DPS Worksheet C01 (Teacher)
DPS Worksheet C01 (Teacher)
DPS Worksheet C01 (Teacher)
Chapter 1: Measurement
2. There are seven base quantities. Complete the table below by writing down the missing
base quantities and SI units.
3. Other quantities can be derived from these base quantities. Complete the table below by
filling in the SI units of these derived quantities.
Density kg m3
Speed m s1
mega 106 M
kilo 103 k
deci 101 d
centi 102 c
milli 103 m
micro 106
nano 109 n
5. Complete the table below by filling in the magnitudes of sizes of some common objects.
(c) Complete the table by filling in the names of the instruments used to measure
the different ranges of lengths.
7. There are some common errors associated with measuring instruments. Fill in the blanks
with the correct words stating the errors and explaining how they can be reduced.
Parallax error: Due to the incorrect positioning of the eyes when taking readings
Zero error: Due to the imperfect alignment of the zero marks between the main
and smaller scales
(b) How can you reduce the errors associated with measuring instruments?
Parallax errors can be reduced by positioning the eyes directly above the
Zero error can be eliminated by checking for it before and after taking a
measurement, and accounting for it when calculating the actual length.
In general, random errors of measurement can be reduced by repeating the
measurements and obtaining the average.
8. For each of the measuring instruments shown below, state the type of error associated
with it.
9. (a) The most common instrument used for measuring time is the digital stopwatch.
(b) Although most digital stopwatches can provide time precise to two decimal places or
0.01 s, measurement error can be introduced as a result of human reaction time.
(c) Human reaction time is between 0.3 and 0.5 s.
(c) The period is the time taken for one complete oscillation.
(d) As a good practice, when measuring the period of a pendulum, we should record the
time for a number of oscillations (e.g. 20), and then obtain the average for one
(e) The period of a pendulum can be determined by measuring its length. The longer the
length of the pendulum, the longer its period.