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1052 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 14, NO.

3, July 1999


B j ~ r nGustavsen (M) Adam Semlyen (LF)

EFI, Trondheim, Norway University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Email: bjom.gustavsen@efi.sintef.no Email: semlyen @ ecf.toronto.edu

Abstract The paper describes a general methodology for the The difficulty in formulating a general fitting methodology has
fitting of measured or calculated frequency domain responses with resulted in many methods which are tailored for particular
rational function approximations. This is achieved by replacing a set problems. For instance, Bode type fitting restricted to real poles
of Starting poles with an improved set of poles via a scaling and zeros has been successfully applied to transmission line
procedure. A previous paper [5] has described the application of the
method to smooth functions using real starting poles. This paper
modeling based on modal characteristics [3]. Transformer models
extends the method to functions with a high number of resonance and network equivalents need complex poles to represent
peaks by allowing complex starting poles. Fundamentalproperties of resonance peaks. Such responses have been approximated by fitting
the method are discussed and details of its practical imptementation partial fractions to the data in an optimization procedure, with
are described. The method is demonstrated to be very suitable for precalculated poles [4].
fitting network equivalents and transformer responses. The An attempt at formulating a general fitting methodology was
computer code is in the public domain, available from the first introduced in [ 5 ] . This method-vector fitting-was based on
author. doing the approximation in two stages, both with known poles. The
1 INTRODUCTION first stage was carried out with real poles distributed over the
frequency range bf interest. In addition, an unknown frequency
One of the problems encountered in power system transients dependent scaling parameter was introduced which permitted the
modeling is the accurate inclusion of frequency dependent effects scaled function to be accurately fitted with the prescribed poles.
in a time domain simulation. Such effects arise from eddy currents From the fitted function a new set of poles were obtained and then
in conducting materials and sometimes from relaxation phenomena used in the second stage in the fitting of the unscaled function. This
in dielectrics. These effects materialize as a frequency domain procedure was very successful in fitting the smooth functions
variation in the resistance, inductance and capacitance matrices occurring in transmission line modeling [5-61. However, later
used in the formulation of the model. In practice, the frequency investigations by the authors have shown that the method fails
dependent responses are obtained via calculations or measurements when there are many resonance peaks in the response to be fitted.
as discrete functions of frequency.
A linear model of a power system component can in general be This paper shows that the above mentioned limitations can
included in a time domain simulation via convolutions between easily be overcome by using complex starting poles. This result is
terminal quantities (e.g. node voltages) and impulse responses demonstrated by numerical examples involving artificially created
characterizing the dynamics of the model. A full numerical frequency responses, a measured transformer response, and a
convolution is always possible, but this becomes computationally network equivalent. The paper also provides details on the practical
inefficient because of the many time steps in a simulation. A much implementation of vector fitting.
more efficient implementation is achieved if the frequency domain 2 VECTOR FITTING BY POLE RELOCATION
responses are replaced with low order rational function
approximations, as the convolutions can then be given a recursive Consider the rational function approximation
formulation [l]. The ability of finding a good rational function N
approximation is therefore important in power system modeling. f(s)= x L + d + s h (2)
In principle, an approximation of a given order can be found by ’-an
fitting a ratio of two polynomials to the data [2]: The residues c, and poles a, are either real quantities or come in
complex conjugate pairs, while d and h are real. The problem at
a, + a,s + a2s2+...+aNsN
f(s) = 6, + 6,s + 6,s2+.. .+6,sN
hand is to estimate all coefficients in (2) so that a least squares
approximation of f ( s ) is obtained over a given frequency interval.
Equation (1) is nonlinear in terms of the unknown coefficients but We note that (2) is a nonlinear problem in terms of the unknowns,
can be rewritten as a linear problem of the type A x = b by because the unknowns a, appear in the denominator.
multiplying both sides with the denominator. However, the Vector fitting solves the problem (2) sequentially as a linear
resulting problem is badly scaled and conditioned as the columns in problem in two stages, both times with known poles.
A are multiplied with different powers of s. This limits the method
Stage #l :Dole identification
to approximations of very low order, particularly if the fitting is
Specify a set of starting poles Z, in (2), and multiply f ( s ) with an
over a wide frequency range.
unknown function ~ ( s ) . In addition we introduce a rational
approximation for ~ ( s .) This gives the augmented problem :
PE-I94-PWRDQll-1997 A paper recommended and approved by
the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power
Engineering Society for publicationin the IEEE Transactions on P-r
Delivery. Manuscript submitted July 2,1997; made available for printing
December 3,1997.

