does not need to posit specialized short-term stores. In particular, no Cowan et al. 1992; Henry 1991; Nairne et al. 1997; Service 1998).
compelling evidence supports the hypothesis of time-limited stores. Iden- In addition, various studies have found that verbal STM span is af-
tifying sources of activation, examining the role of activated procedural fected by variables that have little effect on articulation rate, such
knowledge, and studying working memory development are central issues as word familiarity, frequency, grammar class, semantic variables,
in modelling capacity-limited focal attention.
and order of stimulus words. Hence, the articulatory loop model
has either been dismissed, or transformed (e.g., by Burgess &
Cowans main thesis is that short-term memory depends on at- Hitch 1997) into something radically different from the original
tention. The focus of attention is capacity-limited . . . Any infor- time-limited store. Furthermore, estimates of loop capacity are af-
mation that is deliberately recalled, whether from a recent stimu- fected by use of span procedure versus supra-span lists (Morra
lus or from long-term memory, is restricted to this limit in the 1990; Mona & Stoffet 1991; Nicolson & Fawcett 1991). Thus, the
focus of attention . . . The same general principles of activation only supposedly precise estimate of a supplementary storage mech-
and de-activation might apply across all types of code (sect. 1). So anism may have been an artifact, obtained fortuitously from supra-
far, so good. span lists of English words.
However, Cowan often calls store the capacity-limited focus At this point, I think, we can abandon the idea of specialized
of attention (whereas Cowan 1988, made it clear that it is an acti- short-term stores, and retain instead the view of working memory
vated portion of long-term memory), and leaves as an open issue as the activated part of LTM. Apparently separate STM modules
the existence of supplementary storage mechanisms, which . . . can be regarded as epi-phenomena of LTM modularity. Instead of
are time-limited rather than capacity-limited (sect. 1). I think that searching for different supplementary stores, we can think of dif-
an attention-based view of STM entails that it is regarded as an ac- ferent sources of activation; that is, working memory must be seen
tivated part of LTM, which is in turn incompatible with the con- as broader than the capacity-limited focus of attention, because
cept of short-term storage. (Connecting an activation-based cen- LTM units may also be activated by other sources. These may in-
tral executive with specialized slave stores has been a long-standing clude current perceptual input, associative learning, top-down
problem for Baddeleys [1986] theory.) processes from higher-order cognitive structures (e.g., Case 1974;
Storage and activation are obviously metaphors, but not so Pascual-Leone 1987), and of course, residual activation of items
innocent and vague as to be interchangeable. They have empiri- that have recently been activated by the capacity-limited atten-
cally distinguishable consequences. tional mechanism.
(1) If there are short-term stores, performance should never be If we construe in this manner working memory and its relation
improved by occupying them with irrelevant materials (unless this to the capacity-limited focal attention, then we can ask further
prevents use of inadequate strategies: Brandimonte et al. 1992). questions. One is whether this view accounts for short-term mem-
In an activation-based system, instead, an irrelevant memory load ory phenomena traditionally explained in terms of storage. It seems
may sometimes pre-activate structures and thus enhance perfor- so; for instance, Morra (2000) has presented a neo-Piagetian
mance. The latter proved to be the case (e.g., Hellige & Cox 1976; model of verbal STM that does not include any time-limited spe-
van Strien & Bouma 1990). cialized store.
(2) Storage models must specify flow of information transfer, A second question concerns the content of working memory.
whereas activation models must specify time course of activation. Cowan implicitly suggests that it only includes declarative knowl-
Numerous priming paradigms lend themselves to an activation ac- edge, as one can infer from his mention of parietal lobes. How-
count. Detailed models have been proposed for the time course ever, LTM includes procedural as well as declarative knowledge,
of activation in both positive and negative priming (e.g., Houghton and one may assume that procedural knowledge also needs to be
& Tipper 1994; Neely 1991). I am not aware of equally powerful activated by attentional resources. In a neuropsychological per-
models of priming as information transfer among stores. As An- spective, Moscovitch and Umilt (1990) conceived working mem-
derson (1983, p. 21) put it: The results on associative priming ory as whatever processes are currently active (without distin-
have shown us that the amount of information brought into work- guishing between anterior or posterior parts of the brain) and
ing memory, at least temporarily, is very large. suggested that its limits are set by the resources necessary for
(3) If supplementary stores exist, then one should specify ei- mantaining information and operating on it. A corollary is that, if
ther their capacity or duration. Numerous short-term stores had also procedural information is considered (as some neo-Piagetian
been proposed in the literature, but only for one was a clear ca- theoreticians suggested; e.g., Pascual-Leone & Johnson 1991),
pacity estimation made. This was the articulatory loop, deemed then the estimated size of focal attention may be more than 4
to hold as much phonological material as can be uttered in about chunks.
2 seconds (Baddeley et al. 1975; for converging evidence see Bad- A third question concerns individual and developmental differ-
deley 1986; Hulme & Tordoff 1989; Schweickert & Boruff 1986). ences and their measurement. An answer to measurement prob-
Because this seems to be the only advantage gained by the stor- lems partly depends also on the assumptions one makes regarding
age view, it is worthwhile to examine it more closely. whether only declarative or also procedural information is
Early claims of falsification of a time-limited articulatory store counted. These questions are central to neo-Piagetian theories.
(Morra 1989, 1990; Morra & Stoffel 1991) remained unpublished. Different positions have been expressed in the debate on capac-
Journal reviewers discarded them, sometimes even on the grounds ity measurement, for instance on whether an average person at the
that the results were not credible, although some authors (e.g., highest point of cognitive development has a capacity of 4 or 7
Anderson & Matessa 1997) trusted them well and quoted them units (Case 1985; 1995; Ha1ford 1993; Morra 1994; Morra et al.,
extensively. However, evidence has continued to accumulate indi- in press; Pascua1-Leone 1970; Pascual-Leone & Baillargeon
cating that, contrary to Baddeley et al.s (1975) prediction, the ra- 1994). Clearly, the last word in this debate has not yet been spo-
tio of verbal recall to articulation rate is not a constant (e.g., Henry ken. Some results of my own research (Morra et al. 1988; 1991)
1994; Hulme et al. 1991; Morra 2000). The few available cross-lin- suggest, however, that early adolescents have a capacity of 5 or 6
units. This sort of developmental results may suggest that an av- ticular value of x, derived by letting L 5 (1/m) in Equation 2, will
erage adults capacity possibly spans over 6 or 7 chunks of infor- be labeled A, standing for actual maximum memory span.
mation. An example will illustrate these numerical values. If the target
material consisted of digit trigrams (for example, 2 1 8 or 6 3 9),
in which each individual digit has been drawn (randomly, with re-
placement) from the population of the ten digits 0 to 9, then the
probability, m, that a target trigram will be immediately followed
Partial matching theory by a target trigram bearing the same first digit will be .10 (one-
and the memory span tenth). Murray et al. (1999) argued that the memory encoding of
digit trigrams by participants in this task was indeed often in terms
David J. Murray of the first digits of those trigrams, especially if presentation were
Department of Psychology, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, purely visual with no auditory components. According to Equa-
tion 2, even if a list were extremely long, the theoretical maximum
number of (non-overwritten) memory representations of those
Abstract: Partial matching theory, which maintains that some memory
targets at the time of the probe would be approximately (1/m),
representations of target items in immediate memory are overwritten by
others, can predict both a theoretical and an actual maximum memory that is, approximately ten. But the actual number of memory rep-
span provided no chunking takes place during presentation. The latter is resentations available to the participant at this time, as determined
around 4 6 2 items, the exact number being determined by the degree of by constraints on conscious experience that are not yet under-
similarity between the memory representations of two immediately suc- stood, would be obtained by setting L 5 (1/m) 5 10 in Equation
cessive target items. 2, yielding an x-value of 6.5132. That is, the value of A, the actual
maximum memory span, would be 6.5132.
