Shia Islam in India

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Shia Islam in India 1

Shia Islam in India

Shia Islam in India

Feroz Khan
Azim Premji M. F. Husain

Mirza Ghalib Muhammad Ali Jinnah Saadat Ali Khan II

Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Khumar Barabankvi Bismillah Khan

Saeed Naqvi Saiyid Nurul Hasan Ali Sardar Jafri

Ali Yavar Jung

syed Kirmani Ali Naqi Naqvi

Total population

Over 50 Million

Regions with significant populations

Most of India.


Indian Languages Indian English

Shia Islam in India 2

Part of a series on
Sha Islam

Beliefs and practices

Holy Books
Succession to Muhammad
Imamate of the Family
Judgement Day
Mourning of Muharram
The Four Companions
Holy days
Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Adha
Eid al-Ghadeer
Eid al-Mubahila
The verse of purification
Two things
Fatimah's house
First Fitna
Second Fitna
The Battle of Karbala
Current Branches of Shi'ism
Shia Islam in India 3

List of extinct Shia sects
Ahl al-Kisa
Holy Women
Khadija bint Khuwaylid
Umm Salama
Zaynab bint Ali
Umm ul-Banin
Fatimah bint Hasan
Sukayna bint Husayn
Ftimah bint Ms
Hakimah Khtn
Fatimah bint Asad
Farwah bint al-Qasim
e [1]
Shia Islam in India 4

Shia Muslims are a large minority among India's Muslims. However,

there has been no particular census conducted in India with regards to
sects, but Indian sources like Times of India and Daily News and
Analysis reported Indian Shia population in mid 20052006 between
25% and 31% of entire Muslim population of India which accounts
them in numbers between 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 of 157,000,000
Indian Muslim population. However, as per an estimation of one
reputed Shia NGO Alimaan Trust, India's Shia population in early
2000 was around 30 million with Sayyids comprising just a tenth of the
Shia population. According to some national and international sources
Indian Shia population is the world's second-largest after Iran.

Shia population was also acclaimed publicly as second largest by the

14th Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh quoted in the year
2005. One of the lingering problems in estimating the Shia population
Sultan Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah constructed
is that unless the Shia form a significant minority in a Muslim country, Char-Minar (at Hyderabad) in the year 1591 CE,
the entire population is often listed as Sunni. Shiites are estimated to be to commemorate the beginning of the second
2135 percent of the Muslim population in South Asia, although the Islamic millennium year (1000 AH).

total number is difficult to estimate due to the intermingling between

the Islamic schools and branches and practice of taqiyya by Shias.[2]

There are many big and small towns and villages with a majority Shiite
Muslim population in India. Many Sayyids between 11th to 16th
century migrated to the Indian subcontinent to escape the persecution
of Shias in mostly Sunni ruled Middle East,[3] Prominent places in
India with majority or considerable Shia Muslim population are Kargil,
Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Hallaur, Amroha and others.

Among the Shias of India, an overwhelming majority belongs to the

Ithna Ashari (Twelver) division, while the Shias among the Khoja and
Bohra communities are Ismaili. Dawoodi Bohras are primarily based in
India, even though the Dawoodi theology originated in Yemen. India is
home to the majority Dawoodi Bohra population most of them
concentrated in Gujarat out of over 1 million followers worldwide.

As per historical evidences and the genealogy maintained by the Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula and his heir Nawab
Asaf-ud-Daula at Faizabad
Sayyids who migrated to India from the Middle East, the history of
Shia Islam in India traces long back, around 1000 years. According to
historical records earliest known Muslim settlers in Awadh region (now a part of state of Uttar Pradesh) were father
and son duo Saiyed Salar Dawood Ghazi and Saiyed Saiyed Salar Masud Ghazi.[4] In 422 AH/1030 AD Saiyed
Salaar Dawood Ghazi his son Saiyed Salaar Masud Ghazi and nefew Saiyed Salaar Sulaiman established themselves
at Satrikh (also known as Sulaimanabad), district Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh. In the year 462 AH/1070 AD Saiyed
Shia Islam in India 5

