July, 1984: ''Look Out, He'S Gota Computer!"

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July, 1984
Published monthly ~ 2600 ENTERPRISES. INC .. an eleemosynary olpnization. Subscription rates are
510 annually. 55 sem18nnually. and 51 per back copy. Wnte to 2600. Box 752. Middle Island. NY 11953.
Fear of computers is one thing. Almost everyone has experienced
this to some extent, though some of course are able to handle it far
better than others. But misunderstanding of computers is a great deal
more damaging and far less recognized among the mainstream.
What's the difference? The two are definitely related, there's no
denying that. But they are far from identical. One of the most
outstanding differences lies in the fact that people who claim to be
"afraid" of computers (whether it's because of their efficiency, rapid
growth, or whatever) tend to keep away from the things. But people
who misunderstand computers are the ones who are running and
regulating them.
Last month it was reported that Tom Tcimpidis, who operates a
computer bulletin board system from his home in the Los Angeles area,
had his equipment seized by the Los Angeles Police Department. Why?
Somebody somewhere had called up his system and left an AT&T
credit card number posted. Pacific Telephone found out and decided to
flex its muscles. Officials involved in the case insist that the system
operator be held responsible but it's impossible to ascertain why. The
man who approved the search warrant, Superior Court Judge Robert
Fratianne, was quoted in InfoWorldas saying, "As faras I can see, for
someone to commit a computer crime, they have to have the
knowledge, the equipment, and the access to an illegal [bulletin]
board." Does anyone know what he's talking about? What in the world
is an illegal board? What kind of equipment is he talking about? The
only eq uipment here is a home computer! In another article, one of the
officials claims that he knows all about this kind of thing, because he
saw War Games, the film where a kid tries to start a nuclear war.
Perhaps he didn't see the same film as the rest of the world, but in any
event, seeing War Games, whether you understand it or not, doesn't
make you an automatic expert on anything having to do with
computers! This is what is known as aggressive ignorance.
Another fun thing that happened last month was the TRW escapade.
The nation was shocked to find out that the TRW computer, which
houses credit information on a large number of people, might have
been broken into. Nobody knew what had even happened! Did
someone raid the system and destroy or change info? Did the feds bust
another BBS for posting "illegal" info? Were real criminals involved
this time? Did a large bill get sent to an innocent corporation?
According to all of the articles that have been written, not one of the
above happened, but they all could have happened. So where is the
story?! Are they saying that the worst thing that happened here was the
posting of this nifty information somewhere? Well, that's not even
interesting since any employee that uses the system could tell someone
else about it at any moment.
Again, what we are seeing here is a failure to appreciate the full
implications of such a thing. There isa story in this whole TRW thing.
But it's not in the possibility that some hacker somewhere figured out a
password. The story lies in the existence of the TRW database itself.
Why was this completely downplayed? Because an article about kids
breaking into a computer makes for good, sensationalist reading. It
doesn't matter if most of the information is totally wrong; the people
will read it. Nobody wants to read about how we're losing whatever
freedom we have left, not to a machine, but to the people running the
machine. It's depressing to hear about your entire life story being
written to disk somewhere and to know that there's not a thing you can
do about it. But, like it or not, this is exactly what's happening.
It's quite possible that TRW has a file on you that can be checked
and appended by people all over the place. It's also entirely possible
that some of that information is wrong. And it's a fact that TRW itself
claims no responsibility for the accuracy of this info. But v ~ n if all of
the :nformation is right, how do you feel about being categorizt;d?
On the back pages ofour issue this month, we've devoted some space
to the way TRW operates and the information that can be found. We
didn't print this so that everybody could figure out a way to break into
their system, although we11 certainly be accused of this by our critics.
We're publishing these facts so that as many people as possible can
become aware of the wide availability of increasingly personal tidbits
and how this can affect us for h ~ rest of our lives. We're doing this so
that people can realize how easy it is for items to be altered and for
assumptions to be made by people reading this data. Look at the
sample printout and see if its thoroughness surprises you. Try to
imagine how thorough it could become in ten years with improvements
in technology and continued erosions of personal freedom. The FBI
recently came very close to expanding its files on criminals. They
wanted to include "known associates of criminals." Next would have
come "known associates of known associates, "etc. They lost the battle
for the moment, but you can count on seeing another drive for this
increased surveillance real soon.
