Bayareagreen Canopy2009seeingforesttrees

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Bay Area Green Maintaining Sustainability Through Change



Why our city trees matter

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Winter 2009
The Bay Area is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States.
Were blessed with substantial urban forests, and our management of urban
trees could set the standard for the state and the rest of the country.
Yosemite Avenue in Mountain View

Seeing the forest and the trees

Why our city trees matter
By Catherine Martineau and Anwyn Hurxthal viders, and habitats for urban wildlife. Trees may not Trees offset some of the harsh effects of our
always be the best neighborspeople take issue growing cities. Science shows that trees improve air

he clearcutting of holly oaks on Palo Altos with their pollen and falling leaves and fruitbut a quality and public health, help conserve energy, in-
California Avenue shocked and angered the barren urban landscape is the alternative. While our crease land values, reduce storm-water runoff, and
community. Cement, blinding sun, and shim- enjoyment of urban trees comes naturally, they are a recharge groundwater.
mering heat replaced the dark green trees that had public utility and a community resource that we need Although any single tree benefit may be small,
graced the street just the day before. Suddenly, trees to learn to manage accordingly. the sum of benefits is significant when it comes to
became the talk of the town. The City of Palo Alto, mitigating the environmental impacts ... from con-
local businesses, neighborhood associations, non- Bay Area urban forests verting natural land cover to built environments, ex-
profits, and residents found themselves caught up in Flying into SFO, the blues and greens of San plained Greg McPherson and Jim Simpson in San
a maelstrom of laments, accusations, denials, and Francisco Bay waters and surrounding forests Francisco Bay Area State of the Urban Forest Final
apologies about the sudden loss of the sixty-three stand out from above. The areas nine counties Report, their 2007 report for the Center for Urban
oaks. Bitterness was evident as the community real- contain more than 200 municipalities and a grow- Forest Research.
ized how much it cared about its trees. ing population of approximately 7.3 million people. Unfortunately, the Bay Areas urban forests are
We miss our trees profoundly when theyre gone, This already large Bay Area population is projected dwindling. A recent report found that between 1984
yet we often take them for granted. Trees are easy to increase by about 2 million people over the next and 2002, a population increase of 30 percent has
on the eyes and transform urban areas into more thirty years. More people means more urban devel- driven a 73 percent increase in urban areas. While
balanced human habitats. Despite this, most of us opment: increased air pollution from traffic; higher theres been a 17 percent increase in grey infrastruc-
are unaware of how our urban trees get where they energy use; more hard, grey surfaces with greater ture such as buildings, roads, and asphalt, the green
are and survive urban life. The quiet coexistence amounts of contaminants flowing into bodies of infrastructure has increased by only 10 percent.
of our leafy neighbors is a mystery to most of us. water; and more buildings, streets, and parking Trees arent keeping up with the blacktop. Palo Altos
When urban trees are felled, we lose more than ur- lots increasing ambient temperatures and boosting street trees are on the decline, too. The citys maturing
ban adornment: we eliminate valuable natural air ozone formation. We live in a vibrant, booming re- canopy requires regular tree removals, but replace-
conditioners and filters, water purifiers, shade pro- gion with limited space. ment trees arent being planted at the same rate.

