Human Motion Detection in Manufacturing Process: Ágnes Lipovits, Mónika Gál, Péter József Kiss, Csaba Süveges
Human Motion Detection in Manufacturing Process: Ágnes Lipovits, Mónika Gál, Péter József Kiss, Csaba Süveges
Human Motion Detection in Manufacturing Process: Ágnes Lipovits, Mónika Gál, Péter József Kiss, Csaba Süveges
Abstract - In this paper we present a new motion recognition algorithm based on skeleton and depth map data extraction from two
generations of the Kinect sensors as a first step to support manufacturing process optimization. A real production line activity was
simulated in a laboratory environment and a specific motion - the barcode scanning - was recognized and validated by semi-automated
log file processing. We show that the proposed methods give appropriate accuracy by using whichever Kinect sensor.
1. Introduction
Optimization of production lines can increase the efficiency of the manufacturing system. To find an effective
solution to this problem optimization algorithms need a lot of input information. The main goal of our research is to
automatically ensure sufficient information for the product line optimization methods in a computer assembly factory.
Several researches were carried out in the 80s [1] showing the importance of the ergonomics of the assembly
workstations. Although the aim is to fully automatize manufacturing processes, in some cases the production line employee
could not be replaced with robotic techniques, by the reason of the frequent changeovers, the new and small amount
products. Moreover, some production processes are too complex and difficult to be automatized by current technology. So
the ergonomic and fast work of the employee is required for the optimal production of the factory and should be taken into
account at the optimization method as an important factor.
One possibility to get sufficient information about the time requirement of a workstation is following the products.
This method does not provide any information about the effective working time and the time requirement, it only shows
the actual throughput capacity. Another possibility is the recognition of gestures and motion of workers. In this article we
introduce the first step of our research, a method for cycle time estimation in industrial environment based on skeleton and
depth data of a Kinect sensor that are analyzed with data mining methods. Another contribution of our work is showing the
efficiency differences between the different generations of Kinect sensors in such an application.
Gesture recognition is an active research area in the field of computer vision. The goal is often to understand only
hand gestures [2][3], in other cases we would like to recognize whole body gestures [5][4]. Initial data used for the
extraction of high-level information is divided into three main groups: depth-map [6], 3D point cloud [2] and skeleton
information [5][4].
In [2] the first step is to find one point of the hand using a 3D hand tracking algorithm. Then the hand region is
segmented out from depth image and is converted to a point cloud. For the segmentation they use a 1-d connect component
selection algorithm. From the point cloud information 3D moment invariants are computed. Finally, the Support Vector
Machine (SVM) is applied for the classification.
Eight hand and head gestures are distinguished in [6] using solely depth information. The first step of this method is
segmentation aiming at separating the human body and the background. This is done by using auto thresholding on the
depth histogram. The threshold is found from the valley following the first large peak of the histogram. The foreground
depth image is divided into 14x14 elements and each grid element is parameterized with depth change and motion
information. The depth information for a grid element is divided into not equal parts and the corresponding pixels are
counted and normalized. The motion information for a grid element is also calculated from the depth image. The
successive depth images are subtracted from each other, next noise reduction is carried out and then the result is converted
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to a binary image, where white pixels represent the motion content. White pixels in a grid element are normalized.
Multiclass SVM is used in training the 8 gesture-classes.
[5] deals with challenging tasks, such as the real-time implementation of a gesture recognition system, the temporal
resolution of gestures and the task of creating a user independent gesture classifier. They compute node angles and node
quaternion from the initial skeleton information, and then 10 different right hand gestures are distinguished by a neural
network using positive and negative examples. A backpropagation algorithm is used for the training phase, as the best
configuration the hidden nodes are selected. The gesture lengths are dependent on the person, so they apply person re-
identification module based on mainly silhouette segmentation and a connected graph in which the nodes contain the color
histogram of the region and the edges containing the neighborhood information. Furthermore, they apply the Fast Fourier
Transformation (FFT) and tacking the position of the fundamental harmonic component, the period could be evaluated as
the reciprocal value of the peak position, so the gesture lengths are estimated.
