Langabeer Chapter1
Langabeer Chapter1
Langabeer Chapter1
Systems, and Financial
Part I of this text provides the reader with a foundation of operations manage-
ment and explains its role in improving health cares financial and business con-
dition. Health care activities and processes are complex. To perform optimally,
they must be managed as a system. Operations and systems management requires
knowledge of process improvement, quality, finance, and many other business
practices. As a service industry, financial outcomes are driven primarily by labor
and supply costs, so an understanding of the income statement and the use of key
ratios to manage these areas is provided. Understanding the concepts of opera-
tions management, and its relationship to financial margins, is also explored.
Chapter 1 offers an overview of the discipline of operations and sys-
tems management and that of management in general. Goals of operations
management, from cost reduction to network optimization, are described, as well
as the key functions and roles performed by operations managers. This chapter
sets the stage for the rest of the text.
Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the health care marketplace. Because
health care organizations are businesses, they must generate revenues and sus-
tain themselves financially, as organizations do in other industries. This chapter
defines the hospital and health care organization and discusses the nature of its
goods and services. This chapter provides an overview of some of the significant
health policies that affect patient operations, including the Affordable Care Act.
The concept of health care production, distinct from operations, is also explored.
Chapter 3 provides a structured introduction to health care finance for the
operations manager. An understanding of the drivers of improved financial per-
formance is essential to effective operations management. This chapter addresses
how hospitals earn revenue, and it defines the basic terms used in health care
finance. Of great importance, it explains the key external financial statements
that represent the financial condition of the organization, which are used as data
sources for a variety of operational analyses in this text.
Health Care
Health Care Operations
and Systems Management
Goals of This Chapter
1. Describe the need for improved decisions and management
2. Define health care operations management.
3. Describe the roles and responsibilities of health care operations
4. Examine the management decision-making process.
5. Understand the goals of operations management.
6. Describe the management discipline and where operations
management fits.
Health care operations and systems management is the set of diverse and inter-
related activities that allow for diagnosis, treatment, payment, and administrative
management in health care facilities.
Most hospitals are nonprofit in nature. Nearly 80% of hospitals are considered
nonprofit and exist solely to serve the community in which they operate, down
from 85% a few years ago. As nonprofits, these organizations are exempt from
most federal and state taxation and are not expected to show continuous positive
growth rates or large profit margins, as most publicly traded firms do. How-
ever, if a hospital or health care organization cannot show some return on the
capital or dollars invested, there will be negative consequences. For example, fail-
ure to show reasonable margins will likely cause the public bond market (which
finances most health care growth today) to assign subpar credit ratings; therefore,
the bonds themselves will have poor yields, making hospitals less than stellar
investments for bondholders.
Most important, the term limited profit margins implies that there will be
fewer dollars to invest back into the business to ensure that buildings are updated,
equipment is replaced and technology is modern, and clinical programs will con-
tinue to expand and be enhanced. Without these investments, hospitals will likely
be unable to attract the most qualified physicians and administrators, which will
continue the downward spiral. While some hospitals and health care systems wait
for changes in the public health policy to save them, the more competitive and
successful hospitals are acting now to protect their margins.
In this era of continual pricing pressures affecting the top line of the income
statement, and with a large majority of all hospitals reporting negative profit mar-
gins, it is essential that hospitals begin to look toward more sophisticated business
strategies to succeed. Differentiated marketing programs and strategies, broader
use of advertising, and more careful and precise long-term planning about service
lines are all strategies that must be utilized (Rovin, 2001).
Equally as important, there must be a broader adoption of operations man-
agement techniques into hospital business affairs. Monitoring and maximizing
labor productivity for all medical support and allied health professionals is criti-
cal to maintaining salary expenses. Incorporating queuing theory and scheduling
optimization methods helps drive waste and cycle time out of hospitals. Incor-
porating logistical and supply chain management techniques helps reduce opera-
tional expenses, eliminate excess safety stocks, and generally improve working
capital management. Most important, using technology to further automate and
streamline all processes in hospital operations can help reduce costs and maxi-
mize efficiencies.
Hospitals and other health care organizations cannot rely on extrinsic factors
(such as health policy, federal payer regulation changes, or shifts in managed
care market structures) to change their margin potential. Although these are
important issues, they are covered in other texts and will evolve regardless of
the managerial behavior that hospitals employ. However, equally significant to
these macro-level issues are the micro-economic and organization factors that can
be affected by operations and logistics management. Operations management
can help organizations today.
