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1. Discussion
a) Discuss the different between a profit oriented business and a non profit oriented
business.Give examples in your surroundings
b) Business is better defined as taking risk in anticipation of a gain.What does it mean?
c) Discuss the bolded words or phrase

2. Classification means the grouping of items to show the relationship between them.
Classify the following items as either goods or services

1) Car 11) calculator

2) Medical diagnosis 12) employment
3) Travel agency 13) suit
4) Briefcase 14) forklift
5) Auto repair 15) office equipment repair
6) Financial planning 16) newspaper delivery
7) Computer 17) computer programming
8) Videotape recorder 18) time clock
9) Management consultant 19) law book
10) Accounting 20) income tax preparation

3) Collocation

Business A good salary A lot of money

A break A promotion Changes

Risks An appointment A complaint

Experience Work Profit

Qualifications Action

Training Classes

A bonus An email

A job Overtime
Business collocation worksheet

Look at the words above and choose the BEST collocation below for each word.

Do Make Get Take

. ..

. ..

Write 5 sentences using some of the collocations you made above

Example : I take action when I have a serious problem.

1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
4. Speaking Practice

Answer the questions in accordance with your true conditions.
Put your answers in the answer coloumn

No Questions Answers
1 What is your name?
2 Are you interested in
3 What kind of business are
you interested in, service
provider or selling goods?
4 If you are interested in
service provider,what kind
of service is it?
5 Why are you interested in
that business?
6 If you are interested in
selling goods,what kind of
goods is it?
7 Why are you interested in
that business?

1. Discussion

a) The most fundamental difference between a non profit and a for profit business is
the reason they exist. For profit companies are generally founded to generate
income for entrepreneurs and their employees, while non profit are generally
founded to serve a humanitarian or environmental need.

There are several differences between for profit and non profit business. While the
aim of for profit business is to maximize profits and forward these profits to the
companys owners and shareholders, non profit business aim to provide societys
need. Non profit business have no owners. Instead maximizing profits,which means
maximizing revenues while minimizing costs, they are more concerned with ensuring
the revenue is greater than costs. This ensures that the non profit can still provide
societys needs.

Tax Exemption
For profit business must pay taxes on their net income, but this is not true for non
profits if they are exempt from taxes. If a non profits goal is to increase the welfare
of society, governments tend to help this cause by minimizing the non profits costs
as much as possible.

Goals and objectives

Another part of annual report is sharing the common goals and objectives of the
business. Non profit business often have the goals of offering extensive services to
people in neeed, while for profit business have several objectives, provide high-
quality products, have a high net worth and attract potential investors.

Financial prediction
Organizations and companies often end annual reports by reminding the reader
Of the good things they plan to present to the public or cutomers in the upcoming
fiscal year. For profit business will share information, such as new product launches
and services, that all have the goal of generating more profit for the business. Non
profit business will end the report by sharing what services or programs have been
the most successful and how they plan on developing these to serve more people on
a large scale.
The examples of non profit business or organizations:
Museum, library, association, charity, hospital/clinic, school, red cross, research,
nature concervancy, support for chronic illness and diseases, animal rights, LSM, etc

The examples of for profit business or organizations:

Boutique, cafe/coffee shops, restaurant, hotel, bookstore, bank, etc

b) It means it is important for enterpreneurs to recognize potential risks they face and
prepare effective strategies to deal with them. It is also useful for enterpreneurs to
design alternative/contingency plans. Alternative plans show that the entrepreneur
is sensitive to important risks and is prepared to handle risks as they occour. And
then the other benefits are improves decision making, planning, and prioritisation,
helps you allocate capital and resources more efficiently, allows you to anticipate
what may go wrong, minimizing the amount of firefighting you have to do, or in
worst case scenario, and preventing disaster or serious financial loss.

c) As an Activity it means any actions undertaken by individuals or companies, such

as buying, selling, marketing, or investing, for the purpose of generating profits or
developing economic opportunities.

-Profit it means a financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue
gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to
sustain the activity.

-Needed it means a motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Need
range from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by
necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place
and age group to age group) satisfied by necessaries. Or problems that customers
intend to solve with the purchase of a good or service.

-Through advertising it means to call, to inform and motivate the publics attention
to your business, usually for the purpose of selling products or services, through the
use of various forms of media, such as print or broadcast notices. Their objective is
to change the thinking pattern (or buying behavior)of the recipient, so that he or she
is persuaded to take the action desired by the advertiser.
-Illegal goods it means the goods whose production and distribution is prohibited by

-Illegal goods it means that illegal goods is not kind of that business because it sells
something prohibited

-Non profit it means an organization whose purposes other than making a profit or
an association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without
shareholders and without a profit motive

-The increase it means an act of becoming larger or to make something bigger or


-retained earnings it means profits generate by a company that are not distributed
to stockholders(shareholders) as dividends but are either reinvested in the business
or kept as a reserve for specific objectives (such as to pay off a debt or purchase a
capital assets)

-Local non profit it means non profit organizations or business where the located is
around us/not far from us

-A surplus it means the amount of an assets or resources that exceeds the portion
that is utilized. A surplus is used to describe many excess assets including income,
profits, capital and goods

-Political parties it means a group of people who come together the to contest
elections and hold power in the government.

-Owns it means that which belongs to one or to have control over.

-Capital It means factor of production that are used to create goods or services.

-Revenues it means the total amount of money received by the company for goods
sold or services provided during a certain time period.

-What is a business it means an organization or economic system where goods and

services are exchanged for one another or for money.
-Secure power it means to be a dominant enterprise which capable to controlling
the other companies and also influenced economy

-Gain prestige it means respect and admiration given to someone or something,

usually because of a reputation for high quality, success, or social influence.

-Risk and return, risk it means the possibility of losing your hard-earned cash and
return is what you make/a profit on an investment.

-Gambling it means risk taking in the sense of speculation (assumption of substantial

short-term risk) nor investing( acquiring property or assets for securing long-term
capital gains)

-Anticipation of a gain it means the act of preparing for something that is going to
happen or the act of looking forward



1) Car 1) Medical diagnosis

2) Briefcase 2) Travel agency
3) Computer 3) Auto repair
4) Videotape recorder 4) financial planning
5) Calculator 5) management consultant
6) Suit 6) accounting
7) Time clock 7) employment agency
8) Law book 8) newspaper delivery
9) Forklift 9) computer programming
10) 10) income tax preparation
11) office equipment repair


Work Changes A good salary Action

Overtime A profit Experience Risks

Qualifications Business A lot of money A break

A complaint An email A job A bonus

Training Classes A promotion An appointment

1) I get a good salary from my new boss

2) He make an email then send it to me to tell his dialy activities
3) We are selling our clothing products and get a lot of money
4) To be a business man we have to be brave to take risks in every conditions
5) She do evertime to accomplish her assignment tonight


No Questions Answers
1 What is your name? My name is Virginia Shera Oktavia R.
2 Are you interested in Yes I do
3 What kind of business are Selling goods
you interested in, service
provider or selling goods?
4 If you are interested in Tour and travel
service provider,what kind
of service is it?
5 Why are you interested in Because I like traveling and find/meet
that business? new experience, places, and peoples
6 If you are interested in Clothing or boutique
selling goods,what kind of
goods is it?
7 Why are you interested in I can explore my passion about
that business? fashion and make an unique, fresh,
and up to date clothes

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