RiveR MusiC fe
ou 7
gh 01
Thursday, June 22, 2017 Vol. 135, No. 48 Stoughton, WI $1 ton, W 9, 2
I JULY 7- adno=524776-01
Courier Hub
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CellOnly is a Verizon Authorized Retailer. | Next to the UPS Store | 2368 Jackson Street | Stoughton WI | 608.492.4567 |
2 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
hosts Relay
for Life 2017
Unified Newspaper Group
Patty Ellefson, from McFarland, dance the polka with Barb Buchman during the performance
of Varsity by the UW-Madison Marching Band. You just have to polka when the Badgers are
playing Varsity, Ellefson said.
Three generations of cancer survivors and caregivers from Stoughton. Jennie Eddingsaas,
94, beat cancer for the first time nearly 40 years ago. Jessica Hartman, at left, is a thyroid
cancer survivor. Pushing her mothers wheelchair, Nancy Hartman is a caregiver who has
ON HIGHWAY 69N IN BELLEVILLE *Fr ee Health Screening
10 15
Your Loved Ones!
Reserve your room and
$ $
become part of the BeeHive Family!
BeeHive's ownership involvement, fun family style attitude,
and personalized engagement with residents is making all the difference!
Let us show you our level of commitment and competitive pricing.
Overstocks, catalog returns, seconds in mens and Applications will be accepted June 15th July 15th 2017
womens clothing, footwear, tools and other gear and are available at Mc Glynn Pharmacy
A dynamic, employee-owned media company From left to right, Kyah Tribune, Jonah Fjelstad, Adren Schotzko and Madison Luick toured Livsreise to cele-
brate the end of the school year.
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville From left to
right, stu-
dents Eliza-
Students celebrate last
beth Gomez,
Alaina Cara- day of school at Livsreise
ASSOCIATION pia, Cassidy
Link and Kaia To celebrate the end of a school year,
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Maag listen 6th grade students visited the Livsreise
One Year in Dane Co. & Rock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37 to an audio Norwegian Heritage Center as part of a
recording city wide scavenger hunt. Students learned
One Year Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 about Norwegian culture and history while
about Norwe-
Stoughton Courier Hub gian clothing. learning more about the history of the city.
Oregon Observer Verona Press June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 5
to the
The Rotation, The Happy and gather together as a
auditorium. For more infor- 2017 Syttende Mai King and Queen.
hours to prepare If You Go mation, call Bouzek at 658-
0462. Syttende Mai is just one of the many reasons...
What: Stoughton High School presents High School Contact Amber Levenha- Stoughton is a great place to live.
AMBER LEVENHAGEN Musical Jr. gen at amber.levenhagen@
Unified Newspaper Group Thank you again...Marty and Jean Lamers
When: 7p.m. Saturday, July 1
Musical productions usu- Where: SHS performing arts center, 800 Lincoln Ave.
ally take weeks to months Tickets: $5, available at the door 48th Annual
prune and perfect their lines.
Food, Entertainment & More!
But not for a group of
excited to see what we can technical aspects completed RAFTS
Stoughton High School stu-
dents. accomplish when we put our in time for the performance. Find Details and More at
A group of 50 actors and mind to it. High School Musical Jr.
June 24th & 25th
crew members will have just Actors will audition is about how students of the
and be cast on June 30. fictional East High deal with Last Full Weekend
24 hours to produce Dis-
neys High School Musical On Saturday, July 1, they issues of love, friends and
Jr., set for 7p.m. Saturday, will reconvene to learn the family while balancing their Saturday 9am5pm and Sunday 9am4pm
July 1. The performance entire show. All choreogra- classes and extracurricular
will be directed by DeeDee phy, music and acting will activities, according to the Downtown Spring Green
Bouzek, according to a news be taught simultaneously release.