Think of health care profit margins as a balloon, where a variety of extrinsic,
or external, factors cause deflationary pressure from the outside. On the inside is
the set of decisions and management systems put in place to combat these pres-
sures and essentially inflate the balloon, or expand the margin. In effect, opera-
tions management is the set of intrinsic, or internal, processes and decisions that
help address costs, process, technology, and productivity. Strategic management,
although equally important, is not a focus of this text. Figure 11 shows concep-
tually the margin-expansion role that operations management plays.
Health care is primarily a service sector, in that the industry provides intan-
gible or nonphysical goods, as opposed to physical objects that can be seen or
touched. Hospital services primarily deliver care through providers to patients
and therefore lack a manufacturing or assembling process. These services are
unique and somewhat differentiated from other hospitals, knowledge based, and
have high levels of customer interaction. Of course, there is a physical good that
Operational management
(cost, productivity, process,
Fragmented technology)
industry Consumer
Strategic management
(competitive positioning,
branding, mergers)
Federal health Competitive
policy structure
Lack of Incentive
information misalignment
accompanies the service, which is the focus of supply chain management in hos-
pitals that procures, replenishes, and stores medical supplies and pharmaceuti-
cals as well. In this regard, hospitals have a mix of both tangible and intangible
characteristics. All of these attributes make health care operations management
somewhat different from industries that strictly produce and market physical
goods or widgets.
Health care operations management can therefore be defined as the quanti-
tative management of the supporting business systems and processes that trans-
form resources (inputs) into health care services (outputs). Inputs are defined as
resources and assets such as labor and capital, including cash, technology, person-
nel, space, equipment, and information. Outputs include the actual production
and delivery of health care services. Quantitative management implies a heavy
use of analytical and optimization tools, as well as extensive use of process and
quality improvement techniques to drive improved results.
Health care operations management is a discipline of management that inte-
grates scientific or quantitative principles to determine the most efficient and
optimal methods to support patient care delivery. This field is relatively new to
health care, but it has existed in other industries for nearly 100 years.
Function Objective or Issue to Consider
Workflow process Are there too many departments or people performing the same task?
Do we have an end-to-end map of our major business processes?
How many manual processes exist?
Are there ways to reduce cycle time, steps, and choke points for key
Can we improve speed and patient satisfaction?
Physical layout Are our facilities designed with the consideration of speed, capacity,
traffic flow, and operational efficiency?
Are unit or floor layouts designed to eliminate redundancy (e.g., safety
stock on all resources)?
Capacity design How can we reduce bottlenecks to improve patient throughput for
and planning each area?
In which cases should we increase the use of technology to improve
labor productivity?
Physical network Where should we position appropriate par locations, pharmacy
optimizations satellites, warehouses, and supplies to minimize resources and costs?
Do we strategically utilize vendors and their facilities?
How can we design and position optimal locations for clinics or
resources to ensure lowest total costs?
Staffing levels How much output can we expect from our staff?
and productivity Have we maximized the use of automation and electronic commerce to
management increase productivity?
Have we implemented sophisticated analytical models to optimize
labor and resource scheduling?
Supply chain and Have we built collaborative planning and forecasting logistics
management processes to standardize items and reduce total costs?
Should we operate just in time?
Do we use automated, optimized replenishment of medicalsurgical
supplies to increase turns and asset utilization?
How much inventory of each item do we need?
Do we use perpetual inventory systems to ensure stringent internal
controls and accurate financial reports?
Quality, planning, Do we use advanced tools for tracking projects?
and process Are we measuring the right performance indicators to bring visibility to
improvement trends and exceptions?
Do we know how we compare to our key competitors?
Have we identified the quality issues that affect our customer
satisfaction and efficacy goals, in addition to efficiency, costs, and
and transforms processes to improve the delivery of patient care. What else do
operations managers do? They have a variety of broad goals and functions in
the hospital, including all of the following: reduce costs, reduce variability and
improve logistics flow, improve productivity, improve quality of customer ser-
vice, and continuously improve business processes. These are outlined in more
detail in the following sections.
