2600: The Hacker Quarterly (Volume 3, Number 1, January 1986)
2600: The Hacker Quarterly (Volume 3, Number 1, January 1986)
2600: The Hacker Quarterly (Volume 3, Number 1, January 1986)
early morning school hours. Three men who stole a telephone booth from a service station
A recording of the principal's voice is activated by the lot and tried to put it inside a friend's apartment as a practical
computer and a record is kept of whether or not the call was joke were foiled when the booth wouldn't fit through the
answered. doorway. police in Maple Shade, New Jersey said.
The system has already caught two "hooky players." A patrolman responding to an anonymous call about three
men trying to carry a phone booth into an apartment, found the
Home Computer Attacks Falwell pranksters replacing the front door.
Associated Press The three were released on $2.000 bail each after being
An Atlanta man angered by a television evangelist took it out charged with the theft.
Dear 2600: selectors that connect all the DEC and IBM mainframes to the
A good friend of mine called MCI to get credit for a bad TrY lines. It took me a while to figure this out, but I had to set
connection and started talking with the operator. At midnight, up the terminal parity to SPACE. The terminals are in VTI 00
after a half an hour (it's free after all), he hung up with $51 emulation. To get into the grades system, I simply did the
credited to his bill. It seems that the operator was bored, new on following: VSC-VCC Micro6OO Port Selector, Which system?
the job, and grateful for someone to talk to. AD, (CR), ENTER TERMINAL TYPE: VT100, (CR)
I use GTE Sprint for my long distance calls and make it a This works during normal business hours near lunch time or
point to report any noise or crosstalk on the line. (And, as a side quitting time. The legit users often don't use a proper logout
benefit, the call is free). After all, if they are going to demand command, but just tum their terminals off. About 10% of the
equality with AT&T, they had bloody well better provide equal time, you can connect onto their jobs this way. The IBM makes
service! In any case, after about 16 of these calls, the service a mistake and thinks that the line from one of the student
operator said that her display showed that a majority of my terminal rooms is the legit line. One time, they were running
calls were to XXXXXXXXXX which is in the same calling donation records for people like alumni, and we looked up the
LATA. Therefore, you might wish to reconsider your choice of university president's donations. This method will probably
a long-distance carrier. She continued by saying she was sure work with most IBM mainframes running the MVS operating
that Sprint's rates were not competitive in this instance. system,like ours. You can also get in by modem-around noon
Strange-since when I signed up the lady told me that I would or 5 pm for best results using 8-bit word, I stop bit,and no
save 12% on that exact call. Somebody is lying somewhere! In parity. A question mark at the terminal prompt will list valid
short, they tried to drop an annoying customer. Since then, they types.
have also pulled stunts like changing my code and not telling The Creature
me. (I spent two weeks getting them to admit to that!) I think Dear 2600:
that 111 stay with (and harass) them for another couple of On the evening of November 16,1985, the home of Gremlin,
months, then, who knows, it could be MCI's tum! a user of Demented Data Systems, was raided by 2 police
Mutedly, officers, and two members of the Manitoba Telephone System
Ford Prefect (MTS) Security Gestapo. They proceeded to take all his
Dear 2600: equipment, all his floppy disks, and all his printouts. To date,
I have a question I have often wondered about. Ifan alternate his equipment has not been returned. He was charged with
long distance service must first call the local telco to set up a "Theft of Telecommunications over $200." Apparently, poor
trace when one of their lines is being abused what would be the Gremlin was using a phreaking program he had written on his
case after business hours? I mean, are these lines actually Atari 800 to make approximately $350 in free long distance
monitored 24 hours a day? Also, I have been scanning a few fone calls. MTS had a tap on Gremlin's fone line for over one
prefixes in my local area for loops. I have been looking in the month, and was keeping tabs on how much money he didn't
NPA-XXX-99XX area. Almost every loop I have seen or read spend. When his total came to well over $200, the MTS Gestapo
about in files on scanning loops has had them located in this and the Winnipeg Police Department made their move.
area. I have not had much luck, most have been constant busy Theft over $200 is a felony, theft under $200 is a
signals or ringing and a few residentials. Where else might I misdemeanor. I have openly accused MTS of entrapment and
look? still stand adamant in opinion of what really went on.