Photo by Emma Hoare

8 154 Bay Area Green

The Bay Area is one of the largest metropolitan tion of tree-related hazards. All of this in addition to organizations, consultants, educators, researchers,
areas in the United States. Were blessed with sub- dealing with human gripespollen, falling leaves, landscape architects, contractors, gardeners, resi-
stantial urban forests, and our management of urban messy fruit, leaf color, crown shape, and wandering dents, and community activists. The clearcutting on
trees could set the standard for the state and the rest rootsis no simple feat. California Avenue made it particularly clear that ev-
of the country. Canopy is strongly advocating that the Now an integral part of our urban infrastructure, eryone plays a part in keeping our urban forest alive.
City of Palo Alto complete and implement an urban trees are quite dependent on us for planting, care, The involvement of city staff in a forest management
forest master plan, which could become a model for and growth. The decisions we make about species, plan is critical. The communitys involvement in daily
surrounding communities. placement, and care can result in the life or death management and safeguarding the forest plan is
The challenge ahead is to better integrate the green of a tree. The science of arboriculture and urban vital. Nonprofit organizations, such as Canopy, rep-
infrastructure with the gray infrastructure, stated Greg forestry has evolved impressively over the last ten resent the community and contribute valuable third-
McPherson and Jim Simpson in their 2007 report, by years, but the challenges in growing urban trees are party expertise and guidance to city tree projects.
increasing tree planting, providing adequate space for increasing as well. At one time, Stone Pines seemed The day-to-day care that residents and local busi-
trees, adopting realistic tree canopy cover targets, and an obvious selection for road medians; however, nesses provide is critical.
developing strategies, plans, programs, and municipal now we know theyll literally lift up the street. Higher
assessments ... thereby perpetuating a resource that density in urban areas means less space for trees, Why city trees matter: urban trees are valuable
is both functional and sustainable. because cities experience increased pressures The contributions trees make to the environ-
The tree removals on California Avenue illustrate to convert green spaces into building sites. Harsh ment are often referred to as ecosystem services.
just how important it is for city staff to have clearly growing conditions make tree survival increasingly Science shows that these services are tangible
defined strategies and plans for managing trees. difficult. In fact, street trees in a downtown area and numerous.
have an average lifespan of only about seven years,
Urban forestry: a science and an art form while in a suburban area they live for about thirty-two Climate
Tree care is far more complex than most people years. A host of tree-care issuespoor tree nursery Trees act as a carbon sink by removing the car-
imagine. Arboriculture involves tree planting and stock, inappropriate species selection, bad planting bon from CO2, storing it as cellulose while releasing
care; long-term inventories and histories of thou- techniques, and inadequate long-term carecan oxygen back into the air. A healthy tree can absorb
sands of individual trees; in-depth knowledge about all lead to a trees demise. The fact that few com- forty pounds of CO2 per year. This helps prevent
individual tree species in urban environments and munities have working tree inventories and urban global climate change.
the many stressors they suffer; an understand- forest management plans means that theres little Trees help counter the heat island effect in our
ing of the long-term growth habits and behaviors oversight and no big-picture management of the ur- cities. Patches of heat result from concrete, steel,
of specific trees; quantifying and maximizing the ban forest. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, and asphalt storing thermal energy. Heat islands can
benefits of trees; minimizing costs; educating the the publics level of knowledge and involvement has be up to ten degrees warmer than the surrounding
public about trees; obtaining and maintaining pub- a great impact on urban trees. Residents play a piv- areas. Trees can prevent heat islands from forming
lic support and funding; and establishing laws and otal role caring for the trees around their homes. with their shade and reduce the air temperature in
policies for trees on public and private land. For the A healthy urban forest is teeming with human, as these areas through transpiring (evaporating water).
urban arborist, it involves working with limited root well as animal, life. There are many human players
and canopy space; widely varying amounts of water in the life of an urban forest: municipal and commer- Energy
and light, poor soil, heat, and pollution; mechani- cial arborists, municipal and utility foresters, environ- Deciduous shade trees planted near homes
cal and chemical damage to trees; and the mitiga- mental policymakers, city planners, urban forestry and businesses can lower energy usage by up to 30

Simple tree care tips Support your local nonprofit urban

The best way to start caring for your urban forest TODAY is to
forestry organization
tend to the trees right outside your front door. Atherton Tree Committee (Atherton)
Water mature trees deeply every month during the dry season (except
Canopy (Palo Alto and East Palo Alto) |
for mature native oaks that actually suffer from summer watering).
City Trees (Redwood City) |
Water your young tree once a week: fill a watering basin with ten gal- Friends of the Urban Forest (San Francisco) |
lons of water or let a hose trickle near it for several hours. Magic, Inc. (Stanford) |
Dont put decorative rocks or plants around the root crown (base) Mountain View Trees (Mountain View) |
of your tree. They compact the soil, cultivate microbes and insects Our City Trees (San Jos) |
that could infect the trunk, and can compete for water and nutrients. Trees for Menlo (Menlo Park) |
Instead, apply mulch.
Beware of nicking or injuring your trees trunk with lawnmowers or weed- Learn more about trees and urban forests
wackers. Bacteria and microbes can enter and make the tree sick.
California ReLeaf |
Be very cautious about pruning your tree. Improper cutting can cause in-
California Urban Forests Council |
fection, destroy a trees natural form, weaken it, and result in poor health
Center for Urban Forest Research |
and premature death. Dont top trees. Cutting major limbs and leaving
International Society of Arboriculture |
stubs injures and disfigures trees, making recovery impossible.
Trees Are Good |
Hire an arborist to check up on your trees every few years. Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute |

Maintaining Sustainability Through Change 154 9

percent, which means lower carbon emissions and goods and services we buy. Studies reveal that the
substantial cost savings. presence of trees and landscaping in retail environ-
Acting as a natural air conditioner, a lush tree ments influence shoppers perceptions and, likely,
canopy ensures that summer temperatures are at their behavior. On tree-lined streets, people shop
least six to eight degrees lower than in comparable more frequently, stay longer, spend more money,
neighborhoods without trees. and will even pay more for parking.

