Assessment Policy
Assessment Policy
Assessment Policy
Assessment Policy
Assessment Policy
Table of Contents
Assessment of Learning
Assessment Policy
To generate baseline data that can be used to monitor achievement over time
To involve parents and pupils in identifying and managing learning strengths or difficulties
Purposes of assessment:
To enable the teacher to use appropriate teaching strategies and create learning contexts
To establish at what stage the child is in the development of particular skills
To determine if the child is making progress over a period of time
To inform groupings which the teacher may apply in the classroom i.e. same ability groups,
mixed ability groups etc.
To establish if the child needs special attention in any aspect of their development
To determine the childs preferred mode of learning
Assessment Policy
Scoil Chrost R Ennis
To highlight the childs special interests, talents or strengths on which to build
Definition of Assessment
In line with the NCCA, our staff believe that assessment is integral to teaching and learning and is
concerned with childrens progress and achievement. It involves gathering information to
understand how each child is progressing at school and using that information to further a childs
learning. We concur with their definition of classroom assessment as the process of gathering,
recording, interpreting, using and reporting information about a childs progress and
achievement in developing knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes. Assessment, therefore,
involves much more than testing. It is an on-going process that concerns the daily interactions
between the teacher and the child that include moment-by-moment conversations, observations and
(NCCA, Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum Guidelines for Schools. November 2007,
p. 7).
Assessment Policy
Teacher Observation
Standardised Tests
Anecdotal Notes
Diagnostic Tests
Learning Logs
Criterion Referenced
Work Samples
Teacher Narratives
Cloze Procedures
Rating Scales
Textbook Tests
Concept Maps
Story Maps
Performance Tasks
Psychological Reports
Deliberate Mistakes
Both assessment for learning and assessment of learning will be used by teachers to make
professional judgements about pupil achievement/progress. Deciding what to assess will be based
on the curriculum objectives in each curriculum area/subject and on what the teacher intends to help
Assessment Policy
Scoil Chrost R Ennis
the children to learn. Each teacher will use the most appropriate assessment method to measure the
extent to which children have achieved these objectives. The range of assessment methods to be
used throughout the school is outlined in this policy.
Assessment for each subject is mentioned in the relevant curriculum plans. Accordingly, the
assessment policy will present a comprehensive overview of the strategies for assessment engaged
in throughout the school.
Teacher observation individual /group /whole class with oral / written feedback
Teacher-designed tasks and tests weekly / end of term / end of topic / prescribed
assignments with feedback
Peer-Assessment - pair / group / whole class conferences. Children will use the above
strategies or given criterion to peer assess. Necessary language will be modelled to better
enable pupils to peer assess.
Success and Improvement Strategy (also referred to as two stars and a wish) involves children reflecting on their work and identifying two best bits/parts they like and
one area where their work can be improved. Children can highlight the best bits or put a
star or smiley face beside it. Children also highlight one area where they could improve/do
differently the next time. If possible, the children should have time to make the
improvement. This process is particularly useful for childrens writing. Initially, teachers
will model this process using exemplars. This strategy can be used orally in junior classes.
This strategy may also be used when marking childrens work.
Assessment Policy
Scoil Chrost R Ennis
Sharing the learning intention/objective and devising success criteria- WALT (We are
learning to) and WILF (What Im looking for) strategies. WALT sets out the learning
intention / objective at the start of lessons and WILF establishes the criteria for success by
specifying what the teacher is looking for from the children in an activity.
The learning objective(s) and the success criteria may be displayed on a chart /
whiteboard /post it etc.). The teacher /peer / self will evaluate the work by identifying
successes and improvements against the criteria.
Effective teacher questioning teachers use higher order questioning to provoke fruitful
discussion, ensure understanding and learning has taken place and to assess the level of the
Conferencing teachers discuss with pupils their work and how they might improve it.
Standardised tests analysed for errors and feedback may be provided to pupils
Assessment of Learning
The formal assessments conducted in the school are part of our assessment for learning procedures.
They are conducted at specified times each year, recorded and reported to parents.
