Airfields - Romania
Airfields - Romania
Airfields - Romania
By Henry L. deZeng IV
General Map
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
1. For the purpose of this reference work, Romania generally means the territory that
was located within the boundaries of Romania immediately following the so-called Vienna
Award of 30 August 1940 whereby Romania, acting under Axis pressure, ceded the majority
of Transylvania to Hungary. The list does include Moldavia but does not include the
airfields in Bessarabia and Bukovina, which were seized by Russia in 1918:
1.1 Moldavia (Moldova, Moldau): a pre-war Romanian province bordered on the
east by the Prut (Pruth) River.
1.2 Bessarabia, a province of Romania since 1918-19, seized by Russia on 27 June
1940 and not recovered by Romania until June 1941. These airfields are listed with Russia.
1.3 Bukovina, a province of Romania since 1918, seized by Russia on 27 June 1940
and not recovered by Romania until June 1941. These airfields are listed with Russia.
1.4 Transylvania, taken from Hungary and given to Romania in 1918, returned to
Hungary by the Vienna Award on 30 August 1940. These airfields are listed with Hungary.
2. All spellings are as they appear in wartime German documents with the addition of
alternate spellings where known. Romanian is a language rich in diacritical marks that are
used to aid pronunciation and every effort has been made to include these. Use the Search
function to find airfields with alternate spellings. Some are cross-referenced, but not all.
3. See the General Introduction for matters concerning other conventions such as format,
limitations of data, abbreviations, glossary, sources, etc.
Romanian military aviation dates from 1910-11, operated a small contingent of aircraft
during World War I, but developed quite slowly after that until the late 1930s. Known as
the Fortelor Aeriene Regal ale Romnia (FARR) from 1936 to August 1944, it was
concentrated on just a handful of airfields, perhaps less than 12. It grew very rapidly after
1936 and by 1938 had 340 warplanes and 260 training and reserve aircraft. This led to the
need for an increase in the number of airfields over the next few years to 19 plus 34
comparatively primitive landing grounds with no services, the latter being used as practice
fields for the flight schools and for military maneuvers and exercises.
When the Germans entered Romania in fall 1940, the Luftwaffe began developing,
extending, and improving the countrys airfields and landing grounds to bring them up to
the standards needed for modern German aircraft. The work was mainly carried out by
local labor that more often than not worked under German supervisors and engineers. In
January 1941, Luftwaffe units began building up in Romania for the April invasion of
Yugoslavia and Greece, and then again in May and June on the recently built forward
airfields in Moldavia for the 22 June attack on the USSR in which the FARR also participated.
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
As the war moved eastward deep into Ukraine, there was little need to build more airfields
until the tide turned in late 1943 and Soviet forces were advancing relentlessly through
Ukraine toward Romanias borders. This led to the setting up of a small number of satellite
and dispersal fields around some of the larger airfields in the eastern part of the country
and the construction of a few field airstrips. The expected Russian offensive into the heart
of Romania opened on 19 August and on 23 August the former Axis nation ceased hostilities
and changed sides.
Airfields Listed
A total of 171 airfields, landing grounds, satellites, field airstrips, emergency landing
grounds and seaplane stations are listed.
A special Thank You to Mihai (last name withheld) for sharing a 50-plus page German
document that had not previously been located and was critical to the completion of this
Aiud (ROM) (c. 46 18 30 N 23 43 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground approx. 27 km NNE of Alba Julia (Alba Iulia). Exact
location not determined. History: listed as available in August 1941. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no details. Infrastructure: no details.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1488 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Akkerman (UKR/BESSARABIA): see Russia and Ukraine Airfields.
Alba Julia (ROM) (a.k.a. Alba Iulia; Gyulafehrvr; Karlsburg) (46 06 40 N 23 36 40
General: emergency landing ground located immediately NE of Alba Julia. History:
believed to have been established pre-war. No evidence found of Luftwaffe units being
based here, but at least one aircraft from I./TG 5 made an emergency landing at Alba Julia
on 25 Aug 44. Surface and Dimensions: grass surface measuring approx. 1580 x 805
meters (1730 x 880 yards) with an irregular shape. No paved runway. Fuel and
Ammunition: made available when needed. Infrastructure: no hangars but there were 4
small huts at the SE corner that may have been used as workshops or for storage.
Personnel were billeted locally. The nearest rail connection was in Alba Julia. Dispersal:
there was a Northeast dispersal area with 5 large and 1 medium open blast bays. Aircraft
also parked in the open along the W boundary.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1402 (28 May 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Alexandria (ROM) (c. 43 57 N 25 22 E)
General: landing ground 81 km SW Bucharest in S Romania and 3.7 km SE of Alexandria.
Rated for bombers. History: existed pre-war and used as a forward landing ground by
Luftwaffe dive bombers, fighters and tactical reconnaissance aircraft during the spring 1941
campaign Balkans, then inactivated. Surface and Dimensions: pastureland with a good
grass surface that in 1941 and Dec 43 measured 1500 x 1000 meters. Aerial photos from
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
mid-1944 showed 1000 x 550 meters (1100 x 600 yards) and roughly rectangular in shape.
Fuel and Ammunition: brought in when and if needed. Infrastructure: 1941 and Dec 43
had 2 medium hangars, 1 equipment building and a barracks camp with 5 barracks,
including 1 for officers. These were grouped along the NE side of the landing area. The
nearest rail connection was in Alexandria. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
Oct 43: ordered to be outfitted with fighter control equipment (Jagdleitgert) for use as a
fighter base.
Operational Units: none identified.
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 61/XI (Jan 41).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1368 and 1401 (27 Nov 43, 9 Jul 44 and updated to 31 Jan 45);
chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Alio (ROM) (46 02 20 N 21 29 30 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) and emergency landing ground (Notlandeplatz) 21 km
SE of Arad in NW Romania. Exact location not determined. Rated for single-engine
aircraft. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and
Dimensions: 1941 measured 450 x 450 meters. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1488 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Andreti (ROM) (44 35 00 N 27 08 50 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania 85 km ENE of Bucharest and 17 km W
of Slobozia. Exact location not determined. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: very small. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1488 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Arad-Ceala (ROM) (46 10 20 N 21 25 40 E)
General: airfield in NW Romania 3.25 km W of Arad city center and 3.35 km S of Arad-Gai
airfield. Rated for bombers.
History: existed pre-war and used by the Luftwaffe during the spring 1941 Balkan
campaign, probably as a satellite for Arad-Gai airfield. Airfield inactive from May 41 until
late 1943 when some development work began. Said to have become the main airfield at
Arad in early 1944 with Arad-Gai becoming secondary.
Dimensions: approx. 1510 x 730 meters (1650 x 800 yards) with an irregular shape.
German data of Dec 43 states 1500 x 950 meters.
Surface and Runways: partly worn, firm, level, dry grass surface. No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was reportedly stored in e tanks on the E and S boundaries, and
the munitions in woods off the same two boundaries.
Infrastructure: had a single medium hangar near the SE corner with a small workshop-type
hut just S of the hangar. The admin and flight control building was at the SE corner along
with a group of 6 barrack huts. Another group of buildings was off the W boundary and
possibly used for billeting. The nearest rail connection was in Arad.
Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities. Aircraft were parked along the perimeter of
the landing area and in a field off the W boundary.
Defenses: no information found.
Remarks: none.
Operational Units: see Arad-Gai.
Station Commands: see Arad-Gai.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): see Arad-Gai.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1403-04 (7 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA (RL 9); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Arad-Gai (ROM) (46 12 20 N 21 15 20 E)
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Bacu-Margineni (ROM) (c. 46 37 50 N 26 52 30 E)
General: landing ground (Landeplatz later Flugplatz) in NE Romania approx. 240 km NNE
of Bucharest and 3-4 km NNW of Bacu. Rated for bombers. The Germans had this
classified as a field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in December 1943.
History: existed pre-war. The Luftwaffe did very little to expand or improve it until early
1944 when some development took place in expectation of withdrawals from western
Dimensions: 1941 measured 100 x 900 meters, but this may have been for just the grass
runway. In Jul 44 landing area dimensions were given in Allied recce photos as approx.
970 x 850 meters (1060 x 930 yards) with an irregular shape. German data of Dec 43
states 1100 x 900 meters.
Surface and Runways: firm, dry, level grass surface on sandy loam soil. No paved
Fuel and Ammunition: there were 6 refueling points, 2 each in the North, East and West
dispersal areas. Ammunition was brought in as needed.
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Infrastructure: 1941 and Dec 43 had one small hangar or shed for aircraft and a barracks
camp. By Dec 43 there were 2 barrack camps with 12 barrack buildings in Camp I and 9 in
Camp II. Each camp also had an officers canteen (club). In both cases, these camps
were along the SE side of the landing area. However, Allied aerial photos of 10 Jul 44
showed no hangars, workshops or other buildings. Accommodations were in a barrack
compound on the NW boundary and in Bacu. This descriptive disparity is a mystery. The
nearest rail connection was in Bacu.
Dispersal: the 3 dispersals North, East and West had a total of 77 open aircraft blast
shelters in Jul 44.
Defenses: no information found.
May-Jul 44: used by Romanian fighter units as well as the Luftwaffe.
24 Aug 44: Bacu and the airfield were taken by Soviet forces.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/II Air Region (Jun 41); HQ/3d Army Support Command (Jun 41); II Fighter
Gp. (Jul-Aug 44); 4th Long-Range Reconnaissance Sqdn. (Jun 41).
Luftwaffe: Stab, II., III./JG 77 (Jun-Jul 41); 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. Ob.d.L. (Jul-Aug 41); 2.
(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 22 (Jul 41)?; Stab IV.(Pz)/SG 9 (Apr-May 44); 12.(Pz)/SG 9 (Apr-May 44); 10.
(Pz)/SG 9 (Apr-Jun 44); I./SG 10 (May-Jun 44); 14.(Pz)/SG 9 (May-Jun 44); II./SG 2 (May-
Jun 44); 2./NAGr. 14 (May-Aug 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 4/XI (- Apr 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 214/VIII (Apr-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Stab/IV. Fliegerkorps (Jul 41);
Wetterzentrale Bacau (18 Jul 41); gem.Flak-Abt. 375 (Aug 44); III./Ln.-Rgt. 4 (Mar-Apr
44); I.(Betr.) and II.(Feldfernkabel-Bau)/Ln.-Rgt. 34 (18 Jul 41); 7.(Flugm.)/Luftgau-
Nachr.Rgt. 4 (18 Jul 41); 6.(Flugm.)/Luftgau-Nachr.Rgt. 13 (18 Jul 41); Flughafenbereichs-
Ln.-Kp. z.b.V. (mot) 12 (18 Jul 41); Flughafenbereichs-Ln.-Kp. z.b.V. (mot) 20 (18 Jul 41);
Stab and 2./Lw.-Bau-Btl. 16/XI (18 Jul 41); Lw.-Bau-Gertezug 2/See (18 Jul 41); Flieger-
Gerteausgabestelle (mot) B fr Ju 88 (18 Jul 41); Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 213/XI (with
Ldssch.Zge d.Lw. 91/XI, 181/XI and 213/XI) (18 Jul 41); Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 137/XIII (with
Ldssch.Zge d.Lw. 137/XIII and 138/XIII) (18 Jul 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1353-54 and 1406 (27 Nov 43 updated to 9 Feb 45);
chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Bacu-Trotus (ROM) (46 31 11 N 26 54 37 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in NE Romania 6 km S of Bacau (Bacu) city center.
Name derived from a nearby river to the S of it. The location of this airstrip has for many
years been uncertain but is now confirmed in surviving Luftwaffe maps and documents.
History: not mentioned prior to spring 1944. Surface and Dimensions: no information.
Fuel and Ammunition: both available. Infrastructure: none belonging specifically to the
airstrip. Dispersal: no information.
Operational Units: II./SG 2 (Jun 44); 10.(Pz.)/SG 9 (Jun-Jul 44); 14.(Pz.)/SG 9 (Jun-Jul
Station Commands: operated by the station command at Bacu-Margineni.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: Mattiello; chronologies; BA-MA (especially the Aufmarsch die fliegende Verbnde
maps in RL 40/Kart); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Bicoi-Tintea (ROM) (45 01 00 N 25 49 05 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania 19.5 km NW of Ploieti and 5 km WSW
of Bicoi. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and
Dimensions: approx. 640 x 365 meters (700 x 400 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1488 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Blceti (ROM) (c. 44 37 00 N 23 57 00 E)
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Romanian: VII Fighter Gp. (Jun-Oct 41); VIII Fighter Gp. (Jul-Sep 41).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1355 (28 Jul 44 updated to 9 Feb 45); chronologies; BA-MA
(incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Barticeti Ferdinand (ROM) (c. 47 04 N 26 46 E)
General: landing ground in NE Romania 20 km NW of Roman. Exact location not
determined. Rated for single-engine aircraft. History: no information. No record found
of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: 1941 measured 800 x 400 meters.
Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Beiu (ROM) (46 39 00 N 22 22 40 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NW Romania approx. 97 km NE of Arad and 3.25
km SSE of the village of Beiu. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe
use. Surface and Dimensions: had a take-off and landing run of 825 meters (900 yards).
Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1489 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Belceti (ROM) (c. 47 18 N 27 04 E)
General: landing ground in NE Romania 41 km WNW of Iai and 4 km S of Belceti. Rated
for single-engine aircraft. History: no information. Briefly used by Luftwaffe tactical
reconnaissance aircraft for the attack on the Soviet Union. Surface and Dimensions: grass
or pastureland that in 1941 measured 600 x 1000 meters with no infrastructure.
Operational Units: 5.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 13 (Jun 41).
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Beltsy (ROM): see Balti.
Bertetii de Jos (ROM) (44 50 40 N 27 44 40 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania 50 km SSW of Brila and 1.5 km NW of
the village of Bertetii de Jos. History: a pre-war private landing ground. No record
found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass or pastureland measuring approx.
455 x 455 meters (500 x 500 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1489 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Bilciureti (ROM) (44 44 20 N 25 48 44 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania 41 km NNW of Bucharest and 28 km SW
of Ploieti. Exact location in proximity to the village not determined. History: no
information. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information.
Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1489 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Bistria (ROM): see Besztercze/Hungary.
