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CBELife Sciences Education

Vol. 15, 114, Summer 2016


Development of the Central Dogma Concept Inventory

(CDCI) Assessment Tool
Dina L. Newman*, Christopher W. Snyder, J. Nick Fisk, and L. Kate Wright
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623

Submitted June 2, 2015; Revised January 21, 2016; Accepted January 21, 2016
Monitoring Editor: Ross Nehm

Scientific teaching requires scientifically constructed, field-tested instruments to accurately evalu-

ate student thinking and gauge teacher effectiveness. We have developed a 23-question, multiple
selectformat assessment of student understanding of the essential concepts of the central dogma
of molecular biology that is appropriate for all levels of undergraduate biology. Questions for the
Central Dogma Concept Inventory (CDCI) tool were developed and iteratively revised based on
student language and review by experts. The ability of the CDCI to discriminate between levels of
understanding of the central dogma is supported by field testing (N = 54), and large-scale beta test-
ing (N = 1733). Performance on the assessment increased with experience in biology; scores covered
a broad range and showed no ceiling effect, even with senior biology majors, and pre/posttesting
of a single class focused on the central dogma showed significant improvement. The multiple-select
format reduces the chances of correct answers by random guessing, allows students at different
levels to exhibit the extent of their knowledge, and provides deeper insight into the complexity of
student thinking on each theme. To date, the CDCI is the first tool dedicated to measuring student
thinking about the central dogma of molecular biology, and version 5 is ready to use.

INTRODUCTION and Rosengrant, 2003; Ding etal., 2006), statistics (Stone etal.,
2003), geosciences (Libarkin and Anderson, 2005), and en-
Well-designed assessment tools are essential for instructors gineering (e.g., Midkiff etal., 2001; Krause etal., 2003; Steif
to evaluate class-level understanding of a particular topic be- and Dantzler, 2005). The number of concept assessments on
fore instruction, to measure the effectiveness of their lessons, biological topics is quickly expanding, as more instructors
and to test new tools and methods in the classroom. In es- and researchers recognize the need for research-based tools
sence, good assessment tools allow transformed classrooms to evaluate student understanding of essential biological
to evolve based on evidence. In the 20+ yr since the introduc- concepts (e.g., Kalas etal., 2013; Abraham etal., 2014; Deane
tion of the Force Concept Inventory (Hestenes et al., 1992), etal., 2014; Price etal., 2014; Williams and Heinrichsen, 2014;
dozens of other concept assessment tools have been created Couch etal., 2015a). Many of the more recently developed in-
for many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics struments align with some of the five core concepts required
(STEM) fields, including physics (e.g., Thornton, 1998; Singh for biological literacy as described in the National Science
Foundation/American Association for the Advancement
of Science 2009 report Vision and Change: A Call to Action
CBE Life Sci Educ June 1, 2016 15:ar9 (AAAS; 2011).
DOI:10.1187/cbe.15-06-0124 One of these core ideas, Information Flow, Exchange and
*Address correspondence to: Dina L. Newman (dina.newman@rit Storage, not only pertains to many topics covered in college
biology classrooms but is arguably the basis for all modern
2016 D. L. Newman et al. CBELife Sciences Education 2016 genetic and genomic research. The concept of information
The American Society for Cell Biology. This article is distributed being permanently stored in DNA, transiently copied into
by The American Society for Cell Biology under license from the
author(s). It is available to the public under an AttributionNon-
RNA intermediates, and used to build proteins that carry out
commercialShare Alike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License the majority of cellular functions, is recognized as the cen-
( tral dogma of molecular biology (Crick, 1970). The topic
ASCBand The American Society for Cell Biology are regis- is visited many times over the course of a biology curricu-
tered trademarks of The American Society for Cell Biology. lum. The biology education research literature supports the

 15:ar9, 1
D. L. Newman et al.

