H-1 Road Construction and Stabilization: Purpose & Applications

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Most of gravel roads erosion and sedimentation problems originate with improper construction
and maintenance. These erosion problems also create ruts, pumps and potholes that can destroy
the suspension of a vehicle or construction equipment.

Effective drainage is critical to road longevity and stability. Good drainage requires removing
runoff from the road surface and preventing groundwater from infiltrating the road base. These
two distinct drainage problems require an understanding of the difference between surface water
and groundwater.
Surface Water
Surface water is water that is flowing or standing on the top of the ground. On gravel roads, the
biggest concern is to get water off the road surface as quickly as possible and to direct it to a
natural or constructed drainage channel that is capable of handling the flow without eroding.
When surface water is not drained off the road, it can lead to washouts, muddy conditions, and
The following measures are used to help drain water off the road surface:
a well-constructed road with proper crowning and grading;
stable road ditches;
diversions (e.g., water bars); and
turnouts and buffers that return runoff as sheet flow to natural drainage areas, but well
away from any surface waterbodies.
Any road (even properly constructed ones) will alter the natural surface water drainage pattern.
The trick is to recognize these changes and to prevent them from causing problems.
Groundwater (subsurface water) flows and is stored under the earth's surface. With roads, the
biggest concern is to keep groundwater out of the road base. Groundwater in the road base will
make it soft (potentially impassable) and susceptible to tire rutting. Ideally, subsurface water
should be drained from the road base and directed to a natural or constructed channel capable of
handling the flow without eroding. Types of subsurface drainage include:
Stable ditches that are dug sufficiently deep (below the water table) to drain water from
the road base
A well-constructed road foundation of coarse soil materials (i.e., sand and gravel with few
fines to allow subsurface water to drain efficiently).
And subsurface drains of either pervious (slotted) pipe or permeable soil material.

Road Material
The specific composition of soil materials used in road construction will make a big difference in
terms of performance and durability. Good road material should contain portions of the three
basic types of soil that have specific properties that make it best for different aspects of road
building: gravel, sand, and fines (silts and clays which are generally comprised of particles too
small for the eye to see). Gravel is very durable and drains freely. Sand also drains efficiently.
Fines pack and bind well, helping shed water as they do not drain well.
Some general guidelines are as follows.
Road base material needs to be sturdy and drain freely. The gravel must be somewhat coarser
than the road surface material (3-4 maximum particle size); and have 0 to 7 percent fines (to
subsurface drainage). The base layer should be 18 inches or thicker.
Road surface material needs to pack well, be durable, and shed water. It should have gravel
with a maximum particle size of 2 inches (for a smooth ride) and 7 to 12 percent fines (to pack
well and shed water). The surface layer should be about 4 to 6 inches thick. Loose surface
material generally indicates a lack of fines. Soft roads are generally indicative of too many fines
in the base material, or a base layer that is not thick enough to support the road.

Alternative Road Surfacing Materials

There are certain situations where a typical gravel surface may not be sufficient to resist erosion
or traffic wear such as in areas of steep slopes, sharp corners, or intersections with heavy
volumes of turning traffic. Alternative materials generally cost more up front, but can be more
cost effective, given their longer life cycle. Alternative materials can also lessen or eliminate
some chronic maintenance problems.
Reclaimed Pavement/Recycled Asphalt: Reclaimed pavement is old pavement that has been
ground up. It looks similar to road gravel, but it is more granular and darker because of the
residual asphalt. The most common and effective use of this material is on steep road segments
that have had problems with surface erosion. The residual asphalt in this material acts as a
binder, which makes it more resistant to erosion.
Reclaimed pavement can be spread in the same way as gravel; no special equipment is
When placing on problem slopes, start from just beyond the crest (top) of the hill and
work down.
The recommended depth is 3-4 inches. Anything less may be prone to erosion.
Compact the recycled pavement, particularly on areas that are heavily traveled.
Compacting with a roller or whacker is preferred.
Verify the quality of the product before delivery so that it does not contain any waste
products such as sheet rock and gravel making it less likely to bind together.

