Differentiated Lesson Plan Math

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Quadratic Equations and Functions : Solving Quadratic Equations using completion of

Square 1

Houston Baptist University

School of Education
Lesson Plan Format

Subject: Math -Algebra 1 Grade Level: 9 Time Estimate: 45 mins

Unit: Polynomials Topic: Solving Quadratic Equations

Goal(s): Student shall explore and solve Quadratic Equations.

Objective(s): The student will solve Quadratic Equations by completing the square with 90%

TEKS: 1(A), 9(D), 10 (A), 10(B)

Materials/Resources/Technology needs: Document camera, worksheet hand-outs, graphing

calculators, colored paper cut-outs, white boards and colored markers, formula sheets, computer

Instructional Procedures

Focusing Event: Make a square consisting of the cut-outs in each set. Students shall use
manipulatives to form a square of sides (x+b) from a square of side x as a small group activity.

Teaching/ Learning Procedures:

A quick re-cap of the 4 methods on solving quadratic equations on the white board along
with formulae used. Each student shall have the laminated formula sheet on the shelf
below the dek for easy reference.
A quick assessment of prior knowledge shall be done on the calculator on how to solve
quadratic equations using graphing. Timed for 2 mins.
All answers visible on the teachers computer shall be quickly scanned for a quick
evaluation on concepts assimilated or need to be refreshed.
Any method of solving quadratic equations found to be unclear to more than 4 students
needs to be re-taught.
Re-teach (if necessary) using guided practice and asses on whiteboard for a quick
evaluation of grasp of method to be used.
Assign two questions for a quick evaluation of comprehension.
Introduction of solving quadratic equations by completing the square.
Distribute class hand-outs including a Graphic Organizer listing steps to be followed.
Proved guided practice of 1 or 2 questions from the hand-out. Students to follow and
write on the hand-out itself.
Continuous Socratic questions to be asked to check for understanding.
Manipulatives may be used to check for accuracy or for solving.
Quadratic Equations and Functions : Solving Quadratic Equations using completion of
Square 1

Students shall be given 5 mins to do questions 3 and 4 to do independently or with help

from the partner behind them or in front of them.
The questions 3 and 4 shall be done on the board by volunteers from the class. Peer
The rest of the questions shall be attempted during class as classwork to be graded.
Homework shall be to list at least five examples where quadratic equations are used in
real life.

Formative Check (ongoing or specific): Accuracy of students while submitting answers on the
calculator. Classwork done both independently and as group work.

Reteach (alternative used as needed): Completion of square to be shown using the tiles. Various
combination of tiles to be used to form squares and equations noted. This shall then be solved for

Closure: As an exit ticket, create and solve a quadratic equation using your birthdate, year and
age using the completion of square method. division problem and provide the answer.

Assessment/Summative Evaluation: Quiz on solving Quadratic Equations.

ELL: Graphic representation of arithmetic process to provide visual aid for understanding.
SE : Give 3 extra mins for questions 3 and 4. Buddy to be allowed to help check accuracy and
explain process.
GT : Classroom hand-out to be completed during class period. Additional puzzle to be handed
out upon completion for further practice.

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