notion that typical undergraduate biology students struggle lying knowledge about the concept is correct. For example,
with concepts related to information flow (Pashley, 1985; in our research, a biology student once described the first
Stewart et al., 1990; Allchin, 2000; Lewis and Wood-Robin- step of gene expression as Translation is when single strand
son, 2000; Lewis etal., 2000; Marbach-Ad, 2001; Khodor etal., DNA is copied to form RNA strands. Although the student
2004; Wright and Newman, 2013; Wright et al., 2014), per- correctly articulated that a new molecule of RNA was syn-
haps due to high school curricula failing to prepare students thesized during the process, s/he mixed up the terms tran-
for deep learning on these important topics (Lewis et al., scription and translation. It would be interesting to know
2000; Shaw etal., 2008). how such an answer would be graded by instructorsdo
In teaching courses such as introductory biology, cell biol- they typically put more emphasis on correctness of vocabu-
ogy, molecular biology, and genetics, instructors often strug- lary or correctness of concept?
gle to identify and fill in the apparent gaps in student knowl- Perhaps the most difficult type of response to evaluate
edge and help make clear connections between key topics comes from students who use vague language when ask-
that students often miss when trying to learn biology, espe- ing and/or answering questions in class or on assessments.
cially in the context of information flow. While instruments Not only does imprecise student (novice) language make in-
such as the Genetics Concept Assessment (Smith etal., 2008), structors cringe, but it makes interpreting the statements or
the Genetics Literacy Assessment (Bowling etal., 2008), the written responses difficult. In many cases, student-generated
Biology Concept Inventory (Klymkowsky et al., 2010), the answers are not quite correct, but not totally incorrect either,
Meiosis Concept Inventory (Kalas etal., 2013), and the Mo- which puts the burden of interpretation solely on the grader.
lecular Biology Capstone Assessment (Couch et al., 2015a) Vague language often results in an instructor 1) wondering
each include some questions that relate to information flow, whether a particular student actually knows the material but
to date there is no dedicated assessment instrument focused just cannot articulate it and/or 2) giving students the benefit
on the central dogma. Informal discussions with colleagues of the doubt and rewarding them for superficial and/or in-
and a review of available assessment tools confirmed our be- correct ideas. Research has demonstrated that vague and im-
lief that this is a tool much needed by the community. precise student language is an issue in many STEM settings
Good assessment tools do not just differentiate students (Kaplan et al., 2009; Peterson and Leatham, 2009; Haudek
with correct versus incorrect ideas; they can also be etal., 2012; Rector etal., 2012; Wright etal., 2014). Students of-
used to identify expert-like thinking about a particular topic. ten misapply words that have nuanced meanings to experts
Developmental and cognitive psychologists describe disci- and/or use nonscientific definitions of terms when describ-
plinary experts as those with deep content knowledge who ing scientific phenomena. When corrected or confronted
are also able to adapt, organize, and apply knowledge in by an instructor, students often say, Thats what I meant,
a dynamic and meaningful way (Newell and Simon, 1972; probably not realizing how shaky their foundational knowl-
Bdard and Chi, 1992; Chi, 2006). One of the overarching edge actually is.
goals of undergraduate science education is to promote ex- In this paper, we describe the development and testing of
pert-like thinking and reasoning skills in students as they the CDCI, which extends and builds on a long-term research
progress through curricula and college programs. Unfor- project focused on student understanding of genetic infor-
tunately, research has shown that many assessments used mation flow. We specifically focus on the vague and impre-
in higher education classrooms test little more than factual cise language that students use when describing aspects of
recall and/or require that students only use low-level cog- information flow and turned it into items in our assessment
nitive skills to come up with correct answers (Palmer and tool, following a similar framework to what has been de-
Devitt, 2007; Crowe etal., 2008; Momsen etal., 2010). Think- scribed by others in the discipline-based education research
aloud interviews and individual oral examinations often community (e.g., Garvin-Doxas and Klymkowsky, 2008; Ad-
show underlying conceptions and thought processes that ams and Wieman, 2011; Abraham et al., 2014; Deane et al.,
are not apparent with a typical multiple-choice test or even 2014; Price etal., 2014; Towns, 2014). To gain insight into how
open-ended written questions (Dufresne et al., 2002; Chi, undergraduate students think about the essential topics, we
2006; Kuechler and Simkin, 2010), but most instructors do used a variety of sources, including classroom artifacts, writ-
not have the time to evaluate each student so deeply. Thus, ten responses to open-ended questions, and interviews with
carefully constructed and tested instruments like the Central students at all undergraduate levels (Wright and Newman,
Dogma Concept Inventory (CDCI) are needed to more accu- 2013; Wright et al., 2014). Thus, we were able to identify a
rately identify student ideas and evaluate development of wide range of conceptions (correct as well as incorrect) and
disciplinary expertise in the typical college student. language (accurate as well as inaccurate) that students use
A major obstacle to learning biology, and especially genet- to describe the central dogma. We used the strategy of in-
ics, is the large amount of vocabulary and its precise usage for corporating students own language and incorrect ideas as
communicating concepts clearly (Pearson and Hughes, 1988; distractors to ensure that the assessment captures the true
Groves, 1995; Bahar etal., 1999). Novices, however, may be ideas that students hold about biological phenomena and
able to recognize or produce correct terminology or phrases not just what educators think their students know (Garvin-
without necessarily understanding the deep concepts linked Doxas and Klymkowsky, 2008; Klymkowsky and Garvin-
with the terms. For example, we have interviewed students Doxas, 2008).
who state, DNA is a template, or DNA is copied, with- Concept inventories are usually constructed as a series of
out being able to correctly define the term template or ex- multiple-choice items designed to probe students concep-
plain any of the specific molecular interactions or processes tual knowledge about a particular topic. While we initially
that facilitate replication. Novices also may interchange or constructed the CDCI as a forced-choice assessment, early
incorrectly substitute terminology, even though their under- in development we changed the format to a multiple-select

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Development of the CDCI

instrument. A multiple-select format circumvents many of the Overview of Instrument-Development Process

issues associated with a forced-choice format that can result Owing to the iterative nature of developing assessment tools,
in students using test-taking strategies to eliminate incor- the CDCI has gone through several major revisions (Table 1).
rect choices and help them guess the correct answer without Version 4 (CDCI v.4) underwent large-scale beta testing with
advanced content knowledge (Haladyna and Downing, 1989; more than 1700 students, to allow for a final revision to CDCI
Haladyna etal., 2002; Towns, 2014). In addition, we found it v.5, which is now available for general use. While the CDCI
difficult to construct biologically relevant questions within was originally designed as a standard multiple-select tool,
the constraints of having one absolutely correct answer and perspectives and opinions from focus-group discussions led
three to four absolutely incorrect answers, especially with- to a reevaluation of all items. Items were rewritten to accom-
out including artificial distractors, whereas the new format modate a multiple-select instrument in CDCI v.2 that was
broadened the range of questions we could ask. Finally, this maintained in all later versions.
format allowed for multiple levels of understanding to be The conceptual framework for development of the CDCI
incorporated in a single question, which makes it applica- is shown in Figure 1. Initially, a large list of student-derived
ble to individuals with a wide range of sophistication and ideas from classroom observations, class artifacts, and re-
reveals both breadth and depth of their knowledge (Couch search data were grouped into themes. Themes were used
et al., 2015a). In this paper, we present our strategies and to identify six major concepts related to the central dogma
methodologies for the construction of the CDCI tool. We also (Table 2). The concepts were used as a basis for construction
discuss specific examples of how student ideas and language of preliminary items, in which distractors and language were
were incorporated into the instrument and present examples guided by student ideas. Several CDCI items were developed
of question evolution based on validation interviews and ex- from each major concept. Student feedback, in the form of pi-
pert feedback. Results from a large-scale beta test (n = 1733) lot testing and think-aloud interviews, was used to improve
are presented and discussed. We also present evidence to items in versions 13 (CDCI v.13). Expert feedback, in the
demonstrate instrument reliability (Cronbachs alpha > 0.8, form of surveys, supported our choices of the major concepts
which indicates good internal consistency) and support the and helped improve items in CDCI v.3 to create CDCI v.4.
hypothesis that the CDCI measures student understanding Large-scale testing and statistical analysis was used to revise
of central dogma concepts (the overall score on the CDCI version 4 into its current, ready-to-use version (CDCI v.5).
increases when test takers have more biology course expe- Our design strategy adhered to the principles of construct
rience, and a class focused on central dogmarelated topics validity. According to Messick (1989, 1995), the major con-
showed improvement in postcourse testing). cerns about validity are construct underrepresentation (the
assessment is too narrow to accurately measure understand-
METHODS ing) and construct-irrelevant variance (the assessment is too
broad in that extraneous ideas can be used to answer ques-
All student data were collected with proper institutional re- tions). These two overarching ideas informed the design of
view board approval. Student participants for versions 13 the CDCI. For example, the use of the multiple-select for-
were biology majors from a large, private, STEM-focused mat can address both concerns: individual questions are not
institution in the northeast United States. Participants for overly narrow, because different levels of expertise or facets
testing of version 4 were from nine different institutions, dis- of knowledge can be represented in a single item, and they
cussed in more detail below. are not overly broad, because test takers have to consider

