Home Exercise Training in Children and Adolescents With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Pilot Study
Home Exercise Training in Children and Adolescents With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Pilot Study
Home Exercise Training in Children and Adolescents With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Pilot Study
DOI 10.1007/s00246-016-1501-9
Abstract Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is often children and adolescents with low-risk PAH, and the pre-
associated with impaired exercise capacity. It has been liminary results of this pilot study indicate beneficial
shown that supervised training can improve exercise effects. The observed increase in exercise capacity was
capacity in adult patients with PAH. The objective of this accompanied by an improved chronotropic competence
prospective study was to assess the feasibility of a home and increased oxygen consumption at the anaerobic
exercise training program in children with PAH. Nine threshold. Future research is needed to investigate the
children and adolescents (mean age 15.2 3.8 years) with safety and efficacy of home exercise training in a larger
low-risk PAH (defined as mean pulmonary to systemic population of children with PAH including also patients in
arterial pressure ratio \0.75; WHO functional class I and WHO functional class III or IV.
II) performed home-based exercise training for 16 weeks.
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and health-related qual- Keywords Heart rate variability Pediatric cardiology
ity of life was evaluated before and after 16 weeks of Exercise training Congenital heart disease Pulmonary
training. The amount of training at home and patients hypertension
well-being was supervised by periodical phone calls and
online-questionnaires. Home exercise training was well
tolerated in all patients, and no adverse events occurred. Introduction
After 16 weeks of training, patients significantly improved
their exercise capacity [treadmill running distance Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease
increased from 589.5 153.9 to 747.9 209.2 m with an incidence of 23 per million and a prevalence of
(p = 0.036)]. Oxygen consumption at the anaerobic 2550 per million [1]. Although recent developments of
threshold increased from 1307.8 (417) to 1406.4 PAH-targeted therapies resulted in an improvement of
(418) ml (p = 0.028). Chronotropic index improved prognosis, morbidity and mortality is still high in children
from 0.77 0.12 to 0.82 0.11 (p = 0.004) and was and adolescents [26]. Thus, pediatric patients with PAH
slightly related to the increase in running distance urgently need additional therapeutic tools.
(r = 0.62; p = 0.07). Home exercise training is feasible in Specific treatment goals in children include exercise
capacity assessed by six minute walking distance or alter-
David Zoller and Jannos Siaplaouras contributed equally to this natively by cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) [7].
manuscript. Although exercise testing can usually be performed safely
in a clinical outpatient setting [8], it is rather unclear
& Christian Apitz whether and to which extent children and adolescents with
PAH should perform sports or exercise training on a reg-
Department of Pediatric Cardiology, University Childrens ular basis at home. Recently, there is growing evidence that
Hospital Ulm, Eythstr. 24, 89075 Ulm, Germany in adults with idiopathic PAH (IPAH) and different forms
Pediatric Heart Center, University of Giessen, Giessen, of associated PAH (APAH), an individualized and super-
Germany vised exercise training as add-on to optimized medical
Pediatr Cardiol
treatment may be able to increase exercise capacity, quality Calculation of Heart Rate Reserve
of life, peak oxygen consumption, and WHO functional and Chronotropic Index
class [916]. It is unclear whether these results are repro-
ducible also in children and adolescents with PAH. Heart rate reserve was calculated as the difference between
Therefore, the aim of this pilot study was to prospec- peak and resting heart rates. The chronotropic index, (peak
tively assess the feasibility of exercise training and its heart rate - resting heart rate)/(220 - age - resting heart
effects on safety and prognostic relevant factors such as rate) [19], is derived by applying the chronotropic meta-
exercise capacity and quality of life in pediatric patients bolic relationship concept introduced by Wilkoff et al. [20]
with low-risk PAH in an outpatient setting. to a symptom-limited exercise test as described previously
[21]. This allows definition of the normal chronotropic
response independently of age, resting heart rate, and
Methods functional state [20]. In a group of 410 healthy adults,
Wilkoff et al. [20] reported 95% limits of normality of
Study Population and Design chronotropic index to be 0.81.3. Based on this finding,
chronotropic incompetence is usually defined as failure to
Children ([8 years of age) and adolescents with low-risk achieve a chronotropic index of 0.8 (i.e., falling below
PAH (defined as mean pulmonary to systemic arterial 97.5% of healthy adults).
