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Courier Hub

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Free Music Wine /Beer Family Fun


Great Music Delicious Food Fun

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gh 01
Thursday, June 22, 2017 Vol. 135, No. 48 Stoughton, WI $1 ton, W 9, 2
I JULY 7- adno=524776-01

Stoughton Area School District City of Stoughton

Last stop for

growth plan
New areas, intensive
involvement produce If You Go
draft What: Comprehensive
Plan open house
AMBER LEVENHAGEN When: 6p.m. Tuesday,
Unified Newspaper Group June 27
Where: Public Safety
Hundreds of Stough-
Building, City Council
ton residents, business
leaders and neighbors Chambers, 321 S.
have weighed in over the Fourth St., second floor.
past year on Stoughtons Info:
updated vision for its
future, and the city is pre-
paring to approve it next
week. This is easily the most
While much of the involved and passionate
comprehensive plan is community I have worked
unchanged from its orig- in, Mich wrote in an
inal version 10 years email. Stoughton resi-
ago, as mandated by state dents care deeply about
Photo by Scott De Laruelle law it has a new future the future of their commu-
From left, Lunches for Vikings volunteers Jayden Zywicki, 13, Thomas Unitan, 13, Lindsey Zywicki and Jennifer Unitan of St. growth area, to the north, nity, and we had outstand-
Anns Catholic Church form a sandwich assembly line Tuesday at the church kitchen, preparing lunches. recommended changes to ing turnout at all of our

Lunches for Vikings

the citys zoning code and public events.
policies for new, previous- A public hearing at
ly planned growth areas to the meeting will allow
the west. Stoughton residents what
Vandewalle and Asso- could be the final oppor-
ciates associate plan - tunity to share com-
ments and thoughts about
New summer program provides meals for kids ner Jackie Mich was
impressed by the level of the draft plan. After the
involvement on this plan,
SCOTT DE LARUELLE free- or reduced-cost school lunch she told the Hub. Turn to Comp Plan/Page 3
Unified Newspaper Group during summer break.
Organizer AnnMarie Oakland, who
At a glance
Kids usually cant wait for the sum- has two children in the district, came What: Lunches for Vikings summer
mer break. But for those who dont
always have enough to eat at home,
summer months can mean going with-
up with the idea last year after pon-
dering the hardships her own kids
would face if they didnt have enough
meal program
When: 11:45a.m. to 12:15p.m.
Monday through Friday (except July
Public works design begins
out enough proper nutrition. to eat. 58,200-square-foot facil-
Looking to help fill a need and For the kids who are really in the
4th), June 12 Sept. 1 Architect working ity with an administrative
Where: Fox Prairie (1601 South
students stomachs a group of vol- need, they go from having the avail-
ability of getting two meals a day St.), Kegonsa (1400 Vernon St.) and on projected $8 office, vehicle mainte-
unteers has begun providing free nance area and storage
lunches this summer. because they can get breakfast and Sandhill (1920 Lincoln Ave.) elemen- million facility space, plus design and
Lunches for Vikings is a volun- lunch, she said. Well, during the tary schools construction oversight
teer-led program offering free brown- summer theyve got nothing, so were Info: Email AnnMarie Oakland at BILL LIVICK for a 4,800-square-foot
bag lunches to kids in Stoughton Area annmarie Unified Newspaper Group building for road salt stor-
School District without access to a Turn to Lunches/Page 12 age and the vehicle fleets
Stoughton has begun fueling station and control
designing a new public system.
Stoughton Opera House works facility.
The Common Council
Angus Young would
also draw up plans for a

A great season with added staff voted Tuesday to accept a

$359,600 contract with the
architectural and engineer-
ing firm it has been work-
future cold-storage build-
ing and design a storm-
water maintenance system
and a public water main
season with three full-time went well. The staff Brehm, house
Group still hoping staff members this month, Opera House director manager Nicki Dowland
ing with since 2013.
Three new buildings at
extension to the site.
The council approved
to add more events, and the employees are Bill Brehm told the Hub it and box office manager/ 2415 County Hwy. A, on the contract on a 9-1 vote.
pleased with the results. remains a challenge to book volunteer coordinator Julia the citys east side, would Ald. Sid Boersma (D-1)
shows next season The Opera House staged an entire season of shows Blaikie had a chance to replace a century-old voting no, saying hes con-
some 70 shows in the past and still have ambitions reorganize after the long- structure on South Fourth cerned the city cant afford
BILL LIVICK season, which runs from to add more to the events time events coordinator, the new facility. (Alds. Pat
Unified Newspaper Group August to June, and its calendar. But, he said, the Christina Dollhausen, The contract calls for OConnor and Lisa Reeves
staff all said once theyd workflow is better and resigned last summer. She Angus Young Associates, were absent.)
The Stoughton Opera established new roles and theres less stress under the of Janesville, to assist
House wrapped up its first responsibilities, the season new arrangement. Turn to Opera House/Page 4 the city in planning a Turn to Design/Page 3

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2 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

hosts Relay
for Life 2017
Unified Newspaper Group

The Stoughton/McFarland/Oregon Relay for Life was held at

Mandt Park Friday evening through Saturday morning at the track.
Bill Kaether, a broadcasting voice of the McFarland High School
Spartans, was the Master of Ceremonies. Dr. Sam Lubner, a cancer
survivor, spoke about his experience with cancer. Photos by Amber Levenhagen
Contact Amber Levenhagen at John and Cindy Paulson, from Stoughton, embrace during Varsity, performed by the UW-Madison Marching Band
during the Relay for Life.

Patty Ellefson, from McFarland, dance the polka with Barb Buchman during the performance
of Varsity by the UW-Madison Marching Band. You just have to polka when the Badgers are
playing Varsity, Ellefson said.

Three generations of cancer survivors and caregivers from Stoughton. Jennie Eddingsaas,
94, beat cancer for the first time nearly 40 years ago. Jessica Hartman, at left, is a thyroid
cancer survivor. Pushing her mothers wheelchair, Nancy Hartman is a caregiver who has

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Questions ? Call us @ 608-873-3838 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 3
Comp Plan: Documents will
reflect recent growth
Continued from page 1 On the Web
hearing, the Common To review the documents, visit the
Council and Planning Com- City of Stoughton website:
mission can vote to adopt
the plan, which wouldnt
change any zoning, but
rather helps to direct future
would allow developments to
actions taken by the city.
mix of residential and retail
The plan is mostly an
opportunities, such as apart-
outline showing existing
ments over businesses, with-
developments and circum-
out going through the citys
stances, including trans-
more complex planned dis-
portation, population and
trict development process.
h o u s i n g , a n d h ow a n d
The General Business cat-
where development should
egory is removed in the new
happen. Mich said this is
plan. Mich explained that
done with a series of maps
new commercial develop-
and documents that explain
ments will instead be held to
different zoning codes and Rendering courtesy Angus Young
the higher design standards
future growth parameters.
of the Planned Business cat- The city is in the early planning stages of building a new public works facility on County Hwy. A, near the intersection with
It is updated to reflect
egory, which is high-quality Racetrack Road.
recent growth from the last
indoor commercial, office
update, as well as the latest
data from local, state and
and institutional land uses,
with generous landscaping
Design: Construction set to begin next year
federal sources. Mich told
and limited signage, accord- Continued from page 1
the Hub the council and
ing to the draft plan.
commission have worked
The update does not In response to Boersmas
very hard on this plan.
change the zoning code for question, Hebert the city
I believe it reflects their
any property, she noted. did not seek bids for the
policy, direction and vision
Rather, zoning and chang- architects contract, citing
for the future of Stough-
es must be consistent with Angus Youngs four-year
ton, she wrote.
the map during the review history with the project,
The draft plan and maps
and approval process, just as going back to 2013.
with all of these updates are
annexations must. So we thought it was
available to review at the
The plan also includes rec- prudent to work with
City of Stoughton website
ommendations and policies them now instead of start-
and the library. The meeting
for planned neighborhoods ing from Square 1, he
is set to begin 6p.m. Tues-
on the west and northwest explained.
day, June 27, in the Public
areas of Stoughton. Future In February, the council
Safety Building, City Coun-
connections to the Lower approved a budget request
cil Chambers, 321 S. Fourth
Yahara River Trail are also that allowed the city to
St., second floor.
emphasized. continue working with the
Planned growth Public involvement architect. Tuesdays action
One of the most notable approved the actual con-
The June 27 meeting tract.
updates to the plan reflects
could be the final opportu- In 2013, the city bought Photo by Samantha Christian
recent changes to the market
for land in the area.
nity for public feedback. 13.6 acres along County The current Public Works Department building is located at 515 S. Fourth St.
But Stoughton residents Hwy. A, close to the inter-
The Future Land Use map for the architect to provide Well look at all those
have had numerous oppor- section of Racetrack Road,
shows an expanded future a preliminary construc- opportunities, keeping in Contact Bill Livick at bill.
tunities to provide feed- for $227,500. The site,
growth area to the north of tion-cost estimate. mind the cost, he said.
back. chosen by a committee that
County Hwy. B and to the Hebert said each of the
The Planning Commis- was formed to look into
west of Starr School Road. various design elements
sion started the process planning for a new public
For many years, the city
last July 2016, and the city works facility, is just east will include a cost pro- Latest Technology - Affordable Prices
has mapped more than 20 jection, to make sure we WISCONSIN
distributed an online com- of a Stoughton Trailers Dr. Douglas
years worth of growth plan-
ning area on its Future Land
munity survey to all city
addresses last September,
A preliminary cost esti-
hit our mark. He said if
estimates are higher than
Use map, Mich wrote. This 1310 Mendota St., Madison, WI 53714 Audiologist
totaling 5,270, according to what the council feels
is because we do not know mate in 2013 for the facil-
the city can afford, hell 244-1221 1-800-646-0493
the City of Stoughton web- ity was $8.3 million.
exactly where future growth work with the architect to adno=527564-01
site. The survey had an 11 Hebert said that figure
will occur next due to market reduce those costs.
inefficiencies, and uncertain-
percent response rate, with
583 completed surveys, and
included an escalator to
In response to a ques- Custom Designed & Built to Last!
ty about future property own- factor in construction cost
a summary is available at increases over time, but its tion from Ald. Regina Lifetime Film Integrity Steel Warranty
er decisions, and long-term Hirsch (D-3), Hebert Featuring Doors
the city website. too early for a definitive
growth planning needs. said the city would try to
An Oct. 20 vision work- cost estimate.
The map, she explained, incorporate sustainabili- Strongest Column
shop invited residents to He said Tuesday the
should be the basis for all ty into the facilitys con- in the Industry
share their vision for the city in January would seek
development decisions such struction and operation, Debt Free Since 1985
city and identify opportu- bids from construction
as annexations, rezoning, and would seek grants Builders Risk &
nities and challenges for companies. Construction
conditional use permits, toward those parts of the Full Insurance

future growth and develop- is expected to begin next

subdivisions, extension of process. He said the city
ment. Another open house a year. CONTACT US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION!
municipal utilities and oth- is interested in solar and
er public or private invest-
few months later featured a
presentation by Vandewalle
Ald. Scott Truehl (D-4)
possibly geothermal ener- VERONA, WI 608-845-9700
ments. asked if the contract calls
and Associates and invited gy for the facility. 800-373-5550
It was the focus of debate
more feedback about the
and criticism throughout the
CALL NOW 1-608-338-1170
update process. At almost
Mondays meeting will
all of the open houses and
gather the commission and
public hearings, Stoughton
the council in a joint meet-
residents and elected offi-
ing that includes a public
cials spoke concern over the
hearing. That could be the
assumed priority of expand-
end of public comment.
ing city limits, rather than
Other than meeting state
focusing on developing or
notification requirements,
redeveloping the land already
the process (would be)
within the citys jurisdiction.
completed, Mich wrote.
But, Mich cautioned, the
If the plan is rejected,
plan does not assume that
Vandewalle will work with
all areas depicted on the
the council and commission
Future Land Use map will
SAVEE $500 $
to revise the plan and a new
develop within the next 20 to
public hearing would be
40 years.
Zoning changes
For information about the on a New Bath
B h or Shower
New orders only. Minimum purchase required.
plan, call planning director
Another significant change
is the recommended addition
Michael Stacy at 646-0421.
To review the documents, INTEREST FREE FINANCING
of a new zoning category and
the removal of one thats not
visit the City of Stoughton m 2 tto 4 YEARS!

being used. or visit the library.

