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Is Standards For Towers

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GCC /Coimbatore



Name of Work: Supplying and erection of various extension parts of towers including
GI bolts & Nuts for conversion of 110KV Ingur - Erode I & II feeder
with Leopard conductor into Panther conductor.


Cost : Rs 2500/-
(Including ST & SC)

Time and Date of receipt :14 00 hours on 22.11.2013

E.M.D :Rs. 17,100/-

Opening Time and Date :14.00 hours on 22.11.2013


D.D No- Date


E.M.D for Rs.

Tender Specification No .240/ 2013 2014 /SE/GCC/CBE.
Name of Work: Supplying and erection of various extension parts of towers including
GI bolts & Nuts for conversion of 110KV Ingur-Erode I & II feeder
with Leopard conductor into Panther conductor.


Sl. Qty. Description Unit/Per Rate in figures and

No. words
1. 19.50 Supplying of various type of GI tower parts 1 MT
MT and GI bolt & nuts of various sizes, loading (One
into lorry, transporting the same to site, Metric
unloading at site, erection of towers, Tonne
tightening punching of bolts and nuts only
including cost of tower parts, galvanizing
charges, fabrication as per standard drawings
all lead lift labour etc., complete including
charges for rectification of tower parts if any
etc., complete.

1 (One Item only)

Service Tax any should be quoted in % and also in word

Failing which the same will be taken as nil

Signature of the Contractor

Name with full Address


A-1 Receipt of Tenders:

For and on behalf of and by the order and direction of the Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation
Sealed Tender Supercribed
Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation General construction Circle / Coimbatore- 12

Name of work: Supplying and erection of various extension parts of towers including
GI bolts & Nuts for conversion of 110KV Ingur-Erode I & II feeder
with Leopard conductor into Panther conductor.

Tender Specification No.240 / 2013 2014 / SE / GCC / CBE will be received by the
Superintending Engineer / GCC / Coimbatore up to 14.00 Hours on 22.11.2013


A.2.1 The Tenders will be opened at 14.00 Hours on 22.11.2013 the office of the
Superintending Engineer / General Construction Circle /182, Dr. Subbarayan Road, Tatabad,
Coimbatore 12 by the Superintending Engineer or his authorized reprehensive. The Tenderers or
their agents are expected to be present at the time of opening of tenders. The tenderers receiving
officer will on opening of each tender, prepare a statement of the attested and un-attested
corrections in the tender, hand it over to the tenderers concerned and initial all such corrections in
the presence of the tenderers. If any of the tenderers or their agents find it inconvenient to be
present at the time, the tender receiving officer will, on opening the tender or absentee tenderer
shall then accept the statement as correct one without any question whatsoever.

A.2.2 if the tender is made by an individual, it shall be signed with his full name and his address shall
be given, if it is made by a firm, if shall be signed with co-partnership name by a member of the
firm, who shall also sign his own name and the name and address of each member of the firm
shall be given. If the tender is made by a corporation shall be signed by duly authorized officer,
and shall produce with his tender satisfactory evidence of his authorization. Such tendering
corporation may be required to furnish evidence of its corporate existence before the contract is

A.3 Solvency of the Tenderers:

A.3.1 The Tenderers, if he has not already done any contract work in the Electricity Board, will submit
with his tender authentic records to establish his financial capacity to undertaken, this work and
his previous experience in doing similar works with the P.W.D. Highways Department etc.,
Tamil Nadu
A.3.2 Technical Experience:
A.3.2.1 The tenderer should have executed similar type of works to a value not less than the tender
value for the past three years and experience in tower supply & erection work in Class III
and above. The experience certificate should be obtained from the not less than the range
of Executive Engineer, with his own name or company, otherwise the tender will not be
A.3.2.2 If persons without such experience are confident of doing this work the will be submitted the
tender produce certificates from the department where have dove work.
A.4 Earnest Money Deposit:
.4.1 Each Tenderers must may as Earnest money deposits a sum of Rs.17,100/-
(Rupees Seventeen Thousand and One Hundred only)

The Earnest Money should be deposits only a Demand Draft or Bankers cheque. The
Earnest Money Deposit shall be made is a single Demand Draft in favour of the Superintending
Engineer / General Construction Circle / TAN TRANSCO / Coimbatore with payable at
Coimbatore. Each tenderer must pay the EMD by Demand Draft may be produced from the
Nationalized Bank which can be obtained on or after the date of publication.

A.4.3 Cheques and Bank Guarantees enclosed to the tender is not acceptable and such tenders will be
summarily rejected
A.4.4 The fact of having enclosed to the Boards receipt or Demand Draft for Earnest Money Deposit
should be clearly indicated on the sealed cover containing the tender as noted below.
Earnest Money Deposits paid vide T.N.E.B Receipt No..
Or Demand Draft No Date for Rs...
A.4.5 In cases of firm exempted by Board / Government from the payment of Earnest money Deposit,
the tenders should clearly indicate on the sealed cover containing the tender.
E.M.D. of Rswaived vide
A.4.6. Covers not containing the above information about payment / Waiver of E.MD. on the top of
the sealed cover containing the tender are NOT LIKELY TO BE OPENED BY THE TENDER
opening officer and is liable for rejection.
A.4.6a Tenders should be sent in Double Covers systems. Tender offer should be put in sealed
cover (inner cover). The receipt for having paid the Earnest Money Deposits as prescribed in
the tender condition, along with the sealed cover containing the tender should be kept in the
outer cover. On opening the outer cover if it is found that Earnest Money Deposits has been
paid, then only the tender cover (inner cover) will be opened otherwise if will not be opened at
A.4.7 This Earnest Money will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenders on application after
intimation is sent for rejection of the tender or at the expiration of three months from date of
the tender, whichever is earlier. This refund will be authorized by Superintending Engineer /
General Construction Circle / Coimbatore drawing a cheque in the tenderers favour to the
above value.
A.4.8 The Earnest Money Deposit will be retained in the case the successful tender and will not carry
any interest. It will be dealt with as provided in the tender.
A.4.9 If the tenderer withdraws his tender after opening of the tender, the E.M.D. paid by him will be

A.5.0 The tender shall be valied for a period of six months from the date of opening.