What many are not realizing is that this constitutes true "misuse" of
computers. What kind of a society are we heading towards that wants
to keep close personal data on everybody? Regardless of whether or
not one is on the right side of the law, nobody wants everything about
them to be known. We all have our secrets and more systems like TRW
will make those secrets increasingly hard to keep. But according to
today's papers, the biggest problem with computers are the hackers.
People who do little more than type some numbers onto a terminal
and do a little bit of thinking are referred to alternately as computer
geniuses and computer bandits by the media. And nearly every story
written about such things is full of astronomical lapses, misinfor-
mation, corporate sympathy, and the obligatory Donn Parker quotes.
The Washington fost recently did a three-part story on "computer
crime" which said absolutely nothing new. It could have been
manufactured by a computer program!
Meanwhile, legislators are tripping over themselves trying to get
laws passed to control these computer people before they take over the
world. The intensity with which the FBI has chased hackers in the past
year or so indicates the power they think those with computers either
have or are capable of achieving. And most of this fuss is being made
over people simply accessing other systems. What in the world is going
to be the reaction when people finally start to use the computers, to
calculate and design?
A new bill has. been proposed to outlaw computer crime. Isn't that
wonderful? Do you know what they consider a computer crime?
Personal use of a computer in the workplace. This means that if an
office worker were to open a file and write a note to himself reminding
him to stop at the store later on, he'd be committing a felony. Plans are
also in the works for bills that would add penalties to crimes that were
committed with the help of computers. In other words, stealing is
stealing, but stealing with a computer is stealing and a half.
The hysteria continues. The United States government is doing
everything in its power to prevent the Soviets from obtaining
computers that arepractically a dime a dozen here. What good could
this possibly achieve in the long run? And why pick on the computer?
It's not a weapon in itself, but merely a tool. A vital tool, yes, but still a
It's clear that computer people are in for an era of harassment from
the authorities, who haven't been this riled up since Prohibition. And
everyone else will be getting it from the computer abusers, who insist
on tracking everything that moves. We can survive by staying awake.
But we'd better start working on it.
You really have to hand it to those folks over at Mel. First
they tackle Ma Bell and now they're going after the U.S. Postal
Service! MCI Mail's slogan, "The Nation's New Postal
System," is printed on every bright orange envelope that they
send through, you guessed it, U.S. Mail.
On this system a user is assigned a "mailbox" that he can use
to send and receive mail. Sending is done either electronically,
that is, to other people with M CI mailboxes or through the post
office, which covers everybody else in the world. The first type
of letter will cost you $1 for the first three pages while the
second type is double the cost. It's also possible to send an
overnight letter ($6) or a four-hour letter ($25) to some places.
The purpose of M CI Mail is to stimulate the use of electronic
mail by making it more accessible to the average person. For
that we must give them credit-anybody can get an account on
this system! There is no start-up fee and no monthly fee of any
kind . To get an account, all you have to do is call them-either
by voice or data. If you call by data (see page 5 of April issue of
2600 for numbers), you11 have to enter REGISTER as the
username and REGISTER as the password. The rest is self-
explanatory. After a couple of weeks, you11 get in the mail
(regular mail, that is) a big orange envelope that has, among
other things, your password. With this info, you're now free to
log onto the system, look for people you know, send and
retrieve messages, read all of their help files, or even hop onto
the Dow Jones News Service (watch it though-that can get
pretty expensive!)
The system is set up on a network of Va xes throughout the
country. They've been operating since September 1983 and
claim to have over 100,000 subscribers. Many of these are
actually subscribers to the Dow Jones service, who are
automatically given MCI Mail accounts whether they want
them or not.
While the rates aren't overly expensive, they:re certainly not
cheap. Mailing regular letters is much cheaper and often just as
fast since not every MCI Mail user checks their mailbox every
day. Apart from that, though, there are many problems with
the system as it stands now. For one thing, it can take forever
getting on it, particularly through the 800 numbers. When you
finally do get a carrier, you should get a message like this after
hitting two returns:
Port 20.
Pleaseenter your user name:
Enter the username you selected and the password they
assigned you. It should say, "Connection initiated .... Opened."
From that point on, you're in.
But the system will often appear to be bogged down. Often
you have to hit twenty returns instead of two. Sometimes the
system won't let you in because all connections are "busy".
Other times it will just drop the carrier. Real mailboxes don't do
Another thing that will drive you crazy are the menus. Every
time you enter a cOInmand, you get a whole new menu to
choose from. If you're at 300 baud, this can get pretty annoying,
especially if you know what all the options are. There are two
ways around this: get the advanced version, which allows you to
enter multi-word commands and even store some files, at a cost
of $10 per month, or simply hit a control O.