Table 1. Iterations of the CDCI

CDCI version Format of item responses Description

1 Twenty-four items Tool was constructed after analysis of student data (class artifacts, open-ended responses,
Multiple choice interviews).
Items and responses were rewritten to accommodate a multiple-select format after informal
focus-group discussion with research team and collaborators.
2 Twenty-four items Version 2 was used in think-aloud interviews with 12 undergraduate (sophomore, junior, and
Multiple select senior) biology students. Field notes and interview transcripts promoted revisions to the CDCI.
3 Twenty-four items Version 3 was taken by 54 undergraduate (sophomore, junior, and senior) biology students
Multiple select recruited from a number of different courses (molecular biology, biotechnology, and
bioinformatics courses).
Version 3 was reviewed by 13 biology experts (PhD faculty at a number of institutions) using an
online survey format. Experts answered CDCI questions and provided feedback on question
clarity and relevance.
Analysis of expert feedback, deeper analysis of student interview transcripts, and CDCI scores
prompted revisions to the CDCI.
4 Twenty-four items Large-scale beta-test version administered at eight institutions to a total of 1733 students (for
Multiple select more information, see Table 2).
5 Twenty-three items Ready for classroom use. Contact authors if interested in using the CDCI v.5.
Multiple select

Vol. 15, Summer 2016 15:ar9, 3

D. L. Newman et al.

Figure 1. Flowchart of CDCI item-development process. Versions of the instrument are shown in orange, sources of content are blue, and
sources of feedback are green. Following the thick arrows shows the evolution of the instrument; thin arrows show how components were
used to support the CDCI development; and dotted lines indicate checks.

every response independently rather than using extraneous Different types of RNA molecules (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA)
cues to eliminate possibilities. The iterative process of eval- have specific roles.
uating each item allowed us to ensure that interpretation of Promoters are sequences of DNA.
items fell into the intended range. tRNA molecules are the functional products of tRNA
Details of the Process
Because the primary developers of the CDCI had been in- This list was eventually condensed and edited to a list of
volved in several projects investigating student understand- six major concepts related to the central dogma that seem to
ing of central dogmarelated topics (Wright and Newman, be the most problematic for students (Table 2).
2013; Wright etal., 2014) and had taught courses in introduc- To create CDCI items, we examined written responses to
tory biology, cell biology, molecular biology and genetics, open-ended questions and interview transcripts from re-
both course artifacts and research data were used to construct search projects investigating student understanding of in-
the CDCI. To select and define the concepts to be included in formation flow to try and uncover the underlying thought
our concept inventory, we created a large, preliminary list of processes that gave rise to their words. We then created items
incorrect or unclear statements made by students when dis- with concrete options (correct answers and distractors) based
cussing the central dogma. For example, students repeatedly on the possible right and wrong ideas that might lead stu-
exhibited difficulty in differentiating macromolecules (nucle- dents to use vague statements. We believe this method to be
ic acids and proteins) from their building blocks (nucleotides effective, because accuracy in interpretation of student lan-
and amino acids). They also talked about promoters as if they guage is evaluated later in the testing process. If we misinter-
were RNA or protein rather than being part of the DNA, or preted student ideas and created unrealistic distractors, then
were added onto a gene rather than being incorporated into students would not choose those options during beta test-
the genome from the beginning. A partial list of ideas that we ing, and the response would be discarded as a result. Table 3
determined were problematic for biology students includes: shows an example of how student language was interpreted
and used to develop a question and response choices.
Building blocks of macromolecules (DNA, RNA, protein) Thirteen external faculty reviewers (all of whom had a
are not interchangeable. PhD in biology or a related field) were asked for feedback on
Amino acids are covalently linked together during protein whether any important concepts were missed in CDCI v.3, but
synthesis. none were identified. One reviewer pointed out that the tool
Genes are part of genomes, whether or not they are ex- did not include gene regulation and that this would be a good
pressed. subject for a future instrument. We agree; the CDCI is limited
End products of DNA replication, transcription, and to the basics of gene expression and intentionally does not ad-
translation are new macromolecules. dress the more advanced topics of gene regulation. The final
Translation cannot occur unless the process of transcrip- CDCI questions were later realigned with each of the main
tion has already occurred. concepts to ensure that each concept was linked with at least

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Development of the CDCI

Table 2. Major concepts covered by the CDCI

Major concept Corresponding CDCI questions Major concept Corresponding CDCI questions

Macromolecules are composed 3. Which of the following There are multiple types of 6. For a typical eukaryotic gene,
of specific building blocks. chemical groups are identical information encoded in DNA which of the following is
in DNA and RNA? that may be used at different normally expressed as part of
17. Are amino acids and nu- times. the protein?
cleotides considered to be 5. Which of the following does a
macromolecules or building typical human gene contain?
blocks? [building blocks vs. 7. Which of the following state-
macromolecules] ments correctly describes a
promoter? [encoded in DNA,
not RNA or attached later]
21. When are noncoding regions
removed from a gene?
Mechanism of RNA synthesis. 1. Which of the following mole- Mechanism of protein synthesis. 2. Which of the following mole-
cules is needed in order for a cules is needed in order for a
cell to carry out transcription? cell to carry out translation?
10. How is a region of dou- 4. In which of the following
ble-stranded DNA molecule processes does a nucleic acid
changed during the process of exhibit catalytic activity?
transcription? 14. Which of the following must
16. Which of the following occur during the process of
describes the process of translation? [molecular inter-
transcription? [template and actions]
building blocks] 16. What role does mRNA play
13. What do mRNA, tRNA and in the process of protein
rRNA have in common? synthesis?
20. During the protein synthesis,
amino acids are bound to
which molecules?
Although mistakes can occur in 19. Imagine that you identify a DNA is permanent information 8. You are comparing brain,
any central dogma process, mu- mutation in a human cell line. storage and products (RNA heart, liver, and skin cells
tations are permanent changes Which of the following must and proteins) are synthesized from the same individual.
in the DNA. also be true? [mutations do when needed. Which of the following
not always affect products] molecules would you expect
22. An error in which of the fol- to be identical between these
lowing processes could result four cell types?
in a heritable mutation? [only 9. A cell receives a signal that
replication] it needs to produce a certain
23. An error in which process protein for the first time.
can result in a non-functional Which of the following pro-
protein product? cesses must occur?
11. Which of the following func-
tions does double-stranded
DNA play in a bacterial cell?
12. Which of the following func-
tions does mRNA play in a
bacterial cell?
18. What do replication and tran-
scription have in common?