pressure ratio \0.75; WHO functional class I and II) [17]
were offered to participate in this prospective pilot study at Calculation of Heart Rate Recovery
our tertiary referral center. Patients had to be stable under
optimized advanced PAH-specific therapy for a minimum Heart rate was also recorded 1, 2, 3, and 4 min after the
of 3 months before entering the study and medication cessation of exercise, and heart rate recovery was calcu-
remained unchanged during the complete study period. For lated as the difference between peak heart rate and the
each patient, the diagnosis was previously established by heart rate at these recovery time points. In addition, the
cardiac catheterization including testing for pulmonary relative decrement in heart rate was calculated as heart rate
vasoreactivity prior to the study. The study protocol con- recovery divided by the heart rate at peak exercise.
forms to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of
Helsinki and was approved by the local ethics committee. Health-Related Quality of Life
Each patient gave written informed consent prior to the
inclusion in the study, as well as the caregivers if the We used the 12-item Short Form Survey (SF-12) to assess
patient was below 18 years of age. quality of life at baseline and after 16 weeks [22, 23]. The
To assess the effects of the individual training program, questionnaires were completed by the patient (if C16 years
clinical assessment, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, and and capable to do) or by both, parents and children (if
the evaluation of health-related quality of life were per- \16 years). The questionnaire provides a physical com-
formed at baseline and after 16 weeks of training in all ponent summary (PCS) score and mental component
patients. summary (MCS) score. Both scores range from 0 to 100.
Higher scores indicate a better self-reported health status.
Normal mean values of German children and adolescents
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing aged between 14 and 20 years are PCS = 52.99 and
MCS = 49.63 [24].
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing was performed on a
treadmill (CareFusion MasterScreen CPX, Hochberg, Exercise Training
Germany) according to a modified Bruce protocol as
described previously [18]. All subjects were encouraged For a total of 16 weeks, patients performed home exercise
to exercise until exhaustion regardless of the maximal training consisting of two components with target on
heart rate achieved. Ventilation, oxygen uptake, and car- endurance training (bicycle ergometer) and activities
bon dioxide production were measured continuously. focusing on muscle tone (theraband). All patients received
Heart rate was assessed by continuous electrocardiogra- an individualized training manual and arranged to receive a
phy. Resting heart rate was measured after at least 2 min bicycle ergometer and therabands for use at home.
in an upright position, and peak heart rate was defined as In detail, the training consisted of a heart rate controlled
the maximal heart rate achieved during exercise. Anaer- bicycle ergometer training, performed twice a week,
obic threshold has been determined manually as described starting with a low workload (2025 W) for 2025 min per
previously. day, achieving approximately 6070% of the heart rate
Pediatr Cardiol
they had reached during peak oxygen uptake at the initial (absolute 01:39 01:58), treadmill distance increased
exercise test. The training intensity was increased (e.g., up even by 30.6% (absolute 158.4 189.3) (Table 2; Fig. 1).
to a maximum of 70 W) with respect to the individual The reason for nonresponse to exercise training in 2 of the
tolerability and improvement. Training intensity was lim- 9 patients was noncompliance in one patient due to a
ited by peak heart rate (not more than 150 bpm) and sub- depressive episode following separation of her boyfriend,
jective physical exertion. Furthermore, a set of seven and in the second patient limited intellectual and motoric
different theraband workouts have been performed on two ability to comply with the protocol due to young age, as the
separate days apart from the bicycle training twice a week. patient was 8 years old.
