Reference List Process Control Systems For Power Plants: Bilfinger Mauell GMBH

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Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Reference list
Process Control Systems
for Power Plants
Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

2 Reference List Process Control Systems for Power Plants Subject to change without notice
Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Contents Page

General Information 4

Generating Unit Control Systems 7

Fail-Safe Burner Control 9

Turbine Control Systems 10

Flue Gas Desulfurization Plants 13

Hydropower Stations 14

Coal Feeder Plants 18

Water Treatment Plants 19

DeNOx Plants 20

Ammonia (NH3) Tank Farms 20

Waste Incineration Plants 22

Expert Systems 23

Soot Reinjection Plants 26

Block-Type Thermal Power Stations 27

Building Services Control 28

Gas and Steam Power Plant 30

Power Plant Simulators 31

Process Control Systems for Power Plants Reference List 3

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

General Information

Demands on Modern Automation ME4012 ensures complete standby Coaling plants, supply and disposal
Today, in all fields of engineering, facilities in the areas of data communi- installations
industrial production which is economi- cation and operator control. Waste incineration
cal and at the same time goes easy on
resources and environment is not pos- Water treatment
Economical Solutions
sible without a high degree of automa- The hardware of the ME 4012 process Water power stations
tion. Process control systems used for control system is of modular design. Training schemes for power station
the automation of power stations must Therefore, with ME4012 you will be control
meet particularly high requirements for able to find a made-to-measure solution
increased availability, large functional for your specific problem whatever the
range and decentralized architecture. Field instruments and installation
automation task is.
For all applications mentioned in this
Our ME 4012 process control system Economical solutions for small applica- Reference List we supplied the control
meets these high demands. Not only tions may comprise just one AE 4012 system (inner plant control). In almost
does it provide all the facilities neces- programmable controller. These can all cases, we also provided, installed
sary for the acquisition, preparation be expanded as required, responding to and commissioned the complete
and processing of plant data; it is also increasing demands in the areas of: instrumentation, measuring and control
equipped with sufficient intelligence for
Plant and process control equipment for the process peripherals.
sequence and closed-loop control tasks
This includes in particular the transduc-
and for the monitoring and optimization Geographical expansion ers for measured quantities such as
of plants and plant components.
Standby and redundant temperature, pressure, flow, level,
Observation, monitoring and operator configurations water and flue gas analysis, revolutions
control of the plant as a whole are done per minute, position etc.
Plant automation
in a central control room equipped
Auxiliary machinery can easily be Equipment and systems are usually
with monitors. The architecture of
integrated using the programmable installed by our own personnel. Our
the ME 4012 process control system is
controller which is compatible with the responsibilities also cover the installa-
based on the decentralized, redundant
process bus and can be configured tion of hook-ups according to our own
SUB-NET process bus, the AE4012
and programmed by the machine design, and all pipework in connection
programmable controllers and the
manufacturer. with stepping lines, which is mostly
MEVIEW operator control and process
welded and always carried out using
monitoring system.
standard and quality-approved conduit
ME 4012 structures the entire process Field-proven Solutions and material. The frames required for the
in a hierarchy of horizontal control Technological Know-how installation of transducers and the
levels thus fulfilling the different tasks For many years now, our application cable subdistributors are manufactured
of the plant: experts have proven their experience by ourselves to the highest quality
and know-how in the design of automa- standards and adapted to the specific
Interfacing to plant and processes
tion and process control schemes for application.
Sequence, logic and closed-loop technological processes in the fields of:
control of individual drives Inline components such as control
Block-type thermal power stations valves, fittings, covers, nozzles etc.
Individually automated function (lignite or coal boilers) were purchased and provided by us
groups providing a high degree of according to the specification of the
Fail-safe burner control (oil, gas or
plant automation plant supplier or planning engineers,
In addition, the plant is sectioned ready for being installed by the plant
Steam turbine control
vertically into a number of functional supplier.
units. This division is governed by Gas turbine control
criteria such as: Flue gas desulfurization
Process correlations DeNOx plants / Ammonia (NH3) tank
Standby requirements farms

Minimization of signal exchange

4 Reference List Process Control Systems for Power Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

After completion of all mounting and

installation work by our personnel, we
commissioned the systems and finally
provided a complete set of system
documents according to the high
technical VGB Standards, R 170 C (VGB
=German Association of the Power
Station Industries).

Hydraulic Mechanical Systems

The scope of our services comprises:
Planning and layout of hydraulic
components and systems
Design and delivery of hydraulic
mechanical components
Optimization tests of all hydraulic
components in our own testing bays
before they are shipped
Modernization of hydraulic systems
(units, pipelines, control modules)
and adaptation on existing machines
Commissioning of hydraulic systems
and plants
Delivery and installation of all
systems required for turbine strain,
vibration, speed, etc. measurement
Maintenance services after project
Training of customer personnel for
direct plant maintenance/monitoring
Our project engineers prepare hydrau-
lic diagrams, define the component
specifications and develop concepts
for the constructing engineers. The
configuration and design documenta-
tion is created with 3D (Solid Works
Software (SW)) and 2D (Auto CAD
Software) systems.