Blaj (ROM) (a.k.a. Balzsfalva, Blasendorf) (46 10 15 N 23 56 40 E)
General: landing ground in N Romania 40 km NW of Sibiu (Hermannstadt) and 2.4 km SSE
of Blaj. Rated for multi-engine aircraft. History: a Romanian Air Force base in 1941. No
record found of Luftwaffe units being stationed here. Surface and Dimensions: firm, dry
grass surface that in 1941 and Dec 43 measured 280 x 800 meters; in 1944 Allied recce
photos showed approx 915 x 730 meters (1000 x 800 yards). Fuel and Ammunition: both
made available as needed. Infrastructure: in 1941 and 1944 had 2 large concrete
hangars. The nearest rail connection was in Blaj. Dispersal: no organized dispersal
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/2d Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (Dec 41?, Jun 42);
Luftwaffe: none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1410 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Boia-Tlmaciu (ROM) (a.k.a. Boia-Tlmacel) (45 38 20 N 24 15 35 E)
General: emergency landing ground in north-central Romania 105 km W of Braov, 19 km
SSE of Sibiu and 1 or 2 km NNE of the village of Boia. History: no information. No
record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure:
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1489 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Bosancea (ROM) (today Bosanci) (c. 47 35 N 26 18 E)
General: landing ground in NE Romania 27 km SW of Botoani and just W of the village of
Bosanci. Rated for single-engine aircraft. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: 1941 measured 600 x 1000 meters with no
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Boteni (ROM) (a.k.a. Titu) (c. 44 39 05 N 25 37 05 E)
General: landing ground in C Romania 46 km NW of Bucharest, 3.75 km ESE of Titu and
1.75 km SSW of Boteni. Rated for bombers. History: existed at the beginning of the war
and used mainly by Romanian aircraft. Surface and Dimensions: level grass surface in
good condition on pastureland. In 1941 and Dec 43 measured 1000 x 800 meters.
Extended during the war and in May 44 measured approx. 1280 x 825 meters (1400 x 900
yards) with an irregular shape. No paved runway. Fuel and Ammunition: there were 2
refueling points on the SW boundary and another on the NW boundary. Infrastructure:
none in 1941 but by May 44 had 1 medium curved roof hangar and an adjacent workshop at
the NE corner. Personnel were accommodated in the local farms and villages. The nearest
rail connection was a line 1 km N of the landing ground, but the nearest station was in Titu.
Dispersal: there were no organized dispersal areas. Aircraft parked in bays cut into the
woods off the SE boundary and openly on the landing area.
Operational Units:
Romanian: VII Fighter Gp. (Jun-Jul 44).
Luftwaffe: 3./JG 4 (c. Aug-Nov 43).
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1476 (18 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Botoani (ROM) (47 44 23 N 26 41 40 E)
General: landing ground in NE Romania and 2.2 km ESE of Botoani. Rated for single-
engine aircraft. History: existed in 1940 and briefly used by Luftwaffe tactical
reconnaissance aircraft in spring 1941 during the attack on the USSR. Surface and
Dimensions: grass surface that in 1941 measured 600 x 600 meters with no infrastructure.
Operational Units: 6.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 12 (Apr-Jun 41).
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Lw.-Sanittsbereitschaft (mot) 2/II (Jul
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1489 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Botoeti (ROM) (44 24 00 N 23 17 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SW Romania 42-43 km W of Craiova and believed to
be just SW of the village of Botoeti. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass or farmland measuring approx. 685 x 685
meters (750 x 750 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1489 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Brad (ROM) (46 07 40 N 22 47 30 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NW Romania c. 114 km WNW of Sibiu. Exact
location not determined but possible SE of the town of Brad. History: no information. No
record found of Luftwaffe use. Listed as available in Aug 41. Surface and Dimensions:
grass or pastureland surface with a take-off and landing run of approx. 640 meters (700
yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1490 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Brila (ROM) (c. 45 16 N 27 57 E)
General: landing ground in SE Romania on the SW side of the city which sits on the west
bank of the Danube. History: rarely used. Surface and Dimensions: grass surface but no
other information. Infrastructure: none.
Operational Units: Verbindungsstaffel 4 (Oct 41)?; I./TG 1 (Feb 44).
Station Commands: Flugplatzkdo. of Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 210/VIII (? Aug 44)?
Station Units (on various dates not complete): elements of le.Flak-Abt. 864 (Eisb.) (Aug
44)?; Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 319/XI (Aug 44)?
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Brneti (ROM) (44 27 25 N 26 20 00 E)
General: landing ground in south-central Romania approx. 19 km ENE of Bucharest city
center and 4.5 km N of Brneti. History: used by the Romanian Air Force in 1941. No
Luftwaffe activity reported. Surface and Dimensions: grass surface measuring approx.
1000 x 410 meters (1100 x 450 yards). Fuel and Ammunition: both made available as
needed. Infrastructure: none. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1411 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Brneul (ROM) (today Brne?) (44 18 02 N 24 12 45 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SW Romania c. 18.5 km SW of Slatina. Exact
location not determined. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use.
Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1490 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Braov (ROM) (a.k.a. Kronstadt) (45 40 15 N 25 37 05 E)
General: operational airfield (Einsatzhafen) in C Romania 3 km NE of Braov city center.
Rated for bombers.
History: a pre-war Romanian Air Force airfield as well as a factory airfield for Industria
Aeronautic Romn (IAR) that was built 1925-27 and produced the IAR 80 and 81 fighter
and fighter-bomber, and assembled Messerschmitt Bf 109G fighters during the war. Used
by the Luftwaffe to train Romanian pilots and possibly Flak personnel.
Dimensions: in 1941 and Dec 43 measured 1500 x 1000 meters. In October 1943, 1000 x
1280 meters (1100 x 1400 yards) and roughly rectangular in shape, according to aerial
photos taken by Allied reconnaissance aircraft.
Surface and Runways: good, firm, dry grass surface. No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was reportedly stored in underground tanks near the hangars on
the NW boundary. Ammunition storage not identified.
Infrastructure: in 1941 the airfield end had 2 large and 4 medium hangars with paved
aprons on the NW boundary with workshops adjacent to the hangars, the factory had 3
additional hangars at the SW corner and billets for 1,500 men. The extensive buildings of
the I.A.R. aircraft factory were located at the SW corner of the airfield clustered around the
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
3 hangars. The airfield admin buildings were behind the hangars at the NW corner. In all,
the airfield side had 15 hangars and buildings while the factory side had approx. 26 hangars
and buildings. There were also numerous barrack huts in a group 1 km off the NW corner.
A branch rail spur served the S and W sides of the field, this being connected to the Braov
marshalling yards and railway workshops.
Dispersal: there were no organized dispersals so aircraft were generally parked in front of
the hangars on the NW boundary.
Defenses: protected by at least 6 light Flak positions off the S side of the airfield.
16 Apr 44: marshalling yards bombed by 126 B-24 Liberators, but the workshops at the
airfield were also hit and damaged.
6 May 44: aircraft factory and airfield bombed by 154 B-17 Fortresses - claimed 6 aircraft
destroyed on the ground and damaged to hangars, workshops and admin buildings, and
cratered the landing area.
c.15 Aug 44: total Luftwaffe station strength this date: 24 officers, 5 Beamten (officials),
1,047 NCOs and men, 32 Hiwi.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/1st Bomber Wing (Dec 41, Sep 42, Aug 44); IV Bomber Gp. (Aug/Sep 42);
V Bomber Gp. (Dec 41, Jun 42).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
School Units: Jagdlehrgang Kronstadt (1944); Ausbildungsstab fr rumnische Flak
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Stab/Flak-Rgt. 133 (Aug 44); II./Flak-
Rgt. (mot) 241 (Aug 44); Stab/Ln.-Rgt. 110 (Jun-Aug 44); 20.(Flum.Mess)/Ln.-Rgt. 250
(Aug 44); 3./Ln.-Betriebs-Abt. z.b.V. 13 (Aug 44).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1412-13 (30 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70);
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Bukarest (ROM) (e. Bucharest; rom. Bucureti) (44 26 N 26 06 E)
General: not an airfield but rather Luftwaffe units stationed in and around the Romanian
capital on a specific date or dates other than on an airfield. On approx. 15 Aug 44, the
total Luftwaffe garrison strength in Bucharest was given as: 155 officers, 80 Beamten
(officials), 2,250 NCOs and men, 121 German civilian workers. This did not include
personnel stationed on the airfields around Bucharest.
Romanian: HQ/III Air Region (Jun 41 Aug 44); HQ/3d Air Corps (Aug 44) and numerous
commands, staffs and sections of the Romanian Air Force.
Lw. Garrison and Station Units (on various dates includes Bucharest city, Bucharest-
Baneasa airfield and Otopeni airfield):
Commands, Servicing, Repair (Stbe, Wartungs, Instandsetzungs): Deutschen
Luftwaffenmission in Rumnien (Oct 40 Jun 43); Befehlshaber der deutschen Luftwaffe in
Rumnien (Jun 43 May 44); Kommandierender General der deutschen Luftwaffe in
Rumnien (May-Aug 44); Koflug 21/XI (15 Aug 44); Stab/Feldwerftverband 50 (18 Jul 41);
schw.Feldwerft-Abt. V/50 (18 Jul 41); Frontreparaturbetrieb GL 3155 (BMW) (Mar 42);
Frontreparabetrieb GL 3257 (Jumo) (1941 Aug 44); Frontreparaturbetrieb GL 3756 (Mar
Antiaircraft (Flak): 1. and 4./Flakscheinw.Abt. 520 (15 Aug 44); le.Flak-Abt. 851 (18
Jul 41); Flak-Instandsetzungswerkstatt/Feldluftzeuggruppe Rumnien (18 Jul 41); Flak-
Sondergertewerkstatt (mot) 9 (18 Jul 41); Luftschutz-Warn-Abt. Rumnien (Mar 43 Aug
Air Force Signals (Luftnachrichten): 1.(Betr.)/Ln.-Rgt. 4 (Nov 40, Jul 41); II./Ln.-Rgt.
14 (Jan 41); Stab II.(Tel.Bau)/Ln.-Rgt. 24 (Mar-Jun 41; Mar 43 - ? ); Gerte-Kolonne
II./Ln.-Rgt. 24 (15 Aug 44); III.(Tel.Bau)/Ln.-Rgt. 24 (Mar-Jul 43); Stab II.(Feldfernkabel-
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Bau)/Ln.-Rgt. 38 (Jan-Feb 41); Stab and I.(Ln.Betr.)/Ln.-Rgt. 250 (Jun 43 - Aug 44); Stab
V.(Flum.Mess)/Ln.-Rgt. 250 (c.Jun-Aug 44)?; 7.(Flum.Funk)/Luftgau-Nachr.Rgt. Kiew (Nov
41 Jun 42); Lv-Nachr.Abt. (mot) 6 (Nov 40 c.Sep 41); Ln.-Abt. 81 (c.Sep 41 - Aug 44);
Ln.-Fernsprecher-u.Fernschreiber-Betr.Pers.Kp. 306 (Jul 42); Ln.-RV-Betr.Personal-Kp.
z.b.V. 2 (Mar-Aug 44); Radiosender Ilse (15 Aug 44); Radiosender Gustav (15 Aug 44);
Ln.-Technische Arbeitsstab 29 (Jul 43, Apr 44, 15 Aug 44); Ln.-Frontreparaturbetrieb (GL)
2/XVII (c.1941 - Aug 44); Sammel- und Instandsetzungsstelle fr Funkmessgert (Flak)
2/XVII (15 Aug 44); Ln.-Ausbau-Stab 5 (Apr 44); Ln.-Ausbau-Kp. 5 (Apr 44); Ln.-
Ausbaustab 6 (18 Jul 41); Ln.-Ausbau-Kp. 6 (18 Jul 41); Luftgaubereichswerkstatt (N)
2/XVII (c.1942 Aug 44).
Construction (Bau): Lw.-Bau-Btl. 9/VI (Jan 41).
Supply Services (Nachschubdienste): Feldluftzeuggruppe Rumnien (18 Jul 41);
Feldluftpark Rumnien (18 Jul 41); Behelfsluftpark 3/XVII (15 Aug 44); Nachschubstab
Rumnien (Sep 43); Flieger-Gerteausgabe- und Sammelstelle 1/XVII ( ? May 44);
Nachschub-Kp. d.Lw. 2/VII (Aug 44); Nachschub-Kp. d.Lw. 4/VII (18 Jul 41).
Ground Transport (Transportkolonnen): Kfz.Bestndebezirk d.Lw. 4/XVII (Jun, Aug
44); Flug-Betriebsstoff-Kolonne 505/I (15 Aug 44); Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 6/VI (Jan 41); Trsp.Kol.
d.Lw. 109/XI (15 Aug 44), Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 129/XI (15 Aug 44); Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 104/XII (15
Aug 44); Kraftfahrkdo. GL 6 Kolonne Bukarest (15 Aug 44); Kfz.Abschleppzug d.Lw. 4/XVII
(Aug 44)?; Kdr.d.Kfz.Instandsetzungs d.Lw. 2/XVII (Aug 43); Kw.-Werkstattzug L 113 (Jan,
Jul 41); Luftgaubereich Werkstatt (v) 2/XVII (15 Aug 44); Kfz.Werkstattzug d.Lw. (o)
101/XVII (15 Aug 44).
Ground Defense, etc. (Landesschtzen, usw.): Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 3/VI (15 Aug 44);
Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 125/XI (Jun, Aug 44); Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 16/XII (15 Aug 44); Ldssch.Zug
d.Lw. 142/XIII (Jul-Aug 44); 17. Ldssch.Kp./Luftflotte 4 (Aug 44).
Medical Services (Sanittsdienste): Lw.-Lazarett Bukarest (later numbered 7/XVII) ( (c.
early 1941 Aug 44); Hygienische-Bakteriologische Untersuchungsstelle d. Lw. 1/XVII ( ?
Aug 44).
Other (sonstige, verschiedene): Verbindungsstelle GL Rumnien (Mar 42 Aug 44);
Unfalluntersuchungsstelle d.Lw. DLM Rumnien (c.1943-44).
Bukarest-Bneasa (ROM) (a.k.a. Bucharest-Bneasa) (44 30 10 N 26 05 20 E)
General: airfield in S Romania on the northern outskirts of Bucharest, 7.2 km N of the city
center and adjacent to the suburban village of Bneasa. Rated for bombers.
History: Bneasa was the pre-war civil airport serving Bucharest and home to its national
airline, L.A.R.E.S., and existed from at least 1920. It was mainly used as a transit field
during the war and as an aircraft overhaul and repair hub.
Dimensions: measured 900 x 1,100 meters in 1941 and this was still the case in May 1944.
Surface and Runway: grass surface. Had a single 940 meter concrete runway built in 1942
with a perimeter track running along the N and W boundaries. Equipped for night landings.
Infrastructure: in addition to adequate servicing facilities, there were 4 concrete and 3
wooden hangars, 3 of which had concrete aprons, overhaul and repair workshops, weather
and communications services, and billeting for 1,200 men in 1941. The station control
building and admin offices were located at the SW corner near the airfields front entrance
while the barracks complex was off the NW corner. The Lw. later added one additional
hangar with a concrete apron on the W boundary and there was a motor pool off the W
Dispersal: one large and one small open aircraft blast bay but no organized dispersal areas.