One part of the system that works fast and is very convenient
is the user info. As soon as you type the command CREATE to
begin writing a letter, you11 be asked who you want to send it to.
Enter either the person's last name, first initial and last name, or
username (which is usually one of the first two, but which can
be almost anything the user desires). Immediately, you11 get a
list of everyone with that name, as well as their city and state,
which often don't fit properly on the line. There are no reports
of any wildcards that allow you to see everybody at once. (The
closest thing is *R, which will show all of the usernames that
you're sending to.) It's also impossible for a user not to be seen if
you get his name or alias right. It's a good free information
retrieval system. But there's more.
MCI Mail can also be used as a free word processor of sorts.
The system will allow you to enter a letter, or for that matter, a
manuscript. You can then hang up and do other things, come
back within 24 hours, and your words will still be there. You
can conceivably list them out using your own printer on a fresh
sheet of paper and send it through the mail all by yourself, thus
sparing MCI Mail's laser printer the trouble. You could also
share your account with somebody else and constantly leave
unsent drafts for each other. Again, they have to be retrieved
within 24 hours.
Yet another way of getting "free" service from these people is
to obtain many different accounts. There doesn't seem to be any
kind of a limit on this and since each account comes with $2 of
free messages, a few accounts can get you quite a bit of free
service. And, of course, there's no charge for receiving messages
on any of these accounts.
2600 has learned of several penetrations onto MCI Mail by
hackers. This isn't really surprising considering: (a) there are
multiple usernames, i.e. John Smith's use marne would always
default to JSMITH, which means that several passwords can
work for one username; (b) all passwords seem to follow a
similar pattern-8 characters with the odd-numbered characters
always being consonants and the even-numbered ones always
being vowels-any true hacker would obtain several accounts
and look for any correspondence between the random password
and the account number everyone is assigned; (c) MCI Mail
doesn't hang up after repeated tries-the only thing that will
make it disconnect intentionally is inactivity on your part.
But by far the biggest blunder that MCI Mail has made is not
found on the system. It lies in their bills. There is no carry-over
from month to month! If you get billed for $8 one month and
you don't pay it, then proceed to use the system for$3 more the
next month, your next bill will only show the $3! The $8 has
vanished! (This is by far the dumbest mistake we have ever
reported in these pages.)
You11 find quite a few unanswered questions in your travels
through MCI Mail, which you can try to solve by reading the
HELP files or by sending a free message to MCIHELP. It
usually takes them a couple ofdays to respond to you instantly,
There are some software lapses as well. The system seems to
be patterned largely after GTE Telemail, but it never really
reaches that level of clarity. A small example can be seen in the
scan tables. which have a heading of From. Subject, Size. etc.
On outbound messages, the name of the person you're sending
to appears under the From heading! Pretty silly.
MCI Mail shows every indication of overspending with a
passion. Free messages, free accounts, sloppy programming.
toll-free dialups, single sheets of paper (like their bills) sent in
huge envelopes, etc. Either they're very optimistic out there or
they're very naive. .
(Mc/ Mail can be reached 018004246677.)
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Look Out For Sidney!
Combined News Sources
The city of New York has come up with a new way to fight
parking scofflaws. It's called SIDNEY-Summons Issuing
Device for NEw York. It's a handheld computer terminal that
will be able to get information about license plate numbers that
are "suspected" of being attached to scofflaws.
The device weighs less than five pounds and looks rather like
a calculator. It would ask whoever was operating it to enter the
color, make, model, registration expiration, location, time, and
nature of violation. SIDNEY would then print out a water-
proof parking ticket and at the same time check its IO,OOO-plate
memory to see if the license plate belonged to a scofflaw or a
stolen car. An appropriate message would then be flashed on
the screen. Details of each ticket issued would be stored in the
device and entered automatically into the main computer
system each day.
There hasn't been much talk circulating about what will
happen when these things get stolen and fake tickets are handed
out by the thousands. It is expected that these creatures will be
turned loose into the hands of meter-maids within two years.
The contract for producing SIDNEY has tentatively been
awarded to Citisource of New Jersey.
Bell to AT&T: Get Lost!
Associated Press
One of the so-called "Baby Bells" is displaying its indepen-
dence from its former parent-AT&T. Southwestern Bell says
it's chosen GTE Sprint to provide long-distance telephone
service for its Houston operation.
