Experiment 4 Common Ion Effect and Buffers: Answers To Questions

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Experiment 4 Common Ion Effect and Buffers

C. Grefaldia1
College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Performed 15 June 2017; Submitted 19 June 2017

Answers to Questions other hand, CH3COOH only partially ionizes. When it

was divided into three portions, the same reaction as that
of Solution 1a and Solution 1b happens with the
(See table 1.1). Solution 1 in methyl orange is
Solution 2a and 2b. Since there is a common ion
Salmon Pink whereas Solution 2 is yellow.
CH3COO-, the change in the pH of the solution will be
minimal compared to Solutions 1a and 1b since
CH3COO- will react with the added strong acid, and
CH3COOH will react with the added strong base. The
same principle is applied to solutions 3 and 4.

Based on the tables, the pH values and the

Figure 1. Structural formula of methyl-orange [1] calculated theoretical pH values are different from each
other which could possibly be a result of human error
If you look at figure 1, one might think that if you and the accuracy of measuring equipment. However, the
add an acid (H+), it would automatically attached itself to trend in pH of both measured and calculated are the
O- in the formula, however, it doesnt, instead it attaches
itself to the nitrogen-nitrogen double bond which gives the
methyl-orange its red colour in acidic solution. Solution 1
contains only a weak acid, therefore it doesnt completely Visual indicators are usually the least
form into the red form of methyl orange, thus the colour accurate in measuring pH, the best measurement of pH
salmon pink. [1]. Solution 2, however is yellow. Thus, the you can possible get from visual indicators is the range
indicator has the yellow formula of methyl orange. or only to determine whether the solution has turned
acidic, basic or neutral [3]. Also, it relies so much on
human judgment which is why this is the least reliable.
Figure 2: Equlibrium between two forms of methyl-orange pH meters are the ones that usually give a more precise
indicator. [1]
measurement for pH. However, as evident in the tables,
Figure 2 shows that the indicator is red in acidic
calculated and measured pH are still different from each
solution and yellow in alkaline solution. other. Therefore, we could find a more accurate way of
measuring pH to get a more reliable data and avoid
Solution 3 in Phenolphtalein is Magenta whereas errors.
solution 4 is light pink.
Table 1. pH using Visual Indicators and pH meter
Colour of Solution pH
Figure 3: Equilibrium between two forms of phenolphthalein Solutions reading
indicator. [1] Methyl orange Phenolphtalein
1 Salmon pink -- 2.88
Figure 3 shows the equilibrium of
phenolphthalein indicator and shows that it is colourless 2 yellow -- 4.31
in acidic solution whereas it is bright pink in basic/alkaline 3 -- Magenta 9.70
solution. When you add H+ the equilibrium shifts to the
left, a colourless solution, when you add OH- it shifts to the 4 -- Light pink 8.39
right, making the solution appear pink.
Table 1.1 pH using Visual Indicators and pH meter, HCl,
The solutions were split into 3 portions, in portion NaOH added to solutions A and B, C is a control
a, 3 drops of 1.0 M HCl was added, in portion b, 3 drops of Estimated pH range pH
1.0 M NaOH was added and portion c remained constant, it Solutions Methyl orange Phenolphtalein reading
is the control variable, and to be used for comparison
against portion a and b. The pH changed in portion a and b 1 a <3.1 -- 2.88
as expected because H+ was added therefore the b 3.1-4.5 -- 3.39
equilibrium shifts to the forward reaction, and this is the c 3.1-4.5 -- 2.88
same for NaOH which dissociates into Na+ and OH-, the 2 a >4.5 -- 4.18
OH- ions react with acetic acid to form CH 3COO- and H2O, b >4.5 -- 4.39
giving the CH3COO- an initial concentration before the c >4.5 -- 4.31
dissociation of the CH3COOH alone. 3 a -- >10 8.65
b -- >10 11.04
Solution 2 is a buffer solution. NaCH3COO c -- >10 9.70
completely dissociates into Na+ and CH3COO-. On the
4 a -- 8.3-10 8.20
b -- >10 8.51 Table 2: Theoretical pH values based on calculations
c -- >10 8.39
Solutions Theoretical pH value References (Cambria 10, Bold)
1 a 2.27
b 3.47 [1] Clark, Jim (2002) Acid-Base Indicators. Web :
c 2.86 http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/i
2 a 4.70 ndicators.html Retrieved: 17 June 2017
b 4.79
c 4.74 [2] Pauling, L. (1970) General Chemistry. US: Dover
3 a 10.53
b 11.73
[3] Whitten, K. W., et al. (2004) General
c 11.12 Chemistry, 7th ed. US: Brooks/Cole
4 a 9.23
b 9.30
c 9.26

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