Process Control Systems for Power Plants Reference List 5

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Cooling tower with flue gas Flue gas Induced draft Electric filter Steam generator Power house
passes desulfurization
Coal Power Station

Computer Animation Power Plant Moorburg Computer Animation Power Plant Boxberg

Brown coal-fired power plant Boxberg Unit R Hard coal-fired power plant Moorburg Unit A
Base load operation Combustion heat output: 3700 MW max.
Availability: > 91 % Combustion heat output: 3354 MW under design cond.
Controllability: 50 % to 103 % Gross electrical output: 1654 MW under design cond.
High level of automation District heating output: 650 MW max.
Transmission Code compliance
Live steam: T = 600 C, p = 276 bar
Net efficiency: > 43.7 %
IS steam: 610 C, p = 52 bar
Live steam: T = 600 C; p = 285 bar
IS steam: T = 610 C; p = 52 bar Controllability at load operation: 35 to 103 %
Coal consumption: 4.5 million t / a Hard coal consumption: 480 t / h; 4.21 million t / a approx.
Specific CO2 emissions: 924 g / kWh Ashes produced: 63 t/h; 0.56 million t / a approx.
Hard plaster produced: 18 t / h; 0.16 million t / a approx.

6 Reference List Generating Unit Control Systems

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Generating Unit Control Systems


Customer Location Block Output Power Mechanical Engineering

E.ON Kraftwerke Ingolstadt 3+4 420 MW each EVT

GDF Suez-Gruppe Zolling 5 450 MW VKW-Babcock

E.ON Kraftwerke Irsching 3 300 MW EVT

STEAG-RWE Voerde A 750 MW Auxiliary plant

STEAG-RWE Voerde B 750 MW Auxiliary plant

STEAG-VEW Bergkamen 750 MW Auxiliary plant

swb Bremen-Hafen 6 320 MW EVT

E.ON Kraftwerke Shamrock 1 130 t / h Babcock

E.ON Kraftwerke Shamrock 2 130 t / h Steinmller

E.ON Kraftwerke Shamrock 3 130 t / h EVT

E.ON Kraftwerke Shamrock 4 130 t / h Drr

E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven FWK-Buer District heating Steinmller

Stadtwerke Duisburg HKW III District heating Standardkessel

Daimler Benz HKW I District heating EVT

Eletrosul, Brasilien Jorde Lacerda lll 5 125 MW Skoda

Eletrosul, Brasilien Jorde Lacerda lll 6 125 MW Skoda

Kasseler Fernwrme Kassel 2 Fluidization 180 t / h Lurgi / Lentjes

AllessaChemie Frankfurt 1 Process heat Steinmller

AllessaChemie Frankfurt 2 Process heat Steinmller

AllessaChemie Frankfurt 3 Process heat Steinmller

swb-Erzeugung Mittelsbren 4 240 MW EVT

Freundenberg Service Weinheim 5 45 t / h Standardkessel

Vattenfall Europe Boxberg R 700 MW Hitachi Europe

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg A 820 MW Hitachi Europe

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg B 820 MW Hitachi Europe

Generating Unit Control Systems Reference List 7

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Computer Animation Power Plant Boxberg

Waste Incineration Plant

8 Reference List Fail Safe Burner Control

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Fail-Safe Burner Control


Customer Location Block Output Power Mechanical Engineering

E.ON Kraftwerke Ingolstadt 4 420 MW EVT
E.ON Kraftwerke Ingolstadt 3 420 MW EVT
GDF Suez-Gruppe Zolling 5 450 MW VKW-Babcock
E.ON Kraftwerke Irsching 3 300 MW Balcke Drr
swb HKW Hafen 6 320 MW EVT
swb HKW Hastedt 1 100 t / h MACCI
swb HKW Hastedt 2 100 t / h MACCI
swb Mittelsbren 4 240 MW Babcock
E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven F 750 MW EVT
E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven FWK-Buer District heating Steinmller
E.ON Energy f. Waste Stapelfeld 1 165 000 t / a Steinmller
E.ON Energy f. Waste Stapelfeld 2 165 000 t / a Steinmller
Kasseler Fernwrme Kassel 2 Fluidization 180 t / h Lurgi / Lentjes
Freudenberg Service Weinheim 3 Process heat EVT
Freudenberg Service Weinheim 4 Process heat EVT
Eletrosul, Brasilien Jorde Lacerda lll 5 125 MW Skoda
Eletrosul, Brasilien Jorde Lacerda lll 6 125 MW Skoda
RWE Wesseling 1 Process heat Balcke Drr
RWE Wesseling 2 Process heat Balcke Drr
RWE Wesseling 6 Process heat Balcke Drr
Technische Werke Stuttgart 23 35 MW Babcock
Gemeinschaftkraftwerke Veltheim 1 100 MW Balcke Drr
Gemeinschaftkraftwerke Veltheim 2 100 MW Balcke Drr
Gemeinschaftkraftwerke Veltheim 3 300 MW Babcock
Gemeinschaftkraftwerke Veltheim 4 300 MW Balcke Drr
Gemeinschaftkraftwerke Veltheim HK 35 t / h Eisenw. Baumgarte
AllessaChemie Frankfurt 2 Process heat Steinmller
Casella AG Frankfurt 3 Process heat Steinmller
Stadtwerke Frankfurt HKW Messe District heating Standardkessel
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal 12 Waste incineration Lentjes
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal 14 Waste incineration Lentjes
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal 15 Waste incineration Lentjes
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal 16 Waste incineration Lentjes
Stadtwerke Duisburg Duisburg I Heating and power station Standardkessel
Holtzmann Karlsruhe-Maxau Process heat Standardkessel
Vattenfall Europe Boxberg R 700 MW Hitachi Power Europe
Vattenfall Europe Moorburg A 820 MW Hitachi Power Europe
Vattenfall Europe Moorburg B 820 MW Hitachi Power Europe