By using GTE Sprint instead of AT&T, Southwestern Bell
figures to save about fifty thousand dollars. Long distance
service from Houston currently costs the former Bell system
unit about $300,000 a year.
GTE Sprint will replace AT&T in Houston in mid-August.
Five Arrested in Phone Fraud
The New York Times
Five Manhattan residents were arrested last month on
charges of defrauding the New York Company by
making more than 1,500 illegal telephone ca\1s, mostly to the
Dominican RepUblic, in a three-day period.
The Manhattan District Attorney's office said the suspects
used "blue boxes"to make the calls. The five were charged with
possession of burglary tools and theft of services. One was also
charged with selling a stolen credit card number to an
undercover investigator and using such numbers to make calls
for other people. He could get four years for his trouble.
Supposedly, the suspects were offering neighbors low-cost
long distance ca\1s, however they frequently charged more than
the co.st of legitimate calls!
An Official Crackdown on Hackers
Combined News
According to Rep. William Hughes (D-N.J.), computer
crime is increasing by leaps and bounds. Speaking on the House
floor, Hughes said, "It's time we recognized that computer
'hackers' who intrude into data banks are not just mischievous
kids looking for fun. They're engaging in illegal activities which
pose potentially serious threats to our society."
He urged quick passage of the Counterfeit Access Device and
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984, being sponsored by
him and eight other House members, including Democrats and
.=.....= -='=-=
The House Judiciary Committee took a step towards making
it a crime for hackers to break into systems such as TRW by
adopting an amendment by Rep. Dan Glickman (D-Kan.). His
proposal would make it a misdemeanor to raid computer files
containing private credit histories or banking information.
A subcommittee staff lawyer said the bill would close
loopholes in existing federal and state laws by making it a
felony offense to access a computer without authorization and
with intent to defraud, if that act enables the perpetrator to
obtain anything worth at least $5,000 over a one-year period or
any classified government information.
The bill is expected to come before the full House either late
this month or in early August.
Pay Telephones Deregulated
2600 News Service
On June 15, the FCC decided to allow just about anybody to
get involved in the pay phone business. Up until now, pay
phones have been provided by whichever local company serves
the area. But with this new ruling, all kinds of new companies
will be seen. In fact, some phones may even have different
prices! And, of course, it's to be expected that each of these new
types of phones will have their own quirks and bugs. Look for
Matrix, Tonka, and Pay tel phones in the near future.
Of course, there will be disadvantages. Some phones will
onlybe able todiallocally. Others won't be able to reach 911 or
information. Many will probably be rotary and most will
certainly break down more frequently. Still, diversity is what
makes this entire field so interesting.
"You Must First Dial a One ... "
Associated Press
As of July 1 st, 3 million customers in New Jersey had to start
dialing a one before area codes when calling long distance. This
leaves 202 and 516 as the last remaining areas in the country
that don't have to do this.
Company officials say the new system was introduced to
provide 152 more exchanges to meet increasing customer
demand. Under the new system, New Jersey Bell will begin
using certain area codes as telephone exchanges. They will
avoid using area codes of neighboring states to prevent mass
InfOlmation News
CombUled Source!>
Starting this month, MCI will connect subscribers to long
distance information just like AT&T does. And, like AT&T,
MCI will offer two free information calls per month, provided
their service is used for at least two long distance calls in that
same month. After that, they wi\1 charge for a call to
information, just like AT&T does! So what's the difference? In
the price, of course. AT&T charges a hefty fifty cents for each
call to directory assistance, while MCI will be under-selling
them with an affordable 45. Good old capitalism.
In another development, a computer program to help find a
telephone number without complete information from the
caller has been patented by Richard H. Boivie for Bell Labs. In
cases where the caller can give the information operator the
name of the person being sought, but is unsure about the
spelling, the computer will trace alternative spellings. If'-will
also sort through different addresses for the most likely
A new device has just been invented. It's called the "clear boxfl. It can
be used throughout Canada and through rural United States.
This interesting gadget works on "post-pay" payphones, in other
words, those phones that don't require payment until after the
connection has been established. You pick up the phone, get a dial
tone, dial your number, and then put in your coins after the person
answers. If you don't deposit money, you can't speak to the person at
the other end, because your mouthpiece is cut off-but not your
earpiece. (Yes, you can make free calls to the weather, etc. from such
In order to bypass this, all one has to do is visit a nearby electronics
store, get a 4-transistor amplifier and a telephone suction cup
induction pick-up. The induction pick-up would be hooked up as It
normally would to record a conversation, except that it would be
plugged into the output of the amplifier and a microphone would be
hooked to the iriput. So when the party answers, the caller could speak
through the little microphone instead. His voice would then go through
the amplifier, out the induction coil, and into the back of the receiver
where it would then be broadcast through the phone lines and the other
party would be able to hear the caller. The clear box thus "clears" up
the problem not being heard.. ....