New orders only. With minimum purchase and approved credit.
The Future Land Use map
shows areas that would be Contact Amber Levenha-
see website for details and disclaimers

good fits for the Planned

Mixed Use zoning. This
gen at amber.levenhagen@
baths com adno=527597-01
4 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Opera House: Staff reorganized Stoughton History

Continued from page 1 10 years, but her departure made it
possible to reorganize the staff and May
continues to work remotely as a operation.
consultant helping Brehm book It was hard to transition out of 120 Years ago (1897) - Hindenburg settling to ground unexpectedly late Wednesday
shows. that and to try to retain the orga- as Terrific Explosion Wrecks night. Bryant was serving as
Brehm and Dollhausen finished nizational memory, he explained. Prof. Fontana in his wonder- Giant Air Craft. chairman of the board of Nelson
booking the upcoming season last The upside was it created the ful feats of hypnotism and mind Another old edifice of this Muffler Corp., a firm he helped
month, and the team completed the opportunity for reorganization, and reading assisted by Grace Eden, sections early life seems doomed form. Editorial: Ed has left
annual season brochure just last that worked out really well with the entertained large audiences at to become a memory. The old many monuments to his accom-
week. possibility of having the three full- the Opera House Thursday, Fri- Baptist church, which has stood plishments, deeds, that have
That allowed everyone time to time positions. Thats the silver lin- day and Saturday evenings of last at Union, a few miles southwest accrued benefits for all of us. And
take a breath before staging their ing of Christinas departure. week. The feats are both marvel- of Cooksville, reminiscent of the they will stand in time as a con-
next big event, the fourth annu- Blaikie, who was hired in 2012 ous indeed and beyond the com- days before the railroad when stant reminder of his time here.
prehension of anyone present. Union was an important halfway
al Catfish River Music Festival, and worked 30 hours per week as
The various committees which mark between Janesville and 10 Years ago (2007)
which will feature about a dozen assistant events coordinator until
artists performing in Rotary Park last October, was promoted to were selected to investigate were Madison, will be either torn down The Stoughton City Coun-
July 7-9. Its free to attend. full-time. Her duties as box office perfectly satisfied that no fraud or sold. cil on Tuesday, May 1 approved
Brehm said with a full season manager and volunteer coordinator or deceit was shown and that all John Ustad, high school spending just over $5.9 million
behind the new staff, he continues include meeting patrons needs, tests shown were genuine acts of senior, has been awarded the for a new fire station, an action
to look for ways to have the Opera working on the website and the a powerful nature. Otis Sampson American Legion that largely reaffirmed the coun-
House doing more. ticketing system, coordinating ush- It is somewhat strange and to Post medal, in recognition of his cils 7-5 vote a week earlier to
We are working with the ers and volunteers, working on the be regretted that some of our cap- record as an athlete and student at authorize building the facility for
Stoughton Opera House Friends arts and culture guide and show italists do not erect a good hotel Stoughton High School. approximately the same amount.
Association in sponsoring one preparations. at the lake. A catch totalling 75,000 If the saying Math is the
of the Central Park Sessions in Like everyone else, I help with The Stoughton mill has been pounds of baby carp in a single universal language is true,
Madison this summer the Trav- whatever it takes to make shows kept running day and night late- haul with a 1,500 foot seine was Sandhill student Hannah Sonsal-
elin McCourys in August, he run smoothly, she said. We work ly, so great has been the demand reported at Lake Kegonsa Thurs- la has a very broad grasp of the
explained, adding that its an event together on a lot of things. for Stoughton flour. On Saturday day by Robert Gray, state super- numerical cosmos. Sonsalla, 11,
both to raise money for the Friends Dowlands role as house man- night last not one solitary sack of intendent of rough fish removal. a fifth-grader at Sandhill Elemen-
group and to raise awareness of ager involves taking care of the flour remained at the mill. Fort Lamy, Africa - Amelia tary School, prevailed over more
them. Id also like to increase our logistics for the performances, Co. G will arrive from Mad- Earhart on her leisurely flight than 200,000 youth across the
involvement in the Stoughton Arts she explained. That covers a range ison on the 10:09 train and will around the world, arrived here U.S. in the First in Math online
Council and in the development of of responsibilities: booking hotels stack arms in connection with from Gao at 12:55 p.m. Green- program and competition.
opportunities in the Arts and Enter- and arranging transportation for the Stoughton Rifles at the depot, wich time Friday (6:55 a.m. Madison developer TFW Ven-
tainment District. performers, and working on press there they may await the arrival CST). tures launched construction of the
of other companies from the east. Stoughton Wellness and Athletic
New structure
releases and the website.
Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Usher 45 Years ago (1972) Center with a ground-breaking
In addition to that, we all sort of
pick up whatever needs to happen, narrowly escaped a serious acci- While the rest of the nation ceremony May 9 attended by city
Dollhausens successor, Dow-
she said. dent on Tuesday evening. Haven marks Arbor Day, the Stoughton officials, contractors and future
land, was hired in late September,
She and Blaikie work well driven home with the delivery area will mourn the loss of about tenants. The 61,500-square-foot
after the 2016-17 was well under-
together and like to edit each oth- horse and wagon, they stopped 30 trees, broken off last weekend multi-functional complex will
way. That proved to be an excep-
ers work, Dowland added. at the store and Mr. Usher alight-
by youngsters. include two full-size gymnasi-
tionally stressful time for Brehm
She feels some pressure because ed with reins in hand. Almost Conditions were ideal last ums, a fitness center and related
and Blaikie, but they managed to
people absolutely love the opera immediately, the horse started. week for grass fires to start. One facilities and a banquet hall on
keep it together until Dowland
house, she observed, but they He clung to the reins, but falling,
burned nearly 200 acres on the a five-acre vacant tract fronting
joined the staff on Sept. 28.
also really embrace what were lost his hold and narrowly avoid-
property owned by Mrs. Evelyn USH 51, roughly between Gun-
We had to be in multiple places
doing and are so supportive. All in ed being run over. Mrs. Usher Nelson, County Trunk A. derson Funeral Home and the
at once, Blaikie recalled.
all, its just great. through all the excitement hung In view of the recent resump- UW Health Clinic.
Brehm said it was difficult
Contact Bill Livick at bill.livick@ heroically to the seat, the onlook-
tion of bombing, the Stoughton Right now its a corn field.
to lose Dollhausen after theyd ers expecting every moment to Jaycee chapter has adopted a But in the future it will be the
worked together as a team for
see her thrown out. The horse statement calling for a halt in the new home of Martin Luther
took an indirect course up Main bombing, immediate and uncon- Christian Schools. The 4.3 acres
Street and was stopped at the cor-
ditional withdrawal of American of land was secured recently by
ner near the photo gallery by Will
forces, followed immediately by MLCS as part of a negotiation to
Lusk. a request for release of all Ameri- find a new home for the school,
80 Years ago (1937) can prisoners through the Interna- which, along with Christ Luther-
Thursday, June 22, 2017 Vol. 135, No. 48 tional Red Cross. an Church, was destroyed by a
USPS No. 1049-0655
German Hindenburg Crash- Edwin E. Bryant, Route 4, fire in August of 2005.
Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices.
es in Flames - Death Toll Hits an internationally known indus-
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, 32 at Lakehurst Landing Station trialist and civic leader, died Compiled by Scott De Laruelle
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.
Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589
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General Manager Circulation

Lee Borkowski Carolyn Schultz
Sales Manager News
Kathy Neumeister Jim Ferolie
Advertising Sports
Catherine Stang Jeremy Jones
Classifieds Assistant Editor
Diane Beaman Scott Girard
Inside Sales Reporters
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick,
Monica Morgan Anthony Iozzo, Amber Levenhagen,
Scott De Laruelle, Helu Wang

Unified Newspaper Group, a division of

Woodward Communications,Inc. Photos by Amber Levenhagen

A dynamic, employee-owned media company From left to right, Kyah Tribune, Jonah Fjelstad, Adren Schotzko and Madison Luick toured Livsreise to cele-
brate the end of the school year.
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville From left to
right, stu-
dents Eliza-
Students celebrate last
beth Gomez,
Alaina Cara- day of school at Livsreise
ASSOCIATION pia, Cassidy
Link and Kaia To celebrate the end of a school year,
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Maag listen 6th grade students visited the Livsreise
One Year in Dane Co. & Rock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37 to an audio Norwegian Heritage Center as part of a
recording city wide scavenger hunt. Students learned
One Year Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 about Norwegian culture and history while
about Norwe-
Stoughton Courier Hub gian clothing. learning more about the history of the city.
Oregon Observer Verona Press June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 5