Abdullah Zarbaqsh and Saiyed Zaid Shahsawar viz. the son-in-law and
grandson (daughter's son) of Saiyed Salaar Dawood Ghazi established
the town Zaidpur, district Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh. The rulers of
various dynasties of India and also in the 11th century the rulers of
Multan and Sindh were adherents of Shia Islam. The Nawabs of

Shia culture and belief has left its influence all over India with Imam
Hussein ibn Ali becoming the revered personality in India not only for
the Shias but also from non-Muslim communities, especially the Nizamat Imambara in West Bengal, built by
Hindus of northern India who participate in ceremonies Mansur Ali Khan (Nawab of Bengal) is probably
commemorating Hussein ibn Ali's martyrdom on the Day of Ashura. the largest Imambara of India

Shaykh al-Mufid writes that before the Battle of Karbala, Hussein ibn
Ali and the commander of the enemy forces, Umar ibn Saad, met at
night and talked together for a long time. After that meeting Umar ibn
Saad sent a letter to the Governor of Kufa, Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad in
which he wrote that Hussein ibn Ali has suggested that he go to one of
the border outposts of the rapidly expanding Muslim empire as a way
of resolving conflict. Other traditions name that border outpost as Al
Hind or India. Even though Hussein ibn Ali himself was not able to go
to India, some of the Shia did emigrate there for various reasons,
including those who came as refugees from Umayyads and Abbasids
Hoogly Imambara Courtyard, West Begal
persecution. These refugees brought with them rituals which kept alive
the remembrance of Karbala and their Shia Identity.

Its narrated by Abd al Razzaq al Muqarram in his work of Maqtal

al-Husayn that prior to his martyrdom, Al-Abbas ibn Ali while asking
water for Mohammad's family from the Yazid I's army expressed his
desire to go either Rome or to India. This made some people weep in
the army of Yazid.
It has been believed that in 7th century few ladies from the household
of Prophet Mohammad after Battle of Karbala came to Punjab
province which became a part of Pakistan. One of the prominent of Asafi Masjid at Asafi-Imambara Complex
them was Ruqayyah bint Ali, the daughter of Ali through his wife Lucknow
Umm ul-Banin, Ruqayyah bint Ali was the sister of Al-Abbas ibn Ali
and wife of Muslim ibn Aqeel. Still her shrine in Lahore, Punjab of
Pakistan, is visited by people all around and she is referred as Bibi Pak

Due to the Mughal's admiration for Persian culture, might and power,
Persians Shias were invited to migrate to South Asia to prosper and
obtain high positions in the Muslim Sultanates and later in the Mughal
Empire. There were also rebels and nobles who lost royal favour and
migrated to Mughal Empire. The Mughals also preferred to employ
foreign Muslim officials that had no local interests and thus were loyal
to the Mughal emperor. The Mughal empereor Humayun who fled to Shia Jaama Masjid Husainabad, Lucknow
Shia Islam in India 6

Persia due to Sher Shah Suri's conquereing of much of his empire, the benevolent Shah Ismail I of the Safavids
granted him help and thus Humayun returned with Persians soldiers and nobles to reclaim the throne, but this also
increased the influence of the Shia Persians in Mughal Empire.

Persecution of Shia Islam in India begins from Kashmir where Ashura Procession is banned decades ago. shias are
not allowed to mourn on the day of Ashura in Kashmir imposing strict restrictions on procession openly violation the
Freedom of religion in the state. Shiites in India faced persecution by some Sunni rulers and Mughal Emperors
which resulted in the martyrdom of Indian Shia scholars like Qazi Nurullah Shustari (also known as
Shaheed-e-Thaalis, the third Martyr) and Mirza Muhammad Kamil Dehlavi (also known as Shaheed-e- Rabay, the
fourth Martyr) who are two of the five martyrs of Shia Islam.
Shias also faced persecution in India in Kashmir for centuries, by the Sunni invaders of the region which resulted in
massacre of many Shias and as a result most of them had to flee the region. Shias in Kashmir in subsequent years
had to pass through the most atrocious period of their history. Plunder, loot and massacres which came to be known
as Taarajs virtually devastated the community. History records 10 such Taarajs also known as Taraj-e-Shia
between 15th to 19th century in 1548, 1585, 1635, 1686, 1719, 1741, 1762, 1801, 1830, 1872 during which the Shia
habitations were plundered, people slaughtered, libraries burnt and their sacred sites desecrated. Such was the reign
of terror during this period that the community widely went into the practice of Taqya in order to preserve their lives
and the honor of their womenfolk. Village after village disappeared, with community members either migrating to
safety further north or dissolving in the majority faith. The persecution suffered by Shias in Kashmir during the
successive foreign rules was not new for the community. Many of the standard bearers of Shia Islam, like Saadaat
(Saiyeds) or the descendants of the Prophet Mohammad and other missionaries who played a key role in spread of
the faith in Kashmir, had left their home lands forced by similar situations.

