File Build 1.4.6 Published Date: 8/29/2015 To Receive File Update Notifications Follow @auticus On Twitter

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File Build 1.4.

Published Date: 8/29/2015
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During the design process of this system, I initially started out trying to write a mathematical formula that
would allow us to point the models exactly as we have been doing for the pasty twenty plus years. I started
noticing that this was the general direction that everyone was taking, and that each formula being put out
online was very similar to each other, though had minor differences.

I then decided to move from the 1000 based precision system that I have pretty much used exclusively, and
take a note from games like Warmachine or SAGA and go simpler.

The system contained in these pages is one that I wish to use for narrative campaigns as opposed to
tournaments. I do believe that these would work fine for tournaments as well, but a general system is about
being able to loosely gauge an overall force and determine that they are in the same ballpark as each other,
whereas a precision-based system is going to attempt to point cost each model as finely as it can.

The problem I have with a precision system is that there is more to the model than its statline, and while
formulas work great for statlines, once you throw in situational modifiers from scenarios or abilities the math
gets thrown out. Sometimes it just happens to work, but if youve played any point-based system for any
length of time you will find that some models work above what they are pointed at in certain situations, and
may be totally bad in others (and this is where arguments over scenarios come in, where people want a
universal set of scenarios that dont highlight the good or bad parts that the math misses, which in my
opinion can lead to gross stagnation)

While looking at this system, be aware that it is designed to give you a loose feeling of two forces being
relatively balanced between one another overall. A unit of 10 something may be 1 point, and another unit of
10 something may be 1 point this does not mean they are precision pointed at 1 point this means that
generally overall they are a tier 1 unit and overall the army should match up against another army at the
same point level. This packet may not be to the taste of a player that needs precision points, but this packet is
not trying to accomplish precision pointing in the first place, but rather a loose outline of balance between
two forces.

The rules modifications were put in to clean up the rules and to work with the comp. Summoning I felt
needed serious restrictions because you are in essence generating free points. Shooting into combat was the
other because if a missile armed model can both shoot into combat and fight in melee, it becomes worth more
than a melee-only model.

Any playtesting findings that you may have or questions feel free to contact me at
and we will discuss. Its been fun creating and I look forward to the campaigns that will stem from this

Azyr Composition Rules Page 2

Skirmish 5 1 2 10
Patrol 10 2 5 20
Small Battle 15 3 8 30
Large Battle 20 4 12 40
Apocalypse 25 5 15 50

Max Units: The maximum number of scrolls total that can be taken

Warmachines & Monsters: The maximum number of warmachines and monsters (inclusive) that may be
included. Monstrous heroes count against this value.

Max Hero Points: The maximum point value of all heroes combined. Monstrous heroes count against
this value.

Max Points: The maximum number of points that may be spent overall on your force. Entries are listed
as either the flat point cost or in the format of X points per Y models.

Banners, Champions, Musicians: All Command Elements are included in the scroll free of cost unless
otherwise indicated.

If an entry can be combined with another (ex: cauldron of blood and Hellebron) you pay for both
separate. If an entry lists both in its points cost (ex: flame phoenix and anointed) you only pay once.

All minimum unit sizes based on the army scroll must be observed.

If a unit has a number in parenthesis after it (ie 2 for 5 (2)) the number in parentheses is how many
models you can add by spending 1 point (useful if you have a point left over!)