Fail Safe Burner Control Reference List 9

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Turbine Control Systems


Customer Location Block Turbine * Output Power Function **

swb-Erzeugung Hafen 6 ME 320 MW TCS
E.ON Kraftwerke Buschhaus 1 ME 350 MW TCS
RWE Power AG Frimmersdorf Q AEG 350MW TCS
RWE Power AG Huckingen A ME 300 MW TCS
RWE Power AG Huckingen B ME 300 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Lethabo 1 ME 620 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Lethabo 2 ME 620 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Lethabo 3 ME 620 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Lethabo 4 ME 620 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Lethabo 5 ME 620 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Lethabo 6 ME 620 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matimba 1 ME 665 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matimba 2 ME 665 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matimba 3 ME 665 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matimba 4 ME 665 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matimba 5 ME 665 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matimba 6 ME 665 MW TCS
IEC Israel Electric Corporation Limited Rutenberg 1 ME 550 MW TCS
IEC Israel Electric Corporation Limited Rutenberg 2 ME 550 MW TCS
IEC Israel Electric Corporation Limited MD-B, Hadera 5 ME 550 MW TCS
IEC Israel Electric Corporation Limited MD-B, Hadera 6 ME 550 MW TCS
Rheinbraun AG Wachtberg 1 ME 90 MW TCS
Vattenfall Europe Tiefstack-Ersatz ME 160 MW TCS
EPON, Niederlande Bergum 1 ME 300 MW TCS
EPON, Niederlande Bergum 2 ME 300 MW TCS
ENSO Gutzeit OY, Suomi Imatra TU 7 ME 92 MW TCS
VSE Ensdorf 1 AEG 110 MW TCS
RWE Energie AG / VSE Ensdorf 3 ME 315 MW TCS
Haindl Papier Augsburg VII ME 25 MW TCS
Voest AG, Austria Linz IV ME 85 MW TCS
Vattenfall Europe Jnschwalde A LMZ 500 MW TCS
Vattenfall Europe Jnschwalde B LMZ 500 MW TCS
Vattenfall Europe Jnschwalde C LMZ 500 MW TCS
Vattenfall Europe Jnschwalde D LMZ 500 MW TCS
Vattenfall Europe Jnschwalde E LMZ 500 MW TCS
Vattenfall Europe Jnschwalde F LMZ 500 MW TCS

10 Reference List Turbine Control Systems

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Customer Location Block Turbine * Output Power Function **

ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matla 1 ME 600 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matla 2 ME 600 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matla 3 ME 600 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matla 4 ME 600 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matla 5 ME 600 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Matla 6 ME 600 MW TCS
E.ON Kraftwerke G. Knepper C AEG 350 MW TCS
MVA Kiel Kiel L1 + L2 B&V 9 MW TCS
Tha Toom Thailand 1 GAE 160 MW TCS
Tha Toom Thailand 2 GAE 160 MW TCS
VALA Suomi 1 GAE 230 MW TCS
PCK Schwedt Schwedt 1 GAE 90 MW TCS
PCK Schwedt Schwedt 2 GAE 90 MW TCS
NOK Thei, Austria Thei - GAE 250 MW TCS
E.ON Kraftwerke, KW Heyden Petershagen 4 Siemens 920 MW TCS
ESKOM Engineering Group, South Africa Grootvlei 1-6 ME 6 x 200 MW TCS
Electrabel MV NP, Belgium Doel 4 Alstom 1100 MW TCS / THS
Electrabel MV NP, Belgium Tihange, Huy 3 Alstom 1100 MW TCS / THS
Electrabel MV NP, Belgium 2 x SPAT/TFP 3 Ratau 3000 t/h TCS / THS

* Turbine

AEG = AEG-AG, Berlin

LMZ = Leningrader Metallwerke Sankt Petersburg

GAE = GEC-Alsthom Energie, Nrnberg

B&V = Blohm & Vo, Hamburg

** T urbine Control System Functions

TCS = T urbine control system retrofit

THS = T urbine hydraulic system retrofit

Turbine Control Systems Reference List 11

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Coal Power Station (Flue Gas Desulfurization)

Lignite-Fired Power Plant

12 Reference List Flue Gas Desulfurization Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Flue Gas Desulfurization Plants