release. for a period of eight hours, Tickets are $5 and will West of Madison on Hwys 14 and 23
I thought it looked like a according to the release. be available exclusively
lot of fun and a great chal- The design team will work at the door before the per-
lenge for the students, Bou- simultaneously with the formance. Proceeds will
zek said in the release. Im actors, working to get the benefit the high school
6 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
Support groups
Diabetic Support Group senior center, 873-8585
Breaking Promises 6 p.m., second Monday,
An important theme which runs through the Bible is the inability of Stoughton Hospital, 628- Low Vision Support
humankind, both individually and collectively, to keep our promises. The 6500 1-2:30 p.m., third Thurs-
Israelites are chastised again and again for stubbornly pursuing their own day, senior center, 873-
873-4590 selfish interests and breaking the covenant they had with God. God con- Dementia Caregivers 8585
1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton tinues to forgive them, and in the New Testament when Peter asks Jesus 2 p.m., second Thursday,
how many times he should forgive his neighbor, Jesus tells him that he senior center, 873-8585 Parkinsons Group
Pete Gunderson
Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter should forgive him not just seven times, but seventy-seven times, reflect- 1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
Martha Paton, Administrative Manager ing the divine patience for human weakness. We are all prone to breaking Crohns/Colitis/IBD Wednesday, senior center,
Support Group 873-8585
Jeremy Jones, sports editor Thursday, June 22, 2017
845-9559 x226
Neuenfeld selected
to WFSCA Senior
All-Star team
Stoughton High School 1 teams, and each played
graduate Morgan Neuen- two games.
feld was selected to the A f o u r- y e a r s t a r t e r,
Division 1 Green team for Neuenfeld was second
the Wisconsin Fastpitch on the Vikings with 19
Softball Coaches Asso- singles. She drew a team-
ciations Senior All Star best 12 walks and stole 11
team. bases. The first baseman
The games were June also had 160 putouts to go
13 at Woodside Sports along with a .966 fielding
Complex in Wisconsin percentage. Photo by Jeremy Jones
Dells. Jason Hougan is picked off second base in the bottom of the eighth inning. Hougan was one of two Utica baserunners
There were six Division Jeremy Jones picked off at second in the inning as the As lost 8-1 to Waterloo.
Badger South All Conference Merchants: Stoughton is one game out of first place
First team: Infielders - Kyrsten George (Oregon), Natalie Continued from page 7 struck out one.
Bosch (Fort Atkinson), Morgan Dunkleberger (Fort Atkin- Erick Sperloen threw
son) Alysha Witt (Monroe), Maddy Brickson (Stoughton); the final two innings and
Outfielders - Autumn Congdon (Fort Atkinson), Courtney center in the bottom of the didnt give up a run on
Dunkleberger (Fort Atkinson); Pitchers - Kat Brandl (Fort seventh for a 7-1 lead. three hits. He struck out
Atkinson), Olivia Bobak (Monroe); Catchers - Amber Stoughton finished the two.
game with 13 hits, includ- Hortan went four innings
Mussey, (Milton), Meredith Hose (Monroe), Madisyn
ing two apiece from Irvin and took the loss, allow-
Robinson (Stoughton) Medina (2-for-5), Dave ing three earned runs on
Second team: Infielders - Bri Foti (Edgewood), Taylor Hanson (2-for-5) and five hits and two walks. He
Romens (Fort Atkinson), Tess Baker (Fort Atkinson), Nyhagen. Tyler Wilberg struck out seven.
Carly Patton (Monona Grove), Morgan Neuenfeld (1-for-4) singled home Sam Mickelson tossed
(Stoughton); Outfielders - Julia Schmidt (Oregon), Jenna a run in the seventh and four innings of relief and
Gratz, (Oregon), Alexis Hilliard (Monroe), Carly Upmann Medina drove in one in the allowed five earned runs
(Monroe); Pitchers - Hannah Christensen (Oregon), Alys- fourth. Hanson doubled on eight hits and a walk.
sa Guerten (Monona Grove); Designated player - Megan home the teams final run He struck out two.