The line will not cut off after a certam of time-It will walt
forever for the coins to drop in.
Many independents are moving towards this kind ofstupid payphone
system. For one thing, it's a cheap way of getting DTF (dial tone frrst)
service. It doesn't require any special equipment. That type of
payphone will work on any kind ofa phone Nonn,ally a payphone
line is different, but this isjusta regular phone hne and It's set up so that
the payphone does all of the charging, not the CO. With the recent
deregulation of payphones, this kind of a system could become very
Dear 2600:
A few exchanges in my vicinity have recently upgraded their
switching equipment. On 11/5/83,914-268 switched from a
SxS to a Northern Telecom DMSIOO. 914-634 & 638 also
switched from a No.5 Crossbar to a DMSIOO on 6/9/84.
Through trashing, 99XX scanning, and "social engineering,"
I have found out the following: The suffix -9901is a "verification" .
recording. In 268: 9903, 9906, 9909, 9911, 9912, &9913 are all
various recordings.
Another neat function on DMSIOO is that you can hear the
MF tones after most calls. NYTeleo calls this the sound of their
new system helping to serve you better.
Also, these CO's are under NYTeleo jurisdiction. Yet, they
bought from Northern Telecom DMSIOO instead of a "nice"
ESS system from Western Electric. Could this be the break-up
at work?
This equipment offers ESS functions such as call waiting, call
forwarding, dial-tone-first fortresses, etc. My question is: What
type of toll-fraud equipment is standard or optional for the
DMSlOO? Does it record everything like a pen register? Etc ...
Dear Curious:
First off, our compliments on your ability to notice the
changes that most people miss. As far as your 9901 discovery,
many exchanges in your area have been known to do that. If
you dial XXX-9901, you'll hear a computer read the exchange
and area code. It doesn't really serve much of a purpose. But
interesting things can always be found in the 99XX area, if your
company uses it.
Concerning the DMSlOO, it is the break-up of the Bell
System to an extent. New York Telephone has been buying
equipment from Northern Telecom for some time now. But
since the divestiture, they've become a little more flagrant about
it. You'll see quite a bit more experimentation with products
from other suppliers in the near future. The DMSlOO is a very
good switch, but it's got certain drawbacks as far as phone
phreaking is concerned. It does have certain "devices". These
don't work exactly like a pen register, but they wind up having
the same effect. What is done is this: if you happen to send a
2600 Hertz tone down the line, DMS 100 will make a computer
record of whatever you did in the surrounding time. They
automatically investigate your line if this is detected more than
an undetermined amount of times. This is where the pen
register comes in. The system is already equipped to handle a
pen register through a special box in the exchange that's set up
entirely for that purpose. This box ties into their automatic
slJrveillance equipment. So it's kind of a two step process, but
the DMSIOO makes it much easier.
So far, we haven't been able to find any advantages (or bugs)
ina DMSIOO. We will continue to look, though. Regarding the
MF tones, they're simply not being filtered as they are in most
places. The GTD#5 (made by GTE) and the DMS 100 both, as a
rule, only filter about ten percent of the MF tones. They also
don't filter out rotary outpulses, whenever they exist. Perhaps
it's a way of cutting comers.
DMSlOO,as you know, sounds just like ESS. About the only
way you can tell if you've dialed into one is if you hear
absolutely no clicks or pops when the party answers, as you do
with ESS,crossbar, and step. Instead you hear a real faint, mild
tick. When dialing out on one, you won't hear any clicks either.
Dear 2600:
I hear you people are keen on answering people's questions,
so answer me this: What ever ha'ppened to that operator who
was so damn nasty that she refused to call that ambulance for
this guy's dying mother just because he used a couple of cuz
words on the telephone? By the way, the lady died a horrible
violent death, I think. (I think the operator didn't die yet.) Oh
yea, I also think that there was some sorta lawsuit against the
nasty-oppy or the teleo or someone.
Dear RC:
The incident you're referring to took place a few months ago.
It happened in Dallas, Texas and it concerned a man who was
trying to get an ambulance for his mother-in-law who was
having a massive heart attack. Not only did the operator refuse
to send an ambulance until the woman herself got on the phone,
but her supervisor also got on the line and said something to the
effect of, "Sir, if you don't quit cussing out the operator, I'm
going to have to hang up on you."