Signature of the Contractor.

B.1 Scope of work:
The tender is for Supplying and erection of various extension parts of towers including
GI bolts & Nuts for conversion of 110KV Ingur-Erode I & II feeder
with Leopard conductor into Panther conductor
B.2 Location:
The work site will be shown by the site Engineer / TLC / Erode
B.3 Submission of tenders:

Tender Documents
Tender notice and schedule of quantities can be had in Tamil Nadu on payments of : Rs.2500/-
-(including ST & SC) Each set from the office of the Superintending Engineer / General
Construction Circle / Coimbatore-12. This amount is not refundable under any circumstances.

B.4 Award of work:

B.5.1 Rights for the Superintending Engineer:
The Superintending Engineer reserves the right to reject any tender or all tenders without
assigning any reason and reserve the right to distribute the work between two or more

B.5.2 The allotment of work shall be according to capacity of the contractor and may be varied from
time to time suit the exigencies and over all programme of works.

B.6 Work done before award of contract:

The Tenderer should not assign or share with any other persons his (Tenderers) interest in
working or payments there of without referring to and obtaining the prior approval of the
Superintending Engineer / General Construction Circle / Coimbatore in writing.
B.8 Subletting of contract
No part of the contract shall be sublet without permission of the Superintending Engineer not
shall transfer be made by power of attorney authorizing others to receive payments on the
contractors behalf.
B.9 Security Deposit and Agreement:


B.9.1 When a tender is to be accepted, the tenderer whose tender is under consideration shall attend
the circle office on the date fixed by written intimation to him. He shall forthwith upon
intimation being given to him by the Superintending Engineer of acceptance of his tender
make a security deposit for a value of 5% of the accepted contract amount including E.M.D. as
will be intimated to him at the time of award of the work only by Cash or Demand Draft (or)
Bankers Cheque. If the value of work exceeds Rs.10, Lakhs, irrecoverable Bank Guarantees
duly pledged in favour of Superintending Engineer / general Construction Circle, Coimbatore
may also be accepted receipt obtained for the same from the Assistant accounts Officer of the
General Construction circle. The same may be handed over to D.B / C.O. / G.C.C
B.9.2 On furnishing the security deposits by the successful tenderer, and on further intimation the
Superintending Engineer / general Construction Circle, Coimbatore the successful Tenderer
should be enter into necessary agreement in the prescribed form. The stamp duty payable for
this agreement and supplemental slip is of the value of Rs.20/- (Rupees Twenty only) which be
done by the successful Tenderer

The agreement in the prescribed form duly stamped should then be signed by the contractors in
due fulfillment of the contract will also sign in the office copy of the T.N.B.P. in the office of
the Executive Engineer in charges of works. This security Deposits together with Earnest
Money Deposits and the amount withheld according to clause 68 of the standard preliminary
specification shall be retained as Security for the due fulfillment of the contract.

B.9.3 If a Cash Security Deposit is made by the contractor, he shall follow the procedure laid down in
the proceeding paragraph if payment of earnest money and such deposits will not bear interest

B.9.4 Failure to attend to the circle Office on the date fixed in the written intimation from such office
or to enter into the required agreement or to make the security deposit so defined in this
paragraph shall entail forfeiture of the earnest money deposit.

B.9.5 The written agreement to be entered into between the contractor and the Board shall be the
foundation of the rights of both the parties and the contract shall not be deemed to be completed
until the agreement has first been signed by the contractor and then by the proper office
authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Board.

B..9.6 Work Part C Specifies the work to be done


B.9.7 It shall be accepted as a condition of the contract that the payment of final bill to the
contractor less the withheld amounts and his acceptance thereof shall constitute a full and
absolute release of the Board from all further claim by the contract under the contract

B.10.1 The tenderer shall fill up the Schedule of quantities accompanying this according to the
instruction contained in it.

B.10.2 The Tenderers particular attention is drawn to the sections and clauses in the standard
preliminary Specification of the TNBP (or) ISS.

1 Test inspection and rejection of defective materials and work

2 Carriage
3 Construction plant
4 Water and lighting
5 Cleaning up during progress and or delivery
6 Accidents
7 Delays
8 Particulars for payment

The tenderer should closely pursue all the specification clauses which governs the rates which
he is tendering.

B.11 Contractors Claim

B.11.1 The contractors shall have no claim for suspension of work due to short supply of materials
break down of machinery or any other cause.

Signature of the Contractor.



C.15 The tenderer shall examine closely Boards Specification with Addenda. The Madras Detailed
Standard Specifications the Standard Preliminary Specifications contained therein.

C.15. And the Indian Standard Specifications, I.S..456,I.S. 456,I.S. 497 and I.S. 1200 and other
numbers relating to the works where tendering his rates, which shall also care fully study the drawings
and additional specification and also the documents which from part of the agreement to be entered
into by the accepted with the Indian Contract as Specifications, plans can be see any working hours on
office days in the following offices.

1. The Superintending Engineer, 2. Superintending Engineer (NI)

General Construction Circle, Transmission Line Construction
182, Dr.Subbarayan Road, Coimbatore
Coimbatore .12.

C.15.2. Discrepancy between plans, specification, schedules etc., should there be any discrepancy
between the specification and / or the schedule of quantities or error or omission in any of them,
reference must be the Executive Engineer for clarification and the contractor will be held responsible
for any errors that may occur in the execution of the work though neglect of this precaution.


C.16.1 Type of Towers to be erected in the line are.

Sl.No. Type Nos.