Baumgartner (Monroe) in the eighth. The Merchants improved
Honorable mentions: Marissa Kleckler and Brooke Flores went 2-for-4 with to 7-1 with the victory,
McCallum (Oregon); Samantha Alderson and Madison an RBI ground out in the while Cambridge dropped
Moore (Edgewood); Kastyn Hebbe and Mackenzie Kram- first inning to lead Cam- to 3-4 with the loss.
er (Fort Atkinson); Jessica Jerome, Maddy Jacobs, Emily bridge.
Stoughtons Ben Riffle Stoughton 10,
Goodger and Rachel Rogers (Milton); Jordan Dahlhauser
got the start and tossed Monona/McFarland 5
and Cassidy Gerothanas (Monona Grove); Grace Tostrud seven innings, surrender-
and Madison Katzenberger (Monroe); Molly Skonning, ing one earned run on two Stoughton won its sec-
and Kayley Novotny (Stoughton) hits and three walks. He ond Central Section Night
League game on Thursday,
defeating Monona/McFar-
land 10-5.
The Merchants are 2-1 in
the Night League, tied for
4th of July
July 5th Great Dane Shopping News
Display ad deadline: Wednesday June 28 at 3pm
Classified ad deadline: Thursday, June 29 at Noon GRILLING SEASON IS HERE!
July 6th Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub Thick Cut Pork Chops Great on the Grill ........................... $4.99/lb
and Verona Press Baby Back Ribs ...................................................... $4.99/lb
Display & Classified ad deadline: Chuck Patties 85% lean.............................................. $4.99/lb
Thursday, June 29 at Noon Pork & Chicken Grillers ......................................... $4.99/lb
In observance of the holiday, Fresh Black Angus Ground Chuck Always Fresh! ........... $4.49/lb.
85-90% lean, fresh never frozen, 5 lb. bulk only
marriage to Gerald H. Her- Luther Valley Lutheran consider a donation to 6. This publication is notice to any
OHalek, Tina (John Mau- 500 N. Eighth St., Mount Church in Beloit. They Heartland Hospice at
persons whose names or addresses are
fel on Sept. 24, 1955 at St. fort) Herfel, Lisa Herfel, Horeb, WI 53572 and at the If you require reasonable accommo-
Pauls Liberty Church in were married for over 63 heartlandhospicefund. dations due to a disability to participate
Nick (Stefanie) Westfall, church. years. org. Online condolences
in the court process, please call 608-
Deerfield. Gerald preced- Amanda Westfall, Casey www. 266-4311 at least 10 working days prior
ed her in death on April 9, Dorothy went on to work may be made at www. to the scheduled court date. Please note
(Mike) Wehrli, Jeremy for the Janesville Gazette,
that the court does not provide transpor-
2005, her husband of 49 1/2 ( M a rg o ) H e r f e l , L e a h ,
(608) 437-5077 the State of Wisconsin, and Gunderson Stoughton
Danell Behrens
Probate Registrar
Nelson Industries during Funeral & Cremation Care Michael D. Rumpf
May 26, 2017
You can submit it on our website at, email to editor Jim Ferolie at Paul (Karen) Hanson; and 159 W. Main St. 873-5513 or drop off electronic media at our office at 135 W. Main St. three grandsons, Elliot Serving Stoughton since 1989.
Questions? Call 873-6671.
10 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
110 Card of Thanks 434 Health Care, Human 449 Driver, Shipping 554 Landscaping, Lawn, 696 Wanted To Buy VINTAGE HARVEST Estate Sale 5165 But-
tonbush Circle Fitchburg, WI Sat June 24th
ST JUDE patron of desperate cases. Services & Child Care & Warehousing Tree & Garden Work WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks. 10am-4pm Sun June 25th 11am- 3pm #'s
Thank You DRIVERS: AVG. $1,100 Plus Weekly! DECK STAINING and Powerwashing; We sell used parts. out one hour before sale starts to limit the
HEALTHCARE EMPLOYMENT Monthly Bonuses! Medical, Dental, Vision homes, sheds, etc GreenGro Designs. Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm. amount people in sale at one time. A very
402 Help Wanted, General OPPORTUNITIES & More! Excellent Equipment w/APU's 608-669-7879. Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59 nice clean sale in an air conditioned home.