The operator was fired and the superVisor demoted. But both
are currently claiming that they were only following orders. The
city of Dallas allegedly said that at all costs an ambulance
shouldn't be sent out unless it was an extremely life threatening
situation. Anonymous people have even come forward and
claimed that bonuses were offered to those who sent the least
amount of ambulances out!
We should say that this doesn't involve the phone company,
since it wasn't their operators who handled this call. Any
lawsuits would be against the city of Dallas, in all likelihood.
It's also interesting to note that there is n0911 service in Dallas.
Residents there dial 744-4444 instead. Perhaps an advanced 911
service might cut back on the fake calls they're supposedly
plagued with since such systems immediately trace back the
number calling and do an instant CNA on it.
(Write to 26Q(). Box 752. Middk Isltmd. NY 11m or Mel MaillD: 2600.)
TRW Information Services is America's largest credit
institute, containing the credit histories of over 90
nullion Americans online.
Recently it was reported that a password belonging to Sears,
Roebuck, & Co. was stolen. TRW and the media are currently
circulating several conflicting reports about the use of the
account. Some reports insist that the account was never used
illegitimately. Others say that 'criminals' used the account to
pillage credit card numbers to illegally buy goods and services
while knowing the account limit. Another account of the
incident(s) says it was merely hackers exploring a very
interesting system. It seems hard to believe that hackers
managed to infiltrate TRW, since the system is basically user
spiteful, but they seem to have pulled it off.
Once the subscriber initiates a connection with one of the
many dial-ups, located in most major cities, the system will
identify itself with TRW. It will then wait for the subscriber to
send an appropriate answerback (such as a control-G). Once
this has been done, the system will say CIRCUIT BUILDING
IN PROGRESS along with a few numbers. After this, it clears
the screen (Ctrl-L) followed by a control-Q. Once the control-Q
is sent, the system is ready to accept the subscriber's request.
The subscriber must first type a 4 character preamble which
identifies the geographical area of the subscriber's account. For
TCAI - for certain California & vicinity subscnbers
TCAl - a second TRW system in California
TNJI - their New Jersey database
TGAI - their Georgia database
The subscriber then types a carriage return (followed by an
optional 3 line feeds). On the next line, he must type his 3
character option. Most requests use the RTS option. OPx,
RTx, and a few others exist. Some of these, such as RT A,
return you with an error saying that this option is used for credit
bureau collection activity only. TRW will accept an A, C, or S
as the third character.
After the option (RTS), a space must be skipped, and then a 7
digit subscriber code is typed in. The first two digits represent
the region in which the subscriber is located and the subscriber's
industry, respectively.
Table I Table II
(lint dlaIt) (--.ddiJlt)
1 - TRW Eutem Recion 0 - PublIc Record
1 - TRW Midwestern Recion 1 - ....
3 - TRW western Recion 1 - Buk Credit Cant
4 - inquiries from Broker CuItomers 3 - RetIIIl
- ! 4 - Credit Cant
6 - Other credit reportIna apndes - Lou Finance
within Eutem Recion .t: 6 - Sales FInance
Commen:iaI Credit SubIcribers 7 - Credit Union
7 - Others within western Recion 8 - SaYinp .t: Lou
8 - Others within Western Recion 9 - Senice .t: Profeao..J
Using the tables above, it is evident that the stolen Sears
Password from Sacramento must begin with a 33, identifying it
as from the Western Region and as being a retail store.
Once the subscriber enters his 7 digit subscriber code which is
printed along on the reports, he then appends a 3-4 character
password immediately after it. (In the Sears example, the whole
thing was: 3319122NXK. This code has a,llegedly been floating
around hacker circles for at least two years!) Following this, he
must type a space and then the full last name of the person he
wants a report on. This is followed by another space and the full
first name. After this comes yet another space.
Now the subscriber has 3 optional parameters. He can just
type 3 periods after the first name and space or he can fill them
in. The first period can be replaced by the person's middle
initial, the second by the spouse's first initial, and the third by
an S or a J which indicates Senior and Junior respectively.
The last of the three parameters is followed by a comma. This
is immediately followed by the house number and a space. After
the space, he then places theftrst letter of the street name. For
example, he would type M for Main Street, a # for a P.O. box,
or 3 for 32nd Street. This single character is then followed by
the 5 digit zip code (mandatory) and a final comma. After the
zip, he would hit carriage return and an optional line feed.
