Vit E..
Vit E..
Vit E..
Vitamin E has been used for more than 50 years in experimental and clinical dermatology.
While a large number of case reports were published in this time, there is still a lack of con-
trolled clinical studies providing a rationale for well dened dosages and clinical indications.
In contrast, advances in basic research on the physiology, mechanism of action, penetration,
bioconversion and photoprotection of vitamin E in human skin has led to the development of
numerous new formulations for use in cosmetics and skin care products. This article reviews
basic mechanisms and possible cosmetic as well as clinical implications of the recent advances
in cutaneous vitamin E research. Experimental evidence suggests that topical and oral vitamin
E has antitumorigenic, photoprotective, and skin barrier stabilizing properties. While the cur-
rent use of vitamin E is largely limited to cosmetics, controlled clinical studies for indications
such as atopic dermatitis or preventions of photocarcinogenesis are needed to evaluate the
clinical benet of vitamin E.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Dermatology; Aging; Stratum corneum; Skin surface lipids; Sebum; Vitamin E; Tocopherol;
Skin; Cosmetics; Cosmeceuticals; Skin care; Ultraviolet radiation; Surgery
Abbreviations: SC, stratum corneum; SSL, skin surface lipids; SqmOOH, squalene monohydroperoxide;
SPT, sebum photo-oxidation test; UV, ultraviolet.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 617 699 8322; fax: +1 617 414 1363.
E-mail address: (J.J. Thiele).
0098-2997/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667 647
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
2. Prevalence of vitamin E in murine and human skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
3. Effect of exogenous stressors on cutaneous vitamin E levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
4. Use of vitamin E in skin disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
5. Rationale for use of vitamin E and co-antioxidants for photoprotection . . . . . . 655
6. Photoprotection provided by vitamin E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
7. Dosage and practical use in skin care products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
8. Special dermatologic considerations, contraindications and adverse effects . . . . . 657
8.1. Allergic contact dermatitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
8.2. Vitamin E intake during pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
8.3. Oral vitamin E intake and dermatologic surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
9. Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
1. Introduction
As the outermost organ of the body, the skin is frequently and directly exposed
to a prooxidative environment, including ultraviolet radiation, drugs, and air pol-
lutants. Besides external inducers of oxidative attack, the skin has to cope with
endogenous generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other free radicals,
which are continuously produced during physiological cellular metabolism. To
counteract the harmful eects of ROS, the various compartments of the skin (stra-
tum corneum/skin barrier, epidermis, dermis, subcutis) are equipped with layer-
specic antioxidant systems, which help to maintain an equilibrium between
ROS and antioxidants and thus prevent oxidative stress. The antioxidant defense
in cutaneous tissues can be overwhelmed by either an increased exposure to exog-
enous (e.g., UV-exposure) or endogenous (e.g., inammatory disorders) sources of
ROS, or by a primarily depleted antioxidant defense (e.g., by genetic defects or
malnutrition) facing a normal level of prooxidative challenge. In skin, the induc-
tion of oxidative damage by environmental stimuli such as UVA, UVB, and ozone
was demonstrated to occur in lipids (Thiele et al., 1998a; Thiele et al., 1997b,c),
proteins (Thiele et al., 1998b), and DNA (Beehler et al., 1992; McVean and Lie-
bler, 1997).
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that is receiving growing attention in the skin
care industry because of its antioxidant properties. While some antioxidants such
as glutathione or ubiquinol-10 can be synthesized by humans, levels of cutaneous
vitamin E depend on its oral intake or topical delivery. The main natural sources
of vitamin E are fresh vegetables, vegetable oils, cereals and nuts. A recently pub-
lished study analyzing dietary data from almost 10,000 individuals suggests that
the majority of men and women in the United States fail to meet the current recom-
mendations for vitamin E intake (Maras et al., 2004).
648 J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667
The aim of this article is to review experimental and clinical data available on the
physiology and biological activity of vitamin E in human skin with special emphasis
on its antioxidative and photoprotective properties.