Azyr Composition Rules Page 3

Shooting into Combat If a missile armed unit shoots into a combat that they themselves
are not a part of, half of the attackers attacks are rolled against their own side and the
other half against their opponent. Any of their friendly units struck have a -1 modifier to
their Bravery for the remainder of the game. Where there is an odd number of attacks,
the target unit takes the extra hit.
o Shooting Out of Combat units that are locked in combat may not shoot out of
the combat at models not engaged in combat with them
Scenarios that use victory points count up the points values of the units slain or removed.
Summoned units count toward this total. For units that were composed of multiple
selections (ie a unit of 20 models that were bought 1 for 10 would have been 2 for 20),
points are scored for each selection removed. In the above example, if 10 or more
models were removed from the unit of 20 models, the other player would score 1 point as
he removed 1 point worth of models from the unit.
Summoning any unit summoned onto the table comes in at the minimum value listed on
their scroll unless otherwise indicated
Summoning unless specified by the spell, summoning only allows the summoning
entity to bring on other units, not heroes or monsters
Summoning entities that can summon may only summon forth a limited number of
units based on their points values at any given time. For example a three-point caster
could summon and maintain two active units on the table at most. Once a unit is
destroyed, the caster could summon another unit, so long as the total number of
summoned entities did not exceed three
o HERO points 1-2 = 1 unit, 3-4 = 2 units, 5-6 = 3 units, 7-8 = 4 units, 9-10 = 5
Summoning units summoned may not charge on the turn that they were summoned
onto the table
Summoning units summoned may not activate powers in the hero phase that they were
summoned on
Look out Sir! Heroes that are within 3 of a like-sized friendly unit that are not engaged
in melee may claim a Look Out Sir roll for every ranged attack that strikes them. If a
hero is within 3 of a like-sized friendly unit and is attacked by missile weapons, then for
every successful hit the owning player may roll a D6, and for every 2+ that is rolled, the
unit takes the hits instead.
Like-sized is defined as an infantry character would be like-size to infantry units, cavalry
characters would be like-size to cavalry units, monstrous infantry units would be like-size
to monstrous-infantry units, monstrous cavalry heroes would be like-size to monstrous-
cavalry units, etc.
Cover Saves Models within area terrain that is agreed upon to grant cover saves will
grant cover saves. Standing on top of a hill with no features should not grant a cover
save. Models that are partially obscured by other models and/or terrain gain a cover save
(ie behind a fence). Models standing on a wall or similar object with no crenellations
would not gain a cover save. Use common sense.

Azyr Composition Rules Page 4

o A model that is not in cover does not get a cover save just because part of his unit
is in cover
Measuring from models should be consistent. Players may opt to measure base to base if
both agree as opposed to from the model. Players should never stack their bases on top
of their own or other players bases.
A roll of a 1 is always considered a failure when rolling to-hit or to-wound
Clarification: Wizards/models that can summon based on the presence of another model
can summon that model if the warscroll is on their army list.
Clarification: Any ability that a model has to bring forth models that a player does not
have to buy counts as summoning; its not limited to just summoning spells
War Machine Crew: When shooting at War Machines, randomize hits against the crew
and machine by rolling a D6 for each hit. On a 5+ the missile hits the crew.

Azyr Composition Rules Page 5

The following rules are optional and may be used if both players agree

Shooting into Combat the rules from the Age of Sigmar rules pamphlet apply. Add +1
point to all ranged units and war machines.
Base to Base measuring instead of model to model measuring

P.7 25 (Army Point Values)

P.26 27 (Army Formations)

Azyr Composition Rules Page 6

Army Standard Bearer .................................1 Bestigors ....................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Beastlord ......................................................2 Centigors ....................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Doombull .....................................................3 Chaos Spawn ....................................... 1 for 1
Ghorros Warhoof .........................................3 Chaos Warhounds ............................... 1 for 5
Gorthor the Beastlord ...................................5 Gors ................................................... 1 for 10
Great Bray Shaman ......................................1 Harpies .......................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Khazrak One Eye .........................................3 Minotaurs ............................................ 4 for 3
Malagor the Dark Omen ..............................3 Razorgors ............................................ 1 for 1
Morghur Master of Skulls ............................3 Tuskgor Chariot .................................. 2 for 1
Ungor Raiders 3 for 10/(3)
Ungors ............1 for 10
Ghorgon .......................................................5
Giant .............................................................5

Azyr Composition Rules Page 7

Army Standard Bearer .................................2 Infernal Guard w/ Fire Glaives ..... 2 for 5/(2)
Bull Centaur Taurruk ..................................5 Infernal Ironsworn ...................... 3 for 10/(2)
Daemonsmith ...............................................3 Bull Centaur Renders .......................... 4 for 3
Drazhoath Ashen ..........................................9 Kdaai Fireborn ............................. 2 for 3/(1)
Infernal-Castellan .........................................2

Siege Giant ...................................................5

Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher ...................2

Dreadquake Mortar ......................................3
Iron Daemon War Engine ............................4
Magma Cannon ............................................3
Skullcracker .................................................5

