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Consultancy Proposal Example 3

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What are the key factors which will enable United Ideas to

increase the volume of its wholesale operations?


United Ideas is a small family owned business, which works closely with Peruvian
cooperatives and workshops to design and produce handmade clothing for kids. The
products are sold at companys retail outlets website, store in Greenwich Market
and stalls in Covent Garden and Jubilee markets.

The preliminary analysis revealed that attention has to be drawn to marketing

strategy, public relations, online retail outlet and promotions the areas that are not
effective enough and require immediate improvements in order to contribute to and
drive business growth and prosperity in the long run. It also was revealed the
company owners objective to expand the business into B2B market segment and
increase the volume of the wholesale operations.

The analysis and evaluation of current companys situation and position in the
market and the identification of its main competitive advantage will allow determining
companys capabilities (Johnson et al, 2009) and possible opportunities it can pursue
(Dess et al, 2008). The knowledge of the above will allow reviewing marketing
strategy and, if necessary, reconsidering market segmentation and the best ways of
reaching, influencing, communicating customer value and building strong customer
relationships within the selected target market (Kotler et al, 2008; Wickham et al,

The research will provide necessary knowledge and ground for required changes
and improvements to public relations, advertising, promotions and online retail outlet.
This will also contribute to the expansion and increase of wholesale operations.

Research Question and Objectives

Research Question: What are the key factors which will enable United Ideas to
increase the volume of its wholesale operations?

Research Objectives:
1. To examine and evaluate the current position of United Ideas in the market
2. To identify key sources of competitive advantage for United Ideas
3. To develop appropriate marketing strategy
4. To determine the appropriate marketing mix
5. To determine the most effective promotion mix for United Ideas
6. To make specific recommendations in respect of points 1-5 above

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Research Method

Research Design

The research strategy will be approached in the form of the case study, which will
involve empirical investigation of specific business in its real life context. The
research question is more of the exploratory and explanatory nature seeking to
gain deeper knowledge and understanding about the specific issue, raised in
research question, by examining and analysing relationships between the variables,
which affect this particular matter (Saunders et al, 2007). For this reason, case study
approach is the most appropriate as it allows addressing all the aspects of the study
as a result of the combination of various research methods. This prevents
addressing the issue from one perspective only and provides more accurate
evaluation of contextual elements affecting the researched area of interest
(Saunders et al, 2007).

The mixed method research design will be used in this project, which, according to
Bryman and Bell (2007), is the combination of quantitative and qualitative data
collection and analysis techniques and procedures. It is the most appropriate
approach for this study, as it enables flexibility in data gathering from acquisition of
descriptive statistical data, to detailed understanding of perceived companys image
and reputation by its stakeholders. It also allows establishing interrelations between
different research data (Bryman and Bell, 2007), which reveals causes of the current
business situation.

Data Collection

Data collection will include number of quantitative and qualitative methods. These

Semi-structured and in-depth interviews will be conducted with two company

In-depth interviews are the most appropriate tool to get a better picture of
what is happening in the company the way it operates, its nature, value
chain and capabilities etc as it doesnt not restricts interviewees to
predetermined questions and allows speaking freely about the specific
aspect (Saunders et al, 2007).
Semi-structured interviews covers list of themes and questions, which
might vary depending on the situation and outcomes. This approach
provides the understanding of the relationships between variables,
revealed in other studies (Saunders et al, 2007) and also helps to gain an
insight about companys strengths and weaknesses, spotting out any
unobserved problematic areas or issues.

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Depending on the availability of interviewees, it is intended to conduct
between 2 and 4 semi-structured and in-depth interviews. It is expected that
each of them will last approximately one hour. Depending on the agreement
of the interviewees the conversations will be either audio-recorded for the
future analysis, or notes will be taken during the interviews. If it will be
required, confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be guaranteed.
Group interviews with company employees will provide the insight about the
way business is seen by its personnel how do they feel about the company
and management, are they well trained and motivated. The level and attention
to the customer service and customer relation management can be explored
using this method, as group members can generate, respond to and evaluate
number of different ideas (Saunders et al, 2007).