Standardised tests
The following are the tests used in our school:
Drumcondra Early Numeracy Test May/June each year used in Senior Infants
Drumcondra Early Literacy Test May/June each year used in Senior Infants
Drumcondra Primary Maths Test May/June each year from 1st to 6th classes
Drumcondra Primary English Test May/June each year from 1st to 6th classes
Assessment Policy
Scoil Chrost R Ennis
The purpose of the standardised tests is to allow teachers to make placement and progress
decisions based on assessment results and to develop appropriate interventions for certain
children. The class teacher administers the standardised tests. In the event that a pupil is
absent on the day of the test the Learning Support teacher will administer the test at a later
date. Pupils may be excluded from the tests if in the view of the principal they have learning
or physical disability which would prevent them from taking the test or newcomer pupils,
where their level of English is such that attempting test would be inappropriate. Each childs
raw score, standard score, percentile rank, STEN and Reading age is recorded. The results
are analysed at whole school level (using the Aladdin tool) and at individual class level, and
the information gathered from the tests will be used to inform teaching and learning. The
results are communicated to parents in an oral format at the Parent-Teacher Meeting in
November and in a written format on the end of year report. The STEN score will be given
to parents and an explanation/descriptor will be provided with each result. The results will
help determine the allocation of learning support/resource hours in the school and the nature
of the support provided (in-class or withdrawal). See SEN policy.
Screening tests are used to facilitate the early identification of learning strengths /
difficulties. Standardised test scores are used for screening pupils from 1 st to 6th class. The
NRIT is used for screening pupils in 2nd Class and the CAT4 is used in 4th Class. The NRIT
and CAT4 are administered in late September and Standardised tests are administered in all
class levels by the class teachers in May / June. Screening checklists and teacher observation
are used in the classroom to screen pupils for progression in special education. Test results
are interpreted by the class teacher, SET team and relevant post-holders. Children under the
12th percentile on Standardised Tests are recommended for diagnostic testing and receive
intervention. Consideration will also be given to the class teachers recommendation and/or
results of class assessment tests. Priority for support in Literacy and Numeracy will be given
to children who fall below the 12th percentile in the Drumcondra Standardised Tests
throughout the school. Consideration will also be given to the class teachers
recommendation and/or results of class assessment tests in Literacy and Numeracy. A letter
is sent to a childs parents / guardians to seek consent for completion of diagnostic testing.
Diagnostic Assessment
A broad range of diagnostic tests are used to determine the appropriate learning support for
the individual pupils who present with learning difficulties. This list can be found in
Appendix 1 of this policy. The class teacher, in consultation with the SET team selects
children for diagnostic testing. All parents are asked to sign a consent form before testing
takes place. Members of the SET team administer the diagnostic tests and inform the class
teacher and parents of the results. Following assessment the class teacher, SE teacher and
the parents collaborate in formulating a plan to inform subsequent teaching and learning.
Assessment Policy
Resource Testing
Review of resource pupils Individual Education Plans (IEPs) takes place at the end of each
instructional term. Pupils with Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs) are reviewed as required.
See Appendix 1 for a list of all screening and diagnostic tests available.
Assessment Policy
Psychological Assessment
The head of SET arranges consultations with psychologists (NEPS or other) if it is deemed
necessary. Where psychological assessment is considered necessary the head of SET liaises
with parents and standard NEPS consent forms are used. The head of SET is responsible for
arranging assessments with specialists, psychologists, speech and language therapists or
others. Specialist assessment reports inform all planning. Access to psychological reports is
controlled by the head of SET. Reports are stored in individual Pupil Special Education Files
in a locked cabinet by head of SET. For further information see SEN policy.
Pupils standardised test results are recorded on Aladdin and on each individual end of year
report. They are communicated to parents at Parent Teacher Meetings.
Teachers have agreed terminology for reporting on childrens progress and achievement.
Comments and observations will be recorded in an objective and instructive manner.
Results of Standardised Tests are reported to the Board of Management and the DES
(online) in June each year.
Assessment information will be safely stored to facilitate access to it by former pupils at any
stage until their 21st birthday
Each teacher will have an Assessment Folder in which to store assessments carried out
during the year.
Assessment Folder
Assessment Folders will include Standardised test results, NRIT / CAT4 Test results where
applicable, samples of teacher designed tests, samples of pupils work, First Steps Continuum for
Oral Language, Reading and Writing (3rd 6th Class only), 2015 Oral Language Progression
Continuum (Junior Infants 2nd Class), First Steps Continuum for Reading and Writing (Junior
Infants 2nd Class), Star Reading Test results and Pupil Profiles where necessary. At the end of each
year this folder is passed on to the next class teacher.