Azyr Composition Rules Page 8

Blood Throne ...............................................3 Beast of Nurgle ................................... 1 for 1
Bloodthirsters (Insensate Rage) ...................9 Bloodcrushers of Khorne .................... 1 for 1
Bloodthirster (Unfettered Fury) .................10 Bloodletters of Khorne .................. 2 for 5/(2)
Bloodthirster (Wrath of Kh orne) ..............12 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch .............. 4 for 1
Blue Scribes .................................................3 Daemonettes .................................. 2 for 5/(2)
Daemon Prince .............................................5 Exalted Flamer .................................... 3 for 1
Epidemius ....................................................3 Exalted Seeker Chariot ....................... 3 for 1
Great Unclean One .......................................7 Fiend of Slaanesh ................................ 2 for 1
Herald (Any on foot) ....................................2 Flamers of Tzeentch ............................ 4 for 3
Herald on Burning Chariot...........................4 Flesh Hounds ...................................... 1 for 1
Herald of Tzeentch on Disc .........................3 Furies............................................. 2 for 5/(2)
Herald on Exalted Chariot ...........................4 Hellflayer ............................................ 2 for 1
Herald on Seeker Chariot .............................3 Nurglings....................................... 2 for 3/(1)
Herald on Juggernaut ...................................3 Pink Horrors ................................ 3 for 10/(2)
Kairos Fateweaver .......................................7 Plague Bearers ............................ 3 for 10/(2)
Karanak ........................................................3 Plague Drones 5 for 3
Keeper of Secrets .........................................7 Screamers ............................................ 4 for 3
Lord of Change ............................................5 Seeker Chariot 1 for 1
Masque of Slaanesh .....................................3 Seekers of Slaanesh............................. 2 for 5
Skulltaker .....................................................3 Skull Cannon....................................... 3 for 1
The Changeling ............................................2

Soul Grinder .................................................9

Azyr Composition Rules Page 9

Army Standard Bearer ...................................2 Reaper Bolt Thrower......................................2
Beastmaster on Manticore..............................4
Cauldron of Blood..........................................4 Blackguard .................................... 3 for 5/(1)
Death Hag ......................................................1 Bleakswords ........................................ 1 for 5
Dreadlord .......................................................2 Bloodrack Shrine .........................................3
Dreadlord on Cold One ..................................3 Bloodwrack Medusae...................................1
Dreadlord on Dragon .....................................12 Cold One Chariots........................................2
Fleetmaster .....................................................1 Cold One Knights ......................... 2 for 5/(2)
Hellebron........................................................3 Corsairs ....................................... 3 for 10/(2)
Lokhir Fellheart .............................................2 Dark Riders ......................................... 1 for 1
Malekith .........................................................15 Darkshards .................................. 3 for 10/(2)
Malus Darkblade ............................................3 Doomfire Warlocks ....................... 2 for 5/(2)
Morathi ...........................................................4 Dreadspears ....................................... 1 for 10
Shadowblade ..................................................3 Executioners .................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Sorceress ........................................................1 Harpies .......................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Sorceress on Cold One ...................................2 Scourgerunner Chariots ...............................2
Sorceress on Dragon ......................................7 Shades ........................................... 3 for 5/(1)
Sisters of Slaughter ....................... 2 for 5/(2)
Witch Elves ................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Kharibdyss .....................................................5
War Hydra ......................................................7

Azyr Composition Rules Page 10

Gyrocopter (Brimstone Gun) .........................2
Army Standard Bearer .................................1 Gyrocopter (Steam Gun) ................................2
Belegar Ironhammer ....................................2 Gyrobomber ...................................................2
Dragon Slayer ..............................................1 Organ Gun ......................................................2
Dwarf Lord on Foot .....................................1
Dwarf Lord on Shield ..................................2
Dwarf Engineer ............................................2 Dwarf Warriors ................................... 1 for 5
Grimm Burloksson .......................................2 Hammerers .................................... 3 for 5/(1)
High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer .............3 Ironbreakers .................................. 2 for 5/(2)
Josef Bugman ...............................................1 Irondrakes ..................................... 3 for 5/(1)
Kraggi with Thorek Longbeards .................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Runelord.......................................................1 Miners ........................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Thorek Ironbrow ..........................................3 Quarrellers..................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Ungrim Ironfist the Slayer King ..................2 Slayers ........................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Thunderers .................................... 2 for 5/(2)

Bolt Thrower ..................................................2

Cannon ...........................................................2
Flame Cannon ................................................2
Grudge Thrower .............................................2

