Geometry - 351
Geometry - 351
Geometry - 351
Revised By
Dr. Barnett Rich held a doctor of philosophy degree (Ph.D.) from Columbia University and a doctor of
jurisprudence (J.D.) from New York University. He began his professional career at Townsend Harris
Hall High School of New York City and was one of the prominent organizers of the High School of
Music and Art where he served as the Administrative Assistant. Later he taught at CUNY and
Columbia University and held the post of Chairman of Mathematics at Brooklyn Technical High School
for 14 years. Among his many achievements are the 6 degrees that he earned and the 23 books that he
wrote, among them Schaum's Outlines of Elementary Algebra, Modern Elementary Algebra, and
Review of Elementary Algebra.
Philip Schmidt has a B.S. from Brooklyn College (with a major in mathematics), an M.A. in
mathematics and a Ph.D. in mathematics education from Syracuse University. He was an Associate
Professor at Berea College until 1985 and is currently Dean of the School of Education at SUNY
College at New Paltz.
Copyright 1963 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. under the title Schaum's Outline of Theory
and Problems of Plane Geometry. All rights reserved.
Copyright 1989 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
States of America. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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ISBN 0-07-052246-4
Rich, Barnett.
Schaum's Outline Of Principles And Problems Of Geometry.
(Schaum's Outline Series)
Includes Index.
1. Geometry. I. Schmidt, Philip A. Ii. Title.
Iii. Series.
Qa445.R53 1989 516 88-13727
Isbn 0-07-0522464
Barnett Rich's original Plane Geometry has been reprinted some twenty-two times since it was first
published in 1968. The challenge in revising such a text is to update the material as necessary while
retaining the prose and pedagogy that are responsible for its success. In the case of Plane Geometry, the
challenge was particularly great. Dr. Rich's command of geometry and its pedagogy was enormous.
Conversations I have had with past students and colleagues of Dr. Rich substantiate that his ability to
convey ideas in mathematics was unsurpassable.
In this revision I have attempted to maintain Barnett Rich's "spirit of explanation" while making the text
suitable to the geometry that is currently being taught in schools and colleges. Terminology and
notation have been changed to match the current texts and curriculum. I have switched to the more
common "congruent segments" and "measure of the angle" phrasing and have made textual changes to
support that terminology. A chapter on transformational geometry has been added, outdated material
has been deleted, and the supplementary problems have been modified.
I owe thanks to many people for their assistance during this revision: John Aliano, Senior Editor at
McGraw-Hill, for his great confidence; Brother Neal Golden, for his careful review of the first edition;
Dr. Paul Zuckerman, who introduced me to Jean (Mrs. Barnett) Rich; Mrs. Rich, who gave me access to
Dr. Rich's library and who has helped with support and friendship; my wife Jan Z. Schmidt and my son
Reed Schmidt, who have been loving supporters in all my work; and finally, Dr. Barnett Rich, for
providing me with such a rich text to revise, and for teaching geometry so meaningfully to so many
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Preface to the First Edition
The central purpose of this book is to provide maximum help for the student and maximum service for
the teacher.
This book has been designed to improve the learning of geometry far beyond that of the typical and
traditional book in the subject. Students will find this text useful for these reasons:
Each rule, formula and principle is stated in simple language, is made to stand out in distinctive type, is
kept together with those related to it, and is clearly illustrated by examples.
Each set of solved problems is used to clarify and apply the more important rules and principles. The
character of each set is indicated by a title.
Each set of supplementary problems provides further application of rules and principles. A guide
number for each set refers a student to the set of related solved problems. There are more than 2000
additional related supplementary problems. Answers for the supplementary problems have been placed
in the back of the book.
The book integrates plane geometry with arithmetic, algebra, numerical trigonometry, analytic
geometry and simple logic. To carry out this integration:
(b) A separate chapter includes the complete proofs of the most important theorems together with the
plan for each.
(c) A separate chapter fully explains 23 basic geometric constructions. Underlying geometric principles
are provided for the constructions, as needed.
(d) Two separate chapters on methods of proof and improvement of reasoning present the simple and
basic ideas of formal logic suitable for students at this stage.
(e) Throughout the book, algebra is emphasized as the major means of solving geometric problems
through algebraic symbolism, algebraic equations, and algebraic proof.
The method of presentation in the book makes it ideal as a means of self-study. For the able student,
this book will enable him to accomplish the
work of the standard course of study in much less time. For the less able, the presentation of numerous
illustrations and solutions provides the help needed to remedy weaknesses and overcome difficulties
and in this way keep up with the class and at the same time gain a measure of confidence and security.