Table 1
Physiological levels of a- and c-tocopherol in cutaneous tissues
Skin layer Species Concentration Authors & year
Total skin Mouse 200 pmol a-tocopherol/mg protein Fuchs et al. (1989a,b)
Epidermis Mouse 4.8 0.5 nmol a-tocopherol/g tissue Shindo et al. (1993)
Dermis Mouse 3.3 0.3 nmol a-tocopherol/g tissue Shindo et al. (1993)
Epidermis Human 31 3.8 nmol a-tocopherol/g tissue Shindo et al. (1994)
3.3 1 nmol c-tocopherol/g tissue
Dermis Human 16.2 1.1 nmol a-tocopherol/g tissue Shindo et al. (1994)
1.8 0.2 nmol c-tocopherol/g tissue
Stratum corneum Mouse 8.4 1.3 nmol a-tocopherol/g tissue Thiele et al. (1997b)
2.9 0.9 nmol c-tocopherol/g tissue
Stratum corneum Human 33 4 nmol a-tocopherol/g tissue Thiele et al. (1998a)
4.8 0.8 nmol c-tocopherol/g tissue
Sebum Human 76.5 1.5 nmol a-tocopherol/g sebum Thiele et al. (1999)
8.7 1.8 nmol c-tocopherol/g sebum
Table was modied from Thiele et al. (2000).
J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667 649
Irradiation of human skin with solar simulated ultraviolet-light (SSUV; UVA and
UVB) at doses below those that cause a mild redness of the skin one day after expo-
sure (0.75 minimal erythema dose, MED) deplete human stratum corneum
a-tocopherol by almost 50%, and murine stratum corneum a-tocopherol by 85%,
both detected directly after exposure (Thiele et al., 1998a). Therefore, a-tocopherol
depletion in the stratum corneum is considered a very early and sensitive event of
photooxidative damage in skin (Thiele et al., 1998a). The high susceptibility of stra-
tum corneum vitamin E to SSUV may be, at least in part, due to a lack of co-anti-
oxidants in the stratum corneum. Ascorbate, the major hydrophilic co-antioxidant
that is capable of recycling photooxidized a-tocopherol (Kagan et al., 1992a; Kitaz-
awa et al., 1997), is present only at very low levels in murine and human stratum cor-
neum, as compared to epidermal and dermal tissue levels (Weber et al., 1999).
Vitamin E may be depleted: (a) directly, by absorption of UVB-radiation, and/or
(b) indirectly, by excited-state singlet oxygen or reactive oxygen intermediates that
are generated by photosensitizers upon UV-absorption also in the UVA-range. Since
both, UVB and UVA alone have been shown to deplete murine a-tocopherol, both
mechanisms may be relevant. The absorption maxima of a- and c-tocopherol fall
between 290 and 295 nm (Baxter et al., 1943; Yuen and Halliday, 1997) and thus
extend well into the solar UV-spectrum. Interestingly, a large part of terrestrial
UVB around 290300 nm is absorbed in the human stratum corneum. Furthermore,
depletion of a-tocopherol by UVR is maximal at wavelengths in the range of its
absorption maximum in skin homogenates of hairless mice (Kagan et al., 1992a).
This congruency suggests that a-tocopherol is directly destroyed upon short wave-
length UVB absorption. Indeed, tocopheroxyl radical formation occurs in UVB irra-
diated skin homogenates (Kagan et al., 1992a). Direct depletion of a-tocopherol and
formation of its radical may also aect other endogenous antioxidant pools. As men-
tioned previously, a-tocopherol is readily regenerated from its radical at the expense
of reductants like ascorbate (Kagan et al., 1992a,b), which itself can be regenerated
by glutathione (Martensson and Meister, 1992). In addition to direct depletion by
UVB, skin a-tocopherol levels may also be consumed as a consequence of its
chain-breaking antioxidant action. The absorption of UVB and UVA photons by
endogenous photosensitizers (e.g., porphyrins, riboavin, quinones, and bilirubin)
results in its electronically excited state (Kochevar et al., 1996; Rosenstein et al.,
1983). The excited sensitizer subsequently reacts with another substrate (type I reac-
tion) to form radicals or radical ions, or with oxygen (type II reaction) to generate
singlet oxygen (Foote, 1991). Photosensitizers, such as melanin, are present in vari-
able amounts in the stratum corneum (Jimbow et al., 1993). Hence, their wavelength-
dependent potential to generate or to quench free radicals, and to absorb UVR may
modulate a-tocopherol depletion during and after solar exposure.
