A Systematic Review of Studies in The Contributions of The Work Environment To Ischaemic Heart Disease Development
A Systematic Review of Studies in The Contributions of The Work Environment To Ischaemic Heart Disease Development
A Systematic Review of Studies in The Contributions of The Work Environment To Ischaemic Heart Disease Development
The European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 26, No. 3, 470477
The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association.
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doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckw025 Advance Access published on 31 March 2016
A systematic review of studies in the contributions of
the work environment to ischaemic heart disease
Tores Theorell1, Katarina Jood2, Lisbeth Slunga Jarvholm3, Eva Vingard4, Joep Perk5,
Per Olov Ostergren6, Charlotte Hall7
Correspondence: Tores Theorell, Stress Research Institute, University of Stockholm, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden,
Tel: +46705432325, Fax: +46855378900, e-mail: tores.theorell@ki.se
Background: There is need for an updated systematic review of associations between occupational exposures and
ischaemic heart disease (IHD), using the GRADE system. Methods: Inclusion criteria: (i) publication in English in
peer-reviewed journal between 1985 and 2014, (ii) quantified relationship between occupational exposure (psy-
chosocial, organizational, physical and other ergonomic job factors) and IHD outcome, (iii) cohort studies with at
least 1000 participants or comparable case-control studies with at least 50 + 50 participants, (iv) assessments of
exposure and outcome at baseline as well as at follow-up and (v) gender and age analysis. Relevance and quality
were assessed using predefined criteria. Level of evidence was then assessed using the GRADE system. Consistency
of findings was examined for a number of confounders. Possible publication bias was discussed. Results: Ninety-six
articles of high or medium high scientific quality were finally included. There was moderately strong evidence
(grade 3 out of 4) for a relationship between job strain and small decision latitude on one hand and IHD incidence
on the other hand. Limited evidence (grade 2) was found for iso-strain, pressing work, effort-reward imbalance,
low support, lack of justice, lack of skill discretion, insecure employment, night work, long working week and noise
in relation to IHD. No difference between men and women with regard to the effect of adverse job conditions on
IHD incidence. Conclusions: There is scientific evidence that employees, both men and women, who report specific
occupational exposures, such as low decision latitude, job strain or noise, have an increased incidence of IHD.
Background a study5,6 based upon nearly 200 000 Europeans showing that working
men and women who report the combination of high psychological
schaemic heart disease (IHD) is a potential outcome of poorly demands and low decision latitude (job strain) have an elevated risk of
Ifunctioning work environments. IHD may cause death, consider- developing IHD during a follow-up period of on average 7 years. Critics
able suffering for the employees themselves as well as financial loss of that study have argued that the size of the excess risk may have
for the employers. Accordingly, good studies of psychosocial been underestimated.7,8 In addition, there are many other risk factors ex-
working conditions are important for evidence-based interventions cept job strain in the work environment that need to be reviewed.
and policy formulation. An important aspect of the systematic review process is to sys-
The scientific literature regarding the role of working conditions for tematically and transparently assess the scientific evidence. We have
IHD is growing. In particular, stress and psychosocial factors have been chosen to use the internationally recognized GRADE system (9) for
in focus since the 1960s. The studies have become more and more scientific evaluation. We are well aware that the system has been
sophisticated. Several reviews including prospective studies of psycho- developed primarily for assessing interventions in a health care
social factors at work in relation to cardiovascular disease have been context, but the system has been adapted to epidemiological
published. Kristensen et al.,1 Belkic et al.,2 Theorell et al.3 and Eller et al.4 evaluation. An advantage is that the GRADE system9a system
concluded that perceived adverse psychosocial factors in the workplace often applied in reviews conducted within the Cochrane
are related to an elevated risk of subsequent elevated cardiovascular Collaborationis increasingly used internationally e.g. by WHO.
disease risk but also that methodological problems remain in the Hence results from systematic reviews can be more easily compared.
field. Topics discussed have been underpowered studies and the role New studies on the relationship between occupational exposure and
of general socioeconomic conditions, gender and accepted risk factors IHD and are published continuously. At the time when our review
(such as smoking and high BMI) in these associations. The field has started the most relevant review had been published in 2009.
recently taken an important step with the establishment of the IPD
Work study. IPD Work is a network of epidemiologists collaborating
in establishing combined cohort studies in which measures both of Aim of the study
exposures and outcomes have been homogenized so that very large The aim of this study was to provide systematically graded evidence
cohorts can be studied. Recently The IPD Work Consortium published for possible associations between work environment factors
A systematic review of studies in the contributions of the work environment 471
(psychosocial/organizational and physical such as noise, irradiation Analyses of relevance and quality
and vibrations) and near-future development of IHD. Chemical
Abstract screening and full-text assessment were conducted by a
exposures, such as solvents, dust and heavy metals, in the
specialist in occupational medicine and staff with long experience
workplaces were not included in this work.
of systematic reviewing procedures.
