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Organization Industry Year
3Tier Environment/Sustainability 2009
Accion Frontier Investments Group Social Finance/Investing 2014 Accion Microfinance Bank Nigeria and Wecyclers, Nigeria Environment/Sustainability 2014 Accion Venture Lab Social Finance/Investing 2013 ACT Charter School Education 2009 Acumen International Development 2014 Acumen Social Finance/Investing 2014 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2011 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2011 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2011 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2010 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2010 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2010 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2009 Acumen Fund Community/Economic Development 2009 AFC Human and Social Services 2010 Africa Liberal Arts Schools (student start-up) Education 2010 Agora Partnerships Social Finance/Investing 2009 Alba Collective Community/Economic Development 2009 Alba Collective International Development 2009 Amigos de Jesus Orphanage Human and Social Services 2012 Asha Schools Education 2011 Ashoka Community/Economic Development 2010 Ashoka Community/Economic Development 2010 Ashoka Community/Economic Development 2008 Asian Development Bank International Development 2008 Asian Development Bank (ADB) International Development 2014 Asthmapolis (Reciprocal Labs) Healthcare 2013 Bagan Capital Finance (BCF) Microfinance 2013 Bankable Frontier Associates Community/Economic Development 2009 Bankable Frontier Associates Social Finance/Investing 2008 BASE Africa (student start-up) Community/Economic Development 2009 Be A Good Doctor Healthcare 2010 BetterLesson Education 2014 Bizdom Entrepreneurship Support 2012 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Healthcare 2010 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Healthcare 2009 Blue Ridge Foundation of New York Social Finance/Investing 2013 Boston Ballet Arts/Culture/Humanities 2009 Boston Children's Hospital Healthcare 2013 Branson Center For Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Support 2012 Bridge International Academies Education 2013 Bridge International Academies Education 2012 Bridges Community Ventures Community/Economic Development 2009 Brigham and Women's Hospital Healthcare 2008 Brigham and Women's Hospital Healthcare 2008 Calvert Foundation Social Finance/Investing 2008 Calvert Foundation Social Finance/Investing 2008 CancerScan (student start-up) Healthcare 2008 Carewrite (student start-up) Healthcare 2014 Center for Financial Solutions Innovation Social Finance/Investing 2011 Center for the Future of the Oceans Environment/Sustainability 2011 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Healthcare 2009 Central Bank of Iraq Government 2011 Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) Environment/Sustainability 2012 Charleston County School District Education 2010 Charter School Growth Fund Education 2008 Chefs Collaborative Environment/Sustainability 2013 Chicago Department of Family and Support Services Government 2013 Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota Healthcare 2013 City of Baltimore Government 2008 City of Boston Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement Government 2014 City of Calgary Mayor's Office Government 2012 City of Chicago Mayor's Office Government 2014 City of Chicago Mayor's Office Government 2008 City of New Orleans Mayor's Office Government 2011 City of New York Mayor's Office Government 2008 City of Sacramento Mayor's Office Government 2012 City of Sacramento Mayor's Office Government 2011 City of Sacramento Mayor's Office Government 2010 City of Sacramento Mayor's Office Government 2009 City of Sacramento Mayor's Office Government 2009 City of Sacramento Mayor's Office Government 2009 City of Sacramento Mayor's Office Government 2009 Clean Energy Project Environment/Sustainability 2009 Clinton Foundation International Development 2012 Clinton Foundation International Development 2010 Clinton Health Access Initiative International Development 2010 Closing the loop Healthcare 2014 Coalition Against Corruption Government 2012 Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy Foundations/Philanthropy 2011 CommonBond For-profit with social impact 2013 CommonBond, Inc. For-profit with social impact 2014 Community Lab Healthcare 2009 Compete Caribbean/InterAmerican Development Bank Community/Economic Development 2011 Congressional Oversight Panel Government 2009 Cristo Rey New York High School Education 2010 Cristo Rey New York High School Education 2009 Dalberg Global Development Advisors International Development 2010 Dalberg Global Development Advisors International Development 2010 Dalberg Global Development Advisors International Development 2009 Dalberg Global Development Advisors International Development 2008 Dalberg Global International Advisors International Development 2008 Department of the Interior - Island Fellowship Program Government 2008 dhakaplay (student start-up) For-profit with social impact 2012 District of Columbia Public Schools Education 2010 District of Columbia Public Schools Education 2009 District of Columbia Public Schools Education 2009 District of Columbia Public Schools Education 2009 DocDoc For-profit with social impact 2014 Doodh Bhandar (student start-up) Agriculture 2010 D-Rev: Design for the Other 90% Healthcare 2014 DrivenData (student start-up) For-profit with social impact 2014 Drylands Natural Resources Centre International Development 2014 E.L. Haynes Public Charter School Education 2009 E+Co Environment/Sustainability 2010 EARN (Earned Assets Resource Network) Community/Economic Development 2011 East Africa Telecom For-profit with social impact 2013 Echoing Green Entrepreneurship Support 2012 EcoSquid Environment/Sustainability 2010 Education Pioneers Education 2013 Education Pioneers Education 2013 Education Pioneers Education 2013 Education Pioneers - Analyst Fellowship Education 2011 Education Pioneers - BELL Education 2009 Education Pioneers - BELL Education 2008 Education Pioneers - Beyond 12 Education 2010 Education Pioneers - Boston Public Schools Education 2009 Education Pioneers - Boston Public Schools Education 2008 Education Pioneers - Boston Public Schools Education 2008 Education Pioneers - Boston Public Schools Dept. of Early Childhood Education 2009 Education Pioneers - Citizen Schools Education 2008 Education Pioneers - DC Public Education Fund Education 2009 Education Pioneers - District Management Council Education 2012 Education Pioneers - Jumpstart Education 2010 Education Pioneers - KIPP Foundation Education 2009 Education Pioneers - Lawrence Public Schools Education 2013 Education Pioneers - Match Education Education 2012 Education Pioneers - New Schools Venture Fund, Ellevation Education Education 2013 Education Pioneers - Oakland Unified School District Education 2012 Education Pioneers - Partnerships to Uplift Communities Education 2009 Education Pioneers - San Francisco Education Fund Education 2010 Education Pioneers - San Francisco Unified School District Education 2013 Education Pioneers - San Francisco Unified School District Education 2011 Education Pioneers - Teach for America Education 2012 Education Pioneers - Teach For America Education 2012 Education Pioneers - Teach For America Education 2011 Education Pioneers - Teach For America Education 2009 Education Pioneers - Teach For America Education 2009 Education Pioneers - Teach For America Education 2008 Education Pioneers - Unlocking Potential Education 2011 Education Pioneers - Victory Schools Education 2011 Education Pioneers - Victory Schools Education 2010 Education Pioneers - Victory Schools Education 2009 Education Pioneers Graduate Fellow - KIPP New Orleans Education 2014 Education Resource Strategies Education 2014 EGG-Tech (student start-up) Community/Economic Development 2009 EGG-Tech (student start-up) Community/Economic Development 2009 Embrace Healthcare 2010 Embrace Healthcare 2009 Embrace Healthcare 2009 Embrace Healthcare 2009 Embrace Healthcare 2009 Encite Capital Social Finance/Investing 2013 Endeavor - ALTO Chile Entrepreneurship Support 2008 Endeavor - Center for High-Impact Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Support 2011 Endeavor - EcoFlora Entrepreneurship Support 2011 Endeavor - EcoFlora Entrepreneurship Support 2009 Endeavor - Endeavor Global - Insight team Entrepreneurship Support 2012 Endeavor - Endeavor International Expansion Team Entrepreneurship Support 2011 Endeavor - Endeavor Turkey Entrepreneurship Support 2009 Endeavor - iCarros Entrepreneurship Support 2012 Endeavor - Minha Vida Entrepreneurship Support 2011 Endeavor - Pozitron Entrepreneurship Support 2010 Endeavor - Prtica Entrepreneurship Support 2009 Endeavor - Refinancia Entrepreneurship Support 2009 Endeavor - Satellogic Entrepreneurship Support 2011 Endeavor - Three Melons Entrepreneurship Support 2009 Endeavor - Viallux Entrepreneurship Support 2009 Endeavor - Yemeksepeti Entrepreneurship Support 2009 Endeavor - Yemeksepeti Entrepreneurship Support 2008 Endeavor - Entrepreneurship Support 2010 EnergyClimate Solutions, Inc. Environment/Sustainability 2010 Enova Education 2014 Entrepreneurial Solutions Partners Entrepreneurship Support 2013 Equal Exchange For-profit with social impact 2014 Ethnologee Arts/Culture/Humanities 2013 Farmbuilders Liberia, Inc. Environment/Sustainability 2012 Federal Bureau of Investigation Government 2009 Federal Bureau of Investigation Government 2009 Feed Projects/Feed Foundation Foundations/Philanthropy 2009 Feed Resource Recovery Environment/Sustainability 2008 Finance & Econ. Committee, China Community/Economic Development 2011 Environment/Sustainability 2009 George W. Bush Foundation/Institute Foundations/Philanthropy 2010 Giving Back Fund Foundations/Philanthropy 2009 GIZ (German Development Cooperation) / Sight and Life (Foundation of DSM Social Enterprise in Nutrition for Base of 2014 Nutritional Sciences) the Pyramid Global Citizen Year (student start-up) Education 2008 Global Fund for Children Foundations/Philanthropy 2009 Google China CSR Corporate Social Responsibility 2009 Government of Canada Government 2009 Government of Chile- Department of State Modernization Government 2011 Government of Liberia (Office of President; Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy) Government 2013 Grameen America Community/Economic Development 2010 Grameen America Community/Economic Development 2010 Grameen America Community/Economic Development 2010 Grameen Foundation International Development 2010 Grameen Foundation International Development 2010 Grassroots Capital International Development 2010 Greentown Labs Environment/Sustainability 2014 GSMA- Mobile Money for the Unbanked Community/Economic Development 2012 Harlem Village Academies, a high performing charter school network in New York Education 2013 City Harvard Business Publishing, Higher Education Group Education 2012 Health Policy Commission, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Healthcare 2013 Health Policy Commission, state agency in Massachusetts implementing 2nd Healthcare 2013 phase of health Healthpoint care reform Services Global Healthcare 2010 HealthTap Healthcare 2013 Heart of Man Foundation Human and Social Services 2012 Hong Kong SAR Government 2011 Housing Partnership Network Housing 2010 Housing Partnership Network Housing 2009 Housing Partnership Network Housing 2009 Hygeia Healthcare 2010 IceStone For-profit with social impact 2010 Nonprofit Consulting 2014 I-DEV International Social Finance/Investing 2013 I-DEV International Social Finance/Investing 2013 I-Dev International International Development 2011 I-DEV International International Development 2010 IDinsight (student start-up) Community/Economic Development 2011 Ignia Partners Community/Economic Development 2010 Ignia Partners Community/Economic Development 2010 Ignia Partners Community/Economic Development 2009 Ignia Partners Community/Economic Development 2009 Imagine Election (student start-up) Government 2008 Impact Israel (student start-up) Social Finance/Investing 2014 Innovations for Poverty Action International Development 2010 Inspiring Capital For- profit with social impact, nonprofit 2014 consulting, and social entrepreneurship Instiglio (student start-up) Human supportand Social Services 2012 Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Community/Economic Development 2012 Intelligent Mobility International (IMI) Healthcare 2009 Intermountain Healthcare Healthcare 2008 International Finance Corporation (IFC) International Development 2011 International Finance Corporation (IFC) International Development 2010 International Finance Corporation (IFC) International Development 2009 International Finance Corporation (IFC) World Bank Group International Development 2011 Jewish Federation of the North Shore Community/Economic Development 2009 Jewish Federation of the North Shore Community/Economic Development 2009 Jewish Federation of the North Shore Community/Economic Development 2009 Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress Government 2008 JUCCCE (Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy) Environment/Sustainability 2010 JUCCCE (Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy) Environment/Sustainability 2009 Jumpstart Education 2009 Junior Achievement Sao Paolo Human and Social Services 2010 Kaiser Permanente / Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Healthcare 2010 KIORG (student start-up) Education 2010 Social Finance/Investing 2012 Kopali Organics For-profit with social impact 2010 LA County Department of Health Services Healthcare 2009 LA County Department of Health Services Healthcare 2008 Lapdesk International International Development 2009 League of Dreamers (student start-up) Education 2009 LeapFrog Investments Social Finance/Investing 2011 Leopard Capital For-profit with social impact 2014 Liberian Ministry of Commerce and Industry Government 2012 Liberian Ministry of Internal Affairs Government 2008 LifeLens (student start-up) Healthcare 2011 Lincoln Center for Community Development Community/Economic Development 2011 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2014 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2013 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2013 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2012 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2012 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2012 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2012 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2012 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2011 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2011 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2011 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2011 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2011 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2011 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2010 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2010 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2010 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2009 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2009 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2008 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2008 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Arts/Culture/Humanities 2008 Living Cities Community/Economic Development 2009 M.A.C. AIDS Fund Foundations/Philanthropy 2008 MaRS Discovery District / Causeway Social Finance Social Finance/Investing 2009 Massaschusetts Health Connector Healthcare 2013 MassHealth Healthcare 2013 MBAs Across America Entrepreneurship Support 2014 MBAs Across America Community/Economic Development 2014 MBAs Across America Entrepreneurship Support 2014 Meadow Networks Environment/Sustainability 2009 Med2Bed (student start-up, formerly eTransitions) Healthcare 2012 Mentor Me India Nonprofit (Livelihoods) 2013 Mercy Corps Community/Economic Development 2013 Mercy Corps Social Venture Fund Community/Economic Development 2014 MexVi Housing 2009 Miami City Ballet Arts/Culture/Humanities 2011 Micro Home Solutions (student start-up) Housing 2009 Millennium Challenge Corporation Government 2009 Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria Government 2011 Ministry of National Planning and Econ. Policy, Costa Rica Government 2010 Mobius Motors Community/Economic Development 2012 Montefiore Medical Center (MMC) Healthcare 2012 MPeso Community/Economic Development 2011 National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Government 2010 National Economic Council Government 2009 National Math and Science Initiative Education 2009 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Environment/Sustainability 2009 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Environment/Sustainability 2008 National Strategy Office, Office of the President of Botswana Government 2013 National Trust for Historic Preservation Arts/Culture/Humanities 2010 National Trust for Historic Preservation Arts/Culture/Humanities 2009 Neuvo Sensible Technologies (student start-up) For-profit with social impact 2011 New Profit Foundations/Philanthropy 2010 New Profit Foundations/Philanthropy 2008 New Sector Alliance Nonprofit Consulting 2009 New Sector Alliance Nonprofit Consulting 2008 New Sector Alliance - Init. for a Competitive Inner City Nonprofit Consulting 2008 New Sector Alliance - Local Initiatives Support Corp. Nonprofit Consulting 2009 New Sector Alliance - The Institute of Contemporary Art Nonprofit Consulting 2008 New Ventures Mexico Community/Economic Development 2010 New York City Ballet Arts/Culture/Humanities 2010 New York City Department of Small Business Services - Workforce Development Government 2013 Division New York City Economic Development Corporation Community/Economic Development 2008 New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority Government 2013 New York Presbyterian Hospital Healthcare 2012 New York Presbyterian Hospital Healthcare 2010 New York Presbyterian Hospital Healthcare 2010 New York Presbyterian Hospital Healthcare 2008 New York Road Runners Health 2012 New York Road Runners Health 2011 New York Road Runners Health 2011 Newark Public Schools via Education Pioneers Education 2013 NewSchools Venture Fund Education 2009 Next Street Financial Social Finance/Investing 2012 NextWorth Inc. Environment/Sustainability 2011 Nigerian Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Investment Government 2013 NJ Attorney General's Office - Division of Criminal Justice Government 2013 North Face - Sustainability Corporate Social Responsibility 2009 NYC Economic Development Corporation Community/Economic Development 2011 NYC Economic Development Corporation Community/Economic Development 2009 NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Office of Long Term Plng & Sust. Government 2008 NYC Mayor's Office of Long Term Planning & Sust. Government 2009 OCC Recycling (student start-up) Environment/Sustainability 2008 Office of Economic Development - City of Boston Government 2014 Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson Government 2013 Office of Senator Debbie Stabenow Government 2010 Office of Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle Government 2009 Olympic Park Legacy Company Community/Economic Development 2011 One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Education 2012 Open Capital Advisors Entrepreneurship Support 2013 Open Capital Advisors Social Finance/Investing 2012 Opportunity International - Banco Oportunidade Mocambique Social Finance/Investing 2008 Partners Healthcare Healthcare 2013 Partners In Health Healthcare 2009 Partners In Health Healthcare 2008 PBS, Strategy & Ventures Arts/Culture/Humanities 2010 PEFAN Community/Economic Development 2010 Pershing Square Foundation Foundations/Philanthropy 2011 Pershing Square Foundation; Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation Foundations/Philanthropy 2014 Pittsburgh Public Schools Education 2011 Planet Rating Social Finance/Investing 2008 PlanetTran Environment/Sustainability 2009 Planned Parenthood Healthcare 2011 Planning Commission, Gov't of India; NEC, White Ho Healthcare 2010 Plexx - Training the World on a Mobile Phone Community/Economic Development 2013 Polarstern Bewegt Environment/Sustainability 2014 Polymath Ventures Entrepreneurship Support 2014 Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) Healthcare 2009 ProInspire For-profit with social impact 2009 Project Dharma Community/Economic Development 2012 PT Ruma For-profit with social impact 2014 PT RUMA For-profit with social impact 2013 PT Ruma Community/Economic Development 2012 Public Health Foundation of India Healthcare 2010 For-profit with social impact 2012 Quippi: fee free international gift card company supporting low income mexican For-profit with social impact 2014 immigrants Racquet Up in the US (student start-up) DETROIT Education 2010 REDF Foundations/Philanthropy 2010 Remembrance Farm Agriculture/Agribusiness 2014 responsAbility AG, Accion Venture Lab Impact investing (for profit and nonprofit 2014 respectively) Retalhos Cariocas For-profit with social impact 2013 Revolution Foods For-profit with social impact 2014 Right Side of History Civic/Advocacy 2010 Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF) Community/Economic Development 2012 Rock Health Healthcare 2011 Rocky Mountain Institute Environment/Sustainability 2008 Rocky Mountain Institute Environment/Sustainability 2008 Root Capital International Development 2011 Root Capital International Development 2011 Root Capital International Development 2008 Roshan Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Community/Economic Development 2012 Roshan Telecom Network Community/Economic Development 2010 RubiconMD Healthcare 2013 Ruma For-profit with social impact 2013 Ruma in Jakarta, Indonesia For-profit with social impact 2013 Rural China Education Foundation Education 2009 Rwanda Ministry of Health Government; Health 2012 Saatchi & Saatchi S Environment/Sustainability 2008 Safal Partners (Education Pioneers) Education 2014 Salud Cercana (student start-up) Healthcare 2014 SANA Care (student start-up) Healthcare 2011 SANA Care (student start-up) Healthcare 2010 Sanergy For-profit with social impact 2014 Save the Children Japan Human and Social Services 2008 School Revolution (student start-up) Education 2009 Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship Foundations/Philanthropy 2009 Seelna Healthcare 2013 Shell Foundation International Development 2011 Sierra Leone-Plymouth Partnership International Development 2009 Signal Point Partners For-profit with social impact 2009 SineWave Ventures Social Finance/Investing 2014 Sitawi Social Finance/Investing 2012 Sitawi Foundations/Philanthropy 2010 SJF Ventures Social Finance/Investing 2012 Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF) International Development 2011 Social Finance Inc. (US) Social Finance/Investing 2012 Social Finance Inc. (US) Social Finance/Investing 2012 Social Finance Inc. (US) Social Finance/Investing 2011 Social Finance Inc. (US) Social Finance/Investing 2011 Social Finance Inc. (US) Social Finance/Investing 2014 Social Finance Inc. (US) Social Finance/Investing 2013 Social Investment Bank / Lenddo Social Finance/Investing 2013 Soros Economic Development Fund Social Finance/Investing 2014 South West Atlanta Youth Foundation (SWAY) Human and Social Services 2010 Southern Sudan Ministry of Investment Government 2011 Special Olympics International Human and Social Services 2012 Starling Resources Community/Economic Development 2011 StartUp Health Healthcare 2014 Strey Khmer International Development 2009 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Corporate Social Responsibility 2013 Sweetriot For-profit with social impact 2009 Sweetriot For-profit with social impact 2008 TAMTAM (Together Against Malaria) International Development 2010 TAMTAM (Together Against Malaria) International Development 2010 TAMTAM (Together Against Malaria) International Development 2010 TAMTAM (Together Against Malaria) International Development 2009 TAMTAM (Together Against Malaria) International Development 2009 TAMTAM (Together Against Malaria) International Development 2009 TCL Khet-Se Agriproduce India Agribusiness/Smallholder Farmers 2010 Teach For All Education 2012 Teach For All Education 2010 Teach For America Education 2014 Teach For America Education 2013 Teach For America Education 2011 Teaching and Learning Laboratory (student start-up) Education 2009 TechnoServe Agriculture/Agribusiness 2013 TechnoServe International Development 2011 TechnoServe International Development 2010 TechnoServe International Development 2009 TechnoServe International Development 2009 TechnoServe International Development 2009 TechnoServe International Development 2008 TechnoServe International Development 2008 TechWadi For-profit with social impact 2013 TerraCycle Environment/Sustainability 2010 TETEA Education 2013 The Cleantech Open Entrepreneurship Support 2013 The Global Impact Investing Network Social Finance/Investing 2014 The Mango Fund International Development 2013 The Pershing Square Foundation Foundations/Philanthropy 2013 The Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI) International Development 2014 The White House (National Economic Council) Government 2013 The White House National Economic Council Government 2013 Third Sector Capital Partners Social Finance/Investing 2014 Tomato Jos (student start-up) Agriculture/Agribusiness 2014 Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) International Development 2010 Tony Elumelu Foundation For-profit with social impact 2013 Toronto City Summit Alliance Community/Economic Development 2010 Transport for London Government 2010 Tsing Capital Environment/Sustainability 2010 Two Degrees Food For-profit with social impact 2012 Two Oceans Aquarium Environment/Sustainability 2009 U.S. Department Health and Human Services Government 2011 U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Secretary Government 2011 U.S. Department of Energy Government 2010 U.S. Department of Energy Government 2009 U.S. Department of Energy Government 2009 U.S. Department of Energy Government 2009 U.S. Department of Energy - Advanced Research Project Agency Government 2012 U.S. Department of Insular Affairs (Pacific Business Center Program) Government 2008 U.S. Department of Labor Government 2011 U.S. Department of State Government 2013 U.S. Department of the Treasury Government 2012 U.S. Department of the Treasury Government 2011 U.S. Department of the Treasury Government 2010 U.S. Department of the Treasury Government 2010 U.S. Department of the Treasury Government 2010 U.S. Department of the Treasury Government 2009 U.S. Department of the Treasury Government 2013 U.S. Department of the Treasury - Capital Markets and Housing Finance Office Government 2011 U.S. Department of the Treasury - Capital Markets and Housing Finance Office Government 2011 U.S. Department of the Treasury - International Affairs Government 2012 U.S. Department of the Treasury - Office of Capital Markets Government 2012 U.S. Government - Office of the Speaker Government 2012 U.S. House of Representatives Government 2010 U.S. National Park Services Environment/Sustainability 2009 U.S. National Park Services Environment/Sustainability 2008 U.S. Treasury - Office of International Affairs, African Nations Government 2011 UNDP Government 2008 UNICEF Human and Social Services 2011 Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Government 2010 United Nations Government 2009 United Nations World Food Programme International Development 2014 United States Department of State Government 2013 University of California, San Francisco Hospital Healthcare 2010 Unlocking Potential Education 2013 US Treasury Government 2014 USAdelante (student start-up) Education 2012 USAID International Development 2009 Ushahidi Non-profit technology 2014 Victory Schools Education 2010 Victory Schools Education 2009 Virgin Unite Foundations/Philanthropy 2011 VisionQuest International Education 2008 Walkabout Foundation Human and Social Services 2011 Waste Ventures Charities Environment/Sustainability 2011 WaterHealth International For-profit with social impact 2013 Watt Campaign (student start-up) Environment/Sustainability 2011 White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics Government 2011 White House National Economic Council Government 2012 White House National Economic Council Government 2011 White House National Economic Council Government 2011 White House, Office of Domestic Policy Government 2011 White House, Office of Management and Budget Government 2011 White House, Office of Management and Budget Government 2009 White House, Office of Management and Budget Government 2009 White House, Office of Science & Technology Policy Government 2009 White House, Office of the Chief of Staff Government 2010 World Health Organization (WHO) Healthcare 2013 World Vision International International Development 2008 World Wildlife Fund Education 2011 XinfuGo (student start-up) Community/Economic Development 2012 XinfuGo (student start-up) Human and Social Services 2012 Year Up Human and Social Services 2009 Young Professionals in Energy (student start-up) Environment/Sustainability 2008 Youth Villages Human and Social Services 2013 Zafen/Fonkoze and Root Capital Community/Economic Development 2010 ZenWay Education 2013 Zoosa (student start-up) Community/Economic Development 2009 Zoosa (student start-up) Community/Economic Development 2008 City/State Country Last Name First Name Washington, DC USA White Evelyne Washington, D.C. USA Nam Sarah Lagos Nigeria Ojomo Efosa Washington, D.C. USA Harder Josh Chicago, IL USA Nielsen Betsy New York United States So Ivy Accra Ghana Yang Kerry Nairobi Kenya Bergareche Patrik New York, NY USA Kyle Marie Nairobi Kenya Wei Alice Lahore Pakistan Ahsan Zaynab New York, NY USA Barringer Erin New York USA Jamal Nijhad New York, NY USA McCreless Michael Karachi, Sindh Province Pakistan Medoff Ari Boston, MA USA Gabarro Juan Accra Ghana Agyenim-Boateng Yaw Washington, D.C. USA Ballard Seke Boston, MA/London/Ahmebadad USA/UK/India Gosrani Chahna New York, NY and Mumbai USA and India Tai Monica Malvern, PA US Braus Jennifer Haryana India Ahluwalia Mallika Johannesburg, Nairobi South Africa, Kenya Bahadir Alper Sao Paulo Brazil Soleanicov John India India Naidu Beesabathuni Kalpana Manila Philippines Chesser John Manila Philippines Allen Thomas Madison, WI USA Johnson Amanda Hong Kong + Yangon Myanmar Wang Yu-Ann Somerville, MA USA Younger Mark Boston, MA USA Younger Mark Boston, MA USA Ajayi Taiwo Stanford, CA USA Kwo Elizabeth Cambridge, MA USA Copeland Roniesha Detroit, MI US LaPierre Kelly Boston, MA USA Rentas Jennifer Boston, MA USA Rosales David New York/ NY USA Pambo-Awich Gerald Boston, MA USA Pikovsky Anna Boston/MA USA Whorton Julie Montego Bay Jamaica Joseph Eleanor Nairobi Kenya Gurnani Sanya Kenya/Nigeria Rewane Misan London, England UK Reeves Tara Boston, MA USA Conry Anne Boston, MA USA Ling Daniel Bethesda, MD USA Grossman Amanda Bethesda, MD USA Muentener Sharon Tokyo Japan Fukuyoshi Jun Ann Arbor, MI USA Luo Eva New York, NY USA Kennedy Ryan Monterey, CA USA Chostner Benjamin Washington, DC USA Tang Robin Baghdad Iraq Al Baya Hussein Columbia Banerjee Abhishek Charleston, SC USA Zmick Adam Broomfield, CO USA Nyaggah Karibu Boston, MA USA Lee Christie Chicago, IL USA Gorodetskiy Vyacheslav (Steve) Minneapolis,MN United States Exposto Fernando Baltimore, MD USA Smith Garrett Boston, MA USA Uotila Siri Calgary Canada Khimdas Kapil Chicago/IL USA Johnson Jr. Ralph Chicago, IL USA Goldstein Randy New Orleans, Louisiana USA Haber Jeremy New York, NY USA Wise Catherine Sacramento, CA US Paulikas Daina Sacramento, CA USA Goldberg Frederick Sacramento, CA USA Teague Erin Sacramento, CA USA Acharya Sandeep Sacramento, CA USA Bathija Mohit Sacramento, CA USA Gray Aaron Sacramento, CA USA Jackson Jeremiah Washington, DC USA McCloskey Christopher Boston, MA US Henderson Kevin Port-au-Prince Haiti Queiroz Manuel Boston, MA USA Whalen Ryah Boston, MA USA Robbins Benjamin Legaspi Village, Makati City Philippines Motte-Munoz Henry New York, NY USA Srivastava Priya Brooklyn US Lockwood Lauren New York City, NY USA Fitzpatrick Molly New York, NY USA Rosenman Molly Christ Church Barbados Gaskins Monique Washington, D.C. USA Steiner Benjamin New York, NY USA Walker Monica New York, New York USA Radney Danelle San Francisco USA Baillet Dominique Johannesburg South Africa Saacks Dan Washington, DC USA Chan Hui Wen New York, NY USA Porter Kirsten Washington, DC USA Rodrigues Marcela Washington, DC USA Morello Zachary Bangladesh India Smith Martin Washington USA Tuchman Maxeme Washington, DC USA Kennedy Venus Washington D.C. USA Kim Yerrie Washington, DC USA Torres Scott Singapore Singapore Fujisawa Lisa Multiple locations India Tata Siddharth Chennai, Tamil Nadu India Bhaskaran Shivanth Cambridge, MA United States Lipstein Greg Makueni County Kenya Pike Daniel Washington, DC USA Reno-Weber Ben Dar es Salaam Tanzania Luning Paul San Francisco, CA USA Goulet Kaelin Kampala Uganda Lamontagne Gregory New York, NY US Kumaraiah Divya New York, NY USA Raman Nikhil Los Angeles, California USA Ramola Divi Boston, MA USA Seck Mercier Kine New York United States Capi Margarita Boston, MA USA Kishenyuk Mirosia Boston, MA USA Banting Kate Boston, MA USA Steele Justin San Francisco, CA USA Dillard Erin Boston, MA USA Steinmetz Lindsay Boston, MA USA Chan Stephen Boston, MA USA Romansky Carter Boston, MA USA Lee Catherine Boston, MA USA Shah Neeti Washington, DC USA Robinson William Boston, MA US Wheeler Annie Boston, MA USA Seewald Alisa San Francisco, CA USA Shah Pooja Lawrence, MA USA Zofnass Rebecca Boston, MA US Scott Zack Boston/MA United States Casale Marc San Francisco, CA US Malkin Louisa Los Angeles, CA USA Vazquez Jessica San Francisco, CA USA Lin Yvonne San Francisco/California United States Maltseva Polina Boston, MA USA Krishnan Meera New York, NY US Bennett Catherine Washington, DC US Robbs Catherine Boston, MA USA Halpin Ashley Boston, MA USA Anderson Melissa Boston, MA USA Petersmeyer Whitney Lawrence, MA USA Burns Kimberly Boston, MA USA O'Rourke Thomas New York, NY USA Magoon Nicole New York, NY USA Gordon Brandon New York, NY USA Conley Katrina New Orleans, LA USA McNutt Kristen Watertown, MA United States Huberlie Ali Dar Es Salaam Tanzania Jezmir Alla Dar Es Salaam Tanzania Cassimatis Emmanuel Bangalore India Slota Emily Hubli India Gorzycki Tomasz San Francisco/ Hubli USA / India Raithatha Nickyl Hubli, Karnataka India Tariyal Ridhi New Delhi India Tiwary Esha Port Au Prince Haiti Savla Shaloo Santiago Chile Segura Carles Cros New York, NY USA Abdallah Rawiah Rionegro Colombia Lelchuk Justine Medellin Colombia Tompkins Oliver New York. NY US Niculcea Ioana New York, NY USA Soon Suyin Istanbul Turkey Buyukmutlu Osman Sau Paulo Brazil Muljadi Anthony Sao Paolo Brazil Bae Ju Yeon (Anna) Istanbul Turkey Nevins Katharine Sao Paulo Brazil Ehrensberger Nikolaus Bogota Colombia Cano Carlos Julia Rio Negro Argentina Figueiredo Jose Buenos Aires Argentina Yakin Brook Monterrey, N.L Mexico Khamissa Taahir Istanbul Turkey Mutlu Demet Istanbul Turkey Tyler Christopher San Francisco USA Soon Suyin Waltham, MA Liberia Ma Liqian Mexico City Mexico Kacprzak Janine Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire Lawrence Nike West Bridgewater/Massachusetts United States Holzman Sloan Boston United States Narayanankutty Remya Liberia Tang Karen Washington DC USA Barrett Jaclyn Washington, DC USA Segneri Matt New York, NY USA Tisch Kathryn Boston, MA USA Lobel Meredith Beijing China Tu Shunde Boston, MA USA Wetherille Patrick Dallas, TX USA Taylor Julia Los Angeles, CA USA Kim Joseph Accra Ghana Frega Romeo San Francisco, CA USA Falik Abigail Washington, DC USA Bill Gabrielle Beijing China Tien Lavina Calgary, Alberta Canada Purdy Alexander Santiago Chile Carafi Uriarte Cristian Monrovia Liberia Esema Moses New York, NY USA Gao Melisa New York USA Hasselmann Helena New York, NY USA Khalife Donna Jakarta Indonesia Haryopratomo Aldi Jakarta Indonesia Makarim Nadiem New York USA Blair Baily Somerville, MA USA O'Neil Kelly London UK Lalwani Nishant New York USA Shah Meera Boston, MA US Androy Tripp Boston, MA USA Bowles Daniel Boston USA Goulart Flavia New York, NY USA Luo Dave Palo Alto, CA USA Goyal Jay Chicago, IL US Harris Scott Hong Kong China Gerry-Bullard Nicholas Boston, MA USA Nelson Jeffrey Boston, MA USA Chadbourne Aaron Boston, MA USA Coleman John Lagos Nigeria Watley Tori New York, NY USA Spearman Kwame San Francisco/CA USA Lee Dayoung San Francisco USA Enan Amal n/a Kenya Pierre McArthur Cajamarca Peru Reimers Caitlin NYC, NY USA Quintanilla Clarissa Cambridge, MA USA, Uganda, India Wang Paul Monterrey Mexico Donnelly Jacob Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico Hofmann Caroline Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico Grinna Brent Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico Makarov Vera Boston, MA USA Nemeth Summer Jerusalem Israel Greenberg Sara Lilongwe Malawi Bryce Joel New York, New York United States Gonzalez Jaime Washington, DC US Gea Ana Maria Afghanistan Adams Greg Bangalore India Viola Anthony Salt Lake City, UT USA Barkin Brad Lagos Nigeria Ejebe Nnennia Washington, DC USA Chavoushi Farnaz Washington, DC USA Hashmi Ali Washington, D.C. USA Lacayo Antonio Marblehead, MA USA Kumar Vivek Marblehead, MA USA Lewis Benjamin Marblehead, MA USA O'Boyle Kevin Washington, DC USA Fuszard Luke Beijing China Zhao Fan Shanghai China Wu Yashih Boston, MA USA Leiderman Jared Sao Paolo, SP Brazil Parker Stephanie Honolulu, HI USA Cherches Mariya Dubai UAE Kahaleh Mosbah San Francisco, CA US DeLong Joanna New York, NY USA Jepps Charlotte Los Angeles, CA USA Chang Jamie Los Angeles, CA USA Wu Tina Johannesburg South Africa Karaivanova Maria Manila Philippines Kelly Jennifer Double Bay, NSW Australia and Phillipines Georgiou Phylaktis Bangkok Thailand Coats Benjamin Liberia Dimitrova Diana Monrovia Liberia Santosham Shireen Davis, CA USA Khormaee Cy Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Manji Alim New York USA Sung Victoria New York/ New York USA Chanani Rama New York, NY USA Cotter Lauren New York, NY US Baibakova Maria New York, NY US Bollinger Lee New York, NY US Chao Ann New York, NY US Rasmussen Emily New York, NY US Wilson Susannah New York, NY USA Cantrell Meredith New York, NY USA Gheissari Soraya New York, NY USA Koh Daniel New York, NY USA Muljadi Anthony New York, NY USA Son Michael David New York, NY USA Zitna Andrea New York, NY USA Pappas Katina New York USA Radell Coleman New York, NY USA West Larissa New York, NY USA Arnold Rebecca New York, NY USA Rentas Jennifer New York, NY USA Blue Mendi New York, NY USA Kim-Parker Shilla New York, NY USA Minev Chris Washington, DC USA Severs Mark New York, NY USA Stannard-Friel Jessica Toronto, Ontario Canada Blickstead Michael Boston, MA USA Wyrtzen Ryan Boston U.S.A. Cohlmia Matthew New Orleans, Tupelo, Wichita, United States Avila Ariel Nashville, Detroit New Orleans, Tupelo, Wichita, USA Bhattacharya Namrata Nashville, Detroit Road trip to LA, MS, KS, TN, OH, MI USA Sherlock Meghan Cambridge, MA USA Homawoo Jean-Claude Boston, MA US Hu Lissy Mumbai, Maharashtra India Lee Dayoung Medellin Colombia Cheng Jocelyn Kampala Uganda McGeough Kathryn Mexico City Mexico Maggard Kasey Miami Beach, Florida USA Nguyen Gina Boston/New Delhi USA/India Mehra Rakhi Washington, D.C. USA Yang Alice Sofia Bulgaria Zlatinova Snezhana San Jose Costa Rica Dillard Sarah Nairobi Kenya Blandford Timothy Bronx, NY US Kim Azalea Managua Nicaragua Leger Daphne Washington, DC USA Burton Claude Washington, DC USA Shenai Siddharth Dallas, TX USA Jaffer Ali Denver, Coo USA Sloan Andrew Golden,CO USA Wick Michael Gaborone Botswana Miniere Soline Washington, DC USA Hamilton Rachel Washington, DC USA Xu Xin (Echo) Majarashtra India Zhang Wendi Boston, MA USA Rodriguez Priscilla Boston, MA USA Telesford Natasha Boston, MA USA Brown Tiera Boston, MA USA Music Shannon Boston, MA USA Farrell David Boston, MA USA Saddawi-Schmidt Susan Boston, MA USA Love Claire Mexico City Mexico Miteva Marina New York, NY USA Chang Clive New York City, New York USA Lufrano Rachel New York, NY USA Samarasinghe Leshika New York, New York USA Katseff Jared New York, NY US Cheng Royce New York, NY USA Dosik Diana New York, NY USA Harris Alexandra New York, NY USA Margulies Lauren New York, NY US Schwartz Bari New York, NY USA Chang Clive New York, NY USA Lyle Elizabeth Newark, NJ USA Anderson Christina Boston, MA USA Varon Shannah Roxbury, MA US Porter Jen Billerica, MA USA Suzuki Lucas Abuja Nigeria Isa-Odidi Layusa Trenton, NJ USA Maietta Nicholas San Leandro, CA USA Smith Carly New York, NY USA Jackson Samuel John New York, NY USA Funston Eliza New York, NY USA Berkowitz Elana New York, NY USA Felch Julian Cleveland, OH* USA Michel Aaron Boston, MA USA Benesh Kathryne Sacramento/California United States Brakebill Alex Washington, DC USA Singh JJ Madison, WI USA Fuszard Luke London UK Lehrer Debora Mumbai India Dharia Bindi Nairobi Kenya Voigt Sean Nairobi Kenya Isa-Odidi Layusa Maputo Mozambique Vicente Sara Boston USA Ramey Daniel Boston, MA / Port-au-Prince USA / Haiti Tom Jennifer Neno Malawi Rosan Daniel Arlington, VA USA Saini Shruti Addis Ababa Ethiopia Senbetta Shani New York, NY USA Keshavjee Alyza New York, NY; Boston, MA USA Srinivasan Malavika Pittsburgh, PA USA Shaul Katherine Saint Ouen France Tanyeri Ayse Boston, MA USA Halcott Brandon New York, NY USA Huddleston Elizabeth Delhi; Washington DC India, USA Sahni Nikhil New York USA Marrero Sergio Munich Germany Eberl Franziska Bogota/Cundinamarca Colombia Bichara Pato Seattle, WA USA Katayama Fabio Futoshi Washington DC USA Hall Kareem New Delhi India Fitzgerald Paige Jakarta Indonesia Kim Hayoung Jakarta Indonesia Li Linda Indonesia Harder Josh New Delhi India Puri Ankur New York, NY US Wagner Jonah San Diego USA Orestano Luis Detroit, MI USA Aguirre Derek San Francisco, CA USA Zhou Janet Trumansburg/NY USA Himmel Matthew Zurich Switzerland / Washington DC Switzerland/USA Scherr Jonathan Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Brazil Patten Erin Oakland CA Schultz Eryn New York, NY USA Wallace Christina San Francisco, CA US Miller Kelsey San Francisco, CA USA Ludlow Richard Snowmass,CO USA Ponce Jamie Snowmass,CO USA Sloan Andrew Cambridge, MA Tanzania/ Kenya Rogers John Carlos San Jose Costa Rica Sud Pamela Cambridge, MA USA Tung Eric Afghanistan Bishop March Kabul Afghanistan Keshavjee Alyza Boston/New York US Reines Carlos Jakarta Indonesia Stochniol Kasia Jakarta Indonesia Sussekind Claudia Yongji, Shanxi Province China Hsiao Jennifer Kigali Rwanda Laserson Galen San Francisco, CA USA Maslowski Nicolas Houston, TX USA Millar Michelle Mexico, DF Mexico Ocejo Santiago Bangalore India Jena Sidhant Bangalore, Karnataka India Jena Sidhant Nairobi Kenya Stanek Alexandra Tokyo Japan Hiratani Yumi Boston, MA USA Given Scott Cairo Egypt Costi Jason Boston United States Avramov Elena Mumbai India Silberstein Emily Jokibu Sierra Leone Boateng Yaw Nairobi Kenya Werry Scott Washington DC USA Goyal Jay Brazil Monteiro Joana Rio de Janeiro Brazil Neves Dias Joana San Francisco, CA US Lee Jennifer Washington, D.C. USA Malmstrom Erik Boston, MA US Crumbaugh Lindsey Boston, MA US Wintner Todd Boston, MA USA Abdel Samad Rawia Boston, MA USA Driscoll Jonathan Boston, MA United States Staskevicius Alina Boston/ MA USA Berlinsky Olga Bogota Colombia Duarte Jonathan New York United States Chottani Aisha Umer Atlanta, GA USA Quinlan Saundra Juba Sudan Hurst Hollis Christopher Washington, DC US Kwok Stephanie Bali Indonesia Mutafchieva Mina New York United States Wu Baishi Phnom Penh Cambodia Killy Ulrike San Francisco USA Gerry-Bullard Nick New York, NY USA Rajendran Ravi New York, NY USA Bhatt Arti Kampala Uganda Chmar Laura Accra Ghana Hsu Esther Accra Ghana Wang Paul Kampala Uganda Doshi Lekha Kampala Uganda Tung Eric Kampala Uganda Wang Paul New Delhi/Noida, UP Tata Gupta Niyati Washington, DC US Mehrez Dina New York, NY USA Kos Sanja New York / New York USA Price Hayling Los Angeles, CA USA Repasky Cara Minneapolis, MN USA Duda Kessler Kirsten Washington, DC USA Liu Meredith Lamwo Uganda Himmel Matthew Accra Ghana Borowiecki Alex Washington USA Heredia Liubov Kampala Uganda Ahluwalia Mallika Dar es Salaam Tanzania Laidlaw Katie Maputo Mozambique Leitao Anthony Swaziland South Africa Hsu Esther Nairobi/ Kampala Kenya and Uganda Raschke Christine Palo Alto USA Al-Salloum Faisal Trenton, NJ USA Tsukayama Robyn Dar es Salaam Tanzania Wincewicz Keegan Minneapolis/MN USA Swanson Lee New York, NY USA Barra Lauren Kampala Uganda Lumry Christopher New York, NY USA Penneys Lauren Los Angeles, CA / Washington, D.C. USA Oxtoby John Washington, DC USA McBride Sean Washington, D.C. USA Versi Jannine Boston, MA USA Marks Stephen Boston/Abuja USA/Nigeria Mehta Mira Monrovia Liberia Venkatesan Anand Lagos Nigeria Nkansah Michael Toronto, Ontario Canada Svigir Mladen London, England United Kingdom Stapleton Emily Beijing China Zhu Richard San Francisco, CA US Pan Lily Cape Town South Africa King Jeremy Washington, DC USA Bihlmaier Nathan Washington, D.C. USA Fitch Margaret Kendall Washington, DC USA Beryl Louis Washington, DC USA Doochin Jonathan Washington, DC USA Rostapshov Alexey Washington, DC USA Selbe Omeed Washington, DC US Chiverton Edward Washington, DC USA Garcia Matthew Washington, D.C. USA Bertoli Daniel Brice Washington D.C. USA Stanek Alexandra Washington, DC US Steadman Amy Washington, DC USA Jurist William Washington, DC USA Ramaswamy Veena Washington, DC USA Scott Howard Washington, DC USA Zakutansky Brian Washington, DC USA Heimur Tamara Washington DC USA Leonard Marcus Washington, D.C. USA Joyce Meghan Verena Washington, D.C. USA Nagler Eli Washington, DC US Lonstein Eric Washington, DC US Sachdev Ishan Washington, DC US Calderon Eric Washington, DC USA Hall Micah Page, AZ USA Frackleton Erin San Francisco, CA USA Lambert Benjamin Washington, DC USA Safran Benjamin New York, NY USA Otero Patricia New York, NY USA Saggi Naiyya Bangalore, Karnataka India Wagoner George (Trip) New York USA Takai Jun Rome Italy Bargallo Marcos Washington, DC USA Yergin Alexander San Francisco, CA USA Ward Lorrayne Cambridge United States Frassica Anne Marie Washington, DC USA Feng Tian Boston, MA US Marrero Sergio Washington, DC USA Shannon Jessica Nairobi/San Francisco Kenya/USA Bullock Jen New York, NY USA Kos John New York, NY USA Aguirre Derek London UK Antony Angela Atlanta, GA USA Watson Melvin "Tres" Chile Alberding Katrin Ann Delhi India LeBlanc Rob Hyderabad India Kacprzak Janine Cambridge, MA (?) USA Winston Luke Washington, D.C. USA Trejo Michael Washington, DC US Dyett James Washington, DC USA Modi Kunal Washington, D.C. USA Ting Wayne Washington, D.C. USA Merritt Laura Washington, DC USA Litmanovitz Miki Washington, DC USA Chepenik Adam Washington, DC USA Hsiang Mina Washington, DC USA Baldwin Michael Washington, DC USA Qureshi Claire Geneva Switzerland Istrate Daria Monrovia, CA USA Larson Taylor Washington, DC USA Khwaja Shoaib China La Yixin China Chen Ying Boston, MA USA Steele Justin Houston, TX USA Cravens Stephen Woburn, MA United States Park Andrew Port-Au-Prince Haiti Louis Michael Cambridge, MA USA Magdanz Otto Boston, MA USA McGlade Mike Cambridge, MA USA McGlade Mike Proj Description This summer I worked for a late-stage start-up company called 3TIER Environmental Forecasting (3TIER). 3TIER is a renewable energy information company that provides site assessment andGroup, forecasting services This summer, I worked as an Investment Associate atIts Accion's Frontier Investments a double for wind, hydro, and solar energy around the world. FirstLook Prospecting andbusinessAssessment Reports bottom line, venture capital fund that invests in new technologies and disruptive models that can provide Develop aathecost-effective sales strategy (in forservices manyimproving cases uptake free) and andscientifically usage of therigorous bank's mobile tool to help banking governments products. and Evaluate enhance way financial are delivered to the poor. developers the impact of identify the microfinance promising sites bank's for intervention wind, solar and over hydrotheenterprises last power 7 years development. by analyzing provideDuring the income my eleven growth of Accion Venture Lab makes investments in seed-stage social that or support financial our weeks, clients I to over developed the period reports and training materials toemerging be used in developing countries, completed a USAID services under served populations in the US and markets. My summer RFA seeking ainternship US-Chinagave Cleanme Energy the great Partnership opportunity and built to work a pricingat ACTmodel Charter to help School, a college- management preparatory understand I had a fantastic charter how summer school to maintain at that aims atoglobal a sustainable Acumen, prepare business traditionally venture model fund through that underserved usesappropriate urbanpricing entrepreneurial youth forproducts of approaches successtoin insolve each college of its and target life. markets. At ACT, Working I was mainly for 3TIER responsible enabled mefor 2 to projects: take a firstfirst,step managing down the thepath implementation to a career of a the I wasyear problems a Portfolio of poverty. Associate Thefor aim the is West to help Africa build office financially of the sustainable Acumen Fund. organizations that deliver ten dedicated strategic to promoting planservices tothe grow from adoption 1of schoolrenewable to 15 schools, and affordableand second,sources toI of helped design energy with and deal implement around sourcing, the world. an deal affordable goods and that improve the lives of the poor. My projects included: leading alumni analysis, engagement financial valuation, program andto support dueAssociate diligence ACT alumni of the social ofin Spending 11 weeks as the Summer for graduating enterprises Healthcare and from inNutrition the college. agriculture, Both Portfolio health projects at Acumen care, granted andFund me in benchmarking analysis of global portfolio, drafting global health sector strategy, and research and idea aKenya education greathave andsectors wide proven range intoGhana me of thatexperiences andI remain Nigeria. incommitted which Ithat could to employ spending skills my learned professional at HBS life from using the high privatelevel sector generation This summer, on alternative I interned financial as a Summer instruments Associate Acumen might offer with the portfolio team in New York at the Acumen Fund, a to investees. strategic planning, to tactical, day-to-day implementation. initiative not-for-profit as a social leverage venture to solve capital poverty fund. and My socialinternship issues consisted in the World. of two In addition, distinct Acumenconducting projects: has enabled I hadtothe me apply opportunity concepts tolearned I spend my at summer the Harvard interning Business with School the Acumen (HBS), Fund, namely athose social ventureinfund learned the coursesthatdue diligence invests in on potential businesses investments providing critical in the products health products and services portfolio, to people and developing living under the $4 a first day. phase Based ofinan of Acumen Finance, Fund The Entrepreneurial isstrategy a non-profit Manager, venture in capital LCA and firm that BGIE and invests acquire in both deeper for-profit skillsand into financial non-profit modeling innovative Kenya, I was new responsible for forinvesting identifying early-stage and evaluating medical investment devices and opportunities drug therapies. inpopulations agriculturein forSouththe East and organizations, sales. which provide affordable critical goods and services to low-income This Acumen Africa summer region.Fund, I had Through a the non-profit opportunity my work, global I was to venture work able fundas to a meet Portfolio that with uses soAssociate entrepreneurial many at talented, Acumen approaches energetic,Fund, a and tonon-profit solve passionate the global social Asia andcapital Acumen uses philanthropic capital to makethat these investments goods in the formservices of loanstoor venture problems entrepreneurs ofany globalthroughout that poverty, invests theis yet into region. earlystage be I proven also learned companies from about aventure financial deliver theinvestments. challenges standpoint essential ofas majoratand conducting no investment business inexit East has This equity, summerand I worked financial at Acumen returns are Fund, ploughed a non-profit back into new capital fund thatI operates interned in Acumen Africa and in South Lahore individuals been Africa carried and atout, of theinBase balancing but has of socialthe given Pyramid and hope ininthe financial East goals. way Africa,theMy India, Western internship and Pakistan. World at the thinks Acumen Acumen about FundFund giving not seeks support only to prove validated to the thatbut Asia for and ten weeksinvests this social summer. enterprises My primary that provide responsibilities goods or were services to assist to the the poor. CFO of Ia was the microfinance associate in institution small This also developing summer amounts fueled my I worked countries.of passion philanthropic Asas for a Portfolio using Jacquelyn capital, market (Investment) Novogratz,combined mechanisms founderAssociate with to large ofcreate at Acumen doses Acumen social of Fund, business Fund, impact. stated: a acumen, social dignity venturecan is build more fund thriving that important Acumens cleantech /start-ups energy portfolio and my primary responsibilities involved to sourcing in a strategic planning and fund raising project. Among other things, I models helped the institution andrefine executing their invests enterprises than inwith wealth, early-stage thatand serve itAcumen is vast only numbers that useof new the technologies poor. As a portfolio or to business associate, I focused deliver primarily essential onand the goods Iinvestments growth and worked strategy services within to the and the this craft poorest aafter sector. Fund fundraising people dignity Over in Karachi in the has pitch India, course been for toten Pakistan, given of fascinating, approachthe and back summer investors. East the hot, Africa. poor, I conducted and This I that jam-packed summer worked the industry on road gave a weeks to analyses deal meteam wealth this invaluable will summer. to evaluate be healthcare built, The precisely Acumen portfolio, Fund by the is conducting a local social communities. venture due diligence capital group to evaluate that invests several in new for-profit potential businesses healthcare or organizations non-profit exposure developed Ian spent opportunity to this summermy working own to invest investment directly at AFC with in aasventure theses, aportfolio.senior strategic evaluated thatThese management installs planning specific mini intern,at power a companies company analyzing plants that and that business I thedeveloping run believe organizations on discarded will plans, improve and built the several lives of for organizations Acumen Funds delivering healthcare critical goods organizations are producing products thatprocesses rice are on husks the and in off- cutting many relationships grid finances Pakistani Indian in with villages. order men to promising I and assess also women wrote the entrepreneurs. inwhite feasibility a thetofuture. low-income paper of I was their on also options a new populations involved approach for program inin two to the transactions, measuring expansion the moving world. one forward. social which Investments impact stalledof I in edge are Imagine: of debt, healthcare astages equity, chain hybriddelivery offormalhigh instruments schools in developing thatand inallow countries, for-profit allwhich high-potential including: enterprises, new African and grants HIV/AIDS childrenregardless diagnostics, to non-profits. The new infant ofsensitivities aim economic foods is to i) for use the developed earlymalnutrition,a model of tonew facilitatediligence scenario oneplanning was and, ultimately in the process, presented identified toinspiring, our the internal major Investment to venture fight philanthropy. The mobile work aand the statusto power get of markets a quality to secondary help alleviate healthcare mypoverty, education co-workers technologies, and and createwere both ii) organization pioneer the and challenging aasustainable new, problem-solvers integratedand non-profit the pharmaceutical continent and model. I would needs. supply Acumen The Committee. sustainable Over the summer This growth. summer I worked Working was for closely Agorafantastic with Partnerships,opportunity Colby Berger,an to thegain greater executive which exposure director,is on toto the offered the evolving forefront me invaluable of and building growing chain recommend Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Acumen Africa. Fund to I also anyone wrote who an is investment interested in committee using business memo models for one of address these deals, the mostfor a Club realm has committed ofinto social investing, over $7 taught million particularly me this:inStart ininPakistan the Something. todeveloping date, in ventures The world. Social aswas Enterprise diverse as Clubprivate, abasis, dairy was farm, even afrom more housing specific: insight what they term how the small impact abut evaluation intractable by problemsAcumen of innovative investing industry. social enterprise Though functions the notion on ofaand mobilizing daily learns return-seekingthevarious past Iredefine have developer, always your and used service aeconomic microfinance inFunds education poverty way investment asthat a way developing impacts institution. to committee. give your Investmentcountries. back community. tonew,This thereturns work communityToare this to both end, challenging my have be reinvested. summer volunteered Myand was rewarding, the primary with start as ofsuitewhatit and capital allowed plans to me affect for to the future. understand development the social investingisnt entirely space much Agoras better method and forced of offering me to start-ups consider the a full trade-offs Iresponsibilities high believe schools would over bethe atmy last lifes ten work: years.allamanagement This summer were I worked to assist with the the Alba feasibility Itheir wanted Collective, study towhich ofuse theon this how asummer microfinance is tounique non-profit make toinstitution this continue start-up dream this and workinghappen. tradition to create Ipromote focused but find a monthly ona 2way key of between questions: to reporting services have a social aimed greater Where/how system impactimpact. for addressing the and do Iwe entire financial found hire of aand Pakistan return. great motivate business In addition, opportunity portfolio. the needs best I learnedto the do isthis team teachers a great atat The fromamong Acumen deal Alba around about organizations Fund Collective, Africa? Acumens wastoaextremely in Where/how start the innovative up greater space. thatdoaims we The access committed Forpromote distinctiveness my the to2012 humanto serving summer rights of their the protections internship,Baseapproach of the for I worked translated poor Pyramid, women into making foroperational Amigos craft a phenomenal it aworkers very dedisadvantaged Jesus, acraft around exciting summer nonprofit the place experience world to orphanage work. through in which increased exposed me to business recruit to autonomy, the complexitiesmodel, the financial autonomy highest-performing andof also stability investing and about and financial students, many in education. emerging ofstability especially the markets aof AsAssociation poor the Creative where women challenges Design familiarity and workers entrepreneurs many? Business with any around With face theform Development other the SEinMacuelizo, world, summer the in developing of Consultant financing conjunction Honduras. world. fellowship, My Alba, internship ISince with traveled was its the withstart Self in and in Employed anone. school1997, around the foran Womens orphanage Nigeria children and has Ghana, with special been and (SEWA), supported needs research a inprojects.women's entirely Malawi, Haryana, trade by private Tanzania, a state union in donations Kenya Northern based and in India. from South outside for ofI spent debt isthe slim summer torole working As on organization, both I I of research having and tofieldanswer questions For my likeresearch How doesproject, venture Ahmedabad, the Africa created United to an createStates, India. economic where My a comprehensive model its founder, was for to them define Board implementation that the looked Trustees, target plan. at market their and expensesExecutive and business and Director operations current are sources based.forofthe I was company. revenue a to looked into examples of innovative design engagement in the social sector and web-based marketing capital I spent the Through member work? ofsummer applyingahow or Why Harvard-basedlearnings are in Johannesburg your from team returns my andyear, working RC so Cape much inaTown onframe higher conjunction than in Southwith Self-Sustainability banks Africa returns? and Nairobi, was Kenya a powerful where opportunity I conducted ItoolsI Imy project previous for the consulting orphanage. experience, The in understand for theus to luxury engage goods an in industry expansion meaningful in plan order would introspection, tothat help affect not62 their Albas least financials. becausebusiness our also model. answers helped For to identify the these fieldworksome questions new component, wentsources to research orphanage helped This travelled of summer, funding. the for to is Ashoka, hoping company Though IndiaIour worked for the a to two US-based expand define for work Ashoka, weeks was its NGO from value tooften its an NGO perform current supports proposition self-guided,focused market insocial children Ion researchthe still supportingentrepreneurs. value enjoyedto 180 and to chain, the within thework which worlds Ashokas the next is with leading opportunity helping the to primary three it years, social on Self-Employed reflect to activity completethus entrepreneurs. what Womens itsthe kinds foundation emerged revolves around the of need its existence. tonetwork explore of self-sustainability. Ashoka fellows around The self-sustainability the world. Ashoka project fellows sub-divided are successful into social first Based Association of product things in in thean order. Sao (SEWA) Paulo, organization I had to assess a Brazil fantastic IAshoka office, needed how Albaexperience my and internship could what and bekinds effective was consisted of skills able to I of in initiative helping had get work involved learned the inIndia. two women at and distinct HBS really ofthat SEWAareas. shape I now create As the could part morebusiness of to apply This workstreams: entrepreneurs and summer hopefully Ifundraising, worked whostart help are with nominated agribusiness, a internship company on andthat their designated will Housing microbusiness,impact everyFor the andAll year lives organizational through ofpowerful women in anature stringent and I assessed governance. communities evaluation Ilow-income owned inClube process. India the for An years Ashokas the sustainable non-profit Full Economic income world. The through Citizenship their initiative, craft. reminded I spent I worked me a week also to of develop the interviewing the initial craftswomen strategyof for non-monetary in rural the villages da rewards in housing agribusiness Ashoka to come. markets fellow and receivesin the urban organizational awas and stipend rural areas; (typically governance critical over market three workstreams, years), failures gets as along well the benefitas thethehousingoverarching ofthe value participating chain integration in inathousing the the wider of all My from Reforma, Gujarat, Summer a job a like listening Fellowship group this of to whereleading their one stories a unique actorsworks of from how experience directly the far social theywith working havechildren. and private come on andstaff-level sectors trying