How Question Types Reveal Student Thinking: An Experimental Comparison of Multiple-True-False and Free-Response Formats

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How Question Types Reveal Student

Thinking: An Experimental Comparison of
Multiple-True-False and Free-Response
Joanna K. Hubbard, Macy A. Potts, and Brian A. Couch*
School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588

Assessments represent an important component of undergraduate courses because they
affect how students interact with course content and gauge student achievement of
course objectives. To make decisions on assessment design, instructors must understand
the affordances and limitations of available question formats. Here, we use a crossover
experimental design to identify differences in how multiple-true-false (MTF) and free-re-
sponse (FR) exam questions reveal student thinking regarding specific conceptions. We
report that correct response rates correlate across the two formats but that a higher per-
centage of students provide correct responses for MTF questions. We find that MTF ques-
tions reveal a high prevalence of students with mixed (correct and incorrect) conceptions,
while FR questions reveal a high prevalence of students with partial (correct and unclear)
conceptions. These results suggest that MTF question prompts can direct students to ad-
dress specific conceptions but obscure nuances in student thinking and may overestimate
the frequency of particular conceptions. Conversely, FR questions provide a more authen-
tic portrait of student thinking but may face limitations in their ability to diagnose specific,
particularly incorrect, conceptions. We further discuss an intrinsic tension between ques-
tion structure and diagnostic capacity and how instructors might use multiple formats or
hybrid formats to overcome these obstacles.

In response to national calls for transformations in science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) teaching (National Research Council [NRC], 1999;
Kathryn E. Perez,  Monitoring Editor
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, 2012), undergraduate Submitted December 5, 2016; Revised February 1,
STEM instructors have incorporated more student-centered instruction as a means to 2017; Accepted February 27, 2017
improve student learning (DeAngelo et al., 2009; Hurtado et al., 2012; Eagan et al., CBE Life Sci Educ June 1, 2017 16:ar26
2014). As instructors make changes to their course activities, they must also consider DOI:10.1187/cbe.16-12-0339
the manner in which their assessments reveal student understandings. Assessments *Address correspondence to: Brian A. Couch
represent a fundamental component of any course because they allow students to (
interact with material, provide instructors and students with information regarding © 2017 J. K. Hubbard et al. CBE—Life Sciences
Education © 2017 The American Society for Cell
student thinking, and produce scores reflecting student performance (NRC, 2003;
Biology. This article is distributed by The
Black and Wiliam, 2009; Brame and Biel, 2015). Assessments also play an integral role American Society for Cell Biology under license
in facilitating iterative learning cycles and guiding teaching transformation efforts. from the author(s). It is available to the public
Just as individual students can use assessments to refine their own understandings, under an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share
instructors can use assessments to identify and address widely held misconceptions Alike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License
among students, evaluate specific learning activities, and make decisions about their by-nc-sa/3.0).
instructional practices (Tanner and Allen, 2004). To maximize the impact of these “ASCB®” and “The American Society for Cell
instructional efforts, instructors must be able to critically interpret and apply results Biology®” are registered trademarks of The
from their various assessments. American Society for Cell Biology.

Supplemental Material can be found at:
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J. K. Hubbard et al.

Assessments employ a variety of question formats that gen- standing of all the answer options. Conversely, FR questions
erally fall into the categories of closed-ended and open-ended have the potential to fully reveal student understandings,
(Martinez, 1999; Goubeaud, 2010; Kuechler and Simkin, because student answers can include any combination of cor-
2010). Closed-ended formats include multiple-choice, true– rect and incorrect ideas. However, despite this potential, stu-
false, matching, card sorting, and ordering; while open-ended dent answers may not provide sufficient information to confirm
formats include short answer, fill-in-the-blank, free-response, the presence of such conceptions. For example, students may
concept mapping, and diagramming. Each format has different avoid writing about areas in which they have uncertainty,
affordances and limitations, so instructors face the task of instead choosing to elaborate on areas of greater confidence.
weighing the ability of different formats to assess student think- Furthermore, students may misinterpret the FR prompt and
ing against the time and resources required to develop, admin- provide a response that only tangentially relates to the target
ister, and score the assessments. The multiple-choice (MC) and answer. In each of these cases, the FR answer provides insuffi-
free-response (FR) formats, in particular, have been used and cient information to fully diagnose the extent to which students
researched in many undergraduate classrooms. MC questions hold specific ideas.
consist of a question stem and a series of response options, with Multiple-true-false (MTF) questions represent a promising
one correct option among several incorrect options, or distrac- alternative to the MC and FR formats (Parker et al., 2012).
tors. At the other end of the spectrum, FR questions solicit writ- Much like the MC format, MTF questions consist of a question
ten answers to open-ended prompts. MC questions are widely stem followed by several answer options. With MTF questions,
used in introductory STEM courses (DeAngelo et al., 2009; however, students must select true or false for each answer
Hurtado et al., 2012; Stanger-Hall, 2012) and standardized option, rather than identifying the best answer. The MTF for-
tests, because they are easily administered and can be machine mat functions similarly to MC questions in which students
graded, while the FR format requires more grading effort, may “select all that apply,” except that the MTF format requires affir-
suffer from grading inconsistencies, and depends on student mative marking of both true and false statements. As a conse-
writing skills (Case and Swanson, 1993; Martinez, 1999). Nev- quence of their closed-ended structure, MTF questions maintain
ertheless, many argue that FR questions more authentically the ease of machine grading and avoid the potential issues
capture student knowledge because students construct their related to scoring consistency and student writing ability asso-
own answers rather than selecting an answer from among sev- ciated with open-ended formats. By having students evaluate
eral possible options (Milton, 1979; Birenbaum and Tatsuoka, different answer options, the MTF format also allows an instruc-
1987; Martinez, 1999; Haudek et al., 2012). Some researchers tor to probe student agreement with specific correct and incor-
have argued that carefully constructed MC questions can assess rect ideas. While MTF questions may not collect the full range
higher-level thinking in a way similar to FR questions (Simkin of ideas produced in response to an FR question, a comparison
and Kuechler, 2005; Kuechler and Simkin, 2010), but the time of the FR format with a related multiple-select format found that
and effort needed to develop such questions may negate the 74% of FR answers contained one or more elements aligned
time saved by machine grading. with a closed-ended answer option (Wilcox and Pollock, 2014).
Beyond providing a numeric standing on an overall scale, Thus, while the MTF format cannot recapitulate all aspects of
assessments play a critical role in diagnosing the degree to FR questions, it holds promise as a machine-gradable mecha-
which students hold correct and incorrect understandings of nism for determining the degree to which students hold correct
course concepts. Students may hold partial conceptions charac- and incorrect ideas.
terized by a lack of knowledge or mixed conceptions, wherein Despite the potential of MTF questions to assess student
they simultaneously hold correct and incorrect ideas regarding thinking with minimal grading resources, few studies have
a particular concept. Mixed conceptions can be seen with the directly compared the MTF and FR formats. Here, we report
concept of natural selection, for which students may have a results from an experimental comparison to understand differ-
correct understanding regarding the outcome (i.e., beneficial ences in how MTF and FR questions reveal student thinking.
traits become more predominant in the population) but incor- To illustrate these differences, we focus on overall response
rectly identify desire or need as a mechanism that produces new patterns, rather than elaborating on the specific content of
alleles or traits in a population (Nehm and Reilly, 2007; Nehm student conceptions. In comparing student responses to MTF
and Schonfeld, 2008). Previous studies using concept assess- and FR exam questions, we sought to answer several research
ments have revealed that partial and mixed (rather than com- questions:
plete) understandings are widespread among undergraduate
biology students, even for graduating seniors (Couch et al., • How do student responses to MTF statements compare with
2015). the rates at which the corresponding correct and incorrect
The utility of an assessment can be partly judged by the conceptions are included in FR answers?
degree to which it can detect the presence of correct and incor- • To what extent can FR questions compel students to provide
rect understandings. MC questions suffer the limitation that answers that address the ideas represented in MTF state-
student selection of a particular answer provides little indica- ments?
tion regarding their thinking on the remaining options (Parker • How do responses to MTF and FR questions relate to a stu-
et al., 2012). Indeed, we have found that roughly half of the dent’s overall exam performance?
students who select the correct MC option would endorse an • To what extent are partial and mixed conceptions inferred
additional incorrect option if given the opportunity (B.A.C., from MTF and FR answers based on information included or
unpublished data). These data suggest that selection of the cor- not included in a student’s answer?
rect MC answer should not be equated with complete under- • How do student scores on MTF and FR questions compare?