Azyr Composition Rules Page 11

Amber Battle Wizard on Griffon .................8 Cannon .........................................................2
Balthasar Gelt...............................................3 Celestial Hurricanum ...................................7
Celestial Wizard on Hurricanum .................7 Mortar ..........................................................1
Battle Wizard ...............................................2 Steam Tank ..................................................8
Battle Wizard on Horse ................................2 Hellblaster Volley Gun ................................2
Empire General on Foot ...............................2 Helstorm Rocket Battery..............................2
Empire General on Horse.............................2 Luminark of Kysh ........................................5
Empire Master Engineer on Foot .................1
General of the Empire on Griffon ..............10
Grandmaster .................................................2 Archers ........................................ 3 for 10/(2)
Karl Franz on Deathclaw ...........................11 Crossbowmen.............................. 3 for 10/(2)
Kurt Helborg ................................................3 Demigryph Knights ............................. 1 for 1
Ludwig Schwarhelm ....................................2 Flagellants ................................... 3 for 10/(2)
Luthor Huss ..................................................2 Free Company ............................. 3 for 10/(2)
Marius Leitdorf ............................................3 Greatswords .................................. 2 for 5/(2)
Markus Wulfhart ..........................................2 Handgunners ............................... 3 for 10/(2)
Master Engineer on Mechanical Steed ........1 Knights .......................................... 3 for 5/(1)
Valten ...........................................................3 Outriders ....................................... 3 for 5/(1)
Valten on Horse ...........................................3 Pistoliers........................................ 3 for 5/(1)
Volkmar the Grim ........................................3 State Troops ...................................... 1 for 10
Volkmar the Grim on Altar of Sigmar .........5 Reiksguard Knights ....................... 3 for 5/(1)
War Altar of Sigmar.....................................4
Warrior Priest ...............................................2
White Wizard on Luminark .........................5
Witch Hunter ...............................................1

Azyr Composition Rules Page 12

Alarielle........................................................3 Flame Phoenix ....................................... 4/5*
Alith Anar Shadow King .............................4 Frost Phoenix ......................................... 6/7*
Archmage on Dragon ...................................9
Caradryan .....................................................3 Repeater Bolt Thrower .................................2
Dragon Mage ...............................................8
Eltharion on Stormwing ...............................8
Handmaiden of the Everqueen .....................3 Archers ........................................ 3 for 10/(2)
High Elf Prince ............................................4 Dragon Princes .................................... 1 for 1
Korhill ..........................................................2 Great Eagles ........................................ 2 for 1
Loremaster of Hoeth ....................................2 Lion Chariot ........................................ 3 for 1
Mage ............................................................2 Phoenix Guard .............................. 3 for 5/(1)
Prince Althran ..............................................2 Reavers ................................................ 1 for 1
Prince Imrik ...............................................11 Sea Guard ...................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Prince on Dragon .......................................11 Shadow Warriors .......................... 3 for 5/(1)
Prince on Griffon .........................................6 Silver Helms.................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Sea Helm ......................................................2 Sisters of Avelorn ......................... 2 for 5/(2)
Sea Helm on Skycutter.................................4 Sky Cutter Chariot .............................. 2 for 1
Teclis ............................................................4 Spearmen..................................... 3 for 10/(2)
Tyrion ...........................................................9 Swordmasters ................................ 3 for 5/(1)
Tiranoc Chariots.................................. 1 for 1
White Lions ................................... 3 for 5/(1)
Phoenix Costs are for unridden and ridden

Azyr Composition Rules Page 13

Kroxigor .............................................. 4 for 3
Army Standard Bearer .................................2 Razordons ........................................... 2 for 1
Chakax the Eternity Warden ........................3 Ripperdactyl Riders ............................ 1 for 1
Gor-Rok .......................................................3 Salamanders ...................................... 2 for 1*
Kroq-Gar on Carnosaur................................8 Saurus Cavalry .................................... 1 for 1
Lord Kroak ...................................................7 Saurus Warriors ............................ 2 for 5/(2)
Oxyotl ..........................................................2 Skinks.................................................. 1 for 5
Saurus Oldblood...........................................2 Temple Guard ............................... 3 for 5/(1)
Saurus Oldblood on Cold One .....................2 Terradon Riders .................................. 4 for 3
Scar Veteran on Carnosaur ..........................6
Skink Chief ..................................................1 Salamanders and Razordons come
Skink Priest ..................................................2 with 3 skink handlers each
Slaan Priest...................................................5
TettoEko .....................................................3
Thenhauin Prophet of Sotek.........................2