Reduce Costs
The primary role of operations managers is to take costs out of the health care
system. Finding waste, improving utilization, and generally stabilizing and reduc-
ing the overall cost of delivering services are essential functions. A hospital with
appropriate tracking and management systemsthat can isolate all personnel,
material, and other resources utilized for delivery of carewill be much more
likely to reduce costs because it understands the underlying cost structure. Iden-
tifying costs and eliminating unnecessary waste and effort is at the forefront of an
operations managers priority list.
many health care facilities do not understand patient volumes and the variability
that exists from hour to hour and day to day. Managing this variability allows an
adjustment to staffing mix and scheduling to accommodate the changes, with-
out staffing at the peaks (which causes excessive costs), staffing for the valleys or
low points (which will cause long lines periodically due to limited resources and
therefore service quality issues), or staffing for the average (which is the most
common suboptimal approach). Figure 12 shows how variability changes over
time, which necessitates both capacity and demand analyses.
Logistics is defined as the efficient coordination and control of the flow of all
operations, including patients, personnel, and other resources. The role of opera-
tions managers is to facilitate improved logistics and throughput by using stream-
lined process and facility designs to increase capacity, workflow, and throughput.
Improve Productivity
Hospitals have a tendency to hire additional staff faster than in other industries.
This is partly driven by the highly structured organizations that are common in
health care and partly because of the historical lack of focus on costs. In years
past, hospitals were reimbursed by the government and other payers on a cost-
plus basismeaning that whatever the cost to deliver, hospitals would be fully
reimbursed along with a small profit margin.
Time of day
Supplies and
Personnel Technology Equipment
Health care
that the firm once made became completely irrelevant. In addition, continu-
ous innovation often results in hypercompetition, which ultimately is charac-
terized by economics wherein both prices and costs decline (DAveni, 1994).
For example, when digital video disc players were first introduced, prices were
nearly $1,000. Today, they can be purchased for as little as $30 in discount stores.
The prices of smartphones, tablets, televisions, laptops, and many other electron-
ics all follow the same pattern. In health care, innovation also helps to improve
400 414
388 425
400 375
224 229
200 215 214 218
201 207
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Medical care
General CPIall items
2% per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Compare that with the cost of
medical care, which rose nearly 30% in that same time periodalmost double
that of all the other goods tracked. Figure 14 shows this growth over time.
Overall spending for health care in the United States has risen steadily. In
1993, health care costs represented 13% of the national gross domestic prod-
uct; in 2006, this number increased to more than 16.5%; and today it is nearly
1819% of the gross domestic product. Economists project that this will double
again in the next decade (Heffler et al., 2005). While some hospitals wait for
the national debate to continue, it is important to first look at the intrinsic fac-
tors in the organization that are driving excessive costs: redundancy, inefficiency,
bureaucracy, waste, paper, limited productivity, lack of performance monitoring,
poor deployment of information technology, and generally unsophisticated levels
of management.
Principles of Management
Operations management is one discipline in the broader field of management.
According to most theorists, management concerns itself with four key functions:
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning involves the establish-
ment of goals and a strategy to achieve them. In health care, planning can be stra-
tegic (such as deciding which geographic region to invest in a new facility), or it
can be operational (such as how many employees to have on staff for each shift).
Organizing includes making decisions about which tasks will be done, where,
when, and by whom. Organizing uses a variety of tools, such as an organizational
chart to manage peoples roles and reporting relationships, process flowcharts for
improving activities, and Gantt charts for managing projects. Leading includes
motivating employees, building support for ideas, and generally getting things
done through people. Providing direction and clarification of expectations, as well
as the role of change management, or preparing the organization for changes to
come, are instrumental in providing leadership in hospital operations manage-
ment. Controlling includes all tasks to monitor and track progress toward goals,
ensure performance improvement, and make corrective changes in strategy where
necessary. The use of status reports, budgets, procedures, and a multitude of other
tracking tools is useful in helping enhance management control.
Managers wear many hats and play many roles. They may serve as a fig-
urehead, make decisions, reward employees, and handle conflicts and solve
problems. Managers help plan tasks, organize and direct them, and continually
adjust and control. Henry Mintzberg (1973), one of the earliest researchers on
management processes, described the nature of a managers work as grouped
around three key themes: informational, decisional, and interpersonal. Infor-
mational refers to collecting, monitoring, and disseminating information from
the external and internal environments to work teams. Decisional refers to mak-
ing key decisions for the organization, such as allocation of scarce resources,
rewards and penalties for employees, and negotiations with employees and
others. Interpersonal includes training and motivating employees, serving as
a spokesperson, facilitating communication exchanges among various groups,
and serving as a liaison.