development active to in understand projects low-income their needs the going Asian provision network the workstreams.ofofpart goods Ashoka and fellows Our services final andoutput tobased also low totakes income the advantage Board populations; of Social of various Trustees initiatives other provided of analysis types an government, of supportof the private Ashoka opportunities and offers. citizen When Development sector. forward. As It was Bank. ofan the The incredible Bank Ashoka-McKinsey is experience in tothe Center be Philippines, for able to learn which Entrepreneurship, from is thea beautiful strength I location. worked of these with I was village a focused leading women on Ashokaand As Iexplored, sectorswasan aenergy intern consultant in future inand addressing ADB's for private projections, these McKinsey sector failures; immediateinin operations Chicago, analysis and forof department, example, housing long-term finance I performed I participated recommendations, products due in largest an and and diligence office identification key event decisionsfor where theoffor financing potential we spent theLatin Board. ofa clean Fellow, then Karen toMegawatt apply Worcman, my growth professional toprojects restructure skills toemerging the try tofinancial help Asian improve markets. management their I production was ofpart the of an intern capabilitiesvirtual classmuseum and with eventually MBAs in from their apartners Friday 250 Bringing helping along an Ashoka the objective gas-fired housing fellows analysis power value with and plant chain. their business in Myanmar Interacting new business acumen (Burma). withto plans,slum this My pro work dwellers, small, bono. emerging included the stars market developing of the nonprofitcitizen a sector sector created and Designed Chicago, America, level Cornell of income. and the developed Museu and The others da theschools. Pessoa. opportunity platform After for managing threeboth months chronic working andobstructive in the thisPhilippines, pulmonary disease we formed (COPD) friendships atofto work with Alba SEWA summer gavethis me analysis as well I as economic, atfinancial, technological, social, and environmental a evaluations. invaluable I was based applying tremendous based on what the and sharedhad lasting learned impact experience HBS allfor analyzing levels living inmy of a new thethe housing organization. country. market If you are has Personally, been interested I loved memorable in experience and despiteat fulfilling exposure Baganaheadquarters ADB's experience. being Capital to working complete Finance career ininisManila both an switch. India early throughout I and stage had the significant non-profit microfinance assignment sector. fund responsibility with and worked license and closely to operate leadership with indoing members opportunities Myanmar. developmentof the and found the work in Asia and building lasting friendships with people that have a common interest, the Asian infrastructure financing team, as well Asasawith work I had the challenging. privilege I is of learned working continuously for Bankable about a large Frontier the number nonprofit Associates of sector space, this and country working summer, a in emerging Boston-based experts from markets, consulting other and Development Bank a great place. result of this summer experience, I'm actively seeking post-MBA departments small firm organization specializing of the in accessbank. dynamics I to also while traveled financial being servicesto able Thailand tofor apply and theBankable and poor. Hong enhance The Kongfirm to what meet develops I potential learned during and arecommends corporate my first sponsors year strategies at employment involving either clean inenergy This summer afforded or economic policy in developing countries. and HBS. for commercial companies, banks me foundations the interested and privilege investing governments to work in to with Myanmar. expand financial Frontierservice Associates, offerings to Boston rural and consulting low-income firm specializing in financial inclusion forfor the poor. Principally, we recommend strategies for companies to to use Icustomers. spent thisbanking summer This summer, todeveloping I worked BASE Africaa the Banking andweb-based and Securities venture Commission focused areas ofon in enabling Mexico early-stage (CNBV) cell phone extend savings, loans, insurance into rural developing countries. I spent develop entrepreneurs a strategy in Africa to measure to successfullyand monitor build financial their businessesinclusion andin the contribute Mexican to population. wealth-creation Through on the supply- three The summer weeks Aswith afforded banks me and the telecom privilege clients to work in Malawi, fortoBe ASouth Good Africa, Doctor, andatimenon-profit Kenya. The umbrellabusiness organization cases I side continent. regulatory BASE reports Africas and co-founder, demand-side I was consumer able surveys, fully dedicate we attempted my to on recruiting collect enough a team, produced that BetterLessonruns healthcare were istheaused for-profitprograms tomarket inform startup with clients a social that and aims leadmission atransform Gates to launching to train Foundation new teacher studentworkshop professional leaders. rural Iconducting learned development. savings a information Itremendous in Tanzania. worked with segmenting to understand our target growth of and (which changes included to access, use, a comprehensive permanence and survey, impact of financial interviews services Concurrently, amount about I management worked for an African Ifacilitating havefocused gained government a sense to of design my leadership a new both social style transfer andUSI was payment able toinitiative apply my forin with BetterLesson the This summer various Mexican stakeholders, on population. I interneda range of with It and projects was Bizdom, a fascinating a nonprofit focus on product group experienceDetroit-based discussions management with a progressive entrepreneurship and in the marketing. client and who in acceleratorThese is Ghana), thinking included that deeply funds M.B.A. poor and management marginalized skills to populations. real life situations. Mobile banking My goal is a was field to with help the fascinating Santa Clara potential, Valley given Emergency the developing improving about howtheir a aspiring to test shapeuser website experience the and financial identifying testing industry process, strategic through developing partners. policy and marketing Having product established strategies, incentives. a foundation and analyzing for data ouris from Room and As anmentors improve healthcare entrepreneursdelivery byto training launch in interpreters innovative, tech-based for their immigrant businesses. population, Bizdoms standardizing mission widespread venture, pilot HBS programs I will ownership Social Enterprise continue that tested of to cell work their phones Summer on alpha refiningworldwide, Fellow product. the 2010, even business among I worked model the for and Bluepoor. testingCrossthe Blue Shield online Massachusetts platform in threetoas the transform an management Internal Detroit Strategy of and these & Clevelands Operations patients,Consultant. economies and creating from I wasa highlyskilled being a member over-reliant of team the on with Business manufacturing an Consulting explicit focus toGroup economies on an that pilot With the improved rooted countries inon healthcare (Ghana, entrepreneurship end result.throughoutreform Nigeria I had the debate and and opportunityKenya) in full swing, innovation. over over the the I gotincluding, the to worknext summer course year. on ofaofvariety the 2009 was antoexciting few months to beme not summer of projects work thisclosely summer withhelping physicians focuses working at projects Blue Cross Blueas Shield the organization ofoperating Massachusetts, a large but non-profit limited health to, planbusiness and aprocess leader in payment explore in Summer order both to fully Associates the nonprofit grasp work the and details fullstartup of members community. of Blue programs From Ridge's coaching within team, aMy entrepreneurs hospital. providing Overall, strategic one-on-one itsupport was a rewarding to the about improvement, project management, and organizational design. consulting project focused on the business and experience Foundation coverage development, that and reformhas our efforts greatly portfolioto developing atorganizations. informedaand state online myandfuture national curriculum, is work Itorganizations an level. to As(i.e. in healthcare. researching aopportunity summer associate potential within funding the sources, Business I was Myexcellent relationship between BCBSMA provider physician to do offices, hands hospitals, on work ancillary related to This able Consulting past to apply summer Group,my Isocial I worked interests worked inat the primarily Boston entrepreneurship on twoBallet. projects. while role making The was first aessentially difference was strategic athat as fascinatinginathe strategic community initiative advisor aimedI grewto the atup in. technology-based services, etc.) and included innovation, chartering venture/impact an internal investing, executive counciland will consulting. focus on the I gained coordination amazing of Executive reducing Director non-urgent and use General of the Manager, emergency helping room the by organization investigating andaddress implementing a variety of strategic, various strategiesfinancial, Developed strategy exposure and for operational tostrategic interactions all aspects issues plan with to ofwiththe takeproviders. their investmentBallet The process, Schools. project The and - agot involved project cloud-based tobegancreating meet with withplatform anmany approach understanding designed other forleading the to development the scale impact actual the cost-andtoof increase knowledge the of access how to toofcare care and realign forI critically member illconducting children and provider - interviews from small,of incentives. home-grown For the start-up second to of project, expanding, I worked stand- the venture During council, thecapital managing summer investors. project 2012, logistics, with key stakeholders and leading council with basis alone the of the entity.Sales schoolsorganization since to worked central assess resourcesandfor the develop had Branson never Centre recommendations been allocated Entrepreneurship, toto improve thethe Schools. sales part From support Virgin this forUnited discussions. In addition to my project work, throughout the summer I had opportunity to meet the BCBSMAs Worked Foundation information, on 10improving armclear itlargest was of theRichard employer that the development Bransons customers. Schoolsprocesses Virgin faced In addition conglomerate. an annual at to this Bridge 20% The project funding International mission work, gap. Iofhad This Academies thethe Centre information, opportunity to aid is to the as to leaders identify well launch meetasand of across foster senior other the local diagnostic leaders organization entrepreneurial from analyses,across and was thehear talent, about usedwith organization, to craftthe the beliefoperations newthat aparticipate development and strategy entrepreneurship in professional strategy of a large feeds development and message non-profit development health gearedasand sessions, insurer. specifically was I 80 aschools also had the in Kenya opportunity over the toearn summer. volunteer with the BCG atin Boston Health CareInternational for the Homeless asinon part of$1 M entrepreneurs As at 2012School Ballet fortunate Social enough create Enterprise Parents. jobs, to volunteer receive The Summer newtaxable the Fellow, campaign BCBSMA revenue, Iwill Innovation got beto etc. work While launched with Healthcare with thethe this Bridge fall awardBranson and isfor aCentre, projectedproposal I worked to Academies, bring to apply overtwothe concepts BCBSMAs largest in discrete contributedchain BlueCrew projects: ofrevenue. private reviewing schools In additionand efforts. in Africa updatingtotothe My and summer the work the global Centre's on experience messaging leader key performanceat and BCBSMA in providing development, was high quality indicators, incrediblyandeducation Icapital analyzed rewarding designing the to Schools and not from Ichildren spent the the Behavioral summer Economics interning for fieldBridges BCBSMAs Ventures, plan a offerings. socially responsible venture firm based in only for the of exposure parents living to the on consulting less than $2/day. role and The the theappeal impact I had of commercial working through with my this Theproject organization work, but also for the towas oneits offocus profitability giving a negotiations by location training and recommended workshop to the that Branson institution Centre entrepreneurs. consider closing or is relocating KPI work was fascinating their on London. learning Bridges Iduewas able Ventures toeight gainsolutionisabout an investment the health company insurance whoseindustry and BCBSMAs expertise unique usedposition deliver as both aa leader providing This facilities from summer, an a academic market-based toI spent consistent perspective. weeks and working significantto Determining the problem at losses, Brigham which of issues lack metrics and with ofWomen's access werethe actual most to Hospital quality important building, (BWH) education and in in terms a Boston for lack of the of on showing 70% scale joint of and financial in health returns reform and at the socialstate and and environmental national level. benefits. The founders and employees of the company Africans project between living inat the base-of-the-pyramid. departments of Anesthesia Iimprove worked andperformance, on Trauma, aforces due diligence Burn, and project Surgical toendeavor, Critical evaluate Care. beinternational output, opportunity impact, and the quality of the Branson Centres programs was Iaentrepreneurship challenging rivaled The goal only by believe This past that summer capitalism Ilocal completed ismarket. aforgood a To 10-week thing, further andinternshipthat market at Brigham and and recommended Women's Hospital changes canthe (BWH) inharnessed their in Boston, current toof was determining expansion ticketing to improve opportunities promotions how outcomes best and to outside capture retail patients of this strategy. Kenya, undergoing data accurately. where emergency Bridge Similarly, International surgery securing by standardizing currently benchmarks runs 84 for Academiesmanagement targets was serving an do MA. well I worked by doing within good. the The Department companys of funds Surgery, invest specifically in businesses on acutebased care in regeneration surgery and its areas associated and in Ithese spent iterative over patients ten 25,000 weeks process and children inthiscreating aMy summer context from asuchhighly low-income in interning which skilled qualitywith families. team Calvert data Mywith isclose Social focusan extremely explicit was Investment focus primarily limited. on Foundation The on caring assessing forAsemergent Negotiations ("Calvert the market Module Foundation"), surgical and I surgery sustainable perioperative business care. sectors project focused asand the on environment, trying tothe education the gap toandbetween healthcare. outcomes afor summeracute care intern, I patients. an organization designed regulatory Ipatients spent the I dynamics was had summer the thatopportunity modeled channels of low-cost working after an at debt over Introduction private Calvert, the aequity course education socially tocapital of Negotiations to in Nigeria, responsible summerunderservedAnalysis Ghana mutual work individuals and closely course fund. Uganda.Thethat withacross IItotook firm physicians spent the at is currently thethe world firstin Kennedyorder in order part working oftoto reviewed with new a lead business time plansof 24 to hours assess or less potential and elective new patients investment scheduled opportunities days and weeks researched prior, through attractive fully to fostergrasp a more the details equitable of the and surgical sustainable process, society. as well Calvert's as to better capital, understandraised through the businessthe sale processes of of the School both more business The summer last decreasing closely mission year. sectors. in of Nairobi, integrate our Designing theI also venture, where variability its worked the social I worked scenarios, and research closely CancerScan, uncertainty closely with payoff isdivision tothe with inmatrices, into the the process managers "reduce its the co-founder and equity ofwas number the feedback and research and bringing socialof people Chief forms Strategy functionality. the entrepreneurs who was quality die incrediblyOfficer of fund of Historically, patient cancer". andthat to fun, get as care Monitor We fund tothe some was an electronically grounding hospital. watching I thein was traded the also business entrepreneurs investment able to model witness test notes, and and several how hone helps it their to procedures is finance leveraged own andsocial negotiatingto create enterprises, exposedhigh-quality abilities! to micro-credit Allsomein primary all,of itthewas institutions, education issuesan incredibly at make an even management consultantshigher level. to has develop been I was outsourced aninvolved investment with and all outside thesis aspects around managers of thethe project, lack created of including social portfolios housing mapping fromstock socially process in the screened UK,flows where to stock I was affordable focused ultra-low healthcare valuable on housing, cost,cancer both summer. resulting screening fair trade challenging in5affordableservices, andcooperatives exciting. especially tuition and Overall, community the of $4/month. it breast was aand cancer development The great second screening experience, part financial of inthe which Japan institutions summer and started greatly informed was ("CDFI'S"). spentour my inan I identify lists. shocked Over problem to the learn summerareas, that 1and interviewing Calvert in people launched livenumerous its inenabled public first surgeons in-house housing. Imanaged also anesthesiologists, enjoyed fund as an socializing experiment developing with family of aandvision how and close for friends worked market Lagos, future research. in work conductingthe in Lending Inon-the-ground healthcare Japan, the andAdvisory screening hopefully Service research rate and team ofmeeting breast me to identify cancer tovalidation impact with newamong potential the investment care women government of surgical opportunities above 40scorporate patients and isthe only here 20% support in partners Boston. ties and IT between system the otherof equity the 40 future, or soresearch HBSand internsand evaluating social in London research data needsthis could summer. for better decision of our making. goals. The I started team I worked summer with at1) I the (compared to $130 understand better million to US 70%). opportunitiesWith I companies hadmany thefor opportunity researches collaboration and toequity workinterviews pre- on several and to consumers, post-market meaningful entry. medical projects Being acheckup this Nigerian, summer: service itfund. was screening BWH was consumer extremely staples friendly and helpful, from and both gave me and interesting social criteria assignments for inclusion with a high in the level newof providers underwrote doubly and rewarding anprofessionals equity ableincluding beinvestment inaamedical new inindustry doctors aand initiative politicians, to andprovide wecurrency have concluded hedging that and thematerials, related issue After Itomaintained to financial play role bringing scalable financially sustainable model allto isfund launch coverage isofmany. independence and responsibility. The physicians and three staff Iindustries: interviewed consumer, and asked technology, for help were and very that services private causing towith education such microfinance a the forwith lowthe screening institutions; poor to a research rate 2) country Iin Japan recommended with so ato MARKETINGentry I plan intoto issue, the continue notsupporting "green a category," MEDICAL issue. the tying expansionIt in is triple all and generous worked closely their time and social thoughts. For aanalyst medical monitor student the more performance immersed in of our clinical holdings considerations, thoseit about 'creating bottom project line during results myawareness' 2nd(financial, year and here social'increasing at and HBS, and the environmentalI amaccessibility.' looking returns) forwardSince to itCalvert to iscontinuing a marketing Foundation's what issue, has our mission been knowledge a togreat was industries. enlightening to 3) see the other issues that a impact healthcare delivery, tyingand learned at HBS should work. We developed business model and assembled thebottom the many to team challenges tackle this faced by alleviate learning poverty; experience. I recommended entry into the "green category," triple line results healthcare organizations going forward. Carewrite is an easy-to-use mobile tool that helps caregivers better coordinate care for their loved ones. Imagine adultI children acting as caregivers for their foradult parents who are managing chronic disease.that This summer spent time interning atand theother Center Financial Services Innovation (CFSI), a nonprofit Juggling appointments, medications, daily tasks can be extremely stressful. Caregivers, often promotes quality Bayfinancial services for underbanked consumers toin theshare U.S. These consumers arecaregiving. typically relying The Monterey on a notebook, Aquarium's are individuals ill-equipped Seafood to Watch coordinate Program everything works and engage and the empower responsibility consumers of and low- to moderate- income and frequently use alternative financial service providers such as businesses WithTang Carewrite, to purchase we hope seafood to better that equip isMedicare fished family orand farmed and friendsin ways of loved that minimize ones with impacts aInnovation tool that on the will payday Robin lenders, worked check at the cashers, Centers and forpawnshops. I supported Medicaid CFSIs Services Research (CMS) and in Baltimore, MD,team where and he environment. meaningfully Ben improve Chostner the worked quality of with patient the Program care and to reduce identify the ways stress inof which caregiving. education could promote venture helped author capital a affiliate Report Core to the Innovation Congress Capital. on value-based My projectspurchasing focused for on physician sizing the services. underbanked Although the combined The Central business Bank ofand Iraqsustainability (CBI), equivalent gains. to His the research Federalthe Reserve focused in onthe gathering United States, first-hand is responsible information forfrom 2009 marketplace, health reform developing debate early centered stage around research coverage, on the economics less-glamorous of the prepaid field of financial supply payment chain,system reform andintoin may in industry ensuring leaders domestic on price the market stability drivers and fostering of agriculture sustainable a stable seafood. competitive These market findings based were synthesized aIraq. Ifact identifying workedhold with the key industry CIAT, to acontrolling sustainable trends that coststropical emerged while from actually CFSIs improving research annual healthcare institute, Underbanked on quality. developing Conference. Many a health program For CFSI, policy myto enable work perspective The CBI also ofpromotes the areas sustainable of highest growth, business employment, demand for sustainability and prosperity information, in Iraq. This along summer, with I the worked areas as experts Nicaraguan helped My summer believe both smallholder broaden that internship theand dairy current gave deepen farmers Medicare their tounderstanding mitigate payment and system, adapt of some called to the ofprojectfee-for-service, effects the verticals of putting climate withinhas change the helped while underbanked drive an for advisor highest to theprotecting Seafood Governor Watch ofme impact the the opportunity Central potential. Bank ofto Iraq. work My at Charleston main County was School District, together awhich proposal to explosive simultaneously marketplace. growth For in me, American the and internship healthcare enhancing provided costs their awithout livelihoods. more comparable nuanced The project look results. at was consumer framed Payment financeas for a shared value for value low-income defined create serves This a approximately summer, Sovereign my Wealth experience 43,000 / Reserve students atthe the Fund Charter in 80 for public Schoolthe country. schools. Growth TheI Fundwas purpose responsible opened of my the for eyesSovereign a number toand social Wealth of projects enterprise / Reserve in a initiative, with the engagement of the private sector, whose for theobjective ofwas to invest in the ofresilience families as maximizing and excited medical of Fund during is myto invest summer achain. atme small outcomes CCSD. about portion Two ofobtained possibility projects Iraqs oil inper of proceeds whichdollar entrepreneurshipspent I participated might benefit within were be the the the this answer,space. development long term most a experts ofgrowth vehicle and who fleet their way believe Managed I entire did not Medicare valueenvision adevelopment rebranding mustbefore lead project thejoining for way. HBS.The a non-profit It's final easy report that to assume will promotes be that available sustainable nonprofits to the food are tofull public chefs inand Maydo-gooders and 2010. restaurants economic management strategy and of the an analysis country. of Theexisting Funds schoolreturns capacity would to be beused used to in finance the planning build of future Iraqs war- could care less about the bottomMy line. These assumptions were shattered duringto myuse tenure at the Charter capital torn Steveinfrastructure projects worked withfor and the senior district. createmanagement economic internship opportunities on projects gave me ranging numerous and employment from opportunities budget for analysis itstopeople. to service and In addition,improve delivery theupon for School Growth Fund as I discovered an organization that paid close attention investment fundamentals the objective residents. skills I oflearned the Specifically, fund at HBS. would he objective be got theimpact to avoid opportunity the resource tothe learn curse aboutrate Iraq theoutcomes.will department'sface when its economy six community is solely service as Theit project focused hadintensely theexport main on social and achieving intended ThisPediatrics summer, I applied sound dependent business centers on --principles deep-diving the andinto ofthe rigorous oil strategy a of asanalysis source reducing andtoof make economic operations no-show a tremendous growth. of the centers the General During difference tothe come incourse theup of the American with Clinic ideas summer, in education for diverse I met Minneapolis. with several The senior population officials at served the Centralby the Bank Clinic of isIraq,mainly at thea low-income Ministry of inner Finance, city andand ethnically Members of Ipopulation. system. had theThis improvement. opportunity internship to spend validated my the summer importance as a Baltimore of the nonprofit City Mayoral sector Fellow to society working and in the highlighted Baltimore the Parliament toHigh gather no-show their rates thoughts have and significant discuss impact their on concerns. the SchoolStat, Clinic's At the day-to-day same operations time,committed I continued (re- tomaking refine the City impact Public business Schools' leaders Central and Office. HBS I continueworked to inmakean officeto the called valuable organizations a small office dedicated to to dataa The scheduling, proposal Mayor's and Office follow-up the of structure Women's with missing of such Advancement patients, an institution was waiting to recently for reflect patients established what to Ive show-up, learned by Boston etc.) from Mayor and the also politicalMartyhave and Walsh a to analysis, difference accountability, in thewith world. and performance improvement for the school system. As a memberaffect of thiswomen team, I work significant economical inclusively impact situation on public, the of the private, population's country. and health Finally, non-profit at outcomes my last partnersas week inon patients key Baghdad, issues fail to get the that the significantly Governor care they of the need, Central while Bank, Iand worked spent the on asummer variety working ofBoston. projects inMy Calgary, that enabled in the me office to learn offocused Mayor about Naheed the work Nenshi. of aa large Calgary urban is one school of Canadas district. increasing girlscities,inwaiting the City of metsummer theinternship on designing parental leave policy the largest One Minister ofEducation myas ofand projects islists Finance, located involved forand appointments. inI, Alberta, helping with to which open Secretary is with four the new General western-most alternative of the province schools Council in inaof the Ministers 90-day country. timeframe. and Mayor the Nenshi Prime This foris proposal, As Minister an to well discuss Pioneers as the developing idea Fellow,of the I collaborated establishinginternal strategy the sovereign (including the Mayor's wealth mission, Office fund. My to operating identify experience plans issues in andand Baghdad priorities) propose this the project first Muslim quickly mayor gave me of an a major appreciation North American for the city, tremendous and is the amount most of popular work that mayoris in required the country. to effectively solutions related to education, municipal revenue, economic development, public safety, the summer Relatively My create Office. summer a newwas This unheard with fabulous aschool. phenomenal the of City Aonly summer second ofsixpersonal Chicago weeks projectexperience experience, before Mayor's was to his strengthened Office 2010 conduct but gavesadly, election, a into memy review itthe hecommitment also exposed opportunity secured ofinner the Office me Calgarysto oftotoworking workthe Suspension onon mayorality aand bureaucracy, women's variety afterof the Services, public sustainability. advancement incompetency, issues, and the and corruption provided that an mires enlightening Iraq, leaving look little roomtheexpulsionsformunicipal workings well-intentioned of local government. individuals policy office executing Mayor projects that Mitch a handles stunning and Landrieu learncampaign was from review elected one offocused all of on long the on Februarycountry's term grassroots suspensions 6, most 2010, and successful social taking and media over from organizing.My in former theleaders, district. Mayor Mayor summer Ray My task to Richard the was drive change. Daley. review Mayor's theAny Between office adjustment process has the seen and ongoing to procedures me the working status bid 350,000 forof the inthequo two 2016 is office,met Olympic different with analyze stiff Games areas. bestresistance One and practices was as theworking government impending from other within $420 employees Citymillion districts, andbudget Administration, have make Landrieu become inherited afraid ofthe a change city of over andTransit, more importantly, people that feel was still recovering the Hurricane Katrina, a category deficit, My internship recommendations for five the storm this executives summer in offor was Mayor's Calgary certainly improving Office the an of interesting Operations helping performance thenearly time of apathetic was transit toan the work agency exhilarating Office. towards in City structure Overall, Hall. learning exercisemy and Mysummer inand particular launch diving self-development. their was into projects a completely extremely first ever were thirty I believe varied, unfamiliar year challenging thein but strategic and which biggest situation includedplan. extremely 80% impediment with developing Having ofno theidea limited rewarding. Cityto anwhat flooded growth aspect experience to inand expect. of Iraq the in is Olympics The public 1,800 theOffice current transit, bid, people of political helping Operations I found lost to the their leadership devise focuses lives. experience a of Amid the management on increasing to be that country. rich backdrop, plan in Given for IMayor spent Landrieu the summer isaccountability. confronted working forwith Mayor Itchallenges Kevinpolitical Johnson facing many (MKJ), urban a former mayors NBA increase crime, point guard failing andfor the sectarian conflicts between the various parties, schools, the Phoenix transparency learning the dysfunctional Suns ongoing who opportunities issummer now and operations government mayor andof of the have city's Sacramento, bureaucracy, emphasizes developed$100 million a keen Californias shrinking cooperation Chicago tax interest capitol base ingovernment Riverwalk city. and andthe strives topic. mounting Despite project, toministries My being second pension and awhere are analyzing experience government obligations. hesitant improveinefficiencies job, was My to make therole any Icoordination working and spentchanges my potential directly or betweenuse improvements with the working the power City agencies. Mayor, inin of the the parliament his office city's I chief was of online of effectively. responsible Sacramento staff, payments policy IMayor for had and a high project Kevin infrastructure. communications expectations to Johnson, help BeyondCity team,to make agencies these I areduce developed helping difference projects, write and Iand also in wasa had to Mayors short evaluate period office options of wastime; incredibly for the however, structure entrepreneurial. I learned of the that Citys in I hadmunicipal post-conflict a great pension mentor, developing funds, a recent the countries HBS most alum change effective who will spearheaded way take to a invest very prevent began implementing outstanding property an economic violations. indevelopment cityIin also contributed strategy. I to worked tworegularaother with initiatives. local public The and first private sought briefings, the The our opportunity Office internship attending of Sacramento tomake program, learn ad-hoc about Mayormeetings, various Kevin andJohnson departments general, offered learning an through how invaluable the Mayor meetings opportunity, ran hiswith throughoffice members and their Isector of to learning Summer Mayor ofand pension long time fund,unless and thecritical right I Graffiti recommendations leadership sat aFreenews is inscenes" on ways to setup present with information youthful toand energetic theChicagopublic and vibe.interest increase leaders Daley's about the tothe cabinet identify efficiency on-going and enjoyed issues theregional being "behind economic managed. the NYC We issues, programtours covered craftedand ofalmostthe the the second Mayors facilities every re-examined that topic economic keep that touches development the effectiveness functioning municipal agenda, of absolutely Mayoral groups. Iand spent Fellowship eight loved weeks the Program, political thisSection summer environment to work working closely for and with sharing Sacramento a dynamicthis Mayorcommon and visionary Kevin interest Johnsons mayorwith and so office. manyhis staff. coworkers. I focused I was onservicetruly The smoothly. New government pursued York City quick in Charter Canada, wins (e.g., from streamlining 195 land which use zoning permitting). mandates the Iprocess to provincial/municipal also planned for City and agencies relationships, hosted toaand regional lease from office Economic police space. I project honored I was to be assigned selected was as a a 2010 stretch Summer for my Fellow. background: Throughout I was tothe design course a bond-type of my eight investment week summer vehicle, Summit, helping gathered management I never thought the which Mayor tremendously to brought road develop it payments would networktogether valuable be such ideas design.over to lessons revitalize a valuable 50 key in how local downtown experience to business, think goingSacramentolabor, analytically in. civic, Actually,andand academic, identify creatively, I didnt more and mobilize reallyfor government internship know diverse what to as a whereby experience, interest I gained invaluable are insight backed through by utility regular savings and from meaningful energy retrofit access projects, to Mayor Johnson, public county grew leaders opportunities populations expect to align (having and for behind cityby synthesize never youth. worked and activate For largein Armed thethis amounts Mayors work,sector public ofIHBSs conducted economic information or even development policy into having aresearch cohesive ever agenda.and visited whole. also Throughout Sacramentomet withbefore). many my summer, local Working I leader investments Given on and my manager interest into K-12 in urban leading schools. education the business with reform, planning Ifirst was first process selectedyear toteam finance work with coursework, on direct management Ithe did my best to(MKJ)research relied developers the and knowledge business Iowners. acquired Induring my spare my time, year I that also at will volunteered HBS, including asMayor both part ofKevin the tangibleJohnsons Mayors (the ongoingLeading responsibilities, with finance education The Office vehiclespolicy. of and and Mayor I was delivered comparables, Kevin provided a Johnson high with assess impact (OMKJ) the task the product riskiness of helping and the of the to inCity be of investment launch a Sacramento critical an the success idea, intermediary provided and factor create (STAND mein the with cash UP flow political Change I had a fantastic campaign unit ofof my summer toLeadership reform working theand city charter. forOrganizational Mayor The Kevin internship Behavior gave class) meand the unique intangible opportunity(the ability tofor both to quickly transformation tremendous models. I learned learning Sacramentos alevellot onfrom so manywatchingpublic different education my levels. boss, one I,Johnson system. along of the My with most Sacramento, project the four successful was othertoCA. I was develop Fellows networkers able apolitics from new Ive to lead HBS, business met. projects was Overall quite I participate Sacramento craft that a coherent, were inSchools directly high intelligent related aka thinking STAND to argument the UP) about Mayors tothat improve a number plan comes for the of from the quality policy speaking city, issues of Up, lead Sacramento and in meetings sectionlearn with public about every leaders schools. the day). from Specifically, associated throughout the model fortunate learned Iregion, spent for my a to the lot have summer education-based about had making the opportunity difficult nonprofit decisionsto work organization, in on the interesting, face Standof high-profile uncertainty, which was projects prioritizing launched of great out relationships ofimportance Mayor over to with below municipal were ofatmy a clean energy project development firm founded in August a2008 by former ofsome government. particular ForIbehalf speak atEnergy meetings on also responsibilities really enjoyed my/I was accomplishments: exposure to Mayor Established Johnson, thetruly organizations unique person the technical Johnsons Department and official future leader. details, office non-profit Sacramento. of several and status; the yearsups officials. Develop andthe ago. The Atof first downs the the foundersthe 3-4of framework Mayor, timeweeks, being of my wanted and afor have politician. arrival, to key focused use events aStand tangible theirThe on with getting impact experience Up industry lacked educational aon acclimated knowledge was the clear city absolutelyto direction stakeholders;and of the Sacramento. culture previousand Apply and for It Ibusiness spent developing was an unforgettable! experienced my extremely summer a presentation limited working entrepreneurial progress. on for the the Drawing Climate Intermodal environment, upon Change transportation the despite Initiative Nonprofit being at facility the imbedded Coherence William being in J. Clinton designed/built Framework, a political Foundation. arena. learned at the in I mywas The Railyards given Leading start-up experience funding; Interview to promote founding clean energy. staff; Devise Specifically, distribution they planlook forforward white to paper satisfying on the the concept Presidents of main portion sizeable focus of ofIthe responsibility downtown. Climate atTherean Change Initiative iswas to advise governments that are switching Ito itcleaner and /early and This Governing summer High spent Performing ten weeks was in stage, some Nonprofit Port-au-Prince, urgency and Organizations to able mytoand Haiti, work report HBS working ascourse, the thewith Mayor results Itheprovided was of my Clinton presenting work. aplan disciplined Foundation, spoke atprocess ontheatatotwo U.S. Clintonto STAND E3 potentially goalsUP; ofCraft less energy marketing expensive security, sources branding economic of strategy; energy. development, For Develop my internship detailed, environmental I worked3-year action with quality. the I was ; Recommend governments pleased of join several Conference press surface Health conferences and Access of clarifyMayors Initiative and the Institute had desired (CHAI) to field on outcomes City questions Design for from Standmeeting the Up. media. in My Denver, final I spoke CO deliverable onafter July Mayor was23, 2009. a Johnson coherent For the at an business lastevent,5-6 organizational them as the firm structure, addressed external all project thethe partner problems with the relationship Haitian associated Ministry targets, with building and of Health. operational renewable Following theto earthquake over artastrategy ICaribbean hadhealth-focused the privilege nations of that spending energy powerMKJ. plants HBS ofas giving model weeks, 400 provided unprecedented an 8-minute framework I wasme focused with scale speech awhichNGOs onare solid includingmy developing about included primary arrived framework my firm asummer in new film Haiti. structure, with geothermal projecttrying mission The which working industry, goal financing to energy in offor statement, approachthethe tofront figure resources. ofClinton project options, over clearly outand my summer Health in130 how Examining defined which site local to Access build intended I offer was selection. internship. anewInitiatives project industry involved arena impact, I Its truly from leaders was for curriculum (CHAI) theory appreciatedthe toto as redesignBoston well of isthefilled the headquarters. reporters perspective change, Sacramento and from of Kings both aCHAI many government short NBA partners of the franchise. and local long with and termgovernments newspapers. using This my strategic was industry important I and was goals. other knowledge also because able Essentially, organizations to and the meetI finance city served risksto extremely as experience losing an better influential internal the access to Kings advise people consultantto HIV/AIDS on another city Iandworkedspeed opportunity with rigorous with upto the aaddCommunity coursework accreditation value at that Health an process organization provides Center system inthat technical Allston, forisnt and future MA in a to practical and develop position existing training. to aoffer NGOs. software In a with This salary. addition tool isits to critical sothe they forcould classes NGOs monitor that toI this get care throughout best working if through course comprehensive, to the of lower action accelerate summer. costs tangible wasthe and To personally has name organizations plans grown are a few, and not phenomenally I professionally met thinking developed with around by fast gubernatorial rewarding. March how in the 2010 Stand eight candidate Working (the Up years should NBAs since and file my current achieve to founding. colleagues move its Mayor full While at of deadline). potential. the San their legal took patient's status, that providedbuy drug drugs, an adherence.and extension lay With the of bases my funding for undergraduate from the Harvard Ministry educationto Medical coordinate and School NGOs' professional I will continue efforts.background During that project the in project for I growth As This a Francisco, Clinton Filipino-French was has Foundation the resulted Gavin project Newsom, citizen in was I washelping an that NFL excellent really over grew Legend looking two up million in introduction Roger forward the Europe Craig, people, toto and the given but the Kamala spent non-profit my focus passion a on Harris, cumulative front-office sector for candidate and and 3+ I am interest expansion years for grateful in California in the working has to Philippines the come Attorney in Social Sports at at had least exposure marketing, the next to organizational year. several views behavior, of the situation, finance, from strategy, theand opportunity entrepreneurship, to see on I the took ground a class the entitled devastating the on multi-month expense Enterprise full-time. General and of Initiative After currentthebreaks, working back-office. and District Iwith itshave always supporters Attorney the Specifically, Mayor taken of for San (and an the enabling interest finance Francisco. the great this in department giving back valuable staff/volunteers), experience.lacked to one I my the truly ofCorporate my policies believe homein and countries. hisprocedures vision In to for This effects summer,ofefficiently Entrepreneurship the I worked earthquake, inand for Education an to organization working Reform closely (EEF)called withthat theofficersCommittee fromthe the Encouraging Haitian Ministry of Philanthropy Health. The new itwas 2011, operate multiple articles across began the surfacing globe. Iwill was regarding tasked an with directly anti-corruption helping relatedCFO website to create inasummer India central that project. audit allowed I utilized function citizens to Sacramentos (CECP), system a whichnonprofit future I helped organization to have implement high whose hopes for mission save what NGOs it is tocan time elevate become and the allow in the level them years and to to nature focus come.onof corporate their mission. giving. It At also the ensure knowledge Strategic to anonymouslythe Operations country obtained report offices in bribes my andthey strategy Boston had and paid, with headquarters organizational the behavior aggregatedeffectively cooperated data classes used to conceptualize toCEOs, and reform thatleaders the processes. operations a vision This ranand its core, created mission CECP synergies for STAND is a CEO andUP membership cooperation and develop a forumit opportunities detailed has action a among membership plan NGOs. over the of Overall nextover it 180 three was a great years. I experience also of Fortune incorporated that 500 gave inspired smoothly. me I and drew a onManila-based my HBS classroomfriend to emulate experience the concept. throughout By my early time 2012, at CHAI we had leveraging a beta website the basics and of companies The me project the casework opportunity from across included the mysupport toidentifying, classes globe. apply focusedTen some years proposing, ofNGOs on theold,lessons CECP entrepreneurship structuring, was from formed the and when firstexecuting for the MBA-year thinking purposes partnership about in of engaging adrawing challenging the rightdeals with founding corporate context. strategic staff for some accounting preliminary to understand from the local fundamental and requirementsa university. of This the summer, policies and generously onfunded LEAD by changethe Social leadership partners/organizations STAND UP and in the practice developing in order of our philanthropy, to growof start-up the organizing operational company's convenings budget. customer My strategy.atwhere EEF base. class ItCEOs also could taught involved me discuss ahow a number to corporate think of about This summer, management Enterprise citizenship marketing Itheory Institute, worked responsibilities with oneCity. forasdetermining allowed another the me including Director andto devotethe Process best myself and implementation over Execution 2research months to Community advance The Lab, opportunity the website non-profit to and understand berefine startup the all of based how thea key concept. in large New stakeholders York non-profit involved Community manages inauthoring the critical creating Lab public engages back-office provocative neweducationaadvertisements robust functions sector. network was I was that and an of pushes leveraging able volunteers invaluable companies to strategically Google to experiencework AdWords to devise with and themore a worlds has strategy given This summer marketing forward that would to thinking createI worked increase andvalue with awareness strategic forofall thethose Inter-American about and to reach their philanthropicDevelopment new potential activities. Bank customers. Myinof Barbados project forhigh this a special summer wasinitiative to figure largest me awhere development deeper appreciation organizations the toinvolved challenges build and high-quality, faced further by global MKJs sustainable NGOs. goal systems providing that meet quality thecountries schools health, for called out all of This summer, Compete Sacramentos CECP with Caribbean. should children. the generous focus Compete its future Caribbean research s purpose efforts. The is to task spur was growth a challenging in Caribbean one because it involved education and nutrition needs ofsupport underserved of thecommunities HBS Social Enterprise worldwide. Initiative, Community I worked Lab for wasthe a fairly new through balancing the creation several different of research considerations. and knowledge products, strengthening of the business reforms by Congressional organization The Cristo Rey when Oversight Network I joined, ofPanel andofmy private the role Catholic forFor Troubled theone, high Asset summer schools CECP Relief haswashad Program, to two achieved analyzemain one audiences, eachof unprecedented U.S.CEOs of their Government major success andoperating CGOs in agencies sending lines. government (corporate and giving business officers), climates, and more and often directlythan supporting not, these firms groups with had matching different grants demands and and cluster preferences In responsible low conjunction income for studentswith overseeing the to CEO, college. the I assisted U.S.Cristo Treasurysin the Rey definition employs deployment an of the innovative ofathe short/long-term financial model bailout whereby strategic funds. each direction As part student offoritseach works development. for information. This summer, operating deployment line, Mythe role Second, ofIindrafted had TARP at the operating Compete CECP opportunity funds, hadthe Caribbean recently to work procedures U.S. Treasury for was undergone forCristoeach, to acquired launch a Rey and change New warrants worked matching in Yorktoin Board Highsetmoregrant leadership School afor timeline thanfund in270 (Enterprise East and forbank its Harlem. the new build-out holding The ofone Innovation Chairman Challenge day had school per requestedweek is a part Fund) a afor corporate businesses comprehensive of the aJuly national environment Networkregistered strategic in doing review of private, 15 CARIFORUM filing for college 2011 and to clerical preparatory,countries. 2012. work Therefore, I Catholic reported major any directly law future high schools firms, to research the banks focusing programsand project on each companies. group. Over COPs course Oversight of the aaofReport, This summer, summer, TARP I component was Repayments, alsoabout involved Including inofmarketing, the Repurchase staffing, developing a of Stock Warrants, Executive hospitals. would students examined have fromthe toIvalue Director The had students fall low in the and income ofline privilege acted are these with paid as families.a new warrants working full salary fledged strategic Using and which a for Dalberg funds directionalbeit, unique evaluated work Global Treasurys manager. study 70% Development one model efforts the that tocost to had keep resell ofAdvisors, nottheir tuition them annual yetdevelopment been niche affordable, back consulting tuition. determined. to the the In issuing client/partner firm addition, specializingthey relationships, gain in international confidence and and working development an with impressive the and first resume, volunteer globalization. making teams Dalberg them engaged operates attractive in in college 10 offices candidates. projects across the Finally, This banks. students summer CECP I Community was work sought (South the one lead day to African fulfill financial athe week one winter), in of analystjob its aims Iasharing worked onschool, in theteams particular; for July Dalberg reportand thought Global their team leadership. Development That toAdvisors is, it wanted inofJohannesburg, the next through Americas, Although research IEurope, themewas to Africa, based be Lab. in one Working and that East South was in Asia Harlem fresh; startup with one agave that global the me would direct staff majority ofsalaries inspire of and exposure approximately my the was time goto personally corporate back at a Cristo wide100 pay responsible variety reformed Rey sustainability for was their tuition. issues forworking management spent and valuing and My South the role business Africa. warrants. was under challenges, Dalberg During the is Director my and a strategic summer pushed of the me advisory internship, Work to Study apply firm, I applied serving Department, many of many the a variety working of skills the Id of public skills to developed identify I and acquired in private new my in sector potential the first RC year clients year, at industries HBS. on Dalberg for consultants the philanthropy Global network serving Development space. asFinance, an aFor diverse internal this Advisors togroup consultant happen, isthe of clients atoniche develop topicacross consulting would governments, aReporting national have firm specializing sales tochallenges beto foundations one strategywith in to aMy international and fairwin NGOs, amountmore ofdevelopment jobs and for private creativity thetheir their Hopefully, consulting. students. sector most particularly and potential companies. important from IItthis was corporate Staffed also tasked almost was strategic, Ienabled with partners Negotiations me exclusively fortunate organizational identifying towhileimpact tobe by havedeveloping and the the former most been and Financial way operational new in management attractive assigned which strategies to Community and consultants opportunities a2001pivotal Control. increase Lab project related tofrom will developthe working to Social number deliver the international top national forEnterprise onfirms,of its the jobs mission they partnerships US for summer State toand innovation. development Before students. communities experience joining was not and Dalberg worldwide. only globalization. great Global experience provided Overall, Development me Theto with the firm able experience an was Advisors to interesting established combine was for summer highly the many in summer of rewarding, and my aand I knew there interests powerful and I there areinto look currently networking was one forward a distinct approximately jobeducation, opportunity, to an lack ongoing of attempt with Department existing to address helping clients. development the I then US worked government issues to through increase formulate private-sector coordination their reconstruction and management cross salesstrategy consulting across forthe Haiti. methods, bywasbut aCorporate management consultant support in the development space. What Ihad didn't know Dalberg Work faith, 100 serving Dalberg employees affiliation also specificallyand will strategic bewith the organizations is an in the the subject international focused consulting. firmon inten of as the four world-wide aadevelopment new strategic development sectors: case Ioffices. advisor. health, am writing consulting sector. At agriculture, Dalberg Asthat firm will someone I was that energy become staffed usually who and part hires housing;on a aconsultants project ofconsulting the and RCwas for how curriculum. three background with key majorsignificantly Imulti-lateral experience am cross-cutting from you in Study can development Directors redress that based gap finance when in each institution you oftakethe focused 24 former schools on Bain improving in& the Company, network. the marketBCG Cristo and for Rey McKinsey sustainable provided an consultants, energy ideal environment throw (renewable them grateful top-tier issues: Mercer for consulting overall Management the opportunity economic firms. ConsultingI did the development, my Social summer and Enterprise experience access at theto Initiative DC working finance office and in gave and global my gender me, would client health was inclusivity. at like thea to major move Clinton As a back multi-lateral member Foundation intoof public the in to into The put energy my Office a creative and consulting ofenergyInsular and entrepreneurialskills Affair's efficiency) to use Island in Southfor an Fellowship environment effective organization isThrough aandsummer askextensive them program with to studentsa tackle fantastic during the which mission. world's eight largest MBA economic, candidates onAfrica. service after desk research and a plethora of organization. housing China social from theprior and sub-team, nation'stograduation Using political HBS, top myIprivate was problems. work and looking universities hope sector focused for that jargon, work more futuremy developing as generations project acommercial team onSouthaacan be two-pronged approach multifaceted of HBS described to permanent solving private as a continue post development sector merger housing to development enjoy integration strategy challenges.this to generous of 30for rebuild project interviews funding Idifferent worked with opportunity. organizations on developingmajor commercial present a social ingames banks, virtually energy company all developing inservice companies countries Asia. I spent in andthetwo large world. thirds energy I of spent the consumers the summer first (i.e. part in Dhaka, of my and Dalberg the improve provided U.S.