Defenses: no details found.
Remarks: foggy take-off and landing conditions during fall and spring.
26 Aug 44: airfield bombed by 114 15th AAF B-24s - claimed 15 aircraft destroyed on the
ground, damage to hangars, workshops and at least 12 barracks.
Operational Units:
Romanian: some, but identity not found.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
(1300 yards) aligned E/W. A perimeter road connected the ends of the runways.
Equipped with a beam approach system.
Fuel and Ammunition: plentiful fuel supplies were available and the ammunition dump was
at the edge of a wood 4 km SE of the airfield.
Infrastructure: had 4 hangars, 2 more under construction and a barracks camp for 2,250
men in 1941. By February 1944, this had changed to 4 medium hangars with adjacent
workshops at the NW corner, and 4 medium hangars at the SW corner. Station admin
buildings and barracks were grouped off the SW and SE corners. The nearest rail
connection was 2.5 km NNE of the airfield.
Dispersal: there were 3 Northeast, Northwest and Southwest with a total of 5 large
covered and 5 large open aircraft shelters. An additional 12 large covered shelters were
under construction in Feb 44.
Defenses: no information found.
Oct 43: to be outfitted with fighter control equipment (Jagdleitgert) for use as a fighter
4 Apr 44: bombed by two groups of 15th AAF B-24 Liberators.
26 Aug 44: airfield bombed by 114 15th AAF B-24s - claimed 6 aircraft destroyed on the
ground, damage to both runways, a hangar, admin buildings and barracks.
Operational Units:
Romanian: VI Fighter Gp. (c. Jun-Aug 41).
Luftwaffe: Stab, I., III./St.G. 2 (Jan-Mar 41); IV./KG z.b.V. 1 (Mar 41); 10., II./JG 77 (Jun
41); 12./NJG 6 (May 43 Aug 44); Stab/NJG 6 (1944); 2./NJG 100 (Dec 43 Aug 44);
10./JG 301 (Mar-Apr 44).
Italian: 247 Squadriglia T (May 42).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 6/VI (Mar 41); Flugplatzkdo. Otopeni of Fl.H.Kdtr. E
33/XIII Bucharest-Bneasa (c.1941 Mar 44); Flugplatzkdo. A 26/XVII (Apr 43 Feb 44)?;
Flugplatzkdo. Otopeni of Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 222/XVII Bucharest-Bneasa (Apr-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Stab/Jagdfliegerfhrer Balkan (Jan-Apr
44); Stab/Jagdfliegerfhrer Rumnien (Jul-Aug 44); Jagdabschnittsfhrer Rumnien (Feb-
Jun 44); Werft-Abt. (v) 118/XVII (1943/44 Aug 44); I./Ln.-Rgt. 250 (Jun 43 Aug 44?);
11.(Flum.Leit)/Ln.-Rgt. 250 (Jun 43 Aug 44?); Nachschub-Kp. d.Lw. 5/XVII (Jul 41);
Munitions-Ausgabestelle Otopeni (Jul 41); m.Fl.Betr.St.Kol. 3/III (Jul 41); Ldssch.Zug d.Lw.
168/VI (Aug 44); Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw. 16 (Oct 41 1942); Lw.-Kriegsberichter-Kp. 2 (Jun-
Oct 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1419-20 (3 Apr 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA;
web site]
Bukarest-Pipera (ROM) (44 29 05 N 26 07 00 E)
General: airfield (Fliegerhorst) in S Romania on the northern outskirts of Bucharest 5 km
from the city center and 2.5 km SW of the village of Pipera. Rated for all classes.
History: built prior to 1920 as a Romanian military airfield. Pipera was heavily used by the
Luftwaffe from Oct 40 to Jun 41. It was used as a fighter station for the protection of
Bucharest and the Ploiesti refinery complex until Jun 42. It was little used by the Luftwaffe
after that date although some airfield development work was carried out.
Dimensions: in 1941 and Dec 43 measured 1200 x 800 meters. Relatively unchanged
during the war.
Surface and Runways: grass surface on soil with a light sand content. No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was reportedly stored in underground tanks near the W corner.
No information found on ammunition storage.
Infrastructure: had 14 hangars, 1 workshop and a barracks area for 800 men in 1941. By
late January 1944 this had changed to a total of 13 - 2 medium double-bay and 5 small
hangers, all with paved aprons, on the NW boundary; 1 small hangar with a paved apron on
the W corner; and, 1 large and 4 small hangars on the S boundary. The hangars on the
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Ciata (ROM) (45 28 50 N 27 06 40 E)
General: landing ground in east-central Romania 42 km NNE of Buzu, 12 km NNE of
Rmnicu Srat and 5.25 km SSW of the village of Ciata. History: a private pre-war
landing ground that was rapidly enlarged and improved by the Luftwaffe in 1944 and then
used as an auxiliary field by Ju 52 transports during that summer. Surface and
Dimensions: level grass surface measuring approx. 2650 x 775 meters (2900 x 850 yards)
with an irregular shape. No paved runway. Fuel and Ammunition: both brought in as
needed. Infrastructure: no hangars but there were a number of small buildings off the N
boundary that were believed to include workshops, stores and possibly barracks. The
nearest rail connection was in Sihlea, 1.6 km N of the landing ground. Dispersal: there
were 3 dispersal areas to the N, W and SW of the landing ground with a total of 16 large
open blast shelters plus a number of parking bays cut into woods off the N and W
Operational Units: none identified.
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1427-28 (30 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA;
web site]
Clrai (ROM) (44 13 00 N 27 19 35 E)
General: airfield in SE Romania 100 km SE of Bucharest and 2 km NNW of Clrai town
center. Rated for single-engine aircraft in 1941 and Dec 43.
History: a civil airport believed to have been built about 1936-37. Limited use by the
Luftwaffe during the war until April 1944 when it became a hub for transport aircraft flying
evacuation missions between here and Crimea.
Dimensions: 1941 measured 400 x 900 meters. Considerably developed during 1943-44,
and by the end of Dec 43 measured 800 x 900 meters. Aerial photos taken in June 1944
showed measurements of approx. 1465 x 825 meters (1600 x 900 yards) with a rectangular
Surface and Runways: very weedy grass surface on sandy soil. A runway (paved?) with a
planned length of 1325 meters (1450 yards) was under construction at the end of Jun 44.
Prior to 1944, the Germans rated the airfield as unsuitable for night landings due to its
small size.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was reportedly stored off the E and W boundaries.
Infrastructure: 1941 had billeting for c. 500 men. In Dec 43 and mid-1944 had 1 medium
hangar with a paved apron at the S end of the E boundary. A small admin building was S
of the hangar and a group of 5 barrack buildings, including 1 for officers, 6 smaller buildings
for washing, latrines and cooking, and 2 more for stores were immediately E of the hangar.
Additional barracks and stores buildings were off the N boundary. The nearest rail
connection ran along the W boundary.
Dispersal: a total of 3 medium, 7 large double and 1 large single aircraft shelters were
located just off the boundaries on the N, NW, SW and SE sides of the airfield.
Defenses: no information found.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Remarks: ?
Operational Units: part of II./TG 2 (Apr 44)?; Kstenstaffel Krim (Apr-May 44); III./TG 1
(Apr-Jun 44); IV./TG 1 (May 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 14/XVII (Mar 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 222/VIII (Apr-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Lw.-Bau-Btl. 130/III (K) (Aug 44);
Startbahnbauzug 10 (Aug 44)?; Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 341/XI (Aug 44); Ldssch.Zug d.Lw.
415/XII (summer 44)?
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1429-30 (20 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70);
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Cmpina (ROM) (a.k.a. Cmpina) (c. 45 07 N 25 44 E)
General: landing ground in C Romania 32 km NW of Ploieti but the exact location of this
small landing ground has not been found. History: a pre-war private landing ground that
was reportedly in use by the Luftwaffe during the 1941 campaign in the Balkans. No
record has been found of any Luftwaffe flying units being based here. Surface and
Dimensions: grass(?) surface initially measuring approx. 595 x 595 meters (650 x 650
yards). Reportedly enlarged during the war. No paved runway. Infrastructure: believed
to have had 1 or more hangars. Dispersal: no information.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1431 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Cmpulung (ROM) (45 16 35 N 25 02 25 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania 87 km NW of Ploieti. Exact location
not determined. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and
Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1490 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Caracal (ROM) (c. 44 06 N 24 21 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in south-central Romania approx. 50 km SE Craiova
and 1 km SE of Caracal. Rated for single-engine aircraft and Ju 52 transports. History:
Pre-war civil airport. Used by Luftwaffe reconnaissance aircraft for several months at the
beginning of 1941, but probably not used much after that date. Surface and Dimensions:
good, firm, well-drained grass surface that in 1941 measured 800 x 400 meters. Believed
to have been enlarged somewhat during the war years. In Dec 43 it measured 860 x 500
meters. Infrastructure: had 2 wooden hangars in 1941 and Dec 43. A Romanian cavalry
barracks with accommodations for 300 men was on the other side of the street from the
airstrip. The nearest rail connection was in Caracal. Dispersal: no organized dispersal
Operational Units: 5.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 13 (Jan-Feb 41); 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 23 (Feb-Mar 41).
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1432 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Caransebe (ROM) (45 25 25 N 22 14 00 E)
General: airfield in W Romania approx. 324 km WNW of Bucharest and 2.5 km NE of
History: existed pre-war and was undergoing further development in 1941 at the time of
the German campaign in the Balkans. No record of any Luftwaffe units being based here.
Dimensions: approx. 915 x 730 meters (1000 x 800 yards) with an irregular shape.
Surface and Runways: grass surface. No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: bulk fuel storage was reportedly stored near the hangars and
workshops, and munitions in a blast-protected building N of the workshops.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Infrastructure: had 4 medium hangars off the S side of the W boundary with 4 separate
workshops immediately NNW of the hangars. Admin, Barracks and stores buildings were
grouped just W of the hangars. The nearest rail connection was in Caransebe.
Dispersal: there were no organized dispersal facilities.
Defenses: no information found.
Remarks: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1433 (29 May 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Crlomneti (ROM) (c. 45 59 35 N 27 35 26 E)
General: landing ground in east-central Romania c. 70 km NNW of Galai and 20 km NNE of
Tecuci. Exact location in the vicinity of the village not determined. History: no
information found. Surface and Dimensions: no details. Fuel and Ammunition: both
available. Infrastructure: no details. Dispersal: no details.
Operational Units:
Romanian: III Dive-Bomber Gp. (Jul 44); IX Fighter Gp. (Jul 44).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Carol I (ROM) (a.k.a. Ciocarlia?; today: Nicolae Blcescu) (44 21 N 28 22 E)
General: landing ground in SE Romania 30 km NW of Constana and 1 km W of Carol I
(Nicolae Blcescu). The coordinates and directions are taken from wartime German
documents. Rated for bombers. History: no information, but it existed in Dec 43
although not in 1941. Used by Luftwaffe transport aircraft in Apr-May 1944 during the
evacuation of Crimea. Surface and Dimensions: firm, dry, poor quality grass surface.
1941 and Dec 43 measured 1200 x 1000 meters. Unsuitable for night landings.
Infrastructure: none. The nearest train station was 2 km from the landing ground.
Operational Units:
Romania: 1st Long-Range Reconnaissance Sqdn. (Aug 44)?
Luftwaffe: II./TG 2 (Apr 44); III./TG 3 (Apr-May 44).
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Cernavod (ROM) (44 20 10 N 28 02 30 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania 30 km WNW of Constana and located
on the SE outskirts of Cernavod. History: in use by Fi 156 single-engine liaison aircraft in
1944. No record found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface and Dimensions:
leveled grass surface measuring approx. 410 x 35 meters (450 x 40 yards). Infrastructure:
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1490 (31 Dec 43) and p.1494 (1944); chronologies; BA-MA;
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Cetatea Alb (UKR/BESSARBIA) (a.k.a. Akkerman): see Russia and Ukraine airfields.
Cheveres (ROM) (today: Chevereu Mare) (c. 45 40 N 21 29 E)
General: operational airfield (Einsatzhafen) in W Romania 23 km SE of Timioara and
located on the E outskirts of the village of Chevereu Mare. History: set up by the
Germans during the war and ready for use by Dec 43, but no evidence found of actual use
by the Luftwaffe. Surface and Dimensions: level grass surface on pastureland measuring
1600 x 800 meters. Infrastructure: none. The nearest rail connection was in Chevereu
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Chisinu (UKR/BESSARABIA) (a.k.a. Kishinev): see Russia and Ukraine airfields.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
History: existed in 1930 and over the following years served as a training school for
Romanian Air Force gunnery and bombing. It was jointly used by both the Germans and
Romanians during the war, mainly by fighters and other single engine aircraft.
Dimensions: 1941 measured 1050 x 900 meters, and in Dec 43 1000 x 900 meters. Aerial
photos taken 31 May 44 showed dimension of 1145 x 1005 meters (1250 x 1100 yards)
with a roughly rectangular shape.
Surface and Runways: worn but level grass surface on sandy soil. No paved runway.
Airfield believed to have been equipped with illuminations for night landings.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was thought to be stored off the W boundary to the N of the
hangars and ammunition in underground bunkers along the shore off the SE corner.
Infrastructure: in 1941 and Dec 43 had 2 large hangars assigned to the Romanians, 2 large
hangars assigned to the Luftwaffe, a workshop, electrical power plant and billeting for 300
men. By May 1944, additional workshops had been built and were located to the rear of
the hangars. A large building off the SW corner was reportedly used as a command post,
for admin offices and for flight control. A group of barracks offering limited
accommodations for both officers and men was off the SE corner. Other buildings housed
the base dispensary, motor pool garage, fire station, guardhouse, kitchen and other
facilities. A branch rail line from Constana ran along the E side of Lake Sudghiol and
served the airfield.
Dispersal: there were 3 in May 44 Northwest, North and South with a total of 5 medium
open blast shelters and 13 small blast bays for single engine aircraft. Aircraft also parked
in the open in front of the hangars. Aircraft parking hardstands in the Northwest dispersal
are still visible 70 years later.
Defenses: no information found.
Oct 43: Mamaia ordered to be outfitted with fighter control equipment (Jagdleitgert) for
use as a fighter base.
Operational Units:
Romanian: V Fighter Gp. (Aug 41 - ?, Mar, Aug 44).