Another exogenous stressor that was shown to aect cutaneous vitamin E levels is
the air pollutant ozone on skin antioxidants: While no depletion of vitamin E was
observed when full thickness skin was analyzed (Thiele et al., 1997a), a-tocopherol
depletion was detected in the outer epidermis when skin layers were analyzed
650 J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667
separately (Thiele et al., 1997c). It was concluded that ozone itself is too reactive to
penetrate deeply into skin and reacts rapidly with skin barrier lipids and proteins
(Thiele et al., 1998b). Consequently, it was demonstrated that the stratum corneum
is the most susceptible skin layer for ozone induced vitamin E depletion (Thiele et al.,
1997b). Furthermore, we have demonstrated that stratum corneum Vitamin E is
highly susceptible to topical treatment with benzoyl peroxide (Weber et al., 2003).
Despite more than half a century of research, there is still insucient evidence
from controlled studies concerning vitamin Es eectiveness in treating specic der-
matologic disorders. In mostly small trials and case reports, oral vitamin E supple-
mentation is recommended in the therapy of yellow nail syndrome, vibration
disease, epidermolysis bullosa, cancer prevention, claudication, cutaneous ulcers,
and collagen synthesis and wound healing (reviewed in: (Fuchs, 1992; Pehr and
Forsey, 1993)). Clearly, with vitamin E not being a pharmaceutical drug, there
is a lack of placebo controlled studies for treatment of these conditions. However,
in the eld of skin care, which includes cosmeceuticals, there is a large body of
experimental evidence pointing to photoprotective eects (Table 2). Moreover,
recent studies indicate that the use of vitamin E may provide dermatological ben-
ets that surpass the purpose of cosmetics and may extend into an area that has
been termed cosmeceuticals.
Although anecdotal reports support the topical use of vitamin E for scar preven-
tion, the benet of vitamin E on scar formation remains inconclusive. Two con-
trolled studies failed to show scar prevention by topical vitamin E (Baumann and
Spencer, 1999; Jenkins et al., 1986). However, it remains unclear in how far the sta-
bility and formulation of topical vitamin E may have aected the outcome of these
studies. New evidence from studies on diabetic mouse models point to an involve-
ment of oxidative stress in diabetic wound healing and signicantly improved wound
healing by topical vitamin E (Altavilla et al., 2001; Galeano et al., 2001).
Recently, Tsoureli-Nikita et al. performed a clinical single blind, placebo con-
trolled study in which 96 atopic dermatitis patients were treated with either placebo
or oral vitamin E (400 IE/day) for 8 months. They found an improvement and near
remission of atopic dermatitis and a 62% decrease in serum IgE levels in the vitamin
E treated group. The correlation between a-tocopherol intake, IgE levels, and the
clinical manifestations of atopy suggests that oral vitamin E could be an excellent
therapeutic adjunct for atopic dermatitis (Tsoureli-Nikita et al., 2002). Another
multi-clinical double-blinded study revealed a signicant improvement of chloasma
and pigmented contact dermatitis lesions using topical vitamins E and C, with
the combination clearly proving superior to the single vitamin treatment groups
(Hayakawa et al., 1981). Topical formulations used for depigmentation that contain
vitamins C and E, besides the commonly used hydroquinone and sunscreens,
appear to be safe and ecient (Guevara and Pandya, 2003). Furthermore, there is
evidence that oxidative stress is involved in the pathophysiology of melanoma and
J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667 651
Table 2
Studies on the photoprotective potential of topical vitamin E and its derivatives in vivo
Compound(s) Species Endpoint(s) Ecacy Remarks Reference
Vitamin E Rabbit Erythema (MED) Vitamin E protective; BHT also protective; Roshchupkin et al.