Participants will be chosen by judgemental non-probability sampling. This

approach allows selection of participants to be based on personal judgement
that this selection will best suit the requirements of the research (Saunders et
al, 2007). Judgemental sampling is also very useful in the case study
approach when working with small samples, which have to be particularly
information rich (Krueger and Casey, 2005). It is anticipated to conduct
between 2 and 4 interviews with up to 4 participants in a group.

Questionnaires to customers and business clients will enable to identify and

describe the patterns of customer perceived value and quality of products and
services, provided by the company. Linking statistically analysed quantitative
data, provided by questionnaires, with qualitative interviews outcomes, will
provide valuable insight about the most effective advertising and market
targeting ways, customers and business clients preferences, needs and

Self-administered questionnaires to the customers will be distributed via

email, delivery and collection method or will be asked to fill it in the store.
Also a number of telephone and structured interviews will be conducted.

The sample will be selected using probability sampling, which represents the
research population (Saunders et al, 2007):

The sample frame is the entire customer contact base, possessed by

the company.
The minimum sample size - based on the size of the population, it has
to be 132.
The actual sample size 330 based on the response rate of around
40% for questionnaires distribution methods, described above and
mathematical calculation.
Random sampling will be used in order to avoid bias and ensure

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Telephone and structured interviews will be conducted with the business
clients as a result of characteristics of respondents. It is intended to contact
the main retailers in the industry, which will be selected using judgemental
Multiple-source secondary data analysis provides information for companys
and its environment analysis. It will allow evaluating current business situation
and position in the market. It is also the most effective way for competitors
and market analysis, which will bring out possible opportunities and threats
the company is facing.

Data Analysis

Data will be analysed in a form of thematic analysis, where information will be broken
down into units and then categories, which will be guided by the purpose of the
research as expressed through the research question and objectives (Saunders et
al, 2007, pg 480). This approach will create thread throughout the research and will
provide structured analytical framework to carry out the analysis. This way analysing
the research findings, establishing and interpreting relationships between the
categories, the detailed picture of the company and elements, affecting its
performance, will be drawn. It will enable answering the research question and
objectives and proposing recommendations for further course of action.

Quantitative data will be analysed with the help of graphs, charts, statistics etc, in
order to present, describe and examine the findings and relationships between them
(Saunders et al, 2007).

Qualitative data will be analysed categorising the findings and establishing

relationships within the categories.


The research will take place between early October and the 17 th of March. The first
stage, which consists of preliminary analysis of the company, setting the research
goals and objectives and submitting the research proposal, will be accomplished by
the 15th of December. The Gantt chart below illustrates the intended timeline for this
project. Throughout the entire process, it will be continuously reviewed and amended
according to the progress of the research.

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Finance the majority of expenses will be related to conduction of the primary

research (travel, stationary, postage, call charges etc), however it is expected
that some of the costs will be associated with acquisition of marketing
intelligence reports. It is anticipated, that part of the related research
expenses will be covered by the company.
Equipment the researched has the required skills and access to computer
software and hardware, which will be necessary for the analysis of the
research data.
Data access there is verbal agreement between the company and
researcher about the access to the companys documentation and
information. Mintel (market research database) and City Business Library are
expected to be the main sources of secondary data (surveys, market research
reports, keynotes etc.). It is anticipated that necessary access to secondary
data will be available or it could be granted after the payment of appropriate

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Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2007), Business Research Methods, 2nded, Oxford,

Oxford University Press
Dess, G., Lumpkin, G. and Eisner, A. (2008) Strategic Management: Text
and Cases, 4thed, London, McGraw-Hill Irwin
Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2009) Fundamentals of Strategy,
1sted, Harlow, Prentice Hall
Kotler, F., Armstrong, G., Wong, V. and Saunders, J. (2008) Principles of Marketing,
5thed, Harlow, Prentice Hall
Kruger, R and Casey, M (2000), Focus Groups: a Practice Guide for Applied
Research, 3rded, Thousand Oaks, Sage
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2007) Research Methods for Business
Students, 4thed, Harlow, Prentice Hall
Wickham, P. and Wickham, L. (2008) Management Consulting: Delivering
an Affective Project, 3rded, Harlow, Prentice Hall

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