A separate chapter is devoted to the extension of two-dimensional plane geometry into three-
dimensional solid geometry. It is especially important in this day and age that the student understand
how the basic ideas of space are outgrowths of principles learned in plane geometry.
Teachers of geometry will find this text useful for these reasons:
Each chapter has a central unifying theme. Each chapter is divided into two to ten major subdivisions
which support its central theme. In turn, these chapter subdivisions are arranged in graded sequence for
greater teaching effectiveness.
Each of the chapter subdivisions contains the problems and materials needed for a complete lesson
developing the related principles.
Through proper use of the solved problems, students gain greater understanding of the way in which
principles are applied in varied situations. By solving problems, mathematics is learned as it should be
learnedby doing mathematics. To ensure effective learning, solutions should be reproduced on paper.
Students should seek the why as well as the how of each step. Once a student sees how a principle is
applied to a solved problem, he is then ready to extend the principle to a related supplementary
problem. Geometry is not learned through the reading of a textbook and the memorizing of a set of
formulas. Until an adequate variety of suitable problems has been solved, a student will gain little more
than a vague impression of plane geometry.
The preparation of homework assignments and class assignments of problems is facilitated because the
supplementary problems in this book are related to the sets of solved problems. Greatest attention
should be given to the underlying principle and the major steps in the solution of the solved problems.
After this, the student can reproduce the solved problems and then proceed to do those supplementary
problems which are related to the solved ones.
This book can be used profitably by others besides students and teachers. In this group we include: (1)
the parents of geometry students who wish to help their
children through the use of the book's self-study materials, or who may wish to refresh their own
memory of geometry in order to properly help their children; (2) the supervisor who wishes to provide
enrichment materials in geometry, or who seeks to improve teaching effectiveness in geometry; (3) the
person who seeks to review geometry or to learn it through independent self-study.
APRIL, 1963
Table of Contents
Abscissa, 199
constant, 208
same, 202
Acute angles, 6
Acute triangles, 10
Adding angles, 8
Addition Postulate, 21
of obtuse triangles, 11
to sides of triangles, 11
Angles, 5-9
acute, 6
adding, 8
adjacent, 12, 13
bisectors of, 7
combining, 239
complementary, 13
congruent, 7
congruent corresponding, 35
corresponding, 48
of depression, 153-155
dihedral, 262
duplicating, 238-239
of elevation, 153-155
exterior, 48
finding, 9
inscribed, 100
interior, 48-49
alternate, 49
naming, 5
obtuse, 6
plane, 262
reflex, 7
right, 6
straight, 7
subtracting, 8
supplementary, 13
vertical, 13
Arcs, 4, 90
major, 90
minor, 90
Areas, 160-168
of circles, 180-181
of parallelograms, 161-162
of quadrilaterals, 210
of rhombuses, 164-165
of sectors, 181-183
of segments, 181-183
of solids, 272-273
of squares, 160-161
surface, 272-273
of trapezoids, 164
Axioms, 219
inequality, 219-220
of prisms, 263
of trapezoids, 74
of angles, 7
constructing, 239-241
of lines, 3
perpendicular, 7
of sides, perpendicular, 11
of triangles, angle, 11
of circles, 4
Chords, 4, 90
intersecting, 131
Circles, 4, 90-107
circumscribed, 90
concentric, 54, 91
congruent, 4, 91
constructing, 245-247
equal, 91
externally tangent, 96
great, 265
inscribed, 91
internally tangent, 96
intersection formulas for, 294
overlapping, 97
small, 265
Circumscribed circles, 90
Circumscribed polygons, 91
Compass, 237,
navy, 6
Complementary angles, 13
Conclusions, 28-29
circular, 264
Congruent angles, 7
Congruent circles, 4, 91
Congruent segments, 82
Constructions, 237-248
circles, 245-247
triangles, 241-244
Coordinates, 199