India's role in battle of Karbala

Nathanvilal Wahshi, a Hindu Writer narrated about the arrival of a helper for Hussein ibn Alis cause on the eight
day of Moharram. Hussein ibn Ali welcomed him and immediately confirmed his Indian Identity. Hussein ibn Ali
then goes on to praise India and its people in the following words:
"The perfumed fragrance entered the realm of love from your country The cool breeze came to my grandfather
Mohammad from that garden."[6]
Upon asking more about the guests background he finds out that he is an Indian merchant residing in neighboring
city of Basra, his father had been entrusted with the treasury of the war booty by none other than Ali. For this reason
the merchant holds himself morally responsible for assisting Hussein ibn Ali in any possible way when the later is in
trouble. Hussein ibn Ali appreciated gesture, but discouraged the merchant from taking up arms in following words:
"Brother, in my opinion you are the beloved of the world In this country you are the treasure of India."
Munshi Premchand further narrates the perception of this merchant on the part of Imam as suspicion about Hussein
ibn Alis sincerity because of being a Hindu.
With tear filled eyes the traveler said: I am a Hindu, perhaps my fidelity is not convincing Master! Even though this
heart is the land of Idol Temple In it is also lit the light of affection.
Hussein ibn Ali said : What have you said in passion, Why should my eyes doubt your fidelity? My lord is aware of
my conscience. Whats the difference between Hindu and Muslim is the quest for truth. This has the guiding
principle for the People of the Cloak or Ahl al-Kisa. .[7]
Shia Islam in India 7

Shia Muslim Dynasties in India

Shiite Islam has deep rooted influence in present and history of India from North to South with various Shia Muslim
dynasties ruling Indian provinces from time to time.
Few prominent ones of the Indian Shia Muslim dynasties are as follows:
Bahmani Sultanate (13471527 AD)
The Bahmani Sultanate also called the Bahmanid Empire or Bahmani Kingdom was a Muslim state of the Deccan in
southern India and one of the great medieval Indian kingdoms. Bahmanid Sultanate was the first independent Islamic
and Shi'ite Kingdom in South India.[8] .
Sharqi Dynasty (1394 CE to 1479 CE)
The Sharqi sultanate was an independent medieval Shia Muslim dynasty of North India, one of the many kingdoms
that came up following the disintegration of the Delhi Sultanate. Between 1394 CE to 1479 CE, Sharqi dynasty ruled
from Jaunpur in the present day state of Uttar Pradesh.
Berar Sultanate (14901572 AD)
On the establishment of the Bahmani Sultanate in the Deccan (1348), Berar Sultanate was constituted one of the five
provinces into which their kingdom was divided, being governed by great nobles, with a separate army. The perils of
this system becoming apparent, the province was divided (1478 or 1479) into two separate provinces, named after
their capitals Gawil and Mahur.
Bidar Sultanate (14891619 AD)
Bidar Sultanate was one of the Deccan sultanates of late medieval India. Its founder, Qasim Barid was a Turk,
domiciled in Georgia. He joined the service of the Bahmani sultan Muhammad Shah III. He started his career as a
Sar-Naubat but later became the Mir-Jumla (prime minister) of the Bahmani sultanate.
Qutb Shahi dynasty (15181687 AD)
The Qutb Shahi dynasty was a Turkic dynasty (whose members were also called the Qutub Shahis). They were the
ruling family of the kingdom of Golconda in southern India. They were Shia Muslims and belonged to Kara
Adil Shahi dynasty (15271686 AD)
The Adil Shahi dynasty ruled the Sultanate of Bijapur in the Western area of the Deccan region of Southern India
from 1490 to 1686. Bijapur had been a province of the Bahmani Sultanate (13471518), before its political decline
in the last quarter of the 15th century and eventual break-up in 1518. The Bijapur Sultanate was absorbed into the
Mughal Empire on 12 September 1686, after its conquest by the Emperor Aurangzeb.[9]
Nawabs & Kings of Awadh (17221858 AD)
Of all the Muslim states and dependencies of the Mughal empire, Awadh had the newest royal family, the Nawabs of
Awadh. They were ultimately descended from a Persian adventurer called Sa'adat Khan, originally from Khurasan in
Najafi Nawabs of Bengal (17571880)
The Najafi Dynasty of Nawabs of Bengal were Sayyids and were descendants of Prophet Muhammad through Al
Imam Hasan ibn Ali, ruling from 1757 until 1880.
Nawabs of Murshidabad
Nawabs of Murshidabad succeeded the Nawabs of Bengal as Nawab Bahadur of Murshidabad, following Mansur Ali
Khan's abdication. They got the title changed as the title of the Nawab of Bengal was abolished in 1880.They had
little or no say in the share of the revenue collected and were ceased to use any force.
Nawabs of Rampur
Shia Islam in India 8

