Management of Blood Glucose
Management of Blood Glucose
Management of Blood Glucose
MeReC Briefing Issue Numbers 25 and 26 discuss the management of people with type
2 diabetes. They should be read together. This issue (part 1) introduces the therapeutic
area and focuses on lifestyle interventions and the drug management of blood glucose
levels. Part 2 (Issue Number 26) focuses on the drug management of cardiovascular risk
factors, particularly blood pressure and blood lipids. The management of diabetic
retinopathy and foot disease is outside the scope of these Briefings.
MeReC Briefing 1
Type 2 diabetes (part 1): the management of blood glucose
Table 1: World Health Organization (WHO) diagnostic Preventing type 2 diabetes with lifestyle
thresholds for venous plasma glucose (mmol/l)9,10 changes or drug treatment
Key messages for preventing type 2 diabetes: A RCT involving 1,429 people with IGT (mean
age 54 years, mean BMI 31) has also shown
Lifestyle interventions, metformin, acarbose and orlistat can all that acarbose can delay the development of
prevent or delay type 2 diabetes developing in people with impaired diabetes. After a mean of 3.3 years, the
glucose regulation. cumulative incidence of diabetes was 32% with
However, if people are to be targeted for the primary prevention of acarbose and 42% with placebo (hazard ratio
diabetes, lifestyle modifications rather than drug treatment would 0.75; 95% CI 0.630.90; NNT 10). However,
seem preferable in the majority. more gastrointestinal side effects were seen in
2 MeReC Briefing
Type 2 diabetes (part 1): the management of blood glucose
the acarbose group, and 13% of patients NICE set targets for blood glucose control,
taking acarbose discontinued the trial early blood pressure, etc. (see Table 2 on page 8).4,5
because of these.19 However, reaching these 'gold standards' can
be demanding. Multiple lifestyle interventions
Recently, the XENDOS study has shown that and drug treatments are often required and
orlistat plus lifestyle changes produces a individual targets should be agreed with each
greater reduction in the incidence of type 2 patient, as such aggressive therapy of each
diabetes than lifestyle changes alone.20 In this individual risk factor, whilst evidence based,
RCT, 3,305 patients with a BMI >30kg/m2 may not be appropriate for all.9
(mean BMI 37, mean age 43 years, 79% with
normal glucose tolerance and 21% with IGT) Drug management of blood glucose
were randomised to lifestyle changes plus
either orlistat or placebo for four years. For decades, the treatment of type 2 diabetes
However, only 52% of the orlistat group and has focused primarily on controlling blood
34% of the placebo group completed glucose. Managing this risk factor is important,
treatment. Using an intention to treat analysis, but in isolation it is not the key to preventing
mean weight loss was 5.8kg with orlistat and premature morbidity and mortality in these
3.0kg with placebo (P<0.001) after four years. people. In the UK Prospective Diabetes Study
Over the same time, the incidence of type 2 (UKPDS) the largest RCT in patients with
diabetes was reduced from 9.0% in the type 2 diabetes (see Panel 1 for details)
placebo group to 6.2% in the orlistat group tight control of blood pressure rather than
(hazard ratio 0.63; 95% CI 0.460.86; NNT blood glucose was most effective in preventing
36). This reduction was primarily due to diabetes-related endpoints and death (see
benefits in the population of patients with IGT.20 Part 2: MeReC Briefing Issue Number 26).
UKPDS was a 20-year trial, which recruited over 5,000 patients In the blood pressure (BP) part of the study, patients were
with type 2 diabetes in 23 clinical centres based in England, randomised to either tight BP control or less tight BP control.
Northern Ireland and Scotland. The blood glucose control part of Tight control aimed for a BP <150/85mmHg with either captopril
the study was started in 1977 and the blood pressure part of the or atenolol as the main treatment. Less tight control aimed for a
study was started in 1987. The study finished in 1997, with BP <180/105mmHg avoiding ACE inhibitors or -blockers.
results published for the first time in 1998. UKPDS was designed
to answer three main questions in patients with type 2 diabetes: Predefined clinical endpoints were aggregated for analyses into:
Can intensive blood glucose control reduce the risk of Any diabetes-related endpoint (sudden death, death from
complications? hyperglycaemia/hypoglycaemia, fatal or non-fatal MI, angina,
In patients with high blood pressure, can tight blood pressure heart failure, stroke, renal failure, amputation, vitreous
control reduce the risk of complications? haemorrhage, retinal photocoagulation, blindness in one eye,
Does any specific treatment for blood glucose or blood or cataract extraction).
pressure control offer any particular benefit? Diabetes-related death (death from MI, stroke, PVD, renal
disease, hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia, and sudden death).