-affiliated communities me Insular with a in Areas. unique Port-au-Prince My opportunity individual and to work support responsibilities in development the in Government this program areas of such Haitis included as objectives access identifying to finance ofbusiness mining summer Bangladesh companies), leading and one teams I produced third of experts inmultiple Pune, a report who India outlining were working developing the with current aenvironment. team atimechange sustainable ofdemands developers management energy to landscape, storyboard, toolkit that provided design, willto guide andan a and global deconcentrating opportunities Challenges health stemmingin thein aFederated Port-au-Prince more from structuredbyand States developing business-driven scheduling of Micronesia viable schemes, housing (FSM) and settlements training thefrominlocal other reading parts islanders ofhow intervention the country. use business build aB2Bgame case for focused an intervention made programmatic implementation recommendations. I relied country The online programs heavily summer onteamsand mynetworkingthroughout proved significant HBS and toontoolbeagriculture HKS athe numbers unique created classes,integration ofandand by off-track DOI. especially development process. transformational During students Finance, myissues The secondexperience internship all Business in part contribute Bangladesh. I hadofenabling tomy the summer a need me opportunity towas toChancellor examine better spent to spendour incurrent understand Capethreean the use of theGovernment and ofthe My internship with the District of Columbia Public School system in the office of International Rhee was Verde, critical weeks of time aintersection inandformer the tryFSM Portuguese to where between identify I met ways colony business, with to in usetop Westgovernment, that business Africa time moreand and and one governmentindustry effectively pilot particularly to leaders meet countriesthe and in needsthe provided this field of project. all of several of our My international training job was students. Economy extremely (BGIE) rewarding and Environmental experience. and Resource Economics. The experience reinforced my desire to inNot only didto ofitthe to help development. Getting the up country every ItPioneers also morning staffallowed understand this me summer the and solve opportunity toand go expose work tokeydedicate meSchool atproblems the to my Districtthethat institutional ofarose energy Columbia and from challenges skills aat Public badly toDC an to driving performed issue Schools that wassector trueI Itruly find As work an at sessions. Education the These intersectionislands ofFellow are very the remote public the and office private face Secondary significant sectors and challenges Transformation inmy developing intheir Public private Schools, education integration most am amazing. relevant working reform, effort. Educationto and provide Ibut was meaningful. was itresources also so a field allowed satisfied IAnd have for with me finally, schools been to the itsee education experience provided deeply to plan passionate the the that reform cool innovative I intensified often and about, at work wished sometimes redesign but inI interest never one could of not theirofstay thought the so economic most cool school longer. to broken experience develop schedule DC isaaschool thatof including development This summer districts in fewthe natural and I worked country. social resources, for Iwelfare. the worked high Districtwith gas ofthe and Columbia Office transportation of Public Portfolio Schools costs, Management, and (DCPS) limited asweeks partteam the number ofatthe that of districtshighly focuses trained Urban on out- great living will career city offerin a to tent in.challenging, live. Therefore on Itthe is very when US international, Embassy research-based, the opportunitycompound has and(UELIP). great varied in presented weather, Port-au-Prince learning itself beautiful for parks/monuments, several a time. and a calm and workers. of-the-box Education When Leadership solutions I returned for Internship the from more the Program islands challenging Itown) then schools, spent Specifically, theexperiences which for me remaining gave I helped tome beseven focused a senior exposure the weekson associate raising in Washington, student working forat D.C. to respectful culture that atbudget tofor office the various Itocould plan innovation apass. theSao achievement. Chancellor MichelleUsing current Rhees Paulo office research, (my for home the I across have summer created ofwill 2009never a competitive at have. DCPS, People grant it was program an the office opportunity were schools awesome. to rethink not continue programs transition tothat from develop are limited being online ad-hoc implemented networking department tool financial the and country. recruited reviews My to business project comprehensive was partnersto crossandto join reference quarterly the site. the My forecasts. metrics They Through knew experiences their school I was a combination day werefor alone, truly their so unique I ofneediest was hands-on constantly andstudents. and I the found invited strategic thisUsing internshipto work, my their Iwill skill-sets houses, learned to helpbe as manypersonal a district great an framework valuable MBA/MPP, chance social tomy events, lessons; gain experience etc. how international I hardabsolutely withit is three toof the These loved projects forecasts, the work. within when The portfolio tasks implemented are against similar in fiscal DCPS-wide toacquired the onesyear I 2010, used effectiveto performschools athigh BCG management anddecisions to Bain, ensure buttothat recognize alignment knowing that and and I am communicate experience other urban while schoolwell, the practicing districts, virtue myandof action newly drawing over from words; my BGIE difficulty years skills. as a of former making policy school teacher has affect allowed front me respond identify working gaps. deviations to improve Most thefrom importantly,living financial my conditions projections internship of citizens sooner. helped meand of developing The result understand will countries the berole acan more that motivates efficient businesses me allocation more canthan play ofinto any line activities; think about the and the implementation importance of ofthese great new leadership schedules and people.their In effect fact, on I high honestly school say students. that the education resources. reform, and At IDCPS, look I biggest also helped in apoint project tothose map the fiscal yearin 2010 budget to six key goals financial summer incentive. theforward toturning helping to drive partnerships the future. outlined of 2009districts has been Thisofproject my lifewill so far. I thank the HBS Social Enterprise Club in the five-year strategic plan. provide a foundation for future analysis for making it available for me to work of how money is spent in accordance with strategy. A third assignment that I worked on in collaborationat the forefront of education reform, with some of the most inspiring leaders in the field. DocDoc's main mission is to transform the healthcare experience enabling improved accessibility and promoting informed patients within Asia Pacific's difficult tostart-up, navigateDoodh healthcare markets. It offers free The summer fellowship helped me and continue working onSoutheast my Bhandar, which aims to services to patients to find doctors dentists across Asia, to credibly research and understand improve the incomes of poor asrural Indian farmers by increasing the productivity of their forcattle. andOne in two their D-Rev clinical developed interests Brilliance and specialties,a cowworld-class,orassess affordable theirwhich academic phototherapy credentials device and achievements, designed low-resource instantly rural households owns either ainternet-connected a Itbuffalo, is typically one-twentieth as productive as a cow in book hospitals an appointment in urban and via peri-urban any areas. meets the device. American I supported Academy the of expansion Pediatrics of guidelines DocDoc fromfor Denmark, At DrivenData, making we dairy bring an cutting-edge idealatpoint practices of intervention in data90% to science address and thecrowdsourcing issue ofof rural to poverty.some of I spent the world's the intensive Singapore treatment to other and countries, retails 22,000 like organizations Indonesia, INRcertain ($400), Malaysia and less South than Korea.the cost Ionline also comparable helped with fundraising phototherapy and summer biggest social conducting challenges market and research the to test taking key them assumptions on. We hostin the business data competitions, model. I spoke usually to a devices This with project in negotiations the entailed market. with expanding Brilliance the Ministry the is manufactured staff, of Healthfundraising to in increase Chennai, partnerships, the India, transparency and throughonline on a presence partnership the industry. of anwith NGO PhoenixI co- lasting number 2-3 of months, farmers where to gauge a global their community enthusiasm forof adata service scientists like competes Doodh Bhandar toinsolve and challenging their willingness data tobeenpay Medical founded Systems, before HBS: the the leading Drylands manufacturer Natural Resources of neonatal Centre medical (DNRC). equipment The DNRC India. helps Thesmallholderproduct has farmers problems Thanks for highor to for thelaunched quality social HBS dairy Social impact. services. Enterprise I made Summerfield visits Fellowshipto learn working about bestforissues the practices E.L. Haynes from Public others Charter offering School similar successfully in arid semi-arid parts in India of Kenya since to November develop, share, 2012 but and has deploy faced sustainable with agriculture scaling. This and roleagroforestry was in themakesPetworth neighborhood in Northwest Washington DC. E.L. Haynes serves a predominantly services. E+Co solutions. intended Ito also The clean provide spoke SEI energy Summer to a number on-site investments Fellowship capacity-building of players in developing allowed in for the me milk to Phoenix focus industry- countries. in full-time the animal Itareas provides onofthis feed salesboth suppliers, enterprise,equity forecasting, and andcattle debt apply resource genetics aminority capital largeas and players, economically private dairy disadvantaged processors community, and government but has officials managed to get totheirachieve feedback results on that the are business consistently idea. At in suite well allocation, Howend asof enterprise skills doprivate you and learned grow development production without at HBS including planning, compromising services to branding to help your local improve and entrepreneurs mission, communications, operations overloading into over partnership sustainably your 20 countries. resources, scale. development, IInspent andbelief addition, still servingthe summer and this yourrole above the of the and summer magnet schools experience, inI feel the District. better It achieves prepared tospecificthishas embark through on my anventure. unfailing inover the 90% building E+Cos Dar and es managing Salaam, Tanzania effective office. teams. Less than 10% of Tanzania access to grid electricity; intended potential target Launching to population? generate ofa still its kids, low-cost, Theseand a commitment test are some to development-focused business development of excellent theharvested questions teaching, ideas Ioperator dealt and with ainwillingness while to increasing working to do access atanything EARN, to asplita it Bay takes Areato helpof cost-effective the device kids organization country within succeed. the that The relies confines is onnations organization the non-sustainably and challenges is largest also incredibly providerof telecom a for-profit of well-run, wood miscrosavings for partner and cooking for East Africa. organization. products. me fuel. it was MyEARN an time exampleis was of dedicated all between that tocarbon high conducting Echoing Greens due diligence missionhave on topotential isworkers unleash new nextinvestments generation and talent developing to solve the a strategy worlds forHuman biggest importing problems. The performing empowering non-profits low-income to teach to create business. cycles I worked of prosperity with them for generations developing to theircome by providing Capital credit primary financed efficient cookstoves. Overall, it was an that incredible experience. Itheir had the opportunity to work access systems, Over exceptionally toway this assavings past the they organization instruments transitioned summer, I utilized serves andthe from its mission financial a Social start-up to aisprovided education Enterprise through growth Summer its make organization.fellows EARN Fellowship program, savers It was awhich opportunity perfect own providesvehicle application to continue two years for building my of change. of with talented local entrepreneurs, funding for the growth of their enterprises, seed HBS out At EARN my funding skills,own I but helped formore startup, social develop entrepreneurs. importantly called a strategic enabled plan Over me forthe a new to pastalow-touch get five years, really good financial theview numberof aservice the of daily applicants product lifethat of amakes with prize-linked non-profit for-profit hasEcoSquid learned ( EcoSquid isthe web portal it easy for about how thebusiness Education really works intothe developing world, and traveled across an amazing country. savings and leader. consumers hybrid toPioneers ideas tohelp resell has (EP) or organization grown recycle the immensely, theirlofty scale. used goal and transform Ielectronics. also in developed response Our education Echoing and mission overhauledinto Green is to best hasEARNs solve started the led and existing to build important managed out ansector professional problem impact of in the development investing United States program. and so that evaluation The all Board students process: Chair, receive Daveretaining a Hodgson, high-quality talent has in shown the education. nonprofit a particular As world a Fellow, interest is I challenging supported in this space, and the this so helps he and As electronic an Education Pioneers Fellow, Kinegrowing promoted schoolRegion leaders' empowerment and Boston Public Schools' Director asupport few Echoing forwaste, EARN Partnership Green which employees is supporters the fastest Development development, launched forwhilethe a new municipal Western Fund The reinforcing waste the in Socialstream her work in the Entrepreneurs organizations to world. identify core Fund.Over values. and the engage MyBecause summer, summer potential ofthe I autonomous worked on just schools about expansion, every aspect supporting offor awould startup applications business, for including new autonomous product schools development, and analyzing marketing, and As focused partner EARNs an Education and on relatively building funder Pioneers small organizations out the size, Fellow strategy I got I to worked that tackle this with new bring strategic Network Fund, EP growth closer andfor Teaching expanding to issues, achieving to Entrepreneurship Echoing revamp this goal. and Greens I spoke implement (NFTE), impact with a global investing internalpartners, progress fund raising. ofthat current I was ones able toin the district. bring EcoSquid She to used market her experience officially in performance onresearch, August 9. The dayimprovement after launch, and a profile non-profit work. alumni processes, I and interviewededucation and helps to interact low-income over professionals twenty directly youth impact withinfrontthebuild thefund region 21st managers lower-middle andcentury sought for skills income my best through practices (LMI) entrepreneurship moderated population from across that a panel EP EARN education. regional event serves for teams (as Ithe in strategic In of order the to companyplanning transform was to define the featured educational how on school the system leaderspage so could ofthat all best students use autonomy Within receive three ato quality weeksaccelerate education, of launch, student the Education website joined soft to the create launch pictureNFTE an of at below a overarching the time Fund, from of significant built partner Savers out in strategy thea transformation series Park, of forour programs the annual - Western the to event organization support Region. to reward the was for-profit and modernizing celebrate and hybrid our its award-winning fellows, clients). updated Pioneers works to curricula recruit, educate, connect, and inspire asizenew generation theaof leaders. As a aFellow, received achievement. over 15KDuring hits. theWith summer, thisprogram trackKinerecord, worked Idouble should to establish 2011 Graduate entrepreneurship Education Pioneers is areporting training inbe able and tosupport raise 5requisite coherent funds application toacontinue Iprocess ofto awhile expanding that to brings together over graduate the next students years. from As across varietyinled the fellows quarterly system, an School build for disciplines parties Fellow, EcoSquid seeking to Iover learn developedto the about establish coming urban recruitment either year. educational anand strategywrote Innovationreform. fortalking the School Fellows points Education orare a this for Horace matched Echoing Pioneers Mann with Green Analyst Charter a partner President Fellowship school in organization CherylBoston. order in In extensive Dorsey, to bring Building inhighcompetitive preparation Educated analysis for the that Forbes was 400 directly Philanthropy used as part event. of The strategic summer transformation helped me better effort. understand My addition, education she quality developed sector Leaderspre-MBA for the a forfoundation ten Life talent week (BELL)to districts fellowship. works for to and an accountability I increase worked state directly education theframework scholarly with organizations BELL achievements, for(Building autonomous to serveEducatedself-esteemas data schools Leadersand andfor background the champions. life investing opportunities helped side AsI worked part of of me ofthe children my make for-profit work, valuable living I builtsocial in12, recommendations enterprise low-income, an application space, urban algorithm, toand re-envision communities helped benchmarked NFTE's clarify through my delivery career and interest revenue in this I against designed thein delivery best practices ofincrease high impact atthe I tools Life), This summer an academic to support afterschoolwith schools. Beyond and summer a nonprofit program organization for urban models. space. after school also and provided summer advice educational on designing programs. NFTE's They portfoliocurrently ofyouth. that was digital serve At BELL products. over founded 12,000 evaluated 2009 "scholars" the to opportunity in five U.S. private to number diversify sector of low-income, their firms,income and gathered first-generation, streams feedback by for selling and from their underserved stakeholders, in-house online students creating training who a strategy graduate program and from to other project college. plan organizationsI was to in Cities. This summerI spent I thewas summer an Education working Pioneer BELL's Fellow Chiefat Boston Operating Public Officer Schools aon bring much-needed talent into the education reform movement. three (BPS) in separate the Office projects. of Human The first placed the sector. at Beyond After a12 through thorough my evaluation fellowship of the with market,Education competition Pioneers, and national internal network capabilities, of leaders we and and project Resources. required As part me of to a take cohort historical of 44 graduate revenue students and expense from data policy, from law, BELL'sbusiness accounting and education, systems I had build the Ientrepreneursspent my summer to dedicatedthishelping antoarea the transforming Office of Human our educationResources system Recruiting into one Team that analyze equips past allwell studentsdata toand with determined up opportunity market-by-market that discuss isP&L's. and explore This of high analysis areas customer of was education used demand to reform identifythat inalso the weekly fits key well drivers workshopswith of BELLs financially as mission asself work onthe sustaining 4 skills understand internal Istrategic to was lucky succeed what capabilities. enough in types life.For toBPS. of spendAtthe recruiting Beyond latter my summer 12, activities portion I developed of with my yield Boston and summer,high-quality, wrote Public I their developed Schools' diversefirst the5-year Divisioncandidates marketing strategic of for Earlymarket and critical growth Childhood. product needs plan, In the markets projects and provide for the I designed foundation a for roll-out a predictive plan of 360 financial degreemodel reviews to evaluate for central new office employees, opportunities. recommending teaching positions strategies up in development plans and aoffer cost-effective that helped will begin increase manner. implementation theWith home this offices ofknowledge them. organizational Through of past activities capacity, inthe drive Imind, geographic Imore functioned athis analyzed midst of scaling theproject current to teacher universal evaluation pre-kindergarten system and recommended to allteam initiative, am confident that This The second summer, Ibehad focused the on BELL's branding tocampaign. Ifour-year-olds conducted improvements ain marketingthe city, toset make analysis Department it to inform has the as BELL expansion competitive grown consultant, will now decisions, substantially for researcher, the able $4.85 over toopportunity and theand help scale billion last group more its Race three tofacilitator integrated childrenwork toyears. the in Top I the receive technology spent Department help Funds, higher aboutthe and developedquality half directofagree of Early on Childhood afterschool/summer my service and time focused approach implemented this summer at Boston to a of 3 goals programming the working day Public college and professional with by the Board's indicators Schools. decision Theof success. about Department potential These of targets Early changes Childhood will to guide BELL's serves future brand the work name 6,000 plans and Kindergarten by logo. serving Theasand athird rubric project Pre-Kindergartenfor the involved team students to increasing retention I had theof development Director challenge. the opportunity Early quality institute Childhood The of to instruction forwork strategic andwith planprovided. Citizen was based Schools, on best a stream national practices nonprofit, synthesized this summer. from a literature Citizen Schools review runs I150 evaluating child care vouchers school asother athe secretaries, members potential funding of and the worked department for with BELL's the to design 8promising after person anyear school annual staffing and planning team summer to programs. document and prioritize across on an scaling the educational and city and allocate of Boston. replicating after-school resources spent social program across enterprises, start for successful ofas at-risk, my well summer existing asthe middle-school a numberworking activities ofon students. and the interviews pilot The with cornerstone newof leadersthe initiatives. Summer of of its high- model I also is project IReading and researched I was fortunate improve management the their enough system. administration policies for to for-profit work This staffing and for system theregulation 143 will schools. DC Public enable of the Overall, Education vouchers department the Fund and summer to analyzed stay showed focused the tradeoffs me on that itsI of domost pursuing believe that this reviewed performing important Apprenticeships, Academy, the District's nonprofit performance a summer during andsubstitute metrics which literacy community as management it program organizations. continues for volunteers program to Kindergarten I also grow. teachInby helped analyzing theand addition, to(DCPEF) kids First develop the a survey 21st this Grade summer, ofstudents. a comprehensive department century current skills is in a substitutes through new theI helped organization two-week process hands-ontoto of funding. change raising secure can money space happen for to support the from program, within the hire the innovative system, site reforms coordinatorsbut itmade andalso andpilotdemonstrated initiatives teachers, enrollat the DC need Public students, forSchools. leadership and train My and charge teachers. wasAtmy training understand In order to curriculumpotential help for areas new of hires improvement and created and proposals recommendations that will codify and for systematize program redesign. basic operational This developing learning management the to design conclusion projects. a new, DCPEFs toofU.S. form theThe public comprehensive performanceaorganization strong program, school vision district curriculum Imanagement also depends and collected superintendents strategy on for system.theall that attendance continued kindergarten various At the contend data support departments beginning and withand classrooms. staff of shrinking surveys the cooperation can Isummer, spent use revenues tothe to identify of organize second ICouncil worked while corporate best half and their with practices of key processes. summer responding summer nonprofit helped to exploring partners an me understand increasing opportunities as a sustainable scope the to and financial source partner scale of forand offunding, the operational requirements, nationalvolunteers, challenges the publication District and other of of improving Management this valuable curriculum. human resources. This capital provides typeWhile of I individual This and constituents past summer possible initiatives. including improvements This I hadtechniques, the experience theboard opportunity for future and has to district years. opened work chiefs During up to my at Jumpstart, thecraft mind second themy to many aorganizations national half more ofdistricts my non-profit summer, questions first set I offocusedabout organization,goals,The people onraise in NAEYC development, high-quality, worked on several performance in-depth projects accountability, during tools, the and course facilities training of the management, required summer, to helpand main community project to relations. successfully involved developing i) summer a development, partnership addition accreditation. performance to summerwould raising participating success NAEYC streamline the measures, bar in the accreditation, on the professionalism Education and development aa voluntary Pioneers strategic andin public production setFellowship. plan ofto education professional help them of Jumpstartthe and achieve standardscurriculum, the pairs those long for term college as well consequences students as generate and of angoals. also allowed me to explore aii)as potential career trajectory that could utilize early childhood Throughout programs, the tomy Icommunity spent partnership student theachievementstrategy working to while accommodate an improving Education the operationsPioneer organization's andfellow iii) aggressiveat the KIPP Foundation business management inthrough San Francisco. and bad revenue summer, hiring for practices. ISummer led the volunteers the district. Yet, implementation Working with I BPS continue preschool for oftoBPSabe was convinced children software aBoston. tremendous toprogram carry that out to alowering improving opportunity year-long track the 5-year costs. public educationgrowth organizations As education grow Education and plan. based learn. data The IPioneers curriculum and end worked human designed towith a public is Education deliverables Graduate capital fantastic Working a major policy priority initiatives group with training Pioneers includedof Redesign is of is Fellowboth to colleagues, the a help national standardized best Office and accelerate and leverage applied to the non-profit Harvarddetermine city point the prioritization Business countless ofpace organization and school will of School lessons urban rubric most autonomy I Social worked that to from education affect help with recruits Enterprise the the levels the HBS the reform, graduate Director organization 56,000 under Summer classroom, a students students district cornerstone of Early maximize Fellow, and in Turnaround across participated the Childhood I for collaborated its city ensuring disciplines, return of Plan. Boston. in toona the performance improve equal create including children's opportunity. a strategic business, dashboard planlanguage policy, aroundto enhance and literacy accreditation. lawpartnerships; and organizational education, skills Theas and well planaccountability. combines asis social intended them and Finally, toemotional aid in apotentially cohortin I built readiness. increasing a experience personnel district While to discussevaluation at support, critical time with district invested and in forging school aleaders Education Pioneers new to develop agoals. recommendation comprehensive professional of 1-2 development lucrative plan relationships that fit within that system Jumpstart, raising issues This summer,to reflect critical related I performed funds Ito theFellowship participated education organizations and needs implementing reform. in the program, assessmentunique Education Theand which NAEYC of organization provided the Pioneers organization's accreditation also program, excellent places effectively. aits opportunities information fellowship fellows I worked inprogram toatmeet technology consulting Boston that other rolessystemsPublic places talented withgraduateto Schools leading the individuals should districts be pursuedoverarching interested at ain strategic national education. level; objectives. a new My background cross-functional/cross-regional in investment consulting account and business management school Ias identify students wasan fortunatepotential Educationin internal enough shortfalls Pioneers consulting tofellow. work and areas with roles Through aofpassionate with improvement mywith education fellowship, set ofthat reform-minded organizations could enhance I attended weekly across colleagues, the the efficiency workshops country. and Asfocused was and inspired part operation on of national my toof enabled education structure Ifellowship, supported me toorganizations. to incorporate help New foster Schools My greater best Venture placement practices organizational Fund waswhen it came synergy the KIPP into structured Foundation, partnership thinking, an oncultivation. efficiently dataopportunities analysis, managed and designing the different witness organization the reform I leadership supported as a whole. initiatives of Match inIpublic Michelle utilized Education, Rhee. myinto education. aIconducting prior also experience enjoyed high-performing due diligence in applying consulting and numerous rapidly investment and expanding project lessons management from education the who HBS for non-profit to their help processes charter city Jumpstart classroom funds management to and better and effectively helped organize participating organization develop support and inof one all utilize the whose staff ofEducation theirdata their Education core reach portfoliofunction his or her is organizations, andIninformation. Pioneers Program, to potential train prospective The which within Ellevation Education provided the school district. Education, Pioneers wonderful leaders infellowship developing opportunities will, ainin Boston This turn, summer open that manages KIPP I wascharter a member multiple schools publicthe across charter the schools, nation. Pioneers my offers 2012 role teacher at Bay KIPP, Area training I cohort. worked programs,Specifically, directly and with provides I the worked CFO on for the new program to product collaborate provided strategy. with me talentedwith an outstanding individuals opportunity interested in connect with like-minded graduate students in a consulting Oakland development Unified services of School the to other 2010-2015District education in Early strategic organizations. Childhood plan. Education. Specifically, Providing I My created supportsummer an for in-depth was Matchs divided financialCOO, into I worked two projection parts.on model IDuring varietyspent the my ofprojectssummer fields who asare anpassionate Education Pioneers and interested fellow inin Los urban Angeles, education CA.reform. As aMy fellow for Wea discussed Education a variety Pioneers, of and multiple conducted first 5 weeks, scenario ranging I focused analyses from broad, on around OUSDs strategic sources preschool activities of summer philanthropic(e.g., helpingprogram. and to non-philanthropic develop role was five-year to host funding, projectedand helping Iissuesparticipated facing thein bi-weekly US the education seminars system focusedduring on leadership engaging workshops and reformofinitiatives inkindergartners thean education sector translate As to cash with another guide Education flow parent themodel Foundation graduate Pioneers workshops for students asFellow, itfrom organization evaluates in IEnglish worked education, and into growth atlaw the developing Spanish Sanpolicy. initiatives. and Francisco anfor the online tooland families Education Additionally, for networking incoming Fund managing I and completed (SFEF), events their recruitment ateachers. 10-week throughout organization for and internship thethe that summer. 2012-13 strengthens selection academic public process) asyear. schools well I worked as by moredesigning at 7 tactical,different and leading school quick-turnaround innovative sites with programs 115 projects families (e.g., and engaging creating 14 bus the public routes The and to second with Analysis Partnerships ofsummer teacher toFrancisco retention Uplift Communities in the district (PUC) andSchools,projections a college, Charter on future Management hiring demand OrganizationofAssessment, various that teacher operates half ensure finding of my that busallcompany aschools San was tooffice-based provide students servicesand graduate analytical. for readyIValley. Matchs wrote for summer a memo academycareer, for the and after Research, civic the responsibility. standard provider At and the fell charter categories This summer, Ito inimplement worked the Los with Angeles Education and San Pioneers, Fernando a placement PUCs program mission thatthe isrecruits to operate graduate effective students schools into SFEF, through). Data I helped (RAD) My department experiences at this OUSD a post-merger summer to summarize have strategic undoubtedly my plan investigations which shaped will into my allow plans the districts for organization the current future. to In analyze challenge the short- its that prepare students for college success in these densely populated urban communities that contain work summer term, regarding Over the to date and I adjusted student summer 10-month andmy access Iinformation internships ECachieving had its impact, classes the to systems opportunity learn in identify themore attoAseducation the priorities about intern Early with sector and Childhood areas required that Education across and I with found theresources, K-12 Pioneers, nation. interesting levels. an Iand was measure during organization part of the its myimplemented work founded summer thisin a overcrowded performance internship and low schools. part of my project PUC, I developed and summer. 2003 that Inprogram the in long-term, programs in the which Bay I have Area. benefit I wasthe aAmerican much placed better 55,000+ in the understandingpublic San Franciscoschool ofthat students the Unified types inSchool of San Francisco. organizations District, ain Through that theI wouldEarly the web-based I spent Education like to myseeks work calendaring summer Pioneers Department. in, and to transform as antool Fellowship, have My begun tothe Education project optimize Ito was Pioneer was given consider the to education comemanagement theFellow starting opportunity up at with an system Teach a education and plantoForsocommunication gain toAmerica, all transition insight business children an into or from of can organization urban non-profit multiple school receive education state dedicated site-level based quality on and reform my district to education. deadlines. Education Secondly, Pioneers tois implement tackling this challenge by system identifying, recruiting, and training students atI Education growing the movement worked ofenrollment. leaders whoI ahad work aato calendaring ensure that kids ataeach growing school to help in the anupthe in poverty get thatan enrollment to excellent through summer This professionals and summer, communication discussions experience. Icentralized wasof froman school workshops aI helped variety site events of with Pioneerssectors with cohort Fellow to students, great prepare experience, ofatother Teachthem parents, Bay For forArea with America, key teachers Fellows very leadership and supportive from organization diverse roles community. supervisor throughout academic develops Lastly, the and aa Iskills, worked well-scoped education. professional corps of teachers Asproject. a Fellow, backgrounds. that In addition, teach in TFAs I low-incomeformed DC Region lasting communities alumni relationships team for two better with years the understand andother become Education the experiences, leaders Pioneers in the summer education to During improve the sector. the summer design Education of ofenable 2009, financial Pioneers I worked documents partners with Teach in with order For over to Americas 160 improve organizations the Bostonto tracking Regional in 16of cities financial Team and as an places transactions Education member at fellows and motivations in the Bay thatArea. I would alumni highly to recommend become and Education remain principals, Pioneers for inform someone how interested the team supports in exploring of education each Pioneersthe program school reform Fellow. site. into movement organizations Education as Pioneers alumni.such as recruits During government my high-caliber internship, agencies, graduate I worked school districts, in a strategy after role school and programs, analyzed the as education rising anstudents awith ofprofessional backgrounds asand This summer current or social I was school enterprise fortunate leaders. more enough My broadly. tobackground work The with combination in Teach consulting For of America and internship knowledge (TFA), and national leadership workshops/events not-for-profit. gained at TFAwith well summer to make othertraining an public immediate program andimpact private that prepares in non-profits. education new by Within teachers spending Education tobarriers be effective the summer Pioneers, in workingtheI was classroom. onawarded a Using a develop mission-critical Graduate my strategy School project HBS the aspires helped other to build me fellows to the identify allowed movement methe to underlying to gain eliminatea strong enablers grounding educational and in inequity the these sector. by enlisting alumni face ourfor and nation's to allmost Fellowship, consulting skills, which I analyzed isis the organizations the costs and flagbenefits ship program. ofthatvarious Itowas aspects placed ofmovement at theTeach program America in order intothe promising increasenational its Education Pioneers a human capital isorganization strategies for a partner that organization. best support Teach their success. Forthe Americas mission gathers is build graduate students from different future efficiency headquarters leaders and in theabout effectiveness in New effort. Yorknation's City. Itsmany through vision Specifically, that Ione strategic worked day planningall with children process. the inthe Strategy this nation Ultimately, and Finance willthis to have eliminate will team, the lead which toeducational opportunity reports to stronger to disciplines inequity by to learn enlisting our the most aspects promising of education future reform leaders throughout in the effort. the Teach summer For Americawhile placing recruits the This results attain past CFO. anfor Isummer excellent students. had three I participated education. As main an Education projects Since in theits throughout Education Pioneers inception fellow, the Pioneers in 1990, summer,I also Graduate the participated TFA which networkSchool included in Fellowship workshops has grown managing to as with the a include amember cohort national more of of the than 43 students outstanding withrecent various collegeeducation-related graduates and organizations working for professionals a summer project.toMy toorganization commit teach placement for at least with two Teach years For Boston other 20,000 cohort. graduate individuals. Education students Currently, on Pioneers timely some is topics 6,200 a groundbreaking inTFA education corps members nonprofit reform. teach inpublic 29 urban that and mobilizes rural areas and prepares headquarters America Access in urban to provided and project, high-performing rural an public providing entrepreneurialpublic schools. analysis schools Alumni and used isrewarding takeone for ofTeach the the for internship most perspective Americas importantexperience. and ways conviction filings, Teach that that we and For comecan creating America improve from isprofoundly aaequality teaching leading aofnational affected compliance by network the tool used of achievement talented to maximize gap. leaders TFA grant isandhighly funding.entrepreneurs data-driven, I found myto but transform summeras the the organization to be United a great States has learning scaled education teams experience system have opportunity and break the cycle of socioeconomic stagnation for impoverished communities Asin successfully nonprofit organization inequipslow-income that communities builds aan highly the into In become and summer oneStates. very that 2010 increasingly rewarding I was inall selected siloedstudents multiple inI worked theiraswith ways. theforward Education respective selective skills they efforts to become Pioneers corps need to low of to outstanding Fellow. collect leaders thrive and across Education in college, analyze recentlevels Pioneers college career, mission and isprofessions and critical agraduates national an who non- along theI United addressing commit two the years This challenges tosummer, teach facing in urban children and for an rural growingorganization public up schools in named income and Victory become communities.Education lifelong Partners, leaders At Teach in which pursuit For America, of profit program Education organization continuum. Pioneers whose Fellow, I worked mission I worked on ais to project at mobilize Unlocking for the and prepare Potential, Insights group a fellows nonprofit of from the schooltop national graduate turnaround Marketing programs organization team, toto tackle Iempowers spent worked education my with summer charter excellence the and Greater asand an district Education Boston equity. publicRegion At Pioneers school Teach onfor leaders Fellow strategic America, to placed and achieve I worked attoVictory operational their as the visions Schools. planning second of for high Asindividual half aof student Fellow, a two-person Iperformance. not giving only andteamhad the pressing ofissues analyze which rapidly surveys transforms deployed in our nations chronically across the education organization underperforming system. and Iidentify chose urban public work opportunities with schools Education into for increased Pioneers extraordinary, integrationfor high- three Victory the to alumni benefit launch Ireasons: chose provides to itthe engagement. become allowed attending new industry Greater anme to professional IEducation expertise, assessed Boston learn internal about Pioneers resources Region.development a and new Fellow and Specifically, external industry to hands-on sessions deepen Ifounded best that led I focused support Teach practices ammy For passionate understandingon into addressing help America's each schools area, about, of asissues efforts one it achieve well allowed of to our asin urban develop the me their nation's current to a of I goals. connect research performing, education along reformsustainable the butprogram I alsoschools. continuum. became This part organization Iof designed a and national was a Research program Excellence by placing HBS alum graduate Collaborative, Scott studentsGiven (class in a cross- internal of 2010), strategy worked to fortodefine corps Victorys member all business certification, offerings including to best analysis support ofskills the schools various and pathways create a methodology to educator licensure forAtinKIPP state with biggest and Case of challenges current aims functional consultingstudy the Boston anddata ensure initiative roles and future with Region, andthat to learn leaders maintain analysis various creating how students on in to strategic educational the strategic education best acquire Lawrence use oversight plans my the organizations. and leadership lastly knowledge, Public of Ioperational was research, Schools My able skills, toand facilitate particular Turnaround tools reform work to strengthforour knowledge placement engage a higheducation of the caliber character was sharing, with alumni system. base organization necessary and Victory enable toin Massachusetts, strategic Greater New Orleans growth, Boston charter evaluation and to facilitate stimulate school of widespread Teach a network, local For America's individual educational Iorganization used my giving progress background excellence. campaign. to inAtdate, human My recommendation experience capital in andstandards, strategy strategic of desired consulting consulting path to toand succeed within the on education the path to sector, college Victory allto longitudinal Schools, an tracking educational against management org-wide achieve Schools, their objectives. an full educational potential. Ilicensure also that developed operates management Unlocking 10proposals charter organization Potential, for schools inaI ofmanaged Newbased tools York. in New the and My to York. licensure project work for teachers at Harvard acrossBusiness contentSchool areas with social and enterprise categories, growth strategy and ofexecution usenabled analyze This summer, current I had talent the processes privilege of and working outcomes for EGG-energy, and conduct aUP thefor-profit region's venture first comprehensive with me social programmatic to design mission evaluation of physical I, along guidance projects with turnaround teams included two other need ofto benchmarking the interns, organizations effectively was part execute operational offirstthe school research. best Operations facility, practices team, in Academy education and each to Charter recommend was School tasked key of action Boston with foursteps to business design baseddefinition on that workshops, recommendation. assess customer This strategy needs and will be the approach instrumental necessary in accelerating for mission-driven the launch teacher deliver (formerly projects. I spent the electricity retention. My The summer initial Gavin toI projects then low-income School, launching developedlocated included customers Egg-energy ainwriting new South intalent inTanzania. Africa, Boston). the strategy Charter starting withwith By Renewal coordinating Egg-energy a revamped Tanzania. Application aims the focus move to provide Asfor a into member on one the a battery of linkages this ofswapping Victorys facility,EGG-energys clientthe between managing of expansion, streamline Boston recruitment, founding region team,Victory and andengage development, it was Schools ensuring with absolutely procurement Victorys that andrenovations, highly retention thrilling leadershipand qualified to ofand payroll begin effective in corps setting processes. executing members teachers. long-term In are EGG-energys addition, strategy. placed in I business was My Boston internship tasked plan classrooms. with andon was developing immersing schools, volunteer service tocompleting projects, connect the facilitating low-income 501(c)3 IRS communities documentation developing for another an Victory inventory client, management and working system, an ITanzania helped acoordinated purchasing Every fully year, into the 20 bystrategy mess a talent million and for placement babies the are delight organization of born an organization by to underweight, early-stage power analyzing called start-up. mostlyin Tanzania. Education historical I inisdeveloping spent two Ninety spending Pioneers, weeks percent data which nations in and May of brings with in people identifying notogether the access San in the to most Francisco Operations provide have no aaccess Manual clean, to for organized, electricity, school and yet Business attractive many Managers live physical close to and space power designing that lines. a new conducive Last-mile trainingto student distribution program learning. is for indeed school too individuals viable bay advanced categories area presenting committed medical for care. vendor to EGG-energys education Four millionconsolidation. reform business of to them at model top die, many business, toforpotential because policy, investors,education, theyand cannot primarily and regulate law in the graduate their venture own schools. body capital In Business expensive Managers. and thegraduation, communities resort kerosene doing community., they After hope Those to that createdo aI joined survive network can threeand develop pipeline other lifelong oftheir EGG-energy future problems lighting leaders founders including toin AAimprove Dar batteries diabetes, es public Salaam for heart their education. as part radios. disease, of the The and proposed service would improve theEmbrace, oncommunities quality of lifefounded by making available a cheaper, more launch low IQ. team. This summer We focused I cleaner worked primarily with site selection, aHaving social partnership enterprise development, toplan give market babies research, like these a US convenient, safer and energy source. won several business competitions in the chance. incorporation, Embraces and low-cost fundraising infant on warmer the ground. helps The keep low experience birth-weight reaffirmed babiesmy warm belief in during the power their offirst (Harvard Social Enterprise, Knox Lawrence, MITteam Ideas), the team onafrom Harvard and MIT gatheredsafe, the critical businesses month with ofalife. social As part mission of the to rural@home provide essential goodsIand worked and servicesbringing toimprove market aactivities portable, prizes to conduct further market research, incorporate realize pilot.that The summer peoples liveswere and user-friendly refueled my infant commitment warmer to that supporting can be used the withoutinelectricity venture an advisory to keeprole. babies warm during infant varied and included market research, investigating transport, in medical facilities or in the home. My task was integrating patient and doctor preferences into partnership opportunities, making a prototype, analyzing procurement options and organizing processes for the pilot. I am thankful for the fellowship I spent my 2009 summer working for Embrace, a non-profit start-up organization that came up with a technology, that has a potential to save millions of lives upoflooking prematurely born children. Embrace prepares to This summer I worked for Embrace, a non-profit start to launch a proprietary low-cost infant launch an affordable incubator, which costs only a fraction of the standard incubators cost. My job was to warmer inthe India to prevent hypothermia innon-profit newborn babies. As athe member Indian of inthe marketing and figure This summer out I pricing, interned distribution with a healthcare and estimate the demand start up called for Embrace market. India. I applied Embrace mystarted previous distribution team, I awas tasked with choosing the launch state, segmenting the market, establishing a out work as an experience effort in a Stanford at consumer design goods class to company create an as affordable well as learning solution from to the strategycritical and problem marketing ofthe classes. Iwillingness interned thisto pay, summer and recommending with Embrace, which the most is a suitable non-profit distribution social enterprise channel that and aims partner. to saveMy in-the-field 4.2 hypothermia in premature low babies. This experience could easily become Our another product HBS is caseacountless portable for the sleeping first year bag which students allows and neonates I believe tostarted itofficials, was be a research million premature consisted and ofinstitutions identifying birth weight and interviewing babies born annually healthworkers, around the world. NGOs, This government company was transferred Recent great studies application between demonstrate of the theory the I tremendous to learned. receive The further gains unique to clinical SMEs environment care. from It consulting fills of a a critical start-up services. gap company within My summer the allowed Indian project me to out pharmaceutical of Stanford acompanies year ago, an and and has medical developed device amanufacturers, very low cost infant all across incubator India. thatThe costs experience aitsfraction was ofathe great healthcare was learn toabouthelp delivery Encite myself Capital, system how I feel which early-stage and is how not organized I and impact operate investing in around an ever newborns. startup, changing design Ientrepreneurship played environment and aimplement role of in mapping informal own and out suite of existing Endeavor insight equipment. into is a the US-based social Theyre nonprofit enterprise going organization to space, launch the also that product into strives the in toIndia workings promote in early of a 2010. young My start-up. summer It inwas emerging was great divided to put marketing consulting unstructured strategy productsprocesses. forand the services I company had to for create and SMEs determining in processes Haiti and thethe find optimal Dominican out the distribution best Republic. ways tostrategy Encite get my is injob athenonprofit done. Indian It wassocial a15 into markets. so Endeavor manytwo parts. Currently, of the isinterviewed For learnings a non-profit the Endeavor first from seekingmonth is my present I was first tonurses, transform in yearbased 10at countries out HBS emerging of into Palo around action, market Alto, the CA and and Iglobe economies am focused and gratefulbyAlsoit has onto establishing developing plans the Social to expand a strategy Enterprise High-Impact into enterprise completely context. I with different the mission experience physicians, to promote from my prosperity previous midwives, through job recentin large entrepreneurship, mothers, corporations. and more founded to the gather socialon the product impact principle created for new their markets US business within as the indeserve order next 5totheyears. raise Through funds andthem, awareness Isuccessful, worked forfor the Jorge IIndia Initiative for facilitating such an opportunity. Nazer, launch. entrepreneur My with workthat involved who leads coming that Entrepreneurship all entrepreneurs the leading force opportunity for economic to be development. with spent inthe by feedback, the understanding 10 weeks Endeavors their success Center In ALTO, up addition with acompany Chileanunderstand aImpact to the plan, was mature company doing amarket how fantastic best product focused motivator to research onsell lines the solving to fortest for product the allagriculture the the my social idea,and actions, facilitate issue product and which offood adoption theft design was industries a great within retailers and creating learning EcoFlora thea current mainly team about has through standard already to myself. take legal the Even of benefits for if care. I High do Inot also society work spoke Entrepreneurship at for large. witha non-profit government (C-HIE) organization leaders in New and in the York NGOs future, working to evaluate my on summer a study various to experience ways understand of ensuring allowed what me proper makes to see training that I prosecution. established project IEndeavor spent forward. itself myentrepreneurs summerIn a context in, For there the working ofis second increasing also for great half of client opportunity the dissatisfaction internship in the I was personal and based high in care risk India. market of My competitors' (makeup, responsibilities entry, hair care, I helped included skin of should ALTO care). healthcare commit develop Multinationals workers ain to new similar intothe value successful. use activity ourEndeavor, proposition. personal simple even As care ifpart ameant medical USthe of itindustry More based specifically, aproject, device. non-profit part-time have I:was ItI had help. an whose Researchedenriching missiontheories summer is to support intereston successful which allowed me to developing entrepreneurs a marketing and emerging formed and distribution markets. research Through hypotheses; strategy Endeavor for theIalready Designed launch was to paired shown comprehensiveundertake including with greata different identification Colombian survey andintasksEcoFloras of the bioproducts to interview achieve target natural the use Isurfactants, final spent my business a wonderful recommendation: waxes skillsandsummerandblue Led developed interning adyes;market however, my research ability with Endeavor EcoFlora study to work Global, jointly has within yetwith tointhe an the tackle unfamiliar anright New externalthis York market and firmoffice, tochallenging space. I wasThus, better part context. understand ofsupply my the mainthe segment, questions; company geographical called the Conducted EcoFlora. focus, 50+ EcoFlora product interviews is based pricing withto in and entrepreneurs Medellin also finding and of produces fast-growing a distribution range companies of organic, partners from and biopesticides 10 emerging as Insight project chain needs team, for model. of ALTO's Iwhich summer, also clients;gotis essentially Project involved Datamined Endeavors Playa, setting thewas up database internal evaluate manufacturing consulting the market arm, for and EcoFloras has lately Cosme emerged Blue as dye aEcoFlora For market well this as summer, organic, countries; I worked natural Assessed food with Endeavor ingredients. economic Global, impact My projectof ato identify non-profit Endeavorwas tofor theft the that develop companies product patterns supports and by inthat begin India. the analyzing could Overall, development implementing classify financial I had our clients high-impact an performance great export in recognized time better; entrepreneurs the US over personal Analyzedthethought summer. from the careleader emerging space. profitability By in being global involved of markets. high-growth each As client in atoso summer many to entrepreneurship understand aspects intern, ofcost I had the topics. and the business, value opportunityMy summer drivers; I was toable was Understood support to mainly apply the a devoted potential lot New of and strategy This impact summer to help onI ahad human thethe company capital; exciting transform opportunity Prepared from report aprepare smalland high-impact presented Latinprojects American project for Turkey producer findings Office intoto executives, a global ofecosystems. Endeavor. producer. staff Endeavor and The to the competitive Country developing principles Expansion threats set I learned offrom team best during to practices substitute strategizeRC and on service could the how to company's also potential build deeply expansion (lawappreciateand of entrepreneurial security its the affiliate challenges firms). offices faced in by a start-up South-East ToaAsia.identify and project external helps was a consultants. high-impact wonderful entrepreneurs experience. to I breakbegan down by developing barriers to the success strategy; in their this was environment. very similar Currently, to lot of my key aWith principles non-profit the support that company. of cut the across HBS time Social and Enterpriseborders, I interviewed Initiative, I was private, a summer public fellow and at non-profit iCarros, an leaders Endeavor previous Working Endeavor closely work Turkey as with a consultant a former helps 25 entrepreneurs but HBS was Leadershipvery new who establishedFellow for EcoFlora from 2005, who 14 companies Ihad had notthe previously opportunity in Turkey. These had to anyone help companies Endeavor help serve fostering company entrepreneurship in around theand world. The inkey takeaway isacross that former successful entrepreneurs aBrazil. the iCarros ofistheir them deepen prioritize its anthat internet startup So Paulo that Isells classified ads and online products Endeavor are in acar best variety isunderstanding positioned of global industries potential tonon-profit lead including Malaysia between helps localities their telecommunication, Thailand. different entrepreneurs towards Inproducts high-growth particular, food in developing orentrepreneurship, delivery, was involved wirelessdifferent countries in markets. technologies speaking succeed but that byOnceto other and providing the insurance. players in to strategy entrepreneurs, dealers was across developed other Brazil. non-profit I then Endeavor helped organizations isthem a non-profit contact and key organization distribution stakeholders that partners from incubates the in the privateUShigh-impact and sector Europe entrepreneurs passionate and was mentorship, Ithe developed ecosystem networks, four should mainIts strategic actively projects advice, support for Endeavor talent, their and efforts. Turkey: access As (1) an to capital. Developing example, Ianalyzed spent 10 Entrepreneurial Icatalyze theweeks recent atnetwork an Stakeholder online remarkable Map of in Endeavor about able emerging to economic move is amarkets. non-profit forward development to organization mission the point for is to Malaysia where which lead we the provides and had global Thailand. contracts a movement first-class in place entrepreneur to with three long-term support different economic parties. and growth Overall the health/wellness ascent Turkey; of(2) thePreparing New company York the tech that E-Book startup Endeavor called scene. supports Financial Finally, ingivenBrazil. Incentives myMy RomanianjobThese that was could tostartups makeitthem origins, Improve was your more particularly Competitivesuccessful by business expertise Ito by selecting, promising startups in developing countries. and their founders in turn intomentoring, summer improving Through was Endeavor customera50 great experience worked engagement and accelerating for me and the anbest one where High-Impact IStrategy felt likeEntrepreneurs Ipossible was able around to contribute the world. asuccessful, large amountOver the to Advantage meaningful provide more me jobs, Questions to contribute better &for products, 10 Answers; on ofweeks thetheir and (3) side at moremost to oven profitable Developing Endeavors entrepreneurial and refrigerator product. future for spirit As tomanufacturing they International their become expansion local more Expansioncompany plans communities in and the called andFinding region. they course the Prtica future of in the thesuccess summer, state ofof I Minas worked EcoFlora. Gerais I closely would in with highly Brazil. Endeavor recommend The managing Entrepreneur working entrepreneur for Fernando Endeavor had Ortenblad, as ambitious a great the opportunity growth targets for Financial create economies. My more experience Resources revenue In my over role forand the two jobs assummer, an entrepreneurs; eMBA in Brazilian economy (4) Performing and serve Due as Diligence a good role Analysis.model to the entrepreneur Superintendent anyone but no wanting clear plan of toon Operations. workhow into Emerging achieve Mytaking at work Endeavor, Markets his an focused targets. internship and Ilargely had wanting Throughout in the Social on opportunity to mybeEnterprise, marketing able to summer toreally and help has influence sales project abeensmall initiatives I built both mobile athe really atfuture strategic software iCarros,valuable of an growth community. company and rewarding in Also, Turkey from because grow a professional by the helping company andthem focuses personalraise on capital standpoint.the frommid/low-income investors I worked and for population, Endeavor, by developing an itprocess was organization a newvery rewarding product. aimed including organization. roadmap Interning the by with areas analyzing Endeavor of competitive growthatentrepreneurship Satellogic options intelligence, was in their an in new incredible current product markets, experience development, in new that markets, and has definitely sales though changed new optimization. products my life. I and to have contributed toquiteprotecting and improving health of Brazilians. This Iat The through experience supporting found new my productrole international taught high-impact to I be worked me expansion a nonprofitonunique lot aboutinthat was aas mobile I leveraged entrepreneurship, order to payments continuedeveloping my business it product growing countries. taughtentrepreneurs knowledge me which at an how annualThrough will help gained tofinancial excite rate their provide as investors ofsector. eMBA an 40% until access external andprogram,to 2015. consultant financial sponsors, Finally I helped Endeavor and services MBA a Colombian for is studenta the US-based nearly to entrepreneur advise20M an unbanked internet define supports Turkish his start-up growth high adults. internally. strategy impact The In within internship addition, the provided I deeply in emerging an valued incredibly the economies. I believe high valuable touch this way cross how built to define a financial a projection product portfolio inas order andto how value tothe outline company a strategy and to address determine the potential resources clients.necessary But moreto of Through exposure cultural supporting Endeavor, perspective and entrepreneurship attention I worked for me, I received for Three is well the through as most Melons, a unique myeffective an internship Argentinean opportunity one to and contribute to feel game view that studio to the entrepreneurship my work that development has develops challenged and online of startup economies me and life over from Iimportantly, achieve have justthecompleted it with growth taught me my and how summer a forthe asprofit an eMBA technology Summer venture Associate can have with aEndeavor positive social basedimpact in Monterrey, in an and iPhone the societies. inside. course games This of theexperience aplan, summer. social has Finally, find component given I was best me and the fortunate financing free-play confidence enough option business and forknowledge experience Prtica. model, both working to with launch inbyoriginal awill another business IP andhigh-impact, country, ofwell- my own learning emerging Mexico. Endeavor Endeavor country is third a US like based aims Argentina. to transform non-profit Andfounded lives because and infor of economies 1997, this it led whose environment. inme emerging mission to believe marketsme is to transformBased that I supporting the economiesbe totally fulfilled of established after how graduation. to adapt to party the culture properties, and designed language in a advertising professional and entertainment. in Buenos Aires, and innovative happymarkets entrepreneurs; starting myidentifying ownwho venture attempt insupporting an a to emerging make high-impactreal country. differences in the strategy socialJames and tocommercial landscapes my emerging I spent summer my work involved summer by workingdeveloping for Endeavor,and business a US-based plan and operational nonprofit entrepreneurs. that helps support expand Wolfensohn, high impactThree Melons former of these markets. Entrepreneurs in these markets areoriginal offered world-class strategic advice and insight into existing President business of the World while Bank simultaneously and member launching of the Endeavor the Board IP self-publishing of Directors, believes game studiothat "Endeavor for distribution sources entrepreneurs I worked of with intelligent in emerging Endeavor, capital. which economies. In turn, is a non-profit theseEndeavor entrepreneurs that was able strivesFacebook serve to toas offer support as memuch-needed the high-impact opportunity role entrepreneurs models to work infor athathas their from on played social an networking instrumental sites role and in promoting mobile devices entrepreneurship (primarily a tool and for iPhone development. applications). It is a model Specifically, communities socially emerging responsible markets. to encourage As company an further and gain entrepreneurship experience in the andtechnology hence development. sector. aIthe spentI spent mymy summer summer in Istanbul working should this I spent with working involved one be thefor of replicated analyzing summer these, of Endeavor aroundtheeMBA 2010 the existing interning companies, intern, anworld." business e-commercefor I had Vialux,had the IEnergyClimate and the opportunity platform fortunate a recommending telecom-infrastructure Solutions for to work chance delivery changes (ECS),to with experience restaurantscompany South atostart-up CEO African this intobased and company Turkey. powerful entrepreneur, senior in thatmodel Yemeksepeti Monterrey, provides thanks Vinny management, energy Lingham. to the HBS His including Social start-up, Enterprise updates to fund. is a project-scoping Through freemium Endeavor, website methodology, I builder worked budget thatfor aspires, changes to help improve micro an to e managing small isand was founded sustainability seven