1. GCR + 3m extension 6
2. HCR + 3m 4
3. KCR + 3m 2
4. HCR + 6m 2
5. KCR + 6m 3

Erection of tower should be done as per the drawing (i) available in the office of the
Superintending Engineer, General Construction Circle/Coimbatore, Executive Engineer TLC Assistant
Executive Engineer / Concerned, and as per the instruction of the Executive Engineer / Assistant
Executive Engineer / Concerned.

The contractor should see that the towers are erected correctly to ensure vertically of tower.
This should be checked with the instruments and suitable sighting rods. All G.I. OR M.S. bolts and
Nuts should be fully tightened and punched.


The Tenderers attention is directed to the requirement for the material sunder the clause material and
workmanship in the Board/s Specification and Indian Standard Specification Materials confirming to
the Boards Specification, Madras details Standard Specification should be used on the work.


Samples of materials called for in the standard specification of in this tender notice or as required by
the Superintending Engineer or Assistant Executive Engineer in charge of the works shall be submitted
to the Executive Engineer approval before the supply to the site and before work is begin.



The contractor should submit the daily report of the work showing the details of labour out-turn etc., to
the Assistant Executive Engineer / Transmission Line Construction marking a copy to the Assistant
Engineer concerned.


The entire work should be complete within a period of 2 (Two) months from the date of taking over
the site from the departments.


Extension of time for completing the work will be granted only in the deserving cases and if, due to
conditions beyond the control of the contractors.
Request of extension of time should be addressed in writing to the Superintending Engineer though the
Executive Engineer / Assistant Executive Engineer and Junior Engineer / Civil concerned for their
remarks and recommendations well in advance i.e. before the date fixed for completion of work.


If the contractor fails in the due performance of this contract within the time fixed by the contract oir
any extension there of and the Board shall have suffered any loss from the delay occasioned by such
failure the contractor is liable at the discretion of the Engineer, to liquidated damages / penalty up to
% of the contract price per completed week reckoned on the contract value of such portion only of
the works as cannot in consequence of the delay be used commercially and efficiently during each
month between the appointed or extended times as the case may be and the actual time of acceptance
or taking over of the work, and such penalty shall be in full satisfaction of the contractor/s liabilities for
delay but shall not in any case exceed 10% of the contract value of such portion of the work. In
addition to this provision regarding levy of penalty for slow progress of work and delay for not keeping
up the interim and final completion periods specified for various milestone activities as stipulated in
the general conditions of contract in Tamil Nadu building practice for works apply.

a) However in respect of contracts where supplies effected in part of works executed in part could
not be beneficially used by the Board (due to such incomplete supplies/execution) liquidated
damages shall be worked out on the basis of entire contract price for completed work only and
not on delay portion.
b) The contact is liable to the Board, in addition to liquidated damages for delay the actual
difference, in price wherever Board Orders the delayed quantity to be supplied / executed by
other agencies at higher rates.
C.22.1 It must be Specially noted that this work must be done in the best workman ship manner.
C.22.2Termination of contractor for bad quality of work. If the contractor is found not exercising and
adequate care to ensure standard quality of workmanship, he will be warned, in writing by the
Executive Engineer.
C.24 If he does not improve in spite of written warning his contract will be terminated and the Earnest
Money Deposit will be forfited.

Signature of Contractor.




D.26.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the steel and other materials supply for the work use in
the works and shall use them only for the purpose of the contract.
The Contractor will be permitted to erect free of ground rent temporary sheds in camp area but subject
to his observance of local rules. Street lighting for the labour colony will be provided by the Board to
the extent feasible.
Sanitation for the labour colony will be done by the Board free to the extent available.
Electric Supply to the Contractors staff, office etc, will be given at the usual Boards tariff rates to the
extent feasible.

Tenders are requested to note that 0.3% towards the contribution to the manual labour welfare
Fund will be deducted from the running bills of works and the recoveries remitted to the Tamil Nadu
construction Works Board/Madras 18 at periodical intervals. The Above percentage of deduction is
on the Gross amount of the bill. This cost should be included in the Tendered value and any
omission/failure on this account will not be entertained.
A.4: Earnest Money Deposit:

The Earnest Money should be deposited only by cash or Demand Draft or Bankers cheque. The
receipt obtained for the cash payment from the Accounts Officers/Asst.Accounts officer of the General
Construction Circle should be attached to the tender. The cash deposit towards E.M.D. should be
made on or before 12.00 Hours on the opening date.

(9.1) when a Tender is to be accepted, the tenderer whose tender is under consideration shall attend
the Circle Office on the date fixed by written intimation to him. He shall forth with upon intimation
being given to him by the Superintending Engineer of acceptance of his tender make a security deposit
for a value of 5% of the accepted contract amount including E.M.D. as will be intimated to him at the
time of award of the work only by Cash or Demand Draft or Bankers Cheque. If the value of work
exceeds Rs.10 lakhs. Irrevocable Bank Guarantees duly pledged in favour of Superintending
Engineer/General Construction Circle/Coimbatore may also be accepted. The receipt obtained for the
cash payment from the Asst.Accounts Officer/GCC/CBE. may be handed over to D.B./C.O/G.C.C.

(9.2)On furnishing the security Deposit by the Successful Tenderer, and on the further intimation by
the Superintending Engineer/General construction Circle/Coimbatore the successful Tenderer should
enter into necessary agreement in the prescribed form. The stamp duty payable for this agreement and
Supplemental slip is of the value of Rs.40/- (Rupees Forty Only) which be done by the successful

E.11 : Accident Risk Insurance Policy:

The contractor should satisfy the field Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer/Special Officers
that an accident Risk Insurance Policy is taken before taking over the work. And also satisfy the field
officers that policy/policies is/are kept in force, till the work is completed and works are taken over by
the Board on the issue of completion certificate.