Gazebo Musikk returns for fourth year

More acts, bigger
focus on food Gazebo
Unified Newspaper Group Schedule
Now in its fourth sea- June 22: The Dirty
son, the summer series Groove Band Pop,
has changed a bit over the Funk, Blues, Rock
recent years as a Stoughton June 29: Katie Scullin
summer staple, but Gazebo Band Rock/Pop/Me-
Musikk has returned with lodic
the same focus on commu-
nity entertainment. July 6: {no show Cat-
The music series kicked fish River Music Festival
off June 1 with a jazz per- setup}
formance by the Craig July 13: Adam Bartels
M a s o n C o m b o . Tr i c i a Band Country Music
Suess, president of Friends July 20: The Rotation
of Gazebo Musikk, said the Sax Rock
turnout so far this season
has been incredible. July 27: Blue Spruce
Weve had crowds that Classic Acoustic Rock
are bigger than our average August 3: The Happy
last year, she said. Our Fun-time Jam Rock,
series is growing and its a Comtemporary
really positive way to join
together as a communi- August 10: Distant
ty and enjoy new styles of Cuzins High School
music. Garage Band
The Parks and Recreation August 17: The Lowdown
department works closely Rock, Alt-Rock, Indie Photos by Amber Levenhagen
with Suess, and recreation August 24: The Lower Justus Curry blows bubbles with his friend, Lua Ali, at the June 15 show, where the Old Tin Can String Band, below, per-
director Tom Lynch said 5th Americana, Mid- formed at Rotary Park.
attendance so far has grown western Soul
by more than 150 people
for each event so far. August 31: Blythe Gam- Fun-time Jam, Distant Cuz-
R o t a r y Pa r k a n d t h e ble and The Rollin Dice ins, The Lowdown and The
gazebo were established in Blues, Rock Lower 5th are all returning.
2014, and after completion Kate Scullin band, Blue
of the park, Mayor Donna Spruce and Blythe Gam-
Olson directed the Parks Partners of Stoughton ble and The Rollin Dice
and Recreation department Hospital, Eyes of Hope, join the ranks of new art-
to create events to use the Friends of the Library and ists this year, with earlier
gazebo on a regular basis. Friends of Gazebo Musikk performances by The Dirty
This led to the beginning are new vendors this year, Groove Band, Craig Mason
of the music series, Lynch joining the ranks with Combo and the Broken
explained. Stoughton Lioness Club, Wheel Band.
Local artists perform Stoughton Rotary Club and The event as free, though
at the Rotary Park Gaze- Sustainable Stoughton. donations are accepted.
bo, 324 S. Sixth St., every Several of Stoughtons The Parks and Recreation
Thursday at 6p.m. through own musicians have been department covers the basic
the end of August. featured in the past. New costs for each of the acts,
acts are introduced each Lynch said. Concession
All about local year, but the focus is always costs benefit each nonprof-
The series has changed local. it, who in turn contribute
gradually since the first One of the things we try to the upkeep and mainte-
season in 2014. It started to do is present a variety of nance of the park and the
with performances every local artists throughout the event.
Thursday and has changed season, Suess said. We Suess credited Lynch and
into a weekly event running certainly have a variety of the Parks and Recreation community outside in a
from June to August. This Stoughton groups and will department and the Friends family friendly environ-
year will have a new, high- continue to do so, but we of Gazebo Musikk leader- ment, she said. I think
er attendance and involve- want to expand our reach ship team for their critical being able to expose these
ment of sponsors, includ- further to give that variety. roles in the success of the kids to a wide variety of
ing Stoughton Trailers and T h e m i x o f n ew a n d event. music is a wonderful bene-
Stoughton Hospital, and returning acts are split pret- I love seeing people fit.
some local organizations as
food vendors.
Manga Tusen Tak
ty evenly, Suess said. This
year, A dam Bartels Band,
come together every week,
support these nonprofits,
Contact Amber Levenha-
gen at amber.levenhagen@

to the
The Rotation, The Happy and gather together as a

SHS to perform High School Musical Jr. Stoughton Community

It was a great honor to be chosen
Actors will have 24

auditorium. For more infor- 2017 Syttende Mai King and Queen.
hours to prepare If You Go mation, call Bouzek at 658-
0462. Syttende Mai is just one of the many reasons...
What: Stoughton High School presents High School Contact Amber Levenha- Stoughton is a great place to live.
AMBER LEVENHAGEN Musical Jr. gen at amber.levenhagen@
Unified Newspaper Group Thank you again...Marty and Jean Lamers
When: 7p.m. Saturday, July 1
Musical productions usu- Where: SHS performing arts center, 800 Lincoln Ave.
ally take weeks to months Tickets: $5, available at the door 48th Annual

A RTS Spring Green WI

of practice and rehearsals, Over 200 Exhibiting Artists
Info: 658- 0462

while actors and actresses

prune and perfect their lines.

Food, Entertainment & More!
But not for a group of
excited to see what we can technical aspects completed RAFTS
Stoughton High School stu-
dents. accomplish when we put our in time for the performance. Find Details and More at
A group of 50 actors and mind to it. High School Musical Jr.
June 24th & 25th
crew members will have just Actors will audition is about how students of the
and be cast on June 30. fictional East High deal with Last Full Weekend
24 hours to produce Dis-
neys High School Musical On Saturday, July 1, they issues of love, friends and
Jr., set for 7p.m. Saturday, will reconvene to learn the family while balancing their Saturday 9am5pm and Sunday 9am4pm
July 1. The performance entire show. All choreogra- classes and extracurricular
will be directed by DeeDee phy, music and acting will activities, according to the Downtown Spring Green
Bouzek, according to a news be taught simultaneously release.
release. for a period of eight hours, Tickets are $5 and will West of Madison on Hwys 14 and 23
I thought it looked like a according to the release. be available exclusively
lot of fun and a great chal- The design team will work at the door before the per-
lenge for the students, Bou- simultaneously with the formance. Proceeds will
zek said in the release. Im actors, working to get the benefit the high school
6 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Coming up Community calendar

Wednesday, June 21
Food budgeting visit Pharmacy, Nordic Nook from 4-6 p.m. Sunday,
9:30 a.m., Storytime (ages 0-5), library, 873-6281
bomusikk. and Christ Lutheran June 25.
Is budgeting for food Church. The meal includes spa- 10 a.m. to noon, Hearing devices presentation,
tight? FoodShare Wiscon- Family concert For more information, ghetti, veggie salads and senior center, 873-8585
sin, a food assistance pro- The library will offer a and a complete list of raf- raw veggies, french and
gram for individuals with Thursday, June 22
family concert, featuring fle prizes and participat- garlic bread, apple pie bars 10:30-11:30 a.m., Walking presentation, senior cen-
low or no income, may be Duke Otherwise, at the ing businesses, visit face- and ice cream and bever-
able to help. ter, 873-8585
Stoughton Fire Department ages. No carry-out meals
5:50-9 p.m., Ladies Night Out, ($25, register at Cho-
Working people or those training room, 401 E. Main diesnightout. are available; for transpor-
receiving Social Securi- tation to dinner, call 873- rus Public House, Viking Brew Pub or Nauti Norske),
St., at 6:30 p.m. Thursday,
ty, SSI, SSDI or Unem- June 22.
Community yoga 5429 by noon on Sunday
ployment may be eligible Duke Otherwise is a tap S t o u g h t o n Yo ga w i l l and leave a message. Rides 6 p.m., Gazebo Musikk performance by The Dirty
for the program if their dancing, guitar playing, offer a free community are provided free of charge Groove Band, Rotary Park, 324 S. Sixth St. facebook.
monthly income is less musical performer who yoga session from 11 a.m. within the Stoughton Area com/gazebomusikk
than $1,862 for one per- sings comedy songs. The to noon Saturday, June 24 School District. 6:30 p.m., Family concert: Duke Otherwise, Stough-
son; $2,522 for two people; event is for all ages and no at Bjoin Park, 100 E. Wil- This months meal is ton Fire Department training room, 401 E. Main St.,
$3,182 for three people; or registration is required. son St. sponsored by Good Shep- 873-6281
$3,842 for four people. herd by the Lake. For
To make an appointment
For information, call The class is open to Friday, June 23
873-6281 all levels of yoga, rain or information, call 873-5429 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Stoughton Farmers Market,
for free application assis- shine. The shelter will be
tance, call the FoodShare Ladies Night Out Healthy aging brain Stoughton Plaza, 1050 W. Main St.,
used if the weather is rainy. farmersmarket
Helpline at 1-877-366- Coordinated by Christ It is suggested to bring a Join Susan Richards,
3635. Lutheran Church and local yoga mat or large towel; RN, at Stoughton Hospi- Saturday, June 24
businesses, Ladies Night chairs will not be available tal, 900 Ridge St., to learn Community-wide rummage sale
Gazebo Musikk Out will take place starting for this class. No registra- more about how to low- 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Stoughton Community
at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June tion is required. er dementia risk and keep Farmers Market, Forrest Street (North of Main St.),
The Dirty Groove band 22. Registration begins at 5 Stoughton Yoga will also brains healthy, at 10 a.m.
will perform for the next p.m. at the Chorus House, be offering lunch, a veggie Wednesday, June 28. The 11 a.m. to noon, Outdoor community yoga with
Gazebo Musikk series Viking Brew Pub or Nauti brat and lemonade, for a presentation will be offered Stoughton Yoga, Bjoin Park, 100 E. Wilson St.,
from 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Norske. suggested $4 donation. again at 6:30 p.m. at the
June 22, at the Rotary Park Proceeds will benefit For more information, library in the Carnegie 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Stoughton Historical Society Muse-
Gazebo, 324 S. Sixth St. Seniors in Need, Stoughton visit Meeting Room. The pre- um open, 324 S. Page St., 873-1943
Katie Scullin band will Youth Center, START and sentation is being offered
perform Thursday, June 29. World of Change Leaders. Community meal by Stoughton Dementia Sunday, June 25
Bring your lawn chairs Tickets are $25 and will Vi s i t F i r s t L u t h e r a n Friendly Coalition and 4-6 p.m., Community meal, First Lutheran Church,
and dinner to the free con- provide the passport and a Church, 310 E. Washing- partners. 310 E. Washington St., 873-5429
certs; beer and wine are goodie bag. Tickets can ton St., for the free month- For more information,
permitted, but no glasses. Monday, June 26
be purchased at McGlynn ly Our Daily Bread meal call Sonja at 873-2356. 5:30 p.m., Harry Potter escape room (ages 11 and
For information,
up, registration required), library, 873-6281
7 p.m., Stoughton School Board meeting, SASD
Administration Building, 320 North St., 877-5000
Bahai Faith Covenant Lutheran Church Seventh Day Baptist
For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911 1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494 Church of Albion Tuesday, June 27
or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225 616 Albion Rd., Edgerton 6 p.m., Public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Stoughton study classes. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship 561-7450 update, Public Safety Building, second floor, 321 S.
Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship Fourth St.,
Bible Baptist Church Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10
2095 Hwy. W, Utica Ezra Church Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath
Wednesday, June 28
873-7077 423-3033 515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050 9:30 a.m., Storytime (ages 0-5), library, 873-6281
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship Stoughton Baptist Church 10 a.m., Healthy brain presentation, Stoughton Hos-
Sunday:10 a.m. Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton pital, 900 Ridge St., 873-2356
Christ Lutheran Church 873-6517
700 Hwy. B, Stoughton First Lutheran Church 1 p.m., Senior center book discussion: Being Mortal:
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship; Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawa-
873-9353 e-mail: 310 E. Washington, Stoughton 6 p.m. - Evening Service
Sunday Worship: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Traditional 873-7761 nde, and When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalantihi,
Worship. 9:10 a.m. Family Express, followed by Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship St. Ann Catholic Church senior center, 873-8585
Sunday School 323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 3 p.m., Travelogue: Spain, senior center, 873-8585
Fulton Church 873-6448 873-7633 6:30 p.m., Healthy brain presentation, library, 873-
Christ the King Community 9209 Fulton St., Edgerton Weekday Mass: Nazareth House 2356
Church 884-8512 and St. Anns Church
401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303 Sunday: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Worship Services Weekend Mass: Saturday - 5:15 p.m.; Thursday, June 29 Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship Coffee Fellowship: 9 a.m. Sunday - 8 and 10:30 a.m. 6 p.m., Gazebo Musikk performance by Katie Scullin
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Band, Rotary Park, 324 S. Sixth St.,
Christian Assembly Church Varsity (High Schoolers): 12-3 p.m. United Methodist of Stoughton gazebomusikk
1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106 AWANA (age 2-middle school): 3-5 p.m. 525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton
Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m. Friday, June 30
worship Good Shepherd By The Lake 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Stoughton Farmers Market,
Lutheran Church Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service; Stoughton Plaza, 1050 W. Main St.,
The Church of Jesus Christ 1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton 10 a.m. - Full Worship farmersmarket
of Latter-day Saints 873-5924
825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. West Koshkonong Lutheran Church Saturday, July 1
877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930 Adult Bible Study: 9:15-9:45 a.m. 1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Stoughton Community
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship Farmers Market, Forrest Street (North of Main St.),
LakeView Church
Cooksville Lutheran Church 2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton
11927 W. Church St., Evansville
Western Koshkonong 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Yahara River Hootenanny (repeats
882-4408 Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship
Lutheran Church first Saturdays through November), Yahara River Gro-
Pastor Karla Brekke 2633 Church St., Cottage Grove cery Cooperative, 229 E. Main St., 712-2976
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study