Luftwaffe: 7./JG 52 (Jul 41); 1.(Jagd)/LG 2 (Aug 41); detachment of I./JG 4 (1943);
elements of 3./MSGr. 1 (1943-44)?; elements of III./TG 1 (Mar 44); Wekusta 76/1 (Apr
44); IV./JG 54 (Apr-May 44); I./SG 10 (Apr-May 44); detachment of II./ZG 1 (Apr-May 44);
II./SG 2 (May 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 19/XII (c.Jul-Sep 41); Fl.H.Kdtr. E 9/XI ( - Mar 44);
Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 215/VIII (c.Apr-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Fliegerfhrer Sd (Nov 41 Jan 42);
elements of 3. Flugh.Betr.Kp. (S) (Jul 44); Frontreparaturbetrieb G.L. (Werk) (later GL
2652) Land und See (1941); gem.Flak-Abt. 236 (summer 44); 3./Flak-Abt. 761 (mot) (Jul
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1437-38 (8 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70);
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Constana (See) (ROM) (44 13 49 N 28 36 36 E)
General: seaplane station (Seefliegerhorst) on Lake Sudghiol (Siutghiol) c. 6.5 km NNW of
the port city of Constana. The station buildings sat on a slight promontory at the S end of
the lake and immediately E of the village of Palazu Mare.
History: built prior to 1933 as a replacement for an earlier seaplane station in the same
location that existed from at least 1920. It was very busy throughout the war years as the
principal seaplane station on the W coast of the Black Sea for maritime reconnaissance,
convoy escort and air-sea rescue services.
Anchorage: the entire lake was available for take-offs and landings and offered relatively
calm, sheltered waters. Ice generally hindered operations from December to February.
Fuel and Ammunition: bulk fuel was stored in an underground tank SSW of the
westernmost hangar. The munitions dump had a guardhouse and 9 storage shelters.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Infrastructure: had 3 large hangars with narrow paved aprons on the S end of the
promontory and these were connected by short taxi tracks to 3 slipways. Workshops were
close to the hangars. A large jetty and 3 piers also fronted the hangars and 3 more jetties
on the E side of the lake may have been used by the seaplane station as well. There were
2 additional medium hangars nearby that had evidently been abandoned. A further 4
buildings near the hangars were used for admin and storage purposes and there was also 1
barracks. Other personnel were accommodated locally. A branch rail line from Constana
ran 1.6 km W of the station.
Defenses: no information found.
16 Nov 43: in addition to the 5 hangars, a 6th hangar was under construction on the lake
side of the promontory next to the other 3.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/Naval Reconnaissance Wing (Sep 42 Aug 44); Naval Aviation Gp. (Jun
41, Dec 41, Aug 42).
Luftwaffe: Seenotstaffel 8 (Apr 41 Aug 42, Mar-Aug 44); Stab/Aufklrungsfhrer
Schwarzes Meer - West (Feb 43 Aug 44); Stab/SAGr. 125 (May 43 Aug 44); 1./SAGr.
125 (May-Jun 43, Jul-Aug 44); 2./SAGr. 125 (Dec 43 Jan 44, May 44); 3./SAGr. 125 (Dec
43 Aug 44); Sonderstaffel Do 24/Do 26 (Apr-May 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 126/XI (See) (Apr 43 Aug 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E 125/XI
(See) (May-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Aufklrungsfhrer Schwarzes Meer/West
(May-Jul 44); Seenotzentrale (Luft) Schwarzes Meer (Jun 41 May 42); Seenotbezirksstelle
(L) z.b.V. 4 (Aug 41 May 42); Seenotbereichskdo. XII (Jun-Jul 42; Jan-Aug 44);
Seenotkdo. 19 (May 42 - ?); Werft-Abt. 109/VIII (Jul 44); Ln.-Zug 1/See (1942 Aug 44);
Ln.-Zug 2/See (1942 Aug 44); Seenotflotille Schwarzes Meer (Jun 41 May 42);
Seenotflotille 12 (Jun 42 Aug 44).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1439-40 (6 Sep 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70);
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Constana-Stadt (ROM) (a.k.a. Constana-City) (44 09 35 N 28 36 15 E)
General: airfield 4 km SW of Constana city center adjacent to the suburb of Palas. Rated
for single-engine aircraft.
History: a pre-war Romanian civil airport that was used by both the Luftwaffe and
Romanian Air Force during the war. It became a Luftwaffe transport hub during the April-
May 1944 evacuation of Crimea.
Dimensions: 1941 measured 700 x 800 meters and these were unchanged in Dec 43 and
Apr 44.
Surface and Runways: all weather firm and dry grass surface. No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel and ammunition were reportedly stored on the NE boundary.
Infrastructure: had 1 hangar in 1941. In Dec 43 the infrastructure was described by the
Germans as 1 hangar, 1 small terminal building and 3 barracks. This hangar was still there
in Apr 44 along with 2 workshop-type buildings on the NE boundary. The admin building
and control tower were located SE of the hangar. Some of the nearby off-boundary
buildings may have been used for accommodations, stores and other purposes. The
nearest rail connection was 640 meters NE of the airfield but the nearest train station was 5
km distance in Constana.
Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities. Aircraft parked on the landing area and just off
the N corner.
Defenses: no information found.
Remarks: none.
Operational Units: I./TG 1 (Apr-May 44); I./TG 2 (Apr-May 44); Stab, I./TG 3 (Apr-May
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 216/VIII (c. Apr-Aug 44).
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1274-75, 1441-42 (Nov 43, 4 Apr 44 and 29 May 44);
chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Craiova-Branite (ROM) (a.k.a. Balta Verde?) (44 16 50 N 23 47 35 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SW Romania 6 km SSW of Craiova city center.
History: no information but by 1944 the field appeared disused or abandoned. Surface
and Dimensions: rough, overgrown meadowland measuring approx. 495 x 455 meters (540
x 500 yards). Infrastructure: had 1 medium and 3 small huts on the N boundary that may
have been used as workshops or storage sheds at one time.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1494 (1944); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Drmneti (ROM) (46 22 45 N 26 29 50 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NE Romania 40 km SW of Bacu and immediately
NE of the town between the railway line and the Trotus River. History: a pre-war private
landing ground. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass or
pastureland surface measuring approx. 730 x 320 meters (800 x 350 yards).
Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1491 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Deta (ROM) (c. 45 24 00 N 21 14 20 E)
General: landing ground in W Romania 35 km S of Timioara and 1.5 km E of Deta.
Rated for bombers. History: served as an important forward field for fighters during the
attack on Yugoslavia in Apr 41. Little or no use after mid-1941. Surface and Dimensions:
1941 measured 900 x 800 meters. Fuel and Ammunition: brought in as needed.
Infrastructure: no infrastructure in 1941 or later. The nearest rail connection was in Deta.
Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
Operational Units: Stab, II., III./JG 77 (Apr 41); 4., 5./JG 54 (Apr 41); I./KG z.b.V. 1 (Apr
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Flieger-Gerteausgabestelle (mot) I (Apr
41); m.Fl.Betr.St.Kol. 1/III (Apr 41); m.Fl.Betr.St.Kol. 3/III (Apr 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1443 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Deva (ROM) (45 53 00 N 22 54 25 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NW Romania 48-49 km WSW of Sebe and 5 km
ESE of Deva city center. History: a pre-war private landing ground. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: reportedly had take-off and landing runs of 825
meters (900 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1491 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Dragalina (ROM) (44 24 19 N 27 23 00 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in SE Romania 97 km E of Bucharest and 2 km SE of
the Ciulnia train station on the SE side of Dragalina. Rated for bombers. History: no
information. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: firm, dry grass
surface. In 1941 measured 1000 x 1000 meters. In Dec 43 this was restated by the
Germans as 900 x 1300 meters. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1491 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Drgneti (ROM) (c. 44 06 20 N 25 36 00 E)
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Fgra (ROM) (c. 45 50 30 N 24 58 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in north-central Romania c. 54 km NW of Braov.
Exact location in proximity to Fgra not determined. History: no information. No
record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure:
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1492 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Flticeni (ROM) (c. 47 27 35 N 26 18 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NE Romania c. 42 km NW of Botoani. Exact
location in proximity to Flticeni not determined. History: no information. No record
found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1492 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Filipetii de Trg (ROM) (c. 44 59 00 N 25 47 25 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania c. 20 km WNW of Ploieti. Exact
location in proximity to Flticeni not determined. History: no information. No record
found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface and Dimensions: no information.
Infrastructure: none.
1941: reportedly used by Luftwaffe fighters in 1941.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1492 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Filipeti-Galbeni (ROM) (c. 46 45 35 N 26 53 25 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NE Romania c. 20 km S of Roman. Exact location
in proximity to Filipeti not determined. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass or pastureland surface measuring approx.
730 x 730 meters (800 x 800 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1492 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Floreti (ROM) (45 03 30 N 25 47 35 E)
General: landing ground in C Romania 23.5 km NW of Ploieti and 2.5 km N of Floreti.
History: a pre-war private landing ground that was used by fighters during the war. No
record of Luftwaffe activity found. Surface and Dimensions: level grass or agricultural land
measuring approx. 640 x 275 meters (700 x 300 yards) early in the war but believed to
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
washing and latrines, and 1 barrack building for motor transport personnel - for a total of
75 buildings. The nearest rail connection was 4 km to the NNW at Focani.
Dispersal: no organized dispersal areas noted as of Feb 44.
Defenses: none or very limited as of Feb 44.
11 Jun 44: bombed by 15th USAAF B-17s on the way back to Italy from Russia following the
first Frantic mission.
4 Aug 44: strafed by 70-plus 15th USAAF P-38s and P-51s from Italy before they continued
on to bases in Russia.
Operational Units:
Romanian: VI Dive-Bomber Gp. (Aug 44).
Luftwaffe: Stab, I. and II./KG 27 (Jun-Jul 41, Apr-May 44); I./KG 100 (Jan 42);
detachment of IV./NJG 6 (c. May 43 Jul 44); Wekusta 76/1 (Mar 44); 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121
(Mar-Apr 44); 4./KG 26 (Apr-May 44); 5./NJG 200 (Apr-Jun 44); 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 22 (Apr-Jul
44); Aufkl.St. 1.(F)/Nacht (Apr-Jul 44); I./KG 4 (Apr-Aug 44); III./SG 3 (May 44); Stab, I.,
II./KG 55 (May 44); Kstenfliegerstaffel Krim (May 44); Luftdienstkdo. Luftflotte 4 (? May
44); Fliegerzielstaffel 40 (Jun-Aug 44); II./JG 52 (Jun 44); Stab, I./SG 2 (Aug 44); III./SG
10 (Aug 44)?
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 6/III (1940-41); Fl.H.Kdtr. E (mot) 12/XVII (Oct 41
spring 42); Flugplatzkdo. of Fl.H.Kdtr. E 2/VI Zilestea (1943 Mar 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v)
219/VIII (May-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Stab/I. Fliegerkorps (Apr-Jul 44);
Transportfliegerfhrer 1 (and/or 2) (Apr-Jun 44); Koflug Moldau (later Koflug 2/XI) (Apr-
Aug 41); 1. Flugh.Betr.Kp. KG 4 (Jun-Jul 44);1., 4. and 7. Flugh.Betr.Kp./KG 27 (Jul 41); 5.
Flugh.Betr.Kp./KG 27 (Focani/Nord, Jul 41); 4. Flugh.Betr.Kp./KG 51 (Focani/Nord, Jul
41); le.Feldwerft-Abt. (mot) I/50 (Jul 41); le.Feldwerft-Abt. V/50 (Jul-Aug 44); Werft-Abt.
117/XVII (Jul-Aug 44); Stab/Flak-Rgt. 12 (Aug 44); Stab/Flak-Rgt. 133 (Aug 44); elements
of gem.Flak-Abt. 181 (Jun-Aug 44); II./Flak-Rgt. 241 (Aug 44); le.Flak-Abt. 724 (Aug 44);
Flak-Trsp.Bttr. 91/VI (Apr 44); Stab IV./Ln.-Rgt. 4 (c.May-Aug 44); Stab/Ln.-Rgt. 31 (Apr-
May 44); Stab III./Ln.-Rgt. 34 (Apr 44 - ? ); Stab/Ln.-Rgt. 110 (Apr 44); Lw.-Bau-Btl.
105/VI (K) (1944); Lw.-Bau-Btl. 8/XII (Aug 44); Nachschub-Kp. 11/VI (elements) (Jul 41);
Kw.-Werkstattzug L 213 (later 2/XIII) (Jul 41); Munitions-Ausgabestelle Focani/Sd (Jul
41); Nachschub-Kol.Abt.Stab 1/XVII with (m.Fl.Betr.St.Kol. 1/III; m.Fl.Betr.St.Kol. 9/IV;
m.Fl.Betr.St.Kol. 6/XIII) (Jul 41); kl.Betr.St.Kol. 7/IV (Jul 41); kl.Betr.St.Kol. 3/VI (Jul 41);
kl.Betr.St.Kol. 7/VII (Jul 41); kl.Betr.St.Kol. 8/VII (Jul 41); kl.Betr.St.Kol. 13/XI) (Jul 41),
Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 152/III (Aug 44)?; Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 37/VI (Jul 41); Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 12/VII
(Jul 41); Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 13/XI (Jul 41); Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 15/XI (Jul 41); Trsp.Kol. d.Lw.
5/See (Jul 41); Kfz.Instandsetzungs-Kp. d.Lw. (mot) 6/VIII (Jun 44); Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw.
142/XIII (with Ldssch.Zge d.Lw. 142/XIII, 143/XIII and 144/XIII) (Jul 41); Ldssch.Kp.
d.Lw. 140/XIII (with Ldssch.Zge d.Lw. 140/XIII, 141/XIII and 145/XIII) (Jul 41); Lw.-
Sanittsbereitschaft (mot) 8/IV (Jul-Aug 41; Aug 44); Feldlaboratorium (mot) d.Lw. 3
(1944); Wetterzentrale Focani (Jul 41); Wetterzentrale (mot) Focani (Jul 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1446 (25 Feb 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Frumosica Trgul (ROM) (c. 47 32 N 26 54 E) )
General: landing ground in NE Romania 30 km SE of Botoani. Not located. Rated for
single-engine aircraft. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use.
Surface and Dimensions: 1941 measured 500 x 600 meters. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Frunzeasca (ROM) (45 53 55 N 27 24 40 E)
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Geti (ROM) (c. 44 43 20 N 25 19 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania 70-71 km NW of Bucharest city center.
Exact location in proximity to the town of Geti not determined. History: no information.
No record found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface and Dimensions: no
information. Infrastructure: none.
1941: reportedly taken over by the Germans.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1492 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Galai (ROM): see Galatz.
Galatz (ROM) (e. Galai) (45 27 20 N 28 01 40 E)
General: airfield (Fliegerhorst) in E Romania 2 km NW of Galai. Rated for bombers.
History: a pre-war joint civil and military airport that existed from at least 1920.