Note that in (3) the rational approximation for ~ ( s ) has the

same poles as the approximation for ~ ( sf)(s) . Also, note that the

0885-8977/99/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE

ambiguity in the solution for a@) has been removed by forcing in (2) by a vector. This will result in all elements of the fitted
a(s) to approach unity at very high frequencies. vector sharing the same poles. The advantage of using the same
Multiplying the second row in (3) with f ( s ) yields the poles for all elements in a vector is that the time domain
following relation : convolutions for the vector become about twice as fast (see the
closure to [51).
or 3.1 Sianificance of staftina Doles
(of)&> = ol,(s)f(s) 6, Successful application of vector fitting requires that the linear
problem (6) can be solved with sufficient accuracy. In our
Equation (4) is linear in its unknowns cn,d,h,Zn.Writing (4) for
experience, difficulties may arise due to poor starting poles in the
several frequency poiqs gives the overdetermined linear problem
following ways :
Ax=b (6)
1) The linear problem (6) becomes ill-conditioned if the starting
where the unknowns are in the solution vector x. Equation (6)is poles are real. This may result in an inaccurate solution.
solved as a least squares problem. Details about the formulation of
2) A large difference between the starting poles and the correct
the linear equations is shown in Appendix A. poles may result in large variations in a(s) and o ( s ) f ( s ) .
A rational function approximation for f ( s ) can now be readily Because a least squares approach is used when solving (6), a
obtained from (4). This becomes evideht if each sum of partial poor fitting may result where these functions are small.
fractions in (4) is written as a fraction :
The first problem is overcome by usage of complex starting poles.
The second problem is overcome by sensible location of the
starting poles, and by using the new poles as starting poles in an
iterative procedure.
n=l n=l 3.2 Recommended DfOCedUre for selectlon of startinu Doles
From (7) we get
N&l Functions with distinct resonance peaks
The starting poles should be complex conjugate with imaginary
parts p linearly distributed over the frequency range of interest.
Each pair is chosen as follows :
n=l a , = - a + j p , an+,=-a-jp (9)
Equation (8) shows that the poles of f ( s ) become equal to the where
zeros of a&)! (Note that the starting poles cancel in the division
process because we use the same starting poles for (afb, and for
afi,(s)). Thus, by calculating the zeros of of&) we get a good set This simple procedure produces starting poles with sufficiently
of poles for fitting the original function f ( s ) . The calculation of small real parts, thus avoiding the ill-conditioning problem as is
zeros from the representation by partial fractions (4) is explained in section 6.
straightforward, as shown in Appendix B.
Smooth functions
On occasion, some of the new poles may be unstable. This
Use real poles, linearly or logarithmically spaced as function of
problem is overcome by inverting the sign of their real parts.
frequency, (The ill-conditioning problem associated with real poles
Stage #2 :residue identification will not lead to an inaccurate fitting when f ( s ) is smooth.)
In principle we could now calculate the residues for f ( s ) directly
from (8). However, a more accurate result is in general obtained by
solving the original problem in (2) with the zeros of a(s) as new 4.1 Freauencv resnons8
poles a,, for f ( s ) . This again gives an overdetermined linear
problem of form Ax = b where the solution vector x contains the In what follows we consider an artificially created frequency
unknowns c n , d and h. It is solved as (A.2) of Appendix A response of order 18, defined by (2). The assumed poles, residues,
(without the negative term). constant term and proportional term are given below.
Table 1 Coefficients of frequency response defined by (2)
General remarks
Poles [Hz] Residues [Hz]
Note that the numerator and denominator of a , have been -4500 -3000
specified in (7) to be of the same order. This has the implication -41000 -83000
that if the starting poles are correct, then the new poles (zeros of -100 f j5000 -5 f j7000
a,,) become equal to the starting poles (ofi,(s)=l).In practical -120 f jl5000 -20 f j18000
applications, this has the consequence that the rational -3000 f j35000 6000 rt j45000
approximation will converge if the new poles are used as starting -200 f j45000 40 f j60000
poles in an iterative procedure. -1500 f j45000 90 f jlO000
In (2) an unknown constant term and an unknown proportional -500 f j70000 50000 f j80000
term are included. It is straightforward to modify the method to -1000 * j73000 1000 f j45000
-2000 f j90000 -5000 f 92000
handle cases were these quantities are known.
Vector fitting is equally well suited for fitting vectors as it is d=O . 2 , h=2E-5
for scalars (hence its name). It is done by replacing the scalar f ( s )
This response contains 2 real poles and 16 complex poles. Note Poles Residues
that two complex pairs have poles with identical imaginary parts -1.03E-02 3.78E-14
(45000 Hz) but different real parts. The magnitude of the resulting -1.50E+04 -4.233-07
function is shown in figure 1.
The magnitude of the two corresponding partial fractions have both
a maximum value less than 1E-11. They do in practice not
contribute to the response and may therefore be removed.
lo5 r 1