Arab149 For instance, if the police uncover a plan to murder the Prime
Dear Arab: Minister, do they let the conspirators carry out their plans, so
When companies or government agencies have a telephone they can get them on a full murder charge, instead of just a
company arrange a trace. they make the plans in advance. They conspiracy charge? No! They nab the criminals, before the act is
apply simple if-then situations. "If this code is used. then trace carried out.
that incoming call. or ifthis number is dialed. then trace the call If the MTS gave Gremlin a warning as soon as he was
to its source . .. Since all phone systems run 24 hours a day and detected making the fraudulent calls, this mess would never
most of them run automatican~'. phones can be monitored 24 have happened. The MTS big-wigs wanted to make big
hours a day. In many cases. it may be better to make a call or use headlines by nailing a phreaker. This was supposed to scare all
a system during the day. when phone traffic is high. But then the remaining phreaks enough so they refrain from their hobby.
again. it is sometimes better to call at night. when less people are It didn't.
available to notice anything fishy. Since this, MTS had admitted to letting poor Gremlin get a
Your loops may be absent because they have been moved hefty fone bill before sacking him. He must pay back the fone
elsewhere. you don't recognize them. or your Central Office is company for the $350, and he should be getting back his
made by a company other than those you arefamiliar with such equipment soon.
as Automatic Electric. The Bad News: since mid November, the Demented Data
Dear 2600: Systems (DDS) BBS has been constantly watched by MTS
I have been listening to the mobile radio-telephone Flunkies. MTS admits that nothing on the board is truly illegal,
frequencies on my scanner. I was just listening to a company much like the Private Sector, but would like to keep tabs on the
that acquires cars like Ferraris for the very rich. These channels board. They caused a big hassle when it was discovered that
were used before cellular, by the rich, since only they could DDS has the entire inner workings of the MTS Envoy 100
afford them (scarcity raises prices). In Los Angeles, they are still mailing system in detail on the board. I have offered many times
used by people with lots of money. There are certain tone to give them FREE, FULL SYSTEM ACCESS, with no
sequences used to control signaling. I was looking through the results.
latest issue of Popular Communications Magazine, and I Anyhow, that's how it is up here.
noticed an ad from a company selling VHF programmable The Grub, Canada
transceivers for $329. These cover mobile radio-telephone Dear Readers:
channels as well as things like Los Angeles Police Tactical One The Grub also sent an article from a local paper that
dispatch frequency. Has anybody hooked up tone generation described the bust. It mentioned another person who was
equipment to a progrannnable VHF transceiver and made free arrested for making $150 in calls. It also mentioned an
calls? It seems that there would be no problem doing this. underground program called "Silver Bells" which sends 2600
I'm an electrical engineering student at the V niversity of hertz and is presumably a blue box program.
Southern California. I just broke into the IBM mainframe the Demented Data Systems can be reached at 2048325397 at
administration uses for grades and stuff. We have these new 300 and 1200 baud. and is free for long distance callers.
Zenith-29 terminals on campus, hooked up to Micro-600 port
The 2600 Information Bureau
New Payphones Confuse Callers per each service you request, so this adds up to quite a bit of
Wall Street Journal money for the full services. The only requirement is a I A ESS.
Telephones that read credit cards may be the wave of the
future. But you wouldn't know it from watching callers at La New VAX Announced
Guardia Airport for two hours recently. Comhmed !\('v.~ Source:.
While dozens of callers dial on conventional telephones, only The Digital Equipment Corporation, the world's second-
six people approach the five card-reading phones nearby. Two largest computer maker, announced a new top-of-the-line
glance at the lengthy instructions and walk off in obvious supermini-computer capable of processing between six and
disgust. Four others, businessmen with AT&T credit cards, use seven million instructions per second.
the telephones-but punch in their account numbers manually The new machine, called a VAX 8650, was described bv
rather than using their magnetically coded cards for automatic Digital officials as the company's first extension of the VAX
recording. 8600 line. The 8650 runs about 44 percent faster and will have
The problem seems to center on the design of the new phone an internal memory that is twice as big, about 68 megabytes.
machines: Unlike most automated-teller machines used by DEC is also introducing a PC compatible that will be also
banks-where a motor-driven device whisks the card away and compatible with DEC's Rainbow Pc.