Vitamin E acetate vitamin E acetate not Vitamin E also (1979)
protective protective when applied
after UVR-exposure
Vitamin E Human Mechanoelectrical Protection against UVR-, Potapenko et al. (1983)
properties of skin and PUVA-induced
Vitamin E Human, rabbit PUVA-induced Vitamin E and No protection of vitamin Potapenko et al. (1984)
Vitamin E derivatives erythema and changes in derivatives with shorter E and derivatives when
mechanoelectrical hydrocarbon chain applied after UVR-
properties of skin protective; vitamin E exposure
acetate not protective
Vitamin E Mouse Lipid peroxidation Protective Vitamin A, BHT, and b- Khettab et al. (1988)
carotene also protective
Vitamin E Mouse Skin wrinkling, skin Protective Bissett et al. (1989)
tumor incidence, and
Vitamin E Human Erythema (MED) Protective SPF-determination Moller et al. (1989)
Vitamin E Mouse Skin wrinkling and Vitamin E esters not as Glutathione, b-carotene, Bissett et al. (1990)
Trolox sagging, skin tumor protective as vitamin E BHT, and mannitol not
Vitamin E acetate incidence, and histology or vitamin E analog protective
Vitamin E succinate Trolox; no protection
Vitamin E linoleate against UVA-induced
Vitamin E nicotinate skin sagging
Vitamin E Mouse Skin tumor incidence Protective Prolonged pre-treatment Gensler and Magdaleno
and immunosuppression (1991)
(continued on next page)
652 J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667
Table 2 (continued)
Compound(s) Species Endpoint(s) Ecacy Remarks Reference
Vitamin E Rat UVA-induced binding of Vitamin E protective Limited conversion of Schoonderwoerd et al.
Vitamin E acetate 8-MOP and CPZ to after single application; vitamin E acetate into (1991)
epidermal vitamin E acetate only vitamin E after single
biomacromolecules protective after application
prolonged application
Vitamin E acetate Mouse Lipid peroxidation and Protective Record et al. (1991)
DNA-synthesis rate
Vitamin E Mouse Skin wrinkling, skin Protective Additive protection in Bissett et al. (1992)
tumor incidence, and combination with anti-
histology inammatory agents
Vitamin E acetate Mouse Erythema, edema, and Protective Treatment immediately Trevithick et al. (1992)
skin sensitivity after UVR-exposure
Vitamin E acetate Mouse Edema and histology Protective Delayed treatment after Trevithick et al. (1993)
increased skin vitamin E
Vitamin E Mouse Skin wrinkling Vitamin E and sorbate Sorbate ester more Jurkiewicz et al. (1995)
Vitamin E acetate ester protective; vitamin protective than free
Vitamin E sorbate E acetate ester only vitamin E
modestly protective
Vitamin E Human Erythema (skin color) Moderate protection of No protection when Montenegro et al. (1995)
Vitamin E acetate vitamin E and vitamin E applied occlusively
acetate when applied before UVR-exposure
occlusively after UVR-
Vitamin E Rat UVA-induced binding of Vitamin E protective; Conversion of vitamin E Beijersbergen van
Vitamin E acetate 8-MOP to epidermal vitamin E acetate only acetate into vitamin E Henegouwen et al.
biomacromolecules protective after slow (1995)
prolonged application
^Table 2 (continued)
Compound(s) Species Endpoint(s) Ecacy Remarks Reference
Vitamin E acetate Mouse Skin tumor incidence No protection Gensler et al. (1996)
Vitamin E succinate and immunosuppression
non-melanoma cancer (Sander et al., 2003), and that vitamin E slows melanoma
growth by promoting tumor cell apoptosis and inhibiting VEGF-mediated angiogen-
esis (Malafa et al., 2002a,b). Despite these and other encouraging results on bene-
cial clinical eects of vitamin E, further research in form of well-designed controlled
trials is needed to clarify the role of vitamin E and its derivatives in the above men-
tioned and further skin disorders.