Improvements were made by the Luftwaffe in 1941. From fall 1941 to spring/summer
1944 it was used as an aircraft repair and overhaul facility and a fighter training school.
Dimensions: In 1941 and Dec 43 measured 1000 x 1100 meters and roughly rectangular in
shape. Aerial photos made in mid-August 1944 produced approx. dimensions of 1050 x
960 meters (1150 x 1050 yards).
Surface and Runways: grass surface. No paved runway. Probably equipped with landing
illumination for night operations.
Fuel and Ammunition: there were 4 fuel storage tanks near the hangars.
Infrastructure: 1941 had 6 hangars, 4 wooden buildings and billets for 600 men. In Dec
43 this was restated by the Germans as 5 large concrete hangars, 1 very large concrete
hangar, 1 large workshop building and 4 large wooden sheds. Aerial photos made by Allied
aircraft in mid-August 1944 showed 2 large and 2 medium hangars with 4 workshops at the
SE corner and another medium hangar on the N boundary. Admin, stores buildings, officer
accommodations and 4 large barrack buildings were all grouped behind the hangars at the
SE corner. The old civil airport terminal was near the hangar on the N boundary. The
nearest rail connection was 1.6 km W of the airfield in the former village of Filesti.
Dispersal: there were 3 East, South and West with a total of 5 large open and 28 small
open aircraft shelters.
Defenses: no information found.
6 Jun 44: airfield bombed by 108 15th AAF B-17 Fortresses with claims of 8 aircraft
destroyed on the ground, 4 more damaged and 6 barracks destroyed. Also claimed
damage to several hangars, repair shops, admin buildings, and cratered the landing area.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/3d Fighter Wing (Dec 41, Aug 42); III Fighter Gp. (Dec 41); IV Fighter Gp.
(Dec 41, Sep 42).
Luftwaffe: 3./Minensuchgruppe 1 (May 44); Sanittsflugbereitschaft 11 (May 44); III./TG
2 (Aug 44); I./TG 3 (Aug 44).
School Units: Jagdfliegerschule Galatz (a.k.a. Flieger-Lehrstab der deutschen
Luftwaffenmission in Rumnien) (May 43 c. Feb/Mar 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 13/XVII (Nov 41 early 1942); Fl.H.Kdtr. E (mot) 7/III
(Apr-Aug 44)?; Fl.H.Kdtr. E 23/VI (Mar-Apr 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 210/VIII (May-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Flieger-Lehrstab der deutschen
Luftwaffenmission in Rumnien (May 43 Feb 44); Koflug 2/XI (Apr-Aug 44);
Frontreparaturbetrieb GL Galatz (later GL 2651) (Land und See) (1941-44); part of
gem.Flak-Abt 236 (Aug 44); schw.Flak-Abt. 541 (Aug 44); elements of le.Flak-Abt. 864
(Eisb.) (Aug 44)?; Feld-Ln.-Gerteausgabestelle-u.Instandsetzungsstelle 2/XVII (May 44);
Kfz.Instandsetzungszug d.Lw. 5/XI (Jun-Aug 44); 4. Ldssch.Kp./Luftflotte 4 (Aug 44);
Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 319/XI (Aug 44); Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 415/XII (summer 44)?
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1365-66 (13 Aug 44 updated to 30 Jan 45); chronologies; BA-
MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Galda de Jos (ROM) (46 10 30 N 23 40 00 E)
General: landing ground in north-central Romania 14 km NNE of Alba Iulia) and 4 km ESE
of the village of Galda de Jos. History: a pre-war Romanian landing ground that was
obstructed with trenches during the war. Surface and Dimensions: leveled grassland
measuring approx. 1920 x 1920 x 1920 meters (2100 x 2100 x 2100 yards) in the shape of
an equilateral triangle. No paved runway. Infrastructure: no hangars, but had 3 small
unoccupied buildings at the W corner that may have been used for storage. A large
marshalling yard halfway between Aiud and Alba Iulia formed the SE side of the landing
ground. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1449 (9 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Geamna (ROM): see Piteti.
Ghereti (ROM): see Tecani.
Ghimbav (ROM) (45 42 15 N 25 32 00 E)
General: airfield (Fliegerhorst) in C Romania 7.25 km NW of Braov and 5 km NNE of
Ghimbav. Rated for bombers.
History: a private landing ground opened in 1939. No evidence found of any Luftwaffe
units being based here.
Surface and Dimensions: firm, level, dry grass surface on soil with a clay content. In 1941
and Dec 43 measured 1100 x 1400 meters. Allied aerial photos from mid-October 1943
showed approx. 1480 x 1235 meters (1620 x 1350 yards) with an irregular shape. No
paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was stored at the landing ground but no information found
concerning ammunition.
Infrastructure: had 3 wooden hangars of medium size in 1941, one of which was used as a
workshop. There was also a large tent structure almost the size of one of the hangars. No
changes had been made to December 1943. An admin building, 2 buildings for billeting
and garage were in a group near the hangars at the SE corner. The nearest rail connection
was in Ghimbav.
Dispersal: there were no organized dispersal facilities.
Operational Units:
Romanian: Fighter School (coala de Vintoare) (? - 1944).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1450 (30 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Hrova (ROM) (44 41 25 N 27 57 10 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania 79 km NW of Constana city center.
Exact location in proximity to the town of Hrova not determined. History: no
information. No record found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface and
Dimensions: reportedly had take-off and landing runs of 730 meters (800 yards).
Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1493 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Hermannstadt (ROM): German name for Sibiu/Romania.
Homorod (ROM) (46 02 35 N 25 16 30 E)
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Ianca (ROM) (a.k.a. Janka) (45 09 32 N 27 26 04 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in SE Romania 57 km SW of Galai and 3 km NNW of
the village of Ianca. Rated for all classes. History: used by the Luftwaffe in summer
1944. Surface and Dimensions: level grass surface of good quality. In 1941 and Dec 43
measured 1200 x 2000 meters. Fuel and Ammunition: both made available when needed
and then stocked in summer 1944. Infrastructure: none at the airstrip. But just a few
meters SE of the airstrip there were 11 military buildings, including admin offices, a
command post building, a motor vehicle shed and 5 barracks. The Ianca train station was
7 km from the airstrip. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities reported.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/3d Bomber Wing (Aug 44); I Fighter Gp. (Aug 44); part of I Bomber Gp.
(Aug 44); II Fighter Gp. (Mar-Apr 44); IV Fighter Gp. (Jun/Jul 44); IV Bomber Gp. (Jun, Jul,
Aug 44).
Luftwaffe: Stab, 1./NSGr. 5 (Jul-Aug 44).
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Iai (ROM) (a.k.a. Jasi, Jassy, Iassy) (47 09 30 N 27 38 05 E)
General: airfield (Fliegerhorst) in NE Romania 3.25 km E of the city of Iai. Rated for all
History: a pre-war airfield used by the Romanian Air Force that existed from at least 1920.
It was ceded to the USSR in June 1940 then reacquired by Romania in July 1941. By mid-
July 1941, it was in heavy use by the Luftwaffe in support of Heeresgruppe Sd, relatively
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
inactive from fall 1941 to March 1944 and then very busy again until August 1944 as Axis
forces tried to halt the Soviet advance into Romania.
Dimensions: in 1941 and Dec 43 measured 800 x 1000 meters. Allied aerial photos from
Aug 44 estimated 1235 x 915 meters (1350 x 1000 yards) and roughly U-shaped.
Surface and Runways: open and usually dry rough grass surface on soil with a clay content.
No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: there were 6 refueling points in front of the hangars on the SW
boundary and 2 bulk fuel storage tanks, one for 40,000 liters and the other for 80,000
liters. Ammunition was maintained in 6 blast-protected storage units located in a small
wood immediately SE of the airfield.
Infrastructure: in 1941 and Dec 43 had 5 concrete hangars of medium size and billeting for
500 men. By mid-Aug 44 this was redefined as 1 large double-bay and 3 medium hangars
on the SW boundary fronted by a narrow concrete apron. A total of 7 small workshop
buildings were near the hangars. A large building with a flat roof was just S of the hangars
and was used as a motor pool garage with a capacity for 100 vehicles. Other station
buildings admin, 2 barrack buildings for 250 men each, stores, etc. were grouped
behind the hangars. The nearest rail connection was a marshalling yard 3 km SW of the
airfield and the Iai train station 5 km distance.
Dispersal: there were 2 East and Northwest with a total of 4 large and 16 medium open
blast bays for aircraft parking.
Defenses: no information found.
Satellites and Decoys:
Iai (Jassy)/Nord (47 10 20 N 27 37 00 E), a satellite or alternate landing ground
for Iai airfield and located 2.5 km to the NNW. History: a pre-war civil airport. Surface
and Dimensions: level grass surface measuring approx. 1050 x 455 meters (1150 x 500
yards) and roughly rectangular in shape. Fuel and Ammunition: both obtained from Iai
airfield. Infrastructure: had 3 small workshop-type buildings in the SE corner. Dispersal:
no organized dispersal facilities.
25 Aug 44: airfield and town captured by Soviet forces.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/II Air Region (Dec 41, Aug 42); HQ/1st Air Corps (Jun 42); HQ/1st Tactical
Reconnaissance Wing (Nov 40);
Luftwaffe: Stab/Koluft 11 (with 3.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 13 and Kurierstaffel 7) (mid-Jul 41); Stab,
II., III./JG 77 (Jul 41); I.(Jagd)/LG 2 (Jul 41); Stab, I., II., III./St.G. 77 (Jul 41); Stab, 1.,
2./NAGr. 2 (Mar-Apr 44); III./SG 2 (Mar-Apr 44); 10.(Pz.)/SG 2 (Mar-Apr 44); 14.(Pz.)/SG
9 (Mar-Apr 44); Stab/SG 2 (Apr 44); part of NSGr. 5 (Apr 44); 1./JG 53 (Aug 44);
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 34/IV (Jul 41) and Fl.H.Kdtr. E 5/VII (Jul 41, Mar 44);
Fl.H.Kdtr. E 23/VI (Mar 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 210/VIII (Apr 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Koflug 5/XVII (Jul 41); Stab/Flak-Rgt. 4
(Aug 44); Stab/Flak-Rgt. 104 (Aug 44); II./Flak-Rgt. 24 (summer 1944); I./Flak-Rgt. 25
(Flakgruppe Jasi-Nord) (mid-Jul 41, summer 1944); le.Flak-Abt. 77 (mot.) (Aug 44);
le.Flak-Abt. 91 (mot.) (Aug 44); gem.Flak-Abt. 375 (Aug 44); le.Flak-Abt. 774 (Aug 44);
3./Flak-Abt. 861 (mid-Jul 41); 21.(Flugm.)/Luftgau-Nachr.Rgt. (mot) 17 (mid-Jul 41); Ln.-
Verbindungs-Kp. z.b.V. 9 (Jun-Aug 44); Lw.-Bau-Btl. 6/III (Aug 44); Lw.-Bau-Btl. 5/XI
(mid-Jul 41); 3./Lw.-Bau-Btl. 16/XI (mid-Jul 41); Feldbauamt 5/XXV (Mar 44 - ); Flieger-
Gerteausgabestelle (mot) E fr Me 109 (mid-Jul 41); Flieger-Gerteausgabestelle (Eisb.)
11 fr Ju 52, Hs 126 and Fi 156 (mid-Jul 41); Flieger-Gerteausgabestelle (Eis.) 12 fr Me
109 and Ju 87 (mid-Jul 41); Nachschub-Kp. 2/III (mid-Jul 41); Nachschub-Kp. 7/XI (mid-
Jul 41); Trsp.Kol. d.Lw. 170/III (Jun-Aug 44)?; Kw.-Werkstattzug L 212 (mid-Jul 41);
Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 172/VI (with Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 16/VI, Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 160/VI,
Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 172/VI) (mid-Jul 41); Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 224/VI (mid-Jul 41); Ldssch.Zug
d.Lw. 137/XIII (Aug 44); Sanittsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/XVII (mid-Jul 41).
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1369-71 (7 Aug 44 updated to 30 Jan 45); chronologies; BA-
MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Ismail (UKR/BESSARABIA) (a.k.a. Izmail; Jebrieni): see Russia and Ukraine airfields.
Iveti (ROM) (c. 45 41 23 N 27 32 06 E)
General: landing ground in east-central Romania 28-29 km E of Focani and 22 km SSE of
Tecuci. History: ?? Surface and Dimensions: ?? Fuel and Ammunition: both available.
Infrastructure: ?? Dispersal: ??
Operational Units:
Romanian: V Bomber Gp. (Jun/Jul 44); 2d Long-Range Reconnaissance Sqdn. (Jun/Jul
Luftwaffe: none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Jassy (ROM): see Iai.
Jebrieni (UKR/BESSARBIA): see Russia and Ukraine airfields.
Jeglia (ROM) (c. 44 17 N 27 38 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) c. 125 km E of Bucharest, 81 km WNW of Constana
and 18 km SW of Feteti. The exact location of the airstrip not determined. Rated for
single-engine aircraft. History: no information found. No record found of Luftwaffe use.
Surface and Dimensions: level grass surface on sandy soil measuring 800 x 1800 meters.
Soft when wet. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Jiblea (ROM) (a.k.a. Jiblea Veche) (45 14 05 N 24 21 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania 58 km NW of Piteti. Exact location not
determined. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and
Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1493 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Jilavele (ROM) (44 46 00 N 26 32 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in south-central Romania 51 km NE of Bucharest city
center. Exact location in proximity to Jilavele not determined. History: a pre-war private
landing ground. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass or
pastureland surface with take-off and landing runs of less than 550 meters (600 yards).
Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1493 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Kronstadt (ROM): see Braov.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
war and then abandoned. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions:
slightly worn level grass surface that in 1941 measured 700 x 700 meters. By mid-July
1944, the dimensions had increased to 1490 x 730 meters (1630 x 800 yards). No paved
runway. Fuel and Ammunition: brought in if and when needed. Infrastructure: had no
infrastructure in 1941. By mid-July 1944, Lugoj had 1 incomplete hangar that had been
under construction earlier. A large building complex off the NW boundary had workshops,
admin, barracks and storage space that may have been used by the landing ground. The
nearest rail connection was in Lugoj. Dispersal: there were no organized dispersal
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1453 (4 Sep 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Luna (ROM) (a.k.a. Turda III) (46 31 05 N 23 52 30 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in north-central Romania 9.75 km SE of Turda and 3.5
km WNW of the village of Luna. Rated for all classes. History: origin unknown but it was
being used by single-engine fighters in mid-May 1944. No record found of Luftwaffe units
being based here. Surface and Dimensions: rough, level, dry grass surface that in 1941
and Dec 43 measured 800 x 1000 meters. In June 1944, Allied aerial photos showed
measurements of approx. 1280 x 825 meters (1400 x 900 yards) with an irregular shape,
so it appears to have remained relatively unchanged during the war years. No paved
runway. Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was reportedly available. Infrastructure: had 1
medium wooden hangar and 1 workshop-type building on the NW boundary. Personnel
were billeted in local villages and farms. The nearest rail connection was 3 km N of the
landing ground. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities. Aircraft parked on and off
the N and W perimeters.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1454 (14 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Mamaia (ROM): see Constana-Mamaia.