*Patient Benefit Specialist-32 hours Great Family Home-Time! 1yr CDL-A: Edgerton, 608-884-3114 Furniture to include tan suede sofa recliner,
ATTENTION: SALES People wanted. per week; assist patients with account LAWN MOWING mission style oak shelf , Sony 42: flatscreen,
Will train. Sales manager and field and billing issues Residential & Commercial 652 Garage Sales rattan porch furniture, patio furniture( like
*Revenue Integrity Analyst- 32 to 40 Fully Insured. new) redwood style rockers etc, antique
representative needed. Ideal for 548 Home Improvement 608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025 EVANSVILLE- 339 Franklin St Moving furniture all refinished and your favorites,
retired couples or retired single hours per week position, prior health
care revenue cycle experience preferred A&B ENTERPRISES Sale. Friday 10-4, Saturday & Sunday oak side by side secretary with drop front
seniors. 608-873-4458
*Patient Access & Communications Light Construction Remodeling 602 Antiques & Collectibles 9-3. Variety of household items, yard desk and curved glass china cabinet with
CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It Supervisor- full time supervisory No job too small ornaments. Raikes Bears, women's plus applied carving, four drawer antique oak file
pays to read the fine print. position over out 24/7 patient access 608-835-7791 COLUMBUS ANTIQUE MALL clothes, scrubs, shoes, Stampin Up cabinet, oak heavy spiral legs with claw and
department & CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS stamps, reduced crafts, 119 gallon fish ball feet, arts and crafts rocker, exceptional
HALLINAN-PAINTING MUSEUM tank, low rise piano, furniture, Weider oak and maple dressers with mirrors, wash
*Social Worker- BSW or MSW needed stand with towel bar, sideboard, antique
Get for .5 to .875 FTE position in our skilled WALLPAPERING "Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"! multi-station weight system (assembly
**Great-Summer-Rates** required). MORE! CASH ONLY PLEASE barrel on stand, oak empire style sewing
nursing unit Customer Appreciation Week stand, 1950;s kneehole desk , RCA floor
ConneCted *Nurse Practitioner- seeking a limited
part-time APNP to work in our hospice
35 + Years Professional
20% DISCOUNT July 3-9
Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF
OREGON 415 Walnut St. 6/23-6/24
8-5pm. Downsizing. Snorkeling equip-
model radio, curved glass china cabinet
oak, oak hall seat with mirror, stick and ball
unit Free-Estimates 200 Dealers in 400 Booths ment, household. mirror, 5ft church pew with original metal
Find updates and *Massage Therapist- per diem to References/Insured Third floor furniture, locked cases
OREGON- RAVEN OAKS SUBDIVISION marker, These antiques are in very good
Arthur Hallinan Location: 239 Whitney St
links right away. a part-time position benefit eligible
position 608-455-3377 Columbus, WI 53925 SALES June 23 & 24, 8am-5pm. Office condition and ready for your home or shop.
The sale also has a large selection of hand
920-623-1992 furniture, table, & chairs, Bar-Stools, tools , band saw, bench grinders, yard tools
To find our more detailed information
Search for us on about open positions and to apply, go to
RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry, Road Construction Hwy 151 Exit 120 Bikes, Beds, Toys, Tons of Clothing & well cared for, hardware containers, hose
drywall, deck restoration and all forms of small household items. Follow the signs reels, motorcycle gear, camping items, 1991
Facebook as our website at painting Recover urges you to join in the
always open to Antique Mall CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon Coleman fleetwood camper-nice condition,(
Upland Hills Health
Stoughton Courier Hub 800 Compassion Way
fight against cancer, as a portion of every
job is donated to cancer research. Free
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon we are selling this on bid to highest bidder
ALL ADS SUBMITTED SUBJECT TO Monday for the Courier Hub unless with minimum) model cars, hand crafted
and then LIKE us. Dodgeville, WI 53533 estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of APPROVAL BY PUBLISHER OF THIS changed because of holiday work wooden cars. Many items for the home of
DANE COUNTYS MARKETPLACE. experience. Call 608-270-0440. PAPER. schedules. Call now to place your ad, use. A very nice sale and priced to sell it all
The Courier Hub Classifieds. Call 873- in two days! For photos and updates see
873-6671 or 835-6677.