then returns it to the customer-the phone machines require
the customer to position the card's magnetic strip correctly, Cra y Maneuvers
slide the card manually through the slot, and then remove it. Communications Week
The procedure seems to intimidate customers. "People don't AT&T Bell Labs has sold an aging Cray-l supercomputer in
interact with the magnetic strip on their credit cards in daily order to purchase a sleek, new Cray X-MP; 24 supercomputer.
usage," one expert said. The new system is valued at about $10 million and will be
While the card should be inserted lengthwise along the edge installed early this year. An AT&T Bell Labs spokesman said
nearest the magnetic strip, "everyone tries to put it endways," the unit will be the company's only Cray computer. He said the
says Ray Ruiz, a product manager for Pacific Bell, which first X-MP/24 will be used at Murray Hill in AT&T microprocessor
installed credit-card phones in 1984. For the first month, he chip development and in Unix operating system research and
says, cards inserted the wrong way would get lost in the development.
machine, and a metal barrier had to be installed behind the slot
to keep the cards from being inserted too far. But he has yet to Overcharge Hunters Needed
devise a way to prevent callers from putting coins in the credit Associated Pre\~
card slot. New jobs are opening up for individuals who can ferret out
overcharges in phone bills that can exceed hundreds of
Security Software thousands of dollars. "It's basically a record keeping failure,"
Communications Week one of the detectives, James Bell, East Coast manager for Sears
American Telemanagement Corporation is marketing Communications Co. said of the telephone errors. With so
computer software aimed at preventing theft of service from many levels of telephone bureaucracy to go through before a
long distance companies by people using stolen.codes. customer's order is carried out, the request sometimes is not
The company's software, called Network Security transmitted accurately.
Management, combats theft by detecting when codes are being Some of the consultants take 50 percent of the overcharges
stolen and monitoring the use of codes to immediately identify they find. Such investigators have spent months looking over
excessive use. Three carriers have already purchased licenses to bills for large companies and municipalities. Ronal Chernow
use the program: SBS Skyline, Teltec Savings Communication Services Inc. saved New Jersey's Essex
Communications, and Microtel. Several others are testing the County $218,000 for the telephone system in their court
program. complex. Chen ow recalled a case in which a New York
company moved to New Jersey and paid a so-called mileage
Your Own Private Centrex charge for keeping its old number. But the company still was
2()(X) ~ew~ Service being billed for a switchboard that no longer existed. The
Pacific Bell is offering a new service called "Premiere" where telephone company wanted to send an employee to verify that
with a touch-tone phone one can make an amazing amount of the equipment was not there, but the building had been
services available in your own home-enough services so that replaced with a parking lot.
you could impress your friends by telling them that you have
your own pri-.ate switching system. With Premiere you can call Phone Service Via Radio Shack
any other line within your home by pushing two tones; you can Communications Week
make any phone a multi-line phone and answer any line in any Radio Shack has signed an agreement with Nevada Bell to
room; you can transfer calls within a home from one line to run a test program that allows customers to sign up for
another; you get call hold, 3-way calling, call forwarding; you immediate telephone service at Radio Shack stores in the
get something called alternate answering, where one line will Reno; Sparks area of Nevada. The cooperative program allows
ring if the other is busy; you can store up to 30 numbers that you customers to buy a phone from Radio Shack, open an account
can call up by hitting 2 tones; distinctive ringing, where external with Nevada Bell and receive a phone number on the spot.
(outside the home) and internal rings will actually sound The stores are connected to Nevada Bell via hot lines, and the
different. These services are available for $3.50 to $5 per month program is in operation any time the stores are open, not just
normal business hours.
