Guru Tegh Bahadur A Select Bibliography - Man Singh Deora

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Sikhi sm occupies a pre-eminent position among the re Ligion~

of Ihe world and is known for its identity , simplicity, fraternity and
liberal character. Spirit of selfsa riliee and martyrdom are the main
archs of Sikhism which have inspired its adherents since centuric
Self- acriO e nnd martyrdom had no t only been instrumental in
blossoming the Sikh faith , but also served as an anchOl'-sheel for
Hinduism against the onslaught of 01her forces. Tbe exemplary
tradition of elf-sacrifice was set by Ihe fifth Sikh Guru - Guru
Arjun De,' (1606) by sitting in hoi cauldrons and hot sand poured
over his head. This initialed a ser[es of martyrdoms of the Sikhs.
Prominent among th em were Ihe martyrdoms of Bhai Mali Das
(1675) who was sawn asunder alh'e; Bba.i Dayal Dlls, who "''''
thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil; Bhai Sali Das whose bod)'
was burnl to ashes; Fateh Singh and Zorawar Singh bricked alive
at Sirhind ; Bhai Taru whose skull was scrapped ofT because he
would nol allow shaving of his bead; and lbe supreme sacrifice or
Guru Tegh Bal,adur for upholding the cause .of religious freed om
of others and prolection of those of Ihe Hindu symbols in which be
had no personal belief. The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur, who,
according to Sikh chroniclers, ruminated over the sad plighl of th'
Kashmiri Brahmins and decided 10 give his own sacrince for Ibe
sake of upholding Dharma and infusi ng new failh and hope in Ihe
hearts of men, is unique in the annals of wo rld history.
Numerous s ludies on Guru Tegh Bahadur have been conducled
and the source-malerial is avai lable in various forms in different
lan!,'uages . Imporlant of them are Bhatt Vahi of Tomar-Bijlilon;
Bhatt Vahi Talaoda , Bhatt Vahi Poorbi Dakhni; Timur Shah Abdali',
lIakikal-i-Billa-wa Vurj-i-Firkah-i-Sikhall , Muntakhabul-Lubab or
Khan Khan ; Ghulam Hussain's iyar-ul-Mulakhorian (Translated by
Raymond and Briggs in English); Padshah Bur1llji, an Assames.
account of Aurangzeb's regime (Translated by S. K. Bhuyan) and
Guru Gobind Singh's own account of Ihose days in BachitLar Nalak.
Besides these, the source-malerial of Sikh chron iclers Uke Bakht
Mal's Twarikh -i-Sikhan; Bbansu , Ratlan Singh's Pan til Parkash;
Panth Parkash of Giani Gyan Singh; Kesar Singh Chhiber's Ban
sau/inama; S ikhan-di-Bhagatmal of Mani Singb; Sanlokh Singh's

Gum Partap Suraj Granth ; Sewa Singh's Shahid Bi/as; Guru Janjll
Tike ki laj rakhavat; Hukamnamahs etc. and writings of pro minent
historians like lndubhushan Banerjee's Evolution of the Khalsa ( Vol.
II); History of fluranyz eb, Vol. III by J . N. Sarkar, Mohd . Latif's
fliMlJ ry of Panjab . Browne's India Tra cts; Cunningham's A History
of th e Sikhs. Lane Poole's Aurany;eb, MacaulifIe's The Sikh Rei ..
yi,m . Vol. IV, Rawlinson 's Indian Hist orical Stud ies and Oxford
lfisl urg of India by V. A. Smith. AU theSe studies throw light. on the
life and martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur.
111'. Ganda Singh 's rI Biblioflraphy of th e Panjab published by
the Plmjabi Uni ve rsity Patiala in 1966 is an excellent source of in-
forma lion on the mass of literature on Guru Tegh Bahadur. Since
the publica tion of this magnum opus. volumin ous literalure - espe-
Cially on the eve of Te rcent ena ry of his martydrom which feU in
1117:) - has appeared in various forms and in difTerent languages
but uo attempt has been n111de to survey the literature and compile
an updated bib'liographi c study on the subject. Imbued by the de-
sire t{1 cover the lite rature during t he i.nlen rcn ing period ,
the co mpiler embarked on this project.
The primary objective of t his bibliogra phy is t o assist and guide
tbe research scholars in locating wealt h of information on Guru
TeSh Bahadur. It indexes books and a rticles publi shed in important
journals and dailies in English in India between 1965-1982. The
bibli ography has been arranged chronologically and the entries arc
.rr"n ~ed under each heading alphabeticaJl y a uthor -wise and title-
wise where there is no a uthor . Asterisk (*) ind icates the entry of a
book. Each enlry h as three components: Author, title and locus. The
locus io its turn includes name of the periodical , volume and issue
nu mber, da te of publication and pages in case of a journal and place
of pu blicati on , 'name of puhli sher , ycar of publi ca tion and pages in
case "r a hook - in the o rder. In addition to this a list of periodi-
cals indexed , their periodicity and place of publication is appended
at the' end of the bibliography t o facilitate the readers in ohtaining
material .