Corresponding angles, 48
Curved lines, 1
Decagons, 63
Deductions, 19
Degrees, 5-6
of parallelograms, 76
of rectangles, 79
of rhombuses, 79
of squares, 80
Diameter, 4, 90, 91
Dilatation, 289
Dilations, 289-290
Distances, 53-57
Division Postulate, 22
Dodecagons, 63
Dodecahedrons, 266
Equal circles, 91
of circles, 208
of lines, 208
Equator, 265
Exterior angles, 48
of polyhedra, 262
Figures, 2
geometric, 237
of cones, 264
of pyramids, 264
General statements, 19
Geometry, 1
plane, 2, 262-276
solid, 266-272
transformational, 278-290
Graphs, 199-200
Heptagons, 63
Hexagons, 63
regular, 266
Hexahedrons, 266
Horizontal lines, 153
Hypotenuse, 10,
Hypotheses, 28-29
Icosahedrons, 266
Identity Postulate, 21
Images, 278
of points, 279
of triangles, 279
Inequalities, 219-224
Inscribed circles, 91
Inscribed polygons, 90
Intercepting arcs, 90
alternate, 49
chords, 131
loci, locating points by means of, 194
secants, 132
of statements, 231
Isosceles trapezoids, 74
of right triangles, 10
of trapezoids, 74
combining, 238
Lines, 1
curved, 1
horizontal, 153
of sight, 153
straight, 1
of symmetry, 279
Loci, 191-196
determining, 191-194
of points, 191
proving, 195-196
Longitude, 265
Major arcs, 90
cubic, 273-274
square, 272-273
of triangles, 11, 83
Meridian, 265
of segments, 200-202
Minor arcs, 90
Minutes, 6
Multiplication Postulate, 22
N-gon, 62-63
Navy compass, 6
Nonagons, 63
Observation, 20
Obtuse angles, 6
Obtuse triangles, 10
Octagons, 63
Octahedrons, 266
Ordinate, 199
constant, 208
same, 202
Overlapping circles, 97
Parallel-Line Postulate, 49
constructing, 244-245
Parallelepipeds, 263
Parallelograms, 75-82
diagonals of, 76
of latitude, 265
Particular statements, 19
Partition Postulate, 21
Pentagons, 9
Perpendicular bisectors, 7
of sides, 11
Perpendicular lines, 7
constructing, 239-241
Plane geometry, 2
Plane surfaces, 2
Planes, 2
Points, 1
collinear, 3, 206
fixed, 278
on graphs, 199
Polygons, 9, 62-63
circumscribed, 91
inscribed, 90
Polyhedra, 262
regular, 266
algebraic, 21-22
geometric, 22-23
Powers Postulate, 22
Principles, 26
Prisms, 263
right, 263
experiment and, 20
measurement and, 20
Proportions, 117-120
Protractor, 6
regular, 264
Quadrants, 199
Quadrilaterals, 63
Radius, 4, 90
Ratios, 116-117
continued, 116
cosine, 150
of similitude, 129
sine, 150
tangent, 150
trigonometric, 150-153
Rays, 1
direct, 224
indirect, 224-225
syllogistic, 19
Rectangles, 78-82
diagonals of, 79
Reflections, 278-284
in lines, 279
Reflex angles, 7
Reflexive Postulate, 21
circumscribing, 247-248
inscribing, 247-248
Rhombuses, 78-82
diagonals of, 79
Right angles, 6
special, 137-138
Rotations, 8, 286-288
Scalene triangles, 10
Secants, 90
intersecting, 132
Seconds, 6
Segments, 2, 129
of circles, 181
congruent, 82
duplicating, 238-239
proportional, 120-123
Semicircle, 4, 90
of angles, 5
of polygons, 129
of triangles:
altitudes to, 11
congruent corresponding, 35
perpendicular bisectors of, 11
Similar polygons, 123
constructing, 248
Similarity, 166-139
Solids, 262-266
rectangular, 263
diagonals of, 80
dual, 266-271
forms of, 28
general, 19
if-then, 28-29
particular, 19
subject-predicate, 28
Straight angles, 7
Straight lines, 1
Straightedge, 237
Subject-predicate statements, 28
Substitution Postulate, 21
Subtracting angles, 8
Subtraction Postulate, 21
Sum of angles:
of polygons, 62-65
of triangles, 58-62
Supplementary angles, 13
Surfaces, plane, 2
Syllogistic reasoning, 19
Symbols, inequality, 219
line, 279-280
point, 280-281
rotational, 288
Tangents, 90
Tetrahedrons, 266
angle, 26-27
congruency, 65-68
locus, 191-192
proving, 29-30
Pythagorean, 134-136
of planes, 278
Transitive Postulate, 21
Translations, 284-286
Transversals, 48
Trapezoids, 74-75
isosceles, 74
Triangles, 9-12
acute, 10
classifying, 10
congruent, 35-43
constructing, 241-244
medians of, 11
obtuse, 10
scalene, 10
Trigonometry, 150-155
Understanding, 229
square, 160
Vertical angles, 13
Vertices, 5
of polyhedra, 262
of pyramids, 264
of triangles, 10
combined, 276
x-axis, 199
x-coordinate, 199
x-value, 202
y-axis, 199
y-coordinate, 199
y-intercept, 208
y-value, 202
z-axis, 271