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Service for medium voltage products






E Value Added
AN Service
Unit Operativa Sace-MV

History Certifications and Standards

Unit Operativa Sace-MV is a company in the ABB To guarantee the reliability of its production and
group which has been operating in the electrical services, Unit Operativa Sace-MV bases itself on
apparatus sector since 1934. It has been part of continual technological updating, constant research
the ABB Group since 1988 and has two production and application of a Quality System which conforms
facilities in Italy: Dalmine and Loreto Aprutino. to the most severe International Standards, certified
by an independent organisation and complying with
the ISO 9001 Standards.
General Description As confirmation of its commitment to protection of
Unit Operativa Sace-MV is a Global Feeder the environment, the Environmental Management
Focused Factory and a centre of excellence for System of the facilities in Dalmine and Loreto Apru-
design and construction of medium voltage vacuum tino is certified by an independent organisation as
and gas-insulated circuit-breakers and medium volt- complying with the ISO 14001 Standards.
age air-insulated switchgear. The Health and Safety Management System is certi-
It is a leader on the global market and exports more fied by an independent organisation as complying
than 85% of its production all over the world, which with the OHSAS 18001 Standards.
includes: circuit-breakers, contactors, switching
and isolation apparatus, distribution switchgear and
Test Laboratories
It employs a total of about 700 people and the Unit Operativa Sace-MV has advanced laboratories
annual turnover exceeds 200 MEUR thanks to pro- for carrying out tests and constantly ensuring reliabil-
duction and sales of more than: ity of its products. The test laboratory is accredited
by an independent organisation and complies with
5.000 primary distribution panels
the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 Standards.
13.000 secondary distribution panels
30.000 medium voltage circuit-breakers
4.500 medium voltage contactors

The Service offers worldwide services for mainte-
nance, retrofitting, supply of spare parts, training,
erection and commissioning of medium voltage
The Service team, offers services in close collabora-
tion with the worldwide ABB Service network.
The main activities are described below. Please
contact your local ABB Service centre for further
information regarding the equipment you have

Medium Voltage Products
Customer Service Plan

The Customer Service Plan is a package of per- Support Services

sonalised services for after-sales support. These
services range from basic product support to full Training
life cycle management of an installation. Customers A training centre is set up at the Unit Operativa
can select the mix of services which best suits their Sace-MV. In this centre both the operators of the
specific needs. local Service units and the end user can be trained
All the services offered apply to both the switchgear in correct use and maintenance, by means of:
and the apparatus and are grouped into the five
safety procedures and correct use of the prod-
main categories specified below: ucts
ordinary maintenance
Installation Services
basic troubleshooting.
The installation service for our range of medium The training courses regard both products in pro-
voltage apparatus and switchgear includes: duction and phased-out products.

decommissioning and removal of old switch-
Service Exchange Units
In certain situations, following a fault in the electri-
site supervision cal distribution apparatus, it is necessary to restore
installation and assembly of new apparatus. the power supply as rapidly as possible. For this
purpose, special exchange units are available which
allow the power supply to be restored in acceptable
time. The faulty apparatus can therefore be repaired
or replaced within an acceptable time frame.

Telephone Support line and web site

For technical support or assistance, please contact
us on number +39 335 750 5383, round-the-clock,
7 days a week. For further information please con-
sult our web site:

Qualified technicians perform commissioning of the
switchgear and protection and control systems, as
part of our supply, and this includes:
simulation commissioning to check operation
of the protections and controls.

commissioning with energisation of the appa-

supervision during start-up of the installation.

Medium Voltage Products
Customer Service Plan

Corrective Services Preventive Services

Spare Parts Preventive Maintenance
ABB keeps a comprehensive stock of spare parts Preventive maintenance is the key to ensure the
both for products in production and phased-out reliability of installed switchgear. Accordingly, ABB
products. The spare parts, of single components offers a range of preventive maintenance services
and complete systems, can also be available at the for our medium voltage products.
Service units of the whole ABB network. Spare parts Planned preventive Service is offered either on a
can be purchased in the following ways: call out basis or as part of a maintenance contract.
directly from our spares warehouse, as and
Condition Monitoring
when required.
ABB offers various condition monitoring solutions
by means of a rental formula or by purchasing to measure the main parameters of the installed
as spare stock or to be included in a Service equipment.
contract. The monitoring systems can be fitted to existing
apparatus to provide information on the specific
conditions of a system. This means it is possible to
programme plant stoppages for maintenance in a
flexible and suitable way.

Workshop and Site Repairs

ABB Service has fully equipped workshops to repair
or refurbish both our own and other ABB compa-
nies products and switchgear, whether these are
products in production or phased-out.
In our workshops we checks the conditions of the
apparatus and recommend replacement of possible
parts and repair according to the original specifica-
tions. When suitable, site repairs can be performed
on a call out basis.