Bhandari, Sujan RaL ffGuru Tcgh Bahadur in the words of a cont em-
porary." Panjab Past and Present. 9(1), Apr. 1975: Xii .
Gancla Singh . "Guru Tegh Babad ur Martyrdom - Capricious hagio-
graphy by some Sikh writers." Sikh Review. 31 (329), ~la .v
1981 :48-52.
Grewal, J . S. "Freedom and responsibility in historica l schola rship"
Journal of Sikh S tudies. 2(1), Feb. 1975: 124-133; S ikh Review
24(265), Jan. 1976: 41-47.
"Guru Tegh Bahadur and the Persian Chron iclers." Amrilsa r,
Guru Nanak Dev. Univ., 1976. 138p.
Kohli , Surinder Singh. "Guru Tegh Bahadur and Western Writers: '
Spok esman. 26(8), Silver Jubilee Number, 1976: 4-44.
'Piar Singh, eds. "Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur - Farsi saro l. " Amril-
sar, Guru Nanak Dev Univ., 1976. 168p.
Pritam Singh . "Guru Tegh Bahadur's tercentenary and U,e role of
the Writers." Journal of S ikh Studies. 2(2), Aug. 1975: 5-8.
Rajinder Singh. " Historians of Guru Tegh Bahad ur." Spokesmall.
31( 12), Nov . 30, 1981:5.


"Bhal Vahis as a source for the life of Guru Tegh Bahadur." Sikh
Review. 24 (265), Jan . 1976 :05-85.


Kohli, Surinder Singh. "Guru Tegh Bahadur and Padshah Burollji."

Spokesman. 25(15), Guru Tegh Bahadur Number, 1975:13-14.


"Chronology of Guru Tegh Bahadur." Panjab Past and Present. 0(11,

Apr. 1975 :233236.


'Ahuja, Anand Mohan. "Significance of Gur u Tegh Bahadur's mar-

tyrdom : A true perspective:' Delhi, Rirti Pub ., 1975, 27p.

