On Optimal Offensive Strategies in Basketball PDF
On Optimal Offensive Strategies in Basketball PDF
On Optimal Offensive Strategies in Basketball PDF
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ikjyot Singh Kohli on 18 September 2015.
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether basketball teams who
choose to employ an offensive strategy that involves predominantly shooting three point
shots is stable and optimal. We employ a game-theoretical approach using techniques from
dynamical systems theory to show that taking more three point shots to a point where
an offensive strategy is dependent on predominantly shooting threes is not necessarily
optimal, and depends on a combination of payoff constraints, where one can establish
conditions via the global stability of equilibrium points in addition to Nash equilibria
where a predominant two-point offensive strategy would be optimal as well. We perform
a detailed fixed-points analysis to establish the local stability of a given offensive strategy.
We finally prove the existence of Nash equilibria via global stability techniques via the
monotonicity principle. We believe that this work demonstrates that the concept that
teams should attempt more three-point shots because a three-point shot is worth more
than a two-point shot is therefore, a highly ambiguous statement.
1. Introduction 1
2. The Dynamical Equations 2
3. Fixed-Points Analysis 4
4. Global Stability and The Existence of Nash Equilibria 4
5. Discussion 6
References 8
1. Introduction
We are currently living in the age of analytics in professional sports, with a strong
trend of their use developing in professional basketball. Indeed, perhaps, one of the most
discussed results to come out of the analytics era thus far is the claim that teams should
shoot as many three-point shots as possible, largely because, three-point shots are worth
more than two-point shots, and this somehow is indicative of a very efficient offense. These
ideas were mentioned for example by Alex Rucker [1] who said “When you ask coaches
what’s better between a 28 percent three-point shot and a 42 percent midrange shot, they’ll
say the 42 percent shot. And that’s objectively false. It’s wrong. If LeBron James just
jacked a three on every single possession, that’d be an exceptionally good offense. That’s a
Date: June 20, 2015.
conversation we’ve had with our coaching staff, and let’s just say they don’t support that
approach.” It was also claimed in the same article that “The analytics team is unanimous,
and rather emphatic, that every team should shoot more 3s including the Raptors and
even the Rockets, who are on pace to break the NBA record for most 3-point attempts in
a season.” These assertions were repeated in [2]. In an article by John Schuhmann [3],
it was claimed that “It’s simple math. A made three is worth 1.5 times a made two. So
you don’t have to be a great 3-point shooter to make those shots worth a lot more than a
jumper from inside the arc. In fact, if you’re not shooting a layup, you might as well be
beyond the 3-point line. Last season, the league made 39.4 percent of shots between the
restricted area and the arc, for a value of 0.79 points per shot. It made 36.0 percent of
threes, for a value of 1.08 points per shot.”
The purpose of this paper is to determine whether basketball teams who choose to employ
an offensive strategy that involves predominantly shooting three point shots is stable and
optimal. Although this problem to the best of the author’s knowledge has not been studied
before in the literature, several studies that provide an in-depth quantitative analysis of
various aspects of basketball games using statistical and game theoretical methods have
been established in [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12] and references therein.
We will employ a game-theoretical approach using techniques from dynamical systems
theory to show that taking more three point shots to a point where an offensive strategy
is dependent on predominantly shooting threes is not necessarily optimal, and depends
on a combination of payoff constraints, where one can establish conditions via the global
stability of equilibrium points in addition to Nash equilibria where a predominant two-point
offensive strategy would be optimal as well.
3. Fixed-Points Analysis
With the dynamical system in hand, we are now in a position to perform a fixed-points
analysis. There are precisely three fixed points, which are invariant manifolds and are given
(14) P1 : x∗1 = 0, P2 : x∗1 = 1, P3 : x∗1 = .
−α + β − δ + γ
Note that, P3 actually contains P1 and P2 as special cases. Namely, when β = δ, P3 =
0 = P1 , and when α = γ, P3 = 1 = P2 . We will therefore just analyze, the stability
of P3 . P3 = 0 represents a state of the population where all teams predominantly shoot
three-point shots. Similarly, P3 = 1 represents a state of the population where all teams
predominantly shoot two-point shots, We additionally restrict
(15) 0 ≤ P3 ≤ 1 ⇒ 0 ≤ ≤ 1,
−α + β − δ + γ
which implies the following conditions on the payoffs:
(16) [δ < β ∩ γ ≤ α] ∪ [δ = β ∩ (γ < α ∪ γ > α)] ∪ [δ > β ∩ γ ≤ α] .
With respect to a stability analysis of P3 , we note the following.
The point P3 is a:
• Local sink if: {δ < β} ∩ {γ > α},
• Source if: {δ > β} ∩ {γ < α},
• Saddle: if: {δ = β} ∩ (γ < α − β + δ ∪ γ > α − β + δ), or ({δ < β} ∪ {δ > β}) ∩ γ =
δ−β .
