Biswas 2011

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Fibers and Polymers 2011, Vol.12, No.1, 73-78 DOI 10.


Effect of Fiber Length on Mechanical Behavior of Coir Fiber

Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Sandhyarani Biswas*, Sanjay Kindo, and Amar Patnaik1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, India
(Received July 16, 2010; Revised September 3, 2010; Accepted September 20, 2010)

Abstract: Fiber reinforced polymer composites have played a dominant role for a long time in a variety of applications for
their high specific strength and modulus. The fiber which serves as a reinforcement in reinforced plastics may be synthetic or
natural. To this end, an investigation has been carried out to make use of coir, a natural fiber abundantly available in India.
Natural fibers are not only strong and lightweight but also relatively very cheap. The present work describes the development
and characterization of a new set of natural fiber based polymer composites consisting of coconut coir as reinforcement and
epoxy resin as matrix material. The developed composites are characterized with respect to their mechanical characteristics.
Experiments are carried out to study the effect of fiber length on mechanical behavior of these epoxy based polymer
composites. Finally, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) of fractured surfaces has been done to study their surface
Keywords: Polymer composites, Coir fiber, Fiber length, Mechanical behavior, Scanning electron microscope

Introduction fiber. Another possibility of effective reinforcement to a

polymer matrix could be obtained through the selection of
In recent years, there has been growing environmental thinner coir fiber. Again Monteiro and co-authors [12] group
consciousness and understanding of the need for sustainable further fabricated with the thinnest fibers of sisal, ramie and
development, which has raised interest in using natural curaua in their recent work and shows improved polymer
fibres as reinforcements in polymer composites to replace matrix composites mechanical properties. It was found that
synthetic fibres such as glass. The advantages of natural the level of flexural strengths of these composites was more
fibres include low price, low density, unlimited, sustainable than 30 % of the corresponding values obtained for identical
availability, and low abrasive wear of processing machinery composites with non-selected, average diameters, fibers.
[1]. Further, natural fibres are recyclable, biodegradable and The mechanism suggested for higher strength composites
carbon dioxide neutral and their energy can be recovered in reinforced with thinner fibers was a relatively more uniform
an environmentally acceptable way. A number of investigations rupture of these fibers, which statistically has a greater
have been carried out to assess the potential of natural fibres probability of having less structure defects [12].
as reinforcement in polymers [2,3]. Satyanarayana et al. [4] Many authors [13-16] have carried out their studies in this
suggested that relatively low aggregated value can utilize area. They had indicated that the incorporation of natural
only small quantity of coir fibers, there are many researches fibers into polymers could improve some desired properties.
and developing efforts to find new uses with high aggregated However, less attention has been paid to the incorporation of
value such as a composite reinforcement. However investig- natural fibers to form elastomeric composites [17-20]. These
ations carried out so far [5-8] have shown that coir fiber are composites exhibit combined behavior of the soft, elastic
not an effective reinforcement for polymer matrix composites. rubber matrix, and the sti strong fibrous reinforcement.
The water adsorbed into the lignocellulosic surface of the Growing attention is now-a-days being compensated to
hydrophilic coir fiber apparently prevents an efficient coconut fiber due to it was easily available. The coconut
adhesion to the hydrophobic polymer matrix, which also husk is available in large quantities as residue from coconut
happens in other natural fiber composites [9,10]. As a production in many areas, which is yielding the coarse coir
consequence the incorporation of coir fiber tends to decrease fiber. Because of its hard-wearing quality, durability and
the mechanical strength of polyester composites for any other advantages, it is used for making a wide variety of
volume fraction of fiber [7]. In principle, there are ways to floor furnishing materials, yarn, rope etc [4]. Coconut coir is
reverse this decreasing mechanical properties condition. the most interesting products as it has the lowest thermal
Therefore, Monteiro and co-authors [11] proposed, a strong conductivity and bulk density as compared to other natural
alkali treatment of coir fiber improves the adhesion to the fibers [21]. The addition of coconut coir reduced the thermal
polyester matrix and thus increases the composites strength conductivity of the composite specimens and yielded a
by approximately 50 % for a volume fraction of 30 % of coir lightweight product. Development of composite materials
for buildings using natural fiber as coconut coir with low
*Corresponding author: thermal conductivity is an interesting alternative which
74 Fibers and Polymers 2011, Vol.12, No.1 Sandhyarani Biswas et al.