Bastiladon ....................................................6
Engine of the Gods.......................................6
Stegadon .......................................................6
Troglodon .....................................................5

Chameleon Skinks ........................ 3 for 5/(1)

Jungle Swarm ...................................... 1 for 2

Azyr Composition Rules Page 14

Azhag the Slaughterer ............................................... 8 Arrer Boyz .................................................3 for 10/(2)
Black Orc Big Boss ................................................... 3 Black Orcs .................................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Goblin Boss on Spider ............................................... 2 Cave Squigs* .................................................. 1 for 10
Goblin Shaman .......................................................... 1 Forest Goblin Spider Riders ....................... 3 for 5/(1)
Goblin Warboss ......................................................... 1 Goblin Wolf Chariot ......................................... 1 for 1
Gorbad Ironclaw ........................................................ 4 Goblin Wolf Riders .................................... 3 for 5/(1)
Grimgor Ironhide ....................................................... 3 Goblins** ...................................................... 1 for 10
Grom the Paunch ....................................................... 3 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers ...................... 2 for 5/(2)
Night Goblin Warboss ............................................... 3 Night Goblins ................................................... 1 for 5
Night Goblin Shaman ................................................ 1 Night Goblin Fanatic ................................................. 1
Night Goblin Warboss on Squig ................................ 2 Orc Boar Boyz ............................................ 3 for 5/(1)
Orc Bully .................................. +1 /warmachine crew Orc Boar Chariot .............................................. 2 for 1
Orc Great Shaman ..................................................... 2 Orc Boyz ........................................................... 1 for 5
Orc Warboss .............................................................. 2 River Trolls ....................................................... 4 for 3
Orc Warboss on Wyvern ........................................... 6 Rugluds Armored Orcs ..............................3 for 10/(2)
Savage Orc Shaman ................................................... 2 Savage Orc Boar Boyz ............................... 2 for 5/(1)
Savage Orc Warboss .................................................. 3 Savage Orcs ...................................................... 1 for 5
Skarsnik Warlord Eight Peaks ................................... 3 Snotling Pump Wagon ...................................... 1 for 1
Wurzag the Prophet ................................................... 3 Snotlings ........................................................... 1 for 2
Stone Trolls ...................................................... 4 for 3
Trolls ............................................................... 4 for 3
Arachnarok Spider ..................................................... 6
Giant .......................................................................... 5 For every unit of cave squigs in the army you can take 2
Mangler Squig ........................................................... 7 squig herders
** for every unit of 10 goblins you may take one nasty

Doom Diver ............................................................... 2

Rock Lobber .............................................................. 2
Spear Chukka ............................................................. 2

Azyr Composition Rules Page 15

Mournfang Cavalry ............................. 1 for 1
Army Standard Bearer .................................3 Ogres ............................................. 2 for 3/(1)
Bragg the Gutsman ......................................3 Sabretusks ........................................... 1 for 1
Bruiser ..........................................................3 Trappers ............................................ 1 for 10
Butcher .........................................................3 Yhetees .......................................... 2 for 3/(1)
Firebelly .......................................................3
Golgfag Maneater ........................................3
Greasus Goldtooth .......................................4
Hunter ..........................................................3
Hunter on Stonehorn ..................................10
Skrag the Slaughterer ...................................3
Tyrant ...........................................................4

Giant .............................................................5
Stonehorn .....................................................9
Thundertusk ...............................................10

Gnobalar Scraplauncher ...............................3

Ironblaster ....................................................4

Gnoblars ............................................ 1 for 10

Gorger ................................................. 2 for 1
Ironguts ............................................... 4 for 3
Leadbelchers ....................................... 1 for 1
Maneaters ............................................ 4 for 3