Rampur, former princely state of British India. Previously ruled by Shiite Muslim Nawabs of Rampur, it was
incorporated into the state of Uttar Pradesh in 1949.

Population and circumstances

India, the only non Muslim nation in the world with Shiite population of 34 percent of its entire population, has
recognized the day of Ashura listed as Moharram as the Public Holiday in India. India also has the Birthday of Imam
Ali as public Holiday in states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, whose capital Lucknow is considered as the centre of
Indias Shiite Muslim community. The Birthdate of Ali is not recognized by any country in any of its states other
than India, Azerbaijan and Iran as public Holiday. It is also a known fact that when Saddam mercilessly quelled a
Shia uprising in 1992. The world media remained silent and damage to the shrines of Hussein ibn Ali and his
half-brother Al-Abbas ibn Ali, in the course of Baathist attempts to flush out Shia rebels was a tightly kept secret of
the Saddam regime but Indian media Doordarshan was the only network in the world to have shown that footage.
India being a secular country, Shiite
Muslims in India practice their religion
freely without any restriction.
However, in post Godhra riots a Shia
Ex Member of the Parliament Ehsan
Jafri was reported to be burnt to death
by Hindu mob led by Indian National
Asafi Imambara Lucknow, builed by Nawab Asaf ud Daulah one of the largest Imambara
Congress leader Meghsingh Chaudhary
of India
(http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/
Gulbarg_Society_massacre) in his own
residence in the state of Gujarat in 2002.

Shias also claim to be sidelined in India, hence the All India Shia Personal Law Board was formed after segregation
from the All India Muslim Personal Law Board in 2005 to address the legal needs of the Shia population. AISPLB
feels that there should be a national policy for the Shias to prevent their exploitation by vested interests. The attitude
of the government towards Muslims especially in Maharashtra came in for criticism. The newly formed All India
Shia Personal Law Board had 69 members at the time of formation compared to 204 members in the All India
Muslim Personal Law Board. The Shia body had the support of the erstwhile royal family of Lucknow, some 2000
descendants of the family claim to have extended their support. Shias claim they have been sidelined by the
Sunni-dominated law board, which was set up in 1972. Maulana Mirza Mohammed Athar, president of the
breakaway All India Shia Personal Law Board explained the reason for segregation saying that, Shias have formed a
forum of themselves because the All India Muslim Personal Law Board never took interest in their well being."
Shias and Sunnis do not interpret family laws in a similar way. Shiites also have different Mosques and Burial
grounds in India.

