Blood Diamond
Blood Diamond
Blood Diamond
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1 author:
Uchenna Onuzulike
Bowie State University
All content following this page was uploaded by Uchenna Onuzulike on 07 January 2016.
Uchenna Onuzulike
To cite this article: Uchenna Onuzulike (2015) A critical reading of Blood Diamond
(2006) in the context of transnationalism, African Identities, 13:4, 297-309, DOI:
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African Identities, 2015
Vol. 13, No. 4, 297–309,
Between 1992 and 1999, Sierra Leone was engaged in a civil war which was
blamed primarily on a ‘scramble for diamonds.’ This paper critically analyzes the
related film Blood Diamond (2006) in order to locate the portrayal of Sierra Leone
and of Africa in general in the context of transnationalism. In addition, the analysis
seeks to understand how Africans and Westerners contributed to conflict diamonds.
Reading the film via transnationalism indicates that African environments were
compromised by colonialism. It also shows that transnational forces contributed to
conflict diamonds – which resulted in wars and other atrocities. The implications of
a colonial legacy suggest that Africans and Westerners (in)directly participated in
blood diamonds.
Keywords: blood Diamonds; transnationalism; postcolonialism; Sierra Leone;
conflict diamonds
This paper provides a critical reading of Blood Diamond (2006), an Oscar-nominated
Hollywood blockbuster film, directed by Edward Zwick. The film addresses the
diamond trade and the atrocities it caused in Sierra Leone, but the transnational impli-
cations of the movie remain open to discussion. Even though some African stereotypes
are evident in Blood Diamond, the film also reveals that Africans and Westerners
jointly participated in the conflict and atrocities. Blood diamonds have become relevant
again due to the 2012 World Court conviction of the former Liberian president, Charles
Taylor, for aiding and abetting war crimes in Sierra Leone from 1991 to 2002.
Conflict diamonds are diamonds that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions
opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments, and are used to fund
military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of
the Security Council. (United Nations, 2001, para. 2)
This portrayal of conflict diamonds draws attention to war atrocities in Africa.
According to Cieplak (2010), ‘the 1994 Rwandan genocide has been a subject of
filmic representation in and outside Africa’ (p. 49). The present research uses Cieplak’s
(2010) idea, examining an example ‘of this portrayal and attempts to put … [it] in the
context of western perception of African conflict and suffering and its depiction in
feature-length fictionalized’ film (p. 49). For this critical reading of Blood Diamond,
the film, interviews with the director, as well as other researchers’ analyses of the film
are used, ‘to examine the mechanism of the representation of “otherness” in a situation
when the term “other” is not a straightforward antonym to “us”’ (Cieplak, 2010, p. 49).
Cieplak notes that relevant debates revolve around the thought that others are con-
stantly ‘a group defined by a common characteristic, the color of their skin, cultural
identity, or suffering), while us consists of individuals whose major qualifying feature
is the fact that he or she is, individually and collectively, not like others’ (p. 49).
Several previous studies have discussed Blood Diamond, including a comparative
reading of Blood Diamond and Ezea (Korman, 2007), and the alienation of Sierra
Leoneans from their natural resources (Kusdantoro, 2010). Other works have utilized
an individual psychological approach (Wahyurini, 2010) or a sociological approach
(Sandika, 2008) to understand the suffering behind the luxury in the film. One study
addressed the negative impact of diamonds on Africa (Dargis, 2006), while another
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explored the function of diamonds in relation to the war in Sierra Leone (Falls, 2011).
None of these studies examined Blood Diamond within the context of transnationalism.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how Africa and its people are characterized
in Blood Diamond within the context of transnationalism. In addition, it seeks to under-
stand how African and Westerners contributed to conflict diamonds. This study adds to
the existing study of filmic representations of Africa in terms of conflicts, and draws
attention to the complex participation of various international agencies and their roles
in this conflict within the context of transnationalism. The significance of this study lies
in its ability to highlight conflicts in Africa as complex phenomena, and to show how
Africa, transnational forces, and international communities have contributed to these
cousins, the Amal party and militia (Although Amal and Hezbollah remain close
politically, and Amal retains an armed wing, it has not been placed on the list of terrorist
organizations). (para. 8)
Farah is basically suggesting that the transnational conflict diamond trade contributed
to the destruction of African communities and heightened global tensions as a result of
the participation of terrorists in the process. Relatedly, conflict diamonds have
contributed to transnational money laundering.