years solutions ago and toprovider has colleges and universities. Myoffering lead project was to help the company ofanbeen very successful inallowed Turkey. Iinused myof experience as athe Mexico. Enova commerce businesses aVialux social isenterprise currently the that only focuses onfor of bridging cell sites the inthe digital Mexico divide Mexico custom-builtby creating thesolutions training Iconsultant to the a platform globally reduce for delivery andthe SCRUM sprints and creative cost development restaurants going in online. Turkey, content Given which studio. fast Through pace me nature to gain participating experience the inbusiness, in Endeavor had to structure complex centers help them throughoutfinancing infrastructureformulate thevehicle issues country execute for universities forprojects. telecom where international people to clients. adopt of all By agesexpansion Energy providing can Efficiency take strategy. site solutions courses (EE) My projects rangingsummer inproduct locations from without experience that English incurring wereto made basic me technology opportunity program, This summer I sector. to realizedI work worked I myhelped on several three for Yemeksepeti, ideals Entrepreneurial for my Indevelop just summer Solutions one a new summer, employment: Partners. value I was proposition They part working engage of the and abroad, in two launch working primary one team of for developing their activitiesa start-up in a sure upfront previously computation that capital I would inaccessible costs. skills. like DuringtoI worked towork telecom the for directly summer a start-up carriers, with I served company the Vialux CFO as isthe of in playing the project technology company, a crucial manager regularly role sector. for in the Enova'sIt collaborated also development showed participation with me of that the Mexicos in the firms I data-driven and ventures. post-conflict working More approach within countriesspecifically a to social making throughout in enterprise. order product to Africa developchanges, and in theHaiti. worked final on recommendation, First,Trade they the series provide C funding I had advisory to: and for Lead created governmenta market new research need energy toengineers, have atocareer and that occasionally produces presented a positive mysocial findings impact ofto asthe wellCEO. as My profits. ofproject people Planned and entrance economy in toby expanding single-serve communication coffee market for coverage Fair toPresident previously coffee company I was disconnected enabled happy that me to communities our apply segmentation Agentes of de study ministries both and Innovatin with their consumers development online Program marketing. (users) finance sponsored and customers institutions by the onOffice(restaurants); how to the improve Datamine private Mexico. the sector current This development user program baseto. to and partners identify which many throughout expansion the skills efforts the and country. will lessons be able Ithe to learned accelerate during job the creation first year in the at countries HBS, including we building decided toaby financial expand model, Finally, entrepreneurs high Ethnologee potentials; with is ahelped Analyze start-up leaders the focusing in business public model on generating sector and to create economics employment solutions to develop andtouplifting for social a problems financial artisans forecast bytopreserving following ; Understand a traditional creating sectors my internship should a compelling be promoted product me realize and marketing invested how much strategy, in I within had and the learned presenting countryat HBS. findings build Having a globally theand recommendations chance competitive apply my economy. new skills human-centered both arts competitive and craft skills design threats by process. from developing current My contemporaryrole providers was to and and lead the future innovative empathy entrants products. and ; design Develop a stages launch of andthe process marketing to effectively The makes With bases second me to activity excited peers in bothsolution to and is a come Monrovia sweat superiors. back equityto Working model school nextat where ECS year was they and anprovideextremely continue long-term my formative learning. strategic experience advice that for small exposed and create plan. a potential forand the Kakata, high rate Farmbuilders ofbottom dropouts seeks (about to25%) revitalize amongst small, Mexicanindependent high school agroforestry me medium farmers to cutting inenterprises edgeparticularlyapproaches that impact tothose sustainability at the and energy of the many efficiency pyramid infinancing. exchange Ifor wasaparents, small constantly minority students. My During summer the I Liberia, conducted experience summer of 13 focus made 2009, I in me had the groups realize the rubber theindustry. throughout opportunity potential the to After State workthat aoftechnology at Mexico the farms Federal withwere firm Bureau destroyed students, can have of in orTurkey. Investigation ignored andas It during also afarms stake. challenged decades This of summer, to civil thinkwar, my outside main independent the projectbox farmers involved precisely seek helping because financial a defunct existing and agri-business financing technical options resources companyand to models regenerate that exports were their teachers. showed member me ofUsing that the the a company Special feedback Advisor can from produce Program. these sessions, aThe positive FBI is Itheir worked social a United impactwith States our government as government well as summer, profits. partners agency Finally, under andinternship my our internal the processed inadequate Iinto was productive fortunate cassava in addressing enough crops. products key Farmbuilders to spendrestart challengesmy andassists summer streamline of EE these as adoption. a farmers Special operations ByAdvisor with the end land and Intern of surveying, their theat the strategy clearing, Federal my for work Bureaugrowth. replanting, contributed of team helped Department to me understand realize ofWith Justice that the my root whose passion causes mission doesof thelie includes problem, in entrepreneurship protecting refine andour scope and defending it in order initiated the to Unitedme effectively to execute States approach against the business the terrorist to an innovative maintenance, Investigation. and and feasible financing, 30,000 product employees, and links prototype them a $7 billion to that global budget,will buyers hopefully and for a biomassbe workforce rolled today out based andininthe near production all 50 future. states in and the Ifover the long challenge, plan and The I had Social foreign and developed Enterprise design intelligence the for Fellowship first years. threats, iteration Over enforcing afforded the of mea summer solution. thethe criminal I opportunity This launched lawsto solution, my ofthose to theintern an startup, United onlineraised thisStates, vocational summer capital and and training atproviding FEED have Projects. platform, been leadership able product 60 term. countries, launch Additionally, the is FBI successful, faces Farmbuilders similarECS has thefarmers management offers potential challenges valuable to meaningfully technical accelerate of training any the private-sector and adoption education, or of with largeEEthe projects non- was to and Founded presented leverage criminal by the Lauren to justice the powerful Bush,Mexican services Endeavor the Secretary tocompany network of Education throughout and all will stages. hopefully be scaled throughout the country atother on campuses of significant greenhouse-gas agencies sells FEED and emitters. bags partners. I am through Though thankful retailerstoits themission suchSocial as Bergdorf is up unique, Enterprise Goodman, the FBI faces Fellowship Iprofit had potential the organization. privilege to significantly ofThe working Special increase Advisor Feed Resource Program, Recovery an internal ('Feed'), advisory developing group made markets of for graduates an innovative, from toincomes upon Whole completion Foods, andofBarnes testing &theand Noble. prototyping. Each and achieve higher standards of living. This summer, Karen management program top clean-tech worked MBA for programs, directly start-upchallenges enabling with converting tackles the similar me CEO/founder to contribute supermarket FBIs any most tobag large, to acomplexincludes youngprivate-sector waste restructure and into ainnovative management the metric-based clean organization, companys energy company issues. & donation, organic business I and that worked the e.g. has Special fertilizer. model with feeding the after theNot Advisor potential one Bureaus only completion child Program to make does in ofFeed its aIschool was am a remarkably Leadership reduce first-year second-year createdfor the one pilot, within year, positive environmental Developmentincluding student through the FBI impact toenrolled Program new impact charities help on businessclimate ofto in address including the change. transporting develop development joint these a the MBA-MPA/ID World management best-in-class waste, for but Food diversified it program Program challenges. promotion also produces sources offered and process My of Millennium cleanby revenuefor Harvard project energy Special for and Villages. Business the that Agents. divesting summer It School was This my and was My responsibility Harvard part of the internship Kennedy to atBureaus manage School, Leadership theand gave development I me spent Development great myinsightpastsix farmers new summerintoproducts. Program the with She aaccess world the This broad ofEconomic involved and aaffordably. exhaustive successful and designing Financial effort thesocial Affairs to product more look supermarkets unsuccessful summer can harness and fertilizer that local can Ifor-profit collaborated with the and Committee logo,was systematically workingof projects one the develop of the National with inthe best order factories personal Peoples FBIs to strengthen and leadership and Congress charitable professional core (NPC). talent. activities. partners, I was experiences Im cold-calling part very of aalso grateful ofhelpedmy potential cross-functional for young theprepare career, retailers, social team grant and enterprise setting that applications I thoroughly was summer and cofounders enterprise. proposals enjoyed This summer working to to Gazelles understand investors I had in a the mission the mission-driven for amazing stage is local to two show fertilizer opportunity funding that organization market its initiatives. to workprofitable with and an forwithout improve to Highlights be incredibly President green. its of manufacturing passionate George the They summer W.websiteresell Bushs and and supply included patriotic Foundationrecycle chain. attending group used I onsocialalso of a fellowship, specifically manufacturing which focused and allowed shipping on improvingme to schedules, pursue the this efficiency determining internship and effectiveness pricing, and having developing of the to worry promotion about process the content funding. for and Special The interfaced electronic multiday people. devices, closely conference withusingon the the customer, smallholder resellmethodology, side designing farmer to subsidizemanagement,aand process their recycling. forseeing supply Iandworked distributionspecifically that onwas their conducive pricing to NPC strategic Agents. media My istheir Summer the planning, advertising My highest summer Fellowship state formeasurement authority internship new allowedproduct and experience me tothe launches. gain onlywas legislative experience extremely social house in(i.e.,the rewarding inlatex entrepreneurship non-profit China. harvesting theboth The space market Financial personally and at algorithms a firm manufacturing positioning. and Economic andstrategy) named The professionally. The lines Giving both engine, first hand, a proprietary and our of needs. course, system Working getting that tomaximizes across know multiple the value unique to fields the and firm wonderful engineering, through culture use operations, of of Liberia. and and market gave Affairs George I Committee BackThegreat Fund, W. Bush challenging located Foundation isinaLos problem very we important Angeles,iswerea non-profit facing special California. organization provided committee The a great Giving whose of Back the opportunity primary NPC,iswith Fund atopurposes key responsibilities apply non-profit are knowledgethat development helps and including skills celebrities and I toin data. me Analysis also insight put together into the research exciting yetto estimate complex theasize nature ofan ofGeorge the secondhand environmentally-focused electronics market, start-up. a George This market research, programming gained research the experience inof entertainment my firms the draft, was of prior possible revise, have a the and concrete George private-sector only distribution discuss sports begun extension andBush to channels approve Institute experience, explore. of realize my All past for legislation asand in well what all, specialized the experience as itit related in my was means a nutritional to W. first great with to financial Bush beyear experience: social a food Presidential at and economic HBS. philanthropists entrepreneurs forAnd women passionate Center. knowing and at of affairs, The how people Ashoka adolescent that and they and to W. Idoing was can age Bush supervise in contributing Ghana. Institute, the towith the operations the non-partisan FBIs ofprivate mission the research central of protecting arm government of the the United Center, on financial States conducts and made independent economic itcharitable easy torelated get research upsocialmatters. for work to develop Ieach was This work leverage allowed summer, that their me bringsto success practice- the together generous into and social adapt- support good. and many social The ofofthe Giving goals the HBS in business Social Back an impacting Fund Enterprise school develops way. tools Fellowship to a burgeoning I have programs, been able identifies venture. to high practical fortunate morning! commit solutions to myself work full-timeto under the toworlds the the guidance task most of challenging of laying Madame the social Wu groundwork issues. Xiaoling, for As Vice Globala summer Chairperson Citizen associate, Year of the - a I worked Financial new social with and venture the quality Most Isenior had the charity importantly, fortune partners tothe spend and project manages mywhich supported summer donor the atnow advised organization's Thepreparing Global funds Fund and mission forthe foundations Children to find (GFC), for economically a oftheir non-profit clients. viable In grant-making addition, ways to Economic Iorganization designed leadershipAffairs while atteam Committee HBS, toand develop and and formerI am implement Deputy Governorthe organizations to of launch. Peoples Since first comprehensive Bank graduating China, in June, strategic the I central have had bank The reduce Giving and Back convert that Fund waste supports pioneered into innovative, the nutrients Best for Practices grassroots local farms, groupsFundraising thereby that in Summit transforming turn help heldtheir yearly an in environmental communities Los Angeles most and liability The planning in China. process. The Itthe was ain great experience to that help transition the organization from athestart-up to itsSan rapid This Giving dozens into vulnerable summer an Back of asset. 30Ispecific conversations children had published tasks achieve privilege with that Parade a key better I stakeholders of wasworking involved Magazine quality for of during Google and life. highlights potential My the Chinas time summer Corporate partners celebrities was spent are: (i) inworking who New work Social have York, with Responsibility on made Boston, the project the Global DC largest and Fund team Initiative, for on the growth which donationsrevision Francisco; phase. seeks toto of participated Specifically, the leverage charity. Securities Duringin I Googles implemented high-levelInvestment thegenerous resources eight conversations week Funds short to Law, and findofhosted fellowship long including innovative atSEThe term by the researching critical solutions Giving Rockefeller Back initiatives, and relevant entrepreneurial Fund, Brothers developed I wasIableregulation Fund toona balanced in approaches work the the future closely toof This Children United scorecard past summer, Books States and and brand, strategic through providing aplanning the childrens recommendations book process, support publishing and identified based the division on metricsSummer Chinas housed to Fellows under circumstances, measure theprogram and organizations and support was meeting able progress Global with to toward work the Media address with the Peace the the CEO Corps,challenges and and Vice the of inequality, President Brookings' to formpoverty, Institution a new education, on pricing Internationalmodel,and the environment calculate Volunteer monthlyService; in China. operating and, In particular, conducted profits with a I series with thethe Ministers Regional IOffice Ventures division. My primary (MRO) responsibility in was Calgary. somewhat These offices consultative: are staffed I was with tasked senior with bureaucrats looking at and representatives the focused During strategic on objectives summer the from hallmark of the for 2011 investment of the our ahad Institute. CSR the industry, initiative, I also legal proposed professionals a high-level and Social professors Return who on specialize Investment incollege this inthe toincredible of yearlysite visits forecasts at high-performing and develop non-profit business plan. Caring organizations The opportunity new for China including pricing ofmodel working Google City Social for Year, involved the TeachInnovation Government breaking for America, downCup offor Chile and the Canada its are located divisions methodology field; (2) researchthroughout current forrefine marketing implementation theState the Dodd-Frank country tactics and over Act help and revamping the Her next prepare Majestys few the ayears. program memorandum Cabinet Additionally, and tofield. bring onwhose its the Honourable Igreater conducted implications exposure, Ministers a comparative and and in services more market new World they department Youth offered studentswith (). to into for specific my Caring Modernization understanding tasks, for then China allocating is of the and 'best Electronic the countrys practices' hours first Government in spent the nationwide on these My tasks. competition job main has The goal felt new aimed is like to model atthatpromote of allows empowering a The executing Worked aggressive analysis implementation in governments the the marketing, SocialGovernment progress to orders. the Entrepreneurship up to of product It Liberia date; was line. (3) an (Office space exhilarating Secondarily, prepare and of a President provided report summer I was on & Ministry to responsible recommendations the spend economic of atforLands, the heart developing for condition Mines focusing ofof Canadian aand Energy) strategic China, the policy Institutes following on initiatives detective Giving Chinas Back youth -that Fund toimprove interviewing, to beprogram address user observing,satisfaction self-sustainable pressing sociallistening andoffer and issues quality and through learning pricing of service. moreinactivity grassroots, order Forto accurately eightdesign innovative weeks and an quickly.I was innovative solutions. activelyOpenapproach Calculating involved to college to in energy policy Idevelopment and encouraging aprivate (4)sector partnership development positioning inoutreach because aworked crowded of the field. sheertothe At help the amount endGFC of make ofthe government greater summer, I hadinvestment connections the related with privilege within both to of the stimulating power corporate presenting industy theand my economy. of non-profit work Liberia to I the shaping This address operating students release summer the ofclear profits around second governments market allowed the quarter at country, Grameen gapagenda The in economic Giving it also for America, State global Back serves data;youth Fund to and Modernization microfinance instillto service correctly a work sense field.and with nonprofit access of I the coordinating have social their senior that recently current responsibility leadership provides the arrivedshort-term financial and in ofSan affordable civic Graduate agenda microloans Francisco situation, engagement to the and in organizations. spent Foundation School modernize to empower the ofam majority the Board the By Peoples low-income Publicthe of ofDirectors end myBank Health time of of the entrepreneurs on and summer, China System. three to(thethe This majorI experience hadprojects: President central across created the bank) and country. not360 (1) toMrs. developing degree conduct only Bush. Founded confirmed marketing Working market in a2008 framework my for research by plansthe commitment Nobel forprizewinner George and three a financial W.of operational to Bushthemodel public groups plan of plan where thegreen My for minds I experience childrens for the house setting ofwas books,future. Chinasworking gas up leaving Overall, our youth emission in offices social behind the generation. summer and enterprise negotiations a template operations,fellowship In aexperience nutshell, this with that summer oilcan and& was we be gaspreparing a was used fulfilling solicit companies; for project extremely to craft experience, the further (2) formal proposals fulfilling. completing launch in marketing that from Grameen a of it provided collegeGlobal feasibility plans, America Citizen students and studyme had is a a and new Foundation Muhammed service, first Year program time this but fall. also opportunity offerings, Yunus, an helped unbelievable Grameen to as meworkwell visualizeas America within summer to explore where the brings the and non-profit the inclusion whenproven spaceforI me, would of model in new and an be of courses I will Grameen most intimate be on returning effective Ethics Bank supportive in in & as Corporate the Bangladesh serving atmosphere. Director my Social to country of the across non-profit recommendations researched all Integration 31 provinces microfinance more forafter than that a50 large demonstrate institution government organizations that and aMBA. provides creative, backed five small clean unique practicalloans energy types solution to people ofventure partnerships toliving a social capital below that problem fund; theand in their poverty (3) line completing local in the Responsibility. Strategic IUnited had Grameen from community. the States. pleasure public We IAmerica worked arena. then of spending select on completing Grameen afounded my summer certain my Americas number at Grameen of expansion projects America tostrategy fund in andasNew well be Yorkas its implemented City, aGFC marketing sister could over potentially organization andthe grassroots students to U.S. due pursue. diligence Overall, on I and had a was prioritizing wonderful $580 time by Nobel million learning Peace stimulus about Prizethe Laureate funding non-profit for Professor the communitywestern Muhammad provinces. and the Yunus impact I spent based that the a on efforts. Grameen summer I learned Bank vacations. focused a great Social exclusively deal issues about covered on building applyingrange sustainable Dr. from Muhammad education, social businesses Yunuss poverty, grouplending and disability enjoyed needs modelbeing and to partpoverty healthcare, of an the Aldi bulk small, extremely spent ofbut organization alleviation his myincredibly summer in that thesummer successful United is working working complex playing model directly for of Grameen organization important The withwas firm the role suchBank Foundations Minister founded in as povertyinThe Bangladesh. of Global in thesocial alleviation 2008, enterprise Environment foris As inthe Children, Bangladesh,called and can trying make Ruma the toUS in that learn the has provides world.themillionsfine ofto the environment, poor mobile balance people phone between with arts applications no job environmental and culture, opportunities that help women protectionlow and incomeand noand children access households economic to issues, credit, and in generate development especially general income. of United given acommunity He resourcethe States. started economic rich development. his country.summer climate. My The Nadiem headquartered spent hisin summer New York working Cityto (Times for Grameen Square), Foundations and is ofmade up socialofcharge enterprise 10incalled Ruma that provides a amotorbike role was two-fold in addition supervising areplaced team interns incashers, teampayday ofofmonitoring full-time and corporate coordinating local investigating moneylenders Rumas offirstBangladesh fraud case. have He been spent countless by hourscheck on lenders, rural Java, and visiting pawn shops. employees mobile all This ongoing summer phone (other projects applications I worked professionals over forthe that summer, Grassroots help work Indonesian in Ithethe was Capital, field also a privatelow in the responsible income branch equity households for offices). fund media that I was generate promotion invests primarily inpeople income. andhe microfinance tasked outreach He with developed to print, institutions customers and ainvestigating aalongside By providing capital, financial education and localpeer, After resolving Grameen the empowers fraud case, rebuilt the implementing strategic TV, radio partnerships andtrained web new outlets grassroots with across leading marketing the consumer world. strategy The goods goalthat was producer would to leverageboth to crossraise these sellawareness RUMA news outlets andto products, lift as achieve to spread themselves wellcreative the as controls (MFIs) out of and throughout poverty through the hardstaff emerging to work preventworld. and future The determination investment cases like to the forgeteam one consists better he faced. lives of forapproximately Towards their the families end ten and of professionals his future fundraising. collaborated work that our Examples withstudents the no of are projects 1 philanthropic doing, IHyderabad, asworked a means organization on include: to inspire indeveloping the youth country in a marketing other toon pilot nations, a HBS micro-retail campaign as well as for program. other Grameens companies He internship located generations. in New he was Since York, in its aLondon, series founding ofand fundraising in 2008, Grameen meetings but the America that team washasalso arranged relies reached by over regional an 3,700 partners classmate borrowers who who and havealso achievedkey secured partnership to start and thinking executed with the about pitches Lilith how FairtoMy to summer make 6goalhigh a for net-worth concert meaningful tour, individuals, impact introducing on out their of employees which society. 3and provided Overall, customers verbal IDevelopment learned a commitment of Whole great deal worked relationships an average at Ruma with repayment for local the MFIs. ratesummer, of over which97%. included Thisthe summer summer, a dinner was I worked with to get George in financial the Soros. Finance and investing and experience in functions, the to Foods aboutsupport to the GrameenPT importance RUMA. America He of has youth as since part empowerment been of our inspired partnership and theartby thewith great the ofand potential Whole managing of Planet a exactlySocial CorporateFoundation, Enterprise Social in helping Indonesia, Responsibility to design microfinance helping the industry. organization I hadanalyze a very its gratifying financing summer requirements I was exposedcapital tostructure, the types institutionalize of projects lender to and is currently launch initiative, and a new am starting website also happya and technology-based (specifically to have been building ablesocial ato new enterprise apply contribution inofthe area system ofthat micro-transport maximizes inyear. donations Jakarta.and which reporting I wanted standards exposure and conceive was agiven new responsibility savings program forsome running targeting themyyoung lessons projects. women learned My fromother projects (among RCincluded: projects). I) exploring revising the creative funds allowed MFI-levelme valuation model used by theimpact global one teamcan and regional partners to evaluate Grameen America to observe the incredible have by applying business ways new to improve investments, our social media presence). Overall, the internship was a great experience; I was model,to able principles take on a Marketing to create2)sustainable, assessing a permanent role in a non-profit new investment environment,solutions in a Peruvian to gain poverty. knowledge microfinance Through about this bank (built financial experience, Microfinance Ifrom learned the how Development of programs that connect cleantech entrepreneurs with the funding and technical support they need. I spent my summer working for the GSM Association (GSMA), which is the umbrella association for mobile network operators around (HVA), the world. I was withinoperates their Mobile Money for the Unbanked group, Harlem Village Academies which currently 5services schools, ispoor committed to fostering an which helps mobile network operators expand access to financial for populations in Africa, Asiatoand environment of ownership, teamwork and continuous learning; one where teachers feel empowered Latin This summer America. I interned My assignment infor thetheir Higher for students. theEducation summer was group to help at Harvard a Pioneer successful Business Rwandan Publishing, Mobile whose Money mission program is to make the right decisions As an Education Fellow, I worked closely with the plan improve its next the practice stage of growth, and impact into of the management less accessible in a rural changing areas world. of the For country. Management I spent halfto have my summer as that in positive Ihuman was a member capital it department, of the Cost to Trends help team themat reformulate the Health their Policy recruiting Commission, processes a quasi-independent inwell-designed order to ensure entity an London impact and as half is inpopular Rwanda, togetting study, wherestudents I worked must closely have with access the into to challenging head of the mobile andMy money program materials. in order they within wereMassachusetts able to continue state government high performing focused on teachers understanding theirthe schools. underlying drivers prior experience of cost within in IUsing to was assess in the chargeknowledge the of and emergent researching Imyacquired challenges and during putting ofCostthe my together RC year, business. Ian helped Before overview develop leaving ofkey the the new main GSMA andtrends I better delivered andeducational forces aand analysis that materials shaped, recruiting the state's athealth BCG care system. strategic The skillset Trends allowed team me isto tasked identify with conducting opportunities research for improvement. to that over recommendations This will the summer, be past used 3 decades, I had in business report, thecost the which opportunity schools provider's summarized around landscape to work for Healthpoint the the world. in key Massachusetts. issues and Servicesmy suggested This Global assignment path (HSG), forward involved a for-profit for the not only business. socialcost help inform an annual growth benchmark. More specifically, project focused on provider reviewing the existing literature on Massachusetts' health ofcare market evolution, but also interviewing structure, enterprise and start-up theinside role that that provides this may consumers play in helping Iat Iindustry worked experts on forming partnerships with government the base toabout drive affiliated the up economic public health care pyramid spending with toin high thethat state. quality, Within and outside HPC. As learned the mosthealth important centers trends improve in health period, like this affordable project, primary I worked healthwith services. financial HSG data accomplishes from the state's this acute by creating care hospitals physical andunits conducted called EI Health research Points hospital outcomes Heart of consolidation, Man and save (HOM) costs technological is a premiumamong low-income advances, fashion line populations. deregulation of mens water, andfinance and womens the rise clothingof managed and care; accessories. had the But HOM within (EHPs) the in rural existing communities literature that on theprovide way in cleanwhich drinking hospitals medicines, the provisionmedical of diagnostics, health care and services. chance does nottojust test my own version of theitnarrative withbackthese individuals, getting their insights and feedback Icreate quality clothing also gives to youth. For each sale of clothing, ainternet percentage telemedical Thishow on summer to consultations improve had the my privilege work. connecting This ofprocess workingphysicians wasas aincredible with Social otherwise Enterprise not only hard-to-reach Summer because Fellow it lead patients at me Civic to via a Exchange, great final a of uplink. Operations the nonprofit sale goes began public to publicin policy October school think 2009 tankprograms with in Hong in three impoverished Kong. EHPs As a with in rural social communities. northern enterprise, India In Civic addition, and I Exchanges witnessed for each mission the accessory opening is to it of version I had athe three sold, new ofpleasure child the EHPs in story one this ofofthatworking summer. these willschools be Iin published was Boston responsible receives this insummer HPC anotherforCost several Trends accessory the report Housing activities after by December, Partnership supporting showing achievement HSG: but Network, also implementing because a membership academically. a pilot identify exposed organization issues me to relevant so much to the information publics and interests interesting in Hong stories Kong of and how develop the health expert care knowledge markets and evolved toa project The As a Heart summer testing of of Man 97 Foundation the intern national useworkingof anaffordable industry-leading for manages the housing Housing all philanthropic providers that electronics Partnership work medical Network, operates ofissues. the records I HOM split 11my business system, fashion time lines My analyzing line. between ranging role from business public this policy programming become pre-development what that they advances loanare today. fund, sound to an government insurance policy cooperative, on those to administering My role HUD's was to Neighborhood help launch a newas summer performance and business was Director and analysis. expanding of My Strategy major metrics & project Business to strengthen involved Development. the managing management aI worked strategic with information review both to thesystem, assess clothing the financialline mission as well research This summer and public I projections, worked sector education for the program Housing on Partnershipnuclear energy, specifically motivated by the dramatic planned of Network, the Stabilization modeling foundation. and Program. I was and given assessing the task theofrisk organizing telemedicine aofworking a Boston-based operations. group Thisofrewarding national member opportunity alliance CFOs as thoroughly ofprograms. part nearly anI100 oftested impact, expansion sustainability, ofcreate nuclear power ininnovation mainland and China. My each experience the organizations was deeply business onlines several and levels: top initiative community to development a standardized organizations. financial My reporting primary database assignment of housing was to social work with enterprise their Chief organizations Lending my This learned Based application summer on a these great I of worked deal management reviews, about for I a dynamic analyzed clean andenergy ofmedical organization, the knowledge development; Networks Hygeia,portfolio and practicedwhich taught of owns me activities, policy aanalysis and great operates planned deal and about and hospitals managementled what a as two-day itwell takes skills astoto Officer be start able on to a company projects compare servingrelated financial the tobase the performance community of the and pyramid. stabilization increase I am very efforts efficiencies, grateful that toas comprised well HSG as attract and thetheir Social response private Enterprisecapital to the by provides learned management in healthcare my retreat, first yearinsurance and of the worked in joint the to Nigerian degree revise program the market. evaluation with The HKS; company tools and for came has future taken to use, great appreciateespecially strides the when to challenges increase considering of the growing The increasing Fellowship opportunity number investor for to of confidence building work foreclosures my atpractical IceStone inand declining Durable theunderstanding sector's Surfaces communities financial andone provided reporting. bolstering in the me United The my with projectan enthusiasm States. excellent In culminated doingexperience tointroduce work so, in onthe we designing partnered to creation of access influencing new to ventures. healthcare policy My in time for the all spent Nigerian political on contexts public citizens, policy of and Chinainvolvedwas and Hong of crafting the Kong. first proposals companies for to regulatory and the legislative concept witness aorganizations with tool the that how National draws products that on Community serve are quarterly the formedneglected created, Stabilization financial in sold, submissions Trust, sustainable anda jointdistributed from and effort the scalable members of tosix end ways. nationalusers. and allowsThe housing company the and user where community to apply I Iof worked healthcare as a Summer insurance Business isinmethods reforms to strengthen the the Nigerian Designer market. for two My projects, project oneforin the was summer to design was a mobile to determine micro-health a strategyUnited to interned, standardized organizations, IceStone, accounting and aLLC number aviability triple ofmember local toand bottom financial partners. subsets line company of Ito sustainability organizations had the based opportunity of and community Brooklyn, their tohelp business work New development onYork. several lines They toprojects in the manufacture benchmark across insurance States. increase product Collaborating access to in primaryrural with Nigeria our care for andNigerian another organizations,citizens. design Icement our looked agoal new at way wasvarious to to reach models focus out to toiscreate the teens not-for-profitaand low provide cost durable I-DEV performance. numerous them provides with surfaces functions family Aconsulting made second planing and from and project content services 100% investment involvedrecycled areas. in Zambia. a banking glass strategic in services areview for of matrix. themarker 11 Thebased business product solutions lines a that "green" in HPN developing slab operates material affordable solution that countries. is cut that housing and I would worked installed development encourage with much the team Nigerian like community mined on sourcingcitizens stone onclients, andto theseek ismostused an professional significant investment predominantly regulatory healthcare banking for and in place kitchen deal, legislative planning of self-medicating countertops a challenges conference and culminating Assist relating or seeking SME's to vanities. theirin services a in East 2-day work Africa from retreat raise andnon-trained, to help whereinvestor priorities unifyinformal thecapital.sector for each Activities practitioners. in its business effort include:We to guide line looked were developing set legislators at several and clientand direction relationships, successful officials for models the at the At and bathroom introducing performance It is metrics. asan network ascompany aof whole were environmentally developed. I am Kenya, sensitive following alternative up with to HPNidentified petrochemical- this fall instrategiespreparing based products. analyzing diverse Department During anmarkets11-week such Housing documents internship the and United Urban withandDevelopment financials, States, I-DEV International,creating and toward investment India I and possible worked in memos solutions. Cajamarca, for The possible Peru Housing ontomulti-year investors, tailor a various Partnership variety of financial and IceStone, forecasts working I and with worked am clients with involvedthroughoutdistributors in strategic the to capitalestablish planning raising a with recycling their process, program executive as well as for management crates working used with team, to the transport work I-DEV that team IceStone ison giving solutions Network projects to is aimed an the toNigerian entrepreneurial improve market. the economicThis organization internship that viability isprovided actively and me advancing sustainability an unprecedented social ofbeingbusinesses enterprise opportunity operating within to the atposing enter the basenot-for- the of slabs me Istrategy worked across invaluable to with the continue I-DEVcountry. experience International to grow Prior to learn and toin my about expand in Newinternship,the the York I-Banking City the non-profit this crates practice. summer. wereallowed affordable not I-DEV housing properly Internationalfield. disposed, is a non-profit emergence profit the community pyramid. of healthcare I-DEV development International reform space. is athe Nigerian The management management market.strategy It teamalso and embodied innovation me the professionalism firm unique focused challenge on and building provided of me threats organization to the whoseenvironment mission andis to theimprove companys the green standard focus. of living Moreover, and empower I helped localthe company communities better through define utilizing with This economically-viable access summer, my business to top I to worked skills leaders, andasconsumers to create decision-making, an Evaluation socially-impactful a financially Specialist and viable intimate for healthcare IDinsight, exposure solution to an organization their for social a consumer that enterprise rigorously market business evaluates that Asbusinesses theand its brand ideal entice to purchase its sustainable industries and at the products. healthy base of Corporate the Inpyramid. addition to sustainable, model. contains The some market-based entire ofsummer, the staff worlds was development. welcoming poorest individuals. and part Iinvolved wasportfolioof encouraged Business to play Development an active and role in shaping Strategy the Throughout the Thiseffectiveness making past green summer the products,of international I developing worked I worked IceStone for IGNIA development is on acorporate actively diverse Ventures, programs Latin in the Americas ofatBrooklyn projects NGOs, first foundations, that community. social gaveventure me governments experience Icapital spent ainvestment lotMNCs in and of in-field time socially- fund. team, organization I focused and on its work. At the I-DEVsend of the summer, social I responsibility left the organization (CSR) strategy with an to informedtarget and to strategic impactful working consulting, businesses. with 5th graders financial IDinsightandand strategytailors teaching and field them transaction experiments, how togrowthhelp execution such the asfor environment.randomized SMEs operating One controlled particularglobally trials, and assignment to the the develop IGNIA understanding IGNIA Partners supports frameworks ofthe isfundtheir founding a social and social tools impact to enterprise implement expansion oriented model ofthis investment high and strategy. a sense firmthey social that based I enterprises had in contributed Monterrey, thatMexico serve to their the that base economic supports of the the development needs worth of noting international of involved concept development the entire and classinitial managers offering upcycling and memorandum products practitioners. usedfor My an role every I-DEV was day. Impact to explore Students Investing and converted develop Fund among milk socio-economic pyramidof (BoP) in Latinbenefiting America. To date, the infirm stabilization funding and efforts. expansion has invested in 6 opportunities ranging at enterprises evaluation other projects. possibilities My experience with organizations allowed meand the governments base ofreflect the socio-economic India and Sub-Saharan ofpyramid Africa. inthatLatin I ultimatelyAmerica. cartoons This summer from healthcareinto Ipencil interned to holders agriculture IGNIA and to bird Partners, low-income feeders. atoMonterrey, productively It was housing. a pleasure Mexico My to based responsibilities onhelp a venture number IceStone for capital the elements encourage summer fund critical healthier were invests split to 50% living in developed The career throughout businesses $US search100m three their that fund evaluation including: has community. serve or invested location, employ protocols All in people six function, all, andcompanies the at developed role summer the and Base sincefirm relationships provided of the 2007. size. Pyramid As As the a with Summer important, building (BoP). five Associate organizations it blocks confirmed The to BoP teachisat IGNIA, that definedin me four I will how I as spent countries seek to the run to four between MyAfrica 10of weeks helping one at enterprise IGNIA of the allowed funds me current tosome combine portfolio both companies of my passions develop on a investing new direct and social sales strategy impact. and IGNIA isin in most enter my own the myand time social socially South workingEast responsible Asia, on the sector including company turnaround in an that education of professional is a profitable portfolio initiative capacity while company, to also span post-graduation. helping 650 topics government-affiliated the ranging world. from sales schools to 50% billion aoperations conducting Mexican people social globally due venture diligence who survive capital on new firm on several investment focused dollars on opportunities. integrating per day low or less.I income thoroughly By providing individuals enjoyed capital as working producers and counsel, with in the global India. Imagine and Election HR. Moreover, addresses a profoundI supported problem an entrepreneur inservices. our democracy: IGNIA hadmost identified voters as high potential in the IGNIA supply team can chains support and orof in businesses Latin consumer Americaof that essential and willhighly create goods recommend jobs and and enable others social Throughout continue mobility to follow the in know course Latin the almost ofAmerica. myprogresssummer, nothing Although therealities I firm is very early stage toahis about their elected start-up. representatives Throughout at the statethe summer and localI level. have gained Imagine tremendous Election is insight an online intoservice the that making IGNIA IMPACT is indriven trying ISRAEL by seeks fight social to poverty mission, provide by donationthe developingfirm and targets profitable,25%-30% investment-based highly IRRs scalable, with crowd the businesses funding belief to thatsocial that market serve enterprises rate the returns needs and of evaluated enables achieving and voters socialrecommended to quicklyimpact in an for emerging investment market a telecommunication and learnt to appreciate start-up the and valuea water and purification struggles of the inand easily find out about candidates ingeneration local races, ofby must of thebe poor. demonstrated into order toIGNIA attract sustainable capitalist capital to the providing BoP and personalized break theand reliance non-profit private initiative. sector Iorganizations also approach co-authored Israel. development. two The platform envisages a new socially conscious basedarticles onwith the social venture capital I and Ipersonally spent the summer ininformation Lilongwe, Malawi working Innovations forfuture Poverty Action healthcare (IPA) industries. asIsrael an SME on ballots philanthropic and candidate engaged funding investors and government and philanthropists ongrants.a user's Specifically, with address. a stake This Iinworked the summer, on strategyof founded Israel. atImpact Pro-Organico, thesystem enterprise, opensIGNIAs up And Consultant. finally, I designed IPA is a US-basedand implemented nonprofit IGNIAs organization social that and environmental creates and evaluates management solutions to social to and most completed Iaccess worked recent to in development capital a investment. project for local for Pro-Organico of Agora a non-profit website Partnerships, targeting assists organizations a small-scale Massachusetts social and enterprise social farmers as enterprises a to acceleratortrial convert market, through to that USDA and connects an began certified online for to community market organic profit impact the measure development and demonstrate problems primarilythe funds in double the developing bottom line world. returns. My time in Lilongwe was divided into two growing website entrepreneurs to and political coordinates with organizations, resources salesfor andgrowth. candidates, logistics efforts Agora's and voters in the US accelerator statewide. and Canada. Farmers win by increasing their SMEsprogram engagement model. had been very successful over the Iphases. revenue spent myThe per12assisting firstweeks hectare involved of in summer excess working of working five with times approximately with relativeInstiglio, 30 a towards to conventional non-profit toraising get social Mexican a sense enterprise. for the prices, USItsconstraints mission consumers isthatto they and last 3 years, 65+ entrepreneurs in their process ~$14 million of seed investment, improve face retailers and the how win effectiveness due they to could increased of implement social year-round services appropriate by organic unlocking simple produce new solutions; supply sources the and of capital second IGNIA for involved (hopefully) programs working wins that by with growinghave three Iand wasthey thrilled were atthinking the opportunity about taking tocommitted return their to operations Afghanistan todeveloping the thisnext summer, level. a Specifically, placeuse where they I hadwanted previously to start a substantial of business them atfrom asocial deeper $2 impact. million level We into sales are address to $30those million to constraints helping in sales through in the nextconsulting 5countries years. engagement. Hopefully innovative this Thanks model financial to the will building deployed aas whole atoUS ecosystem Serviceman. around I returned athe accelerator, to enterprise make myofferingown assessment ainbroad rangeof progress, of products as well andas aservices contemplate to mechanisms Intelligent generosity become anMobility of the important discover, International Social adapt, Enterprise piece of the and isglobalscale-up social Fellowship, fight solutions the against experience based to social poverty. isIgeared problems. onewith was that very towards Iwill personally Ienthusiastic developing never worked forget. about market-based onfor Itidentifying took (1) me toa the diverse role that stakeholders private investment interested inwouldthe have social in the enterprise countrys space future, in Latin America. respect to Target the potential customers included business solution the streets to development of need informal for for foodmobility Chilemarkets anddevices (2) gathering fundraising in the developing consumer and research world. preference of IMIexisting data,currently to models rural produces and areas potential to a repairable, estimate position Ieconomicspent 11manual investors, in the growth entrepreneurs, social weeks wheelchair atand venture thefor Salt theLake students, capital developmentCity and niche headquarters several of the of itsother broader institutions. oftypes Social Intermountain ofIindividualsEnterprise was encouraged Healthcare,and space because toafind organisations. community-owned that I was there I had able is the to durable, market applications. combine opportunity system size/segments of my Mythe passion nonprofit amidst summer thefor ofchaos, hospitals the development that internship Malambe and but allows clinicsexperience taking its injuiceMexico user primarily advantageindustry to was and achieve in very (from my of Utah. this independence exciting the pre-business opportunity This fruit summerbecauseofschool the and requiresit Baobab internship mobility enabled professional an tree), me directly ability atand an to affordable discover experience to to supported leverage thetwo myinmy missions price. The International My during tasks for summer: Finance the summer Corporation a) Structuring were two-fold: (IFC) isthe a strategic member exam vision, manufacturing of World shaping Bank its opportunities Group different and isto pieces, one bring of and the world's production manufacturing passion private knowledge long-term for equity helping career ofhow theplants and people venture interest culture of processors and and capital inassesshealthcarerewarding politics. of investing. low-grade since Afghanistans delivery. The it fish made summer Ientering selected varieties. history me was proud My an Intermountain is quite of time excellentbeing long, inand Lilongwe part learning Healthcare nearly of an gaveinitiative experience anyone because me the Iwhich to talked from make ofBangalore, the a with the engineering cost largest ofathesources chair all ofdown of financing them and forwould private thefit viability together, sector and investment ofmy b) Designing inthe developing Indian a formalmarket. network countries. product, would opportunity world professional, Iorganization's worked constitute could sharebetter thisone ato place. truly cultural summer strong deep of the utilize and with track version cornerstones skills social the record of its learned perspective. International of historyof performance the during withstrategicFinance pride. first along vision. It is year Corporate multiple said In at that the HBS, (IFC), but dimensions: end, Afghans which I more believethink isIoperational spent importantly, part my in Established of3the generations, main weeks helped World efficiency, contributions inin not 1956, Bank. me days, the The were India, IFC clarify finances meeting my goals and with forprovides manufacturers, after advice HBS. for hospitals, private sector and NGOs. ventures In andaddition projects to this in developing I assisted with countries refining in IMIs clinical IFC Theinvests bringing which is outcomes, hard their both to debt strategic and understand andsuccess equity discussions inbeen juxtaposed inrolling private and outmostcompanies brainstorming with major adefining. new change that government, to an initiatives. operate actionable inbased withdrawing emerging My level supervisor markets the(Dr. and Brent developing James) and partnership business last few plan months with and private at delivering IFC have investors. strategic Whilecareer recommendations IFCCare MBA As the interns for both investment aregrowth and inby arm international helping of Washington product them World D.C., development. forces, organize Bank I decided andtheir Group, a to his countries ideas, feeling team andthat atacross the designing Afghans Intermountain the world. must a minimum take It was Institute grab the viable what perfect for network Health they setting can product now. and Delivery institution that This they is Research reflected could for me, have actually in since high a national I have prototype levels of a reputation strong corruption and test need for with and to work IFC I spent seeksatthe the toin IFC promote summer in Nigeria withsustainable to 1) the learn International economic about emerging growth Finance by markets Corporationinvesting investing its capital (IFC) in from in promising Washington an experienced DC. private Worked group sector ofIthe innovation do meaningful clinical work, process to know design, that what analysis, I am and doing teaching. makes for agrowth Iinternational positive specifically contribution focused onto developing the word. awith Also,asetrange other their dark2)challenges. current capabilities Still, and Afghanistan resources, offers preparing unprecedented them access and to important success. figures in agovernment, of have investors, enterprises Latin America inget developing groupexperience focusing countries. living on and Yet agribusiness working IFC is investments, unique in an emerging among evaluatingmarket, and different financial 3) gain access companies institutions to in broad early aongoing This particularly development, summer management strong and Iinstitution workedactors interest business tools with for 3(andin that other emerging those integrateHBS that MBAmarkets accept financial students and the and growth risk clinical along to equity explore with information. HBS investing, it. I played Professor In and a the the consulting Emeritusprocess IFC is Irole,the incorporated Carl Sloane biggest as a on a of development private and public operating potential on for-profit mentors) principles in the and African run financial largely by sector. MBAs. The As an opportunity Intern at the player stage ofinfromthe that process space. and Iproject was leading working businesswith thedevelopment ITaand Telecom efforts team, in Central that does aAmerica. member insights aorganizations loton of This equity summer investments Iat plan to byof non-profit Infrastructure an cost consulting academic Departmentaccounting, research at to payer IFC, assessIteam contracting, worked thestudyingfinancial on the and sector impact clinical viability that of of has outcomes mobile 23become non-profit reporting. moneycritical My savings component colleagues and serving of inter- the Bostons worlds offered Over the (rather continue than IFC summer deepening fit debt), with Ithrough had which my my the long-term chance agribusiness made the tocareer work work knowledge even goal, with morewhich Carl and isand Sloane, exciting, finance towhilebecome HBS skills and it and anupon professor often emerging timesemeritus graduating feltmarkets andfrom that my investor, former summer Harvard chairman I household Intermountain response North savings were extremely a telecomgracious that with sought their totime grow, open laying in sharing the ground information. work for They a studyconsistently to toShore financing and chief to firms the executiveJewish global and community. projects of financial Mercer that crisis. The will Management study Onextension improve thecovered transaction the Consulting, areas quality on including side, of apeoples I worked critical Fundraising, lives assessmentonin deals the Social that developing of would Service, not world. Religious have Over internship plan start experience my ownand agribusiness was the applied inCenters. Nicaragua, creating of the jobs, TEM helping course from small RC producers, I23 separate Jewish ayear. was and very contributing lucky with exhibited address My otherwise Service, the summer and their Education, been reduce working Imy dedication workedfinanced corruption with asRecreation anbyto HBS Intermountain's private Associationamongst Professor sector the Emeritus investors Investment stated IAfghan was Carl mission National specifically two Officer, Sloane port of "providing Polices on responsible responsible deals the North in high 152,000-officer Shore trade-dependent for for qualityJewish comprehensive identifying, care, force. regardless During Community Latin developing, analysis America, myandtrip, ofto of INon-Profit Nicaraguas patients' the and the lived Turnaround analyzing timing 8an on local the airline organizations ability of toughlocal Project Synagogues, potential dealto macro-economic internship, pay." economy inwill investment on have Bostons and capacity-constrained including a got made lasting North situation. involved interviewing opportunities. extensive impact Shore. South with on use both senior Asia. Luckily, The four ofmy experience investments a executive On I was network leadership the able was of non-transaction and to across Afghanremarkable development spiritual get exposure Southfriends leaders side, Africa, to as for Iwho and the wella number Ghana, contributed has as operational three served that main of Ukraine of to as the and my In and ten reasons: weeks Colombia. interpreters I workedinthis summer I within the learnedwith past. aThey I had agreat lot about were the23 team great venture truly privilege ofinstitutions four the HBS moststudents, capital to work investing gracious for had hosts inthe the practice, Ive Joint opportunity ever Economic and met, also tothe despiteCommittee learn inner from having of aour workings so the one-of-a- little. United ofFor an professional financial industry World Bank analyses. groups and Groups lay The leaders responsenon-profit IFC, of the Infrastructure, to the world, global specifically Manufacturing, financial that took relating crisis by part to Agribusiness, working in religious our on study. organizations, and the The Services launch purpose of is (MAS), the filledof with Infrastructure and project many Financial States kind their Congress. individual international hospitality, with While institution I hold serving extensive for that them is as experience trying debt a Policy to of Analyst in manage gratitude, consulting, Summer wearing as I alsoand a Fellow, contributed dual do for hat I the dealt (pursuing towith opportunity a a wide high-impact commercial to seevariety community such and of a topics tough and study This challenges was Markets. Crisis summer twofold: Facility, My Iaassignments including worked first,$2 to billion fortime assuring develop Joint fundover US-China efficient aIwhichplan the to summer seeks Collaboration fundraising help torelieve included finance andthe onwith the Clean financial corresponding infrastructure sector Energy stresses mapping projects (JUCCCE) besetting of impact the that toinmost, transportation no the future longer Beijing if success, nothave and office. all, and the logistics projects. that will Throughout my was asked to collaborate senior economists to diagnose the current ofhopefully developmental goals shape at the the samecommunity time). for All in years all,board.I to loved come. the Stepping experience in during and the a next time of years significant anonly situation JUCCCEs through mission their is tocapitaleyes change the way China creates and uses energy thing that could have impact institutions and reasonable financial This economic pension summer having on access condition I struggles, the industry, worked volunteers North to of I as the waswith Shore; well country the as inas JUCCCE members the sole and, ad-hoc andglobalsecond, (Joint individualto of assignmentsthe financial formulate US to China help responsible markets.address for policies These Collaborationtransactions for My and religious long-standing five experiences proposals on distinct inwithin Cleanorganizations the to the issues commercial as Energy) put organizations the of investor in 10 provide leadership country their (aproperty, K-8 this great Shanghai on by grade and summer the targeting valuerightto trucking, school, topped key the service decision community the quality experience makers that and in underlay I would each enjoyed of andhave the being been main contributed a part a areas trip of theof to to these energy these beginning countries use. financial of Thea during main stresses. transformation the programs I was internship include personally that can (which 1) positivelytraining responsible actually affect for allowed and leasing headquarters. me truly sectors. Our appreciate My mission day-to-day so many of activities the premises included I took desk for research, granted as conducting a former investment one-on-one banker interviews, inby awould