Support groups
Diabetic Support Group senior center, 873-8585
Breaking Promises 6 p.m., second Monday,
An important theme which runs through the Bible is the inability of Stoughton Hospital, 628- Low Vision Support
humankind, both individually and collectively, to keep our promises. The 6500 1-2:30 p.m., third Thurs-
Israelites are chastised again and again for stubbornly pursuing their own day, senior center, 873-
873-4590 selfish interests and breaking the covenant they had with God. God con- Dementia Caregivers 8585
1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton tinues to forgive them, and in the New Testament when Peter asks Jesus 2 p.m., second Thursday,
how many times he should forgive his neighbor, Jesus tells him that he senior center, 873-8585 Parkinsons Group
Pete Gunderson
Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter should forgive him not just seven times, but seventy-seven times, reflect- 1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
Martha Paton, Administrative Manager ing the divine patience for human weakness. We are all prone to breaking Crohns/Colitis/IBD Wednesday, senior center,
Support Group 873-8585

Sara Paton Barkenhagen, Administrative Assistant

Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant our promises and to sinning against God and our fellow man, and should
be comforted by His everlasting mercy. Our sinning will someday come to 5:30 p.m., third Wednes- day, Stoughton Hospital, Multiple Sclerosis Group
an end, but His mercy and forgiveness will last forever. Strive to be more 10-11:30 a.m., second
faithful in your own life and to mirror Gods everlasting mercy when those 873-7928
Tuesday, senior center,
around you fall short. Grief Support Groups 873-8585
2 p.m., third Wednesday,
Christopher Simon

221 Kings Lynn Rd.

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord, how many times shall I
forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times? Submit your community calendar
Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888 and coming up items online:

Matthew 18:21-22 NIV
Jeremy Jones, sports editor Thursday, June 22, 2017
845-9559 x226

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237
Courier Hub
Fax: 845-9550 For more sports coverage, visit:

Home Talent League Home Talent League

Utica unable
to help itself
in loss
Sports editor

The Utica Home Talent

team fell a run short in one
game last week and con-
tinued to make untimely
mistakes in another Sunday
Waterloo 8, Utica 1
The As gave away a cou-
ple of runs early and cost
themselves at a couple more
late in the game Sunday,
losing 8-1 against Waterloo.
Utica had a chance to
rally with bases loaded and
no outs in the bottom of the
eighth inning.
Doug Vike was hit by a
pitch to lead off the inning.
Max Gartzke and Nick
Woodstock then hit back-
to-back singles to load the
The As quickly ran them-
selves out of the inning,
however, getting picked off
of second base three times
to end the threat.
The worse-case sce-
nario, we should know we
were down 8-0 and cant be
Photo by Jeremy Jones getting outs on the bases,
Ryan Nyhagen smiles with teammates Sunday as he nears home plate after hitting his third-inning solo home run. Nyhagen hit two home runs and drove player/manager Christian
in three in a 10-2 victory over Cambridge. Stokstad said. You should

Merchants go deep in blowout

know that, whether youre a
rookie or youve played 20
years. To do it three times
in the inning, weve got to
clean it up.
JEREMY JONES home runs in the rally and drove Theres no real good
excuse for something like
Sports editor in three runs.
A three-run home run by Wind-
Whats next that.
er Fuentes off Blues starter Jared Gartzke was the first run-
The Stoughton Home Talent
team remained a game behind Hortan in the third inning gave Stoughton travels to Sun Prairie 7p.m. June 22, for a Central Section ner to get caught off second
the Merchants their first lead. Thursday Night League game against the Red Birds. before Jason Hougan sin-
Albion with a win over Cam- gled home Vike for the As
bridge last weekend. Tanner Klitzke worked a full-
count walk before lead-off hit- The Merchants host Fort Atkinson (7-0) in a Southeast Section cross- only run. Hougan was later
Stoughton 10, Cambridge 2 ter Irwin Medina sacrificed him over game at 1p.m. Sunday. picked off second himself
to second. Jake Wenzel reached as was Cody Jump.
The host Merchants used the Utica allowed two runs
longball to rally from an early base on an error by third baseman
Adrian Flores and then advanced right-field fence for a three-run followed with a solo-home run in the second and third on
deficit Sunday en route to a 10-2 a few bloop hits, and Cam-
Southeast Section win over Cam- to second on catchers indiffer- home run. to left field for a 4-1 advantage.
ence before Fuentes turned on a Up 3-1, Stoughton didnt wait He later added a two-run shot to bridge added a big hit with
bridge. Ryan Nyhagen account-
ed for two of Stoughtons three 2-1 fastball, pulling it over the long to add to its lead, as Nyhagen
Turn to Merchants/Page 8 Turn to Utica/Page 8

Home Talent League

Robinson, Brickson earn first-team honors,
three others make all-conference list
JEREMY JONES South all-conference team earlier this
Sports editor month.
Robinson and sophomore Maddie
The Stoughton softball team experi- Brickson highlighted the selections by
enced its share of growing pains this sea- earning first-team honors. Robinson saw
son. time at third base but was primarily used
Coming off the first Badger South Con- as a catcher.
ference title in school history, the Vikings It was the second straight time being
graduated a lot of talent from last years named first team for Robinson, who
team that won 11 Badger South games. earned the honor at third base last sea-
They finished 5-18 overall (3-9 confer- son. The senior hit a team-best .351 to go
ence) and took a while to find their iden- along with two home runs and 16 RBIs.
tity. Robinson also had a .964 fielding per-
Stoughton did win three of its final six centage behind the plate.
games bouncing back somewhat after Brickson, who was a second-team hon-
starting 2-15. That development was in oree last year, earned first-team honors
large part thanks to the three seniors: this season at shortstop. The junior hit
Madisyn Robinson, Morgan Neuenfeld .313 in the lead-off spot. She tied for sec-
and Kayley Novotny who were among the ond on the team with 15 runs scored and Photo by Jeremy Jones
programs six girls voted to the Badger Turn to Softball/Page 8 Madisyn Robinson repeated as a first-team Badger South all-conference selection.
8 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Neuenfeld selected
to WFSCA Senior
All-Star team
Stoughton High School 1 teams, and each played
graduate Morgan Neuen- two games.
feld was selected to the A f o u r- y e a r s t a r t e r,
Division 1 Green team for Neuenfeld was second
the Wisconsin Fastpitch on the Vikings with 19
Softball Coaches Asso- singles. She drew a team-
ciations Senior All Star best 12 walks and stole 11
team. bases. The first baseman
The games were June also had 160 putouts to go
13 at Woodside Sports along with a .966 fielding
Complex in Wisconsin percentage. Photo by Jeremy Jones
Dells. Jason Hougan is picked off second base in the bottom of the eighth inning. Hougan was one of two Utica baserunners
There were six Division Jeremy Jones picked off at second in the inning as the As lost 8-1 to Waterloo.

Softball: Neuenfeld earns Utica: As fall to 0-7 in the Southeast Section

Continued from page 7 making all of these plays.
second-team honors Whats next Watertown 4, Utica 3
Continued from page 7 along with a .966 fielding the bases loaded in the Utica made up a game against the Cavaliers on Tuesday. The As wrapped up the
percentage. fifth to up 7-0. Fort Atkinson Generals
Junior pitcher Molly Wa t e r l o o t a c k e d o n
The As travel to Verona again at 7:30p.m. Thursday for a baseball tournament on
two triples. Skonning and Novotny another run in the eighth Central Section night league game. Thursday with a 4-3 loss
Neuenfeld earned sec- (second base) each earned on an RBI single from Sam against Watertown.
ond-team all-conference Utica (0-7) travels to Lake Mills (1-6) at 1p.m. Sunday Cole Nelson started and
honorable mention honors. Little. Utica committed six
honors at first base after Skonning, who replaced errors in the loss. for a Southeast Section crossover game. threw into the fifth inning.
stepping out from behind unanimous first-team Weve got to start mak- H o u ga n c l o s e d o u t t h e
the plate. She was a four- all-conference pitcher ing plays for our pitchers, struck out four. Stokstad Woodstock (2-for-4) was game.
year varsity starter and Holly Brickson in the cir- Stokstad said. Cambridge tossed the final inning, the only Utica player with Utica, which went 1-2,
three-time first-team selec- cle this season, appeared was finding some gaps, striking out one. more than one hit. was playing for fifth place.
tion, including her sopho- in 17 games and struck out and we werent making Ben Vehlow threw eight Were not really play- The As lost to Jefferson
more and junior year as a 56 in 104.33 innings. She plays. innings and allowed one ing through it right now, and beat Stoughton in the
catcher. had a 4.50 ERA. Newcomer Aaron Schau- run to go along with two Stokstad said. Were let- previous two games.
Neuenfeld was second Novotny hit .292 and er took the loss for the As hits at the plate to lead ting the same mistakes It felt good to get a win
on the team with 19 sin- tied for second on the team on the mound, allowing Waterloo (2-2) to the vic- happen over and over and beat Stoughton in that
gles. She drew a team- with 11 RBIs. She was three earned runs on 10 tory. Utica dropped to 0-7 again. To start winning, second game, Stokstad
best 12 walks and stole 11 third on the team with an hits and four walks. He on the year with the loss. were going to need to start said.
bases. The first baseman .893 save percentage.
also had 160 putouts to go

Badger South All Conference Merchants: Stoughton is one game out of first place
First team: Infielders - Kyrsten George (Oregon), Natalie Continued from page 7 struck out one.
Bosch (Fort Atkinson), Morgan Dunkleberger (Fort Atkin- Erick Sperloen threw
son) Alysha Witt (Monroe), Maddy Brickson (Stoughton); the final two innings and
Outfielders - Autumn Congdon (Fort Atkinson), Courtney center in the bottom of the didnt give up a run on
Dunkleberger (Fort Atkinson); Pitchers - Kat Brandl (Fort seventh for a 7-1 lead. three hits. He struck out
Atkinson), Olivia Bobak (Monroe); Catchers - Amber Stoughton finished the two.
game with 13 hits, includ- Hortan went four innings
Mussey, (Milton), Meredith Hose (Monroe), Madisyn
ing two apiece from Irvin and took the loss, allow-
Robinson (Stoughton) Medina (2-for-5), Dave ing three earned runs on
Second team: Infielders - Bri Foti (Edgewood), Taylor Hanson (2-for-5) and five hits and two walks. He
Romens (Fort Atkinson), Tess Baker (Fort Atkinson), Nyhagen. Tyler Wilberg struck out seven.
Carly Patton (Monona Grove), Morgan Neuenfeld (1-for-4) singled home Sam Mickelson tossed
(Stoughton); Outfielders - Julia Schmidt (Oregon), Jenna a run in the seventh and four innings of relief and
Gratz, (Oregon), Alexis Hilliard (Monroe), Carly Upmann Medina drove in one in the allowed five earned runs
(Monroe); Pitchers - Hannah Christensen (Oregon), Alys- fourth. Hanson doubled on eight hits and a walk.
sa Guerten (Monona Grove); Designated player - Megan home the teams final run He struck out two.
Baumgartner (Monroe) in the eighth. The Merchants improved
Honorable mentions: Marissa Kleckler and Brooke Flores went 2-for-4 with to 7-1 with the victory,
McCallum (Oregon); Samantha Alderson and Madison an RBI ground out in the while Cambridge dropped
Moore (Edgewood); Kastyn Hebbe and Mackenzie Kram- first inning to lead Cam- to 3-4 with the loss.
er (Fort Atkinson); Jessica Jerome, Maddy Jacobs, Emily bridge.
Stoughtons Ben Riffle Stoughton 10,
Goodger and Rachel Rogers (Milton); Jordan Dahlhauser
got the start and tossed Monona/McFarland 5
and Cassidy Gerothanas (Monona Grove); Grace Tostrud seven innings, surrender-
and Madison Katzenberger (Monroe); Molly Skonning, ing one earned run on two Stoughton won its sec-
and Kayley Novotny (Stoughton) hits and three walks. He ond Central Section Night
League game on Thursday,
defeating Monona/McFar-
land 10-5.
The Merchants are 2-1 in
the Night League, tied for

Early Ad Deadlines second with Verona. Mid- Photo by Jeremy Jones

dleton is 5-0 and leads the Ben Riffle went all nine innings Sunday, allowing two runs on
Central Section. five hits in a 10-2 win over Cambridge. He struck out three.