Guarantee clause:
The work carried out by the contractor shall be guaranteed for safe and satisfactory
performance for a period of SIXTY months from the date of completion and handing over to the

The contractor shall maintain the structure at his expenses to the satisfaction of the Engineer
during this period even though the various works may be put into performance.

Refund of EMD and Retention Amount:

Contractor is eligible for refund of EMD, ASD & Retention amount under the following conditions.
The amounts will be released after a satisfactory completion of interim guarantee period of 6 ( six )
months for other than building work..
C.94: Penalty/Liquidated damages for delay works:

If the contractor fails in the due performance of this contract within the time fixed by the
contract of any extension there of and the Board shall have suffered any loss from the delay occasioned
by such failure, the contractor is liable at the discretion of the Engineer, to liquidated damages/Penalty
up to % of the contract price per week reckoned on the contract value of such portion only of the
works as can not in consequence of the delay be used commercially and efficiently during each month
between the appointed or extended times as the case may be and the actual time of acceptance or
taking over of the work, and such penalty shall be in full satisfaction of the contractors liabilities for
delay but shall not any case exceed 10% of the contract value of such portion of the work. IN addition
to this provision regarding levy of penalty for slow progress of work and delay for not keeping up the
interim and final completion periods specified for various milestone activities as stipulated in the
general conditions of contract in Tamil Nadu building practice for works would apply.

9.4(a): However in respect of contracts where supplies effected in part, ot works executed in part could
not be beneficially used by the Board (due to such incomplete supplies/execution) liquidated damages
shall be worked out on the basis of entire contract price for completed work only and not on delay

9.4.(b): The contract is liable to the Board in addition to liquidated damages for delay, the actual
difference in price wherever Board orders, the delayed quantity to be supplied/executive by other
agencies at Higher rates.


1)Tenderers should quote their rates item wise against each item and each page should be duty signed
No. other entry condition or offer should be made in the contract form and if such entries are noticed
the tender will be summarily rejected.

2) As per Act.No.15 of 1999 in which a new section 7F is enacid to Tamil Nadu General State Tax
Act 1959, it is liable to deduct works contract tax at 2% for civil works and 4% for other works on the
net value of the contract from the running bill

3): Dewatering:

Unless separately provided for in the schedule of quantities, dewatering is deemed to have
been included in the unit rates quoted for excavation and concreting.

4) If the Tender quoted value is 15% less than the estimate value, the Tenderer should pay 50% of
the difference in amount between the estimate sanction value and Tender value as Additional
Security Deposit which will not been any interest in addition to EMD 5% for issuing acceptance of
work award letter. This amount will be returned to the contractor on completion of works in all

Signature of the Contractor.


The tenderers who are themselves not professionally qualified shall undertake to employ
qualified technical men at their cost to look after the work. The tenderer should state in clear terms
whether they are professional qualified or whether they undertaken to employ technical man required
by the Board Specified in schedule below for the works, in case the selected tenderer is
professionally qualified or has undertaken to employ technical man under him he should see that one
of the technically qualified man is always at site of the work during working hours personally checking
all items of work and payng extra attention to such work as may demand special attention ex:-
reinforced concrete works etc.,

Sl No Value of contract Minimum qualification prescribed for the technical

staff to be employed.

1 Above Rs.1 Lakh and upto One Diploma Holder in Civil Engineering OR a retired
Rs.3 Lakhs Supervisor (Civil)from Govt, Service or Autonomous
Body like the Tamil Nadu Housing Board etc.,

2 Above rs.3 Lakhs and upto One B.E. (Civil) or an Equivalent Degree Holder in Civil
Rs.10 Lakhs Engineering with one year experience OR a retired Civil
Engineer from Govt. Service or Autonomous Body not
below the rank of Assistant Executive Engineer.

3 Above Rs.10 Lakhs and upto One B.E (Civil) or an Equivalent Degree Holders in Civil
Rs.50 Lakhs Engineering with 3 years experience OR a retired
Supervisor (Civil)from Govt, Service or Autonomous
Body like the Tamil Nadu Housing Board etc., not below
the rank of Assistant Executive Engineer. Plus one
Diploma Holder in Civil Engineering or retired Supervisor
/ Civil from Govt. Service or Autonomous Body like the
Tamil Nadu Housing Board etc.,

4 Above Rs.50 Lakhs One B.E (Civil) or an Equivalent Degree Holders in Civil
Engineering with 3 years experience plus 3 Diploma
Holders in Civil Engineering.


(i) An amount of Rs.6,000/- per month per person for Graduate Engineers and Rs.4,000/- per months
per person for diploma holders will be recovered as penalty for Non- Employment of technical
personnel specified above.

Signature of the Contractor.

1. Cement:
The contractor has to make his own arrangements for the procurement of cement of
required specifications for the works subject to the followings:-

a) The Contractor shall procure cement of 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement confirming to IS
8112/1989 required for the works only from reputed Cement factories(main producer or their
authorizes agents, manufacturing Cement to DIS Standard) acceptable to the Engineer-in-charge. The
Contractor shall be required to furnish to the Engineer-in-charge bills of payment and cost certificate
issued to the manufacturers of their authorized Agents to authenticate procurement of quality cement
from the approved cement factory.

b) The contractor shall procure in standard packing of 50Kg. per bag bearing Manufacturers name
and ISI marking from the authorized manufacturers. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement
at his own cost to the Satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge for actual weighment of random sample from
the available stock and shall conform with the specification laid down by the Indian Standards
Institution as the case may be. Cement shall be got tested for all the tests at his cost including through
destructive and non- destructive test materials etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in advance
before the use of cement bags. In case test results indicated that the cement arranged by the Contractor
does not conform to the relevant Code, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site
by the Contractor at his own cost within 3 days time of written order from the Engineer-in-charge to
do so.