would solve environment and energy concern [21,22]. Coir Designation of composites
Table 1.

fiber-polyester composites were tested as helmets, as roofing Composites Compositions

and post-boxes [23]. These composites, with coir loading C1 Epoxy (70 wt%)+Coir fiber (fiber length 5 mm)
ranging from 9 to 15 wt%, have a flexural strength of about (30 wt%)
38 MPa. Coir-polyester composites with untreated and C2 Epoxy (70 wt%)+Coir fiber (fiber length 20 mm)
treated coir fibers, and with fiber loading of 17 wt%, were (30 wt%)
tested in tension, flexure and notched Izod impact [24].
The results obtained with the untreated fibers show clear C3 Epoxy (70 wt%)+Coir fiber (fiber length 30 mm)
signs of the presence of a weak interface long pulled-out (30 wt%)
fibers without any resin adhered to the fibers and low
mechanical properties were obtained. Few investigations fabricated with three different fiber lengths such as 5, 20,
have also been made on the effect of fiber treatments on the and 30 mm. Each composite consisting of 30 % of fiber and
performance of coir-polyester composites [25,26]. Although 70 % of epoxy resin. The designations of these composites
a great deal of work has been done on coir fiber reinforced are given in Table 1. The mix is stirred manually to disperse
polymer composites, very limited work has been done on the fibers in the matrix. The cast of each composite is cured
effect of fiber length on mechanical behaviour of coir fiber at room temperature under a load of about 50 kg for 24 h
reinforced epoxy composites. Against this background, the before it removed from the mould.
present research work has been undertaken, with an objective
to explore the potential use of coir fiber as a reinforcing Mechanical Testing
material in polymer composites and to investigate its effect Micro-hardness

on the mechanical behaviour of the resulting composites. Micro-hardness measurement is done using a Leitz micro-
hardness tester. A diamond indenter, in the form of a right
Experimental pyramid with a square base and an angle 136 o between
opposite faces, is forced into the material under a load F. The
Specimen Preparation two diagonals X and Y of the indentation left on the surface
Coconut coir fibers were first chopped to a length of of the material after removal of the load are measured and
approximately 10 to 30 mm by a guillotine machine. The their arithmetic mean is calculated. In the present study,

fabrication of the various composite materials is carried out the load considered = 24.54 N and Vickers hardness

through the hand lay-up technique. Short coconut coir fibers number is calculated using the following equation.
(Figure 1) are reinforced with Epoxy LY 556 resin,
chemically belonging to the epoxide family is used as the HV = 0.1889 -----2
matrix material. Its common name is Bisphenol A Diglycidyl L

Ether. The low temperature curing epoxy resin (Araldite LY +-

556) and corresponding hardener (HY951) are mixed in a and = -----------


ratio of 10:1 by weight percentage as recommended. The

epoxy resin and the hardener are supplied by Ciba Geigy where, is the applied load (N), is the diagonal of square

India Ltd. The coir fiber is collected from rural areas of impression (mm), is the horizontal length (mm) and is

Orissa, India. Three different types of composites has been the vertical length (mm).
Tensile and Flexural Strength

The tensile test is generally performed on flat specimens.

The commonly used specimens for tensile test are the dog-
bone type and the straight side type with end tabs. During
the test a uniaxial load is applied through both the ends of
the specimen. The ASTM standard test method for tensile
properties of fiber resin composites has the designation D
3039-76. The length of the test section should be 200 mm.
The tensile test is performed in the universal testing machine
(UTM) Instron 1195 and results are analyzed to calculate the
tensile strength of composite samples. The flexural test is
conducted as per ASTM standard (D2344-84) using the
same UTM. Span length of 40 mm and the cross head speed
of 10 mm/min are maintained. The flexural strength (F.S.) of
any composite specimen is determined using the following
Figure 1. Coconut coir fiber. equation.
Effect of Fiber Length on Polymer Composites Fibers and Polymers 2011, Vol.12, No.1 75

decreasing with the increase in fiber length up to 20 mm.