In the blood glucose part of the study, patients were randomised All-cause mortality.
to intensive control initially with a sulphonylurea MI (fatal and non-fatal) and sudden death.
(chlorpropamide, glibenclamide or glipizide) or insulin, or Stroke (fatal and non-fatal).
conventional control primarily with diet. In a sub-study of some Amputation or death from PVD.
overweight patients, intensive treatment was initiated with Microvascular complications (retinopathy requiring
metformin. Intensive control aimed for a fasting plasma glucose photocoagulation, vitreous haemorrhage, or fatal/non-fatal
(FPG) <6mmol/l and conventional control, FPG <15mmol/l. renal failure).
MeReC Briefing 3
Type 2 diabetes (part 1): the management of blood glucose
balance requirements to control blood glucose Which drugs should be used initially to
with requirements to also control control blood glucose?
cardiovascular risk factors, and the need to
use resources carefully on a population basis. Metformin
When blood glucose is inadequately controlled
NICE guidelines recommend that blood glucose with lifestyle interventions, metformin is the
control is assessed by haemoglobin A1c first-line drug of choice in all patients with type
(HbA1c) measurements every two to six 2 diabetes, particularly those who are
months, and, for each individual, a target overweight (BMI >25kg/m2) (see Figure 1 on
HbA1c level of between 6.5% and 7.5% should page 7).4 Sulphonylureas are an alternative in
be set.4 Average HbA1c levels in UK clinics are patients who are not overweight.4 However,
7.4% after an estimated five-year duration of metformin is the only oral hypoglycaemic
type 2 diabetes, and at least 8% thereafter, agent that has been shown to reduce
often while on insulin treatment.22 Therefore, for macrovascular complications and death.25
many patients, these targets are a significant Metformin is also associated with fewer
challenge and may not be achievable. hypoglycaemic attacks than sulphonylureas
and does not cause weight gain.25,26
Target HbA1c levels are based on evidence
from UKPDS, where intensive blood glucose UKPDS studied metformin mainly in
control with sulphonylureas or insulin overweight patients because, when the trial
reduced the risk of diabetes-related was started, metformin was generally
endpoints compared with conventional blood prescribed only in such patients. In a RCT of
glucose control primarily with diet.23 Intensive 753 overweight patients (>120% ideal body
control resulted in a median HbA1c over 10 weight), intensive blood glucose control with
years of 7.0% and conventional control, a metformin significantly reduced diabetes-
median of 7.9%.23 related endpoints compared with conventional
blood glucose control primarily with diet.25 The
Tighter blood glucose control reduced the incidence of any diabetes-related endpoint was
incidence of any diabetes-related endpoint from reduced from 38.9% in the conventional group
38.5% in the conventional group to 35.3% in the to 28.7% in the metformin group over a median
intensive group over a median of 10 years of 10.7 years (RR 0.68 [95% CI 0.530.87];
(RR 0.88 [95% CI 0.790.89]; NNT 32). This NNT 10). In contrast to intensive blood glucose
was mainly due to a reduction in microvascular control with sulphonylureas or insulin,
endpoints (10.6% vs. 8.2% for the composite of metformin reduced diabetes-related death
retinopathy, vitreous haemorrhage or renal (NNT 20), all-cause mortality (NNT 15) and MI
failure; RR 0.75 [95% CI 0.600.93]; NNT 42), in (NNT 16) compared with conventional blood
particular the need for retinal photocoagulation glucose control. Median HbA1c levels over 10
(NNT 37). There were no differences between years were 7.4% in the metformin group and
the groups in visual acuity or blindness.23 8.0% in the conventional treatment group.25
Diabetes-related deaths, all-cause mortality or
macrovascular endpoints such as myocardial In a secondary analysis of 342 overweight
infarction (MI) and stroke were not significantly patients allocated metformin and 951
reduced, although the difference in MI was of overweight patients allocated either
borderline significance (P=0.052).23 sulphonylureas or insulin, metformin was more
effective in reducing any diabetes-related
Observational data from UKPDS suggested endpoint (P=0.0034), all-cause mortality
that there was no threshold HbA1c level below (P=0.021), and stroke (P=0.032). These
which benefits were no longer seen, and that improvements with metformin over
the nearer to normal the level (<6.0%), the sulphonylureas/insulin seem not to be explained
better.24 Hence, target HbA1c levels outlined in purely by glycaemic control, as HbA1c levels
the NICE guideline are a range, from 6.5% to were similar between the groups.25
7.5%, rather than a specific value.4
Although these results relate to overweight
What about self-monitoring of blood patients, metformin is an appropriate choice in
glucose levels? both overweight and non-overweight patients.
