A Beginner's Guide To ICP-MS: Tutorial
A Beginner's Guide To ICP-MS: Tutorial
A Beginner's Guide To ICP-MS: Tutorial
mazingly, 18 years after the com- sive than ICP-OES and GFAA, why hasnt a novice reader. There is no question in
Figure 2. Simplified schematic of a chromium ground-state atom Figure 3. Conversion of a chromium ground-state atom (Cr0) to an
(Cr0). ion (Cr1).
a little more compelling to purchase, and GENERATION OF IONS IN THE PLASMA typically in liquid form, is pumped into
ultimately opened up its potential as a Well start this series off with a brief de- the sample introduction system, which is
routine tool to the vast majority of the scription of the fundamental principle made up of a spray chamber and nebu-
trace element community that has not yet used in ICP-MS the use of a high- lizer. It emerges as an aerosol and eventu-
realized the full benefits of its capabilities. temperature plasma discharge to gener- ally finds its way by way of a sample in-
ate positively charged ions. The sample, jector into the base of the plasma. As it
travels through the different heating
zones of the plasma torch it is dried, va-
porized, atomized, and ionized. During
this time, the sample is transformed from
a liquid aerosol to solid particles, then
into a gas. When it finally arrives at the
analytical zone of the plasma, at approxi-
mately 60007000 K, it exists as excited
atoms and ions, representing the elemen-
tal composition of the sample.
The excitation of the outer electron of
a ground-state atom, to produce
wavelength-specific photons of light, is
the fundamental basis of atomic emission.
However, there is also enough energy in
the plasma to remove an electron from its
orbital to generate an ion. It is the genera-
tion, transportation, and detection of sig-
nificant numbers of these positively
charged ions that give ICP-MS its charac-
teristic ultratrace detection capabilities.
It is also important to mention that,
although ICP-MS is predominantly used
for the detection of positive ions, negative
ions (such as halogens) are also pro-
duced in the plasma. However, because
the extraction and transportation of nega-
tive ions is different from that of positive
ions, most commercial instruments are
not designed to measure them. The
process of the generation of positively
charged ions in the plasma is shown con-
ceptually in greater detail in Figure 1.
63Cu 65Cu
Figure 5. Relative abundance of the naturally occurring isotopes of all the elements (6). Reproduced with the permission of PerkinElmer
Instruments (Norwalk, CT).
constructed from polymer materials such common, with the cyclonic type gaining
as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), per- in popularity. Another type of spray cham-
fluoroalkoxy (PFA), or polyvinylidene flu- ber based on the impact bead design
oride (PVDF). In fact, their excellent cor- (first developed for flame AA and then
rosion resistance means that they have adapted for ICP-OES) was tried on the
naturally low blank levels. This character- early ICP-MS systems with limited suc-
istic, together with their ability to handle cess, but is not generally used today. As
small sample volumes such as vapor- mentioned earlier, the function of the
Figure 7. A typical concentric microflow phase decomposition (VPD) applications, spray chamber is to reject the larger
nebulizer. Printed with permission from Ele- makes them an ideal choice for semicon- aerosol droplets and also to smooth out
mental Scientific (Omaha, NE). ductor labs that are carrying out ultra- pulses produced by the peristaltic pump.
trace element analysis (5). A typical mi- In addition, some ICP-MS spray cham-
croflow nebulizer made from PFA is bers are externally cooled (typically to
they usually operate at higher gas pres- shown in Figure 7. 25 C) for thermal stability of the sam-
sure to accommodate the lower sample ple and to minimize the amount of solvent
flow rates. The extremely low uptake rate SPRAY CHAMBERS going into the plasma. This can have a
makes them ideal for applications with Let us now turn our attention to spray number of beneficial effects, depending
limited sample volume or where the sam- chambers. Basically two designs are used on the application, but the main benefits
ple or analyte is prone to sample intro- in commercial ICP-MS instrumentation are reduction of oxide species and the
duction memory effects. These nebuliz- double pass and cyclonic spray cham- ability to aspirate volatile organic
ers and their components are typically bers. The double pass is by far the most solvents.
Double pass. By far the most common with the gas stream into the ICP-MS, tutorial at the end of this series.
design of double-pass spray chamber is while the larger droplets impinge on the
the Scott design, which selects the small walls and fall out through the drain. It is REFERENCES
droplets by directing the aerosol into a generally accepted that a cyclonic spray (1) R. A. Browner and A.W. Boorn, Anal.
central tube. The larger droplets emerge chamber has a higher sampling effi- Chem. 56, 786798A (1984).
from the tube and, by gravity, exit the ciency, which, for clean samples, trans- (2) B.L. Sharp, Analytical Atomic Spectrome-
spray chamber via a drain tube. The liq- lates into higher sensitivity and lower de- try 3, 613 (1980).
(3) L.C. Bates and J.W. Olesik, Journal of An-
uid in the drain tube is kept at positive tection limits. However, the droplet size
alytical Atomic Spectrometry 5(3), 239
pressure (usually by way of a loop), distribution appears to be different from a (1990).
which forces the small droplets back be- double-pass design, and for certain types (4) R.S. Houk, Anal. Chem. 56, 97A (1986).
tween the outer wall and the central tube, of samples, can give slightly inferior pre- (5) E. Debrah, S. A. Beres, T.J. Gluodennis,
where they emerge from the spray cham- cision. An excellent evaluation of the ca- R.J. Thomas, and E.R. Denoyer, Atomic
ber into the sample injector of the plasma pabilities of a cyclonic spray chamber was Spectroscopy, 197202 (September 1995).
torch. Scott double-pass spray chambers made by Beres and co-workers (6). Fig- (6) S. A. Beres, P. H. Bruckner, and E.R. De-
come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and ure 9 shows a cyclonic spray chamber noyer, Atomic Spectroscopy, 9699
materials, but are generally considered connected to a concentric nebulizer. (March/April 1994).
the most rugged design for routine use. Many other nonstandard sample intro-
Figure 8 shows a Scott spray chamber duction devices are available that are not Robert Thomas is the principal of his own
made of a polysulfide-type material, cou- described in this particular tutorial, such freelance writing and scientific marketing
pled to a crossflow nebulizer. as ultrasonic nebulization, membrane de- consulting company, Scientific Solutions,
Cyclonic spray chamber. The cyclonic solvation, flow injection, direct injection, based in Gaithersburg, MD. He specializes
spray chamber operates by centrifugal electrothermal vaporization, and laser ab- in trace element analysis and can be con-
force. Droplets are discriminated accord- lation. However, they are becoming more tacted by e-mail at thomasrj@bellatlantic.
ing to their size by means of a vortex pro- and more important, particularly as ICP- net or via his web site at www.
duced by the tangential flow of the sam- MS users are demanding higher perfor- scientificsolutions1.com.
ple aerosol and argon gas inside the mance and more flexibility. For that rea-
chamber. Smaller droplets are carried son, they will be addressed in a separate
Circle 51
60 SPECTROSCOPY 16(5) MAY 2001 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
Turbomolecular Turbomolecular
the most common type of plasma pump pump
sources used in todays commercial Mechanical
ICPoptical emission spectrometry
(OES) and ICP-MS instrumentation.
However, it wasnt always that way. In the
early days, when researchers were at- Figure 1. Schematic of an ICP-MS system showing the location of the plasma torch and radio
tempting to find the ideal plasma source frequency (RF) power supply.
to use for spectrometric studies, it was
unclear which approach would prove to were better understood, the technique ing aspiration of liquid samples. For these
be the most successful. In addition to became more accepted. In fact, for those reasons, they have had limited success as
ICPs, some of the other novel plasma who want a DCP excitation source cou- an emission source, because they are not
sources developed were direct current pled with an optical emission instrument considered robust enough for the analysis
plasmas (DCP) and microwave-induced today, an Echelle-based grating using a of real-world, solution-based samples.
plasmas (MIP). A DCP is formed when a solid-state detector is commercially However, they have gained acceptance as
gas (usually argon) is introduced into a available (2). an ion source for mass spectrometry (3)
high current flowing between two or Limitations in the DCP approach led to and also as emission-based detectors for
three electrodes. Ionization of the gas the development of electrodeless plasma, gas chromatography.
produces an inverted Y-shaped plasma. of which the MIP was the simplest form. Because of the limitations of the DCP
Unfortunately, early DCP instrumenta- In this system, microwave energy (typi- and MIP approaches, ICPs became the
tion was prone to interference effects and cally 100200 W) is supplied to the plasma dominant focus of research for both opti-
also had some usability and reliability gas from an excitation cavity around a cal emission and mass spectrometric
problems. For these reasons, the tech- glass or quartz tube. The plasma dis- studies. As early as 1964, Greenfield and
nique never became widely accepted by charge in the form of a ring is generated co-workers reported that an atmospheric-
the analytical community (1). However, inside the tube. Unfortunately, even pressure ICP coupled with OES could be
its one major benefit was that it could as- though the discharge achieves a very used for elemental analysis (4). Although
pirate high levels of dissolved or sus- high power density, the high excitation crude by todays standards, the system
pended solids, because there was no re- temperatures exist only along a central fil- showed the enormous possibilities of the
strictive sample injector for the solid ament. The bulk of the MIP never gets ICP as an excitation source and most defi-
material to block. This feature alone hotter than 20003000 K, which means it nitely opened the door in the early 1980s
made it attractive for some laboratories, is prone to very severe matrix effects. In to the even more exciting potential of us-
and once the initial limitations of DCPs addition, they are easily extinguished dur- ing the ICP to generate ions (5).
26 SPECTROSCOPY 16(6) JUNE 2001 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
............................... SPECTROSCOPY TUTORIAL ..............................
Nebulizer gas
Sample injector Electromagnetic
RF Load field High voltage
coil RF power Tangential flow
coil spark
of argon gas
Figure 2. Detailed view of a plasma torch Sample introduced
(d) (e)
through sample injector
and RF coil relative to the ICP-MS interface.
M(H2O)1 X2 (MX)n MX M M1
Figure 4. Different temperature zones in the plasma. Figure 5. Mechanism of conversion of a droplet to a positive ion in the ICP.
is mounted horizontally and positioned induced ionization of the argon continues cause it uses slightly lower power, this
centrally in the RF coil, approximately in a chain reaction, breaking down the might be considered advantageous
1020 mm from the interface. It must be gas into argon atoms, argon ions, and when it comes to long-term use of the
emphasized that the coil used in an ICP- electrons, forming what is known as an generator.
