Clinic Management System
PHP And MySQL Project On Clinic Management System
This project Clinic Management System has been developed on PHP and MySQL Database and it
uns over the Apache Server, WAMP Server or XAMP Server This project Clinic Management
‘System is managing all the information about patinets, test, appoinyment. This system can also
keep 10 record of doctor details.
Clinic Management System is a role based project where we added permission on roles.
The main modules of the projects are Doctor Module, which performs all the operations related to
doctor module such as adding new doctor module, edit the existing doctor module, search doctor
module and delete doctor module. Appointment module, which performs allthe operations related to
appointment such as adding new appointment, edt the existing appointment, details view
appointment, search appointment and delete appointment. Patient module, which perrorms alle
operations related to patient such as adding new patlent, eu tne existing patient, detalls view
patient, search patient and delete patient. Medicines module, which performs all the operations,
related to medicine such as adding new medicine, edit the existing medicine. details view medicine,
search medicine and delete medicine. Test module, which performs all the operations related to test
such as adding new test, edit the existing test, details view test, search test and delete test.
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full documentations.Modules and their functionalities of Clinic Management System:
We have developed these modules in the project
+ Login Module : Performs all the operations of the Login Functionality
+ Forgot Password Module
+ Profile Module : User can change their profie details from this module
+ Change Password Module ° User will be able to change their passwords
+ Logout Module
+ Dasnboard Module : Eacn user nas their own dasnboara
+ Doctor Module : Doctor module performs the below operations:
+ Add Doctor: Add new records for the doctor
+ Edit Doctor : Edit any of the existing records of doctor
+ Delete Doctor: Delete the exiting records of doctor
+ Detail View of Doctor: It displays the detail view of the doctor
+ Listing Doctor : Generates the lists of all of the existing doctor
+ Appointment Module : Appointment module performs the deiow operations:
+ Add Appointment : Acd new records for the appointment
+ Edit Appointment - Edit any of the existing records of appointment
+ Delete Appointment : Delete the exiting records of appointment
+ Detail View of Appointment It displays the detail view of the appointment
+ Listing Appointment : Generates the lists of all of the existing appointment
+ Patient Module : Patient module performs the below operations:
+ Add Patient : Add new records for the patient
+ Edit Patient : Edit any of the existing records of patient
+ Debte Patient - Delete the exiting records of patient
+ Detail View of Patient It displays the detail view of the patient
+ Listing Patient : Generates the lists of all of the existing patientMedicine Module : Medicine module performs the below operations:
+ Add Medicine : Add new records for the medicine
+ Eait Medicine » Edit any of the existing records ot medicine
+ Delete Medicine : Delete the exiting records of medicine
+ Detail View of Medicine: It cisplays the detail view of the medicine
+ Listing Medicine . Generates tne lis's of all of ihe existing meaicine
‘Test Module : Test module performs the below operations:
+ Add Test : Add new records for the test
+ Edit Test: Edit any of the existing records of test
+ Delete Test : Delete the exiting records of test
+ Detail View of Test: It displays the detail view of the test
+ Listing Test : Generates the lists of all of the existing test
System User Module : System User module performs the below operations:
+ Add System User * Add new records for the system user
+ Edit System User : Edit any of the existing records of system user
+ Delete System User: Delete the extting records of system user
+ Detail View of System User It displays the detail view of the system user
+ Listing System User : Generates the lists of all of the existing system user
All the reports of Clinic Management system
+ Doctors Report
+ Appointments Report
+ Patienis Report
+ Medicines Report
+ Tests Report
+ System Users ReportStatic Pages of Clinic Management System :
‘These static pages are available on the project Clinic Management System
Home Page with good Ut
Home Page will contain an animated slider for images banner
‘About us page will be available which will describe about the project
Contact us page will be avaliable n ine project
Technology Stack to develop the Clinic Management System
We have used the below technology stack to develop the project
HTML : All ine page layouts nas been designed using HTML and HTMLS
CSS - CSS and C883 has been used for designings:
JavaScript. All tne client side logic has been wrilen in JavaScript Such as Validation, Form Submit
JQuery and JS Library - We have used many of the JS and JQuery library in the project. Such 2s
Calendar, Datepicker, Menu model box ete
PHP - All the server side business logic has been vritien in PHP.
MySQL : We nave used MySQL dataoase to store all ine data
‘Apache? This project has been developed over the Apache? Server
Operating System Support to run the Clinic Management System :
‘This project can be configured on below operating sysem.
Windows : You can run this project on any version of Windows Operating System. Also you can
configure it on XAMP, WAMP or Apacne2
Linux : To run this project on any version of Linux operating system you need LAMP (Linux,
Apache, MySQL and PHP) siack after that it can be configured on it.
Mac : You can easily configure this project on MAMP (Mace, Apache, MySQL ané PHP) stack