Coatings Industrial Maintenance Guide
Coatings Industrial Maintenance Guide
Coatings Industrial Maintenance Guide
Industrial Maintenance Guide
coating system Polyurethane based 75000 Piping brown 1822 2.5 YR 2/4
25000 Safety orange 1867 2.5 YR 6/14 Note: the gloss and color hue dispalyed on this chart must be
20040 Piping cream-coloured 2273 10 YR 7/6 taken only as guidance and can not be ensured compliance
with the original coating, thus it is not recommended to use
20010 Golden yellow 2287 10 YR 8/14 it as a color pattern in evaluation of painted surfaces.
21670 Petrobras yellow 2386 2.5 Y 8/12
Petrobras standard coatings Petrobras standard coatings
20000 Safety yellow 2586 5 Y 8/12
20030 Pale cream-coloured 2392 2.5 Y 9/4
50010 Safety green 3263 10 GY 6/6
50040 Badge green 2.5 G 3/4
*It does not have Munsell color code
2 - Preparation Levels
Preparation levels defined by ISSO 8501-1 standard are: 2.2 - Abrasive Blasting Cleaning
It is obtained by the projection of abrasive particles propelled by a fuid - in general, compressed air - through the surface creating a
surface roughness profile.
g Surface preparation by abrasive blasting is designated by Sa letters.
2.1 - Cleaning by Mechanic and Manual Tools
g Before going to the blasting chamber, grease, oil and fat must be removed from the piece by cleaning with solvent or degrease
Surface preparation by cleaning with mechanic and manual tools (as scraping, sanding, brushing with brushes or discs) is
designated by St letters. agent. (according to SSPC-SP1).
g After blasting, dust and loose particles must be removed from the surface.
g In the same way, oil, grease, fat or other contaminants must also been removed by solvent cleaning or using degreaser
g In visual inspection, there must be verified if the surface is free of oil, grease or fat, mil scale, oxidation, paint, foreign material with
agents (according to SSPC-SP1 standard).
g After preparation, surface must be presented free of dust and loose fragments. poor adhesion and analyze if the blasting pattern complies with Isso 8501-1 standard.
Manual St 2 Cleaning (According to SSPC-SP2) Mechanic St 3 Cleaning (According to SSPC-SP3 Sa 1 Standard Sa 2 Standard (According to SSPC-SP6 Standard)
Consists on the removal of the layer of oxides and other Standard) Known as slight blasting (brush-off) or brush blasting, it is Known as comercial blasting, it consists on a surface
materials not too adherent by manual tools as: sandpaper, Consists on the removal of the layer of oxides other materials not usually used for painting, except under some overcoating cleaning removing oxides, mill scale, coatings and other in a
brushes and scrapers. not too adherent by manual mechanic tools as: rotating situations. range of 50 percent of the surface. All the residual
(Fotographic patterns: B St 2; C St 2 and D St 2). brushes, needle hammers, sanding tools. Adherent product removal is about 5 percent range. contaminants must remain strongly adhered.
(Fotographic patterns: B St 3; C St 3 and D St 3). (Fotographic patterns: B Sa 1; C Sa 1 and D Sa 1). (Fotographic patterns: B Sa 2; C Sa 2 and D Sa 2).
Level A - St 2 cleaning method is not Level A - St 3 cleaning method is not Level A - Sa 1 cleaning method is not Level A - Sa 2 cleaning method is not
recommended for this corrosion level. recommended for this corrosion level. recommended for this corrosion level. recommended for this corrosion level.
Sa 2 Standard (According to SSPC-SP10 Standard) Sa 3 Standard (According to SSPC-SP5 Standard) 2.3 - Surface Roughness Profile
When specifying the painting process, it is advisable to
3 -Preparation Levels by
Defined as blasting to near white metal. Defined as blasting to white metal, it consists on a
Cleaning providing near complete oxide and mill scale surface cleaning with full oxide and mill scale removal, determine the surface roughness profile and the Hydroblasting
removal. Allows about 5 percent of then cleaned area providing a completely clean metal surface. Must present thickness of the paint layer must cover all the peaks of it.
containing light spots or shadows. a uniform metallic aspect. It is recommended the surface roughness profile must be
between 1/4 to 1/3 of painting system total thickness or Hydroblasting is used for metallic surface cleaning as well
(Fotographic patterns: A Sa 2 ; B Sa 2 ; C Sa 2 ; and (Fotographic patterns: A Sa 3; B Sa 3; C Sa 3; and
at most 2/3 of primer thickness. as the removal of loose materials, corrosion products,
D Sa 2 ). D Sa 3).
Surface roughness profile height must be set by using paints, rusts and incrustations hard to remove on steel
roughness meter. structures, floors, concrete and metal cuts, etc. However,
Most common surface roughness profile: 40 - 85 m. hydroblasting does not provide surface roughness profile.