(There are some special conditions which can apply to the
house number-if an institution such as a school, motel,.or
hospital is given as the main address, 33333 would be used as
the house number. When anaddress is General Delivery, 44444
would be the house number and G would be the street name.
Others: UoS". Air Force, 55555 A; U.S. Army, 66666 A; U.S.
Coast Guard, 77777 C; U.S. Marines, 88888 M; U.S. Navy,
Assuming the subscriber is calling from a California business
and he is requesting a report on Winston Smith at 3 Main
Street, Anytown, CA 90003 he would type the fQllowing after
the control-Q:
TCAl (This identifies the subscriber as being from CAl
RTS 33xxxxxABC SMITH WINSTON ,3 M 90003,
In this case, the subscriber password Was ABC and the account
number was represented by 33xxxxx.
At this stage, he can request the report printout by typing a
terminating control-S or he can tell the computer some
information that it will then record into the account. This is
known as using the second line, which is entirely optional. The
first option that can be specified here is a previous address. This
can be done by typing P- followed by the house number, a
space, the first letter of the street, another space, and the full
zip. For example, if Mr. Smith previously lived at 2600 Elm
Street in New York City, the subscriber would type the
following: P-2600 E 1000l. He can then type a comma after this
and move onto another oetion. If Mr. Smith had another
previous address, the subscnber can enter it in the same fashion
as above (after the comma) ifhe omits the P and the dash. This
is followed by a comma also. He can then enter in Mr. Smith's
Social Security numberin the format ofS-I234567890. Ifthis is
followed by a comma, he can then enter A-age or Y -year of
birth (4 digits, e.g., 1984). The subscriber can next enter in
information telling how much money Mr. Smith has requested
andlor on what type of account. This is done by typing T-
followed by a two digit account type, a 3 digit terms, and a 3
digit amount code. For instance, for a: credit card account
(which happens to be #18), with a limit on100 (001), which is
being financed for 24 (024) months, he would type: T -1802400 I.
This information will show up as an inquiry under the
subscriber's name on Mr. Smith's account.
There is one final option on line 2 which prints a heading at
the top of the page (TRW supplies pre-printed forms with
"nice" columns). If the subscriber cannot afford to buy their
paper, he would probably type H-Y to getthe heading. The last
option on line 2 is followed by a comma, carriage return, and an
optional line feed. For example:
RTS 33xxxxxABC SMITH WINSTON ,3 M 90003,

This can then be finally entered by typing a control-S.
But wait! That's not all. The subscriber has one more option.
He can specify the person's employer. Let's suppose that Mr.
Smith works for NYTelco Security at 1095 Avenue of the
Americas in New York City. The subscriber would then type:
NEW YORK 10036
After this he would enter the familiar carriage return and
optional line feed. (TRW emphasizes to their subscribers that
this area is for the name and address of the employment only,
not occupation or source of income. "00 not use terms such as
'housewife,' 'retired,' 'welfare' or 'unemployed' which could be
considered damaging to the applicant," a special warning
reads.) Since this is the last bit of information that the
subscriber can enter, he is now forced to type the inevitable
The first line of the actual printout sends the page number,
the date, the time, the port number, and the HI V(?). It will then
print the person's address and their employer. After this it
should print the person's actual credit history. Each individual
account entry takes up 2 lines. In the first line, the account
profile, subscriber's name and TRW account number, their
association code, and the individual's account number with the
subscriber are listed. The A on the left is the account profile. A .
means that the subscriber (SAKS FIFTH, as an example)
transmitted this information automatically from their computer .
(as opposed to an M, which means that the subscriber manually
indicatesa positive,non-rated,ornegativerating(PIN) of
reflects positively upon the account. The person has an
accountwithSaksFifth Avenue. Saks'subscribernumber
04-03-84 15:25:02 RN23 R55 SMITH TCAl
is 26000000.