two questions. Originally, there were eight main concepts, but esting things students said and to flag questions that seemed
after review of the alignments by six additional external fac- especially problematic or confusing to students. Video files
ulty experts and further discussion among the research team, were later uploaded into NVivo 10 (QSR International), so
they were reworded and condensed to the final six presented interviews could be transcribed and synced with video files.
here (Table 2). The NVivo software package allowed the research team to
code interesting student comments and identify potentially
Validation Interviews with CDCI Questions problematic wording. These observations were used to re-
vise the instrument to CDCI v.3.
(Version 2)
Think-aloud interviews, using CDCI v.2, were conducted
with 12 biology majors (sophomore, junior, and senior lev- Pilot Testing (Version 3) with Students and Biology
els). Students were asked to read each question and response Experts
choice aloud and talk their way through how they would CDCI v.3 was pilot tested with 54 students majoring in biol-
answer each question. Interviews were video-recorded, and ogy or a related subject such as biotechnology or biomedical
interviewers took field notes to help them remember inter- sciences (13 sophomores, 22 juniors, and 19 seniors). Student

Vol. 15, Summer 2016 15:ar9, 5

D. L. Newman et al.

Table 3. Example of how student language and ideas were interpreted to develop CDCI questions

Student responses to written prompt: This is a representation of the central dogma. CDCI question that was developed based
[DNARNAprotein]. Please describe, as fully as you can, what is happening at the on student reasoning and language. (Cor-
arrow between DNA and RNA. rect choices are italicized and underlined)

Novice-like responses Potential interpretations CDCI 11. How is a region of double-

stranded DNA molecule changed
during the process of transcription?
Choose all that apply.
Transcription from DNA to RNA, RNA is made by physically altering A. Structurally: the double-stranded molecule
thymine bases are converted to uracil. DNA. A chemical change. is temporarily changed into single strands.
It [DNA] is then turned into RNA. RNA is a new molecule that contains B. Structurally: the double-stranded
different bases but the same molecule is permanently changed into
information. NOT a chemical change. single strands.
DNA becomes single-stranded and DNA physically becomes RNA by splitting C. Chemically: the deoxyribose sugar
deoxyribose converts to ribose for into single strands; A permanent, groups are changed to ribose sugar
the sugar. Alanine pairs with uracil structural change. [chemical change groups.
instead of thymine. Transcription. also mentioned]
The DNA molecule is splitting apart from DNA temporarily becomes single-stranded D. Chemically: the thymines are changed
a double helix to a single helix and is in order to facilitate information being to uracils.
recoding to become a RNA molecule. incorporated into RNA. NOT a
permanent structural change

participants were recruited from several different laboratory provided written feedback, while four reviewers did not
sections of 200- to 400-level courses. Students who agreed attempt to answer any of the CDCI questions themselves
to participate took the CDCI during downtimes in their but did provide feedback on question clarity and relevance.
laboratory sessions and typically took 1520 min to answer Numerical scores from CDCI v.3, reviewer feedback, and
all questions; no one required more than 30 min. The CDCI deeper analysis of interviews were used to revise the instru-
v.3 was scored by both partial credit (92 total responses) and ment to CDCI v.4.
by whole question (24 total responses).
To gain expert feedback, we gave an online version of
the CDCI v.3 to biology faculty members of diverse insti- Large-Scale Beta Testing (Version 4)
tutions across the country to 1) answer the questions for CDCI v.4 was given to 1733 students in nine classes at eight
comparison with developers intended correct answers and institutions, representing a diverse population in terms of
2) provide feedback and suggestions on each item. The fac- geography, institutional type, and class size (see Table 4). At
ulty members were asked to select the correct response(s) each test site, the CDCI was administered during class us-
for each question and provide comments on the clarity of ing paper and pencil. A large number of students took the
each question. Nine reviewers answered all questions and CDCI as a preinstruction assessment in their introductory

Table 4. Beta-test population (total numbers tested, including those who were excluded for invalid responses later)

Timing of
Designation Institution classification Size/setting Location Class assessment n

Public, masters (larger programs) Large, primarily Southwest United Introductory Pre 26
nonresidential States biology
Preintroductory Public, masters (larger programs) Large, primarily Western United Introductory Pre 190
nonresidential States biology
Public, research university Large, primarily Eastern Canada Introductory Pre 1180
nonresidential biology
Public, masters (larger programs) Medium, primarily Midwest United Introductory Post 23
residential States biology
Postintroductory Public, masters (larger programs) Large, primarily Western United Introductory Post 102
nonresidential States biology
Private, research university (very Medium, highly Northeast United Introductory Post 93
high research activity) residential States biology
Private, special focus on health Small, primarily Midwest United Molecular biology Pre 17
professions nonresidential States
Postintermediate Private, masters (larger programs) Large, highly Northeast United Cell and molecular Post 53
residential States biology
Private, masters (larger programs) Large, highly Northeast United Genetics Post 49
residential States