c) The employer will furnish air entraining agents and admixtures required to the contractor free
of cost at the employer stores. The use of such admixtures and agents shall be made as per the
instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. The cost of cartage/storage, handling, batching mixing shall be
borne by the contractor and shall be included by him to Unit rate tendered for concrete.

d) The cement shall be brought at site as decided by the Engineer-in-charge for works.

e) The cement Go down of suitable capacity as decided by the Engineer-in-charge to store shall be
constructed by the contractor at site of work, for which no extra payment shall be made. The
contractor shall facilitate inspection of the cement. Go down by the Engineer-in-charge at any time

f) The contractor shall further at all times satisfy the Engineer-in-charge on demand by
production of record and test book or by submission of returns and other proofs as directed that the
cement is being used as tested and approved by the Engineer-in-charge for the purpose and the
contractor shall at all times, keeps his records up to; date and enable the Engineer-in-charge to apply
such checks is he may desire.

g) Cement which has been unduly long in storage with the contractor or alternatively has
deteriorated due to inadequate storage and this become unfit for use on the works will be rejected by
the Department and no claim will be entertained. The contractor shall forthwith remove from the work
area any cement the Engineer-in-charge may disallow for use of work and replace it by cement
complying with the relevant Indian Standards.


2). Steel Materials:

The Contractor shall procure Steel MS/RTS Rods confirming to ISS 2062 Grade A for MS
Rods and ISS 1786/FE 415 Grade for RTS Rods for the works only from the reputed steel factories
(Main producer or their authorized agents,). The quality control measures to be adopted for cement in
T.N.E.B. is applicable for steel materials also as per relevant Indian Standards.


3(i) Contractor will have to make his own arrangements for binding wire or in the alternative can do
tack welding without any extra claim.

3(ii) All materials not specifically mentioned with rate for issue in the tender notice but which are
drawn by the Contractor in the course of the work for use in the works, will be charged at the book
value plus 10 percentage or the mark value plus 10 percentage whichever is higher plus the actual cost
of packing and dispatch of materials.


4(i) Contractors Sheds : The Contractor will be permitted to erect free of ground rent temporary sheds
in camp area but subject to his observance of local rules.

Street fighting for the labour colony will be provided by the Board to the extent feasible.

4(ii) SANITATION: Sanitation for the labour colony will be done by the Board free to the extent

4(ii) ELECTRIC SUPPLY: Electric supply to the contractors stall, office etc., will be given at the usual
Boards, tariff existing rates to the extent feasible.

4(iv) WATEER SUPPLY: The Contractor should make his own arrangements for Water during
construction and the rates quoted should be inclusive of water.

For the works involving consumptions of less than 5.0 Tonnes ( ie. 100 bags) of cement (or) 0.5
Tonnes (ie. 500kg) of steel, to procure and use cement and steel materials confirming to relevant
Indian Standards and to produce the copy of ISI certificate and Test Certificate issued by the
manufactures instead of detailed testing procedures insisted.

Signature of the Contractor


The towers as indented should be purchased from the approved vender of TNEB.

Sl No Indian standards Titles

1 IS: 209 Latest issue Specification for Zinc
2 IS: 802 Part I / Sec I Code of practice for use of structures steel in overhead
Part I / Sec 2
Latest issue transmission line, load and permissible stresses.

Part 1: Load and permissible stresses

3 IS 802: - 1978 Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead

Part II Latest issue
transmission line, fabrication, galvanizing, inspecting

and packing etc.,

4 IS 802: - 1978 Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead

Part III Latest issue transmission line towers testing.

5 IS 2629 Latest issue Recommended practice for hot dip galvanizing of iron
and steel

6 IS: 2633 Latest issue Method of testing uniformity of coating of Zinc coated

7 IS : 4759 Latest issue Galvanising of towers, plain and heavy washers.

8 IS : 6745 Latest issue Method for determination of weight of Zinc coating of

Zinc coated Iron and articles

9 IS : 10238 Latest issue Step bolts for steel structures

10 IS : 12427 Latest issue Transmission Tower Bolts
11 IS : 808 1976 Latest Specification for rolled Steel Beams,
issue Channels and angle sections.
Part V Equal! Angles
Part VI Unequal Angles
A. Details of structural steel
i) Steel quality IS : 2062
ii) Minimum guaranteed yield Stress 2550 (kg/cm2)
iii) Maximum allowable stress 2550 (kg/cm2)
For tension members (on net area)


B) Details of 16mm dia bolts Nuts

i) Shear strees on gross area of bolt shank of 5.7 grade
6322 (kg/cm2)
ii) Bearing stress on shank of grade 5.6 bolts 2590
iii) Tension on net area of the thread 2590 (kg/cm2)


The works shall be executed with the supply of equipments / materials required in an
orderly manner of requirement as per erection schedule. The bills will also be arranged to be cleared
by the purchaser only as per the approved orderly sequential schedule of erection. The successful
Contractor shall furnish well in advance the equipments/materials required for arranging funds.
Payment will not be made for the unscheduled delivery of materials/equipments.

a) 80% of the value of materials/equipments of each consignment will be made with in

reasonable time on receipt of materials /equipments in good condition at site after submission of bill
with required documents and on physical verification by Board officials.

b) 15% of the value of materials/equipments will be made with in reasonable time after
satisfactory completion of erection of the supplied materials/equipments along with 90% of the value
of erection charges on submission of bill with required documents.

c) 5% of the value of materials/equipments and erection charges will be made with in

reasonable time after completion of successful testing and commissioning of the line and on
submission of bill with required documents.

Signature of the Contractor




It is incumbent on the part of the Contractor to see that in shall be his sole responsibility to
protect the public and his employee against any accident from any causes and he shall indemnify the
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board against any claim for damages for injury to person or property resulting
from any such accident and shall also where the provisions of workmens compensation Act applies,
take steps to properly insure against any claims there under by way of accident risk, insurance demand
for all purposes of relief, failing the same or other wise the contractor alone will be responsible to meet
the compensation awarded under the said Act.

