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acta SATECH 3(1): 185 - 191 (2009)

The resonance method of determining the dielectric constant of a
specimen (A4 Paper)
Kwaha* B. J. and E. Enyinna

Department of Physics, University of Jos, Jos.

* Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo

*Corresponding author <kwahab68@yahoo.com>

An LC based resonance circuit consisting of precision electrodes was used to determine the dielectric constant of A4
paper. The resonance of the circuit (with air as the dielectric) was first determined by continuously adjusting the fine
and coarse control knobs of the variable capacitor of the LC tank. The half power bandwidth bo of the resonance
curve was found by adjusting the fine control. The A4 specimen was then inserted appropriately. A new resonance
curve with new halfpower bandwidth was obtained. Harrop (1972) showed that the specimens’ capacitance is a
function of the change in variable capacitance needed to achieve resonance. This was then used to obtain the
dielectric constant.
The dielectric constant of the A4 paper specimen was obtained as 1.203, which was close to the expected value when
compared with standard values obtained from published literature. The resonance method is quite flexible and may
be used to determine the dielectric constant of industrial materials such as lubricating oils, transformer oils, egusi
oil and other paper types.

Keywords: Dielectric Constant of A4 Paper

Introduction Duffin (1965) broadly classifies dielectrics into

Elwell et al. (1978) and Grant (1990) defined a homogeneous and ferroelectrics dielectrics. A
dielectric as an insulating material, which exhibits dielectric is homogenous if its electric susceptibility
electric dipole polarization, in which an electrostatic χe is independent of position. Ferroelectrics are
field can exist under the influence of an electric field. dielectrics that exhibit polarization even in the
Such substances are capable of sustaining electrical absence of an applied electric field. Ferroelectrics are
stress. Simple (non-polar) dielectrics include Glass, nonlinear dielectrics. Apart from the dependence of
Mica, Plastics, Paper, Wax, Gasses, Polystyrene etc. permittivity on electric field intensity; the most
In the atomic structure of a simple (non-polar) essential features of this class of dielectrics include
dielectric, molecules are closely packed together that hysteresis, very high values of permittivity and
each other’s short-range field are interactive. Grant presence of a spontaneous polarization without an
(1990) showed that because the average field Elocal external electric field.
acting on individual molecules is not the same as the This research aims at providing an alternative means
macroscopic field E, simple (non-polar) dielectrics of obtaining replacements for materials whose
have no permanent dipole moment. Polar dielectrics dielectric constant is a priori especially in designing
exhibit sharing of electrons between atoms, which components such as capacitors where the value of the
make them almost ionic in character and have dielectric constant of the material is of significance to
permanent dipole moment. In anisotropic dielectrics the realizable value of the capacitance of the
the magnitude and direction of the induced dipole capacitor under design.
moment depends on the orientation of the crystal axes
with respect to the field direction. While isotropic Dielectric Constant
dielectrics imitate an electric field whatever their Absolute permittivity ε is a term used to define
orientation. dielectric constant. Valerie (1990) defined this to be
2009 Kwaha and Enyinna – Resonance method 186