MS plasma is slightly different from the inductively coupled plasma discharge. The more important consideration is
one used in ICP-OES. In all plasmas, The ICP discharge is then sustained the coupling efficiency of the RF genera-
there is a potential difference of a few within the torch and load coil as RF en- tor to the coil. The majority of modern
hundred volts produced by capacitive ergy is continually transferred to it solid-state RF generators are on the order
coupling between the RF coil and the through the inductive coupling process. of 7075% efficient, meaning that 7075%
plasma. In an ICP mass spectrometer, The sample aerosol is then introduced of the delivered power actually makes it
this would result in a secondary dis- into the plasma through a third tube into the plasma. This wasnt always the
charge between the plasma and the inter- called the sample injector. This whole case, and some of the older vacuum
face cone, which could negatively affect process is conceptionally shown in tubedesigned generators were notori-
the performance of the instrument. To Figure 3. ously inefficient; some of them experi-
compensate for this, the coil must be enced more than a 50% power loss. An-
grounded to keep the interface region as THE FUNCTION OF THE RF GENERATOR other important criterion to consider is
close to zero potential as possible. I will Although the principles of an RF power the way the matching network compen-
discuss the full implications of this in supply have not changed since the work sates for changes in impedance (a mater-
greater detail in Part IV of this series. of Greenfield (4), the components have ials resistance to the flow of an electric
become significantly smaller. Some of the current) produced by the samples matrix
FORMATION OF AN ICP DISCHARGE early generators that used nitrogen or air components or differences in solvent
Let us now discuss the mechanism of for- required 510 kW of power to sustain the volatility. In older crystal-controlled gen-
mation of the plasma discharge. First, a plasma discharge and literally took up erators, this was usually done with servo-
tangential (spiral) flow of argon gas is di- half the room. Most of todays generators driven capacitors. They worked very well
rected between the outer and middle tube use solid-state electronic components, with most sample types, but because they
of a quartz torch. A load coil, usually cop- which means that vacuum power ampli- were mechanical devices, they struggled
per, surrounds the top end of the torch fier tubes are no longer required. This to compensate for very rapid impedance
and is connected to a radio frequency makes modern instruments significantly changes produced by some samples. As a
generator. When RF power (typically smaller and, because vacuum tubes were result, the plasma was easily extin-
7501500 W, depending on the sample) is notoriously unreliable and unstable, far guished, particularly during aspiration of
applied to the load coil, an alternating more suitable for routine operation. volatile organic solvents.
current oscillates within the coil at a rate As mentioned previously, two frequen- These problems were partially over-
corresponding to the frequency of the cies have typically been used for ICP RF come by the use of free-running RF gen-
generator. In most ICP generators this generators: 27 and 40 MHz. These fre- erators, in which the matching network
frequency is either 27 or 40 MHz. This quencies have been set aside specifically was based on electronic tuning of small
RF oscillation of the current in the coil for RF applications of this kind, so they changes in frequency brought about by
causes an intense electromagnetic field to will not interfere with other communica- the sample solvent or matrix components.
be created in the area at the top of the tion-based frequencies. The early RF gen- The major benefit of this approach was
torch. With argon gas flowing through erators used 27 MHz, while the more re- that compensation for impedance
the torch, a high-voltage spark is applied cent designs favor 40 MHz. There changes was virtually instantaneous be-
to the gas, which causes some electrons appears to be no significant analytical ad- cause there were no moving parts. This
to be stripped from their argon atoms. vantage of one type over the other. How- allowed for the successful analysis of
These electrons, which are caught up and ever, it is worth mentioning that the 40- many sample types that would probably
accelerated in the magnetic field, then MHz design typically runs at lower power have extinguished the plasma of a
collide with other argon atoms, stripping levels, which produces lower signal inten- crystal-controlled generator.
off still more electrons. This collision- sity and reduced background levels. Be-
............................... SPECTROSCOPY TUTORIAL ..............................
IONIZATION OF THE SAMPLE As mentioned previously, the sample zone before it eventually becomes a posi-
To better understand what happens to the aerosol enters the injector via the spray tively charged ion in the analytical zone.
sample on its journey through the plasma chamber. When it exits the sample injec- To explain this in a very simplistic way,
source, it is important to understand the tor, it is moving at such a velocity that it lets assume that the element exists as a
different heating zones within the dis- physically punches a hole through the trace metal salt in solution. The first step
charge. Figure 4 shows a cross-sectional center of the plasma discharge. It then that takes place is desolvation of the
representation of the discharge along goes through a number of physical droplet. With the water molecules
with the approximate temperatures for changes, starting at the preheating zone stripped away, it then becomes a very
different regions of the plasma. and continuing through the radiation small solid particle. As the sample moves
further into the plasma, the solid particle
changes first into a gaseous form and
then into a ground-state atom. The final
process of conversion of an atom to an
ion is achieved mainly by collisions of en-
ergetic argon electrons (and to a lesser
extent by argon ions) with the ground-
state atom (7). The ion then emerges
from the plasma and is directed into the
interface of the mass spectrometer (for
details on the mechanisms of ion genera-
tion, please refer to Part I of this series:
Spectroscopy 16[4], 3842 [2001]). This
process of conversion of droplets into
ions is represented in Figure 5.
The next installment of this series will
focus on probably the most crucial area
of an ICP mass spectrometer the inter-
face region where the ions generated
in the atmospheric plasma have to be
sampled with consistency and electrical
integrity by the mass spectrometer,
which is under extremely high vacuum.
(1) A.L. Gray, Analyst 100, 289299 (1975).
(2) G.N. Coleman, D.E. Miller, and R.W.
Stark, Am. Lab. 30(4), 33R (1998).
(3) D.J. Douglas and J.B. French, Anal.
Chem. 53, 37-41 (1981).
(4) S. Greenfield, I.L. Jones, and C.T. Berry,
Analyst 89, 713720 (1964).
(5) R.S. Houk, V. A. Fassel, and H.J. Svec,
Dyn. Mass Spectrom. 6, 234 (1981).
(6) J.W. Lam and J.W. McLaren, J. Anal.
Atom. Spectom. 5, 419424 (1990).
(7) T. Hasegawa and H. Haraguchi, ICPs in
Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, A.
Montaser and D.W. Golightly, Eds., 2d ed.
(VCH, New York, 1992).
Circle 22
30 SPECTROSCOPY 16(6) JUNE 2001 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
he interface region is probably the sampling process works, which will give of 0.81.2 mm. From there they travel a
Interface Secondary
housing discharge
Sample Plasma
Skimmer cone torch
Ion Sampler
optics cone
~2 Torr
RF coil
cone Figure 4. Interface area affected by sec-
ondary discharge.
Figure 2. Detailed view of the interface Figure 3. Close-up view of the sampler and
region. skimmer cones. (Courtesy PerkinElmer
Instruments, Norwalk, CT.)
ated from the sampler cone, and a de- not be overestimated with respect to its ef- tering the mass spectrometer (typically
creased orifice lifetime. These problems fect on the kinetic energy of the ions being 2040 eV), which makes ion focusing far
were reported by many of the early re- sampled. It is well documented that the en- more complicated (8).
searchers of the technique (2, 3). In fact, ergy spread of the ions entering the mass
because the arcing increased with sam- spectrometer must be as low as possible to BENEFITS OF A WELL-DESIGNED
pler cone orifice size, the source of the ensure that they can all be focused effi- INTERFACE
secondary discharge was originally ciently and with full electrical integrity by The benefits of a well-designed interface
thought to be the result of an electro-gas- the ion optics and the mass separation de- are not readily obvious if simple aqueous
dynamic effect, which produced an in- vice. When the ions emerge from the ar- samples are analyzed using only one set
crease in electron density at the orifice gon plasma, they will all have different ki- of operating conditions. However, it be-
(4). After many experiments it was even- netic energies based on their mass-to- comes more apparent when many differ-
tually realized that the secondary dis- change ratio. Their velocities should all be ent sample types are being analyzed, re-
charge was a result of electrostatic cou- similar because they are controlled by quiring different operating parameters. A
pling of the load coil to the plasma. The rapid expansion of the bulk plasma, which true test of the design of the interface oc-
problem was first eliminated by ground- will be neutral as long as it is maintained at curs when plasma conditions need to be
ing the induction coil at the center, which zero potential. As the ion beam passes changed, when the sample matrix
had the effect of reducing the radio fre- through the sampler cone into the skim- changes, or when a dry sample aerosol is
quency (RF) potential to a few volts. This mer cone, expansion will take place, but its being introduced into the ICP-MS. Ana-
effect can be seen in Figure 5, taken from composition and integrity will be main- lytical scenarios like these have the po-
one of the early papers, which shows the tained, assuming the plasma is neutral. tential to induce a secondary discharge,
reduction in plasma potential as the coil is This can be seen in Figure 6. change the kinetic energy of the ions en-
grounded at different positions (turns) Electrodynamic forces do not play a tering the mass spectrometer, and affect
along its length. role as the ions enter the sampler or the the tuning of the ion optics. It is therefore
Originally, the grounding was imple- skimmer because the distance over
mented by attaching a physical ground- which the ions exert an influence on each
ing strap from the center turn of the coil other (known as the Debye length) is 100 n
to the interface housing. In todays instru- small (typically 10231024 mm) com- n
mentation the grounding is achieved in a pared with the diameter of the orifice 80
Plasma potential
Skimmer Sampler
Ion optics
Circle 17
28 SPECTROSCOPY 16(7) JULY 2001 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
n this months column we will explore going operational, thus failing to gain Ill outline my philosophy and rationale
of the vendor) have been checked to en- SYSTEM SELECTION: PART TWO
sure compliance with the regulations. If the vendor audit, price quote, instru-
The audit should be planned and should ment, and software are all acceptable,
cover items such as the design and pro- youll be raising a capital expenditure
gramming phases, product testing and re- request (or whatever it is called in your
lease, documentation, and support; a re- organization) and then generating a pur-
port of the audit should be produced after chase order. The quote and the purchase
the visit. Two published articles have cov- order are a link in the validation chain;
ered vendor audits in more detail (3, 4). they provide a link into the next phase of
The minimum audit is a remote vendor the validation life cycle: qualification. The
audit using a checklist that the vendor purchase order is the first stage in defin-
completes and returns to you. This is ing the initial configuration of the system,
usually easy to complete, but the writer of as well discover in the next article in this
the checklist must ensure that the ques- series.
tions are written in a way that can be un-
derstood by the recipient, because lan- REFERENCES
guage and cultural issues could affect a (1) R.D. McDowall, Spectroscopy 16(2),
remote checklist. Moreover, there is little 3243 (2001).
way of checking the answers you receive. (2) IEEE Standard 1012-1986, Software Vali-
However, for smaller software systems dation and Verification Plans, Institute of
Electronic and Electrical Engineers, Pis-
and some spectrometers fall into this cat-
cataway, NJ, USA.
egory a remote audit is a cost-effective (3) R.D. McDowall, Sci. Data Mgmt. 2(2), 8
way of getting information on how a ven- (1998).
dor carries out its development process, (4) R.D. McDowall, Sci. Data Mgmt. 2(3), 8
so long as you know and understand its (1998).
(1) J. A. Olivares and R.S. Houk, Anal. Chem.
58, 20 (1986).
(2) D.J. Douglas and J.B. French, Spec-
trochim. Acta 41B(3), 197 (1986).
(3) E.R. Denoyer, D. Jacques, E. Debrah, and
S.D. Tanner, At. Spectrosc. 16(1), 1
(4) D. Potter, American Lab (July 1994).
(5) P. Turner, paper presented at Second In-
ternational Conference on Plasma Source
Figure 7. A calibration of optimum lens volt- Mass Spec, Durham, UK, 1990.
Figure 6. Schematic of a single ion lens and ages is used to ramp-scan the ion lens in (6) S.D. Tanner, D.J. Douglas, and J.B.
grounded stop system (not to scale concert with the mass scan of the analyzer. French, Appl. Spectrosc. 48, 1373 (1994).
[courtesy of PerkinElmer Instruments The signals have been normalized for com- (7) R. Thomas, Spectroscopy 16(7), 2634
{Norwalk, CT}]). parison purposes. (2001).
(8) Y. Kishi, Agilent Technologies Application
Journal, August (1997).
neutral species travel in a straight line These all work slightly differently but (9) S.D. Tanner, L.M. Cousins, and D.J. Dou-
and strike a metal plate. share similar components. By using a glas, Appl. Spectrosc. 48, 1367 (1994).