In [4] 6 body gestures are distinguished based on skeleton information. The extracted feature vector contains the
joint coordinates, 3 xyz-velocities per joints, 35 joint angles and 35 joint angular velocities. Besides extracting angles
between adjacent segments, they also place an imaginary joint to (0, 0, 0) in world coordinates, which is the location of the
camera. The feature vectors are classified using three methods: Naive Bayes, SVM and Random Forest.
In [7] the goal is to be able to distinct 10 gestures, where they combine the skeleton joint angles and the relative
position of 6 arm joints and the head joint. K-means is used for clustering and the new gestures are classied using a
Euclidean distance metric.
In [3] the goal is to recognize hand gestures and match them with different meanings (for example the V means
Victory or number two). So this task requires the identification of fingers. The first step is to detect the hand on the depth
image, then a contour tracking algorithm detects the contours of the hand. The next step is the identification of fingers and
a three-layer-classifier: finger counting, finger name collecting, and vector matching.
In the industrial environment the pose estimation for planning ergonomic motion is very frequent [8].
2. Related Techniques
2.1. Descriptors
In our method we use a depth map similar to [6] and a skeleton like in [4] [5] as input data. Our goal is to compare
data deriving from different generations of Kinect sensors [9]. The extracted information is shown on fig. 1.
For the descriptor that is based on the depth map the first step is the human body segmentation (fig. 3). For this task
we apply one of the Kinect SDK classes (named BodyIndexFrame) that represents a frame with depth or infrared pixels
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belonging to tracked people. (This task in [6] was performed with histogram thresholding, but we have found it is less
effective than BodyIndexFrame.) We perform histogram equalization on the depth image after the human body is
segmented (fig. 3), so we get more detailed depth information.
Then the image without the background is divided into 196 blocks and every block is descripted by depth changing
and motion information as follows.
In case of the depth information the histogram belonging to one of the blocks is divided into more different sized
ranges (0-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-80, 81-100, 101-120, 121-165, 166-255 and we count the pixels belonging to
these ranges, then these values are normalized.
Motion information is also extracted from the depth image. The successive depth images are subtracted from each
other. We perform noise reduction on the difference images and convert them to binary images on which the white pixels
denote motion content. These binary images are also divided into 196 blocks, and we count the white pixels in each block
then normalize these values.
Fig. 2: Depth image sequence after the human body segmentation (every 10 th frame).
The length of the final depth image-descriptor is 2156. The depth information includes 196 blocks with 10 ranges-
information and the motion information includes 196 blocks information.
In case of the other descriptor, which is based on the skeleton information, we also use temporal and spatial features
as [4], but we calculated the displacement every second, based on a time stamp instead of calculating it for every 35 frames
as in [4]. We have decided to do so because the Kinect sensor data frame rate is not consistent, it depends on how busy the
sensor is. The 190 length feature vector is structured as follows: x,y,z coordinates of joints (60); x, y, z displacement per
second (60); joint angles (17) (fig. 4); joint angles changes per second (17); joint-camera angles (18); joint-camera angles
(fig. 4) changes per second (18).
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Fig. 3: Processing of a depth image: human body segmentation; histogram equalization of human body depth image; dividing it into
196 blocks.
Fig. 4: Joint angles (green highlight); Joint camera angles (blue highlight).
2.2. Classification
Three different classification trees and their fusions were applied on descriptors extracted from skeletons and depth
images (fig.5). Classification and Regression Trees (CRT) [10] [11] splits the data into sections that are as
homogeneous as possible with respect to the dependent variable. Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection
(CHAID)[12] selects the independent variable that has the strongest relation with the dependent variable at each
step by using Persons Chi-square tests. Categories of each independent variable are merged if they are not
significantly different with respect to the dependent variable. Quick, Unbiased, Efficient Statistical Tree
(QUEST) [13] can use different statistic (F and 2 statistic) for independent variable selection reducing the bias.
All classification methods were validated by 10-fold crossvalidation. We applied Discriminant analysis [14] for
the fusion of different classifiers results using predicted values and predicted probabilities.
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Fig. 5: Classification methods.