track. community mayors Through Additionally have of the center, happened, onI through briefed two had Iisbeen synagogues, to change Congressional able and tothe stay way liaisons an China after-school longer for the withcreatesten community theSenators andopportunity team!) uses energy religious and 10 major within Congress-people school) the and next was 10 that asked years to leading New many drafting targeting collect currently York people. China research reports, key information hold SE availabilitySummer decision on memos membership how the of makersto Fellowship, central develop near-perfect and in term in interviews, the fundraising each ecofriendly I was sheets, JEC. of These the afforded information, and building analyze main membersthe cities, planning the models, areas wonderful 2) well-defined organizationsof include accelerating organization andSenators energy legal attending use. as the andOur stand-alone deployment the regulatory group Robert main to apply meetings, programs Casey, entities social of mySmart regimes, Jim as education services trainings, include Webb, well as Grid Sam 1) in andto the the implementation organization. solutions in and China, of Jumpstarts strategic plan. Jumpstart trains and motivates theIcollege students andAs a predominance workshops. training This context Brownback summer ofmayors IAfter Overall,ofJim worked theand ofmembersperforming China 3)on I private had for using a how the sector great leadership carbon Executiveto etc. summer develop credits Many assessments, experience Director toimpact of eco-friendly ofpurchase these Junior and fundraising premises and realized cities, Achievement distribute 2) do theefficiency not accelerating I10 hold objectives So million inanalyses, Paulo the CFLset developing had (JASP) deployment service lightbulbs in out So to ofportfolio world. Paulo, to achieve, Smart inthe community, DeMint. oldand The provide total economic recommendations of on the potential legislation operational, handled ofwas local community to volunteer through AmeriCorps and work directly with strategic, pre-school approximately orResearch children $3I rationalizations students result, namely Grid Brazil. IJunior was test solutions exchange forced drivingand Achievement in China, toa forbenchmarking truly Lagos, and is incandescents, think gaining 3) an using outside study experience international carbon of ofreal resulting the multi-agency credits box in organizationemerging to in toDomestic an identify purchase offset consolidation market whose theand of 3distribute truly million finance, mission models high is tons development and to 10 of similar developing educate million CO2. CFL andAs communities, impact alightbulbs some inspire young to trillion, summer almost collaboration/merger from This at-risk one backgrounds. I worked quarteropportunities as aBy of hospital the focusing nation's for improvement. administration on program Gross quality, intern The at experience evaluation, the Product. Kaiser and My changed Permanente summer efficiency, my viewculminated Moanalua Jumpstart of work Medical has in the grown made Associate mentors investment people recommendations toover for relationshipsEnergy opportunities. Smart with to City restructure Whether MBAs Initiative, in I Africa. chose both my to organizations, Whilerole return was social to to create the to enterprise modernize private clean is sector,technology definitelybusiness or pursuein deployment practices, my a long-term career to in feasibility future, as formulation students non-profit to Centerserve and invalueexchange and arena, Clinic15,000 free execution and in enterprise, for the Honolulu, children oldSEofincandescents, aeach JEC Fellowship HI. business, My hearing year. two and helped My on main role economics resulting the me high projects this acceptincost summer an tothe included improve offset of prescription of opportunity was creating to the 3verymillion help qualitydrugs, to translate and tons push ofchaired implementingtheir ofmyself theCO2. newlives. byMy very Senator role five-year an The far asmy outside executive Amy study geographically aPartnership international first organization Through that step the will post-HBS be expand development, generous operates used I to services think using support train itItheknow makesmayors ofand financial the to themore HBS in divest China. lessons andsense Social I This non-essential have for volunteer me experience learned Entrepreneurship to services remain contributions at was IFC in inwill the order Fellowship, from interesting continue private to for-profit Iachieve sector have to because serve service due companies started me to KIORGit in the was quality the in relatively localfuture based Klobuchar my comfort dashboard of Manager Minnesota. zone as well for as thewas At to summer. that help hearing them develop we called their expert marketing witnesses and to sales testify, strategy, including particularly the mother for of a first strategictime plan working into in adeveloping implementation. non-profit the first-ever organization, The planning annual inthe the process report renewable helped for the energy Jumpstart275-bed industry, broad Itdecide and toservice in spend medical center. improvements moderate as childI define communities. in Dubai, corporate For Kiva the with Zip pace my isUnited partnerships severe executive a among pilot and own ofArab JASP worknear-term path has Epilepsy non-profit dashboard, and towho Emirates. at which giving its based savings learning doorstep Iare KIORGback. recounted the researched, at ofsome main San isanapproximately aherpublic training source Francisco oftales recommended, institution oforganization largest of which $500,000 funding fighting such companies for aimed toprocured dollars. as save JUCCCEs the inat her IFC. Latin helping son's is After programs. my America, life hope 10-15 young while Asan yet onentrepreneurial that years men such, ascarce these across andIofgot mission private woman allto isJAwith setting. resources recommendations sector measures in the This more experience, Middle internship East wisely will Ithem planbelieveby definitely and growing strengthen the financial succeed IFC inspired in the depth would North contributions, in their me be within to go Shore an careers. ideal particular back Jewish volunteer toisCommunity organization KIORG andpart China metro contributions, focuses of and Kiva cities. to on continue for return business three aOver years and nonprofit to main the to toas due students intelligence be come. whose summer, involved toChinese areas: the served This caliberImission Workplace software, created in social project of JASP its to aalso meet her foregoing connect with husband executives people any in Africa. coststhrough to from The the lendingMNCs hearing medical to andreceived center local alleviate by companies considerable poverty. determining Kiva operating press that utilizes and Kaiser in crowd China, resulted Permanentes as sourced inwelllegislation capital national and authored and global program U.S. by micro- office initiatives. toolkit provided employees ISuccess spent my to help the Skills, and summer local invaluable the Career Executive impact interning experiences Management of Directors its at in work. Kopali andof more managing Organics, Graduate easily a aYork implement turnaround brand Study of Planning.chocolate the project new KIORG and plan. amidst dried offerings This a fruit includes politically help treats ways charged, based professionals to out map ofto government underperforms Senators already finance Klobuchar institutions possessed officialscompared andinterested unlimited to let to Charles its individuals licenses regional working Schumer lend offunding,Brazilian suchof with New as little JUCCCE. software. counterparts. ascompany $25 to This address I to designed help was Thethismy purpose entrepreneurs. and first glaring implementedtime of need. working my Since summer an 2005, in China, interactive was: Kivadegrees. hasfirst, in clean need, fractious succeed New search York community. for alternative sources of and navigate local communities tostimulating. better advocate onmade energy, understand The over Social $300 inin andtheir non-profit, and Enterprise million Miami.current quantify in Kopali and jobs, Fellowship loans JASPs in in an isplan over aentrepreneurial triple-bottom-line their underperformance supported 60 career countries. meThe future environment, in Kiva across workingZip including is these aat new whose so the themetrics; itLos model pursuit was products Angelesincredibly and that ofhas higher are second, County threecertified education to assess Department components organic I JASPs will ofand to its fair behalf dashboard The trade. reasonof The effective to relay organisation for focusing early key financial, childhood is on strongly Middle quality, education. mission-driven East is safety, because utilization, experiences to of safeguard the and rising of service the need serving livelihood for metrics through such in services and real-time Jumpstart health given of to and small the the gap learning medical scale definitely marketing mission Health Servicesbe aroundstrategy increase looking (LADHS) and to access provide get this to backcapital, summer. recommendations to China lower The andthe Lossite. working cost Angeles to improve in of capital clean County partnerships energy topublic as a result and financial of this experience. contributions. about centers between farmers what senior what makes management educational themore itworld a highly through via successful, systems thedriving intranet train highly students demand functioning Additionally, and non-profit Ientrepreneurs authored healthcare wereIactuallythehugely and system, first-ever enhance valuable often annual the in mycalled hospital the Ifor During the summer, pesticide-free what organizations sustainable agriculture. need. aDuring The the products bemy Portuguese improved oftremendously, connection Safety Net, serves between lenders than and 10 enough that could deliver presentation of education. report, are sold which through will Wholefoods published Market atmillion borrowers. conclusion and residents. other FY2010, specialty was able based retailers, toon utilize comprehensive including my medical spas and andhealth research business and centres. school interviews My my summer, project training toI have to work the developed on Board a variety of the Directors of operating projects in early structure that July. had a Asby direct anwhich unbiased impact KIORG on third will Los party work Angeles and within student County in the offuture. physicians HBS, I I had have and the of department primary role was heads,to awork clinicians, with the hospital company staff, and patients. Both of these projects allowed me to utilize credibility also started patients. and developing buy-in from some the of Boardthe content which IPresident and would notand materials have the forhad Head training of otherwise. asand Operations customizing Many tothanksdevelop them toon a much to the localIHBS the larger skills scale IBased gained supply on atofHBS LADHS high as well qualityReport as my Card products. past identifying experience The first step diabetes to make was to care aperform positive anaand area full for improvement, lasting review impact of existing the helped suppliers, Social market to develop Enterprise needs. a quality I wasInitiative also improvement beenfor providing successful pilot me in with reaching programmanner such outa at the UCLA-Olive wonderful to investors summer and View Medical NGOs experience as well Center. My in as Brazil. corporate work focused Moanalua which had Medical been selectedCenter. in a rather piecemeal since the creation of the company. This review customer on identifying metrics that could be used to measure physician compliance with best practices, and thea who might be interested in investing or using such services. The experience, so far, has been great covered way not to only apply the the logistical skills and and frameworks production practical roll out of a reminder system to be incorporated in the electronic medical records and ordering learned details, at but HBS also and a thorough more importantly evaluation to of leverage social and HBS global network in connecting environmental policies with and initiatives. investors and Happily business this revealed leaders. Based a number on my of experience, successful programs I would highly that Kopali The Social Enterprise Fellowship allowed me to work at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (LADHS) this summer. The LosinAngeles County public healthcare system, oftenworking called the Safety Maria Karaivanova, HBS09 graduated JuneBy2009 and my decided to spend the summer for The on Net, serves more than 10 million residents. utilizing medical and business background, I worked Lapdesk Company in Johannesburg. There, she focusedphysicians on international business development and many The League issues ofthat Dreamers directly (LeaD) affected is an Los online Angeles Mentorship County Network and start-up patients. for the To youth help recruit who are and lookingretainfor launching Lapdesks online initiative. Lapdesk is a multi-national organization specializing in theTraining. qualified the right2011 career physician or who leaders, may I want budgeted to become and to wrote more a successful grant for an inemerging inaugural the career Physician they currently Leadership have. Its investor mission educational For my development summer internship of underprivileged I returned children LeapFrog in Investments global (the markets. worlds largest Maria dedicated was awarded a is To to address lessen the inequality debt burden and on social physicians, immobility I worked in developing on connecting countries the by county helping hospital the youth administrators believe that with Harvard in microinsurance Social Enterpriseinitiatives) fellowship an organization and is part that of the combines Endeavor my eMBAinterest impact Additionally, investing and Maria financial was Potable their State career and Drinking Federaldesires water loan can come true programs. anddifferent by dramatically increasing theitchances ofatheir success, and the inclusion. invited LeapFrog is inrepayment a significantly After lifean receiving stage today approval than blogto was initiate when physician I summer joined pay-for- inexperience 2009 moving vision performance isby theprogram, two-fold: Financial (1)investing. ITimes become researched newspaper the numberand toone developed write place editorial that performance college and students measures about andinand, heryoung order to professionals reward highthe go to as from As part a business offundraising their school first to MBA graduate, blog My initiativeI feltinternship that the was worlds ( focused emerging on finalizing economies a deal had plenty in theto offer process, and find performing comprehensive physicians. information In addition, on industries I was able and to directly contribute link to to the mentors patient in different overflow fields contingency and (2) plan for developing public Thisnew past sector summer,a microinsurance was aI vital had component the business incredible ofplan that for opportunity development. a joint venture toCalifornia work Infor working inthe thenationalPhilippines. with an HBSThrough Government professor, ofmyLiberia. I previous discovered I the become experience an opportunity the Los atlargest Angeles LeapFrog to work active County for and network - University Liberias its of managements leading/successful National of Southern Investment confidence young Commission in me, Hospital. professionals I was (NIC), given It was the in many unique acountrys busy different accessand exciting investment to industries. this exciting body. reported summer Over the directly and summer, withthe I am theNIC tovery my the LifeLens Minister objective grateful team for wasof Internal the to Social complete Affairs, Enterprise the Ambulai alpha Fellowship Johnson. site and for prepare The allowing experience the mepartnerships to of working contribute needed toat such suchto a Working and for groundbreaking was opportunity. great over awithin opportunity this summer Unfortunately tocountry has beenof participate 3 months one and hard ofwork contribute the most onthe to my exciting, large part, scale and rewarding, oil, many gasmore &and natural high an run level important a pilot. of As government organization. the founder/CEO, amy developing main responsibilities is one includedthat fundamentally finding right shiftedfull-time my perspective team to resources informative months I spentthe myof contract hardexperiences summer work negotiations, from working of LeapFrog my forso career. FDI the structures We generally, director set ofout andthis was the local left LIN summerparticipation unrewarded Center inwithHo the as Chi requirements. thegoal Minh deal of City, providing fell Drafting through. Vietnam a to low legislation There cost launch were a fee- afor about challenges faced by many people around the world and the dynamics between rich and develop special mobile number generating the economic testing of siteplatform reasons advisory andzonesfor managing service and for result this diagnosing cash for the localbut project, transfer Malaria. atreview companiesthe updating programmes core Early our looking and potentialto planning indevelopment gave the getsummer me first partner involved withhand we my felt inwere board, exposure they able philanthropy. were meeting to tonot manufacture the The with intersection ready LIN aspossible an Center a poor of countries. partners While at prototype and My Lincoln primary creating Center, project connections I had was theconceptual to needed for thethe local future. strategy put forth by the President's government working organization office had been in the involvedand to embark national the toprivate in prove Povertyon providing the such sector. anopportunity Reduction support Working ambitious services Strategy to work viability with plan. to the (PRS) While locally with ofLiberian our and senior Malaria government disappointing, staff diagnostics members there showed issuite across me arguably inintoathe the lab more organization vast environment. to learn from With the this CFO device to the weInternal COO awere on able several projects, including: i)initiated translate Finding not-for-profit these approximately mandates organizations $4mm inaglobal strategic new and annual was plan and opportunities As athe for very take Summer well away Ministry connected available from Strategyof with failure and Fellow, the the AffairsI to than NPO workedraise challenges ato success. community significant on six implement atThis hand different in awareness wasnt local in and Saigon. exploring an special In ofprojects easy community order the these deal to issues to new and satisfy pull developmentof Malaria frontiers off assignments their and desireof soand the we initiatives. our that to learnt build approach were aeconomy. a directed lot from in media revenue the A by truly features challenges Reynold opportunities rewarding Levy, from along CNN experience, President the for and way.the of Ipublic in Business look Lincoln spaces forward Center. Week. onto The Lincoln We building broad are Center's upon rangenow in this of campus the process internship these due tasks to of in put the manufacturing my me anticipated future in contact career aend with steps. of all aof Additionally, financially The strategy sustainable I looked and business at organization the decentralization development as well team as of tois therespond an national internal to numerous government requests to help from build corporations local government to help specialized multi-year rental casing contract and atharness in thetoCenter, next ensure ofconsulting group that works closely with the infiscal consistent year. This usage project offered the product anthe ideal among mix ofaof awide the senior leadership Lincoln which was adecided tremendous experience. The innovative, projects range were ofbig-picture untrained them capacity president navigateinand addition thefinal other NPO to senior community writing various managers. Saigon, ad The hoc team they projects works and across to policy explore the memos organization idea asopportunity requestedalongside fee-generating by the the Minister. various other users. thinking My summer This and is quantitative the experience step analysis before at Lincoln weand Center deploy financialfor our the modeling. product Performing inI analyzed theArts fieldwas to each begin focused onsite around testing in several terms and ofvalidation. projects revenue advisory determined functional service. via groups, myGiven personal including their interests lack of fundraising, business andfinance, institutional experience, marketing, needs. I spent As athe programming, Summersummer Fellow, helping I managed to refine mytheownain to generation The the business projects, future Executive model, while potential, for LifeLens and workingStrategy develop cost-benefit isalongside brightdepartments a financial we analysis, the have plan of Strategyand feasibility already the expanded &institution. devise Business study, aPerforming near-term and Thesetheimplementation Development platform projects launch tovenue were sequence Team, diagnosefocused Senior rental, timeline. which Anemia on and Leadership LIN ii) key education, Crafting isthe (via strategic currently and cellthe Iobjectives blood spent comprehensive name a myfew. counts) summer More in PRaddition working specifically, & Communications to at Lincoln many Malaria. of Center strategy the Looking team's for and forward thecurrent a Digital this projects Media basic Arts involvein strategy technology New the for a the As Lincoln part digital potential of Center and tomedia Strategy Global become a using President to pilot of for Lincoln strategic the service. Center, guidance primarilyon each targeted initiative. at diversifying Lincoln Centers revenue stream to new & (Lincoln group, platform Business improved Center's for Development aa broad educational global spectrum group, consulting ofIFellow evaluated initiatives, arm) at diagnostics client and new the tolooking business new make external to build blood initiatives consulting thePerforming screening first and provided purpose-built easy group and (Lincolnstrategic accessible music Center advice inhall both Global). ina the on first Iventures.interned These as Summer new ventures Strategy included reviving Lincoln theCenterVera for List the Art Project, a visual Arts and arts worked platform on that wide was organization andput operational issues. Working awith asenior Southwest Summer and third fellows and world. in the thisstrategyregion on and the business map as developmentleading Lincoln destination group Center worked foraaglobal executives, onventure, aartswide and IChina helped variety culture ofwrite lovers. these a iii) range aofsignificant projects for including once source of digital revenue, media strategy, organizing acomplexbusiness fundraiser planworld, targeting for newyounger demographic, performing developing arts business The strategic Surveying Lincoln plan projects Center Lincoln Lincoln and isand Center's the businessCenters largest performing new development foodconsulting and external beverage arts consulting initiatives, offerings many in (through practice, the ofsuggestions which its which six with were advises restaurants twelve related performing /resident to theon cafes organizations. recent arts campus) and landscape the institutions analysis, global improvements cultural for direct practice, mail and and making electronic fundraising about initiatives. positioning As I had Lincoln However, transformation complexes designing it a is around also of questionnaire a Lincoln the highly world entrepreneurial Center. and on planissues As forLincolnsuch organization implementationas Center fundraising,strives inwith to extremely programming, order continue to better to agile fulfill Strategy operations, understand its mission, and patrons' Media redevelopment. to provide and experiences high previously All Centers Digital of my reasons worked digital Departments. for content in beingmanagement These to sell at two HBS it groups, center consulting, globally. on To inLincoln preparation I expected accomplish close coordination for these internal a with career tasks, strategy theI in workedtheto rest arts; of be directly the it somewhat is what with Ithe organization, wrote similar, Executive are inleading but mythe Iquality and depth, alsohow application designed arts to essay breadth to better aaandlarge new andthe impactaudience, marketing service what of I still my the plan provided intend work organization forat by to an Lincoln do external after Centers isCenter focused I graduate. fareducation restaurant on remaining exceeded For / this division, catering myreasonrelevant made group. expectations. I was andrecommendations iv) so accessing Conceiving thankful In my short broader for athetwo on and Prior Strategy to Center the teams start into of and exciting this reported summer, and directly ground-breaking, I held three to Lincoln beliefs Centers earned-income to be true: President 1) initiatives The Reynold Arts are that anLevy. demonstrate important educational it is truly ato audiences. Lincoln potential existence Centers As partnership ofa the such,new-client many between of development the summer Lincoln Centerstrategy, fellowship Education and projectshelped and were an execute related education a reorganization to finding technology new, of company diverse Lincoln revenue Centers looking inSocial months as Strategy Enterprise Fellow, Initiative internship, specifically, the position of Strategy and Business thought and fundraising pioneer streams recreational leader group. data-driven and increasing aspect theOur of ourI class non-profit intern instruction audience learned livessector. and and a As interacted engagement assessment great should an deal MBA be viaof regularly levels. about Fellowthe mobile The with crafting lives inlearning summer theofInc. Reynold strategy generations Strategy Levy, fellowship in that and to President classrooms. was isBusiness come; an not ofa2) integral My only Development Lincoln work Art, sound part by here on and ofdefinition Center,revolved the Development The paper Socialbut EnterpriseFellow implementable at Initiative Lincolnby the Summer Center full-time forFellowship the staff. Performing The afforded rich Arts, artistic me the and I opportunity knew cultural it would environment to be work place inof the where Lincoln Strategy I Center is gained group, always challenging Iexposure was able to to its audience to be slightly uncomfortable -aretomy aexperience something just aWhenlittle bit aall around recruiting could and Business tie figuring process, business out Development as help the areas most further particular of ofartistic the Lincolnthese organization. terms new Center's and initiatives, structure It was full-time -develop athe tremendous fellows from both new ones, learning students financial and whoandexperience. learn about participated programmatic the I couldnt inchallenges the have practice ifto aGroup was unparalleled summer. constant reminder of endeavors Lincoln Center and for thereby Performing fulfill long-term Arts, one career of the most vision. venerated I different Lincoln asked and standpoint summer Center opportunities for and arecentlyofnew -better fellowship. for what the of even Performing acreating partnership market Arts earned-incomewould isntisof the the ready look personal worlds models forIcourse like. itwas in meaning leading (and the may performing not performing and fully social support arts arts. impact organization, it); of3)amy work. Challenges with thousands to the arrived performing at arts institutions renovated in NYC the campus world. Over in June, the immediately of ten weeks, presented I learned withabout variety balancing of projects the traditional of performances aArts business per year model ranging (increasing from of opera costs, to dance. decreased IThis wasphilanthropic summer, Iallhad giving theat pleasure and federal of serving andoffor state aas With theofsupport of the HBS Social Enterprise Initiative, aMBAs summer fellow Lincoln Center the a mission nonprofit with the goals a creative inand to deliver by the end of the summer. Here was a setting ambitious where staff, were within valued the constraints highly tight, funding, strategy and etc.) business callin into development question the future fellow, ofapplying arts the the US. quantitative After spendingand qualitative ten weeks skills assummeraand learned Summer treasured from Fellow for donor-reliant Performing their My skill short set time Arts budget. which at Lincoln Newis I allwas York too Center given City, uncommon substantive the taught largest me in art that performing projects institutions. at serve least and forarts extensive complex Specifically, me, industry access in I the built matters. to world. Lincoln models This Working Centers like I did with President in LCPA I FINworked 1and HBS with to this Lincoln historic Center institution. for the Performing It was an Arts honor (LCPA) to in New a place York, I have now respected add a final for belief: such Therea long is period hope of of and within senior Lincoln leadership Center's who Strategyinwere and always Business available Development to guide me, Group, push which back onis an my ininternal 2, I used marketing theories to examine existing sales processes and pitch new assumptions, ones, and consulting athourstimes answer team my time compelled successful Ive and spent appreciated my me innovation to summer wake the to up resources Arts working the business as morning, awere provided Summer models catch totoout. Fellow me the secure to bus for ensure onwide Art Lincoln time, lasting forincredible willingly future Center impact. generations. for put the overtime Performing However, Arts. theseThe ifnot questions, that managed works and alongside other ensure interns the mywithPresident findings all the of lessonsLincoln carried from Center LEAD Iton was and a an FIELD variety in mind. of opportunity special In my initiatives. position that as would a Mystrategy projects have necessary, innovative Summer and managers Fellows come home who tointegral think dinner creatively feeling about satisfied, how toasextendif my spirit brands was dwelling into profitable in the new right place. businesses Alland I Ibecome included exploring new an marketing part initiatives ofofLincoln through Centers digital Strategy media, group building and work aon aat range of topics aaCenter's business plan I for fellow, been myavailable Isummer, worked aplanning Lincoln For wanted challenge for the to traditional on summerme had five without the costs, main was unique must projects: to the enjoy support opportunity also my a venue-rental ensure time the that of in New Summer spending revenue Yorkis theactivities Art Fellowship. my City not maximization social and sacrificed enterprise explore along project; careerfellowship option thetraditional way. strategicLCPA Lincoln felt has was Center worth entered Center which project for intersect Consulting for the their Practice, educational and the coordinating arm, organizations Lincoln purchasing Center interest. Institute; One acanreview draw across of a Lincoln parallel the rental with practices campus, of one consulting and of pursuing the only as This creative roles, athe considering. strong summer Performing asreporting means projects I Iwalked voice had in Arts. the the todirectly range attract away I was innovation pleasure from new from one ofit of fully three conversation working energizedsummer atto Lincoln toHBS (hence pursue Center fellows myaCity; careerin the fascinating for Ithe inExecutive the Performing summer field, Business empowered experience!). Arts. Asgathered & aincluding summerStrategy byBoth theas from fellowIfor a anblue-sky non-profit, non-union black-box demographics theater strategy spaces design Lincoln in New toYork Center. implementation found aprofessional project my and role in span which to betopics we quite unique ideas digital realization group, personal in the (Imy Executive that am anworking avid Business for to musician and the organization President and Strategy longtime group, of youre Lincoln art I passionate Center, enthusiast) worked directly Reynold about and with Levy. in an senior industry Thestaff summer perspective, that including was holds the Ispent am interest working excited President, to leveraged media, from This the summer outreach entire I business had to diversifying organization the knowledge wonderful to earned find gained unexplored opportunity income as an tosources. external potential work at My consultant for Lincolntime brand at Center and Lincoln expansion MBA for Center the student or was revenue Performing to filled advise with generation; Arts, a non- Inc.many inand you on see CFO, a feeds variety where CAO, a thishunger Chiefof strategic conversation Legal in your planning Counsel, soul. goes andBeing and in the the business bombarded coming Director development ofspace recruitment Marketing, initiatives. on atouch activities number My projects and of caught key business focused by the on herds initiatives.analyzing here My firsts. profit I one have organization never lived internally. inwith New York City nor worked inand the non-profit sector prior toseveral HBS. As someone an New at the effort HBS, York branding toCity. find can and synergies I sometimes worked communication within beIn the theaddition, misled newest Executive strategy into Iof deeply dining thinking Business Lincoln valued thatCenter on the the high campus, Strategy paycheck inCenter order Lincoln group to and exposureRistorante. alongside and attention The range other Iand received of these recent toattract This summer Ime had the and unique opportunity toFellow. work at power andabove retain all existing is important. who projects through HBS is patrons passionate graduates,included my kept internship working about busy including and dance a with feel interested Social and marketing that who my Enterprise forwork istheto considering develop has entire challenged tenAs aLincoln adiscount career weeks a member me andlinked ticketing over let of for the me this the creative course glimpse group, Performing strategy I ofindustries, for the the worked Lincoln kind Arts. summer. ofIve alongside Ibusiness was Centers had aleaders Finally, twoI future Im summer glad I had fellow a and moment incoming the donors. away I also from formulated the din a where communication I not only made plan an for a impact new indestination an organization dining I cared main newly was breadth This restaurant, throughout much objectives past opened fortunate about that summer outlined the but David enough exists rest alsoIofin had of and aExecutive Rubenstein to the answered into theattend non-profit my Business wonderful researched organization, internship: Atrium, many arts questions the andDetermining which programming organization. opportunity and beginnings whose Strategy presentedserves to answersof group, events beas anmy athe the HBS put summerworking campus mutualon by recommendations will case ultimately fellow study directly fit visitor with Lincoln at and and, determine the with Center Lincoln on along the non-profit, strategy my asPresident, information Center with well future.the and for other theReynold performing as center. its In Levy, arts addition, constituents. on sector a I number worked and understanding with key business individuals how initiatives. across commercial the My projects organization roles add fell value to into develop under alongside a three perspective the categories other, on more how Cost mission-critical Lincoln Center Performing Arts, Inc. theindigital summer implementation fellows, regularly calculated New tothe York the City.and economic President, I worked impact Reynold asofa for member Levy. the Lincoln Over ofCenter the the Center Executive course and ofitsthe Business residentsummer, & Arts, Strategy organizations. I focused team, on The Management, This should summer use offilmed I Income had and Enhancement, exciting opportunity content going Membership. to work forward. Lincoln Finally,Through these for projects the Performing I of was able to see Inc. the toin a two entire functions with projects main aprojects. number afforded the oforganization. The previous me firstsignificant was HBS thinkingSocial exposure Enterprise about to how the fellows organizations to cultivate and aIunder worked typically major the withdirection functional other under-represented summerthe departments fellows President demographic of (Marketing, of internal determine span of strategic the Lincoln organization consulting Centers and role. economic work As closely a member impact with on of many the the NY executive parties, Metro including Area strategy given the group, the CFO, large I the engaged number Procurement in of projects team, ILincoln donors spentthe Finance, my Center, to Lincoln become Planning Reynold&Center leaders Levy. Development), summer During at Lincoln fellowship tomy Center. summer senior working The executives fellowship second onand various projectIboard focused strategic involved my time members initiatives enhancingas onwell two under the as maintoVisual the projects, leading direction Artworks at the of under performances Marketing, leadership Development, and visitorsof seniorMembership that management occur on and its and campus the the rest all of President year. the Executive of Lincoln Business Center. and I worked Strategy ongroup. seven I worked Mr. Lincoln first performing Reynold of which Center Levy, arts involved program Lincoln inincluding ballet, Center's developing through orchestra president. sales, performance and marketing, jazz. IMy feel projects metrics and lucky toincluding infrastructure for a new have been working Visitors initiatives. closely Center ablePerforming to spend My with opening work the this this CFO summer onaLincoln November issues distinct This with past projects, procurementsummer, I had to identifythe twopleasure group savings of projects working opportunities with at Lincoln the across other Center the HBS summer for organization. the fellows. I identified Ithehad Arts, summer and the Inc. in opportunity quantifiedThe surrounding gave at dynamic Lincoln me great Center. the organization negotiations, visibility The project to andwhich insightoperation required I could into me make and various to aconstruction gatherparts meaningful data of the onof a new organization reporting contribution. destination requirements to learn Additionally, restaurant; how to a the New nonprofit analyzing members York City, operates. of theas to Center utilize income-enhancing campus many of isphilanthropic comprised my MBA skills, opportunities of the as in largest well Valet asParking and aopportunities number most and diverse of my Playbill legal group and skills, of performing identified because ways the arts forwork organizations Lincoln spanned tothe multiple in the TheCenter current Living take well Executive world, asCities Additionally, guided develop ranging isI ahad Strategy tour mechanisms from theprogram groupthe opportunity and Metropolitan and to collaborative the assessing report other to engage data OperaHBS of fellows to 21 internally in the of the significant were New and largest to to incorporate discussion essential York foundations Lincoln Public to Center with my Library digital and the media; constituents. experience for financial staff the to enhancing atunderstand Performing intuitions Lincoln second Center, Arts. the that how Like to advantage functional acquisition aspires to areas, of improve opportunities strategy such thefor as lives marketing, donors with of Fashion low-income across public the Week, relations, nation; people which examining and finance, will the be urban held legal, ways there areas to fundraising leveragein beginning which the and the Fall strategic organization's live. 2010. Living development. I also Cities embedded project from balance my This whom overall summer, focused a mission-driven I learned experience I on interned an a effort at great with Lincoln to organization deal the increaseand Center, MAC withearned found AIDSthe Fund, assortmentincome profit-generating pleasure the in through working philanthropic of business projects the with Irental each initiatives. foundation worked ofday.Lincoln on atwas Overall, Estee Center incredibly it venues was Lauder-owned a diverse. for fantastic developed engages social The knowledge experience, work in this events. also a recommendation regarding whereThe spanned work project through a wide arts management I worked involved on and three range very plan major of identifying important for business and Lincoln avenues: dispensing target stages Center challengesgrantmaking, such opportunities, itlot,to to the facing tap as devising into policy greater Lincoln the drafting world new work public; Center, andbusiness a project of marketing charitable capital creating and formed initiatives, formation. astrategy, strategy online relationships and to I aI gift helped MAC registries. budgeting, Cosmetics. create It a implementation was new a My partnership internship fantastic summer and consisted with helping in the which with primarily Clevelandongoing I learned of Clinic, completing operations. a along worked with twoGivenwithan discrete implementation the smart projects: and passionate variety, 1) plan I designed I to was stream people, able to Iworkedspent creating enhance with anten with weeks marketing the amazing Living income this staff.Cities materials. fromsummer Capital theinto My interning Formation prestigious work atList this MaRS, department. summer,Print aand non-profit while Poster Aallowing major innovation program; goal merecommendof to and center the delve capital maximizing dedicated deeply formation intorevenue to maximizing specific from Lincoln process develop and made Center for a selecting better a performances contribution sense the of Fund's the to an job geographic the functions organization hospital focus for I care setting. which areas deeply I Working and am best about. used closely it suited to and with the the role CFO, a of small I analyzed arts group management and of target department the economic isexposed Iand projects, Lincoln Center's also to 1)social rental create me impact facilities.a Health to family diverse of This Canadian of socially fellowship areas innovation. conscious investment Within MaRS, vehicles itsILincoln worked that on directsa project capital towith into theI Icountries. and worked revised non-profit as revenue 2)an intern completed workforecasts inat mythe the first Connector, phase ofof an the Iiswould the organization incredibly updated state of market unique and Massachusetts' plan allowed in for thefrequent me health Fund's to develop exposure insurance grantmaking anexchange. senior in South non-profit Causeway management understanding Social arena, and Finance, and the ofcountry the 2) board culture toaforprofessional ofLincoln demonstrate national and directors, structure Center's future. collaboration tothe of parking foundations wide an working artsdiversitygarage recommend and organization toof and others acceleratedeveloped projects, the asthat well social aI as and sociala investment the marketing Center finance high a successful level summer plan marketplace vehicles ofCenter's non-profit to fellowship expand responsibility can in Africa, supported to the HBS I was ablecustomera critical students teams toitssuch base. work at hoping the Other onLincoln Connector for to two the MAF. have projects projects an In that addition enjoyable, included with analyzed MassHealth. to developingthese diverse, and approved two interesting First, a core digital I was projects, health media and one and personally ofwith completed strategy three dental team for insurance informativea Lincoln members number products of experience. smaller new forof Canada. afforded achieve organization I partnered both to real as with and Chief Center. Operating social/programmatic The fellowship Officer also of returns. Volans presented Ventures Specifically,me (an Ithis HBS assisted many alumnus) with opportunities aLincolnto in variety build charge to of the tasks engage projects sale Informationon the and exchange. participated Landscape The and inexperience the creating group's an has day-to-day provided operational activities. me model a firsthand for I theset look newout onat visitor national summer center. healthcare As internship reform with Center two is case rolling for in anfor Andiscussions out opportunity blended existing theand new fund to value Primary share collaborate investing [Catalyst]: my Care work with in Payment diligence, withCanada. entrepreneurs Reform meetings, Senior Blended Management,Initiative. notes, outside value investing Second, research, including traditional seeks etc.,I meetings MBA helped but to hubs generate spendco-chair with (think the the MassHealth's financial majority outside President of returns ofNYC, my and first as time SF, primary implementation in the midst goals: of to a and gain massive strategy. an understanding redevelopment of of whatits it campus, might thisbe like summer to work was in-house a superb in corporate time to be aphilanthropy Lincoln well ever working CFO. Boston) as annual social/environmental I foundonspending by report. the myas private summer a placement week returns. fellowship with each atTo memorandum build the Lincoln entrepreneur Centerforcase, aworking to we second bejob analyzed a on fund truly an thatkeywill enjoyable opportunity stakeholders focus experience, or on in Canada the challenge green during that and economy. which they I I Center (as MBAs opposed intern. Across to a corporate philanthropy consultant, my prior to HBS), and to gain exposure to abroad, spent had have. the Inenablers most opportunity total, ofAmericayou(such my time work toisresearching, as a academics, learn movement withThe asix great of deal entrepreneurs MBAs foundations, reading, while and talking at in the entrepreneurs government, six tocitiesothers same time over in of and the working private field contribute six weeks for together (one sector thoughts in agiving toand meaningful entrepreneur/city revitalize companies), wayand information America. toper thein international philanthropy. position certainly fulfilled both these goals, me valuable insights order existing organizations Eachmy week) tofuture summer, financial document work. tools MBAxAmerica and inshape theand social the sends investment finance teamsme ofspace. thesis. pioneering We also MBAs developedout on pitch the road books to learn for various from and investmentwork into career goals providing with experiences that I need in order to pursue them. opportunities with visionary in the social finance entrepreneurs. spaceworked including a blended value investment fund, tripgreen bonds, and a to ofOur team with six entrepreneurs on a Networks road from New Orleans During community the summer wind farm months project. 2009, After Iaspent summer 10 weeks of due working diligence, for I amMeadow still optimistic on a the about newability venture of Detroit. We learned about entrepreneurship, social impact, and ourselves along the way. concept the private dubbed sectorOpen toeTransitions) adapt Road. traditionalMeadow Networks financial products is a consulting to delivertool group social that and applies environmental innovative impact wireless while Med2Bed (formerly is an innovative, first-of-its-kind that connects patients, hospitals, technologies still generating and strongpolicies financial to the transportation sector and dealwas founded by Robin Chase, have also the founding and Atreturns. Thewe necessary flow exists, deserve the returns been laidpost-acute care facilities. Med2Bed, believe that all patients seamless, safe, and timely Itransitions CEO of demonstrated,the building Zipcar. The and blocks goal the ofof associatedMentor Open Road Me risk is India, may to build be a nonprofit loweran openthan that technology that aims related to be platform to India's traditional for first vehiclesnational venture upon mentoring capital which or afor on their road to recovery. We see ourselves as a marriage between and Farecast organization. variety private of equity I investments. applications had founded will bethe organization developed. Governments, One with might foundations, friends think andfrom itHKS, ofalgorithm,as anHBS academic "Open and institutions Indiabarriers Onstar," earlier can orpatients also this a mechanismplay year. atitling key It was by role the For the healthcarepast 10 industry. years, Mercy Through Corps our has intelligent, been working proprietary in Latin America to caregivers remove and to land can find incredible which in enabling a vehicle tothe see whatresolution could growth bestarted socialasfacilities ofturned a Business into finance an interface through Planhelping asuch few months as Google's support ago the come Android creation alive. or We Apple's of recruited large-scale iPhone, and blended providingtrained value through and reserve land conflict beds at post-acute and innovationsthat best in fitlandtheir formalization. needs. Med2Bed Mercy was Corps' founded newest by social three Harvard 30 Mercy open inspiring investment APIsCorps mentors, has ofTerraTek, carand funds, created data removing matched and aaindividuals Social them communications regulatory Venture with pipeline mentees, barriers, platform. toand developing find, established With assess, prove this platform, processes and scale innovators to support business canof themideas develop going that and enterprise, Medical create School sustainable helps Harvard solutions Business to international and School their students local development governments and a appropriate University issues. work I spent legal together ofway Indiana the structures, summer to School title working and property, building Business within thereby the a implement forward. capacity Imaking spent eight theAs of thousands the blended titling weeks Exec Director value process this of applications, summer and enterprises cheaper, one working some of to the scale. of founderswhich will of the transform organization, the my we primary own, use, responsibilities and connect professor. offaster for andMeXvi. accessible MeXvi toon more isdistributing an entrepreneurial, people. TerraTek Mexican is tackling company a traditional that toMed2Bed ison-the-ground ofthe winner the Harvard Business School Business Plan Competition team vehicles were land manufactures titling scale to onboard the process "Stuff world and the Central", sells that's adatahousing complicated, a business around system that staff/volunteers, them. time-consuming that had Application is a focus applicable build examples and acostly. to strong low-income pertinent Board The bothand to2012 inefficiencies and normal climate partnerships self-construction and change and to(Social socially obsolescenceinclude expand, housing ones andin Venture beneficial Through Track), the a MassChallenge finalist, Fall 2012 TechStars company, and a top 40 Dell Social that organize both rural a goods dramatically and Harvard fundraiser urban to reduceextreme Business to Mexico. increase vehicle rural School They areas miles visibility have Socialofbuilt traveled, Uganda and Enterprise raise more through primarilyfunds than Fellowship, by for 4,000a transforming catalog next homes. I worked year. distribution By I the the atreal completed Miami end method. and oftwo City theperceived We Ballet summer, projects scaled asfor Ianthisthem. Innovation current idea intern from to landthe a Challenge records business CFO during andawardee. plan registry the conceptsummer Additionally, systems to aof fully prevent 2011. we operational are Miami manylaunching City people company Ballet a from three-month waswith formalizing co-founded completed pilot ownership by at sales. one Edward of of the their Villella, nations a realized economics Micro The first Home that was of my driving Solutions an most internal by:important isa an1) audit incorporating affordable role ofCitytheir was to motivate externalities & inspire (congestion people, pricing, which true I hope cost ofto learn parking); better 2) how turning leading properties. former hospitals principal Bythe creating in fall-winter with New system York 2012. that ishousing Ballet operations accessible, andimplied start-up and Americastransparentstrategy. basedmostout and This ofefficient, celebrated was Newespecially Delhi, male TerraTek India. ballet importantGiven will dancer. enable the since Miami housingtheCity to fixeddo and company shortage during sunk of had over just rest costs27 completedof into million my time variable units,a at merger the Harvard. costs (car-sharing, mission which of the pay-as-you-drive organization significant changes. is to insurance, provide I identified per mile low-cost, areas leasing; hi-quality of smaller opportunity, homes landholders Ballet The Social is in anEnterprise emerging internationally-acclaimed Summer economies Fellowship to obtain dance supported formal company myland and title. internship issecond the resident at Millennium company Challenge for Miami-Dade, Corporation increments prioritized to the urban themforpoor. parking); and The created 3) restricting founding an implementation belief access is that to asset vehicles plan.ownership The (fleet sharing, is critical project car to sharing); break was to the work4) combining vicious with cycle a real-time of Broward, (MCC) in Washington, and Palmthe Beach D.C. counties, Established theofinlife. three 2004, most aMCC travel spentdata to recommend populous is aBulgaria, United counties States in Government South Florida. corporation Imyselected whose tothis Ipoverty microfinance internship mission this and is to due summer enjoy institution reduce tospentmyglobal working interest toand higher for create poverty in facilitate qualitythe Finance a through working housing use atmeeting of product. avehicle: the other Ministry Asnon-profit promotion types co-founder in Through in ofof which travel the market of sustainable which (that venture, Icongestion would wasarealong research, work afaster, economic great customer closely cheaper, withopportunity growth. with more architect interviews, management I chose meet to convenient husband, my subsidycareer weve aim reviews than of driving andworking bulk individual a single at of thethe occupancy intersection budget summer calculations of the ride-sharing, private and we interviewing proposed and public a new with sectors various product. avoidance, in development, stakeholders. multimodal and These travel Sarah intern on the options). Dillard at MCC businessBecause spentbecause side ofthe ofthe summer of an myartistic long-term working background organization. nature for in of the this Minister international During project my of and National health summer, my and desire I Planning development, worked to remain onand a Economic my variety involved interest of in Policy projects its in in Costa seeing interactions specifically towith experiencegovernment, working non-profits, onare this fromcommercial the public and sectornational angle banks, for the prospective firstmyatime. clients I spent have most of my the Rica. innerThe a workings within finance objectives Iand ofto otherof the the federal ministry departments. government to For onincrease much during productivity this tumultuous and economic time, and growth; curiosity to mitigateabout the development, helped time on us sectoral inform plan ouranalysis entrycontinue of theworking strategy Bulgarian and develop business economy, aof listmy oftime development which prospectiveI focused aimed towith onRobin partners. describe creating Chase Weve sector-level market and also Open study gained trends Road analyzing some and operational inequality; Miami during City my andconsequences Ballet's final to year increase organizational at HBS of citizen MCCs within participation status structure the framework as and a government in solutions financial of field to corporation. performance studies. economic and I against worked social other inproblems. the performing Monitoring, At arts the identify visibility promising with our sectors concept in in thedigital amongst private economy thegovernment players in the for policymakes sector and are tomaking focus onfunding supporting. proposals The analysis thatand will see Evaluation, ministry, organizations. Sarah and was Economic Iproject. also involved analyzed Analysis the sources unit on of several Miami fascinating strategy City Ballet's and projects in analysis contributions assessing of Costa and foreign theRicas aid economic demographics impact of its used us to firm-level, our pilot national accounts and foreign trade data, drew on both business and economic analysis performance, particularly as acompared bywith other middle theincome audience effectiveness. countries. methods, for andthe As wasdevelopment a issued joint MBA/MPP as of a student report strategy the with to reach Ministry. the Kennedy aInwider and School process, more Iofalso sustainable Government, reached donor outI particularly to base and connected and audience. appreciated stakeholders Forthis myopportunity across final public project, andtoIprivatesupplement synthesized sectormy entitiesfindings prior engagedprofessional into a in frameworkexperiences similar work, for aespecially with strategic a summer plan thosefor internship the on working organization in thethe public going sector. forward. promotion of the IT/outsourcing sector in Bulgaria, which my own report ended up identifying as particularly promising. Mobius Motors is a start-up automobile manufacturer based in Nairobi, Kenya. With a mission to mobilise the Social developing world, Mobius aims to bringthe effective transportation solutions to East Africa via As a summer Enterprise Fellow, I Asworked under Chief Medical Officer of Montefiore Care aManagement $6000 USD off-road capable vehicle. a Distribution Associate during the summer of 2012, I was Group my(CMO), a subsidiary of Montefiore Medical Center (MMC) that provides intensive care tasked In orderwith to pursue developing passion distribution for socialandand enterprise service strategies andhealth),my for interesttheandyoung in business company. at the My base work ofculminated the pyramid in management (medical, mental health, behavioral oversees provider relations to support the the (BoP), recommendation I sought out summer of an innovative internship franchise opportunities dealer in model Latin American tailored toBoP the companies. specific needs With of the both the larger The bi-partisan network of National salaried Commission and voluntary/communityon Fiscal Responsibility physicians. and CMOReform also was oversees created Montefiore by President ACO, Obama of unique the HBSproduct Social asEnterprise as thefellowship, I was able to pursue anbudget opportunity with MPeso, a mobile money which to propose was named recommendations awell Pioneer East Accountable to the African balance market. our Care nations Organization primary by the Centers byissues. 