File Build 1.4.6 Published Date: 8/29/2015 To Receive File Update Notifications Follow @auticus On Twitter
File Build 1.4.6 Published Date: 8/29/2015 To Receive File Update Notifications Follow @auticus On Twitter
File Build 1.4.6 Published Date: 8/29/2015 To Receive File Update Notifications Follow @auticus On Twitter
Published Date: 8/29/2015
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During the design process of this system, I initially started out trying to write a mathematical formula that
would allow us to point the models exactly as we have been doing for the pasty twenty plus years. I started
noticing that this was the general direction that everyone was taking, and that each formula being put out
online was very similar to each other, though had minor differences.
I then decided to move from the 1000 based precision system that I have pretty much used exclusively, and
take a note from games like Warmachine or SAGA and go simpler.
The system contained in these pages is one that I wish to use for narrative campaigns as opposed to
tournaments. I do believe that these would work fine for tournaments as well, but a general system is about
being able to loosely gauge an overall force and determine that they are in the same ballpark as each other,
whereas a precision-based system is going to attempt to point cost each model as finely as it can.
The problem I have with a precision system is that there is more to the model than its statline, and while
formulas work great for statlines, once you throw in situational modifiers from scenarios or abilities the math
gets thrown out. Sometimes it just happens to work, but if youve played any point-based system for any
length of time you will find that some models work above what they are pointed at in certain situations, and
may be totally bad in others (and this is where arguments over scenarios come in, where people want a
universal set of scenarios that dont highlight the good or bad parts that the math misses, which in my
opinion can lead to gross stagnation)
While looking at this system, be aware that it is designed to give you a loose feeling of two forces being
relatively balanced between one another overall. A unit of 10 something may be 1 point, and another unit of
10 something may be 1 point this does not mean they are precision pointed at 1 point this means that
generally overall they are a tier 1 unit and overall the army should match up against another army at the
same point level. This packet may not be to the taste of a player that needs precision points, but this packet is
not trying to accomplish precision pointing in the first place, but rather a loose outline of balance between
two forces.
The rules modifications were put in to clean up the rules and to work with the comp. Summoning I felt
needed serious restrictions because you are in essence generating free points. Shooting into combat was the
other because if a missile armed model can both shoot into combat and fight in melee, it becomes worth more
than a melee-only model.
Any playtesting findings that you may have or questions feel free to contact me at
and we will discuss. Its been fun creating and I look forward to the campaigns that will stem from this
Max Units: The maximum number of scrolls total that can be taken
Warmachines & Monsters: The maximum number of warmachines and monsters (inclusive) that may be
included. Monstrous heroes count against this value.
Max Hero Points: The maximum point value of all heroes combined. Monstrous heroes count against
this value.
Max Points: The maximum number of points that may be spent overall on your force. Entries are listed
as either the flat point cost or in the format of X points per Y models.
Banners, Champions, Musicians: All Command Elements are included in the scroll free of cost unless
otherwise indicated.
If an entry can be combined with another (ex: cauldron of blood and Hellebron) you pay for both
separate. If an entry lists both in its points cost (ex: flame phoenix and anointed) you only pay once.
All minimum unit sizes based on the army scroll must be observed.
If a unit has a number in parenthesis after it (ie 2 for 5 (2)) the number in parentheses is how many
models you can add by spending 1 point (useful if you have a point left over!)
Shooting into Combat the rules from the Age of Sigmar rules pamphlet apply. Add +1
point to all ranged units and war machines.
Base to Base measuring instead of model to model measuring
Bastiladon ....................................................6
Engine of the Gods.......................................6
Stegadon .......................................................6
Troglodon .....................................................5
Giant .............................................................5
Stonehorn .....................................................9
Thundertusk ...............................................10
Terrorgheist ..................................................7
Zombie Dragon ............................................9
Treeman .......................................................9
Treeman Ancient ..........................................8
Beastmen Lizardmen
Ungor Raiders Ambush................................2 Skink Patrol..................................................2
Furious Brayherd .........................................3 Saurus Host ..................................................3
Bullgor Stampede.........................................2
Bretonnia Gutbuster Wartribe.......................................1
Defenders of the Realm ...............................1 Beastclaw Avalanche ...................................2
Peasant Militia .............................................1
Orcs & Goblins
Chaos Dwarves Great Gitmob ...............................................1
Blackshard Warhost .....................................2 Great Moonclan ...........................................1
Hashuts Wrath Artillery Train ....................1 Greenskinz Big Mob ....................................1
Iron Jaws Big Mob .......................................1
Daemons Spiderfang Venom Mob ...............................2
Daemon Cohort of Khorne...........................2 Bonesplittas Big Mob ..................................1
Daemon Cohort of Nurgle ...........................1
Daemon Cohort of Tzeentch ........................3 Skaven
Daemon Cohort of Slaanesh ........................2 Bringers of the Rotsmog ..............................1
Nurgles Deluge ............................................2 Pestilent Clawpack .......................................2
Eshin Clawpack ...........................................1
Dark Elves Verminus Clawpack .....................................2
Exiled Warhost.............................................1 Moulder Clawpack .......................................1
Exiled Blood Cult ........................................2
Stormcast Eternals
Dwarves Annihilation Brotherhood ............................2
Dispossesed Clan Throng ............................2 Devastation Brotherhood .............................2
Dispossessed Artillery Battery.....................1 Thunderstrike Brotherhood ..........................3
Heroes of the Host .......................................1
Skyborne Slayers .........................................6
State Troop Detachment ..............................1
Brotherhood of Knights ...............................1 Tamurkhan
Maggot Formation .......................................1
High Elves
Leaping Pox .................................................3
Glittering Host .............................................2
Dragon Host .................................................3 Tomb Kings
Royal Legion of Chariots .............................1
Khorne Goretide
Tomb Legion ................................................2
Goreblade Warband .....................................2
Vengeful Skullhunt ......................................3 Vampire Counts
Deathrattle Horde .........................................1
Charnel Pit Carrion ......................................2