Mnstirea (ROM) (44 12 35 N 26 54 14 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania 68 km ESE of Bucharest and 8 km N of
the Danube River. Exact location of the landing ground around Mnstirea not determined.
History: no information. No evidence found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions:
no information found. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1495 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Mangalia (ROM) (c. 43 48 30 N 28 35 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania 42 km S of Constana and 2 km W of
Mangalia. Rated for single-engine aircraft. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: 1941 measured 700 x 700 meters.
Infrastructure: no infrastructure.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1495 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Matca (ROM) (c. 45 51 36 N 27 33 33 E)
General: landing ground in east-central Romania 61 km NW of Galai, 34 km NE of Focani
and 9-10 km E of Tecuci. History: not mentioned prior to 1944 and believed to be a
satellite of or alternate landing ground for Tecuci airfield. Surface and Dimensions: no
information. Fuel and Ammunition: made available as needed. Infrastructure: no
information. Dispersal: no information.
Operational Units:
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Ocna Sibiului (ROM): see Sibiu.
Orova (ROM) (44 42 00 N 22 24 30 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SW Romania 22.5 km WNW of Turnu Severin along
the Danube River. Exact location in the vicinity of Orova not determined. History: no
information. No record of Luftwaffe flying units being based here, but there may have been
some light Flak defenses (le.Flak-Abt. 777) around Orova to protect barge traffic on the
Danube. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1495 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Orzari (ROM) (e. Orzari) (43 55 N 28 18 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in SE Romania 39 km SW of Constana, 2.25 km NNW
of Comana and situated on the NW outskirts of a village that at that time was named Orzari.
Rated for single-engine aircraft. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe
use. Surface and Dimensions: firm, average grass surface on pastureland, but rough and
rolling. In 1941 measured 1000 x 800 meters but restated by the Germans in Dec 43 as
1000 x 1000 meters. Infrastructure: no infrastructure. The nearest rail connection was
12 km distance.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Otopeni (ROM): see Bukarest-Otopeni.
Pacani (ROM) (c. 47 14 N 26 43 E)
General: landing ground in NE Romania 66 km W of Iai and 1.3 km SW of Pacani.
Rated for bombers. History: laid out in early 1941 in preparation for the forthcoming
attack on the USSR in June. No record found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface
and Dimensions: 1941 measured 1000 x 350 meters. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Pecica (ROM) (c. 46 10 00 N 21 04 10 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NW Romania c. 18 km W of Arad. Exact location in
the vicinity of the town not determined. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: reportedly had take-off and landing runs of
approx. 640 meters (700 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1496 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Periam (ROM) (46 02 45 N 20 52 15 E)
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
General: not an airfield, but rather the location of oil fields vital to the Third Reich that
required a large and permanent Lw. Flakartillerie and fire-fighting garrison. The total
Luftwaffe garrison strength on c. 15 August 1944 was 325 officers, 74 Beamten (officials),
10,622 NCOs and men, 84 German civilians, 3,277 Hiwi. Virtually all of these were Flak
and fire-fighting personnel.
Lw. Garrison Units (on various dates - includes the Ploesti-Cmpina Verteidigungsbereich):
Antiaircraft (Flak): Stab/5. Flak-Div. (Dec 42 Jan 43; c.Nov 43 Aug 44);
Luftverteidigungskdo. 10 (later 10. Flak-Div.) (18 Jul 41); Stab/15. Flak-Div. (Mar-Apr 42);
Stab/Flak-Brig. III (c.Oct 41 Feb 42); Flak-Rgtsstab 180 (18 Jul 41, 15 Aug 44);
Flakscheinwerfer-Rgts.Stab 188 (15 Aug 44); Flak-Rgts.Stab 202 (15 Aug 44); Flak-
Rgtsstab 229 (18 Jul 41); gem.Flak-Abt. 118 (15 Aug 44); gem.Flak-Abt. 147 (18 Jul 41);
gem.Flak-Abt. 118 (15 Aug 44); gem.Flak-Abt. 156; gem.Flak-Abt. 166 (15 Aug 44);
gem.Flak-Abt. 183 (18 Jul 41, 15 Aug 44)); gem.Flak-Abt. 186 (15 Aug 44); gem.Flak-Abt.
187; gem.Flak-Abt. 191 (18 Jul 41); 1. and 2./gem.Flak-Abt. 194 (18 Jul 41); gem.Flak-
Abt. 412 (15 Aug 44); Flakscheinw.Abt. 240 (15 Aug 44); s.Flak-Abt. 241; le.Flak-Abt. 507
(18 Jul 41); Flakscheinw.-Abt. 509 (15 Aug 44); Flakscheinw.-Abt. 520 (15 Aug 44); s.Flak-
Abt. 622 (15 Aug 44); le.Flak-Abt. 761 (18 Jul 41); le.Flak-Abt. 861 (Nov 40); gem.Flak-
Abt. 904 (18 Jul 41, 15 Aug 44); Flakscheinw.Abt. 909 (18 Jul 41); le.Flak-Abt. 944 (mid-43
Jun 44); 2./Luftsperr-Abt. 110 (15 Aug 44); Flak-Messzug (mot) 42 (18 Jul 41); Flak-
Trsp.Battr. 3/71 (later 97/VII) (18 Jul 41); Flak-Trsp.Battr. 48/XI (15 Aug 44); Fhrer
d.Flak-Instandsetzungsdienste/5. Flak-Div. (15 Aug 44); Kdr.d.Flak-Instandsetzung
103/XVII (15 Aug 44).
Air Raid Protection/Fire-Fighting/Civil Defense (Luftschutz): Luftschutz-Brigade d.Lw. 1
(summer 43 - Aug 44); Luftschutz-Rgt. 5 (1943 - Aug 44); Luftschutz-Rgt. 8 (Mar-Aug 44);
Feuerschutzpolizei-Rgt. 1 (15 Aug 44); III./Feuerschutzpolizei-Rgt. Sachsen (18 Jul 41);
Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw. 27 (1943 Aug 44); Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw. 30 (1942 Aug 44);
Luftschutz-Abt. (mot) d.Lw. 36 (fire-fighting unit, Jan 41 Aug 44); Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw.
41 (early 43 Aug 44); Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw. 42 (c.Apr 41 Apr 42); Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw.
45 (early 44 Aug 44); Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw. 46 (early 44 Aug 44); Luftschutz-Abt. d.Lw.
47 (early 44 Aug 44); Luftschutz-Abt. z.b.V. (15 Aug 44); Stab/Luftschutz-Nebel-Abt. 4(o)
(1942/43 - Aug 44); Nebel-Kp. d.Lw. 39 (c.1942/43 Aug 44); Nebel-Kp. d.Lw. 71
(c.1942/43 Aug 44); Nebel-Kp. d.Lw. 72 (c.1942/43 Aug 44); Nebel-Kp. d.Lw. 87
(c.1942/43 Aug 44); Nebel-Kp. d.Lw. 88 (c.1942/43 Aug 44); Nebel-Kp. d.Lw. 92
(c.1942/43 Aug 44); Luftschutz-Sprengkommando 1/XVII (15 Aug 44).
Air Force Signals (Luftnachrichten): 6.(Tel.Bau)/Ln.-Rgt. 24 (Apr, 15 Aug 44); III.
(Flum.Mess)/Ln.-Rgt. 250 (elements) (15 Aug 44); Ln.-Abt. 130 (c.Dec 41 Mar 42); Ln.-
Betr.Kp. 125 (c.Nov 43 Aug 44).
Construction (Bau): Oberbauleitung Schwalbe (15 Aug 44); Oberbauleitung Kranich
(15 Aug 44); 3./Lw.-Bau-Btl. 6/XI (18 Jul 41).
Supply Services (Nachschubdienste): Feldlufttanklager z.b.V. 1 (18 Jul 41);
Feldlufttanklager 5/XVII (15 Aug 44); Feldluftmunitionslager 2/XVII (15 Aug 44); Munitions-
Ausgabestelle Ploesti (18 Jul 41); Nachschub-Kp. 3/XII (early 1941 Aug 44); Flug-
Betriebsstoff-Untersuchungsstelle und Trupp (15 Aug 44).
Ground Transport (Transportkolonnen): Kw.-Werkstattzug L 36 (18 Jul 41);
Kfz.Werkstattzug d.Lw. 103/XVII (15 Aug 44); Kfz.Instandsetzungszug 3/VIII (15 Aug 44).
Medical Services (Sanittsdienste): Chirurgische Staffel 6/XIII (15 Aug 44); rztliche
Versorgungspark (15 Aug 44).
Other (sonstige, verschiedene): Standortverwaltung d.Lw. (15 Aug 44).
Ploieti/Nord (ROM) (44 57 50 N 26 03 10 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania c. 3.75 km NNE of Ploieti city center.
History: a pre-war private landing ground. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and
Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
- 39 -
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1496 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Ploieti-Strejnic (ROM): see Strejnic.
Poenari-Ulmi (ROM) (44 29 10 N 25 46 15 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania c. 27.5 km WNW of Bucharest city
center, 1 km WSW of Ulmi and 1 km NNE of Poenari. History: no information. No record
found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass of farmland surface measuring
approx. 640 x 455 meters (700 x 500 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1497 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Pogoanele (ROM) (c. 44 56 N 26 58 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in SE Romania 30 km SSE of Buzu and just W of the
town. Rated for bombers. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use.
Used as an operational airfield for Romanian Savoia SM 79s during the Jun 41 invasion of
the USSR. Surface and Dimensions: first, level grass surface on pastureland. In 1941
and Dec 43 measured 1000 x 800 meters. Infrastructure: none. The nearest train
station with sidings was in Buzu.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/2d Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (Aug 44); I Bomber Gp. (Jun 41).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Popeti-Leordeni (ROM): see Bukarest - Popeti-Leordeni.
Prejmer (ROM) (c. 45 44 N 25 47 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in C Romania 14.5 km NE of Braov and 3 km NE of
Prejmer. Rated for all classes. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe
use. Surface and Dimensions: firm and level grass surface on soil with a sand content.
In 1941 and Dec 43 measured 1400 x 900 meters. Infrastructure: no infrastructure. The
nearest rail connection was in Prejmer.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Pufeti (ROM) (c. 45 59 N 27 09 E)
General: landing ground in E Romania 33 km N of Focani and 3 km W of Pufeti. Rated
for bombers. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe units being based
here. Surface and Dimensions: 1941 measured 1200 x 1100 meters. Infrastructure: no
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/3d Fighter Wing (Jun 41); IV Fighter Gp. (Jun 41).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Pungeti (ROM) (46 42 30 N 27 20 15 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NE Romania c. 55 km SSW of Iai. Exact location
in the vicinity of the village not determined. History: a pre-war private landing ground.
No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information.
Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1497 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Rcciuni (ROM) (c. 46 20 05 N 26 59 45 E)
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
General: emergency landing ground in NE Romania c. 104 km SSW of Iai. Exact location
in the vicinity of the village not determined. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1497 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Ramnicu Srat (ROM): see Rmnicu Srat.
Rnov (ROM) (45 34 15 N 25 24 30 E)
General: landing ground in C Romania 17 km SW of Braov and 5.25 km SW of Rnov.
History: a pre-war landing ground. No indication found of wartime use. Surface and
Dimensions: grass surface measuring approx. 1190 x 730 meters (1300 x 800 yards) with
a triangular shape. No paved runway. Fuel and Ammunition: brought in when needed.
Infrastructure: none. Personnel were probably billeted in Rnov. Dispersal: no
organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1360 (27 Jul 44 updated to 24 Jan 45); chronologies; BA-MA;
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Rstoaca (ROM) (45 39 40 N 27 16 55 E)
General: landing ground in E Romania 8.75 km SE of Focani and 6.5 km E of
Focani/South airfield. Not specifically located in relationship to the town of Rstoaca.
History: believed to be a satellite or dispersal airstrip of Focani/South airfield. Surface
and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none. Dispersal: no information.
[Sources: Mattiello; chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Reia (ROM) (c. 45 17 30 N 21 54 20 E)
General: emergency landing ground in W Romania c. 76 km SE of Timioara. Exact
location in the vicinity of the town not determined. History: no information. No record
found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1497 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Rmnicu Srat (ROM) (a.k.a. Ramnicu Srat; Sihlele?) (45 22 55 N 27 04 10 E)
General: operational airfield (Einsatzhafen) in SE Romania 32 km NE of Buzu and 2.5 km
E of Rmnicu Srat, which had a population of 10,000 during the war. Rated for all classes.
History: existed in 1938 as a private landing ground and was used by the Luftwaffe in 1941
and again in 1944.
Surface and Dimensions: usually dry grass surface on heavy loam and clay soil measuring
1100 x 1000 meters in 1941 and this was unchanged in Feb 44. No paved runway and the
field was diamond-shaped.
Fuel and Ammunition: both available.
Infrastructure: no hangars in 1941 but had accommodations for 2,000 men in an empty
agricultural school that was nearby. By February 1944, there was 1 medium hangar with a
separate workshop-type building at the NW corner, and 3 groups of small buildings on the N
boundary and at the SE and SW corners - (Gruppe I) with an admin building, flight control,
dispensary, motor vehicle sheds, firehouse, 2 barracks for officers, 10 barracks for the men
and 14 other buildings for washing, kitchen, latrines, etc.; (Gruppe II) with 4 admin
buildings, 3 barracks for officers, 1 officers club, 5 barracks for the men and 3 buildings for
washing and latrines; (Gruppe III) with 2 barracks for officers, 6 barracks for the men and 5
buildings for washing and latrines. The nearest rail connection was a marshalling yard and
station just off the W boundary of the landing ground.
Dispersal: a North dispersal area had 7 medium open aircraft shelters.
Remarks: none.
Operational Units:
Romanian: VII Fighter Gp. (Jun 41); VIII Fighter Gp. (Feb-Jun 41).
Luftwaffe: 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121 (Jun 41); Transportstaffel Feldluftgaukdo. XXV (Jun 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 6/III (Mar 44)?; Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 202/VIII (Apr-Aug 44).