0 20 40 60 80 100
Frequency [kHz] 1
Fig. 1 18th order frequency response f ( s ) 20 40 60 80 100
Frequency [kHz]
4.2 Fittlna with comDlex Doles
Fig.2 Rational approximations af,,(s) and (af)fi,(s)
10 pairs of complex starting poles were linearly distributed over the
frequency range, as explained in section 3.2. The starting poles are I I

listed below :
Table 2 Starting poles i -accurate
-1.00E-02 f jl.OOE+OO -5.553+02 f j5.55E+04
-l.llE+02 f j1.11E+04 -6.663+02 f j6.66E+04
-2.22E+02 f j2.22E+04 -7.773+02 f j7.77E+04
-3.333+02 f j3.33E+04 -8.883+02 f j8.88E+04 C
-4.443+02 f j4.44E+04 -1.00E+03 f jl.OOE+OS
Using the starting poles in table 2, the first stage in vector
fitting was carried out. This produced rational approximations
of&) and (of)&). The magnitude of the responses is shown in
figure 2. Also is shown the magnitude of the difference between 0 20 40 60 80 100
o&)f(s) and ( O ~ ) ~ , , ( S >which corresponds to the error in (4). The Frequency [kHz]
difference is seen to be smaller than 1E-10. Fig. 3 Fitted function f ( s ) (20th order approximation)
In the second stage in vector fitting, the zeros of csf,,(s)were
calculated and used as new poles for the fitting of the original A very attractive feature of the fitting methodology is that it
function f(s) . Figure 3 shows that the resulting approximationfor will not fail if one attempts to use a very high order approximation.
f(s) is extremely accurate! The root-mean-square (RMS) error For instance, if one increased the number of linearly spaced
was found to be 3.8E-12. Table 3 lists the errors of the values complex starting poles in table 2 from 20 to 40, the RMS-error
obtained for the individual coefficients in table 1. They are all very became 1.6E-12.
4.3 Flttlna wlth real startina Doles
Table 3 Error in estimate of coefficients in table 1. As was pointed out in section 3.2, frequency responses with
Poles Residues resonance peaks should be fitted using complex starting poles.
1E-07 1E-07 However, we now attempt at fitting f ( s ) with 20 real poles,
-3E-08 1E-07 linearly spaced over the given frequency interval.
1E-11 f j3E-11 -2E-09 f j5E-10 The error of (4) became large, indicating that of&) is
4E-11 -I j4E-11 2E-10 f j5E-09 inaccurate. This resulted in the new poles to be incorrect and so the
1E-11 f jlE-10 -lE-08 f jlE-09 fitting of f ( s ) became poor, with an RMS-error of 7.1. However,
-4E-11 f j3E-11 SE-09 f j3E-09 several of the new poles were complex. After a few iterations with
4E-10 f j2E-10 -lE-08 f jlE-08
the new poles as starting poles, a very accurate approximation was
-4E-11 f jlE-10 -lE-08 f jlE-08
2E-11 f j5E-11 -5E-09 f jlE-08 achieved! Table 4 shows how the error in the fitting of f(s)
7E-12 f jlE-10 -9E-09 f jlE-09 decreased during the iterations.
Table 4 Reduction in error by iteration
d: -2E-12 h: -5E-18
Iteration RMS-error
In this case we fitted an 18th order function with a 20th order 1 7.1
approximation. The two "surplus" poles came out with very small 2 1.OE-11
residues : 3 4.2E-13
4.4 Reduced order fittlnq For starting poles we used 10 linearly spaced complex pairs.
In practical applications one often wants to find a low order 6 shows the resulting fitting for f ( s ) after 4 iterations. It is
approximation to a high order function. 7 peaks can readily be seen that a fair approximation has been achieved.
observed in figure 1 , so at least 14 poles should be used. Figure 4 200
shows the resulting approximation after 3 iterations when using 7 -accurate I
.. ...fitted
pairs bf complex starting poles. The deviation is seen to have its
maximum around 45kHz, where f ( s ) has two complex pairs (see 150 deviation
table 1). n
Y n