Another, more novel approach is to use combination of slightly different cone (10) I.B. Brenner, M. Liezers, J. Godfrey, S.
just one cylindrical ion lens, combined geometry, higher vacuum at the inter- Nelms, and J. Cantle, Spectrochim. Acta
with a grounded stop positioned just in- face, one or more extraction lenses, and Part 53B(68), 1087 (1998).
side the skimmer cone as shown in slightly modified ion optic design, they of- (11) B.C. Gibson, presented at Surrey Interna-
Figure 6 (9). fer as much as 10 times the sensitivity of tional Conference on ICP-MS, London,
With this design, the voltage is dynam- a traditional interface (10). However, this UK, 1994.
ically ramped on-the-fly, in concert with increased sensitivity is usually combined (12) T. Howe, J. Shkolnik, and R.J. Thomas,
Spectroscopy 16(2), 54 (2001).
the mass scan of the analyzer (typically a with inferior stability and an increase in
quadrupole). The benefit of this approach background levels, particularly for sam-
is that the optimum lens voltage is placed ples with a heavy matrix. To get around Robert Thomas has more than 30 years ex-
on every mass in a multielement run to this degradation in performance one perience in trace element analysis. He is the
allow the maximum number of analyte must usually dilute the samples before principal of his own freelance writing and
ions through, while keeping the matrix analysis, which limits the systems applic- scientific consulting company, Scientific So-
ions to an absolute minimum. This is rep- ability for real-world samples (11). How- lutions, based in Gaithersburg, MD. He can
resented in Figure 7, which shows a lens ever, they have found a use in non-liquid- be contacted by e-mail at thomasrj@
voltage scan of six elements: lithium, based applications in which high bellatlantic.net or via his web site at
cobalt, yttrium, indium, lead, and ura- sensitivity is crucial, for example in the www.scientificsolutions1.com.
nium, at 7, 59, 89, 115, 208, and 238 amu, analysis of small spots on the surface of a
respectively. We can see that each ele- geological specimen using laser ablation
ment has its own optimum value, which is ICP-MS. For this application, the instru-
then used to calibrate the system, so the ment must offer high sensitivity because
lens can be ramp-scanned across the full a single laser pulse is used to ablate the
mass range. This type of approach is typi- sample and sweep a tiny amount of the
cally used in conjunction with a grounded dry sample aerosol into the ICP-MS (12).
stop to act as a physical barrier to reduce The role of the ion focusing system
particulates, neutral species, and photons cannot be overestimated. It affects the
from reaching the mass analyzer and de- background noise level of the instrument.
tector. Although this design produces It has a huge impact on both long- and
slightly higher background levels, it of- short-term signal stability, especially in
fers excellent long-term stability with real-world samples, and it also dictates
real-world samples. It works well for the number of ions that find their way to
many sample types but is most effective the mass analyzer. However, it must be
when low mass elements are being deter- emphasized that the ion optics are only as
mined in the presence of high-mass good as the ions that feed it, and for this
matrix elements. reason it must be designed in concert
It is also worth emphasizing that a with both the plasma source and the in-
number of ICP-MS systems offer what is terface region. There is no question that
known as a high-sensitivity interface. this area is crucial to the design of the
whole ICP mass spectrometer. In the
44 SPECTROSCOPY 16(9) SEPTEMBER 2001 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
+ flow
Quadrupole rods
+ + +
lyte at a completely different mass-to- scans are made over the entire suite of
charge ratio until all the analytes in a mul- analyte masses, as opposed to just one
tielement analysis have been measured. mass represented in this example.
The process for the detection of one par- Quadrupole scan rates are typically on
ticular mass in a multielement run is rep- the order of 2500 atomic mass units
resented in Figure 3. It shows a 63Cu ion (amu) per second and can cover the en-
emerging from the quadrupole and being tire mass range of 0300 amu in about
converted to an electrical pulse by the de- 0.1 s. However, real-world analysis speeds
tector. As the rf-dc voltage of the quadru- are much slower than this, and in practice
pole corresponding to 63Cu is re- 25 elements can be determined in dupli-
peatedly scanned, the ions as electrical cate with good precision in 12 min.
pulses are stored and counted by a multi-
channel analyzer. This multichannel data- QUADRUPOLE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
acquisition system typically has 20 chan- Two very important performance specifi-
nels per mass, and as the electrical pulses cations of a mass analyzer govern its abil-
are counted in each channel, a profile of ity to separate an analyte peak from a
the mass is built up over the 20 channels, spectral interference. The first is resolv-
Cu scan Quadrupole
mass scan
Multichannel data controller
acquisition system
Ions (electrical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ............ 20
Ch l
Figure 3. Profiles of different masses are built up using a multichannel data acquisition system.
Circle 33
............................... SPECTROSCOPY TUTORIAL .............................
Pulse intensity
A resolution High resolution 20,000
(0.3 amu)
Inadequate 10,000
F(rf) 62 63 64 65 66
Resolution Mass
Figure 4. Simplified Mathieu stability dia-
gram of a quadrupole mass filter, showing Figure 5. Sensitivity comparison of a Figure 6. Sensitivity comparison of two cop-
separation of two different masses, A (light quadrupole operated at 3.0, 1.0, and 0.3 per isotopes, 63Cu and 65Cu, at resolution
blue plot) and B (yellow plot). amu resolution (measured at 10% of its settings of 0.70 and 0.50 amu.
peak height).
ing power (R), which in traditional mass signal contribution of the tail of an adja- RESOLUTION
spectrometry is represented by the fol- cent peak at one mass lower and one Let us now discuss this area in greater de-
lowing equation: R 5 m/Dm, where m is mass higher than the analyte peak (3). tail. The ability to separate different
the nominal mass at which the peak oc- Even though they are somewhat related masses with a quadrupole is determined
curs and Dm is the mass difference be- and both define the quality of a quadru- by a combination of factors including
tween two resolved peaks (2). However, pole, the abundance sensitivity is proba- shape, diameter, and length of the rods, fre-
for quadrupole technology, the term reso- bly the most critical. If a quadrupole has quency of quadrupole power supply, oper-
lution is more commonly used, and is good resolution but poor abundance sen- ating vacuum, applied rf-dc voltages, and
normally defined as the width of a peak at sitivity, it will often prohibit the measure- the motion and kinetic energy of the ions
10% of its height. The second specifica- ment of an ultratrace analyte peak next to entering and exiting the quadrupole. All
tion is abundance sensitivity, which is the a major interfering mass. these factors will have a direct impact on
the stability of the ions as they travel down
the middle of the rods and thus the
quadrupoles ability to separate ions of dif-
fering mass-to-charge ratios. This is repre-
sented in Figure 4, which shows a simpli-
fied version of the Mathieu mass stability
plot of two separate masses (A and B) en-
tering the quadrupole at the same time (4).
Any of the rf-dc conditions shown un-
der the light blue plot will allow only
mass A to pass through the quadrupole,
while any combination of rf-dc voltages
under the yellow plot will allow only mass
B to pass through the quadrupole. If the
slope of the rf-dc scan rate is steep, repre-
sented by the light blue line (high resolu-
tion), the spectral peaks will be narrow,
and masses A and B will be well sepa-
rated (equivalent to the distance between
the two blue arrows). However, if the
slope of the scan is shallow, represented
by the red line (low resolution), the spec-
tral peaks will be wide, and masses A and
B will not be so well separated (equiva-
lent to the distance between the two red
arrows). On the other hand, if the slope
of the scan is too shallow, represented by
the gray line (inadequate resolution), the
peaks will overlap each other (shown by
the green area of the plot) and the
masses will pass through the quadrupole
without being separated. In theory, the
resolution of a quadrupole mass filter can
be varied between 0.3 and 3.0 amu. How-
Circle 34
46 SPECTROSCOPY 16(10) OCTOBER 2001 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
............................... SPECTROSCOPY TUTORIAL ..............................
Doubly charged 151Eu (75.5 amu)
Ion entering Ion exiting
Mass (M) (a) (b)
M 1 M 1
Mass (amu)
which is affected by a combination of fac- These are the fundamental reasons cies. Theory tells us that hyperbolic rods
tors including design of the rods, fre- why the peak shape is not symmetrical should generate a better hyperbolic (el-
quency of the power supply, and operat- with a quadrupole and explains why there liptical) field than cylindrical rods, result-
ing vacuum (7). Even though they are all is always a pronounced shoulder at the ing in higher transmission of ions at
important, probably the biggest impacts low mass side of the peak compared to higher resolution. It also tells us that a
on abundance sensitivity are the motion the high mass side as represented in higher operating frequency means a
and kinetic energy of the ions as they en- Figure 7, which shows the theoretical higher rate of oscillation and therefore
ter and exit the quadrupole. If one looks peak shape of a nominal mass M. We can separation of the ions as they travel
at the Mathieu stability plot in Figure 3, it see that the shape of the peak at one down the quadrupole. Finally, it is very
can be seen that the stability boundaries mass lower (M 2 1) is slightly different well accepted that a higher vacuum pro-
of each mass are less defined (not so from the other side of the peak at one duces fewer collisions between gas mole-
sharp) on the low mass side than they are mass higher (M 1 1) than the mass M. cules and ions, resulting in a narrower
on the high mass side (4). As a result, the For this reason, the abundance sensitivity spread in kinetic energy of the ions and
characteristics of ion motion at the low specification for all quadrupoles is always therefore less of a tail at the low mass
mass boundary is different from the high worse on the low mass side than on the side of a peak. However, given all these
mass boundary and is therefore reflected high mass side and is typically 1 3 1026 specification differences, in practice the
in poorer abundance sensitivity at the low at M 2 1 and 1 3 1027 at M 1 1. In other performance of most modern quadrupole
mass side compared with the high mass words, an interfering peak of 1 million ICP-MS instrumentation is very similar.
side. In addition, the velocity (and there- counts per second (cps) at M 2 1 would So even though these differences will
fore the kinetic energy) of the ions enter- produce a background of 1 cps at M, mainly be transparent to users, there are
ing the quadrupole will affect the ion mo- while it would take an interference of 107 some subtle variations in each instru-
tion and, as a result, will have a direct cps at M 1 1 to produce a background of ments measurement protocol and the
impact on the abundance sensitivity. For 1 cps at M. softwares approach to peak quantitation.
that reason, factors that affect the kinetic This is a very important area that we will
energy of the ions, like high plasma po- BENEFITS OF GOOD ABUNDANCE discuss it in greater detail in a future col-
tential and the use of lens components to SENSITIVITY umn. The next part of the series will con-
accelerate the ion beam, will degrade the Figure 8 shows an example of the impor- tinue with describing the fundamental
instruments abundance sensitivity (8). tance of abundance sensitivity. Figure 8a principles of other types of mass analyz-
is a spectral scan of 50 ppm of the doubly ers used in ICP-MS.
charged europium ion 151Eu11 at 75.5
amu (a doubly charged ion is one with REFERENCES
two positive charges, as opposed to a nor- (1) R. Thomas, Spectroscopy 16(9), 3844
mal singly charged positive ion, and ex- (2001).
hibits a m/z peak at half its mass). We can (2) F. Adams, R. Gijbels, and R. Van Grieken,
see that the intensity of the peak is so Inorganic Mass Spectrometry (John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1988).
great that its tail overlaps the adjacent
(3) A. Montasser, Ed. Inductively Coupled
mass at 75 amu, which is the only avail- Plasma Mass Spectrometry (Wiley-VCH,
able mass for the determination of ar- Berlin, 1998).
senic. This is highlighted in Figure 8b, (4) P.H. Dawson, Ed., Quadrupole Mass Spec-
which shows an expanded view of the tail trometry and its Applications (Elsevier,
of the 151Eu11, together with a scan of 1 Amsterdam, 1976; reissued by AIP Press,
ppb of As at mass 75. We can see very Woodbury, NY, 1995).
clearly that the 75As signal lies on the (5) Z. Du, T.N. Olney, and D.J. Douglas, J.
sloping tail of the 151Eu11 peak. Mea- Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 8, 12301236
surement on a sloping background like (1997).