Onthesecondlineofeachentry,theaccountstatus,date LOS ANGELES CA 90003 telYORK 10136
ClJlllllENT REP'T OPEN DATE PAST DI.E 123456789012
(REV)charge(CHG)accountthatwasopened inOctober
---FILEIDENT: sst IS 1234567898,SPOUSE INIT IS J,YOB IS 1984
1984,thepersonhada$55 balanceontheaccount.TheC's
and dashes indicate how the person pays the account. In
A BOF A 3101344 5
March(onemonth priortothe balancedata of4-84), the TOO NEW RT 4-84 1-80 IlIT 48 $808fI $600 4-1e-84
accountwaspaidontime.InFebruary,twomonthspriorto A SPNB 3110260 0 26B0000
the balance date, the account was also paid on time. In
January (3), the account was thirty days past due (1=30,
A CROCKER M 31203S4 1
CURR ACCT 4-84 5-77 CIC REV S2ee0 S1219 4-17-84
bySaksasindicatedbyadash. InOctober,theaccountwas 3319842 "
sixtydays pastdue. Courtjudgments, tax liens, and other
A BROADWAY 3370380 1
CURR ACeT 4-84 3-83 CHG REV Sl. S0 4-02-84 -CCCCCCCCC
Thepersonmayalsohavea 100wordorlessstatementin
A IllAVCO 3378518 1
thefile explainingcertainentriesintheiraccount.(Thereis
CURR ACeT 4-84 8-81 CHG REV -Sl. S28 4-16-84 CCCCC
alsoanotherTRW service for business reports(similarto A BULLOO<S 3371408 1
Dunn& Bradstreet) which has anentirelydifferent set of CURR m 3-84 1-77 CHS REV S380 Sl33 3-09-84
A JWROBltaWS 3371559 0 268000
TRWdoesn'tliketobeheldupforanyone.Therefore, if
CURR 4-84 7-82 CHG REV S400 S0 3-09-84 CCCCC
A CARTE BL.AN:HE 3425280 1 2600000a
CURR 12-83 5-81 CRC 1S1400 S1484 12-31-83 CCCCCC
as it logs him off. Incidentally, any information that the
subscriber types on lines 2 or 3 (i.e. age, social security
number,employer,etc.) is automatically recorded onthat A CITIBANK 1391556 1 2600000
person's file. Any previous information on the option is DURR 2-83 6-78 CHG REV -Sl00 S0 2-31-83 ccc--CCC-CC
discarded(inmostcases). A SAKS FIFTH 1347515 1 26000000
CURR ACeT 4-84 10-80 CHG REV S6700 S55 4-05-84 CCI-C2CC3CC-
NORDSTROM 3390206 1 26000000
toasupremecourtorothersuchinstitution,hecouldusethe A
DURR ACeT 8-83 8-83 CHG REV utf{N S0 12-15-83 CCCCC
T-option to hack out the code for JUDGMENTS, TAX, A
GECC 36007114
LIENS, and other neat things. He would then be able to
CURR ACCT 12-83 8-83 CHG REV S1508 S1275 12-15-83
modifyanyone'saccounttoreportthembankruptorthata A
CURR ACCT 8-82 UNKN CHG REV -Sl00 $0 ccc-cccCCCCC
Hackingpasswordsisstillreportedtobeveryeasy.Assuming A
TWA 2455618 0
thatsomeone is tryingto guess a password toa 3xxxxxx aJRR ACCT I0-Y le-y CRe 24 SIS00
account,thefollowingcouldbedone: A SECURITY PACIFIC NATL 31109S4 0
TCAI ' CURR ACeT 12-82 2-81 CRC REV S2000 S0 4-09-84 CCC
CURR ACCT 4-84 6-81 CRe REV S2500 S65 4-25-84 CCCCCCCCCCCC
and thesystem with:
A CARTE BLAtaE 3425280 2
CURR ACeT 12-83 Ie-y CRe 1 S. S97 12-31-83 CCCCCC
PAID SAlIS 7-82 10-Y CRe REV S1200
A FORD CRED 3620155 1
andthesystemrespondswith: CURR ACeT 12-83 2-82 AUT 48S22280S17639 12-31-83
Thehackerhascorrectlyguessedthepassword-itaccepted CURR ACCT 1978 1974 RIC 30S29000
the password but didn't find a name field. Since account
PD Cou. AC 9-83 4-82 lINK UNK -Sl00
numbersareveryeasytogetaholdof. thepassword is the
only real challenge. That, and the fact that the system
INQUIRY 11-22-83
A /llAY CD 3370519
whichmightcatcha few bysurprise.
INQUIRY 12-26-82 ISC
A BIF A 3101344
thathasafile. For example,ifaCaliforniaaccountrequested INQUIRY 4-22-82
data on a person in New York, the system would simply A FIRST INTERSTATE 3270827 2
switchover to itsNewJerseydatabase to accomodate the
request. A few states though, such as Tennessee, have
government controlovercredit information. Thus,people
from thatstatecannotbefound onTRW.Canyou be?

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