Anand . G.S. "Some aspects of Guru T egh Bahadur' s life and work."
Panjab Past wld Present. 10 (1), Apr. 1976:1015.
8hag Singh . " In Il is crusader fa the r's footstep." S ikh Review .
~3 ( 264), Dec. 1975:14-16.
Chatlerji , Suniti Kumar . "Guru Tegh Bahadur - The sacrifices."
Sikh Review . 23(26-1), Dec. 1975:96-99.
[Ja l.iil Singh. " Guru Tegh Bahad ur ." Patiala , Language Deptt ., 1971,
"iii, 171 ~ 24 p.
' J)ali p Sin gh. " Guru Tegh Bahadur ." New Delhi, Youn g Sikh Cul-
lural Associa ti on , 1975:32p.
IDal'shan Singh . " Ninth Nanak - A hislor ical biography ." Jullun-
dur, K . Lal, 1975. 120p.
Dss, R.K. "G uru TeSh Ba hadUl'." S iaiesman. Nov. 9, 1975 :6.
Dheol', J :S . "G uru Tegh Bahadur and His Martyrdom." Nagpur
Times. Dec . 28, 1980:4.
Dhillnn , Guruial Singh . "Guru Tegh Bahadur - A many splendour-
cd genius." S pokesman . 25 (17 ), Dec. 22, 1975 :3-4.
- "Gum T cgh Bahadur - Dispenser of ideal prescription ." Sikh
Ileview . 24 (265), Jan , 1976: 120122 .
F. uja Sin gh and Talib , Gurbachan Sillgh. " Guru Tegh Bahadur."
Sikb Review. 24(272), Aug. 1976 :66.
' - "Gum T egh Bahadur : Marty r a nd teacher ." Paliala , Punjabi
{"niv . 1975. XV, 211p.
Ganda Singh . " Guru T egh Bahadur." Panjab Pa sl f!nd Present. 9 (1),
..Ipr. l(l7 5:ixi.
- '"Guru T egh Bahadur - Prophe t a nd Martyr ." Spokesman .
~6(8), Silve r Jub ilee Numbcr, 1976 ::i3-36.
- "Sri Guru T egh BahadUT." Spo kesman. 25( 16), Dcc. 15, 1975:9;
:0:.(18) , Dec. 29, 1975:9.
G. ,,<llll , Su rjit Singh. " Multi d enominational personality of Guru
Tegb Bahadur as reflected in hi s ha unting slokas." Sikh Review.
~1(265) , J a n . 1976 : la31 35.
". orne fact of Guru Tegh Bahadu r's multidenominational per-
" lDality." Spok esman. 25( 17 ), Dec. 22, 1975:5.
G"'",,, I, J .S. " Guru T egh Bahadur - The prophet of assurance."
Spokesman . 25(43), Jun. 21, 1976 :34.
Gull'ria , J .S. "G uru Tegh Bahadur." Sikb Review. 23 (261 ), Sept. 1975:
' Gupla, B.S. "Guru Tegh Bahadur - A stud y." Chandigarh, Punjab
['niv., 1978:v iii , 152p.
Gupla. Hari Ram . "Guru T egh Bahadur - A review." Spokesman.
~ :.(15), Guru Tegb Bahadur Number , 1975 :17-18.
GunJf'c p Singh. "Guru Tegh Bahadur - A review ." Spokesman.
2:.(15) , Gum Tegh Bahadur Number, 1975:17-18.

Gurdeep Singh . "Guru T egh Bahadur - The un ique marty r: '