E.1.1. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS ETC.: The Contractor should take care and ensure that Laws
and Rules are not violated in doing the work either by himself or his labour

E.1.2. Royalty and seignorage charges wherever payable shall be paid by the contractor.


E.2.1. Attention of the tenderer is invited to P.W.D.G.O.no.2395 M.S. and dated 13.9.45 according to
which the piece workers engaged on Boards works must offer employment to ex-servicemen
as far as possible at local rates.

E.2.2. The number of Ex-servicemen to whom he can so offer employment should be mentioned in
the tender and he should also undertake in the agreement to offer such employment to such


The contractor shall give an undertaking to the Tamil nadu Electricity Board to the effect any
excess payment made by the Board to the contractor being detected them on later be refunded
by the contractor.
The contractor should satisfy the field Superintending Engineer/ Chief Engineer/ Special
Officer that an accident Risk Insurance Policy is taken before taking over the work and also
satisfy the field officers that policy / Policies is / are kept in force till the work is completed and
works are taken over by the Board on the issue of completion Certificate.

Signature of the Contractor.

F.1.1 It shall be definitely understood that the Board does not accept any responsibility for the
correctness or completeness of the schedule and that this schedule is liable to alterations by
omissions, deduction, or additional at the discretion of the Superintending Engineer or his
authorized representative of as set forth in the condition of contract. He should quote specific
rates for each in the schedule and the RATES should be in rupees and paise. The rate should be
written both in words and in figures. The schedule accompanying the tender shall be written
legibly and free from Erasures, over writings, or conversions of figures correction wherever
unavoidable should be made by crossing out, initialing dating and rewriting.

Tenderers are requested to see that all the schedule are duly filled up without omission.

F.1.2 No alterations which is made by the tenderer in the contract form, the condition of contract,
the drawings, the specifications or quantities accompanying the same will be recognized and if
any such alterations are made, the tender will be void.

Tenders not submitted in the Boards schedule of quantities forms will not be considered

F.1.3 The tenderer should workout his own rates without reference being made to the Boards
estimate rates which are not open for inspection by the Tenderers.


It is to be expressly understood that the measured work is to be taken not with standing any
customs or practice to the contrary according to the actual quantities when in place and finished
according the drawing or as may be ordered from time by the Superintending Engineer and as
per relevant clauses of Indian Standard Specification I.S.1200 and the cost calculated by
measurement or weight at the respective process without any additional charges for any /
necessary contingent works connected herewith. The rates quoted should be for works in site
and complete in every respect.

F.2.2 Measurement will be by tape or levels as decided by the Engineer.


F.4 Lead Particulars (Quarry) Every tenderers is expected to study the specification, layout and
drawing and the sites of the proposed works and quarry before quoting his rates. Each tenderer
should satisfy himself before quoting the quality and availability materials according to
specification and also leads involved

F.4.2 No ambiguous clauses which may put the Board to uncertain commitments will be entertained.

F.4.3 The Board will not after acceptance of contract rate pay any extra charges for lead or for any
other reason in case the contractor is found later on to have misjudged the materials available.
Attention of the contractors is directed to standard preliminary specification regarding payment
of seignorage charges etc.,

F.5 Sales Tax

Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Registration Number to be quoted in the tender.

The tenderer will not extra payment of sales Tax on account of the contract will be payable on
him and the rates quoted shall be inclusive of this.

F.6 Income Tax Clearance Certificates

Income Tax payable on the contract amount at the appropriate rates levied from time to

time will be deducted from and out of the payments to be made to the contracts in

accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1971 as amended from time to time.

F.7 Filing suit in the court

No suit or any proceedings in regard to any matter arising in any respect under this
contract shall be instituted in any courtesy in the city civil court if Madras or the Court of
small causes at Madras. It agreed that no other court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any
suit or proceedings even though part of the cause of action might arise within their
jurisdiction in case of any part of cause of action arises within the jurisdiction of any of the
courts in Tamil Nadu and not in the Coimbatore, Madras city. Then it is agreed between
parties that such suits or proceedings shall have jurisdiction even though any part of the
cause if action might arises within the jurisdiction of such courts.
F.8.1. Contractor is entirely responsible for all taxes, levies, duties, license fees, etc., incurred until
delivery of the contracted goods to the Purchaser.

F.8.2 The rates quoted by the Contractor should be inclusive of all taxes & duties if any for the
materials to be brought to the site. TNEB will not pay any Tax and Duty to the Contractor.

F.8.3 The Board will not reimburse any works contract tax/Any Tax or Duties since major materials
supplied by the Board.

F.8.4 Service Tax as applicable if any shall be admitted upon the production of documentary
such as registration certificate, assessment order, payment receipt etc. The service taxes so
payable will be limited to the tax on 33% of the contract value vide Notification No.19/2003-ST.

F.8.5. Service tax quoted (if any) will also be included while evaluating the tender. The amount
collected AS SERVICE TAX from TNEB should be remitted to the Central Government if the
contractor retain portion of amount or any delay in Depositing the amount, they have to pay the
interest at rate prescribed under section 73B of the ACT

F.8.6 As per Section-13 of TNVAT Act 2006 every person is responsible for paying any sum to any
dealer for exemption of work contract shall at time of payment of such sum deduct an amount
calculated at 2% of the total amount payable to such dealer in case of civil contract or 4% for all
other works contract.

F.8.7 The proposed work comes under line work contract and 4% towards works contract tax on the
total value of the contract shall be deducted and remitted to the Commercial Tax Authorities.

F.8.8 The certificate of deduction shall be issued. However no deduction shall be made where,

a.) no transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) is involved in
execution of ;such works contract or

b.) transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) is involved in the
execution of works contract in the course of inter State trade or Commerce or in the course of
Import or

c. ) the dealer produces a certificate in such form as may be prescribed from the assessing authority
concerned that he has no liability to pay or has paid the tax under Section-5.