Customer Location Block Output Power Mechanical Engineering
E.ON Kraftwerke Ingolstadt 3+4 420 MW KRC-Umwelttechnik
STEAG-VEW Bergkamen 750 MW Steinmller
STEAG-RWE Voerde A 750 MW Steinmller
STEAG-RWE Voerde B 750 MW Steinmller
VEBA KW Ruhr AG Shamrock District heating 2x130 t / h Thyssen
VEBA KW Ruhr AG Shamrock 3+4 District heating 2x130 t / h Thyssen
swb Hafen 5 300 MW Babcock
swb Hafen 6 420 MW Babcock
VSE / RWE Ensdorf 3 315 MW NIRO / KRC
VSE / RWE Ensdorf 1 150 MW NIRO / KRC
E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven B 300 MW Thyssen
E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven C 300 MW Thyssen
E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven D 300 MW Thyssen
E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven E 300 MW Thyssen
E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven FWK-Buer District heating Thyssen
VEAG Berlin Jnschwalde A 540 MW KRC-Umwelttechnik
VEAG Berlin Jnschwalde B 540 MW KRC-Umwelttechnik
VEAG Berlin Jnschwalde C 540 MW KRC-Umwelttechnik
VEAG Berlin Jnschwalde D 540 MW KRC-Umwelttechnik
VEAG Berlin Jnschwalde E 540 MW KRC-Umwelttechnik
VEAG Berlin Jnschwalde F 540 MW KRC-Umwelttechnik
VEAG Berlin Boxberg N 540 MW L. & C. Steinmller
VEAG Berlin Boxberg P 540 MW L. & C. Steinmller
Vattenfall Europe Boxberg R 700 MW Babcock Noell
Vattenfall Europe Moorburg A 820 MW Babcock Noell
Vattenfall Europe Moorburg B 820 MW Babcock Noell
AllessaChemie Frankfurt 2 Process heat Steinmller
Casella AG Frankfurt Process heat Steinmller
Stadtwerke Frankfurt HKW Messe District heat Standardkessel
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal 12 Waste incineration Lentjes
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal Waste incineration Lentjes
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal 15 Waste incineration Lentjes
AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal 16 Waste incineration Lentjes
Stadtwerke Duisburg Duisburg Heating and power station Standardkessel
Holtzmann Karlsruhe-Maxau Process heating Standardkessel
Vattenfall Europe Boxberg R 700 MW Hitachi Power Europe
Vattenfall Europe Moorburg A 820 MW Hitachi Power Europe
Vattenfall Europe Moorburg B 820 MW Hitachi Power Europe

Flue Gas Desulfurization Plants Reference List 13

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Hydropower Plants

Output Mechanical
Customer Location Type of Plant Power Engineering
E.ON Wasserkraft Eitting Run-of-river power station
Turbosets 4 x 10 MW VOITH
Scope of delivery:
Start and stop automatics, ME 4002
E.ON Wasserkraft Aufkirchen Run-of-river power station
Turbosets 4 x 10 MW VOITH
Scope of delivery:
Start and stop automatics, ME 4002
E.ON Wasserkraft Finsing Run-of-river power station
Turbosets 3 x 4 MW VOITH
Turboset 0,25 MW
Scope of delivery:
Start and stop automatics, ME 4002
E.ON Wasserkraft Niedernach Run-of-river power station
Walchensee Turbosets 3 MW Escher-Wyss
Scope of delivery:
Start and stop automatics, ME 4002
E.ON Wasserkraft Haag Run-of-river power station
Oberzolling Turboset 4 MW Escher-Wyss
3 Weir control systems NOELL
Scope of delivery:
Start and stop control, level control, ME 4012
Remote control of the weirs at Oberzolling, ME8018
Remote data transmission to the central control station
at Zolling, ME 8008
Remote control of the plant, MEVIEW
Centralized alarm and event monitoring , ME2015
RWE Energie AG Herdecke / Pumped storage power station 150 MW / VOITH / SEW
Ruhr Scope of delivery: 200 MVA
Signal conditioning and drive control, ME 4012
Automatic synchronization,
Distributed visual/acoustic alarm handling ME 3008 /
Event and alarm recording system , ME 2015M
Mechanical protection , ME 4002
Equipment for central control room: control desks,
mosaic boards and panels as well as complete indoor
installation and furnishing ,supply of the machine
control panel

14 Reference List Hydropower Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Output Mechanical
Customer Location Type of Plant Power Engineering
E.ON Wasserkraft Ettling Run-of-river power station
Turbosets 3 x 4 MW Escher-Wyss
4 Weir control systems NOELL
Scope of delivery:
Start /stop automatic with automatic synchronization of
the turbosets, ME 4002
Control system for 4 weirs
Complete equipment for central control room and
machine control panel
BKW Bernische Unterwerk ME 400 Signalling and monitoring system
Kraftwerke AG Schwarzen-
burg (CH)
BKW Bernische Wasserkraft- ME 400 Signalling and monitoring system
Kraftwerke AG werk
BKW Bernische Unterwerk ME 400 Signalling and monitoring system
Kraftwerke AG Schwarzen-
burg (CH)
BKW Bernische Unterwerk ME 400 Signalling and monitoring system
Kraftwerke AG Amsoldingen
BKW Bernische Unterwerk ME 400 Signalling and monitoring system
Kraftwerke AG Heimiswil
Weiachtal- Oberstaufen Run-of-river power station
Kraftwerks eG Werk III Turboset 0,5 MW VOITH
Run-of-river power station
Pump turboset 0,15 MW VOITH
Scope of delivery:
Automatic machine control with automatic synchroniza-
tion, ME 4012, Level control, Reference control