15:ar9, 6 CBELife Sciences Education

Development of the CDCI

biology course (n = 1396), a group that we designated as the bottom 27% of students. Point biserial correlations (rpb)
preintroductory. A different set of students took the CDCI indicate the extent to which score on the individual ques-
as a postintroductory biology assessment (n = 235), a group tion correlates with overall score on the whole assessment.
that we designated as postintroductory. A third group of Cronbachs alpha was calculated using the statistical pack-
students (n = 102) took the CDCI as a postcourse assessment age psych (Revelle, 2015) to determine internal consistency
in an intermediate-level course (genetics and cell/molecu- of the instrument.
lar biology) and are designated as the postintermediate
group. One large introductory biology class accounted for
68% of the data (preintroductory group only). Individuals RESULTS
who gave invalid responses (e.g., left a question blank or se-
lected choice E when only A to D were possible) were Pilot Testing with Students and Biology Experts
excluded from the reported analyses (final n = 1541). After the CDCI had undergone revisions based on informal
Included in the postintermediate group were the scores feedback and validation interviews we used the instrument
from 53 students in a molecular biology course who had also (version 3) in a small-scale beta test with two distinct popu-
taken the test as a pretest (those scores are not included in lations of subjects; undergraduate biology students (sopho-
the above data). To demonstrate content validity of the in- more through senior, n = 54) and biology experts (faculty, n =
strument, we also compared pre- and posttest scores of this 13). Owing to the nature of the instrument (multiple select),
group in a separate analysis. Because the assessment was scores were calculated in two ways: 1) the percentage of 24
given anonymously, it was not possible to correlate scores questions that were answered completely correctly (% whole
from individuals, and five subjects who took the pretest did questions correct), and 2) the percentage of total choices that
not take the posttest. Therefore, we did the t test analysis two were correctly marked/not marked out of 92 possible re-
ways: first, we compared the means of the 53 posttests with sponses (% response options correct).
those of the 58 pretests, and second, we dropped the 5 low- As shown in Figure 2, A and B, the mean scores for experts
est pretest scores. The latter assumes that the lowest scores were higher than for students, with seniors scoring above
came from all the people who did not take the posttest and underclassmen and below faculty. All data from students
therefore gives a very conservative estimate of the difference and faculty were combined in a single analysis of variance
between the two groups. (ANOVA), and the trend of increasing scores with increasing
level of expertise was found to be significant: whole question
F(3, 59) = 13.2, p < 0.0001; response option F(3, 59) = 10.4,
Statistical Analyses p < 0.0001. When groups were compared by t test, sopho-
Because preinstruction introductory biology students strug- mores and juniors were not significantly different from each
gle with concepts related to genetic information flow, we other t(33) = 0.66, p > 0.1, but all other pairs tested were sig-
assumed these very novice students had a relatively high nificantly different (e.g., whole question scores comparing
guess rate when answering CDCI questions. To perform juniors with seniors t(39) = 2.78, p = 0.0084, seniors to faculty
item analysis, we used all postinstruction CDCI scores for fi- t(26) = 2.97, p = 0.0064) with a large effect size (Cohens d >
nal statistical analyses (n = 318 valid responses). Student an- 0.8). The lack of difference between sophomores and juniors
swers on individual items were compared with their overall is not surprising given the inconsistent nature of the biology
scores (Ding etal., 2006; Kalas etal., 2013). Difficulty index (P) curriculum at the institution where the beta tests took place.
was calculated as the percentage of students who answered Owing to the fact that sophomores and juniors were part of
correctly on a given question. Discrimination (D) was cal- the same courses targeted for beta testing, we feel that the
culated as the difference between the percent of students labels sophomore and junior are simply reflective of
who got the question right in the top 27% of overall scores their time in college not necessarily the amount of exposure
and the percent of students who got the question right in to central dogmarelated topics.

Figure 2. Results of pilot testing (CDCI v.3). The instrument was given to both undergraduate students (n = 54; 13 sophomores, 22 juniors,
19 seniors) and faculty (n = 9). (A) Each whole question, scored as fully correct or incorrect (24 questions with three to five response options
each). (B) Each response option, scored independently as correct or incorrect (92 T/F options). The dotted line indicates the hypothetical guess
rate (50%).

Vol. 15, Summer 2016 15:ar9, 7

D. L. Newman et al.

The faculty reviewers not only answered the CDCI v.3 Pre/Posttesting of a Molecular Biology Class
questions but also offered comments about the accuracy and The above evaluation represents a snapshot of student per-
relevancy of each item. Items that were answered incorrectly formance at particular levels, in which students in different
by more than one expert reviewer were closely examined courses were evaluated at the same time. We also examined
for grammatical or factual errors. In all cases, questions that the change in performance of a single class over time. This
were answered differently by multiple faculty had also been course was particularly suited for the instrument, because it
flagged by our reviewers as potentially problematic. Table was an intermediate-level course that focused on concepts of
5 shows several examples of how items changed based on cellular and molecular biology, with a particular emphasis
expert feedback; most of the changes involved rewording on the central dogma. Student scores are shown in Figure 4;
the questions and/or responses. Using the scores and ex- students in this class improved significantly from the pretest
pert comments, we further revised the CDCI into version 4, (n = 58) at week 1 to the posttest (n = 53) at week 14, t(109)
which was used in large-scale beta testing. = 5.47, p < 0.0001. Because the CDCI was given anonymous-
ly, it was not possible to correlate individual scores. Because
Large-Scale Beta Testing five fewer students completed the posttest, we removed the
Faculty were recruited for beta testing of CDCI v.4 in diverse lowest five scores from the pretest to give the most conserva-
classroom settings. Students were given the test in a paper tive estimate of the difference between pre/postscores. Re-
format during class time, either pre- or postinstruction on the moving the lowest five scores did not change our conclusion,
central dogma, in introductory biology or intermediate-level t(104) = 4.8, p < 0.0001.
courses. Based on the timing and specific class, beta testers
were grouped as preintroductory, postintroductory, or
postintermediate (Table 4). Figure 3, A and B, demonstrates DISCUSSION
that, as students gained more classroom experience, medi- We have developed a novel assessment tool designed to
an CDCI scores increased (ANOVA test, F(2, 1538) = 37.1, p measure student thinking about topics related to the central
< 0.0001; t test on each pair, p < 0.0001) with a moderate to dogma of molecular biology. Information flow, one of the five
large effect size for each pair (Cohens d for preintroductory overarching core concepts articulated by Vision and Change
to postintroductory: 0.78 for whole question and 0.67 for re- (AAAS, 2011), is difficult for many biology students and is
sponse options; preintroductory to postintermediate: 0.74 for the subject of much biology education research (e.g., Pash-
whole question and 0.90 for response options). ley, 1985; Lewis and Wood-Robinson, 2000; Lewis etal., 2000;
Scores indicated that most questions were fairly difficult Marbach-Ad, 2001; Newman etal., 2012). The CDCI tool was
for the population tested. This is not surprising, given our developed by first examining student-generated ideas from
design, which tests multiple levels of understanding within research and classroom-based open-ended written assess-
each questionmost items require a fairly sophisticated ments, formal research interviews, and informal interactions
conception of the central dogma for a subject to choose all with students and biology instructors. Then items were de-
the right responses and none of the distractors. Thus, we signed, tested, and revised in an iterative process involving
separated the data for introductory students tested prein- group discussions, student testers, and expert reviewers. We
struction, whom we expect to have very weak conceptions, have provided evidence that supports the relationship be-
from the students tested postinstruction or in higher-level tween CDCI score and knowledge about topics related to the
courses, whom we expect to have more expert-like thinking. central dogma; the CDCI assessment can be used to gener-
The more advanced subset of students (N = 337) was used for ate valid inferences about a population of students. In this
the item-response analysis shown in Table 6. paper, we have described our instrument development and
The first analysis used all whole questions scored dichot- validation processes to the biology education research com-
omously, as correct or incorrect, and the difficulty index was munity in order to share our insights and experiences with
calculated for each question (P = number of students with instrument development to date.
fully correct answer/all students with valid answers). Next,
we considered each response option individually, wherein
all 92 options were scored as correct or incorrect (Supple- Strategic Choices
mental Table 1). Nearly all questions showed a positive cor- While it is generally accepted that well-designed assessment
relation between item score and overall score (P), a positive tools rely on student-derived or novice ideas and language, it
discrimination value (D), and a positive point biserial cor- is nearly impossible to use student-derived language direct-
relation (rpb). One question, Q4, stood out as having nega- ly. As in other education research fields, our analyses of writ-
tive D and rpb values. Even when looking at individual re- ten artifacts from a number of biology students underscored
sponses, it shows an unusual pattern: response A alone gives the imprecise and vague nature of student language (Kaplan
a low positive D and a low positive rpb, while choices B and etal., 2009; Peterson and Leatham, 2009; Haudek etal., 2012;
C are negative in both respects. Questions 5, 13, and 23 each Rector etal., 2012; Wright etal., 2014). Many times it was dif-
showed lower than ideal P, D, and rpb values, but all other ficult to figure out what exactly the student was trying to ar-
questions appeared to fall within acceptable ranges. Cron- ticulate when answering any number of question prompts.
bachs alpha was calculated as 0.80 for version 4, and with When designing CDCI items based on student reasoning
the removal of Q4 it improved to 0.83, well above the thresh- and language, we recognized that we would need to trans-
old of 0.70 that is considered acceptable for a reliable instru- form vague novice language into specific item choices. For
ment (Kline, 2000) and on a par with other assessments for example, the term convert was used in many student-gen-
college students (Liu etal., 2012). erated written responses attempting to describe the process