.- 10'
0 20 40 60 80 100
cn Frequency [kHz]
Fig.6 Adding random noise to f ( s ) (20th order approximation)
f loo ?I
The resulting RMS-error between the fitting function and f ( s )
(including noise) was 5.0. For comparison, the RMS-value of the
10'' 1 ,
noise alone was 5.3. Table 5 lists how the deviation decreased
0 20 40 60 ao 100 during the iterations.
Frequency [kHz]
Table 5 Reduction in error by iteration
Fig. 4 14th order approximation of f ( s ) after 3 iterations Iteration RMS-error
1 18.2
@ I 2 9.5
In some applications f ( s ) will contain poles outside the frequency 3 5.3
interval considered in the fitting process. To investigate the effect 4 5.0
of this we attempt at fitting the response f ( s ) in the range 1Hz- 4.7 Sianiflcanceof startina Dole location
6OkHz, so that several poles lie at higher frequencies than the
frequency interval considered in the fitting. In general, the starting poles should be distributed so that the
Starting poles were obtained by linearly distributing 8 complex considered frequency range is covered. If, for instance, the starting
pairs between 1Hz and 60kHz. Figure 5 shows the resulting fitting poles are confined to a small part of the frequency interval, the
for f ( s ) in the range 1Hz-100kHz, after 3 iterations. The RMS- poles will have to be shifted over a large distance during the fitting
error for this interval was 3.3E-6, which is still very small. process.
Figure 7 shows the resulting approximations af,,(s) and
I I (o&,,(s) when using complex starting poles, linearly distributed
between 1Hz and 20kHz. The functions are seen to have a very
large variation, and (4)is not well satisfied at high frequencies.

0 20 40 60
Frequency [kHz]
80 100
I 1
Fig. 5 Fitting f ( s ) between 1Hz and 6OkHz (16th order approx.)
0 20 40 60 80 1 oo
The error further decreased to 3.2E-13 when increasing the
Frequency [kHz]
number of poles to 20.
Fig. 7 Approximation of ofjr(s)and (afifii,(s) using starting 20
4.6 Effect of noise
complex starting poles in frequency interval 1Hz - 2OkHz
We have found that the ability of shifting the starting poles is
The resulting fitting for f ( s ) was poor at high frequencies.
reduced if a significant amount of noise is added to the response.
However, one more iteration with the new poles as starting poles
Thus, convergence is slow and several iterations may be needed. In
reduced the RMS-error from 9.2 to 3.48E-10. (The variation in
the following we add to f ( s ) noise which varies randomly
between -10 and +IO.
of&) and (ofifj,(s) was greatly reduced by each iteration as more
poles were shifted towards higher frequencies.)
On the other hand, the iteration was much less successhi if Table 7 New poles produced by stage #1 in vector fitting.
noise was added to f ( s ) . When adding the same noise as in -2000 -36843 -58405 -91297
figure6, no poles were produced for the fitting of the highest -4000 -38736 -63158 -94737
frequency resonance peak, even after 50 iterations. -9001 -47369 -68421 -99146
-15128 -49859 -73684 -24393 f jl0589
4.8 OPtimalitv of method -30341 -52632 -84211
In general, the method of vector fitting will not lead to an optimal Smooth functions can often be fitted quite accurately with a
fitting, as the resulting approximation may depend on the selection very low order approximation. Table 8 shows the accuracy,
of starting poles. To explain this, we attempt at fitting f ( s ) in dependent on how many real starting poles have been used (single
figure 1 with only one complex pair. This resulted in one of the iteration).
resonance peaks being fitted. As to which of the peaks was fitted Table 8 Root-mean-square error in approximation of f ( s )
depended on the location of the two starting poles.
However, in the case of smooth functions, we have found Order Error
experimentally that the fitting will (by iteration) converge to a 2 5.1E-2
4 7.1E-4
result which is independent of the starting pole locations. 6 3.1E-5
8 6.23-6
In some applications the frequency responses are very smooth It should be noted that complex poles may also be used as
functions, without resonance peaks. Examples of this are the modal starting poles for smooth functions. The function f(s) was fitted
responses for characteristic admittance and propagation using 10 pairs of complex starting poles linearly distributed
encountered in transmission line modeling. between 1Hz and 100kHz. This gave an approximation having an
In the following we consider an artificially created 18th order RMS-error of l.lE-7, which is somewhat less accurate than the
function, defined by (2) with parameters as shown below : result obtained with real starting poles (5.9E-11). Also, several of
Table 6 Coefficients of frequency response the new poles (5 pairs) were complex.
- 2000 1000 -34000 -12000
- 4000 -1000 -44000 20000 In the first stage of vector fitting we have to solve the linear
- 9000 7000 -48000 41000 problem
-15000 12000 -56000 8000 Ax=b (1 1)
-18000 5000 -64000 15600
-21000 -12000 -72000 -10000 where each row k in A is built from the starting poles a as follows:
-23000 -2000 -79000 -12000
-29500 1500 -88000 50000
-33000 31000 -93000 -2000
d=O, h=O The accuracy to which (11) can be solved is best analyzed using
Figure 8 shows the resulting fitting for f ( s ), when using 20 singular value decomposition. This allows A to be factorized :
real starting poles, linearly distributed between 1Hz and 1OOkHz. A = USVT (13)
The root-mean-square error was 5.9E-11, which is very small.
S is a diagonal matrix containing the singular values of A, and U is
4, 1 a matrix with orthogonal columns. Thus, the columns of U may be
considered as basis functions in the representation of A. There are
as many singular values as there are columns in A.
Figure 9 shows the singular values for some of the previous
examples :
1) Fitting a response with resonance peaks using 20 complex
poles (section 4.2).
2) Fitting a response with resonance peaks using 20 real poles
(section 4.3).
3) Fitting a smooth response using 20 complex poles (section 5).
0' I
4) Fitting a smooth response using 20 real poles (section 5).
0 20 40 60 80 100 From numerical mathematics it is known that the contribution
Frequency [kHz] to A associated with a small singular value is inaccurately handled
Fig. 8 Fitted function f(s) in the solution process of ( l l ) , if its ratio to the largest singular
value approaches the machine precision, e.g. below 1E-12.
However, the parameters in table 6 were not accurately The pattern of the singular values in figure 9 implies that
reproduced. Table 7 lists the calculated poles. It is seen that the accurate results would be obtained for problem 1). This is exactly
poles differ from those in table 6. The reason why an accurate what we found in section 4.2 : all poles were estimated with very
fitting was achieved despite an inaccurate solution is related to the high accuracy.
solution not being well-defined, as will be explained in section 6. In problem 2) several of the singular values are very small. This
implies inaccurate solution of (1 1). This is detrimental because the
new poles (which are calculated from the solution) must be a resistive network connected to the high voltage terminals. Three
accurately identified for a function with resonance peaks. This is in complex pairs of starting poles were linearly distributed over the
accordance with the results obtained in section 4.3. frequency range in figure 11. The resulting fitting is seen to be
In both problems 3) and 4) there are many small singular quite good (5 iterations were used).
values which implies inaccurate solution to (12). It was found in
section 5 that the poles were inaccurately estimated in both cases.
However, a very accurate fitting was still obtained because smooth ~ 1
ioo r -