After that, the scientific experts started their examination. Pre-set
Methods evaluation forms were used. The experts judged relevance and
quality of the studies on the basis of the relevance and quality
The present review was based upon studies with a prospective design criteria, their experience as researchers and their knowledge of the
or comparable case control design which enabled a valid and reliable field. Accordingly they were recruited among Swedish academic high
assessment of working conditions preceding illness and is focused on ranking specialists in fields of relevance for the process, namely
the relationship between working conditions and development of cardiology, neurology and stroke medicine, epidemiology and occu-
IHD among the employees. We conducted this systematic review pational medicine. This group was divided into pairs. In the
within the framework for the Swedish Agency for Health and following process, the articles remaining in the process were
Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services, a public randomly assigned to the three pairs (with avoidance of author
national agency with the charge of providing impartial and scientif- bias). Concordance in judgments of relevance and quality was
ically reliable information to decision makers and health care trained. After the training session, each member of the pair did
providers (http://www.sbu.se/en/Assessment-and-Evidence/). The the assessments separately, and then discordances were discussed
review was conducted according to the guidelines stated by within the pair. If disagreement remained another pair was asked
PRISMA, i.e. the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews to make an independent judgment. If that decision was in disagree-
and Meta-Analysis.10 ment with the first group, we made the decision in the whole group.
In the first expert phase, the group judged relevance. Relevance
criteria are presented in http://sbu.se/240E.Second, the scientific
Search strategy experts performed a quality assessment. In the final grading
Systematic literature search was performed in the following data process only studies with at least medium high quality were
bases: PubMed, Embase and Psycinfo. A combination of accepted. No distinction was made between medium high and
controlled search words (e.g. MeSH) and free-text words was high quality. Studies on the borderline between low and medium
used. The search strategy for the outcome was performed for mesh high quality were re-examined by the whole group. A list of relevant
terms. The whole search strategy is available at http://sbu.se/240E. articles meeting the inclusion criteria judged to be of low quality is
We only accepted articles in scientific journals with independent available at http://sbu.se/240E.
peer-reviews. The following aspects of quality were considered:
(1) Representativeness of study sample. Ways of defining and
Inclusion criteria recruiting the sample as well as attrition in different steps
were considered in the quality rating. Statistical considerations
In the literature search, we accepted a wide range of heart diseases, and an insightful discussion of possible consequences of a
e.g. IHD, arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy. However, the articles possible selection bias for findings were required in case of
fulfilling our inclusion criteria and meeting the required quality marked drop-out problems.
were almost exclusively focused on IHD such as myocardial (2) Confounding. Age and at least some aspect of socioeconomic
infarction. Therefore, we present results on IHD specifically. conditions should have been considered. Gender specific
The inclusion criteria for studies were: analyses were preferred but when such analyses were not
(1) The study should have examined the importance of the work available, adjustment for gender was required. Analyses of life
environment (psychosocial, organizational, physical and other habits such as smoking, overweight and alcohol consumption as
ergonomic job factors) for IHD. confounders contributed to upgrading of quality. Biological risk
(2) The study should be based on people at work and should have factors such as blood pressure, serum lipids and in a small
been published during the period 19852014. Work environ- number of studies coagulation factors were also considered in
ments in the whole world were included. this way. Very few studies in the field have taken physical
(3) IHD should have been defined according to accepted criteria. activity into account as a possible confounder.