4th of July
July 5th Great Dane Shopping News
Display ad deadline: Wednesday June 28 at 3pm
Classified ad deadline: Thursday, June 29 at Noon GRILLING SEASON IS HERE!
July 6th Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub Thick Cut Pork Chops Great on the Grill ........................... $4.99/lb
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Display & Classified ad deadline: Chuck Patties 85% lean.............................................. $4.99/lb
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85-90% lean, fresh never frozen, 5 lb. bulk only

our offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4, 2017.

STOUGHTON 873-3334 2125 McCOMB RD
Obituaries June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 9
Thelma C. Hershey so much. Thelma played rummy Maddison Searle from those closest to her to mother, Kelly Wrase Sear-
She enjoyed gardening at and bridge, and having those who had just met her. le; father, Scott Edward
her home in Elm Grove and been an avid reader for 90 Maddison was very well Searle; and sister, Dorothy
prepared healthy, delicious years or more could best traveled; she enjoyed cre- Su Searle, all of Knox-
food for her family and anyone in word games until ating and viewing artwork; ville, Tenn. She is further
friends, including pancakes she was over 100. In recent she was an avid music and survived by her maternal
with berries we gathered, years, she enjoyed reading, movie fan; and she was a grandparents, Bob Wrase
favorite chicken, sour- exchanging letters with staple at the West Town and Bob and Mary Grady,
dough bread and Nanas friends and family and knit- Mall. For being so medical- all of Stoughton; pater-
oatmeal cookies. ting. Thelma was a devoted ly fragile, Maddison lived a nal grandparents, Ken and
Thelma loved nature and wife and mother, and she very exciting and adventur- Mary Chaignot of Glad-
was an avid protector of the gave the best of her time ous life: horseback riding, stone, Mich. and Scott and
environment. Having lived and energy to her family. roller coasters, zip lining, Sally Searle of Gwinn,
through the Great Depres- Thelma is survived by her rock wall climbing, swim- Mich.; aunt and godmoth-
Thelma Hershey sion, she reused everything, daughters, Christine (Wil- Maddison Searle ming, sledding, four-wheel- er, Jenni Wrase of Verona;
and she refinished and liam) Jordan and Martha ing, and many rock and roll aunts, Carrie (Jeff) Rich-
upholstered furniture. An (Robert) Degner; grand- concerts. Maddison loved ter of Fountain Hills, Ariz.
Thelma C. Hershey, age excellent seamstress, she children, Victoria Jordan, On June 8, 2017, at the beach and gave her and Amy (John) Breitz-
102, of Cooksville (former- sewed and tailored much of John Jordan, Clare Jordan 4:44 p.m. EST, Maddison mother the best of smiles man of Gladstone, Mich.;
ly of Elm Grove), passed the clothing for her family. (Matthew Gorman), Lorna Marie Searle, age 15, left when she teased that they uncle and godfather, Adam
away peacefully at home She was a talented art- Jordan (Nathan Foreman) her body and bright pink would be moving to The (Beth) Chaignot of Ypsi-
surrounded by her family ist in watercolor, pastels and Sarah Degner Riveros, wheelchair behind, as she Caribbean soon. lanti, Mich.; and 15 cous-
on Monday, June 5, 2017. and oils, and studied Sumi Luke (Kara Bryn) Degn- finally transferred over to a Maddisons hair was per- ins.
Thelma was born on May ink painting and Japanese er, Jacob (Hannah Cryder) better, freer, happier place fect, as were her fingernails A Celebration of Life
23, 1915, to William and flower arranging. Born in a Degner and Abigail Degn- for her, where she can now and wardrobe; she received will be held from 2-6 p.m.
Annie Mabelle (Kenyon) world before womens suf- er (Marco Aguirre); family move her fingers again, constant compliments. She Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017,
Cuthbertson in Pittsfield, frage, she was independent, friend, Ryota Morinaga; as give kisses and hugs, run was an excellent Big Sis- with a memory sharing ser-
Mass. She graduated from fearless and strong, never well as great-grandchildren, and skip and dance, whis- sy and enjoyed giving vice at 3 p.m. at Bearden
Pittsfield High School. quiet nor submissive. Leila, Oliver, Anna, John, per and yell and sing and Little Sissy rides on her High School auditorium,
After high school, she She and Frank lived an Mary, Samuel, Moses, Hen- laugh out loud, and express lap in her wheelchair; she 8352 Kingston Pike, Knox-
worked for Berkshire Mutu- active life, taking night- ry, Wyatt and one on the herself and her feelings paid close attention to Dor- ville, Tenn. 37919. Anoth-
al Fire and Casualty. She ly walks, spending time in way. and thoughts however she othy Su, expected bedtime er Celebration of Life in
met Frank Hershey from nature, hiking, ice skating, Thelma is preceded in wishes. She can now do kisses, and loved her dear- Michigans Upper Peninsu-
Schenectady, N.Y. in the biking and sailing, and after death by her husband, whatever she wants. ly. la is still pending for a lat-
Mount Greylock Ski Club retirement, spending time in Frank; her parents, William In her relatively short Maddison was born in er date. All are welcome to
and they married on Sept. 7, their cabin on Two Sisters and Anna Mabelle (Kenyon) lifetime with us, Maddi- St. George, Utah on Dec. attend and join in the cele-
1946. Lake in McNaughton. With Cuthbertson; and her broth- son was the epitome of 10, 2001 and moved to brations.
Thelma and Frank built a Frank she traveled to Rus- er, William Cuthbertson. bravery and tolerance and Knoxville, Tenn. on Feb. In lieu of flowers, the
loving home and raised two sia, Scotland, Alaska, Italy, Private burial will take genuine love. She taught 3, 2002. On April 19, 2003, fa m i l y a s k s f o r d o n a -
daughters, Christine and France, Switzerland and place for Frank and Thelma so many of us so many all of our lives were for- tions to be made in her
Martha. She was a home- the Yucatan. They attend- Hershey in Cooksville in things without ever saying ever changed after an auto memory to the LoveYour-
maker for many years. She ed many Elder Hostels and August. a word or lifting a finger. accident left Maddison Brain Foundation (www.
loved spending time with camped in national parks Memorial gifts in Never once could she ever as a ventilator-dependent and/
her children, grandchildren across the United States. honor of Thelma might complain or act up and quadriplegic. She stayed or The Ronald McDon-
and great-grandchildren. Thelma was an active be made to Agrace misbehave. She could light strong and happy and rel- ald House (www.rmch.
During summers in the m e m b e r o f B r o o k fi e l d Hospice (, up any-sized room with atively healthy in this con- org/donate) and/or The
north woods of Wisconsin, Congregational Church, Doctors Without Borders the warmest and bright- dition for over 14 of the Miami Project (www.the-
she enjoyed gathering ber- Questers Antique Club and (doctorswithoutborders. est of lights with a certain best years any of us could
ries and wildflowers from Elm Grove Garden Club. org), UNICEF (unicefusa. glance of her precious have hoped for. She will be donation/). Please share
the forest and teaching her She volunteered for Meals org) or Macular eyes and her extraordinary forever missed and yet will your memories at www.
grandchildren about the On Wheels and AFS. Due D eg e n e r a t i o n R e s e a r c h and optimistic smile. She undoubtedly remain forev-
plants and animals. A lov- to Franks work with Gen- ( charmed us. Her often silly er with us. Not a day will
er of nature, she honored eral Electric, the couple and sassy looks and head- go by when she will not be Cress Center
the earth and the indige- Gunderson Stoughton shakes were guaranteed to
lived in Pennsylvania and Funeral & Cremation in our hearts and minds. 6021 University Ave.
nous people of this land; Wisconsin. When Frank make us smile our truest Bless her beautiful soul. Madison, WI 53705
she supervised contests for passed away in 2003, Thel- Care smiles right back at her. Maddison is survived (608) 238-8406
her grandchildren to see ma spent more time with 1358 Hwy. 51 North at She touched so many lives: and dearly missed by her
who could walk the quietest her daughters and moved Jackson St.
like the Native Americans to Cooksville to live with
whose values she admired (608) 873-4590
Martha and Bob Degner. Dorothy Brandenburg Hanson More obituaries
Michael Hanson, Isaac
Joseph Hanson and Justin Page 10
Yvonne M. Herfel years. Megan, Tyler, Lee and Bry- William Hanson.
She attended Nora Coun- an Herfel; stepgrandchild, Dorothy was preceded
try Grade School and grad-
uated from Stoughton High
Sheena Emerson; eight
great-grandchildren; and
in death by her husband, Legals
Jerald; parents and par-
School and Harpers Cos- two step-great-grandchil- ents-in-law; two brothers, STATE OF WISCONSIN,
metology School in Madi- dren; two brothers, Wayne Howard and Warren (Vel- CIRCUIT COURT,
son. (Nancy) Kittleson and Low- ma); and two sisters, Ruth
S h e e n j oy e d s ew i n g , ell (Marge) Kittleson; a sis- SETTING TIME TO HEAR
(Ray) and Lucellia. APPLICATION AND
cross stitching and quilting, ter, Mary (James) Furseth; a Private family services DEADLINE FOR FILING
playing cards, bingo and sister-in-law, Shirley Riley; were held. Dorothy was
going for lunch and dinner two brothers-in-law, Ray laid to rest beside her hus-
with family and friends. Herfel and Curt (Deb) Her- band at Lutheran South NORMAN MOE
Dorothy Brandenburg Hanson
She also enjoyed fishing fel; nieces; nephews; other Cemetery in Stoughton.
Case No. 17PR368
with the Lynxville friends relatives; and friends. Dorothy Brandenburg The family would like to 1. An application for Informal Admin-
istration was filed.
Yvonne Herfel
on the Mississippi River. She was preceded in Hanson passed away on thank the wonderful staff 2. The decedent, with date of birth
She was a member of the death by her parents, and Sunday, June 11, 2017. at Meadows Assisted Liv-
February 21, 1939 and date of death May
5, 2017, was domiciled in Dane County,
Salem United Church of her husband. Dorothy Mae was born ing and Heartland Hospice State of Wisconsin, with a mailing ad-
Christ in Verona. Funeral services were on Nov. 11, 1928, the for their compassionate
dress of 1680 Williams Drive, Stoughton,
WI 53589.
Yvonne M. Herfel, age Survivors include her held Tuesday, June 20, 3. The application will be heard at
80 of Mount Horeb, died daughter of William and care. We are very proud the Dane County Courthouse, Madison,
children, David (Loretta) 2017, at Salem United Marie Elizabeth (Olson) of our mom. She was a
Wisconsin, Room 1005, before the pre-
unexpectedly on Tuesday, Herfel of Mount Horeb, Church of Christ, Verona, siding Probate Registrar, on June 29,
June 13, 2017. Brandenburg. Dorothy very kind and compassion- 2017 at 10:00a.m.
Diane (Roger) Westfall of with the Rev. Dr. Mark Yurs graduated from Beloit ate person, who devoted
You do not need to appear unless
She was born Aug. 20, Madison, Dean (Pam) Her- officiating. Burial was at
you object. The application may be grant-
ed if there is no objection.
1936 to Lorris Wilberg High School in 1946. On a large part of her life to 4. The deadline for filing a claim
fel of Mount Horeb and the Verona Cemetery. Vis- May 10, 1952, she was raising her three sons. We against the decedents estate is Septem-
and Clayton Kittleson in Dale (Jerrilyn) Herfel of itation was held Monday, ber 1, 2017.
Stoughton. united in marriage to Jer- love you Mom! 5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
Mount Horeb; grandchil- June 19, 2017, at Ellestad ald Wesley Hanson at In lieu of a memorial,
County Courthouse, Madison, Wiscon-
Yvonne was united in dren, Catherine (Andy) Camacho Funeral Home,
sin, Room 1005.

