Bia-Sol Foia Request For San Pasqual Information

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United States Department of the Interior





June 28, 2017

Via email:

Emilio Reyes
P.O. Box 1670
National City, CA 91910

Dear Mr. Reyes,

On June 23, 2017, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor received your
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. In your request, you specifically ask for:

Data on enrollment from the 1924-1925 Wadsworths list of Mexican Indians listed as
California Indians in the tribal rolls of Campo, Capitan Grande, Manzanita, La Posta, Sycuan and
Mesa Grande [San Pasqual].

In response to your letter, the Office of the Solicitor searched its records and found 28 pages
responsive to your request. Upon review, the 28 pages have been released to you in full. Please
find the documents attached.

Lance Purvis, FOIA Officer, Office of the Solicitor, is responsible for making this decision. You
may contact our FOIA Officer at for further assistance and to discuss any
aspect of your request.

This concludes the Office of the Solicitors response to your request. The fee incurred in
responding to your request is less than $50 and is not being charged in accordance with 43 CFR


Lance Purvis
Office of the Solicitor FOIA Officer
National Archives and Records Administration
The National Archives at Riverside

Record Group: 75, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Agency or Division: Mission Indian Agency

Series: Correspondence Relating to the Enrollment of California

Indians, 1928-1932

Folder Title: Correspondence, January-September 1930 [2/2]

Box Number: 212

For guidance citing records, ask for a copy of Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States
(GIL 17) or view it at: _leafletsIl7.html
-S081lV1 ve.tx-W S~D'
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t(\oq 'O\Uli or :0 .te_\o.lq'01.9tu.xoq 'O\UJa:: ta-tot
OlOU8uea ~o ~e\.tB 't6at U.Ioq 'eltt.K '_dt-a:: ?a-got
OlOU8U.~ JO .I.q\O.I~'368t u.loq 'g-H '_dl-a:: ta-gOt

54-24 . i& Aurelia. born. 1685. l)areuts both

Mexican. Indians ..
65-24 Cuero .' f Ade'licle). b()1'n.
191~1 mother is the
above 'llfOrll._; fatlleris Mexican Ind:1an.
63-24 LaCharrpa. Magdelena. born , 1901. both narents
?2-24 Mesa. Ramona, born 1869. both narents Mexican Indians.
'13-24 M8e&, ~u9.Ustlne. born 1906, son of above wo,manand .ex-
ieM father.
Mesa. Jose Sylvester. born 1851. both narents Mex1ean Indiana.
'15~24 Mesa, Miguel. born 1890, son of above.
?6-24 Mesa, Carmel, born 1892, s1-'er of aboTe Miguel.
?8-24 Mesa. Petr bo;rn 1890, "exlo_ Indians.
86-24 Monoyosko, JOSI, born 1871. , Yaqui and
@,,,,--91-24 Isabella, born 1887, bot. pUent
96-24 Pinto, Jose, born 1865, both parent exican Indians.
99-24 Paipa, Bartelo, born 1652, both pare.t exican Indians.
.Of ~o ~9q~0~q 'tt6t v~oq 'O~U9U~.g 'O,tv to-6t
X9N .,va~9d .,oq 'S061 u~oq 'eot 'o,rv to-Bet
X9W .,ue~.d q,oq '6BBI u~oq UO.l1~ 91z9W 1.nil~~oH .2-tt
xa1'[.,Ua.I9U q,oq 'WBt uJ:oq qm.x9H '1IUUBO t3-2t
X9N .,ua.xedq,oq 'B6Bt V.Ioq 9,.a,oK '09~1~ t3-Ot
xa ,ua.Iwdq,oq 'B06t uzoq '.UlteAT 'o~euo vg-egt
xe s'~'~.d q,oq 'tget u.zoq 'vUltaO~W. ' vg-t3t
xe. $~u'.I9dq,oq 'vgat U.Ioq SU.I39~U9Ut 'O.t9UQ t3-03t
x'll.,uend q,oq '6Bet .toq 'sUJUH '.e.vI vg-6tl
Xerls,ue.radq,oq 0'8,lU~
'sest V.Ioq '.zU9.tecrsti[ W-66
Z8N S,U8.I'8U
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xeN .~u.I1Icr
q,oq 'vtat uJ:oq (.I1Itla)
el.I9ll'9dlBa v3-09
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,ueoulA ~o .I9,SlB '006t U.toq '.,suiuV '.sex va-vIA
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'-'1(1 -l.t6t e01l1- .4-0 ,a ,e"'lt nl( .1{. '_0.
RliVI .. olx.It 'tI-8tt .'-0 'U81."~ '."."t .,
tN1PUI ''''8t l".tZllPf -W1lVI tnt01x,W " 08t" n
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-."alto e, ,. ')1. -"l,UT ... Olx,W a "tv.-o'-t..
.... .t.qq.o. httl,v1 tnt.lxeli '8 'M-16 ""0 .,ala:
o~ .t .t'1{'.' :0."0 .eAlt :0681u"oq .l''''OU~ '0'4.1(0 t~-(.nt
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"$ 1. JlI'lAlt .q 0, P18- "II' tnt -llt.t UW1PVI
U1J81x, -1 0 '''-Itt .... 0 '.l.UO
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-VI ".lxtJi ., ,."X.l1IK -""UI ".lZtJi .-t.n""II.
.te.., :""~ .... lx.J!f 'H""" .C_O 01.;['"
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.. t'''l "0 ,.otet '311 'da'!' "Tlte", '1161 0,"l'
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~-U1JtlVI._,s'W '11'0(\ !Ctwa-oa-t.. .te1(\ :"-!6
.4"0 '"utA t ft .t... \_:
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ot)l:xe~'ltll u~oe:'-111'1 .. olx... ,.eao: 1('.~ :"-16
.enO "'.1([ "'r ,. "e,_ .t\ :0'8t ..1:CHl
' \Ii 'O,vtd "3-'01
e....,,, A' .te,.l.
~,otx 1t ,.
.. vt ,..... "".t~ ft'II ."0,,0'It'[ '1Iell"a: "-lot
\ 11. )\ .... ere ""0.17
-.g ~, .x.~,o~q ~.OlX'W .1 "Alt !361t ."oq 'Jag '.elt.a: ,,~-~ot
G,1J09Jj 171seAl'! ...... ,. olon go ,0
.x ,o.xq !,x.. II'l BaAlt !61t ...toq ''A .dl.~ ,,~-tOt
olX.. 'II,., ..... ~'J'_'rr '.l'1(\O. 'n-66
oe.. O'"It.([ Ot.t.:t-. '.1'1(,"'1 ='t'I"..1:I, .,ORU'f{ '.el1.,1
11-24 Cu.. both parent. Xex. A