(6) P.H. Dawson and Y. Binqi, Int. J. Mass
this would result in a significant degrada-
Spectrom., Ion Proc. 56, 25 (1984).
tion in the arsenic detection limit, particu- (7) D. Potter, Agilent Technologies Application
larly as the element is monoisotopic and Note, 228349 (January, 1996).
no alternative mass is available. This ex- (8) E.R. Denoyer, D. Jacques, E. Debrah, and
ample shows the importance of a low S.D. Tanner, At. Spectrosc. 16(1), 1
abundance sensitivity specification in (1995).
Robert Thomas has more than 30 years ex-
DIFFERENT QUARDUPOLE DESIGNS perience in trace element analysis. He is the
Many different designs of quadrupole are principal of his own freelance writing and
used in ICP-MS, all made from different scientific consulting company, Scientific So-
materials with various dimensions, lutions, based in Gaithersburg, MD. He can
shapes, and physical characteristics. In be contacted by e-mail at thomasrj@
addition, they are all maintained at bellatlantic.net or via his web site at
slightly different vacuum chamber pres- www.scientificsolutions1.com.
sures and operate at different frequen-
48 SPECTROSCOPY 16(10) OCTOBER 2001 Circle 36 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
ferences. These limitations in Figure 1. Schematic of a reverse Nier-Johnson double-focusing magnetic-sector mass
quadrupoles drove researchers in the di- spectrometer (Courtesy of Thermo Finnigan [San Jose, CA]).
rection of traditional high-resolution,
magnetic-sector technology to improve found to be unsuitable as a separation de- lyzers a traditional electromagnet and
quantitation by resolving the analyte vice for an ICP system because it required an electrostatic analyzer (ESA). In the
mass away from the spectral interference a few thousand volts of potential at the standard (sometimes called forward) de-
(2). These ICP-MS instruments, which plasma interface area to accelerate the sign, the ESA is positioned before the
were first commercialized in the late ions into the mass analyzer. For this rea- magnet, and in the reverse design it is po-
1980s, offered resolving power as high as son, basic changes had to be made to the sitioned after the magnet. A schematic of
10,000, compared with a quadrupole, ion acceleration mechanism to optimize it a reverse Nier-Johnson spectrometer is
which had a resolving power of approxi- as an ICP-MS separation device. This was shown in Figure 1.
mately 300. This dramatic improvement a significant challenge when magnetic-
in resolving power allowed difficult ele- sector systems were first developed in the PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION
ments like Fe, K, As, V, and Cr to be de- late 1980s. However, by the early 1990s, With this approach, ions are sampled
termined with relative ease, even in com- instrument designers solved this problem from the plasma in a conventional man-
plex sample matrices. by moving the high-voltage components ner and then accelerated in the ion optic
away from the plasma and interface and region to a few kilovolts before they enter
TRADITIONAL MAGNETIC-SECTOR closer to the mass spectrometer. Todays the mass analyzer. The magnetic field,
INSTRUMENTS instrumentation is based on two different which is dispersive with respect to ion en-
The magnetic-sector design was first used approaches, commonly referred to as ergy and mass, focuses all the ions with
in molecular spectroscopy for the struc- standard or reverse Nier-Johnson geome- diverging angles of motion from the en-
tural analysis of complex organic com- try. Both these designs, which use the trance slit. The ESA, which is only disper-
pounds. Unfortunately, it was initially same basic principles, consist of two ana- sive with respect to ion energy, then fo-
22 SPECTROSCOPY 16(11) NOVEMBER 2001 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
............................... SPECTROSCOPY TUTORIAL ..............................
cuses the ions onto the exit slit, where magnet. This was not such a major prob-
the detector is positioned. If the energy lem for qualitative analysis, but proved to B
Magnetic field
dispersion of the magnet and ESA are be impractical for routine trace element
equal in magnitude but opposite in direc- analysis. This concept is shown in greater
tion, they will focus both ion angles (first detail in Figure 2, which is a plot of four A
focusing) and ion energies (second or parameters magnetic field strength,
double focusing), when combined to- accelerating voltage, mass, and signal in-
Acceleration potential
gether. Changing the electrical field in tensity against time for four separate
the opposite direction during the cycle masses (M1M4). Scanning the magnet
time of the magnet (in terms of the mass from point A to point B (accelerating volt-
Measurement time
passing the exit slit) has the effect of age is fixed) results in a scan across the
Scanning and
freezing the mass for detection. Then as mass range, generating spectral peaks for settling (dead) time
soon as a certain magnetic field strength the four different masses. It can be seen
that this increased scanning and settling
overhead time (often referred to as dead
time) would result in valuable measure-
ment time being lost, particularly for high
Changing the electric sample throughput that required ultra-
trace detection levels.
field in the opposite Changing the electric field in the oppo- M1 M2 M3
site direction to the field strength of the
direction to the field magnet during the cycle time of the mag- Time
strength of the magnet net has the effect of stopping the mass
that passes through the analyzer. Then, Figure 2. A plot of magnetic field strength,
during the cycle time of as soon as the magnetic field strength is accelerating voltage (fixed), mass, and sig-
passed, the electrical field is set to its nal intensity over time for four separate
the magnet has the original value and the next mass masses (M1M4). Note that only the mag-
effect of stopping the stopped in the same manner. The accel- net is scanned, while the accelerating volt-
erating voltage, as well as its rate of age is fixed resulting in long scan times
mass that passes change, has to be varied depending on between the masses.
the mass, but the benefit of this method
through the analyzer. is that only the mass peaks of interest are
registered. This process is seen in Figure
Magnetic field
3, which shows the same four masses
scanned. The only difference this time is A
that as well as scanning the magnet from
is passed, the electric field is set to its point A to point B, the accelerating volt-
original value and the next mass is age is also changed, resulting in a step-
Acceleration potential
frozen. The voltage is varied on a per- wise jump from one mass to the next.
mass basis, allowing the operator to scan This means that the full mass range is
only the mass peaks of interest rather covered much faster than just by scan-
than the full mass range (3, 4). ning the magnet alone (because of the in-
Because traditional magnetic-sector creased speed involved in electrically Measurement time
technology was initially developed for the jumping from one mass to another) (5).
structural or qualitative identification of Once the magnet has been scanned to a
organic compounds, there wasnt a real particular point, an electric scan is used Jump time
necessity for rapid quantitation of spectral to cover an area of 1030% of the mass,
peaks required for trace element analysis. either to measure the analyte peak or
They functioned by scanning over a large monitor other masses of interest. Peak
mass range by varying the magnetic field quantitation is typically performed by tak-
over time with a fixed acceleration volt- ing multiple data points over a preset M1 M4
M2 M3
age. During a small window in time, mass window and integrating over a fixed
which was dependent on the resolution period of time. Time
chosen, ions of a particular mass-to- It should be pointed out that although
charge are swept past the exit slit to pro- this approach represents enormous time Figure 3. A plot of magnetic field strength,
duce the characteristic flat top peaks. As savings over older, single-focusing accelerating voltage (changed), mass, and
the resolution of a magnetic-sector instru- magnetic-sector technology, it is still sig- signal intensity over time for the same four
ment is independent of mass, ion signals, nificantly slower than quadrupole-based masses (M1M4). This time, in addition to
particularly at low mass, are far apart. instruments. The inherent problem lies in the magnet being scanned, the accelerating
The result was that a large amount of the fact that a quadrupole can be elec- voltage is also changed, resulting in rapid
time was spent scanning and settling the tronically scanned much faster than a electric jumps between the masses.
............................... SPECTROSCOPY TUTORIAL ..............................
Wide slit Lower resolution
Ion beam
Ion beam
Narrow slit
Figure 4. Resolution obtained using (a) wide and (b) narrow exit slit widths as the magnetic field is scanned. The entrance slit widths are the
same in (a) and (b).
magnet. Typical speeds for a full mass cial magnetic-sector ICP-MS systems of- in Figure 4, which shows two slit width
scan (0250 amu) of a magnet are in the fer as much as 10,000 resolving power scenarios. Figure 4a shows an example of
order of 400500 ms, compared with 100 (5% peak height/10% valley definition), a wide exit slit producing relatively low
ms for a quadrupole. In addition, it takes which is high enough to resolve the ma- resolution and a characteristic flat-topped
much longer for magnets to slow down jority of spectral interferences. Its worth peak. Figure 4b shows the same size en-
and settle to take measurements typi- emphasizing that resolving power (R) is trance slit, but a narrower exit slit, pro-
cally 3050 ms compared to 12 ms for a represented by the equation: R m/m, ducing higher resolution with a charac-
quadrupole. So, even though in practice, where m is the nominal mass at which teristic triangular peak. The lowest
the electric scan dramatically reduces the the peak occurs and m is the mass dif- practical resolution achievable with a dou-
overall analysis time, modern double- ference between two resolved peaks (6). ble-focusing magnetic-sector instrument,
focusing magnetic-sector ICP-MS sys- In a quadrupole, the resolution is se- using the widest entrance and exit slits, is
tems, especially when multiple resolution lected by changing the ratio of the rf/dc approximately 300400, whereas the
settings are used, are significantly slower voltages on the quadrupole rods. How- highest practical resolution, using the
than quadrupole instruments. This ever, because a double-focusing narrowest entrance and exit slits, is ap-
makes them less than ideal for routine, magnetic-sector instrument involves fo- proximately 10,000. Most commercial
high-throughput applications or for sam- cusing ion angles and ion energies, mass systems operate at fixed resolution set-
ples that require multielement determina- resolution is achieved by using two me- tings for example, low is typically
tions on rapid transient signals. chanical slits one at the entrance to 300400; medium is typically 30004000,
the mass spectrometer and another at the and high is typically 800010,000 (the
RESOLVING POWER exit, before the detector. Varying resolu- choice of settings will vary depending on
As mentioned previously, most commer- tion is achieved by scanning the magnetic the instrumentation).
field under differ- However, it should be emphasized that,
ent entrance- and similar to optical spectrometry, as the
Table I. Resolution required to resolve some common polyatomic exit-slit width con- resolution is increased, the transmission
interferences from a selected group of isotopes. ditions. Similar to decreases. So even though extremely
optical systems, high resolution is available, detection lim-
Isotope Matrix Interference Resolution Transmission low resolution is its will be compromised under these con-
39K H2O 38ArH 5570 6% achieved by using ditions. This can be seen in Figure 5,
40Ca H2O 40 Ar 199,800 0% wide slits, which shows a plot of resolution against
44Ca HNO3 14 14
N N O 16 970 80% whereas high res- ion transmission. Figure 5 shows that a
56Fe H2O 40Ar16O 2504 18% olution is achieved resolving power of 400 produces 100%
31P H2O 15N16O 1460 53% with narrow slits. transmission, but at a resolving power of
34S H2O 16 18
O O 1300 65% Varying the width 10,000, only 2% is achievable. This dra-
75As HCl 40 35
Ar Cl 7725 2% of both the en- matic loss in sensitivity could be an issue
51V HCl 35Cl16O 2572 18% trance and exit if low detection limits are required in
64Zn H2SO4 32S16O16O 1950 42% slits effectively spectrally complex samples that require
24Mg Organics 12 12
C C 1600 50% changes the oper- the highest possible resolution; however,
52Cr Organics 40 12
Ar C 2370 20% ating resolution. spectral demands of this nature are not
55Mn HNO 40Ar15N 2300 20% This can be seen very common. Table I shows the resolu-
pecially for high-mass elements like ura- isotope ratio work (7). Although preci-
nium where high resolution is generally sion is usually degraded as resolution is
not required, are typically an order of increased (because the peak shape gets
magnitude better than those provided by worse), modern instrumentation with
Transmission (%)
Besides high resolving power, another at-
(1) R. Thomas, Spectroscopy 16(10), 4448
Circle 20
(2) N. Bradshaw, E.F.H. Hall, and N.E.