The study of management continues to evolve. It has moved through a variety
of schools of thought: from scientific management to process focused to human
behavior to decision or management sciences theory to social and open systems
(Certo & Certo, 2005). These schools of thought represent different contexts or
perspectives on which a managers role and tasks should be based. For example,
the systems theory schools emphasize that a manager views the organization
as a living organism, which is changing and adapting and that operates by an
integrated network of open processes. Behavioral schools tend to view manage-
ment from a psychological aspect, highlighting the importance of understanding
what motivates employees and how human and cognitive factors influence work
For purposes of operations management and looking for ways to improve
operational effectiveness, the school of thought that is most relevant is that of
scientific management.
that can change management behaviors and results. This revolution led to some
key concepts, such as specialization, division of labor, and mass production. The
concept of specialization suggests that if people repeatedly perform just one task,
they will be able to perform that task faster and with higher quality than others,
because they have repeated exposure to the process and have learned from their
experiences. Specialization, in many regards, is what leads hospitals to structure
their organization around units such as nursing or materials management. Con-
tinued specialization helps to produce well-defined roles and tasks, concentrated
work efforts, and higher efficiencies. This is also known as division of labor.
Mass production is the creation of rapid production processes through the use
of assembly-line techniques. Mass production has been embraced by most other
industries, but, in many respects, it is not relevant in health care.
The scientific era has been shown to have several failings and issues, which led
to other schools of thought. The lack of focus on human behavior, alignment of
employee rewards with those of the organization, and understanding the need for
job rotations and expansion all are major issues that well-rounded managers must
consider. Thus, many of the analytical concepts of scientific management remain
vital to health care operations management. First, scientific management suggests
the need for a strong understanding of processes, their costs and resource utiliza-
tions, constraints, and cycle times. Second, scientific management encourages
an initial focus on understanding expected outcomes and subsequently design-
ing management systems and business processes around this operational strat-
egy. Third, the variability of processes has to be smoothed out and consistently
managed. Finally, scientific management shows that in many cases quantitative
approaches can help create mathematically optimal results for common manage-
ment decisions and problems. These four fundamental concepts are the founda-
tion of the operations management discipline.
problems and
criteria and key
choices or
optimal or
(shareholders who invest in equity or debt and have a claim on the profits and
assets). Decision making tends to follow cost-benefit models and focus on risk
minimization, cash flows, and return on investment. Although disputes and con-
flicts may arise because of incomplete or imperfect information (as described in
the agency theory of economics), these disputes can typically be minimized by
changing incentives, behaviors, and structural mechanisms.
In health care, however, there is incomplete alignment of goals between differ-
ent agents, or managers, in the organization because of three issues:
1. Goals are unclear. There are clinical goals, financial goals, educational or
academic goals, societal goals, community goals, and so on. The ambigu-
ity that exists in terms of priorities and focus makes goals much less acute
than in other industries.
2. Organizations are complex. In industrial organizations, the organization is
clearly focused on the key aspects of buying, making, selling, and moving
products to the marketplace. In health care, reporting relationships often
involve complex matrices and dual-reporting structures. This is not the
command and control structure, focused on speed and efficiency of
decision making, that might work in other places.
3. Relationships are ambiguous. Many business units in health care are inter-
connected, but they often behave as if they were not. Independent depart-
ments and providers help create an environment that is less team focused
than in other industries, making relationships important for purposes of
mutual support as allies. There are also continuous power struggles in the
health care arena between different factions of employees. This creates
ambiguity in decision making.
Physicians are typically the most dominant players, given their clinical exper-
tise and control over the production of health care services, and they have a
very substantial role in most major organizational decisions (Young & Saltman,
1985). Power conflicts with nurses and other providers are frequent and have
developed (for structural reasons) in the struggle for control over patients, their
care, and overall patient management processes (Coombs, 2004). As such, sev-
eral formal power bases have emerged: business managers, who increasingly are
becoming more professional and sophisticated; physician leadership, which his-
torically dominates the power pendulum; and nursing leadership, which may
have the most intimate knowledge of patients and their needs.
Those who control the production process in most industries tend to have the
most influence and can control decision making for many things. In the production
of health care (i.e., delivery of treatments and provision of care) physicians are by
far the dominant players, yet their role in most operational management processes
in most hospitals is waning as professional business managers evolve.
Decision making in teaching hospitals and academic medical centers is even
more complicated due to the introduction of another dominant party: academic
faculty and researchers (Choi, Allison, & Munson, 1986). In the largest hospi-
tals, this complexity in decision making is complicated by large business infra-
structures, which may employ hundreds or thousands of individuals in all types
of support functions from admissions to patient finance to facilities.