Success Criteria
A range of informal and formal assessment modes are used to place assessment as an
integral part of teaching and learning.
Procedures run smoothly and efficiently because there is clarity about what is expected and
who is responsible for different aspects.
Transfer of information from class teacher to class teacher happens efficiently at the
beginning/end of school year.
Assessment Policy
A copy of this policy has been given to each teacher and is available for parents to view in the
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management in
Signed: _______________________________________
(Chairperson, Board of Management)
Date: ____________
Assessment Policy
Appendix 1:
Screening and Diagnostic Tests
A H 1: Non Verbal Intelligence
A H 2: Aston Index: Infant Screening and Diagnostic
Burt Reading Test
Bangor Dyslexia Test
Basic Number Diagnostic Test
Basic Number Screening Test
CAT4 Intelligence Test
Drumcondra Early Literacy Test
Drumcondra Primary Maths Test
Drumcondra Primary English Test
Drumcondra Primary Spelling Test
Dyslexia Early Screening Test (4:6 6:5)
The Dyslexia Screening Test (6.6-16:5)
Marino Word Reading Test
MIST: Middle Infant Screening Test
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability
NRIT: Non Verbal Intelligence Test
Phonological Awareness Assessment Battery
PSAK: Primary School Assessment Kit for EAL
QUEST: Early Screening and Diagnostic Test Maths and English
Assessment Policy
Schonell Reading Test
Appendix 2:
Term 1
Term 2
January March
Term 3
April - June
Assessment Policy
Term 1
Term 2
January March
Term 3
April - June
Assessment Policy
Term 1
Term 2
January March
Term 3
April - June
Assessment Policy
Methods of Assessment:
Maths Topic Tasks/Tests
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tasks/Tests
Diagnostic Tests - If required
Samples of Work
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (for children using Accelerated Reader)
Accelerated Reading Tests
Plot three pupils on the 2015 Oral Language Progression
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Map of Development
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Map of Development
Term 2
January March
Term 3
April - June
Assessment Policy
Methods of Assessment:
Maths Topic Tasks/Tests
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tasks/Tests
Diagnostic Tests - If required
Samples of Work
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (September & December)
Accelerated Reading Tests
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Speaking and Listening Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Continuum
Term 2
January March
Term 3
April - June
Assessment Policy
Term 1
Term 2
January March
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Speaking and Listening Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Continuum
Teacher Observation
Pupil Self-Assessment
Maths Topic Tests
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tests
Diagnostic Test Reviews If required
Samples of Work
IEP / IBP / G/IEP Reviews
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (Before Easter)
Accelerated Reading Tests
Term 3
April - June
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Speaking and Listening Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Continuum
Teacher Observation
Pupil Self-Assessment
Maths Topic Tests
Script Sample Cursive
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tests
Diagnostic Tests - If required
Samples of Work
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (June)
Assessment Policy
Term 1
September January
Term 2
January March
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Speaking and Listening Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Continuum
Teacher Observation
Pupil Self-Assessment
Maths Topic Tests
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tests
Diagnostic Test Reviews If required
Samples of Work
IEP / IBP / G/IEP Reviews
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (Before Easter)
Accelerated Reading Tests
Term 3
April - June
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Speaking and Listening Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Continuum
Teacher Observation
Pupil Self-Assessment
Maths Topic Tests
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tests
Diagnostic Tests - If required
Samples of Work
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (June)
Accelerated Reading Tests
Drumcondra Maths Test
Drumcondra English Test
Assessment Policy
Term 1
September January
Term 2
January March
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Speaking and Listening Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Continuum
Teacher Observation
Pupil Self-Assessment
Maths Topic Tests
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tests
Diagnostic Test Reviews If required
Samples of Work
IEP / IBP / G/IEP Reviews
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (Before Easter)
Accelerated Reading Tests
Term 3
April - June
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Speaking and Listening Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Reading Continuum
Plot three pupils on the First Steps Writing Continuum
Teacher Observation
Pupil Self-Assessment
Maths Topic Tests
Irish Oral Test
Weekly Spelling / Dictation Tests
Diagnostic Tests - If required
Samples of Work
Teacher Designed Tasks / Tests
Star Reading Test (June)
Assessment Policy