Cowans wonderful target article suggests that there is a pure Figure 1 shows predicted values of the theoretical maximum
limit of about four items in immediate memory. He notes that we memory span (1/m) and the corresponding actual maximum
do not, as yet, have an explanation for this limit. In this commen- memory span (A) for values of m ranging from .1 to .5. The range
tary, I shall suggest that an explanation can be derived from par- of in-values from m 5 .1 to m 5 .3 has been boxed off to show
tial matching theory as described by Murray et al. (1998). that, in this range, the predicted A-values lie between approxi-
This theory was developed with the intention of predicting hit mately 2 and 6, that is, they lie in the range 4 6 2.
and false alarm rates in immediate probed recognition tasks of the For single randomly selected digits, it was shown above that A
type investigated by Wickelgren and Norman (1966) and Stern- 5 6.5132. But other measures of memory span for single digits
berg (1966), among others. In this task, a sequence of L target usually provide estimates of the memory span for digits that ex-
items is presented, followed by a probe item that is either old or ceed 6.5132; for example, Cavanagh (1972), on the basis of a meta-
new with respect to the target list. The participants task is to judge analysis of previous reports, gave the traditional memory span for
whether the probe is indeed old or new. digits as 7.7. But, as Cowan has documented in impressive detail,
In partial matching theory, m is defined as the probability that most participants, upon hearing or seeing a sequential list of dig-
two adjacent target items share a predetermined feature of im- its, will bring to bear, on the process of the memorizing of that list,
portance in memory encoding. Following Neath and Nairne various techniques of chunking and associating that will expand
(1995), it was assumed by Murray et al. (1998) that the presence the number correctly recalled in order, after one presentation,
of this common feature would entail that the second target would from 4 6 2 to 7 6 2 or even more.
overwrite the memory representation of the first target. Murray Cavanaghs estimate that the traditional memory span for digits
et al. defined x to be the number of memory representations of is 7.7 is therefore almost certainly based on data that were not free
targets available at the time of onset of the probe and predicted from having been grouped. The actual maximum memory span for
x 5 S (1 2 m)i for i 5 0 to i 5 (L 2 1) (1)
Assuming that the central thesis of Cowans target article is cor- Long-term memory span
rect, the question remains: Given that three, four, or five chunks
are in STM, are negligibly registered in long-term episodic mem- James S. Nairne and Ian Neath
ory, and have been erased from sensory memory, what will be the Department of Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-
1364. {nairne; neath}
nature of the forgetting when attention is diverted? In the third{~nairne; ~neath}
paragraph of his paper, Cowan raises the issue of the nature of for-
getting from STM, and somewhat peremptorily dismisses it as
Abstract: Cowan assumes that chunk-based capacity limits are synony-
nearly intractable (para. 3), and beset with difficulties, such as mous with the essence of a specialized STM mechanism. In a single ex-
the apparent unresolvability of the decay issue (para. 3). Is the periment, we measured the capacity, or span, of long-term memory and
question of the nature of forgetting from STM any more in- found that it, too, corresponds roughly to the magical number 4. The re-
tractable than the question of the capacity of STM? sults imply that a chunk-based capacity limit is not a signature character-
Of course, some issues regarding the nature of forgetting from istic of remembering over the short-term.
STM are covered, both explicitly and implicitly, in Cowans paper,
but the above question is largely ignored, and is a remarkable la- Long-term memory span. As advocates of unitary approaches
cuna in the discussion. Memory and forgetting are always inextri- to memory, we applaud Cowans efforts to identify general
cably intertwined. mnemonic principles. His heroic review of the literature has pro-
Over the decades there have been hundreds of attempts to an- duced what appear to be remarkably consistent short-term mem-
swer approximations to the above question. Many of these at- ory capacity estimates. Although it would easy to quibble with the
tempts have been concerned with the rate of forgetting from selective nature of his review for example, Tehan and Hum-
STM. A study by Peterson and Peterson (1959) was quite typical: phreys (1996) report data counter to the claim that one can ob-
As Cowan mentions in passing, in a serial recall task Peterson and serve proactive interference only if there are more than four items
Peterson found severe forgetting of three letters after 18 seconds in a list we have chosen to focus our limited attention here on
of distracting activity. This study is often cited as indicating the more general issues.
duration of short-term memory (e.g., Solso 1995). Muter (1980), Cowan defines memory storage capacity operationally as the
however, argued that in the Peterson and Peterson experiments maximum number of chunks that can be recalled in a given situa-
and experiments like them, participants were relying on more than tion. Given this definition, a few concerns arise. First, almost all
STM, because they knew that they were going to be asked to re- the cited studies measure the number of items that can be re-
call the to-be-remembered items after an interval filled with dis- trieved rather than the number of items that can be stored (sect.
tracting activity. Theory (e.g., Craik & Lockhart 1972) and data 1. 1). As a result, bottlenecks in the retrieval process could well
(e.g., Jacoby & Bartz 1972; Watkins & Watkins 1974) suggest that lead to an underestimation of true storage capacity. Second, in vir-
if participants know they are going to be tested after a retention tually every case Cowan examines, the tasks require some form of
interval filled with distracting activity, secondary memory traces order or relational processing. For example, in the prototypical
are likely to be formed. When subjects expect to be tested after a case of memory span it is necessary to remember both the pre-
filled retention interval rarely or never, there is evidence that se- sented items as well as their ordinal positions in the list. It is un-
vere forgetting occurs after approximately 2 seconds, (Marsh et al. clear, as a consequence, whether the capacity limits apply to item
1997; Muter 1980; Sebrechts et al. 1989), though this finding re- information, order information, or to some combination of both.
2000; Pascual-Leone 1970; Pascual-Leone & Baillargeon 1994; These three postulates help to explain data that Cowan reports
Pascual-Leone et al., in preparation). There are also develop- in Figure 2. I discuss only span data. During recall of unattended
mental capacity data of constructivist neoPiagetians, consistent list of digits, in the explicit digit part, adults (on the assumption
with Millers number when extrapolated to adults (Case 1998; that their real attentional capacity is 7) will be very likely to RE-
Case & Okamoto 1996; Johnson et al. 1989; Morra 1994; 2000; CALL 3 digits, as explained above, and RETRIEVE one or two
Pascual-Leone 1970; 1995; Pascual-Leone & Baillargeon 1994; schemes from outside M-space. But against this happening is the
Stewart & Pascual-Leone 1992). fact that overtly recalling three digits that are inside M-space de-
Consider now Cowans experiment reported in section 3.1.3 of mands focussing attention on linguistic schemes of the corre-
the target article. In this experiment, there are two ongoing sub- sponding numerals, and this selective allocation of M capacity
tasks: a visual-rhyme task and an auditory-digit task. One is a com- might lead, with some probability (which increases with the num-
puter game where the picture at the center of the screen tells ber of digits Morra 2000), to interruption/inhibition of digit
which of four surrounding pictures the subject must click; the one schemes that have remained outside M-space. This is what Figure
whose name rhymes with the name of the central picture. New 3 of Cowan confirms: 80% of subjects recall 3 digits, 48.5% recall
items of this subtask are presented while participants hear (but 4 digits, 11.4% recall 5 digits, and only 1 subject (i.e., 2.8%) recalls
must ignore) lists of digits presented through headphones. Occa- 6 digits. Notice that if we assume that 3 is the demand of the ex-
sionally the screen shifts to the digits game, and asks for digit re- plicit visual-rhyme task, 4 digits could still be attended to concur-
call in the appropriate order. Call *pict.cent a subjects figurative rently; and the problem would then be to recall them in order
scheme for the picture at the center, and *pict.surr:x (where x 5 when the unattended-digits task arrives. Ordinal positions of the
1, . . . ,4) the surround picture currently attended to. Call CLICK- first and last digits are easily recalled because of perceptual
MATCH:RHYME the procedure for clicking the matching pic- saliency (this is a known anchor effect); but the relative position of
ture; it has a name-recalling subprocedure (operative parameter) digit 2 and digit 3 would have to be guessed with probability of 1/
that I call NAME, which may be chunked with the first one. Fi- 2 (550% correct), which agrees with Cowan finding 48.5% sub-
nally, the concurrent auditory subtask consists in hearing, without jects recalling 4 digits. If there were 5 digits to be recalled (i.e., 4
intentionally attending, the digit series. Because hearing and vi- from inside M-space plus 1 retrieved from outside M-space), then
sion do not interfere with each other, auditory schemes, released the probability of guessing positions 2, 3, and 4 is 1/6 (6 combina-
by an automatic orienting reaction (OR), produce concurrent im- tions of 3 positions 16 %); close enough to Cowans 11.4%. Finally,
plicit hearing. The eliciting situation is facilitating, because no in- if there are 6 digits available for recall (4 held inside M-space and
terfering auditory scheme is activated by the situation (Pascual- 2 retrieved from outside M-space), the probability of guessing po-
Leone 1987; 1995; in press; Pascual-Leone & Baillargeon 1994). sitions 2 to 5 is 1/24 (4%) again very close to Cowans 2.8%.