Sikh Review. 25 (288). Dec. 1977 :5355.
Gu rtej Singh . "Guru Tegh Babadur - Builder of lhe Si k.h Natio n:'
'iJ.:/, Review . 23 (264), Dec. 1975 :8589.
"Guru Tegh Bahadur." Spokesmall 24 (30) , Ap r. 28, 197[' :5; ikh Re
view . 23 (261 ), Sept 1975 :3-(_
" Guru T egh .Babadur - A prince am ong ma rt y rs." Spokesmall .
18 (15). Nov. 25 . J968:2 ; 21( 13) , Nov. 22 . t 971 :34: 23 (15). D ~('.
3, t 97 3:5-6.
" Guru Tegh Bahadur - India's Sbield and s hell e r." pok esman.
9 (33), Apr. 27 . 1970:2.
" Guru T egh Bahadur - Our saviOur ancl d efende r of Ihe Fa ith ."
pokesman . 31 (J2). No\, . 30. 1981:9[0 .
" Guru T egh Bahadur - The smiling martyr: ' pok e. man . t 9 (H;) .
Dec. 15. J969 :4.
Hanspal , Harbhajan Singh . "Guru T egh Ba hadur." Sik h Review.
28 (324) , Dec. 1980:5-6.
Barbans Singh . " Guru T egh Bahad u r:' New Delhi. Sie riing Pub.
1982 :\'i , 148p .
- - "Guru Tegh Bahad ur - Prophe t anel marty r:'
25(20), Jan . 10. 197 6:4.
- "Panoram ic view - Guru Nanak to martyrdom of Guru Teuh
Bahadur." Sikh Review . 24 (265). Jan . 1976 :522 .
Bira Singh . "Guru Tegh Babadur.' Sikh Review. 21(241 ). Dec. 1973:
9- 11.
*Jagdish Singh . "Guru Tegh Bahadur - An illuslz'a lcd biography ."
New Dell.i . Punjab and Simi Bank , t 97 6. 441' .
*J oha r, Su rinder Singh . " Guru T egh Bahadur - A biO/.'1'a phy: New
Delhi , Abhinav Publica tions, 1975 :262p .
Kh azan Singh . " Guru T egh Bahad ur - His life anet philosophy."
Bul/etin 01 Ih e Ramakrishna Mission Instilule 01 Culture. 27 (ti l,
Nov. 1976:232-235.
({hu ra na. T Usk Raj . "Guru Tegh Ba hau u r - Second martyr
in th e war of Indi an Independence." . pokesman. 24(381.
Jun . 23, 1975:5-6.
KlJU hdcva Singh. " Evolution of Sikh religion." pok esmwl. 31 (61,
Oct. 12, 1981:5-6.
Khushwa nt Singh . "Guru Tegh Bahadur - The Second Marl)'r
Guru ." Sikh Review . 24 (265). Jan. 1976 :2327 .
Ki.rpal Singh . "Guru Tegh Babadur was cve r forgiving." 'ikh Review.
23 (264 }, Dec. 1975 :29-30.
Kohli, Sita Ram. "Guru Tegh Babadur - My life but not my faith ."
Panjab Past and Present. 9 (1). Apr. 1975 :103 105.

'Kohli . Surinder Singh . "Sword and the spirit - An introduction to

Guru Tegh Bahadur's life and philosophy ." New Delhi, Ankur,
In77 . 139p.
MDJ11l1 uhan Singh . " Remembering our martyrs:' pokesm.wl. 25 (28),
~"lr. 15, 1976 :7.
lIan Singh, Nira nka ri . "Guru Tegh Bahadur - The guardian and
protector of India's honour and culture." Spok esman. 25(15),
Guru Tegh Bahadur Number, 197 5:25 .
llann . Jaswant Singh . "Guru Tcgb Bahadu.r - The man of des tiny ."
Sikh Reuiew . 24 (270), Jun. 1976 :17 19.
!lansukhani , Gobind Singh . "Gave bjs head , no t his faith ." Spokes-
memo 24 (14), Dec. 16-23, 1974:5.
Mohan Singh . "Guru Tegh Bahadur." Spokesman . 25 (23), Feh. 9,
Narang, Gokul Chand . " Tegh Bah adur's mission ." Spokesman.
2 ~ ( 14 ) , Dec . 16-23, t974 :6.
Parkash Singh . " BirUlday , early life and marriage of Guru Tegh
Bahadur.' Sikh Reueiw. 23 (264 ), Dec. 1975:5-13.
Peart'. M. L. " Brief life skelt h nf Gu ru Tegh Bahadur." Jullundur,
A!llhor, 196-? 104p.
Puran Singh . " Life and teaching of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur, the
ninth king spiritual." Panjab Past and Present . 9( 1), Apr . 1975:
Rall1 Singh . " Fearless Guru Tegh Bahadur:" Sp,ok esman . ,25 ( 1!)) ,
Guru Gobind Singh Number, 1976 :27-28.
' Ranbir Singh . "Gu ru Tegh Bahadur - Divine poet, saviour and
ll arty r ." Amritsa r, Chief Kha lsa Diwan , 1975:XXIX, 138p .
Sandhu . I.K . "Guru Tegh Bahadur ." Sikh Reuiew . 25( 278), Feb.
I '1i7 :53-58.
Saran Singh. 'Ilndia's man of destiny years or preparation ,n Sikh
R,,"iew . 22(242). Jan . 1974 :40-43.
S.I\,i,. Singh , ed. "Guru Tegh Bah ad ur: Comm emQra tive VOlume ."
:llmitsar, Guru Tegh Ba hadur tercentenary co mmittee, 1975.
lna . 125p.
Sh. n" n. Sri Ra m. "Guru Tcgh Bahadur," Hind usl'all Tim es. Dec. 8,
1!1;;; :7; Spokesmall. 25 (22); Feh . 2, 1976 :3-4 .
Surntn . \f.S . "Guru Tegh Ba hadur - Th e king of martyr:' Spokse-
lII (1n. 25(15) , Guru Tegh Bahadur Number, 1975 :38.

