How To Do A Science Project: Step-by-Step Suggestions and Help For Elementary Students, Teachers, and Parents

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Step-by-Step Suggestions and Help for

Elementary Students, Teachers, and Parents
Brevard Public Schools

1. Get an Idea for Your Project

Find an area that interests you. You might want to look at a list of science fair
categories to help decide. Talk over ideas with your family, teacher, or friends.
Use TV commercials, magazines, newspapers, hobbies, sports, or books to get
more ideas. Think about problems around the house that you would like to solve.
You can even test household items.

2.Start a Daily Log

A detailed Daily Log with accurate records allows a scientist to describe their
investigation so others can repeat it and try to replicate the results. Use a separate
permanent bound or spiral notebook as your Daily Log and divide it into two
sections: Daily Work and Data.

In the Daily Work section write down all the things you do or think
about concerning your project each day - like a diary. Write a date
for each entry to show the day to day record of your progress while
doing your project. Give details. Include your procedure, research,
diagrams, changes to the experiment, bibliography, etc.
In the Data section make charts before you start your testing.
Record all measurements, readings, etc. in these charts in ink as you
measure them during your testing. If you make a mistake draw a
line through it and rewrite it. Do not erase or white out. Data
should not be recorded by typing. Record any and all other
observations you make while testing also. A good scientist keeps
careful, detailed records of findings and test results. Sometimes its
the unexpected observation that leads to a new discovery.

3. Do a Search for Background Information

Every scientist spends time getting background information. Use the library; write
or call experts; write to companies and organizations; use the Internet* on your
computer. Start keeping a bibliography with complete information on every source
you used or tried to get. Good research will help you become an expert on your
topic. As an expert, you will be able to make better hypotheses, plan better
testing, and draw better conclusions. Youll also impress others with your
knowledge when you share the results of your project with them.
4. State the Problem in a Question Form

This part (often used as a title) asks what you are trying to find or show in your
investigation. Make sure your question or problem is one that can be solved by
testing. It must involve more than a demonstration survey, or a collection. Dont
confuse the use of affect (a verb) with effect (a noun).

5. State Your Hypothesis

The hypothesis is an educated guess or a prediction of what you think will

happen during your experimentation. Use background information to help you
prepare this prediction and to explain it. Be sure to write your hypothesis before
you start your experiment. The results of the test you do later do not have to
support the hypothesis in order for the experiment to be a success.

6. Design the Experiment

Determine the procedure that you will follow to test your hypothesis and record
it in your Daily Log. The procedure should explain the steps to be followed in
order to find the answer to your question or problem. Think about necessary safety
precautions that will be taken. Make a complete list in your Daily Log of all the
materials you will need.

Identify the conditions (also called Controls) that will be kept the
same during the experiment. These will help you run a fair, scientific
test that will give you valid results.
Identify the one factor you will change (on purpose) to get a result.
This is called the Independent variable (Also called Experimental
or Manipulated variable).
Identify how your results will be measured. This is called the
Dependent variable (also called Responding variable). Its
important to have results that can actually be measured. Use
measuring tools with metric units whenever possible.
Most experiments have a Control Group. This is the group of
subjects that is treated in the normal way so you can compare
them to the Experimental Group (the group of subjects that have the
one factor changed.)
A good procedure is very detailed like a good recipe. This makes it easy for
other scientists to duplicate your experiment so they can verify your results.

7. Conduct the Experiment

Follow your procedure carefully to ensure fair, scientific testing. While testing,
record all data, in ink, directly into your Daily Log. Dont write measurements
on a piece of paper and then copy them into your log this can lead to errors. Be
accurate and exact as you observe, measure, describe, count, or photograph. Work
safely. If necessary, make changes in your procedure and document them in your
Daily Log.

8. Repeat the Procedure

The results will be more convincing and valid if you repeat the experiment as
many times as possible. For example, an experiment that uses ten plants will give
more valid results than one that tested only one or two plants. Testing and
measuring the distance a car rolled down a ramp twenty times would be more
valid than testing it only three times. Understand that an experiment must be
repeated many times and yield consistent results before the results can be

9. Analyze the Data (Results)

Look at the measurements you recorded in your Daily Log closely. Think about
the data and decide what the results mean. Try to find explanations for your
observations. If possible, examine your results mathematically using percentages,
mean, median, range, and modes. Be sure to know the meanings of these words if
you use them. Construct graphs or tables that will go on your backboard to show
the results more clearly. Charts and graphs can help us understand patterns of
change. The data will help you decide whether your hypothesis is supported or
should be rejected. Identify data that is contradictory or unusual and try to explain
it in your conclusions.

10. Make Conclusions

Conclusions are statements telling what you found out or learned during your
investigation. This is a very important part of your project since you probably
learned a lot. They are based on the results of your experiment and your
hypothesis. Explain how the data you collected supports your hypothesis. If the
data doesnt support your hypothesis, explain why you reject your hypothesis.
Explain what further testing might be done to better answer your original question.
Through the use of science processes and knowledge, people can solve problems,
make decisions, and form new ideas. Tell how people might apply your findings to
everyday life. Can you explain any unusual findings from your testing?

11. Communicate Your Results in a Summary or Abstract
Scientists share their findings with other scientists. Write a short, one-page, five-
paragraph summary (sometimes called an Abstract) that explains the most
important parts of your project. An easy format to use is to write one paragraph
that summarizes each of the following:

Problem or question. State it and explain why you chose it.

Hypothesis. Tell your prediction and explain why you thought it
would happen.
Testing. Give a general overview of your procedure telling how you
used fair and scientific testing. Tell about your variables, how you
had repeated trials or multiple subjects, testing time, and if you had a
control group.
Results. Summarize your data by telling your final measurements,
totals, or averages. Share a few of the most important observations
you made. Compare your control group to your experimental group
did one do better than the other?
Conclusions. State whether your hypothesis was supported by the
data you collected or not. Tell the most important thing you learned.
If the project was to be repeated what changes would you make and
Practice an oral presentation also. Be an expert on all parts of your project so
youll be prepared to answer an interviewers or a classmates questions.

12. Construct a Display that Explains Your Project

Here are some suggested parts you will want to include in your display. These will
help you to organize your presentation and to communicate information about
your project to others:
PROBLEM or QUESTION - Statement of problem in question
HYPOTHESIS - Your prediction of what will happen and your
MATERIALS -A complete list of materials and equipment you
PROCEDURE -Step-by-step explanation of how you tested.
DATA or RESULTS - Shows the information you collected by
testing. Includes graphs, tables, charts, diagrams, or photographs.
CONCLUSION - Statements relating your data to your hypotheses
to tell what you learned by your testing.
Display your Daily Log, Summary or Abstract, and Bibliography on the table
in front of your backboard.
13. Be ready to answer question that judges often ask.

Below are sample questions that judges often ask students during judging
interviews. It is a good idea to practice answering the following questions before
meeting the judges:
Can you explain or describe your project?
What procedures did you follow that made sure it was a fair and
scientific test?
Where, or how, did you get the idea for your project?
What kind of help did you receive while working on your project?
What are the most important things you have learned by doing your
If you had more time, what things would you do to change or
improve your project?
How much time did you spend working on your project?
How can you apply what you have learned to real life situations?

Enter your project in the school science fair. Be sure to follow the rules. Set up your
backboard, Daily Log, Summary or Abstract, and Bibliography at the fair. Have fun
showing others what you have learned!

*Use Internet sites for more information about science projects - go to:

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