Examples were acute myocardial infarction (fatal or non-fatal, (3) Prospective data collection. All results of the studies included
ICD codes 8th revision 410414 and 10th revision 121122). in this review (apart from case-control studies) are based
The outcome should have been certified through diagnostic in- upon assessments of exposure and degree of IHD at start
vestigation and with established methods including type of and of incident (or worsening of) IHD at least 1 year later.
illness onset, enzyme elevation and ECG changes). Other Application of robust statistical methods and thorough
studies (of mortality) have had a wider definition of IHD discussion of longitudinal data rendered higher quality ratings.
including ICD codes (according to the 9th edition) 390459. (4) For both exposure and outcome assessment, standardized and
For more detailed information regarding outcome, see validated methods were required.
detailed tables of all included studies at http://sbu.se/240E. (5) Designs that enable the analysis of a dose response relationship
(4) Only prospective cohort studies with at least 1000 persons, and contributed to a high quality rating.
case control studies with at least 50 cases (with design equivalent Even between studies of specific work environment factors there
to prospective) were accepted. By case control studies with were differences with regard to operationalization of exposure.
design equivalent to prospective we are referring to studies Examples are job strain (combination of high psychological
with strict definition of cases recruited in a representative way demands and low decision latitude) and effort reward imbalance
in the same population as the control group and with exposure (combination of high effort and poor reward). Since the overall
data as well as IHD data from the period before disease onset.
aim of the present study was to grade total evidence, not to assess
The study design should consider age and gender, e.g. by
magnitude of associations, and because it was impossible to re-
adjustment or stratification.
construct operationalizations in such a way that they would match
Multiple publications investigating the same population were sys- one another, we decided to use the definitions presented by the
tematically identified and only the most relevant publication in a authors themselves and to abstain from assessment of overall
doublet was included in the graded result. magnitude of the different relationships.
472 European Journal of Public Health
Meta-analyses/forest plots
We constructed forest plots for visual interpretation, and we chose
to illustrate associations calculated by different methods [e.g. hazard
ratios (HRs), odds ratios (ORs) and relative risks (RRs)] in the same
graph. To assist in illustrating the results, and as a contribution to
the overall assessment, these forest plots (meta-analyses) were con- Figure 1 Flow chart of the literature search, screening, review- and
structed when in at least two studies the same risk factor was quality assessment
analysed using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software package
(www.meta-analysis.com/index.php). Since the data in the graphs
were not mathematically compatible, we did not calculate a
Figure 1 shows the number of articles that were perused in the
summary OR. The strength of the scientific evidence, using data
different steps. Only results on IHD are reported here. Altogether 11
from all of the included studies (not just those illustrated in the
766 articles were screened in the initial search process, and 404 of
meta-analyses), was determined by the expert pairs and then
those were eligible in the review of all cardiovascular outcomes.
discussed and confirmed by all experts.
Three hundred eighty-four full text articles with all cardiovascular
Informal homogeneity tests were performed in order to compare
outcomes filled the inclusion criteria. These studies remained for
results from studies using general population studies vs. specific
relevance assessment. 116 of those were judged as not relevant and
occupational cohorts, men vs. women, case-control studies vs. pro-
hence 268 studies were assessed with regard to quality. After the
spective studies, early vs. late publications and geographical origin
quality assessment a total of 96 studies of IHD remained which
(North America vs. Nordic and other European countries). In these
were judged to be of high or medium high quality. A detailed
tests, we conducted sub-analyses of the presented findings and
table showing the full results of the data extraction is available at
compared results between the sub-categories, e.g. if the association
between job exposure and IHD differed according to study design.
Most studies were based on population samples although studies
Finally, in order to explore possible publication bias, funnel plots
of samples from companies and occupational groups were also
were constructed which illustrate the relationship between number
present. Few studies that were judged to be relevant were based
of participants and magnitude of associationwhen there is an
upon objective assessments of exposure; these studies were mainly
overrepresentation of studies with low power and strong association,
focused on physical exposure (e.g. noise) or time aspects (e.g. night
publication bias is suspected. Such plots were constructed whenever
work). Subjective assessments based upon standardized and
there were at least five studies of sufficient quality examining a given
validated questionnaires (for instance demand/control/support,
effort/reward, procedural justice and bullying) were used in most
Ethics Table 1 shows the results of the evidence grading process. Two
exposures, low decision latitude and the combination of high psy-
All studies perused in this review have been approved by the
chological demands and low decision latitude, were judged to have
scientific ethical committees in their universities. Accordingly, no
moderate evidence (grade 3) whereas 10 exposures (the combination
additional ethical approval has been required for the present review.