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How Questions Reveal Student Thinking

In answering these questions, we sought to better under- TABLE 1.  Student demographics
stand how these two question formats function, so that practi- Demographic categories n %
tioners might better understand the inherent tendencies of each
format and improve their interpretation and use of assessment
 Female 238 59
 Male 167 41
METHODS Race/ethnicity
Experimental Rationale and Context   Non-URM (white, Asian, international) 352 87
We conducted this study in two sections of an introductory biol-   Underrepresented minority (URM) 45 11
ogy course both taught by one of the authors (B.A.C.) at the Generation status
University of Nebraska–Lincoln. This is the first course in a   Continuing generation 281 69
two-semester introductory series that serves as the gateway for   First generation 124 31
a diverse array of life sciences majors. The course was divided
High school location
into four units covering discrete content areas (i.e., macromole-
  Urban or other 267 66
cules and cells, cellular respiration and photosynthesis, cell cycle
 Rural 135 33
and genetics, and inheritance and gene expression). The course
employed a variety of pedagogical strategies, including pre-class Major
assignments, in-class clicker questions and group activities, and   Life sciences 253 62
post-class homework quizzes. Importantly, students were   Other STEM 20 5
exposed to MTF and FR question formats throughout the term  Non-STEM 82 20
through clicker questions and postclass homework quizzes. Stu-  Undeclared 43 11
dents answered 43 clicker questions posed as either MC or MTF Class rank
with a single correct statement, 16 MTFs with two correct state-  First-year 189 47
ments, and 17 MTFs with three correct statements (76 clicker  Sophomore 103 25
questions in total). For nearly all questions, students voted indi-  Junior 58 14
vidually, discussed responses with their peers, and voted again,  Senior 23 6
after which the instructor or students provided explanations  Other 32 8
regarding the correct and incorrect answers (Crouch and Mazur,
2001; Vickrey et al., 2015). Students typically answered two FR
questions on each weekly homework assignment. For these
questions, the instructor posted an example of a correct answer To develop questions that could appear in either an MTF or
and a scoring rubric on the course Web page, but students did FR format, we began by analyzing responses to open-ended
not receive personalized feedback. Consequently, students had questions administered to students as part of homework quiz-
practice with both question formats before the experimental zes and exams during a previous term. These questions covered
treatment that took place during the course’s four unit exams. A a range of content representative of the breadth of each unit.
total of 468 students were enrolled in the two sections of the For each question, 100 responses were open-coded by two inde-
course, and 405 students agreed to have their course data pendent coders to identify the various conceptions students
released for research purposes, representing 87% of total enroll- included in their answers, and the frequency of each conception
ment (see Table 1 for demographic information). was tallied across student responses. Once a concept appeared
in more than 10 student responses, it was marked as a “com-
Identification of Student Conceptions mon conception,” and additional occurrences were not counted.
Our experimental strategy built on a rationale that has served The coders then compared and discussed their list of concepts
as a basis for developing questions on concept assessments and created a compiled list of distinct conceptions along with
(Adams and Wieman, 2011). When developing concept assess- wording variations for each conception found in student
ments, developers often begin by administering an open-ended responses.
question to students in the context of a semistructured inter-
view or written assignment to identify the various conceptions Exam Construction and Administration
that students hold. Student-generated correct and incorrect For each unit exam, we began by generating a question bank
conceptions are then translated into MC or MTF answer options, consisting of eight control MCs, 10 control MTFs, and eight
and these closed-ended questions are administered as a means experimental MTF × FR questions that could appear in either
to estimate the extent to which these various ideas are held by the MTF or FR format (Figure 1A). All MC and MTF questions
students (e.g., Bretz and Linenberger 2012; Couch et al., 2015; included four different response options or statements. In writ-
Newman et al., 2016). Thus, in many cases, a single question ing questions, we took care to consider the length, structure,
can be articulated in a manner suitable for either a closed- and wording of question stems and response options, in accor-
ended or open-ended format. In a closed-ended format, student dance with established item-writing guidelines (Frey et al.,
thinking is inferred based on selection of the various response 2005). The experimental MTF × FR questions were developed
options included by the instructor. In an open-ended format, based on the open-ended questions from the previous year, but
student thinking is inferred based on the presence and correct- modified such that students with access to materials from the
ness of these same conceptions in addition to other conceptions previous year could not simply memorize responses. For most
that students may include in their responses. MTF × FR questions, the MTF and FR question stems appearing