Three characteristics define this complexity of decision processes: problem-
atic preferences, unclear technology, and fluid participation (Cohen, March, &
Olsen, 1972). These characteristics, together with streams of both problems
and choices, can be combined in unclear decision processes in a garbage can,
where they can often address the wrong problems at the wrong time. This garbage
can tends to allow issues and solutions to resurface in strange ways, which often
results in a lack of clarity and focus.
With all of these dominant players and complexities, many hospitals have
become large bureaucracies. These bureaucracies make it difficult to make impor-
tant decisions, address financial and business issues, change behaviors and busi-
ness processes, and implement new technology.
Sophistication in operations and logistics management requires not only
understanding concepts and their application to health care, but also under-
standing the persuasive and leadership characteristics necessary to navigate the
bureaucracy, influence dominant power groups, engage support for ideas, and
ultimately gain approval for and acceptance of changes. These changes will come
only if business executives achieve more dominant power positions, which can
evolve only as operations and logistics executives are recognized for their contri-
butions, specialized education, professional expertise, and leadership skills. Col-
laboration within these multidisciplinary organizations is just one way to retain
more control in the decision-making process.
same basic medical supplies for multiple procedures, rather than a wide variety
of them, which helps reduce inventory and purchasing costs and creates some
economies of scale. Standardization also refers to the use of common standards
for information systems, as well as personnel and operational processes. Stan-
dardization helps ensure alignment among departments, promote familiarization
and learning curves, and reduce the number of transactions processedall of
which result in lower costs and higher productivity.
Finally, many hospitals practice what is called evidence-based health care.
Evidence-based medicine applies the scientific method to medical practice and
seeks to quantify the true outcomes associated with certain medical practices by
applying statistical and research methods (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine,
2014). Evidence-based health care, as it applies to logistics or operations, empha-
sizes that prior to decisions being made, the options are conscientiously analyzed
for the effects each would have on operations. For example, if a certain piece of
equipment needs to be replaced, evidence-based medicine suggests that the true
costs and outcomes associated with this item be carefully analyzed over time; a
replacement piece of equipment undergoes the exact same controls to guarantee
and quantify the total effect of this change on the system. Evidence-based health
care, in its use of quantitative methods and in seeking to comprehensively ana-
lyze operations, is completely in alignment with operations management theory.
The use of quality management processes such as Six Sigma, which attempts to
improve processes and outputs through continuous improvement techniques, is
beginning to gain a solid foundation in the health care industry.
Chapter Summary
Operations management is the quantitative management of the supporting busi-
ness systems and processes that transform resources into health care outputs.
Operations management is about coordinating diverse, complicated activities into
a comprehensive system. It is focused on achieving operational effectiveness
defined as lower costs, higher productivity, and continuous process improvement.
There are five key goals of the operations manager: reduce costs, reduce variability
and improve logistics flows, improve productivity, improve quality of customer
service, and continuously improve business processes. Operations management
is a field within the discipline of management, and it evolved initially from the
scientific management school of thought. The process of management decision
making supports the choices for how operations management occurs. The deci-
sions made affect the quality and efficiency of operations. With the increased
Key Terms
Competitiveness Operations effectiveness
Controlling Organizing
Costquality continuum Outsourcing
Decision making Planning
Division of labor Productivity
Evidence-based medicine Satisficing
Health care operations management Specialization
Innovation Standardization
Leading System
Logistics Throughput
Mass production Variability
Operational excellence
Discussion Questions
Exercise Problems
1. Health care organizations routinely make complex organizational deci-
sions. As an example, a decision to modify the physical layout or space of
a department, or alter the schedules of a nursing unit, will affect patient
care in many ways. Because so many stakeholders are involved, which
process for making management decisions do you think will be followed?
How would you use the decision-making process to make important
decisions such as this in an organization?
2. Richmond Community Hospital currently receives more than 10,000
boxes of pharmaceutical supplies per month. All of these items are
manually inspected and logged to ensure adequate receipt prior to
payment. Eight employees manage receipts and deliveries, while four
employees manually record and track them. A new software package that
allows automated scanning of bar codes will replace all or some of the
employees used for manual tracking, or at least allow redeployment to
other areas of the hospital. What are some of the key questions that must
be explored to fully understand the effects of technology and whether a
capital investment should be made to substitute capital for labor?
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