However, some external sources such as the BBC claim that there are close to 20 million Shia's in India and the Pew
Research Center figure them between 10 to 14 percent giving the numbers between 16,000,000 to 24,000,000.
However, the Pew Research Center report is not considered authentic by many Shias and also national and
International reports after taking into consideration the report released by Britannica Book of the year in 1997 which
put the estimates of Shia population in India in 1996 over 26,000,000[10] out of entire Indian Muslim population of
103,000,000 at that time.[11]
Shia Islam in India 9

There are notable Shia Muslims involved in many prominent Indian affairs, such as Arts, Business, Diplomates,
Bureaucracrates, Journalism, Sports, Science, Religion, Literature, Politics, etc.
Azim Hashim Premji, being 3rd richest Indian, belongs to Shia community. Bismillah Khan, the winner of Bharat
Ratna award is regarded as one of the most important figures in Indian music. In Politics, majority of Shia Muslims,
like other Muslims of India are generally supporters of the Indian National Congress.
Some Shia organisations in India include:-
All India Shia Personal Law Board
Madrasah al Waizeen (College of preachers)
Jamia Nazmia
Sultan al Madaris
Anjuman Haideri Hallaur
Shia Companions organisation[12]

Azadari in India
See also: Azadari in Lucknow
Azadari or the mourning practice of Imam Husain ibn Ali is very much
prevalent across India. One thing which is worth noting in Indian
Azadari is the participation of non Muslims in Shia rituals on the day
of Ashura.
The Hindu rulers of Vijayanagar during the 16th and 17th centuries
even donned blackened garments and helped to arrange the Kala Tazia
(Black Tazia) processions. Even the Scindias of Gwalior and the Husainabad Imambara also known as Chota
Holkar Maharajas of Indore conducted Majlis or Muharram Imambara at Husainabad, Lucknow, built in 1838
by King Mohammad Ali Shah of Awadh
congregations. In Lucknow Hindus regularly join Muslims in the
Azadari and Alam processions. The Sufi saints of India along with the
Shi'ite Scholars encouraged the mixing and merging of indigenous elements from the rich cultural heritage of the
land to that of Muharram thus proclaiming the message of peaceful co-existence among communities and united
resistance to tyrannical authority.

The carrying of Alams through fire by men is more common. There are several occasions when these are
traditionally practiced particularly in the town of Vizianagaram 550km outside of Hyderabad where 110 Alams are
taken through the fire. A significant aspect of firewalking in the context of Moharram commemorations in Andhra
Pradesh is the participation of Hindus in the ceremonies. In Vizinagaram 109 of the Alams are carried by Hindus.[13]
Shia Islam in India 10

[1] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ w/ index. php?title=Template:Shia_Islam& action=edit
[2] Momen, Moojan, An Introduction to Shi'i Islam, Yale University Press, 1985, p.277
[3] "Shias and Shia Islam in India: a study in society and culture", p. 197, by Nadeem Hasnain, Sheikh Abrar Husain
[4] Shajraat-Taiyabaat the genealogy of Saiyeds of Zaidpur published in 1916
[5] Mughal Empire (1500s, 1600s) (http:/ / www. bbc. co. uk/ religion/ religions/ islam/ history/ mughalempire_5. shtml).
(2009-09-07). Retrieved on 2011-11-07.
[6] Syed Akbar Hyder. Reliving Karbala: Martyrdom in South Asian Memory . Notes, page 180
[7] Syed Akbar Hyder. Reliving Karbala: Martyrdom in South Asian Memory . Notes, page 181
[8] Ansari, N.H. "Bahmanid Dynasty" (http:/ / www. iranica. com/ newsite/ home/ index. isc) Encyclopaedia Iranica
[9] The Peacock Throne by Waldemar Hansen. ISBN 978-81-208-0225-4. Page 468.
[10] 1997 Britannica Book of the Year, 1997, p.781-783
[11] Ash, Russell. The Top 10 of Everything, DK Publishing, Inc.: New York, 1997, p.160-161
[12] Shia Companions (http:/ / www. shiacompanions. org/ )
[13] Toby Howarth. The Twelver Shi'a as a Muslim Minority in India: Pulpit of Tears . Notes, page 195

Further reading
The book "Durr-e-Mansoor dar Halaat-e-Ulama-e-Zangipur"
The book "MATLA-e-ANWAR" (By Maulana Murtaza Husain Sadrul-Afazil)
The book "KHURSHEED-e-KHAWAR" (By Maulan Saeed Akhtar Gopalpuri)
The thesis on "Life of Jawad-ul-Ulama" research work of Dr.Inayet Ali (Aligarh Muslim University)
The booklet "Haqnuma" published Jamia-Imania,Banaras
The booklet on Life of Mulla Syed Mohammad Tahir ( By Maulana Syed Ahmad Hasan)