Azyr Composition Rules Page 16

Plagueclaw Catapult.....................................2
Army Standard Bearer .................................2 Warp Lightning Cannon ..............................2
Deathmaster Snikch .....................................3
Grey Seer .....................................................2 Clanrats ............................................. 1 for 10
Ikit Claw.......................................................3 Doom Flayer Weapon Team ........................1
Lord Skreech Verminking............................8 Giant Rats.......................................... 1 for 10
Lord Skrolk ..................................................2 Gutter Runners .............................. 3 for 5/(1)
Packmaster ...................................................1 Night Runners ............................. 3 for 10/(2)
Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth....................2 Plague Censer Bearers .................. 2 for 5/(1)
Plague Furnace .............................................7 Plague Monks.............................. 3 for 10/(2)
Plague Priest.................................................2 Poison Wind Globadiers ............... 2 for 5/(2)
Queek Headtaker ..........................................3 Poison Wind Mortar Team...........................2
Screaming Bell .............................................6 Rat Ogres ............................................ 4 for 3
Skaven Warlord ...........................................3 Rat Swarms ......................................... 1 for 2
Thanquol and Boneripper ..........................15 Ratling Gun Weapon Team .........................2
Throt the Unclean ........................................2 Slaves ................................................ 1 for 10
Tretch Craventail .........................................2 Stormfiends ......................................... 2 for 1
Verminlords (Any) .......................................8 Stormvermin ................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Warlock Engineer ........................................2 Warp Grinder Weapon Team .......................1
Warlord Spinetail .........................................2 Warpfire Thrower Team ..............................1
Warplock Jezzails ......................... 3 for 5/(1)

Hell Pit Abomination ...................................8

Doom Wheel ................................................3

Azyr Composition Rules Page 17

Kayzk ...........................................................3
Sayl the Faithless .........................................2
Tamurkhan .................................................12

Gigantic Chaos Spawn .................................4

War Mammoth ...........................................10

Bile Trolls ........................................... 4 for 3

Nightmaw .....................................................1
Plague Ogres ....................................... 2 for 3
Plague Toads ....................................... 2 for 3
Pox Riders ........................................... 1 for 1

Azyr Composition Rules Page 18

Tomb Swarm ....................................... 1 for 2
Casket of Souls ............................................3 Ushabti ................................................ 1 for 1
Khalida .........................................................3
Liche Priest ..................................................2
Necrotect ......................................................1
Prince Apophas ............................................2
Settra ............................................................6
Tomb Herald ................................................2
Tomb King ...................................................3
Tomb King in Chariot ..................................4
Royal Warsphinx .........................................8

Bone Giant ...................................................4

Necrosphinx ...............................................10
Warsphinx ....................................................7

Screaming Skull Catapult ............................2

Carrion .......................................... 2 for 3/(1)

Chariots ......................................... 2 for 3/(1)
Necropolis Knights ............................. 4 for 3
Sepuchral Stalkers ............................... 1 for 1
Skeleton Archers ........................... 2 for 5/(2)
Skeleton Horse Archers ................ 3 for 5/(1)
Skeleton Horsemen ....................... 2 for 5/(2) All Tomb Kings banners that heal the unit
cost an additional +1 point to the unit
Skeleton Warriors ....................... 3 for 10/(2)
Tomb Guard ................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Tomb Scorpion.................................... 2 for 1

Azyr Composition Rules Page 19

Blood Knights ..................................... 1 for 1
Arkhan..........................................................8 Corpse Cart ..................................................1
Black Coach .................................................3 Crypt Ghouls ................................. 2 for 5/(2)
Cairn Wraith.................................................2 Crypt Horror.................................. 2 for 3/(1)
Count Mannfred ...........................................4 Dire Wolves .................................. 2 for 5/(2)
Coven Throne...............................................7 Fell Bats ........................................ 2 for 3/(1)
Ghoul King on Terrorgeist ...........................8 Grave Guard .................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Heinrich Kemmler .......................................3 Hex Wraiths .................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Isabella Von Carstein ...................................2 Morghast Archai ................................. 4 for 1
Konrad Von Carstein ...................................3 Morghast Harbringers ......................... 4 for 1
Krell .............................................................3 Mortis Engine...............................................5
Mannfred Mortarch of the Night................10 Skeleton Warriors ....................... 3 for 10/(2)
Nagash........................................................15 Spirit Hosts.................................... 2 for 3/(1)
Necromancer ................................................2 Vargeist ............................................... 4 for 3
Neferata Mortarch of Blood .......................10 Vargulf ................................................ 4 for 1
Strigoi Ghoul King .......................................3 Zombies............................................... 1 for 5
Tomb Banshee .............................................2
Vampire Lord ...............................................3 Any Vampire Counts banners that
Vampire Lord on Abyssal Terror .................4 heal the unit cost +1 point to the unit
Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon .............11
Vlad Von Carstein........................................3
Wight King...................................................2

Terrorgheist ..................................................7
Zombie Dragon ............................................9

Bat Swarms ......................................... 1 for 2

Black Knights................................ 4 for 5/(1)