parent. Xexican Inds.

Xateria, parents Xex. Indians.

5-24 GarClner,John, born 1874. father white, BlotherXex.

22-24 Tambo, Fodro, born 1870. both Hex. Indiana.

28-24 Tambo, Chatto, born 1830, both parents Hex. Indians.

IleaaGrande. ....

149-26 Nejo, Rosa, wife Ricllar4lejo, both.parents Mex.

202-25 Yanke, Jose Domingo, born 1855, both parents Xex.

National Archives and Records Administration
The National Archives at Riverside

Record Group: 75, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Agency or Division: Mission Indian Agency

Series: Miscellaneous Correspondence Relating to Heirship, 1939-1944

Folder Title: Heirship Matters (Includes Birth & Death Records), 1939-1944

Box Number: 198

For guidance citing records, ask for a copy of CitingRecords in the National Archives of the UnitedStates
(GIL 17) or view it at:
.- "...... .........,
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"010" .11 Ita,.ttl "'U" _
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4934 Pine
La Vela, rnla.
Yeb 6th,
J 0 hll W. !la47, _pt.,
Mundon Indiu Ac'.0Jl'.
Ri..e ral4e.. Cal it orlda ..

to110w1_ lnto1'1.6,'ll08cover tbe ali_ 1:0.41....

et tbe ".nita an4
9_ .. 1.... 41d...
re. 'a. 'fb
,1. ,11
"er tr_ JIai...
.,t .t.. ""tl_.
ot 'ark Cuel's' 'llJ. 011c.q.e
I' bo
t i. &11 the iDt
_ .,..
tioB I
. coul t.
/1. Cecelia. ' ta.... , fi', .. p. !tea'.. '11(1).
2. Barrl" \.0 "c~t. 1&.... , ". ~o !te. 'rh
3. ......~.$a-fe..I17. <f-' . ..,., , "'{
4. Mo ait", 11........ ~ ... i.., I. .lIl........ i_ montb.
I. Ibe b".l"e.i4e4 .. t .~ _,. 110
6. )Ion. Wba.t...,.,..t'-t I bow ot
."1. She hal full tri_l ript8 at ea..,p. hI tn.
6. She .ntereel in 1.06.
9. All chil4l"eJl 'bern. 18 CalifC).Ria, 1"0'11_ at eupo ftea 'u.
l. 3.p.:r.... _'.1,..) ,Quero,
In4,., bo...... er Ibe .tat
....,. . ,.. talk . wi
Ihe Ba .om in California.
Otb.... ltate lb..... bol"Jl i.
y 1. 'Ra...... (Q_ba) Quoll. Ill! Culpe
2. *1"rl e4 'to l't$.aria. qutn
3. Hi.D. iJl f_
QlIoh. 'llS
ea...(1".6,. Itel U.