Even though ‘some analysts contend that Hezbollah has made millions off the dia-
mond trade in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo through
Lebanese Shia merchants living in those countries’(Rollins et al., 2010, p. 26), obvi-
ously, Westerners made money as well. Other Africans also participated in the blood
diamonds trade. For example, Aziz Nassour, a Hezbollah supporter, was ‘the chief dia-
mond merchant for Zaire’s dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko’ (para. 11), and ‘later bragged
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that he was illegally moving $25 million a week in diamonds from Africa to Europe
during the height of his efforts in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo)’
(para. 12). Farah notes that, in late 2000, Nassour started to purchase ‘weapons for
Liberian president Charles Taylor, spending part of his time in Monrovia’ (para. 12).
Nevertheless, ‘guns and weaponry that support war in Africa and other poorer regions
of the world are manufactured in the developed world’ (Juma, 2006, p. 107).
Although the Farah articles are informative because they point out how radical
Islamic groups and Africans contributed to the blood diamond trade, he fails to mention
how the West participated in these conflicts. Overall, the main aim of this section is to
demonstrate how the interplay between transnationalism and blood diamonds has
contributed to depriving the people of Sierra Leone from receiving the benefits of their
natural resources.
Western countries ‘knowingly’ sold arms to Taylor, which he turned around and sold to
the rebels for blood diamonds. These types of transnational transactions have con-
tributed to the harvesting of conflict diamonds in Africa, as evidenced in the film Blood
In placing the background for the current study in the perspective of blood
diamonds and transnational forces, I formulate a problem statement to understand how
Africa in general is portrayed in Blood Diamond. Thus, the following question is
posed: how is Sierra Leone/Africa portrayed in Blood Diamond within the context of
transnationalism/transnational forces?
The study
In order to understand how Africa(ns) are depicted in Blood Diamond within the
context of transnationalism, I employ the spheres of history, politics, economics, soci-
ety, and culture, all within the African environment. The following are the operational
definitions of spheres:
Historical environment covers precolonial, colonial, postcolonial, and neocolonial
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implications; political environment addresses how politics in Africa and in the west are
a dominant force in Africa; economic environment comprises African mineral resources
in relation to their development as well as the implications for international communi-
ties and stakeholders; social environment reflects the social activities and concerns of
the people of Africa and their relationships to themselves and to the world; and cultural
environment concerns how African culture is portrayed. These factors are not isolated;
they are relatively intertwined as evidenced in the film.
The film Blood Diamond was purposefully selected for this study because of its
cultural implications and Hollywood’s depiction of Africa by a westerner. It is one of
the rare, recent Hollywood productions that focus on Africa. Other recent films in the
same genre are 100 Days (2001), Shooting Dogs (2005), and District 9 (2009). The
documentary Kony (2012), which is about the children of Uganda who are abducted
and turned into child soldiers and sex slaves, has generated a lot of buzz through social
The reading was performed via the lens of transnationalism in order to determine
how Africa is characterized in Blood Diamond. First, the author watched the film to
become familiar with the content. Second, he re-watched it several times while coding
it based on how each scene fits into the five factors described above. I used my judg-
ment and the available literature to identify scenes for analysis. Even though some sce-
nes address more than one factor, I attempt to keep the factors as distinct as possible.
history of diamonds was to learn the story of Africa all over again. (Amnesty
International, n.d. p. 3)
fame, athletic ability, [diamonds], and an attractive face can all be resources in the right
setting’ (Hall, 2005, p. 10). Diamonds in Sierra Leone are part of the culture. It has
transformed the land by which the natives, Africans, the West, and mercenaries use up
the land resources as shown in the film. Historically:
the current state of African political economy is essentially the result of the combined
effect of the legacy of postcolonial structures, the impact of colonial rule, and the pressures
of contemporary global political and economic expectations and the responses at each his-
torical juncture of internal African social forces. (Conteh-Morgan, 2006, p. 94)
This statement indicates that the colonial legacy is still present and complicates current
African development, especially when it comes to political issues.