the degree to which a medium can resist the flow of

Eo = σ
charge and may be expressed as a ratio of the electric εo
displacement to the intensity of the electric field that
produces it. As applied to free space ε transforms to Ch arg e Aσ ε o A
Co = = =
εo and is called electric constant. The ratio of the Potential difference E o d d
absolute permittivity of a medium to the electric (2)
constant is called relative permittivity. The value Co represents the capacitance developed between the
varies from unity to ten for ordinary materials and plates in a vacuum and σA the flux out of S as given
over 4000 for ferroelectrics (Valerie, 1990). This is by Gauss law.
also called the dielectric constant. For a capacitor this
is expressed as the ratio of the capacitance of the (a) In a Vacuum (b) filled with dielectric materials.
capacitor to the capacitance it would posses if the
dielectric were removed.
The dielectric constant may be used in the following
ways; + -
i. As Liquid Level Control for both hazardous and + ε -
0 +
non hazardous materials. - + -
ii. For determining the water or moisture content of + -
materials. +
- +
iii. Detecting wire cuts for wire sizes down to 0.003”. -
+ -
iv. Detecting plastic pellet level in a hopper moulding
processes. -
v. Detecting small metal parts in inductive sensors. Fig 1 Parallel Plate Capacitor
vi. For modelling human tissue in developing
dielectric managing system for the kidney and level The ratio of the capacitance with the dielectric
organs, without possible corrections in the bovine medium in place, Cm to that in a vacuum Co is given
dielectric permittivity. (Agba et al, 2002). as (Duffin 1965; Grant 1990).
This research is aimed at measuring the dielectric Cm ε m
constant of A4 paper. The methodology used is based = = εr
on electronic resonance method and it involves the Co ε o (3)
fabrication of a suitable coil for use in a locally
constructed resonator. The circuit was connected to a εm is regarded as the permittivity of the dielectric
20MHz dual input oscilloscope to monitor the signal
material and εr the relative permittivity or the
input, output, amplitude and frequency.
dielectric constant of the material.
Conductivity: The Conductance G (Ω-1 or
Theoretical formulation of some properties of
Siemens) between the plates is given by (Harrop
1972; Tareev, 1975).
Polarisation: Consider an electric field E generated
between the parallel plates of a capacitor with a σ `A 1
G= =
dielectric placed between the plates as shown in Fig. d R (4)
1. Under the influence of the electric field, the
where σ` is the conductivity of the dielectric material.
molecules of the dielectric become polarized
Neglecting edge effects, the capacitance is related to a
(separating +q and –q by a distance r determined by
parallel plate configuration as (Harrop 1972)
the electric field intensity) and will acquire electric
dipole moment P. And since polarization is dependent ε `ε o A ε `ε o G
C= =
on the electric field it may be expressed in terms of d σ` (5)
the susceptibility χ as (Elwell et al 1978; Tareev
ε` is the relative permittivity of the dielectric.
P = χE (1) Loss Tangent and the Q-Factor: Using complex
Relative Permittivity: Assuming a parallel plate notation, the impedance, Z, of a dielectric is given by
capacitor with area A and separated by a distance d is (Harrop, 1972)
placed in a vacuum. Surface charges ±σ appear on the
1 1
plates. The field Eo on the surface S due to charge ±σ = + jwC
is given as (Elwell et al 1978; Tareev 1975). Z R (6)
2009 Kwaha and Enyinna – Resonance method 187

j is − 1 , w is 2πf, R the associated resistance and

C 1 σ`
ε `= and ε ``= =
C the capacitance. We define a generalized Co wC o R wε o
permittivity that has both real and imaginary parts that where ε` is same as εr. It is important to note
and includes both resistive and capacitive
1 ε ``
contributions befitting to equation (6) as = = tan δ
here that wRC ε` . Tan δ is referred
ε*= ε` - jε`` (7a) to as the dissipation loss or the loss tangent and is
consistent with δ = 90o - θ shown in Fig 2. The
And C* = ε*Co (7b) reciprocal of the loss tangent gives the quality
factor Q.
jε`` is associated with the resistive vector and C* 1
the complex capacitance of a slab of dielectric. If Q= = cot δ = tan θ
there are dielectric losses, the permittivity is tan δ
expressed with an in-phase and an out-phase
component. The negative sign of equation (7a) Energy Storage and Power factor:
implies the dielectric absorbs power rather than When an electric field is applied to a dielectric the
generate. displacement of the electric charges will be a
function of the energy stored. When a potential V is
applied to the capacitor, energy is stored. If the
Imaginary axis potential is allowed to vary at an angular frequency
w, Harrop (1972) gave the corresponding power
factor as;
1 P = ½ ωεE2o tan δ (9)
Z Radiation Properties of Dielectrics:
Visible light rays alone exert a definite effect on
dielectrics and semiconductors and increase their
conductivity under illumination. A prolong action
of the intensive flux of light rays speeds up the
ageing of a number of organic insulating materials.
1 Thus Petroleum oil, Rubber and Capron display a
Real axis low light resistance. Under ultraviolet rays and
R ionizing radiation materials lose some of their
mechanical strength and elasticity (Harrop 1972;
Fig. 2 Vector diagram showing impedance in a Tareev, 1975).
Resonance method measuring dielectric
When a potential V is applied across a parallel constant
1 At low frequencies of 10-4 to 10-1Hz, the step
w= CV 2 response method, which is based on the fact that
plate capacitor, the energy stored is 2 .
the ac loss frequency spectra are the Fourier
Recall that V = Ed, where E is the applied field,
transforms of the dc current with time, is more
εA 1 suitable. This involves complex numerical
C= w = εE 2τ
noting that d , then 2 , where τ integrations. Hamon (2000) derived an
approximation given as
= Ad (the volume and is 1 for a unit volume) and ε
the permittivity of a medium ordinarily expressed i
ε ``≈
which translates to εm for a given medium. With wCV
potential V applied, a current I = jwCV flows into
the resonator so that the impedance is given as (10)
(Harrop 1972) where ε`` is the imaginary part of the complex
1 1 permittivity at frequency w = 2πf and i is the
Z= = charging current.
jwC * jwC o (ε `− jε ``) (8)
At audio frequencies of 100 to 105Hz, the Schering
Combining equations (6), (7) and (8) and equating bridge method, which is based on adjusting the
the real and imaginary parts, one observes
2009 Kwaha and Enyinna – Resonance method 188