Call *digit1, *digit2 . . . *digits, etc., figurative schemes (symbol- The situation is very different in the attended-digits task. In this
ized by a prefixed *) that encode digits being presented; and call task subjects full attention is devoted to digits; and attention may
OR:AUDIT the innately-automatic orienting reaction. With this not be needed to recall digit order because forward serial order
terminology we symbolize; in a mental strategy formula the ex- (natural to language!) was considerably practiced during the span
plicit visual-rhyme part as follows: pretest task (Cowan et al. 1999).
Consequently, when adults are ready to recall, and a RECALL
[CLICKMATCH :RHYME(NAME(*pict.cent, *pict. surr:x)) (1)
operative scheme is placed inside M-space to begin to voice the
& OR:AUDIT(*digit1, *digit2, *digit3, *digit4, *digit5 . . . )]
numerals, 6 digit schemes will also be there. And when the corre-
The first segment has a mental demand of 3 or 4 symbolic schemes sponding 6 numerals are voiced, the digit schemes that are out-
processed simultaneously (it can be 3 when CLICKMATCH: side M-space will be interrupted automatically by virtue of postu-
RHYME and NAME are chunked). The second concurrent seg- late (1) unless adults are sophisticated and postulate (2) applies,
ment is automatic; but on the assumption that adults have a pro- which is unlikely. Consequently, 6 digits should be recalled on av-
cessing capacity of 7 (Pascual-Leone 1970; 1987; 1998; Pascual- erage (see Cowans Fig. 2).
Leone & Baillargeon 1994), we infer that they also allocate The same model explains childrens data, as reported in Figure
attention to 3 digits in this implicit subtask (OR:AUDIT does not 2, when we use theoretical levels of M-capacity predicted for the
need attentional boosting). Thus, when the explicit auditory-digit different age-groups (Pascual-Leone 1970; 1987; Pascual-Leone
part arrives, most adults should remember at least 3 digits. In- & Baillargeon 1994). According to these levels, grade-4 children
deed, Figure 3 of Cowans article shows that 80% of his adult sub- (i.e., 9- and 10-year-olds) have a magical number equal to 4; and
jects do so. But before modeling this explicit auditory-digit part, grade 1 children have a magical number of 3 if they are 7-year-
I will state three principles/postulates of the neoPiagetian con- olds, as they were in Cowans study (1999), who report their mean
structivist theory (Pascual-Leone 1987; in press; Pascual-Leone & age in months and SD). Thus grade-4 children will be able to cope
Baillargeon 1994). Cowans theoretical framework is fully com- easily with the visual-rhyme part of the unattended digits task, and
patible with them (see his whole sect. 2). I list them in 3 points: in addition they may retain 1 digit inside M-space during the vi-
(1) When mental attention (M-capacity) is allocated to schemes sual-rhyme process. Then, during the explicit digit part, children
in the subjects repertoire (making them part of working memory), should retrieve from outside M-space two digits at least.1 The
other activated schemes which are not being attended to (i.e., not task-analysis representation of this step is as follows:
placed in the M-space or focal-attentional region of WM), are gen-
[*digit 1, RETRIEVE(*digit2, *digit3)] (2)
erally automatically inhibited (attentionally interrupted) by the
mental-attentional system; this automatic attentional interruption Thus we expect that grade-4 children will recall, in the unattended
produces the focal beam of attention (Crik 1994; Pascual-Leone digit task, no more than 3 digits on average. Figure 2 shows this to
1987). be the case. As for Cowan s grade-1 children, because their mag-
(2) When the subjects executive processes are sophisticated ical number is 3, they cannot keep any digit inside M-space dur-
enough, task-relevant schemes may be exempted from the atten- ing the visual-rhyme part. Therefore they should recall only digits
tional interruption (automatic inhibition) discussed in point (1). they can retrieve from outside M, that is, usually 2 digits. Figure
(3) Unless they have been so interrupted, some activated cur- 2 confirms this expectation.
rently in an unattended state (i.e., placed outside M-space) can be In the case of the attended digit task, however, grade-4 children
retrieved and brought into focal attention. At least one or two can at first consciously attend to 4 digits, but one must then be
schemes should be so recovered, and, one by one, boosted with placed outside M-space to make room for the operative RECALL.
M-capacity. Notice that recovery is not possible when schemes Then, after the three numerals have been voiced, children are still
have decayed too much or were previously interrupted along with able to retrieve the momentarily dropped (but highly activated)
misleading schemes. digit, plus two other ones from outside M-space to a total of 5
cal accounts often mention the role that could be played by neural
oscillations and synchrony. For example, Lisman and Idiarts (1995)
model might account for a four-item limit of short-term memory,
given an appropriate frequency ratio of nested oscillations.
As an alternative, we present a recently developed cortical net-
work model accounting for the limited capacity of visual working
memory (Raffone & Wolters, in press). A critical capacity of about
four independent patterns showed up in our simulations, consis-
tent with the results of Luck and Vogel (1997) and with Cowans
conclusions. This capacity was proven to be independent of the
number of features making up objects (Luck & Vogel 1997). The
model mechanism may be applicable to any type of information in
working memory, and not only to visual information. In the fol-
lowing we present some details of this model, and relate it to some
of the functional aspects of working memory discussed by Cowan.
Retention in the cortical circuits of working memory. In the
model, we assume that the cortical circuits of visual working mem-
ory are implemented in prefrontal (PF) cortex and visuo-tempo-
ral areas (e.g., the inferotemporal cortex, IT), as well as in their
mutual connections. Oscillations were induced by external input
Figure 1 (Pothos & Juola). Mutual information profile when MI and maintained after input offset through delayed feedback from
values were standardized for the different languages. PF to IT (see Fig. 1A) In Lisman and Idiarts model persistent fir-
ing is due to a slowly rising after-depolarization (ADP) state in
combination with a sub-threshold oscillatory modulation in the
By MI profile, we mean the way MI varies with increasing range. theta range. In our view, reverberatory oscillations are more likely
This we take to be an indicator of statistical structure in language. to occur as a result of cooperative interactions among many neu-
Analyses. We investigated samples from eight different lan- rons, involving both prefrontal assemblies and assemblies located
guages, all from the CD-ROM database of the European Corpus in higher-level perceptual areas.
Initiative Multilingual Corpus 1 (ECI/MCl), distributed by the Between-item segregation in working memory. Assuming that
Association for Computational Linguistics. In all analyses, the lin- time-resolved neural coding plays a key role in (visual) working
guistic tokens examined are words (however, the same type of memory processing, the limited capacity of working memory may
investigation can be conducted on, e.g., phonemes; see Pothos be explained in terms of spurious synchronizations of neuronal
1998). Table 1 shows the number of samples and average number spike trains coding different unrelated features or items (Luck &
of words in each language. Vogel 1997). It is unclear, however, how such spurious synchro-
The MI profiles for each language were averaged and standard- nizations of to-be-retained features could give rise to critical ca-
ized; standardization enables us to compare MI values for each lan- pacity limits, even if averaged across trials and subjects. We be-
guage regardless of sample size differences. Figure 1 shows the re- lieve a more satisfactory explanation of the limited capacity of
sults of this calculation. One can see that the mutual information visual working memory is provided by a between-item segregation
dependence elbows at about four items for all the languages. We hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, neural assemblies in
take this observation to be compatible with the idea that linguistic high-level visual areas, coding unrelated features or objects, exert
dependency structure is contained primarily within a range of not mutual inhibitory or desynchronizing actions. The network auto-
more than about five word tokens, which would be consistent with matically scales the phase-lag between the different reverbera-
the capacity of STM span being of the order of 35 chunks. This tions in order to maintain an optimal phase segregation (see Fig.
provides an additional source of evidence for Cowans proposal. 1B). Between-item segregation depends on the inhibitory synap-
With additional work we aim to extend the present MI computa- tic parameters. The essence of the model is that its limited capac-
tions to take into account more directly sample size variation, and ity depends on the functional balance of a sufficiently high oscil-
also introduce a mathematical model for the MI profiles. lation frequency (firing rate) and sufficient phase-segregation
between disjoint assemblies. The same desynchronizing mecha-
nism optimizing phase-segregation between assemblies coding for
separate items, poses a limit to the number of oscillatory rever-
berations. Thus, our model suggests plausible neurocomputa-
A neurophysioiogical account of working tional reasons of the short-term memory (STM) capacity limit. As
memory limits: Between-item segregation the model operates in a stochastic manner, it exhibits a psycho-
and within-chunk integration logically plausible variability across trials of the number of objects
retained, given the same number of to-be-retained objects as in-
Antonino Raffone,a Gezinus Wolters,b and Jacob M. Murrec put.