of job strain and poor support at work = iso-strain, pressing job,
effort reward imbalance, low support at work, low workplace justice,
Results poor skill discretion, insecure employment, night work, long
working week and noise) were judged to have limited (grade 2)
In the literature search, we accepted a wide range of heart diseases, evidence in relation to IHD. Thirteen exposurespsychological
e.g. IHD, arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy. However, the articles demands, active work, passive work, poor social climate, bullying,
fulfilling our inclusion criteria and meeting the required quality conflicts, shift work, physically strenuous work, physically inactive
were almost exclusively focused on IHD such as myocardial in sitting position, heavy lifting, electromagnetic fields, ionizing
infarction. irradiationgamma and other kindsand radon exposurewere
A systematic review of studies in the contributions of the work environment 473
Table 1 Degree of scientific evidence for different studied work environment factors
judged to have insufficient evidence (grade 1). Chemical exposures For job strain, the homogeneity tests showed that the findings
were not included in this review. were similar for participants with low and high socioeconomic
The number of studies with sufficient quality varied considerably status. For low decision latitude, however, when socioeconomic
for the different exposures. Low decision latitude had been studied group was taken into account the association had a lower
in relation to IHD in 25 studies, and job strain (the combination of magnitude for white collar workers than for blue collar workers.
high demand and low decision latitude) in 19 studies. Low support For both exposures, adjustment for life style factors such as
had been studied in 11, noise in 9, long working hours in 7, pressing smoking and physical activity during leisure time had small effects
job in 7, effort reward imbalance in five and poor skill discretion in on the associations with IHD. The homogeneity tests also showed
five studies respectively. The numbers of study participants were just that the association between job strain and IHD was stronger during
above 1 000 000 for each of one the exposures pressing work, long recent years than previously.
working hours and low skill discretion. In the studies of low decision Figure 3 exemplifies funnel plots. It illustrates the relationship
latitude there were 800 000, in the studies of noise almost 600 000 between the logarithm of the estimated magnitude of the association
and in the studies of job strain more than 200 000 participants. In (HR, OR or HR) and the standard error of this association. The
the forest plots strength of association has been presented as HR, OR graph shows that there is no indirect evidence of positive publication
or RR. The diagrams are based upon the least adjusted model in the bias.
Figure 2a shows the forest plot for job strain that was judged with
evidence grade 3 to be related to incidence of IHD. For this exposure
there is data from 19 studies. Three of these studies have included Discussion
women and in these studies data are presented separately for men
Main findings and recent developments in the field
and women. In addition, one study presented data separately for
blue collar and white collar workers. These data are also presented The results provide evidence for several work conditions being
separately in the diagram. Accordingly, the diagram includes 23 linked to IHD. Scientific evidence of grade 3 out of 4 (moderately
estimates with 95% confidence limits. All estimates except one are strong) was shown for job strain (high psychological demands and
above 1. Twelve of the lower confidence limits are above 1. This was low decision latitude) and low decision latitude. Furthermore,
judged as a homogenous finding across the studies that motivated an limited evidence (grade 2) was found for the combination of job
upgrading from evidence level 2 to level 3. strain and poor support at work = iso-strain, pressing job, effort
Supplementary Figure S2b shows the forest diagram for noise; the reward imbalance, low support at work, low work place justice, poor
evidence was judged to be limited (grade 2) because the number of skill discretion, insecure employment, night work, long working
studies was more limited than for job strain and low decision week and noise.
latitude. The systematic search ended in December 2014. It was not
Homogeneity tests were performed for all exposures for which we possible to re-start the full procedure. A large study based upon
could conclude that there was an association to IHD. The tests the IPD Work collaboration examining the relationship between
showed that results were comparable for men and women, for long working hours and incidence of coronary heart disease was
general population vs. specific occupation cohorts and for prospect- published in August 2015. This study was based upon five
ive studies vs. case control studies. Job strain in relation to IHD in published and 17 hitherto unpublished prospective studies of the
prospective (lower half) studies vs. case control (upper half) studies relationship between long working hours and coronary heart
is displayed as an example of these homogeneity tests in figure 2a. disease. The general conclusion was that there is a weak relationship
474 European Journal of Public Health
Figure 2 (a) Association between job strain and development of ischaemic heart disease. The graph is based on data from the least adjusted
model in studies expressing the strength of the association either as HR, OR or RR. The figure also provides an informal homogeneity test.