F.8.9 TNEB will issue Sales Tax Form (C forms) to the Contractor only and not to the sub-

Signature of the Contractor.


1. The schedule of quantities and rates are firm. Whenever the contractor exceeds the
quantities by about 5% it is responsibility of the contractor to intimate to the field Executive
Engineer in writing that he has exceeded the quantities and he should get written approval
of the Executive Engineer for proceeding with the work.

2. For the tender evaluation only the above schedule will be taken into consideration.

3. The rate quoted should be furnished both in figures and words and any correction in the rate
shall be attested by the person signing the tender offer

If there is any difference in value between the figures and words the lowest rates quoted
either in words or in figures whichever is advantageous to the Board will be taken into

Signature of the Contractor.



Item No Description Reference to clause

(Applicable to all cases of works other than those relating to roads, channels and canals where a
minimum of fifty are employed)
(Rate for the provision or health and sanitary arrangements for works.)
The contractors special attention is invited to general condition of contract and appendices vide
section IX of the Tamil Nadu Building practice and he requested to provide at his own expenses the
following amenities to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer.
a) At the work site there shall be maintained in readily accessible place, first aid appliance and
medicine including and adequate supply of sterilized dressing sterilized cotton wool. The
appliance shall be kept in good order. They shall be placed under the charges of responsible person
who shall be readily, available during working ours.
a) Water of good quality for drinking purpose shall be provided for the workers on a scale of not
less than five liters per head per day.
b) Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent Public water supply each work site
shall be provided with a storage tank where such drinking water shall be stored.
c) Every water supply storage shall be at a distance of not less than 12 metres from any latrine
drain or other source of pollutions. Where water has to be drawn from an existing well which such
proximity of any latrine drain or other source of pollution the well shall be properly chlorinated
before water is drawn from it for drinking
All such wells shall be entirely closed in and be provided with a trap which shall be dust and
water proof.
d). A reliable pump shall be fitted to each well the trap shall be kept locked and opened only
for inspection of being which shall be done atleast once a month
Adequate washing and bathing place shall be provided separately for men and women such places
shall be kept clean and well drained. Bathing or washing should not be allowed in or near any
drinking water well.
There shall be provided within the precints of every work site, latrines and urinals an accessible
place and accommodated separately. Each of them shall be on the following scale or on the scale
so directed by the Executive Engineer in any particulars case.


1. Where the Number of persons employed does not exceed 50 .2

2. where the number of persons employed exceed 50 but doesnot exceeds 100 for every
additional 100 .3
If woman are employed separate latrines and urinals screened from those of men, shall be
provided on the same scale.

Except in work sites provided with water flushed latrines connected with a water borne
sewage systems, all latrines shall be provided with receptacles on dry earth systems shall be cleaned
atleast four time daily and atleats twice during working hours and kept in a strictly condition. The
receptacles shall be tarred inside and out side atleast once a year.

The excrete from the latrines shall be disposed off at the contractors expenses in out way pits
approved by the local public health authority. The contractors shall also employ adequate number
of scavengers and conservancy staff to keep the latrines and urinals in a clean condition.


At the work site there shall be provided free of cost to suitable sheds, one for meals and the
other forest for the use of workers.

6. CRCHES:- At every work site at which 50 or more women are ordinarily employed there shall
be provided two huts of suitable size for the use of children under the age of 6 years belonging to
such women. One huts shall be used for infant game on play and other as their bed rooms. The hut
shall not be constructed on standard lower than the following.

a. Thatched roofs
b. Mud floors and walls
c. Planks spread over the mud floor and covered with mattering. The use of the huts shall be
restricted to children their attendants and mother of the children.
7. CANTEENS:- Cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefits of
workers if it is considered expedient.


The contractors would provide at his own expenses sheds for housing the workers. The sheds
shall be on a standard not less than the cheap shelter type to live which the workers in a locality are
accustomed. A floor area of about 1.8m x 1.8m for a person shall be provided. The sheds are to to
be in rows with 1.5m clear space, between roofs if conditions permit. The works camp shall be laid
out units of 400 persons, such unit to have clear space of 12 m on each side.

NOTE;- In case when alternative facilities exist regard to the amenities mentioned in rule 1 to 8 of
the relevant rules should be scored out with duly attestation at the time of taking the agreement.

Signature of the Contractor.


Employment of Ex. Servicemen and Ex. to day Tappers

Name of Work No .of E. Service Men who will be No. of Ex. To day Tappers
employed who will be Employed



Sl. Kind of Materials Source of Supply Distance

No. MR Head Load
Plains Hills Lead Lift
1. Structural steel
Tower angles & other Coimbatore
91 -- -- --

Period of completion 2 (Two) MONTHS

Signature of Contractor

(For eligible bidders only)

(On Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate value to be purchased in the Name of
Consortium Company)
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, the consortium company whose details are
given hereunder (1)
have formed a consortium under the laws of
.. and having our Registered Office (s)/Head
Office (s) at
(hereinafter called the consortium which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, include its successors, administrators and assigns) acting through
M/s.. being the
company in charge to hereby constitute, nominate and appoint
company incorporated under the laws of ..
and having its Registered/Head Office at as our
duly constituted lawful Attorney (hereinafter called Attorney or Authorised Representative or
Partner in charge) to exercise all or any of the powers for and on behalf of the consortium in regard to


including cost of all materials

(hereinafter called the OWNER) and the Bids for which have been invited by the
Owner, to undertake the following acts.
i. To submit proposal and participate in the aforesaid Bid Specification of the Owner on behalf of
the Consortium.
ii. To negotiate with the Owner in the terms and conditions for award of the Contract pursuant to
the aforesaid Bid to sign the Contract with the Owner for and on behalf of the Consortium.
iii. To do any other act or submit any document related to the above.
iv. To receive, accept and execute the Contract for and on behalf of the Consortium.
v. To receive, accept and execute the Contract for and on behalf of the Consortium.