capacitance and resistance to balance the current in bo of the resonance curve is found by adjusting the
a sample, is quiet suitable. fine control. The specimen of material whose
At radio frequencies of 104 to 109Hz, the dielectric constant is to be measured is then
resonance method, based on the use of precision inserted appropriately. A new resonance curve with
electrodes with minimal leads is more suitable. new halfpower bandwidth bi is obtained. The
This is a modified version of the Hartshorn and capacitance of the specimen is given by the change
Ward technique. In this method, resonance is first in variable capacitance needed to achieve
detected with air in the sample position by resonance again. ε` is found from (Maddock and
adjusting the variable capacitor, which consists of a Calcutt, 1995; Harrop 1972)
fine and coarse control. The half power bandwidth A
C = ε `ε o
d (11)

Voltage in

Fig 3 Hartshorn and Ward apparatus

Tan δ, the dissipation factor also called the curved inward. The inductor coil was locally
attenuation factor is given as (Maddock and wound.
Calcutt, 1995) The sample cell used consisted of two parallel
bi − bo brass circular electrodes of average diameter of
tan δ = 25mm, which was mounted at the two ends of a
2C (12) Perspex cylinder of diameter 26mm. The electrodes
The capacitance cell have average thickness of approximately 10mm.
The capacitor plates, which make up the sample Inter-electrode distance (d) within the Perspex
cell, was constructed at the Jos University cylinder is approximately 1mm.
Equipment Maintenance Workshop. The flat
headed drilling screw for the terminal of the
electrode was improvised with the aperture slightly

Perspex cylinder

Fig. 4 Sample cell Brass electrode

2009 Kwaha and Enyinna – Resonance method 189


wire Lead The enamel insulated copper wire was wound
round cylindrical insulating material or core,
making a total of 180 turns. The cylindrical
insulating material has the following dimensions.
The external and internal diameters are
Insulating approximately 1.19x10-2m and 0.99x10-2m
material respectively. The length is 1.4 x 10-2m. The
inductance of the coil is given as (Harrop, 1972)
External diameter µo N 2 A
0.99cm L= l

Fig. 5 Inductor coil wound around insulating (13)

material where µo = 4π x10-7 Hm-1, N is number of turns
(180), l is the length of coil (1.4 x 10-2m) and A
Inserting the constants εo = 8.854 x 10-12 Fm-1, and the area occupied by the coil, which translates to
d = 5x10-3m into equation (2), the area of the Brass 2.15 cm
Electrode can be computed from, A = πr2 since the the diameter of the coil = 2 and radius r
radius of the brass electrode was measured as
12.5x10-3m. Substituting values gives C = 8.7x10-13 2.15
= 4 = 5.38x10-3m. A= πr2 (9.09 x 10-5m2).
Substituting values, we obtain L as 2.64 x 10-4H.