Although there are a number of issues underlying various conflicts in Africa,
including colonialism, postcolonialism, neocolonialism, imperialism, human right
issues, justice, and property, the director encodes these issues in a hegemonic context
for the audience to decode. For example, a Sierra Leonean rebels known as Captain
Poison ‘becomes the archetypical representative of the maniacal local leadership,
ironically shouting at the enslaved workers,’ (Sterling, 2010, p. 195). Captain Poison
articulates, ‘The Freetown government and their white masters have raped your land to
feed their greed!’
In Kimberly, South Africa, in January 2000, as evidenced in the film, a speaker at a
meeting laments that:
the third world is not a world of park. A witness you will hear today speaks on its behalf
(and) lets us hear the voice of that world. Let us learn from the voice. Let us ignore it no
Zwick uses the film to challenge us, and to remind everyone about the political agenda
behind the conflict diamonds. As he puts it:
But because the story takes place in such a charged political context it is also an
opportunity to evoke the kind of provocative images and complex issues seldom treated in
Hollywood films. It’s always been my belief that entertainment and ideas need not be
mutually exclusive, and that political awareness can be raised as much by narrative as by
rhetoric. (Zwick, p. 3)
Zwick’s utilization of Hollywood connections to narrate and create political
consciousness in Blood Diamond serves as an opening to an honest discussion about
the relationship between ‘blood diamonds and death.’ As a definition of culture sug-
gests, ‘symbolic resources may be tangible, such as a flag, or intangible concepts, such
African Identities 303
as freedom’ (Hall, 2005, p. 10). In the film, there is no indication of freedom. Even the
people in the city (Freetown) are looking over their shoulders, as Archer showed. Also,
the political system is in crisis since the rebels were fighting the government over
accusations of corruption.
Similarly, in relation to transnationalism, Conteh-Morgan (2006), articulates that
globalization is associated with two trends related to collective violence: on the one hand
are transnational social movements organized around common transnational interests threat-
ened by globalization, and on the other, is collective violence (especially civil war) within
some states linked to state failure triggered by political and economic imposition of
globalization. (p. 89)
This statement shows that the emergence of blood diamonds was triggered by the
forces of transnationalism, which led to an economic, political, cultural, and governance
decline in the African environment.
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Zwick’s statement warns the masses to be proactive in the quest to stop wars and child
labor and abuse when it comes to diamonds in Sierra Leone and other African coun-
tries, such Angola and the Congo. This type of abuse and destruction has negatively
impacted the social environment of these countries.
Even though the film revolves around the social dynamics of Africa, the presenta-
tion is often slanted. This is apparent in the depiction of Freetown and other areas,
where Africans are shown living in squalor – in places that are unclean, unsafe, and
savage. For example, several scenes show African children running around in an open
trash field with pigs. Of course, there are clean and beautiful places in Sierra Leone
and in Africa, but in the film these places are not shown.
Some audiences are likely to believe the images presented to them in the film are
representative. In fact, films can be considered as a tool by which communication is
conveyed. According to Chen and Starosta (1998), ‘communication is social reality
[emphasize original]. Like social phenomena that are created by consensus of people
who collectively agree that those phenomena exist, human communication is based on
the meaning people symbolically assign to verbal and non verbal behaviors’ (p. 22).
By situating Chen and Starosta’s assertion within the film, we understand that Zwick
encodes each scene and leaves it to the audience to decode each scene by assigning
meaning to the images and behaviors shown in the film.
The film highlights the social decadence of Africa in relation to wars. Even though
there is social life, one has to constantly look over one’s shoulder, as Archer does. This
fear exists because Sierra Leone is depicted as a dangerous country in which someone
can be kidnapped or killed in any given moment. Though there are some elements of
truth in terms of social life in war zones as depicted in the film, one might assume and
believe incorrectly that all of social life in Africa is unpredictable and violent.