functions can be approximated quite accurately using slightly

incorrect poles.


..bb 0 1 2 3 4
Frequency [MHz]
.. Fig. 11 Zero sequence transformer admittance (6th order approx.)
... However, the phase angle was not fitted very accurately at low
0 10 20 30 40 frequencies. Therefore, the number of complex starting poles was
Count increased from 6 to 30, and 15 iterations were carried out. Figure
12 shows that a significant improvement has been achieved for the
Fig.9 Singular values of A phase angle at low frequencies. (The RMS-error for the entire
7 APPLICATIONS frequency interval decreased from 1.OE-3 to 5.4E-5.)
In the following we demonstrate vector fitting for a few
applications involving frequency responses with resonance peaks.
We first consider the positive sequence admittance for a highly
complex distribution network. In this case, all lines were modeled measured
as distributed parameter lines evaluated at 50Hz. Thus, the a 6th order approx.
frequency dependent effects are not fully represented. % I 30th order approx. \
Figure 10 shows the resulting fitting after 20 iterations, when :60}
using 60 pairs of complex starting poles, linearly spaced over the
given frequency interval. It is seen that a very good approximation
has been achieved. The RMS-error was 3.8E-3. The error was --
further reduced to 6.OE-4 when increasing the order to 240. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I
Frequency [MHz]
7.2 Transformer resnonse
Fig. 12 Fitted phase angle at low frequencies
Figure 11 shows the fitted zero sequence admittance of a
1lkV/230V transformer, seen from the low voltage terminals with
- 1oo

9r IO”