15:ar9, 8 CBELife Sciences Education

Development of the CDCI

Table 5. Evolution of select CDCI questions

Item from version 3 (wording changes Revised item for version 4 (wording chang-
are highlighted and correct choices are es are highlighted and correct choices are
underlined) underlined) Reasoning

What is always true of the genetic CDCI 4. Which statement is always true of Reviewers noted that the term genetic
information contained in DNA from a the information contained in DNA from means different things to different people.
normal human cell? Choose all that apply. a normal human cell? Choose all that Some might assume that genetic infor-
A. The genetic information is copied apply. mation includes only DNA that affects
before cell division A. The information is copied before cell a phenotype, while others thought of the
B. The genetic information is expressed division entire genome as genetic.
as RNA B. The information is expressed as RNA
C. The genetic information is expressed as C. The information is expressed as a
a protein product protein product
In what process does a nucleic acid act as an CDCI 5. In which of the following processes Reviewers indicated that the wording of the
enzyme? Choose all that apply. does a nucleic acid exhibit catalytic original question may mislead students
A. DNA synthesis activity? Choose all that apply. because the term enzyme is usually
B. RNA synthesis A. DNA synthesis associated with proteins.
C. RNA splicing B. RNA synthesis Analysis of validation interviews with
D. Protein synthesis C. Protein synthesis students confirmed reviewers suspi-
D. RNA splicing cions. Interviewees associated enzyme
with proteins and were confused by the
If you examined your brain, heart, liver, CDCI 9. You are comparing brain, heart, Reviewers noted that the original wording
and skin cells, what molecules would be liver, and skin cells from the same indi- could be confusing and asked, How
identical in all cells? Choose all that apply. vidual. Which of the following molecules identical is identical?
A. DNA would you expect to be identical between Because individual cells in an organism can
B. mRNA these four cell types? Choose all that potentially carry different mutations,
C. rRNA apply. reviewers did not always consider A to
D. Protein A. DNA be a valid response.
D. Protein
What is the purpose of DNA in a bacterial CDCI 12. Which of the following functions The term purpose was flagged as problem-
cell? Choose all that apply. does double-stranded DNA play in a atic by many of the reviewers.
A. To provide long-term storage of genetic bacterial cell? Choose all that apply. Reviewers indicated that using the term
information A. It provides long-term storage of purpose was teleological, not scientific.
B. To carry genetic information from the genetic information Molecules have functions not purposes.
nucleus to the cytoplasm B. It carries genetic information from the A new choiceEwas added after analy-
C. To allow for regulation of gene nucleus to the cytoplasm sis of validation interviews. One student
expression C. It allows for regulation of gene described eukaryotic DNA as a double
D. To decrease the amount of time the cell expression helix, while prokaryotic DNA was merely
needs to respond to a signal D. It decreases the amount of time the circular.
cell needs to respond to a signal
E. There is no double-stranded DNA in a
bacterial cell
What is the purpose of mRNA in a bacterial CDCI 13. Which of the following functions The term purpose was, again, very prob-
cell? Choose all that apply. does mRNA play in a bacterial cell? lematic. One reviewer wrote that gene ex-
A. To provide long-term storage of genetic Choose all that apply. pression can be regulated at the mRNA level,
information A. It provides long-term storage of genet- but that is not the purpose of the molecule.
B. To carry genetic information from the ic information A reviewer suggested response E based on
nucleus to the cytoplasm B. It carries genetic information from the his/her own research.
C. To allow for regulation of gene expres- nucleus to the cytoplasm
sion C. It allows for regulation of gene expres-
D. To decrease the amount of time the cell sion
needs to respond to a signal D. It decrease the amount of time the cell
needs to respond to a signal
E. There is no mRNA in a bacterial cell
When can a mutation occur? Choose all that CDCI 23. An error in which of the following The question was problematic for many re-
apply. processes could result in a mutation? viewers. We thought that the term when
A. Replication Choose all that apply. might be too vague, so the question was
B. Transcription A. Replication rewritten to clarify.
C. Splicing B. Transcription
D. Translation. C. Splicing
D. Translation.