Value Added Services Extended Warranty
Customers can ask for an extended warranty for
Site Audits
their medium voltage switchgear. This option can
As a world leader in the field of medium voltage be purchased with new apparatus, or be taken up
switchgear with many years of proven experience during and after the period of validity of the original
in different applications, ABB is able to carry out product warranty.
audits on the functional performance of existing
apparatus. A typical audit would include: Retrofit, Life Extension and Upgrades
checking the documentation of the substation In view of the demand for continuous improvement
apparatus. and optimisation in managing assets and plants,
ABB provides solutions which allow the useful life
assessment of the conditions of the apparatus.
of medium voltage switchgear to be extended. The
recommendations on maintenance, replace- options available include:
ment or retrofitting.
complete overhauling and refurbishment of
switchgear, in accordance with the original
specification with warranty.
apparatus upgrading by means of retrofitting
switching, protection and control devices.
protection and control device upgrading for
the highest levels of the protection and control
product upgrading to increase safety (for
example, by means of installation of electric
arc detection devices and systems.

Consulting Service Service Contract

ABB provides a range of consulting services on To guarantee efficiency of the apparatus installed,
medium voltage switchgear, which includes: we also offer our services on a contract base. Each
contract is worked out individually according to the
recommendations for product application, their
customers requirements.
upgrading or replacement.
troubleshooting and diagnostics.
switchgear decommissioning and disposal.
personnel training.

Installation, commissioning and maintanance
General informations

Services for Installation and commissioning Corrective Maintenance and Fault Intervention
ABB is able to provide complete services for its Services
range of medium voltage products, with qualified Thanks to the worldwide service network for
technicians to carry out installation and commis- medium voltage apparatus, customers can pur-
sioning operations of the apparatus, including pro- chase a range of services locally both for current
tection and control systems. and phased-out products. These services have the
aim of supporting the customers activity, reducing
Dismantling and removal of old switchgear
down times of their installations to a minimum.
Supervision, installation and setting up of new
Spare parts
switchgear on site
On site emergency call outs
Putting into service.
Factory or on-site repairs.

Preventive Maintenance Services

ABB is able to provide a range of preventive serv-
ices aimed at maintaining reliability of the products
and guaranteeing integrity of the power distribution
network. Our maintenance programmes are based
on the experience gained worldwide at product per-
formance level in various application sectors.
Preventive maintenance programmes
Monitoring the state of products.

Training Center
General information

Specific training courses on apparatus, releases

and switchgear are organised at the ABB facility in
The programme of courses covers description of
the products and their components, instructions for
use, installation and ordinary maintenance.
The courses are held in a classroom for the indis-
pensable theoretical part and to a large extent in the
laboratory in front of the apparatus itself, therefore
putting the emphasis on direct practical application
of the knowledge acquired.
On request, courses on phased-out products
can be organised, adapting the programme to
specific requirements.
The participants are given help with the opera-
tions for their transfer, hotel bookings, permits
from the authorities and for all their logistic
A certificate of attendance is issued at the end
our the course.

General Information

Retrofitting means implementation of advanced

components (primary switching devices and digital
protection/control technology) in existing medium
voltage installations, with the following benefits:
Short implementation and replacement times
Minimum service interruptions
Extension of useful life
Increased system availability
Improved operator protection
Better operator comfort
Reduction in maintenance costs
Warranty on conversion work
Guaranteed supply of original spare parts.

ABB Service operates with a large customer portfo-

lio, and thanks to this has acquired vast experience
in many sectors. Among the latter, the most impor-
tant are:
Utilities and power distribution
Chemical and petrochemical industries
Cement Works
Iron Works
Mining plants
Shipping installations, ports and offshore plants
Transportation and underground railways
Automobile Industry.

And wherever power supply continuity is needed!

Circuit-Breaker Arc Extinction Techniques

ABB is able to offer circuit-breakers with SF6 and

vacuum breaking techniques. Furthermore, the
best technology can be offered according to the
specific applications of the customer, with particular
reference to protection of cables, inductive loads
such as motors and transformers, generators and
capacitor banks.
Expert technicians from our retrofitting centre can
provide all the technical support needed to decide
which extinction technology to use, based on the
age of the installation, on the type of applications,
on the peripheral devices and on the dimensions of
the existing circuit-breaker.

SF6 circuit-breaker
HD4 Series
The HD4 series of medium voltage circuit-breakers
for primary distribution use sulphur hexafluoride gas
(SF6) to extinguish the electric arc and as the insu-
lating medium.
Breaking in SF6 gas takes places with low chopped
current values and with limited generation of over-
These characteristics ensure long electrical life of Standard ratings for retrofitting applications of
the circuit-breaker and installations, particularly in both extinction technologies
relation to the insulating materials.
kV A kA kV bil kV (60Hz x 1min)
Vacuum circuit-breaker 12 630+3600 16+50 75 28
VD4 Series 17.5 630+3600 16+50 95 38
24 630+3600 16+40 125 50
The new VD4 are a synthesis of ABBs renowned
36 630+2500 16+31.5 170 70
technology in designing and constructing vacuum
40.5 1250+2500 25+31.5 185 95
interrupters embedded in resin poles, and of excel-
lency in design, engineering and production of
circuit-breakers. The VD4 medium voltage circuit-
breakers use vacuum interrupters embedded in
resin poles.