Sanderson, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 4,
801803 (1989).
(3) R. Hutton, A. Walsh, D. Milton, and J.
Cantle, ChemSA 17, 213215 (1991).
(4) U. Geismann and U. Greb, Fresnius J.
Anal. Chem. 350, 186193 (1994).
(5) U. Geismann and U. Greb, Poster Presen-
tation at Second Regensburg Symposium
on Elemental Mass Spectrometry (1993).
(6) F. Adams, R. Gijbels, and R. Van Grieken,
Inorganic Mass Spectrometry (John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1988).
(7) F. Vanhaecke, L. Moens, R. Dams, and R.
Taylor, Anal. Chem. 68, 567 (1996).
(8) M. Hamester, D. Wiederin, J. Willis, W.
Keri, and C.B. Douthitt, Fresnius J. Anal.
Chem. 364, 495497 (1999).
(9) J. Walder and P. A. Freeman, J. Anal. At.
Spectrom. 7, 571 (1992).
(10) S. Beres, E. Denoyer, R. Thomas, and P.
Bruckner, Spectroscopy 9(1), 2026
(11) S. Shuttleworth and D. Kremser, J. Anal.
At. Spectrom. 13, 697699 (1998).
Circle 21
scribed in the literature in the late 1940s flight path distance (D) represented by
Flight path distance
(1), it has taken more than 50 years to equation 2
adapt it for use in an ICP-MS system. The
recent growth in TOF ICP-MS sales is in m/z = 2Ut2/D2 [2] Figure 1. Principles of ion detection using
response to the technologys unique abil- TOF technology, showing separation of
ity to sample all ions generated in the This is shown schematically in Figure three masses in the time domain.
plasma at exactly the same time, which is 1, with three ions of different mass-to-
advantageous in three major areas: charge ratios being accelerated into a
Multielement determinations of rapid flight tube and arriving at the detector at into the mass filter in the conventional
transient signals generated by sam- different times. It can be seen that, based way, packets (groups) of ions are electro-
pling accessories such as laser ablation on their velocities, the lightest ion arrives statically injected into the flight tube at
and electrothermal vaporization first, followed by the medium mass ion, exactly the same time. With the orthogo-
devices and finally the heaviest one. Using flight nal approach, an accelerating potential is
High-precision, ratioing techniques tubes of 1 m in length, even the heaviest applied at right angles to the continuous
such as internal standardization and ions typically take less than 50 s to ion beam from the plasma source. The
isotope ratio analysis reach the detector. This translates into ion beam is then chopped by using a
Rapid multielement measurements, approximately 20,000 mass spectra/s pulsed voltage supply coupled to the or-
especially where sample volume is approximately 23 orders of magnitude thogonal accelerator to provide repetitive
limited. faster than the sequential scanning mode voltage slices at a frequency of a few kilo-
TOFs simultaneous nature of sampling of a quadrupole system. hertz. The sliced packets of ions, which
ions offers distinct advantages over tradi- are typically long and thin in cross sec-
tional scanning (sequential) quadrupole DIFFERENT SAMPLING APPROACHES tion (in the vertical plane), are then al-
technology for ICP-MS applications Even though this process sounds fairly lowed to drift into the flight tube where
where large amounts of data need to be straightforward, sampling the ions in a the ions are temporally resolved accord-
captured in a short amount of time. Be- simultaneous manner from a continuous ing to their velocities. Figure 2 shows this
fore we go on to discuss this in greater source of ions being generated in the process schematically.
detail, lets go through the basic princi- plasma discharge is not a trivial task. Ba- With the axial approach, an accelerat-
ples of TOF analyzers. sically two sampling approaches are used ing potential is applied axially (in the
in commercial TOF mass analyzers. They same axis) to the incoming ion beam as it
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF TOF are the orthogonal design (2), where the enters the extraction region. Because the
All TOF-MS instruments are based on flight tube is positioned at right angles to ions are in the same plane as the detec-
the same fundamental principle that the the sampled ion beam, and the axial de- tor, the beam has to be modulated using
kinetic energy (Ek) of an ion is directly sign (3), where the flight tube is in the an electrode grid to repel the gated
proportional to its mass (m) and velocity same axis as the ion beam. In both de- packet of ions into the flight tube. This
(v), represented by equation 1 signs, all ions that contribute to the mass kind of modulation generates an ion
spectrum are sampled through the inter- packet that is long and thin in cross sec-
Ek 12mv2 [1] face cones, but instead of being focused tion (in the horizontal plane). The differ-
n reference to Part VII of my tutorial series, A Beginners My statement that typical scan speeds for a full mass
I Guide to ICP-MS, which was published in the November
2001 issue of Spectroscopy, I would like to make a number
scan were 400500 ms is reflective of older magnetic sec-
tor technology. This is not representative of the ELEMENT2,
of corrections. Even though the intent of the article was to which has a scan speed in the order of 150200 ms.
give a general overview of double-focusing magnetic-sector My statement that typical sensitivity was in the order of
mass analyzers for beginners, Thermo Finnigan contacted 100200 million cps/ppm is not reflective of the
Spectroscopy to inform the editors and me that the column ELEMENT2, which has a specification for 115In of 1 billion
contained errors, and that it did not reflect the current per- cps/ppm.
formance of their instrument, the ELEMENT2. For that rea- My conclusion should therefore be modified to say that
son, I wish to make the following amendments to the article. if transient peak analysis is a requirement, modern double-
My statement that double-focusing magnetic sector focusing magnetic sector technology such as the
ICP-MS instruments are significantly slower than ELEMENT2, with its improved scan speeds, should be con-
quadrupole technology does not hold true today. Recent sidered a viable option to quadrupole technology.
improvements in the scan rate of the ELEMENT2 translates I wish to apologize for any inconvenience caused by
into speeds approaching that of quadrupole-based these statements.
instruments. Robert Thomas
to produce high-quality, multielement less than 50 s. Figure 5 shows a full multielement solution in less than 10 s.
data when the transient peak lasts only a mass scan of a transient peak generated TOF technology is probably better suited
few seconds. The simultaneous nature of by an electrothermal vaporization sam- than any other design of ICP-MS for this
TOF instrumentation makes it ideally pling accessory coupled to a TOF ICP- type of application.
suited for this type of analysis, because MS system. The technique has generated
the entire mass range can be collected in a healthy signal for 10 L of a 5-ppb IMPROVED PRECISION
To better understand how TOF technol-
ogy can help improve precision in ICP-
MS, it is important to know the major
sources of instability. The most common
source of noise in ICP-MS is flicker noise
associated with the sample introduction
process (from peristaltic pump pulsa-
tions, nebulization mechanisms, and
plasma fluctuations) and shot noise de-
rived from photons, electrons, and ions
hitting the detector. Shot noise is based
on counting statistics and is directly pro-
portional to the square root of the signal.
It therefore follows that as the signal in-
tensity gets larger, the shot noise has less
of an impact on the precision (% RSD) of
the signal. At high ion counts the most
dominant source of imprecision in ICP-
MS is derived from flicker noise gener-
ated in the sample introduction area.
One of the most effective ways to re-
duce instability produced by flicker noise
is to use a technique called internal stan-
dardization, where the analyte signal is
compared and ratioed to the signal of an
internal standard element (usually of sim-
ilar mass and ionization characteristics)
that is spiked into the sample. Even
though a quadrupole-based system can
do an adequate job of compensating for
these signal fluctuations, it is ultimately
limited by its inability to measure the in-
ternal standard at exactly the same time
as the analyte isotope. So to compensate
Circle 33
40 SPECTROSCOPY 17(1) JANUARY 2002 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
.............................. SPECTROSCOPY TUTORIAL ...............................
for sample introduction and plasma- techniques, and also has the capability for (6) N. Bradshaw, E.F. Hall, and N.E. Sander-
based noise and achieve high precision, high speeds of analysis. However, even son, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 4, 801803
the analyte and internal standard isotopes though it has enormous potential, TOF
(7) P. Mahoney, G. Li, and G.M. Hieftje, J.
need to be sampled and measured simul- was only commercialized in 1998, so it is Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 11, 401406
taneously. For this reason, the design of a relatively immature compared with (1996).
TOF mass analyzer is perfect for true quadrupole ICP-MS technology, which is (8) K.G. Heumann, S.M. Gallus, G.
simultaneous internal standardization re- almost 20 years old. For that reason, Radlinger, and J. Vogl, J. Anal. At. Spec-
quired for high-precision work. It follows, there is currently only a small number of trom. 13, 1001 (1998).
therefore, that TOF is also well suited for TOF instruments carrying out high-
high-precision isotope ratio analysis throughput, routine applications.
where its simultaneous nature of mea- Robert Thomas has more than 30 years of
surement is capable of achieving preci- REFERENCES experience in trace element analysis. He is
sion values close to the theoretical limits (1) A.E. Cameron and D.F. Eggers, The Re- the principal of his own freelance writing
of counting statistics. And unlike a scan- view of Scientific Instruments 19(9), 605 and scientific consulting company, Scientific
ning quadrupole-based system, it can (1948). Solutions, based in Gaithersburg, MD. He
measure ratios for as many isotopes or (2) D.P. Myers, G. Li, P. Yang, and G.M. can be contacted by e-mail at thomasrj@
Hieftje, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 5,
isotopic pairs as needed all with excel- bellatlantic.net or via his web site at
10081016 (1994).
lent precision (8). (3) D.P. Myers, paper presented at 12th Asilo-
mar Conference on Mass Spectrometry,
ANALYSIS TIME Pacific Grove, CA, Sept. 2024, (1996).
As with a scanning ICPoptical emission (4) R.E. Sturgeon, J.W.H. Lam, and A. Saint,
spectroscopy system, the speed of a J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 15, 607616,
quadrupole ICP mass spectrometer is lim- (2000).
ited by its scanning rate. To determine 10 (5) F. Vanhaecke, L. Moens, R. Dams, L.
elements in duplicate with good precision Allen, and S. Georgitis, Anal. Chem. 71,
and detection limits, an integration time of 3297 (1999).
3 s/mass is normally required. When
overhead scanning and settling times are
added for each mass and each replicate,
this translates to approximately 2
min/sample. With a TOF system, the
same analysis would take significantly
less time because all the data are captured
simultaneously. In fact, detection limit lev-
els in a TOF instrument are typically
achieved using a 1030 s integration time,
which translates into a 510-fold improve-
ment in measurement time over a quadru-
pole instrument. The added benefit of a
TOF instrument is that the speed of analy-
sis is not impacted by the number of ana-
lytes being determined. It wouldnt matter
if the suite of elements in the method was
10 or 70 the measurement time would
be approximately the same. However, one
point must be stressed: A large portion of
the overall analysis time is taken up with
flushing an old sample out and pumping a
new sample into the sample introduction
system. This can be as much as 2
min/sample for real-world matrices. So
when this time is taken into account, the
difference between the sample through-
put of a quadrupole system and a TOF
ICP-MS system is not so evident.