2015 for and Medicare meaningfully and Medicaid improve start-up For 11 weeks in Nicaragua this summer, where I Ihad focused privilege mainly onof strategy working and at the marketing National Economic Over Council the course (NEC) of in mythe our long-term fiscal outlook. With U.S.applyingdebt levels to10 fourrapidly increasing by theand tointerest (CMS). Montefiores ACO is one of The only 32 organizations named Centers for expense Medicare projected and Medicaid week Executive internship, Office ofItrillion often the President. found myself NEC has many principal of the key functions: lessons learned coordinate innations the policy-making HBS RC year but for also Ireach Innovation spent nearly my summer one (CMMI) working and dollars the with only byonethe2020, National in New this mission York Math State and is critical to Science operate to Initiative preserving under this(NMSI),our new, and shared their ability savingsaffiliate to invest model in discovered domestic and many international challenges economic and opportunitiesissues,Strategies tothat coordinateone caneconomiconly see once policy on advice the ground. for the IMy President, was able to to to areas organization provide While such as Medicare atthat thepolicy in infrastructure, Texas, National Advanced beneficiaries Renewable energy Placement with Energyindependence, higher quality Laboratory ofeducation (APS). care (NREL) while APS I well and served and other reducing NMSI as a member social share expenditures programs. a mission of a 5-person through to primary improve enhanced team of a ensure make concrete decisions improvements and to programs many internal are consistent processes with as the as President's client-facing economic activities goals, while and learning to responsibility math care and was education toInwithsupport my role and thePresident's as teaching commission summer ineconomic intern, the in Ievaluating United have States. worked the APS fullNRELs closely range has withavarious of successful thepolicy CMO options history leadership andof weaknesses, building insocialthe monitor fellow lot Theabout MBAs implementation tasked analyzing ofprogram the NRELs IP portfolio, policy discerning agenda. I1977 worked closely strengths with andsenior athe implementing National mobile Renewable an incentive banking Energy space. Laboratory Thisstudents for summer(NREL) andinternship was established teachers experience in dozens inrewarding reinforced of in Golden, high schools my interest Colorado. inenergy Texas. in ItThis is the development towards Administration and creating consensus of our recommendations officials quality solution. on improvement financial The for experience how market, NREL plan fiscal, and has could been strategy regulatory, best immensely provide surrounding and value these technology/innovation to the efforts and renewable Im including grateful policy for data issues. market the enterprise model primary hasU.S. and since more laboratory been specifically replicated for research in inand business several and at development states the base by NMSI. of within theIn thepyramid. spite renewable of thatthis I hope impressive to energy be able and track to energy pursue record, efficiency a It APS collection, opportunity My project was space incredibly in the performance wasto years contribute. to rewarding study to come. tracking, theto consequences be It was able an to aligning incredibly apply ofthe voluntary macroeconomic valuable knowledge physicians opportunity and policies skills along the (exchange allowed I had quality rate developed me measures regime) the chance over onidentified the theto gain a career was sector. in currentlyThisthis pastfield undergoing in summer, a similar emerging significant I worked in market organizational the Technology technology-related and Transfer strategic Office, shiftsinitiative whose that after involved team HBS. is restructuring dedicated to internal by private comprehensive CMS. I sector,have also andknowledge conducted especially of onthe an the evaluation entrepreneurial renewable and energy developed environment. space as aa strategy whole I beganas forwell the by a as expansion benchmark be able to of of diveCMOscountries deeper on previous I spent my summer operations, commercializing three years re-designing the at HBS attechnologies the the and National HLS programmatic that to Trust some are of fordeveloped Historic model, the most and Preservation atwas important re-evaluating the lab. opened There economic in Washington, the has expansion been questions DC, acarerecent where plans. that our I advised emphasis Essentially, country to the APS collaborative those using is facing the aspectsat crawling the care that moment. pilot peg really program exchange interested that rate me. integrates regime The and intensive experience then mental further followed and by behavioral a my qualitative eyes to the management research endless of with Trust's make was seekingnewthat sure for-profit support theoftechnologies assubsidiary, itattransitions which developed from recentlya atcompanythe launched labPreservation are in itsapushed travel and growth social out to network, market, on a to ensuring potential they premium have an the The management possibilities entrepreneurs' summer of internship renewable challenges. chronic disease National energy and to Trust improve for Historic health outcomes is phase, a promote wonderful toworld a access company combination that services was of not personal bethe growing role that itbecause will play asthe the becomes more and impact. membership preparing readily interest It awas available and and career especially longer-term toother Bronx aspiration. growthexciting horizon residents. I strategies. toonly maturity not atchallenged NREL The website phase. this Mysummer role myself ( was to to devise workaof on is designed behalf comprehensive increased of NMSI topublicdrive to help strategic awareness consumer APS for plan withof more This focused summer, on I given worked stemming on afuel the combinationtide of climate of two change. internships that were six weeks each -- one in the startup energy traffic planning enterprise-wide toissues, history- and implementing andrising e-commerce culture-rich this prices travel transition. opportunities, and destinations. anThis increased but involved also It understanding fully was fun and assisting enjoyed inthe interesting of settling the architecture environmental the to new work and on an organizations art impact history. of The focused conventional entrepreneurial on usingenergy RFIDtechnologies. venture technologies within Atto aarchitecture address well-established NREL, agricultural I historians, learned culturalabout problems non-profit. thework, advantages inThe developing National and countries inworking Asia, and financial As people a inSocial status, I met Enterprise include determining Fellow, architects, valuable I spent the insights summer from APSs working past publicwith New policy helping Profit lobbyists, Inc., in the achallenges Trust isventure design national preservationists ofaofnon-profit the asnew wellwith as one membership aoperational government the Singapore organization model, funded and governments research which planning and forenterprise brings people development future development expansiontogether center. and toSome agency protect, growth. highlights As SPRING enhance a result from Singapore. and ofmy enjoy this summer work, thecreate Iplaces included had anthat philanthropy e-commerce fund and newthat invests media in innovative professionals. Itnonprofit is a different organizations world of with influential the potential and engaging to power, significant, which I As matter enjoyable helping an Education to them. identify and Pioneer The educational top internship potential at New deep partner Profit provided dive Inc., into companiesthe the I spent opportunity world for my of summer newly to organizational get developed deepening to know its transitions, my technologies senior understanding andmanagement and also investigating provided of the and long-term have not seen impact in my on thesustainable previous socialprivate mobility or of low-income for-profit sectors. Americans. ItProfit also gives I spent 10 weeks me alternative withangles New ofProfit viewing Education directors, exposure 'CleanTech' industry who into funding were the and very managerial trends. receptive I also decisions had nonprofit to my the that models. recommendations. opportunity are often New made to develop in SMEs Inc. marketing provides and non-profits. plans multi-year for several financial recently and working The and world doing on ofthree projects: enterprise Working 1) I isworked with much the grander with the Executive Vicethan Founder I would President andhave CEO and ever of Genesys imagined. Works, Nonprofits New Profitshavemost really strategic developed support solar panel to aofportfolio technologies of socialandentrepreneurs mettowith prospective working inDepartment business education, partners Directors, workforce to to bring my strategies development, the technologies done covers recent a thorough consumer investment, job segmentation, to providing build a solutions comprehensive market sizing, a variety multi-year financial of problems projections, financial that projection plague operational model our models, society. be used and This by summer the CEO,I Ihealthcare, to spent market. my summer and other Overall, Iworking was areas. able with Throughout toand NewaSector gain Sector much theAlliancesummer, Alliance, better grasp Iaassisted social ofSector), enterprise portfolio managers that engages to deliverstudents portfolio and had organizational senior volunteer themanagement, opportunity professional resources to the work planning, Board consultants for New which inNew consulting Profit looks like toengagements assess (New starting growthathe small to renewable a social opportunities business nonprofit energy/energy impact onFirst. clients. my consulting and own. hiring I worked Now and efficiency and Ifunding with look talent their management market development This summer, and of services the Ifirm wasmy challenges where anwork to MBA Stand that I developed consultantfor Children, still need afor volunteer New Project to beSector HEALTH overcome management Alliance, and for Achievement further aprogram. nonprofit adoption of Specifically, the new I technologies. assisted forward needs Residency astoGenesysseeing in Social Works Enterprise expands being (RISE) executed nationally; Program, and 2)whichbringing I performed places concrete a landscape young results professionals forWorking consulting analysis the preservations. of the and for firm. college New venture Sector My summer Last graduates butat not with exposed client the while development me at to New a new Sector of growth arena was in the the plans nonprofit Initiativeand participated for sector a Competitive capacityin strategic building. Inner planning. City Similar (ICIC), Inand to a addition Boston-based strategy toconsulting, supportingnonprofit philanthropy least, Iclient I was staffed had nonprofit the sector by New opportunities organizationsto evaluate Sector toforto how network serve a E. fullcomparable the year. with LocalICIC My a organizations bunch Initiatives of 20ish measure, interns and track organized communicate tours to famous social individual founded by organizations, HBS I conducted research torole determine overSupport the key summer Corporation characteristics was to (LISC) help New client. of sustainable Sector Mybusinessproject develop a impact capacity historic strong involved metrics and building sites conductingand cohesive inprofessor isorder house the~200 case process to museumsMichael inform studies hour ofof potential improving training Porter. inexisting DC metro changes curriculum the area. is that collaborations dedicated internal to how functions would New within to promoting Profit prepare theofhigh anthe CDCcommunicateseconomic organization. sector, residents with prosperity both its Although the social for goal the of in impact; my year-long drawing models America's This past and summer, innercompetitive cities I workedthrough compensation with privateThe plans Institute sector that engagement of attract Contemporary and that retain leads Art (ICA) to jobs,quality in Boston income, and a New wealth Sector creation and internship out 3) I worked and disseminatingproject on dida three-person not best turn practices.out due to be diligence After the an external team extensive consulting to evaluate literature project a potential review I initially and multi-year thought background investment it would, interviews, I was in myan program for Alliance local and summer residents. to become consultant. ICIC effective fulfills The its leaders mission ICA wasthrough of social founded change a(NVM), in number1936 regardless asof The programs Boston of their aimed Museum chosenat career economic ofstudyModern path. development Art The and first innovative exposed to education another very itnonprofit important organization aspect of working business onato team This summer developed I worked an evaluation with New framework Ventures turndaily around operations. New York Working and Washington, directly with D.C.s the Newmost step in conceived the was inner toas redefine city a laboratory as well as as awhere Mini-MBA thought innovative withMexico leadership and criteria aapproaches focus through to Social a to apply aart rigorous non-profit Impact inresearch could assessing be business (includingchampioned.theboth program. case accelerator SE My In and pursuit task partnerships. for CSR).this green of We summer this and used Sector underperforming Our social final staff, small I was deliverables and able schools. medium toto see LISC In what addition, enterprises took is required I thereputation (SMEs) form participated to run ofinrecommendations Mexico. in small the The business. Education mission for of There Pioneers funders/lenders NVM are isCity many Fellowship one,Ballet toand tasks topromote to promote that supplement the need and to the Imission, had HBS the curriculum pleasure the museum ofas a aguide serving established as for the Advisorits key tocontent the Executive for areas identifying that Director the Mini-MBA at important New York new should artists cover, and this changed summer. its As a be was my support sustainable accomplished to knowledgehelp strategic ICIC economic of deepen to the run education partnerships, its developmentbusiness, understanding asreform especially movementof the a nonprofit construction, in Boston organization, and housing, nationally. and and they real I wrote may estate my not (CHRE) be HBS exciting cluster career or visionin complemented itcities. with modulesIthe onwell of as green adevelopment list and of bestsocial practices SMEs byfor providing achieving them and with sustaining strategic successful advisory Icareer name, cross-departmental a on final time, tostrategist, become had Institute the and consulting andopportunity project management. I in groundbreaking America's essay Worked and about networking inner my several but desire services somebody different Specifically, toand work has in strategy two, to venture to sought anddoopportunity foster it! ofIculture ato Contemporary am understand philanthropy, marketing grateful of working soto initiatives of under being sustainable Art successful have on within inhad able projects 1948.models to thethe consumption spendHowever, inof Workforce finance, strong the in the summer marketing, tomuseum CHRE Development Mexico. view clusters atOver themoved New Profit, Division. identified (high-quality, from development, space key to high-impact) topics space education, and and lessons strategic struggled and even that partnerships. should financially. the music be addressed department. In Infor 1999 addition for to each Highlights the thefresh unit, clientof laid work leadership my out that experience aof calendar Itheperformed, include: ICA's with Director, Ithe had creating Jill organizational inner acourse leader cities, in theincluding strategically sector, (city was and from extremely firm) a high-level best rewarding. practicesperspectiveI confirmed gettingas well projects that as from venture approved an operations philanthropy and completed; standpoint can be a (firm) great learning scheduled primary Thecombine Medvedow, an Energy of two responsibility sessions, analytically-driven Group the months, city ofaof and the I for had assigned New presentation Boston the developingYork opportunity selected required City used the project Economic theby and ICA the to work recommended as CFO workplan, on Development the in two recipient union projects: supervising readings Corporation negotiations; of a site first, the for on I each twoevaluated iswas generating the undergraduate session. tasked waterfront the with short- In commercial addition implementing for and a fellows newlong-term towayon best to what viability practices is required of my launching forprior on securing for-profit day-to-day aretail growth business; investing basis. capital and My best experience investment practices internship fund with at for my New targeting recruiting passion Sector green and for Alliance training socially-driven inner city all-encompassing work, workers and I in learned in the this my many team, planning, and Imentoring produced aseveral cohort training ofcornerstone undergraduate materials for summer the introductory fellows onand sessions, other social New Mexican and SectorIplans contacted SMEs projects. andthoughtMy a cluster. museum Ensured teams greatof strategies apresented those To aspects work the deal thatto that this my energy improve about $8B has would end, and findings inwas acted howIinitiatives be completed Hurricane to asthe beneficial to aidentify Kellogg catalyst outlined operations; cultural two Sandy toand mycase Foundation, for in work Mayor quantifying studies professional recovery funder/CDC with funds the Bloomberg's ofon inefficiencies the leading Cleveland's Fan development. was sponsoring conversations Pier social used landmarkin the development. and toentrepreneurs institutionmake I would Astools sparking sustainability music Atlanta's theof like NYC the the library inner The to to scale subway ICA thank feasibility call and city selected CHRE their formuseum both asystem study. for recommending promising dedicated Newthe clusters. Diller more Second, city, Sector I leaders new which and departmental aim to practitioners reduce organizational the to city's get their carbon feedback structure; emissions and on the creating by 30% curriculum byanalytical 2030. and a secure summer for their the involvement associate marketing with department in the the group, These Scofidio organizations. Alliance resilient conference developed case + as Renfro toThis studies well aclimate on new Finally, theas as highlighted the the change. business topic architects through Social ofkey Advanced proposal some Enterprise the partnerships. of major the combination for new new characteristics Initiative museum mitigation aselection Our pay-for-service case offor New giving studies - ideas. what of Profitsme support have the would the Designed own also CHRE be opportunity platform networkcluster the project firm's andthat to managementmyfirst are branch likely Education away to tools. beand from Pioneers mytoinI Setfirst found program. Mycities more analyzed all building internship effectively inmarket and the showedwas at United New measure based a fantastic howYork programs States. cluster opportunity Presbyterian performance This for firms bold work to Hospitals encouraging synthesize metrics. and Minimally energy interact did Beyond not everything efficiency disappoint with Invasive the each Ibeen valuable in had other. withNew the found that learned work commercial the This new would Technologies useful myoffer inmuseum experience, research by propertythe social (NYP will technical organizations enterprise perhaps opening be MINT) sector presented most in and corporate cohort capital involved, assessment, project background experience, providing priorities. networking, I was them and able experience to sustainability with develop valuable the world contacts consulting insight into of andsocial throughout their business enterprise successes the process and first philanthropy hand. opportunities outsourcing and education services for gave improvement. to reform a oldnew classes program rewarding also 2006 atgreat researched to HBS thiswas and summerthe KSG international critical opportunity and exposed put and meitCity to all together toEconomic domestic see the 12 exciting balletenergyinto what challenges performances policy IMiami thought best ofover was commercializing practices. thein the course ideal The ofcurriculum life-saving internship the summer! for surgical meothers. broad It is by sectors Aldi target Professor spentof that his smaller Porter will summer begreen atacclaim, the invaluableworking and Inner social attracting as for Igoing ultimately Grameen SMEs. nearly Such move sixty Forum Foundations a platform times into inthe the would visitors in October nonprofit/philanthropy social enterprise help achieve its new 2008. calledthe building Ruma sector. objective than that of its provides NVM to space. great technologies. exposure to The ICAphone know to the was the that Medical energy my first marketsnewefforts device industryart are innovation museum as a low whole to tois impact be aashigh-stakes well built several inasBoston provided future endeavor classes insight ingenerate over where of into 100income. years.Residents the how potential IHepolicy believe and isrisksthe and implemented in the organizations power ofatart mobile applications that help income households astarted promote with which sustainable they work. and would also help NVM to become financially self-sustainable. his summer Iinvestigating to spent various uncertainties bring my levels meaningsummer of toas of advancing government. our anhuman administrative care are condition.offset intern byIt the was athuge NewYork-Presbyterian thus potential with passion that IHospital, for dramatic worked improvementsto non-profit identifyinpotential academic long term Rumas first fraud case. He spent countless h medical patient center. TheWorking summer administrative theinternship position is part of NYPs Office of Strategy, which ableisto workedwellbeing. strategies Iprimarily in thatthe mitigate Office of challengeswith Strategy experienced at facing NY-Presbyterian business ICA while leaders maximizing Hospital both (NYP) in New the in andmuseum'sout York of the City.societalhospital, NYP impact. is an Iacademic was With apply my and background anextendinternal and the consulting strategic education, Igroup assessment was for able the toand hospital. help financial the Within ICA's modeling Strategy, leadership skills NYP framethat has I founded developed some of these a in program my RC decisions. called year, medical center affiliated with Columbia University College Fellowship, of Physicians andearly Surgeons and Weill CornellItby MINT Thanks and was my (minimally propose to the pleasure support actionable invasive to work from next new with thestepstechnologies) suchSocial for an Enterprise promising ambitious that Summer provides technologies and talented support in team our for Ivery spent pipeline. at the ICA the I am that stage summer grateful has ideas as achieved to generated a strategy the so Social much. Medical College. NYP Road is theRunners, largest employer intodownstate New York, withand over 15,000 employees, and intern Enterprise surgeons with from New Summer the York affiliated Fellowship medical forbillion. this reporting schools. unique the Itopportunity also Director provides of to project support Strategy management a non-profit supporting hospitals support our CEO tomission develop mainly tothe sees During annualthe summer revenues of of2011, over I $3 had the pleasure Needless of to working say, NYP for is New an exceedingly York Road Runners complex as institution part of the and on provide ideas a project into high regarding prototypes quality, cost lowering that effective are ready the barrierfinancial, care.for venture capital physical investment and or psychologicalfor sale. As part of the participation MINT team, in I Strategy working & with Planning the Strategy department, group working offered me with the the Director opportunity of to Strategy understand and supporting the hospital's the CEO structure in a wide and organized As worked Strategic running tostrategicPlanning further and the Intern racing. development at INewNYRR, York of which high Road uses Runners priority runningideas. this as My summer, a vehicle projects I for worked positive included onconducting several health, projects wellness market which and variety organization, of as well initiatives. as participate was able fully as toan work "internal onto varying consultant" degrees to the of involvement hospital's administrators.and ofit considers I development spanned research across and impact the competitor organization in the NY analysis, Metroand its developingcommunities operations, investment itand serves, I directly dossiers is at reported a andcritical helping strategy to theto Director moment clarify of MINTs as Strategic portfolio completionseven Among worked other on four projects, main different I supported projects, projects including therangingdevelopment research fromfor broadcast ofCEO. the a NYP universal mediaenrollment 8-year rights capital valuation plan; systema policytotomarquee give analysis students event ona Planning management how it and increases NYRRs and its growth top community two executives, principles. impact. The Myincluding project project the allowed began me withI created to analyzing combine a competitive my the background NYRR intelligence strategy in hospital against framework optimization. more equitable Two access particular to and highlights Igreater choice ofwithin national health care reform and the hospital's across thisworking role spectrum ondistrict and includedcharter building schools- a managing business case the end foranalysisaof TVthe for As aNYRR, consulting range Social with of dedicatedEnterprise potential and the venture specific programmingFellow, capital objectivesspent alongoptions; the with identifying summer in skills the enhanced second theshapingorganizations part with during and ofproject the managing NewSchools mysummer, competitive first year related IVenture worked atNYP's HBS trends; universe, Fund, in toorder data a determining venture asynthesize high school application process, planning the timeline for the new system, and coordinating to help various input on channel what extended philanthropy kind of patient information organization to length running was thatof a( stay; la invests critical Tennis and in planning input Channel educationto for strategy and amake capital Ski entrepreneurs Channel) development, and and involving the determining supports ideation innovations howof psychiatrictograss-roots procure to services. close it,theand further from knowledge Next colleagues Street,medical management asummer technology to merchant design bank the development resources. top that choice provides option within financial and NYP. plans for implementation activities. The NYP community then achievement takes designing its running gap a process in initiative our internship nation. for from analyzingI program spent scratch. it 10 and seriously; Other weeks disseminating with Iand notablewas advisory NewSchools given highlights the the services findings opportunity include working to to thein inner twice-weekly the toBoston appropriate cityfront-line do businesses, staff office internal group projects on was two runs resulting seeking program toprojects: answer will the build current grassroots clarion participation, call allow NYRR to share its resources and expertise with that and Nextworth research many aimpact stakeholders. being more hospital able isIaalso people, to1) attend market-based planning I worked expandinvestigatedanwith the all-staff and solution operations, district-led demographics the Youth forofaand meeting the and global school it social celebrating Community reaches, enterprise Ienvironmental presented turnaround the and ServicesNew drive field: thisefforts work York problem. overall division But to City to theBy what Marathon broaden business to CEO, is NewSchools purchasing help your COO, through them being impact? and named other oldincreased design electronics and My senior project was toconsumers understand the field of impact inmeasurement, Event leaders ofat the the Year end bythe of2-year Sports summer. Business II growth highly Journalbeating recommend the out design all internship ofcommunity the a to strategy large anyone annual (approach, who commercial isthe metrics, interested sporting process, in understanding directly brand communicate from strength of their and this work, awareness. and and reselling strategic 2)Street, Other conducted them highlights plan secondary aNational market for deserving their map markets, flagship mentionand made Nextworth are investment extends recommendations lifecycle ofhealth toin Reviewing integration) events care inthis delivery thethe National appropriate country! and who Policy wants for Next to forlearn SMEs andevaluate a Education lot the very Next quickly Trade Streets about the Strategy impactfunctioning bythe as wellmanyprograms: implementingof as exciting establishing a major Mighty the things health plan, and Milers, care Iand got creating the products witness Young early Runnersand education keeps summer: and space toxic the NYRRs chemicals in Department Washington, celebration away of from D.C. of In Nationallandfills. addition, Track Running&The I Fieldparticipated Social Day, Series. Enterprise running I in also the events Summer Education performed put allowed ona Pioneers deep-dive for me hundreds to of propose the delivery Assist work-plan Deputya long-term system. for Attorneys the integration Nigerian General PE/VCplan inMighty the for Development the investigation firm. The Committee. and results prosecution of the project of white validated collar the criminal firms cases. mission, Fellowship experience assessment children in to life of NYRRs supplement at NYRRs a startup youth 5-10 myand marquee program, knowledge help a company event of the properties, Milers, develop education Olympic and theirreform worked environmental Marathoners movement with the stopping sustainability teamin Boston. byto develop en The route strategy. internship ato London This finding a greater than average impactinon client revenue growth, job growth, andand resources to low-to- work recommendation experience and As a monthly inspired summer was me breakfasts to a fantastic for sustainability explore thelearning sectors cross-functional way associate toaboutlearn at theabout the The future coordination history North where a fascinating andme Face, asustainability, necessary operations organization division toofto of retailing, transform NYRR. VF and Outdoor, Imodel wasthese Inc., technology of high-potential incredibly Iphilanthropy partnered inspired overlap. withbut byto moderate income communities. The project afforded exposure my career sector choice, chance underperforming venture the TNFs passion philanthropywhich marketing, NYRR events colleagues operations, into individually I had and had for learned design running profitable, teams about and to at for brand-building HBS harnessing eliminate but never waste, the seen properties. dedication develop in action. sustainableThrough and I was contributionsthese also products, able projects ofto reduce theand apply I spentI this my priorsummer experience asknowledge a turning and senior HBS-acquired project manager analytic at the skills New to define York and solve a concrete problem, and more, develop running greenhouse opportunity contributed deep community tocontent gas emissions, make to and the implementable development and market it ininto my such changeitsresearch ofsustainability-related thepositiveStrategic areas inofpolicymakers. an impact,and organization. Planningwas ICity calledam Economic department andachievements. upon throughout grateful as thatDevelopment Byaand new the work launching function the summer Corporation. aassigned at New packaging to to Ishare me Yorkwas thisfortunate my Road work summerRunners, enough with allowed external which, to me work goingto on stakeholders directly a forward number and contribute will help initiatives NYRR to furthering with leadership both Finally, the the through push mission strategy the the of combination organization New Yorkindustry Road to reachteams of Runners! its full My reductionsummer with thedeveloping initiative, NYC Economic product Development design goals, Corporation's and calculating green TNFsbusiness carbon development footprint, group I made focused on asincreasing thesocial economic viability andofmy various industries inme New York ICity. was Due to staffing needs, NewSchools potential provided progress broad to aVenture reduce respected exposure The FundsNorth to own this Faces network enterprise. new and environmental growing Education sector impact. andInPioneers gave addition, cohort, the by opportunity designing ableand to tolaunching meet some interface with several aI Inumber worked spent the ground-breaking on a majority number of individuals my of projects time in working over education the with and summer the fashion develop including retail contacts data team that analysis focusing I know for on will the various help New me York public/private find City's my way in the first-of-its-kind of the city's projects, green I stakeholders. developed replicable As a summer models associate for the largerwith VF the Corp group, I organizationwas involved (30+ in brands), an Greenhouse partnerships education spaceGas aimed Inventory, in at Boston. encouraging business planOffice early-mid development stage businesses for a Planning greento design establish permanent residence in New Ten which weeks interagency recently ateffort the (July New to 2009) Yorklaunched develop City Mayors a comprehensive a companywide of green Long-Termsustainability economy plan effort. for & theSustainability city.One I worked was an several on illuminating laboratory/showroom/education York City and thereby create new space employment that the city opportunities is hoping to for launch city in residents. concert with public initiative, and Project privatePop- experience inencourage how New presentation York City government designs and executes incity wide of policy. My work focused initiatives partners My Up, dream was aand towas program preparing to create that green a business provided businessesseed recycling material capital to locatepaper, and and atemporary starting researchgrown with in NYC. brief old store-front One preparation corrugatedspace my for main cardboard for new Mayor projects consumer (OCC), Bloomberg'sfocused andtoon retail on or the ways Greener, to educate Greater companies Buildings about Plan, the a package resources of 4 bills available and 2 currently, non-legislative including components incentives and scheduled funding be shipping fashion testimony it design to on buyers cap-and-trade companies. in India A and legislation second China. was In before the reality, Retail Congress. the Fund more that solid partnered my numberswith got, private the worse factoring the companies business voted Supported onFortunately, bythe theoperations City Council and instrategic late 2009, programs/policies which will that improve of the newly energy it. Iascreated efficiency Cabinet of existing of Economic buildings sources. looked. to assist start-up retailers there were with theirsome good short-term lessons manufacturing came with and production came toneeds. understand, more thanin Development the city through at the required City of Boston. lighting Operations upgrades, energy included audits, aspects and such retrofits. business The Buildings recruitmentPlan is a and piece of any Worked HBS on class several taught intergovernmental me, the importance affairs of helping really projects understanding particularly what related goes to the intoMayor'syourfor model. involvement As a result in of retention PlaNYC, the acrosscitys multiple 127-point sectors, long-term as well urban as plan. to Announced increase inregional 2007 bycooperation Mayor Michael economic Bloomberg, getting leadership the of numbers the National right, Conference I was able to of avoid Black diving Mayors into and a business the US Conference that wouldn't of Mayors. have worked. I recognize development. This PlaNYC summer, addresses I had On the thethemajor strategic privilege side, challenges of working focused facing for mainly United NYC in ontheStates marketing, coming Senator program decades Debbie development, Stabenow rising population, from and Michigan strategicand aging more planning her chiefthan for ever ofEnterprise staff, improving the HBS importance Alum, Boston's Amanda of being start-up Renteria. willing ecosystem to awalk As and away Legislativeoverall from Fellow, support a compelling I worked for innovation idea on that manufacturing will throughout not translate policy allthis infrastructure, The Social and climateFellowship change. allowedThrough me atocollaborative work in the effort Office involving of Wisconsin public agencies Governor Jim and Doyle private into and a had successful two central business. tasks: I1) am more develop dedicated a strategy than to bring ever to further finding investment opportunities to Michigan to help and the 2) develop a stakeholders neighborhoods summer. Governor I worked in the City. on defining qualifications and quantifying demand for the new generation of greenin I was Doyles office serves more anthan environment while making anenoughattractive profit. Over 5 themillion long residents. term, I dream By utilizing of starting my public another policy and national This summer, construction-relatedmanufacturing fortunate jobs strategy stemming for the fromto Senator. be investment intern The with summer through the Olympic experience the proposed Park was Legacy a great Buildings Company immersion Plan. incompany London. into abusiness profitable public The Legacypolicybackground, and Company as green wellthe I served space. asiswith athe wonderful public as thesector,Governors opportunity not-for-profit expert toperforming on workorganizationat education. To address the glaring needs in the This City summer of Milwaukee, I worked states OLPC largest (One and Laptop poorest per Child) in the India. intersection school Their that is responsible mission district, ofI researched government is to provide forstreamlining the and each long-term private child the industry. planning, Best development, of all,consolidating I worked management withpower sharp, and dedicated, maintenance and ofpassionate theTo Olympic people, Park and committed its facilities to making after the a administration with 1. a rugged, Supporting a low-cost, and game-changing low-power, micro-health connected under one laptop insurance authority. to empower company qualify them manage fortofund$4 learn billionand raising inhave and federal a brighter investor stimulus process London difference 2012 in Games. the world. I worked primarily with the Marketing and Events groups while also enjoying a week- money, future. Iadvance Itravelled helped craft around an ExecutiveIndiaAfrica's andOrder investigated mandating opportunities the completion foron OLPC of atolongitudinal increase itsdata outreach system inBusiness that India long prior stint in with the of Communications launching team. first-ever Projects 'base thatof the I workedpyramid' included health insurance creating product an investment 2. allows from the the private state tosector. track I the also academic investigated performancereasons whyof every it has student not been over successful the course in theof their last 5 learning. years in brochure advisory and aimed capabilityat firstforeign building investors, for adeveloping leading Ethiopian an Expression food processor of in Interest as theyprogram It sought to gauge growth interest a capital into India. After This receiving was my the approval time working to designinavarious India, incompetitors pay-for-performance education and program non-profit. for apublic was school not only teachers, unique Isummer worked events fund expansion on the Parkinto and retail benchmarking sector. to help create branding strategy. My opportunity with the State toof learn Minnesota about the to education share best space practices. in India In but also Ito addition, was apply able what to I have share my learned findings atwithHBS the to experience contributeone-on-one. was to a causeinvaluable I am in that I was passionate able to about. build up a skill setgiving in marketing that could be into transferable Governor The position certainly proved interesting, me valuable insights my future to bothgoals private andand public sector settings, yet I also thathad the in privilege ofpursue working towards securing an career providing me with experiences I need order the to them. Olympic heritage in a neighborhood that is in desperate need of revitalization that the Legacy Company promises. For my summer I worked with Open Capital Advisors in Nairobi, Kenya. OCA is a financial intermediary focused on increasing investment in Banco small- Oportunidade and medium-sized enterprisesI was (SMEs) in East Africa. While This summer, I spent 10 weeks with Moambique. curious about microfinance there, I worked for a variety of clients, including several clean tech SMEs and a Kenyan non-profit looking and I wasfor eager to live business. one moreWorking time in Mozambique. Mydue roleme was to assist BOM's top management in in to Worked support early-stage theGrowth", Partners Innovation Fund in (PIF) Kenya conductingchallenged diligence to come forup potential with solutions equity in investments a processes "Preparing for namely at the organizational and process level. Reshaping structure and sometimes new companies resource-scarce that were formed environment, based on and Partners allowed Technologies. me to explore Alsodifferent created approaches a proposal to forsectoral a medical was This asummer, key initial I was step given for BOM the opportunity toserves set theasstage atomechanism work to become for Partners a Partners large In andHealth, successful an international player in medical the global Mozambican health device development, innovation program in particular that the business incubation model. for In the long clinicians run, I aim toget develop tothe leverage these devices microfinance organization dedicated market. I to learned delivering a great qualitydeal health talking care to the to people people that and communities actually devastated job done by and the I joint for It is experiencesindustry dawn in players Neno, when I and that return I satisfy cannotto my unmet sleep home in. clinical Children country needsof are Nigeriain fetching commercially to water address from viable the the markets. development taps in the of foyer. otherwise The bakery burdens believe my of poverty inexperience and disease. in private the sectorAs a summer was veryisassociate, important I in conducted allowing an analysis me tohas provide of the an current analysis impartial run neglected by HIV-positive segments women of the out of our sector. kitchen up and running. The cook begun slaughtering a goat procurement My internship and asthe atasupply of the status of Summer organization. chain Associate system IHealth went on inon Haiti. the anStrategy This included internship and inVentures reviewing microfinance team and at documenting because Public I Broadcasting hadthe a deep the overall Service curiosity for dinner. I fantastic am the Partners inand guest house in rural Malawi, rushing through ice-cold shower procurement (PBS) about My was the asector summer process, internship and experience. from felt gave drug passionate meI can It reaffirmed the medical about great supply working opportunity my initial inrequest tobelief such work through cutting that at ahead developing edge small deliverysector non-profit to and the ofthem thefurther sites, nonprofit organization, and refining providing world. internal called I (our electricity is out again) so catch the pharmacy staff and out with to deliver malaria recommendations corporate truly enjoyed strategieslearning for within improvement about thethe media sector alongindustry and each how wasstep. an anMFI While area works I PIH would on focuses theenjoy. ground.primarily I was interested However, on providing I amin interning healthcare, still uncertain at drugs PEFAN, towhichremote itworks Over the course health of my with centers. summer street kids HBS PSF, with and students vulnerable I was travel fortunate youth theofworld to in interests Addis foron their Ababa, summer Ethiopia. internships, At PEFAN, but I was at PIH's PBS whether it newest also responsible because recognizes my country future for represented that writing location, liesproviding business thehours ainproblem-solving Iawas local perfect jobs microfinance plan to from amalgamation the and the people setting institution. closest of the the paved my groundworkI work Central am road certain Plateau orfor a in series media though, supermarket. the of internal islaunch necessaryand that of The strategy. Iaenjoyedprojects once mainpatients small business hospital including I working wanted are toin isthatnot combine developing the back At the social onPershingmy their the sector passion feet.Foundations and Square My for I am summer now Foundation, growth even therefore strategy, more I helped with also committed benchmarking an industry involved manage to I exploring threeThisfindingwas comparable pipeline excited the the activity to staffing possibility organizations learnand more and role for in overhead about. creating that preparation suit PBS expenses dignified, me best. for a fair- yet could open, serve but as already the organizations over 1,000 income patients generating are on life-saving arm. antiretroviral project granted AIDS me drugs. a wide My role range as of an internal represented and wage board streamlining jobs meeting, the through perfect whichthe Foundations numerous opportunity artisanal grant-making to flex and my industrial analytical process. ventures. In and parallel, strategic I was muscle also while fortunate also to tapping lead the into PSFsmy experiences in which I included could employ financial skills modeling, presentation support, and strategy weplan development. inlearned at HBS tofrom consultant This fall, focused Pittsburgh on Public food and Schools drug (PPS), costs. as By part redirecting ofBuilding their spending Empowering how to evaluate toEffective local farmers, Teachers market cut plan, opportunities, food costs by isstrategic launching creative efforts to media-driven provide lighting side. for Having tent camps worked in prior on the thisFoundations internship, I discovered interests in that social justice, writing At 20%. the the Draper a Together Teaching business Richards with Institute. plan the Kaplan and clinicians Housed issues Foundation, inare regarding and two pharmacy of the I led daytoday landscape staff, Districts I alsoimplementation. analysis designed underperforming and a deal staged schools, pipeline supply the Teachingdevelopment, chain management Institute withwill a Haiti planning presentedand internala telling areapoverty. consulting where crime areas Iand find rapeboth havehighly shattered intriguing the and hopes of many Haitians, especially itintellectually Thanks focus on tofor the domestic Social Enterprise systemic Program, Ileast led Isourcing was able andto spend diligence my on summer over 20+after graduation organizations stimulating. inand Paris, Thethe working ultimately strategy Haitian strive to women. enhance drugs, As which each such, will save students unlike other atgain learning grants USD$10,000 experiencegiven to social and persupportyear. entrepreneurs, Through the growth all, this and myprofessional was PIH the colleagues Foundations from first projects for aten I worked microfinance onrating allowed agency. me to It was impeccable a great wayand insight for me into to useIamy the inner-workings business skills of in afor manymeaningful different proposed United My attempt development areas ofStates week ato 4.directly mammoth and summer of Malawi pre-tenured invest internship in organization; were incredibly ateachers, communitywas spent an privateteacher opportunitytalented atequity without PlanetTran leaders aI was capable. middle-man. and (PT), never administrators, afforded could Thenational notand project before have livery involved asked service inultimately my that a more understanding previous create uses jobs. two aand intense the positive learning way experience, before going and back highly to my recommend PIH to job future in the HBS fall. students.I think the Social Enterprise Program is vehicle situation model fleet schools. in of Haitis hybrids In preparation tent alongside camps, for a identifying the proprietary Institutes and reservation interviewing launch, I platform supported street-light and the dispatch vendors, Districts system sizing community the to achieve scope outreach, of the This truly summer, special, I worked allowing us at toPlanned give back Parenthood to the world Federationby helping of America organizations assisting that withtruly the need rollout but of coulda largenever minimal communication, investment, environmental andtowalkingand parent impact the and maximum engagement project through efforts. vehicle execution. The efficiency. successA number of the PTofTeaching ischallenges currently running Institute arose and a the through very its Unitedlean home the grant attract designed HBS talent. improve reproductive healthcare access in under-served regions within With schools organization summer the generous hinges which with on four included support parents corporate andofmission identifying the students HBS employees. manpowerSocial being Enterprise This aware thatstructure of the could Fellowship, changes afforded provide Iatwas me their post-installation able the schoolto intern opportunity atto andcomplementary support the confident work and National in onand States. Planned Parenthoods is: to provide comprehensive reproductive and Economic excited numerous maintenance, about Council facets the (NEC) andofopportunities the managing in the business the White the including uncertaintyHouse Institute this finance,affords.summer. associated operations, From withOriginally recruiting the strategy high established alevel team and ofsales of in 1993, volunteers migrationteam the management. from toNEC's canvass tent major camps local health Plexx created care services and launched in settings a mobile which application, preserve and conducted protect the user essential testing, privacy design and updates, rights established of each function businesses Prior to new to myis to and start developments. advisesetting date thePT up ThisPresident received information migration on funding domestic tables made from it at and The international neighborhood particularly CueBall Group, important events,economic a venture that to meeting the policy. capital street This with firm lights spans community based were a large in Boston. portable,leaders relationships with apartner individual; to advocate public organizations policies which incan New York guarantee andthese Boston, rights and and laid the ensure groundwork to conduct our number Climate My so and first thathosting change ofthis task they fields, saw acould isme community including global follow preparing thechallenge day healthcare, a connect migration to weekly that energy, withonly reporting patterns financial ofbe parents, themastered package I markets, Haitian spent forof my if people and CueBall population summer fiscal on from financial as at allaccess policy. they PPS parts For results, learning resettle. to of such the the first operating the services; world half ins and ofchange my to outs first provide pilot educational fall. programs which enhance understanding individual and societal implications of2010 to of a efficiencies internship, more community sustainable Iandfocused sales organizing on lifestyle. force healthcare and efforts Polarstern witnessing toas provide new the Bewegt rules greater and challenges is a nonprofit regulations clarity of on school society Company were turnaround. that written supports performance. daily to families implement Next I in rural worked the with a) human Cambodia Decide intowhich sexuality; access and neighborhood to promote green energy. of Bogota research It supports tothe and launch thefunding the pilot advancement of theof plantsfirst after-school technology in reproductive center ininorder Latinto care health the Affordable America. sales team b) Care Research developing Act (ACA). and doaForsales a the first methodology second iteration half, of Ibioethical, and itsworked identifying innovational onof biogas international profitable curriculum. for economics domestic opportunities c) Be the and VP use based ofitsTalent effectsupon onan in and Isubstitute spent encourage ten open weeks understanding firethis places. summer The of their interning goal of inherent my at project PATH (Program at Polarstern behavioral, for Appropriate Bewegt and was social Technology to implications. convince in more Health), I worked people an in internal domestic Operations formula. and for foreign Another a sales-talent policy. project Additionally, recruiting saw me agency I researching helped for the with all economic middle of the class. current analysis government of the recent programs oil spill available in the Gulf the Germany Affiliate international toisTheServices become non-profit Group, partorganization ofwas which supports affiliates to(the inactual healthcare providers) by funding, of for Mexico. ProInspiresmall green accrediting, a newexperience businesses. educating, nonprofit and Ithis was global ablewith extremely organization consulting to to partnership headquarters awarding. identify that practitioners buildsprograms fight human and Seattle climate thatcapital managers will that change provide in at is aimed thethe together. to improve substantial nonprofit affiliate Isector level. developed expense health so Though and savings Id like to conditions implemented in poor a marketing countries by strategy accelerating totheiraddress the development potential donors ofis vianew medical specific technologies. There, forI and of acquisition that organizationsPTmoreis currently can exploring. effectively Finally, achieve but because definitely missions. the ProInspiremost appealingexpanding was researching, the movement strategies interviewing of people reveal Iworked spent the in the specifics summer commercialization ofAmy working engagement, for Project team for Dharma, a newly a of the created for-profit delicate vaccine social nature enterprise delivery the system, in work New Planned conducting Delhi Parenthood focused on selected ultimately working target hiring forthe social groups. a development impact lot by of my recruitingfirm personal to andhelp progress PT training create and business learning applications professionals this to summer take came reservations to work for from over nonprofits. working Blackberries, The in a does, andand controversy surrounding the aissue, market/competitor rural entrepreneurship analysis and broadening and examining access the to revealing economic economic more impact development information ofprogram this technology goods would for only serve to motivate very Iphones Ruma Social different was Enterprise in other environment the mobile middle Summer than devices. ofFellowship launching I was aused Seeing new allowed to and successful "voucher" me to I hope spend programthat startup my this from that summer the allowed inside working willpeopleencourage wasas aaIndia's in developing truly (most Strategic BoP many unique of whom consumers. Growthfuture and had Planned countries I analyzed classmates Parenthoods immunization Project tothis spend Dharma's theiractiveprograms. summer and potential vocal in opponents. I specifically ascaling non-traditional optionsstudiedIll only and the way. say advised that casesbest of working CEO Brazil,Gaurav with India Mehta Planned and South onto Parenthood how Africa. best to this These rewarding Associate. no savings summer In accounts role, experience. and I performed relied on credit) strategic to save growth money and industry conveniently practices and redeem analysis their savingsdeliver at strategic any time summer My internship leverage analyses was core were an honor focused distribution used to refineits leaders on transitioning competencies the are products talented Ruma's in order marketing and internal to dedicated, meet processes strategy immediate and and for I helpedlearned its new strategic the a great mobile goals Gates anddeal banking Foundation from achieve them business. long to termThis recommendations for about a product how of toapplicability delivertheir to results. the choice. CEO.My These role recommendations was to help launch covered this product areasfield by such identifying as sustainable theagents. target revenue group sustainability. involved evaluate I spent theand changing the summer the recruiting, asgrowth, of a Business the monitoring, technology Development in and other evaluation Intern countries. atto Ruma, of Mytheir internship a social officers enterprise at PATH andstartup was an I got amazing in Indonesia. a close generation, (factories speed factory of workers) industry and pitching scope, theand product marketing. factory In additionmanagement. to delivering strategic growth look experience atworks howand the Iagent felt network constantly ischallenged. organized and Itrole was strategized also ways for it to growknewin Itransaction volume a and thevery Ruma with an agent network ofa over 6,000 micro-entrepreneurs rewarding as Irural inProInspires Java was (an working island for size the recommendations, Over this number product ofsummer, that customers could Iimplemented was Ieventually served. able to impactplaya programthemajor livesto of in empower millions development rural of people health of workers allprofessionals over the to identify world. flagship people Inspire at riskofof California Fellows heart with program. disease,Fellow a population This using mobile program of over recruits, 140 phones toI implement million) trains, and to sell supports latestfor airtime, bill business risk assessment payment, surveys, protocols,anand who and want direct other services them to ato to build As a enhance that career Summer in the agent social at, incomes sector andThis to spend improve one wasyear responsible access working to financial an scoping in expertise services analytical and fordesigning role rural Indonesians. at a nonprofit online movement While organization. atHealth Ruma, To qualified accelerate medical Americas practitioners. transition to a program more sustainable,combines ethical economy in CVD management inspiring people from to Public shop Iassist worked Worked with on on Thisthe designing implementation identifying and andthe piloting launching of a the widepilot alternative variety class of of the channels productsInspire to entrepreneurs Fellows sell Quippi's program, gift could cards. I sell collaborated This through included our with the setting Foundation differently. of India would (PHFI),be ruralfirst health 21st infrastructure century movement created built byby Healthpoint Purpose that Services India (HSI), on and a generated network, CEO toandevelopincluding the mobile programs banking training services, curriculum micro-insurance, and facilitate savings, training and sessionshousing. at I also the Fellow ongoing worked Orientation up Sana, Quippi's open first own source store. mHealth Also performed platform created analytical byto work students suchfrom asMassachusetts developing model Institute and ofmethodology Technology This optimizing revenue. Conference.summer In the I worked addition,recruitment, Overall, I thison had three summerthe training,essential opportunity was and an projects management amazingto help a prepare major opportunity of Rumas a start-up foundationto agent gain organization overhaul network strategic its as for public experience we its sought launch engagement and to in greatly increase to helpCreating Quippi manage its foreign currency (MIT). September expand strategy, my exposureour andof network awareness 2010. provided to the Racquet to aover non-profit and supporting Up providing 100,000 sector.Detroit roleagents is on apurchases. a personalized new within non-profit the and risk next aassessment 2organization philanthropy movement years. encourages that will organized tothose offer raisean at risk to seek after-school public REDF medical (Roberts help and Enterprise manage Development their health. Fund) Early is aschool detection venture care can which significantly invests reduce inracquet social CVD enterprises mortality youth awareness development of human program trafficking for middle around and the high world. students in Detroit. Using the sport ofas that well create as personal jobs for and individuals national with economic barriers burden. to employment. Every summer, REDF sponsors six MBA Greenhouse squash, intocombination Enterprise Selection with academic and Financial tutoring,the Analysis. community service During opportunities, and mentoring, Racquet students The program workwas ain social designed, enterprises implemented through andof launched Farberduring program. the summer my summer, (Jun-Aug 2010). I worked Data on willatax be Up aims strategic Oversaw to make project lasting assessing toAugust identify impact the regional on expansion viability theoflives using Detroit for strategy acquisitions youth. anto I was emerging accelerate tasked markets social withenterprise completing investment growth,the IRS fund /a collected exemption starting filing as well as 2010. other Control city, state,sites and are available federal to compliance provide reference measures, for developingmeasuring a effectiveness cohesive set of performed due-diligence and industry exploration forthe aemployment financial inclusion fin-tech venture a capital business of risk assessmentdevelopment asthe wellproject as use assessing ofteammobiles. the financial, Preliminary results will and environmental be available impact of fund. triple- Worked branding closely and with marketing founding materials to to establish reposition the organizations organizational identity, brand and as by creatingnot November justa beacon measurable 2010. of the bottom community, line enterprise, but also and a reputable two technical designera assistance label projects with alternative vision, for portfolio high-quality companies. product andready-to-eat trendThe experience physical Meal Kitsme fitness iswithanot new program product and that a research-based provides healthier literacy curriculum to be year implemented in an influence. after-school allowed Partnering only an to up-and-comingexercise many American of the lessons fashion Idesigner learned intomy we Lunchables RC created plans hadin such to the asopportunity launch how newto lunch structure collections setting. space. MealThe summer Kits are has currently proven to available be a in very rewarding approximately experience 2,000 retail as I stores, have including an all Safeway to stores acquisition featuring Over the course her financing, work. of my conduct Additionally, eight-week activity-based to internship help cover costing, withgrowing and Friendfactor costs, provide the I had strategic businessthe assessment opportunity model was to of an restructured contribute industry to Meal but advance nationally. projectsThe Revolution that are critical Foods to (RF) the CPG success Marketing of Racquet team Up ishelp Detroit. focused on increasing trial ofsewingits current also attract significantan foundational opportunity value to theto as interact well start-up as with governmental through and gain an perspectives initiative funds that we can calledfrom athewide-variety Project organization Bulletproof. of professionals sustain It was a within massive courses the Kits, This social summer expanding enterprise I worked current for field,facilities fromMeal a venture Kits senior offering philanthropy staff with atequipment. REDF newtoorganization theandcrews exciting oncalledflavors, the theand ground Roberts innovating working Enterprise in socialin501(c)3 otherDevelopment areas of enterprise. and undertaking move into to larger create the financial with and more legal of structures aneeded to affiliate Friendfactors the Fund The grocery (REDF). Social store. EnterpriseFounded My Summerby summer George project Roberts Fellowship was allowed to KKR, createthe me organization to grassroots pursue strategy invests ansemester internship inwithsocial with the enterprises RockgoalHealth, of increasing focused an tax trial on (charitable) and 501(c)4 (advocacy) organizations. With only one each of accounting and law of creating Meal Kits jobs infor a to few populationsmarkets. that Myface project significant included barriers three phases: to employment developing (ex-cons,peer benchmarks, homeless, people creating with at incubator As Harvard the world for I hadhealthcare confronts draw on technology every resource startups I could in San find, Francisco.from HBSMy cases internship and course began notes just as to the other inaugural mental the disabilities, strategy, and etc.).scarce conducting anatural Istructures worked Northern forand resources one ofprogram, California their and global portfolio pilot asmy aclimate companies model change, for was ainnational energyroll Southern policy California out has emerged plan. called Taller as a organizations class of theme ten early-stage with similar startups started the pro bono professional and summerconsultations. dedicated Bywhich the toconclusion helping the of my San central My summer Jose (TSJ). in TSJ economic has a wholly-owned and political for-profit decision-making. subsidiary Through called Hope a combination Builders, of appliedis a construction research and time founders Ff Iatleft withconsulting, turn Rocky their Founder ideas Mountain into Brian sound Institute Elliot was tremendous. From work on incorporating radical resource acompanies. with a roadmap I assisted to implement the startups aand robust with financial financial andsystem operational that is,in company strategic efficiency that into hires strategic graduates the Rocky military from Mountain thought TSJ toprogram Institute analyzing that (RMI) the trains delivers degrees ex-cons market-based other energy at-risk young efficiency adults solutions I to which managerial knowledge issues hopefully, Agriculture, construction that such make theas bulletproof.raising Africa, trades world and funds, (plumbing, more Social hiring secure,Enterprise employees, dry-walling, prosperous, these attracting electrical and arelife-sustaining. thework, quality reasons etc.). advisors came I spent As a toand 2008the HBS. board summer Social members, MyEnterprise internship helping wasofan creating Hope Summer business certain absolute design plans, dream principles and and managing canand make and accounting or break a amore company for Group, finances. inI terms Collaboratingofasustainability, with these my startups fellowship asand was well as inI couldnt Fellow have found fulfilling opportunity todoubling pursue my passions I spent with Builders partners incredibly my evaluate RMI's summer including far reaching. Mobility their the growth Central Mayo Every Vehicle opportunities America Clinic, day I got UCSF, Efficiency working to and wake and for Harvard up put Root and together Medical know created Capital, thataSchool plan financing I cross-sector was forleftgoing theto me with bestrategy missing their adoing much for revenue middle, implementing something deeper in which the that next are fuel interests. 