Hydropower Plants Reference List 15

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Hydropower Plants

Output Mechanical
Customer Location Type of Plant Power Engineering
EnBW Kraftwerke Rudolf Pumped storage power station 25 MW Escher-Wyss
Scope of delivery:
Automation of the pump turbine, machine 6, ME4012,
Supply of machine control panel
Remote central control room with integrated process
bus for the communication with 16substations for
remote level measurement in the water collecting area
, and for a connection to the load distribution plant at
Daxlanden Report generator (ME-AIS) for status and
accounts reports on the inlets and outlets Operator
control and process monitoring system, MEVIEW
Configuration and diagnostics station, ME-PC
Nordost Schweize Beznau, CH Run-of-river power station
rische Kraftwerke Turbosets 11x 2,5 MW Bell /
AG Scope of delivery: Escher-Wyss
ME4012 for the control and monitoring of the machine
groups and of the 8kV switchgear stations, Sequence
and closed-loop control in various auxiliary plant, Plant
operator control and VDU operator control system
in redundant configuration, Central configuration and
diagnostics station ME-PC
E.ON Wasserkraft Pfrombach Run-of-river power station
7 Turbosets 20 MW VOITH
Scope of delivery:
Start and stop automatics with ME 4002
E.ON Wasserkraft Pielweichs Run-of-river power station
Turbosets 3 x 4 MW Escher-Wyss
4 weir control systems NOELL

Scope of delivery:
Start and stop automatics with automatic synchroniza-
tion, Level control with respect to the power stations at
Oberlieg, Surge control, ME4012, (Complete instrumen-
tation and measurement equipment), Remote control
of the weirs , ME 8008, Complete equipment for central
control room and machine control panel

16 Reference List Hydropower Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Output Mechanical
Customer Location Type of Plant Power Engineering
Weiachtalkraft- Oberstaufen Run-of-river power station VOITH
werke AG Werk I 3 Turbosets 1100 kW
450 kW
100 kW
Peak power output 1100 kW
Diesel generator 2 x 880 kW

Scope of delivery:
Automatic machine control with automatic synchroniza-
tion, ME 4012, Level control, reference control, master
control system for diesel generators, Machine control
Nordost Wildegg- Run-of-river power station
Schweizerische Brugg, CH Turbosets 2 x 23 MW Bell /
Kraftwerke AG Escher-Wyss
Scope of delivery:
Control of machine groups and auxiliary plant, ME 4012,
Analysis of water resources , control of proportioning
machines and 110kV switchgear
Control of station service equipment, MEVIEW VDU
system in redundant configuration for operator control,
Plant information system ME-AIS
Central configuration and diagnostics station ME-PC

Hydropower Plants Reference List 17

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Coaling Plants

Customer Location Block Control and Monitoring of

swb-Erzeugung KW Hafen 5, 6 Coal loading bridge

STEAG Voerde A, B Bunker coaling, Up and down coal stacker, Ash removal and loading
Shipper with surge guard, Coal sampler

STEAG Voerde West 1, 2 Bunker coaling, Up and down coal stacker, Ash removal and loading
Shipper with surge guard, Coal sampler

GDF Suez-Gruppe Zolling 5 Bunker coaling, Coal up and down stacker, Ash removal and loading

Kasseler Kassel 2 Coaling plant, Ash removal and loading


Vattenfall Europe Moorburg, A/B Bunker coaling; Ash removal and loading, Shipper with surge guard
Hamburg coaling plant; coal bunker, belt conveyor; grinding mill, coal pulveriser, circular
coal storage, reclaimer system, weighing scale; from-bin transfer; block

18 Reference List Coaling Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Water Treatment Plants


Customer Location Block Control and Monitoring

E.ON Wasserkraft Ingolstadt 4 Waste water treatment, Company: Hager & Elssser

GDF Suez-Gruppe Zolling 5 Desalinization plant, Company: WABAG

5 Condensate treatment, Company: WABAG
District Component current cleaning
heating Heating water, Company: WABAG
5 Waste water treatment, Company: Philipp Mller

STEAG-RWE Voerde A, B Waste water treatment, Company: Philipp Mller

Cooling tower make-up water treatment, Philipp Mller
Desalinization plant, Company: WABAG
Condensate treatment

STEAG-VEW Bergkamen A Desalinization plant, Company: Steinmller

swb, HKW Hastedt 1 2 Desalinization plants, Company: Babcock

swb, HKW Hafen 5, 6 Waste water treatment, Company: Philipp Mller

RWE Mhlheim-Krlich Cooling tower make-up water treatment, Philipp Mller

Gemeinschafts-KW Veltheim Desalinization plant, Company: Polysius


ARA Buholz Emmenbrcke Alarm and event indication system for the entire waste treatment
(CH) plant with interface to the ME 4012 SUB-NET process control
system of the sludge incineration plant
6 off ME300 event data acquisition systems connected to the

Stadtwerke Mnchen HKW ME 4012 screen control in central control room


Vattenfall Europe Moorburg / A, B ME-REG with printer in central control room

Hamburg Desalinization plant, Company: WABAG
Condensate treatment, Company: WABAG
Desalinization plant, Company: WABAG
Condensate treatment, Company: WABAG
Chemicals supply: HCC, NaOH, FeCl3, Antiscalant, Biocid, NaHSO3
Component current cleaning
Heating water, Company: WABAG
Waste water treatment, Company: Philipp Mller
Cooling tower make-up water treatment, Philipp Mller
Process water treatment, Fa. ELGA, Berkefeld (VWS Deutschland)