It is clearly understood that the Lead Company shall ensure performance of the Contract(s) and if one
or more Company fail to perform their respective portion of the Contract(s), the same shall be deemed
to be a default by the Lead Company.
The Consortium hereby agrees and undertakes to ratify and confirm all the whatsoever the said
Attorney/Authorised representative of the Lead Company in charge quotes in the Bid, negotiates and
signs the Contract with the Owner and/or proposes to act on behalf of the Consortium by virtue of This
Power of Attorney and the same shall bind the Consortium as if done by itself.

IN WIKTNESS THEREOF the Company constituting the Consortium as aforesaid have executed these
presents on thisday of
under Common seal(s) of their Companies.

For and on behalf of

The company of Consortium
The common seal of the above Companies of the Consortium:
The common Seal has been affixed there unto in the presence of:
Name: ..
Name: ..
Designation: ..

Signature of the Contractor.


(For eligible bidders only)








THIS Consortium agreement executed on this . Day of

Two thousand and between
M/s a company
Incorporated under the laws of . And
having its registered office at . (herein after
called the Lead Company which expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted
assigns), M/s.a company incorporated under the
laws of .. and having its registered Office at
.(herein after called the Constituent
Company which expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) and
M/s... a company incorporated under the laws of
....and having its registered Office
at (hereinafter called the Member which expression shall
include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) for the purpose of making a bid and entering
into a Contract (in case of award) against the Specification No.

. including cost
of all materials

. having its registered Office

(hereinafter called the Owner).

WHEREAS the Owner invited bids as per the above mentioned Specification for the

. including cost
of all materials stipulated in the bidding
documents under subject package,
including cost of all materials under
AND WHEREAS Section-II (Bid Qualification Requirement)
Vol-I, forming part of the bidding documents, stipulates that a Consortium of two meeting the
requirement of Section-II, applicable may bid, provided that Consortium fulfills all other requirements
of Specification and in such a case, the BID shall be signed by the members so as to legally bind both
of the members and who will be jointly and separately liable to perform the Contract and all
obligations hereunder.

The above clause further states that the consortium agreement shall be attached to the bid and the
Contract performance guarantee will be as per the format enclosed with the bidding document without
any restriction or liability for either party.

AND WHEREAS the bid has been submitted to the owner vide proposal No.. dated
.. by Lead Company based on the Constituent agreement between all the
consortium under these presents and the bid in accordance with the requirements of Bid Qualification
In consideration of the above premises and agreements all the Partners to these consortium
members do hereby now agree as follows:
i. In Consideration of the award of the Contract by the Owner to the Consortium members, we,
the members to the consortium agreement do hereby agree that
shall act as Lead company and further declare and confirm that we shall jointly and
serverally be bound unto the Owner for the successful performance of the Contract and shall be
fully responsible for the design, manufacture, supply and successful performance of the
equipments in accordance with the Contract.
ii. In case of any breach of the said Contract by the Lead Company or other Constituent of the
Consortium agreement, the Lead Company do hereby agree to be fully responsible for the
successful performance of the Contract and to carry out all the obligations and responsibilities
under the Contract in accordance with requirements of the Contract.
iii. Further, if the owner suffers any loss or damage on account of any breach in the Contract or
any shortfall in the performance of the equipment in meeting the performance guaranteed as per
the specification in terms of the contract, the Lead Company of these presents undertake to
promptly make good such loss or damages caused to the Owner, on its demand without any
demur. It shall not be necessary or obligatory for the Owner to proceed against Lead partner to
these presents before proceeding against or dealing with the other Partner(s).
iv. The financial liability of the members of this Consortium agreement to the Owner, with respect
to any of the claims arising out of the performance or non-performance of the obligations set
forth in the said agreement, read in conjunction with the relevant conditions of the Contract
shall, however, not be limited in any way so as to restrict or limit the liabilities of any of the
members of the agreement.
v. It is expressly understood; and agreed between the members to this Consortium agreement that
the responsibilities and obligations of each of the Partners shall be as delineated in Appendix-I
(To be incorporated suitably by the member to this agreement). It is further agreed by the
member that the above sharing of responsibilities and obligations shall not in any way be a
limitation of joint and several responsibilities of the members under this Contract.

vi. This consortium agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of
India and the Courts of Chennai shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising there
vii. In case of an award of a Contact, we the Consortium members do hereby agree that we shall be
jointly and severally responsible for the works respectively executed and Lead Company shall
furnishing a Contract performance security from a bank in favour of Owner in the forms
acceptance to purchase for value of 10% of the Contract Price in the currency/Currencies of the
viii. It is further agreed that the Consortium agreement shall be irrevocable and shall from an
integral part of the Contract, and shall continue to be enforceable all the owner discharges the
same. It shall be effective from the date first mentioned above for all-purpose and intents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE Partners to the Consortium have through their authorised
representative executed these presents and affixed Common Seals of their Companies, on the day,
month and year first mentioned above.
1. Common Seal of For Lead Company
has been affixed in my/our presence
pursuant to the Board of Directors (Signature of authorised
resolution dated. Representative)

Signature. Name..

Name. Designation..

Designation Common Seal of the Company

2. Common Seal of For other Constituents

has been affixed in my/our presence
pursuant to the Board of Directors (Signature of authorised
resolution dated. Representative).




1. .
(Signature) (Signature)

Name.. Name

.. .
(Official address) (Official address)

Signature of the Contractor.


Sl. Name of Work Period of work Particulars of work Approximate Notes

No. work done as

Note: Under Co.4 State briefly nature of work done, viz,

Building Masonary, Tower Erection, Stringing,

Tower Foundation, transport etc.,

Signature of the Contractor.

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