A New Method For Measuring Dielectric Constant
A New Method For Measuring Dielectric Constant
A New Method For Measuring Dielectric Constant
Centimeter Waves
S. Roberts and A. Von Hippel
Measurement of the Dielectric Constant and Loss of Solids and Liquids by a Cavity Perturbation
Journal of Applied Physics 20, 817 (2004); 10.1063/1.1698535
In 1940, dielectric measurements in the centimeter range were considered as difficult and not
very accurate. The authors, therefore, developed a "hollow-pipe" method which overcame these
objections and required only a weak oscillator and small amounts of the dielectric material.
The theory and its practical applications, as perfected by March 1941, are presented in this
* This
research, about which a preliminary report was
!' __
given at the meeting of the American Physical Society in
April, 1940, was ready for publication by March, 1941, but
had to be classified and withheld from general circulation.
The method, now one of common knowledge, has been
refined further in our laboratory during the war and is
being used with coaxial lines and hollow wave guides in
the range from one meter to one centimeter. A survey of
v '" 0
to WCov
this newer development and of the extensive dielectric FIG. 1. Relation between current and voltage in a condenser
information obtained will be given elsewhere. with loss.
Ail and Arl are the amplitudes of the incident tanh p- j cot if;
and reflected waves at the dielectric surface. Z(O)=Zll------
1 - j tanh p cot if;
Their ratio
E min 27rxo
(8) ---jtan--
where E ma" Al
=Zll------- (14)
Emin 27rXo
defines a reflection coefficient which character- I-j--tan--
Emax Al
izes the terminating pipe section containing the
dielectric medium 2. The wave impedance Z(O) The impedance Z(O) is determined by the
of this section, given by the ratio of the electric length d and the propagation function 'Y2 of the
to the magnetic field intensities at the dielectric short section of pipe containing the dielectric,
surface, is related to Yo and cp. or conversely, if Z(O) and d are known, 'Y2 can
be derived from them.
E(O) 1 +ro 1+e- 2</1 The standing wave in the dielectric is
Z(O)=--=Zl--=Zl =Zlcothcp. (9)
H(O) l-ro l-e- 2</1
Normally the attenuation in the air-filled part
of the pipe can be neglected, that is, the propaga-
tion 'YI, is reduced to its phase factor
and at x= -d (Fig. 2) the pipe is terminated by
a metal plate, introducing at this boundary a
where Al is the wave-length in air inside the' voltage node. .
wave guide. Since 'Yl is imaginary, that is,
O=Ai2 exp (-'Y~)+Ar2 exp ('Y2d). (16)
lexp('Ylx )I ==1, it follows from (7) that the
maximum and minimum field amplitudes of the Solving (16) for Ar2/Ai2 and substituting this
standing wave are value in (15) gives
E ma" = lAd (1+ Irol) = IAil (l+e- Zp ), E(Oh
(11) Z(O) =--=Z2 tanh wi. (17)
Emin IAil (1-1 rol) = IAil (1-e- 2p
), H(O)2
I'k f' \ II \ "'~\
,J Isr' '\. [\., I 1\
1\ \j IY ] \
1\ \ V 19' \ 1/ '\~
1:' 1\ v / I~ I~I
I\~ ..,./1\ I 1\
- II! \~
".... I-"'
/ \{ ..,
i\ '\
II \
1/ ~ 100"
V , 1/
\ j
Iter. l-
o 2 3 4 T 5 6 7
FIG. 3. Chart of the function Ceil =tanh Te iT /Te iT , with! and T expressed in degrees.
The characteristic impedance Z2 and the pro- Equating (19) and (14) yields
pagation function 1'2 of any TEM or TE wave
Emin 211"xo
in a dielectric are related in the following manner: ---jtan--
(18a) tanh 'Y~ - JXI Emax Xl
---=--. (20)
where Jl.2 is the permeability of the dielectric 'Y~ 211"d Emin 211"XO
medium. The permeability of dielectric materials Emax Xl
is generally Jl.o of free space; therefore
(18b) The function Ceii can be found, as shown
and above, by measuring the thickness of the sample
1'1 d, the wave-length Xl in the air-filled pipe, the
Z(O) =Zl- tanh 'Y2d. (19) ratio of minimum to maximum field strength
Emin/ Em ax , and the distance Xo of the first mini-
010 !
mum from the dielectric surface.
," ;
7 0.001 The next step is the determination of Te iT
In Fig. 3 the argument T is the ordinate, the
absolute value T the abscissa, while C and ~ are
025 075
parameters of intersecting curves. T and ~ are
expressed in degrees. The hyperbolic functions
FIG. 4. Emin/Emax and XO/AI, versus the ratio of thickness
d of the sample to wave-length A2 in the dielectric. are multivalued so that measurements with a
FIG. 5. Constructional details of the apparatus. For the coaxial line this equation reduces to
I (26) .
single thickness d of the dielectric may leave the
value of "}'2 in doubt. But if two different thick- The determination of E2* may now be sum-
nesses are used, only one set of values T/d and marized as follows. The ratio Em in/E max , the
T, will satisfy both experimental results. distances Xo and d and the wave-length Al are
For low loss materials it is desirable to use a measured. From these measured values C and
thickness near A2/4 or higher odd multiples of t are calculated with the help of Eq. (2.0). From
A2/4. As Fig. 4 shows, Emin/Emax reaches maxima REFLECTOR
for these values of thickness. The apparatus used
in 194.0 could measure the loss if Emin/ Emax
were larger than .0 ..0.03. For d=Ad4 in Fig. 4,
the loss would be below this limit, while for a
thickness d=3Ad4 or T=31f/2, the loss could
be determined easily. In handling dielectric
materials with low loss one can obtain more ac-
curate results than are obtainable from the
chart, by using the following series approxima-
tion, valid in the range C> 1 when T~3/21f.
.0.212 .0 ..0.096 )
TeiT=j ( 4.71---eii----ei2i . (22)
C C2
FIG. 6. Details of magnetron.
The complex dielectric constant can be found
from "}'2 by the general relation C and t the values of T and T are found from the
chart or by a series approximation. "}'2 is found
7 L. J. Chu and W. L. Barrow, Proc. I.R.E. 26, 1520
8 G. L. Southworth, Bell Sys. Tech. J. IS, 284 (1936);
The cut-off wave-length Ac is determined by the W. L. Barrow, Proc. I.R.E. 24, 1298 (1936).