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Each exam version ultimately contained eight MC questions,

12 MTF questions, and two FR questions used as data for the
current study.1 The MTF section had a roughly even balance of
questions with one, two, or three true statements to discourage
students from biasing their question responses toward a parti­
cular pattern (Cronbach, 1941). The two versions (A and B in
section 1 and C and D in section 2) were distributed to students
in a semirandom manner on exam day, such that exam versions
alternated across auditorium rows. Across the four unit exams,
this crossover design yielded a total of 32 experimental MTF ×
FR questions and 128 associated statements/conceptions that
were answered by half of the students in a course section in the
MTF format and the other half of the students from the same
course section in the FR format. Students had 50 min to com-
plete the first three unit exams and 120 min to complete the
fourth unit exam along with a cumulative final. The cumulative
final did not contain any questions included in this study. Stu-
dents recorded their answers to closed-ended questions on
Scantron sheets that were scored by the institutional testing
center. Students wrote their FR answers on pages in the test
booklet that were initially scored for an exam grade and later
FIGURE 1.  Overview of crossover experimental design. (A) Before coded for the experimental comparison. The total number of
each exam, a question bank was generated containing eight students taking each exam version ranged from 80 to 114 stu-
control MC questions, 10 control MTF questions, and eight MTF × dents (Table 2).
FR questions. (B) These questions were used to make four exam
versions, with two versions used in each course section. Control
questions were identical on all four versions. Two of the MTF × FR
Data Processing
questions appeared in the MTF format on version A and in the FR A coding rubric was created for each FR question based on the
format on version B. Conversely, two additional MTF × FR four statements included in the MTF format. The goal of the
questions appeared in the FR format on version A and in the MTF coding rubric was to score FR answers based on whether a stu-
format on version B. The remaining four questions followed the dent would likely have provided a correct or incorrect answer
same pattern for versions C and D used in the second course for each corresponding MTF statement. An “unclear” code was
section. applied when the coder could not determine how a student
would have responded to the corresponding MTF statement,
either because the FR answer was ambiguous or because the
on the exam were nearly identical in wording, with minor student did not address the concept. FR answers that were
adjustments to sentence syntax. For the MTF form, six of the entirely blank were coded as unclear for all four statements; on
most common conceptions from previous student responses average, only 2% of answers were entirely blank per question,
were adapted into true–false (T/F) statements. These were nar- ranging from 0% to 8%.
rowed down to the final four based on how well they fit with We have adopted specific conventions to describe MTF and FR
the question prompt and the desired balance of true and false structures. We use the term “question” to refer to an entire ques-
statements. In a few cases, FR question stems included slight tion (i.e., an MTF prompt with four associated T/F statements or
modifications or additional wording to provide clarity or scaf- an FR prompt). We use the terms “statement” and “conception”
folding to direct student responses. Two authors (J.K.H. and to refer to an individual T/F statement or the corresponding FR
B.A.C.) discussed and refined each question before finalizing conception, respectively. Finally, we use “answer” to describe an
each exam (see Supplemental Material 1 for an example of the answer to an entire question (i.e., all four MTF statement selec-
question development process). tions or the full FR explanation) and “response” to refer to a
Questions from the question bank were used to make four response to an individual T/F statement or FR conception.
exam versions, two per course section (Figure 1B). Control MC A minimum of 30% of the answers for each FR question
and MTF questions appeared with identical wording across all were cocoded by two raters. Raters began by cocoding a batch
versions. Two of the MTF × FR questions appeared in the MTF of 15 FR answers. If interrater agreement exceeded 80% for
form on version A and in the FR form on version B. Two addi- all four statements, then the two raters cocoded an additional
tional experimental questions appeared in the reciprocal batch. If the raters achieved 80% agreement for the second
arrangement, as FR questions on version A and as MTF ques- batch, then one rater coded the remaining FR answers. If
tions on version B. The other four experimental questions fol- interrater agreement fell below 80% at any point, then the
lowed the same pattern across versions C and D. Finally, the raters would come to consensus and cocode additional
order of adjacent control questions was inverted in some cases answers until agreement was achieved on two consecutive
to further minimize potential copying between students, but
general topic flow was maintained for each exam version so 1
An additional two MC and two MTF questions were also included on each exam
that the question order mirrored the order of topics covered but were not included in the current data set, because they were part of a different
during the previous unit. study.

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How Questions Reveal Student Thinking

TABLE 2.  Student performance on control questions across different exam versionsa
Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4
Version b
n 110 114 88 87 114 107 92 82 109 105 85 84 108 107 80 82
% correct 73.4 75.6 76.1 75.6 75.2 76.9 78.8 74.8 77.0 74.5 75.2 77.1 67.3 67.8 63.7 69.5
SD 14.0 13.3 12.6 13.9 16.0 14.7 14.4 13.9 14.0 14.8 14.2 13.8 17.4 16.6 16.5 16.8
ANOVA F(3, 395) = 0.83, p = 0.48 F(3, 391) = 1.44, p = 0.23 F(3, 379) = 0.80, p = 0.50 F(3, 373) = 1.71, p = 0.17
Student performance did not differ across exam versions for any of the four unit exams.