Azyr Composition Rules Page 20

Vilitch the Curseling .......................................................... 3
Archaon .............................................................................. 6 Wulfrik the Wanderer......................................................... 1
Army Standard Bearer ........................................................ 1
BeLakor ............................................................................. 7
Bloab Rotspawned .............................................................. 6 Hellcannon ......................................................................... 5
Chaos Lord ......................................................................... 2
Chaos Lord of Slaanesh ...................................................... 2
Chaos Lord on Demon Mount ............................................ 3 Chaos Giant ........................................................................ 5
Chaos Lord on Manticore ................................................... 9 Chimera .............................................................................. 8
Chaos Sorcerer Lord ........................................................... 2 Slaughterbrute .................................................................... 5
Chaos Sorcerer on Steed .................................................... 3 Vortex Beast ....................................................................... 5
Crom ................................................................................... 1
Daemon Prince.................................................................... 5
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth ....................................................... 5 Blightkings ......................................................... 2 for 3*/(1)
Festus .................................................................................. 3 Chaos Knights ...................................................... 4 for 5/(1)
Galrauch ........................................................................... 11 Chaos Marauders...................................................... 1 for 10
Glottkin ............................................................................. 13 Chaos Ogres ......................................................... 2 for 3/(1)
Gutrot Spume ...................................................................... 4 Chaos Trolls ............................................................... 4 for 3
Khorne Hero ....................................................................... 3 Chariots ...................................................................... 2 for 1
Khorne Lord on Juggernaut ................................................ 4 Chosen.................................................................. 4 for 5/(1)
Morbidex Twiceborn .......................................................... 8 Dragon Ogres ............................................................. 4 for 3
Nurgle Chaos Lord ............................................................. 3 Forsaken ............................................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Nurgle Chaos Sorcerer ........................................................ 2 Gorebeast Chariots ..................................................... 3 for 1
Nurgle Lord on Demon Mount ........................................... 3 Hellstriders of Slaanesh .............................................. 1 for 1
Orghotts Daemonspew ........................................................ 7 Marauder Horsemen ............................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Scyla Anfingrimm .............................................................. 3 Skullcrushers .............................................................. 4 for 3
Sigvald ................................................................................ 4 Skullreapers ........................................................ 2 for 3/(1)*
Skarr Bloodwrath ................................................................ 3 Spawn ......................................................................... 1 for 1
Slaanesh Lord on Demon Mount ........................................ 3 Warhounds ................................................................. 1 for 5
Sorcerer on Manticore ........................................................ 8 Warriors of Chaos (halberd, wpn and shield) ....... 2 for 5/(2)
Throgg ................................................................................ 3 Warriors of Chaos (great weapon, two wpns) ...... 3 for 5/(1)
Tzeentch Lord on Disc........................................................ 3 Warshrine ........................................................................... 4
Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord ...................................................... 2 Wrathmongers .................................................... 2 for 3/(1)*
Valkia the Bloody ............................................................... 3 * modified from their original min size on scroll
** second entry is for great weapon

Azyr Composition Rules Page 21

Araloth .........................................................2 Warhawk Riders............................ 2 for 3/(1)
Army Standard .............................................2 Waywatchers ................................. 2 for 5/(2)
Branchwraith ................................................2 Wild Riders ................................... 4 for 5/(1)
Durthu ........................................................11 Wildwood Rangers........................ 3 for 5/(1)
Glade Lord ...................................................3
Glade Lord on Eagle ....................................3
Glade Lord on Stag ......................................3
Glade Lord on Dragon .................................8
Mounted Glade Lord ....................................3
Orion ............................................................6
Shadowdancer ..............................................2
Sisters of Twilight on Dragon ....................10
Spellweaver ..................................................2
Waywatcher Lord.........................................2

Treeman .......................................................9
Treeman Ancient ..........................................8

Dryads ......................................... 3 for 10/(2)

Eternal Guard ...................................... 1 for 5
Glade Guard ................................ 3 for 10/(2)
Glade Riders.................................. 3 for 5/(1)
Great Eagles ........................................ 2 for 1
Hunting Hounds ............................ 2 for 5/(2)
Sisters of the Thorn ............................. 1 for 1
Treekin ................................................ 1 for 1
Wardancers ................................... 2 for 5/(2)