12 small saving months& mediumI measures spent while the in summer significantly enterprises the US as heavy cutting too a largeRoot trucking their for Fellow industry, operational microfinance for Root facilitated and Capital, loans COGS and a social project costs, too small impact development interviewing for investment traditional current to address fund privateand focused vehicle potential bank understanding would This make summer, Americaof Ifinance worked the opportunities and the as economies, an world Investment and more challenges prosperous, in developing more secure, and and bringing more to sustainable. market innovative It was an proliferation on pioneering in emerging for grassroots andOfficer businesses helped Fellow incompany, arural for Root Capital, a vehicle nonprofit organization based in in aplug-in customers loans. Asfeeling to part create theaRocky marketing strategy for & the areas hybrid andplaceofIdeveloping developing electric countries. meaningful startup I wasto institutionalize dashboard based reports MAof amazing healthcare technologies. and Strategy, MountainKnowledge, Institute Innovation was fantastic team, evaluatedto spend interest the amongst summer. our Cambridge, innovation Arusha, for theirTanzania, Board and of that holistic where provides Directors. design I worked affordable principles. Overall, with I found loans dairy MyREDF and to grain work sustainable toemphasized bemilling far more small-to-medium-size agro-processors demand-side focused, resource organized,to businesses support and efficiency theirby rigorous intherural business as inaAga path their Roshan, agricultural Afghanistans cooperative leading clients telecommunications for enterprise-level provider, productive is majority technology owned investments and operated in drip irrigation, communities needs approach to while profitably tofor inEconomic their reducing developing researching mission ourhow countries. Root dependence than Capital non-profits Root on can oil. Capital effectively Ipriorities have workedseeks to for,fill provide and the 'missing financing very much tomiddle' producers appreciated financing of their gap nutritional effortswhere to Khan solar Fund technologies, small-scale Development. hydropower, Its and include production-improving the social and coffee economic technologies. development I met of with IAfghanistan spentfor my summer working in Kabul, Afghanistan for Roshan, the countrys largest telecom provider. In mya foods micro-enterprises provide local ample markets. can professional borrowMy fellowship from development microfinance allowedand me institutions networking to utilize aandblend opportunities large of businesses past to experiences their MBA can borrow internsas an from engineer over the As over 40arraycurrent through and Afghanization prospective Root of itsCapital workforce clients andin infrastructure Costa Rica, Guatemala,and community and Mexico, investment. and also Strategic and commercial course an ofwith Intern, thebanks,ofsummer. I worked business but side-by-side small-to-medium skills that I have with the enterprises acquired CEOduring to redesign (SMEs) my have MBA a go-to-market access studies, tothe as neither. my strategy projectsMy for role M-Paisa, rangedthis summer fromthe role RubiconMD worked as Marketing connects third-party and local Communications groups clinics to interested top intern, specialists in the collaborating internship for quick as remote afforded co-investors, opinions. me By technicalopportunity bringingassistance specialist's to solidify providers, Afghanistans first mobile money device. With 97% of the population unbanked, isismobile providing was to help technical Root Capital support find forand the evaluate procurement potential of setting, generators investments money presented expertise or lessons carbon of into finance many theenterprise of convenience players. my first-year of the primary care the to in constructing referral Southeast process Asia, time focusing driven optimized activity-based primarily and care on amanagement Ruma significant Thailand, costing isanalyses. a Indonesia social opportunity Byand summers toI that Cambodia.achieved bring HBS empowers end, financialcourses, fluency researched I had access the developed inespecially Spanish, poor to over the using Strategy, learned masses. seventy life-long mobile how Marketing Over to technology. organizations friendships the taste-testand course and and The coffee, aItstrengthened of Entrepreneurial currently visitedmy how summer, the in most honey the I had resolution process the to farming Manager works, while is much wore also more contributing my first coordinated. bee to suit,the got future Head to of experience of operations, Afghanistan. roll out dirt-under-the-fingernails Daily I pilot, worked recruit with a specialists, fieldwork, small department and pitch worked of launching economically opportunity pursue a career Indonesia's to and mentor socially serving first fellow agribusinessesever promisingAfghan mobiletwenty. colleagues, and money During smallholder service, examine the in site partnership pricing farmers visits, in models, I used developing with skills and a leading work from communities. my Indonesian hand-in-hand RC year Throughto bank. on assess amy customers, Ruma with comprisedanis an of Indonesian fudraising, prepare social enterprise legal documentation, founded by have anetc HBS alumnus, athat provides technology tomobile increase ofinspirational mostly withAfghans The summer internship group role of who wascolleagues. were helping eager theIAfghan couldnt totodemonstrate Business envisioned Development and enhance team better their summer. business acumen. The ofwith the series risks fellowship, and projects my opportunities dream local took aof NGOsthese step and closerbusinesses the to reality government. determine and Im more theirHaving excitedsuitability established than for ever allashops aspects Root to a utilize strategic Capitalofmy thepath loan. MBA forward toThe earnings partnership ofChinasmall between shops. Ruma expatriates enablesbusiness the entrepreneurs knowledge and ofthe its network locals market small knowledge to isinsell invaluable to money The Social for make Rural M-Paisa, a roll-out Enterprise difference I plan, worked Education Fellowship in including thewith world.Foundation the product program team to (RCEF) design, allowed launch is mecustomer a Salary US to nonprofit see segmentation, Disbursement first-hand tackling the and education needbranding, PayBill for tools-- creditreform distribution, amongst two rural novel agent China. developing services airtime/provide the success of the bill payment company. through The position their was mobile not phones, without and challenges, now they are considering evolving the into companys the mobile needs selection RCEFs that country mission enable SMEsand training Afghans is and to to develop to etc. work receive A key student-centered, directly part their of salaries with the a social role and community-based was pay enterprise regular their bills to travel meet teaching through to this the field, their need. methods and mobile close that phones. collaboration prepare students with banking In for the fourteen strategic business. years alignment, I interned since rapid theinpacethe GovernmentMarket and Intelligence competition of Rwanda in the Department, firstmarket piloted and community that builds RCEF frequent based on Ruma's turnover health ofnetwork insurance expatriate to for the Indonesian examination colleagues. system and for the real world. My summer project helped rethink several critical perform schemes, surveys the county forshould other hasrealitiesachieved companies anear staff; and universal for the development healthcare forget ofitsthe Ruma's citizens. own As products, a Health Financing in of order toits learn an however questions: As MBA these are forof doing business inobjective emerging markets and I was fortunate tothe begin I1) student What Iwith searched beMinistry the measurable, sustainability directinternship to of onaRuma'sdeeper organization understanding documenting as opposed about Associate, getting specific my worked feet hard-to-reach wetancillaryinto this the demographic environment. of Health groups. in Rwanda I objective, also worked toto develop a caseRCEFs presentation study deck fortothe the ultimate environmental Managing goals the and issues ongoingefforts. come content benefits? and the development 2) business Given of this approaches the what solve should them. In Latin short-term, America social medium- evolution upcoming term responsibility and of Mutuelles fundraising long-term is aamajor targets defactorSant, be? Ruma for3) the health provided business How should insurance and me anU.S. programming society Department program incredible subsistence. beandthat aligned Now of Education's covers meaningful tothe the meet population experience. environment charterengaged these for targets? resourcein isnew becoming4) What a Rwandas center, Design initiating and informal early company sector structuring (characterized social of an media Integrated bystrategy, low or Delivery leading irregular System project income). for management middle and efforts low-income a segment patients relevant organizational factor in most requirements decisions are worldwide. required on I want what to timeline be prepared in order as to a manager meet these for this targets? challenge By spending in order opportunity, andvalue creating a standardized project proposal process.and financial to with timeadd cardiovascular the most on-site at RCEFs diseases. possible. laboratory Market Sustainability school analysis, in Shanxi has pitch beendevelopment province, a challenging, interviewing relevant teachers and modeling. and excitingschoolarea leaders, to work on during theexceptional interviewing summer. I worked rural education with Saatchi organizations & Saatchiworldwide S, an organization and consulting that delivers nonprofit consulting strategists, and I advertising put togetherservices a final strategy to high impact recommendation organizations, andincludingstrategic large planning corporations. toolkit forSaatchi RCEF. & Saatchi S works with clients across several high impact industries. Two of the large public clients are Wal-Mart and P&G. This summer, I worked on my startup called SANA Care to raise seed funds, further product development and conduct early stageon pilots on our novel called low-cost wireless medicalfrom diagnostic platform. To prove ourwith This summer, I worked my startup SANA Health (renamed m-Screen) in collaboration concept we have partnered with the Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospitals, TUV Labs and Axiom Consulting in Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Center at Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore India, to implement a pilot project Karnataka, Sanergy is anIndia innovative to further and scrutinize award-winning our business social and enterprisetechnology that provides development sanitation plans. inUsing Nairobi funds slums thatand we that will enable early screening for Cancer, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases in India, using mobile generated processes waste from the for HBS sale SE as fertilizer. Business IPlan developed competition, Sanergy's we the were international ableGandhi toofrecruit expansion a small strategyteam and to undertake evaluated technology. This summer To I worked prove our at the concept Save we the have Children partnered Japan with (SCJ), a member Rajiv International University of Save Heath the Sciences Children the these opportunity activities. inone Addis Ababa. (RGUHS) Alliance, which in Karnataka, isMoreover, ofand the we SANA were largest also able (m-health NGO networks to useinthese research group) the world. funds to file at Harvard/Massachusetts My for two provisional assignment at spendSCJ was Institute patents tosummer of based figure out Through on our the concept generous and early support prototype of the HBS results. Social My Enterprise role as Founder Initiative,and CEOI was has able been to to oversee my new product how Technology to implement toand set up a Save an Early the Children Cancer Global Prevention Alliance's and from marketing Treatment strategy(ECDTP), Program "rewrite the across future primary campaign" clinics making development significant progress create on sustainable the launchbusiness of my modelsnonprofit school our turnaround innovation. organization, Finally, we have School also been able Iin and spent Japan. dental the The summer campaign hospitals working in the wasState designed with ofLaila toIskander, Karnataka. raise $470 The a social million program entrepreneur globally will be to provide called who works OncoGrid education withinto the forinformal 8 millionsolid Revolution. to attract seed School funding Revolutionfrom seeks a couple to rapidly ofthrough physician transform angels failing and urban a social district venture schools fund, tofull commercializeextraordinary children waste Seelna's collectors/recyclers who content, live in tools conflictand (Zabbaleen) affected products countries. applybecome SCJ organizing, yoga to everyday had not institutionalizing been life math able to in a scientific, estimateand upgrading yetwithin the fun, manner. potential the traditional We bring of this schools, at which at least 75% thisofyear. students proficient thisincampaign. following clinical trials later andTo English three years, and campaign waste sector and inlacked Cairo. an The articulate Zabbaleen strategy have never to over implement been incorporated into the evaluate city's wastethe potential, management I did thereafter experiences This summer sustainthat I worked today each only schools with happen performance in the Shell sustainability, high-end Foundation spas, the (SF)donor intense long-term. on their workshops During two newmacro and the impactdata summer, teacher investing trainings I was initiatives able to toinThe India: system in ainspiring manner which promotes of institutionalization, market analysis through government and corporate interviews, upgrading and analysis, recognition. internal accomplish everyone, theAccelerator following our members key tasks: to(1) take securecontrol funding their toFacility. own cover health expenses and during enjoy aAccelerator, the lifetime2009-2010 ofwastepurposefulacademic goal the marketing SL-PP First of(2) myaLight isThanks project skill small was evaluation, nonprofit to help and developing organization IntelleCash reorganize marketing founded and SME formalize Lending byplan Jeffand Hallthe informal redefining (HBS The 92) goal waste jobhelp to of collection the description end extreme forand the in poverty partnership marketing recycling in rural year; living. build to relationships the Fellowship, with we numerouswere able foundations to complete that our may strategy, support develop our organization the alpha version in the on-siteour years of sector. with staffs. Sierra the I advised Leone. seed-stage Through The theLaila equity in thefund research, organization restructuring itaims FirsttoLight became clear achieve byVentures reviewing that this there (FLV), through the was isoperating 3 to providestrategy potential initiatives topost-R&D inacquire 3 andgrants villages andperforming of pre-revenue fromwith ~5,000 Ministry people: of programming, ahead; This summer (3) narrow and I had updated down the our opportunity our potential brand toand and launch work marketing districts forsuch Signal plan. to Point four finalists; Partners, (4) a firm drive focused negotiationson early-stage diligence companies Foreign work Affairs with with and catalyticsmall international investment and medium organizations enterprises. business development asAdditionally, Asia Development support. I reviewed As Bank industry the and first person strategy World Bank. on and the Also, ground there microloans for farmers, education for children, quality health &fromsanitation for all. Thethe hands-on wasnature respective companies working was developed Looked some for leaders in onpotential the emerging individual early stage intoeach Accelerator, markets implementation get healthcare ofI these funds developedthat from four offer technology districts; certain plans basic a pipeline tothrough types enhance companies and services ofof (5) learn through potential corporate profitability that had mobile investments. donors. leaders theand phone achieve To potential ofTwo target othernetworks. to of long-term the help school companies corporate improve turnaround Isustainabilitybased donors outcomesI of inin the and implementation school management work allows organizations, for interns both to have direct numerous impact in meetings this post-conflict across the region. country For and example, through identified Nairobi, SCJ's order or reducefund to Kenya, and attract raising costs performed and new in team spent investment. Medicare needed diligence the or majority to on were fundamentally Medicaid. of my approved time developing change by the their investment a pilot marketing project committee process, for Signal and marketing Pointsnow our start-up materials team is and Iamicrofinanceco-trained six-week loan residency officers at for Achievement the microloan First, program a network and, of together, high performing gave 200+ charter group-based schools in small New loans Haven Interning negotiating the way with they terms SITAWI organization. communicate ofbenefit Finance those investments. The For product withfellowship Goodbeing corporate. For has Inthe matched built order IntelleCash istoan allinnovative fully my SME expectations implement Lending mobile as myFacility, savings marketingto what I managed working application recommendation in thetargets a variety that ofand social worth Brooklyn. sector $20,000+ and Inin sum, a to small the summer start-up over would 1000 be people. like. allowed With Mine me was SITAWI to anpursue and incredibly the a passion people educative thatand work and make impactful critical there, I summer. progress have learned on Ithe projects low-income president Iabout spentthe my to build asked Kenyans summer methe tocapacity who working recommend currentlyof with this use a sitawi, newnew informal initiative. marketing a non-profit savings Most team start-upand notably, loan structure based I services. created and this inunderserved Rio de a Iffinancial successful, recommendation Janeiro, model Brazil. it will and Sitawi provide was drafted a learned developing more challenges about anconvenient organization finance of managing and(hopefully) that development analiquidity entrepreneurial will by spending impact thousands venture, 3 monthsthe of living difficulties with and oftoworking working children intheinthe tosocial the help years some low-cost business implemented ambitions and plan to to this shape help the September. the short-term socialfacility Ithan had sector spin off great financing and via raise experience in mobile financing. Brazil phones this by My summer proving to residents entrepreneurial and I want low-cost currently loans role to thank third excluded with the sector Harvard from Shell the Social of ahead. This the worlds summer Further, poorest the time farmers I spent working from all on of Schoolmy prior Revolution work experienceInvestment this summer only served Banking to reconfirm at Merrill my traditional sector, Foundation Enterprise organizations howInitiativetoIthat banking provided interned work do system. with me community not atexcellent SJFI thoroughly CEOs have Ventures, of instruggling access exposure supporting toand atraditional domestic, enjoyed ventures tothis impact my social internship and experience.investing financial and how environmental to and inmanage markets. was India Atand fortunate a portfolio the impact allowed same asof time, venture the me socialexperience itto shape provides capital funds. two All of paid Lynch, passion partnership. Consulting for socialSJF at Ventures McKinsey, enterprise, invests Nonprofit generally, inEnterprise start-ups Healthcare my with commitment work in Tanzaniacombined. to building this organization no matter what provided this groundbreaking consulting This has summer, been anservices opportunity further I initiatives. worked on intensified social at to the form themes Small by new the in strategic fact order thatto thea venture planning Assistance finance social skills its good Funds is operational focus well asinin aslocated (SEAF), areas conduct Brazil such business aDuringas cleantech, developing in an economy emerging technologies, and other technology-I inevitable obstacles I confront in the monthsgrid andand years ahead. activities. a Washington, DC-based my internship non-profit renewable market. that is growing energy fast.and efficiency, recycling, infrastructure organization developed partnering activities in with both entrepreneurs areas, although in I 25 focused chiefly on consulting, leading enhanced During my service 10 weeks sectors. at Social toa develop project for anda launchsocial a theThese Finance, investments I worked promote closely with the financial the 13-member and strategic team support of socially- frontier catering markets company around and helping world the to grow evaluation their companies of contestants through for a through social customized entrepreneurship financial solutions prize. and new motivated form of social enterprises investmentand try tocapital help in them the U.S., achieve known greater as a social scale impact bond. growth I andgained better significant corporate expert As exposure a Summer business not Associate only assistance. to the atnew Social I worked and Finance dynamicon two Incsocialmain my focus projects. impact wasbond onFirst, helpingI worked market, a but start-up with also SEAFs impact to the Executive investment strategic Vicefirm and governance. President work towards and While the Senior SJF launch Vice Ventures ofPresident the is first headquartered for social Africa impact on the in bond North acquisition in the Carolina, United I of a non-bank worked States. with its Managing Director withSocial isfinancial impact institution bonds are in aWest Iorganizational in worked San Francisco. in Social design Finance My evolution primary as aresponsibilities Summer of Social Associate Finance, included athisstart-up summer. finding organization Social attractive Finance new one a nonprofit investment and half years basedof opportunities inhistory. in relatively Africa. Second,new investment I conducted product a market seekingassessment to raise of private Egypt capital as SEAF from considered commercial potential and not-for-profit investment and Ithe Boston hadtechnology-enhanced the that opportunity was founded to participate in January services in 2011 sector keyfocusing with strategic aa mission on forums, the to mobilize including education private andboard medical meetings investment verticals, and capital investor identifying to drive new investment This technical past summer sources assistance I worked in order opportunities atto Social fund proven Finance there. My social as summer Summer interventions at SEAF Associate.was that an reduce Social incredible Finance long-term opportunityis a costs non-profit while to pursue social my social change. Theflowcompanys inacurrent sources presentations; of positive deal and to tocontribute create pipeline to the focus development impact is toinvestment launch an innovative tool for impact investing called producing enterprise that was social created outcomes 2007. (e.g., Social reductions Finance inofchronic creates social opportunities, impact innovative homelessness bonds financial and by conducting conducting research public costing aor passion for frontier market investing, learn from aasummer, leader inincluding this field, and instruments prisoner recidivism). that align The the ISocial projectsworked analyses, Impacttoon many evaluating help Bond with projects (SIB). financing growth A oversocial the strategies impact scenarios, course of bond and ofdesigning SJFs theisgovernment, current financial portfolio monitoring instrumentcompanies. and in better building which evaluation One prepare pipeline investors of frameworks. the impactmostmyself strategy front for working for interesting my social recipients interest eventual of of goalprivate these of investors long-term starting my seeking ownsavings, social social usually and enterprise a financial in this returns, field. commit I non-profit am through tremendously servicethe social organizations grateful for my bond seeking HBS to capital impact and Focused helpfulto bonds onnonprofit (SIBs)organizations components business in theof development youth the summer development tofor implement Socialinternship Impactspace, preventive was Bondconducting the programs opportunity market, provider with aimed due at achieving atoportfolio meet diligence with various ofif,education, for specified SIB-readiness, other social at-risk impact sustainable Iffunding, Summer pay back Social investors with and governments modest interest seeking out of aimproved share the results savings for individuals, should, and onlyfamilies, the andoutcomes communities outcomes. and investing writing funds aorganizations an complex, inindependent the Baymulti-million Area evaluator to discuss dollar determines federal their financial grant that application. predefined and social metrics investment have approachesbeen achieved, as well the as able in youth, Enterpriseneed. materialize. Developedareas and The criminal Fellowship The investor summer justice. and prospectus was work want an torevolves excellent thank for principal primarily you initial fundraising opportunity for this around unbelievable to roadshow the explore Socialthe Impact opportunity. ofotherwise, broader 2 impact investing Bondimpact I would (SIB) which investment funds not have Social in Colombia: been government potential Finance pioneered repays for investors cooperation. to align their stakeholders. SIBs and leveragea rate of return; private investment investors capital to deals. pay lose fortheir early capital. My to community Social work REIT at SEAFwhile ($100M without alsotarget) digging your support. intoapplication Agribusiness this My newFund experience exciting ($100M product has target); dramatically across Refined several increased and pending validated the likelihood financial Perhaps of me models most forto work Due diligence intervention this summer of programs focused a potential delivered on SIB logistics by transaction nonprofit design, service in West primarily Africa; providers. within Industry The the government criminal diligence justice of agencies the area. logistics pay This Sector financial exciting, working both funds; it in allowed theCreated field meof to social business leverageenterprise plan my forimpact previous after a new modeling experience graduation. product for Thank Mexico across you the andand public again. the and Philippines private sectors while also involved understand assessment the relation of of social ofhow economicinterventions, andextent private SIB financials, businesses due diligence source potentialonincluding potential market service deepening returns I had thetopleasure themy investors thinking if, when 9social and only investment to the products that mightimproved be structured. social arebusinesses to a outcomes of spending weeks interning for thepro-forma Leigh Torrence South West achieved. If overview, providers, invest in; benchmarking and Analysis analysis of all of theanalysis, political direct unit and investments economics, legislative made and landscape. up to date I also to financials created understand board the ofAtlanta social directors and Youth (SWAY) financial measured Foundation outcomes in Atlanta, do GA. not improve, Leigh Torrence then the is not investors only a do cornerback not recover for their the Super investment. Bowl New But, Orleansif the Saints, presentation As an HKS impact and MPA/ID that extract analyzed and lessons HBS the joint and nascent keydegree questions Social candidate, Impact that I had need Bond tothe industry begreat answered and honorwhen Social of interning Finances craftingequivalent with competitive the new the strategy. outcomes aare achieved, the government returns the investors principal plus interest to he advantages Government This iswould also product and also of proposed South serve ofas South Sudan a guidingWest strategic (GOSS Atlanta, opportunities. ) during principle thethe for community the Overall, summer investment of Ithat enjoyed 2011. theAfter officers SWAY my2012. when Foundation internship decades considering of and civil strives I war, learnt new a peacelotain toinvestments; aserve. about specified HBSs Because Social return. the Enterprise SWAY Social Foundation Finance Summer isplans Fellowship a small to offer organization,the enabled first me U.S. I to was SIB spend able in early the to make past asummerI large joined impact Social working and Finance at Special learn a lotJune impact agreement Industry investing, Analysiswas social signed of in Commercialsector 2005, in the followed Banking US, government by in a referendum Nigeria, contracting Ghana, with Kenya and approximately & working South Africa at 98% a startup. turnout focusing on in January the Analysis and Olympics during my summer myInternationals time internship there. global InStarling projects addition focused headquarters. toofproviding largely Based logistical on Social in Washington, support Impact for Bond DC,experience the (SIB) SOI isAnnual Fifth application a global, design. non-governmental I My & 2011. reported summer benchmarking With to the aspent referendum CEO of with existing andand outcome General banks. Resources Counsel. more in My Indonesia than 98% specific was injob favor anof exciting responsibilitiessecession, South included: on4th Sudan many Down levels. celebrated Creating a board I got its of to organization that provides sports training and athletic competition to intellectual disabilities, Fundamentals work independence directors for an extremely presentation Football on July 9th, that Cheerleading entrepreneurial-minded, 2011 analyzed as thethe worldscamp, nascent the grappling newestsocial flagship country. impact with event a sponsored rapidly Specifically, bond industry evolving I by the served and issue Social SWAY as area a inand volunteer Finances oneattempts Foundation of the As which to a StartUp improve had over Health athletes 600 Fellow, Atlanta quality I was youth of life responsible pre-register, and raise for awarenessI strengthening also had and the their acceptance privilege healthcare of of helping athletes ecosystem the within foundation in by the building revamp out worlds consultant competitive fastest within growing advantages; the and newly summer, most created Conducting promising Ministry due economies. of Investment diligence on I joined social (MoI), Starling sector providing service Resources support providers on in their totwo very primary first tasks: the their community corporate After StartUp strategy meeting Health at and large. sustainability Mu Academy missionThis Sochua, project,and the and worked formerunderstanding I had working tothe Cambodian develop for opportunity Aqua the an Danone,underlying Minister enrichment to Indonesias work of trends Womensdirectly program occurring forforthe leading Affairs high and in school COO water digital one on bottling of aassist health athletes cornerstone the investors company. through countrys investment how the best network to mapping deploy of investors, and capital investment to payers, generate andAthlete promotion. a social providers. andAt Thesefinancial the broad tasks return; included Completing supplemental comprehensive support and in the up- socore, schedule initiative to create launch anext state-of-the-art school year. Training Application it required specifically identifying,tailored contacting, for athletes and with most following The to-date prominent project activities: research focus human onwas training a range rights integrating onthe of activists, the carbon pervasive use atand of HBS, reporting Excel Iquarterly and was incapacitating and the impressed tracking creation social into of by her promotional the problems, dedication companys to help presentations; governmental processes, the policies, as poor well and training asonI Ievaluating worked intellectual withnew SASB applicants disabilities, to inform to through help them organization's a structured train better international and more process often,strategy, and guiding gathering to connect them baseline with through their information the communities.Academy. on her basic developing apparent strength asinnovative ato leader that I coordinating immediately decided toand work for her and her organization Strey a business programs regions inThe and Aquas which concepts toability services, apply and SASB's develop principles; a pipeline nonprofit sustainability of carbon intervention standards meetings reduction models, and analyzing strategies initiatives. cost-benefit the fitof with of My analyses, time other various was line focused ministries public-private markets for on and its the had Khmer. sweetriot fantastic is a summer global startup financial dark experience chocolate crisis working has manufacturer, hit closely Cambodias with the headquartered emerging COO and economyin Board New and York Directors, especially City. The and its company culminating textile sector was states latter partnerships, products. part seeking of our investment and scope. related I worked promotion; matters; to develop writing Creating thepreliminary business literature case plans reviews, forfor issue a international cogeneration and trend investment facility analyses, at one researchconferences of their in very founded a recommendation hard. with 70,000 forfemale a $150K+ partnership and Scope ofTo Work which was approved byofthe Operating Iapolicy bottling plants, social while young mission; simultaneously itsgarment mission coaching factory statement workers reads: have lost create their a more jobs and just the andsweetriot lack celebrated alternative and summaries, This Team economic summer, and whitepapers, international interned think atspeech division tanks; sweetriot, and writing, heads. consulting which athe presentations, is on client start-up, the Ministrys and for-profit developing grant overall proposals; social aframework more enterprise. robust Modeling and carbontask thoroughly reduction organization. is a retailer multicultural project employment While researched I feasibility hope world opportunities my potential time for methodology. our in Juba applications next forceswas generation. I wasmany helpful for fully SIBs, of to in My independent them my the position into South areas the at in Sudanese of sweetriot booming my homelessness work sexand colleagues,involved and interactions strategy entertainment prevention I am certain andwith and finance. clients, industry. the juvenile experience which My detentionThe of natural chocolate products that integrates its social mission into the core of its business activities. The Ifirst was spent culminated assignment half this incredibly alternatives. of my past with was internship summer to a beneficialvery lead working was successful a toteam me. in ofthe Thewith five strategy presentation TAMTAM Cambodians South function Sudanese of (Together my and where work three people Against to I worked American the have Malaria) companys overcome with the in volunteers Uganda. COO, sales immense CFO in managers an TAMTAMs andeffort challenges, Director and to missing the develop of trauma, mission of sweetriot is to "create a more just and celebrated multicultural world for our next generation." business is Supply new and to both employment warand development Chain. 1) distribute After now seek free opportunities this team experience, to bedin accomplish outlining nets for to these I feel underserved one a strategy even women. of themore to After most areas explore energized and intensive difficult international 2) aboutfacilitate tasksresearch a career facing operational distribution andany in interviews corporate country evaluations avenues. today:with sustainability the theThe to focus Isweetriot spent my uses summer a popular working consumer with TechnoServe product, cacao,inmy Swaziland. to tackle TechnoServe difficult social iswork issues a USAID-funded such as income NGO based in of improvethe affected creation and the secondthe women, huge of a impact newhalf potential we of of my bed decided nation-state, theinternship net area to distributions start from holds wasa the for on history DEVI the finance, andfuture. of Crepe diverse where particular Food and I worked Carts role competing was closely a to with micro-franchising tribes, as fromthe part CFO the of in a business. rubble building team and The a fully turmoil inequality 18 developing Iconducting spent the andsummer countries globalup withclimate and TAMTAM seeking change. business - TogetherThree core solutions Against areas of to sweetriot's Malaria rural poverty. inplace Ghana. social TechnoServe TAMTAM impact are: distributesSwaziland ethical free trade primarily mosquito with women integrated of decades will a financial of follow becomewar. model. study franchisees, on two using net microdistributions credit to that buy took their own, in Uganda DEVI-branded in 2009. food This cart, particular and sell developing aims to build countries, entrepreneurship environmental andand develop sustainability newnet and andsustainable partnerships market with opportunities. like-minded nonprofit I was livedinvited andhealth worked study nets crepes I spent andwaswith the conducts determining different summer operational the impact infillings Uganda on research the working street. cost around for We effectiveness TAMTAM. aim todistribution have TAMTAMs of100 increasedbest franchisees vision practices. involvement is toaIafter solve Our oneurgentof team community year. Under malaria my by to challenges in theworkers organizations.tiny kingdom's Through capital the city, Social Mbabane. Enterprise My projects Initiative Summerincluded building Fellowship, business was able plan toand assist and financials the care USAID leadership, officials the in inthe team Ghana net distribution developedto identify the and process. entire research Our concept, key team issuesworked including they with cart are and facing local uniformpartners regarding design to future develop mosquito product the follow range, net pioneer by COO/CFO I spentdistributinga gooseberry this with past bed finance summer nets crop andtosupporting underserved in Swaziland operations the and thatareas piloting support expansion through a Malaria each of crop innovative, TAMTAM core insurance area cost-effective (Togetherand partnership help Againstsweetriot and with scientifically-founded Malaria) a veteran fulfill intoits social in net Uganda. up distributions survey, conducted train they extensive the are community planning market with researchhealth Ghanasworkers, and test National and marketing, conduct set home Control up the visits Program central in order franchiseand to other collect partners. organization, data on Our smallholder methods mission. TAMTAM and was insurance to foundedfacilitate in with sub-Saharan operational a dual-pronged evaluations Africa. The most with researchers memorable and moments policymakers were weekly to increase visits tothe the to mission: team utilization. designed The and results implemented ofthe aand pilot mosquito net 1)distribution to distribute free program bed nets that to distributed underserved approximately areas defined I spent field impact when ofthe this bed roles Isummer could net and with distribution. meet athis responsibilities team facesstudy working TAMTAM will of help the families already inform management launchbehind had the TAMTAMan the governments team, established business wrote (Together plans and the Against presence and other business organizations inMalaria) ideas. Kenya Iplan, chose compiled activities and this Malawi strategies in highly prior 2,200 and to detailed Uganda. 2) decreasemosquito to facilitate action TAMTAMs malaria nets plans operational into and mission 3,700 Uganda. helped is people evaluations to Working to 1) in raised distribute 600withto the households. improve TAMTAM first free $10,000 bed the was nets Inimpactaddition, ina to very funding.of underserved bed our exciting We net project and distributions. already areas uniqueexamined produced and 2)opportunity I the supported facilitate the pros for prototype and me to the opportunity Khet-Se, summer, is my to amission for and learn profit I was about joint tasked development venture to help between launch in Africa operations Tatachallengesand Chemicals was in exposedUganda. andinand Total to It the was Produce beautyan exciting Ireland also thattime many aims to be working to source cons TAMTAMs to for expand the of distributing cart and understanding by recruitednets coordinating fromthe ofa first fixed the our point context class net of versus distribution and franchisees. door-to-door, If project faced everything Gulu, in the Uganda. development goes impact according of Activities using workto and plan, community included to the experience franchiseesfinding health in operational thesmall challenges bedprovider/distributor, net in evaluations space the region. in Uganda to improve since the Ugandaimpact had of bed recently netprocess, distributions. received funding I skills was from involved USAID all for facets free bed of ofnets from avolunteers bet working will I spent net start thewith holder to selling summer hang farmers entrepreneurial in nets the inMy middle between and time recipient designing partner of my with distribute October first homes. TechnoServe produce the organizations. and second With distribution finally to certainly TAMTAM giving wholesalers atthe served Iwomen learned and to acollaborating newthe broaden retailers hope, in my India. required with pride understanding ourand Currently tolocal efficiently the partner,more opportunity the planfruit for TAMTAM every Southern vegetables household. launch Africa activities, region are The wasted while focus including than using ofsoldthe donor skills in summerthat India. relations, IThiswasyears developed is tonotbed establish at onlyHBS net HBS. as procurement, resulting Social partnerships in Media the and with food Intern liaising underserved price at with Teach inflation For Uganda-based local that All health is in in training and to earnimplement Washington village enough DC. health important money Teach workers to For projects feed All is who their an supported in a families. internationalforeign The our distribution policymaking entire non-profit project program setting organizationwas and an and had incredible executing affiliated an experience experience with the Teach distribution. I will for For never me America and clinics policymakers This summerand hospitals Iandworked practitioners to distribute as a summer involved free internbed in nets, malaria. at Teach to conduct In For addition, All, operational an I helped organization research design that the to supports understand evaluation establishment parameters the best Additionally, the forget. gave in thenews myUnited everyday immense I supported States but also opportunities and TAMTAMs Teach ultimately to First marketing apply in erodes the skills United theand from value fundraising almost Kingdom. the farmer every The efforts. gets single organization My for course summer selling I had collaborates his with atproduce. HBS TAMTAM with - The starting was twenty-four fromaof for bed social two net randomized distribution enterprises that evaluations strategy, will and replicate that to will share Teach assess the For the findings America impact with model of the various Ministry across distribution the of world.Health The techniques as they idea is rolled to on recruit end out user their unique poorest the This opportunity leadership summer, people in skills I worked Indiato I get neededend inaround TAMTAMs up Teach For to paying lead a Uganda the America's diverse price operations for team headquarters this from wastage. off-the-ground very Khet-Se different astoanof Education while believes cultural giving Pioneers that backgrounds me in fellow. a forming better to a assessing Interning supply with net independent usage. isWorking nationwide bed nonprofits with TAMTAM the was world athe unique Ito help opportunity them asuccessfully explore replicate myof development the Teach For and Americaresearch outstanding understanding chain that more ofnet university healthdistribution tightly graduates care linked, delivery program. and the young value to ofwasleaders Base this tasked wastage of of the withvariety Pyramid can managing be consumers captured one disciplines by two inand the rural distribution career farmers interests and research to insettings. the the market Enterprise potential Business for aenlisting new idea or writing abrightest convincing business plan. In addition, thetimely and internship the also interests model, sites. commit Prospect which I had twoin new an the consists years entrepreneurial opportunity donors to ofIntelligence teach in the to in use corporatesetting high-need some many team, and and ofIan of areas, evaluated the the experience foundations skills providing the I developed I agency's college space, a will critical never capacity graduates atsource develop forget. Harvard strategy of to forteach Business additional enabling for disadvantaged School. relationship teachers and Onapproach, afarmers who easy daily company. provided access meI was toforreporting with brought an entirely data. on I also to address new supportedperspectivetwo issues, Teach on For first myself. to America's examine I had always operatingthe credit thought model constraints that redesign I need that the process, thefixed where I schools basis and I was determine two negotiating years, appropriate inwiththeir local ask respective suppliers, amounts. nations. managing Standardized It has ambitious village prospect health plans research teams, to expand andmake method in up executing and evenapproach more distribution countries via face ensure structures helped Teach andfortheirsecondly codify students ofworld. Americas an the to established balance look (TFA)have at the missionhow educational corporation between to engage isinlocal to buildto opportunities informal perform autonomy the street well. they This vendors. deserve, internship The despite latter now showed socioeconomic me how that 95% factors. Irole of Indias actually I 48 around techniques. process the mapping, The I was summer redesign interested also and opened implementation.working my eyes attomovement theand Teach Fororganizational development Allto this eliminatesummer work imperatives educational thatin the is being across social inequity donemedia the inby network's enlisting Africa. produce worked thrive in onis a sold, improving completely remain recruiting the unstructured prominent strategies retail environment, of channel the partner starting despite organizations. something growth in from the I also organized helped scratch and organize retail bringing sector, and the facilitate andidea yet our because regions. My nation's summer These I used most two to fellowship promising workprojects aspower. gave future a teacher provided me the leaders before me opportunity with in the Business insighttoeffort. intoTo School. pursue how do my so, I have Teach nonprofit long-term high regard For America organizations dream for of the isprofession opening recruits engage an outstanding internal urban and its to have the life. recent annual no After formal collegethis recruiting rights incredibly graduates conference or rewarding of all In where academic fact pushcart experience, all majorspartners I vendors am and shared sure career are that their often I interestswantpractices. livingto who on start In themy particular, margins own businessof I wassociety very and earning excited create is commit mission stakeholders and Itounderstand manage two years to teach in togrowth how goodand teachers amplify impact. canInfinity Ihave charter school. The school, tentatively title the an Schoolseverlasting Project, positive impact aeducational model that on willtheprepare life about the opportunity lead Iaand less than meaningful Iurban developed and two dollars employment rural aunderserved 75 public hour a business day. schoolsfor Khet-se others. small planning become team, istoquickly course and realizing leaders would covering in the that recommend itfrom business effort needs toTeach toteaching, planning, expand engage For this record Allchannel to anyone keeping, opportunity. who toprofitability, improve is trajectories traditionally of their students. students want to take succeed my in career college away and in the 21st century however, world. and The the Internet model differs passionate market During cash flows,access, my about summer, finance, and helping therefore marketing I worked bridge be for and the able Teach educational to identifyingforcontinue America market gap deliveringinternationally within opportunities, the valueinternal to and its wants farmers. enterprise Strategy to Group. learn selection In more particular, and about strategy. I I space from My time recruiting and both at social traditional TechnoServe strategies media andpublicare was how areas and spent to that other attract workingI am high the very performing on top much through talent. interested charter the USAID-fundedin schools for the in future. that Ghana it 1) The Agricultural develops,position at promotes, Teach then worked For All taught within presented the the course thepolicy to perfect and 10 small politics opportunity, agro-businesses group (LEE) allowing withinmeand to trained My local meaningfulprimary staff on objectives work curriculum, at an were organization which to they conceptually with will a and Development disseminates andinnovative Value Chain school-level Enhancement practices(ADVANCE) and 2)away program redesigns through the HBS teaching a bubble, partner profession organization to be more then To work develop powerful teach in and ato purpose completely another build a alumni while 40and different also agro-businesses. tracking equipping environment, database me Developing with thatto bewould important farthese allowskillsagro-businesses from the the organization forOverseas my post-MBA iseducation expected tocareer. stayto test tothe inAssistance close improve world touch the of with challenging, Agricultural Cooperative rewarding, Development effective. In International/Volunteers addition to providing a truly in excellent Cooperative to the Infinity livelihood international of the Idevelopment, 25,000 small-holder to beis responsiblefarmers for they the serve. top priorityorganization project forbyathe future This summerpoliticians worked and employees with TechnoServe, in the advocacy a US-based space. Furthermore, nonprofit I had the working company, opportunity internationally to see to thein and design (ACDI/VOCA). myThe students, these projects characteristics goal allow to improve the school Ghanas to impact agricultural K-12toeducation sector at increasing national competitiveness level. I spent the in impact develop with aevaluating strategy own and eyes,execution toIts learn plan how for farmers a policy live,primer. to travelGoal ismany to keep wonderful LEE members places, torural informed build about domestic, many developing regional countries. and international mission markets, is to help as well entrepreneurial as increasing men income and women for rural insmallholders poor areas and tosmall summer Working at TechnoServe potential Tanzania urban markets, provided me talkingwith to diverse practical, players on-the-ground in the space, international and researching development and of relationships most recent with developments amazing people, to provide to have and ainformative, great boss, to get to comprehensive frustrated with and USAID, unbiased topersepective. be offered and the developing medium-sized designing this world innovative enterprises to build charter businesses (SMEs), school ultimately that model. create contributing sustainable livelihoods. economic growth I was based and poverty in Kampala, reduction the become exposure ofaand second the opportunity wife in ainitiatives random to createNorthern a strategic Ghanaian assessment community, of economic to dream opportunities ofwrite finding and indeveloping anin under- a in capital Ghana. Uganda. Through Specifically, these my ofproject I spent waseight to of weeks build anateconomic amarkets. brand new model Myfruit andprocessing a business factory plana rural for model developed that and would growingwork better segment all this domestic was partand regional my small summer experience summer with TechnoServe. internship focusedDuring on mya farmers town about cooperative 55km north that of would Accra. aggregate I helped up open to 1000 the factory banana and plan farmers for/transition into a sustainable to achieving farmer- full summer, Tanzanias I have horticulture been The working sectorworkon defined a complex as any multi-initiative and all fruitsas project and vegetables thatto aimed totoexplore increase potential income levels owned production organization. capacity in 6 weeks, included going from a field roughly component 30in employees I needed tointerviewed a staff collect of 100, data and forachieving the economic an opportunities and food availability for TechnoServes throughout engagement. the year in Northern Based Dar Ghana. esI Salaam, have I worked on key two experts primary and traveled model output from thetofarmers. of approximately I already 700kg hadfruit ofcommunities dry a substantial a day. The international summer was development an immensely background rewarding inexperience moredata objectives: to the (1) develop an industry strategic toplan for horticulture in Tanzania and (2)from to provide menorth traditional to over 15 different atalk tofromfarmers and gather knowledge theinto field. The for analysis asfor I non-profit was a of USAIDable to organizations, grant utilize funding operational but proposal. this was calculations I spent wonderful aDC large TOM, part experience ofexplore the summerto and delve advise more traveling onhave deeply leadership to villages a new across combination project presentation for Washington and USAID with the field work made me feelinI aspects, topic the area Southern as of well agribusiness as Highlands facilitate regionand a small learn inreality marketing order tofirsthand collect about study primarythe at thechallenges local data throughthe level. in agriculture Despite interviews the for challenges smallholder withisfarmers of working and farmers; am the bridge that connects inthe of the firstlife in courses the wascommunities organization working with to Ghana, it also allowed it was greatly me to work rewarding a socialto putenterprise my yearthat looking to usefor in sustainable a business context solutions that that at would the same not This summer I worked with TechnoServe in Mozambique. TechnoServe (TNS) is an NGO present in over 30 countries mywhich seeks business solutions for rural poverty. InTechnoServe Mozambique, is one of the poorest nations inin Ithe spent summer working with TechnoServe in Swaziland. a USAID-funded NGO based world, TNSs primary goal is to help entrepreneurs and farmers build businesses, increase yields and 18 developing countries andbetter seeking business solutions to rural poverty. TechnoServe Swaziland primarily command This summer higher Ientrepreneurship spent prices 9 weeks for with products, TechnoServe, while an simultaneously international nonprofit bringing together development industry I organization stakeholders aims to build andhelp develop newbusinesses. and sustainable market opportunities. lived and worked to founded improve in 1968. the structural Its mission environmentis to for entrepreneurial their men My and project women focused in poor on rural the areas development of the of an Iin amtheassigned tiny kingdoms the to responsibility capital city,ofMbabane. formulating Myaprojects strategy included and engaging building with a business key stockholders plan for andtheir infinancials thefamilies, Middle to developing industry world intervention build plan businesses for the goat that sector, create which jobs, TNS income and and myself economic hope will opportunity generate a new venue of pioneer East. The a aim gooseberry of the engagement crop in Swaziland is to establish and piloting partnerships a crop insurance and develop partnershipprograms with that a veteran fosters andin helps Itheir economic worked communities for the CEO development and and their for CAO countries. this ofpoor TerraCycle I in nation. was inThrough working Trenton, with thisNew the Jersey. experience TechnoServe TerraCycles I had the offices mission opportunityin Kenya is eliminating and to meet,Uganda.the develop smallholder the entrepreneurial insurance inwas ecosystem sub-Saharan Africa. the TheArab most World. Specifically, idea discuss of waste. my andI understand project We view waste the afull research as an opportunity spectrum and of program people not whoseamemorable design burden. effort hopes moments TerraCycle to rest identify on and this has and were its countrysbegin weekly roots in visits developing the worm development: to key thepoop,from This field summer when I could worked meet with the the faces non-profit and families TETEA behind (Tanzanian the Empowerment business plans Through ideas. I Education chose this opportunities organic the high fertilizer government for business, adolescent officials, but girls over to and the the young small past couple women farmers years who (aged they still 15-24) live havein to expanded huts. gain training Moreover, into and upcycling I also employment learned and recycling in new Association) opportunity Planned inaugural in to Dar learn es annual Salaam about and development seminar developed for in a Africa start-upand wasmobile exposed education to the SMS beauty service and for also Tanzanian many of immensely segments nonrecyclable ofin about formal goods. the sector We challenges makeof industries inMidwest upcycled development Kenya backpacks andcleantech toinUganda. Africa from startup and candy Together what accelerator wrappers, different with local participants trash types docans consultants of made byI assessed organizations creating from chip anto students. challenges bags, agenda, and Students selecting fences the from may region. content not drink My and have time pouches. reliable with recruiting We access TechnoServe contributors. offer over books certainly 50 and products teachers served all to but made broaden most from my waste. have understanding We reliable run free ofdothe access theto push current The Global basic it forward. mobile 'state Impact of phones This change' experience Investing and in women's areNetwork willing allowed formal to(GIIN)pay me employment to aistoken use the a not-for-profit amount skills opportunities forI developed organization education in atthe HBS two dedicated content. while countries Ithavewas expanding to increasing and so exciting my the to Southern national Africa collection region programs while using that payskills that non-profits I developed and schools at HBS. to collect waste. We over 11 million understanding developed launch scale and a acollecting pilot strategy effectiveness of service developingoutlining and of Iimpact nations. learned specific investing. recommendations a tremendous Impactamount investing for about the is the top opportunities per country. Through I worked people the direct for the interaction Mango waste Fund, in the alocal five nonprofit countries. teams,Currently venture fund we are seeking collecting tothe use spur telecom 26of for-profit economic waste business streams. investment growth and OnebyMinistry ofto providing the help of Education solve financing social tostructure and small and inwith environmental Tanzania. medium problems. enterprises Thelocal in GIIN Uganda. expertsaddresses from government systemic barriers ministries to effective as well as impact private sector projects Work ranges investing players I was coordinated I gained from traditional by building great was insight critical infrastructure expanding philanthropy and in Kenya's to over to impactand 100 Uganda's developing waste investing economic, streams. activities,and covers I social was education, the a variety and program political andofresearch manager sectors that situations. and attract and In addition, completed geographies more investmentthe industry internship capitalanalysis offered and to the sector. meresearch, the opportunity The worked GIIN's Business withto programmatic travel legal, agraphic lot on agenda weekends design,is website and rooted inInitiative to developers, explore the challenges the cultural faced The goal and operations, natural of my business project highlights supported development, and attractions byand the Harvard ofmarketing. both KenyaItand andwas School Uganda. an extremely Social hands Overall, Enterprise my internshiponbarriers projectwas andisan to Ihinder had provide incredible by the investors, Whitaker and Peace it serves and as Development a forum for identifying Initiative (WPDI) addressing with a broad thesummarysystemic and assessment that of existingor complete experience Conducted impede responsibility, working theresearch, impact in a analysis, investing led team professional and market. meetings, and project fun This management and summer, reported environment I worked directly on and in healtha with to developing care, the the CEO. country immigration, GIIN's I research also developed which higher and capacitygave me educationa newthe building and US points possibility governmentinitiative to (USG) project contribute efforts and to the in reported peace-building, countries directly developments, to education, the CAO. Instead while onanalysis ICT investment of the other receiving side that money learning overlap for with waste, much WPDI's the aboutand the workforce teams. I was policy involved issues. with several projects, including a strategic of future training programs I was fortunate central collection opportunities goals. sitesOver and to spend could theopt challenges this course for fund summer ofinternational points. of this The interning project, points at Idevelopment havewouldthe White workedpurchase to in Houseidentify charity general. Nationalnear-term giftsreturns.Economic from aboutCouncil opportunities 9 international (NEC). to boost The writing NEC hasapositive research four principal report on functions: todemographics, coordinate deal policy-making structures, and target WPDI's non-profits. Led Pay For With Success impactthe new business and set program the development organization you canefforts collect on awaste around more for workforceafor sustainable domestic cause likecourse. development and international planting trees, and made conserving economic miles issues, of ocean, to coordinate building water economic wells, policy offsetting advice carbon, for the etc. President, I built partnerships to ensurecommunications, that withpolicy the nonprofits, decisions and recommendations around Third Sector's industry positioning, branding, and developed product programs Tomato presentations, Jos are is a consistent fully legal integrated documents, with the tomatoPresident's and processing designed economic the business new goals, website. in and West I to had Africa. monitor an We amazing implementation help smallholder experience of farmers with the offerings. become President's expert economic tomato growers, policy and then we use their produce to make high-quality tomato paste to TerraCycle. This summer, They I worked were as a Governance Advisor for the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative in develop very agenda. open and I worked allowed closely me to with gain senior insight policy into every staff to element write of reports the and business. serve policy the local recommendations market. relatedintoLiberias immigration reform, travel and tourism, the US which Postal isService, and Monrovia, Liberia. I was placed National Investment Commission (NIC), charged with This attracting summer, technology/innovation. foreign I helped directlaunch It wasaan investment, tech honor startup andand within Lagos, Nigeria, a improving privilege tothe work under countryswith the such aegis a talented investment of the Tonycommitted and climate. Elumelu My primary group Foundation. of public servants The foundation on their is mission an African-funded to advance the non-profit President's that agendaseeks onto enhance the US the economy. competitiveness ofis projects This summer were I producing worked foran the investors Toronto guide Cityinvesting. Summit to Liberia Alliance