Advanced Finite-Difference Methods For Seismic Modeling
Advanced Finite-Difference Methods For Seismic Modeling
Advanced Finite-Difference Methods For Seismic Modeling
The finite-difference methods (FDMs) have been widely used in seismic modeling and migration. In this paper,
we review the conventional arbitrary-order explicit FDMs and their recent developments, including arbitrary even-order
implicit FDMs for standard grids and arbitrary even-order time-space domain FDMs for acoustic wave equations. For
a given accuracy, an arbitrary even-order FDM can provide a trade-off between the order number and grid size. These
explicit FDMs are the most popular in seismic modeling community. The finite-difference methods that are implicit in
space are not very common because they generally require more computer resources than the explicit FDMs. Here we
show that a new class of implicit FDMs can be derived that require solving a tri-diagonal system, which makes the
resulting algorithm computationally very efficient. Therefore, some high-order explicit FDM may be replaced by an
implicit FDM of some order to decrease the computation time without affecting the accuracy. We further demonstrate
that we can also derive the FD coefficients in the joint time-space domain. These high-order spatial finite-difference
stencils designed in joint time-space domain, when used in acoustic wave equation modeling, can provide even greater
accuracy than those designed in the space domain alone under the same discretization. We demonstrate performance of
these algorithms using some realistic 2D numerical examples.
From Equation (1), we can see that the wave field is where, are the finite-difference coefficients and their
a function of the spatial coordinate and time. expressions are given in the following section. When ,
we can obtain , , then Equation (5) is similar to
The following 2nd-order finite difference is usually Equation (2). When , then , , .
used for calculating temporal derivatives, Also, a smaller grid size can help attain greater accuracy for
spatial derivatives.
, ..(2)
Substituting Equations (2) and (5) into Equation (1), we have
, ..(3) ..(6)
h and are grid size and time step respectively (see Figure 1). Rearranging Equation (6), we obtain,
For the 2nd-order continuous-time wave field,
. ..(4) ,
, ..(9)
Note that, is the velocity with which the wave
propagates through numerical grids. This expression shows
that the dispersion velocity depends on the medium velocity
, grid size , time step , wavenumber and finite-different
coefficients .
, ..(12a)
, ..(16)
Fig. 4 Dispersion curves for 1D acoustic wave equation modeling by
finite-difference recursion Formula (7) for different time steps.
Fig.3 Illustration of stability condition of 1D acoustic wave equation v = 3000m/s, h = 10m. (a) Low-order finite difference on
modeling by finite-difference recursion Formula (7). The spatial derivatives, N=2; (b) High-order finite difference on
recursion is stable when . spatial derivatives, N=10.
, . ...(23a)
, ............(17)
When ,
. ...(19)
, ...(20)
We noted in the previous section that an EFDM where, the difference operator in the denominator is a 2nd-
directly calculates the derivative value at some point using order centered finite difference stencil, , an odd discrete
the function values at that point and at its neighboring points. sequence, and b can be computed by solving the following
However, an IFDM (implicit FDM) expresses the derivative equations (Liu and Sen, 2009a)
value at some point in terms of the function values at that
point and at its neighboring points and the derivative values
at its neighboring points. For example, a compact finite-
difference method (CFDM) is one such IFDM (Lele 1992). ....(28)
However, IFDMs are usually considered expensive due to
the requirement of solving a larger number of equations and
are therefore not very popular. Liu and Sen (2009a) derived .
new implicit formulas for space derivatives with arbitrary
even-order accuracy for arbitrary-order derivatives. Their
approach requires solving tridiagonal matrix equations only. Implicit finite-difference formula for the 2nd-order
They also showed that a high-order explicit method may be derivatives
replaced by an implicit method of some order, which will
increase the accuracy but not the computational cost. An implicit finite-difference formula for the second-
order derivatives can be expressed as (Liu and Sen, 2009a)
We first introduce Claerbouts idea (Claerbout 1985)
upon which the methods of Liu and Sen (2009a) are developed.
The 2nd-order difference operator for a function is expressed as , .. (29).
. ..(24).
, ..(25).
. ..(26). .
.. (30)
This equation has greater accuracy than equation (24). The following expressions are respectively used to
In order to use the above representation of the 2nd- order examine the accuracy of implicit finite-difference formulas
difference operator, one needs to multiply the FD equation (27) and (29) (Liu and Sen, 2009a)
through out by the denominator and then rearrange terms to
solve for the unknown.
, .. (31a)
Implicit finite-difference formula for the 1st-order
.. (32)
(b) v = 5500m/s
Fig. 8 1D modeling records by conventional EFDM and new time-
space domain EFDM for different velocities. (1), (4) and (7)
are analytic solutions; (2), (5) and (8) are modeling results
from the conventional method, (3), (6) and (9) are modeling
results from the new method. Distances between source center
and these three receivers are 100m, 350m and 600m
(a) Conventional method respectively. 2 = 2, h = 10m, = 0.001s, N = 20.
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. (A3)
Third, use the Taylor series expansion for trigonometric
Write (A2) and (A3) as matrix form function,
. (A4) .
. (A5) .
Finite-difference coefficients for 2nd-order derivative satisfy Finally, solve these equations to obtain finite-difference
coefficients .
. (A6) The detailed derivations of finite-difference
coefficients for Equations (17), (20), (27), (29) and (32) can be
Substituting Equations (A5) and (A6) into (A4) and found in some papers (Liu and Sen, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c).