Road Level
Properly constructed roads are built above the natural ground. This creates a high point, which is
essential for effective surface drainage. Unfortunately, many older roads were built by pushing
material away from the roadway, resulting in a road surface that is lower than the surrounding
land, which is hard to drain and heavy runoff will tend to overflow and run over the road. This
type of road is also prone to subsurface drainage problems, because the road base often consists
of poor (native) soil materials that may be in the local water table.

Road crowning and grading are the primary means by which surface water is drained off a road
surface. To crown a road means to create a high point that runs lengthwise along the center of
the road. Either side of this high point is sloped gently away from the center toward the outer
edge of the road. Crowning is the quickest way to get water off the road, preventing significant
erosion of the road surface.

Crown profile: " of crown per foot of road width (e.g., " x 12' road = 3" crown).


An insufficient crown will allow water to puddle on the road surface creating potholes or eroding
the road surface. The potholes will continue to grow each time a vehicle splashes through them,
resulting in the loss of fine clay particles that are necessary for a good road surface. Standing
water will also seep into the roadbed, weakening the road and making it susceptible to tire rutting.
Proper grading will prevent potholes from forming and provide a safer surface for travel.
A general rule for level or gently sloping gravel roads is -inch of crown per foot of total road
width. A crown of ? -inch per foot of road width may be necessary for steeper sections to
counteract the tendency of water to travel downhill over the road surface. Crowns greater than
? -inch per foot are not generally recommended, as they can be difficult to maintain and difficult to
drive over. Crowning should be done annually on gravel roads because snow plowing and
normal use flattens the road over the course of a year.

Grading is the process of smoothing and crowning a gravel road using a grader with a steel
cutting blade to redistribute soil material. The grader is the most frequently used piece of
equipment for general gravel road maintenance. It can be very versatile when used by an
experienced operator.
In general, roads receiving heavier use will require more frequent grading. Trucks carrying heavy
loads will flatten the crown and create wheel ruts much faster than typical passenger vehicle
traffic. Cars traveling too fast will blow away light soil particles from the road surface causing
wash boarding.
Regular grading of gravel roads or shoulders is an effective means of removing and redistributing
ridges of road winter sand or material that has either been washed to the road edge or has been
pushed to the edge by vehicle traffic. These little ridges will catch water before it can drain off the
road, channeling it along the outer edge of the road surface potentially causing severe damage to
a road surface during periods of heavy rain.
Always make sure that water can get off the road by smoothing the edge of the road with
the grading blade.
Usually, gravel roads are regraded by scraping this material from the outer edge of the
road, and pulling it back into the center.
Bulldozers are not generally recommended for road grading as they tend to flatten the
crown, which restricts effective surface drainage.
Proper grading is also the most effective means of removing potholes. The grader
should cut to the full depth of the potholes. Otherwise, they will tend to reform very
Grading is typically done at least once a year on seasonal roads and more often on year-round
roads. The best time to grade a road is when the road is moist (in the spring, or after a rain).
Water helps to loosen the gravel and fines and makes the road easier to reshape.
Steel Tine Rake: One affordable and effective piece of maintenance equipment is a steel tine
rake, or York rakes. This device consists of a row of strong metal tines that work in much the
same manner as a grader blade. It is made to be towed behind, or mounted in front of a pickup
truck or tractor and can be used to:
Remove potholes and washboarding;
Maintain or establish proper road crown;
Remove ridges of road material or vegetation from the road shoulder; and
Mix road materials to achieve proper distribution of particle sizes.


Sand and vegetation build-up prevent drainage to side of road

Effective erosion control and maintenance can be best accomplished by:
Monitor and maintain the road on a regular basis. The best time to inspect a gravel road
is on or following a rainy day.
Thoroughly plan the construction and maintenance before starting the project.
Keep runoff velocities slow
Avoid concentrating runoff (promote dispersion).
Discharge stormwater runoff into vegetated areas.
Minimize areas of exposed soil on side slopes and ditches
Stabilize and cover bare soils with vegetation or other protection (i.e., mulch or riprap).
Keep in mind that refilling a road that continues to wash out is a waste of time and money and
does not effectively address the problem. Effective maintenance should prevent or minimize
recurring problems.


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