Azyr Composition Rules Page 22

Bretonnian Lord ...........................................3
Damsel of the Lady ......................................2
King Louen Leoncour ..................................8
Paladin Standard Bearer ...............................3
The Fay Enchantress ....................................4
The Green Knight ........................................6

Field Trebuchet ............................................2

Battle Pilgrims .................................. 1 for 5*

Grail Knights ................................. 4 for 5/(1)
Knights Errant ............................... 3 for 5/(1)
Knights of the Realm .................... 3 for 5/(1)
Men at Arms ..................................... 1 for 10
Mounted Yeoman.......................... 3 for 5/(1)
Peasant Bowmen ........................... 2 for 5/(2)
Pegasus Knights .................................. 4 for 3
Questing Knights .......................... 4 for 5/(1)

Battle Pilgrims min size is 6, so

add the extra man to the initial size for

Azyr Composition Rules Page 23

Azyr Composition Rules Page 24
Lord-Castellant .................................. 3 or 4*
Lord Celestant on Dracoth ...........................5

Decimators .......................................... 1 for 1

Gryph Hounds ............................... 2 for 5/(2)
Judicators ...................................... 2 for 3/(1)
Liberators ...................................... 2 for 5/(2)
Prosecutors .................................... 2 for 3/(1)
Protectors ............................................ 1 for 1
Retributors........................................... 1 for 1

Lord Castellant with a gryph hound

cost 4 points

Azyr Composition Rules Page 25

Bloodsecrator ...............................................3
Bloodstoker ..................................................1
Exalted Deathbringer ...................................3
Lord of Khorne ............................................4

Blood Reavers ..................................... 1 for 5

Blood Warriors.............................. 2 for 5/(2)
Blood Warriors with 2 Axes ......... 3 for 5/(1)


Azyr Composition Rules Page 26

When using any of the formations found on the warscrolls, you pay for the units as normal, and then pay an
additional cost for the formation as listed below. Additionally, if the formation breaks the composition rules noted
in the beginning of this ruleset, the formations composition takes precedent.

Beastmen Lizardmen
Ungor Raiders Ambush................................2 Skink Patrol..................................................2
Furious Brayherd .........................................3 Saurus Host ..................................................3
Bullgor Stampede.........................................2
Bretonnia Gutbuster Wartribe.......................................1
Defenders of the Realm ...............................1 Beastclaw Avalanche ...................................2
Peasant Militia .............................................1
Orcs & Goblins
Chaos Dwarves Great Gitmob ...............................................1
Blackshard Warhost .....................................2 Great Moonclan ...........................................1
Hashuts Wrath Artillery Train ....................1 Greenskinz Big Mob ....................................1
Iron Jaws Big Mob .......................................1
Daemons Spiderfang Venom Mob ...............................2
Daemon Cohort of Khorne...........................2 Bonesplittas Big Mob ..................................1
Daemon Cohort of Nurgle ...........................1
Daemon Cohort of Tzeentch ........................3 Skaven
Daemon Cohort of Slaanesh ........................2 Bringers of the Rotsmog ..............................1
Nurgles Deluge ............................................2 Pestilent Clawpack .......................................2
Eshin Clawpack ...........................................1
Dark Elves Verminus Clawpack .....................................2
Exiled Warhost.............................................1 Moulder Clawpack .......................................1
Exiled Blood Cult ........................................2
Stormcast Eternals
Dwarves Annihilation Brotherhood ............................2
Dispossesed Clan Throng ............................2 Devastation Brotherhood .............................2
Dispossessed Artillery Battery.....................1 Thunderstrike Brotherhood ..........................3
Heroes of the Host .......................................1
Skyborne Slayers .........................................6
State Troop Detachment ..............................1
Brotherhood of Knights ...............................1 Tamurkhan
Maggot Formation .......................................1
High Elves
Leaping Pox .................................................3
Glittering Host .............................................2
Dragon Host .................................................3 Tomb Kings
Royal Legion of Chariots .............................1
Khorne Goretide
Tomb Legion ................................................2
Goreblade Warband .....................................2
Vengeful Skullhunt ......................................3 Vampire Counts
Deathrattle Horde .........................................1
Charnel Pit Carrion ......................................2

Azyr Composition Rules Page 27

Warriors of Chaos
Blighted Warband ........................................1
Chaos Warband ............................................3
Marauder Raiders .........................................1
Wood Elves
Guardians of the Deepwood.........................3
Wanderer Host .............................................1

Azyr Composition Rules Page 28

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