Io -0~ 50 100 150 250 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency [kHz]
Fig. 10 Positive sequence admittance (120th order approximation)
;f is a given rational function with unknown poles a , , while
(of)fl,and ofl,-are unknown rational functions with given poles
d=l 1mm
& . The poles a,, are specified (starting poles). In order to satisfy
(14), of,,must have zeros which equal the poles of f , and poles
which equal the zeros of f . Thus, in the product of,$the original
poles a, of f become replaced by the starting poles Z".
Consequently, both and oriJ get the same poles E m ,and
an accurate solution of (14) exists! After solving (14), the original
a, of f are calculated as the zeros of ofit.
f course, accurate solution of (14) requires that the number of
p = 10000Qrn sfarting poles E,, equals or exceeds the number of poles a , . If a
Fig. 13 Transmission line system too low order is used, the replacement of poles in f will be
incomplete, and the solution of (14) will be only an approximation.
The open circuit line admittance Y(w)= I(w)IV(w) was
calculated for the overhead line in figure 13, taking frequency Accuracy
dependent effects in conductors and earth into account. In principle, a perfectIy accurate approximation should be
obtained for the response of a rational function when a sufficiently
Figures 14 and 15 show the fitted positive- and zero sequence
admittances, using 36 and 44 complex starting poles, respectively. high order is used in the fitting process. The results in section 4 for
(Two iterations were carried out). The resulting fitting is seen to be an artificially created response showed that extremely accurate
very accurate. The deviation was further reduced when increasing results were achieved, provided that the starting poles were
the order. sensibly selected.
Starting poles should in general be complex with weak
attenuation, and should cover the frequency range of interest. It
was shown that even if starting poles were poorly selected, a very
accurate result was still achieved by reusing the new poles as
starting poles in an iterative procedure. However, the speed of
convergence was reduced if the order of the approximation was
reduced, or noise was added to the response.
-accurate If the considered response f ( s ) is rational, then vector fitting
will (with a sufficiently high order) give a rational approximation
whose frequency response almost perfectly matches the original
one. If in addition the poles of the considered frequency response
are complex with fairly weak attenuation, then vector fitting is
O I capable of recovering the unknown poles and residues with a very
0 20 40 60 80 100 high accuracy (section 4.2). This in not possible if f ( s ) has dense
Frequency [ktiz] real poles (section 5) as the solution is ill-defined. Nevertheless, the
Fig. 14 Positive sequence admittance (36th order approximation) poles and residues produced by vector fitting will still give a very
accurate approximation for the given frequency response.
It was further shown that the accuracy will not be reduced if
J one tries to use an excessive number of poles.
In section 7 it was shown that vector fitting gave a good
approximation for a measured transformer response. Increasing the
order of the fitting gave a substantial increase in the accuracy for
the phase angle. This accuracy property may be very useful because
c the passive circuit behavior of an admittance representation could
Fn be lost in some frequency interval if the admittance is not well
r" lo8.- fitted. Vector fitting was also shown to give very good results for
the admittance of a highly complex distribution network, and for
deviation the open circuit admittance of an overhead line.
Consider the fitting of a scalar f(s) using N , frequency points
and N poles. This leads to the following operations :
1) Calculation of new poles : Solving linear system Ax = b ,
where A has dimension 2 N , x ( 2 N + 2 ) .
2 ) Calculation of zeros : Calculate eigenvalues of matrix of
Methodology dimension N x N .
Although the method of vector fitting is very easy to implement in 3 ) Calculation of residues : Solving linear system Ax = b , where
a computer program, it may at first glance be difficult to see how A has dimension 2 N , x ( N + 2 ) .
and why it works so well. To see this we go back to equation (S).
which is repeated below for convenience : For the example in section 4 we had N , = 100 , N = 20. Using
Matlab running on Windows NT on a Pentium PC, the above
(0 f>fi, - 03, f = 0 (14) problems were solved in 0.04,O.Ol and 0.01 seconds, respectively.
The paper has extended the method of vector fitting to -
A Pole Identification
applications involving frequency domain responses with resonance To simplify notation we will in the following use a instead of E
peaks. This has been achieved by introduction of complex starting for starting poles. Equation (4)can be rewritten as
poles. Important features of the improved vector fitting are :
The method is very accurate. In the case of an artificially
created response with known poles and residues, these
parameters were estimated with extreme accuracy. The method For a given frequency point st we get
was demonstrated to give very accurate results for a measured
transformer response and a network equivalent with a litrge
number of resonance peaks.
Sensible selection of starting poles will in many cases obviate
the need for iteration. Starting poles should be complex with
weak attenuation, distributed over the considered frequency
interval. A recommended procedure for the selection of starting
poles is given in section 3.2. X = [Cl e.. CN d h E1 ... ENIT, bk =f(s,) (A.4)
The method is very robust. It will not fail if attempting to use a Note that Ak and x are row and column vectors, respectively.
fitting of very high order, or poorly selected starting poles. In the case of complex poles, a modification is introduced to
The method is very easy to implement in a computer program. ensure that the residues come in perfect conjugate pairs. Assume
It essentially consists of building matrices from simple that the partial fractions i and i+l constitute a complex pair, i.e.,
fractions. The resulting matrix problems are solved using
standard software packages. U, =a'+ ja'.,~,+ ~ ja",ci =c'+ jc',ci+l =c'- jc"(A.5)