6671 or 835-6677.
Stoughton City-Wide
Garage Sales
Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our
Our Sportsmen will Pay Top $$$ to hunt your land. Call for a licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare
Free Base Camp Leasing info packet & quote. 1-866-309-1507 prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-866- (CNOW) 936-8380 Promo Code CDC201725 (CNOW)
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing,
SAWMILLS from only $4397.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-711-0379 (CNOW)
your own bandmill-Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to
ship! FREE Info/DVD: 1-800-578- All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all
2741 Alice Circle, Pleasant Springs. 1320 Hyland Dr. 6/23 & 6/24 7:30 am- 1317 Moline St. 2 blocks behind Kegonsa
1363 Ext. 300N (CNOW) of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural
6/24 8-1. Huge Everything for Kids Sale. 5pm, LOTS OF KIDS STUFF AND MORE! School. Thurs 6-22, 12-7, Fri 6/23 9-6, Sat Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control FREE ESTIMATES! Call
Toys, bikes, furniture, baby items. Boy/girl clothes 3T-7. Super Structs, 6-24, 8-3. Our biggest multi-family sale HELP WANTED- SKILLED TRADES 1-855-781-4387 (CNOW)
2763 Alice Circle. 6/22-6/23 8am-4pm. Legos, Beatrice Potter, Babar, Ravensburg ever. Everything must go. An unbelievable
Some furniture, NuWave oven, tools, puzzles, Mega Tiles, kids pool, outdoor amount of clothes, name brand boys to girls
Aerospace in Blaine, MN. Flexible hours, personal atmosphere, lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your
trunks, baskets, clothes, shoes and wooden playset, Razor bike, booster car infant to teen with a lot in the 12 teen sizes.
no corporate grind. Full paid benefits. Send applications to
purses and many misc. items. seats, lots of kids books, learn to read Adult clothes various sizes. The garage is stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-855-750-1951
book sets, games, Cars storage case, full of clothes along with racks of clothes (CNOW) (CNOW)
823 Berry St. 6/23 8am-4pm. Baby Star Wars, cars, trucks, action figures and outside. Fashion accessories, $5 paparazzi
Toddler items. TV w/DVD, girls bike, more! Plus, household items, moving cart, HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER DISH NETWORK.TV for Less, Not Less TV! FREE DVR. FREE
jewelry. Many athletic and other types of
dollhouse, microwave, light fixtures, lamps, holiday, crafts, rugs and more. shoes. Kids crafts, toys, books, x-box 360 $2000 Sign-on bonus! P&B Transportation is looking for OTR Install (up to 6 rooms.) $49.99/mo. PLUS Hi-Speed Internet
tables, TV, stand, snow blower. Cash Only! games. Misc. household and so much more. driver with 2 yrs OTR exp to run 14 central states. Home - $14.95/mo (where available.). Call 1-855-997-5088 (CNOW)
2734 Kegonsa Rd. 6/22 1pm-6pm, 6/23
2151 Blue Heron Ct. Multi-family selling 7am-6pm, 6/24 7am-12pm. Craftsman 1732 Norse Pkwy. 6/22-6/23 7:30am- weekly! Paid Health, Dental, & Life insurance. Please call 877- WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE
June 23,24,25 9-5. Lots of households. pressure washer, AgriFab lawn sweeper, 12:30pm 6/24 7:30am-11:00am Clothing, 472-9534. (CNOW) FREON R12 WANTED: We PICK UP and pay CA$H for R12.
high-end womens clothes. Tools, hunting, gas grill, furniture, Little Tykes wagon, wall art, home dcor, jewelry and more!
fishing. No kids stuff.