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Stab/Luftflottenkdo. 4 (Jul-Aug 44);
Stab/IV. Fliegerkorps (Jun-Jul 41); elements of le.Flak-Abt. 774 (Jul 44); Stab and I./Ln.-
Rgt. 4 (Jul-Aug 44); Stab and III./Ln.-Rgt. 34 Jul 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1465 (11 Apr 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Roman (ROM) (c. 46 56 25 N 26 55 30 E)
General: operational airfield (Einsatzhafen) in E Romania 45 km N of Bacu and 2.5 km N
of Roman (wartime population 25,000). Rated for single-engine aircraft.
History: a pre-war private landing ground that was used by the Luftwaffe in 1941 as a
forward field for the attack on the Soviet Union. Subsequently inactivated due to lack of
sufficient drainage, it was opened again in spring 1944 after artificial drainage installed.
Surface and Dimensions: In 1941 and Dec 43 had a leveled grass surface measuring 500 x
800 meters. Aerial photos from mid-August 1944 showed approx. 1000 x 550 meters
(1100 x 600 yards) with a rectangular shape.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was probably stored in the West dispersal area.
Infrastructure: in 1941 and Dec 43 had 1 wooden hangar. By mid-August 1944, several
small workshop huts had been added just NW of the hangar. A large E-shaped admin
building was at the NW corner while a barrack complex and several small stores buildings
were on the W side of the hangar. The nearest rail connection was a small station with a
siding c. 550 meters W of the landing ground. The train station in Roman had 50 meters of
sidings and could handle 5 trains at a time.
Remarks: none.
Dispersal: had 2 West and East with a total of 32 pairs of blast walls and 43 small open
aircraft shelters.
Operational Units: I.(Jagd)/LG 2 (Jun 41); III./JG 77 (Jun 41); 4., 6./JG 77 (Jun-Jul 41);
Trsp.Staffel IV. Fliegerkorps (Jul 41); Stab, 1./NSGr. 6 (Apr 44); 3./NAGr. 14 (Apr-May 44);
III./JG 52 (Apr-Jun 44); 10.(Pz.)/SG 3 (Apr-Jun 44); Stab, 1., 3./NSGr. 5 (Apr-Aug 44);
IV./JG 54 (May 44); I./JG 52 (Jun 44).
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Koflug 5/VII (May 44); Stab and 2./Flak-
Abt. 861 (Jul 41); le.Flak-Abt. 724 (Aug 44); elements of le.Flak-Abt. 774 (Jul 44); 24.
(Flum.Leit)/Ln.-Rgt. 250 (1944)?; Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 125/XI (with Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 96/VI,
Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 129/VI and Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 125/XI) (Jul 41); Wetterberatungszentrale
d.Lw. 8/XVII (Jul 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1367 (13 Aug 44 updated to 29 Jan 45); chronologies; BA-MA
(incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Roiorii de Vede (ROM) (c. 44 04 40 N 24 57 00 E)
General: airfield in S Romania 95 km WSW of Bucharest and 4 km SW of Roiorii de Vede.
Rated for bombers.
History: existed pre-war and used by the Luftwaffe in spring 1941 during the Apr-May
campaign in the Balkans. Inactive for several years and then used operationally by
Luftwaffe night fighters and bombers in spring and summer 1944.
Dimensions: 1941 measured 1000 x 1000 meters. Extended and apparently reconfigured
during the war with mid-summer 1944 dimensions of approx. 1830 x 455 meters (2000 x
500 yards) giving it an irregular shape.
Surface and Runways: grass surface. No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: fuel available. Ammunition stored in 5 sites off the W boundary and
3 more off the E boundary.
Infrastructure: 1941 had 1 massive hangar, 2 smaller wooden hangars and a barracks area
for 1,900 men. An additional workshop building or hut off the N corner and several small
barrack huts were erected during the war. The nearest rail connection was in Roiorii de
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Slcua (ROM) (44 38 N 25 34 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in S Romania 46 NW of Bucharest and just SW of the
village of Slcua. Rated for bombers. History: no information. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: pastureland for livestock with a firm grass
surface. In 1941 measured 900 x 900 meters, but restated in Dec 43 as 950 x 1000
meters. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1497 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Sruleti (ROM) (c. 44 24 50 N 26 39 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania c. 42 km ESE of Bucharest city center.
Exact location in the vicinity of the village not determined. History: a pre-war private
landing ground. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no
information. Infrastructure: none. The nearest rail connection was the train station in
Titu, 4 km distance.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1497 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Sebe (ROM) (45 57 40 N 23 29 30 E)
General: landing ground in north-central Romania 54.5 km WNW of Sibiu and 5.5 km W of
Sebe. History: may have been laid out in 1943-44. No record found of Luftwaffe use.
Surface and Dimensions: grass or pastureland surface approx. 1100 x 715 meters (1200 x
780 yards) and roughly rectangular in shape. No paved runway. Fuel and Ammunition:
made available if and when needed. Infrastructure: none. The nearest rail connection
was 3.25 km to the N of the landing ground. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1468 (25 May 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Sibiu (ROM) (a.k.a. Ocna Sibiului; Hermannstadt) (45 47 10 N 24 05 25 E) or (45 49
45 N 24 04 35 E)
General: landing ground in C Romania 6.5 NW of the small city of Sibiu and 6.5 km SSE of
the village of Ocna Sibiului. Or, 5 km W of Sibiu and 10 km SSE of Ocna Sibiului? Rated
for single-engine aircraft. History: believed to have existed pre-war. Surface and
Dimensions: 1941 level grass surface measuring 650 x 600 meters. In mid-August 1944
- 43 -
Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
the dimensions were estimated to be 705 x 200 meters (770 x 220 yards) and roughly
rectangular in shape. No paved runway. Fuel and Ammunition: fuel was possibly stored
in a small blast-protected building at the W end of the S boundary. Infrastructure: no
infrastructure in 1941. In mid-August 1944 there was a small hangar near the W end of
the S boundary with a small workshop building next to it. Personnel were billeted locally.
The nearest rail connection was 3.25 km N of the landing ground. Dispersal: no organized
dispersal facilities.
c. 15 Aug 44: total Luftwaffe station strength this date: 8 officers, 15 Beamten (officials),
131 NCOs and men, 29 Hiwi.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/I Air Region (Dec 41, Aug 44?);
Luftwaffe: none identified.
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): (excluding units belonging to Luftflotte 4)
- Stab IV.(Flum.Mess)/Ln.-Rgt. 250 (Mar-Aug 44); 3./Ln.-Betriebs-Abt. z.b.V. 13
(elements) (Aug 44); Lw.-Vermittlung (telephone exchange) (Aug 44); Kfz.Werkstatt-Kp.
101/VIII (Aug 44).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1363 (16 Aug 44 updated to 19 Jan 45); chronologies; BA-MA;
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Sighioara (ROM) (c. 46 13 00 N 24 47 25 E)
General: emergency landing ground in north-central Romania c. 68 km NE of Sibiu. Exact
location in the vicinity of the town not determined. History: no information. No record
found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1497 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Sihlele (ROM) (a.k.a. Sihlea?, Silea?) (c. 45 23 N 27 03 E)
General: landing ground in east-central Romania 144 km NE of Bucharest, 36 km NE of
Buzu, 14 km NNE of Rmnicu Srat and 500 meters S of the village of Sihlea. Rated for
all classes. History: served mainly as a satellite or alternate landing ground for Rmnicu
Srat. No information on when established. Used as an operational airfield for Romanian
Potez 63s during the Jun 41 attack on the USSR. Surface and Dimensions: level, firm, dry
grass surface. In 1941 and Dec 43 measured 800 x 2000 meters. Infrastructure: none
reported. The nearest rail connection was the Sihlea train station, 3.5 km distance.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/2d Bomber Wing (Jun 41); II Bomber Gp. (Jun 41); III Bomber Gp. (Jun
Luftwaffe: see Rmnicu Srat (Rmnicu Srat).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 6/III (Mar 44)?; Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 202/VIII (Apr-May/Jun
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified, but see Rmnicu Srat.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Slatina (ROM) (44 25 42 N 24 22 15 E)
General: landing ground in SW Romania c. 48.5 km ENE of Craiova. Exact location of the
landing ground not determined. History: reportedly used by Luftwaffe bombers during the
spring 1941 campaign in the Balkans. Inactive in 1943-44. Surface and Dimensions: no
information found. Infrastructure: hangars were reported to be under construction in
1941. The nearest rail connection was in Slatina. Dispersal: none.
Operational Units: none identified.
Station Commands: none identified.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Stab II./Ln.-Rgt. 250 (Jun 43 Aug 44);
6.(Flum.Ausw.-u.Betr.)/Ln.-Rgt. 250 (Jun 43 Aug 44).
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1469 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Slobozia (ROM) (e. Slobozia) (44 33 50 N 27 21 57 E)
General: landing ground in SE Romania 104 km ENE of Bucharest city center. History:
no information. No record found of any Luftwaffe flying units being based here. Surface
and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: no information.
Operational Units:
Romanian: III Fighter Gp. (Jun 41).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E (mot) 1/I (May-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Ldssch.Zug d.Lw. 15/VIII (Aug 44).
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Stneti (ROM) (45 06 N 23 14 E)
General: landing ground in W Romania 88 km NNW of Craiova and 8 km NNW of Trgu Jiu.
Rated for bombers. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface
and Dimensions: 1941 measured 1060 x 900 meters. Infrastructure: had 2 wooden
hangars in 1941.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Strejnic (ROM) (a.k.a. Ploieti-Strejnic; today Strejnicu) (44 55 40 N 25 57 35 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in C Romania 6.5 km WSW of Ploeti and immediately
NE of the village of Strejnic. Rated for all classes. History: a pre-war private landing
ground of a Romanian flying club. The Luftwaffe used it occasionally as a transit field
during the 1941 campaign in the Balkans but it subsequently fell into disuse. Surface and
Dimensions: level grass surface in good condition that in 1941 and Dec 43 measured 950 x
800 meters, and this was relatively unchanged by spring 1944. No paved runway.
Infrastructure: had 3 hangars, an officers barracks, 7 R.A.D. barracks for 400 men in 1941
and early 1944. There were an additional 8 buildings for admin, washing, kitchen, latrines
and stores. All of the infrastructure was at the SW side of the field. The nearest rail
connection was in Strejnic. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
Operational Units: elements of KGr.z.b.V. 104 (Jul 41).
Station Commands: Platzkdo. of Fl.H.Kdtr. E 20/XII (Targsorul-Nou) (Jul 41).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): elements of 5./Flak-Abt. 147 (Jul 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1462 (31 May 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
ueti (ROM) (45 13 50 N 27 24 20 E)
General: emergency landing ground in SE Romania c. 53 km SW of Galai city center and
2.75 km WNW of ueti. History: a pre-war private landing ground. No record found of
Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass or farmland surface measuring approx. 825
x 585 meters (900 x 640 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1498 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Szszvros (ROM) (today: Ortie) (45 50 20 N 23 11 55 E)
General: emergency landing ground in north-central Romania c. 32 km WSW of Sebe.
Exact location in reference to the town not determined. History: reportedly taken over by
the Germans in 1942, but record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: no
information. Infrastructure: none reported.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1498 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/2d Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (Jun 41); HQ/2d Fighter Wing (Dec 41,
Jun 42, Aug 44); I Tactical Reconnaissance Gp. (Jun 41); I Fighter Gp. (Sep-Nov 43); II
Tactical Reconnaissance Gp. (Jun 41); VI Fighter Gp. (c. Jul/Aug 42, Jan-Feb 43); VIII
Fighter Gp. (Apr 41, Oct 41 Aug 42, Dec 42 May 43); VIII Ground Attack Gp. (May 43).
Luftwaffe: Transportstaffel VIII. Fliegerkorps (Feb-Mar 41); KGr.z.b.V. 104 (Jul 41); I./JG
5 (Nov 43 Jan 44); 10./JG 301 (Jan-Jul 44); II./JG 301 (May-Jun 44);
Stab/Gefechtsverband Harder (Jun-Aug 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 20/XII (Jul 41 Jan 42); Fl.Pl.Kdo. A 26/XVII (1943 - Mar
44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 223/XVII (Apr-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Koflug 6/VI (May-Jul 44); Feldwerft-Abt.
d.Lw. LE 6 (Apr 41); le.Feldwerft-Abt. III/50 (18 Jul 41); Res.Flugh.Betr.Kp. 1/VII (18 Jul
41); 5./Flak-Abt. 147 (18 Jul 41); Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 2/XI (18 Jul 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1463-64 (27 Feb 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA;
web site]
Trgu Frumos (ROM) (47 13 17 N 27 00 33 E)
General: landing ground in NE Romania 44 km W of Iai, 21 km E of Pascani and on the
northern outskirts of Trgu Frumos. History: believed to have been laid out by the
Germans in preparation for the June 1941 attack on the USSR, yet no record found of
Luftwaffe flying units being based here. A munitions dump and issuing point was set up in
or around the town. Surface and Dimensions: 1941: the landing ground measured 500 x
700 meters and was rated for single-engine aircraft only. Infrastructure: none.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Feldmunitionslager Trgu Frumos (Jul
41); Nachschub-Kp. 3/XII (elements) (Jul 41); Flak-Gerteausgabestelle Trgu Frumos (Jul
41); Ldssch.Kp. d.Lw. 7/XI (Jul 41).
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Trgul Jiu (ROM) (today Trgu Jiu or Trgu Jiu?) (c. 45 02 15 N 23 16 55 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in W Romania 100 km SW of Sibiu and 7 km NE of
Trgul Jiu. Rated for bombers. History: a pre-war landing ground that was used by the
Luftwaffe during 1941 and 1942 but not after that. No record found of Luftwaffe units
being based here. Surface and Dimensions: poorly drained grass surface that measured
900 x 900 meters in 1941 and Dec 43. Unchanged by 1944. Infrastructure: had 2 small
wooden hangars in 1941 and Dec 43. The nearest rail connection was 5 km from the
airstrip in Trgul Jiu. Dispersal: none reported.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1470 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Trgul Jiu - Blneti (ROM) (45 03 10 N 23 20 00 E)
General: landing ground in W Romania 5 km NE of Trgu Jiu. History: a small pre-war
landing ground that was used by Luftwaffe tactical reconnaissance aircraft in spring 1941.