Department of Psychology, University of Rome La Sapienza, I 00185 Within-chunk integration in working memory. As is clear from
Rome, Italy; bDepartment of Psychology, Leiden University, 2300 RB Leiden, Cowans discussions, the notion of a capacity limitation is inextri-
The Netherlands; cDepartment of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, 1010 cably interwoven with the concept of chunking. In our view,
WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
chunking is related to neural binding processes, which may origi-
nate from bottom-up attentive operations or may be guided by
long-term memory. Following the suggestion of Luck and Vogel
Abstract: We suggest a neurophysiological account of the short-term
memory capacity limit based on a model of visual working memory (Raf-
(1997), we modeled intra-chunk integration or binding in short-
fone & Wolters, in press). Simulations have revealed a critical capacity term memory retention in terms of synchrony. Chunking may be
limit of about four independent patterns. The model mechanisms may be based on pre-existing neural assemblies (chunking fields), with
applicable to working memory in general and they allow a reinterpretation synchronizing connections between assemblies coding bound fea-
of some of the issues discussed by Cowan. tures, or on correlated input from earlier processing stages.
In the model, within chunk integration coexists with between-
Why the capacity limit? As Cowan points out, the reasons for a chunk segregation (see Fig. 1C). Such a property cannot be ac-
short-term memory capacity limit are not clear. Neurophysiologi- counted for by delay activity defined in terms of firing rate attrac-
tors (Amit 1995). However, the network capacity for single- and anisms. He suggests (sect. 3.1.1) that a similar limit may apply to
multiple-feature chunks is equivalent only when there is a high change blindness, the finding that large changes become difficult
chunk stability. This functional scheme can potentially account to see when information about the location of the change is
for the different degrees of chunking effectiveness in short-term swamped by concurrent transients elsewhere in the visual field
memory retention discussed by Cowan. (Rensink et al. 1997; Simons 1996).
Central capacity versus separate capacities. In several places In a typical change-blindness experiment, an original and a
Cowan discusses the central versus separate capacity contro- modified image of a real-world scene are presented in succession,
versy. Our proposal can account for various degrees of domain with a brief blank field between them; alternation continues until
specificity in processing limitations, by the assumption that com- observer detects the change. Even though the changes are large
petition and desynchronizing actions between neural assemblies and the observer knows they will occur, several seconds are often
coding for unrelated features are stronger within than between required before a change is seen. This has been explained by the
specific representational domains. hypothesis that focused attention is needed to see change (Ren-
Storage versus processing in working memory. In section sink et al. 1997). Given that focused attention can be largely iden-
4.3.6, Cowan discusses the storage versus processing capacity ac- tified with visual STM (vSTM), and that vSTM has a limited ca-
count, concluding that there is no reason for a separation between pacity, only a few items can be attended at any time. Thus, the
processing and storage in working memory. We fully agree with detection of change requires a time consuming attentional scan of
this view. In the cerebral cortex, a bi-directional interaction be- the image.
tween short-term reverberations and long-term structured neural But how many items can be attended at any one time? (Or,
assemblies is likely to occur. In such a scheme, time-resolved syn- equivalently, how many can be held in vSTM?) This can be deter-
chronization (related to firing rate enhancement) and Hebbian mined from change-detection experiments based on arrays of sim-
learning may functionally interact. ple items (Rensink 2000a). The critical parameter here is on-time
The focus of attention. Cowans proposal of a central capacity (the length of time each array is visible during a cycle). The time
limit of the focus of attention leads to some neurophysiological needed to detect a changing target item among nonchanging dis-
problems. That is, how does a mechanism both collect and read tractors depends linearly on the number of items in the display.
out information from other sub-systems? Is it centralized or distrib- For orientation change, the slope of this function (i.e., search
uted in structure? How does it access and operate on the distrib- speed) is much the same for all on-times up to 600 msec, indicat-
uted representations in long-term memory? Cowan repeatedly ing that the rate-limiting step is one of processing rather than
refers to the widely shared idea of activation of memory repre- memory. But for on-times of more than 600 msec, speed becomes
sentations. However, such an idea can lead to coding problems proportional to alternation rate, indicating that only a limited
when multiple distributed neural representations are active, lead- amount of information can be held in vSTM at each alternation
ing to the so-called superposition catastrophe (Engel et al. 1992; more display time does not allow more items to be entered into
Von der Malsburg 1901). We suggest that a neural mechanism memory. When the interstimulus interval (ISI) between displays is
based on both activation (firing rate) and coherence (neural syn- 120 msec, this limit is 5 6 items (Rensink 2000a). Further exper-
chrony) is more plausible for the central read-out bottleneck. iments have shown this to be a compound limit: when a short-term
We endorse Varelas notion of resonant assemblies in the brain presumably iconic component is eliminated by increasing ISI
(Varela 1995). In terms of our model, this would imply that only to 360 msec, the estimate falls to 3 4 items (Rensink et al. 2000).
four magical neural assemblies can dominate the brain at any As Cowan points out, it is important to establish the absence of
given time, saving other domain-specific active neural represen- rehearsal or recoding processes that might cause estimates to be
tations through selective synchronization. artificially high. For change detection, this is straightforward.
First, the situation is one of information overload: not all the visi-
ble items can be placed into memory. Second, little recoding or re-
hearsal can occur (at least for cycle times of a second or less), since
most of the available time is spent either loading items into mem-
Four-sight in hindsight: The existence ory or comparing them with the current input. Third, capacity is
of magical numbers in vision determined by a genuine discontinuity in performance, namely, a
proportionality constant that appears when on-times are 600 msec
Ronald A. Rensink or greater (Rensink 2000a). Finally, the estimate is largely unaf-
Cambridge Basic Research, Nissan Technical Center North America, Inc., fected by temporal decay: if ISI is greater than 360 msec, there is
Cambridge, MA 02171-1494.
little further decrease, even for intervals as high as 8 sec (Schnei-
der et al. 1999). Thus, the magical number 4 does seem to exist.
But the story does not stop here. If targets and distractors are
Abstract: The capacity of visual attention/STM can be determined by
change-detection experiments. Detecting the presence of change leads to
switched so that the subject must detect a nonchanging target
an estimate of 4 items, while detecting the absence of change leads to an among changing distractors, a different limit is reached: 1.4 items
estimate of 1 item. Thus, there are two magical numbers in vision: 4 and (Rensink 1999; 2000b). This suggests that attended items are not
1. The underlying limits, however, are not necessarily those of central independent but are instead pooled into a single collection point,
STM. or nexus (Rensink 2000b). Such a magical number 1 may corre-
spond to the limit alluded to by Cowan in his proposal that the [4
In his target article, Cowan provides a wide-ranging review of data separate] parts are associated with a common higher-level node
supporting the existence of a magical number 4 a common (sect. 2.6).
limit on the capacities of various perceptual and cognitive mech- Therefore, there is considerable support for the claim of at least
Figure 1 (Raffone et al.). (A) Individual assembly dynamic behavior with feature input in IT and active feedback from PF. The panel
shows the evolution and continuation of the average activity of one IT assembly (100 interconnected model neurons coding a single fea-
ture). Stimulus onset and offset times are marked by the vertical lines. (B) Phase segregation of IT assemblies coding for disjoint fea-
tures. Four out of five reverberations remain active. Due to mutual inhibitory activity, the assemblies become spaced in the oscillatory
phase, thus allowing a markedly discriminative oscillatory reverberation and retention of the coded features. Assemblies are shown in an
order allowing easy inspection of phase segregation. (C) The combination of within-chunk integration and between-item segregation.