Water Treatment Plants Reference List 19

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH


Customer Location Block Controlling and Monitoring of

E.ON Kraftwerke Ingolstadt 4 DeNOx, Fa. EVT

GDF Suez-Gruppe Zolling 5 DeNOx, Fa. Uhde

swb-Erzeugung Hafen 5, 6 DeNOx, Fa. EVT

E.ON Kraftwerke Shamrock 1+2, 3+ 4 DeNOx, Fa. Thyssen

E.ON Kraftwerke Scholven FWK Buer DeNOx, Fa. Thyssen

Vattenfall Europe Boxberg R Hitachi Power Europe

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg, Hamburg A, B Hitachi Power Europe

NH3-Tank Farms

Customer Location Block Controlling and Monitoring of

STEAG Bergkamen DeNOx, Fa. EVT

Veltheim DeNOx, Fa. Uhde

swb-Erzeugung Hafen DeNOx, Fa. EVT

GDF Suez-Gruppe Zolling DeNOx, Fa. Thyssen

Vattenfall Europe Boxberg DeNOx, Fa. Thyssen

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg, Hamburg Hitachi Power Europe

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg, Hamburg A, B Hitachi Power Europe

20 Reference List DeNOx Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

DeNOx Plant for Nitrogen Oxide

Coal contains small amounts of nitro-
gen that is partly formed into nitrogen
oxide during the combustion process.
In the DeNOx plant, the nitrogen oxide
is removed from the flue gases of the
coal combustion process. This is done
by injecting ammonia into the flue gas
and then conveying the mixture across
catalyzers. A catalyzer stimulates
chemical reactions but is chemically
unchanged at the end of the reaction
(selective catalytic reaction, SCR). In
the power station catalyzers, ammonia
and nitrogen oxide react with each
other and produce nitrogen and steam,
which are natural components of our
breathing air.
Coal Power Station (Flue Gas Desulfurization)

Ammonia Tank Farms

Ammonia (NH3 ) is a chemical com-
pound derived from the reaction of
nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia is
pungent smelling, colorless, water-sol-
uble and toxic gas and must be safely
stored and transported in compliance
with the regulations of the Hazardous
Incident Ordinance. The necessary
process control measures are thus very
complex, especially with respect to the
protection against risk from fire and

Ammonia Tank Farms

NH3 Tank Farms Reference List 21

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Waste Incineration Plants


Customer Location Boiler No. Output Power Mechanical Engineering

MVA Stapelfeld Hamburg Line 1 and 2 each 165.000 t / a Steinmller, H. Petersen, v. Roll

Scope of delivery:
Automation of the incineration lines no. 1 and 2 and all auxiliary plant, such as flue gas
washery, DeNOx plants, flue gas secondary treatment, cyclone combustion chamber,
water treatment, evaporation plant, district heating output and electrical station service

AWG Wuppertal Wuppertal Boiler 11 to 16 Lentjes-Umwelttechnik

Scope of delivery:
Automation of boilers, general plant, flue gas treatment using open-hearth furnace coke
filter and SCR nitrogen removal of lines 1 to 3
Modernization of central control room

KVA Bern Bern (CH) Line 23 and 24 von Roll

Scope of delivery:
Automation of combustion, boiler, DeNox, washery and fly-ash treatment of lines 23 and
24, and of radiant type boiler, hot water boiler, threepass boiler, district heating supply
and steam turbine, flue gas treatment

MVA Oftringen Oftringen Scope of delivery:

(CH) Control of station services and local control

MVA Zricher Hinwil (CH) Scope of delivery:

Oberland Control of station services and local control

Papierfabrik Ziegler Grellingen Scope of delivery:

(CH) Control of station services and local control

SVA Buholz Emmen- Slurry incineration Thyssen

Scope of delivery:
Automation of the slurry incineration and general plant
Modernization of the central control room

WIP Wuppertal

22 Reference List Waste Incineration Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Expert systems

Definition of Process Quality term Process quality in the definition illustrated in

Process Quality
There is not yet a generally conjunction with power Figure 1 on the basis of the
accepted definition of the plant processes. We use following explanations. Fig. 1

Index IST represents the

actual unit efficiency factor
under the present operating
conditions. Index SOLL
represents the maximum
unit efficiency factor
theoretically possible under
the same operating condi-
tions, or the specific heat
consumption determined for
that unit.

The term Process quality

can therefore be understood
as a complex status descrip-
tion of the overall system
according to the above
definition. Determination
of the process quality by
continuous comparing actual
and required values allows
efficient monitoring of the
entire power plant process.
Process Quality Monitoring of the Water-Steam Cycle

Customer Location Application

Vattenfall Europe Boxberg Power / path diagnosis pipeline
Main steam line service life calculation
Unit allowance computer
Energetic calculation for the process quality
PIGM interface balances and reports

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg, Hamburg  ower/path diagnosis pipeline

Main steam line service life calculation
Unit allowance computer
Energetic calculation for the process quality
PIGM interface balances and reports
PI system OSI-Soft balances and reports

swb HKW Hafen, Block 6, Process quality monitoring for sustained plant management and
Bremen efficiency enhancement in cogeneration plant Hafen, unit 6, 320MW