Further, the system exhibits some bifurcations as well. In the neigbourhood of P3 = 0,
the linearized system takes the form
(17) x′1 = β − δ.
Therefore, P3 = 0 destabilizes the system at β = δ. Similarly, P3 = 1 destabilizes the
system at γ = α. Therefore, bifurcations of the system occur on the lines γ = α and β = δ
in the four-dimensional parameter space.
interval (a, b), where a ∈ R ∪ {−∞}, b ∈ R ∪ {∞}, and a < b. If Z is decreasing on orbits
in S, then for all x ∈ S,
ω(x) ⊆ s ∈ ∂S| lim Z(y) 6= b ,
α(x) ⊆ s ∈ ∂S| lim Z(y) 6= a .
For the invariant set S1 = {0 < x1 < 1}, we have that ∂S1 = {x1 = 0} ∪ {x1 = 1}. One
can then immediately see that in S1 ,
(21) ω(x) ⊆ {x : x1 = 1} .
Note that the conditions β > δ and α ≥ γ correspond to P3 above. In particular, for α = γ,
P3 = 1, which implies that x∗1 = 1 is globally stable. Therefore, under these conditions,
the symmetric strategy [1, 1] is a Nash equilibrium.
Now, consider the function
Clearly, Ż2 < 0 in S1 if for example β = δ and α < γ. Then, by the monotonicity principle,
we obtain that
(24) ω(x) ⊆ {x : x1 = 0} .
Note that the conditions β = δ and α < γ correspond to P3 above. In particular, for β = δ,
P3 = 0, which implies that x∗1 = 0 is globally stable. Therefore, under these conditions,
the symmetric strategy [0, 0] is a Nash equilibrium.
In summary, we have just shown that for the specific case where β > δ and α = γ, the
strategy [1, 1] is a Nash equilibrium. On the other hand, for the specific case where β = δ
and α < γ, the strategy [0, 0] is a Nash equilibrium.
5. Discussion
In the previous section which describes global results, we first concluded that for the
case where β > δ and α = γ, the strategy [1, 1] is a Nash equilibrium. The relevance of
this is as follows. The condition on the payoffs thus requires that
(25) π(T, T ) = π(T h, T ), π(T, T h) > π(T h, T h).
That is, given the strategy adopted by the other team, neither team could increase their
payoff by adopting another strategy if and only if the condition in (25) is satisfied. Given
these conditions, if one team has a predominant two-point strategy, it would be the other
team’s best response to also use a predominant two-point strategy.
We also concluded that for the case where β = δ and α < γ, the strategy [0, 0] is a Nash
equilibrium. The relevance of this is as follows. The condition on the payoffs thus requires
(26) π(T, T h) = π(T h, T h), π(T, T ) < π(T h, T ).
That is, given the strategy adopted by the other team, neither team could increase their
payoff by adopting another strategy if and only if the condition in (26) is satisfied. Given
these conditions, if one team has a predominant three-point strategy, it would be the other
team’s best response to also use a predominant three-point strategy.
Further, we also showed that x1 = 1 is globally stable under the conditions in (25).
That is, if these conditions hold, every team in the NBA will eventually adopt an offensive
strategy predominantly consisting of two-point shots. The conditions in (26) were shown
to imply that the point x1 = 0 is globally stable. This means that if these conditions now
hold, every team in the NBA will eventually adopt an offensive strategy predominantly
consisting of three-point shots.
We also provided through a careful stability analysis of the fixed points criteria for
the local stability of strategies. For example, we showed that a predominant three-point
strategy is locally stable if π(T, T h) − π(T h, T h) < 0, while it is unstable if π(T, T h) −
π(T h, T h) ≥ 0. In addition, a predominant two-point strategy was found to be locally
stable when π(T h, T ) − π(T, T ) < 0, and unstable when π(T h, T ) − π(T, T ) ≥ 0.
There is also they key point of which one of these strategies has the highest probability
of being executed. From [13], we know that
(27) π(σ, x) = p(s)x(s′ )π(s, s′ ).
s∈S s′ ∈S
That is, the payoff to a team using strategy σ in a league with profile x is proportional to
the probability of this team using strategy s ∈ S. We therefore see that a team’s optimal
strategy would be that for which they could maximize their payoff, that is, for which p(s)
is a maximum, while keeping in mind the strategy of the other team, hence, the existence
of Nash equilibria.
Hopefully, this work also shows that the concept that teams should attempt more three-
point shots because a three-point shot is worth more than a two-point shot is a highly
ambiguous statement. In actuality, one needs to analyze what offensive strategy is optimal
which is constrained by a particular set of payoffs.
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