No record found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface and Dimensions: level grass
or agricultural land measuring approx. 915 x 685 meters (1000 x 750 yards) with an
irregular shape. No paved runway. Infrastructure: had 3 huts at the NE corner that may
have been used as workshops. When there, personnel were accommodated locally. The
nearest rail connection was in Trgu Jiu. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1471 (17 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Trgul Jiu - Vdeni (ROM) (45 05 35 N 23 15 00 E)
General: landing ground in W Romania 7 km NNW of Trgu Jiu and 5 km NW of the village
of Vdeni. History: set up during the war but details are lacking. No record found of
Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface and Dimensions: grass surface measuring
approx. 1370 x 1100 meters (1500 x 1200 yards) with a rectangular shape. No paved
runway. Infrastructure: had 1 probable hangar and 1 small building at the W end of the N
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
boundary. Personnel when present were accommodated locally. The nearest rail
connection was in Trgu Jiu. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1472 (17 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Targu Neamt (ROM) (47 12 30 N 26 22 00 E)
General: emergency landing ground in NE Romania c. 97 km W of Iai. Exact location
near the town not determined. History: no information. No record found of Luftwaffe
use. Surface and Dimensions: reportedly had take-off and landing runs of 640 meters
(700 yards). Infrastructure: none.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1498 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Ttarul (ROM) (a.k.a. Ttaru) (c. 43 52 28 N 28 22 07 E)
General: field airstrip (Feldflugplatz) in SE Romania 40 km SW of Constana and directly
SE of the village. Rated for single-engine aircraft. History: no information. No record
found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: firm, level average grass surface. In
1941 measured 1000 x 1250 meters. Restated by the Germans in Dec 43 as 1000 x 700
meters. Infrastructure: none. The nearest rail connection was 12 km from the airstrip.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Tecuci (ROM) (e. Tecuci) (45 51 20 N 27 23 35 E)
General: airfield (Fliegerhorst) in E Romania 68 km NW of Galai and 2.5 km WNW of
Tecuci, which has a wartime population of 25,000. Rated for all classes.
History: a pre-war military airfield and home to a flight training school that existed from at
least 1920. It was also a main base for Romanian Air Force units during the war.
Dimensions: in 1941 measured 1000 x 800 meters, this being restated by the Germans in
Dec 43 as 1200 x 1300 meters. But according to Allied recce photos taken in January
1944, the landing area had been lengthened and the new dimensions were 1435 x 795
meters (1570 x 870 yards) with a triangular shape.
Surface and Runways: level grass surface on loam soil that dried quickly when wet. No
paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: there was bulk storage in tanks for 100,000 liters of fuel. The
ammunition dump was located off the W boundary and consisted of some 40 blast-proof
Infrastructure: had 1 large hangar, 2 medium hangars, 5 smaller wooden hangars a
workshop building and barracks for 250 men in 1941. The number of hangars was
unchanged in Jan 44, but there were 2 more hangars under construction and the
accommodations were now stated as a barrack complex with 5 buildings (50 men each)
along the E side of the airfield on the outskirts of Tecuci. The Tecuci train station was 1 km
from the airfield.
Dispersal: there were 4 East, Northeast, Northwest and Southwest with a total of 13
medium and 9 small aircraft shelters completed and another 20 medium shelters under
Defenses: none observed in Jan 44.
Remarks: none.
Operational Units:
Romanian: HQ/1st Air Corps (Jun/Jul 44); HQ/2d Bomber Wing (Dec 41, Aug 42); I Bomber
Gp. (Dec 41, Jun 42); II Fighter Gp. (Oct 40 Jun 41); II Fighter Gp. (Jun 44); II Bomber
Gp. (Dec 41, Aug 42); IX Fighter Gp. (Apr-Jun 44).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 12/VII (Mar 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 213/VIII (Apr-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1473-74 (3 Mar 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70);
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: poor quality grass surface that in
1941 and Dec 43 measured 1300 x 1600 meters. Allied aerial photos from June 1944
showed dimensions of 1190 x 1190 meters (1300 x 1300 yards) with an irregular shape.
No paved runway. Fuel and Ammunition: both available. Infrastructure: none in 1941.
Aerial photos from Jun 44 showed 1 workshop-type building at the N corner with 4 prepared
sites on each side of the building. The 8 sites were thought to be for hangars but the
construction work was never completed. A group of buildings off the N boundary probably
included space for accommodations and stores. The nearest rail connection was in Turda.
Dispersal: there were no organized dispersal facilities. Aircraft parked openly around the
perimeter of the landing ground.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1479 (21 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA (incl. RL 9/70); NARA;
PRO/NA; web site]
Turda II (ROM) (a.k.a. Turda/Nord) (c. 46 32 40 N 23 48 00 E)
General: landing ground in north-central Romania 45 km NW of Sibiu and 2.25 km S of
Turda. Rated for single-engine aircraft. History: built pre-war as a military airfield. No
record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass surface that in 1941
measured 600 x 600 meters and this was unchanged in June 1944. No paved runway.
Fuel and Ammunition: both available. Infrastructure: had 5 wooden hangars on the N
boundary in 1941, two of which may have been used as workshops. No change by Jun 44.
A group of buildings 1 km SW of the landing area may have been used for admin space and
billeting. The nearest rail connection was in Turda. Dispersal: no organized dispersal
facilities. Aircraft parked along the edge of a wood 180 meters off the S boundary and at
the N end of the landing area.
Operational Units:
Romanian: I Fighter Gp. (Jun 41 - ?).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1480 (21 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Turda III (ROM): see Luna.
Turnisor (ROM): see Sibiu.
Turnu Mgurele (ROM) (43 45 15 N 24 50 30 E)
General: landing ground in south-central Romania approx. 130 km SW of Bucharest and 2
km W of Turnu Mgurele. History: originally planned as a secondary civil airport. Used as
a transit field by aircraft flying from Greece to Poland in June 1941. No evidence found of
Luftwaffe units being stationed here. Surface and Dimensions: grass surface measuring
approx. 1235 x 960 meters (1350 x 1050 yards) and roughly rectangular in shape. No
paved runway. Fuel and Ammunition: brought in as needed. Infrastructure: none.
Personnel, when here, were billeted locally. The nearest rail connection was in Turnu
Mgurele. Dispersal: no organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1362 (25 Jul 44 updated to 25 Jan 45); chronologies; BA-MA;
NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Turnu Severin (ROM) (a.k.a. Banovia; today Drobeta - Turnu Severin) (c. 44 38 N
22 37 E)
General: airfield (Fliegerhorst) in SW Romania 95 km WNW of Craiova and 4 km W of
Turnu Severin on the outskirts of the suburban village of Magheru. Rated for bombers.
History: briefly used by the Luftwaffe in spring 1941 and then abandoned. Reactivated
and enlarged in 1943 with construction beginning on a runway, but this was never
completed. Surface and Dimensions: level, firm grass surface, eastern part good, western
part bad, that in 1941 measured 900 x 1000 meters. Enlarged and improved during 1943-
44 and by mid-August 1944 measured approx. 1325 x 1050 meters (1450 x 1150 yards)
with an irregular shape. Fuel and Ammunition: made available as needed.
Infrastructure: had 1 hangar in 1941 and in Dec 43 the Germans restated this as 2 medium
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
Ureastra (ROM) ( ?? )
Not found - possibly an a.k.a. for or a satellite of Pitesti and/or Geamana.
General: ?? History: ?? Surface and Dimensions: ? Fuel and Ammunition: ??
Infrastructure: ?? Dispersal: ??
Operational Units:
Romanian: II Fighter Gp. (Aug 44); IV Fighter Gp. (Aug 44).
Luftwaffe: none identified.
[Sources: chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Urziceni (ROM) (44 43 00 N 26 38 20 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania 55 km ESE of Ploieti. Exact location
not certain, but possibly 6.5 km ESE of Urziceni. History: said to have been built during
the war years and pressed into service for fighters assigned to defend Bucharest and Ploieti
during 1943-44. However, no record found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface
and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none mentioned.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1500 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Vlenii de Munte (ROM) (45 13 00 N 26 02 15 E)
General: emergency landing ground in C Romania 31 km N of Ploieti and 3.25 km N of
Vlenii de Munte. History: no information. Surface and Dimensions: grass or
pastureland measuring approx. 550 x 185 meters (600 x 200 yards) located along the W
bank of a river. Infrastructure: none mentioned.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1500 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Vaslui (ROM) (e. Vaslui) (c. 46 38 00 N 27 43 00 E)
General: landing ground in NE Romania 25 km WSW of Hui and reportedly 1 km WSW of
Vaslui town center. Rated for single-engine aircraft. History: believed to have been laid
out by the Germans in preparation for the June 1941 attack on the Soviet Union. No
record found of Luftwaffe units being based here. Surface and Dimensions: 1941
measured 600 x 1000 meters. Infrastructure: no infrastructure mentioned in 1941.
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1501 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Vinul de Jos (ROM) (a.k.a. Vinu de Jos) (46 00 00 N 23 32 30 E)
General: landing ground in north-central Romania 5 km NNW of Sebe town center and 4.5
km E of the village of Vinu de Jos. History: a pre-war Romanian landing ground. No
record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: grass or farmland measuring
approx. 730 x 730 meters (800 x 800 yards) in 1940. Infrastructure: none Dispersal:
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1484 (27 Nov 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Viina Veche (ROM) (e. Viina Veche; today Visina Noua) (c. 43 52 00 N 24 25 00
General: landing ground in south-central Romania 72 km SE Craiova, 28 km S of Caracal
and 3 km SE of Viina Veche. Rated for bombers. History: thought to have existed prior
to the war. No record found of Luftwaffe use. Surface and Dimensions: 1941 measured
900 x 700 meters. Aerial photos taken in May 1944 shows dimensions of 1000 x 915
meters (1100 x 1000 yards) and roughly square in shape. Infrastructure: none in 1941
and still none in May 44. The nearest rail connection was in Viina Veche. Dispersal: no
organized dispersal facilities.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1485 (28 Aug 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
Zrneti (ROM) (45 17 47 N 26 52 04 E)
General: field airstrip east-central Romania 14 km NNE of Buzu. Exact location in the
vicinity of Zrneti not determined. History: believed to have been set up in late 1943 or
early 1944 as a satellite strip or alternate landing ground for nearby Zilitea airfield, 12 km
SE of Zrneti. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Fuel and Ammunition: both
made available as needed. Infrastructure: probably none. Dispersal: no information.
Operational Units: III./JG 52 (May 44).
Station Commands: operated by the station command at Zilitea airfield.
Station Units (on various dates not complete): none identified.
[Sources: Mattiello; chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web site]
Zilitea (ROM) (today: Ziliteanca) (c. 45 13 30 N 26 58 30 E)
General: airfield in east-central Romania 13.6 km NE of Buzu. Rated for bombers.
History: a pre-war Romanian Air Force training field until the Luftwaffe moved in during
1940-41 and then, following enlargement and extensive development including a concrete
runway became one of the 4 or so largest and most important German airfields in Romania
and almost certainly the busiest.
Dimensions: 1941 measured 3500 x 3200 meters and this was unchanged in August 1944.
Surface and Runways: a single concrete runway 1,700 meters in length that was connect
by taxi tracks to the airfields perimeter road. The remainder of the surface was level
Fuel and Ammunition: full servicing facilities. A large ammunition dump with 32 blast-
proof units was located off the W end of the S boundary.
Infrastructure: at the W corner of the field were 6 medium and 2 small hangars, all with
concrete aprons, and 2 large workshops to the rear of the hangars and a barrack. In a
separate group at the center of the airfield were 2 large and 2 small workshops and a
number of barrack buildings. In 1941, the barrack buildings could accommodate 3,000
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Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
men. A branch rail spur was under construction from the nearest line at Boboc to the back
of the hangar area.
Dispersal: 34 medium aircraft blast shelters (including 5 under construction in Aug 44) and
28 small blast shelters arranged in 4 separate dispersal areas around the airfield, Central,
North, West and East.
Defenses: unknown.
Oct 43: Zilistea was to be outfitted with fighter control equipment (Jagdleitgert) for use as
a fighter base.
22 Jul 44: low-level attack by 72 P-38s and 47 P-51s from 15th AAF 41 aircraft were
claimed on the ground here and at Buzu airfield this date.
Operational Units:
Romanian: V Bomber Gp. (Jun 41).
Luftwaffe: I./LG 1 (Mar 41); I./LLG 1 (Apr 41); II./KG 4 (Apr-Jun 41); III./KG 27 (Jun-Jul
41); I.(Jagd)/LG 2 (Jul 41); Stab/KG 51 (Jul 41); I./KG 51 (Jul Oct 41?); 11./NJG 6 (1943-
44); detachment of 2./NJG 100 (1944); IV./TG 1 (Apr 44); I./TG 5 (Apr 44); I./JG 52 (Apr
44); Stab, II./TG 5 (Apr-May 44); Transportfliegerstaffel 5 (Apr-May 44); 4./KG 26 (Apr-
May 44); II./JG 52 (Apr-Jun 44); 15.(kroat.)/JG 52 (Apr-Jul/Aug 44); 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121
(Apr-Aug 44); Stab, 1./NAGr. 14 (Apr-May 44); II./SG 2 (May 44); 14.(Eis.)/KG 27 (May
44); Kstenstaffel Krim (May-Jun 44); elements of I./KG 200 (Jun-Aug 44); Stab/NAGr. 1
(Jul-Aug 44); III./SG 2 (Aug 44)?; 10.(Pz.)/SG 2 (Aug 44)?
Reserve Training & Replacement Units: 7./Erg.Trsp.Geschwader (Apr-May 44).
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 34/XI (May-Nov 41); Fl.H.Kdtr. E 13/XVII (Nov 41 early
1942); Fl.H.Kdtr. E 2/VI (1943 Mar 44); Fl.H.Kdtr. E(v) 226/XVII (Apr-Aug 44).
Station Units (on various dates not complete): Koflug 1/IV (Mar-Aug 44); 2.
Flugh.Betr.Kp./KG 51 (Jul 41); le.Feldwerft-Abt. (mot) II/50 (Jul 41); schw.Feldwerft-Abt.
IV/50 (Jul 41); Werft-Abt. 103/VIII (Jul 44); 123. Flugh.Betr.Kp. (Qu) (c.May-Aug 44);
Luftminen-Zug 7 (May-Aug 44); elements of I./Flak-Rgt. 501 (Mar-Jul 41); elements of
gem.Flak-Abt. 147 (Jun-Aug 44); elements of le.Flak-Abt. 724 (Apr/May 44); III.
(Tel.Bau)/Ln.-Rgt. 24 (Apr-Jul 41); Nachschub-Kp. 11/VI (elements) (Jul 41); Munitions-
Ausgabestelle Zilistea (Jul 41); Wetterzentrale Zilistea (Jul 41).
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 pp.1486-87 (4 Sep 44); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA;
web site]
Zimnicea (ROM) (43 39 20 N 25 22 10 E)
General: emergency landing ground on the N bank of the Danube in south-central Romania
c. 107 km SSW of Bucharest and 36 km S of Alexandria. The exact location in the vicinity
of Zimnicea not determined. History: used by Luftwaffe aircraft in 1941 but no units were
based here. Surface and Dimensions: no information. Infrastructure: none mentioned.
[Sources: AFHRA A5263 p.1501 (31 Dec 43); chronologies; BA-MA; NARA; PRO/NA; web
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