TOF ICP-MS, with its rapid, simultane-
ous mode of measurement, excels at mul-
tielement applications that generate fast
transient signals. It offers excellent preci-
sion, particularly for isotope-ratioing
Circle 34
The detection capability of traditional quadrupole mass analyzers for the interface in the normal
some critical elements is severely compromised by the formation of manner, where they are ex-
polyatomic spectral interferences generated by either argon, solvent, or tracted under vacuum into a
sample-based ionic species. Although there are ways to minimize these collision/reaction cell that is po-
interferences including correction equations, cool plasma technology, sitioned before the analyzer
and matrix separation they cannot be completely eliminated. How- quadrupole. A collision/reaction
ever, a new approach called collision/reaction cell technology has re- gas such as hydrogen or helium
cently been developed that virtually stops the formation of many of is then bled into the cell, which
these harmful species before they enter the mass analyzer. Part IX of consists of a multipole (a
this series takes a detailed look at this innovative new technique and quadrupole, hexapole, or octa-
the exciting potential it has to offer. pole), usually operated in the
radio frequency (rf)-only mode.
The rf-only field does not sepa-
A small number of
elements are recog-
nized as having poor
detection limits by
inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
The cold/cool plasma ap-
proach, which uses a lower tem-
perature to reduce the forma-
tion of the argon-based
interferences, is a very effective
way to get around some of these
rate the masses like a traditional
quadrupole, but instead has the
effect of focusing the ions,
which then collide and react
with molecules of the collision/
reaction gas. By a number of
These elements are predomi- problems (1); however, it is different ion-molecule collision
Thomas nantly ones that suffer from sometimes difficult to optimize, and reaction mechanisms, poly-
has more than
30 years of major spectral interferences it is only suitable for a few of the atomic interfering ions like 40Ar,
experience in generated by ions derived from interferences, it is susceptible to Ar16O, and 38ArH, will either be
trace element the plasma gas, matrix compo- more severe matrix effects, and converted to harmless noninter-
analysis. He is nents, or the solventacid used it can be time consuming to fering species, or the analyte will
the principal of
to get the sample into solution. change back and forth between be converted to another ion
his own
freelance writing Examples of these interferences normal- and cool-plasma con- which is not interfered with.
and consulting include: ditions. These limitations and This is exemplified by the reac-
company, 40Ar16O on the determination the desire to improve perform- tion [1], which shows the use of
Scientific of 56Fe ance led to the development of hydrogen gas to reduce the
Solutions, based
in Gaithersburg,
ArH on the determination
collision/reaction cells in the 38
ArH polyatomic interference in
MD. He can be of 39K late 1990s. Designed originally the determination of 39K. Hy-
contacted by 40Ar on the determination of for organic MS to generate drogen gas converts 38ArH to the
e-mail at 40
Ca daughter species to confirm harmless H3 ion and atomic
thomasrj@ 40Ar40Ar on the determination identification of the structure of argon, but does not react with
of 80Se the parent molecule (2), they the potassium. The 39K analyte
or via his web
site at www. Ar35Cl on the determination
were used in ICP-MS to stop the ions, free of the interference,
scientificsolutions1. of 75As appearance of many argon- then emerge from the
com. Ar12C on the determination
based spectral interferences. collision/reaction cell, where
of 52Cr they are directed toward the
Cl16O on the determination
Basic Principles of Collision/ quadrupole analyzer for normal
of 51V. Reaction Cells mass separation.
With this approach, ions enter
42 Spectroscopy 17(2) February 2002 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
107 104
No matrix
0.2% Cl matrix 106 103
0.06% C matrix
BEC (ppb)
Cr/ 53Cr
104 101
103 100
6 Blank (cps)
102 101
BEC (ppb)
4 101 102
100 103
2 0 0.7 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hydrogen flow (mL/min)
Collision gas flow rate (mL/min)
Figure 2. The use of a helium/ammonia mixture with a hexapole-based Figure 3. Background reduction of the argon dimer (40Ar2) with
collision cell for the successful determination of 52Cr/53Cr isotopic ratios hydrogen gas using an octapole reaction cell (Courtesy of Agilent
(courtesy of Thermo Elemental, Franklin, MA). Technologies, Wilmington, DE).
collision/reaction characteristics. In ad- Cr/53Cr (52Cr is 83.789% and 53Cr is order multipoles. Similar in design to
dition to offering good transmission 9.401% abundant). It can be seen that the hexapole, collisional fragmentation
characteristics and kinetic energy dis- the 52Cr/53Cr ratio is virtually the same and energy discrimination are the pre-
crimination, they now appear to offer in the chloride and carbon matrices as dominant mechanisms for interference
basic mass-dependent discrimination it is with no matrix present when the reduction, which means that lower re-
capabilities. This means that the kinetic optimum flow of collision/reaction gas activity gases like hydrogen and helium
energy discrimination barrier can be is used (5). are preferred. By careful design of the
adjusted with analytical mass, which of- Another way to discriminate by ki- interface and the entrance to the cell,
fers the capability of using small netic energy is to use an octapole in the the collision/reaction capabilities can be
amounts of highly reactive gases. Figure collision/reaction cell instead of a hexa- improved, by reducing the number of
2 shows an example of the reduction of pole. The benefit of using a higher sample/solvent/plasma-based ions en-
both 40Ar12C and 37Cl16O using helium order design is that its transmission tering the cell. This enables the collision
with a small amount of ammonia, in characteristics, particularly at the low gas to be more effective at reducing the
the isotopic ratio determination of mass end, are slightly higher than lower interferences. An example of this is the
use of H2 as the cell gas to reduce the
argon dimer (40Ar2) interference in the
ArO NH3 O Ar NH3 determination of the major isotope of
selenium at mass 80 (80Se). Figure 3
Gas inlet shows an example of a dramatic reduc-
Quadrupole tion in the 40Ar2 background at mass 80
Ar mass filter using an ICP-MS fitted with an octa-
Reactive gas (NH3) pole reaction cell. By using the opti-
mum flow of H2, the spectral back-
Ar16O ground is reduced by about six orders
+ + of magnitude, from 10,000,000 cps to
+ + 10 cps, producing a background equiva-
+ + + + lent concentration of approximately
Fe + ++ + +
+ + + 1 ppt for 80Se (6).
+ + Discrimination by Mass
Fe The other way to reject the products of
+ the secondary reactions/collisions is to
reactions and collisions discriminate them by mass. Unfortu-
NH3 O nately, higher order multipoles cannot
be used for efficient mass discrimina-
tion because the stability boundaries
Figure 4. Elimination of the ArO interference with a dynamic reaction cell.
are diffuse, and sequential secondary
100 ppt Ca mic, is not allowed to Collision/reaction cells have given a
105 proceed (8). Figure 5 new lease on life to quadrupole mass
104 shows this process in analyzers used in ICP-MS. They have
10 3 greater detail. enhanced its performance and flexibil-
This highly efficient ity, and most definitely opened up the
Water blank reaction mechanism technique to more-demanding applica-
101 translates into a dra- tions that were previously beyond its
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
matic reduction of the capabilities. However, it must be em-
NH3 flow (mL/min) spectral background at phasized that even though differences
mass 40, which is exist between commercially available
Figure 6. A reduction of eight orders of magnitude in the 40Ar
shown graphically in instruments, they all perform very well.
background signal is achievable with the dynamic reaction cell
Figure 6. At the opti- The intent of this tutorial is to present
resulting in 1 ppt detection limit for 40Ca.
mum NH3 flow, a re- the benefits of the technology to begin-
duction in the 40Ar ners and give an overview of the differ-
NH3 gas and the 40Ar interference, background signal of about eight orders ent approaches available. If it has cre-
which is predominantly a charge ex- of magnitude is achieved, resulting in a ated an interest, I strongly suggest that a
change, occurs because the ionization detection limit of 0.51.0 ppt for 40Ca. performance evaluation is made based
potential of NH3 (10.2 eV) is low com- Table II shows some typical detection on your own sample matrices.
pared with that of Ar (15.8 eV). There- limits in parts per trillion (ppt) of an
fore, the reaction is exothermic and fast; ICP-MS system fitted with a dynamic References
1. K. Sakata and K. Kawabata, Spec-
trochimica Acta 49B, 1027 (1994).
2. B.A. Thomson, D.J. Douglas, J.J. Corr,
J.W. Hager, and C.A. Joliffe, Anal. Chem.
67, 16961704 (1995).
3. P. Turner, T. Merren, J. Speakman, and
C. Haines, in Plasma Source Mass
Spectrometry: Developments and Ap-
plications, eds. G. Holland and S. Tan-
ner (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cam-
bridge, UK, 1996).
4. I. Feldmann, N. Jakubowski, C. Thomas,
and D. Stuewer, Fresenius J. Anal.
Chem. 365, 422428 (1999).
5. Collision Cell Technology with Energy
Discrimination, Thermo Elemental Ap-
plication Note (Thermo Elemental,
Franklin, MA, September 2001).
6. E. McCurdy and D. Potter, Agilent Tech-
nologies ICP-MS Journal 10, October
7. Covered by U.S. Patent No. 6140638.
8. S.D. Tanner and V.I. Baranov, At. Spectr.
20(2), 4552, (1999).
9. U. Voellkopf, K. Klemm, and M. Pfluger,
At. Spectr. 20(2), 5359, (1999).
Part X of this series on ICP-MS discusses the detection system an more secondary electrons form.
important area of the mass spectrometer that counts the number of ions The potential gradient inside
emerging from the mass analyzer. The detector converts the ions into the tube varies based on posi-
electrical pulses, which are then counted by its integrated measurement tion, so the secondary electrons
circuitry. The magnitude of the electrical pulses corresponds to the move farther down the tube. As
number of analyte ions present in the sample. Trace element quantita- these electrons strike new areas
tion in an unknown sample is then carried out by comparing the ion of the coating, more secondary
signal with known calibration or reference standards. electrons are emitted. This
process is repeated many times.