Vol. 15, Summer 2016 15:ar9, 9

D. L. Newman et al.

Figure 3. Results of large-scale beta testing (CDCI v.4). The CDCI was given as a pretest to introductory biology students (n = 1396), as a
posttest to other introductory biology students (n = 235), and as a posttest to intermediate-level students (n = 102). (A) Each whole question,
scored as correct or incorrect (24 questions with three to five response options each). (B) Each response option, scored independently as correct
or incorrect (92 T/F options). The dotted line indicates the hypothetical guess rate (50%).

of transcription, as in The DNA is converted to RNA, or accurately describe what he or she meant? Because of this
The T [thymine] is converted to U [uracil]. There are a kind of ambiguity, raw student language could not be used
number of possible interpretations of written statements that verbatim in the assessment tool, but qualitative one-on-one
use the term convert. For example, did the student literally interviews were helpful in uncovering underlying student
mean a chemical or physical conversion from one molecule ideas (Bowen, 1994; Otero and Harlow, 2009) and allowed
to another? Perhaps the student thought part of a molecule us to better interpret and use student-generated language
was swapped out for something else? Or did the student ac- in the instrument. Thus, we attempted to decode student
tually understand the process of transcription but could not language from as many oral and written sources as possible
in order to capture a wide range of student thinking. This
Table 6. Summary of the characteristics of the CDCI v.4a process helped us create a number of possible item choic-
es, both distractors and correct answers, for each question.
Question P D rpb The multiple-select format of the instrument provided us the
freedom to use various combinations of correct and incor-
Q1 0.31 0.56 0.57 rect choices for each item. The extensive testing showed that
Q2 0.39 0.67 0.61 every distractor is chosen as a correct option by at least a
Q3 0.39 0.21 0.30 subpopulation of test takers.
Q4 0.38 0.15 0.01
In addition to allowing for more than one correct an-
Q5 0.09 0.05 0.19
swer to be selected for each question, multiple-select for-
Q6 0.35 0.38 0.47
Q7 0.46 0.43 0.49 mat prevents users from utilizing test-taking strategies to
Q8 0.26 0.32 0.40 correctly guess one correct answer found in a forced mul-
Q9 0.12 0.33 0.52 tiple-choice format (Haladyna and Downing, 1989; Towns,
Q10 0.38 0.47 0.51 2014). Well-designed items and responses, of course, greatly
Q11 0.51 0.53 0.52 diminish the users ability to guess the correct answer, but
Q12 0.25 0.15 0.27 they do not eliminate the problem of being able to narrow
Q13 0.04 0.06 0.20 down the possibilities and then guess, which can inflate the
Q14 0.26 0.35 0.45 chances of choosing the correct answer. Multiple-select items
Q15 0.36 0.62 0.58 require that each response be evaluated independently.
Q16 0.49 0.37 0.41
Thus, the multiple-select format is more likely to provide
Q17 0.22 0.25 0.36
Q18 0.51 0.56 0.56
valid inferences without construct-irrelevant variance (Mes-
Q19 0.47 0.60 0.59 sick, 1995). Also, forced multiple choice does not help an in-
Q20 0.43 0.36 0.37 structor or researcher uncover alternative ideas the student
Q21 0.64 0.41 0.43 may hold in regard to a particular question or topic (Couch
Q22 0.66 0.33 0.41 etal., 2015a). For example, if a student is wavering between
Q23 0.18 0.23 0.39 choices A and C on a forced-choice test, they will even-
Q24 0.42 0.49 0.48 tually have to choose one response, when in reality, the stu-
Average 0.36 0.36 0.42 dent might actually think that both A and C are correct.
We feel a multiple-select format will help biology instructors
P, difficulty index; D, discrimination; rpb, point biserial correlation)
and education researchers get a more accurate and complete
based on whole question scoring data (% of 23 questions correct)
picture of student thinking.
collected from introductory and intermediate biology courses,
The statistical analyses of the beta test (version 4) helped
assessed postinstruction (N = 337).
us identify one question that needed to be discarded (Q4),

15:ar9, 10 CBELife Sciences Education

Development of the CDCI

Figure 4.Results of pre/posttest-

ing in a molecular biology class
(CDCI v.4). The CDCI was given
as a pre (n = 58) and post (n = 53)
course assessment in a semes-
ter-long molecular biology course.
The pretest was administered in
week 1 and the posttest was ad-
ministered in week 14. (A) Each
whole question, scored as fully
correct or incorrect (24 questions
with three to five response options
each). (B) Each response option,
scored independently as correct or
incorrect (92 T/F options). The dot-
ted line indicates the hypothetical
guess rate (50%).

and a few others that needed some rewording (Q5, Q13, and the utility of the CDCI to be applicable to even advanced
Q23). As shown in Table 6, questions were difficult in general biology students.
(mean P = 0.36), as expected for a multiple-select instrument, Construction of an assessment tool involves a multi-
with the difficulty index (P) spanning a range of moderately pronged approach requiring the researcher to pay attention
difficult (66% of students answering correctly) to very diffi- to many different issues. In addition to considering student
cult (4% of students answering correctly). When considering conceptions of the content we wished to assess, we applied
all possible responses within each question, the ranges be- advice from the literature on differences in expertnovice
came broader (2094%; Supplemental Table 1), as expected. reasoning strategies, inaccuracies of student-derived lan-
The point biserial correlation (rpb) fell between 0.2 and 0.8 for guage, and assessment itemconstruction considerations.
22 of 24 questions, with a mean of 0.42, which indicates that We made the choice, for example, to not include any graph-
performance on individual questions is generally consistent ical representations on the instrument, because that would
with performance on the whole CDCI (Ding etal., 2006). The have added an additional layer of cognitive load for students
range of discrimination ability (D) for all questions ranged to decipher during the test. We present the development of
from 0.15 to 0.67, with only one being negative (Q4, which the CDCI as a novel body of work, because we feel our strat-
was removed for version 5) and 17 of 24 above 0.3. Thus, egies and methodologies may be helpful for others seeking
although it is not necessary to have all questions fall within to construct an assessment tool.
the ideal range of 0.30.9 (Ding etal., 2006), most questions
of the CDCI do fall within that range, and with a mean D
of 0.36, the instrument overall discriminates reasonably well Scoring Considerations
between top and bottom performers in our sample. A broad While we feel a multiple-select format has many advantag-
range of values is consistent with other recent non forced- es, we must also highlight the challenges we faced with this
choice biology assessment tools (Kalas et al., 2013; Couch format. First of all, not all automated scanning systems can
et al., 2015a). Further information is gained by examining grade multiple responses or parse out the partially correct
performance on individual options within items that have answers from the completely wrong ones. Some software
low D values, as many of the individual options do have the can grade only multiple-choice questions with one correct
ability to discriminate more clearly between top and bottom response per question; this type of software cannot identi-
performers (see Supplemental Table 1). This suggests that fy patterns of responses or partially correct answers (e.g.,
evaluating the specific responses that students chose via A and B were chosen when A, B, and E were cor-
multiple-select format allows for a more accurate assessment rect). An online format would make scoring multiple-select
of student understanding. For example, Q5 asks students to questions easier, but instructors would have to find ways of
identify processes in which a nucleic acid exhibits catalytic ensuring that students do not use outside sources to deter-
properties. Looking at the expanded results (Supplemental mine their answers, collaborate on answering test questions,
Table 1), we can see that most students are aware that DNA or post the items on the Internet for others to consider. As
synthesis and RNA synthesis are not correct answers, while with standard multiple-choice instruments, instructors and
protein synthesis is correct (the options are relatively easy researchers are usually very interested in the patterns of in-
to get right, and they do not correlate with overall score or correct answer choices made by their students or research
discriminate between top and bottom). Far fewer students, subjects, not just the percentage who chose the right answer.
though, correctly identify RNA splicing as a correct answer Analysis of the data from a multiple-select instrument takes
(P is much lower, while D and rpb are higher). This option a little more time to gather and interpret, because there are
addresses an advanced concept about molecular interactions many more patterns of student answers to analyze.
that is not typically explained at an introductory level, so it is Scoring multiple-select items is also somewhat more com-
not surprising that very few students know it. Thus, specific plex than scoring a standard multiple-choice instrument.
responses to many of the questions, including Q5, expand One way to score the CDCI is to consider each question as