4.. '1'01" on e
5. 111l.e 1106.
6. }lolle that I DOW of.
'1. h11 tr1_1 richt8 at CUIp.
He entered tbi.
9.. All hie cbil4reit
a "n.
couatr'7 trella Ifexico about 1105.
were 'born in C&11t081., emro11ed Campo
b.le (quare) 'I, -..,
Jl'a.rrie4 to Garcia 1'......
1124 ,
#12a Ca.mpo'ft
It..... (1104).
3. Three 1~.fam117
.ft. WOI"ea 0.11 oco-m." I
~. telidefi Oll the 1' '1".'11.0. tJloe 1106.
)lone tbat I know 01.
Ha. full tri_l ria;hta Olit$po Rea1'n.o.
Sil. entered this couJttry from )lexica a.~ut 1106.
All chl1d.re11bo~ j,n Oa11to:t'nl3 and enrolled at CaJIllioRea
Alieni on Campo & Manzanita Re"DI., oontinued.

Vi. joee ~aJo Cuero 118 OD Maaaanlta Re'-D.

~rried to Anita {Prieta) Cu.r., #19 Danzanita Rea'n.
Three 1n fami17.
He reoeiTe8 a 811&11 reUef 0_"'1'
trom the Stat. aa he 1a ilA('
old hal ~a4 .r 11ei'1. tor peDlloD 10OD.
5. ~eeided OD the fteaerT.tioD .ta 1'00.
6. llone that I know Of.
1. Haa t'u 11 trl bal riChtl OD tbe lfanzani ta R tn.
B. About "00; I ~1\
t. All children bon 1.8 CaliforDia, enrolled at JlaDzuita Rea'n.
!te,ar4i1ll the nam'l aen" 1n for Capi tara Grande ]It,a'n.,
the aenaul roll IlWllber1. aa 10110'"
A4e1&14. Cuero Lachappa, #f:I 0.,.0 b,'D.,
.1'1'1.4to )fareeltn. 1.a.chappa, 110' 1&roDL_ ~.h.
Jla.r;r hi ....1111 of the _rOD LOIIIIHaDeb.
lfa.rriedto )'ll1x :h4... 1114 :laroD Lore rtaDob.
juan 1& Crus ca.lro, 1112 of tbe lIaron LOllI l!aDoh, wido"er.
Joe lUarl0 "aa, 142 of the .Ja.r.... Jtaaoh, .14 ... 1'.
llary Gi_on i'todr1p. Leo, #'M 01 tbe sro_ Ranoh.
lfa.rried to 3_D Leo, 1104 ot the aaata Yaa.II :!eat. &ad
li", there wita him. altbo.p .b. haa .. h.m. &Dd i:at.relt
in. the .Jarema 'fta..Dob. ,,_.
Your. Tlry tru17. .

Fiel4 Aill.

........"" ...,
...." "IN. "';1_1 It
GO-'" ,. IP .. I......
11.' 188Y 'I
I ,.
....... _"H.__.,
.. rtlI~J.w 'ltlb1t


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]l.eb dll1.... lIal ... 1M
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all _ ....
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........ ...... 1,." ..,. llWl.,.

Ida.., ~.I.'
It Rtw. _1HIft1ldta .. __
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,1'1""1.,, ...
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t1It .Ift 1111111 11ft ,.
11.. IDI. ,..,
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Val.., fQ4 .. ' '--- ~ '_
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..u 011 , - ,_ ..~ ....... '.11111111"" ..u.
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1'..,. ""'.NlJo,
em 111 __ ., , ... Att ,
.... b_a.. II"',
Chi... , nUn?!.

I I IS .... ut.Il 10, 1943. 1'IIlat.1_ t.e .... t

1'"1,., !II a.u.
u. ~
of .. "pi'"
,_ ....._
OR t.M Ji'P!iDI Lt._ Ute ..... 1' loll.

I ! DaJ. Ell I!!Msr

Ce.,". (~) J.,...
.deW. CWtn !.uta....