The result is a discrete pulse that
ince inductively coupled emission spectroscopy (ICP- contains many millions of elec-
plasmamass spectrom- OES); however, instead of using trons generated from an ion
etry (ICP-MS) was first individual dynodes to convert that first hits the cone of the de-
introduced in the early photons to electrons, the chan- tector (1). This process is shown
1980s, a number of different ion neltron is an open glass cone simplistically in Figure 1.
detection designs have been This pulse is
used, the most popular being then sensed
Robert electron multipliers for low ion- For some applications where and detected
Thomas count rates, and Faraday collec- by a very fast
has more than
30 years of
tors for high-count rates. Today, ultratrace detection limits are preamplifier.
the majority of ICP-MS systems The output
experience in
trace element
used for ultratrace analysis use not required, the ion beam from pulse from the
analysis. He is detectors that are based on the preamplifier
the principal of active film or discrete dynode the mass analyzer is directed then goes to a
his own electron multiplier. They are digital dis-
freelance writing
and consulting
very sophisticated pieces of into a simple metal electrode, criminator and
equipment compared with ear- counting cir-
Scientific lier designs and are very effi- or Faraday cup. cuitry, which
Solutions, based cient at converting ion currents counts only
in Gaithersburg, into electrical signals. Before we pulses above a
MD. He can be describe these detectors in coated with a semiconductor- certain threshold value. This
contacted by
e-mail at
greater detail, it is worth looking type material that generates threshold level needs to be high
thomasrj@ at two of the earlier designs electrons from ions impinging enough to discriminate against
bellatlantic.net the channel electron multiplier on its surface. For the detection pulses caused by spurious emis-
or via his web (channeltron) and the Faraday of positive ions, the front of the sion inside the tube, stray pho-
site at www. cup to get a basic under- cone is biased at a negative po- tons from the plasma itself, or
standing of how the ICP-MS ion tential and the far end, nearest photons generated from fast
detection process works. the collector, is kept at ground. moving ions striking the
Channel electron multiplier. The When the ion emerges from the quadrupole rods.
operating principles of the quadrupole mass analyzer, it is Sometimes the rate of ions
channel electron multiplier are attracted to the high negative hitting the detector is too high
similar to those of a photomul- potential of the cone. When the for the measurement circuitry
tiplier tube used in ICPoptical ion hits this surface, one or to handle in an efficient man-
34 Spectroscopy 17(4) April 2002 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
in the early 1990s to develop an ICP- way the measurement circuitry handles
Ions from MS system using a Faraday cup detector low and high ion-count rates. When
mass analyzer for environmental applications, but its ICP-MS was first commercialized, it
Preamplifier sensitivity was compromised and, as a could only handle as many as five or-
Secondary result, it was considered more suitable ders of dynamic range; however, when
for applications requiring ICP-OES de- attempts were made to extend the dy-
( )
tection capability. However, Faraday namic range, certain problems were en-
cup technology is still used in some countered. Before we discuss how mod-
3 kV
magnetic sector instruments, particu- ern detectors deal with this issue, lets
Figure 1. The path of an ion through a channel larly where high ion signals are first take a look at how it was addressed
electron multiplier. encountered in the determination of in earlier instrumentation.
ner. This situation is caused by ions ar- When ICP-MS was first commercialized, it could only
riving at the detector during the output
pulse of the preceding ion and not handle as many as five orders of dynamic range;
being detected by the counting system.
This dead time, as it is known, is a when attempts were made to extend the dynamic
fundamental limitation of the multi-
plier detector and is typically 3050 ns, range, certain problems were encountered.
depending on the detection system.
Compensation in the measurement cir-
cuitry has to be made for this dead time
in order to count the maximum num- high-precision isotope ratios using a Extending the Dynamic Range
ber of ions hitting the detector. multicollector detection system. Traditionally, ICP-MS using the pulse
Faraday cup. For some applications Discrete dynode electron multiplier. These counting measurement is capable of
where ultratrace detection limits are detectors, which are often called active about five orders of linear dynamic
not required, the ion beam from the film multipliers, work in a similar way range. This means that ICP-MS calibra-
mass analyzer is directed into a simple to the channeltron, but use discrete tion curves, generally speaking, are lin-
metal electrode, or Faraday cup (1). dynodes to carry out the electron mul- ear from ppt levels to as much as a few
With this approach, there is no control tiplication (2). Figure 2 illustrates the hundred parts-per-billion. However, a
over the applied voltage (gain), so a principles of operation of this device. number of ways exist to extend the dy-
Faraday cup can only be used for high The detector is usually positioned off- namic range of ICP-MS another three
ion currents. Their lower working range axis to minimize the background from to four orders of magnitude to work
is in the order of 104 counts/s, which stray radiation and neutral species com- from sub-part-per-trillion levels, to as
means that if a Faraday cup is to be ing from the ion source. When an ion much as 100 ppm. Following is a brief
used as the only detector, the sensitivity emerges from the quadrupole, it sweeps overview of some of the different ap-
of the ICP mass spectrometer will be through a curved path before it strikes proaches that have been used.
severely compromised. For this reason, the first dynode. On striking the first Filtering the ion beam. One of the first
Faraday cups are normally used in con- dynode, it liberates secondary electrons. approaches to extend the dynamic
junction with a channeltron or discrete The electron-optic design of the range in ICP-MS was to filter the ion
dynode detector to extend the dynamic dynode produces acceleration of these beam by putting a non-optimum volt-
range of the instrument. An additional secondary electrons to the next dynode, age on one of the ion lens components
problem with the Faraday cup is that, where they generate more electrons. or the quadrupole itself to limit the
because of the time constant used in the This process is repeated at each dynode, number of ions reaching the detector.
dc amplification process to measure the generating a pulse of electrons that is fi- This voltage offset, which was set on an
ion current, it is limited to relatively low nally captured by the multiplier collec- individual mass basis, acted as an en-
scan rates. This limitation makes it un- tor or anode. Because of the materials ergy filter to electronically screen the
suitable for the rapid scan rates re- used in the discrete dynode detector ion beam and reduce the subsequent
quired for traditional pulse counting and the difference in the way electrons ion signal to within a range covered by
used in ICP-MS and also limits its abil- are generated, it is typically more sensi- pulse-counting ion detection. The main
ity to handle fast transient peaks. tive than channeltron technology. disadvantage with this approach was
The Faraday cup never became pop- Although most discrete dynode de- that the operator had to have prior
ular with quadrupole ICP-MS systems tectors are very similar in the way they knowledge of the sample to know what
because it wasnt suitable for very low work, there are subtle differences in the voltage to the apply to the high concen-
ion-count rates. An attempt was made tration masses.
April 2002 17(4) Spectroscopy 35
in the analog mode, provides signals for
elements present at high concentra-
tions. A second scan, in which the de-
tector voltage is switched to digital-
pulse counting mode, provides high
sensitivity detection for elements pres-
Quadrupole rods ent at low levels. A major advantage of
Individual dynodes
this technology is that users do not
need to know in advance whether to use
analog or digital detection because the
Scan Data system system automatically scans all elements
Incoming ion controller
in both modes. However, its disadvan-
tage is that two independent mass scans
are required to gather data across an ex-
To quadrupole tended signal range. This not only re-
sults in degraded measurement effi-
Midpoint ciency and slower analyses, but it also
dynode means that the system cannot be used
Analog signal Counter for fast transient signal analysis of un-
known samples because mode switch-
Detector ing is generally too slow.
MCA The second way of extending the dy-
namic range is similar to the first ap-
Pulse signal Counter proach, except that the first scan is used
2 as an investigative tool to examine the
sample spectrum before analysis (4).
This first prescan establishes the mass
Figure 3 (above). Dual-stage discrete dynode detector measurement circuitry. (Figures 3, 4, and 5
positions at which the analog and pulse
are courtesy of PerkinElmer Instruments, Shelton, CT.)
modes will be used for subsequently col-
lecting the spectral signal. The second
analytical scan is then used for data col-
Using two detectors. Another technique range. By using the detector in both the lection; the system switches the detector
that was implemented in some of the pulse-counting and analog modes, high back and forth rapidly between pulse
early quadrupole ICP-MS instrumenta- and low concentrations can be deter- and analog mode depending on the
tion was to use two different detectors, mined in the same sample. Three ap- concentration of each analytical mass.
such as a channel electron multiplier to proaches use this type of detection sys- The main disadvantage of these two
measure low current signals, and a tem; two of them involve carrying out approaches is that two separate scans
Faraday cup to measure high ion cur- two scans of the sample, while the third are required to measure high and low
rents. This process worked reasonably uses only one scan. levels. With conventional nebulization,
well, but struggled with some applica- Using two scans with one detector. The this isn't such a major problem except
tions because it required rapid switch- first approach uses an electron multi- that it can impact sample throughput.
ing between the two detectors. The plier operated in both digital and ana- However, it does become a concern
problem was that the ion beam had to log modes (3). Digital counting pro- when it comes to working with tran-
be physically deflected to select the op- vides the highest sensitivity, while sient peaks found in electrothermal va-
timum detector. Not only did this de- operation in the analog mode (achieved porization, flow injection, or laser sam-
grade the measurement duty cycle, but by reducing the high voltage applied to pling ICP-MS. Because these transient
detector switching and stabilization the detector) is used to reduce the sen- peaks often last only a few seconds, all
times of several seconds also precluded sitivity of the detector, thus extending the available time must be spent meas-
fast transient signal detection. the concentration range for which ion uring the masses of interest to get the
The more modern approach is to use signals can be measured. The system is best detection limits. When two scans
just one detector to extend the dynamic implemented by scanning the spec- have to be made, valuable time is
36 Spectroscopy 17(4) April 2002 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
Analog (cps)
Pulse (cps)
1. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometry, Ed. A. Montasser (Wiley-
VCH, Berlin, 1998).
2. K. Hunter, Atomic Spectroscopy 15(1),
1720 (1994).
0.1 ppt 100 ppm
3. R.C. Hutton, A.N. Eaton, and R.M.
Analyte concentration
Gosland, Applied Spectroscopy 44(2),
238242 (1990).
4. Y. Kishi, Agilent Technologies Applica- Figure 5. Using cross calibration of the pulse and analog modes, quantitation from sub-part-per-
tion Journal (August 1997).
trillion to high parts-per-million levels is possible.
5. E.R. Denoyer, R.J. Thomas, and L.
Cousins, Spectroscopy 12(2), 5661,
6. Covered by U.S. Patent No. 5,463,219.
Circle 21 Circle 22
April 2002 17(4) Spectroscopy 39
Conference Preview
self-contained miniature x-ray tube
line overlaps. Data collection is peak- dard propane. Two independently ad-
maximum input power of 8 est versions of XPert Data Collector,
W. The design allows very HighScore, and Epitaxy are available
close coupling of the source now; XPert Plus, Industry, and Stress
and sample, providing analyt- will be released later this year.
ical results comparable to MiniPal 2 is Philips Analyticals
higher-powered x-ray tubes. newest benchtop EDXRF spectrometer.
The end-window version is It performs nondestructive NaU analy-
available with a palladium or silver the intensity and peak-to-background sis in concentrations from 100% down
anode. Copper and tungsten anodes are ratios as the companys previous to parts-per-million levels. The thermo-
available in a side-window configura- Mo/B4C multilayer systems, it reports, electrically cooled system analyzes liq-
tion. The tube is available in 30- and and is approximately 20% improved uids, powders, and surface coatings
40-kV options. over La/B4C multilayers. using an integrated deconvolution func-
Osmic (Auburn Hills, MI) has intro- Philips Analytical (Almelo, The tion that separates closely spaced peaks
duced the OV160Y boron analyzer, a Netherlands) has developed a new data in the spectrum. A Microsoft Windows
multilayer system for the BK radiation platform for its XPert range of XRD based software can analyze a full range of
line. The system offers nearly double software. Based on the new universal elements without special accessories or
Pro-Trace is the latest addition to the
companys XRF SuperQ software for cal-
culating net intensities in trace-element
analysis down to sub-part-per-million
levels. The system uses blank specimen
and optional calibration standards with a
calibrating power of more than 200 in-
ternational standard reference materials.
A Windows-based graphical user inter-
face and available on-line help featuring
worked examples simplify operation. The
software is designed for use with the
companys MagiX, MagiX PRO, and
MagiX FAST XRF systems.
Laser-X is a new industrial miniature
x-ray source for XRF analysis from
Photoelectron Corporation (Lexing-
ton, PA). The device is designed as an
OEM replacement for the radioactive
isotope sources used in hand-held XRF
units and process-control monitors. Ac-
cording to the company, advantages of
the new x-ray source over radioactive
materials include the following:
the radiation source can be turned
on and off at will
the intensity of the x-ray beam is
consistently high, and
the need for source replacement is
26 Spectroscopy 17(7) July 2002 Circle 22
w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
Conference Preview
has more than
M odern ICP-MS must
be very flexible to
meet such diverse
application needs
and keep up with the increasing
demands of its users. Nowhere
techniques such as flow injec-
tion and laser ablation.