The largest body of scientic evidence for a benecial role of topical vitamin E
exists for photoprotection (Table 2). Numerous topical studies have demonstrated
that vitamin E application prior to ultraviolet exposure signicantly reduces acute
skin responses, such as erythema and edema, sunburn cell formation (Darr et al.,
1996; Lin et al., 2003; Ritter et al., 1997), lipid peroxidation (Khettab et al., 1988;
Lopez-Torres et al., 1998; Yuen and Halliday, 1997), DNA-adduct formation,
immunosuppression (Gensler and Magdaleno, 1991; Yuen and Halliday, 1997), as
well as UVA-induced binding of photosensitizers (Beijersbergen van Henegouwen
et al., 1995; Schoonderwoerd et al., 1991) and chemiluminescence (Evelson et al.,
1997). Chronic skin reactions due to prolonged UVB/UVA-exposure, such as skin
wrinkling (Bissett et al., 1990, 1992, 1989; Jurkiewicz et al., 1995), and skin tumor
incidence (Bissett et al., 1990, 1992, 1989; Burke et al., 2000; Gensler and Magda-
leno, 1991) were also diminished by topical vitamin E formulations. While few stud-
ies have demonstrated a signicant penetration of topical vitamin E into dermal
layers, there is still debate concerning the ecacy of topical vitamin E for protecting
dermal components in human skin. Chung et al. demonstrated that a topical, occlu-
sive pretreatment with 5% vitamin E for 24 h protected against UV-induced upreg-
ulation of human macrophage metalloelastase in human skin in vivo (Chung et al.,
2002). Together with other studies (Lopez-Torres et al., 1998), this work suggests
that topically applied vitamin E has the potential to penetrate into dermal layers,
656 J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667
where much of oxidative protein oxidation occurs (Sander et al., 2002), and thus pro-
tects against photoaging.
Vitamin E esters, particularly vitamin E acetate, were also shown to be promising
agents in reducing UV-induced skin damage (Beijersbergen van Henegouwen et al.,
1995; Bissett et al., 1990; Burke et al., 2000; Jurkiewicz et al., 1995; Record et al.,
1991; Schoonderwoerd et al., 1991; Trevithick et al., 1993, 1992). However, their
photoprotective eects appear to be less pronounced as compared to vitamin E; as
a result, some studies failed to detect photoprotection provided by vitamin E esters.
Since the antioxidant properties of vitamin E are attributed to its free aromatic
hydroxyl group, vitamin E esters need to be hydrolyzed during skin absorption to
show activity. Vitamin E acetate was shown to be absorbed and penetrate skin
(Kamimura and Matsuzawa, 1968; Norkus et al., 1993; Trevithick and Mitton,
1993). For better stability, vitamin E is commonly used as a biologically non-active
esteried form, such as vitamin E acetate. Vitamin E esters act as a pro-drug since
they are hydrolyzed to the active, free vitamin E (a-tocopherol) upon penetration
into skin. However, there is conicting evidence as to what extent this conversion
actually takes place in the SC (Alberts et al., 1996; Baschong et al., 2001; Nabi
et al., 2001; Rangarajan and Zatz, 2001b). Most studies suggest that in human stra-
tum corneum, the bioconversion of vitamin E esters into vitamin E is far less than in
nucleated epidermal layers. Therefore, a-tocopherol should provide a more ecient
antioxidant protection of skin surface lipids and skin barrier constituents than vita-
min E esters. In the nucleated epidermis, however, the bioconversion of vitamin E
acetate into vitamin E occurs at a much higher rate, but seems to be dependent
on formulation (Baschong et al., 2001; Rangarajan and Zatz, 2001a). Some evidence
exists suggesting that the bioconversion of vitamin E acetate into vitamin E might be
enhanced due to UV-exposure (Kramer-Stickland and Liebler, 1998). UVB-exposure
was demonstrated to cause an increase in esterase activity in murine epidermis.
In view of the vast experimental evidence for the photoprotective properties of
antioxidants, it was suggested that the addition of synergistic co-antioxidants, such
as vitamins C and E, may increase the photoprotective potential of modern sun-
screen formulations (Thiele et al., 2000). Indeed, recent reports suggests that cur-
rently available broad-spectrum sunscreen formulations, while ecient in
preventing erythema formation, poorly protect against UVA-induced free radical
formation in human skin (Haywood et al., 2003). Importantly, vitamin E acetate,
as well as sodium ascorbyl phosophatate have been shown to be bioconverted to
the vitamins E and C, and thus to signicantly improve photoprotection of sunsc-
reens against free radical formation in viable epidermal layers (Hanson and Clegg,
While numerous topical skin care products claim to contain vitamin E, these
products may actually contain very dierent concentrations and formulations
including active vitamin E, its several esters and many other derivatives. Product for-
J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667 657
mulation data submitted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1998
reported that a-tocopherol was present in a total of 1072 cosmetic formulations, toc-
opheryl acetate in 1322, tocopherol linoleate in 279, tocopherol nicotinate in 3,
tocopherol succinate in 4, potassium ascorbyl tocopheryl phosphate in 15, and
tocophersolan in 2 formulations (FDA, 1998). While topical a-tocopherol is mostly
used at concentrations of 5% or less, products with concentrations of 0.0001% and
more than 20% vitamin E/vitamin E esters have been developed and marketed in
Europe and the USA. According to data submitted to the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and
Fragrance Association (CFTA), vitamin E acetate was used at concentrations
636%, tocopherol linoleate and nicotinate at 62% (the latter recommended at
0.11%), dioleyl tocopheryl methylsilanol at 36%, potassium ascorbyl tocopheryl
phosphate at 0.02%, and tocophersolan at 60.2% (Zondlo Fiume, 2002) (Table 3).