Versions A and B were given in section 1 and versions C and D were given in section 2 for each of the four unit exams.

batches (Turpen and Finkelstein, 2009). Following individual establish that the four exam versions were taken by equiva-
coding, an additional 10 FR answers were cocoded to confirm lently performing groups of students.
interrater reliability. Average interrater agreement was 91%
across all conceptions. Example Questions Reveal Common MTF
and FR Answer Tendencies
Statistical Analyses We next analyzed the experimental MTF × FR questions to
Exam versions were distributed semirandomly for each exam, understand how student responses compared between the two
such that the group of students that took version A on the first formats. While the response patterns varied across questions,
exam was somewhat different from the group of students that we highlight two comparisons in Figure 2 that illustrate com-
took version A on subsequent exams. Therefore, we used four mon features present in many questions (results for all 32 ques-
one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs; one for each exam) to tions are provided in Supplemental Figures 2–5).
compare student performance on control questions that Question 20 asked students to describe how meiosis, gamete
appeared identically across all four versions of each exam. For formation, and fertilization can increase genetic diversity within
control question, students were given 1 point for each MC ques- a population (Figure 2A). In the MTF format, students readily
tion answered correctly and 0.25 points for each MTF statement identified that recombination can generate chromosomal diver-
answered correctly. sity (statement A, 93% correct), while fewer students recog-
To compare MTF × FR responses, we calculated the correla- nized independent assortment of homologous chromosomes
tion between the two formats for the percentage of students during meiosis as a mechanism that increases genetic diversity
with correct responses and the percentage of students with (statement B, 70% correct). For the two statements related to
incorrect responses. We also used a Mantel-Haenszel test to fertilization, most students recognized that fertilization pro-
determine whether question format impacted the relative pro- duces new combinations of alleles in offspring (statement C,
portion of correct and incorrect responses between formats. 91% correct), while fewer students answered correctly regard-
This test determines whether two dichotomous variables (i.e., ing the misconception that fertilization adds new alleles to a
question format and response) are independent, while account- population (statement D, 64% correct). In the FR format,
ing for repeated measurements across questions. roughly half of students listed recombination or independent
We also determined the relationship between question scores assortment as contributing to genetic diversity (concept A, 41%
for the two formats using two different scoring rules. In the first correct and concept B, 40% correct, respectively). Students
comparison, MTF and FR questions were both scored with a prominently cited that fertilization produced new allele combi-
“partial” scoring model in which students received credit for nations (concept C, 77% correct), but very few students con-
each statement that they addressed correctly. In the second com- firmed or refuted the misconception regarding fertilization add-
parison, MTF questions were scored with an “all-or-nothing” ing new alleles to the population (concept D, 5% correct). In
scoring rule in which students only received credit for an entire many cases, the FR answer did not provide sufficient informa-
question if they addressed all associated statements correctly, tion to infer how students would have responded to the corre-
and these MTF scores were compared with FR partial-credit sponding MTF statement, and students only rarely provided
scores. Unclear responses in the FR format were counted as information suggesting that they would have responded to the
incorrect for all question score calculations. Correlation analyses corresponding MTF question incorrectly.
were used to compare question score relationships. All analyses Question 16 asked students to describe the flow of matter
were completed in R, version 3.2.4 (R Core Team, 2016). and energy within a closed system containing a plant and a few
crickets (Figure 2B). In the MTF format, nearly all students rec-
RESULTS ognized that photosynthesis in the plant provided the crickets
We first compared performance on control questions across with oxygen (statement A, 95% correct), while fewer students
the four exam versions to determine whether the versions agreed that photosynthesis in the plant also served as a source of
were taken by comparable groups of students. There were chemical energy for the crickets (statement B, 68% correct). Stu-
no significant differences across versions for performance dents performed poorly on the statement addressing the miscon-
on control questions for each exam (Table 2 and Supple- ception that plants do not perform cellular respiration (state-
mental Figure 1; exam 1: F(3, 395) = 0.83, p = 0.48; exam ment C, 28% correct). Students also struggled with the notion
2: F(3, 391) = 1.44, p = 0.23; exam 3: F(3, 379) = 0.80, p = that the system will be sustainable when the rates of photosyn-
0.50; exam 4: F(3, 373) = 1.71, p = 0.17). These data thesis and cellular respiration are in balance (statement D, 46%

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FIGURE 2.  Examples of student responses to two MTF × FR questions. Bars represent the proportion of students providing correct,
incorrect, or unclear responses for questions in the MTF or FR formats. Data are shown for (A) question 20 and (B) question 16. Wording
of the question in both formats is provided, and correct MTF responses are shown in bold and underlined. The MTF statements have been
reordered from the exam for the purpose of presentation. Comparisons of student responses for all questions are provided in
Supplemental Figures 2–5.