Objects (chunks) consist of four interconnected assemblies. Four out of five objects are retained in terms of internally synchronized and
mutually desynchronized oscillatory chunks, whereas all features coding a fifth object are suppressed.
Figure 1 (Schneider et al.). Left: Stimuli used in the experiment. Subjects had to memorize configurations of 2, 4, or 6 coloured squares
for 900 msec. After the retention period, either the same display or a display with one of the squares differing in colour reappeared; sub-
jects were asked whether they had detected a change. Squares could be large (0.75*0.75 deg) or small (0.35*0.35 deg), or conjunctions
of both. Right: Percent correct report as a function of the number of items presented.
Gormican 1988) For instance, the dimension colour of an object The magical number 4 in vision
can be characterized by one of the features red, blue, purple,
and so on. After breaking down a visual object into these more Brian J. Scholla and Yaoda Xub
basic elements, the question arises as to whether the above defi- a
Department of Psychology, Vision Sciences Laboratory, Harvard University,
nitions of dimensions and features in vision constitute an ap- Cambridge, MA 02138; bDepartment of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Mas-
propriate basis for characterizing chunks in visual memory. In sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139.
other words, one may ask (1) whether chunking in visual working
indeed functions by binding features into integrated visual ob-
jects, and (2) analyse the rules and limitations of this binding.
With regard to the first question there is recent evidence from Abstract: Some of the evidence for a magical number 4 has come from
Luck and Vogel (1997, also referred to in sect. 3.1.1), suggesting the study of visual cognition, and Cowan reinterprets such evidence in
terms of a single general limit on memory and attention. We evaluate this
that the capacity limit of visual STM indeed refers to feature bun- evidence, including some studies not mentioned by Cowan, and argue that
dles in the form of objects. In their experiments, subjects were re- limitations in visual processing are distinct from those involved in other
quired to retain simple geometrical visual objects made up of fea- memory phenomena.
ture conjunctions such as of a certain colour, orientation, and
length. The data showed that objects defined by conjunctions of Cowans discussion of the magical number 4 synthesizes evidence
two or more dimensions (e.g., a line of a certain orientation, from domains which are rarely discussed together. In particular,
colour, and length) can be retained as well as objects defined by Cowan draws on work from the study of visual cognition such as
only a single dimension (e.g., orientation only). For any of these studies of subitizing (sect. 3.3.2) and multiple object tracking
combinations, the estimated memory capacity was about four ob- (sect. 3.3.3) and attempts to reinterpret such evidence in terms of
jects. a general memory limitation, which he suggests is a reflection of
The second question is strongly related to the problem of how the underlying capacity of the attentional focus (a thesis which
many of these basic elements can be bound into a single chunk, is discussed in Cowan 1995, but which he does not argue for in his
and whether there exist limitations as to the possible combination target article). Here we note additional evidence for a limit of ap-
of features. proximately 4 objects in certain types of visual processing, and dis-
In our own experiments, we attempted to replicate this sur- cuss why these limits are probably distinct from those involved in
prising finding (Deubel et al., in preparation). We used the same other (e.g., verbal) tasks.
stimuli as Luck and Vogel (1997), and identical experimental pa- Additional evidence from visual cognition. Additional evi-
rameters such as presentation and retention times. Our experi- dence for a magical number 4 in visual processing comes from
mental results (Fig. 1) clearly show that retention of objects de- studies of infants, normal adults, and neuropsychological syn-
fined by a conjunction of two colours leads to a strong drop in dromes. Recent looking-time studies with infants have suggested
performance, as compared to the condition in which the objects that they are able to keep track of arrays of objects through addi-
consisted of one colour only. So, external objects with two colours tions and subtractions, but only if there are less than 4 objects in
seem to require two chunks for the internal coding. This finding these arrays (e.g., Uller et al. 1999; Wynn 1992), and this evidence
is in obvious contrast to the result of Luck and Vogel (1997). The has been interpreted in terms of developing mechanisms of visual
reason why we could not replicate their data is unclear to us, how- attention (e.g., Carey & Xu, in press; Scholl & Leslie 1999). In nor-
ever, in an independent study, Wheeler and Treisman (submitted) mal adults, there appears to be a limit of 4 on the number of ob-
recently reported a finding similar to ours. jects which can receive prioritized processing due to attentional
These data are clear evidence that there exist prominent limi- capture (Yantis & Johnson 1990), and the number of items which
tations to chunking in visual memory. As a possible, preliminary can be simultaneously examined in a visual search for a change
rule of thumb suggested by the result, one may assume that a vi- (Rensink 2000).
sual chunk can consist of not more than one feature per dimen- Finally, it has been shown that bilateral lesions of the parietal
sion, that is, one colour, one shape primitive, and so on. A further, lobes in Balints syndrome can reduce visual processing capacity.
yet unresolved important issue in this context is the question Patients with Balints syndrome have great deficits in perceiving
whether there is also a limit in the number of possible dimensions complex visual scenes, although their ability to recognize individ-
that define a chunk. Luck and Vogel (1997) found no limit (i.e., no ual objects is usually preserved (for a review, see Rafal 1997). De-
drop in memory performance) up to a conjunction of four differ- haene and Cohen (1994) studied visual enumeration in 5 Balints
ent dimensions (colour, orientation, length, gap). However, it patients and found that these patients could enumerate sets of 1,
might be that a limitation larger than that can indeed be found. 2, and sometimes 3 items correctly, but not sets comprising more
The empirical task of the future will be to determine more pre- than 3 items. Reaction time slopes for these patients were flat for
cisely the limitations of chunking and how they relate to visual fea- set sizes of 1 and 2 items, but increased sharply for set sizes of 3
tures and dimensions. Indeed, we think that the paradigm pre- or more items. Treisman and colleagues (Friedman-Hill et al.
sented here offers a promising experimental approach to answer 1995; Robertson et al. 1997) reported another Balints patient who
questions about the nature of chunks in vision. Measuring mem- could not correctly enumerate more than one or two objects even
ory performance for a variety of stimuli and features could reveal when he was aware that more were present. In rare and extreme
the basic dimensions and features in vision in a very straightfor- cases, Balints patients report seeing only one object when pre-
ward way: If adding the feature in question to the stimuli leaves sented with multiple objects (e.g., Coslett & Saffran 1991).
the memory capacity (in terms of number of objects) unaffected, Specific visual limits or general memory/attention limits?
one may conclude that it is really a basic visual feature, forming an Cowan views such evidence as continuous with data concerning
elementary part of a visual chunk. the number of chunks which can be simultaneously active in short
Cowan defines a chunk as a collection of concepts that have term memory (STM). In contrast, we think there are good reasons
strong associations to one another and much weaker associations to resist this reinterpretation, and to view the limits on visual pro-
to other chunks currently in use. This definition does not impose cessing as separate from those involving verbal and other non vi-
any constraints on the nature and number of elements that can be sual material. (In this respect we take a position similar to that of
bound into a chunk. Our experiment is a demonstration that such Miller 1956 who suspected that STM limits and subitizing limits
limitations exist, and that their analysis may lead to important in- were independent.) Given space restrictions, we will largely re-
sights into properties of visual memory. strict our discussion of this issue to the evidence which Cowan
does discuss in his target article: subitizing (wherein observers can
determine the cardinality of sets with less than 5 items roughly in
parallel and without errors) and multiple object tracking (MOT;
that 4 items held in visual short-term memory (STM) and 4 legs What about studies suggesting no dual-task costs at all (e.g.,
of a chair have a common causality in the limitation of subjects at- Hazeltine et al. 2000; Schumacher et a1. 1998)? One important
tentional focus? feature of such studies appears to be that the reduction of dual-
Furthermore, Cowan does not formulate an elaborated process task costs emerges after long, specialized training. It is thus plau-
model to explain the findings in different experimental contexts on sible that training leads to an over learned mapping of stimuli and
the basis of a common set of mechanisms. Lacking such a model, responses and consequently to automatic activation of the re-
Cowans position is descriptive but not explanatory. Thus, one sponse when a stimulus is presented. In this case, no conscious de-
could argue that the reported results concerning STM (Sperling cision is necessary to select the appropriate response for a special
1960), articulatory loop (Baddeley 1986), visual search (Fisher stimulus, and the proposed capacity limit on the attentional focus
1984), enumeration (Trick & Pylyshyn 1993), and so on, are best is not observed (see also Greenwald & Shulman 1973).