marriage to Gerald H. Her- Luther Valley Lutheran consider a donation to 6. This publication is notice to any
OHalek, Tina (John Mau- 500 N. Eighth St., Mount Church in Beloit. They Heartland Hospice at
persons whose names or addresses are
fel on Sept. 24, 1955 at St. fort) Herfel, Lisa Herfel, Horeb, WI 53572 and at the If you require reasonable accommo-
Pauls Liberty Church in were married for over 63 heartlandhospicefund. dations due to a disability to participate
Nick (Stefanie) Westfall, church. years. org. Online condolences
in the court process, please call 608-
Deerfield. Gerald preced- Amanda Westfall, Casey www. 266-4311 at least 10 working days prior
ed her in death on April 9, Dorothy went on to work may be made at www. to the scheduled court date. Please note
(Mike) Wehrli, Jeremy for the Janesville Gazette,
that the court does not provide transpor-
2005, her husband of 49 1/2 ( M a rg o ) H e r f e l , L e a h ,
(608) 437-5077 the State of Wisconsin, and Gunderson Stoughton
Danell Behrens
Probate Registrar
Nelson Industries during Funeral & Cremation Care Michael D. Rumpf
May 26, 2017

her working career. She PO Box 1

and her husband enjoyed 1358 Hwy. 51 North @ Cambridge, WI 53523

(608) 423-3254
traveling throughout the Jackson St. Bar Number: 1015663

Send it in! U.S. and overseas. Dor- (608) 873-4590

Published: June 8, 15 and 22, 2017

othys family and home ***

We like to send reporters to shoot photos, but we cant be everywhere. And we know you all were her pride and joy.
have cameras. She is survived by her
So if you have a photo of an event or just a slice of life you think the community might be three sons, Jeffrey Wayne Celebrating 25 Years in Business!
interested in, send it to us and well use it if we can. Please include contact information, whats
happening in the photo and the names of people pictured.
(Holly) Hanson, Philip
Scott Hanson and Stuart
WisConsin MonuMent & Vault Co.

You can submit it on our website at, email to editor Jim Ferolie at Paul (Karen) Hanson; and 159 W. Main St. 873-5513 or drop off electronic media at our office at 135 W. Main St. three grandsons, Elliot Serving Stoughton since 1989.
Questions? Call 873-6671.
10 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Obituary Send it here

If you have news youd like to
James D. Anderson February 18, 1940, the son of Dale was preceded in death share with readers of The Stoughton Business announcements
Gerald and Phyllis Anderson. by his parents; and two broth- Courier Hub, there are many ways to
Dale graduated from Stough- ers.
contact us.
ton High School in 1959. A celebration of Dales life
He worked in shipping/ will be held from 4-6p.m.
For general questions or inquiries, College notes/graduations
call our office at 873-6671 or email
receiving at Uniroyal for 44 M o n d a y, J u n e 2 6 , 2 0 1 7
years until his retirement in at Cress Funeral Home in
2003. Dale enjoyed working Stoughton.
Our website accepts story ideas, Community news
community items, photos and let-
on projects and spending time A special thank you to the ters to the editor, at ConnectStough- communityreporter@wcinet.
with his family and friends. staff of Agrace for their kind- Births, engagements and
He is survived by his chil- ness and compassion. com
anniversaries can also be sent to the
dren, Mike (Kim), Sherri (Mar- Please share your website. Upcoming events
vin) Showers, Lisa Bennett and memories of Dale at: www. Several types of items have spe-
John (Natalie) Bennett; grand- cific emails where they can be sent
James Anderson children, Troy and Alec Show- Cress Funeral Service directly.
ers, Cailea, Garen, Klarissa, 206 W. Prospect Street Website questions
James Dale Red Ander- Kaleb, Carsen, Tucker and Jen-
son, age 77, passed away at his sen Faye; and siblings, Nancy, Stoughton, WI 53589 Advertising inquiries
home on Friday, June 16, 2017. Barb and Donald. (608) 873-9244
He was born in Stoughton on

110 Card of Thanks 434 Health Care, Human 449 Driver, Shipping 554 Landscaping, Lawn, 696 Wanted To Buy VINTAGE HARVEST Estate Sale 5165 But-
tonbush Circle Fitchburg, WI Sat June 24th
ST JUDE patron of desperate cases. Services & Child Care & Warehousing Tree & Garden Work WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks. 10am-4pm Sun June 25th 11am- 3pm #'s
Thank You DRIVERS: AVG. $1,100 Plus Weekly! DECK STAINING and Powerwashing; We sell used parts. out one hour before sale starts to limit the
HEALTHCARE EMPLOYMENT Monthly Bonuses! Medical, Dental, Vision homes, sheds, etc GreenGro Designs. Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm. amount people in sale at one time. A very
402 Help Wanted, General OPPORTUNITIES & More! Excellent Equipment w/APU's 608-669-7879. Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59 nice clean sale in an air conditioned home.
*Patient Benefit Specialist-32 hours Great Family Home-Time! 1yr CDL-A: Edgerton, 608-884-3114 Furniture to include tan suede sofa recliner,
ATTENTION: SALES People wanted. per week; assist patients with account LAWN MOWING mission style oak shelf , Sony 42: flatscreen,
Will train. Sales manager and field and billing issues Residential & Commercial 652 Garage Sales rattan porch furniture, patio furniture( like
*Revenue Integrity Analyst- 32 to 40 Fully Insured. new) redwood style rockers etc, antique
representative needed. Ideal for 548 Home Improvement 608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025 EVANSVILLE- 339 Franklin St Moving furniture all refinished and your favorites,
retired couples or retired single hours per week position, prior health
care revenue cycle experience preferred A&B ENTERPRISES Sale. Friday 10-4, Saturday & Sunday oak side by side secretary with drop front
seniors. 608-873-4458
*Patient Access & Communications Light Construction Remodeling 602 Antiques & Collectibles 9-3. Variety of household items, yard desk and curved glass china cabinet with
CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It Supervisor- full time supervisory No job too small ornaments. Raikes Bears, women's plus applied carving, four drawer antique oak file
pays to read the fine print. position over out 24/7 patient access 608-835-7791 COLUMBUS ANTIQUE MALL clothes, scrubs, shoes, Stampin Up cabinet, oak heavy spiral legs with claw and
department & CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS stamps, reduced crafts, 119 gallon fish ball feet, arts and crafts rocker, exceptional
HALLINAN-PAINTING MUSEUM tank, low rise piano, furniture, Weider oak and maple dressers with mirrors, wash
*Social Worker- BSW or MSW needed stand with towel bar, sideboard, antique
Get for .5 to .875 FTE position in our skilled WALLPAPERING "Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"! multi-station weight system (assembly
**Great-Summer-Rates** required). MORE! CASH ONLY PLEASE barrel on stand, oak empire style sewing
nursing unit Customer Appreciation Week stand, 1950;s kneehole desk , RCA floor
ConneCted *Nurse Practitioner- seeking a limited
part-time APNP to work in our hospice
35 + Years Professional
20% DISCOUNT July 3-9
Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF
OREGON 415 Walnut St. 6/23-6/24
8-5pm. Downsizing. Snorkeling equip-
model radio, curved glass china cabinet
oak, oak hall seat with mirror, stick and ball
unit Free-Estimates 200 Dealers in 400 Booths ment, household. mirror, 5ft church pew with original metal
Find updates and *Massage Therapist- per diem to References/Insured Third floor furniture, locked cases
OREGON- RAVEN OAKS SUBDIVISION marker, These antiques are in very good
Arthur Hallinan Location: 239 Whitney St
links right away. a part-time position benefit eligible
position 608-455-3377 Columbus, WI 53925 SALES June 23 & 24, 8am-5pm. Office condition and ready for your home or shop.
The sale also has a large selection of hand
920-623-1992 furniture, table, & chairs, Bar-Stools, tools , band saw, bench grinders, yard tools
To find our more detailed information
Search for us on about open positions and to apply, go to
RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry, Road Construction Hwy 151 Exit 120 Bikes, Beds, Toys, Tons of Clothing & well cared for, hardware containers, hose
drywall, deck restoration and all forms of small household items. Follow the signs reels, motorcycle gear, camping items, 1991
Facebook as our website at painting Recover urges you to join in the
always open to Antique Mall CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon Coleman fleetwood camper-nice condition,(
Upland Hills Health
Stoughton Courier Hub 800 Compassion Way
fight against cancer, as a portion of every
job is donated to cancer research. Free
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon we are selling this on bid to highest bidder
ALL ADS SUBMITTED SUBJECT TO Monday for the Courier Hub unless with minimum) model cars, hand crafted
and then LIKE us. Dodgeville, WI 53533 estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of APPROVAL BY PUBLISHER OF THIS changed because of holiday work wooden cars. Many items for the home of
DANE COUNTYS MARKETPLACE. experience. Call 608-270-0440. PAPER. schedules. Call now to place your ad, use. A very nice sale and priced to sell it all
The Courier Hub Classifieds. Call 873- in two days! For photos and updates see
873-6671 or 835-6677.
6671 or 835-6677.

Increase Your sales opportunitiesreach over 1.2 million households!

Stoughton City-Wide

Advertise in our Wisconsin Advertising Network System.

For information call 835-6677.