Case control studies (above blue line) are compared with prospective cohort studies (below blue line). (b) Association between occupational
noise and development of ischaemic heart disease. The graph is based on data from the least adjusted model in studies expressing the
strength of the association either as hazard ratios (HR), OR or RR
Figure 3 Funnel plot illustrating possible publication bias based upon data on job strain in relation to IHD
A systematic review of studies in the contributions of the work environment 475
between long working hours and IHD but that this may be mediated below the median. The most frequently used standardized question-
or confounded by other risk factors.11 naire has been the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) or the shorter
Job strain has been a commonly examined exposure in the epi- Swedish version (DCQ)which are comparable. With these ques-
demiological literature, and our conclusion is that it is associated tionnaires and the mentioned operational definition the OR for
with IHD risk. This conclusion differs from the review by Eller et al.4 myocardial infarction (comparing those with job strain with all
who concluded that there was insufficient evidence for a relationship the others) is in the order of 1.3. Critics have commented that the
between job strain and coronary heart disease. Our present crude median split definition of job strain leads to underestimation
conclusion is consistent with the large IPD study published more of the true magnitude of the association because there is too little
recently.5,6,12 In the IPD study exposure and outcome data were contrast in the comparison.7,8
standardized in a number of European cohort studies. This Since job strain has been examined more extensively than the
enabled an individual prospective study of almost 200 000 individ- other factors it is of interest to discuss some of the theoretical and
uals who were followed for an average of 7 years. The findings empirical problems that have been discussed in relation to job strain.
showed a clear relationship that was consistent across gender, geo- The role of life style factors in the association between job strain and
graphical region, socioeconomic status, publication status cardiovascular disease has been discussed. Researchers agree that the
(published/unpublished) and lifestyle. The findings also showed magnitude of the job strain association with coronary heart disease is
that there was an interaction between high psychological demands relatively unaffected when adjusted for life style factors. In the IPD
and low decision latitudei e that the combination had worse effect Work study8 there was very little added IHD risk among those 14%
on risk than a merely additive one.13 who had at least two life style (smoking, overweight, etc.) risk
The IPD Work study could not be included in the present review factors. However among participants (32%) with one such risk
since it is a combination of published studies (which are included in factor job strain added 40% to the IHD risk (OR from 1.5 to 1.9).
the present review) and a few unpublished studies (which could not The OR among those with no life style risk factors was 1.3. Sorensen
be included). The present review also includes studies of sufficiently et al.16 have argued that the effects of individual life style health
high quality that have been published after the IPD study. Our promotion in the work site will have much better effects if it is
results are entirely consistent with the IPD conclusionwith the combined with work organizational work.
interesting addition that case control studies show findings that The adverse conditions discussed in this review show some
are very similar to the prospective studies. Our conclusions are overlap but are also partly unrelated to one another. It has been
also consistent with the conclusions made by Kivimaki and shown for instance that a combination of poor effort reward
Kawachi12 in their recent review. That review, however, only imbalance and low decision latitude17 or a combination of poor
included three exposures, namely job strain, long working hours effort reward imbalance and poor control at work18 are associated
and job insecurity. For all of those the authors concluded that with more pronounced augmentation of risk than each one alone.
there is convincing evidence for an association although intervention The implications of this are important since it means that the total
studies are lacking which makes it impossible to use grade 4 for the effect of adverse working conditions is much greater than each one
evidence. of the relatively small ORs indicate. The population attributable risk
Our own review includes more risk factors than the Kivimaki for job strain in relation to acute IHD is in the order of 5% if we
Kawachi review. First of all we note that low decision latitude in assume a RR of 1.3 and a prevalence of job strain of 22%. If the risks
itself is a risk factor with evidence of the same grade as job strain related to all the other job factors are added, the effects on a societal
albeit with lower ORs. Low decision latitude at work is correlated level are substantial despite the fact that each one of the excess risks
with social class, and accordingly adjustment for social class reduces are moderate or small. There is also increasing evidence showing
the magnitude of the association. Subjects who grow up in poor that a similar set of adverse working conditions is associated with
socioeconomic conditions, particularly those maintaining poor increased incidence of stroke11,19 and with the onset of diabetes 2.20
conditions as adults are more likely to be exposed to adverse Among the exposures included in this review there are some that
working conditions than other people. Such adverse conditions are more objectively assessed, such as number of working hours and
partly explain why socioeconomic status is related to higher illness noise, whereas the assessments of others are more subjectively
risk. Therefore, adjusting for social class may lead to over- flavoured. Conflicts, lack of justice and social support are
adjustment. There is no ideal solution to this theoretical examples of psychosocial dimensions that are difficult to assess by
problemwe need information about associations both adjusted means of objective assessments. For decision latitude it has been
and non-adjusted for social class. Some of the excess risk shown that self-reported levels correlate highly with expert ratings
associated with low social class may also be due the associations and job exposure matrix measures of decision latitude.21
between social class and biological risk factors. Psychological demands could be divided into several kinds of
Job insecurity and long working hours are less established than demands such as quantitative, cognitive and emotional.22 In the
job strain and poor decision latitude (grade 2). Because they are demand control model the five questions about psychological
important potential risk factors in the modern working world demands mainly reflect quantitative demands. Correlations with
more studiesin particular intervention studiesare recom- expert ratings and job exposure matrix assessments are lower for
mended. The same statement relates to effort reward imbalance, psychological demands than for decision latitude.