correct). In the FR format, nearly all students indicated that better in the FR format, as most of the data points fell below
plants release oxygen that is consumed by the crickets (concept A, the one-to-one line. Alternatively, we did not detect a signifi-
87% correct), and many students indicated that the crickets cant correlation between the percentage of students providing
obtain chemical energy by feeding on the plant (concept B, 75% incorrect responses in the MTF and FR formats (Figure 3B; r =
correct). While some students mentioned that plants perform cel- 0.15, t126 = 1.74, p = 0.08). Students rarely wrote incorrect
lular respiration or release carbon dioxide, a large fraction did not responses in the FR format, even when a notable percentage
provide sufficient information to determine their thinking on this of students selected incorrect responses in the MTF format.
concept (concept C, 65% unclear). For the last concept (D), an
additional line was added to the FR question prompt to direct The Proportion of Correct to Incorrect Responses Differs
students to describe the conditions under which the system would between MTF and FR Questions
be sustainable. This prompt guided many students to provide To understand broader patterns in MTF and FR answers, we
either correct (33%) or incorrect (30%) responses related to the next compared the average proportion of students providing
balance of photosynthesis and respiration rates, while a substan- correct and incorrect responses in each format across all the
tial fraction of students still provided unclear responses (37%). experimental questions (Figure 4A). In the MTF format, stu-
dents responded correctly 72% of the time and incorrectly
Correct, but Not Incorrect, Response Rates Correlate 28% of the time. In the FR format, students gave responses
between MTF and FR Questions that included correct and incorrect conceptions at lower
To understand how statement response rates compare across rates, with 38% of students providing correct conceptions
all questions, we examined the correlation between the per- and 7% listing incorrect conceptions, and the relative pro-
centage of students who provided correct and incorrect portion of correct to incorrect responses was also influenced
responses for both formats. At the statement level, the per- by question format (Mantel-Haenszel χ2 = 205.8, p < 0.001).
centage of students providing a correct response in the MTF In the FR format, ∼55% of students provided unclear
format correlated significantly with the percentage of students responses that did not adequately address the conceptions
providing a correct response in the FR format (Figure 3A; given in the MTF statements. This large percentage of
r = 0.46, t126 = 5.80, p < 0.001). Students rarely performed unclear responses explains the lower combined percentage

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How Questions Reveal Student Thinking

of correct and incorrect responses com-

pared with the MTF format.

Lower-Performing Students Are

Characterized by More Unclear
FR Answers
We wanted to further explore how MTF
and FR answers differed among high- and
low-performing students, so we compared
response rates across students divided into
quartiles based on overall exam perfor-
mance. The fourth (top) quartile contained
students with the highest 25% of overall
exam scores, and the first (bottom) quartile
contained students with the lowest 25% of
overall exam scores. For the MTF format,
FIGURE 3.  Scatter plots showing the correlation between the percentage of (A) correct
the percentage of students responding cor-
responses and (B) incorrect responses for questions in the MTF and FR formats. Points
represent the 128 statements/conceptions. Dotted lines represent the one-to-one line
rectly steadily decreased across quartiles,
where data points would fall if they were equivalent in the two formats. while the percentage of students respond-
ing incorrectly increased proportionately,
as expected (Figure 4B). For the FR format,
the percentage of correct conceptions also
decreased across quartiles, but the number
of incorrect conceptions remained low
across all four quartiles (Figure 4C).
Instead, students with overall scores in the
bottom quartiles were characterized by an
increase in unclear responses.

MTF and FR Questions Infer Mixed

and Partial Conceptions to Different
We next considered the answers students
gave for full questions to further under-
stand how each question revealed student
thinking (Figure 5). For MTF questions,
33% of students gave fully correct answers
in which they answered all four T/F state-
ments correctly, 66% revealed mixed con-
ceptions characterized by some combina-
tion of correct and incorrect responses,
and only 1% answered all four statements
incorrectly. FR questions produced a
broader array of patterns based on the
combination of correct, incorrect, and
unclear conceptions included in students’
answers. Very few students (9%, Figure 5,
teal segment) gave fully correct answers in
which they correctly addressed all four
conceptions, and almost no students
(<1%, Figure 5, blue segment) incorrectly
addressed all four conceptions. The major-
ity of FR answers consisted of a combina-
tion of correct, incorrect, and unclear
FIGURE 4.  Average proportion of students providing correct, incorrect, or unclear
responses. Among these answers, a rela-
answers for questions in the MTF or FR formats. (A) Bars represent proportion of student
responses for all students. (B and C) Points represent the proportion of student responses
tively small number could be classified as
for students in each quartile based on overall exam performance for the entire term; the mixed conceptions consisting of correct
fourth quartile contains students with the highest 25% of overall course grades, and the and incorrect conceptions (13%, Figure 5,
first quartile contains students with the lowest 25% of overall course grades. Error bars salmon and green segments, respectively).
represent standard errors across statements/concepts (n = 128 statements). Conversely, a substantial number of

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received partial credit for each correct

statement and no credit for any incorrect
or unclear statements (Figure 6A). Under
this scoring model, MTF scores had an
average of 72%, while FR scores had a
much lower average of 38%. Partial-credit
scores between the two formats were sig-
nificantly correlated (r = 0.516, p = 0.003).
In the second case, answers to MTF ques-
tions were scored using an all-or-nothing
scoring model wherein students only
received credit for an entire question if
they answered all four associated T/F
statements correctly (Figure 6B). A com-
parison of the MTF all-or-nothing scores to
FR partial-credit scores was made based on
previous findings that these scores can
yield similar results (Kubinger and
Gottschall, 2010). MTF all-or-nothing
scores averaged 33%, which is closer to the
38% average for FR questions. MTF all-or-
nothing scores also correlated significantly
with FR scores (r = 0.504, p = 0.003). Thus,
while both MTF scoring models produce
similar correlations with FR questions,
MTF all-or-nothing scoring yielded abso-
lute scores that better approximated FR
scores than MTF partial scoring.