It consists on the cleaning using ultra-high pressurized
water thrown over the surface. There are not used any
Table 1 abrasives, therefore all problems caused by any dust or
abrasive deposit are eliminated. So, it is recommended for
Level A Level A previously coated surfaces where there still was a
Maximum particle size which Profile
pass through the strainer maximum roughness profile.
(m) 3.1 -Hydroblasting (SSPC-VIS 4/NACE VIS 7)
Gap (mm) The following photographic references illustrate 5 from 7 initial
Steel grit (angular particles) according to RP - SAE - J - 444a standard conditions(1) described before surface preparation.
No - G 80 0.42 40 60
3.1.1. Initial Conditions
No - G 50 0.7 25 85
Condition A (not illustrated): steel structure completely
No - G 40 1.0 18 90
covered by intact and adherent mill scale, with none or
No - G 25 1.2 16 100
some corrosion;
No - G 16 1.7 12 200
Steel grit (spherical particles) according to RP - SAE - J - 444a standard Condition B (not illustrated): steel structure with
Level B Level B No S-110 0.6 30 50 beggining of atmospherical corrosion which mill scale has
No S-230 1.0 18 80 started to release;
No S-280 1.2 16 85
No S-330 1.4 14 90 Condition C: steel structure where mill scale has been
No S-390 1.7 12 95 removed by atmospherical corrosion or it can be removed
Bauxite 0.4 40 80 by scraping and might still present some alveoli;
c) Different surface roughness profile zones, resulted Condition H: degraded coating system applied over
by irregular corrosion attacks or uneven material steel; coating system completely faded by weathering,
removal; completely blistered or completely stained.
Level D Level D
The photograph series that follow describe steel initial
d) Surface irregularities;
condition for initial conditions C, D, E, F, G and H (according
to section 3.1.1) and previously cleaned steel to achieve
e) Marks caused by tools;
SSPC-SP12/NACE WJ-1, WJ-2, WJ-3 and WJ-4 patterns.
f) Uneven lighting; Other Conditions
When hydroblasting is used to remove paints and other
g) S
hadows over the surface profile caused by contaminants from steel containing mill scale (conditions
abrasive oblique projection; A, B and G), mill scale is not removed. In that case, clean
steel appearance could be very similar to condition A or B.
h) Incrusted abrasive grains.
8 Industrial Maintenance Manual (1) Initial conditions A, B, C and D respectively refer to oxidation levels A, B, C and D. Industrial Maintenance Manual 9
Hydroblasting in Level C corrosion Light Cleaning Complete Cleaning Very Complete Cleaning Clean Substrate to Naked Metal
Hydroblasting in Level H corrosion Light Cleaning Complete Cleaning Very Complete Cleaning Clean Substrate to Naked Metal
Table 3
3.1.2. Final Condition 3.1.3. Notes
Steel surfaces can vary in texture, tonality, color, localized List of reference images illustrating Flash Rust levels
The several levels of cleaning without reoxidation (flash
rusting) are described by SSPC-SP12/NACE n 5 as: corrosion (pitting), flocculation and mill scale, which should List of reference images illustrating Flash Rust levels
be considered when compared with reference photographs.
Condition C 100% oxidation Condio D 100% oxidation with PITS
WJ-1 Clean substrate to naked metal The acceptable appearance variations which does not affect
WJ-2 Very complete cleaning or rigorous cleaning surface cleaning are: variations caused by steel type, surface Cleaning Level WJ-2 WJ-3 WJ-2 WJ-3
WJ-3 Complete cleaning original condition, steel thickness, welded metal,
WJ-4 Light cleaning manufacturing rolling mill marks, thermal treatment, heat Without Flash Rust C WJ-2 C WJ-3 D WJ-2 D WJ-3
affected zones and differences caused by initial abrasive Light Flash Rust C WJ-2 L C WJ-3 L D WJ-2 L D WJ-3 L
blasting or standard cleaning techniques. Moderate Flash Rust C WJ-2 M C WJ-3 M D WJ-2 M D WJ-3 M
Intense Flash Rust C WJ-2 H C WJ-3 H D WJ-2 H D WJ-3 H
Flash Rust levels in C Level after WJ2 Without Flash Rust Light Flash Rust Moderate Flash Rust Intense Flash Rust
4 - Adhesion
After proper surface treatment and adequate application, application performance and protection might be evaluated by
adhesion tests.