The method is very efficient. Application involves the solving The two corresponding elements and AkI+, are modified as
of two overdetermined linear matrix equations A x = b of follows :
moderate size. 1 1
Ak,i =-+-, Ak,i+l=--- j j , (A.6)
The method permits matrix elements to be fitted simultaneously sk -ai sk -ai St -ai Sk -ai
with identical poles. This permits increased efficiency of the This has the effect that the corresponding residues in the solution
time domain convolutions [ 5 ] . vector x become equal to c' and 'C , respectively.
Writing (A.2) for several frequency points gives an
overdetermined linear matrix equation :
The authors would in particular thank Dr. T. Henriksen (Em) Ax=b (A.7)
for suggesting to use the compact formulation (4)instead of using
(3) directly. Financial support by EFI and the Natural Sciences and In the fitting process we use only positive frequencies. In order to
Engineering Research Council of Canada is gratefully preserve the conjugacy property we have to formulate (A.7) in
terms of real quantities :
acknowledged. The authors thank Mr. H.K. Hoidalen (NTH) and
Dr. T. Henriksen ( E n ) for providing the frequency responses for [;]x=[J
the transformer and the complex network equivalent, respectively.
11 REFERENCES B - Calculationof zeros
A. Semlyen and A. Dabuleanu, "Fast and Accurate Switching Transient After solving (A.@, the zeros are calculated as the eigenvalues of
Calculations on Transmission Lines With Ground Return Using the matrix
Recursive Convolutions", IEEE Trans. PAS, vol. 94, MarcWApril H =A-bZT (B.1)
1975, pp. 561-571.
A.O. Soysal and A. Semlyen, "Practical Transfer Function Estimation where A is a diagonal matrix containing the starting poles and b is
and its Application to Transformers", JEEE Trans. PWRD, vol. 8, no. a column vector of ones. Z T is a row-vector containing the
3, July 1993, pp. 1627-1637. residues for CJ . In the case of a complex pair of poles, the
J.R. Marti, "Accurate Modelling of Frequency-Dependent corresponding submatrices in (B.l) are modified (via a similarity
Transmission Lines in Electromagnetic Transient Simulations", IEEE transformation) as follows :
Trans. PAS, vol. 101, no. 1, January 1982, pp. 147-157.
A. Morched, L. Marti and J. Ottevangers, "A High Frequency
Transformer Model for the EMTP", IEEE Trans. PWRD, vol. 8, no. 3,
July 1993, pp. 1615-1626. This modification has the effect that H becomes a real matrix and
so its complex eigenvalues come out as perfect complex conjugate
B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Simulation of Transmission Line
Transients Using Vector Fitting and Modal Decomposition", paper PE- pairs.
347-PWRD-0-01-1997, presented at the 1997 IEEWPES Winter 13 BIOGRAPHIES
Meeting, New York.
For authors' biographies, see [5].
B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Combined Phase and Modal Domain
Calculation of Transmission Line Transients Based on Vector Fitting",
paper PE-346-PWRD-0-01-1997, presented at the 1997 E W E S
Winter Meeting, New York.
Discussion approximation, the higher is the accuracy. It would be useful
if the authors can give any guideline concerning the
N. R. Watson (Department of Electrical & Electronic maximum number of poles to consider in the fitting and the
Engineering, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, best choice of the number of the exact function samples to use
Christchurch, New Zealand): The Authors have made a very in the iterative procedure.
valuable contribution to rational approximation of frequency
responses. Stability of the rational approximation is an Finally, the authors are asked to provide more specific
important issue. Our experience has been that unstable rational information about the formulation of the method for vectors.
approximation results when a higher order than necessary is Manuscript received April 9, 1998.
used. Would the authors comment on their method of ensuring
stability by inverting the sign of the real paft of unstable poles,
and the effect this has on the accuracy of the fit. How does Bjern Gustavsen and Adam Semlyen: We wish to thank Drs.
this compare to simply removing the unstable poles? Watson and Sarto for their valuable comments and useful
contributions. We offer the following clarifications.
- 1
Maria Sabrina Sarto (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome,
Italy). The authors should be commended for their interesting In Vector Fitting, unstable poles may occur incidentally during the
paper, which gives an important contribution to the long- first iteration(s) because the new set of poles is generally very
different from the previous one. The unstable poles vanish as the
lasting issue concerning the rational approximation of method converges. Thus, if unstable poles were to be deleted in each
transcendent functions. The vector fitting method proposed by iteration, the order of the fitting could become lower than intended.
the authors is particularly useful not only in the modeling of This problem can be overcome in at least two different ways :
power system transients, but in general in the timedomain 1) In each iteration, flip unstable poles into the left half plane (used
analysis of electromagnetic problems. It can be also in this paper)
considered as a general approach to compute numerically the 2) Accept unstable poles in the iterations. Then make a final iteration
in which any unstable poles are deleted.
inverse Fourier transform of functions describing
electromagnetic systems in the frequency domain. In fact, The two procedures work equally well, and our implementation of
Vector Fitting allows both. In the normal situation (where the final
these functions are often characterized by very broad result does not contain unstable poles) the two approaches will arrive