Instructors make many choices when
designing their courses, including decisions
related to assessing student understanding
of course content. The format, design, and
FIGURE 5.  Distribution of various answer types at the question level. Bars represent implementation of these assessments repre-
various combinations of correct, incorrect, and unclear responses for full questions in the sent important decisions, because they can
MTF and FR formats, according to the legend shown at right (MTF: n = 3108 question impact how students interact with course
responses; FR: n = 3114 question responses). material and what information instructors
can gain regarding student learning (NRC,
answers could be characterized as partial understandings, 2003; Stanger-Hall, 2012; Momsen et al., 2013; Brame and Biel,
because they consisted of correct and unclear conceptions and, 2015). Recognizing that assessment formats each have different
in some cases, a combination of mixed and unclear conceptions affordances and limitations, we compared student responses to
(58%, Figure 5, pink and green segments, respectively). Finally, MTF and FR questions to help practitioners develop deeper
a subset of students provided answers that had no correct ele- insights on how to translate assessment results into diagnostic
ments and thus could not be considered mixed or partial for the information that can be used to guide instruction.
given conceptions (29%, Figure 5, yellow and gray segments,
respectively). Thus, while putative mixed conceptions predomi- MTF Responses Can Predict Correct, but Not Incorrect,
nated for MTF questions, FR answers were more commonly FR Conceptions
characterized by partial conceptions, with true mixed concep- Across all the T/F statements, we found a moderate correlation
tions being much less common. between response rates for correct conceptions. We also found
on average that MTF correct responses occurred at much higher
MTF and FR Scores Correlate rates than corresponding FR correct conceptions. Indeed, MTF
We also compared the scores that students would have received correct rates almost always exceeded the rate at which stu-
in each format.2 In the first comparison, answers in both formats dents included corresponding FR correct conceptions. These
were scored using a partial-credit scoring model where students results suggest that, while MTF format can provide some infor-
mation on the frequency of correct FR conceptions, the MTF
correct response rate will generally overestimate the propor-
The actual scores students received on MTF and FR questions were based on a
tion of students who will write the corresponding correct FR
partial credit scoring rule. FR exam scoring was more lenient than the specific conception. This difference likely results from MTF questions
coding rubric used here for research purposes. providing specific prompts that enable some students to answer

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How Questions Reveal Student Thinking

dents to provide an answer with specific

diagnostic information, but this informa-
tion rarely allowed us to diagnose a spe-
cific incorrect conception. For example,
some students stated for question 16 that
plants can produce carbon dioxide through
cellular respiration, but very few students
stated that plants do not perform cellular
respiration (corresponding to MTF state-
ment C). The extent of unclear responses
highlights both the difficulty of drafting FR
question stems that can adequately prompt
students to address a range of specific
ideas and the limitations inherent in inter-
preting student open-ended responses
(Criswell and Criswell, 2004). However,
FIGURE 6.  Scatter plots showing the correlation between the average score for questions when assessing procedural knowledge
in the MTF and FR formats. (A) Comparison of the MTF and FR formats scored using a (i.e., algebraic calculation), FR questions
partial-credit model that gives credit for each correct selection/conception. (B) Compari- are uniquely able to reveal a broad range
son of the MTF format (scored with an all-or-nothing model that gives credit for a of mistakes made by students (Birenbaum
question only when all four accompanying statements are answered correctly) to the FR and Tatsuoka, 1987), and unclear
format (scored using the partial-credit model). For FR questions, unclear responses are
responses may be less common. While the
counted as incorrect for scoring purposes. Points represent the 32 MTF × FR questions.
Dotted lines represent the one-to-one line where data points would fall if they were
current study focused on conceptual
equivalent in the two formats. understandings, further work will help
reveal the extent to which the observed
patterns occur for diagnosing science pro-
correctly, even if they would not have generated the correct cess skills and other important competencies (American Associ-
conception in an open-ended format or do not fully understand ation for the Advancement of Science, 2009).
the underlying concept. To further understand FR answer tendencies, we analyzed
However, we found no significant correlation between responses separately for students in each quartile based on their
response rates for incorrect conceptions. While students total exam scores. As expected, we found that the correct
responded incorrectly in the MTF format 28% of the time, stu- response rate decreased across quartiles, with correct responses
dents infrequently expressed the corresponding incorrect con- occurring 59% of the time for the top quartile and 16% for the
ception in the FR format (7% of responses). These results bottom quartile. Surprisingly, the proportion of students provid-
suggest that MTF questions provide little information regarding ing incorrect conceptions did not change across the quartiles.
the likelihood of a student volunteering an incorrect conception Instead, a decrease in overall exam performance coincided with
in the FR format, likely stemming from the fact that students an increase in unclear responses, climbing to 76% of all
rarely include explicitly incorrect conceptions aligned with the responses for the bottom quartile. As a consequence, FR ques-
MTF statements in their FR answers. Thus, MTF questions may tions became increasingly less diagnostic for lower-performing
be uniquely suited for identifying incorrect conceptions, because students, because their answers contained very little informa-
they elicit responses to all included statements. tion that could be definitively interpreted as either correct or
incorrect with respect to specific MTF conceptions. These results
FR Answers Include Many Unclear Answers, Particularly also suggest that lower-performing students may struggle with
for Lower-Performing Students understanding question stems and targeting their answers
We also sought to better understand the extent to which FR around specific conceptions valued by the instructor.
question stems can compel students to address specific concep-
tions in their answers. In this case, we built the FR scoring MTF and FR Questions Imply Different Kinds of
rubric around the four specific MTF statements, but this rubric Incomplete Understanding
could potentially have included any number of other concep- In both question formats, the majority of student answers
tions related to the question stem. We found that more than reflected some type of incomplete understanding of various
half of the time, there was not enough information included in conceptions related to a question. Thus, we sought to further
a student’s FR answer to definitively diagnose specific concep- characterize these incomplete understandings in order to deci-
tions. In some cases, this phenomenon stemmed from the fact pher student answer patterns. For MTF questions, among stu-
that the corresponding MTF statement was designed to ask dents who did not answer all four T/F statements correctly,
about a specific misconception and students could answer the almost all appeared to have mixed understandings, because
FR question completely without addressing this conception. For their answers contained evidence of both correct and incorrect
example, students could answer question 20 correctly without conceptions. For FR questions, students showed a much
including the misconception that fertilization adds new alleles broader array of different understandings. Among students not
(corresponding to MTF statement D). In other cases, adequate addressing all four FR conceptions correctly, many students
question scaffolding was present to induce at least some stu- were classified as having partial understandings consisting of