External links India section (
English translation of Maqtal al-Husayn of 'Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram (
Article Sources and Contributors 11

Article Sources and Contributors

Shia Islam in India Source: Contributors: 123Hedgehog456, Aacimania, Abbaskgmu, Aleenf1, Alirizvi988, Amanz110, Amatulic,
Andrez9999, Antiqueight, Apparition11, Aquil Kazmi, Arjayay, Asheer rizvi, Ashrf1979, Aun mehdi, AwamerT, Bgwhite, Bladesmulti, Britsin, Captrizvi, ChrisGualtieri, CityOfSilver,
CommonsDelinker, Delljvc, Djalirecords, Edward321, Eeekster, Evano1van, FAJAIDAZBA, Faizhaider, Faraz.sayyed5, Farooq3214, Good Olfactory, Gr8opinionater, Greenstar61, Hmains,
Hugo999, Humaliwalay, Huon, IRISZOOM, Inside99, Jianhui67, Just4web, Jyotipf, Kabuli, Kamalac, Lekoren, LilHelpa, Mabarraqa, MadGuy7023, Magioladitis, Mahdikararvi,
Materialscientist, MatthewVanitas, Mightymrt away, Mogism, Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Nayak52, Nick Number, Omer123hussain, PBS-AWB, Pass a Method, Patoldanga'r Tenida,
PhnomPencil, R'n'B, Ramupl, Ravichandar84, RayneVanDunem, Salimsomji, Sameerlko, Satya6287, Secret of success, Shabibzaidi, Sharafat99, Shashidc, Shiacompanions110, Shyamsunder,
Sidnik26, Sminhal007, StAnselm, Swordofsunnah, SyedNaqvi90, Tentinator, Topbanana, Toussaint, Twsx, Vaseemmirza4u, Vincent Lextrait, WikiDan61, Wikiuser13, Wknight94,
Woodenmetal, Woohookitty, Yaali181, Zakir112260, Zeeyanwiki, 235 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:Azim Premji - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2009 (crop).jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0
Contributors: Monikia Flueckiger , World Economic Forum
File:Feroz_khan.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:MFHussain.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: User:SreeBot
File:Mirza Ghalib.JPG Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Mattbuck, Siddhartha Ghai
File:Jinnah1945.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Ashrf1979, Wehwalt, 1 anonymous edits
File:Saadut Aly Khan.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: William Say (1768-1834), mezzotint engraver
File:Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi new.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0
Contributors: User:Shabu naqvi
File:Khumar Barabankavi.gif Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:
File:Ustaad Bismillah Khan.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:
File:Saeed Naqvi.JPG Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: User:Mabarraqa
File:Saiyid Nurul Hasan 30.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:
Biswarup Ganguly
File:Ali Sardar jafri.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: Swordofsunnah
File:Syed Kiramni,Feb2010.jpg Source:,Feb2010.jpg License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:
Hbkrishnan (talk)
File:Nawab-Ali-yavar-jung.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:
File:Maulana Ali Naqi.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:
File:Basmala.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: AnonMoos, Arctic Kangaroo, Baba66, Cirt, Escondites, Ruy
Pugliesi, Wst, , 14 anonymous edits
File:Mirror writing2.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Mahmoud Ibrahim
File:Charminar-Pride of Hyderabad.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0
Contributors: User:Krishnagopi06
File:Nawab Shuja al-Daula and his heir Asaf al-Daula in Faizabad.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Amsinwala, Krschner, Marcus
Cyron, Rayaraya
File:Imambara debaditya chatterjee.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Czarhind
File:Hooghly Imambara Courtyard.JPG Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0
Contributors: User:Amartyabag
File:Asfi masjid.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: Julia W, Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Roland zh
File:Jama Masjid near Hussainabad, LUCKNOW.JPG Source:,_LUCKNOW.JPG License: Creative
Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: User:Ankitkumarsaxena
File:Bara Imambara Lucknow.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: AzaToth, Julia W, Muhammad
Mahdi Karim, Roland zh, Thierry Caro
File:Chhota imambara Lucknow.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: King of Hearts, Muhammad
Mahdi Karim, Roland zh

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