Fig. 6 Circuit diagram and experimental procedure

Input A of oscilloscope

L = 2.64 x 10–4H

Signal Generator
100kHz – 10MHz

Resonance circuit for the allows us evaluate the effectiveness of the
determinationof the dielectric constant of paper. improvised sections of the circuit especially as it
The circuit was connected to the oscilloscope as approaches resonance.
shown in Fig. 6. The dielectric constant was first
determined with air in the position of the sample Results obtained
cell. Then the dielectric constant was again By monitoring the response of the circuit on the
determined with A4 paper was trimmed to fit in oscilloscope to the signal fed in from the signal
between the capacitor plates acting as the dielectric generator at given frequencies simultaneously, the
in the sample cell. Signals corresponding to those following data was obtained. This was used to plot
presented on table 1 were fed into the circuit from a graph from which the resonance frequency (fr)
the signal generator and the peak-to-peak signal was determined. This experiment was carried out at
voltages resulting form inputs A and B of the dual a temperature of about 28oC. The paper used as the
input oscilloscope were measured and compared. dielectric has a thickness (d) of 9.7 x 10-4m.
The parallel tapping of the outputs (inputs A and B
of the oscilloscope) favours the comparison of the
outputs with input B acting as a bypass. This also
2009 Kwaha and Enyinna – Resonance method 190
FREQ INPUT OUTPUT Amplitude Table 2 Reference values of Dielectric Constants
(MHz) SIGNAL SIGNAL (mm) of some Industrial Products (Hamon, 2000;
(mV) (mV) Elwell et al., 1978)
3.33 220.00 64.00 29.00 L was computed to have a value of 2.64 x 10-4H.
3.85 210.00 80.00 38.00 The area “A” of the capacitor plate was obtained as
5.00 190.00 84.00 44.00 4.9 x 10-4m2 (where r = 12.5 x 10-3m). The resonant
5.56 190.00 100.00 53.00 frequency was computed as 6.58 x 106 HZ, while εo
6.58 180.00 112.00 62.00 and ε` were obtained as 8.854 x 10-12 Fm-1 and
7.81 175.00 94.00 54.00 1.203 respectively. Thus, the dielectric constant of
8.33 240.00 84.00 35.00 paper was obtained to be 1.203, which is close to
Table 1 Data from oscilloscope. the expected value. Table 2 shows the results for
the dielectric constants of some common industrial
The graph of amplitude (A) was plotted against materials, which are used in various spheres under
frequency (MHZ), from which a resonance curve human endeavour.
was obtained. The resonance frequency fr was
determined as 6.58 MHZ. Discussion and conclusion
Capacitance is a parameter whose value relies
Determination of dielectric constant heavily on the presence of charges – whether stray
1 Materials Dielectric Materials Dielectric
fr =
At resonance frequency 2π LC Constants Constants
(14) Air 1.0 Oil 4.0
From saturated
1 ε pε o A Cellulose 3.2 - 7.5 Water 48 – 88
C= 2
= Glass 3.1 – 10 Sugar 3.0
ω L d (15) Transformer 2.2 - 2.4 Silicon 4.5
where ω is the angular frequency (Radian/Secs) = Oil dioxide
2πfr, εp the relative permittivity of paper, ε0 = 8.854 Paper 1.6 - 4.5
x 10-12 F/M, A the area of the capacitor plate (m2) or induced. These charges, when present in a
and d the thickness of the paper, equation (15) can substance, influence its dielectric behaviour. The
be rewritten as: theory of dielectrics predict that dielectric
behaviour relies heavily on properties such as
d d polarisation, conductivity, energy storage and
εp = = power factor, loss tangent and Q factor and most
ω Lε o A 4π f r2Lε o A
2 2
importantly the relative permittivity of a substance.
(16) These properties were analysed in course of this
research. The aim of adopting a modified version
of the Hartshorn and Ward technique is primarily
to eliminate the effects of stray capacitances,
resistance and inductances that would have been
the problem in using other methods such as the
Schering method. Also, this method sidelines the
complex numerical integrations that would have
been required using the step response technique.
More importantly is the adaptation to a useful
frequency band – the audio frequency, which
makes this method a natural tool for this research.
This method is based on the use of precision
electrodes with minimal leads in which resonance
is attained by adjusting the variable capacitor. The
half power bandwidths bo and bi of the resonance
curve are found by fine tuning the capacitor with
air and then with dielectric inserted appropriately.
The capacitance of the specimen is a function of
Fig 7 Resonance curve of the A4 paper the change in variable capacitance needed to
2009 Kwaha and Enyinna – Resonance method 191

achieve resonance again with dielectric inserted. Considering the role played by the permittivity of
The relative permittivity of the A4 paper, εp, was paper used as dielectric material, this research
found from using equation (16). The dielectric offers an avenue of using alternative dielectric
material in the design of various capacitor types
constant obtained for A4 paper is consistent with depending on the value of capacitance required.
standard results presented in Table 2. The effects of This same method may be used in determining the
stray capacitance emanating from the connecting relative permittivity of industrial materials such as
wires, stray series capacitance, which reduced lubricating oils, transformer oils etc.
effective capacitance of the circuit and the effect of
the parallel stray inductance which reduced References
effective inductance, only resulted in minor Duffin W.J. (1965). Electricity and
discrepancies when compared with reference Magnetism McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, London.
values of similar materials as presented in Table 2.
It was also noticed that the factor by which the Elwell D. and Pointon A.J. (1978). Physics for
capacitance increases depends on the nature of the Engineers and Scientist. 2nd Edition, Ellis Horwood
dielectric more than it does on the size and shape of Ltd, a division of John Wiley and Sons, Sydney.
the capacitor. The relative permittivity varies with
temperature, pressure and frequency. The Grant S.I. (1990). Electromagnetism, McGraw-Hill
Book Company.
capacitance of a capacitor is several times larger
when filled with dielectric than in vacuum, which Harrop P.J. (1972). Dielectrics. London
implies that materials with very high relative Butterworths.
permittivity provide better capacitance than those
with less. The experimented circuit was mounted Maddock R.J. and Calcutt D.M. (1995).
on bread board for ease of experimentation. Electronics - A Course for Engineering 2nd Edition
The resonance method of determining the dielectric Longman Scientific and Technical. Longman
constant of specimens offers a reliable method that Group Ltd.
may be applied to several specimens for various
applications. For instance, some capacitors Tareev B. (1975). Physics of Dielectric Materials.
impregnated with paper as their dielectric material. Mir Publishers, Moscow.

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