Water Tree benefits in dollars and cents

The increase in hard surfaces in urban areas A study of urban forests in Modesto, California,
leaves few places for storm-water to flow. Without showed that for each dollar invested in urban for-
trees, cities would need to increase sewage and est management, $1.89 in benefits was returned
storm-water drainage channels and waste treatment to residents. Modestos city trees actually remove
capacities to handle increased water runoff. 154 tons of air pollutants, increase property values
Trees slow storm-water runoff by capturing and by over $1.5 million, and provide shade that saves
intercepting rainwater with their leaves. A nine-year- over $1 million. This information convinced city of-
old Bradford Pear tree, for example, can retain fifty- ficials to increase the tree budget and an electric
five gallons of water. utility company to invest in developing the Modesto
Tree roots filter water, preventing chemicals from Tree Foundation. Once in place, Palo Altos urban
flowing into streams while helping water penetrate forest master plan will involve a similar study on the
the soil to recharge groundwater resources. benefits of trees.

The urban and community forestry paradigm has shifted from

focus on beautification to one that encompasses all of the environmental,
conservation, economic, and social benefits of community trees.
2009 Arbor Day Event Greg McPherson of the Center for Urban Forest Research

Air Urban forestry organizations: forest growers

How to get involved Trees remove gaseous pollutants from our air by and guardians
absorbing them. Trees absorb CO2 and other green- The urban and community forestry paradigm
1 Learn about trees: Identify the trees around house gasses and, in turn, replenish the atmosphere has shifted, said Greg McPherson of the Center for
your home, go on neighborhood tree walks of- with oxygen. Urban Forest Research, from focus on beautifica-
fered by urban forestry nonprofits, attend envi- Evergreen trees planted in rows can capture tion to one that encompasses all of the environmen-
ronmental workshops, and take tree classes. up to 85 percent of the particulate air pollution tal, conservation, economic, and social benefits of
blowing through their branches. Particulate pollu- community trees.
2 Join your neighborhood group or association: tion causes serious respiratory problems that can Urban forestry organizations are the nonprofit
Keep your ear to the ground about neighbor- result in hospitalization, especially in children. Par- caretakers of city forests and community trees. Often
hood construction projects. Bring awareness ticulates are trapped and filtered by tree leaves, bridging the divide between residents, city staff, and
to the value of trees. stems, and twigs. local businesses, these organizations are charged
3 Connect with your local urban forestry non- with protecting and growing trees. Theyre also faced
profit: Sign up for e-mail updates. Better yet, Infrastructure with the challenging task of advising the institutions
volunteer or donate. More shade means more time between repav- and individuals actually responsible for the trees.
ing. With 20 percent shade on a street, pavement Quite often, these tree owners dont have the best
4 Get informed about city activities: Go to your condition is improved by 11 percenta 60 percent interests of the entire urban forest in mind.
citys Web site, sign up for e-mail updates, savings on resurfacing over thirty years. Canopy plants, tends, and grows urban trees
attend city meetings, and be aware of your in Palo Alto and East Palo Alto. The organization
communitys tree ordinance. More benefits teaches kids, residents, and city officials about the
5 Plant trees: Plant lots of trees and create Trees provide habitats for urban wildlife. vital role that urban forests play in cleaning our air,
neighborhood tree diversity. Trees strengthen communities and provide so- cooling our streets, and filtering our water. In the
cial, psychological, and aesthetic benefits. Research past year, Canopy worked with over 1,200 students
6 Plant trees strategically: Avoid trees to the indicates the wide range of social benefits that are and residents during more than forty educational
north of your homewest is best. Think provided by experiences of nearby nature in cities. tree activities to educate residents and preserve,
about shade placement and make space for Trees improve real estate values. Healthy trees protect, and care for Palo Alto and East Palo Altos
tree growth. can add up to 15 percent to residential property value. urban forests. Last year, Canopy staff and volun-
7 Choose trees wisely: Choose drought- and Office and industrial space in a tree-filled setting is teers planted 352 trees, cared for over 2,000, and
pollution-tolerant species. Bigger is better for more coveted by prospective buyers and renters. advocated for the urban forest with both local and
the environment, so choose large, long-living As shoppers, we all know that were as inter- state governments. For more information about
trees with lots of surface area. ested in our shopping experience as we are in the Canopy, please visit
8 Care for existing trees: Learn about the in-
dividual needs and preferences of the tree Catherine Martineau is the executive director of Canopy. She grew up in Paris, where the urban forest
species around your home. is made up primarily of horse chestnuts. Anwyn Hurxthal is Canopys communications and development
manager. She grew up on Kenyas grasslands, where whistling thorn acacia trees dot the landscape.
Photo by Dean Birinyi

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