Vol. 15, Summer 2016 15:ar9, 11

D. L. Newman et al.

a whole and score it as completely correct (i.e., A, B, recognize that double-stranded DNA is needed for tran-
and E) or completely wrong (i.e., any pattern other than scription but not the free ribonucleotides). Fortunately, the
A, B, and E), which ignores partially correct answers multiple-select design of the instrument allows instructors to
and leads to lower scores (Albanese and Sabers, 1988; Tsai identify which facets of the broad topics are most problemat-
and Suen, 1993; Kalas etal., 2013). Another strategy involves ic for any population.
grading each response individually, similar to a multiple While our intent was to design multiple-select questions
true/false (T/F) format, which gives differential weight to that did not contain any mutually exclusive choices, it was
different questions/concepts (since not all questions had the very difficult to adhere to this rule 100% of the time. Three
same number of options). The third way to score each item questions (Q10, Q15, and Q17) contain pairs of item choices
would be to assign a percentage of correct responses per that are mutually exclusive. We acknowledge that the lack
whole question, wherein each option is considered against of independence could slightly impact inferences based on
whether it should or should not have been marked to be our statistical results, but we feel these questions are worth
correct. One consideration for our instrument is that not all keeping because of the information provided by students
questions in the CDCI have the same baseline guess rate; a answer choices.
question with one right answer out of three possible choices As with most studies that utilize pre/posttesting, we can-
is different from a question with two right answers out of not know the impact that repeated instrument exposure has
five possible choices. If answered randomly, the chances of on posttest performance. We strove to minimize this impact
marking anything other than the right answer is lower for by spacing pre/posttesting as far apart as possible (14 wk)
the first case than the second (i.e., choosing the correct an- and by not discussing any CDCI question. Additionally,
swer at random has a baseline guess rate of 1/7 when there there was no course credit given for CDCI score, so students
are three options, 1/15 when there are four options, and had little incentive to investigate the correct answers.
1/31 when there are five options). We chose not to force the Finally, although we attempted to collect data from a wide
same number of responses for all questions in order to pre- range of demographics (institution size and type, class size
serve the authenticity of the items, because including artifi- and type), students differ widely in their prior experiences.
cial responses that are clearly wrong increases cognitive load We cannot say definitively that use of the CDCI would have
for no worthwhile reason (Haladyna etal., 2002). Despite the similar results at all institutions.
challenges, every individual response option for every question is
chosen by at least a small population of students. This sug- Applications
gests that the CDCI captures student thinking well and does
The results presented here strongly support the value of the
not contain options that do not resonate with our test popu-
CDCI in its current format (version 5). We feel the CDCI will
lations. The CDCI, at this point, is not a criterion-referenced
be a valuable tool to biology instructors and education re-
assessment; we do not have enough data to support that a
searchers as a pretest to gauge student preparation, as pre/
particular score is indicative of a particular skill level. The
postassessment tools to measure pedagogical interventions,
CDCI is a norm-referenced assessment tool; it can be used to
and possibly as a longitudinal instrument to test curricula.
identify performance in relation to the performance of other
This type of instrument also may be useful for those in the
test takers (Popham and Husek, 1969).
research community who are interested in articulating learn-
ing progressions, descriptions of increasingly sophisticated
Limitations ways of thinking about a topic (National Research Council,
Many recent educational reforms (e.g., Cooper and Klym- 2007). Learning progressions could potentially help coor-
kowsky, 2013; Gottesman and Hoskins, 2013; Couch et al., dinate instructor training, assessment strategies, and class-
2015b; Dolan and Collins, 2015) have focused on strategies room activities centered around improving learning about
that encourage students to employ higher-level cognitive information flow (Alonzo and Gotwals, 2012). Individuals
skills such as synthesizing and evaluating problems, rath- who are interested in using the CDCI may contact the corre-
er than lower-level skills like remembering and applying sponding author for more information on how to obtain and
(Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001; Crowe etal., 2008). While implement the tool.
it is useful for instructors to use assessment questions at a
variety of cognitive levels for formative and summative ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
classroom assessments, the CDCI tool is designed to assess This work was supported by a Genetics Education Research Program
how well students grasp the fundamental concepts of central grant from the American Society of Human Genetics. We thank Dr.
dogma topics. Higher Blooms level questions are valuable Thomas Kim for suggesting the multiple-select format and Dr. Bri-
for assessing how well students can apply these founda- an Couch for help with statistical issues for this kind of instrument.
tional concepts to new scenarios. Using such questions on We are grateful to the Science and Mathematics Education Research
Collaborative at the Rochester Institute of Technology, the Biology
a concept inventory, however, does not allow an instructor Education Research group, Dr. Ross Nehm, and three anonymous
to easily disentangle the reasons for incorrect response (i.e., reviewers for insightful suggestions. We also thank the faculty who
did the student not understand the concept or did he or she helped evaluate the CDCI and/or administered it to their classes.
not know how to apply the concept?). Examination of the
difficulty index values reveals that this is a very challenging REFERENCES
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