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correct and unclear conceptions, while only a small number for the purposes of improving instruction (e.g., Wright and
revealed true mixed understandings with both correct and Hamilton, 2008; Shi et al., 2010; Couch et al., 2015; Newman
incorrect conceptions (Figure 5). Thus, taking question results et al., 2016). As questions are increasingly used for formative
at face value, a main difference between the two formats lies in purposes, it becomes important that instructors understand
the manner in which they reveal incomplete understandings. how different question formats shape student responses. We
propose that the differences observed between MTF and FR
A Comparison of MTF and FR Question Scores results stem from fundamental tensions between the amount of
In addition to the type of diagnostic information provided structure and prompting in a question and the nature of the
by question format, students and instructors may also be ambiguity resulting in student responses.
concerned with the relative scores produced by each format and At one end of the spectrum, MTF questions represent a highly
the consequent effect on student grades. We compared MTF structured, closed-ended format wherein students provide sim-
scores calculated with partial or all-or-nothing methods with FR ple evaluations of predefined biological conceptions. In addition
scores calculated with a partial scoring rule based on the coding to the obvious grading efficiencies, the direct prompting offered
rubric. We found correlations between the question formats for by this format enables instructors to probe a broad range of con-
both comparisons, but we determined that MTF partial scoring ceptions, including some conceptions that students may not
produces much higher scores than the FR format, while MTF readily offer in response to FR questions. As a result, instructors
all-or-nothing scoring yields scores on par with the FR format. may learn that a substantial number of students demonstrate an
These results agree with previous findings that MTF questions, incorrect conception in the MTF format that would not have
when scored based on the correctness of an entire question, can been detected readily in an FR answer (Figure 3B). For example,
approximate the difficulty of FR questions (Kubinger and roughly one-third of students indicated that fertilization adds
Gottschall, 2010; Kuechler and Simkin, 2010). Conversely, new alleles to a population in the MTF format, while almost no
when comparing graduate student performance on equivalent students mentioned this misconception in their FR answers.
FR and MC questions with multiple correct answers, others While MTF questions have the ability to probe specific con-
have found that these two formats were most comparable with ceptions, student answers to MTF questions can stem from a
a partial-credit scoring method (Kastner and Stangl, 2011). variety of different thought processes. For example, students
These results suggest that the correspondence of scores across may hold a priori conceptions that align well with a given state-
two question formats may depend on additional factors, such as ment, so their responses accurately capture their underlying
the student population and question content. thinking. In other cases, students may hold understandings that
The alignment of MTF all-or-nothing scores to FR partial align poorly with a particular statement, so they engage in edu-
scores is difficult to interpret, because these scoring schemes cated reasoning that leads to their answer selection. Finally,
measure student thinking in fundamentally different ways. MTF students with little understanding regarding a statement might
all-or-nothing scoring estimates the number of students with guess, but their answers will likely still reflect a predisposition
question mastery (i.e., complete understanding), while FR par- toward superficial question features (Cronbach, 1941; Ebel,
tial scoring gauges the average degree of understanding regard- 1978). In the absence of student interviews or response model-
ing the question. The score alignment seemingly stems from a ing, instructors have a limited capacity to resolve these different
coincidental intersection of the difficulty of the two scoring reasoning processes from raw student data.
schemes. While the MTF format includes specific cues that help At the other end of the spectrum, FR questions represent an
students address various conceptions, the all-or-nothing scoring open-ended format with less structured prompting for student
scheme increases the overall difficulty of MTF questions (i.e., answers. This aspect of FR questions enables students to com-
produces lower scores) to be more comparable to the difficulty pose a vast range of different answers and describe their
of an FR question that lacks such cues. Moreover, we caution understandings in their own words (Birenbaum and Tatsuoka,
instructors about grading using MTF all-or-nothing scoring for 1987; Martinez, 1999; Criswell and Criswell, 2004). For FR
several reasons. First, this scoring rule produces very low scores questions, student responses can stem from a variety of
and may incite discontent among students. Second, a justifica- thought processes. Students will presumably list any a priori
tion for using MTF questions lies in their ability to probe differ- conceptions they feel address the question, and these concep-
ent conceptions related to a particular scenario. Collapsing these tions may or may not align with specific conceptions on a
different dimensions into a single binary score for a question grading rubric. Students with little understanding regarding a
contradicts the underlying logic for the question format. Third, question will struggle to formulate a valid response and will
while MTF all-or-nothing scoring and FR partial scoring may be unlikely to guess correctly. In each of these cases, the
produce similar scores, they represent distinctly different evalua- instructor has a greater capacity to resolve underlying reason-
tions of student performance, with one identifying students who ing processes from raw student responses.
have demonstrated a complete understanding, while the other A challenge with interpreting FR answers, however, lies in
gives students credit for each correct conception. However, MTF deciphering and categorizing student understandings. We
all-or-nothing scoring may be suitable in cases in which instruc- found that student FR answers were often unclear with
tors wish to specifically assess mastery (e.g., clinical practice). respect to specific conceptions. Of course, some of this uncer-
tainty can be attributed to limitations in question design, as
MTF and FR Answers Reflect Fundamental Tensions in students may not have been adequately prompted to address
Question Structure and Prompting specific conceptions. However, we argue that this problem
The advent of concept inventories has elevated the role of extends beyond poor question design for three reasons. First,
assessments in diagnosing specific conceptions held by students even in cases in which we provided additional and specific