' Talib. Gurbachan Singh. ed. "Guru Tegh Bahadur - Backgrounrl

;lI1cl the supreme sacrilice: ' PaLi ala . Punjabi U niv ., t976 :xvi,
~') OJl .
' - 11. .4ulh . "Tegh Bahadur : Ma rt yr and teacher." Patiala, Punjabi
I'll i\' . 1975. XV , 211p.

Trilochan Singh. " Brief life of Guru Tegh Bahadur." Delhi Sikh
Gurclwora Board. 1974. 90p.


"Early innuences ." Tattler. 2(12), Dec. 1974 :14 16, 20.
' - " Guru Tegb Babadur -Prophet and martyr." Delhi Gurdwara
Parbandhak Committee, 1967 . xxi, 358p.
Varahamihjra . "Tegb Babadur." Hindus/.an Times. MarA, 1977 :11.
Taran Singh. "Tegh Balwdur's 20 years of m editation at I Bo!;a'a
before becoming Guru." Sikh Review. 23(264), Dec. 1975 : 171\).


" From Baba to Guru . Tattler. 2(12), Dec. 1974 :17.

Gulcharan Singh. " Gur Ladho Re - The Guru is found ." S ikh /l,.
view. 23 (264) , Dec. 1975 :2026.
Rajinder Singb . " Accession of Guru Tegh Bahadur and Dhirmal:
Spokesman . 25 (32-33), B.usakhl Number, 1976:37-38.
Sangat Singh . " Guru Ladho Re." Spokesman. 25 (15) , Guru Tcgh
Bahadur Number. 1975 :23-24.


Ahuja, N.D. "Shahecdi YalTa." Advance. 25(6), Nov . 1976 :45-48 .

Aliar Singh . " Travels of Guru Tegh Balladur and Guru Gobind
Singh ." Panjab Past and Present. 9(1), Apr. 1975 ; 17-81-
*- Tr. " Travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur and Gobind Singh." Allah.
bad , Indjan Public Opinion Press, 1876.
Bhag Singh . " Back to Anandpur." Sikh Review. 23 (264) , Dec. 1975:
53-55 .
Bhuyan , Syryya Kumar. "Guru Tegh Bahadur in A sam." Punjab
Past and Present. 9(1 ), Apr. 1975 :125-133.
Brohma Singh. "Travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur." Spokesman. 25 117),
Dec. 22,1975:4.
Gupta, Hari Ram . " Rumbling of imperial wrath and hack to Makho
wol." Sikh Review. 23 (264), Dec. 1975:61-64 .
"Guru Tegh Bahadur's Itine rary." Journal of Sikh Studies. ~ ( 2),
Aug. 1976:179181.
Kulraj Singh. "G uru's journey to the EasL" Sik h Review. 23(264).
Dec. 1975 :3352.
" Migra li on to Makhowal and its de,elopmenls." S ikh Review. 23 (264),
Dec. 1975:3132.


Harchand Singh . " Guru TeSh Bahadur and EmperOr Aurangzeb-men

of "ncommon de terminaloin." Sikh R eview . 30 (348), Dec. 1982 :
20.:::,; Spokesman. 32 (15), Dec. 13, 1983 :4-5.
Kohli. SlU'inder Singh . "Martyr and Emperor." Spok esman. 25(34),
,11'1'. 19, 1976 : 3-5 , 11.
Kulr;,j Si ngb . " Confrontation and martyrdom ." Sikh R eview. 23 (264 ),
Del' , 1975 :73-80.