Garage Sales
Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our
Our Sportsmen will Pay Top $$$ to hunt your land. Call for a licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare
Free Base Camp Leasing info packet & quote. 1-866-309-1507 prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-866- (CNOW) 936-8380 Promo Code CDC201725 (CNOW)

THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing,
SAWMILLS from only $4397.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-711-0379 (CNOW)
your own bandmill-Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to
ship! FREE Info/DVD: 1-800-578- All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all
2741 Alice Circle, Pleasant Springs. 1320 Hyland Dr. 6/23 & 6/24 7:30 am- 1317 Moline St. 2 blocks behind Kegonsa
1363 Ext. 300N (CNOW) of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural
6/24 8-1. Huge Everything for Kids Sale. 5pm, LOTS OF KIDS STUFF AND MORE! School. Thurs 6-22, 12-7, Fri 6/23 9-6, Sat Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control FREE ESTIMATES! Call
Toys, bikes, furniture, baby items. Boy/girl clothes 3T-7. Super Structs, 6-24, 8-3. Our biggest multi-family sale HELP WANTED- SKILLED TRADES 1-855-781-4387 (CNOW)
2763 Alice Circle. 6/22-6/23 8am-4pm. Legos, Beatrice Potter, Babar, Ravensburg ever. Everything must go. An unbelievable
Some furniture, NuWave oven, tools, puzzles, Mega Tiles, kids pool, outdoor amount of clothes, name brand boys to girls
Aerospace in Blaine, MN. Flexible hours, personal atmosphere, lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your
trunks, baskets, clothes, shoes and wooden playset, Razor bike, booster car infant to teen with a lot in the 12 teen sizes.
no corporate grind. Full paid benefits. Send applications to
purses and many misc. items. seats, lots of kids books, learn to read Adult clothes various sizes. The garage is stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-855-750-1951
book sets, games, Cars storage case, full of clothes along with racks of clothes (CNOW) (CNOW)
823 Berry St. 6/23 8am-4pm. Baby Star Wars, cars, trucks, action figures and outside. Fashion accessories, $5 paparazzi
Toddler items. TV w/DVD, girls bike, more! Plus, household items, moving cart, HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER DISH NETWORK.TV for Less, Not Less TV! FREE DVR. FREE
jewelry. Many athletic and other types of
dollhouse, microwave, light fixtures, lamps, holiday, crafts, rugs and more. shoes. Kids crafts, toys, books, x-box 360 $2000 Sign-on bonus! P&B Transportation is looking for OTR Install (up to 6 rooms.) $49.99/mo. PLUS Hi-Speed Internet
tables, TV, stand, snow blower. Cash Only! games. Misc. household and so much more. driver with 2 yrs OTR exp to run 14 central states. Home - $14.95/mo (where available.). Call 1-855-997-5088 (CNOW)
2734 Kegonsa Rd. 6/22 1pm-6pm, 6/23
2151 Blue Heron Ct. Multi-family selling 7am-6pm, 6/24 7am-12pm. Craftsman 1732 Norse Pkwy. 6/22-6/23 7:30am- weekly! Paid Health, Dental, & Life insurance. Please call 877- WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE
June 23,24,25 9-5. Lots of households. pressure washer, AgriFab lawn sweeper, 12:30pm 6/24 7:30am-11:00am Clothing, 472-9534. (CNOW) FREON R12 WANTED: We PICK UP and pay CA$H for R12.
high-end womens clothes. Tools, hunting, gas grill, furniture, Little Tykes wagon, wall art, home dcor, jewelry and more!
fishing. No kids stuff.
Dedicated Driving Job: Guaranteed weekly pay & home most Cylinders or case of cans. EPA certified. (312) 291-9169; sell@
collector Packer plates, kids clothes, tools, 1908 Norse Pkwy. Friday 6/23 noon-6pm, weekends! Need 3 years Class A/flatbed experience preferred. (CNOW)
109 W. Broadway St. Lots of stuff. Doll toys, kitchen gadgets and much more. Saturday 6/24 8am-5pm. Baby bathtubs, Call 540-514-8576 (CNOW)
house w/all furnishings, 4 pc. sofa, tools, 620 Kvamme Ln. Just off Main, turn Graco car seat bases, boys toys, patio
furniture. Much more. on King then left on Shefelker. Thurs- table, chairs, misc. MISCELLANEOUS
COOKSVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER Saturday 8am-2pm. Yard sale to support 309 N. Page St. Friday-Saturday 8am- A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral
TRASH-TO-TREASURES SALE. Just the SHS Student England Trip. 5pm. Furniture, antiques, collectables, service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is
east of the intersections of Hwy 59 and 525 Lincoln Ave. (across from high glassware, ruby glass, Chinese ceramics, FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-385-8739 (CNOW) adno=527596-01
138 in Cooksville. Saturday, June 24th school) Stoughton United Methodist English Royals.
8am-3pm. Antiques, furniture, dishes, Church RUMMAGE SALE Fri-Sat June
708 Ridge St. Sat 9-3. (raindate) Sunday


vintage jewelry, toys, knitting, household, 23-24, 2017, 8am-3pm. (across from high
Christmas, camping. 9-3. Collector plates excellent condition.
school) Reductions after 1pm on 6/24. Most with box and certificate. Plus,
691 Cty Hwy N. 1.5 mi south of Stoughton, 236 E. McKinley St. 6/22- 6/23 8-4, miscellaneous garage sale items.
7-2, antiques, vintage & household. 6/24 8-12 Antique tilt top breakfast table,
Downsized-all must go. 924 Roby Rd. Friday 8-5, Saturday 8-3, Now hiring for Rural Carrier Associates & Associate Rural Carriers. These
Eastlake rocker/love seat; beaded shade June 23, June 24. Formal dresses, man
333 W. Chicago St. Friday-Saturday floor lamp; unusual china, navy blue with stuff, household, kids clothing, lots of etc.
positions start at $17.40 per hour and typically require only 1 or 2 days of work
8:30-3. Tupperware, household items, dragon design; beer signs. per week.These are not full time positions but can lead to career opportunities.
collectibles, outdoor patio swing. 302 Shadyside Dr. 6/22 3pm-6pm, 6/23
341 W. McKinley St. Building materials, 8am-4pm, 6/24 8am-12pm. Maternity,
1909 Eastwood Dr. Huge Multiple Family lumber, roofing supplies, some tools. Also,
some household stuff.
baby toys, scrubs, antiques, see Craigslist Requirements for RCA:
Sale 6/23 8am-5pm, & 6/24 9am-3pm. for pictures.
1650 Hanson Road Community Room. 2001 W. Milwaukee St. Thursday noon- Must be 18 years of age and not enrolled in high school
1110 Smedal Dr. 6/23-6/24 8am-5pm.
June 22-23 8am-5pm Dont Miss this Sale! 6pm, Friday 8am-3pm, Saturday 8am-
noon. Refrigerator, dishwasher, queen
Snow blower, Yamaha keyboard, wood Must have a valid drivers license (2 years continuous)
Something for everyone. kitchen chairs, misc. clothing all sizes and
104 N. Harrison St. Multi-family. Thursday,
bed, boys 18 bicycle, toys, clothes (boys dishes. Must have a good driving record and supply own vehicle in some
newborn-8, girls newborn-10, juniors
6/22 noon-5pm, Friday, 6/23, 7am-3pm, womens, mens), housewares, much 925 Truman. 6-22-6/24 (noon) Kids toys, cases depending on the route serving (Equipment Maintenance is paid)
Saturday, 6/24 8am-1pm. more!! Legos, collectables, clothes, Christmas
917 Hillcrest Rd. Fri, Sat, 9-4. I have tree, bread machine, lamps, picture frames. Must work a flexible schedule (Includes working Saturday & Sundays)
decided to sell some of my collectibles 2707 Westchester Circle. 8am-5pm Males born after 12/31/59 must provide Selective Service Registration #
starting with Seraphim, Angels, also Moving Sale: Furniture (tables, chairs,
Forman grill, silverware, Legos, misc. dressers), bedding (K/Q), tools Hallmark Must be a US citizen or have permanent resident alien status
items. Christmas ornaments, misc.
Covers the off days and leave for the regular carrier
2124 Hilldale Ln. Saturday 6/24 7am-
1pm. Furniture, household, sporting
goods. Requirements for ARC:
Same as RCA except this position is specifically for

Garage Sale Left-Overs?

Sunday/Holiday delivery of Amazon packages
Great way to earn a second income
Training is provided and paid
St. Vinnys in Stoughton or Verona

Drop off at For additional information contact the Postmaster at 608-877-9020.


during business hours. To apply, go to:

Or call for free home pick-up, 608-278-2920. The positions will be posted June 21st through June 28th, 2017.
In Oregon facing 15th hole Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
BROOKLYN/EVANSVILLE Country Monday for the Courier Hub unless
2 bedroom, 20 min. south of Madison
$950+ utilities. CA. Appliances. W/D
10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
on golfcourse
Free Wi-Fi, Parking and changed because of holiday work Subscribe to
Security Lights-24/7 access Security System schedules. Call now to place your ad,
hookup, Non-Smokers. No Pets. June-or- 873-6671 or 835-6677.
July 608-843-7098 BRAND NEW Conference rooms available
OREGON/BROOKLYN Kitchenette-Breakroom
GARAGE PARKING/STORAGE- Ore- Credit Cards Accepted Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
980 Machinery & Tools
gon. One stall garage space with opener CALL (608)444-2900 Marty 608-835-3628 JD-55 ABH 3 Bottom, 14 inch, pull-type
for $90/mo. on S Perry Pkwy. Great for
storage or an extra vehicle. Call 608-237-
hydrolic lift plow, shedded. Must sell. First by calling
7118 today! C.N.R. STORAGE 883 Wanted: $400 cash. Firm. 815-677-3980

Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
Located behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Convenient Dry Secure
Residential Property
WE BUY Homes any condition. Close
990 Farm: Service
& Merchandise
quickly. Joe 608-618-1521 jssrealestate@
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $795 per month, includes
Lighted with access 24/7
Rusty roofs, metal buildings, grain bins.
or log on
heat, water, and sewer. Off North Hwy 51 on CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575
Oak Opening Dr. behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
Free-estimate. 608-221-3510
Call: 608-509-8904 changed because of holiday work MINI-EXCAVATORS
OREGON 2-Bedroom in quiet, well-kept TELE-HANDLER
building. Convenient location. Includes all schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677. and these attachments. Concrete

appliances, A/C, blinds, private parking, DEER POINT STORAGE breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
laundry, storage. $200 security deposit. Convenient location behind
Cats OK. $690/month. 608-219-6677 Stoughton Lumber. 970 Horses concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
Stoughton- 120 West Street. 2 bdrm
available. 1st floor, appliances, water,
Clean-Dry Units
5x10 thru 12x25
16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Evansville, WI
By the day, week, or month. NEEDED
A/C, heat, ceiling fan, on site laundry, well
608-335-3337 608-882-5725
Carter & Gruenewald Co. For Growing Company
kept and maintained. Off street parking. 4417 Hwy 92
Next to park. On site manager. Available Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411 Part-Time 25-30 hours per week
July 1st. $800 a month. Please call
FRENCHTOWN 975 Livestock Days Only.
608-238-3815 or email weststreetapart- SPECIAL DAIRY CATTLE AUCTION!!! with questions.
Only 6 miles South of
FRIDAY, JUNE 23RD, 2017 1:00 PM Needs to be able to work as a team,
Verona on Hwy PB.
STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct. Variety of sizes available now. TAH LIVESTOCK WINSLOW, IL HELP attention to detail.
Large 2-BR apts available now. 10x10=$60/month
Experience helpful but not required.
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood 10x15=$70/month
laminate flooring.
$775-$825/mo. 608-831-4035.
MILK COWS UP TO 100 MILES. A FAB- Contact Tina at 608-513-3638 12x30=$115/month ULOUS SET OF 40-45 FRESH 2 YR.
for more information
Looking for an
Call 608-424-6530 or OLDS. MOSTLY HOLSTEIN AND 4 BIG adno=527307-01
nient location, safe neighborhood, 304 1-888-878-4244