low support, unfavourable social climate, lack of procedural and Decision latitude also has two components23 namely decision
relational justice, conflicts with superiors and colleagues and authority (which corresponds to everyday workplace democracy)
limited skill discretion. Effort reward imbalance is probably of the and skill discretion (which corresponds to possibility to develop
same importance as job strain but it has not been examined to the skills which are needed for decision latitude) which are mostly
same extent as job strain. Recent reviews have discussed and added to one another. In some studies (for instance in the British
emphasized its importance in relation to cardiovascular disease as Whitehall II studies of British state employees) decision latitude only
well as recurrent episodes of IHD.14 Social support that was includes decision authority. This does not seem to have any
introduced in the empirical studies by Johnson and Hall15 is in importance for the job strain findings.
the same group. Shields,24 Stansfeld et al.25 and De Lange et al.26 have examined
There has been a debate regarding the magnitude of the associ- possible effects of exposure to job strain two or more times in the
ation between job strain and acute coronary heart disease. The most follow-up survey waves. Their findings indicate that accumulated or
frequently used operationalization of job strain (median split) is increasing job strain has a stronger adverse statistical effect on risk of
the self-reported combination of a score for psychological demand experiencing increased ratings of depressive symptoms during
above median and at the same time a score for decision latitude follow-up than decreasing job strain. These studies show that two
476 European Journal of Public Health
or more assessments of the job situation provide more precise in- Supplementary data
formation regarding risk than only one measurement. Similar ob-
servations have been made on the relationship between psychosocial Supplementary data are available at EURPUB online.
working conditions and coronary heart disease.27 Therefore stronger
evidence regarding the influence of working conditions on poor
health may be expected in future research with a growing body of Funding
studies with such methodology. This study has been funded by the Swedish Council of Health
Technology Assessment. The Swedish Government has had no role
in the work, neither in the scientific work itself nor in the writing of
the article.
Our results showed that similar work conditions were related to a
similar relative increase in incidence of IHD among men and Conflicts of interest: None declared.
women. However, although there is no gender difference in
relative excess risk associated with adverse work conditions,
studies have shown that women actually have higher levels of job Key points
strain than men.21 Thus, despite the gender difference in absolute
IHD prevalence and incidence, the relative increase is the same in Several psychosocial job factors are associated with IHD risk
men as in women for a given work exposure. Many of those can be favourably influenced by effective or-
ganizational interventions.
For some kinds of working conditions that are developing in
Technical issues the modern working world, new research on IHD will be
In this review, we have not reviewed evidence whether there is inter- needed.
action or not between high psychological demands and low decision
latitude (as discussed for instance in Karasek and Theorell28).
As recommended in the epidemiological literature we produced
funnel plots to investigate possible publication bias. When there is References
pronounced publication bias, studies reporting confirmed associ-
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intervals. Such an analysis cannot replace a real analysis of publica- 2 Belkic KL, Landsbergis PA, Schnall PL, Baker D. Is job strain a major source of
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Societal relevance
7 Choi B, Dobson M, Landsbergis PA, et al. Need for more individual-level meta-
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influence by means of work organization changes. For instance, it 8 Theorell T. Commentary triggered by the individual participant data meta-analysis
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goal-directed organization intervention29,30 or by a year-long 9 Guyatt G, Oxman AD, Akl EA, et al. GRADE guidelines: 1. IntroductionGRADE
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in reduced biological stress and improved health in that group.3335 11 Kivimaki M, Jokela M, Nyberg ST, et al.; IPD-Work Consortium. Long working
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