4.1.3 - Results
Adhesion test must be done after minimum drying period for each coat. Whenever possible, adhesion test must be done on g
X cutting: results must be expressed according to tables A.1 ands A.2. If there are intermediate situations, the highest value
surface representative bodies-of-proof (replicas) which is being coated. In that way it is avoided to damage the painting applied must be considered as a result. In example: for results between X1 and X2 the highest value will be considered, so it is X2. If
over equipment or structures. If not possible, test can be performed on the surface to be coated since the damaged area be layer detachment occurs and have been noticed, it must be registered.
a) dimensions: width 25 mm and thickness of 0.2 mm.
properly restored afterwards.
The tests are divided into 3 types: g rid cutting: results must be expressed according to tables A.3. If there are intermediate situations, the highest value must
1) Adhesion test by X cut (method A), according to ABNT NBR 11003. be considered as a result. In example: for results between Gr1 and Gr2 the highest valeu will be considered, so it is Gr2.
2) Adhesion test by grid cut (method B), according to ABNT NBR 11003. If layer detachment occurs and have been noticed, it must be registered.
3) Adhesion test by traction (pull-off test), according to ABNT NBR 15877.
Table A.1 - detachment along the incisions Table A.2 - detachment on the intersection Table A.3 - detachment on the grid area
4.1 - Cutting Methods
g In order to proceed with the test by cutting methods the following instruments are needed:
Cutting device A: steel blade about 17mm wide and 19 2 cutting angle (image 1)
Cutting device B: six cutting edges set with distance of 2 mm (image 2)
X0- no detachment Y0- no detachment Gr0- no detachment
Adhesive tape with the following characteristics: along the incisions on the intersection on the grid area
a) dimensions: width 25 mm and thickness of 0.2 mm.
b) adhesion to steel: 55 gf/mm minimum.
c) Traction resistance: 4.6 kgf/mm minimum.
Y1- detachment
X1- detachment from 1 mm up to 2
Gr1- about 5%
along the incisions mm on one or on
detachment on the
up to 1 mm both sides of the
grid area
transverse Y2- detachment
section X2- detachment over 2 mm up to 4
along the incisions Gr2- about 15%
mm on one or on
over 1 mm up to detachment on the
both sides of the
2 mm grid area
Image 1 Image 2
Note: in case of 2 coats, NBR 11003 specifies that the test must be performed at every paint coating by following criteria:
1 - For the first coat (primer), consider specified thickness at the equipment/installation standard coating procedure.
2 - From the second coat and on, consider the total thickness of the previous coats specified at the equipment/installation standard coating procedure.
4.2 - Traction Method (Pull-Off) 6- Record both maximum pressure as well as the specific 4.2.3 - Results
Pull-off test is generally performed by perpendicularly attaching a testing piece (dowel) to the coated surface by applying an piston. Conversion table of coating tension for 12.5mm For all tests until detachment, calculate the percentage of
adhesive. After adhesive curing time a traction device is connected to the testing piece being aligned to provide perpendicular dowel coating is on table provided for each piston. adhesive and cohesive flaws according to the corresponding
tension over tested surface. The strength applied on the testing piece is gradually increased and observed until there is a areas and locations on the testing system, composed by
detachment of the material or a specific value is obtained. The coating system limited resistance is represented when a layers of coating ou coating system applied and the adhesive.
material part is detached exposing the surface. The natura of the failure is classified according to adhesive and cohesive failure A convenient scheme that describes testing system and
percentage as well as the involved real interfaces and layers. Pull-off resistance is calculated based on the maximum indicated flaws occurrence as a whole is described in the following
load, instrument calibration data and original surface area submited to tension. table:
Obtained results must be evaluated according to testing instruments used.
Table A.3 - detachment on gridded area
handwheel or devices screw counterclockwise down 1- Follow general recommendations described at Testing 8 - A failure
the clamp in order to fit under testing pieces head. Area section (4.2.1) 7 - A/B failure cohesive
2- Align devices 3 articulated bases. 2- P lace piston over testing piece bonded on tested coating substrate
3- Eliminate gap between pin (dowel) and clamp. and fasten the testing piece using central clamp. Leave at
4- Hold tightly the device with one hand and spin the least 1.6 mm gap between piston and bottom of the clamp
A/B failure A failure
handwheel clockwise with the other one in a smooth in order to leave the seal get off enough to align when
and constant way avoiding the device moving or sliding. pressurized. substrate
5- Do not exceed maximum pressure of 150 psi/s 3- Do proper pneumatic connections and open the
(1MPa/s). manifold turning . Describe testing surface as A substrate which further layers
4- Clear pressure measure system. or coats are described as B, C, D, etc. Adhesive referring
5-Press the button to control gas flow to the piston and layer is described as Y, which bonds it to the testing device
provide final valve adjustment in order to tension rate Hydraulic operating device. described as Z.
do not pass 1Mpa/s (150 psi/s) but reach its maximum
value in 100s.