Abdu l .\ lajid Khan . " Guru T egh Bahadur - The martyr of martyrs ."
Sp,d,es man. 25 (15), Guru T egh Bahadur Nwnber, 1975 :18.
- "S ul,lime example of Supreme sacrifi ce." Spok esman. 29 (13),
NOI', 26, 1979 :6 .
- 'Tn l'araUeled marty rdom ". Spokesman. 31(12), No". 30, \981 :6 .
Allllja . \ .M. and Ahuja , N. D. " Martyrdom of Guru T egh Bahadur
"i" " ' ''i s the re ligious policy of Aurangzeb." Journal of Sikh
SIIIr/ies. 3 (2), Aug . 1976 :28-36; S ikh Review 28 (324 ), Dec. 1980 :
i - I ii .
' Ahu ja, Anand Mo han . " Signifi cance of' Guru Tegh Bahadur's mar-
1)'1'.1 "111 - A true pe rs pec tive." Delhi, Kirti Pub ., 1975 . 27p.
Ahuja , '1. D. " Shaheedi Yatra." Advance. 25( 6), Nov. 1976 :45-48
- JI . . Iuth. " Martyrdo m of Guru Tegh Bahadur visa-vis the reli-
gi .. " , policy of Auran:,zeb." Journal of Sikh Siudies. 3 (2), Aug.
1\17" :28-36; Sikh Review . 28 (324) , Dec. 1980:7-16.
Ahuj" . H.L. " PoliLics of marty rdom in perspec live." Journal of Sikh
.I'llulies. 5( 1), F eb . 1978:108-1 2 1; Sikh Review . 32 (337), Jan.
I ~I K:..! :42-60.
Ajil .~i n " h .. "Ma rtyrd om or Guru Tcgb Bahadur:' Sikh R,e view.
~ , l c ';5). Jan . t976 :105-108.
- "S upre me sacrifice and some controversies," Spokesman. 26 ( 1.2),
No, . 29, )976 :78.
Anand . G.S. ttArres l and executi on of Guru Tegh Bahadur." Punjab
POsI and Presenl. 9 (1), Apr. 1975: 11 2-119.
A"l nr Si ngh . " Re inle rprclalion of marl y rdom-An academic c riti -
<[lie". Sikh Review. 24 (265 ) J a n . 1976 :86-104.
B,k, lLi., I, Singh. " Sup re me sac rifice: The bl ood ba th sanc tified Chan -
.J",,; Chowk ." Sikh R eview . 23 (264), Dec. 1975 : 8184.
B, I. S.S. " Circums tances lead ing to the mar tyrdom of Guru Tegh
B"lLad ur." Sikh Review 16 (166). May, 1967:22-27 ; 22 (242), Jan.
1\171:44-4 7 ; Panjal> Past and Present. 9 (1), Ap'r. 1975 :106 111.