Notably, there is a striking lack of published data on doseresponse studies den-
ing the optimal dosage of vitamin E. This could certainly be due to limited ecacy
control requirements for non-pharmaceuticals, such as vitamin E. Furthermore, it
may also be attributed to ill-dened study endpoints as well as to the diculty of
measuring oxidative stress in vivo. Recent advances in biophysical (e.g., ultra weak
photon emission; near-infrared/Raman spectroscopy; electron paramagnetic reso-
nance (Fuchs et al., 2002)) and biochemical research (e.g., the recent identication
of highly sensitive and specic skin surface lipid photo-oxidation products/
SqmOOH (Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage et al., 2003)) have led to the development
of non-invasive assays (e.g., the sebum photo-oxidation test (Ekanayake-Mudi-
yanselage et al., 2002)) that will help to better dene relevant doseresponse curves
of antioxidants such as vitamin E.
Using this approach, we have recently demonstrated that even the use of rinse o
products containing a-tocopherol in concentrations of less than 0.2% leads to signif-
icantly increased levels of vitamin E in the stratum corneum of human skin and pro-
tects against lipid peroxidation in vivo (Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage et al., 2005).
Therefore, topical formulations containing a-tocopherol at concentrations ranging
from 0.1% to 1% are likely to be eective skin care measures to enhance antioxidant
protection of the skin barrier. According to the antioxidant network theory, combi-
nations with co-antioxidants such as vitamin C may help to enhance antioxidant
eects and the stability of vitamin E.
Although vitamin E and its derivatives are widely used in many topical cosmetic
products, reports of side eects such as allergic or irritant skin reactions are rare. In
clinical studies, tocopherol and tocopherol acetate were found to be safe for use
in topical skin formulations since irritant or sensitizing reactions were found only
in very small percentages. With respect to oral supplementation, reproductive and
developmental toxicity tests in animals using tocopherol and many of its derivatives
658 J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667
Table 3
Concentration of use, function and product formulation data of vitamin E and its derivatives
Compound Concentration of use (%) Antioxidant function Function as skin-
conditioning agent
Tocopherol Baby products: 1 Antioxidant; humectant; Occlusive; humectant;
Bath products/shampoo/rinse o products: 0.010.8 skin protectant emollient; miscellaneous
Deodorants: 0.05
Hair products: 0.010.6
After shave lotion: 0.2
Moisturizing preparations, creams, lotions, body/hand
ointments: 0.052 sun tan gels and creams: 0.0010.3
Make up preparations (e.g., liquids, eye shadows, lipsticks,
face powders, blushers, foundations): 0.0010.9
Tocopheryl acetate Baby products: 0.0011 Antioxidant; humectant; Humectant; emollient;
Bath products/shampoo/rinse o products: 0.000125 skin protectant miscellaneous
Deodorants: 0.2
Hair products: 0.0010.3
After shave lotion: 0.2
Moisturizing preparations, creams, lotions, body/hand
ointments: 0.00125 suntan gels and creams: 0.051
Cosmetics (e.g., make up liquids, eye shadows, lipsticks,
face powders, blushers, foundations): 0.020.8
Tocopheryl linoleate Shaving cream: 2 Antioxidant Miscellaneous
Tocopheryl Moisturizing preparations, creams, lotions, body/hand Antioxidant Emollient; miscellaneous
linoleate/oleate ointments: 0.12 suntan gels and creams: 2
Cosmetics (e.g., make up liquids, eye shadows, lipsticks,
face powders, blushers, foundations): 0.12
^Table 3 (continued)
Compound Concentration of use (%) Antioxidant function Function as skin-
conditioning agent
According to data compiled by the cosmetic, toiletry, and fragrance association (CFTA); modied from Zondlo Fiume (2002).
