Decibel-Watt (DBW)

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Decibel-Watt (dBW)

dBW definition

dBW or decibel-watt is a unit of power in decibel scale, referenced to 1 watt (W).

The power in decibel-watts (P(dBW)) is equal to 10 times base 10 logarithm of the power in watts

P(dBW) = 10 log10( P(W) / 1W)

The power in watts (P(W)) is equal to 10 raised by the power in decibel-watts (P(dBW)) divided by

P(W) = 1W 10(P(dBW)/ 10)

1 watt is equal to 0 dBW:

1W = 0dBW

1 milliwatt is equal to -30dBW:

1mW = 0.001W = -30dBW

How to convert dBW to Watt

How to convert power in dBW to watts (W).

The power in watts (P(W)) is equal to 10 raised by the power in dBW (P(dBW)) divided by 10:

P(W) = 1W 10(P(dBW)/ 10)

For example: what is the power in watts for power consumption of 20dBW?


P(W) = 1W 10(20dBW / 10) = 100W

How to convert Watt to dBW

How to convert power in watts (W) to dBW.

The power in dBW is equal to the base 10 logarithm of the power in watts (W):

P(dBW) = 10 log10( P(W) / 1W)

For example: what is the power in dBW for power consumption of 100W?


P(dBW) = 10 log10( 100W / 1W) = 20dBW

How to convert dBW to dBm

How to convert power in dBW to dBm.

The power in dBm is equal to the base 10 logarithm of the power in watts (W):

P(dBm) = P(dBW) + 30

For example: what is the power in dBm for power consumption of 20dBW?


P(dBm) = 20dBW + 30 = 50dBm

How to convert dBm to dBW

How to convert power in dBm to dBW.

The power in dBW (P(dBW)) is equal to 10 raised by the power in dBm (P(dBm)) divided by 10:

P(dBW) = P(dBm) - 30

For example: what is the power in watts for power consumption of 40dBm?


P(dBW) = 40dBm - 30 = 10dBW

How to convert milliwatts to watts

One watt is equal to 1000 milliwatts:

1W = 1000mW

milliwatts to watts conversion formula

The power in watts P(W) is equal to the power in milliwatts P(mW), divided by 1000:

P(W) = P(mW) / 1000


Convert 5mW to watts:

P(W) = 5mW / 1000 = 0.005W

How to convert megawatts to watts

1MW = 1000000W

1W = 0.000001MW

Megawatts to watts conversion formula

The power in watts P(W) is equal to 1000000 times the power in megawatts P(MW):

P(W) = 1000000 P(MW)


Convert 3MW to watts:

P(W) = 1000000 3MW = 3000000W

How to convert watts to milliwatts

One watt is equal to 1000 milliwatts:

1W = 1000mW

Watts to milliwatts conversion formula

The power in milliwatts P(mW) is equal to 1000 times the power in watts P(W):
P(mW) = 1000 P(W)


Convert 5W to milliwatts:

P(mW) = 1000 5W = 5000mW

How to convert watts to dBm

The power P(dBm) in dBm is equal to 10 times the base 10 logarithm of 1000 times the power P(W)
in watts (W) divided by 1 watt (W):

P(dBm) = 10 log10( 1000 P(W) / 1W) = 10 log10( P(W) / 1W) + 30


1W = 30dBm


Convert 20 watts to dBm:

P(dBm) = 10 log10(100020W) = 43.0103dBm

dBW to dBm, Watt conversion table

Power (dBW) Power (dBm) Power (Watt)

-130 dBW -100 dBm 0.1 pW

-120 dBW -90 dBm 1 pW

-110 dBW -80 dBm 10 pW

-100 dBW -70 dBm 100 pW

-90 dBW -60 dBm 1 nW

-80 dBW -50 dBm 10 nW

-70 dBW -40 dBm 100 nW

-60 dBW -30 dBm 1 W

-50 dBW -20 dBm 10 W

-40 dBW -10 dBm 100 W

-30 dBW 0 dBm 1 mW

-20 dBW 10 dBm 10 mW

-10 dBW 20 dBm 100 mW

-1 dBW 29 dBm 0.794328 W

0 dBW 30 dBm 1.000000 W

1 dBW 31 dBm 1.258925 W

10 dBW 40 dBm 10 W

20 dBW 50 dBm 100 W

30 dBW 60 dBm 1 kW

40 dBW 70 dBm 10 kW

50 dBW 80 dBm 100 kW

60 dBW 90 dBm 1 MW

70 dBW 100 dBm 10 MW

80 dBW 110 dBm 100 MW

90 dBW 120 dBm 1 GW

100 dBW 130 dBm 10 GW

SI prefixes
Prefix English word
Base Base Adoption[
Nam Symb Decimal nb 1]
1000 10 Short scale Long scale
e ol
yotta Y 10008 1024 septillion quadrillion 1991
zetta Z 10007 1021 1000000000000000000000 sextillion trilliard 1991
exa E 10006 1018 1000000000000000000 quintillion trillion 1975
peta P 10005 1015 1000000000000000 quadrillion billiard 1975
tera T 10004 1012 1000000000000 trillion billion 1960
giga G 10003 109 1000000000 billion milliard 1960
mega M 10002 106 1000000 million million 1873
kilo k 10001 103 1000 thousand thousand 1795
hecto h 10002/3 102 100 hundred hundred 1795
deca da 10001/3 101 10 ten ten 1795
10000 100 1 one one
deci d 3 101 0.1 tenth tenth 1795
centi c 3 102 0.01 hundredth hundredth 1795
milli m 10001 103 0.001 thousandth thousandth 1795
10002 106 0.000001 millionth millionth 1873
nano n 10003 109 0.000000001 billionth milliardth 1960
pico p 10004 2 0.000000000001 trillionth billionth 1960
femt 101 quadrillion
f 10005 5 0.000000000000001 billiardth 1964
o th
101 quintilliont
atto a 10006 8 0.000000000000000001 trillionth 1964
zepto z 10007 1 0.000000000000000000001 sextillionth trilliardth 1991
yoct 102 0.000000000000000000000 quadrillion
y 10008 4 septillionth 1991
o 001 th

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