Balkar Singh . " Gave his head but not his faith ." Spokesman. 22 (171.
Dec. 11 , 1972 :5-6.
Bane rjee, Ani! Chandra. " Martyrdom of Guru T egh Bahadur." Sikh
Review . 24 (265), Jan. 1976 :65 :74.
Bharpur Singh. " Guru T egh Bahadur's martyrdom te rce ntenar),
celebrations ." Spokesman. 25 (4), Se pt. 15, 1975:9 .
- "Peerless martyr." Spokesman. 25 (15), Guru T egh Babadur
Number, 1975:43.
Brahma Singh. " Guru Tegh Bahadur - A unique martyr ." Spo!,",
man . 26(12) , Nov. 29 , 1976 :56.
Chana, S.S. " Martyrdom o f GUTU T cgh Bahadur." Pan jab Past lind
Present . 1\ (2) , Oct. 1977 :395400 (le tter).
Chatterji. Sunili Kumar. "Ma rtyrdom of Shri Guru T egh Bahadur."'
Spokesman. 25( 16) , Dec. 15, 1975:3.
D)I<"hara Singh. " Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur - Supreme
sacrifice." Spokesman. 25 (15), Guru T egh Bahadur Number,
1975 :35-36.
Dhillon , Gtmlia l Singh. " Guru T egh Bahadur - Dispenser of ideal
prescription ." Sikh Review . 24(265), Jan . 1976 : 120-122.
Duggal, Dcvinder Singh. "Martyrdom of Guru T egh Bahadur - A
historical perspective." Sikh Review . 24(265), Jan. 1976: 109-1H,;
Spokesman . 25(26), Mar. 1, 1976:5.
"Open le tter to Dr. Fauja Singh " . S ikh Review . 24 (272) , Aug.
DuggaJ, Kartar Singh . " Releva nce of Guru Tegh Baha dur's ma rlyr.
dam day." Spokesman . 35( 15), Guru Tegh Bahadur Number,
1975 :31-32 ; Tribune. Sept. 25 , 1982; Journal of Sikh Studie,',
8(1.2), Feb.Aug. 1981: 76 79,
'Martyrdom o f Guru Tegh Bahadur." Spokesman . 31 (46), Aug,
2, 1982:4.
Fallja Singh . " Execution of Guru T egh Bahadur - A n ew look."
Bulletin of the In stilute of Post Graduate (Evening) Studies,
1966:3848; Journal of S ikh Studies. 1 (1) , Feb. 1974: 7989; 3(1 ),
Feb . 1976:183197 ; Sikh Review. 24(265), Jan . 1976:28-26.
"Martyrdom of Guru T egh Bahadur." Panjab Past and Present.
9 (1), Apr. 1975 ; 137-157 ; Sikh Review. 24(273), Sept. 1976: :l-\.
- "Uniformed criticism ." Sikh Review. 24 (265), Jan. 1976: 5761.
Ganda Singh. " Brahmans of Kashmir and Guru Tegh Bahadur."
Spokesman. 25(15), Guru Tegh Bahadur Number, 1975:11-12.
- " Brahmins in search of a saviour." Sikh Review. 23(264), Dec.
1905 ; 65-69.
"Guru T egh Bahadur martyrdom - Capricious hagiography by
some Sikh Writers ." Sikh Review. 31(329), May 1981 :4852.

- " Marty rd om of Guru T egh Bahadur." Journal 01 Sikh Studies.

:1 (1), Feb. 1976 :109 182: Journal 01 Indian History. 56 (2) Dec.
J978 :443455; Khera. 4 (2) , Sept. 15, 1982 :2329 Panjab Pa,t
and P,eunt. 9 (1), Apr. 1976; 191 -267 ; Sikil Review. 24 (270),
.Iun . 1976 : 20-37 ; S pok esman. 27(5-6), 26th Annual Number,
- " Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Studied ill Hi storical Sell
illg." S ikh Review. 25 (288), Dec. 1977 :5-15 ; 30 (348) Dec. 19112:
I ~-23.
Gill. Pritam Singh . "Guru Tegh Bahad ur - T he unique martyr."
.Iullundur , New Academic Pub . Co. , 1975: 124p .
GulJind Singh . " Marty rdom of Guru Teoh Bahadur - A sublime ex-
Ample of suprem e sacriuce." pokesman . 15 (14), Nov . 29 . 1965 :1.
Grc'cniess, Duncan . HSublime exa mple of supreme sacrifice," SpOkes-
man. 17 (15) , Dec. 4, 1967 ::;.
Gupl". B. S. "Guru Tegh Bahadur - The ma lchless ma rlyr prophe t."
.'*,poJ..w .<man . ,'3<1.(34), Apr. 20 , IIlSI : 5-6.
Gurbi,. Singh . "Martyrd o m of Guru Tegh Bahadu,. : Deccan Ii erald.
Nov. 26. 1979.
Gurhux Singh . '!Rca l fa cts abo ut th e: mart y rdo m of Guru Tcgh
lIahadur:' Sikh Review . 25 (277 ), Jan. 1970 :34-5 1.
Gurt'haran Singh . " Mart}Tdom uf Guru Tegh Bahadur." I/Ius. W eekly
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