.." .Ii_~. '-

"" Jlule a

I. III I aSa (,.Spa) ~

LaNl. ea."
.,... .. tllwU M _dd.,... .. Old _ e1'UHn. an \he t~l
.. t_ .B,. Lt_ ., W.I

.- ftM1 naaed Oft

11111a.. Ctnat
., '. (r ba) ""* '141 -a-
I.....(.... ),.... .,., - 1fI_
,h .....,. c." 246
(.) .." Palpa

.... ea.n 144

ApMl OIU... I..,... ,n
' .... 84 J... p.w.. ...... diad ll/a6/~)

(al .alB \he ... t .,., PUpa _. M\ ~
toll. f_ .... 18'1.... ." __ oft ... ~
Oft t_r.lI.
.ltm .. ,be .,.._. 11_ - at CaUt.mi. ....., ...
.... \v'_.
ft,..., l' 18U.'" ia Old1Ial_ aJftd _.I":L-
Cu_ ._ .. 1'18'" .. ,_ 0..,. :n418 ia .aD4 .,,_,.. 8. 8
".'"Ile. _ 1940 .... _ ~ u .:1e..
ben __ I'. t. - w o..n
.. of Cla_ nUs a4 Me where....
tII_ .. it. i.IIpctulb18 ,. 4eten4D8
_ve Hi. Balla

.i"Of ""pea' au "'" ... 1941.

lwul WCJou QueN ... ""'\17 ,..MId fIIlIIq ..
!h. r~.Uot1ld.&hto '" rd._ toMt. ApM1 J..arp and IIarr Pupa would auto-
-t1oallT b o1UMB. elM. t....,. 1AlN -.:rrl.M to c1U ... of tn. Unit.
Itat t the. let .t .r.. I, 1924. III."",
it. .. ..,... i.rIpoed.Dle t. t:i.n4
.,. _t.heot1c 1"tt00J'da ebowla& tbat tuT ....
t.. lndl__ -- ~t.
8bc ...
26, 1942.
,..,_., .t
"'1'1 11..,
1', 1941 ApM1 ~'.
11' MlTie4, UMpt1n. tra
t.opt.hal' .. .,.ro-la huabur.t awl w1te.
bubad., .,... died em IoY8lllber

It ~ b \eel t.t __ tbe , ..... of ~ ... H1daJ.&o au Ma1can

CiU.... iaelwli. I.di , wile ..... I"ttaicl:lnc with1a tM t.vrJ..\oJ'7 which ..
ce4ed \0 the
Stat.. by 114 MuS._
\bo.. who _eind \0 da dU .7 c1t.1... ot t.he U.ted. atat.
of 014 JIal.. (Me ,"ieal VlU
aDd U of V), \bent.. it ..,. IIIld IpMl cwJ.4 ,t"Oft
l.epl -tr.r iat.o the
Unlt.e4 taaiI' Ida c..... MI'r1ap could'" ~ b7 the authori-
ties, tIlC.r c1U h1p .. t b. reoop1aec:t tr-. the elate .f .aU arria

It. La b....1..,. \ut. the ab.... a. of _ e1U ... _" plac.d em ou

Indi_ roll. tJuooqb a CaIpt Ia, .. _ , " .., e..,. ...,. 7..... , probab17
oY_ to", ,..,..._. ftlt.1aa
-t14malJ.. lm.'pati_ om .. it ..
-1Il4 11ft It.,. ta. twa _t....u .. tioa it. ...w 'be
"bat t._.
&l~ \Mil'
1.apesaf.))le tor to _t.U'&l.ltIe b
UDit.ed .. te.... , ..ur, ...,
, .t1nt., til..,
m ... n,. .. t.reel the
PM. t.he 11t.erae.r 'eat., f1I1'tner_
-'" DO ~ \hat. tu, _" ~e4 by .. ba .. t.I'1be

- ...
of t.a. ltaft llYMl ...,. ,...... .. \he a.1enaU_, it. 11 ,...._
1M .. -.ttM to _u.. _ MU. ... l.tIJ& ..
t.h-.l.YN in,. "'1'. ... ~t til.,.
the" ..... __ .. t. 1.n. 1t. i.e telt
it 'lRMIlA DOt 'be wl_ to __ tIM qqltl_ ""_ it ~ eitlMl' aclude4
, t:r-. the nUs 01' ..... ted t.o 1Ia1_ it 1IIiN1cI ..... _h -.r ntIWt "_mt..

Sa ... "POI't - &Mh cue 111., 1.,t..,. dated. Ilanh 1'_ 1941.

'.17 cOJ'cU.allT lOve,


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