frequency spectra; they can be either smooth functions or can at practically the same result.
have many resonance peaks, so that the calculation of their Unstable poles in the final result may indeed occur when using a
discrete inverse Fourier transform can be expensive and very high order fitting. Regarding the accuracy, we find there is little
inefficient. difference between the two approaches. We have previously used the
pole deleting technique in [ 5 ] .
For these reasons, some extra-information concerning the In reply to Dr. Sarto :
practical use of the vector fitting procedure and a few Choice of starting d e s
theoretical aspects is requested. It is correct that the computed approximation may depend on the
selected starting poles. However, this is of concern only for functions
A key point in the iterative procedure seems to be the choice with resonance peaks when we use a too low order. For instance, if
there are n dominant resonance peaks in the considered frequency
of the starting poles. In particular, it is said that "the interval, then at least 2n poles should be used for the approximation.
computed approximation may depend on the selection of the If we use a lower order, it will not be possible to fit all of the peaks.
starting poles". In other words, this means that the iterative In such situations we have found that the choice of starting poles may
procedure described in the paper can stop in local minima. have an influence on which of the resonance peaks will be fitted. In
practice this will not be a problem as one will require a reasonably
Have the author investigated about this point? Have they good approximation and thus a sufficiently high order.
experienced the efficiency of a different approach to solve this The main reason why we talk about the selection of starting poles
problem? is that a good choice reduces the number of iterations that are needed
for the method to converge. At some time we tried to scan the
An other point concerns the approximation of smooth frequency response, followed by an assignment of starting poles to
each resonance peak. In addition, a few extra poles were distributed
functions having very broad frequency spectra. It is observed, over the considered frequency range. This procedure gave a very fast
as it is said in the paper, that such functions, without convergence. However, we found that by simply distributing the poles
resonance peaks can be fitted rather accurately with low order as described in this paper, we achieved an acceptable speed of
approximations, by using real poles preferably. However, if convergence. We chose the latter method for its simplicity.
the approximation is required in a wide frequency range and Smooth functions with broad frauencv SDectrum
the order of the rational fitting function is increased, high- Even though real poles are eminently suited for the fitting of smooth
frequency complex poles appear. Comments of the authors functions, they are sometimes complemented with complex poles
having strong attenuation. We often encounter such poles when fitting
above this point would be greatly appreciated. modal propagation functions for transmission lines. The complex
poles then occur at high frequencies near the "toe portion" of the
The last point that is addressed to the authors is the response. It appears that the complex poles are more suited than real
following. It seems that often the order of the rational fitting poles in producing the strong attenuation required at high frequencies.
is merely related to the desired accuracy of the Auulication to vectors
approximation: the higher is the order of the rational The paper shows the formulation of Vector Fitting for scalar
functions. However, Vector Fitting can also be applied directly to Selection of aDDroximation order and frauencv samDles
vector functions, with the assumption that all elements in the vector The samples should be chosen so densely that the frequency response
have identical poles. The vector formulation is shown below for the is fully resolved. In addition, one should always use at least as many
case that the vector consists of two elements. (The generalization to frequency samples as there are poles, in order to get an
vectors with more elements is straightforward.) overdetermined problem. Otherwise, spurious poles may arise which

f I;[=
Using the same starting poles for both vector elements, and a
leads to highly inaccurate behaviour between frequency samples.
Sometimes one may want to achieve high accuracy at certain
frequency points or frequency intervals. This can easily be achieved
by weighting the rows of the least squares problem (At and bk in (1 8)
common scaling function a ,equation (A.l) now becomes : and (19)). For instance, in figure 17 one may consider to increase the
accuracy at low frequencies at the expense of the accuracy at high
frequencies. Figure 18 shows the same result as in figure 17,when the
rows have been muliplied with the inverse of the magnitu e of
the off-diagonal elements.

where superscripts 1 and 2 for the residues refer to element 1 and 2,

respectively. (The d and h terms in (A.l) have been neglected for
For a given frequency point Sk we get :
. . .. ... 0
. .
. .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 20 40 60 80 100
Horizontal distance [m]
Fig. 16 500 kV DC line in parallel with two 300 kV lines.


4 lo4


1oo 1o2 1o4 1os

Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 17 First column of H fitted using 10 poles. ( = IOOnm )

\-, loo I



4 lo4


i ne
1oo 1o2 1o4 1O6
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 18 Effect of weighting

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