Dedicated Driving Job: Guaranteed weekly pay & home most Cylinders or case of cans. EPA certified. (312) 291-9169; sell@
collector Packer plates, kids clothes, tools, 1908 Norse Pkwy. Friday 6/23 noon-6pm, weekends! Need 3 years Class A/flatbed experience preferred. (CNOW)
109 W. Broadway St. Lots of stuff. Doll toys, kitchen gadgets and much more. Saturday 6/24 8am-5pm. Baby bathtubs, Call 540-514-8576 (CNOW)
house w/all furnishings, 4 pc. sofa, tools, 620 Kvamme Ln. Just off Main, turn Graco car seat bases, boys toys, patio
furniture. Much more. on King then left on Shefelker. Thurs- table, chairs, misc. MISCELLANEOUS
COOKSVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER Saturday 8am-2pm. Yard sale to support 309 N. Page St. Friday-Saturday 8am- A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral
TRASH-TO-TREASURES SALE. Just the SHS Student England Trip. 5pm. Furniture, antiques, collectables, service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is
east of the intersections of Hwy 59 and 525 Lincoln Ave. (across from high glassware, ruby glass, Chinese ceramics, FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-385-8739 (CNOW) adno=527596-01
138 in Cooksville. Saturday, June 24th school) Stoughton United Methodist English Royals.
8am-3pm. Antiques, furniture, dishes, Church RUMMAGE SALE Fri-Sat June
708 Ridge St. Sat 9-3. (raindate) Sunday
Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
Located behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Convenient Dry Secure
Residential Property
WE BUY Homes any condition. Close
990 Farm: Service
& Merchandise
quickly. Joe 608-618-1521 jssrealestate@
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $795 per month, includes
Lighted with access 24/7
Rusty roofs, metal buildings, grain bins.
or log on
heat, water, and sewer. Off North Hwy 51 on CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575
Oak Opening Dr. behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
Free-estimate. 608-221-3510
Call: 608-509-8904 changed because of holiday work MINI-EXCAVATORS
OREGON 2-Bedroom in quiet, well-kept TELE-HANDLER
building. Convenient location. Includes all schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677. and these attachments. Concrete
appliances, A/C, blinds, private parking, DEER POINT STORAGE breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
laundry, storage. $200 security deposit. Convenient location behind
Cats OK. $690/month. 608-219-6677 Stoughton Lumber. 970 Horses concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
Stoughton- 120 West Street. 2 bdrm
available. 1st floor, appliances, water,
Clean-Dry Units
5x10 thru 12x25
16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Evansville, WI
By the day, week, or month. NEEDED
A/C, heat, ceiling fan, on site laundry, well
608-335-3337 608-882-5725
Carter & Gruenewald Co. For Growing Company
kept and maintained. Off street parking. 4417 Hwy 92
Next to park. On site manager. Available Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411 Part-Time 25-30 hours per week
July 1st. $800 a month. Please call
FRENCHTOWN 975 Livestock Days Only.
608-238-3815 or email weststreetapart- SPECIAL DAIRY CATTLE AUCTION!!! with questions.
Only 6 miles South of
FRIDAY, JUNE 23RD, 2017 1:00 PM Needs to be able to work as a team,
Verona on Hwy PB.
STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct. Variety of sizes available now. TAH LIVESTOCK WINSLOW, IL HELP attention to detail.
Large 2-BR apts available now. 10x10=$60/month
Experience helpful but not required.
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood 10x15=$70/month
laminate flooring.
$775-$825/mo. 608-831-4035.
MILK COWS UP TO 100 MILES. A FAB- Contact Tina at 608-513-3638 12x30=$115/month ULOUS SET OF 40-45 FRESH 2 YR.
for more information
Looking for an
Call 608-424-6530 or OLDS. MOSTLY HOLSTEIN AND 4 BIG adno=527307-01
nient location, safe neighborhood, 304 1-888-878-4244
$655-$820. Available May 1 and June 1. Veronica Matt at 608-291-0316 ULAR RUN OF MILKING AND DRY
Small 24 unit building. Includes heat, hot COWS, OPEN AND BRED HEIFERS. other occasional coverage
water, water & sewer, off-street parking,
fully carpeted, dishwasher and coin oper-
THANKS TO ALL OUR LOYAL CON- Applications available at
ated laundry and storage in basement.