Automotive HELP WANTED

King St 2-Bedroom, 1 Bath, approx. 850 NORTH PARK STORAGE 120. CURRENT VACC. ALL FRESH 2
sq. ft., very clean and well maintained, 10x10 through 10x40, plus WEEKS TO 50 DAYS, UP AND ROLL-
off-street parking and A/C. Laundry and 14x40 with 14' door for ING. ALSO: 4 REGISTERED HEIFERS,


storage lockers available. Smoke Free RV & Boats. 2 DUE IN JUNE, 2 DUE IN JULY. BRED
Building. $800/mo plus electric heat. 608- Come & go as you please. SEXED SEMEN. PAPERS IN HAND.
293-1599 608-873-5088 DAMS RECORDS, FROM 28,000 TO

Person Dishwasher, Cook,

rooms, 2-1/2 baths, one car garage. OREGON SELF-STORAGE TION IS INVITED. CHECK OUR WEB-
Grass and snow included. No Pets. 10x10 through 10x25 SITE WWW.TAHLIVESTOCK.COM FOR
$925+ utilities. 608-873-4902 month to month lease MORE CONSIGNMENTS AS THERE IS
Mondays 8am-5pm,
Waitstaff & Deli Staff
VERONA 1&2 Bedroom Apartment 608-835-7031 or COWS PENDING. PLUS OUR REG- Tuesdays 8am-1pm and

$655-$820. Available May 1 and June 1. Veronica Matt at 608-291-0316 ULAR RUN OF MILKING AND DRY
Small 24 unit building. Includes heat, hot COWS, OPEN AND BRED HEIFERS. other occasional coverage
water, water & sewer, off-street parking,
fully carpeted, dishwasher and coin oper-
THANKS TO ALL OUR LOYAL CON- Applications available at
ated laundry and storage in basement.
SIGNORS AND BUYERS FOR OUR Automotive knowledge helpful.
Convenient to Madison's west side. Call
6x10 thru 10x25
Market Street/Burr Oak Street
TIONS, CONTACT TERRY HOLM AT Must have clean driving record 317 Nora St., Stoughton
KC at 608-273-0228 to view your new in Oregon 815 291-5604 CELL OR 815-367-5581
home. Call 608-520-0240 BARN. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL SALE
and must be able to pass
720 Apartments DAY AND CELEBRATE JUNE IS DAIRY physical & drug test.
10x10 - 10x15
Stop by store for application. JOB

10x20 - 12x30 THEY SAY people dont read those little

55+. 1 & 2 bedroom units available
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you? Join an
an excellent
excellent team
team and
starting at $795 per month. Includes 24 / 7 Access
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or No phone calls, please. Join and work
work with
Security Lights & Cameras clients
heat, water and sewer. Professionally
managed. Located at Credit Cards Accepted 835-6677. clients with
with disabilities in the
disabilities in the community
community at job sites
at job sites
300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI 608-835-0082 1107 W. Main St. Stoughton in Madison and outside of Madison, including
in Madison and outside of Madison, including
53589 608-877-9388 1128 Union Road Sun Prairie, DeForest
Sun Prairie and and Stoughton.
Oregon, WI
740 Houses For Rent Located on the corner of Need ability to work independently with 1 or more clients

W1010 HWY 92. Fully furnished kitch- Union Road & Lincoln Road at a time.
en. Central Air and Heat. W/D included.
Garage. Machine shed.$850/mo call 608- 801 Office Space For Rent Need to be creative, caring and conscientious.
835-5111 FOR RENT - 2 spaces next to each The Verona Police Commission is accepting Must be willing to be exible in schedule from day-to-day.
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon other, 800 sq. ft. office with 1296 sq. ft. applications for Patrol Officer. The 2017 salary Must be a dependable and an on-time person.
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon warehouse. Can be combined for one Need own transportation between job sites, and you will be
Monday for the Courier Hub unless space or can be rented separately. Call range is $49,577.58 to $72,697.55, depending reimbursed for work related mileage.
changed because of holiday work 608-576-0192 for more information or to
schedule a showing.
on qualifications. If you are a police officer who Looking for people with morning availability.
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677. is looking for a "lateral transfer" opportunity, This is for a Monday to Friday position,
with no weekends or evening hours.
preference may be given to candidates who are
Hours would most likely be 25-30 hours per week.
certified and/or have experience. Application
deadline is July 24, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. An
101 E MURRAY ST BROWNTOWN, WI 53522 Looking for people with experience in the human service

SATUDAY, JULY 1, 2017 @ 9:00 AM

application kit is available from our website at eld, but willing to train the right person.

Construction Equipment Farm Equipment Questions can be directed Please include a resume with email to
Lawn & Garden Trucks & Trailers to Business Office Manager Nilles at 608-845-
Forklifts Excavators Trenchers (10+) Skid 0924. Women and minorities are encouraged to to be considered for this opportunity or mail to

Steers (15+) Tractors Farm Equipment apply.


Farm Retirement Line Construction Close-Out

Working Partnerships
Trailers (20+) Lawn & Garden Compact 2645 Branch St, Middleton WI 53562 adno=526344-01
Tractors Attachments - & Much More
Photos & Complete Listing:
Dan Jr: 608-214-1883 Mike Powers: 608-214-5761


n Advanced State-of-the-Art Facility
608-439-5761 OR EMAIL: n Manufacturing Operations
Administrative Professionals n Driven with Lean Manufacturing
Epic is seeking administrative professionals with Practices
excellent interpersonal skills and attention to
detail to work in a number of areas:
Benefits/Human Resources
Legal Sub-Zero, Inc. and Wolf Appliance, Inc.
Reception are recognized as the leaders of luxury
Travel brand kitchen appliances and are a

Our employees enjoy a casual work environment,

CURRENT OPENING: premier employer with competitive
wages and an excellent benefit package.
ongoing training and full benefits. Full-time and
temporary opportunities available. High school
Production Supervisor Please see the Career page on our
diploma required. Monday-Thursday for more information on the specific career
Please apply online at: (4) 10 hour days opportunities available and instructions
on how to apply.
Premium pay over 45 hours worked
No phone calls please.

APPLY ONLINE | We value Equal Opportunity and Diversity.

12 June 22, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub

Lunches: Free lunches available every weekday over summer break

Continued from page 1

just trying to make sure

Lunches seeking a partner
were there for them. Lunches For Vikings organizer AnnMarie Oakland said
After speaking with
clergy members at Cov- with four Stoughton area churches committed to helping
enant Lutheran Church, prepare food for the program, the group is looking for a
they came up with an idea. fifth church to take on Wednesdays.
It grew momentum when
parishioner Scott Dirks, So far, Covenant Lutheran Church St. Anns Catholic
president of the Stoughton Parish, Lakeview Church and Stoughton United Methodist
Area school board, heard it Church host food preparation weekday mornings.
mentioned during a sermon.
Dirks, who helped guide Were going to make it work one way or another,
the creation of a school Oakland said.
district poverty task force
earlier this year, noted in
an email to the Hub that
around 30 percent of SASD On the Web when we were starting to
get into this, so weve used
students are eligible for free a lot of their data.
To volunteer, visit:
to reduced lunches (about While the program is
900). Thats up more than designed for district students,
10 percent from the 2005- MRWC9 Oakland said volunteers will
06 school year, he added. provide meals to any kids at
There has been a grow- the site, regardless of their
ing concern as to what program. school affiliation.
those kids do for decent A lot of times we get Were not going to ask
food when school isnt in so involved in our lives, that they live in Stough-
session, he said. AnnMa- Photo by Scott De Laruelle we dont realize whats ton or a certain age or that
rie and others heard about St. Anns volunteer Rita Ihm places bag lunches in bins to be delivered to elementary going on around us, she youre eligible, she said.
this and decided to try to schools in the Stoughton Area School District. said, noting the districts Were not there to judge
do something to help those increased student poverty. them, were just there to
kids out over the summer. though the district would providing a place to dis- very helpful by sending It was an eye-opener, and make sure nobodys hungry.
Dirks said the board was not be directly connected tribute the meals. Oakland out information to families it just so happens this pov- You come, grab a meal
all for the idea, even with the efforts other than said the district has been to make them aware of the erty task force started just and head home.
Lunch pickup is every
weekday (other than Tues-

Its Time for Our Annual day, July 4) at the districts

three elementary schools
Fox Prairie, Kegonsa and
Sandhill. Meals are distrib-
uted outside the schools
entrances, though distribu-
tion would move inside in

case of inclement weather.
The sack lunch will
include a sandwich, fruit
or vegetable, beverage and
snack (chips, pretzels, etc).
Volunteers gather around
9:30 weekday mornings at
four area churches (Cove-
WE WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, JULY 3, 9 am-4pm & TUESDAY, JULY 4, 9am-1pm nant Lutheran, St. Anns,
Lakeview and Stoughton
United Methodist) to put
Come and visit Wisconsins Premier Grower of Quality together around 100 lunch-
es weekday mornings.
Bedding Plants and Hanging Baskets. Oakland said the group has
already gotten some fund-
Thank you for supporting local agriculture ing from grants, as well as
donations, to the point where
were going to be able to
by shopping outside the box! meet the need this year.
The Friends of the Stough-

Stoughton location will close July 3rd

ton Area Youth Center are
the financial managers of
the Lunches for Vikings pro-
gram, allowing the program
Check out our weekly In-Store Specials! to be run through a 501(c)
(3). Leftover sandwiches will

25% off our entire plant inventory be taken to the Youth Center
to be shared with the 20 to 30
youth who are there each day
Annuals Perennials Baskets Patio Pots Seeds Stoughton is very gen-
erous when it comes to
non-profits, she said. I
We will re-open in early think well get the volun-
September for the Fall season teers, and Im not worried
about the donation Stough-
with Mums, Pumpkins, ton a great community fort
Gourds and Corn Shocks! that, but I just hope we get
the kids to come.
In the beautiful town of Dunn Email Unified Newspaper
Group reporter Scott De
1828 Sandhill Road, Laruelle at scott.delaruel-
Oregon, WI

Directions from Stoughton:
Take 138 toward Oregon. Go past Eugsters Farm Summer Hours To donate
Market, one mile and turn right on Sunrise Rd. Go
one more mile then turn left on Town Line Rd.
Continue on to Sand Hill Rd. (approximately one
Start June 20
Donations can be

mile) and turn right. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Directions from Fitchburg:
Take Fish Hatchery Road south to Netherwood . Sat.-Sun. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. mailed to:
Road. Turn left and go through Oregon past
Friends of the Stough-
Come early for the
Walgreens to a left on Sand Hill Road. CTY. M
Directions from Verona:
Take Cty. M to Fish Hatchery Rd. Turn right and ton Area Youth Center
go to Netherwood Road. Turn left at Nether-
wood Rd. through Oregon past Walgreens to a
left on Sand Hill Rd. best selection! Lunches for Vikings
381 E. Main St
Stoughton, WI 53589
Write Lunches for Vi-

kings in memo line

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