All patients were advised to avoid heavy exercise. Thera- There was no significant change in peak oxygen con-
band workouts have been practiced with support of local sumption [peak VO2 at baseline 1682.3 (569), after
physiotherapists and further assisted by web-based training training 1692.3 (505) ml (p = 0.84)], while oxygen
films. During the home-based exercise training, all patients consumption at the anaerobic threshold improved by 8.1%
were asked to keep in close contact with the physicians of from 1307.8 (417) to 1406.4 (418) ml (p = 0.028)
the training program and to complete a short online-ques- (Fig. 2a).
tionnaire at each training day. Furthermore, the amount of Exercise training had remarkable effects on chrono-
training at home and patients well-being was supervised tropic competence (Table 2). Maximum heart rate
by phone at least every 2 weeks by members of the study increased significantly from 177.6 (13.6) to 184.4
team. (11.2) beats per minute (p = 0.009) (Fig. 2b), and
chronotropic index increased from 0.77 (0.12) to 0.82
Statistical Analysis (0.11) (p = 0.004) (Fig. 3). As in six of 9 patients, the
chronotropic index was below 0.8 before training, in all
All values are given as mean SD. Comparison between except one patient an improvement of chronotropic index
pre- and post-training was made using paired t test. Cor- could be detected after 16 weeks of training (Fig. 3). As
relations were tested using linear regression analysis. Fig. 4 demonstrates, heart rate recovery did not change
Analysis was performed using GraphPad statistical soft- significantly (Fig. 4).
ware package (San Diego, CA, USA). p values B0.05 were Interestingly, change in chronotropic index was slightly
considered statistically significant. related to change in treadmill running distance (r = 0.62;
p = 0.07). However, there was no correlation between
peak VO2 and change in chronotropic index or change in
Results running distance.
The study group consisted of nine children and adolescents Physical component summary (PCS) score showed an
with PAH (six female, mean age 15.2 3.8 years). increase after exercise training of 14.9% (absolute
Baseline characteristics of the patients including demo- 5.5 8.2) and reached almost age-related normal levels.
graphic data, diagnosis, PAH-specific medical therapy, and Mental component summary (MCS) score was already at a
hemodynamic data are displayed in Table 1. None of the normal level before training and even slightly improved
patients received supplemental oxygen. According to the after the training by 6.9% (absolute 2.5 6.4) (Fig. 5).
WHO functional classification, all patients were in func-
tional class I and II.
Effects of Exercise Training
This pilot study presents for the first time promising effects
All patients tolerated the exercise training well without of exercise training as add-on to PAH-targeted medication
severe adverse events, especially no syncope or presyncope in a population of children and adolescents with PAH,
occurred. Each patient reported that exercise training thereby confirming data previously reported in adult
improved the awareness of physical abilities and limita- patients with PAH [916]. Mean walking distance signifi-
tions and was overall satisfied with the training program. cantly improved by more than 30% after 16 weeks of
After 16 weeks of home-based training, patients sig- exercise training. Taking into consideration that patients
nificantly improved their exercise capacity. All except two with PAH usually have limitations of their exercise
patients improved in running distance compared to base- capacity, and reduced walking distance is one of the main
line. Loading time improved significantly by 16.7% predictors of mortality in patients with PAH [25],
Pediatr Cardiol
Table 1 Baseline
Study population Male/female 3/6
Age (years) 15.2 3.8
Height (cm) 163.7 15.0
Weight (kg) 61.3 29.4
Diagnosis, no. (%) Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension 8 (88.9%)
PAH associated with congenital heart disease 1 (11.1%)
Catheterization data Right arterial pressure (mmHg) 5.2 2.3
Mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mmHg) 43.8 19.7
Diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure (mmHg) 29.2 14.5
Mean systemic arterial pressure (mmHg) 87.7 13.9
mPAP/mSAP 0.5 0.2
Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure (mmHg) 8.2 2.8
Pulmonary vascular resistance index (WU 9 m2) 9.4 5.2
Time interval between Cath and Study (months) 33 21
PAH-targeted medication Endothelin receptor antagonists 4 (44.4%)
Phosphodiesterase-Type5-inhibitors 5 (55.6%)
Calcium channel blockers 5 (55.6%)
Combination therapy Monotherapy 4 (44.4%)
Dual therapy 5 (55.6%)
Values are mean SD
mPAP/mSAP ratio of mean pulmonary arterial pressure to systemic arterial pressure
improvement of walking distance by exercise training as oxygen uptake, in our study peak oxygen uptake was
reached in our study might be of important prognostic almost unchanged after 16 weeks of training, a result that
relevance. might be due to the study protocol, as a similar lacking
While in adult studies the improvement of exercise response on peak VO2 was also described by other authors
capacity was frequently associated with an increase of peak who performed exercise training in a similar outpatient
Pediatr Cardiol
600 a
mean increase: + 158.35 (meters) p=0.0364
500 mean increase: + 98.67 (ml/min) p=0.0280
Change in running distance (meters)
300 1400
VO2@AT (ml/min)
0 600
1307.8 1406.4
-100 400 417.0 417.9
(ml/min) (ml/min)
baseline 16 weeks 0
baseline 16 weeks
Fig. 1 Change in running distance. Change in running distance
(m) during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) at baseline and
after 16 weeks of training for each patient. CPET was performed on
mean increase: + 6.88 (1/min) p=0.0090
treadmill according to the modified Bruce treadmill protocol. After
16 weeks of supervised training, all except two patients improved in 195
running distance compared to baseline. Mean treadmill distance
Maximum heart rate (1/min)
increased from 589.5 (153.9) to 747.9 (209.2) m (p = 0.0364).