SIGNORS AND BUYERS FOR OUR Automotive knowledge helpful.
Convenient to Madison's west side. Call
6x10 thru 10x25
Market Street/Burr Oak Street
TIONS, CONTACT TERRY HOLM AT Must have clean driving record 317 Nora St., Stoughton
KC at 608-273-0228 to view your new in Oregon 815 291-5604 CELL OR 815-367-5581
home. Call 608-520-0240 BARN. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL SALE
and must be able to pass
720 Apartments DAY AND CELEBRATE JUNE IS DAIRY physical & drug test.
10x10 - 10x15
Stop by store for application. JOB
W1010 HWY 92. Fully furnished kitch- Union Road & Lincoln Road at a time.
en. Central Air and Heat. W/D included.
Garage. Machine shed.$850/mo call 608- 801 Office Space For Rent Need to be creative, caring and conscientious.
835-5111 FOR RENT - 2 spaces next to each The Verona Police Commission is accepting Must be willing to be exible in schedule from day-to-day.
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon other, 800 sq. ft. office with 1296 sq. ft. applications for Patrol Officer. The 2017 salary Must be a dependable and an on-time person.
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon warehouse. Can be combined for one Need own transportation between job sites, and you will be
Monday for the Courier Hub unless space or can be rented separately. Call range is $49,577.58 to $72,697.55, depending reimbursed for work related mileage.
changed because of holiday work 608-576-0192 for more information or to
schedule a showing.
on qualifications. If you are a police officer who Looking for people with morning availability.
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677. is looking for a "lateral transfer" opportunity, This is for a Monday to Friday position,
with no weekends or evening hours.
preference may be given to candidates who are
Hours would most likely be 25-30 hours per week.
certified and/or have experience. Application
deadline is July 24, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. An
101 E MURRAY ST BROWNTOWN, WI 53522 Looking for people with experience in the human service
Construction Equipment Farm Equipment Questions can be directed Please include a resume with email to
Lawn & Garden Trucks & Trailers to Business Office Manager Nilles at 608-845-
Forklifts Excavators Trenchers (10+) Skid 0924. Women and minorities are encouraged to to be considered for this opportunity or mail to
12 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
case of inclement weather.
The sack lunch will
include a sandwich, fruit
or vegetable, beverage and
snack (chips, pretzels, etc).
Volunteers gather around
9:30 weekday mornings at
four area churches (Cove-
WE WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, JULY 3, 9 am-4pm & TUESDAY, JULY 4, 9am-1pm nant Lutheran, St. Anns,
Lakeview and Stoughton
United Methodist) to put
Come and visit Wisconsins Premier Grower of Quality together around 100 lunch-
es weekday mornings.
Bedding Plants and Hanging Baskets. Oakland said the group has
already gotten some fund-
Thank you for supporting local agriculture ing from grants, as well as
donations, to the point where
were going to be able to
by shopping outside the box! meet the need this year.
The Friends of the Stough-
25% off our entire plant inventory be taken to the Youth Center
to be shared with the 20 to 30
youth who are there each day
Annuals Perennials Baskets Patio Pots Seeds Stoughton is very gen-
erous when it comes to
non-profits, she said. I
We will re-open in early think well get the volun-
September for the Fall season teers, and Im not worried
about the donation Stough-
with Mums, Pumpkins, ton a great community fort
Gourds and Corn Shocks! that, but I just hope we get
the kids to come.
In the beautiful town of Dunn Email Unified Newspaper
Group reporter Scott De
1828 Sandhill Road, Laruelle at scott.delaruel-
Oregon, WI
Directions from Stoughton:
Take 138 toward Oregon. Go past Eugsters Farm Summer Hours To donate
Market, one mile and turn right on Sunrise Rd. Go
one more mile then turn left on Town Line Rd.
Continue on to Sand Hill Rd. (approximately one
Start June 20
Donations can be