explained by different (sometimes even computational) models as- The above conjectures show that the assumption of a unitary ca-
suming separate attentional and memory mechanisms (Allport pacity limit on conscious information processing may shed new
1987; Neumann 1987). The alternative assumption of a unitary at- light on different and, even, contradictory findings in other fields,
tentional mechanism as a common cause for the reported results that have been investigated in isolation. Given this and given an
must remain highly speculative until tested. understanding of the elements of consciousness (chunks) as well
On the basis of an elaborated process model, one could formu- as an elaborated process model, the assumption of a unitary ca-
late specific predictions for an empirical test of the common-cause pacity limitation could be fruitfully included in a broader theory
hypothesis. For example, if a process or mechanism A (e.g., the at- of the human cognitive system.
tentional focus) is identified as essential for tasks 1, 2, 3, . . . , and
n, then one should be able to find a factor X, the manipulation of
which will have equal consequences on subjects performance in
tasks 1, 2, 3, . . . , and n. In contrast the manipulation of a process
B, essential only for tasks 1 and n, should influence performance Dispelling the magic: Towards memory
only in tasks 1 and n, and not in the remaining tasks. Converging without capacity
evidence of this kind would provide most valuable to support for
assumption of a unitary capacity limited attentional focus. Niels A. Taatgen
If these caveats can be resolved, the assumption could signifi- Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen,
cantly deepen our theoretical understanding of the human cogni- 9712 TS Groningen, Netherlands.
tive system. To illustrate, consider a different research area that
also deals with capacity limitations, research on dual tasks. Stud-
ies using the psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm, in Abstract: The limited capacity for unrelated things is a fact that needs to
which subjects perform two choice-reaction tasks simultaneously, be explained by a general theory of memory, rather than being itself used
as a means of explaining data. A pure storage capacity is therefore not the
have yielded rather contradictory results on capacity limitations. right assumption for memory research. Instead an explanation is needed
Many studies with this paradigm have provided support for a of how capacity limitations arise from the interaction between the envi-
capacity-limited central mechanism related to response selection ronment and the cognitive system. The ACT-R architecture, a theory with-
(McCann & Johnston 1993; Pashler 1994; Schubert 1999; Welford out working memory but a long-term memory based on activation, may
1980). These studies suggest that only one response selection can provide such an explanation.
take place at a time, thus limiting the capacity of a central atten-
tion mechanism to 1 item (chunk) contrary to Cowans proposal of The goal of science has always been to show that things in the
4 chunks. However, other contradictory findings with the PRP world that appear to be accidental can be explained by a set of sys-
paradigm suggest no capacity limitation at response selection at all tematic and fundamental principles. Millers (1956) magical num-
(Hazeltine et al. 2000; Schumacher et al. 1998). The latter results ber seven and subsequent theories based on the idea are attempts
stimulated Meyer and Kieras (1997) to propose a scheduling ac- to find such principles. Cowan tells us that the magical number is
count (EPIC) for dual-task situations in particular and sensori- not seven, but actually four. Still the word magical lingers
motor tasks, as well as working memory tasks in general. Accord- around this mysterious capacity. My proposal is not to attack the
ing to EPIC, elements of the task to be performed are maintained seven aspect of the principle, but rather the magical part of it,
in a working memory system without any limiting attentional ca- since we all know that magic doesnt really exist. Whereas in
pacity. Executive processes allow the scheduling of task processes Millers original article short-term capacity was just an empirical
according to subjects specific instructions and goals. Cowan ex- fact, it has subsequently grown into a theory that people actually
presses doubts that this scheduling theory can account for the have a pure storage capacity.
findings on attentional and memory limitations. However, looking Let us elaborate on this idea. If we take capacity seriously, the
at the contradictory evidence and theoretical positions, the ques- number of items that can be stored by an individual has to be an
tion arises whether there are different task-specific working mem- integer. A capacity of 3.5 only makes sense as a group average, not
ories with different capacity limitations, for example, one for dual as a property of an individual. An individual can either retain three
tasks and one for storage tasks, or whether there exists no central items or four items, not three-and-a-half. An individual capacity
capacity limitation at all. of 3.5 only has meaning if the individual can sometimes remem-
We assume that the assumption of a capacity-limited atten- ber three items, and sometimes four items. But this is hard to rec-
tional focus may account for the contradictory results in dual-task oncile with the idea of a fixed capacity. It becomes even harder to
research if one localizes the capacity limitation strictly at the level explain development. Even according to Cowans own data, the
of conscious information processing. A plausible explanation is capacity of adults is larger than the capacity of children. But how
that in dual-task studies a capacity limitation of the central mech- then does this capacity grow? Are there sudden increases in which
anism can be observed only when subjects carry out the tasks in a the capacity is incremented by one?
relatively unlearned state. In this case, subjects probably make a The problem with the target article is that it already assumes
conscious decision which response to map to which stimulus when there is a capacity limit, and that it can be studied separately from
performing the task. The conscious decision requires maintaining the rest of memory. If one wants to prove there is indeed a limit-
a set of different stimuli and different responses in working mem- capacity short-term store, the relation to long-term memory
ory together with a set of S-R mapping rules. One could easily (LTM) has to be taken into account. When something drops out
imagine that, in this case, the number of chunks in working mem- of short term memory (STM), is it really gone? Sometimes the ex-
ory exceeds the proposed limit of 4, thus causing a deterioration act information is irretrievable, but the vast literature on implicit
of dual-task processing. learning and priming suggests that everything that happens in
further inspection. (1) Experiments explicitly designed within the pacity limits. The essence of this statement is substantiated in
theoretical framework provided by Cowan and (2) the inherent other parts of his paper, and I admit that I fully agree with it. Nev-
limitations in brain research techniques. ertheless, I would like to submit a proposal which is guided by a
Most of the neurophysiological studies cited in the target arti- comparative perspective, suggesting that we should extend the re-
cle do not seem to specifically address STM. For example, Gray search focus from the STM mechanisms of human beings to those
et al. (1989) studied cats using invasive measures, and Tiitinen et of animals.
al. (1993), using EEG, focused only on the attentional effects re- Several studies on animals have shown that limitations in the ca-
flected in the human transient 40-Hz response. The latter obser- pacity to process acquired information are not unique to humans,
vations were extended by Cowan (sect. 4.1.4) as consistent with but found in nonverbal organisms as well (Chen et al.; Koehler
the idea of a STM storage capacity of 4 chunks when taken to- 1954; Roitblat et al. 1991; Terrace 1987; 1998; Todt et al. 2000). It
gether with Cowan et al.s (1999; Fig. 4) very interesting simple may therefore be wise to select animal models that either allow in-
relationship between attended and unattended speech, with at- quiries into STM mechanisms which are difficult to address in hu-
tentional allocation presumably drawn from the same processes in mans, or that permit us to uncover memory properties which are
both conditions. biologically basic and thus point to precursors of accomplishments
This interpretation is however complicated by the fact that Ti- regarded as human characteristics. A paradigm for such an ap-
itinen et al. (1993), using sinusoidal stimulation only, observed not proach was recently published by Hultsch (1992; 1993). She stud-
only the attentional enhancement in the 40-Hz range, but a promi- ied acquisition of serially structured information in the nightin-
nent response under passive (reading) conditions too. This already gale (Luscinia megarhynchos), a songbird who is able to learn and
poses two variables that need to be taken into account in the quest memorise a vocal repertoire of more than 200 different sound pat-
for pure STM limits: the type of stimulation used (sinusoids vs. terns (5 songs). In the following, I first recapitulate some back-
speech) and brain activity related solely to attention versus that ob- ground facts, then outline the methods and results of Hultschs ex-
served in passive conditions (such as reading). Sensory-specific, periments, and finally discuss implications for special issues
task-independent brain processes (easily observable in passive con- treated in the target article.