DIVESTITURE Private Sector
(continued/rom page 3-2) (continued/rom page 3-1)
currently being done. succeeded in getting the prosecutors to reveal their true
It's true you will be writing more than one check when it knowledge of the matter in front of the entire world. And we
comes time to pay the phone bill. Many long distance convinced the American Civil Liberties Union to take up the
companies still don't go through your local phone company's case of the Private Sector. We expect them to be involved in
billing office like AT&T used to (and still does), so they must similar cases in the future. Slowly but surely, we're getting
bill you separately. Then, you could choose to make some calls through to people.
with one long distance company and others with another. Then We hope to see this kind of thing stop once and for all. Too
again, you could make calls using Visa or American Express many innocent people have already been victimized by these
and get billed that way. There are so many different ways to little-publicized gestapo tactics. Sensitive equipment has been
make a telephone call these days, so naturally there will be at damaged by careless law enforcement agents. Valuable time has
least as many ways to be billed. You could also wind up paying been lost, voices have been silenced, and people's lives have
AT&T for equipment rental, if you're wary of owning your own been adversely affected. Please, folks, wake up those around
phone equipment. So that's another check to write. you nm..·! That's our brightest hope.
Then there are pay phones, which are starting to be We apologize about having to devote yet another article to
deregulated. You may see two totally different phones that this distressing subject. Until we see some basic changes in
charge totally different rates to call the same place. This will be attitude and evidence of real protection for all of us, we must
confusing to most people, because they were never trained to continue to speak out. We hope you do the same, in whatever
think about the phones they use. But for phone phreaks, this ways possible.
represents more ways to have fun. GoodNews
What The Future Holds The good news is that at last the Private Sector is returning.
In theory, what we have today is the beginning of total At press time, the estimate for having the board up and running
equality. Unfortunately, it's also total mayhem, but that will is sometime in February. (Extra time is needed to look for any
undoubtedly clear up in time, as everyone slowly gets used to damage and also to see if any "back doors" have been installed
the new system. Many mistakes are being made and it's fun to while we weren't looking.) The numberfor the Private Sector is
find them. Skyline has a page in their bill that says, "Retain for still 2013664431.
your records," in much the same fashion as other telephone In the interim and as a supplement, 2600 will operate a
bills. The difference here is that there is no information on this limited access subscriber bulletin board from our New York
page at all except your name and the month of the bill. The office. All subscribers are welcome to call and participate in
amount owed appears on another page. Why would someone discussions with other readers on topics such as this. There will
want to retain this useless data? Then there's U.S. Tel, who also be a facility for uploading articles to us, using XMODEM
supposedly has a new credit card system-you dial a number, or ASCII transfer methods. This board will be run on an
then enter your credit card number, which is something like 14 experimental basis and only between the hours of midnight and
digits long. Miraculously enough, we've been told, any series of noon on Saturday and Sunday mornings (also known as Friday
numbers at aJi allows the call to go through! and Saturday nights), Eastern Time.
But mistakes aren't the only thing well be seeing. Since Bell To get onto this board, call 5167512600 between these times.
Labs is now able to compete openly, well see a great number of Leave your subscriber code (those funny letters and numbers
the projects they've been working on secretly for Ma Bell. This on the upper right of your mailing label) or your name as it
will be of great benefit to us. At the same time, it may get a lot appears on our mailing list, along with a first and last name of
harder for authorities and spies to keep tabs on certain people, your choice and a random password. These will be installed in
since there's no longer a guarantee that a person will use a time for the next day of activity. Don't worry about personal
certain phone or even a certain network. Diversity is good for information leaking out-we only need to see it once to verify
the individual. that you're a subscriber and then it will be destroyed.
All of this is only the beginning. Many more changes are on If you call that number at any other time, you'll either get a
the horizon and technological enthusiasts will have quite a human or a machine. If you reach the machine, leave a message
time. For the average person who doesn't care, things may be so that we can pick up for real if we're within earshot, which is
unpleasant, especially if the explanations aren't as plentiful as more often than you might think.
the changes. Hopefully though, these folks will be comforted by We're also planning to have meetings in various cities
the knowledge that it's all/air. throughout 1986. If you think a particular city is well-suited for
this, let us know and we will take it into account.
We have a lot of fine articles just waiting to be printed and
Advertise in 2600! we're always looking for more. Feel free to send us anything of
Reach over 1,000 selective interest.
readers-hackers, security
Are You Reading Someone Else' 5 Copy of 2600?
analysts, corporate spies,
private consultants, and • You'll get your very own copy at the same
people who are just time of every month.
interested in what s • You won't lose your eyesight trying to read
small print that's been copied six times or morel
gOing on. • You'll be helping 2600 become financially
Call 516-751-2600 for info. 3-8 solvent, which will result in a better publication.