Expert Systems Reference List 23

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Plant Management System Service Life Management of Pipeline monitoring

Monitoring the remaining service life of Mechanical Components Load condition:
components subjected to high stress (components subjected to high stress
is an important task in the responsible and pressure; failure is not permitted)
operation of a power plant, which Weight
becomes even more pressing the
Time-oriented Maintenance Thermal expansion
longer these components stay in opera-
Maintenance cycles are specified on
tion. In order to assess the effects of
the basis of experience observing high Display:
the operating conditions on the life
safety margins. (Periodic inner test
span of the steam generator compo- Shift
3years max.).
nents, appropriate measurements and
calculations must be carried out. The The service life reserve of a component
analysis of these results in compliance can be continuously monitored with
with the specifications of the technical diagnostic methods. When optimally
rules and standards acc. to DIN EN implemented, this condition-oriented
12952 provides information about any maintenance represents the most
reduction of the components initial efficient way.
life expectancy that may become
Failure-oriented maintenance is the
most efficient if safety and availability
of the overall system is not a relevant

Preventive Maintenance
Time-oriented Maintenance
Condition-oriented Maintenance
Failure-oriented Maintenance
Condition of the component


24 Reference List Expert Systems

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Application example: Process quality The successful implementation in the displayed in color and recorded by the
monitoring in power plant Hafen utility company swb generation, Hafen signalling system. The data is transmit-
Unit 6, 320MW for sustained system power plant Bremen, coal unit 320MW, ted over a bidirectional line in the form
management and efficiency enhance- is used as a reference example. of 5-minute values via a database
ment interface.
To enable online usage of this important
The process quality monitoring system
tool for plant efficiency enhancement, Some excerpts from the ME VIEW user
(PG) was modeled, and thus on the
the results of the process quality interface are shown below:
basis of the valid data, the closed
monitoring (PG) are entered in the
water-steam cycle as well as the
MEVIEW user interface. Deviations
air-flue gas system including the fuel
from the optimum capacity are

Process Quality Monitoring Flue Gas Air Path

Expert Systems Reference List 25

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Soot Reinjection Plants


Customer Location Application

STEAG RWE Voerde A 108 ED, 4 Luvo and 46 LS

STEAG RWE Voerde B 108 ED, 4 Luvo and 46 LS

STEAG RWE De-NOx, Block A 30LS

STEAG RWE De-NOx, Block B 40LS

STEAG KW-West I 25 ED, 2 Luvo and 26 LS

STEAG KW-West II 25 ED, 2 Luvo and 26 LS

RWE-Ensdorf 1 2 Luvo and 14 LS

RWE-Ensdorf 2 2 Luvo and 14 LS

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg A 73 DB, 8 WB

Vattenfall Europe Moorburg B 73 DB, 8 WB

Vattenfall Europe Boxberg R 118 DB, 56 WB

swb CHP Hafen, Block 6 25 ED, 2 Luvo and 26 LS

ED = Single jet blower

Luvo = Preheater Blower
LS = Long- or Lance screwmotion blower
WB = Water blower
DB = Steam blower

Steam Blower Water Blower

26 Reference List Soot Reinjection Plants

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Block-Type Thermal Power Stations


Customer Block Plant Application

E.ON Ebersberg 1 Gas motor 822 kWth / 471 kWel Automation and ON /OFFlogics of the heat
1 Gas boiler 2,4 MW exchangers, considering the heat requirements
1 Electric boiler 1,2 MW and applied fuel materials.
1 Storage heater 13 m3 Heat loop control supplied by BoB. Remote
control, local control panel in mosaic design.
E.ON Unterhaching 1 Gas motor 520 kWth / 348 kWel
1 Gas boiler 1,8 MW
1 Electric boiler 1,2 MW
2 Storage heaters 10 m3

E.ON Puchheim 4 Gas motors 798 kWth / 542 kWel

1 Gas boiler 2,3 MW
1 Gas boiler 7 MW
3 Electric boilers 1,2 MW
1 Storage heater 21 m3

Block-Type Thermal Power Station

Block-Type Thermal Power Station Reference List 27

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Building Services Control


Customer Location Application

Coutts & Co. AG Zrich (CH) Building monitoring and gate reception, ME 4012 control system
Spillway bridge ME 8018 remote control system, mosaic-type control room

Telekurs AG Zrich (CH) Power distribution control, resource management and gate
Computer Centre reception,
ME 4012 system, ME VIEW / ME 2015, mosaic-type control room,

Schweizerischer Altstetten (CH) Power distribution control, energy control ME 4012 system
Bankverein Computer Centre

Schweizerischer Altstetten (CH) Power distribution control, energy control

Bankverein Office building ME 4012 system

Schweizerische Zrich (CH) Building control for heating, cooling, air-conditioning and ventila-
Bankgesellschaft tion,
ME 4012 system

Bank Leu Stettbach (CH) Power distribution control, energy control

Computer Centre ME 4012, ME 2015 systems

Schweizerische Zrich (CH) Telekurs remote monitoring system

Nationalbank ME 8018 systems for SNB, mosaic-type control room

Swiss Stock Exchange Zrich (CH) Control system for security centre
AE 4012 systems, mosaic-type control room