= 3---------2-
(2) However further increase in fiber length increases the micro
hardness value. This may be due to the fact that the void
Where, is maximum load, is the span length of the
P L small gap formed was probably caused by incomplete
sample, is the width of specimen, and
b wettability or bonding between matrix resin and fibre during
is the thickness of specimen.
t the fabrication of composites. This was also reported by
Impact Strength Arib et al.[27] and Lee [28].
et al.

Low velocity instrumented impact tests are carried out on

composite specimens. The tests are done as per ASTM D Effect of Fiber Length on Tensile Properties
256 using an impact tester. The pendulum impact testing Joseph et al. [29] studied the tensile properties of short
machine ascertains the notch impact strength of the material sisal fiber/polyethylene composites in relation to processing
by shattering the V-notched specimen with a pendulum methods and the effects of fiber content, length and
hammer, measuring the spent energy, and relating it to the orientation. For this experiment, it is shown that the chopped
cross section of the specimen. The standard specimen for fibre distribution in epoxy is random, so, the fibre could not
ASTM D 256 is same as the flexural and inter-laminar shear hold the load when matrix was transferred. Doan et al. [30]
strength and the depth under the notch is 20 mm. Each test is stated that fibre length plays an important role in the
repeated six times and the mean value of impact strength is mechanical performance of fibre reinforced composites.
reported. The machine is adjusted such that the blade on the Arib et al . [27] compared the experimental and theoretical
free-hanging pendulum just barely contracts the specimen tensile strengths for pineapple leaf fibre reinforced
(zero position). Since there are practically no losses due to polypropylene composites and found that the equation for
bearing friction, etc. (<0.3 %), the testing conditions may be rule of mixture fails to provide a good fit, and the
regarded as ideal. The specimens are clamped in a square discrepancy increases with the increase in fibre volume
support and are struck at their central point by a hemispherical fraction. The fibre is not perfectly aligned and the presence
bolt of diameter 5 mm. The respective values of impact of voids in the composites may also be the factor
energy of different specimens are recorded directly from the contributing to the lower experimental value. According to
dial indicator. Baiardo et al. [31] the mechanical properties of short fibre
Scanning Electron Microscopy reinforced composites are expected to depend on (i) the
The surfaces of the specimens are examined directly by intrinsic properties of matrix and fibres, (ii) aspect ratio,
scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-6480LV. The content, length distribution and orientation of the fibres in
eroded samples are mounted on stubs with silver past. To the composite, and (iii) fibre-matrix adhesion that is
enhance the conductivity of the eroded samples, a thin film responsible for the efficiency of load transfer in the
of platinum is vacuum-evaporated onto them before the composites.
photomicrographs are taken. The test results for tensile strengths and moduli are shown
in Table 2, respectively. As expected, the tensile properties
Results and Discussion show a gradual increases with increase in fiber length
reaching a maximum at about 30 mm (13.05 MPa). There
Mechanical Characteristics of Composites can be a reason for this increase in the strength properties of
The characterization of the composites reveals that the these composites is that the chemical reaction at the interface
fiber length is having significant effect on the mechanical between the fiber and the matrix may be too strong to
properties of composites. The properties of the composites transfer the tensile. From Table 2, it is clear that with the
with different fiber lengths under this investigation are increase in fiber length the tensile moduli of the coir fiber
presented in Table 2. reinforced epoxy composites also increases gradually.
Effect of Fiber Length on Micro-hardness Effect of Fiber Length on Flexural Strength
The measured hardness values of all the three composites Table 2 shows the comparison of flexural strengths of the
are presented in Table 2. It can be seen that the hardness is composites with effect of coir fiber obtained experimentally
Mechanical properties of the composites
Table 2.