Most people with type 2 diabetes are
Many people with diabetes self-monitor their overweight (at entry to UKPDS, BMI was
blood glucose levels. However, there is little >25kg/m2 in 75% of patients and >30kg/m2 in
evidence to support self-monitoring in all 35%) and metformin lowers blood glucose in
patients with type 2 diabetes, unless it forms patients, irrespective of the degree of obesity.25
part of a wider programme of management.
NICE guidelines state that self-monitoring Because of the rare, but serious, potential
should not be considered as a stand-alone side effect of lactic acidosis with metformin,
intervention, but only as part of an it is contraindicated in people with renal
integrated self-care programme.4 This was impairment or those at risk of a sudden
discussed in more detail in MeReC Bulletin deterioration in renal function, e.g. from shock,
Vol 13, No 1, 2002. recent MI, etc. Metformin is contraindicated
4 MeReC Briefing
Type 2 diabetes (part 1): the management of blood glucose
MeReC Briefing 5
Type 2 diabetes (part 1): the management of blood glucose
6 MeReC Briefing
Type 2 diabetes (part 1): the management of blood glucose
Figure 1: Treatment algorithm for management of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes (adapted from the NICE
clinical guideline on management of blood glucose4)
Measure HbA1c at 2 to 6 monthly intervals. Set target HbA1c between 6.5% and 7.5%
Work with patient on lifestyle changes (weight loss, increased exercise, etc) and offer
ongoing patient education. Lifestyle changes should continue throughout any addition
of drug therapy.
Are lifestyle changes controlling blood glucose adequately?
i i yes
Is blood glucose control adequate?
i i yes
Is blood glucose control adequate?
i i yes
MeReC Briefing 7
Table 2: Lifestyle, risk factor, and therapeutic targets for prevention of micro- and macrovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes based on
The National
ment provides
NICE clinical guidelines 46
used todecisions
National Institute
Patients with established CVD Patients without established CVD at higher risk Patients without established CVD at lower risk
with the
and dissemination
inform decisions
(10-year coronary event risk >15%) (10-year coronary event risk <15%)
on service
the ability
Encourage smoking cessation, weight loss (if overweight) and increased physical activity in all patients
to secure
NICE considers
to secure
service organisation
Target HbA1c 6.5% to 7.5% for all patients
NICE considers
Blood glucose
value value
Set target based on individual's risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications
the work
and delivery.
The lower target is preferred if significant risk of macrovascular complications, the higher target if risk of iatrogenic hypoglycaemia
for money
and This
for money
in theinuse
BP >160/100mmHg treat all patients to target <140/80mmHg
this organisation
BP >140/80mmHg AND microalbuminuria or proteinuria treat all patients to target <135/75mmHg (ACE inhibitor first choice)
This publication
of this organisation
of NHS
BP >140/80mmHg to <160/100mmHg BP >140/80mmHg to <160/100mmHg BP >140/80mmHg to <160/100mmHg
treat to target <140/80mmHg treat to target <140/80mmHg no treatment initially, reassess every 6 months
to be oftovalue
the viewsthe
be oftovalue
of the
Fasting TG >10mmol/l treat all patients and consider referral
in its in
the NHS
to the
diabetes (part 1): the management of blood glucose
by by
its work
in NHS
TC >5.0mmol/l (LDL-C >3.0mmol/l) OR TC >5.0mmol/l (LDL-C >3.0mmol/l) OR TC >5.0mmol/l (LDL-C >3.0mmol/l) OR
of theand
Blood lipids
TG >2.3mmol/l to <10mmol/l TG >2.3mmol/l to <10mmol/l TG >2.3mmol/l to <10mmol/l
and enables
treat to target of TC <5.0mmol/l or 2025% treat to target of TC <5.0mmol/l or 2025% Discuss CHD risk with patient, consider drug
in England
reduction or LDL-C <3.0mmol/l or 30% reduction, reduction or LDL-C <3.0mmol/l or 30% reduction, treatment at higher levels of cholesterol or TG,
and enables
whichever is the greater reduction whichever is the greater reduction reassess annually if treatment not started
and Wales
not necessarily
Telephone: 0151 794 8146 Fax: 0151 794 8139
The National Prescribing Centre, The Infirmary, 70 Pembroke Place, Liverpool, L69 3GF
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CVD = cardiovascular disease, HbA1c = haemoglobin A1c, BP = blood pressure, SBP = systolic blood pressure, TG = triglycerides, TC = total cholesterol, LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
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of the Institute.
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MeReC Briefing