andbusiness providing (TCSA)development inan Toronto, assessment Ontario, and Canada. recommendations The TCSA the African private sector through impact I did for a portfolio company, aon not-for-profit, howthe to improve non-partisan the NICs effectiveness organization formed as an organization. to address challenges The experience to the allowed Toronto meregions tobebetter social and Ideveloping spent summer proprietary working technology for Transport and andwriting for London the business (TfL), the plan public for the sectorstartup, agency which providing willhost the launched London as economic understand future. how On businesses February and 10th governments 11th, 2011, intersect the Toronto and interact City inSummit developing Alliance countries. will its alsonext Itthrough gave aThe capitalstandalone region entity with transportation later this year. across a variety of modes. I contributed to the organization two Summit. me a company better This major with perspective which regional on I spent thegathering my unique summer, will challengeshighlight Tsing Capital, that challenges post-conflictis the and only opportunities Socially countries Responsible face, facing and on the Investor the GTA need in a to projects: Visitor Oyster Card analysis and calculation of recommend theTsing Total Capital Cost ofinvested Revenue Collection. Bychallenges analyzing period dedicated balance This ofpatience summer, economic to Visitor Clean-tech I worked and recoveryasindustry. urgency a Card and renewed inproduct, Strategic TheBusiness development portfolio growth companies efforts. Developmentand Intern atactions Two towards Degrees are solving Food,all addressing the a for-profit the social usage of the Oyster I was able to provide the Fares & Ticketing Department and theto and urgent taking environmental full advantage needs of opportunities. of China: from The hazardous goal of waste the Summit treatment, is to consider to alternative and inspire energy ground- that help Marketing enterprise With significant Department start-up. support Two with Degrees from an the estimate is the Social first of the one-for-one Enterprise market size Initiative, food of company visitors Ithat worked buying that gives the for the economically Retail a summerregion. meal Oyster at the to a hungry TwoCard Oceans child reduce breaking CO2 thinking emission. about Tsinghow Capital to does collectively not chase address in thesectorschallenges arefacing merely Toronto viable, The but actions put product. with everyWith food this bar information, sold. My of project theenvironmental departments involved working could directly make better withphilosophy, the informedCo-Founders adecisions to identify about howrevenue to all Aquarium investment identified My summer in at Cape the in internship the 2011Town, contextatSouth Summit the Africa. the will Office beofaimed The the aquarium at all levels National and has social of Coordinator a unique development government forofability Health and incivil IT China. (ONC,) for-profit society, Imission was within inIinstitution assigned particular theofFederal to that the market growth and opportunities distribute that their will products.reinforce In and calculating expand the the Total companys Cost Revenue to serve Collection, its collected data develop contributes role that the over thehungerfirms Alliance one strategy third and ofinpartners income two relatively to a passionate less covered ofin-house sectors: education new material department, andforansustainable and follows agriculture. a deeply itits Department of Health and Human can Services, play. has Oneproved the topics on I the agenda the Summit isproduct arts and anyto be what believe attoticket be Ienlightening addressing from across all modes worldwide. as related Iwith evaluated to actually and assessed collecting feasibility revenue and (e.g. market staff potential windows, forincredibly new maintenance and Isocial wouldnt culture mission in the trade felt Torontomy internship across region.the entity. Toronto the The is ISU aquarium widely team for regardedis one other of at the being summer top onvisitor the experience. cusp attractions of becoming am in Cape a&majorTown, whilst global categories. career on gratefulfare expanding collectionBesides experience. commercial machines, cash Following profitability, handling the my fees,passage business etc.). ofWiththe recommendations American this data, Reinvestment the focused cross-modal and on creating Fares Recovery social Ticketing Act in aiming arts and toto theI worked create culture Social awareness capital. Enterprise To of both help Initiative determine ocean andand what the Rimsky sustainability would be family issues. for making In propel particular this otherwise I led the unpaid presentation U.S.and This value 2009, Department summer for the hungry ONC could was children make with established the through decisions Origination to food, oversee about producers where team the rollout to within and find anrequired the offarmers cost Loan unprecedented savings through to Guarantee that sustainability, would Toronto Program Federal increase to Office incentive and become total consumers thea key ofoperating program hub valuation internship for arts Department and ofpossible. a major culture, of Energy. Through Inewwas I wasexpansion tasked happenstance, staffed with project on conducting several that I began will energy dozensmy deliver internship of development substantially consultations with projectsthe increased with Department CEOs including revenues and a of other 100 Education and MW senior capacity wind the through designed margins. The Recovery engaging to These raiseTeam the them projects, adoption to directly which ofI electronic and worked positively in medical the midstimpact records of the TfLs lives (EMR) Future of inhungry health Ticketing children. care Project providers (migration across the toward inin for day education, after the teams analyzed new the and Secretary Director ininstigated began of improvements Energys his job office at the at the Department of Energy isthe a(e.g., fast moving andUnit ITto executives generation of organizations facility the Northeastern the sector, U.S.,as well two as solar private Department. cell several sector, manufacturing individual The Implementation non-profit, operations facilitiesand government-sector injob and Western membership Support U.S., two nation. Following an eight year career within Health prior to admission to HBS, inIthe contactless high impact bank role. card My fare role collection) in Energy as Efficiency well as & the announcement Renewable Energy of is to anhelp upcoming drive found cable creation myself car mode in through the and program), (ISU) leaders. This had past The been assisted summer result formed I divisional of the these worked year directors consultations with before the with toSoutheastern Recovery support was leadership an Act Race issues action-oriented team to at the the and Top U.S. worked grantee report Department to to states improve inform of their Energy fundraisingeducation roundtable (DOE). for With reform thethe epicenter 2GW the nuclear launch responsible ofof an generation the funding industry Cycle of undergoing facilities Hire projects scheme acrossin the rapid helped the transformation. provide United States U.S., analytics while This a uranium for summer also strategic working enrichment I have decisions to laybeen facility the ongiven ongoing in infrastructure thethe opportunity Midwest, operationsfor efforts. education discussions passage The ISU program. leading had I upmade alsoto had the significant the Summit progress opportunity and develop in to responding assist a plan with for to some a state of cross-sectoral needs the during aquariums approach the prior conservation designed year to and work elevatethe to and across The playObama aof a municipal the the 2009 substantial organization. solid American role waste in publicizing Recovery recycler and the and biomass Reinvestment innovation to synthetic efforts Act,underwaythe President natural gaswithinconversion and the Congress Federal 25 MW committed government generation to teams continued (e.g., the making stimulate facility sea profile work in a down the ofAdministrations innovation. turtle health wasTorontoswell rehabilitation) payment Northeast. IT received adoption. Helping artsof For and overrecent all and The by states the culture of $32 aattention these to widegrantee experiences develop sector. billion range projects, to on states. ofthe energy address and I other worked countrys However, contacts efficiency business Americasdirectly made green with and issues energy this with vehicle the renewable arrival (e.g., technology challenges. summer the developers of creation will energy the The prove newof and and plans battery Director, aimmeasurably DOE Cape their tolenders portion Combothe of manufacturing team launching tourism was looking new ticket, capabilities energy hostingto step efficiency back adiligence has and seasonal lead toenergy initiatives, become concert thefor appropriation there more series atis strategic much the ofcrucial aquarium inmonies their work to organization support etc.). support that This efforts: will was thecontinueUS a energy Where Department highly-rewarding to did be done states ofbyneed the the The ARRA Advanced toaswill beResearch used theto to conduct valuable project I support? now due chart myProjects upgrade Agency andour anegotiate Energy infrastructure, terms (ARPA-E) and accelerate is financial aITnew structure. Americas Furthermore, within independence, the U.S. I (Section worked with mecourse Energy the Departmentgreatest establish of Energy Advanced Who over the istomission best coming as Technology suited leader within Vehicles provide the states Health Manufacturing with the industry. (ATVM) support thatLoan they Program 136 experience Department both and create in-house that jobs of and allowed Energy while with independent investing a test in my engineering cleaner to abilities improve technologies. inenergy companies many functions tosecurity, As conduct a Recovery far reduce removed technicalAct energy-related Fellow, due from myneed? diligence, I was previous emissions, part How with of a should work and lawyers small to of This the experience, the past team Energy summer prioritize and Independence toI gainworked the allocation an asand an Security appreciation Island of the human Fellow forAct the and offor 2007). theIt Department interaction financial During resources? ofasses the for-profit summer ofbyEtc. the and Interior's of 2009, Office this program ofwithin Insular served Affairs, as improve create team which managing is energy appropriate the government efficiency the term program within sheets, unit under the with responsible United marketSenior for States. consultants Advisor administering achieves to to the this Secretary federal the policy of During making market social Energy in therisks my targetedinterests on U.S. of the internship, the investments Recovery territories various Iprojects, and was an Act. inable freely- the My the entity. to areas My only work time significant with ofmanagement energy at states the the Veterans ISU research source team, ofthe project Deputy finance Secretary, for companies the broader pursuing Department next-generation of Education, green and auto third-party with general environmental roleEmployment consultants and development consisted to make and cross-functional sure Training that there have Agency weretheMy potential of responsibilities no the project NEPA Department toincluding impacts, make a transformative and of Labor financial with was aimpact fantastic on the toin-house associated (i.e. Guam, modeling, credit drafting teams technology. education U.S. learning energy communications, The Department reform experience. landscape. leaders process As My as Director IAmerican role of improvement, Energy facilitated within of Marketing Samoa, was the the and under strategic Agency andPalau). developing aPerformance was great design to deal buildmain management of process the political Management,forand cost involved the pressure modeling ISU.Irepayment reporting I the could am competency development accelerate incredibly make guidelines. a the thankful significant for This and early- to Intern,write promotion disbursement credit Office ofby of reports Island $25 Development Billion and Business ensure inthe loan Link, Finance, that a web-based guarantees Economic project in order would business Bureau tothe spurbe tool abledesigned economic to meet their to foster growth asprivate-sector well askey obligations. stimulate for unique stage having contribution technologies.had opportunity this learning revamping allowed I didwould this andme through leadership agencys to directly meeting execution opportunity. experience practices of several and individual supporting implementation cost the models agencys ofCongress policy and aimedby initiatives, Furthermore, development our throughoutteam the interface U.S. affiliated with senior Pacific DOE islands aofficials, and U.S. asof well Virgin as, a building members, at developing and officials visitat theIslands. progressive energy After three week including This cleaner recording the pasttechnologies, U.S. summer the a Treasury, launch training I and OMB, worked ofwhich vehicle several presentation and asthe is an technology mega management ultimately on White hiring the process Housethe projects. fairs and industry to for of As program veterans early-stage communicate I would member analyst and like cost and the to in the re-design modeling. develop ensure financial Capital that a of By career U.S. analysis the Markets applyingjobs national in. were team, group the veterans skills being I(within focused from on to Guam the transition Domestic reviewwhere Finance) program of I automotive met at (TAP).with the local battery business technology and government and next-generation leaders and plug-in conducted hybrid workshops electric vehicle to help anTreasury HBS created and my prior work But experience what Department. made to theU.S. thiswould technical experience It was knowledgea wonderful stand Itoout gained experience against here my other that at ARPA-E, taught professional I firmly meOffice abelieve vast andoftoI Over platforms. islanders theand summer, learn promotedhow Iprivate was to and use that intern Island the at Businessprojects the Link, Department Iwork be beneficial returned of back the toWashington, the Treasury. U.S. and I worked DClocal within where economies Ithe collaborated experiences amount was the able U.S. both to taxpayer. in about contributethe myself Nevertheless, to thesector and what greater itwaswas it the good is like immediate, impossible of to society. to for considerable satisfy the allgovernment social stakeholders impact and and in public our public work service. perception had, e.g., I was ofeach able each Financial with This a team summer Institutions of eight Imajor had the where MBAs I current assisted toemployment make to in further theand development modifications ofthe to the Administrations website andinthen framework to create for areform, marketinghousing to projectdive successful deep was job on faira number let agovernment-sponsored toopportunity issue. the2009of Trying to balance work policy of at the hundreds the US Treasury domestic creation ofWithin finance veterans, of themy Department issues profoundly largest including public the changing good Office derivative of Domestic their with Opportunities the lives. perceptions This finance strategy housing Finance and for where reform, the upcoming I focused and Secretary enterprise of the reform. Interior's Fifth ten Conference weeks, on I experienced Business various facets in ofI social our Iofspent the many impact Islands. my policy-making summer Our inspired stakeholders and effortsatglobal me thewas received on to margining. financial our United ultimately a level greatest States incredible markets I had resulted I Department had notinaknown challenge. exposure and tremendous over treasury to 800 before. of socialthedebt members amount Treasury enterprise management. ofinresponsibility registered the International through on I worked the Island placed sphere closely BusinessBanking of upona with me the and systemically Link, and and found senior the Treasury work officials to be both onMy interesting projects relatedandcharged challenging. to thewith issuance Beyond of treasury the content debt,of the the disruptions work itself inI thegot a and important Securities over This summer,200atbusiness Markets government I had Office. opportunitiesagency. the privilege group posted. of was spending twelve weeksregulating working multinational at participate the Department financial of institutions the at Treasury glimpse municipal markets how government and housing works reform. and how I also so had many the different opportunity parties to have to come in the together quarterly onceTreasury toin coordinating the with G20 nations The on the best ofway to dowas so.members My responsibilities included authoring and ThisOffice of Capital Markets. focus my work on housing thepolicy thereform Borrowing tackle issues Advisory and Committee (TBAC) meeting where from Wall Street and meet specifically and advise publishing summer a I hadpush weekly the forward opportunity newsletter policy on to making. current work at the events The US in experiences theTreasury, international inI had at International banking Treasury industry, were Affairs writing truly Office very of Middle memos and Treasury questions unique East andand on related North auction valuable tofor Africa. borrowings the and future will undoubtedly I worked ofas onFannie well a number asMae other prepare and of market Freddie me different welldevelopments. Mac. for whatever projects, As partasThis including of I the theasummer pursue Dodd-Frank private next. was sector aand Legislation, great development exposure preparing Finance briefings policy for the USseniorDepartment officials in ofpreparation thegovernment Treasury; for meetings Office ofand such Capital Markets G20 within summit, Domestic conducting Finance. to Treasury policy is and required decision to making submit at a recommendation the federal to Congress level about was how a truly best unique to reform experience. Fannie Mae and research project in on Iraq, commercial preparing andfor Secretary investment Geithners bankingfinance in trip various to by theJanuary developed Middle 2011. East, nations. and providing I consider analysis thisthis anon invaluable the Freddie Mac and the broader system of housing was Much toof This summer, Ithat had my work summer experience economies of inon the Ian North was incredible able African to timeshape help countries. working Given policy forthe theproject through United States myvariety,memo Department Iwriting, able and of Treasurys because learn a great I gained Office deal of a about solid was Capital focused Markets projects that will ultimately contribute to that recommendation. Housing finance is understanding Treasurys Ibackgrounds, spent my international summer of(OCM). theworking how OCM work regulation in asisthe a small well as Officeisboth group crafted howof Capitalof Treasury and policy advisors, implemented works Markets with primarily (OCM) other onat a the with private-sector cross-border agencies United such Statesbasis. ascreates the Furthermore, Department US and Stateof the I enormously important thatWorld to this country, because of the millions of jobs the industry Department, was Treasury. because givenaMy access the work families tointerfaces veryBank specifically house high-ranking is between and often focused the the public IFC. officials. on biggest I would housing and asset private I highlyrecommend finance that it sectors recommend reform. owns. anregarding Itinternship As this was the market internship. in Treasurys government exciting to regulation, have provides the financial International support opportunity for to This Affairs markets, past office summer public to students I worked finance, and as interested the anstability intern atofthe in experiencing theU.S. financialTreasurys government system. International work My work Affairs in international spanned Office aHBS wide oftothe economics range Western and of payers issues, the use housing my previous market, backgroundit faces a intradeoff capital between markets ingreater conjunction home ownership with skills I and learned greater at risk to the contribute tax in a Hemisphere. In this role I drafted memos and I performed toeconomic inand thestatistical development. including: summer Financial reform: analysis tohelping help develop I(due spent meaningfultopertaining the taxpayer way money towards at the being US On effective this Department used for housing project, government of policythe was able Treasury, reform.guarantees). take a leadership working I worked asrole Office part ofonof the Capitala team Treasury-wide Markets. The to my policy dialogue on Dodd-Frank to Latin American Act derivatives economic reform, growthfacilitating and economic collaboration stability. between The experience the Treasurys exceeded Office Ofain Capital Markets was created during theSpeakerfinancial crisis toexperience abring theindividuals develop proposal thatbecauseaims with private sector expectations Working Departments Washington primarily of International DC forto the Affairsbalance Iinwas Office leaned and this of the Domestic tradeoff. on to play I found Finance, awas large the truly market role on unique participants, team extremely experience. andthe was CFTC, educational My invitedjob SEC, the was to and many to and markets rewarding. experience In addition to Treasury to building order upon myto help existing develop knowledge rescue of strategies housing and finance, financial I gained markets an policy. analyze proposed policies surrounding in hydraulic the meetings Federal with Reserve; other U.S. Treasury U.S. agencies, Postal Service: representatives Inand light fracturing offrom the and the recent shale boom intothe United States. The My Social office understanding Enterprise now plays of the an Fellowship integral role allowed Department all me markets-related to spend the therecent differences foreign summer policy. financial countries, Iworking between had trouble the and workingfor amultilateral opportunity at inUSPS, member the public Iofevaluated development work the and United onprivate its This cash banks. internship flow Treasury position was also andmy first provided emergency experience weekly cash in seminars the preservation government/non-profit for interns measures; about situation. the U.S. sector. different debt My negotiations: previous branches and engineering This functions summers ofin projects States sectors. House related While of Representatives manyto the steps JOBS must Act, in Dodd-Frank, be Washington, taken before and D.C. the housing As European a former finance Army in the officer U.S. I also is who had reformed, is the deeply I chance can interestedto appreciate gain experience Glen debt Treasury. Canyon ceiling By in National the service, negotiations, participatingenergy Recreation industry various in the Area taught policy budget isprocess ame unit proposals, that of politics the through and National and research subsequent energy Park and Service are U.S. memo never that sovereign writing, too encompasses far downgrade I to apart. was able Although 1.3to by see million I first continuing how real insight the policypublic into decisions how the this Treasury made allowed in this Department me area to will get and have an inside the a tangible view government of impact how function, onan incredibly future and homeowners get important know and civilian many the of the intend acres hand Standard oftoCypress how thereturn & Colorado policy Poors to industry options had River are significant watershed after developed HBS, implications Iinfound inNorthern a the large it National for tobothbe Arizonahighly governmental the andvaluable public Southern organization. and toto privateseeUtah. energy Thefor Furthermore, markets. from park aispublic I analyzed home it waspolicy toeye- the organization The broader Big individuals financial within responsible Nature the markets. Preserve federal for policy I also government is enjoyeda unit development. of the operates. unique I wasPark opportunity fortunate Service,of being responsible join exposed a welcoming, to conserving and energetic learning a vital from staff diverse opening standpoint. resources toimpact learn While ofincluding howdebate U.S. on two governmental hydraulichistoric districts, fracturing organizations world continues class such in ashanging legislative the State gardens,Department halls and throughout Rainbow andme Bridge, Commerce the the potential at plotthe senior ofRepresentatives land Treasury in southern and these other officedevelopments Florida. who Administration The assigned area on the acredit covered me officials. strategic by ratings the Preserve planningof U.S. is states, project essential municipalities, that in allowed providing aand tocountry, fresh financial capitalize water andI left worlds My summer international DC with institutions. largest a new internship known organizations respect Because natural thesewas for the spent such issuesbridge, working complexities asrich the were but World far it atfrom is of the best Bank, policy Treasury known resolvedIMF, decisions for andDepartment by Lake MDB the that timePowell, all have toOffice coordinate my the beThis internship second of made. International and largest My work ended, largest I manmade together have Affairs take to away actually in on flow my to military the Evergladesbackground. and to I deeply the enjoyed fishing areas my timeof Florida's in Washington costal region. and appreciate summer the opportunity another reservoir the achieve from decided As anAfrica the Internto inOffice. their summerthe stay US. inobjectives. on UnitedThe The isatnot internship the parks centered Nations Leaving Treasury management provided Treasury, around for Development the me what team with I debunked coming the Programme, is unique eager government year some to Iinsights toaof continue worked increase my shouldinto: athe notions working in (i)should or team the profile of on context government these within of the not thedo,ofenvironmental projects. parks development but asrather Ilesser inefficient am very what in consultant provided to andme myself through worked my Social with the Enterprise Preserve to Fellowship. develop business plan covering the Preserve's next known Africa; can excited and (ii) resources Iincompetent do asUS for this Governments aofbusiness and opportunity, to as Treasuryleaderdiversify work to and seemed the with address am parks very toMultilateral the me visitor concerns grateful to be abase. forInstitutions of lean the my To variety and Social help (such community. effectivethem Enterprise as achieve the IMF ItsInitiative organization.aMDGCF this andgoal, challenge World Summer Iisalso Ilook Ifrom spent Bank); was forwardthe Fellowship exposed (iii) the toto for three group Any years doubtscalled "Millennium about operation.mysite relevanceThis Development meant and struggling ability Goal Carbon to the with contribute aFacility wide to (i.e. (MDGCF)." the organization of issues, The everything area dispelled a partnership how inSecretary). the first to 5by interagency addressing. summer making leadership itworking all dynamics positions possible. on at for US with Treasury Government them that as I part did development notof know NPS existed assistance; Business Plan (iv) Assistant the Initiative, challenges Secretary, program Deputy of moving sponsored a policy estimate between upcoming UNDP andfunding Fortis Bankfor the with Preserve theand aimwho totoconsidering help leverage thethe impactpotentially of highways significant on the benefitsendangered of carbon dialogue. minutes of was the theasmeetinggiven aadmit breadth with my of supervisor, ofwork atfound describes itapplication very analytical, the a60 country engaging, case isand study abuild direct on aSocial the SomedayNPSpanther. Comptroller I aspire to assumewith the one goal of theseincreasing roles. the of business management application principles Health to the of Florida finance for developing Iawill world. that it MDCF was thrilling isbetween itsto early be astages, part ofthus, workingits priority National to Park, and diversified to accompany skills Insurance NPS. IIngained the Laws first he joint phase is compiling. MPA/ID of my and project,Part MBA of I my focused responsibilities on Harvard understanding includes Kennedy the coordinating, School parks and current Business managingimage, School. and visitation, prioritizing While and I portfolio staff while of carbon they monitoredprojects to wild develop. land fires, My focus searched during for the rare internship orchids, and was to inspected increase the the Preserve's links between canoe learned data marketing andmuch, policies thefrom communications most country valuable offices capabilities. lesson to wasfill My inkey realizing thefindinggaps my inwasdesire theIthat analysis tothe contribute conducted park will to not social so befar. enterprise able In particular, toas, pursue through I am its the trails.CarbonBut it Finance was also Group exciting in the to getUN and into the the private guts of howsector. the handled Preserve diversified operated - tasks pouring such over marketing budgets, assigned marketing more toand entrepreneurial examining tourism the channels. goals case until studies The it improves on China, potential its Uganda forcapacity impact and Bangladesh, countries I have had little to no the facility to multinational companies headquartered in and to how NY communicate moving big ideas with the ismandates, greatpublic. atonan The organization latter of half awith learning the legal basis ofonthe Preserve's mission, observing environmental the building toPreserve experience in. depended aUltimately, web of liketheTreasury, relations project between isI soon but focused there local discover are banks that trade-offs working in PanamaChina with with has the andthecome park place the up to local and with develop UN challenges law their representative, mandating communications make health such ensuring aninsurance UNcapabilities, impact.Carbon and both Finance via partnerships penalizing both employers in thefor not surrounding community and throughout the country. internal this internship mechanisms has highlighted like the providing parkmy passions website it. Uganda, and for occurring problem through on the other hand, stronger solving, creating partnerships is currently solutions, withdealing the andlocal with implementing tourismtrying to Team's pass aand participation controversial in draft round legislation tables that were onentrepreneurial Social Healthparks insurancein the private that sector was team rejected involving climate earliercommunicate by the parliament them community, ledand metoon a path prioritize to the pursue messages that endeavors in social enterprise. change/CDM and preparing the presentation to the be shown management to private companies wants and to governments. Also, to I This summer I had the opportunity to work for the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), an agency of theFellowship Government of India. was The great. UIDAI Iisspent chartered withworking providing every resident of India with My Summer experience my time at the United Nations with the agoal unique identification number based on biometric and demographic information, and providing the of overhauling the organizations recruitment system. TheprojectUnited Nations has been struggling with framework Benchmarking for aSC nationwide organizational authentication design options service. from This best Itin classison private ofaverage, greatcompanies;significance Proposing intwo India, where an to optimala recruiting talented people and honing their career paths. took, more than years substantial SC organizational proportion design; of the Documenting population WFPlacks SC the processes documentation, (planning, financial sourcing means and delivery); and/or timeContrasting tofrom avail Energy recruit successful Diplomacy candidates, and the recruitment process was an increasing source of complaint current modern WFP services SC processes (financial, with bestmember government, in class telecom processes from the It isprivate sector; Proposing member countries. Asto aforcore team of theand Lean other). SixFrancisco Sigma also project, valuable I conducted in combating benchmarking the expensive adjustments/changes This problems summer, of I worked leakage, fraud WFP the and SC University processes corruption ofwithin California, the San country. Within (UCSF) UIDAI Medical I focused Center. on UCSF is one of developing reviews the top with ten other organizations hospitals inthe America and and aprovided leader instrategic cutting-edge solutions treatments to mobile revamp in athe wide system. range Overall, ofredesigning medical this strategy forwas extending to reach of UIDAI meauthentication services to thephones (specifically This internship specialties. summer It Iisreported aagreat stand-alone Unlocking opportunity medical forPotential's sciences to getwith Chief exposure campus Talent withinto Officer the the work forof larger a public 10-week United project UniversityNations of andtotofacilitate California learnthe mobile organizations payments staffing and other and transactions, compensation even policies and access procedures. only to the As aand most startup basic mobile third year ofof My in itsimplications devices). more Worked system. about on policy My the project operational questions for the challenges in summer thethe Office was that to ancase offigure State international and out Local the organization Finance. operational can financial face. responsibilities operations, Unlocking involved building Potential is preparing business within to scale dramatically. the broader My mobile/banking/payments project this summer helped prepare replacing residents (post-graduate medical trainees) with alternate types aofabudget clinical labor. This ecosystem My the HBS organizationSocial andEnterprise working to grow withSummer by technology putting Fellowship intheplace vendors wastospent a capacity develop developing planning functional process, hardware USAdelante, aand software peer-to-peer process thatinvolveddemos. support everything Additionally, from I was spending able to a work night withon inpatient telecommunications wards while operators shadowing in developing team of a residents UIDAI-facilitated to from our incorporated network This summer to enablestaffing I worked underrepresented needs, at thefrom and a US Agency new youth compensation to forleading graduate International policy college designed Developments and excel. to attract I (USAID) compiled and retain the Globalinitial results high Development interviewing telecom operator senior leaders customer enrollment 20 other process, hospitals which is in expected America. to be My a final high-impact product was to forecast application of performers. spring Alliance, pilot,which conductedis the primarypublic-private agencys and secondary market research, partnership initiative. developed This office professional works to development team with private out the the UIDAI I worked as aand experiences, different authentication product FTE scenarios manager that infrastructure.for would a non-profit enable for our technology UCSF to handle company their that current empowers workload without activists and allows tofacilitated user testing development exercises and mobile application. The sector partners further the agencys development goals. Within the team, usedIisserved residents, toand the financial cost ofinteract doing so. Adapting to a staffing model that asIaworked research civilians training This summer and better I hadshare network thefrom data privilege the and iLab of and working HBS withfor NGOs, provided tenpartners, weeks governments, critical aframeworks asassessing Summer andAssociate fellow inless activists. our at reliant partner Victory onand Schools, resident tofounder a for- associate, labor is a performing fundamental dueshift diligence and this on analysispotential enabled me to be at the thecuttingviability edge of ofprojects, a serious and collecting challenge discussions. develop profit the data education As enterprise amanagement result arm of summer of market the company company activities that and westarts have brainstorm up professional and additional operates development publicrevenue charter streams. materials schools for and a district yearlong background for academic Iturnaround spentanten weeks medical on as emerging a centers. Summer Making Associate industries, such at systemic Victory challenges, changes Schools, and an is opportunities. crucial education to the managementlong More road specifically, of health company I reform that pilot, Android mock-up of our mobile application, recognition by the 2012 Boston Innovation Incubator researched ahead, helps and the toand start Start-Up Ischools potential really and Chile incorporate enjoyed operate Newcharter program York,opportunity the Philadelphia partners for schools our toand endeavors. toand team seewith district Chicago. up close the turn-around Stationed government the inner at onthe workings schools incorporate food New security of aYork, complex office and in New York agriculture organization Philadelphia, and This initiatives City, that summer I worked will be in core I worked Africa. closely to leading on Additionally, with the that investments Victorys I gathered change. CEO, COO team Working primary and atto Virgin other and improve Unite, senior secondary health the managers philanthropic data care on to delivery the develop foundation emerging is a what new I market am of strategy the Virgin passionate for the Chicago. Stationed atoverarching their New York City is office, I worked on three meaningful and challenging projects in Group. investment business about, Virgin and and I am Unites climate create thankful and a new theto organizational inhibitors the mission Social to Enterprise to institutional structure utilize Summerto entrepreneurial investors implement Fellowship to the develop ideas strategy. for and ideas enabling business Overon me howtheto principles USAID course seize can thisof to the best This strategy summer, and I hadsocial development, the honor andAsprivilege including aformer charter offor-profit working renewal for VisionQuest application for Association one of Victorys International, oldest partnera non- achieve team summer, opportunity. with long-term I had the private the opportunity sector impact. to to encourage work a with growth each ofin the the social companys sector. entrepreneur, The functional internship this areasentrepreneurially-minded was a andgreat interacted opportunity with to profit schools, innovator amany501(c)(3) in the taxeducation exemption space. application The Summer forcharities ainvestors new Socialcharter Enterprise school, Fellowship and afound teacher allowed recruitment me toado strategy foundation The Victorys understand Walkabout offered how Foundation me stakeholders, the US a compelling governmentis a small including view start-up of customers, operates hownon-profit and its current organization andand the private regulators. initiatives that in is sectordedicated I development. could it to work extremelyfinding together cure rewarding on fora exactly proposal what to For Idonating had hoped improve Victorys to docapacity in my last summer to attract before talented jumping teachers into to its thepartner"real world," schools. makeMyhas a concerted experience at paralysis to large apply scale. and many of Virgin the wheelchairs skills Unites I haveinvestments to developed people team, at in HBS need my - mainaround from project strategythe world. was and to To marketing researchdate, Walkabout and to operations develop changed and attempt This Victory summer, wasto help I interned create supplemented aforproject Waste by the that Ventures, would grow Education an Pioneersinnovative to make fellowship afor-profit lasting impact program, social enterprise on a youth providing mefocused community, with on outstandinglong the finance lives recommendations - of whileover 1,000 simultaneously for people Virgin by Unite distributing learning to move a wheelchairs tremendous into income-generating amount in developing about social the countries U.S. investing, public and from funding education their 22 current systemresearch and incubating exposure after I left. tobase-of-the-pyramid VisionQuest the core issues International (BoP) issolid waste management enterprises in India. I space. worked directly with projects. WaterHealth the strategy the organizations Founder However, which toInternational focusesthat structure these operate solely and isinamodel successes urban onsocial within grant education have an it. an enterprise been investing. Atlanta-based investment reform heavily with Myvehicle, the through reliant second non-profit mission onengaging project Waste in individual toCapital provide was theworkshops education donor clean, toPartners, incubate and contributions. WHO-standard a new dedicated networking Its global to mission At events quality the funding is throughout to moment, drinkingidentify, water recruit, the Walkabout tosummer. the and train sources The underserved. abringing combination new the generation majority The company of ofits Education offunds ethical operates from Pioneers leaders 500 individual who andworld WaterHealth are Victory donors, spiritually Schools Centers leaving disciplined, inafforded out India,valuable me Bangladesh,the the leadership the After organizations myLiberia, initiative teams venture, which projects The is and Watt generating industry Campaign, commercialtitans placed in the second returns. business in Living the 2011and HBStogether working Business to shift ininIndia,Plan in the spending Contest way Social opportunity intellectually Ghana, toastute, dig deeply morally into Inanchored the education to inspire reform character,movement civility, and and explore community numerous local, ways national, totheory make and an I and inNigeria. order to Iachieve private opportunities sector to organizes receive around money social from other action. sources profitability I after also came such as out and foundations, of improve the summer the governments company's acustomer value considerable Venture international impact inTrack, the time decided settings. field. small Theto rural spend towns, organization thelaunched summer gained focuses invaluable graduation ontranslated education personal and attempting and training toproposing professional to launch promote and new experience, the corporations. enterprise. ethical leadership on The proposition, This the Thus, summer use the of aim WaterHealth's I worked philanthropic of the summerfor the capital CEO White has project at large House was whichto Initiative a develop has special on an project Educational action-oriented into to better an Excellence ongoing identify strategy for customer Independent of Hispanics. funding needs Project The and main diversification for to this Watt Campaign mobilizes high I school among confirming youth that and I want adults to -to pursue in public opportunities and students private to in catalyze sectors emerging energy - through market conservation peer BoP leadership, social initiatives enterprisepre-college that after achieve youth HBS. innovate goals academic for of Walkabout, oursolutions year. office In designedwere for sum, them. myto create unique create workedaexperiences National aworkshops more on a project Network sustainable this toBecause summergeared improve revenue toward inA the London flow company's andencouraging havelong greatly termdistribution Public/Private stability informed models formy the toenergy interests, substantial As an development, HBS Social savings as Enterprise well in their as schools corporateSummer and Fellow,communities. I interned and seminars. at the White utility primary House companies goal National for pay the Economic for measurable organization Council was to increase Partnerships organization. cultivated customer my toskills, improve accessibility education and confirmed to our for my the product passion Hispanic (Filtered in socialcommunity. water). enterprise IInwas my going inrole,charge forwardIrevenue was ofinvolved piloting HBS in atwhile aproviding and retail executive store beyond. the for savings (NEC). devise This past The atogrowth satisfy NEC summer, coordinates government-mandated strategy Iofserved that as the aneconomic would intern position attargets, policy The VQ White process we to believe extend House forits the we reach National can Presidentgarner to 35the Economic and education the Council Director clients(NEC) of within the in NEC five our inaugural the company. meeting I managed the aPresidential cross-functional Advisory team Commission of 15 people on Educational to create Excellence plans and for processesHispanics, to the launch services serves as toWhite the schools Presidents freeHispanic ofprimary charge. economic In taking the advisor. venture aWhile from at NEC, its team,paper ofIan years. I spent the summer researching the organization's work, focusedformat and the on(the budget market business and for tax plan) ethical policyto the and first-ever Washington, the This first summer store D.C. Iand had House Overall, scale the the the opportunity National retail Policy modeltoathe Conference, Economic work across atboth the Council their White compilation network. serves Houses asNationalcommunity executive advisory profiles, the council development thecharged contributed real leadership of with world, relationships coordinating my to training the summer and team andtoresearch coordinating activities finally implementing develop of focused other the Administrations on non-profit federal Presidentsagencies, pilot business economic response implementation plan.policy especially This the toagenda. the plan of Economic Department Midwestern our will Asprogram serve an of Council as intern, drought. withIfoundation the Health high conducted and The chief school Human latter for experience economic students the This organization's summer as policy was wellIthe particularly advisory as served as abody validation fundraising Whitesatisfying, of for early efforts House theand allowing president. strategic Intern me inthe Specifically, the to draw of decision-making Office from IPresidential focused my pastonwork going housing forward. Personnel. onthe water and One rural issues issues. ofI applied my (I major hadmany Ispent was Services, research, and authored development memos, and ofcontributed our social media to presence ongoing policy and a process. potential With web platform. national spotlight the part funding prior of the responsibilities five sources team years that and included developing theformulated revenue researching and a newmanaging model. and setThe ofWatt conductingwater housing and Campaign policies, sanitation pre-vetting asincluding aduring on projects business candidates a plan in Africa) model to convert shows considered andstrong providing foreclosed for promise, presidentialme on the of This ongoing the skills summer, economic learned I worked throughrecovery HBS efforts coursework and the and unprecedented experimented political mydispute internship over raising in the anticipation countrys of on with homes an inidea bulkthe for socialat the Officestart-up of Management and Budget atWhite the White House supporting Jeffrey intoChief but the biggest asummer rental challenge properties. enterprise in sustaining On rural concept issues, Ihaving related authored atoteam irrigation, the which House I report, plan toexperience. Jobs investigate and during debt appointment future Zients, ceiling, case the discussions. U.S. Federal Agencies. proved Because Performance of beaour toIOfficer. also the anHBS efforts processed engaging, The Social office isEnterprise highly humbling, focuses confidential and Initiative, on making to continue invaluable information Inetworks was the able work operations. learning regarding to of pursue the federal I am an working candidates opportunity Economic this my Isubject RC spentissue year. this Security through Finally, past summer for September my Rural experience working America, 2011 atbefore NEC in assisted the White look gave back starting me House at a the the full Administrations exposure Office time position ofmore to Management and with many Siemens. and policies in and government Budget. My summer efforts Myhighest that team was to will that has to senate changed confirmation, my career and expectations and inmadedrafting and editing Presidential appointment decision improve government experience help responsible me the integrate thuseconomic more for begs efficient public appropriating the health policyand question: ofinto and effective. rural mycommunities. can monitoring I worked career you successfully moving the onme resourcesI also even aforward. variety starthelped of athe of social excited issues formulate enterprise Department tonew spanning achieve of policies while Treasury, at all service areas the that preparing of government, willatoboost including levels start the a memos. both If in business Additionally, business school and has the intaught White public me House service. anything, Internshipit is that Program to understand incorporated how an community organization works, and you speaker have to rural from full Internal timesmall the use job Revenuebusinesses, of after technology school? Service, and had Liketo jobsthe most creation opportunity answers to at the to HBS, budget. travel I think with I got it the to depends. President work with toincredibly Iowa during intelligent the rollout and hard of nothe series into theThese summer. The Office of speaker seriesFinancial gave Stability,anthe interns Financial opportunity Crimes to policies have Enforcement Network, and acandid follow the cash. Almost organization is Social more challenging to understand than the conversations Federal Government, with these working Through plans. people the generous Obama many experiencesof support whom offered ofthe had the come HBS me afromglimpse the Enterprise private into how sector Fellowship,economic and IOfficelearn spent the lot are from summer made working thisOverall, country, for it members the U.S. almost Mint.ofeverythe We also dollar covered Administration, it spends goes financial including through regulators, OMB Reggie (The the Love, Postal White Joe HouseService Biden, and andof Michelle the other Management Obama. branches andThe in thethe Social was and White a more great House summer! importantly, Office of see Science up close & the Technology incredible Policy sacrifices (OSTP). and OSTP thehas extraordinary a broad mandate talent to of the advise men the and Enterprise Executive The HBSwho Office Fund Social made of Enterprisethe it President. possible Fellowship for Duringme allowed to the acceptsummer, me tothis pursue unpaid the team internship. a passion exposed this me It summerwas to a an range incredible and of combine activities. learning They Budget). me My women summer serve in internship government. atserve OMB It gave me aHousetruly unique perspective and insight into how President experience asked management and toashelp others well and as within calculate public an honor policy. thecost the toExecutive Over ofhas the the the given Office TARPWhite course me of program of athe my renewed President to in the internshipthis sense U.S.on capacity. in of the purpose taxpayer, the effects Office propose of and of the clarified science revisions Chief the &oftechnology Staff goals towiththe at ofon the government my Idomesticcareer. worked in and operates, theinternational Medical andDevices how affairs. it effects unitOSTP ofinthe policy- also both in a societal context and in its interactions the regulatory White House, reform I helped legislation senior transmitted officials thetoWorld leadsHealth Capitol Obama science Hill, Organization. attend Administration & technology ais multitude manage I joined policy ofkey team efforts hearings projects efforts across and to andbriefings sectors, increase priorities. on I private business sector. I worked for Ithe access to essential medicines through local Energyproduction Branch- andwhich technology currently transfer an area to ofOfficer major Sub-Saharan Administration Africa the agencies, financial Icontributed spent two and services months to levels initiatives of thisindustry, government. summer supporting and required working theworked Recovery in me the closely to produce strategy Act with and the officedetailed worked U.S. of WorldChief withcash theTechnology flow Vision Nationalanalysis International, evaluating Economic anda his $2.5B thesenior Council relief on and (South public Africa, focus- Nigeria,so things Ethiopia were very and Tanzania). busy. I was able to work on several multi-billion dollar loan inItheir structure staff, primarily also set100 thecountries. parameters forInitiative. athe year-long study to increase to of and development financial focused stability organization on thesector efforts. Obama that Despite administrations operates nearly seriousnessOpen Government of purpose,World Vision staff isThe at OMB embarkingOpen continuously on athe guarantee efforts transparency The World encourage deals Wildlifein with global Fundinnovation private prices (WWF) of and companies, life-saving leads entrepreneurship. international commodities. with the efforts Ingoal addition, to of protect changingI ahelped endangered the withincentives projects species for related and business their to in oil met Government their responsibility Initiative stems with humility from the and Presidents good grace. January Having 21, 2009 spent Memorandum summer at OMB, on Transparency I now tell people and large-scale energy, spill habitats.inGovernment theand Now transformation Gulfeventually in ofitsMexicofifth adjusting decade,to enable and assisted how WWF aour more with works whole coordinated drafting in energy more a than and strategic economy100 effective plan works. countries global formore economic I also around strategy followed butthe development the globe faces toClimate significant for a billand conserve asif Open they challenges Qiwei areShi interested (2013), due to Yixin its( in the decentralized LaMy intersection (2012) and ofand organization Ying aims business, Chen to (2012) and make politics lack areofgovernment and three strategicpublic HBS policy; planning students transparent, and they processes. from briefing want collaborative, China.window I Theyto worked advise won with the the it region moved diversity affected through of life byworking Congress, changes togot NASAs to meet policies.several These cabinet-levelexperiences officials, gave helped me aTransformation tremendous write memos into for the participatory. Inon earth. with internship senior this administration summer was officials, at WWF's Market Initiative (MTI) atIDepartment Nations leaders how toand refine healthcare, energy and environmental helped to run regulation; the groundbreaking and they toonline the 2nd White which Qiwei strategy place challenges House Shi contributesatof office (2013),HBSmanaging advisors, business to answer Yixin substantially Lapolicy plan specific worked (2012) contest making to and withanalytical reducing and Ying (the senior Chen social the questions implementation venture officials global (2012) and inthey human are track) the three put the this footprint HBSin White place spring, students by processes ofand House targetingEnergy from they level, that on kick and China. economic theirIwant will started would They enable R&Dactors won work their World and the public with social a consultation group enterprise of fast on paced, open government talented public and advised servants; agencies and (e.g., are Treasury interested in& Homeland managing a Security) multi-billion on encourage Vision portfolio. to attain Iall got MBAsanventure to unprecedented see toapursue wide this summer acontest range similar level of in(the ofrural experience. issues, China. coordination and Theinways Business several social how and itventure sets governmentglobal is tostrategybuild aretwo anand accessible ultimately aligns retail intertwined toits and capital 2nd how dollar place to distribution Year Up providers use portfolio is at a HBS technology one-year platform in business impacting sectors to to intensive plan the provide with achieve lives the technology access of greatest strategic millions to the andsocial environmental priorities. venture ofinvestment safe American and As parttrack) citizens effective ofthat impact. operations this the products the IOpen starting administration spring, undertook trainingthatthe and Government day rural they program you veryisstart kick communities able that interesting started Initiative, your provides address Itheir job in had think China the and resources them. projects social I believe I would enterprise to during accomplish managers encourage my venture internship:in its both this goals. MBAs areas summer the to first can considerin projectbenefit rural working China. from focused for The time on the socialworking government, benchmarking venture across is the to sectors particularly build lending anlearning for and accessiblea the summer; investment differences retail I and White opportunity need. urban House Ityoung is one to Office adultsdistill of thewith ofthe Management publics input and and Budget share is it the on the place web you in want the form to work. of two blog posts that were in constraints, having Idistribution spent policies published more the of summer expectations, business platform global on thean asfirst financial White topeople aretail Executive providecombination and institutions formats priorities. understand Director access todedicated offor vis--vis hands-on theFurther, government Young safe theand to and skill disadvantaged regardless and Professionals development more effective sustainability ofproducts in practices rural theEnergy government and political communities that of real (YPE), work affiliation &exposure rural their the experience. inorChina, to first communities borrowers' leaning sympathetic and onlyand inIn operations,ofChinaan aHouses incorporates addition toone joining e-commerce aMBAstudent technologies, learningwebsite community(available aggregates here: last-mile serving businesspeople Administration, need. interdisciplinary the secondIt is project of will networking the befirst involved skill good retail set and thing drawing can formats for prove career-development on our useful dedicated the country. latest with to alsologistics, Itorganization is efforts disadvantaged environmental aas an togreat informal establish for science ruraland opportunity young leverages mentor/advisor strategy communities and people WWF's toand powerful gain inmore policy the in experience China, to global than rural students priorities, and 50 word- energy As a strategy throughout of-mouth working allocate toathe resources in intern bring setting summer, down mostfor somewhatYouth delivery effectively, Villages, I educational also worked like cost P/E and awith andor nonprofit Year Ups ensure otherwise banking, organization quality, improve while National and having ina the Director overtime, government USof tofocused Strategic address on helping Growth broader behaviorally and delivery Impact to incorporates industry. commodity YPE e-commerce holds experts social, to develop technologies, minimum and aggregates civic-oriented standards last-mile forhelping events responsible logistics,inpositive 18 and cities and production impact provision leverages worldwideand on theof powerful sourcing nations public serving ofthe services. rural over well- global word- 4,000 soft articulate and emotionally challenges being. This summer the at organizations the I work troubled haddownbase-of-pyramid. the youth, opportunity emerging I wastospentInfluence responsible workensure with Strategy. two for different This the strategy organization organizations covers that efforts rethink arebroader outside how bothand they focused approach direct onnew using of-mouth members. commodities. to My bring thisas summer delivery cost was and fundraising, quality, hiring and overtime, staff, bringing to in address in speakers delivery adding service M&A moving program forward, to shift isthe finance well perceptions as supporting and the change local the Massachusetts behaviors weeksofcan team stakeholders their business operating planning in systems ZenWayas aattool for poverty alleviation. I spent my first eight working prepwith chapters. YPE's mission toinfluence foster an environment where members Zafen, a peer-2-peer challenges external process. is to trying Year the Up.base-of-pyramid. to useThese technology toactivities revolutionize included the standardized deepening testlearn partnerships from market. with each Our Communityother'ssoftware Colleges,is experiences, lending able platform to analyze share that a and industry students allows knowledge answersocially keymotivated and andpinpoint discuss lenders career theirtoexact provide matters capital weaknesses in an inviting toinsmall andto cordial medium setting. sized- extending The Harvard enterprises policy inSocial Haiti. I advocacy Enterprise worked efforts, Initiative with Zafen broadening Summer on improving employer Fellowship its due gaveengagement,me theprocess. diligence andrank opportunity order experimenting This to using re-launch involved our with training patented mobilizing algorithm. constituencies. an Our improved platform Overall, resource then this for pushes summer the the provided social student enterprise an custom incredibly sector. generated opportunity Our mission adaptive to is to curriculum strengthen connect my and the socially organizations My summer business fellowship analysts allowed as me well to launch as developing Zoosa as financial aprofessional newthis, analysis templates. Furthermore, I worked &resource problem setsprofessionals best improve topersonal redefine social enterprise and commitment responsible directly with to public the Zafen Projectand the education, student's grow organizations. Direct onmy scores. network developing As the In doing offinancial afounder CEO, weand sustainabilityIhope aggressively to plan make effective contacts pursued and standardized business reflect on attract test how prep lucky new both I amtalent tomy to the accessible be at HBS sector. and& Zoosa's affordable where theI worked service to commitment people makes who to itstrong quick couldn't for professionals otherwise leadership and take tofor find advantage management theopportunities social of it. extends enterprise to across start-up. development change the world and easy for social enterprise organizations to recruit mission driven, top-tier talent. &Our During opportunities final four weeks, marketing initiatives with while Root Capital, working a with Cambridge-based our CTO to finalize nonprofit our strategy social sectors. investment launch Zoosas fund new that website provides platform. capital to rural businesses, on exploring lending opportunities in Haiti. After broad definition of socialofenterprise makes itprivate easier for professionals to do well while doing good. AsIthe meeting founder of Zoosa, I was responsible for all areas of Zoosa's business development, including managing was with a number cooperatives and companies involved in coffee, mango and cacao, the able to develop development of aour lendingwebsite, pipeline hiringfor Root Capital Zoosa's CTO & in staff Haiti using theand of interns, firms rigorous investment implementing our sales & criteria that places a marketing plan. great deal of importance on social and environmental practices. As a result my work, Root Capital is now exploring loans for several agri-businesses in Haiti.
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