ditions) might actually have a much more crucial role in higher- When singing, most songbirds produce a series of well-struc-
order stages of information processing than previously assumed tured vocal patterns that typically have a duration of a few seconds
(Tiitinen et al. 1994; Tiitinen & May, preprint). This, I feel, must and are called songs (Fig. 1). Although each single song encodes
be emphasized despite the fact that our understanding of sensory- information about several biological details, for example, both in-
level memory processes is still evolving (see, e.g., May et al. 1999). dividual and species-specific cues, many species develop and use
A more straightforward way to understand the STM limitation repertoires of several different types of songs (Catchpole & Slater
might be the design of experiments based on the framework pro- 1995; Kroodsma & Miller 1996). Song development is a matter of
vided by Cowan. This impressive target article already suggests vocal learning (Hultsch 1991; Marler 1976; 1991; Nottebohm
several interesting research avenues for brain research: For ex- 1993). This accomplishment covaries, however, with the hierachy
ample, the results of Cowan et al. (1999) could be further ex- level of learning stimuli: Whereas birds normally copy the acousti-
tended in the context of EEG and MEG measurements, in which cal patterns of single songs, they appear less precise when learn-
one could also take into account the problems mentioned above. ing at a higher level of song organisation. That is, their acquisition
An equally interesting issue is that of the flexible use of chunk of information encoded in a series of different songs can be con-
sizes, which can range from small groups to supergroups (Erics- strained by a mechanism called package formation (Hultsch et
son et al. 1980; Ericsson 1985) or active superconcepts (Shastri al. 1995).
& Ajjanagadde 1993). These not only provide humans with a pow- The phenomenon of package formation reflects properties of
erful operating advantage in complex cognitive environments, but STM involved in the acquisition of songs and indicates that this
might even help explain the observed individual differences in achievement is mediated by a process reminiscent of the chunk-
STM limits. These observations can readily be made in fMRI and/ ing of items in human serial item learning. The phenomenon was
or PET measurement, which might then shed light on where in discovered by analyses of groups of sequentially associated songs,
the brain the STM chunks of varying size are located. These, and or song packages, respectively. These were developed by night-
similar attempts, should eventually provide us with a map of the ingales, who during their first weeks of life had been exposed to
architecture of cognition and one of its important aspects: flex- long strings of stimulus songs. Such packages had a mean size of
ible memory storage and attentional influences. 4 6 2 songs (Hultsch & Todt 1989). After several studies on this
matter, it became evident that the packages were not a result of
song recall or memory retrieval, but induced by STM properties
upon early auditory exposure to learning stimuli. In addition,
package formation is explained by a model postulating a joint
Studies of STM properties in animals may operation of the STM and a battery of submemories: When a
help us better understand the nature young bird is exposed to a succession of several new songs, his STM
processes information of about 26 different songs, and then
of our own storage limitations: transmits the information to a specific submemory where the sec-
The case of birdsong acquisition ond step, that is, a longterm storage of song material, takes place.
It was hypothesised that, only after the transmission is the STM
Dietmar Todt ready to process a further number of songs, which are then stored
Institute of Biology: Behavioural Biology, FU Berlin, D-12163 Berlin, in a different submemory (Todt & Hultsch 1996; 1998). In other
words, the model predicts that the STM segments a given se-
quence of learning stimuli and the battery of submemories con-
solidates this effect by processing the segments as different pack-
Abstract: I like Cowans review of STM properties and especially his sug-
gestions on the role of attention. I missed, however, a consideration of
ages of songs.
studies which provide evidence for STM properties in animals. In my com- To further test the memory model and, in particular, to clarify
mentary, I argue that such evidence can elucidate the biological basis of whether the segmentation would be a genuinely unit related (i.e.,
storage limitations, validating this view by discussing mechanisms which information constrained) process or whether time related effects
constrain the acquisition of serial information in songbirds. could also play a role, Hultsch examined how young nightingales
would cope with learning programs that differed in the rate of
In the introduction to his target article (sect. 1, para. 2) Cowan em- stimulus songs (Hultsch 1992). Programs were prepared by mod-
phasises that we are still uncertain as to the nature of storage ca- ifying the duration of silent intervals between successive stimulus
Figure 1 (Todt). Frequency spectrograms of three nightingale songs (section of a longer singing episode). These songs are developed
by vocal imitation, and during their early acquisition processed analogous to chunks (see text).
songs. In one test series, the normal intervals (duration: 4 sec) The good accord between properties of song acquisition in
were shortened to just 1 sec; thus 1 min included 13 learning stim- birds and properties of STM in humans, prompts three final com-
uli here (dense designs). In a second test series, such intervals ments. First, it seems evident that a study of STM properties in
were prolonged up to 10 sec; thus 1 min included only 5 learning animals can help to elucidate the nature of our own storage limi-
stimuli here (spaced design). For a contro1, the subjects were tations (Roitblat et al. 1991). Second, song acquisition is a useful
also exposed to temporally unmodified series (norma1 design biological model for comparative studies, for example, one can
that is, 8 learning stimuli per min). In order to adjust the experi- test memory mechanisms by applying learning stimuli that are
mental design to the methods of former studies, each of the three completely new for a young subject and do not produce cognitive
stimulus sequences was composed of 20 different types of songs problems as do so many learning stimuli in human serial item
which the birds could not experience in any other sequence or learning (Todt et al. 2000). Third, the finding that birds use mem-
learning program. Analyses of singing behaviours performed by ory mechanisms which operate similarly to ours points to inter-
the trained birds yielded results that can make an interesting con- esting parallels in the evolution. Since the brains of birds are not
tribution to the issues raised by the target article (Fig. 2). homologous to the those of mammals (Konishi 1989; Pepperberg
Above all, the study showed that the early segmentation song 1993), similar operational properties suggest that they have evolved
stimulus sequences is controlled by two components: a unit (or in- because they allow an optimal solution to a given problem; that is,
formation) based capacity buffer (evidence: constraints uncov- here, a strategic acquisition of perceptional information.
ered by the dense program) and a time window based gating
mechanism (evidence: constraints uncovered by the spaced pro- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
gram). The capacity buffer limited the sizes of stored packages at The memory research on nightingales is supported by DFG grants.
3 5 songs. The time related component, on the other hand, lim-
ited such sizes by a time window of ca. 32 sec. Based on new evi-
dence (Hultsch et al. 1999). This window indicates a specific span
of attention as suggested in Cowans article.
Memory limits: Give us an answer!
John N. Towse
University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 OEX, United Kingdom.
The relevance of this whimsy lies in the illustration of how we Neural mechanism for the magical number 4:
can lose sight of the question that were asking when searching for Competitive interactions and nonlinear
an answer. Cowan has amassed an impressive array of data that oscillation
leads him to believe that The Ultimate Answer to Memory is 4.
By constraining the circumstances for admissible evidence bear- Marius Usher,a Jonathan D. Cohen,b Henk Haarmann,c
ing on this question, Cowan has refined Millers earlier conjecture and David Hornd
that the answer is 7. In fact, whether you prefer 4 or 7 or a
School of Psychology, Birkbeck College, University of London, London
some other number probably relates to whether you feel the var- WCJE 7HX, United Kingdom; bDepartment of Psychology, Princeton
ious measurement conditions are appropriate or not, and Cowans University, Princeton, NJ 08544; cDepartment of Hearing and Speech
line of reasoning certainly needs to be taken seriously. Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; dDepartment of
In the case of short-term memory, though, surely the question Physics, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
is quite transparent What is the limit of mental storage capac-
ity? So wheres the fuss? Well, although we can ask this question
and find an answer (even perhaps find a coherent answer) does
that help us identify whether it is the best or only question to be
asking? Unfortunately, this is less clear.