660 J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667
Oral vitamin E doses between 50 IU and 1000 IU per day have been tolerated in
humans with no or minimal side eects. Vitamin E supplements for pregnancy usu-
ally contain only small doses of vitamin E, although adverse eects have not been
observed even at higher doses (Brigelius-Flohe et al., 2002). Theoretically, however,
due to the involvement of the cytochrome P450 system in the metabolism of orally
supplemented RRR-a-tocopherol, drug interactions have to be taken into account
when supra nutritional dosages of vitamin E are provided. To the best of our knowl-
edge, there is no published report documenting adverse fetal eects due to use of top-
ical vitamin E products.
cular thrombosis (Freedman et al., 1996; Steiner, 1999). While various in vivo and
in vitro human and animal data suggest an inhibitory eect of oral vitamin E on
platelet aggregation and adhesion at various concentrations of tocopherol and its
derivatives; other human studies have refuted this anti-platelet aggregation theory
(Dereska et al., 2006; Freedman et al., 1996; Freedman and Keaney, 2001; Saldeen
et al., 1999; Steiner, 1983; Steiner, 1999).
In a recent study by Dereska et al. 40 healthy volunteers were supplemented with
a dosage of 800 IU dl-a-tocopherol acetate for 14 days (Dereska et al., 2006). Whole
blood was analyzed for platelet aggregation, coagulation prole, and simulated
bleeding time. Moderate dosage of a-tocopherol did not appear to have a signicant
impact on any parameter when comparing pre- and post-supplementation in whole
blood in vivo. However, the power of the performed test was below the desired value
of 0.8, and these negative ndings should be interpreted with caution. In addition,
larger volume, prospectively controlled trials are necessary to make a denitive con-
clusion (Dereska et al., 2006). General recommendations in many outpatient surgery
settings are to discontinue anti-platelet agents such as aspirin 57 days prior to sur-
gery. However, little is known to date regarding bleeding complications in surgical
patients due to oral Vitamin E intake. Liede et al. demonstrated dierences in bleed-
ing tendency in patients using Vitamin E, as well as a combination of Vitamin E and
aspirin (Liede et al., 1998). Male subjects, all smokers, were enlisted from a con-
trolled clinical trial (A-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study). Gingi-
val bleeding was assessed with the use of a dental probe in 191 men on 50 mg/day of
a-tocopherol and 30 men on a-tocopherol and aspirin. Bleeding was reported as a
percentage of bleeding sites, and a-tocopherol was found to increase gingival bleed-
ing compared to men on no supplementation. In combination with aspirin,
a-tocopherol signicantly increased gingival bleeding compared to those who
refrained from aspirin and Vitamin E (33.4% versus 25.8%) (Liede et al., 1998).
Recently, Marsh and Coombes showed that dietary supplementation of vitamin E
and a -lipoic acid prolongs clotting time via inhibition of an intrinsic coagulation
pathway (Marsh and Coombes, 2006). In healthy rats, activated partial thrombo-
plastin time was signicantly prolonged following supplementation of vitamin E
and a-lipoic acid while prothrombin time (PT) remained unchanged. Therefore,
while the role of tocopherols and their oxidation products in inhibit platelet aggre-
gation and bleeding time remains controversial, simultaneous supplementation of
anticoagulants and vitamin E is not recommended (Brigelius-Flohe et al., 2002;
Marsh and Coombes, 2006). Given the growing popularity of food supplements, it
appears justied to screen candidates for dermatological surgery not only for med-
icated anticoagulants but also for high doses, prolonged use, and simultaneous
intake of high doses of dietary supplements, such as vitamin E and a-lipoic acid.
9. Outlook
As indicated above, topical strategies alone may not be sucient to bolster the
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662 J.J. Thiele, S. Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage / Molecular Aspects of Medicine 28 (2007) 646667
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