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How Questions Reveal Student Thinking

prompting, we still struggled to resolve student thinking MTF statements might be followed by an open-ended probe for
regarding a particular conception. Second, there were many students to explain their reasoning (Haudek et al., 2012), or FR
cases in which a majority of students addressed a particular questions could be divided into more explicit prompts designed
conception, but some students provided ambiguous responses, to elicit specific conceptions (Urban-Lurain et al., 2010).
suggesting that even reasonably well-targeted question word- Instructors can also design assessments that include multiple
ing will not elicit corresponding responses from all students. question formats to take advantage of the affordances of closed-
Finally, our finding that lower-performing students give more ended and open-ended formats.
unclear responses indicates that question interpretation In considering the trade-offs inherent to question design,
depends on underlying student understanding, and a certain instructors may wish to consider how the resolution of their
amount of understanding may be necessary for students to questions relates to the manner in which student results will
know that an answer should address particular conceptions be used to inform instructional practices. For example, instruc-
(Criswell and Criswell, 2004). While this is likely a skill that tors may prioritize closed-ended questions on summative
students can develop with practice, we did not see the pro- assessments (e.g., unit exams) when the main purpose is to
portion of unclear responses decrease throughout the term. quantify student understanding rather than to provide detailed
However, students in this study received minimal feedback on feedback to improve student learning. Instructors may also
their FR homework and exam answers. If students receive use open-ended and closed-ended questions at different points
feedback on the correctness of their answers and the overall in a learning cycle. For example, they may use FR questions to
quality of their written responses, we might expect improve- elicit a range of student answers, determine the extent to
ments in their ability to construct complete and correct FR which students can generate certain conceptions, and help
answers (Brame and Biel, 2015). Moreover, engaging stu- students gain practice in writing open-ended responses. Con-
dents in the process of providing feedback through self- and versely, because MTF questions can better detect the presence
peer review can yield greater improvement and promote of incorrect conceptions, instructors may wish to use this for-
self-reflection (Willey and Gardner, 2009). More work is mat on formative assessments (e.g., clickers or quizzes) to
needed to identify effective mechanisms for training students identify and subsequently address misconceptions. Instructors
to provide quality FR answers and to better understand how can also use an interplay between question formats to help
this important skill changes as students advance through guide student learning. For example, instructors can use stu-
their academic careers. dent answers to FR questions to develop MTF statements to be
used either in the same course or a future iteration of the
Affordances and Limitations of MTF and FR Questions course (see Supplemental Material 1).
In considering the output of MTF and FR formats, we recognize While a fundamental goal of assessments is to measure
that one of the biggest differences lies in how these questions how well students have achieved course learning goals and
characterize incomplete understandings. Our findings suggest to inform instructional practices, summative assessments can
that the prompting provided by MTF statements causes many also be used to promote good study habits. In anticipation of
students to display mixed understandings consisting of correct an exam with FR questions, students have been shown to
and incorrect conceptions. However, instructors should adjust adopt more active study strategies that promote deep learn-
their interpretations to acknowledge that these same concep- ing, while in anticipation of MC questions, students adopt
tions may not have been explicitly articulated in an FR answer, more passive strategies that promote surface learning
likely because students can use educated reasoning and guess- (Stanger-Hall, 2012; Momsen et al., 2013). Further research
ing in their MTF response process. Thus, the MTF format runs is needed to determine how students prepare for MTF exam
the risk of identifying misconceptions that may not have been questions. When answering MTF questions, students must
prominent in students’ minds. Conversely, the FR format reveals evaluate each statement independently, rather than simply
fewer students with mixed and more students with partial recognizing one correct answer from a list of plausible
understandings. While this may reflect deficiencies in student options. Consequently, similar to FR questions, MTF ques-
mental models or question targeting, instructors should also tions may encourage students to use study strategies that
recognize that students may hold additional incorrect concep- promote deep learning. Understanding how students per-
tions that are not readily detected by the FR format. ceive different formats, such as MTF questions, also rep-
We propose that the tendencies discovered here reflect a resents an important consideration to assessment design.
broader dilemma in question structure and design. As questions Students perceive FR questions to be more difficult but to also
become more structured, such as with MTF questions, instruc- provide a better representation of their knowledge compared
tors have a greater capacity to restrict and grade student with MC questions (Zeidner, 1987; Struyven et al., 2002;
responses, but they lose the ability to understand the thought Tozoglu et al., 2004). This perception of difficulty can lead to
processes underlying student responses. As questions become increased test anxiety and influence student performance
less structured, such as with FR questions, instructors have a (Meichenbaum, 1972; Crocker and Schmitt, 1987). However,
greater capacity to decipher student thinking, but they lose the the response option structure of MTF questions may alleviate
ability to discern particular conceptions within a student some of the anxiety associated with the open-ended FR for-
answer, because a student may have either misunderstood the mat, while still providing greater resolution of student think-
targeting of the question or the student provided an answer in ing than the MC format (Martinez, 1999). Future research in
which the specific conception was indiscernible. This dilemma this area will help instructors understand how students inter-
can be partially addressed by adapting the question formats to act with various question formats and how these formats
fall more in the middle of the structure spectrum. For example, might be used to improve student learning.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hurtado, S., Eagan, K., Pryor, J. H., Whang, H., & Tran, S. (2012). Undergraduate
teaching faculty: The 2010–2011 HERI Faculty Survey. Los Angeles: High-
We thank Jacob Morehouse, Anh Nguyen, and Lamar Surrett
er Education Research Institute, University of California–Los Angeles.
for assistance with coding student responses. We also thank
Kastner, M., & Stangl, B. (2011). Multiple choice and constructed response
Kathleen Brazeal, Tanya Brown, Mary Durham, and the Univer- tests: do test format and scoring matter? Procedia—Social and Behavior-
sity of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) discipline-based education al Sciences, 12, 263–273.
research community for critical research discussions. This work Kubinger, K. D., & Gottschall, C. H. (2010). Item difficulty of multiple choice
was supported by an internal award from UNL. This research tests dependant on different item response formats—an experiment in
was classified as exempt from Institutional Review Board fundamental research on psychological assessment. Psychology Sci-
ence, 49, 361–374.
review, project ID 14314.
Kuechler, W. L., & Simkin, M. G. (2010). Why is performance on multi-
ple-choice tests and constructed-response tests not more closely relat-
ed? Theory and an empirical test. Decision Sciences Journal of Innova-
tive Education, 8, 55–73.
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