Because of blood diamonds, the film implies that Sierra Leone is a fractured soci-
ety. Due to the generally negative portrayal of Africa, someone who has only seen the
negative side of Africa or who has never travelled to Africa, or who may be easily
swayed by images in films will not hesitate to believe the images in the film, which
include conflicts, abuse, and murder. This is consistent with Falls’ (2011) assertion that
Africans are ‘at once innocent, murderous, dangerous and victimized. Images like these
horrify Western audiences’ (p. 450). Zwick’s depiction of Africa in a social context
shows that the images in the film are social reality, based on but not limited to each
audience members experience, knowledge, and belief. Film as communication can be
internalized because it is a powerful tool which can affect culture.
African Identities 305
Culture is the way a group behaves based upon its identity. There is some evidence
of the articulation of beliefs and values in the film, specifically when Archer says ‘that
diamond is my ticket out of this God forsaken continent.’ His statement echoes Afro-
pessimism, which is the belief that Africa will never improve. However, an evolving
concept is Afro-optimism, which suggests that there is hope in the sense that Africa
has come a long way and she is making tremendous strides.
In the film, even though there is evidence of western drinks such as Guinness, tradi-
tional African palm wine also plays an important role. This wine represents nature and
power. Archer tells Maddy about palm wine and Maddy finds it very strong. When
Benjamin, the schoolteacher, is shot, Archer uses palm wine to control the bleeding.
Archer, as an African, knows the cultural solutions to these kinds of problems.
When Solomon is expressing his opinion on why people want the diamonds, he
also says that ‘I know good people who said that there is something wrong with us.
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Inside our black skin, we are better off when white man ruled.’ Solomon forgets to
mention that Africans were at peace before the white man came to Africa. Of course,
this is not intended to suggest that there were no good aspects of colonialism. Positive
and negative things emerged from colonialism which impacted the African way of life.
These cultural images fit with Zwick’s articulation that Blood Diamond provides an
‘opportunity to evoke the kind of provocative images and complex issues seldom
treated in Hollywood films’ (p. 3). Zwick uses his chance to characterize Africa as a
hot zone.
process. This process implies that the content and social realities communication creates
evolve and change over time’ (p. 23, emphasis in original). Overall, ‘taking a critical
intercultural perspective [in this study] means that I [have] situate[d] my understanding
of and actions regarding intercultural communication within an interconnected web of
social, political, economic, and historical contexts’ (Sorrells, 2010, p. 173) in relation
to transnationalism, as I have attempted to demonstrate above.
In regard to the implications, Nkrumah (1965) contended that colonialists were
heavily involved in the exploitation of African raw materials, including diamonds. Still,
the colonial legacy continues to impact African historical, political, economic, social,
and cultural environments. The implications of the colonial legacy are evident in the
film Blood Diamond (2006). According to Ahiakpor (1985), ‘the historical roots of …
[Africa’s] present state of underdevelopment stem from British colonialism, which
bequeathed a set pattern of economic [environment]’ (pp. 541–542). For Sibanda
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Concluding thoughts
This reading of Blood Diamond accounted for conflict diamonds in Sierra Leone and
the portrayal of Africa in general by locating them within the context of the following
African Identities 307
factors: social, historical, cultural, economic, and political environments. Through the
lens of transnationalism, this analysis of Blood Diamond suggests that Africans and the
west both participated in procuring blood diamonds. The film forces us to question our
own role in the dehumanization of people who suffer as a result of the desire to obtain
the mineral resources found in their homeland.
Although Blood Diamond exposes the true nature of conflict diamonds, at the same
time it generalizes Africa as a land of hopelessness, as shown by various speeches and
images in the film. The actors say that Africa was better when white people ruled. The
arrival of colonialists brought both positive and negative things; however, arguably, it
is worth mentioning that Africa was stable based on its traditional political structures.
This claim is consistent with the work of Conteh-Morgan (2006), who states that:
[T]he undemocratic nature of the colonial administration with its use of elite accommoda-
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tion constitute the longterm causes of state failure, the consequences of misrule during the
independence era constitute the short term factors, and the spillover of the Liberian con-
flict, coupled with the severe suffering caused by IMF and World Bank economic policies,
as well as the further marginalization of poor developing countries constitute the precipitat-
ing factors. (p. 101)
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
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