Measurement Variables
Many variables affect the quality
of the analytical signal in ICP-
of measurement protocol will be
very similar for all types of mass
spectrometers that use a scan-
ning approach for multielement
peak quantitation.
30 years of is this more important than in MS. The analytical requirements Measurement Protocol
experience in
the area of peak integration and of the application will often dic- Figure 1 shows the principles of
trace element
analysis. He is measurement protocol. The way tate this factor, but instrumental scanning with a quadrupole
the principal of the analytical signal is managed detection and measurement pa- mass analyzer. In this simplified
his own in ICP-MS directly impacts its rameters can have a significant example, the analyte ion (black)
freelance writing multielement capability, detec- impact on the quality of data in and four other ions (colored)
and consulting
tion limits, dynamic range, and ICP-MS. Some of the variables have arrived at the entrance to
Scientific sample throughput the four that can affect the quality of the four rods of the quadrupole.
Solutions, based major strengths that attracted your data, particularly when car- When a particular rf/dc voltage
in Gaithersburg, the trace element community to rying out multielement analysis, is applied to the rods, the posi-
MD. He can be the technique almost 20 years include tive or negative bias on the rods
contacted by
e-mail at
ago. To understand signal man- whether the signal is continu- will electrostatically steer the
thomasrj@ agement and its implications on ous or transient analyte ion of interest down the
bellatlantic.net data quality in greater detail, the temporal length of the middle of the four rods to the
or via his web this installment of this series sampling event end, where it will emerge and be
site at www. will discuss how measurement the volume of sample converted to an electrical pulse
protocol is optimized based on available by the detector. The other ions
the applications analytical re- the number of samples being of different mass-to-charge ra-
quirements. I will discuss its analyzed tios will pass through the spaces
impact on both continuous sig- the number of replicates per between the rods and be ejected
nals generated by traditional sample from the quadrupole. This scan-
nebulization devices and tran- the number of elements being ning process is then repeated for
sient signals produced by alter- determined another analyte at a completely
native sample introduction different mass-to-charge ratio
28 Spectroscopy 17(7) July 2002 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
Intensity (cps)
amount of sample available. What ana-
lytical precision is expected? If its iso-
1 60 tope ratio/
dilution work, how many ions do we
have to count to guarantee good preci-
sion? Does increasing the integration
Sweep 2 time of the measurement help the pre-
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 cision? Finally, is there a time constraint
Mass (amu) on the analysis? A high-throughput lab-
1 60 oratory might not be able to afford to
use the optimum sampling time to get
the ultimate in detection limit. In other
words, what compromises need to be
Sweep 3 made between detection limit, preci-
sion, and sample throughput? Clearly,
before the measurement protocol can
be optimized, the major analytical re-
Intensity (cps)
1 60
quirements of the application need to
be defined. Lets take a look at this
process in greater detail.
Total of
sweeps Multielement Data Quality
Because multielement detection capa-
1 60 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
bility is probably the major reason why
MCA channel number Mass (amu)
Figure 3 (above left). A profile of the peak is built up by continually sweeping the quadrupole Table I. Precision of Pb isotope
across the mass spectrum. ratio measurement as a function
Figure 4 (above right). Multichannel ramp scanning approach using 20 channels per amu. of dwell time using a total
Figure 5 (below right). Peak-hopping approach. integration time of 5.5 s.
time %RSD, %RSD,
and more to the background noise. Fig- quirement of the application. When
(ms) 207
Pb/206Pb 208
ure 6 shows the degradation in signal-to- multielement analysis is being carried
2 0.40 0.36
background noise ratio of 10 ppb Rh out by ICP-MS, a number of decisions
5 0.38 0.36
with an increase in the number of points need to be made. First, we need to know
10 0.23 0.22
per peak, spread over the same total inte- if we are dealing with a continuous sig-
25 0.24 0.25
gration time. Detection limit improve- nal from a nebulizer or a transient sig-
50 0.38 0.33
ment for a selected group of elements nal from an alternative sampling acces-
100 0.41 0.38
using 1 point/peak, rather than 20 sory. If it is a transient event, how long
points/peak, is shown in Figure 7. will the signal last? Another question
that needs to be addressed is, how many most laboratories invest in ICP-MS, it is
Optimization of Measurement elements are going to be determined? important to understand the impact of
Protocol With a continuous signal, this isnt such measurement criteria on detection lim-
Now that the fundamentals of the a major problem, but it could be an its. We know that in a multielement
quadrupole measuring electronics have issue if we are dealing with a transient analysis, the quadrupoles rf/dc ratio is
been described, let us now go into more signal that lasts a few seconds. We also scanned to mass regions or driven,
detail on the impact of optimizing the need to be aware of the level of detec- which represent the elements of inter-
measurement protocol based on the re- tion capability required. This is a major est. The electronics are allowed to settle
3.5 4
Ratio of signal-to-background
1.5 1
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Be-9 Co-59 In-115 Tl-205 U-238
Number of points per peak
Figure 6. Signal-to-background noise ratio degrades when more than Figure 7. Detection limit improvement using 1 point/peak rather than 20
one point, spread over the same integration time, is used for peak points/peak over the mass range.
and then dwell on the peak, or sit, and nificant amount of time is spent scan- Dwell Time #Sweeps #Elements #Replicates 100
take measurements for a fixed period of ning and settling the quadrupole, which Dwell Time #Sweeps #Elements #Replicates
time. This step is usually performed a doesnt contribute to the quality of the Scanning / Settling Time #Sweeps #Elements #Replicates
number of times until the total integra- analytical signal. Therefore, if the meas-
tion time is fulfilled. For example, if a urement routine is not optimized care- So to achieve the highest measure-
dwell time of 50 ms is selected for all fully, it can have a negative impact on ment efficiency, the nonanalytical time
masses and the total integration time is data quality. The dwell time can usually must be kept to an absolute minimum.
1 s, then the quadrupole will carry out be selected on an individual mass basis, This leads to more time being spent
20 complete sweeps per mass, per repli- but the scanning and settling times are counting ions and less time scanning
cate. It will then repeat the same rou- normally fixed because they are a func- and settling, which does not contribute
tine for as many replicates that have tion of the quadrupole and detector to the quality of the analytical signal.
been built into the method. This electronics. For this reason, it is essen- This factor becomes critically impor-
process is illustrated very simplistically tial that the dwell time which ulti- tant when a rapid transient peak is
in Figure 8, which shows the scanning mately affects detection limit and preci- being quantified, because the available
protocol of a multielement scan of sion must dominate the total measuring time is that much shorter
three different masses. measurement time, compared with the (3). Generally speaking, peak quantita-
In this example, the quadrupole is scanning and settling times. It follows, tion using multiple points per peak and
scanned to mass A. The electronics are therefore, that the measurement duty long settling times should be avoided in
allowed to settle (settling time) and left cycle (percentage of actual measuring ICP-MS because it ultimately degrades
to dwell for a fixed period of time at time compared with total integration the quality of the data for a given inte-
one or multiple points on the peak time) is maximized when the quadru- gration time.
(dwell time); intensity measurements pole and detector electronics settling Figure 9 also shows that shorter dwell
are then taken (based on the dwell times are kept to an absolute minimum. times translate into a lower measure-
time). The quadrupole is then scanned Figure 9 shows a plot of percentage of ment efficiency. For this reason, it is
to masses B and C and the measure- measurement efficiency against dwell probably desirable, for normal quanti-
ment protocol repeated. The complete time for four different quadrupole set- tative analysis work, to carry out multi-
multielement measurement cycle tling times 0.2, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 ms ple sweeps with longer dwell times
(sweep) is repeated as many times as for one replicate of a multielement scan (typically 50 ms) to get the best detec-
needed to make up the total integration of five masses, using one point per tion limits. So if an integration time of
per peak. It should be emphasized that peak. In this example, the total integra- 1 s is used for each element, this would
this example is a generalization of the tion time for each mass was 1 s, with translate into 20 sweeps of 50 ms dwell
measurement routine management the number of sweeps varying, depend- time per mass. Although 1 s is long
of peak integration by the software ing on the dwell time used. For this ex- enough to achieve reasonably good de-
will vary slightly, based on different ercise, the percentage of measurement tection limits, longer integration times
instrumentation. efficiency is defined by the following generally have to be used to reach the
It is clear from this information that, calculation:
during a multielement analysis, a sig-
32 Spectroscopy 17(7) July 2002 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m
Table II. Impact of integration time on the overall analysis time for Pb isotope ratios.
Dwell time Number of Integration time %RSD, %RSD, Analysis time
(ms) sweeps (s)/mass 207
Pb/206Pb 207
Pb/206Pb for 9 reps
25 220 5.5 0.24 0.25 2 min 29 s
25 500 12.5 0.21 0.19 6 min 12 s
25 700 17.5 0.20 0.17 8 min 29 s
5 necessary for a typical x-ray detector, integrated cooling system eliminates the
incorporating one DXP spectrometer need for a separate cooling unit.
channel, preamplifier power, and detec- Attendees can see many of these
0.8 3 tor HV bias in one compact chassis. Its products, along with others not men-
2 input is compatible with a wide range tioned, at the 2002 Denver X-ray Con-
of common detectors, including pulsed ference sponsored by the Interna-
0.2 optical reset, transistor reset, and RC tional Centre for Diffraction Data at
0 0 feedback preamplifiers. The Saturn of- Antlers Adams Mark Hotel (formerly
fers complete computer control over all Antlers Doubletree Hotel), Colorado
amplifier and spectrometer functions Springs, Colorado, July 29August 2,
Mass (m/z)
including gain, filter peaking time, and 2002. For more information, contact
Figure 12. Comparison of % RSD with signal pileup inspection criteria. Its DXP digi- Denise Flaherty, DXC Conference Co-
intensity across the mass profile of a 208Pb peak. tal filters significantly increase through- ordinator, 12 Campus Boulevard, New-
put compared to typical analog town Square, PA 19073-3273, (610)
systems. 325-9814, fax: (610) 325-9823,
col for individual isotopes becomes of The new X-Beam x-ray source from e-mail: flaherty@icdd.com, web site:
even greater importance to guarantee X-Ray Optical Systems (Albany, NY) www.dxcicdd.com.
precise data. delivers an intense, micrometer-sized
It is clear that the analytical demands focal spot. Designed for OEM use in
put on ICP-MS are probably higher micro-XRF instruments, the compact
than any other trace element technique unit uses polycapillary focusing optics
because it is continually being asked to
solve a wide variety of application
problems. However, by optimizing the
measurement protocol to fit the analyt-
ical requirement, ICP-MS has shown
that it has the capability to carry out
rapid trace element analysis, with su-
perb detection limits and good preci-
sion on both continuous and transient
signals, and still meet the most strin-
gent data quality objectives.
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2. E.R. Denoyer, At. Spectroscopy 13(3),
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3. E.R. Denoyer and Q.H. Lu, At. Spec-
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4. T. Catterick, H. Handley, and S. Merson,
At. Spectroscopy 16(10), 229234
5. T.A. Hinners, E.M. Heithmar, T.M. Spit-
tler, and J.M. Henshaw, Anal. Chem. 59,
26582662 (1987).
6. M. Janghorbani, B.T.G. Ting, and N.E.
Lynch, Microchemica Acta 3, 315328,
7. L. Halicz, Y. Erel, and A. Veron, At. Spec-
troscopy 17(5), 186189 (1996).