Swiss Stock Exchange Zrich (CH) Energy control and energy management system
Computer Centre AE 4012 systems, ME-PC, ME VIEW

Schweizerische Zrich (CH) Remote monitoring system Seefeld SNB stock exchange,
Nationalbank ME 8018 remote control system, mosaic-type control panel
ME 2025 event indication

Schweizerischer Opfikon (CH) Power distribution control, energy control

Bankverein ME 4012, ME 2015 systems, mosaic-type control room, H1 bus
coupler, ME-PC

Credit Suisse Horgen (CH) Power distribution control, energy control

Computer Centre ME 4012-SUB-NET system, mosaic-type control room, ME VIEW

Schweizerischer Opfikon (CH) UPS monitoring system, Energy control with LAN coupler
Bankverein ME 4012-SUB-NET system, ME VIEW

28 Reference List Building Services Control

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Customer Location Application

Zrich Insurance Schlieren (CH) Power distribution control, energy control with LAN coupler,
Computer Centre ME 4012-SUB-NET system, ME VIEW

Schweizer Rck Zrich (CH) Power distribution control for main low-voltage distribution for
securing the energy supply in the event of mains failure or interrup-
3 programmable controllers with SUB-NET
1 operator control and process monitoring system
1 active mimic diagram

St. Galler Headquarters Power distribution control for main low-voltage distribution for
Kantonalbank St. Gallen (CH) securing the energy supply in the event of mains failure or interrup-
6 programmable controllers with SUB-NET
1 operator control and process monitoring system ME VIEW
1 active mimic diagram

University Hospital Zrich (CH) Power distribution control for main medium and low voltage
Zrich distribution for securing the energy supply in the event of mains
failure and interruption
12 programmable controllers with SUB-NET
2 operator control and process monitoring systems
1 active mimic diagram

Building Services Control Reference List 29

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Gas and Steam Power Plant


Customer Manufacturer ST / GT Function / Gas turbine (GT)

60 MW /  erial integration of the gas turbine and steam turbine

HKW Halle / Trotha Siemens / Siemens V 64.3
25 MW control into the main control system ME 4012

Public services Munich

CHP Munich South 105 MW / Overall plant control technology, ME4012 for control
Siemens / Siemens V 94.1
Gas and steam power 2 x 100 MW technology and protection
plant 1

Public services Munich Overall plant control technology, ME4012 for control
CHP Munich South ALSTOM Power / 140 MW / technology and protection
Gas and steam power General Electric Frame9E 2 x 140 MW process bus integration of the Mark 5 gas turbine
plant 2 control

EnBW KW Altbach /
Overall plant control technology, ME4012 for control
Deizisau, Siemens V93.0 50 MW
technology and protection

Industrial power plant

Link up to the block control of boiler 4 by parallel
Freudenberg Service, Ruston Tornado 6,3 MW
Weinheim, GT1

Industrial power plant

Turbomach Caterpillar, link up to the block control of boiler 5 by parallel
Freudenberg Service, 5,5 MW
Taurus T60 coupling
Weinheim, GT2

Control Room Power Plant Altbach

30 Reference List Gas and Steam Power Plant

Power Systems
Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Power Plant Simulators


Customer Power Station

Trainingsinstitut Faisalabad WAPDA, Pakistan
KWS-Essen Stadtwerke Bremen, KW Hafen
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Kraftwerk Abdul Aziz, Malaysia
Krnkraftskerhet och Utbildning AB
Vattenfall AB, Ringhals Block 1, Sweden
- Studsvik
STN-Atlas Elektronik, Bremen Escom, Matimba Block 1-6, South Afrika
STN-Atlas Elektronik, Bremen Escom, Kendal Block 1-6, South Afrika
Leibstadt KKW Leibstadt, Switzerland
Thomson, Frankreich Pacific Power, KW Mount Piper, Australia
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Emsland (nuclear power plant)
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Biblis
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg 2
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Brokdorf
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Philippsburg 1
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Isar 1
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Isar 2
Krnkraftskerhet och Utbildning
Vattenfall AB, Ringhals Block 2, Sweden
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Unterweser
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Neckarwestheim
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Obrigheim
KSG-Essen Kernkraftwerk Borssele
Tenagu Nasional Berhadad Kernkraftwerk Connaught Bridge, Malaysia
Kernkraftwerk Gsgen KKW Gsgen, Switzerland
Kernkraftwerk Mhleberg KKW Mhleberg, Switzerland
Siemens, Erlangen KKW Tianwan, China
Krnkraftskerhet och Utbildning
KKW Oskarshamn Block 2, Sweden
Krnkraftskerhet och Utbildning
KKW Oskarshamn Block 3, Sweden
CAE Electronics, Canada KKW Beznau, Switzerland
Westingshouse, Pittsburgh Ringhals, Sweden
CAE Electronics, Canada Hartlepool, England
British Energy Heysham, England
Siemens, Erlangen Olkiluoto 3, Suomi
Southern California Edison San Onofre Nuclear Genarating Station, USA
Soluziona Ing. / Tecnatom Trillo, Spain

01.0000.04E13 Power Plant Simulators Reference List 31

Power Systems

Bilfinger Mauell GmbH

Am Rosenhgel 17
42553 Velbert
Telephone +49 2053 13-0
Fax +49 2053 13-403

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