Composites Hardness Tensile strength Tensile modulus Flexural strength Impact energy
(Hv) (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (kJ/m2)
C1 15 3.208 1.331 25.41 16.0
C2 12.6 9.155 1.518 31.28 16.5
C3 16.9 13.05 2.064 35.42 17.5
76 Fibers and Polymers 2011, Vol.12, No.1 Sandhyarani Biswas et al.

from the bend tests. It is interesting to note that flexural The fractured fibers may be pulled out of the matrix, which
strength increases with increase in fiber length. Khalil et al. involves energy dissipation [34]. Finally, the impact strength
[32] reported that the weak fibre/matrix bonding contributed of these materials is measured as well and the results are
to poor flexural properties. The efficiency of stress transferred reported in Table 2. It shows that the resistance to impact
between resin and fibre decreased from the weak interfacial loading of coconut coir fiber reinforced epoxy composites
regions. Factors that determine the quality of interfacial improves with increase in fiber length as shown in Table 2.
bonding include the nature of the fiber and binder as well as High strain rates or impact loads may be expected in many
their compositions, the fiber aspect ratio, the types of mixing engineering applications of composite materials. The
procedures, processing conditions employed and on the suitability of a composite for such applications should
treatment of the polymer or fiber with various chemicals, therefore be determined not only by usual design parameters,
coupling agents and compatibilizers. The result of the but by its impact or energy absorbing properties.
current study is slightly different than the result obtained by
Khalil et al.[32]. Surface Morphology of the Composites
The fracture surfaces study of coir fiber reinforced epoxy
Effect of Fiber Length on Impact Strength composite after the tensile test, flexural test and impact test
The impact property of a material is its capacity to absorb has been shown in Figures 2-4. SEM photograph of the cross
and dissipate energies under impact or shock loading. The section of the coconut coir fiber reinforced epoxy composite
impact performance of fiber-reinforced composites depends is shown in Figure 2(a). It shows the tensile fracture of coir/
on many factors including the nature of the constituent, epoxy specimens. From Figure 2(a) it can be seen that the
fiber/matrix interface, the construction and geometry of the fibers are detached from the resin surface due to poor
composite and test conditions. The impact failure of a interfacial bonding. The surface of the fiber is not smooth
composite occurs by factors like matrix fracture, fiber/ indicating that the compatibility between fibers and epoxy
matrix debonding and fiber pull out. Even though, fiber pull matrices is poor. From Figure 2(a) it is observed that the
out is found to be an important energy dissipation mechanism slipping of the coir fiber from the matrix can clearly be seen
in fiber reinforced composites [33]. The applied load (For 20 mm Fiber length). However, this compatibility can
transferred by shear to fibers may exceed the fiber/matrix be improved when fiber length increases to 30 mm shows
interfacial bond strength and debonding occurs. When the lesser surface fracture may be the increase of fiber length
stress level exceeds the fiber strength, fiber fracture occurs. from 20 to 30 mm as shown in Figure 2(b).

Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs of coir/epoxy specimens after tensile testing.

Figure 3. Scanning electron micrographs of coir/epoxy specimens after flexural testing.

Effect of Fiber Length on Polymer Composites Fibers and Polymers 2011, Vol.12, No.1 77

Figure 4. Scanning electron micrographs of coir/epoxy specimens after impact testing.

SEM photograph of the cross section of the coconut coir and higher impact strength (17.5 kJ/m2) of the composites
fiber reinforced epoxy composite is shown in Figure 3. It are also greatly influenced by the fibre lengths.
shows the coconut coir/epoxy specimen after flexural 4. The fracture surfaces study of coir fiber reinforced epoxy
fracture. From Figure 3(a)-(b) it can be seen that the fibers composite after the tensile test, flexural test and impact
are detached from the resin surface due to poor interfacial test has been done. From this study it has been concluded
bonding. The presence of uneven fibers in a brittle resin in that the poor interfacial bonding is responsible for low
the coir/epoxy is probably the cause of the poor flexural mechanical properties.
strength [35].
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