This problem is hardly Cowans fault. Consider, for example, the Abstract: The aim of our commentary is to strengthen Cowans proposal
area of working memory capacity, covered in the target article. for an inherent capacity limitation in STM by suggesting a neurobiologi-
cal mechanism based on competitive networks and nonlinear oscillations
Working memory capacity is conventionally estimated via working that avoids some of the shortcomings of the scheme discussed in the tar-
memory span tasks. These are supposed to require the simultane- get article (Lisman & Idiart 1995).
ous combination of processing and retention. They exist in
several forms such as reading span where individuals read a series Cowan interprets the capacity limitation of 4 6 1 items, in rela-
of unrelated sentences for comprehension and afterwards attempt tion to a bottleneck on the focus of attention. While this may be a
to recall each sentence-terminal word (Daneman & Carpenter plausible explanation, it is somehow paradoxical that recall of un-
1980). Reading span is calculated on the basis of the number of attended material should provide a measure for the capacity of the
sentences that can be presented and followed by correct recall of focus of attention; with diverted attention, recall may be mediated
the relevant words. Now, one can argue about one or other theo- by the residual decay limited components in STM. Nevertheless,
retical account of performance (e.g., Towse & Houston-Price, in we believe that the rest of the reviewed data provides convincing
press) and doing so can certainly lead to a richer appreciation of support for a capacity limitation of about 4 items in STM. This
working memory. It is important to recognise, however, that these raises the challenge of providing a plausible neurobiological mech-
theoretical debates all centre around what happens to span scores, anism for it. Cowan adapted the model of Lisman and Idiart
that is, the maximum number of things that can be remembered. (1995), explaining the capacity limitation in terms of two wave fre-
Under such circumstances, therefore, there are few options avail- quencies. While this adaptation needs to be tested, its likelihood
able to the scholar other than to do what Cowan has and derive an for confirmation is low, as the g and u waves used in the original
average value for memory capacity. schemes were based on empirical estimates of neurophysiological
So although the target article briefly considers alternatives to data. Moreover the frequency of these oscillations is broad and
the storage capacity account and finds them wanting (sect. 4.3), therefore their ratio is likely to fluctuate widely rather than pro-
the evidential basis on which to evaluate the different accounts vide a stable value corresponding to a specific capacity.
simply is not balanced. With so many studies of short-term mem- An alternative neurobiological account does not rely on precise
ory, let alone working memory, based on span scores or their frequency values but explains the capacity limitation in terms of
equivalent, we run the danger of rigging the contest. That is, pre- inherent properties of competitive networks (Horn & Usher 1991;
determining the sort of answer we will look for and therefore find. 1992; Usher & Cohen 1999). The main idea for consideration is
Recent, as yet unpublished collaborative work with Graham that while LTM is mediated by structural changes in connectivity,
Hitch, Una Hutton, and Zo Hamilton has begun to explore other STM (which is associated with awareness) is mediated by neuro-
ways of asking questions about working memory. Rather than fo- electric reverberations (Hebb 1949), subject to competitive inter-
cus on ( just) the number of items that children can remember, we actions, whose need has often been discussed in experimental and
have asked whether, in variants of working memory span tests, computational neuroscience (Desimone 1998; Grossberg I976;
children show meaningful and reliable variations in the temporal Usher & Cohen 1999; Usher & McClelland 1995) in relation to at-
endurance of their memory traces. Potentially at least, some cog- tentional selection. Typically selection is implemented in compet-
nitive skills may rely more on the extent to which representations itive models by a mechanism of strong lateral inhibition, resulting
can be preserved, as opposed to the number of stimulus neigh- in a winner-take-all system. We have recently presented a model
bours that can be tolerated in memory tests. Early indications of which proposed that the lateral inhibition can be modulated in re-
this research programme seem promising, but in the present con- lation to task demand (Usher & Cohen 1999). The model is de-
text, it is perhaps the attempt to seek alternative dependent vari- scribed by the following equation:
ables that is most relevant. Even if endurance measures turn out
to be redundant, or ineffective, that itself seems an important con- dxi /dt 5 2xi 1 a F(xi ) 2 bSj? i F(xj ) 1 Ii 1 noise
clusion to reach because thus far one must assume span gives all
the information one needs. Strong faith in measures of memory where xi is the activation of the i representation, F(x) 5 x/(11 x)
size alone may permit us to find The Answer, but at what cost to is the activation-functions (see e.g., Tsodyks et al. 1998), Ii is the
a full understanding of immediate memory? sensory input to each representation, a corresponds to recurrent
self excitation and b to lateral inhibition. The self excitation al-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lows the maintenance of activation after the input Ii is turned off.
The commentary is underpinned by support from the ESRC, grant The inhibition parameter is set high when selection is required
R000222789 (awarded to John Towse, Graham Hitch, and Una Hutton). and moderate when multiple items need to be maintained to-
Discussions with Robin Walker are also appreciated. gether, as in immediate recall tasks. In this model we showed that
moderate levels of lateral inhibition allow the coactivation of sev-
eral memory representation. More interestingly, the system
shows a sharp capacity limitation where only a small number of
items can be simultaneously maintained. This capacity depends
on the excitation and inhibition parameters and is within the
Table 1. (Wilding). Time to initiate recall(s) for lists of 5 to 17 items in a visual digit span task
Length 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
MP 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.6
Rajan 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.7 1.4 4.2 3.0 8.4 11.2
The mean of the longest span achieved on each run was 14.96 though he does not have a deliberately practised strategy for mem-
(range 1218, s.d. 1.4), less outstanding than Rajan, but about orisation, he tried to find some mathematical pattern or relation,
twice the norm. Table 1 gives the time to initiate recall at each list normally in each group of four.
length (successful recalls only) for MP and corresponding figures While any conclusions clearly need data from other individuals
for Rajan (estimated from Thompson et al., Fig. 2.1; absolute before they can be firmly established, these results imply that: (1)
times are not comparable, due to the different methods of record- Thompson et al.s (1993) response lag measure is not decisive as
ing used). While Rajan certainly shows a steep rise in times for lists an indication of basic span. Though no clear discontinuity in MPs
of more than 13 items, there is also some suggestion of an increase data indicated a basic span limit, discontinuities in inter-item la-
at 11 items; no data are given for lists of five or six items and pre- tencies suggested chunking was occurring. (2) items were in gen-
sumably measurement of times by stopwatch was imprecise for eral grouped into fours, but such grouping was not mandatory and
short intervals. MP, however, shows a gradual increase, with pos- up to seven items were treated as a group in some circumstances.
sible stops at 10, 13, and 17 items. There is, however, no clear dis- Such flexibility may explain the long running argument as to
continuity, which would unambiguously indicate a basic span lim- whether the limit is four or seven items and raises further ques-
itation. The other expert we tested, who overtly converted tions about the mechanisms involved.
numbers into images, showed a sharp discontinuity at 9 items, fol-
lowed by a continuous rise in times, like Thompson et al.s (1993)
subject GN, who also developed a mnemonic method, so the pat-
tern shown by MP was not some artefact of the measurement
method. Attention is not unitary
Inter-item latencies for successful recall, however, provided un-
ambiguous evidence for chunking in MPs recall; however, the pat- Geoffrey F. Woodman, Edward K. Vogel,
tern obtained was only partly consistent with Cowans argument. and Steven J. Luck
Figure 1 gives cumulative recall times for lists of 5 to 16 items. Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1407.
Once lists exceeded 7 items, a pause occurred after the fourth {geoff-woodman; steven-luck}{woodman/woodman; luck/
item, once lists exceeded 11 items, another pause occurred after
the eighth item, and once lists exceeded 15 items, a third pause
occurred after the twelfth item. MP apparently divided the lists
Abstract: A primary proposal of the Cowan target article is that capacity
initially into groups of four items (though lists of 14 items seem to limits arise in working memory because only 4 chunks of information can
be divided 4 4 3 3), but the final group could be as large as be attended at one time. This implies a single, unitary attentional focus or
seven items before it was further subdivided. MP confirmed that, resource; we instead propose that relatively independent attentional mech-
anisms operate within different cognitive subsystems depending on the
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