Standards and approvals of both circuit-breaker

Conformity with IEC 62271-100, CEI 17-1 file
1375 Standards.
Sealed-for-life and maintenance-free poles.
10,000 mechanical operations.
Stored energy operating mechanism with anti-
pumping device supplied as standard
Rapid re-closing cycle (O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO).
Complete range of accessories which fulfil all
installation class M2 requirements with regard
to mechanical endurance and class E2 with
regard to electrical life.

Solutions for withdrawable circuit-breakers

The new circuit-breakers have the same perform-
ances as the existing circuit-breakers.

Service trucks
The new service trucks have the same dimensions
and the same isolating contacts as the existing

The interlocking functions are identical to those
present on the existing apparatus. In any case,
incorrect and hazardous operations are prevented.

Auxiliary circuit cabling and connections Solution based on VD4 circuit-breaker

Auxiliary circuit cabling, the secondary functions

and the connectors are always identical to the exist-
ing ones(1).

The retrofitting solutions are made with withdraw-

able circuit-breakers for direct replacement of the
circuit-breaker or of the existing service truck.
No modifications to the primary and/or secondary
compartment are required and the certifications of
the existing apparatus remain valid.

Solution based on HD4 circuit-breaker

Retrofitting solutions for direct replacement of DR

magnetic deionisation type circuit-breakers, RM
minimum oil type circuit-breakers and SFA SF6
type circuit-breakers, for Univer type panels or MV

Rated Voltage: 24 kV
Rated current: 1250 A
Rated short-circuit breaking current (3s): 25 kA

In some special cases, reproduction of all the auxiliary circuits is
limited by standardisation of the new apparatus. In these cases,
special personalised solutions are studied.

For Uniarc Type Switchgear

Retrofitting for DIARC magnetic deionisation type circuit-breakers

Uniarc CR10 with DIARC circuit-breaker Fixed part for OEM panels

Retrofitting with HD4 12 25-50 Retrofitting with HD4 12 12-31 DIARC type circuit-breaker

Circuit-breaker Rated Voltage Normal rated current Rated short-circuit current

Type [kV] [A] [kA]
DR 7.2 -2560 7.2 4000 50
DR 12-2575 12 4000 40

For Univer Type Switchgear

Retrofitting for DIARC magnetic deionisation type circuit-breakers, RM and

RG minimum oil type circuit-breakers and SFA SF6 type circuit-breakers

Univer type panel with MV enclosure for Retrofitting with

DIARC circuit-breaker OEM panels HD4 24 12-25 HD4 12 12-31

HD4 17 31-40

Circuit- Rated Normal rated Rated short-circuit

breaker Voltage current current
Type [kV] [A] [kA]
DR ...3150 ...31.5
RM 17.5 ...800 ...25
RG 17.5 ...2500 ....40
SFA 17.5 ...1600 ...25
HD4 12 25-40

For Univer G Type Switchgear

Retrofitting for VRB vacuum type circuit-breakers, RM and RG

minimum oil type circuit-breakers and SFA SF6 type circuit-breakers

Univer G type panel with SFAsG MV/G enclosure for OEM Retrofitting
circuit-breakers panels with HD4 12 36-50

VRBsG vacuum SFAsG SF6 circuit-breaker SFAsG SF6 circuit-breaker Retrofitting

circuit-breaker with HD4 12 31-40

Circuit- Rated Normal rated Rated short-circuit

breaker Voltage current current
Type [kV] [A] [kA]
SFAsG ...4000 ...40
RMsG 17.5 ...1250 ...25
RGsG 17.5 ...2500 ...36
12 Retrofitting with HD4 17 12-25
VRBsG ...4000 ...50

For Univer C Type Switchgear

Retrofitting for HA SF6 type circuit-breakers


Univer C type panel with HA circuit-breaker


CBF enclosure CBE enclosure HA1/C HA2/C

for OEM panels for OEM panels

Circuit- Rated Normal rated Rated short-circuit

breaker Voltage current current
Type [kV] [A] [kA]
HA1/C 12 ...1250 ...25
HA2/C 17.5 ...1600 ...31.5
HA3/C ...3150 ...50
24 HA3/C

For Safesix Type Switchgear

Retrofitting for HPA SF6 type circuit-breakers

Safesix VHA 12 type panel with HPA type circuit-breaker Retrofitting with HD4 12 12-25

Circuit- Rated Normal rated Rated short-circuit

breaker Voltage current current
Type [kV] [A] [kA]
HPA 17.5 ...1250 ...25

Unit Operativa Sace-MV has developed over 50

different solutions for replacement of obsolete
Thousands of these solutions are now in service
around the world, ensuring continuity and relia-
bility of the power supply.
Please contact us for further information about
the solutions available and the services we offer.

The data and illustrations are not binding. We reserve the right to make
changes in the course of technical development of the product.

1VCP000233 - Rev. A, en - Brochure Service - 2008.11

ABB S.p.A.
Power Products Division
Unit Operativa Sace-MV
Via Friuli, 4
I-24044 Dalmine
Tel.: +39 035 395 111
Tel.: +39 335 750 5383 (emergency)
Fax: +39 035 395 874

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