The reason for nonresponse to exercise training in 2 of the 9 patients 185
was noncompliance in one patient due to a depressive episode
following separation of her boyfriend, and in the second patient 180
limited intellectual and motoric ability to comply with the protocol
due to young age (8 years old)
setting, although in an adult population [15, 26, 27].
160 177.6 184.4
However, it may also be a more typical finding in pediatric
13.6 11.2
and adolescent patients, since in previous studies in a 155
(1/min) (1/min)
healthy population of children and adolescents it has been
demonstrated that the magnitude of training-induced baseline 16 weeks
changes in peak VO2 may be smaller than that seen in
Fig. 2 a Change in oxygen consumption at the anaerobic threshold.
adults, possibly also due to lower compliance in this pop- Change in oxygen consumption at the anaerobic threshold
ulation [28, 29]. [VO2@AT] during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) at
Interestingly, oxygen consumption at the anaerobic baseline and after 16 weeks. CPET was performed on treadmill
threshold did improve in our study, which can be explained according to the modified Bruce treadmill protocol. Oxygen con-
sumption at the anaerobic threshold improved from 1307.8 (417) at
by the fact that the patients did their training at a sub- baseline to 1406.4 (418) ml after 16 weeks of training (p = 0.028).
maximal level, where preferably changes of oxygen con- b Change in maximum heart rate. Change in maximum heart rate
sumption at the anaerobic threshold might be expected. [beats per minute] during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) at
Thus, the used exercise protocol might have been not fre- baseline and after 16 weeks. CPET was performed on treadmill
according to the modified Bruce treadmill protocol. Maximum heart
quent enough, intense enough, nor long enough to elicit rate increased significantly from 177.6 (13.6) at baseline to 184.4
changes in peak VO2. (11.2) beats per minute after 16 weeks of training (p = 0.009)
Remarkably, the increased exercise capacity found in
our study was accompanied by a significant improvement chronotropic competence had improved exercise capacity
of chronotropic competence. A lack of chronotropic com- as result of their training program.
petence, i.e., a blunted increase in heart rate during exer- Underlying mechanisms responsible for chronotropic
cise, is an established predictor of mortality in patients with incompetence in PAH patients are not fully understood. It
coronary artery disease, adults with congenital heart dis- appears likely that chronotropic incompetence is a multi-
ease and in healthy populations [19, 21, 30]. Little is factorial phenomenon resulting from the confluence of
known about its prevalence and prognostic implication in several factors which themselves are associated with poor
children with PAH. We found that patients with increased prognosis. Colluci et al. [31] reported that impaired
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1.0 55
baseline 16 weeks p=0.0785 p=0.2788
chronotropic index
50 51.88
1 51.27
0.8 45
baseline 16 weeks
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overestimate their exercise capacity. In the presented study authors (D.Z., A.A., P.B., M.K., H.L., D.S., and C.A.) declare that
on a low-risk pulmonary hypertension population, we were they have no conflict of interest related to this manuscript.
able to show that an exclusively home-based exercise
training can also be performed safely by keeping in close
online and phone contact with the physicians or study
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highly appreciated collaboration. cise training on cardiorespiratory function and quality of life in
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