3. Experiment
In our lab we have artificially simulated a manufacturing environment. 6 people participated in the experiment,
whom we observed with two different generations of Kinect sensors. The participants have tested 11 products. Their task
was to investigate the products and look for any damages, then separate the damaged pieces from the intact items. As a
first step in the product line optimization we would like to measure cycle times automatically based on information
extracted from the Kinect sensor and using semi-automated validation produced by log process. The aim of our method is
to recognize effectively the bar code scanning - one of the gesture of the product analysis. The cycle times are shown on
fig. 6.
4. Results
The fused descriptor involved both skeleton and depth map and applied the three decision trees predictions give the
best classification results (Overall Accuracy (OA) is 98.6 percent and F measure is 0.95) (Table 1). Both types of Kinect
sensor can be used for this assignment, nevertheless the Kinect v2 provides better accuracy on average.
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Table 1: Motion Recognition Results.
Descriptor Method F measure
Accuracy (%)
Kinect v1 depth CHAID 94.18 0.8059
Kinect v1 depth CRT 95.14 0.8365
Kinect v1 depth QUEST 93.78 0.7909
Kinect v1 depth late fusion 96.50 0.8863
Kinect v1 skeleton CHAID 95.67 0.8157
Kinect v1 skeleton CRT 93.57 0.8540
Kinect v1 skeleton QUEST 94.01 0.7830
Kinect v1 skeleton late fusion 96.66 0.8864
Kinect v1 fusion CHAID 97.57 0.9242
Kinect v1 fusion CRT 97.05 0.9060
Kinect v1 fusion QUEST 96.40 0.8827
Kinect v1 fusion late fusion 98.62 0.9558
Kinect v2 depth CHAID 95.92 0.8674
Kinect v2 depth CRT 95.27 0.8494
Kinect v2 depth QUEST 96.53 0.8850
Kinect v2 depth late fusion 96.95 0.8882
Kinect v2 skeleton CHAID 96.82 0.8914
Kinect v2 skeleton CRT 95.88 0.8563
Kinect v2 skeleton QUEST 96.73 0.8883
Kinect v2 skeleton late fusion 97.07 0.8932
Kinect v2 fusion CHAID 97.55 0.9160
Kinect v2 fusion CRT 96.29 0.8687
Kinect v2 fusion QUEST 97.03 0.8915
Kinect v2 fusion late fusion 98.73 0.9527
The Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (fig. 7) show the performance of the CHAID, QUEST and CRT
Fig. 7: ROC curves of CHAID (left), QUEST (middle), CRT (right) using late fusion of Kinect v1 data fusion.
The features obtained from skeleton data seem to be slightly more relevant then depth map descriptor with respect to
not only the accuracy but also at the most important independent variables (fig. 7). Six pieces from skeleton descriptor
(CamAng6_5 means the camera angle between joint 6 and joint 5 (fig. 4.), HandRightVelocity_Z means the z
coordinate of the (HandRight) joint 4 displacement per second, WristRightVelocity_Z means the z coordinate of the
(WristRight) joint 3 displacement per second, CamAng5_4 and CamAng7_6 means the camera angle between joint 5 and
joint 4, and between joint 7 and joint 6) and four pieces from depth map descriptor (V1493, V1780, V1232, V1770) can be
found among the 10 most important independent variables (Table 2).
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Table 2: Importance and normalized importance of the 10 most important independent variables.
Independent Variable Importance
CamAng6_5 0.128 100.0%
HandRightVelocity_Z 0.123 96.1%
WristRightVelocity_Z 0.104 81.3%
CamVel6_5 0.064 49.4%
V1493 0.060 47.0%
V1780 0.045 35.4%
CamAng5_4 0.045 34.8%
CamAng7_6 0.044 34.5%
V1232 0.043 33.3%
V1770 0.042 32.7%
5. Conclusion
Whereas the tendency is to completely automatize manufacturing processes, in some cases - e.g. for small lot-sizes
or a high number of product variants - the manual work is necessary. The estimating of the cycle time is essential to the
production process optimization. In this paper we showed, that our proposed method applying the skeleton and depth map
data of the mass-produced and cheap Kinect sensors is appropriate to recognize human motion in an industrial
environment. This was the first step for calculating theoretical life cycle time for utilization of the producing process
We thank Mt Gerg, Lszl Kocsis, Tams Czak, Andrs Takcs and Attila Jger for their assistance in the
implementation and the testing.
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